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Oscillations:: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514 1

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+ ω θ = 0 Where ω = [As c = Restoring
VIBRATIONS. A motion that repeats itself
at regular intervals of time is called torque constant and I = Moment of inertia]
periodic motion. If there is an equilibrium BASIC TERMS RELATED TO SHM.
position somewhere within the path of (1) Period (T) And Frequency (f or ν).
periodic motion, the motion is called The smallest interval of time after which
oscillatory vibrating motion. the motion is repeated is called the period.
Conventionally, when the frequency is The number of oscillations/ vibration /
small, it is called oscillatory motion. If the repetition of motion is called frequency.
frequency is high, it is called vibratory Thus, =
(2) Angular Frequency( ). Angular
Circulatory motion is periodic but not
frequency of a body executing periodic
motion is equal to product of frequency of
the body with factor 2π. Angular frequency
ω = 2πf. Its unit is rad/sec.
(1) Simple harmonic motion is a special
(3) Amplitude. The maximum
type of periodic motion, in which a particle
displacement of oscillating particle from its
move to and fro repeatedly about a means
equilibrium position is called amplitude.
(4) Phase(∅).
(2) in linear S.H.M a restoring force act on
In the equation y = a sin (ωt+∅ )
the particle which is always directed
Here (ωt+∅ ) is called phase of vibrating
towards the means potion at the instant
particle. & ∅ = Initial phase or epoch. It is
i.e. restoring force displacement of the
the phase of vibrating particle at t = 0.
particles from means potion
F ∝ - x ⇒ F = -kx
Where k is known as force constant or
spring constant or stiffness. Its S.I unit is
newton/meter and dimensional formula
(3) Instead of straight like motion, if
particle of centre of mass of body is (a) Same Phase. Two vibrating particles
oscillating on a small arc of circular path, are said to be in same phase, if the phase
then for angular S.H.M difference between them is an even
Restoring torque (τ) ∝ - angular multiple of π (e.g., 2 π, 4π, 6 π….) or path
displacement (θ) difference is an even multiple of (λ/2)
Negative sign indicates direction of force (e.g., λ, 2λ, 3λ….) or time interval is an
(or torque) is opposite to displacement. even multiple of (T/2).
(4) Time period is independent of (b) Opposite phase. Two vibrating
amplitude in SHM. particles are said to be in opposite phase,
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION OF SIMPLE if the phase difference between them is an
HARMONIC MOTION. odd multiple of π (e.g., π, 3π, 5 π….) or path
In SHM, F = -kx ⇒ = −kx difference is an odd multiple of (λ/2)
(e.g., λ/2, 3λ/2, 5λ/2….) or time interval is
Or, + x=0⇒ +ω x=0 an odd multiple of (T/2).
(c) Phase difference. If two particles
where ω = ⇒ ω = k/m perform S.H.M and their equations are
The above equation is called differential y1 = a sin (ωt+∅ ) and y2 = a sin (ωt+∅ )
equation of SHM. then
∆∅ phase
= difference (ωt+∅ ) − (ωt + ∅ )
For angular S.H.M τ = -cθ and =∅ −∅

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
DISPLACEMENT IN S.H.M. Sp.Case.(a) At mean position y = 0 & ωt =0
The displacement of a particle executing vmax=aω
S.H.M at an instant is defined as the (b) At extreme position y = ±a & ωt = π/2
distance of particle from the mean position =
at that instant. ACCELERATION IN S.H.M
A= = (aωcosωt)

From figure, sinωt= =

A = −ω a sinωt = −ω y
y = a sinωt = a sin t = a sin2πnt
i.e., A ∝ -y


Graph between acceleration (A) and

displacement (y) is a straight line as
( ) shown, slope of the line = −ω
VELOCITY IN S.H.M. v = =a Sp. Case.(a) At mean position y = 0,
v = aωcosωt i.e., at t = 0 or t = T/2, ωt=π, A =0
(b) At extreme position y = ± a,
i.e., t = T/4 or ωt = , |A |=ω y
F = mA = −maω sinωt

or, v = aω√1 − sin ωt = ω a − y

⇒ =a −y ⇒ + =1
This is the equation of ellipse. Hence graph
between v and y is an ellipse. This is also
true for momentum- position graph. The
momentum position graph is known as
phase-space graph. If ω = 1, graph F = −mω y where ω = k/m
between v and y is a circle.
(a) From equation of acceleration
|A| = ω y ⇒ =

∴ T = 2π

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
(b) From equation ω = k/m
( )
∴ T = 2π
( )


This is because of the velocity of the
particle .
Kinetic energy (K) = mv
K = mω (a − y ) ENERGY TIME GRAPH.
Also K = mω cos ωt (a) At mean position y = 0,
t = 0, ωt = 0 K = mω a
(b) At extreme position y = ± a
t = T/4, ωt = π/2 K =0
The work done by the conservative force on AVERAGE VALUE OF P.E AND K.E
the particle is stored up as P.E of the The average value of potential energy for
particle. complete cycle is given by
F = − , Where U = Potential Energy 1
U = Udt
∴ dU = - F dy = −(−mω y)dy = mω ydy T
U = ∫ mω ydy = mω = mω y = ∫ mω a sin ωt dt = m ω a
The average value of kinetic energy for
U = mω y complete cycle is given by
2 1
K = Kdt
Also U = mω a sin ωt T (a) At mean position y = 0, = ∫ mω a cos ωt dt = m ω a
t = 0, ωt = 0 U =0 Thus average value of K.E and P.E of
(b) At extreme position y = ± a harmonic oscillator are equal and each
equal to the half of the total energy
t = T/4, ωt = π/2 U = mω a 1
A heavy point mass suspended from a rigid
i.e total energy not a function of position.
support using inextensible, elastic and
mass less thread and free to oscillate
without friction is called a simple
All these conditions are ideal and cannot
be realised completely in practice. Hence
such pendulum is also called
mathematical pendulum.

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
Motion of a simple pendulum becomes equal to its initial value when
sphere is empty.

(c) Effect of g:
T∝ i.e., g increase T decrease.
 As we go high above the earth’s surface or
we go deep inside the mines the value of g
decreases, hence time period of pendulum
Restoring force, F = -mg sinθ = -mg θ (if θ (T) increases.
is small and measured in radians)
F = - mg. = − . ……….(1)
∴ F ∝ -y , Hence motion is S.H.M
But F = −mω y …………….(2)
Comparing equation (1) & (2) we get,

⇒ = ⇒ T = 2π (d) Effect of temperature on time

period: If the bob of simple pendulum is
FACTOR AFFECTING TIME PERIOD OF suspended by a wire then effective length
SIMPLE PENDULUM of pendulum will increase with the rise of
(a) Mass of the bob: Time period of simple temperature due to which the time period
pendulum is independent of mass of the will increase.
bob. l = l (1 + α∆θ)
If the solid bob is replaced by a hollow Where ∆θ = rise in temperature
sphere of same radius but different mass, l = initial length, l = final length of the
time period remains unchanged. wire.
If a girl is swinging in a swing and another /
= = (1 + α∆θ) = 1 + α∆θ
sits with her, the time period remains
unchanged. ∆
So − 1 = α∆θ i.e., ≈ α∆θ
(b) Length of the pendulum: Time period
T ∝ √l where I is the distance between OSCILLATION OF PENDULUM IN
point of suspension and center of mass of DIFFERENT SITUATION.
bob and is called effective length. (1) Oscillation in liquid: If bob of a
 When a sitting girl on a swinging swing simple pendulum of density ρ is made to
stands up, her center of mass will go up oscillate in some fluid of density σ (ρ > σ)
and so l and hence T will decrease. then time period of simple pendulum gets
 If a hole is made at the bottom of a increased.
hollow sphere full of water and water
comes out slowly through the hole and
time period is recorded till the sphere is
empty, initially and finally the center of
mass will be at the center of the sphere.
However, as water drains off the sphere,
the center of mass of the system will move
down. Due to this l and hence T increase,
reaches a maximum and then again

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
Vρg = Vρg − Vσg ⇒ = l
T= , T will decrease.
, 2 1/2
⇒ = = >1 g2 + qE
(2) Oscillation under the influence of
(3) Pendulum in a lift: If pendulum is
electric field: If a bob of mass m carries
suspended from the ceiling of the lift.
a positive charge q and pendulum is
(i) If the lift is at rest or moving upward
placed in uniform electric field of strength
with constant velocity.
(i) If electric field is directed vertically
Effective acceleration g = g − T = 2π , Time period unchanged.

(ii) If the lift is moving upward with

constant acceleration a.

T = 2π , Time period

(iii) If the lift is moving downward with
constant acceleration a.

T = 2π , Time period

So T = 2π So, T will increase. increases.

(iv) If the lift is moving downward with
(ii) If electric field is directed vertically acceleration a = g.
downward. l
T = 2π =∞
(4) Pendulum in an accelerated vehicle.
The time period of simple pendulum whose
point of suspension moving horizontally
with acceleration a.

g =g+ ,

T = 2π , T will decrease.

(iii) If electric field in horizontal


g = g +a ⇒ T = 2π ( ) /

And θ = tan
If simple pendulum suspended in a car
that is moving with constant speed v
around a circle of radius r.

T = 2π
g = g + ,

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
SOME OTHER TYPES OF PENDULUM Comparing with equation = −ω θ, we get
(1) Infinite length pendulum.
If length of the pendulum is comparable = ⇒ T = 2π Also = I + ml
to the radius of earth then
= mk + ml ( where k = radius of gyration )

∴ =2 = 2π = 2π

l = Effective length of pendulum = distance

between point of suspension and centre of mass.

(2) Second pendulum.

It is that simple pendulum whose time
period of vibration is two seconds.
Putting T = 2s and g = 9.8 m/s2 in
× .
we get = = 99.3 0 1 .
For moon the length of second’s pendulum
Various formulae of S.H.M
will be 1/6 meter [ As g = ] (1) S.H.M of a liquid in U tube.
(3) Compound pendulum: Any rigid body
suspended from a fixed support constitute
a physical pendulum. Consider the
situation when the body is displaced
through a small angle θ. Torque on the
body about O is given by τ = mglsinθ……(i)
Where l = distance between point of suspension
and centre of mass of the body.

Mass of liquid in U tube = 2hAρ

Mass of oscillating liquid = 2xAρ
Restoring force F = - (2xAρ)g …..(1)
i.e., F ∝ -x hence motion is S.H.M
But F = - Kx ……..(2)
If I be the MOI the body about O, τ = Iα ……..(ii)
Where α = Angular accaleration. ∴ K = 2Aρg , T = 2 = 2π = 2π
From (i) and (ii), we get = −mglsinθ
as θ and are oposite to each other.
⇒ =− θ, since θ is very small .

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
(2) S.H.M of a floating cubical block : B = bulk modulus of elasticity of air,
Let h be the immersed depth of cube m = mass of the ball.
initially. Ah = displaced volume Consider the ball be displaced from B1 to
B2 where , B1B2 = y. As a result of this,
air inside the chamber is compressed. If
∆V is the decreased in volume,
∆V = Volume of air column of length B1B2
= Ay

(3) Oscillation of ball in air chamber.

Let PQ represent the neck of an air
chamber in which a ball is resting at B1.
(4) S.H.M of a small ball rolling down in
hemispherical bowl.

T = 2π
Let , A = area of cross-section of neck,
V = Volume of the air chamber, Where R= radius of the bowl
Ρ = density of air in chamber, r = radius of the ball

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
(5) S.H.M of piston in a cylinder.

(6) S.H.M of a body in a tunnel dug

along any chord of earth.
Hence T = 2π = 2π
Let us cosider two SHM’s acting on the
same particle along perpendicular
direction. The resulting motion of the
particle will be obtained by eliminating
t from the expression for x and y.
T = 2π = 84.6 minute Let x = A1 sinωt ………….(i)
y = A2 sin(ωt + α) ………….(ii)
(7) Tortional pendulum .

In a torsional pendulum an object is

suspended from a wire. If such a wire is
twisted, due to elasticity it exerts a
restoring torque τ = Cθ.

T = 2π Where I = Moment Inertia

ηπr4 From (ii) = sinωtcosα + cosωtsinα
C= = 2l
η = Modulus of elasticity, r = radius of wire = cosα + 1 − sinα [using (i)]
l = length of wire.
(8) Longitudinal oscillations of an ⇒ − cosα = 1− sin α
elastic wire.
Wire/String pulled a distance ∆l and left. It ⇒ + cos α − cosα
executes longitudinal oscillations.
Restoring force F = −

, Y = Young’s = sin α − sin α
modulus, A = Area of cross-section ⇒ + − cosα = sin α
This is an equation of ellipse.
Special case :
Case (i) = 0 In this case we have

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514

+ − =0⇒ − =0⇒y= x
The path is a straight line segment (see
figure) tan θ =
This motion in SHM with amplitude
A +A
Case (ii) α = π, In this case, we have

+ + =0 ⇒ =− x
The path is a straight line segment
inclined at and θ where the amplitude is
A +A
Case (iii) = /2 In this case, we have For the frequency ratio 1 : 2 = 2 : 1
the two perpendicular SHM’s are
= a sin( + ∅) = sin
Different Lissajous figure are as follows

+ =1 , This is an ellipse.
Case (iv) α = π/2, = In this case we
Let two SHMs of equal frequency be acting
on a body along the same line

x + y = A , This is a cicle.

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
x = A sinωt & x = A sin(ωt + α) If F1 be the restoring force set up in the
= A sinωt + A sin(ωt + α) spring, then F1 = -kl
using the rotation vector A ⃗and A ⃗, we have { As the system is in equilibrium
F1 + mg = 0 ∴ = }
If F2 is the restoring force set up in the
spring, when it is pulled through a small
distance y, then F2 = -k ( l + y )
So, effective restoring force
F = F1 + F2 = - k ( l + y ) - kl = -ky …….(1)
But F = -mω x …………….(2)
Equating (1) and (2) we get =

∴ x = A ⃗. ȷ̂ and x = A ⃗. ȷ̂ , = A ⃗. ȷ̂ + A ⃗. ȷ̂ Or T = 2π
= A ⃗ + A ⃗ ȷ̂ = Asin(ωt + δ)
A = A + A + 2A A cosα Puttin the value of k we get, T = 2π
Where tan δ =
The time period of a loaded massless
SPRING MASS SYSTEM spring is equal to that of a simple
(i) Horizontal position. pendulum whose length is equal to the
When mass is displaced through a small extension in the spring.
distance x, a restoring force F = -kx …(1) COMBINATION OF SPRING.
When the mass is released it start (i) Series combination. If two springs of
oscillating back and forth about the spring constants K1 and K2 are joined in
equilibrium position under the influence of series as shown then
this restoring force.

(a) In series combination equal forces acts

on spring but extension in springs are
But F = -mω x …………….(2)
Equating (1) and (2) we get =
(b) = +
Or T = 2π (ii) Parallel combination :
(ii) Vertical position.

(a) In parallel combination different forces

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
acts on different spring but extension in (iv) The force pruducing a resistance to the
springs are same. oscillation is called damping force.
(b) K = K + K If the velocity of oscillator is v then
Damping force
MASSIVE SPRING : F = −bv, b = damping constant.
If the spring has a mass M and mass m is (v) Resultant force on damping oscillator is
suspended from it, effective mass is given given by F = + =− −

by m =m+ . Hence T = 2π ⇒ + + =

REDUCED MASS : If two masses of (vi) Displacement of damped oscillator is

mass m1 and m2 are connected by a given by = ( + ∅)
spring and made to oscillate on Where = angular frequency of the damped
horizontal surface, the reduced mass
oscillator = −( / )
m is given by = + so that
The amplitude decreases continuously
with time according to =
(vii) For a damped oscillator if the
damping is small then the mechaincal
energy decreases exponentially with time
as = .
(i) The oscillation in which a body
NOTE: If a spring of length l is cut into n oscillates under the influence of an
pieces of length l1, l2, l3, …….ln, then external periodic force is known as forced
these pieces have spring constants equal oscillation.
to K, K, K, … … … … , K respectively. (ii) The amplitude of oscillator would have
decreeases due to damping forces but on
FREE OSCILLATION. account of the energy gained from the
(i) The oscillation of a particle with external source it remains constant.
fundamental frequency under the (iii) In forced oscillation, frequency of
influence of restoring force are are defined damped oscillator is equal to the frequency
as free oscillations. of external force.
(ii) The amplitude, frequency and energy of (iv) Suppose an external driving force is
oscillation remains constant. represented by F(t) = F cosω t The motion
DAMPED OSCILLATION. of a particle under combined action of
(i) The oscillation of a body whose (a) Restoring force (-Kx)
amplitude goes on decreasing with time is (b) Damped force (-bv) and
defined as damped oscillation. (c) Driving force F(t) is given by
(ii) In these oscillation the amplitude of ma = -kx – bv + F cosω t
oscillation decreases exponentially due to The solution of this equation gives
damping forces like frictional force, viscous = x sin(ω t + ∅) with amplitude
force, hystrissis etc.
(iii) Due to decrease in amplitude the
energy of the oscillator also goes on
decreasing exponentially.

x = and
( )

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514
( ) The length of the pendulum B and D are
= equal. The pendulum A is shorter, whereas
the pendulum C is longer than the
where ω = = Natural frequency. pendulums B and D.
RESONANCE. When the frequency of Displaced the bob of the pendulum D to
external force is equal to the natural one side and release it so as to set it into
frequency of the oscillator. Then this state vibrations. These vibrations are
is known as the state of resonance. And communicated to all other pendulums
this frequency is known as resonant through rubber string and as a result, all
frequency. of them start vibrating. The vibrations of A
AMPLITUDE RESONANCE . The and C are irregular to start with but after
amplitude of forced oscillator depend upon some time these settle to vibrate with the
the frequency ω of external force. frequency of D. The amplitude of
When nω = ω , the amplitude is vibrations of B goes on increasing till it
maximum but not infinite because of becomes equal to that of D. Clearly, the
presence of damping force. The vibrations of D are free vibrations. Since
corresponding frequency is called resonant the pendulums b and D have the same
frequency (ω ) length, their natural time periods and
frequencies are the same. The vibrations of
B are, therefore, resonant vibrations. The
pendulum A and C, Which have diffreent
lengths, are made to vibrate with the
frequency of D, which is different from
their natural frequencies. Hence, the
vibrations of A and C are forced vibrations.

The oscillation in whics the loss of energy
of oscillator is compensated by the
supplying energy from an external source
are known as maintained oscillation.
Example :
(i) the balance wheel of a watch where the
main spring supplies the external energy.
(ii) Electrically maintained tuning fork
(iii) An electronic oscillator.
Suspended four simple pendulums A, B, C
and D with light bobs from a rubber string
stretched between two fixed point P and Q
as shown in figure.

: F-13/5, SREET NO.1, NAFEES ROAD, JOGABAI EXT, NEW DELHI-110025.Ph-011 26988514

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