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Denizens of Waterdeep - Backgrounds For A Heist

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Denizens of Waterdeep:

Backgrounds for a Heist


ith the release of the new storyline "Waterdeep: Indentured. A variant of the Criminal found in the Player's
Dragon Heist" from Wizards of the Coast, Handbook, Indentured outlines the unfortunate life of the
players are unleashed upon an urban lower class found of Waterdeep's lower class. Owing a favor to
adventure unlike any other in 5th edition. another is never a great idea, but owing the illegal element of
While the adventure can present many hours of the city is often folly.
story and excitement at the table, more Orphan. A variant of the Urchin found in the Player's
importantly it presents an entire city that Handbook, the Orphan is a suitable background for
becomes the playground for our heroes. characters who want a backstory filled with tragedy tinged
To celebrate this milestone, both for gamers and Wizards of with hope, as the orphan is raised by one of the churches in
the Coast, this supplement has been created to help players Waterdeep.
integrate their characters.
The Heralds
The Backgrounds Also presented here is an additional organization the
Three new backgrounds are imagined here for your players: characters can work for while within Waterdeep. The Heralds
Noble Scion. A variant of the Noble found in the Player's are an independent group of historians who record, preserve,
Handbook or the Waterdhavian Noble found in the Sword and police the various coats of arms, flags, and other sigils
Coast Adventurer's Guide, the Noble Scion puts characters that belong to the nobility across all of Faerûn.
into the boots of a young noble who has grown up in Amphail. Should the players choose to work with (or for) the Heralds,
they could find themselves getting involved in disputes of
blood, tales of deception, and even earn the good faith of the
noble class.

If you enjoy this free supplement, consider checking out the Nobility of Waterdeep, a
paid product available on the DMsGuild. Inside you'll find a listing for many of the
major houses of Waterdeep, their interests, locations, and ideas for quests related to
those houses.

Author: Bryan Holmes
Editor: Chirs Walz
Cover: The Cross looking towards Watergate Street by Louise
Rayner, 1886
Lord Thond: Bartek Blaszczec
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission
of Wizards of the Coast.
©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat
31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
D6 Ideal
Noble Scion 1
Respect. Respect is a two-way street, without respect,
Amphail is a common summer destination for many noble commoners will simply revolt against you. (Good)
families, but more so as a place for young nobles to learn the Justice. No one, not even nobles, are above justice.
value of hard work. Spending much of your time here has 2
given you a valuable perspective on how commonfolk lives, a
viewpoint you have come to appreciate. 3
Love. There's nothing more powerful than the bonds of
love. (Any)
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, History 4
Power. Having power means having responsibility while
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan's tools of your choice, wielding it. (Lawful)
and one gaming set or musical instrument. Privilege. Use the benefits society affords you to make
Equipment: A set of fine clothing, a signet ring belonging to 5
things better for all. (Good)
your house, a gaming set or instrument, a set of artisan's tools
with which you're proficient, a trinket that reminds you of the 6
People. If not for the people, nobles would rule empty
last summer you spent in Amphail, and a belt pouch with 20 streets. People are the most valuable resource. (Good)
D6 Bond
Feature: Friend of the People Life in Amphail taught me many lessons but none as
Your position in life is one of privilege, but you do not let that 1 important as love. It didn't last, but my first lesson
go to your head. about true love was learned there.
Commoners will come to you with their problems, treating 2
I've embarrassed my family with my antics, and now I
you as an earnest friend. When you run into trouble, they am trying to make reparations for my actions.
stand by you and will do whatever they can to assist your My whole life is defined by broadening my horizons.
cause including feeding you, and hiding you from the law or 3
I'm always looking to learn a new trade or skill.
other noble families if required. If you decide to hide with
common folk, they'll hide your identity from any who seek you 4
While in Amphail, our house fell. I returned penniless.
out. It's time to recover what I've lost.
There are some nobles who consider this an offensive I face the challenges of our bloodline without
attitude. 5
hesitation, no matter what that challenge is.

Suggested Characteristics I am the sentinel that guards our city against whatever
endangers it.
You've spent much time away from the nobility, and recognize
the common folk as the lifeblood of the world. You have a
humble way about you, even though your noble bloodlines D6 Flaw
gives you the right to treat others as inferior. 1 Favoring commoners gets me into trouble with nobles.
D8 Personality Trait My own family is constantly trying to marry me off to
keep me away from my adventures.
My judgment of others is determined entirely by their
1 3 I tend to run away from the responsibility of nobility.
actions, not their blood.
If you go out of your way to help others, you'll have me I'd rather make a name for myself, rather than relying
2 4
right beside you. on my family.
I use my influence to improve the conditions of the Criticism is often leveled at me for overspending family
3 5
city I love for everyone. riches.
I can't decry the actions of others if my own aren't 6 I'm in love with a member of a rival house.
4 impeachable. I always ask first if my own actions are
just before passing judgment on others.
5 It matters less to me what is just, than what is fair.
Yeah I'm a noble and I flaunt it, but that showmanship
makes for a great spectacle.
I work hard, I play hard. Once the job is done, libations
are on me!
I spend my downtime disguised, pretending to be a
8 commoner. Being with nobles makes me feel like an
D6 Ideal
Indentured 1
Community. We live together, we die alone. Build a
Some Waterdhavians have charmed lives. The gods have community you can trust. (Any)
blessed them with riches, skills, or allies. You did not have Luck. Our lives would be dull and routine if not for fate,
such luck and it seems like every step of your life has been 2
embrace the will of Tymora. (Chaotic)
under Beshaba's torment.
But perhaps with determination and hard work, you'll 3
People. When you're down on your luck, turn to your
friends for support. (Good)
escape the shadow of ill-fortune and earn a glorious reward
for toiling under such suffering. 4
Strength. If you have the strength to take what you
  want, none can stop you. (Evil)
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception Power. Those who have power should use it to make
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools (your choice) 5
others into their pawns. (Chaotic)
and one gaming set.
Equipment: A set of common clothing, a token as a reminder 6
Fate. The gods have defined what will happen, so just
from the people you owe, a set of tools or gaming set that you go with the flow. (Any)
are proficient with, and a belt pouch with 10 gp.
D6 Bond
Feature: A Life Owed 1 I hide my family from those I owe, to keep them safe.
You owe a great debt to a person or organization that wants to My debt is owed because of a failed grift, but after it's
see a return on their investment. Perhaps you spent too much 2
paid off I've got new plans I'm sure will be successful.
gambling, or you stumbled upon something you shouldn't My life has been put on the straight and narrow, no
have. 3
more crimes for me!
Work with your DM to flesh out this shadowy group or
figure. What fatal moment did they save you from? What form 4 Debt, no debt, I still have a gambling problem.
does repayment take, money or a favor? 5 One day I'll be the one with people indebted to me!
While you still owe this figure or group, they can call upon
you to perform jobs for them. If you should require, they can 6
I string my debtors along, so that I might betray them
get you nonmagical gear or information relevant to the jobs to authorities.
you are asked to do, as well as feed you and provide shelter.
Once the debt is paid off, you are seen as a friend and D6 Flaw
offered greater things. In an organization, this means I've been treated badly for so long, I only know how to
membership but for an individual, they might take you in as 1
give or take suffering.
family. 2 Gambling is a hard habit to break.
Suggested Characteristics 3 I'm ever alert, I barely sleep, I don't ever feel safe.
Being indentured often makes characters paranoid, overly 4 I'm willing to say or do anything to get out of trouble.
alert, and highly sensitive.
5 I'm defined by my vices.
D8 Personality Trait
6 I run away from responsibility.
Looking over my shoulder has become second nature
to me.
I wasn't much of a planner before, but now I'm always
thinking three steps ahead.
I've got nothing left to lose, and that makes me a
dangerous person.
4 My emotions change as quickly as the wind.
I keep personal information close to my chest, I'm
afraid of getting hurt again.
I challenge others who try to enforce their wills onto
the downtrodden.
7 I can't help but gamble whenever the chance arrives.
8 I'm working as hard as I can to pay off my debt.
D6 Ideal
Orphan 3
Honesty. Be true to yourself, or you're no good to
There are many who are saddled with responsibilities they anyone. (Any)
cannot manage for one reason or another. Uncommonly, this Aspiration. The gods teach us and grant us their favor.
includes the life of another. Be it an accidental pregnancy 4 True wisdom is taking those teachings into the world.
from professional night workers, indentured parents who (Any)
cannot care for their children, or from deaths in the family,
orphans are an all too common staple in Faerûn. Often, these 5
Suffering. You grew up with no family to call your own,
and cold callous teachers. Suffering defines you. (Evil)
abandoned children are left in the care of a temple.
  Freedom. You spent years under the watchful eye of
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Religion 6 others, now it's time to find your own destiny.
Tool Proficiencies: Brewer’s supplies (Chaotic)
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of common clothing, a religious icon D6 Bond
belonging to your temple, a set of robes, a small trinket I wasn't an only child, my sibling is still being raised by
belonging to your parents, and a belt pouch with 10 gp. 1
the church. I adventure to provide for them.

Feature: Raised by Priests The church provided for me, and now I make sure to
pay them whenever fate allows.
Raised by the church, you find it's a supportive part of your
life. While not a priest, you're familiar with all the rituals and 3
My parents had a secret they only told one person, who
I am searching for.
rites of their gods. You can take residence with the priests,
and they will provide meals for you. While they won't risk their I was dropped off on the step of the church, but the
own security, they will do their best to assist in protecting you. 4 priests told me I wasn't the only one. I wander to find
this lost sibling.
Suggested Characteristics I try to seek out and help orphans and other discarded
Orphans are taught by the church, but that doesn't make them 5
folk to give them the same help I was given.
acolytes. You understand and respect the values of the ones
who raised you, but that spurs you on to find your own place 6
My anonymity is my strength: without a past to tie me
in the world. down, I can be whomever I want to be.

D8 Personality Trait D6 Flaw

I approach all opportunities with a smile, and 1 I tend to be overprotective regarding what little I own.
No matter how bad a hand someone else has been
The priests taught me respect. My conduct honors 2
2 dealt, I'll always try to one up them.
3 Trusting others has been difficult for me.
3 Not being a priest, I still learned to respect all religions.
The voices of the priests who raised me are always at
The church rubbed me the wrong way. I think they're 4 the back of my head, making me feel bad for my
all out to brainwash the masses. actions.
I'm angry for not being raised by my parents, that anger My family was known for great acts of heroism, which
5 5
is still present in me. got them killed. I avoid anything to do with heroics.
I often spend my free time doing charitable work in the 6 I'm a neophobe, afraid of anything unfamiliar.
community, a value granted to me by the church.
Strict and pious rules guide us to the best versions of
ourselves. I continue to follow strict rules as an adult.
I take care of abandoned and unwanted people. They
deserve the same opportunities that I had.

D6 Ideal
Respect. Put your own ego aside, and show respect
when others deserve it. (Lawful)
People. It took many hands to raise you, showing you
the value of working together. (Good)
The Heralds
The Heralds maintain, police, and record all the various The Heralds
bloodlines and family records across the Realms. They Once the characters have assisted at least one of the other
operate across the entire Sword Coast, as well as beyond in factions within Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (except for Breagan
the Moonsea and much of the Sea of Fallen Stars regions. D'aerthe, the Zhentarim, or the Xanathar), reach level 3, or
They operate in conjunction with the Harpers, although have the Noble, Waterdhavian Noble, or Noble Scion
they do not belong or answer directly to that group. The background, Lord Essen Thond of Cormyr will seek an
Heralds prefer to operate openly and transparently. They are audience with them.
on good terms with nearly every noble family as many families A courier arrives wherever the characters happen to be
see it a badge of honor to be important enough to record. staying, and drop off a letter with a curious wax seal. Inside
Within Waterdeep their role is mostly ceremonial, however the message reads:
disputes that arise over marriages and bloodlines are often
presided over by agents from the Heralds. Additionally, they're The city is in chaos and we seek those who look to right it. If
allies with New Olamn, the college of bards. you fit this description, please come to the corner of Shield
Anyone can join The Heralds, although they tend to prefer street and Vondil, in the Castle ward.
people who either have no importance (for dangerous jobs) or
are powerful nobles (their jobs become a lot easier with such -Lord Essen Thond, of Cormyr
Support from The Heralds come in these If they meet Lord Thond, the messenger they spoke with
ways: earlier will be waiting outside for their arrival. This manor,
The Heralds are well regarded by most factions. With the owned by the Heralds, used to belong to a rich and powerful
exception of Breagan D'aerthe, the Zhentarim, and the noble who died. Their passion was history and in their will
Xanathar. If the characters are in bad standing with any of they donated the home to the organization.
the other factions, or with the various guilds of the city, the
Heralds can arrange to clear the characters' names. Lord Essen Thond, of Cormyr
Players with the Noble, Waterdhavian Noble, or Noble Once escorted inside, they're announced by the messenger (a
Scion background will have their facts checked and low level Herald operative). If possible, announce any and all
verified, granting their word exceptional backing. titles that might have been gained thus far, to impress upon
Their vast library holds a wealth of information. Any the players that they've been watched.
Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion check Essen Thond is a stern man, who believes that nobility is
made within the Herald's library is made with advantage. nothing more than living history and currently, it's under
The mansion in the Castle District has many rooms and attack.
servants, should the players wish to stay overnight.
If on official "Heralds Business", guards will often stay out
of the way and overlook minor transgressions, should none
abuse this power.
The Heralds
Level Mission Brief Mission Requirements and Reward
"In the City of the Dead, there was a recent excavation
into an old tomb by the Belbranta family, gules griffon
Travel to the City of the Dead, and meet with the some of the
on azure is their crest. In doing so, they found a nest
city guard. Convince them to let you in (A DC 13 Charisma
of undead which were dispatched by the city watch
check), or go in via subterfuge using stealth. Find the ghouls and
2nd and the crypt boarded up. However, the ghoul wore a
search for any other a signet ring in the tomb the players should
crest not of the Belbranta family, and in fact not of any
bring back to Lord Thond. Reward: each character in The Heralds
family I can find. I'd like someone to unboard the
gains 1 renown.
crypt, go inside, and find evidence of a lost family of
Characters can find Yitra, but she's currently unwilling to work
"The heraldry you found seems forged, and yet on the
with the players, as "unsavory people" (the Zhentarim) control
back it denotes as having come from the Sea ward, in
her. She's been secretly aiding with false documents, specifically
a home currently owned by House Zulpair. They've
those turning over ownership of abandoned buildings to
3rd azure waves on purpure, I'm sure you know. Speak
whomever she is told. This debt needs to be settled for her
with my ally, Yitra Keese who works at Piergeiron's
assistance to be gained. The characters can turn to the
Palace. I want the documents detailing how Zulpair
Zhentarim, the city guard, or work this out on their own. Reward:
got that house and who owned it before."
each character in The Heralds gains 1 renown.
"We found within the document, it seems this 'lost House Ammek is actually a food bank for a powerful vampire.
house' was called Welkus but we have no records of a Within the house walls, is nothing but a soundproof basement.
House Welkus. However we do know they had two Going within, there are many dead and dying homeless people
holds, both in the Sea Ward. Using this, we've deduced who have been abducted over the last few months. The head
4th that both were sold by Yitra to different families and vampire, Count Welkus, is not here but his brainwashed subjects
while Zulpair is a true noble house, I have concerns (use the statistics for Commoner) are there. They kill the guards
about the other, House Ammek. Two guards have that come with the players. The players should find evidence of
been assigned to go with you. Please, arrest and bring vampire activity and bring it back. Reward: each character in The
a member of the hold to me." Heralds gains 2 renown.
The crypt was indeed the start of a much larger complex where
"We've contacted diviners and mages alike. This house Count Welkus operates from. The Welkus name was once known
Welkus has been removed from nearly the entire for their dark attraction to undeath, and upon attaining the
history of Waterdeep. The crypt where you found their status of a vampire, Oliender Welkus slew his family and began
heraldry is the start of a larger complex where this working to hide in plain sight. If the players kill Welkus (use the
vampire lord can be found. Gather allies, slay this evil statistics for Vampire Spawn), the threat is over. Reward: each
and let it fester no longer!" character in The Heralds gains 2 renown, and each character that
took part in taking the vampire down is given 150 gp.

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