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Physics - EXTRA - K.A. Tsokos - Sixth Edition - Cambridge 2014 PDF

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for the IB Diploma
Sixth Edition

K. A. Tsokos

Cambridge University Press’s mission is to advance learning,

knowledge and research worldwide.

Our IB Diploma resources aim to:

• encourage learners to explore concepts, ideas and
topics that have local and global significance
• help students develop a positive attitude to learning in preparation
for higher education
• assist students in approaching complex questions, applying
critical-thinking skills and forming reasoned answers.
University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom

Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.

It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of
education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.

First, second and third editions © K. A. Tsokos 1998, 1999, 2001

Fourth, fifth, fifth (full colour) and sixth editions © Cambridge University Press 2005, 2008,
2010, 2014
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 1998
Second edition 1999
Third edition 2001
Fourth edition published by Cambridge University Press 2005
Fifth edition 2008
Fifth edition (full colour version) 2010
Sixth edition 2014
Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
isbn 978-1-107-62819-9 Paperback
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studies.Visit and register for access.

Separate website terms and conditions apply.

Introduction v 7 Atomic, nuclear and particle
Note from the author vi physics 270
7.1 Discrete energy and radioactivity 270
1 Measurements and uncertainties 1 7.2 Nuclear reactions 285
1.1 Measurement in physics 1 7.3 The structure of matter 295
1.2 Uncertainties and errors 7 Exam-style questions 309
1.3 Vectors and scalars 21
Exam-style questions 32 8 Energy production 314
8.1 Energy sources 314
2 Mechanics 35 8.2 Thermal energy transfer 329
2.1 Motion 35 Exam-style questions 340
2.2 Forces 57
2.3 Work, energy and power 78 9 Wave phenomena (HL) 346
2.4 Momentum and impulse 98 9.1 Simple harmonic motion 346
Exam-style questions 110 9.2 Single-slit diffraction 361
9.3 Interference 365
3 Thermal physics 116 9.4 Resolution 376
3.1 Thermal concepts 116 9.5 The Doppler effect 381
3.2 Modelling a gas 126 Exam-style questions 390
Exam-style questions 142
10 Fields (HL) 396
4 Waves 146 10.1 Describing fields 396
4.1 Oscillations 146 10.2 Fields at work 415
4.2 Travelling waves 153 Exam-style questions 428
4.3 Wave characteristics 162
4.4 Wave behaviour 172 11 Electromagnetic
4.5 Standing waves 182 induction (HL) 434
Exam-style questions 190 11.1 Electromagnetic induction 434
11.2 Transmission of power 444
5 Electricity and magnetism 196 11.3 Capacitance 457
5.1 Electric fields 196 Exam-style questions 473
5.2 Heating effect of electric currents 207
5.3 Electric cells 227 12 Quantum and nuclear
5.4 Magnetic fields 232
physics (HL) 481
Exam-style questions 243
12.1 The interaction of matter with
radiation 481
6 Circular motion and gravitation 249 12.2 Nuclear physics 505
6.1 Circular motion 249
Exam-style questions 517
6.2 The law of gravitation 259
Exam-style questions 265

Appendices 524 Answers to Test yourself questions 528
1 Physical constants 524
2 Masses of elements and selected isotopes 525 Glossary 544
3 Some important mathematical results 527
Index 551
Credits 5

Free online material

The website accompanying this book contains further resources to support your IB Physics
studies. Visit and register to access these resources:r7

Options Self-test questions

Option A Relativity Assessment guidance
Option B Engineering physics Model exam papers
Option C Imaging Nature of Science
Option D Astrophysics Answers to exam-style questions
Additional Topic questions to Answers to Options questions
accompany coursebook Answers to additional Topic questions
Detailed answers to all coursebook Options glossary
test yourself questions
A Astronomical data
B Nobel prize winners in physics

This sixth edition of Physics for the IB Diploma is fully updated to cover the
content of the IB Physics Diploma syllabus that will be examined in the
years 2016–2022.
Physics may be studied at Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL).
Both share a common core, which is covered in Topics 1–8. At HL the
core is extended to include Topics 9–12. In addition, at both levels,
students then choose one Option to complete their studies. Each option
consists of common core and additional Higher Level material.You can
identify the HL content in this book by ‘HL’ included in the topic title (or
section title in the Options), and by the red page border. The four Options
are included in the free online material that is accessible using
The structure of this book follows the structure of the IB Physics
syllabus. Each topic in the book matches a syllabus topic, and the sections
within each topic mirror the sections in the syllabus. Each section begins
with learning objectives as starting and reference points. Worked examples
are included in each section; understanding these examples is crucial to
performing well in the exam. A large number of test yourself questions
are included at the end of each section and each topic ends with exam-
style questions. The reader is strongly encouraged to do as many of these
questions as possible. Numerical answers to the test yourself questions are
provided at the end of the book; detailed solutions to all questions are
available on the website. Some topics have additional questions online;
these are indicated with the online symbol, shown here.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) provides a cross-curricular link between
different subjects. It stimulates thought about critical thinking and how
we can say we know what we claim to know. Throughout this book, TOK
features highlight concepts in Physics that can be considered from a TOK
perspective. These are indicated by the ‘TOK’ logo, shown here.
Science is a truly international endeavour, being practised across all
continents, frequently in international or even global partnerships. Many
problems that science aims to solve are international, and will require
globally implemented solutions. Throughout this book, International-
Mindedness features highlight international concerns in Physics. These are
indicated by the ‘International-Mindedness’ logo, shown here.
Nature of science is an overarching theme of the Physics course. The
theme examines the processes and concepts that are central to scientific
endeavour, and how science serves and connects with the wider
community. At the end of each section in this book, there is a ‘Nature of
science’ paragraph that discusses a particular concept or discovery from
the point of view of one or more aspects of Nature of science. A chapter
giving a general introduction to the Nature of science theme is available
in the free online material.

Free online material
Additional material to support the IB Physics Diploma course is available
online.Visit and register to access
these resources.
Besides the Options and Nature of science chapter, you will find
a collection of resources to help with revision and exam preparation.
This includes guidance on the assessments, additional Topic questions,
interactive self-test questions and model examination papers and mark
schemes. Additionally, answers to the exam-style questions in this book
and to all the questions in the Options are available.

Note from the author

This book is dedicated to Alexios and Alkeos and to the memory of my
I have received help from a number of students at ACS Athens in
preparing some of the questions included in this book. These include
Konstantinos Damianakis, Philip Minaretzis, George Nikolakoudis,
Katayoon Khoshragham, Kyriakos Petrakos, Majdi Samad, Stavroula
Stathopoulou, Constantine Tragakes and Rim Versteeg. I sincerely thank
them all for the invaluable help.
I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Anne Trevillion, the editor of
the book, for her patience, her attention to detail and for the very many
suggestions she made that have improved the book substantially. Her
involvement with this book exceeded the duties one ordinarily expects
from an editor of a book and I thank her from my heart. I also wish to
thank her for her additional work of contributing to the Nature of science
themes throughout the book.
Finally, I wish to thank my wife, Ellie Tragakes, for her patience with
me during the completion of this book.
K.A. Tsokos

Self-test questions
Topic 1
1 The speed of sound in air is 340 m s-1. The thunder from a lightning strike is heard 10 seconds
after the lightning is seen. W
  hat is the distance to the point where lightning struck?
A 170 m
B 340 m
C 1700 m
D 3400 m
2 Which of the following is the best estimate for the angular frequency of rotation of the Earth
around the Sun in radians per second?


365 × 24 INCORRECT

365 × 24 × 60

365 × 24 × 3600
3 The resistance force experienced by a sphere of radius r falling in a liquid with speed v is
given by F = 6πηrv where η is a constant. What is the unit of η?
A kg m −2 s −2
B kg m −1s −2
C kg m −2 s −1
D kg m −1s −1
4 A block connected by a string to a spring balance is placed on top of a rotating disc as shown
in the diagram.

This apparatus may be used to measure:
A the force of static friction between the block and the disc
B the force of kinetic friction between the block and the wheel
C the normal reaction between the block and the disc
D the weight of the block

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 1 Self-test questions 1
5 Two lengths, x and y, are measured as x = (11 ± 1) cm and y = (9 ± 1) cm . In which of the
following calculated quantities is the percentage uncertainty the greatest?
A x + y
B x − y
C xy
4π R 3
6 The volume of a sphere of radius R is given by V = . The radius is measured with a
percentage uncertainty of 3%.  What is the percentage uncertainty in V ?
A   9%
B 12%
C 27%
D 36%
7 In an experiment it is expected that y depends on x according to y = ax 2 + bx where a and b
are constants. A straight line would be obtained by plotting:
A y versus x
B y versus x2
C y/x versus x
D y/x versus 1/x
8 The ruler is marked in cm.  What is the best estimate of the length of the grey object
including it’s uncertainty?

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

5 6 7 8

A (4.75 ± 0.05) cm
B (4.8 ± 0.1) cm
C (4.8 ± 0.10) cm
D (4.8 ± 0.05) cm
9 In which of the following is the net force zero?

2 Topic 1 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015

10 The diagram shows two vectors a and b.

a b

Which vector represents the difference a – b?
A C 

B D 


physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 1 Self-test questions 3
Self-test questions
Topic 2
1 The graph shows the variation with time of the velocity of an object.
v / m s–1 4

0 t/s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


What is the distance travelled in 6.0 s?

A 6.0 m
B 8.0 m
C 10 m
D 12 m
2 A ball is thrown vertically upwards. The ball returns to the ground some time later. Which
graph shows the variation with time of the acceleration of the ball? (Air resistance is ignored.)




physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 2 Self-test questions 1
3 Four balls are projected from the top of a building with equal speeds but in different directions.
Which ball will get to the level ground with the least vertical component of velocity?

4 Three forces act on a particle. The particle is in equilibrium. Consider the statements:
I The vector sum of the forces is zero
II The sum of the magnitudes of the forces is zero
III The forces have the same magnitude
Which of the following is always correct?
A I only
B III only
C I and II only
D I, II and III
5 A pulley of negligible mass is hung from the ceiling by a string. Two blocks of weight W are
attached to another string that goes around the pulley as shown in the diagram. The blocks are
at rest.

What is the tension in the string connecting the pulley to the ceiling?
A 0
B 2
D 2W

2 Topic 2 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
  6 A force of magnitude F is applied on a block of mass M as shown in the diagram. A frictional
force f acts on the block as shown. The block does not move. What is the normal reaction
force from the ground on the block?

A F sin θ + Mg
B F cos θ + Mg
C f sin θ
D f cos θ
  7 A block of mass 4.0 kg is placed on top of a block of mass 6.0 kg. The static coefficient of
friction between the two blocks is 0.60 and the kinetic coefficient is 0.50. What is the largest
force that can be applied to the 6.0 kg block so that the 4.0 kg block does not slip?
A 50 N
B 60 N
C 70 N
D 80 N
  8 Two objects of mass m and 2m are travelling in opposite directions with the same speed v.
The objects collide and stick together. What is the kinetic energy lost in the collision?
A zero
3mv 2
C 5mv
D 4mv
  9 A body of mass 2.0 kg and speed 8.0 m s–1 is brought to rest in 4.0 s. What is the average
force responsible for stopping the body?
A 1.0 N
B 4.0 N
C 8.0 N
D 16 N
10 A net force of 8.0 N accelerates a 4.0 kg body from rest to a speed of 5.0 m s–1. What is the
work done by the force?
A 20 J
B 32 J
C 40 J
D 50 J

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 2 Self-test questions 3
Self-test questions
Topic 3
1 How many grams of helium ( 2 He ) contain the same number of atoms as 24 g of 12
6 C?
A 4
B 8
C 12
D 24
2 Forty (40) grams of water at 20 ο C is mixed with eighty (80) g of water at 80 ο C . What is the
final temperature of the mixture?
A 50 ο C
B 55 ο C
C 60 ο C
D 65 ο C
3 The graph shows the variation with time of the temperature of a constant mass of a solid that
is being heated by a heater of known constant power.


Quantities that may need to be measured in order to determine the specific latent heat of
fusion of the solid include:
I the melting temperature
II the time interval needed for melting
III the mass of the solid
The list of required quantities is:
A I only
B II only
C II and III
D I, II and III
4 The diagrams show two blocks of unequal mass made of the same material. The temperatures
of the blocks are indicated. In which case or cases is the flow of heat correctly indicated?

20° C 40° C 40° C 20° C 40° C 40° C


A II only
B III only
C I and II only
D II and III only

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 3 Self-test questions 1
  5 A quantity of helium gas ( 42 He ) and a quantity of argon ( 40
18 Ar
) are kept at the same temperature.
What is an estimate of the ratio of the rms speed of helium molecules to that of argon?
A 10
B 10
C 9
D 9
  6 A real gas cannot be approximated by an ideal gas under conditions of high pressure, small
volume and low temperature. Suggested reasons for this include:
I The collisions of the molecules are no longer elastic
II The forces between molecules are no longer negligible
III The volume of the molecules is no longer negligible
A correct explanation is:
A I only
B II only
C II and III
D I, II and III
  7 The pressure of a fixed quantity of an ideal gas is 2.2×105 Pa. The temperature of the gas is
increased from 30 ο C to 330 ο C at constant volume. What is an approximate value of new
pressure of the gas?
A 2.4×106 Pa
B 2.0×104 Pa
C 4.4×105 Pa
D 1.1×105 Pa
  8 An ideal gas is in a container with a movable piston.The piston is moved in rapidly decreasing the
volume of the gas.What is the reason for the increase in the temperature of the gas?
A the molecules are closer together
B the molecules collide with each other more frequently
C the molecules collide with the container walls more frequently
D the piston transfers kinetic energy to the molecules
  9 A container holds n moles of an ideal gas at kelvin temperature T. The number of moles is
doubled without changing the temperature. What are the changes in the internal energy of
the gas and the average kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas?
Internal energy Average kinetic energy
A doubles doubles
B doubles stays the same
C stays the same doubles
D stays the same stays the same

10 The temperature of an ideal gas is doubled at constant pressure. What is the change in the
rms speed of the molecules and the density of the gas?
rms speed density
A doubles doubles
B increases by 2 doubles
C doubles halves
D increases by 2 halves

2 Topic 3 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Self-test questions
Topic 4
1 A body of mass m is suspended at the end of a vertical spring. When the body is displaced
from equilibrium by an amount A and then released, the body executes simple harmonic
oscillations with period T. A second body of mass 4 m is suspended form an identical spring.
What will be the period of oscillations of this body when it is displaced by an amount 2A?
B 2T
C 4T
D 8T
2 The diagram shows the displacement of a wave at time zero (in blue)
and at time 0.5 s (in red).
y / cm 4

0 x/m
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0



What is the speed of the wave?

A 0.08 cm s −1
B 5.0 m s −1
C 0.40 m s −1
D 0.04 cm s −1

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 4 Self-test questions 1
3 The diagram shows the variation with distance of the displacement of a longitudinal wave
travelling from right to left. Positive displacements indicate motion to the right.
y / cm 6

0 x/m
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0




A point in the medium has been marked. What is the direction of velocity of the marked
A Up
B Down
C Right
D Left
4 Which of the following wave phenomena cannot be observed for sound waves?
A diffraction
B refraction
C interference
D polarisation
5 A ray of light has wavelength in air. The ray passes into a medium of refractive index 43 . What
is the wavelength of light in the new medium?
A λ
B 4 λ


6 A ray of light passes though the eye of a needle. Which phenomenon is the transmitted light
most likely to show?
A diffraction
B polarisation
C refraction
D absorption

2 Topic 4 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
7 Vertically polarised light of intensity I0 is incident on an arrangement of two parallel polarisers.
The first polariser has its transmission axis vertical.

The angle between the transmission axes of the polariser is ϑ.
What is the intensity of the light transmitted through the second polariser?
A 0
B 0
C 0 cos 2 ϑ
D I 0 cos 2 ϑ
8 A tube X of length LX has both ends open. A tube Y of length LY has one end closed and the
other open. The frequency of the first harmonic in X is the same as the frequency of the first
harmonic in Y. What is the ratio X ?
2 LY
C 2
9 A tuning fork is placed above a tube that is partially filled with water. The level of the
water is slowly rising. A loud sound is heard from the tube when L = 49 cm and again when
L = 35 cm.

At which value of L will a loud sound be heard again?
A 42 cm
B 28 cm
C 14 cm
D 7.0 cm

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 4 Self-test questions 3
10 The diagram shows the displacement of a medium as a transverse wave of wavelength 5.0 m
travels from left to right. What is the average speed of a point in the medium during one
period of the wave and what is the speed of the wave?

y / cm 4

0 t/s
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0



Average speed of
point in medium Wave speed
A 4.0 cm s–1 2.5 m s–1
B 2.5 m s–1 8.0 cm s–1
C 2.5 m s–1 8.0 cm s–1
D 8.0 cm s–1 2.5 m s–1

4 Topic 4 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Self-test questions
Topic 5
1 Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the electric field around two equal and
opposite point charges?

+ –

+ –

+ –

+ –

2 Two identical particles have mass m and charge q. When they are separated by a distance d the
electric force between the particles has magnitude F. The mass and charge of each particle is
doubled and so is the separation. What is the magnitude of the force between the particles now?
B 2 F
C 4F
D 8 F

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 5 Self-test questions 1
3 Electric current flows in a conductor of variable cross sectional area.

I1 I2 I3

The currents in each section are indicated. Which is the correct relationship between the
A I 1 = I 2 = I 3
B I 1 = I 3 > I 2
C I 1 = I 3 < I 2
D I 1 > I 2 > I 3
4 An electron enters the region in between two oppositely charged parallel plates with speed v.
The electric field in between the plates has magnitude E. A magnetic field of magnitude B is
directed into the page as shown.

The electron is undeflected. What can be deduced about the magnitude and direction of the
electric field?

Magnitude Direction

A vB Down

B Down

C vB Up

D Up

5 The diagram shows three wires carrying equal currents.

⊗ ⊗ 

What is the direction of the force on the middle wire?


2 Topic 5 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
6 Two parallel wires have unequal currents in the same direction. Each wire produces a
magnetic field at the position of the other wire.

Which of the following is correct about the magnetic forces on 1 m of each wire and the
magnetic fields they produce?

Forces Magnetic fields

A equal equal
B equal unequal
C unequal equal
D unequal unequal

7 A cell with a non-negligible internal resistance is connected to a lamp.

The current in the circuit is 3.0 A. The power dissipated in the lamp is 12 W and that in the
internal resistance is 6.0 W. What is the emf of the cell?
A 2.0 V
B 3.0 V
C 4.0 V
D 6.0 V
8 In the circuit below the cells have negligible internal resistances and identical emf. The
resistances are identical.

What is the ratio of the total power dissipated in the left circuit to that in the right?
C 2
D 4

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 5 Self-test questions 3
  9 What is the current through resistor R?

2.0 A
5.0 A
1.0 A

A 1.0 A
B 2.0 A
C 3.0 A
D 4.0 A
10 In the circuit below the cells have negligible internal resistance. The current through the
2.0 Ω resistor is zero.
1.0 Ω 3.0 Ω

6.0 V
2.0 Ω

What is the emf of the cell to the right?
A 2.0 V
B 3.0 V
C 6.0 V
D 18 V

4 Topic 5 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Self-test questions
Topic 6
1 Two objects X and Y are placed on a horizontal disc of radius R that rotates about a vertical
axis through its centre at constant speed. Particle X is placed at a distance R2 from the centre
of the disc. Particle Y is placed at the rim of the disc. The linear speed of X is v and its
centripetal acceleration is a. Which is the linear speed and centripetal acceleration of Y?

speed acceleration
A v a
B v 2a
C 2v a
D 2v 2a

2 A car moves along a path that is part of a vertical circle of radius R. The speed of the car at the
highest point is v.

What is the maximum value of v so that the car does not lose contact with the road?
B gR
C 2 gR
D 2 gR

3 A particle moves along a horizontal circle with constant speed. Which of the following is
correct about the magnitude and direction of the acceleration?
Magnitude Direction
A constant changing
B constant constant
C changing changing
D changing constant

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 6 Self-test questions 1
4 A probe orbits a planet in a circular orbit of radius r. It completes one revolution in T seconds.
What is the mass of the planet?
4 π2r 3
GT 2
4 π2r
GT 2
4G π 2 r 3
4G π 2 r
5 Two stars are separated by a distance d. The mass of star X is 4 times the mass of star Y.

The net gravitational field strength along the dotted line a distance r from the centre of star X is g.
Positive g means the field is directed to the right.Which graph shows the variation of g with r/d?
g g

r/d r/d


g g

r/d r/d


6 A planet has three times the mass and three times the radius of Earth.The gravitational field strength
at the surface of Earth is g. What is the gravitational field strength at the surface of the planet?
A g

2 Topic 6 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
  7 Two identical satellites, X and Y, orbit the Earth in circular orbits. The radius of the orbit of
satellite Y is double that of satellite X. What is the ratio X of the orbital speeds of the two
satellites? vY
B 2

D 2
  8 Which of the following is correct about a probe that orbits the Earth in a circular orbit at
constant speed?
A the acceleration is constant
B the velocity is constant
C the kinetic energy is constant
D the momentum is constant
  9 Two stars have masses 4M and M.


At which point is the magnitude of the combined gravitational field strength the least?
Gm 2
10 A student attempts to use the formula F = 2 to calculate the gravitational force between
two uniform cubes of side a and mass m. r

The result will be:

A correct
B approximately correct
C approximately correct only if a = r
D approximately correct only if a << r

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 6 Self-test questions 3
Self-test questions
Topic 7
1 Two elements with atomic (proton) numbers Z 1 and Z 2 and neutron numbers N 1 and N 2
are isotopes if which of the following conditions applies?
A Z 1 = Z 2 and N 1 = N 2
B Z 1 = Z 2 and N 1 ≠ N 2
C Z 1 ≠ Z 2 and N 1 = N 2
D Z 1 ≠ Z 2 and N 1 ≠ N 2
2 Which of the following is a correct about radioactive decay?
A it is random and spontaneous
B the half-lives of unstable elements depend on temperature
C unstable elements with roughly the same nucleon number have roughly the same half-lives
D activity is proportional to nucleon number
3 The half life of a radioactive sample is 8.0 minutes. Which of the following is a correct
statement of the radioactive decay of the sample?
A in 16 minutes the activity will drop to zero
B in 16 minutes the mass of the sample will be reduced by a factor of 2
C a particular nucleus will decay with probability 0.50 in an interval of 8.0 minutes
D a randomly chosen nucleus will decay with probability 0.50 in an 8.0 minute interval
4 Which of the following graphs best represents the variation with atomic number of the
atomic mass of stable nuclei?
mass mass


mass mass


5 For the decay X → Y + Z the following data on binding energies (BE) are available:
BE of X = 10 MeV
BE of Y = 7 MeV
What is the minimum binding energy of Z for the decay to be possible?
A 0 MeV
B 3 MeV
C 17 MeV
D there is no minimum value; the decay is impossible

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 7 Self-test questions 1
  6 What are the two missing particles in the beta decay 11 Na → 22
10 Ne + _ + _ ?
A a neutrino and an electron
B an antineutrino and an electron
C a neutrino and a positron
D an antineutrino and a positron
  7 The energy level diagram shows four possible transitions in a hypothetical atom. In which
one is a photon of the longest wavelength emitted?

  8 The reaction e − → µ− + γ does not occur because if it did it would violate the law of
conservation of
A baryon number
B momentum
C charge
D energy
  9 The figure shows a Feynman diagram for the reaction e − + e − → e − + e − .
e– e–

e– e–

The wavy line could represent

A a photon
B a meson
C a baryon
D a quark
10 The strong nuclear force acts on:
A quarks
B leptons
C all charged particles
D all particles with mass

2 Topic 7 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Self-test questions
Topic 8
1 Which is a correct description of primary energy sources?
A They are practically inexhaustible
B They are being consumed at a rate that is faster than that at which they can be produced
C They are sources that can be directly used to power machines
D They are sources that have not been processed in any way
2 Which is the function of the moderator in a nuclear fission reactor?
A to cool the reactor
B to prevent core meltdown
C to slow down neutrons CORRECT
D to control the rate of reactions
3 Which is a correct comparison of active solar devices and photovoltaic panels in relation to
energy conversions?
Active solar devices Photovoltaic panels
A solar energy to thermal energy solar energy to electrical energy
B solar energy to thermal energy solar energy to thermal energy
C solar energy to electrical energy solar energy to electrical energy
D solar energy to electrical energy solar energy to thermal energy
4 A wind generator extracts power P when the wind speed is v. What is the power extracted
when the wind speed doubles?
B 2 P
C 4 P
D 8 P
5 In an hydroelectric power station water of density ρ leaves a dam and flows through turbines
an average height h below the dam at a rate of Q m3 per second. What is an estimate of the
power generated by this station?
A ρ Qh
B ρ Qgh
ρ gh
6 Solids are generally better conductors of heat than gases because they have:
A more free electrons per unit volume
B stronger bonds between their molecules
C higher densities
D higher specific heat capacities
7 A body that is a good approximation to a black body would be described as:
A a good radiator, a good absorber and a good reflector
B a good radiator, a good absorber and a poor reflector
C a poor radiator, a poor absorber and a good reflector
D a poor radiator, a poor absorber and a poor reflector

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 8 Self-test questions 1
8 A black body has kelvin temperature T and surface area A. The power radiated by an area of
1 m2 of the body is P. The temperature and area of the body are both doubled. What is the
new power radiated by 1 m2 of the body?
A 4P
B 16P
C 32P
D 64P
9 The graph shows the variation of intensity with wavelength of the radiation emitted by a
spherical body of radius R and surface temperature T. The units on the graph are arbitrary.
I 1.4







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Which of the following graphs shows the variation of intensity with wavelength for another
spherical body of the same radius and temperature but of higher emissivity?
I 1.4 I 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
I 1.4 I 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

2 Topic 8 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

I 1.4 I 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

10 The greenhouse effect would be described as:
A infrared radiation emitted by the Earth is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere and is then re-emitted in all directions including the Earth
B ultraviolet radiation emitted by the Earth is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere and is then re-emitted in all directions including the Earth
C infrared radiation emitted by the Sun is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
and is then re-emitted in all directions including the Earth
D ultraviolet radiation emitted by the Sun is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere and is then re-emitted in all directions including the Earth

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 8 Self-test questions 3
Self-test questions
Topic 9
1 A block of mass m is suspended from a vertical spring of spring constant k. At equilibrium the
spring is extended by a distance x 0 . The block is pulled down a further distance y0 from the
equilibrium position and is then released. What is the maximum speed of the block during the
oscillations that take place?
A y0
B y0
C ( x 0 + y0 )
D ( x 0 + y0 )

2 The graph shows the variation with time of the displacement of a particle executing simple
harmonic oscillations.
x / cm 2

0 t/s
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0



What is the velocity, in m s–1, of the particle at time t = 0.50 s?

A 6.28
B –6.28
C 6.28 ×10–2
D –6. 28 ×10–2
3 In simple harmonic motion what is the phase difference between the graphs of displacement
versus time and acceleration versus time?
A 0
D π

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 9 Self-test questions 1
4 Light is incident normally on a thin film of soap water of thickness d that is suspended in air.
The wavelength of light in air is λ. The refractive index of soap water is n. The light reflected
from the film suffers destructive interference. Which of the following gives a possible thickness
of the film?

A λ
B λ
C λ
D λ
5 In a diffraction experiment with a single slit the intensity of the central maximum of the
diffraction pattern is I and the angle at which the first minimum is observed is θ. What is the
effect on I and θ of reducing the slit width? The light source stays the same.
I θ
A increases increases
B increases decreases
C decreases increases
D decreases decreases
6 In a Young type two slit interference experiment the third maximum away from the central
maximum of the two slit interference pattern coincides with the first minimum of the single
slit diffraction pattern. What is the relation between the slit separation d and the slit width b?
A d =
B d = 3b
C d =
D d = 6b
7 The graph shows the intensity pattern from interference by N slits (red curve) modulated by
the single slit diffraction pattern (blue curve).






–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30

2 Topic 9 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
What is the value of N and what is the relationship between the slit separation d and the
wavelength λ?
N Relationship
A 4 d = 2λ
B 4 d=
C 6 d = 2λ
D 6 d=
  8 Two stars are observed by a number of radio telescopes of different dish diameters. The stars
emit a range of wavelengths. The images of the stars by a particular telescope are not well
resolved. Which of the changes below would be most likely to result in resolution of the star
Wavelength Dish diameter
A Observe stars at shorter wavelengths Use larger dish telescope
B Observe stars at shorter wavelengths Use smaller dish telescope
C Observe stars at longer wavelengths Use larger dish telescope
D Observe stars at longer wavelengths Use smaller dish telescope
  9 A diffraction grating has 500 lines per mm and is 2.0 cm wide. Light of average wavelength
600 nm is incident on the diffraction grating. What is the least difference in wavelength that
can be resolved b this diffraction grating in the third order?
A 0.010 nm
B 0.020 nm
C 0.030 nm
D 0.040 nm
10 A jet plane is moving away from a stationary observer at a speed that is half the speed of
sound in still air. The jet emits sound of frequency f. What is the frequency received by the
A 2 f

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 9 Self-test questions 3
Self-test questions
Topic 10
1 The diagram shows a gravitational field line. A point mass is placed at point P.

Which arrow represents the gravitational force on the particle?

2 The escape speed form the surface of planet X is v. Planet Y has the same density as planet X
and has double the radius. What is the escape speed from the surface of planet Y?
C 2v
D 4v
3 A mass of 2.0 kg is moved at a very small constant speed from a point where the gravitational
potential is −5.0 × 106 J kg −1 to a point where the potential is −2.0 × 106 J kg −1 . What is the
work done by the gravitational force acting on the mass?

A −6.0 × 106 J
B 6.0 × 106 J
C −1.5 × 106 J
D 1.5 × 106 J
4 The diagram shows a series of electric equipotential lines. The difference in potential between
consecutive lines is the same. The potential increases as we move to the right.

low potential high potential

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 10 Self-test questions 1
Which diagram best represents the electric field?



5 The diagram shows four charges of equal magnitude. The top charges are positive and the
lower ones are negative. The charges placed at the vertices of a square whose centre is at the
origin of the axes shown.

Where is the electric potential zero?
A along the x-axis only
B along the y-axis only
C along both axes
D at the origin only
6 A probe is orbiting a planet in a low circular orbit. It is desired to move the probe into a
higher orbit. What are the changes in the probe’s kinetic and gravitational potential energy in
doing so?
Kinetic energy Potential energy
A increases increases
B increases decreases
C decreases increases
D decreases decreases

2 Topic 10 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
  7 The gravitational potential at the surface of a spherical planet of radius R and uniform
density is V. What is an expression for the magnitude of the gravitational field strength at the
surface of the planet?
B −
C −VR 2
D − 2
  8 Two stars of the same mass M orbit a common centre with the same speed. The distance
separating the stars is d. What is the total energy of the system?
3GM 2
A −
3GM 2
GM 2
C −
GM 2
  9 A probe of mass m is launched from the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R with
kinetic energy . The probe settles into a circular orbit around the planet. What is the
radius of the orbit?
B 2 R
C 3 R
D 4 R
10 Two charged particles, X and Y, enter the same region of uniform electric field with the
same velocity. They follow different paths as shown. Gravity is negligible.


What can be deduced about the particles?
A the charge of X is greater than that of Y
B the charge of X is smaller than that of Y
C the charge to mass ratio for X is greater than that of Y
D the charge to mass ratio for X is smaller than that of Y

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 10 Self-test questions 3
Self-test questions
Topic 11
1 A solid conducting disc is made to move through a region of a uniform magnetic field
directed into the plane of the page.

Which diagram shows the correct charge distribution in the disc while the disc is in the
region of magnetic field?
+ + + – – –
+ – + –

+ – + –

+ – + –
A – – – B + + + C D

2 A loop of wire is moved at constant speed such that it will pass through a region R of
magnetic field directed into the plane of the page.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 11 Self-test questions 1
Which graph correctly shows the variation with time of the induced emf in the loop before,
during and after the loop enters region R?
emf emf

time time


emf emf

time time


3 A dc current of 5.0 A causes 20 W of power to be dissipated in a resistor. What is the rms
value of an ac current that would cause an average power dissipation of 20 W in the same
A 2.5 A
B 5.0 A
D 5.0 2 A
4 A dielectric is placed in between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor in vacuum.
The capacitor is connected to an ideal voltmeter.

Which of the following best describes the changes in the charge, voltage and capacitance of
the capacitor as a result of inserting the dielectric?
Charge Voltage Capacitance
A stays the same decreases stays the same
B stays the same decreases increases
C increases increases stays the same
D increases increases increases

2 Topic 11 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
5 The diagram shows a circuit that includes a capacitor that is initially fully charged, a switch
and a resistor.

The switch is closed. Which graph best represents the variation with time of the potential
difference, V, between the ends of the resistor?

A time B time


C time D time

6 Each of the capacitors in the figure below has a value of 12 pF.



Points A and B are connected to a source of potential difference 3.0 V. What is the charge on
one of the plates of capacitor C1?
A 12 pC
B 24 pC
C 27 pC
D 54 pC

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 11 Self-test questions 3
7 The graph shows the variation with time of the induced emf in a coil rotating in a uniform
magnetic field.

emf / V 100


0 t / ms
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6



Which graph shows the variation of the induced emf with time when the same coil is rotated
in the same magnetic field at half the speed?
emf / V 100 emf / V 100

50 50

0 t / ms 0 t / ms
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

–50 –50

A –100 B –100

emf / V 100 emf / V 100

50 50

0 t / ms 0 t / ms
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

–50 –50

C –100 D –100


4 Topic 11 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
8 In the circuit shown the switch is in position X for a long time so that the capacitor is fully charged.

12 V
2.0 kΩ

The switch is then moved to position Y. What is the initial current and voltage across the resistor?
Current/mA Voltage/V
A 0 0
B 0 12
C 6.0 0
D 6.0 12
  9 A capacitor that is initially uncharged is connected to a source of constant potential
difference. Which graph shows how the energy, E, stored in the capacitor varies with time t?

t t


t t


physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 11 Self-test questions 5
10 In a diode rectifying bridge circuit the role of the capacitor is to make the current
A smoother
B constant
C positive
D larger

6 Topic 11 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Self-test questions
Topic 12
1 Light, incident on a metallic surface, causes electrons to be emitted. It is suggested that the
following changes will increase the energy of the emitted electrons:
I increasing the intensity of the light
II increasing the frequency of the light
III increasing the work function of the surface
Which change or changes will actually increase the energy of the electrons?
A I only
B II only
C III only
D I and III
2 Light of frequency f is incident on a photosurface. The work function of the photosurface is φ.
What is the critical frequency for this photosurface?
A hf − φ
D f −
3 An electron is confined within a region of linear size L. What is an estimate of the electron’s
kinetic energy?
A 2
mc 2
D 2
4 Evidence for de Broglie hypothesis comes from:
A diffraction experiments with electrons and neutrons
B alpha particle scattering experiments
C the existence of nuclear energy levels
D the existence of isotopes
5 An alpha particle and a proton have the same de Broglie wavelength. What is an approximate
value of the ratio v of the speed of the proton to that of the alpha?
A 2
B 4

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 12 Self-test questions 1
6 In which of the following potential barriers would the probability of tunneling for protons be
the greatest?

A distance B distance


C distance D distance

7 At high energies, deviations from Rutherford scattering are observed because:
A the de Broglie wavelength of the alpha particles increases
B the de Broglie wavelength of the alpha particles decreases
C the weak nuclear force starts to acts on the alpha particles
D the strong nuclear force starts to act on the alpha particles
8 Which of the following is a correct statement about nuclei?
A they have the same binding energy
B they have the same binding energy per nucleon
C they have the same density
D they have the same ratio of neutrons to protons

2 Topic 12 Self-test questions physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
  9 The activity of a radioactive sample is A and, at that time, the number of radioactive nuclei
present is N. Which graph shows the correct variation of A with N?



10 An electron and a positron at rest annihilate. What is the best estimate of the wavelength of
one of the photons produced?
mc 2
mc 2

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Topic 12 Self-test questions 3
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 1
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark

  1 B
  2 A
  3 D
  4 B
  5 A
  6 D
  7 C
  8 A
  9 C
10 A
11 Use a smaller heavier ball. ✓
In order to minimise the effect of air resistance. ✓
Let the ball drop from various heights. ✓
In order to draw a graph of height versus time and get the acceleration through the gradient of the graph. ✓
If a stopwatch is to be used measure the time for each height many times and get an average. ✓
In order to get a more accurate value for the time. ✓
12 a It will take = 7.5 s to get across. ✓
And he will move 3.0 × 7.5 = 22.5 ≈ 22 m to the right of P. ✓
b Correct diagram. ✓
sin θ = = 0.75 ✓
θ = sin −1 0.75 = 48.6° ✓

4.0 m s–1

3.0 m s–1

c The woman moves across with a speed of 4.0 2 − 3.0 2 = 2.6458 m s −1. ✓
So she will take a time of = 11.3 ≈ 11 s , so will be longer than the man. ✓
13 a Smooth curve. ✓
Through all the error bars. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 Answers to exam-style questions – Topic 1 1
T / s 1.4







2 4 6 8

b The vertical intercept is about 0.1 s. ✓

c For T to be proportional to F requires a straight line graph through the origin. ✓
And here neither of these conditions are satisfied. ✓
d The uncertainty in T is about ±0.035 s . ✓
∆T 2 ∆T
2 = 2 ⇒ ∆T 2 = 2T ∆T ✓
Hence ∆T 2 = ± 2 × 1.0 × 0.035 = ± 0.07 s 2 ✓
e Correct plotting of points. ✓
Correct error bars and lines of maximum and minimum slope. ✓
Line of best-fit is straight and within uncertainties passes through origin. ✓
Hence claim is correct. ✓
T 2 / s2







2 4 6 8
2 −1
f Slope of line of best fit 0.164 s N . ✓
2 −1 2 −1 2 −1
Max/min slopes 0.153 s N and 0.180 s N so uncertainty is 0.0135 ≈ 0.01 s N . ✓
2 −1
So (0.164 ± 0.001) s N . ✓

2 Answers to exam-style questions – Topic 1 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 2
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark
  1 D
  2 C
  3 C
  4 D
  5 A
  6 D
  7 D
  8 A
  9 C
10 A
11 a i The equation applies to straight line motion with acceleration g. Neither condition is satisfied here. ✓
ii This equation is the result of energy conservation so it does apply since there are no frictional forces present. ✓
v2 4.8 2
b From v = 2 gh we find h = = = 1.174 ≈ 1.2 m. ✓
2 g 2 × 9.81
1 1
c i The kinetic energy at B is E = mv 2 = × 25 × 4.8 2 = 28.8 J. ✓
2 2
The frictional force is f = µ K N = µ Kmg = 0.45 × 25 × 9.81 = 110.36 N and so the work done by this
force is the change in the kinetic energy of the block, and so 110.36 × d = 28.8 ⇒ d = 0.261 ≈ 0.26 m . ✓
f 110.36
ii The deceleration is = = 4.41 m s −2, ✓
µ 25
and so 0 = 4.8 − 4.41 × t giving 1.1 s for the time. ✓

d The speed at B is independent of the mass. ✓

1 2 1 2 v2
fd = mv ⇒ µ Kmgd = mv ⇒ d = ,✓
2 2 2µ K
and so the distance is also independent of the mass. ✓
12 a i v x = v cos θ = 22 × cos 35° = 18.0 ≈ 18 m s −1 ✓
v y = v sin θ = 22 × sin 35° = 12.6 ≈ 13 m s −1 ✓

ii Graph as shown. ✓
vx / m s–1 20



0 1 2 3 4

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 2 1
Graph as shown. ✓
vy / m s–1 20


0 t/s
1 2 3 4



b i At maximum height: v y2 = 0 = uy2 − 2 gy . ✓
y= ✓
12.6 2
and so y = = 8.1 m ✓
2 × 9.8
v = 0 = v sin θ − gt 12.6 − 9.8t = 0 ✓
so t = 1.29 s ✓
Hence y = 12.6 × 1.29 − × 9.8 × 1.29 2 = 8.1 m ✓
ii The force is the weight, i.e. F = 0.20 × 9.8 = 1.96 ≈ 2.0 N. ✓
1 2 1
c i mu + mgh = mv 2 hence v = u 2 + 2 gh ✓
2 2
v = u 2 + 2 gh = 22 2 + 2 × 9.8 × 32 = 33.3 ≈ 32 m s −1 ✓

ii v 2 = v x2 + v y2 ⇒ v y = − v x2 − v x2 = − 33.32 − 18.0 2 = −28.0 m s −1 ✓
Now v y = uy sin θ − gt so −28.0 = 12.6 − 9.8 × t hence t = 4.1 s ✓
d i Smaller height. ✓
Smaller range. ✓
Steeper impact angle. ✓

ii The angle is steeper because the horizontal velocity component tends to become zero. ✓
Whereas the vertical tends to attain terminal speed and so a constant value. ✓
13 a i In 1 second the mass of air that will move down is ρ(π R 2v ). ✓
The change of its momentum in this second is ρ(π R 2v )v = ρπ R 2v 2. ✓
And from F = this is the force. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
ii ρπ R 2v 2 = mg ✓
mg 0.30 × 9.8
And so v = 2 = = 3.53 ≈ 3.5 m s −1. ✓
ρπ R 1.2 × π × 0.252
b The power is P = Fv where F = ρπ R 2v 2 is the force pushing down on the air and so P = ρπ R 2v 2. ✓
So P = 1.2 × π × 0.252 × 3.532 = 2.936 ≈ 3.0 W ✓
c i From F = ρπ R 2v 2 the force is now 4 times as large, i.e. 4mg and so the net force on the helicopter is 3mg. ✓
1 2s
And so the acceleration is constant at 3g. Hence s = × 3 g × t 2 ⇒ t = ≈ 0.90 s. ✓
2 3g
ii v = 3 gt = ✓
v ≈ 26 m s ✓
iii The work done by the rotor is W = Fd = 4mgd = 4 × 0.30 × 9.8 × 12 = 141 J. ✓
14 a i The area is the impulse i.e. 2.0×103 N s. ✓
ii The average force is found from F ∆ t = 2.0 × 10 3 N s. ✓
2.0 × 10 3
And so F = = 1.0 × 104 N. ✓
1.0 × 104
Hence the average acceleration is a = = 1.25 × 10 3 m s −2. ✓
iii The final speed is v = at = 1.25 × 10 3 × 0.20 = 250 m s −1. ✓
And so the average speed is 125 m s −1. ✓
1 2 1 3 2
iv s = at = × 1.25 × 10 × 0.20 ✓
2 2
s = 25 m ✓
b i The final speed is v = at = 1.25 × 10 3 × 0.20 , ✓
v = 250 m s −1 . ✓
1 1
ii The kinetic energy is E K = mv 2 = × 8.0 × 250 2 ✓
2 2
E K = 2.5 × 105 J ✓
E K 2.5 × 105
iii P = = ✓
t 0.20
P = 1.25 × 10 W ✓

15 a i It is zero (because the velocity is constant). ✓

ii F − mg sin θ − f = 0 ✓
F = mg sin θ + f = 1.4 × 104 × sin 5.0° + 600 ✓
F = 1820 N ✓
b The power used by the engine in pushing the car is P = Fv = 1820 × 6.2 = 1.13 × 104 W, ✓
P = 11.3 kW. ✓
The efficiency is then e = = 0.75 ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 2 3
c i Initial speed zero. ✓
Terminal speed. ✓

ii Initial acceleration not zero. ✓
And approaching zero. ✓

16 a i The change in momentum is ∆ p = 0.090 × (90 − 130), ✓
∆ p = −3.6 N s . ✓
ii This is also the negative change in the momentum of the block and so 1.20v = 3.6 N s
giving v = 3.0 m s . ✓
1 1
iii The initial kinetic energy is E = mv 2 = × 0.090 × 130 2 = 422.5 J. ✓
2 2
1 1
The final kinetic energy is E = × 0.090 × 90 2 + × 1.20 × 3.0 2 = 369.9 J.  The change is then
2 2
∆E = 369.9 − 422.5 = −52.6 ≈ −53 J. ✓
b We have conservation of energy and so × m × 3.0 2 = m × 9.8 × h and so h = 0.459 m. ✓
But h = L − L cos θ and so 0.459 = 0.80 × (1 − cos θ ) ✓
giving cos θ = 0.426 and so θ = 64.77° ≈ 65° ✓
c i It is not because there is a net force on it. ✓


ii From the diagram, T − mg cos θ = m . ✓
But v = 0 and so T = mg cos θ = 1.20 × 9.8 × cos 64.77° = 5.0 N . ✓
T = 5.0 N. ✓

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 3
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark

  1 A
  2 B
  3 C
  4 D
  5 B
  6 A
  7 B
  8 A
  9 D (the question should have specified equal moles for each gas)
10 A
11 a Use pV = nRT ⇒ V = ✓
1.0 × 8.31 × 273
To find V = = 2.27 × 10 −2 m 3 ✓
1.0 × 105
b i There are N A = 6.02 × 10 23 molecules. ✓
2.27 × 10 −2 −26
So to each molecule corresponds a volume 23 =3.77 × 10 m 3. ✓
6.02 × 10
ii Assuming a cube of this volume the side is 3.77 × 10 = 3.35 × 10 −9 m , which is therefore an estimate of
the separation of the molecules. ✓
This separation is much larger than the diameter of the helium atom and so the ideal gas approximation is
good. ✓
m 0.207 −5
c One mole of lead has a mass of 0.207 kg and a volume of V = = 3 =1.83 × 10 m3 . ✓
ρ 11.3 × 10
1.83 × 10 −5
To each molecule corresponds a volume =3.04 × 10 −29 m 3. ✓
6.02 × 10 23
Assuming a cube of this volume the side is 3.04 × 10 = 3.12 × 10 −10 m which is therefore an estimate of
the separation of the molecules. ✓
3.35 × 10 −9
d The ratio is then ,✓
3.12 × 10 −10
≈ 10 . ✓
12 a Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required to change the temperature of a 1 kg of a substance by
1 K. ✓
b One mole of any substance contains the same number of molecules; to raise the temperature by 1 K the
internal energy will increase by the same amount and so the same heart must be provided. ✓
One kg of different substances contains different numbers of molecules and so different amounts of energy are
required to increase the temperature by 1 K. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 3 1
∆Q ∆m ∆m
c From = c ∆T we find 600 = × 990 × (40 − 20). ✓
∆t ∆t ∆t
So that = 3.0 × 10 −2 kg s −1. ✓
∆V ∆V
d Then =ρ = 1.25 × 3.0 × 10 −2 = 3.8 × 10 −2 m 3 s −1 . ✓
∆ t ∆ t
e The energy required is Q = mL = 180 × 2200 = 3.96 × 10 J . ✓
3.96 × 105
t = = 528 s = 8.8 min . ✓
13 a i The graph is a curve. ✓
If there was no air resistance the acceleration would have been constant and the velocity – time graph a
straight line. ✓
ii We must estimate the area under the graph by counting squares with one small square equal in area to
0.5 m. ✓
There about 370 small squares so the height is about 185 m. ✓
iii Applying mgh = mv 2 gives v = 2 gh = 2 × 9.8 × 185, ✓
v = 60.2 ≈ 60 m s −1. ✓

b The impact speed is about 18.1 m s implying a loss of mechanical energy of
× 8.0(60.2 2 − 18.12 ) = 1.32 × 104 J. ✓
Assuming all of this goes into heating the ball and that this amount of energy warms the entire body uniformly. ✓
mc ∆ T = 1.32 × 10 , ✓
1.32 × 104
and so ∆ T = ≈ 5 K. ✓
8.0 × 320
14 a The internal energy is the sum of the total random kinetic energy of the molecules and the intermolecular
potential energy of the molecules of tungsten. ✓
b The tungsten loses heat 0.050 × 132 × (T − 31). ✓
This heat is absorbed by the water and the calorimeter:
0.300 × 4200 × (31 − 22) + 0.120 × 900 × (31 − 22) = 1.23 × 104 J ✓
1.23 × 104
Hence 0.050 × 132 × (T − 31) = 1.23 × 104 or T − 31 = = 1864 and finally T = 1895 ≈ 1900 °C . ✓
0.050 × 132
c The calculated temperature is T = Q + 31 where Q is the heat that went into the water and calorimeter.
mW c W
The actual Q would have been higher because some was transferred into the air during the move of the metal
into the water. ✓
Hence the calculated value is smaller than the actual temperature. ✓
15 a The internal energy is the sum of the total random kinetic energy of the molecules and the intermolecular
potential energy of the molecules of the substance. ✓
b During melting energy is supplied to the substance melting increasing its internal energy but not its
temperature. ✓
Hence the student’s statement is false. ✓
c The liquid is losing heat to the surroundings because the container is not insulated. ✓
When the rate of heat loss is equal to the rate at which energy is being provided the temperature will remain
constant. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 3 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
d The rate of heat loss is equal to the rate at which energy was being provided when the heater was on i.e.
35 W. ✓
∆Q ∆T 3.1
Since = mc we have that 35 = 0.240 × c × .✓
∆t ∆t 60
35 × 60
And so c = = 2.8 × 10 3 J kg −1 K −1. ✓
0.240 × 3.1
pV 250 × 10 3 × 1.50 × 10 −2
16 a pV = nRT ⇒ n = to find n = = 1.653. ✓
RT 8.31 × 273
So that N 1 = nN A = 1.653 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 9.95 × 10 23 ≈ 1.0 × 10 24 molecules. ✓
b As the tyre rolls on the road the rubber lining of the tyre expands and contracts generating thermal energy that
heats the air in the tyre. ✓
The volume will increase.
And so will the pressure and temperature. ✓
nRT 1.653 × 8.31 × (273 + 35)
c p = = = 2.64 × 105 Pa ≈ 260 kPa . ✓
V 1.60 × 10 −2
p p 250 230
d i Assuming the volume and temperature stay the same we must have that 1 = 2 and so = giving
n1 n2 1.653 n2
n2 = 1.52. The number of molecules is then N 2 = 1.52 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 9.15 × 10 23 . ✓
The number of molecules that left is therefore N 1 − N 2 = 9.95 × 10 23 − 9.15 × 10 23 = 8.0 × 10 22 . ✓
8.0 × 10 22
The rate of loss is then = 2.8 × 1018 s −1 . ✓
8 × 60 × 60
ii The number of moles lost is 1.65 − 1.52 = 0.13 ✓
And so the lost mass of air is 0.13 × 29 = 3.8 g . ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 3 3
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 4
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark

  1 A
  2 C
  3 B
  4 A
  5 D
  6 D
  7 D
  8 C
  9 B
10 A
11 a In a longitudinal wave the displacement is along the direction of energy transfer (DOET) ✓
whereas in a transverse wave it is at right angles to the DOET. ✓
b i The amplitude is 4.0 mm. ✓
ii The wavelength is 0.20 m. ✓
1 1
iii The period is 10 s and so the frequency is f = = = 0.10 Hz. ✓
c The speed is v = λ f = 0.20 × 0.10 . ✓ T 10
v = 0.020 m s ✓
d Particle P has zero displacement at t = 10 s. ✓
A short time later the displacement becomes positive (we look at the second graph). ✓
To make the displacement of the point at 0.20 m positive a short time after 10 s the first graph must be shifted
to the right, so the wave moves to the right. ✓
e At t = 10 s point Q has displacement 4.0 mm. ✓
Hence we must have the following graph. ✓
d / mm


0 t / ms
5 10 15 20 25 30



f i The wavelength of the first harmonic is 4L, ✓

and so 4L = 0.20 ⇒ L = 0.050 m . ✓
ii Standing waves do not transfer energy; travelling waves do. ✓
Standing waves have variable amplitude; travelling waves have a constant amplitude. ✓
iii It is the speed of one of the travelling waves, ✓
making up the standing wave. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 4 1
12 a When two waves (of the same type) meet, ✓
the resultant displacement is the algebraic sum of the individual displacements. ✓
b The speed of the black pulse is the same as that of the grey pulse since the medium is the same. ✓
c i The centres of the pulses are separated by a distance of 5.0 cm. The relative speed of the pulses is 30 m s–1
and so will completely overlap at a time of = 0.167 ≈ 0.17 s. ✓
ii In 0.167 s each pulse will move a distance of 2.5 m, ✓
and so the resulting pulse has the shape of the following graph. ✓
d / cm






–2 0 2 4 6 8 10
x / cm

d i The pulses have the same shape after the collision. ✓

So no energy is lost (the collision of the pulses is elastic). ✓
ii The energy carried by a pulse is proportional to the (square of the) height of the pulse. ✓
The pulse is short during overlap. ✓
But the string is moving vertically during overlap and so makes up for the apparently missing energy. ✓
13 a The diagram shows how rays of light coming in parallel to the water surface will refract. ✓


2.0 m


So the rays that can enter the man’s eyes lie within a circle of diameter AB. ✓
b From the diagram above and Snell’s law 1.00 × sin 90° = 1.33 × sin θ so that θ = 48.8°. ✓
Hence R = 2.0 tan θ = 2.0 × tan 48.8° = 2.28 ≈ 2.3 m . ✓
c The angle θ will be the same. ✓
But since the depth is greater so will the radius. ✓
sin12° sin θ
d i Snell’s law says that = ✓
340 1500
so that θ = 66.5° ≈ 67°. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 4 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
ii Three wavefronts as shown:
Rays bending away from normal. ✓
Wavelength greater. ✓

12° air

iii The sound tends to move parallel to the surface of the water, ✓
and not to penetrate deeper into the water where a swimmer might be. ✓
14 a Light in which the electric field oscillates on only one plane. ✓
b The intensity transmitted through the first polariser will be 160 W m −2. ✓
The intensity through the second will be 160 cos 2 θ W m −2 and through the
third 160 cos4 θ W m −2 . ✓
Hence 160 cos4 θ = 10 giving θ = 60°. ✓
c Let the intensities of the polarised and unpolarised components be I P , I U respectively: at
maximum transmitted intensity the polariser’s axis will be parallel to the polarised light’s
electric field and the transmitted intensity will then be I P + U ; at minimum intensity the
polarised component will not be transmitted and so the intensity will be U . ✓
I 2
IP + U
We have that 2 = 7 and so I P = 3. ✓
The required fraction is then . ✓
d The wall is vertical and so the reflected light is partially polarised. ✓
In a direction that is parallel to the wall, i.e. vertical. ✓
And so a polariser with a horizontal transmission axis will cut off the reflected glare. ✓
15 a Light leaving each of the slits diffracts at each slit, ✓
and so light from each slit will arrive at the middle of the screen. ✓
b With both slits open light arrives at the middle of the screen in phase and so the
amplitude is twice the amplitude due to one slit. ✓
The intensity is proportional to the amplitude squared. ✓
So with one slit open the amplitude will be half and the intensity one quarter,
i.e. 1 W m–2. ✓
c The intensity of the side maxima is not the same as that of the central maximum. ✓
d The separation of the maxima on the screen is 0.60 cm and the separation is
λD sd
given by s = and so λ = . ✓
d D
0.60 × 10 −2 × 0.39 × 10 −3
Hence λ = = 7.3 × 10 −7 m. ✓
e Blue light has a smaller wavelength than red light. ✓
Hence the separation of the maxima will be less. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 4 3
16 a A standing wave is formed when two identical travelling waves moving in opposite
directions. ✓
Meet and superpose. ✓
b i The travelling wave from the source reflects off the water surface. ✓
The reflected wave superposes with the incoming wave creating a standing wave in the
tube. ✓
ii The standing wave will have a wavelength equal to where L is the length of the air
column and n is an odd integer. ✓ n
So for a given wavelength λ this will happen only when L = , i.e. for specific values
of the air column length. ✓ 4
iii The difference in air column lengths is half a wavelength (explained in the next part)
and so the next length is 42 cm. ✓
λ n λ(n − 2) λ
iv The difference in air column lengths is − = , i.e. half a wavelength and
4 4 2
the wavelength is λ = 2 × 0.12 = 0.24 m . ✓
So v = f λ = 1400 × 0.24 = 336 ≈ 340 m s −1. ✓

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 4 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 6
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark

  1 A
  2 C
  3 B
  4 C
  5 C
  6 B
  7 D
  8 D
  9 C
10 A
11 a Velocity arrow. ✓
Acceleration arrow. ✓


b The angular speed is ω = = 4.488 ≈ 4.5 rad s −1. ✓
The linear speed is v = ω r = 4.488 × 0.22 = 0.987 ≈ 0.99 m s −1. ✓
c At maximum distance the frictional force will be the largest possible, i.e. f max = µs N = µsmg( = 0.434 N) . ✓
v2 ω 2r 2 µg
µsmg = m = m , hence r = s 2 ✓
r r ω
0.82 × 9.8
r= = 0.399 ≈ 0.40 m ✓
4.488 2
µg µs g
d i Using r = s 2 we find ω = ✓
ω r
0.82 × 9.8
ω= = 6.0 rad s −1 ✓
ii The static frictional force can no longer supply the larger centripetal force required. ✓
The body will then slide and the static frictional force is now replaced by the even smaller sliding frictional
force; hence the disc will slide off the rotating platform. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 6 1
12 a From energy conservation: mv 2 = mgL so v = 2 gL , ✓
v = 2 × 9.8 × 2.0 = 6.26 ≈ 6.3 m s −1. ✓

v 2 6.26 2
b a = = = 19.6 ≈ 20 m s −2. ✓
L 2.0
c Weight vertically downwards. ✓
Larger arrow for tension upwards. ✓
d i A particle is in equilibrium if it moves with constant velocity. ✓
This particle moves on a circle and so cannot be in equilibrium. ✓
mv 2
ii T − mg = ✓
mv 2 5.0 × 6.26 2
T = + mg = + 5.0 × 9.8 = 147 ≈ 150 N ✓
L 2.0
mv 2 m × 2 gL
(or better: T = + mg = + mg = 3mg = 3 × 5.0 × 9.8 = 147 ≈ 150 N)
13 a Correct arrows for tension. ✓
Correct arrow for weight. ✓



b A particle is in equilibrium if it moves with constant velocity. ✓
This particle moves on a circle and so cannot be in equilibrium. ✓
c i The vertical component of the tension equals the weight and so T cos θ = mg , i.e. T = .✓
cos θ
v2 v2
The horizontal component of the tension is T sin θ and T sin θ = m =m ✓
r L sin θ
gL sin 2 θ
Combining gives the answer v = .
cos θ
ii The angular and linear speeds are related by v = ω r = ω L sin θ . ✓
gL sin 2 θ
So ω = cos θ . ✓
L sin θ
Which is the answer ω = .
L cos θ
9.8 × 0.45 × sin 2 60°
d i v = = 2.57 ≈ 2.6 m s −1 ✓
cos 60°
ii θ = = 6.5997 ≈ 6.6 rad s −1 ✓
0.45 × cos 60°
e i The air resistance force will reduce the speed of the ball. ✓
sin 2 θ
ii A graph of shows that because the speed decreases, the angle will also decrease. ✓
cos θ

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 6 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
iii The cosine of the angle will increase and hence the angular speed will decrease. ✓
(Note: These questions are best answered by considering the total energy of the ball:
1 2 1 gL sin 2 θ 1  sin 2 θ + 2 cos θ − 2 cos 2 θ 
E= mv + mgh = m + mgL (1 − cos θ ) = mgL  
2 2 cos θ 2  cos θ

The air resistance will reduce the total energy; graphing the total energy as a function of angle θ shows that
for the energy to decrease the angle must decrease.)
14 a Measuring distances from the top of the sphere and using energy conservation shows that:
0 = mv 2 − mgh where h is the vertical distance the marble falls. ✓
From trigonometry: h = R(1 − cos θ ). ✓ (see diagram that follows in b)
And so 0 = mv 2 − mgR(1 − cos θ ). ✓
Manipulating gives v = 2 gR(1 − cos θ ).
b The forces on the marble are the weight mg and the normal reaction force N:


Rcos θ


mv 2
Taking components of the weight gives mg cos θ − N = .✓
mv 2
Hence N = mg cos θ − .✓
Substituting the expression for the speed from above gives N = mg cos θ − 2mgR(1 − cos θ ) . ✓
And the result N = mg(3cos θ − 2) follows.
c The marble will lose contact when N → 0 , i.e. when cos θ = or θ ≈ 48°. ✓
15 a Calling this distance x we have that:
2 = 2

x ( d − x )
2 2
16(d − x ) = x or 4(d − x ) = ± x ✓
Only the plus sign gives a positive distance and so x = .✓
b Correct sign. ✓
Correct intersection. ✓
(The negative of this graph is also acceptable)

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 6 3

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

c i The force is zero. ✓
ii The force from the larger mass will be larger because the particle will be closer to it. ✓
Hence the net force will be directed towards the large mass. ✓
d It will move to the left. ✓
With increasing speed and increasing acceleration. ✓
16 a i Velocity arrow. ✓
Acceleration arrow. ✓



ii Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity vector. ✓
Here the velocity vector is changing because its direction is so we have acceleration. ✓
GMm v2 GM
b The force on the satellite is 2 =m i.e. = v 2. ✓
r r r
Using v = ω r , ✓
gives = ω 2r 2. ✓
From which the result ω 2r 3 = GM follows.
c i Since r decreases, from ω 2r 3 = GM the angular speed will increase. ✓
ii From = v 2 , as r decrease v increases. ✓
ω 2r 3
d i Using ω 2r 3 = GM we find M = ✓
(5.31 × 10 −5 )2 × (2.38 × 108 )3
And so M = −11 = 5.70 × 10 26 kg . ✓
6.67 × 10
ii Again using ω 2r 3 = GM we find ω T2rT3 = ω E2rE3 . ✓
rE3 −5  2.38 × 108  −6 −1
Hence ω T = ω E = 5.31 × 10 ×  1.22 × 109  = 4.58 × 10 rad s ✓
2π 2π 6 1.37 × 106
Hence T = = = 1.37 × 10 s = d = 15.856 ≈ 15.9 d ✓
ω T 4.58 × 10 −6 24 × 3600

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 6 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 7
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark
  1 B
  2 B
  3 C
  4 A
  5 B
  6 D
  7 C
  8 D
  9 C
10 C
11 a The wavelength of a photon is determined by its wavelength (frequency). ✓
Emission spectra show lines at specific wavelengths. ✓
This is consistent with transitions between energy levels of specific energies. ✓
b There are two possibilities as shown in the diagram below. The red line represents the transition with unknown
energy energy

656 nm

486 nm 656 nm 486 nm

c In the first case the third transition corresponds to an energy difference of

hc hc  6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108 6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108 
−9 − −9  = −9 − −9 = 1.06 × 10 −19 J . ✓
486 × 10 656 × 10  486 × 10 656 × 10 
hc hc hc −6
= −9 − −9 ⇒ λ = 1.88 × 10
The third transition has wavelength m. ✓
λ 486 × 10 656 × 10
hc hc hc
In the second case = −9 + ⇒ λ = 2.79 × 10 −7 m. ✓
λ 486 × 10 656 × 10 −9
d Only 2 lines shown. ✓
With right wavelengths and in the right order. ✓

486 nm 656 nm

increasing wavelength

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 7 1
12 a i In order to avoid collisions of the alpha particles with air molecules which would have scattered the alpha
particles. ✓
ii To avoid multiple scatterings of alpha particles within the foil. ✓
iii In order to have well defined scattering angles. ✓
b The electrostatic force. ✓
c i A very small fraction of the incident alpha particles were scattered at very large scattering angles. ✓
ii This required a very large electric force. ✓
This force could be provided if the positive charge of the atom was concentrated in a very small volume so
that the alpha particle could come very close to it. ✓
So most of the atomic volume is empty and most of the mass and all the positive charge is concentrated in
the tiny nucleus. ✓
d i Smooth curve joining incident and scattered path. ✓
ii Extensions of incident and scattered paths. ✓
Angle delineated as shown. ✓
iii Arrow as shown passing through centre of nucleus. ✓

P θ

e i Comes closer to the nucleus. ✓
Has a larger scattering angle. ✓

ii The new nucleus would have the same nuclear charge. ✓
So there would be no difference. ✓
13 a Random: It is not possible to predict which nucleus will decay. ✓
Or when it will decay. ✓
Spontaneous: A nucleus cannot be prevented from decaying. ✓
The rate of decay cannot be modified in any way. ✓
b i A nucleus of a specific element (so with a specific atomic number) but with a different number of neutrons
(so a different mass number). ✓
ii Locating the point with activity 4000 Bq. ✓
8.7/8.8 min. ✓
iii That the background radiation is negligible. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 7 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
iv Smooth joining. ✓
To correct value within 1 square at 30 min. ✓
A / Bq 8000




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t / min
225 221 4
c i 90Th → 88 Ra + 2 α
Correct numbers for alpha. ✓
Correct numbers for radium. ✓
ii ∆m = 226.024903 − (221.013917 + 4.0026603) = 1.0083 u ✓
Q = 1.0083 × 931.5 = 939 MeV ✓
d The alpha and the radium nucleus have equal and opposite momenta, each of magnitude p. ✓
p2 p2
The energies are E Ra = and Eα = .✓
2 × 221 2 × 4.0
Hence the alpha to radium energy ratio is energy is = 55. ✓
14 a i x = 236 − 90 − 143 = 3 ✓
ii Q = BE right − BE left ✓
BE right ≈ 143 × 8.4 + 90 × 8.7 = 1984 MeV and BE left ≈ 235 × 7.6 = 1786 MeV ✓

Q = 1984 − 1768 = 198 ≈ 200 MeV ✓

b Because the nuclear force is short range only the immediate neighbours of any given nucleon prevent the
nucleon from being ejected from a nucleus. ✓
Nuclei with A > 20 are large nuclei with many protons and neutrons so any one nucleon is surrounded by
roughly the same number of nucleons. ✓
Since the binding energy per nucleon is a measure of the energy needed to eject one nucleons, this energy is
roughly constant. ✓
c In fusion we start with light nuclei and produce heavier nuclei. ✓
According to the binding energy curve this increases the binding energy than the reactants and hence energy is
released. ✓
15 a A baryon is a particle made of 3 quarks. ✓
Whereas a meson is made of a quark and an antiquark. ✓
b Hadrons correct. ✓
Leptons correct. ✓
strong weak
hadrons ✓ ✓
leptons ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 7 3
c ddu for neutron. ✓
d to u. ✓
W minus. ✓
Electron. ✓
Antineutrino. ✓
W minus


d i K and π are mesons so B = 0 and p is a baryon so B = 1. ✓
To conserve baryon number Σ − must have B = 1 and so is baryon. ✓
ii The reaction violates strangeness conservation. ✓
And so must happen via the weak interaction since the other interactions conserve strangeness. ✓
iii In order to conserve family lepton number. ✓
It has to be an electron antineutrino. ✓
16 a i Similarities: both are leptons/both have charge – 1. ✓
Differences: have different mass/belong to different families. ✓
ii It violates electron lepton number conservation. ✓
It violates muon lepton number conservation. ✓
b i Top line: muon neutrino. ✓
Middle line: electron. ✓
Lower line: electron antineutrino. ✓
ii Top vertex correct. ✓
Lower vertex correct. ✓
muon neutrino


W− positron
electron antineutrino


iii Positron. ✓
Correct neutrinos. ✓
µ+ → e+ + νe + ν µ

c It has very large mass. ✓

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 7 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 8
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark

  1 D
  2 B
  3 D
  4 B
  5 D
  6 C
  7 A
  8 C
  9 B
10 C
11 a i ∆m = 235.044 + 1.009 − (139.922 + 93.915 + 2 × 1.009) = 0.198 u ✓
Q = 0.198 × 931.5 = 184 MeV ✓

Which is about 180 MeV.
ii 184 MeV, i.e. 184 × 106 × 1.6 × 10 −19 = 2.9 × 10 −11 J are produced by a mass of 235.044 u of uranium, i.e. by
about 3.9 × 10 −25 kg. ✓
2.9 × 10 −11
So the specific energy is −25 = 7.4 × 10
J kg −1. ✓
3.9 × 10
iii The energy produced by the power plant in a year is 800 × 106 × 365 × 24 × 3600 = 2.52 × 1016 J. ✓
2.52 × 1016
The energy produced in the nuclear reactions must then be = 7.88 × 1016 J. ✓
7.88 × 1016 −25
So the mass of uranium used is −11 × 3.9 × 10 = 1060 ≈ 1100 kg. ✓
2.9 × 10
b i The produced neutrons are very fast and cannot be absorbed by uranium nuclei. ✓
Collisions with moderator atoms slow down the neutrons so they can be absorbed. ✓
ii Control rods control the rate of reactions in various part of the reactor core by being lowered or raised from
the core. ✓
They absorb neutrons when they are lowered decreasing the rate or increase it when they are raised. ✓
iii The thermal energy is produced in the moderator by collisions of neutrons with moderator atoms. ✓
The heat exchanger removes this energy by, for example circulating cold water through the moderator. ✓
c Without a moderator neutrons would not be slowed down. ✓
And so could not be used to produce fission and no energy would be produced. ✓
d Advantage: very large specific energy of fuels. ✓
Disadvantage: radioactive nuclear waste difficult to dispose of safely. ✓
12 a The mass is M = ρV = 1000 × 4.8 × 104 × 38 = 1.8 × 109 kg ✓
b Mgh = 1.8 × 109 × 9.8 × 225 ✓
Which equals 4.0 × 1012 J. ✓
4.8 × 104 × 38
c The time to empty the reservoir is = 5.2 × 10 3 s. ✓
4.0 × 1012
And so the power developed is = 768 ≈ 770 MW. ✓
5.2 × 10 3
physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 8 1
2.4 × 1012
d The electrical energy supplied is 0.60 × 4.0 × 1012 J = 2.4 × 1012 J = = 6.7 × 105 kWh. ✓
3.6 × 106
So the income from this energy is 6.7 × 105 × 0.12 = 8.0 × 104 $. ✓
4.0 × 1012
The cost to refill the reservoir is × 0.07 = 7.3 × 104 $ leading to a profit of 7000$. ✓
0.64 × 3.6 × 106
13 a Primary energy refers to energy that is available but has not been processed in any way like the kinetic energy
of air. ✓
Secondary energy refers to energy that has become available as a result of processing as in the case of electrical
energy produced in a wind turbine. ✓
b i All the air incident on the wind turbine has been stopped. ✓
ii Turbulence in the air. ✓
Makes some of the air’s kinetic energy “wasted” in eddies resulting in a smaller net power output. ✓
1 1
c P = πρ 1R 2 v13 − πρ 2 R 2v 23 ✓
2 2
1 1
P = π × 1.2 × 12 2 × 8.2 3 − π × 1.9 × 12 2 × 5.33 = 8.568 × 104 W ✓
2 2
The extracted power is then 0.30 × 8.568 × 104 = 2.6 × 104 W. ✓
14 a The air above the land is very warm, ✓
and so rises, ✓
giving its place to cooler air form the sea. ✓
b The air has smaller thermal conductivity than water (and one usually wears clothes when walking!). ✓
And so heat is removed from the body faster in water. ✓
c i A black body is a theoretical body that absorbs all the radiation incident on it. ✓
Reflecting none. ✓
ii The peak wavelength is 2.0 × 10 m. ✓
2.9 × 10 −3
And by Wien’s law T = = 1.4 × 104 K. ✓
2.0 × 10 −7
d i Same peak wavelength. ✓
Half the max height. ✓
I 1.0





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
λ × 10–6 m
ii Peak wavelength shifted to 3.0 × 10 m. ✓
Lower in height. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 8 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
3 4
(but ignore amount by which peak is reduced – the area under this curve must be   ≈ 5 times smaller
 2
than the original curve)
I 1.0





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
λ × 10–6 m

15 a i σT14 ✓
ii eσT24 ✓
iii eσT14 ✓
iv (1 − e )σT14 ✓
b The net power leaving the black body is σT14 − eσT24 − (1 − e )σT14 = σ (T14 − T24 ). ✓
At equilibrium this is zero and so T1 = T2. ✓
16 a i Intensity is the power received per unit area. ✓
The power radiated is received over an area 4π d 2. ✓
Which gives the result.
ii Albedo is the ratio of the scattered intensity to the incident intensity of radiation. ✓
b i Radiation that falls on the earth surface has to pass through a disc of radius R and so the power through the
disc is π R 2S . ✓
Of this a fraction α is reflected and so the incident power is π R 2S(1 − α ). ✓
The average power per unit area is then π R S(1 − α ). ✓
4π R 2
Which, after simplification, is the result.
3.9 × 10 26
ii S = = 1379 W m −2 ✓
4π × (1.5 × 1011 )2
S(1 − α ) S(1 − α ) 4 1379 × (1 − 0.30)
= σT 4 ⇒ T = 4 = = 256 K ✓
4 4σ 4 × 5.67 × 10 −8
c The calculation ignores the greenhouse effect i.e. that greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb infrared
radiation radiated by the earth. ✓
The gases subsequently re-radiate this radiation in all directions. ✓
Including back down to the surface of the earth warming it further. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 8 3
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 9
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark
  1 B
  2 D
  3 A
  4 D
  5 A
  6 B
  7 A
  8 C
  9 A (The question should have referred to the wavelength in air)
10 C
11 a In simple harmonic motion the acceleration is opposite to and proportional to the displacement from the
equilibrium position. ✓
This means that a graph of acceleration against time should a straight line through the origin with a negative slope. ✓
Which is what this graph is. ✓
b i The amplitude is 2.6 cm. ✓
12 −1
ii The gradient is −ω 2 = − −2 ⇒ ω = 15.19 rad s ✓
5.2 × 10
ω = 2π f ⇒ f = = 2.4 Hz ✓

1 1
c i E max = mω 2 x 02 = × 0.25 × 15.19 2 × (2.6 × 10 −2 )2 ✓
2 2
E = 1.9479 × 10 ≈ 1.9 × 10 −2 J ✓
ii E K = E P ⇒ E K = E max ✓
E K = × 1.9497 × 10 −2 = 9.75 × 10 −3 J ✓
1 2 × 9.75 × 10 −3
× 0.25 × v 2 = 9.75 × 10 −3 ⇒ v = = 0.279 ≈ 0.30 m s −1 ✓
2 0.25
d Correct shape of parabola. ✓
Correct intercepts. ✓
E × 10–2 J




–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
x / cm

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 9 1
12 a i Light diffracting from each slit arrives at the screen. ✓
At those positions where the phase difference between the 2 waves is 0 the resulting amplitude is twice that
of the wave from just one slit and we have bright fringes (constructive interference). ✓
λD sd
ii The separation of the bright fringes is given by s = and so λ = . ✓
d D
1.86 × 10 −2 × 0.120 × 10 −3
λ= ✓
λ = 6.20 × 10 −7 m ✓

b Correct overall shape. ✓
Correct peak intensity. ✓
Correct separation of fringes. ✓
I / Wm–2




–20 –10 0 10 20
θ / mrad

nλ 2 × 6.2 × 10 −7
c i d sin θ = nλ ⇒ d =
= = 1.462 × 10 −6 m = 1.462 × 10 −3 mm ✓
sin θ sin 58°
Hence number of rulings per mm is =684 ✓
1.462 × 10 −3
ii We must have that 1.462 × 10 −6 × sin 58° = nλ so that nλ = 1.2398 × 10 −6 m. ✓
n = 1 does not lead to a visible wavelength. ✓
1.2398 × 10 −6
We cannot have n = 2 so we try n = 3 to find λ = = 4.13 × 10 −7 m which fits the visible
spectrum. ✓ 3
No other value of n gives a visible wavelength. ✓
13 a Parallel reflected rays in red. ✓
Correct refraction of one of the rays. ✓

MgF2 d


b At reflection point between air and magnesium fluoride. ✓
At reflection point between magnesium fluoride and glass. ✓
c At normal incidence the path difference is 2d and the phase difference due to reflection is zero. ✓
Hence for destructive interference 2dn = (m + )λ . ✓
λ 5.0 × 10 −7
Giving for the least thickness (m = 0) d = = = 9.1 × 10 −8 m. ✓
4n 4 × 1.38

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 9 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
14 a The number of secondary maximum is 2 less than the number of slits. ✓
And we have 2 secondary maxima. ✓
b i The secondary maxima becomes less pronounced. ✓
The primary maxima become brighter. ✓
The primary maxima become narrower. ✓
ii The separation between the primary maxima increases. ✓
656.45 + 656.27
c The average wavelength is = 656.36 nm. ✓
λ 656.36
From = mN we have that = 2 × N. ✓
∆λ 656.45 − 656.27
N = 1823 ✓
15 a The first minimum is at 0.175 mrad. ✓
λ λ 5.0 × 10 −7
And so from θ = 1.22 we find b = 1.22 = 1.22 × = 3.49 × 10 −3 m. ✓
b θ 0.175 × 10 −3
b i Same shape. ✓
With maximum coinciding with first minimum of the other pattern. ✓





–0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

θ /mrad

ii The angular separation of the two sources is 3.0 × 10 where D is their distance from the slit. ✓
3.0 × 10 −2 3.0 × 10 −2
According to Rayleigh, = 0.175 × 10 −3 giving D = = 171 ≈ 170 m. ✓
D 0.175 × 10 −3
16 a The change in observed frequency when there is relative motion between the source and the observer. ✓
b Circular wavefronts. ✓
Bunching in front of the source. ✓


source moving

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 9 3
c Ultrasound is directed at moving particles in the blood stream and the reflection is recorded. ✓
From the frequency shift it is possible to measure the speed of blood flow. ✓
d The speed of the point on the disc is 2π × 0.20 = 10.0 m s −1. ✓
The frequencies received range from × 2400 Hz = 2331 ≈ 2300 Hz when source moves away from
observer, ✓ 340 + 10

to 340
× 2400 Hz = 2473 ≈ 2500 Hz when source moves towards the observer. ✓
340 − 10
The wavelengths correspondingly vary from 340 = 0.137 ≈ 0.14 m to 340 = 0.146 ≈ 0.15 m. ✓
2473 2331

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 9 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 10
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark
  1 C
  2 C
  3 C
  4 C
  5 C
  6 C
  7 D
  8 B
  9 C
10 A
11 a The potential at the surface is V = − = −5.0 × 1012 J kg −1. ✓
VR 5.0 × 1012 × 2.0 × 105
And so M = − = = 1.5 × 10 28 kg. ✓
G 6.67 × 10 −11
b The potential energy at launch on the surface of the planet is mV . ✓
And so the total energy at launch is mv 2 + mV . ✓
At the escape speed the total energy has to be zero. ✓
And the result follows.
c v = −2V = 2 × 5.0 × 1012 ✓
Which equals v = 3.2 × 106 m s −1. ✓
d The work required is W = m ∆V with ∆ V = ( −1.2 × 1012 − ( −5.0 × 1012 ) = 3.8 × 1012 J kg −1. ✓
And this is W = 1500 × 3.2 × 1012 = 5.7 × 1015 J. ✓
mv 2 GMm 1 GMm 1
e The additional energy needed is the kinetic energy: from = 2 we find E K = = − mV where
r r 2 r 2
V is the potential at the position of the probe. ✓
And this is E K = − × 1500 × ( −1.2 × 1012 ) = 9.0 × 1014 J . ✓
f The potential at the release point is V1 = −2.2 × 1012 J kg −1 and from conservation of energy
mV1 = mV2 + mv 2 where is the potential at the surface. ✓
Hence v = 2(V1 − V2 ) = 2( −2.2 × 1012 − ( −5.0 × 1012 ) = 2.4 × 106 m s −1. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 10 1
12 a The slope of the tangent is gravitational field strength. ✓
Draw a tangent at the point with r = 0.20. ✓
0 − ( −9.2 × 108 )
Evaluate slope to be g = ≈ 4.7 N kg −1. ✓
(0.41 − 0) × 4.8 × 108
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
V × 10 J kg 0
8 –1






b The gravitational potential has zero slope there. ✓
Which implies that the gravitational field strength is zero at that point. ✓
c g = 2 − 2 ✓
r1 r2
0= 2 −

0.75 0.252
M 0.752
Giving = = 9.0 ✓
m 0.252
1 kQ 1 2 kQ
13 a qV1 + mv 2 = qV2 i.e. q + mv = q ✓
2 r1 2 r2
8.99 × 109 × 8.8 × 10 −6 1 8.99 × 109 × 8.8 × 10 −6
2.4 × 10 −6 × + × 0.0075 × 3.2 2 = 2.4 × 10 −6 × ✓
0.75 2 r2

0.2532 + 0.3840( = 0.6372) =

Hence r2 = 0.2980 ≈ 0.30 m. ✓
b The pellet will move radially away from the sphere. ✓
With an increasing speed but a decreasing acceleration. ✓
c The total energy of the pellet is 0.6372 J and far away this will turn into kinetic energy. ✓
Hence × 0.075 × v 2 = 0.6372 J leading to 4.1 m s −1. ✓
1 2 2qV
14 a qV = mv ⇒ v = ✓
2 m
2 × 1.6 × 10 −19 × 29.1
Hence v = −31 = 3.197 × 106 ≈ 3.2 × 106 m s −1. ✓
9.11 × 10
b The horizontal distance of 2.0 cm is covered at the constant speed found above. ✓
x 0.020 −9
And so x = vt ⇒ t = = 6 ≈ 6.3 × 10 s. ✓
v 3.197 × 10

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 10 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
1 2 2y 2 × 0.25 × 10 −2 14 −2
c The vertical distance covered is y = at ⇒ a = 2 = −9 2 ≈ 1.3 × 10 m s . ✓
2 t (6.3 × 10 )
ma 9.11 × 10 −31 × 1.3 × 1014
And from qE = ma we find E = = ≈ 740 N C−1. ✓
q 1.6 × 10 −19
d The vertical component of velocity at B is v y = at = 1.3 × 1014 × 6.3 × 10 −9 ≈ 8.2 × 105 m s −1. ✓
vy 8.2 × 105
Hence θ = tan −1 = tan −1 ≈ 14°. ✓
vx 3.2 × 106
e The work done is the change in kinetic energy. ✓
1 1
Which is ∆ E K = mv y 2 = × 9.11 × 10 −31 × (8.2 × 105 )2 = 6.3 × 10 −17 J. ✓
2 2
W 6.3 × 10 −17
f The work done is also W = q∆V and so ∆V = = = 394 ≈ 390 V. ✓
q 1.6 × 10 −19
15 a Field lines are mathematical lines originating and ending in electric charges. ✓
Tangents to these lines give the direction of the electric field at a point. ✓
b They leave from positive charges (or infinity) and end in negative charges (or infinity). ✓
They cannot cross. ✓
Their density is proportional to the electric field strength. ✓
c X is positive and Y is negative. ✓
d i The field is zero at a position that may be approximated by Z. ✓


ii The ratio of the distance of Z from X to the distance from Y is about 2.5. ✓
kQX kQY QX r12
Hence from 0 = − we find = = 2.52 ≈ 6. ✓
r12 r22 QY r22

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 10 3
16 a i An equipotential surface is the set of all points that have the same potential. ✓
b i Field lines normal to equipotentials. ✓
And normal to spheres. ✓
(plus symmetrically paced lines one the lower side)

ii The potential difference between A and B is ∆V = 2.0 × 106 J kg −1. ✓
And so the work done is m ∆V = 1500 × 2.0 × 106 = 3.0 × 109 J. ✓
iii g ≈ ✓
106 −1
g≈ 6 = 0.25 N kg

4.0 × 10
iv From a very large distance away the two bodies look like one point particle. ✓
And the equipotential surfaces of a single particle are spherical. ✓
GM 1 GM 2
c The potential; lines shown correspond to two masses so they are defined by − − = constant, or just
r1 r2
− 1 − 2 = constant. ✓
r1 r2
Two positive charges or two negative charges would give equipotential lines defined by
− 1 − 2 = constant. ✓
r1 r2
And so would be the same as in the gravitational case. ✓

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 10 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to exam-style questions
Topic 11
Where appropriate, 1 ✓ = 1 mark

  1 Constant and counter-clockwise. There is an error in the options for this question.
  2 D
  3 A
  4 B
  5 B
  6 B
  7 C
  8 A
  9 D
10 D
11 a As the magnet gets closer to the top of the coil the magnetic field at the coil increases. ✓
Hence the magnetic flux though the coil increases. ✓
By Faraday’s law, a changing flux indices an emf. ✓
b i From C to D the magnet is moving faster than from A to B. ✓
Hence the rate of change of flux, and therefore emf, is higher. ✓
ii Since the magnet moves faster it takes less time to move past the magnet. ✓

c i The graph is a graph of emf versus time, i.e. versus time. ✓
So the area is the change in flux. ✓
ii The area from A to B is the change in flux from when the magnetic is very far away until it is essentially in
the middle of the coil. ✓
The area from C to D is the exact opposite and so the areas are the same (in magnitude). ✓
12 a i Correct shape. ✓
Correct values of time. ✓
Correct values of flux. ✓
Φ / Wb 1.4







0 5 10 15 20 25 30

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 11 1
ii Correct shape. ✓
Correct values of time. ✓
Correct values of voltage. ✓
V / volt 0.4


0.0 t/s
5 10 15 20 25 30


b i The induced current is = 0.333 A. ✓
The magnetic force acting on the loop while entering or leaving the region of magnetic field is
F = NBIL = 50 × 0.40 × 0.333 × 0.25 = 1.665 N. ✓
Hence the power is pushing the loop through is P = Fv = 1.665 × 0.050 = 0.83 W. ✓
ii This is power that is dissipated as thermal energy. ✓
In the cables of the coil. ✓
P 120 × 10 3
13 a i From P = VI the current is he current is I = = = 500 A. ✓
V 240
And so the power lost in the cables is P = RI 2 = 0.80 × 500 2 = 200 kW. ✓
ii The power that must be supplied by the wind generator is 320 kW. ✓
P 320 × 10 3
And so the voltage is V = = = 640 V. ✓
I 500
useful power 120
iii The efficiency is e = = = 0.375 ≈ 0.38. ✓
input power 320
b The current would be 10 smaller. ✓
And so the power loss 100 times smaller i.e. 2.0 kW. ✓
c i The peak voltage is 340 V and so the rms voltage is = 240.4 ≈ 240 V. ✓
18 × 10 3
ii P = VrmsI rms = 18 × 10 3 W hence I rms = = 75 A. ✓
Hence I peak = 75 × 2 = 106 ≈ 110 A. ✓
d i The alternating current in the primary coil produces an alternating magnetic field. ✓
The iron core confines the magnetic field lines within the core and hence into the secondary. ✓
Because the field is alternating the magnetic flux in the secondary coils varies with time. ✓
And hence by Faraday’s law an emf is induced in the secondary coil. ✓
ii The magnetic field in the core creates small currents in the core by exerting magnetic forces on electrons. ✓
These currents dissipate energy as thermal energy in the core due to collisions with the core atoms. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 11 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
14 a i Capacitance is the charge per unit voltage that can be stored on one of the capacitor plates. ✓
ii Capacitors definitely store energy (which, for example, can be used to light up a light bulb connected to the
capacitor as it discharges through the bulb). ✓
Whether it can store charge is a question of definition: the net charge is zero since the plates have equal and
opposite charge so in that sense it does not store charge but it does store equal and opposite charges on each
plate. ✓
b X and Y are in parallel so they correspond to a total capacitance of 360 pF. ✓
1 1 3 1
This and Z are in series so they correspond t an overall total of + = = , i.e. 120 pF. ✓
360 180 360 120
c i The charge on a plate of the total capacitor is Q = C totalV = 120 × 10 −12 × 12 = 1.44 × 10 −9 C. ✓
And this is the same as the charge on Z. ✓
Q 1.44 × 10 −9
ii V = = = 8.0 V ✓
C Z 180 × 10 −12
iii The potential difference across X is 4.0 V. ✓
And the charge is then Q = C XV = 180 × 10 −12 × 4.0 = 7.2 × 10 −10 C. ✓
15 a An ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance. ✓
And so no charge can move through it, hence no current. ✓
A 0.68
b i C = ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −12 × ✓
d 4.0 × 10 −3
C = 1.5 × 10 −9 F ✓

ii Q = CV = 1.5 × 10 −9 × 9.0 ✓
Q = 1.35 × 10 −8 C ✓

1 1
iii E = CV 2 = × 1.5 × 10 −9 × 9.0 2 ✓
2 2
E = 6.1 × 10 −8 J ✓

c i The charge cannot change since the ideal voltmeter prevents any motion of charge in the circuit. ✓
ii The charge in the dielectric will separate. ✓
Creating a small electric field in the dielectric directed opposite to the original electric field. ✓
Since the net electric field in between the plates has decreased, the potential difference must also decrease. ✓
iii Since the potential difference decreased and the charge remained the same. ✓
The capacitance increased. ✓
16 a A circuit with 2 loops. ✓
C in series with R. ✓
Switch and battery in correct position. ✓


b 12 nC. ✓

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 11 3
c i Q = CV ⇒ C = ✓
12 × 10 −9
C= = 2.0 × 10 −9 F ✓
ii The work required to move deposit 12 nC on the capacitor plate is
W = qV = 12 × 10 −9 × 3.0 = 3.6 × 10 −8 J. ✓
Since the average voltage is 3.0 V. ✓
1 1
iii E = CV 2 = × 2.0 × 10 −9 × 6.0 2 ✓
2 2
E = 3.6 × 10 J ✓

iv The two energies are the same. ✓
As they must be by energy conservation. ✓
d The time constant for the circuit is τ = RC = 2.5 × 106 × 2.0 × 10 −9 = 5.0 × 10 −3 s. ✓
−t −t q 8.0
From q = q0e t we find e t = = = 0.667. ✓
q0 12
q −t 12 × 10 −9
I =− 0e t =− × 0.667 ✓
τ 5.0 × 10 −3
I = ( − )1.6 × 10 −6 A ✓

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 11 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015


c i Extending the graph to the vertical intercept gives –3.4 V. ✓
So the work function is 3.4 eV. ✓
h φ
ii From E = hf − φ and E = eV we have that V = f − and so the gradient of the graph is the Planck
constant divided by e. ✓ e e
8.0 − 0
The gradient is = 3.8 × 10 −15 V Hz −1. ✓
3.0 × 10 − 0.90 × 1015

And so h = 1.6 × 10 −19 × 3.8 × 10 −15 = 6.1 × 10 −34 C V Hz −1 = 6.1 × 10 −34 J s. ✓

iii The threshold frequency is 0.90 × 1015 Hz. ✓
3.0 × 108
And so the maximum wavelength is = 3.3 × 10 −7 m. ✓
0.90 × 1015
d The energy of the emitted electrons does not depend on intensity. ✓
So the graph will not change. ✓
ke 2
12 a The net force on the electron is the electric force of attraction between the electron and the proton i.e. .✓
mv 2
Equating this with the centripetal force gives the answer. ✓
b The Bohr condition is that mvr = n .✓

Squaring gives m 2v 2r 2 = n 2 and substituting the expression from the previous part leads to
4π 2
ke 2 2 h2
m2 r = n2 .✓
mr 4π 2
Simplifying gives mke 2r = n 2 and the answer. ✓
4π 2
1 ke 2
c The total energy of the electron is E = mv 2 − .✓
2 r
Substituting the value for the square of the speed in the first part again gives the answer. ✓
d It signifies that the electron is bound to the proton and cannot escape far away unless sufficient energy is
provided to it. ✓
h h h h
e From λ = we find p = and so the Bohr condition becomes r = n . ✓
p λ λ 2π
Simplifying gives the answer. ✓
f i An electron wave is a wave whose amplitude is related to the probability of finding the electron somewhere
in space at a given time. ✓
ii The wave corresponds to n = 4. ✓
h2 (6.63 × 10 −34 )2
From b, r = n 2 = 4 × .✓
4π 2mke 2 4π 2 × 9.11 × 10 −31 × 8.99 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2
r = 2.1 × 10 m. ✓
ke 2 8.99 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2
iii The total energy from c is E = − = −10 = 5.5 × 10 −19 J and this, or more, is what
must be supplied. ✓ 2r 2 × 2.1 × 10
g The probability wave associated with the electron implies that the electron is not an object that is localised at a
particular point at a given time, ✓
but can be thought to be spread out through space like waves do. ✓
The Bohr orbit only gives the average position of the electron. ✓

2 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 12 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
13 a To every particle there corresponds a wave of probability. ✓
With a wavelength that is given by the Planck constant divided by the momentum of the particle. ✓
b i qV = E K = ✓
Hence p = 2mqV and the result follows from λ = . ✓
h 6.63 × 10 −34
ii λ = = = 1.1 × 10 −10 m ✓
2mqV −31 −19
2 × 9.11 × 10 × 1.6 × 10 × 120
c In a Davisson-Germer type of experiment electrons that have been accelerated are directed at a crystal from
which they diffract and interfere. ✓
From the interference pattern the wavelength may be determined. ✓
And this is consistent with the de Broglie formula. ✓
h 6.63 × 10 −34
d The de Broglie wavelength of the bullet is λ = = ≈ 2 × 10 −35 m. ✓
p 0.080 × 420
For diffraction effects to be seen the wavelength must be comparable to the size of the hole. ✓
But 2 × 10 −35 m << 5.0 cm . ✓
And so no diffraction will be observed. ✓
14 a Tunnelling is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which particles can be transmitted through energy
barriers. ✓
That would classically be impossible due to energy conservation. ✓
b i The width is about 2.8 × 10 −10 − 1.3 × 10 −10 = 1.5 × 10 −10 m. ✓
ii From the graph the de Broglie wavelength before and after is the same. ✓
And hence the ratio is 1. ✓
iii The wavefunction squared is proportional to the probability of finding a particle somewhere. ✓
3 2
And so the transmitted ratio is  ≈ 2 × 10 −2. ✓
 20 
c Protons have a higher mass so fewer of them would get transmitted. ✓
15 a i The electron antineutrino. ✓
ii Electrically neutral. ✓
Very small non-zero mass. ✓
b If no third particle were present in the products of the beta decay the electron would always carry away a fixed
proportion of the total energy released. ✓
But experiments show that this is not the case which means a third particle must be sharing in the energy. ✓
c When the tree dies it will no longer absorb C-14 from its surroundings. ✓
The amount of C-14 present when the tree died will then diminish with time because C-14 is unstable and
decays into N-14. ✓
d We may ignore C-14 in this part of the calculation since its concentration is so small. ✓
So 15 g correspond to × 6.02 × 10 23 = 7.525 × 10 23 ≈ 7.5 × 10 23 atoms. ✓
A ln 2
e A = λ × N 14 and so N 14 = with λ = = 3.8359 × 10 −12 s −1. ✓
λ 5730 × 365 × 24 × 3600
A 1.40 11 11
N 14 = = −12 = 3.6498 × 10 ≈ 3.6 × 10 . ✓
λ 3.8359 × 10
N 3.6498 × 1011
Hence 14 = = 4.85 × 10 −13. ✓
N 12 7.525 × 10 23

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 12 3
N 14
f = 4.85 × 10 −13 = 1.3 × 10 −12 e − λt so e − λt = 0.3731 ✓
N 12
ln 0.3731
− λt = ln 0.3731 ⇒ t = − ✓
ln 0.3731
t=− −12
= 2.57 × 1011 s ≈ 8150 year ✓
3.8359 × 10
16 a Alpha particle and gamma ray energies in radioactive decay, ✓
are discrete. ✓
b i Correct transition selected. ✓

ii 5.902 – 0.043 = 5.86 MeV ✓
c i The nuclear force has a short range. ✓
And is practically zero for distances larger than the nuclear radii. ✓
ii It must overcome an energy barrier of height 30 MeV and its total energy is less than this. ✓
Leaving the nucleus would violate energy conservation. ✓
iii Like all particles alpha particles have wavelike properties and are described by quantum mechanical
wavefunctions. ✓
Which allow for the tunneling phenomenon in which the wavefunction leaks out into the classically
forbidden region. ✓
d The half-life has to do with the tunneling probability, i.e. how long an alpha particle takes to leave the nucleus
on the average. ✓
And this tunneling probability is very sensitive to small changes in alpha particle energies. ✓
e The uncertainty in position is of order ∆x ≈ 10 m. ✓
h h −20
Hence the uncertainty in momentum is ∆ p ≈ ≈ −15 = 5.3 × 10 N s. ✓
4π∆x 4π × 10
λ λ
17 a i sin θ = ⇒ b = ✓
b sin θ
EK = ⇒ p = 2E K m = 2 × 54 × 106 × 1.6 × 10 −19 × 1.67 × 10 −27 = 1.7 × 10 −19 N s ✓
6.63 × 10 −34 3.9 × 10 −15
Hence λ = = 3.9 × 10 −15
m and then b = = 1.5 × 10 −14 m. ✓
1.7 × 10 −19 sin 15°
ii m ≈ A × 1.661 × 10 kg. ✓

V =
1.2 × 10 −15 × A = 7.24 × 10 −45 × A m 3. ✓

m 1.661 × 10 −27 × A
ρ= = −45 = 2.29 × 1017 ≈ 2 × 1017 kg m −3. ✓
V 7.24 × 10 × A
b E = ✓
8.99 × 109 × 2 × 82 × 1.6 × 10 −19
d= .✓
5.2 × 106
d = 4.54 × 10 −14 ≈ 4.5 × 10 −14 m ✓

c i The only force acting on the alpha particle is the electric force. ✓
ii A sharp decrease in the number of scattered particles at high energies. ✓
As the energy increases the alpha particles approach closer to the nucleus and so the nuclear force acts on
them, the nucleus absorbs some thus reducing the number that is being scattered. ✓

4 ANSWERS TO EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS – Topic 12 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 1
1.1 Measurement in physics
10 −15 −23
  1 Taking the diameter of a proton to be order 10 −15 m we find 8 = 0.3 × 10 = 3 × 10 −24 ≈ 10 −24 s .
3 × 10
  2 The mass of the Earth is about 6 × 10 24 kg and the mass of a hydrogen atom about 2 × 10 −27 kg so we need
6 × 10 24
= 3 × 1051 ≈ 1051.
2 × 10 −27

  3 = 1060
10 −43

75 × 365 × 24 × 3600
  4 A heartbeat lasts or 1 s so ≈ 8 × 4 × 2 × 4 × 107 ≈ 2.6 × 109 ≈ 109.

  5 = 1011
10 30
10 21
  6 ≈ 1010
1.5 × 1011
300 300
  7 There are 300 g of water in the glass and hence ≈ = 15 moles of water. Hence the number of molecules
18 20
is 15 × 6 × 10 23 = 90 × 10 23 ≈ 10 25.
6 × 104
  8 There are 6 × 104 g of water in the body and hence ≈ 0.3 × 104 = 3 × 10 3 moles of water. Hence the
number of molecules is 3 × 10 3 × 6 × 10 23 = 18 × 10 26 ≈ 10 27 .

  9 The mass is about 1.7 × 10 −27 kg and the radius about 10 −15 m so the density is
1.7 × 10 −27 1.7 × 10 −27 18 17 −3
≈ −45 = 0.5 × 10 = 5 × 10 kg m .
4π −15 3 4 × 10
× (10 )

10 21
10 ≈ 0.3 × 1013 = 3 × 1012 s ≈ 105 yr
3 × 108
−19 −19
11 a E = 2.5 × 1.6 × 10 = 4.0 × 10 J
8.6 × 10 −18
b E = = 54 eV
1.6 × 10 −19
12 V = (2.8 × 10 −2 )3 = 2.2 × 10 −5 m 3

13 a = (588 × 10 −9 )1/3 = 8.38 × 10 −3 m

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 1 1
14 a 200 g
b 1 kg
c 400 g
15 The mass is about10 30 kg and the radius is 6.4 × 106 m so the density is of about
10 30
≈ 9 × 108 ≈ 109 kg m −3 .

(6.4 × 106 )3
10 3 105
100 × 2
16 In SI units the acceleration is 3600 = 4 × 10 3 = 10 ≈ 6.25 m s −2 ≈ 0.7g .
4 4 16
17 Assuming a mass of 70 kg made out of water we have 7 × 104 g of water in the body and
7 × 104
hence ≈ 0.5 × 104 = 5 × 10 3 moles of water. Hence the number of molecules is
5 × 10 3 × 6 × 10 23 = 30 × 10 26 ≈ 3 × 10 27 . Each molecule contains 2 electrons from hydrogen and 8 from oxygen
for a total of 10 × 3 × 10 27 ≈ 10 28 electrons.
Fe ke 2 9 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2 9 × 109 × 3 × 10 −38 3 × 1044 1044
18 The ratio is = 2 = −11 −31 2 ≈ −11 −62 ≈ ≈ ≈ 5 × 1042.
Fg Gm 6.7 × 10 × (9.1 × 10 ) 7 × 10 × 81 × 10 63 20
N kg m s
19 f = cm x k y . The units of m is kg i.e. M and those of k are = = kg s −2 = M T −2 . Hence
m m

T = M x (M T −2 )y = M x + y T 2 y .
From this we deduce that
x+y =0
1 1
2y = 1 ⇒ y = ⇒ x = −
2 2
Thus, f = c .
1.2 × 9.81 × 5.55
20 P = = 2.6667 × 101 W . The answer must be given to 2 s.f. and so
1.2 × 9.81 × 5.55
P= = 2.7 × 101 W .
1 2
21 E K = × 5.00 × 12.52 = 3.9063 × 10 2 J . The answer must be given to 3 s.f. and so E K = 3.91 × 10 J .

243 250
22 a ≈ =5
43 50
b 2.80 × 1.90 ≈ 3 × 2 = 6
312 × 480 300 × 500
c ≈ = 1000
160 150
8.99 × 109 × 7 × 10 −16 × 7 × 10 −6 1010 × 50 × 10 −22
d ≈ ≈ 10 −16
(8 × 10 2 )2 60 × 104
6.6 × 10 −11 × 6 × 10 24 50 × 1013
e ≈ ≈ 10
(6.4 × 106 )2 40 × 1012

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 1 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
1.2  Uncertainties and errors

23 sum = (180 ± 8) N = (1.8 ± 0.8) × 10 2 N

dif = (60 ± 8) N = (6.0 ± 0.8) × 101 N

a 20 ∆Q ∆a ∆b 1 1
24 a Q0 = = = 2; = + = + = 0.15 ⇒ ∆Q = 2.0 × 0.15 = 0.30 . Hence Q = 2.0 ± 0.3 .
b 10 Q0 a b 20 10
b Q0 = 2 × 20 + 3 × 15 = 85; ∆Q = 2 × 2 + 3 × 3 = 13. Hence Q = 85 ± 13 ≈ (8.5 ± 0.1) × 101
c Q0 = 50 − 2 × 24 = 2; ∆Q = 1 + 2 × 1 = 3. Hence Q = 2 ± 3
∆Q ∆a 0.3
d Q0 = 1.00 × 10 2 ; = 2× = 2× = 6.00 × 10 −2 ⇒ ∆Q = 100 × 6.00 × 10 −2 = 0.06 × 10 −2.
Q0 a 10.0
Hence Q = 1.00 × 10 2 ± 0.06 × 10 2 = (1.00 ± 0.06) × 10 2
100 2 ∆Q ∆a ∆b 5 2
e Q0 = 2 = 25; = 2× +2× = 2× +2× = 3.0 × 10 −1 ⇒ ∆Q = 25 × 3.0 × 10 −1 = 7.5 ≈ 8
20 Q0 a b 100 20
Hence Q = 25 ± 8
2.8 × 14 2
25 F0 = = 68.6 N
∆F ∆m ∆v ∆r 0.1 2 0.2
= +2× + = +2× + = 0.3464 ⇒ ∆F = 68.6 × 0.3464 = 23.7 ≈ 20 N.
F0 m v r 2.8 14 8.0
Hence F = (68.6 ± 20) N ≈ (7 ± 2) × 10 N
∆A ∆R 0.1
26 a A0 = π R 2 = 18.096 cm 2. =2× = 2× = 0.0833 ⇒ ∆ A = 18.096 × 0.0833 = 1.51 ≈ 2 cm 2 .
A0 R 2.4
2 2
Hence A = (18.096 ± 2) cm ≈ (18 ± 2) cm .
∆S ∆R 0.1
b S0 = 2π R = 15.08 cm. = = = 0.04167 ⇒ ∆S = 15.08 × 0.04167 = 0.628 cm 2.
S0 R 2.4
Hence S0 = (15.08 ± 0.628) cm ≈ (15 ± 1) cm .
∆ A ∆a ∆b 0.2 0.3
27 A0 = ab = 37.4 cm 2. = + = + = 0.080749 ⇒ ∆ A = 37.4 × 0.080749 = 3.02 ≈ 3 cm 2.
A0 a0 b0 4.4 8.5
2 2
Hence A = (37.4 ± 3) cm ≈ (37 ± 3) cm .
P0 = 2(a + b ) = 25.8 cm . ∆P = 2 × ∆a + 2 × ∆b = 2 × 0.2 + 2 × 0.3 = 1.0 cm . Hence P = (25.8 ± 1) cm ≈ (26 ± 1) cm.

∆T 1 ∆L ∆T 1
28 = (assuming g is accurately known). Hence = × 2% = 1% .
T0 2 L0 T0 2
∆V ∆R ∆h
29 = 2× + = 2 × 4% + 4% = 12%
V0 R0 h0

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30 The line of best-fit does not go through the origin. There is a vertical intercept of about 4 mA. Lines of maximum
and minimum slope give intercepts of about 0 and 9 mA implying an error in the intercept of about 4 mA. The
intercept is thus (4 ± 4) mA . This just barely includes the origin so the conclusion has to be that they can be

linear fit for: data set: current / mA

y = mx + b
80 m(slope): 209.0
b(Y-intercept): 5.000
correlation: 0.9976
Current / mA




0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

31 The vertical intercept is about 10 mA. No straight line can be made to pass through the origin and the error bars
unless a systematic error of about 10 mA in the current is invoked.

linear fit for: data set: current / mA

y = mV + b
80 m(slope): 169.0
b(Y-intercept): 10.00
correlation: 0.9998
Current / mA




0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Voltage / mV

However, a line of best fit that is a curve can also be fitted through the data and that does go through the origin.
(However, it may be objected that this particular functional form is chosen – at low voltages we might expect a
straight line (Ohm’s law). So a different functional form may have to be tried.)

auto fit for: data set: current / mA

y = AV^B
A: 158.4 + / – 7.459
B: 0.7878 + / – 0.03784
RMSE: 1.523
Current / mA


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Voltage / mV

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 1 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
32 Let P the common perimeter. Then the radius of the circle satisfies 2π R = P ⇒ R = and the side of the

P  P  P2 P 2 P2
square 4a = P ⇒ a = . The circle area is then Ac = π   = . The square area is As =   = and is
4 2π 4π  4 16
33 a The initial voltage V0 is such that lnV0 = 4 ⇒ V0 = e 4 = 55 V .

b When V = ≈ 27 V , lnV = ln 27 ≈ 3.29 . From the graph when lnV ≈ 3.29 we find t ≈ 7 s .
c Since V = V0e − t /RC , taking logs, lnV = lnV0 − so a graph of lnV versus time gives a straight
1 4−2
line with slope equal to − . The slope of the given graph is approximately = −0.10. Hence
RC 0 − 20
1 1 1
− = −0.10 ⇒ R = = = 2 × 106 Ω .
RC 0.10 × C 0.10 × 5 × 10 −6
34 We expect L = kM α and so ln L = ln k + α ln M . A graph of ln L versus ln M is shown below. The slope is a.

0 lnM
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Drawing a best-fit line gives:

lnL 10

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3


Measuring the slope gives α = 3.4 .

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1.3 Vectors and scalars


 
36 a A + B:
length 9 cm
⇒ F  18 N
q  49°




 
b A − B: scale:
length 4.5 cm 1 cm ↔ 2 N

⇒ F  9 N
 Θ  14° below horizontal.

c A − 2B :
length 6.1 cm
⇒ F  12.2 N
Θ  50° below horizontal.

A – 2B


6 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 1 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
37 The components are:
Ax = 12 × cos 30° = 10.39 Bx = 8.00 × cos 80° = 1.389

Ay = 12 × sin 30° = 6.00 Ay = 8.00 × sin 80° = 7.878

a ( A + B )x = 10.39 + 1.389 = 11.799
( A + B )y = 6.00 + 7.878 = 13.878
 
The vector A + B has magnitude 11.799 2 + 13.878 2 = 18.2 and is directed at an angle

θ = arctan = 49.6° to the horizontal.
b ( A − B )x = 10.39 − 1.389 = 9.001
( A − B )y = 6.00 − 7.878 = −1.878
 
The vector A − B has magnitude 9.0012 + 1.878 2 = 9.19 and is directed at an angle
θ = arctan − = −11.8° (below) the horizontal.
c ( A − 2B )x = 10.39 − 2 × 1.389 = 7.612
( A − 2B )y = 6.00 − 2 × 7.878 = −9.756
 
The vector A − 2B has magnitude 7.612 2 + 9.756 2 = 12.4 and is directed at an angle
θ = arctan − = −52.0° (below) the horizontal.
38 a 4.0 2 + 4.0 2 = 5.66 cm in a direction θ = 180° + arctan = 225°.
2 2 158
b 124 + 158 = 201 km in a direction θ = arctan − = −52°.
c 0 2 + 5.0 2 = 5.0 m at θ = 270° or θ = −90°.

d 8.0 2 + 0 2 = 8.0 N at θ = 0°.

39 a 2.00 2 + 3.00 2 = 3.61 at θ = arctan = 56.3°
b 2.00 2 + 5.00 2 = 5.39 at θ = 180° − arctan = 112°
c 0 2 + 8.00 2 = 8.00 at θ = 90°
d 4.00 2 + 2.00 2 = 4.47 at θ = arctan − = −26.6°
e 6.00 2 + 1.00 2 = 6.08 at θ = arctan = 9.46°
40 The displacement has components ∆rx = 4 − 2 = 2 and ∆ry = 8 − 2 = 6.
41 A diagram is:



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The magnitude of the change n the velocity vector is 10 2 + 10 2 = 14.1 m s −1. The vector makes an angle of 45°
with the horizontal as shown in the diagram.
42 A diagram is:


The other two angles of the triangle are each (180° − 30°) = 75°. Using the sine rule we find
∆p p sin 30°
= ⇒ ∆p = p × = 0.518 p ≈ 0.52 p.
sin 30° sin 75° sin 75°
43 The components of the velocity vector at the various points are:
A: v Ax = −4.0 m s −1 and v Ay = 0
B: vBx = +4.0 m s −1 and vBy = 0
C: vCx = 0 and vCy = 4.0 m s −1
a From A to B the change in the velocity vector has components vBx − v Ax = +4.0 − ( −4.0) = 8.0 m s −1 and
vBy − v Ay = 0 − 0 = 0 .
b From B to C the change in the velocity vector has components vCx − vBx = 0 − 4.0 = −4.0 m s −1 and
vCy − vBy = 4.0 − 0 = 4.0 m s −1.
c From A to C the change in the velocity vector has components vCx − v Ax = 0 − ( −4.0) = +4.0 m s −1 and
vCy − v Ay = 4.0 − 0 = 4.0 m s −1. The change in the vector from A to C is the sum of the change from A to B
plus the change from B to C.
44 A Ax = −10.0 cos 40° = −7.66 and Ay = −10.0 sin 40° = +6.43
B Ax = −10.0 cos 35° = −8.19 and Ay = −10.0 sin 35° = −5.74
C Ax = +10.0 cos 68° = +3.75 and Ay = −10.0 sin 68° = −9.27
D Ax = +10.0 cos(90° − 48°) = +7.43 and Ay = −10.0 sin(90° − 48°) = −6.69
E Ax= −10.0 cos(90° − 30°) = −5.00 and Ay = −10.0 sin(90° − 30°) = −8.66
    
45 The vector we want is C = −( A + B ) . The components of A and B are:
Ax = 6.0 cos 60° = +3.0 and Ay = 6.0 sin 60° = +5.20;

Bx = 6.0 cos 120° = −3.0 and Ay = 6.0 sin 120° = +5.20. Hence

and C y = −( +5.20 + 5.20) = −10.4 . The magnitude of the vector C therefore is 10.4 units
C x = −( +3.0 − 3.0) = 0
and is directed along the negative y – axis.



8 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 1 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
46 a Ax = 12.0 cos 20° = +11.28 and Ay = 12.0 sin 20° = +4.10;
B = 14.0 cos 50° = +9.00 and Ay = 14.0 sin 50° = +10.72. Hence the sum has components:
Sx = +11.28 + 9.00 = 20.28 and Sy = +4.10 + 10.72 = 14.82 . The magnitude of the sum is thus
20.28 2 + 14.82 2 = 25.1. Its direction is θ = arctan = 36.2°.
b Ax = 15.0 cos 15° = +14.49 and Ay = 15.0 sin 15° = +3.88;
B = 18.0 cos 105° = −4.66 and By = 18.0 sin 105° = +17.39. Hence the sum has components:
Sx = 14.49 − 4.66 = 9.83 and Sy = +3.88 + 17.39 = 21.27. The magnitude of the sum is thus
9.832 + 21.27 2 = 23.4 . Its direction is θ = arctan = 65.2°.
c Ax = 20.0 cos 40° = +15.32 and Ay = 20.0 sin 40° = +12.86;
B = 15.0 cos 310° = +9.64 and By = 15.0 sin 310° = −11.49. Hence the sum has components:
Sx = 15.32 + 9.64 = +24.96 and Sy = +12.86 − 11.49 = +1.37. The magnitude of the sum is thus
24.96 2 + 1.37 2 = 25.0. Its direction is θ = arctan = 3.14°.

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Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 2
2.1 Uniform motion

  1 Distance traveled in first 1.5 h is s = vt = 70 × 1.5 = 105 km. Remaining distance is 15 km and must be covered in
15 km
1.0 hr so average speed must be v = = 15 km hr −1.
1.0 hr
  2 The velocity is initially constant and negative so displacement graph will be a straight line with negative
slope. T
  he velocity is then constant and positive so displacement graph is a straight line with positive slope.

  3 The relative speed of the cyclists is v = 35 km hr-1.  They will then meet in a time of v = = 2.0 hr.
a The common displacement is s = 15 × 2.0 = 30 km.
b The fly will travel a distance of s = 30 × 2.0 = 60 km.
  4 a The distance traveled is 80 m.  The average speed is then v = m s −1 = 4.0 m s −1.
b The displacement is zero and so the average velocity is zero.
8.0 − 2.0
  5 Use v = u + at. So 8.0 = 2.0 + a × 2.0 ⇒ a = = 3.0 m s −2.
28 1
  6 From v = u + at, 28 = 0 + a × 9.0 ⇒ a = = 3.1 m s −2, hence from s = ut + at 2 we have that
9.0 2
s= 3.1 × 9.0 2 = 126 m ≈ 130 m.
  7 From v2 = u2 + 2as we find 0 2 = 12 2 + 2a × 45 ⇒ a = − = −1.6 m s −2.
1 2 1
  8 From s = ut + at we get 16 = −6.0t + × 2.0 × t 2. Solving the quadratic equation gives t = 8.0 s.
2 2
1 2 1 900
  9 Use s = ut + at . So 450 = a × 15.0 2 ⇒ a = = 4.00 m s −2. T
  hen from v = u + at, v = 4.00 × 15.0 = 60.0 m s-1.
2 2 225
10 a The distance traveled before the brakes are applied is s = 40.0 × 0.50 = -20 m. Once the brakes are applied the
distance is given from v2 = u2 + 2as, i.e. 0 = 40 2 + 2 × ( −4.0) × s ⇒ s = 200 m. T
  he total distance is thus 220 m.
b 200 m as done in a.
c s = 220 - 200 = 20 m.
d It would be less since the speed is less.
1 1
11 a s1 = − × 10t 2 = −5t 2 and s2 = − × 10(t − 1)2.  Two seconds after the second ball was dropped means that
2 2
t = 3.0 s.  Then, s1 = −45 m and s2 = −20 m.  The separation is thus 25 m.

b s1 − s2 = −5t 2 + × 10(t − 1)2 = −10t + 5 so in magnitude this increases.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 1
12 a The velocity at 2 s is v 2 = 2 + 0 × 2 = 2.00 m s −1.  The velocity at 4 s is v 4 = 2 + 3 × 2 = 8.00 m s −1.  The velocity
at 6 s is v 6 = 8 + 6 × 2 = 20.0 m s −1. Alternatively, the area under the graph is 18.0 m s −1 and this
gives the change in velocity. Since the initial velocity is 2.00 m s −1, the final velocity is 20.0 m s −1.
b v / m s–1 20



1 2 3 4 5 6

13 The acceleration is the slope of the velocity – time graph. Drawing a tangent to the curve at 2 s we find a slope of
approximately a = 2.0 m s −2 .

14 Velocity is the slope of the displacement – time graph. So we observe that the velocity is initially positive and
begins to decrease. It becomes zero at 1 s and then becomes negative.  The displacement graph is in fact a parabola
and so the velocity is in fact a linear function. Of course we are not told that, so any shape showing the general
features described above would be acceptable here.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
t /s

15 Velocity is the slope of the displacement – time graph. So we observe that the velocity is initially very large
and continues to decrease all the time approaching a small value.  The slope and hence the velocity are always
positive. T
  his explains the graph in the answers in the textbook.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
t /s

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
16 Velocity is the slope of the displacement – time graph. So we observe that the velocity is initially very small,
becomes greatest at 1 s and starts decreasing thereafter becoming very small again.  The slope and hence the
velocity are always positive. T
  his explains the graph in the answers in the textbook.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t /s

17 The acceleration is zero here so x = vt , i.e. T

  he graph of displacement is a linear function with a positive slope
(that may or may not go through the origin depending on the initial displacement).

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t /s

18 Here we have a constant positive acceleration and so x = ut + at 2 which is the graph of a (concave down)

0 1 2 3 4
t /s

19 The acceleration is the slope of the velocity – time graph.  The slope is large and positive initially and decreases to
become zero at 1 s. It then becomes negative increasing in magnitude (i.e. becoming more negative).

1 2 3 4 t /s

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 3
20 You must push the car as hard as you can but then you must also pull back on it to stop it before it crashes on the
garage. T
  he velocity – time graph must be something like:

τ T

We know that: u = 2τ . During pullback, we have that the velocity is given by v = u - 3(t - τ ) = 2τ - 3(t - τ)
= 5τ - 3t. T  he velocity becomes zero at time T and so 0 = 5τ − 3T , i.e. τ = . The area under the curve
1 1 1 6T 3T
(triangle) is 15 m and is given by Tu = T ( 2τ ) = T = .
2 2 2 5 5
3T 2
Hence = 15 ⇒ T 2 = 25 ⇒ T = 5 s.
21 a The velocity is the slope of the displacement – time graph.  Therefore the velocity is negative from A to B.
b Between B and C the slope and so the velocity is zero.
c From A to B the velocity is becoming less negative and so it is increasing. So the acceleration is positive.
d From C to D the slope is increasing meaning the velocity is increasing. Hence the acceleration is positive.
22 See graphs below.
a v


b v


c v / m s–1 50





10 20 30 40 50 60

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
23 a Use v 2 = u 2 + 2as to get 0 = 8 2 + 2 × ( −10) × s ⇒ s = 3.2 m from the cliff.
1 2 1
b Use s = ut + at to get −35 = 8 × t + ( −10) × t 22 and solve for time to get t = 3.56 s.
2 2
c v = u + at = 8 − 10 × 3.56 = −27.6 m s −1.

d 3.2 + 3.2 + 35 = 41.4 m.

41.4 −35
e average speed is = 11.6 m s −1 and average velocity is = −9.83 m s −1.
3.56 3.56
24 a 60 m2
b 40 m s−1
1 2 2y 2 × 1.3
25 The time to fall to the floor is given by y = gt ⇒ t = = = 0.51 s.  The horizontal distance
2 g 10
traveled is therefore x = v x t = 2.0 × 0.51 = 1.02 ≈ 1.0 m.
1 2 2y 2 × 4.0 2 × 8.0
26 a The times to hit the ground are found from y = gt ⇒ t = = = 0.894 s and = 1.265 s.
2 g 10 10
The objects are thus separated by 4.0 × (1.265 − 0.894 ) = 1.48 ≈ 1.5 m when they land.

b The horizontal distance traveled by the object falling from 8.0 m is (see previous problem)
x = v x t = 4.0 × 1.265 = 5.06 m.  Thus the speed of the other object must be v x = = 5.66 ≈ 5.7 m s −1.
27 The components of velocity are:
a v x = v cos 40° = 20 cos 40° = 15.3 m s −1 and so the graph is a horizontal straight line.
vx /m s–1 15
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
t /s

b v y = v cos 40° − gt = (12.9 − 10t ) m s −1 so that graph is a straight line with negative slope as shown in graph.

vy /m s–1 10
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
–5 t /s

c The acceleration is constant so graph is a horizontal straight line.
a /m s–2 –6

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
–10 t /s



physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 5
v sin 40° 24 × sin 40°
28 v y = v sin 40° − gt .  At the highest point this component is zero and so t = = = 1.54 s.  Then
g 10
1 2 1
from y = vt sin 40° − gt we find y = 24 × 1.54 × sin 40° − × 10 × 1.54 2 ≈ 12 m.
2 2
29 Graphs are shown in the answers to the textbook.  They correspond to:
a The horizontal displacement is given by x = 20t × cos 50° = 12.6t whose graph is a straight line.
b The vertical displacement is y = 20t × sin 50° − × 10t 2 = 15.3t − 5t 2 whose graph is a concave down parabola.
30 In time t the monkey will fall a vertical distance y = gt 2 but so will the bullet and hence the bullet will hit the
monkey. 2
31 a   i The ball covers a horizontal distance of 60 m in 2.0 s and so the horizontal velocity component is
60 uy + v y
ux =   he ball climbs to a height of 10 m in 1.0 s and so from y =
= 30 m s −1. T t we have
2.0 2
uy + 0
10 = × 1.0 ⇒ uy = 20 m s −1.
uy 20
  ii The angle of launch is θ = tan −1 = tan −1   = 34°.
ux  30 
iii The vertical component of velocity becomes zero at 1.0 s and so
v y = uy − gt ⇒ 0 = 20 − g × 1.0 ⇒ g = 20 m s −2.
b The velocity is horizontal to the right and the acceleration is vertically down.
c With g = 40 m s , the ball will stay in the air for half the time and so will have half the range.  The maximum
1 1
height is reached in 0.50 s and is y = uyt − gt 2 = 20 × 0.50 − × 40 × 0.50 2 = 5.0 m, i.e. half as great as before.
2 2
y /m 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

32 a The initial velocity components are: ux = 20.0 cos 48° = 13.38 m s −1 and uy = 20.0 sin 48° = 14.86 m s −1.
The ball hits the sea when the vertical displacement is y = −60.0 m.  Thus y = uyt − gt 2 ⇒
−60.0 = 14.86t − 4.90t 2 . Solving for the positive root we find t = 5.33 s. Hence v x = ux = 13.38 m s −1
and v y = uy − gt = 14.86 − 9.81 × 5.33 = 37.43 m s −1.  The speed at impact is thus
vy 37.74 
v = 13.38 2 + ( −37.43)2 = 39.7 ≈ 40 m s −1 at θ = tan −1 = tan −1  − = −70° to the horizontal.
vx  13.38 
b Some of the kinetic energy of the ball will be converted into thermal energy and so the speed at impact will
be less. T
  he horizontal component of velocity will decrease in the course of the motion and will tend to go to
zero but the vertical component will never become zero (after reaching the maximum height). T   his means that
the angle of impact will be steeper.

6 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
33 a Terminal speed is the eventual constant speed reached by a projectile as a result of an air resistance force that
increases with speed.
b Initially the net force on the particle is just the weight. As the speed increases so does the resistance force.
Eventually the resistance force will equal the weight and from then on the particle will move with zero
acceleration, i.e. with a constant terminal speed.

2.2 Forces

34 R

w T

35 a and b

36 The tension is the same in both cases since the wall exerts a force of 50 N to the left on the string just as in the
second diagram.
37 R

f W


T2 T3



weight W
a b

39 A 30 N to the right
B 6 N to the right
C 8 N to the left
D 15 N to the right
E 10 N down
F 20 N up

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 7
40 The horizontal components clearly cancel put leaving a net force of 2 × 20 × sin 45° = 28 N in the up direction.
41 Because there would be no vertical force to cancel the weight of the block.
42 a Since the string is being pulled slowly we have equilibrium until one of the strings breaks. If the lower string is
being pulled with force F then the tension in the lower string will be F and the tension in the upper string will be
T where T = mg + F . T   he tension in the upper string is thus greater and will reach breaking point first.
b If the lower string is pulled down very abruptly, the inertia of the block will keep it momentarily motionless
and so the tension in the lower string will reach a high value before the upper one does. Hence it will break.
43 The largest frictional force that can develop between the mass and the table is f max = µs N =
0.60 × 2.00 × 9.8 = 11.8 N.  This is also the tension holding the hanging mass up. Hence mg = 11.8 ⇒ m = 1.2 kg.
44 Equilibrium demands that W = F + N ⇒ N = W − F = 220 − 140 = 80 N.
45 N

Equilibrium demands that W + F = N ⇒ N = 150 + 50 = 200 N.  This is the force that the table exerts on the
block. By Newton’s third law this is also the force exerted on the table by the block.
46 The component of the weight down the plane is Mg sin θ and for equilibrium this is also the tension in the
  o have equilibrium for the hanging mass its weight must equal the tension and so Mg sin θ = mg . Hence
string. T
θ = sin −1 .
47 a One possibility is to have the mass of the body decrease as in the case of a rocket where the fuel is being
burned and ejected from the rocket.
b That happens when the mass increases as for example cart that is being filled with water or sand while being
pulled with a constant force.
48 The maximum force can only be 575 N and so the maximum acceleration is a = = 0.43 m s −2.
49 The forces on the man are his weight, mg and the reaction force R from the floor.
a   i The acceleration is zero and so R − mg = 0 , i.e. R = mg .
  ii The acceleration is zero and so R − mg = 0, i.e. R = mg .
iii The net force is in the downward direction and equals mg − R . Hence, mg − R = ma and so R = mg − ma .
iv From iii we have that R = mg − mg = 0.
b The man will be hit by the ceiling of the elevator that is coming down faster than the man.
50 As the elevator goes up the force that must be supplied by the arm on the book upwards must increase. Because
you are not aware that you have to do that the book “feels” heavier and so moves down a bit. As the elevator
comes to a stop the force necessary to keep it up decreases and so the book “fells” less heavy and so moves up a
bit. T
  he same thing happens when you start going down. As the elevator comes to a stop on the way down, the
force needed to keep it up is again greater than the weight so the book falls.
51 a The forces on the man are: the tension from the rope, T, on his hands upward (this is the same as the force
with which he pulls down on the rope); his weight 700 N downward; the reaction, R, from the elevator floor
b On the elevator they are: the weight downward; the reaction, R, from the man downward; the tension, T, in
the rope upward.

8 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
c The forces on the man and the elevator together are 2T upwards (one T on the elevator at the top and one T
on the man from the rope).  The combined weight is 1000 N.  Thus
2T − 1000 = 100a = 100 × 0.50 ⇒ T = 525 N.  The net force on the man is

R + T − 700 = 70a = 35 ⇒ R = 700 − 525 + 35 ⇒ R = 210 N.
d We know that
2T − 1000 = 100a 2T − 1000 = 100a
and so
R + T − 700 = 70a 2R + 2T − 1400 = 140a
2R − 400 600 − 400
Subtracting we get 2R − 400 = 40a and so a = = = 5.0 m s −2 .
40 40
52 Suppose the tensions at some point were different.
T1 T2

The net force on the bit of string of mass m is T2 − T1 = ma . But the string is massless, m = 0 and so T2 − T1 = 0
meaning that the tensions are the same.
53 a Treat the two masses as one body.  The net force is 60.0 N and so the acceleration is a = = 1.50 m s −2.  The
net force on the back block is the tension in the string and so T = ma = 10.0 × 1.50 = 15.0 N.
b The tension would now be T = Ma = 30.0 × 1.50 = 45.0 N.

54 For three (planar) forces to be in equilibrium, any one force must have a magnitude that is in between the sum
and the difference of the other two forces.  This is the case here. Now, the resultant of the 4.0 N and the 6.0 N
forces must have a magnitude of 9.0 N.  This when the 9.0 N force is suddenly removed, the net force on the
  he acceleration is therefore a =
body is 9.0 N. T = 3.0 m s −2.
2.3 Work, energy and power

55 The work done is W = Fd cos θ = 24 × 5.0 × cos 0° = 120 J.

56 The work done is W = Fd cos θ = 2.4 × 3.2 × cos 180° = −7.7 J.
57 The work done is W = Fd cos θ = 25 × 15 × cos 20° = 352 ≈ 3.5 × 10 2 J.
58 The change in kinetic energy is ∆E K = × 2.0(0 − 5.4 2 ) = −29.16 J.  This equal the work done by the resistive
force i.e. f × 4.0 × cos 180° = −29.16 ⇒ f = 7.3 N.
59 The work done has gone to increase the elastic potential energy of the spring i.e.
W = × 200 × (0.050 2 − 0.030 2 ) = 0.16 J .
60 a  i The minimum energy is required to just get the ball at A.  Then,
1 2
mv = mgh ⇒ v = 2 gh = 2 × 9.8 × 4.0 = 8.9 m s −1.
1 1
ii At position B, × 1.0 × 8.9 2 = 1.0 × 9.8 × 2.0 + × 1.0 × v 2 ⇒ v = 6.3 m s −1.
2 2
1 1
b At A: × 1.0 × 12.0 2 = × 1.0 × v 2 + 1.0 × 9.8 × 4.0 ⇒ v = 8.1 m s −1.
2 2
1 1
At B: × 1.0 × 12.0 = × 1.0 × v 2 + 1.0 × 9.8 × 2.0 ⇒ v = 10 m s −1.

2 2

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 9
1 1
61 The total energy at A is E A = 8.0 × 9.8 × 12 + × 8.0 × 6.0 2 = 1085 J. At B it is EB = × 8.0 × 12 2 = 576 J.
2 2
 The total energy decreased by 1085 − 576 = 509 J and this represents the work done by the resistive forces.  The
distance traveled down the plane is 24 m and so f × 24 = 509 ⇒ f = 21 N.
15 + 7.0
62 a The work done is the area under the curve.  This is a trapezoid and so W = × 8.0 = 88 J.
1 2 2 × 88
b The work done is the change in kinetic energy and so mv = W , giving v = ≈ 9.4 m s −1.
2 2.0

63 a    i The potential energy is given by EP = mgH − mgs = 12 × 10 × 80 − 12 × 10 s = 9600 − 120 s .

ii The kinetic energy is E K = ETotal − EP = 9600 − (9600 − 120 s ) = 120 s .
b    i Since the distance fallen s is given by s = gt 2 the answers in a become EP = 9600 − 600t 2
ii EP = 600t .  These four equations are in the graphs here.

EP /J EK / J
8000 8000
6000 6000
4000 4000
2000 2000
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
s /m s /m

EP /J EK / J
8000 8000
6000 6000
4000 4000
2000 2000
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
t /s t /s

c In the presence of a constant resistance force, the graph of potential energy against distance will not be
affected. T
  he graph of kinetic energy against distance will be a straight line with a smaller slope since the final
kinetic energy will be less.  The graph of potential energy against time will have the same shape but will reach
zero in a longer time. Similarly, the kinetic energy – time graph will reach a smaller maximum value in a longer
100 × 10 3
64 From P = Fv, F × = 90 × 10 3 ⇒ F = 3240 = 3.24 × 10 3 N ≈ 3 × 10 3 N.
2.5 × 10 3
65 a From P = Fv , and F = Mg = 1.2 × 104 N we find v = = 0.21 m s −1.
1.2 × 10 4

b Most likely some of the power produced by the motor gets dissipated in the motor itself due to frictional forces
and get converted into thermal energy and is not used to raise the block.
66 a The work done is mgh = 50 × 9.8 × 15 = 7350 J.  The power is thus = 59 W.
b e = = 0.74
c The work required is double and the time is therefore also double, 250 s.

10 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
240 × 10 3
67 From P = Fv , F × = 250 × 10 3 ⇒ F = 3750 ≈ 3.8 × 10 3 N.
68 Electrical energy from the motor is converted to potential energy and thermal energy if the elevator is just pulled
up. Normally a counterweight is being lowered as the elevator is being raised which means that the net change in
gravitational potential energy is zero (assuming that the counterweight is equal in weight to the elevator). In this
case all the electrical energy goes into thermal energy.
69 a The acceleration of the mass is g sin 30° = 5.0 m s −2 and so the speed is v = 5.0 × t. Hence the kinetic energy
1 1
(in joule) as a function of time is E K = mv 2 = × 4.0 × (5.0 × t )2 = 50t 2.  The distance s traveled down
2 2
1 2 1
the plane is given by s = at = × 5.0t = 2.5t 2 and so the vertical distance h from the ground is given by

2 2
h = 20 − s sin 30° = 20 − 1.25t 2. Hence the potential energy is EP = mgh = 4.0 × 10 × ( 20 − 1.25t 2 ) = 800 − 50t 2 .
These are the functions to be graphed with the results as shown in the answers in the textbook, page 532.
b J 800

200 potential

0 10 20 30 40
d /m
c J 800
600 kinetic


200 potential
0 1 2 3 4
t /s

70 a The net force is zero since the velocity is constant and so T = mg sin θ .
b WT = Fd = mgd sin θ
c WW = −mgh = −mgd sin θ
d WN = 0 since the angle is a right angle.
e Zero since the kinetic energy is constant (or zero because WW + WW + WN = mgd sin θ − mgd sin θ + 0 = 0).
1 1
71 a From s = at 2 we find s = × 4.0 × 5.0 2 = 50 m.
2 2
b At 5.0 s the speed acquired is v = at = 4.0 × 5.0 = 20 m s −1. From then on the acceleration becomes a
deceleration of a = g sin θ = 10 × 0.5 = 5.0 m s −2.  Then from v 2 = u 2 − 2as we find 0 = 20 2 − 2 × 5.0 × s giving
20 2
s= = 40 m. T
  he total distance up the plane is thus 90 m.
2 × 5.0
c The car will travel the distance of 90 m from rest with an acceleration of 5.0 m s −2 and so from s = at 2 we
1 180
get 90 = × 5.0 × t 2 giving t 2 = = 36 ⇒ t = 6.0 s. (The car took 5.0 s to get to the 50 m up the hill.  The
2 5.0
remaining 40 m were covered in 0 = 20 − 5.0 × t ⇒ t = 4.0 s .  The time from the start to get back down again is
thus 15 s.)

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 11
d For the first 5 s the velocity is given by v = 4.0t . For the rest of the motion the velocity is v = 20 − 5.0t .
v /m s–1 20


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 t /s


e Potential energy: For a distance d traveled up the plane the vertical distance is h = and so the potential
energy is PE = mgh = 0.250 × 10 × = 1 .25d . At 90 m, (the highest the car gets on the plane) we have
EP = 1.25 × 90 = 112.5 ≈ 112 J. For the last 90 m (the way down) the graph is decreasing symmetrically.
These facts give the graph ion the answers in the textbook. Kinetic energy: For the first 50 m traveled
we have that: the speed is given by v 2 = u 2 + 2as = 0 + 2 × 4.0 × s = 8 s and so the kinetic energy is
1 1
E K = mv 2 = × 0.250 × 8 s = s. (The kinetic energy attained at 50 m is thus 50 J.) In the next 40 m the speed
2 2
is given by v = u 2 + 2as = 20 2 − 2 × 5.0 × s = 400 − 10 s and so the kinetic energy decreases according to

1 2 1
EK = mv = × 0.250(400 − 10 s ) = 50 − 1.25s. At 40 m the kinetic energy becomes zero. From then on it
2 2
increases according to E K = × 0.250 × 2 × 5.0 × s = 1.25s. Putting all these together gives the graph below.
E /J
100 EK




0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 d /m

f T he mechanical energy (kinetic plus potential) will be conserved when there are no external forces acting on
the car (other than gravity) i.e. after the first 5.0 s.
g The motor was exerting a force F up the plane given by
F − mg sin θ = ma ⇒ F = ma + mg sin θ = 0.250 × 4.0 + 0.250 × 10 × = 2.25 N.  The average speed up the plane
0 + 20
was v = = 10 m s and so the average power is P = Fv = 2.25 × 10 = 22.5 W.

The maximum power was P = Fv = 2.25 × 20 = 45 W.

2.4 Momentum and impulse

∆p 12.0
72 Fave = = = 6.00 N
∆t 2.00
∆p 0.900
73 a Impulse = ∆p = p final − pinitial = 0.150 × ( −3.00) − 0.1150 × 3.00 = −0.900 N s. (b) Fave = = = 7.20 N.
∆t 0.125
This is the force exerted on the ball by the wall and so by Newton’s third law this is also the force the ball
exerted on the wall.
 v
74 The total momentum before the collision is m × v + 2m ×  −  = 0.  This is also the momentum after. If u is the
 2
speed after the collision then 3m × u = 0 ⇒ u = 0 .

12 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
75 a The change in momentum is given by the following vector diagram.  The angle between the vectors is a right

Change in
Pinitial Pfinal momentum

The magnitude of the initial and of the final momentum is p = 0.250 × 4.00 = 1.00 N s.  The direction of the

change of momentum is given in the diagram. Its magnitude is 1.00 2 + 1.00 2 = 2.00 = 1.41 N s.

b It depends on what we take the system to be. If the system is just the ball then its momentum is not conserved
since there is an external force acting on the ball (the force from the wall). If, on the other hand, we take the
system to be the ball and the wall then the total momentum is conserved since there is now no external force
acting on the system. The wall will acquire a momentum equal and opposite to the momentum change of the

76 The initial total momentum is 4.0 × 24 − 12.0 × 2.0 = +72 N s.  The final total momentum is −4.0 × 3.0 + 12 × v.
Hence −12 + 12v = 72 ⇒ v = +7.0 m s −1 . (The ball moves to the right.)
17 + 7
77 a The impulse is the area under the graph and so equals (we use the area of a trapezoid) × 8.0 = 96 N s.
b Since the impulse is the change in momentum: 96 = mv − 0 ⇒ v = = 32 m s −1.
c Now, 96 = 0 − mv ⇒ v = − = −32 m s −1.
78 a The impulse supplied to the system is (area under curve) 3 × 0.5 × 100 − 25 × 4 = 50 N s.  This is the change in
momentum i.e. 25 × ∆v = 50 N s ⇒ ∆v = 2.0 m s −1.
b (You can easily work out the numbers and slopes on the axes.)

79 a The ball is dropped from a height of h1 so its speed right before impact will be given by (applying
conservation of energy) mgh1 = mv12 ⇒ v1 = 2 gh1 .  The ball will leave the floor on its way up with
a speed found in the same way: mv 22 = mgh2 ⇒ v 2 = 2 gh2 .  The change in momentum is therefore
∆p 2 gh2 + 2 gh1
mv 2 − ( −mv1 ) = m( 2 gh2 + 2 gh1 ) and hence the net average force is =m .
∆t τ
2 × 9.81 × 6.0 + 2 × 9.81 × 8.0
b F = 0.250 × = 46.8 ≈ 47 N.  This is the average net force
  he forces on the ball are the reaction from the floor R and its weight so
on the ball. T
R − mg = F ⇒ R = mg + F = 46.8 + 0.250 × 9.81 = 49.2 ≈ 49 N. By Newton’s third law this is also the force
on the floor exerted by the ball.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 13
80 a The question assumes the ball hits normally. From the previous problem the net force is
∆p v − ( − v1 ) v + v1
=m 2 =m 2 .
∆t τ τ
v 2 + v1
b This equals R − mg where R is the average force exerted on the ball by the floor. Hence R = m + mg .
81 a From 0.5 s to 1.5 s i.e. for 1 s.
b A rough approximation would be to treat the area a triangle (of area × 1.0 × 120 = 60 N s) but this too
rough and would not be acceptable in a exam.  There are roughly 120 rectangles in the area and each has area
0.1 × 4.0 = 0.4 N s so that the total area is 0.4 × 120 = 48 ≈ 50 N s.
c From Faverage ∆t = ∆p we thus find Faverage = 50 N.
82 T
 he initial momentum is zero and will remain zero.  Therefore the speed with which the 4.0 kg moves off is
2.0 × 3.0 = 4.0 × v ⇒ v = 1.5 m s −1
1 1
The total kinetic energy of the two bodies is × 2.0 × 3.0 2 + × 4.0 × 1.52 = 13.5 ≈ 14 J.
2 2
83 The initial momentum is zero and so must remain zero for the rocket-fuel system. 0 = (5000 - m)v - m × (1500 - v).
In the first 1 second, v = 15 m s −1 and so (5000 − m ) × 15 = m × 1485 ⇒ m = = 50.0 kg in 1 second.

14 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 2 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 3
3.1 Thermal concepts

  1 a The thermal energy lost by one body must equal the thermal energy gained by the other because of energy
b The changes in temperature are not, however, necessarily equal because the masses and specific heat capacities
may differ.
Q 385
  2 a From the definition, Q = mc ∆θ ⇒ c = = = 513 J kg −1 K −1.
m ∆θ 0.150 × 5.00
b It is the same.
  3 The energy provided is 20 × 3.0 × 60 = 3600 J. Hence
0.090 × 420 × 4.0 + 0.310 × c × 4.0 = 3600 ⇒ c = 2.8 × 10 3 J kg −1 K −1.

  4 The energy provided is 40 × 4.0 × 60 = 9600 J. Hence

25 × 15.8 + 0.140 × c × 15.8 = 9600 ⇒ c = 4.2 × 10 3 J kg −1 K −1.  The obvious assumptions are that the liquid and
the calorimeter are heated uniformly and that none of the energy supplied gets lost to the surroundings.
  5 The loss of potential energy is mgh = 1360 × 10 × 86 = 1.17 × 106 J.  Then,
1.17 × 106
C∆θ = 1.17 × 106 ⇒ ∆θ = = 73 K
16 × 10 3
  6 a C = m1c 1 + m2 c 2 = 45.0 × 450 + 23.0 × 4200 = 1.17 × 105 J K −1 .
∆Q ∆θ ∆θ ∆θ
b ∆Q = C ∆θ ⇒ =C . Hence 450 = 1.17 × 105 × ⇒ = 3.9 × 10 −3 K s −1. For a change of
∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t
temperature of 20.0 K we then require a time of = 5.2 × 10 3 s = 87 min.
3.9 × 10 −3
  7 The energy transferred from the water and the aluminum container is Q = 0.300 × 4200 × 10 + 0.150 × 900 × 10
= 13950 J. T  his is used to (a) raise the temperature of ice to the melting point of 0 °C, (b) melt the ice at 0 °C
and (c) raise the temperature of the melted ice (which is now water) to the final temperature of 0 °C.  Thus
13950 = m × 2200 × 10 + m × 334 × 10 3 + m × 4200 × 10. Hence, m = 0.035 kg .
  8 The mass of ice is m = 20 × 0.06 × 900 = 1080 kg. So we need Q = 1080 × 2200 × 5 + 1080 × 334 × 10 3 = 3.7 × 108 J.
  9 a Let the surface area (in square meters) of the pond be A.  Then in time t the energy falling on the surface
will be Q = 600 × A × t .  The volume of ice is V = A × 0.01 and so its mass is m = ( A × 0.01) × 900 .  Then
600 × A × t = ( A × 0.01) × 900 × 334 × 10 3. We see that the unknown surface of area cancels out and is not
0.01 × 900 × 334 × 10 3
required.  Then, t = = 5010 s ≈ 84 min.  
b This assumes that none of the incident radiation is reflected from the ice and that all the ice is uniformly heated.
10 a Q1 = 1.0 × 2200 × 10 = 2.2 × 104 J
b Q2 = 1.0 × 334 × 10 3 = 3.34 × 105 J
c Q3 = 1.0 × 4200 × 10 = 4.2 × 104 J
d In the melting stage.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 3 1
11 The water will lose an amount of thermal energy 1.00 × 4200 × 10 = 42000 J.  This energy
is used to melt the ice and then raise the temperature of the melted ice to 10°C.  Thus
m × 334 × 10 3 + m × 4200 × 10 = 42000 ⇒ m = 0.112 kg .
12 Since the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water is so much larger than the specific latent heat of fusion we
expect that the final temperature will be greater than the initial 30 °C of the water.  Then:
0.150 × 4200 × (T − 30) + 0.100 × 334 × 10 3 + 0.100 × 4200 × T = 0.050 × 2257 × 10 3 + 0.050 ×
4200 × (100 − T ). .
This long equation can be solved for T (preferably using the Solver of your calculator) to give T = 95 °C.

3.2 Modelling a gas

13 There are = 14  moles of hydrogen and so 14 × 6.02 × 10 23 ≈ 8 × 10 24 molecules.
14 There are = 1.5 moles.
2.0 × 10 24
15 ≈ 3.3 moles.
6.02 × 10 23
84 12
16 Krypton has = 4.0 moles; 4.0 moles of carbon correspond to = 3.0 g of carbon.
21 4.0
PV PV P P 12.0 × 105 P
17 From 1 1
= 2 2 we deduce that 1 = 2 i.e.  That = 2 hence P2 = 16.0 × 10 Pa. (Notice the

n1T1 n2T2 T1 T2 295 393

change to kelvin.)
18 From 1 1
= 2 2 we deduce that PV
1 1 = P2V 2 i.e.  That 8.2 × 10 × 2.3 × 10
6 −3
= 4.5 × 106 × V2 hence
n1T1 n2T2
V2 = 4.2 × 10 −3 m 3.
12 × 10 3
19 A quantity of 12.0 kg of helium corresponds to = 3.0 × 10 3 mol.  Then from the gas law, pV = nRT we
nRT 3.00 × 10 3 × 8.31 × 293
get P = = = 1.46 × 109 Paa.
V 5.00 × 10 −3
PV 4.00 × 1.013 × 105 × 12.0 × 10 −3
20 From the gas law, pV = nRT we get n = = = 1.998 mol. Since the mass of
RT 8.31 × 293
one mole of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is 44 g, we need 44 × 1.9998 = 87.9 g.

PV P V P n1
21 We use 1 1 = 2 2 to get = 2 and hence n2 = . In other words to reduce the pressure to half its original
n1T1 n2T2 n1 n2 2
value, half the molecules must leave the container.  The original number of molecules can be found using
PV 5.00 × 105 × 300 × 10 −6
pV = nRT to get n = = = 0.0602 and hence N = 0.0602 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 3.62 × 10 22 .
RT 8.31 × 300
N 1.81 × 10 22
So we will have to lose = 1.81 × 10 22 molecules.  This will take = 603 s ≈ 10 min.
2 3.00 × 1019

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 3 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
22 P

c a

PV 
  hen it must be true using n =
23 Let there be n1 moles of the gas in the left container and n2 in the right. T  that
 RT
12 × 105 × 6.0 × 10 −3 6.0 × 105 × 3.0 × 10 −3
n1 = and n1 = . When the gases mix we will have n1 + n2 moles in a volume of
P × 9.0 × 10 −3 12 × 105 × 6.0 × 10 −3 6.0 × 105 × 3.0 × 10 −3 P × 9.0 × 10 −3
9.0 dm3 and so n1 + n2 = . Hence + = .
12 × 105 × 6.0 + 6.0 × 105 × 3.0
This means that P = = 10 × 105 Pa = 10 atm.
V 0.050
24 a The cross sectional area of the piston is A = = = 0.10 m 2 . The pressure in the gas is constant and
h 0.500
F 10.0 × 10
equal to P = = = 1.0 × 104 Pa.
A 0.010
PV 1.0 × 104 × 0.050
b From the gas law, n = = = 0.206.  The number of molecules is then
RT 8.31 × 292
N = 0.206 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 1.24 × 10 23.
V V 0.050 V2
c From 1 = 2 we get = hence V2 = 7.3 × 10 −2 m 3.
T1 T2 292 425
nRT 2.0 × 8.31 × 273
25 The mass is just 28 × 2 = 56 g.  The volume is found from V = = = 0.045 m 3.
P 1.0 × 105
26 The molar mass of helium is 4.00 g per mole. A mass of 70.0 kg of helium corresponds to
70.0 × 10 3 nRT 1.75 × 104 × 8.31 × 290
= 1.75 × 10 mol.
  hus P= = = 1.04 × 105 Pa.
4.00 V 404

PV 150 × 10 3 × 5.0 × 10 −4
27 a n = = = 3.01 × 10 −2 mo
nRT 8.31 × 300
b N = nN A = 3.01 × 10 −2 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 1.8 × 10 22

c M = n µ = 3.01 × 10 −2 × 29 = 0.87 g

nRT 1.0 × 8.31 × 273

28 a V = = = 2.27 × 10 −2 m 3
P 1.0 × 105
M 4.00 × 10 −3
b We have 1 mole and so 4.00 g of helium.  The density is thus ρ = = = 0.176 kg m −3.
V 2.27 × 10 −2
c The change for oxygen is just the molar mass and so ρ = × 0.176 = 1.41 kg m −3.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 3 3
29 Under the given changes the volume will stay the same and so the density will be unchanged.
1 3 4.0
30 We use mc 2 = kT .  The mass of a molecule is = 6.64 × 10 −23 g = 6.64 × 10 −27 kg. Hence
2 2 6.02 × 10 23

3kT 3 × 1.38 × 10 −23 × 850

c= = ≈ 2300 m s −1.
m 6.64 × 10 −27
1 2 3 3kT M
31 From mc = kT we get c = .  The mass of a molecule (in kg) is
2 2 m NA
4.0 3kT 3kN AT 3RT R
= 6.64 × 10 −23 g = 6.64 × 10 −27 kg. Hence c = = = since k = .
6.02 × 10 23 m M M NA

1 2 3 3
32 a mc = kT = × 1.38 × 10 −23 × 300 = 6.2 × 10 −21 J
2 2 2
1 2 1 c m2 µ2 N A 32
b m1c 1 = m2 c 22 ⇒ 1 = = = = 8
2 2 c2 m1 µ1 N A 4

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 3 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 4
4.1 Oscilliations

1 a A
 n oscillation is any motion in which the displacement of a particle from a fixed point keeps changing direction
and there is a periodicity in the motion i.e. the motion repeats in some way.
b In simple harmonic motion, the displacement from an equilibrium position and the acceleration are proportional
and opposite each other.
2 It is an oscillation since we may define the displacement of the particle from the middle point and in that case the
displacement changes direction and the motion repeats.  The motion is not simple harmonic however since there is
no acceleration that is proportional (and opposite) to the displacement.
3 It is an oscillation since the motion repeats.  The motion is not simple harmonic however since the acceleration is
constant and is not proportional (and opposite) to the displacement.
4 a T
 he acceleration is opposite to the displacement so every time the particle is displaced there is a force towards
the equilibrium position.
b The acceleration is not proportional to the displacement; if it were the graph would be a straight line through
the origin.
5 a i It was not intended to ask about the mass – apologies!
ii The period is 8.0 s; the particle is at one extreme position at t = 0 and again at t = 4.0 s.  This is half a period.
b EP / J 2.0




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
t /s

4.2 Travelling waves

6 The delay time between you seeing the person next to you stand up and you standing up and the number density
of the people i.e. how many people per unit meter. For a fixed delay time, the closer the people are the faster the
7 There is a disturbance that travels through the lie of dominoes just as a disturbance travels through a medium when
a wave is present.  You can increase the speed by placing them closer together. An experiment to investigate this
might be to place a number of dominoes on a line of fixed length such that the dominoes are a fixed distance d
apart. We must give the same initial push to the first domino (for example using a pendulum that is released from
a fixed height and strikes the domino at the same place.  We then measure time form when the first domino is hit
until the last one is hit. Dividing the fixed distance by the time taken gives the speed of the pulse. We can then
repeat with a different domino separation and see how the speed depends on the separation d.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 1
  8 a Wavelength – the length of a full wave; the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs
b Period – the time needed to produce one full oscillation or wave
c Amplitude – the largest value of the displacement from equilibrium of an oscillation
d Crest – a point on a wave of maximum displacement
e Trough – a point on a wave of minimum displacement
λ amplitude A
Displacement /cm

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


Distance /m

period T
Displacement /cm

2 4 6 8 10


Time / ms

  9 a I n wave motion displacement refers to the difference in the value of a quantity such as position, pressure,
density etc when the wave is present and when the wave is absent.
b In a transverse wave the displacement is at right angles to the direction of energy transfer, in a longitudinal it is
parallel to the energy transfer direction.
c The falling stone imparts kinetic energy to the water at the point of impact and so that water moves. It will
continue moving (creating many ripples) until the energy is dissipated.
d We must recall that the intensity of a wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude. The amplitude
will decrease for two reasons: first, some energy is bound to be dissipated as the wave moves away and so the
amplitude has to decrease. Second, even in the absence of any energy losses, the amplitude will still decrease
because the wavefronts get bigger as they move away from the point of impact of the ripple. The energy
carried by the wave is now distributed on a longer wavefront and so the energy per unit wavefront length
decreases.  The amplitude must then decrease as well.
10 a From left to right: down, down, up.
b From left to right: up, up, down.

v 330
12 a λ = = = 1.29 m.
f 256
v 330
b λ = = = 1.32 × 10 −2 m.
f 25 × 10 3

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
13 a A wave in which the displacement is parallel to the direction of energy transferred by the wave.
b i
0 2 4 6 8 x/cm

ii At x = 4.0 cm
c i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x/cm

ii The compression is now at x = 5.0 cm.

v 340
14 a f = = = 850 Hz
λ 0.40
b i A compression occurs at x = 0.30 m. Molecules just to the left of this point have positive displacement and
so move to the right. Molecules just to the right move to the left creating the compression at x = 0.30 m.
ii By similar reasoning x = 0.10 m is a point where a rarefaction occurs.

4.3 Wave characteristics

15 Adding the pulses point by point gives the following diagram.


17 Adding the pulses point by point gives the following diagram.

t = 0.5 s t = 1.0 s t = 1.5 s

1 unit

1 cm
1 cm 1 unit
2 units

1 unit 2 cm

1 cm

18 We add the pulses point by point. For example at x = 0 both waves have zero displacement and so we get zero
displacement for the sum. At x = 10 cm, the blue pulse has y = 0.50 cm and the red pulse has y = 0.75 cm. The
sum is 1.25 cm. At x = 20 cm, the blue pulse has y = 0 and the red pulse has y = 1.0 cm. The sum is 1.0 cm. At
x = 30 cm, the blue pulse has y = –0.50 cm and the red pulse has y = 0.70 cm.  The sum is 0.20 cm and so on.
19 a A wavefront is a surface on which all points have the same phase.
y wavefronts


z λ λ

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 3
b A ray is the direction normal to wavefronts that corresponds to the direction of energy transfer.
source of disturbance

point source

a b

20 a Polarised light is light in which the electric field oscillates on the same plane.
b Light can be polarised by passage through a polariser and by reflection off a n on-metallic surface.
21 In a polarised wave the displacement must be on the same plane. In a longitudinal wave the displacement is along
the direction of energy transfer and so belongs to an infinity of planes at the same time. Hence it cannot be
22 a T
 he light is not polarised. In the case of unpolarised light incident on an analyser, the intensity of the
transmitted light would be half the incident intensity and so constant as required in the question.
b Since there is an orientation (call it X) of the analyser that makes the transmitted intensity zero, it follows that
the incident light was polarised in a direction at right angles to the direction X.
c Since the intensity never becomes zero the light was not polarised. Since the intensity varies however, it follows
that the incident light has unequal components in various directions so it is partially polarised.
 his relates the transmitted intensity I to the incident intensity I0 when polarised light is incident and then
23 a T
transmitted through an analyser.  The relation is I = I0 cos2 θ where θ is the angle between the transmission axis
and the direction of the incident electric field.
b = cos 2 θ = cos 2 25° = 0.82

24 a T
 he light transmitted through the first polariser will be polarised in a given direction.  The second polariser’s
axis is at right angles to this direction so the electric field has zero component along the axis of the second
polariser. Hence no light gets transmitted.
b Light will be transmitted since now there will be a component of the electric field along the second polariser’s
c The situation is now identical to a and so no light goes through.

4.4 Wave behaviour

1.00 × sin 38°
25 a From 1.00 × sin 38° = 1.583 × sin θ 2 we find sin θ 2 = ⇒ θ 2 = sin −1 0.3889 = 22.9°.
c c 3.0 × 108
b n = ⇒ cg = = = 1.9 × 108 m s −1
cg n 1.583
λa 6.8 × 10 −7
c The frequency in water is the same as that in air and so λ g = = = 4.3 × 10 −7 m.
n 1.583
s 3.0
26 a t = = = 1.0 × 10 −8 s
c 3.0 × 108
b In this time, 1.0 × 10 −8 × 6.0 × 1014 = 6.0 × 106 full waves have been emitted. (Or, the wavelength is
3.0 × 108 3.0
λ= = 5.0 × 10 −7 m and in a length of 3.0 m we can fit = 6.0 × 106 full waves.)
6.0 × 1014
5.0 × 10 −7

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
27 First we find the angle of refraction (angle θ in the diagram).

4.0 cm φ


1.00 × sin 40° = 1.450 × sin θ, hence θ = 26.3°.  This means that x = = 4.46 cm .
cos 26.3°
Now ϕ = 40°2 − 26.3° = 13.7° and so d = 4.46 × sin 13.7° = 1.06 cm .
28 Let θ be the angle of incidence from air.  The angle of refraction will be larger than θ and so as θ
increases the angle of refraction will become 90° and so will not enter water.  This happens when
sin θ sin 90° 340
= ⇒ θ = sin −1 = 13.1°.
340 1500 1500
29 The diagram must be similar to the one below.

wavelength λ

a b
30 There is no appreciable diffraction here; the wave continues straight through the opening.
31 There is poor reception because of destructive interference between the waves reaching the antenna directly
and those reflecting off the mountain.  The path difference is double the distance between the house and the
mountain.  The wave reflecting off the mountain will suffer a phase difference of π and so the condition for
destructive interference is 2d = nλ .  The smallest d (other than zero) corresponds to n = 1 and so d = 800 m.

4.5 Standing waves

32 A standing wave is a special wave formed when two identical traveling waves moving in opposite directions meet
and then superpose.  This wave, unlike a traveling wave, has nodes i.e. points where the displacement is always
zero.  The antinodes, points where the displacement is the largest do not appear to be moving. A standing wave
differs from a traveling wave in that it does not transfer energy and that the amplitude is variable. In a standing
wave points in between consecutive nodes have the same phase whereas in a travelling wave the phase changes
from zero to 2π after a distance of one wavelength.
33 A standing wave is formed when two identical traveling waves moving in opposite directions meet and then
34 a A node is a point in the medium where the displacement is always zero.
b An antinode is a point in the medium where the displacement, at some instant, will assume its maximum value.
c Speed refers to the speed of the travelling waves whose superposition gives the standing wave.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 5
35 a We must disturb the string with a frequency that is equal to the frequency of the second harmonic.

36 The wavelength of the wave will remain the same (and equal to twice the length of the string). Since the speed
increases by 2 the frequency must do the same and so is 354 Hz.
37 The first harmonic has wavelength 2L (L is the length of the string) and the second a wavelength L.  The ratio of
the frequencies is then 2 since the speed is the same.
38 a The wavelength of the fundamental is 2L = 1.00 m.  The frequency is then f = = 225 Hz
b The sound produced by the vibrations of the string will have the same frequency i.e. 225 Hz and so the
c 340
wavelength of sound will be λ = = = 1.51 m.
f 225

c 340 4L
40 The wavelength of sound is λ = = = 1.11 m. Standing waves have wavelength given by λ = with
f 306 n
4L 1.11 × n
n = 1, 3, 5, ….  Therefore = 1.11 m ⇒ L = .  This gives 0.28 m and 1.4m for n = 3 and n = 5.
n 4
4L 0.800 c c
41 a The wavelength is given by λ = = and also by λ = = . Hence
n n f 427
c 0.800 427 × 0.800 342
= ⇒c = = m s −1.  The answer makes physical sense only if n = 1 (the first harmonic
427 n n n
is established) in which case c = 342 m s −1.
4L ′ 0.800n
b The next harmonic will have wavelength = 0.800 ⇒ L ′ = = 0.200n . With n = 3 we get
n 4
L ′ = 0.600 m.

42 a The wavelengths in the open tube are given by λ = .  The frequencies of two consecutive
c cn  cn c (n + 1)
harmonics are then  f = =  , 300 = and 360 = .  This means that
 λ 2L  2L 2L
c (n + 1)
360 n +1
= 2L ⇒ = 1.2 ⇒ n + 1 = 1.2n ⇒ 0.2n = 1 ⇒ n = 5; we have the fifth and sixth harmonics.
300 cn n
340 × 5
b We get 300 = ⇒ L = 2.833 ≈ 2.8 m.
43 The two harmonics have the same frequency and hence the same wavelength.  The wavelength of the first
harmonic in the open-open pipe is λ = 2L X .  The wavelength of the first harmonic in the closed-open pipe is
λ = 4L Y. Hence 2L X = 4L Y ⇒ = 2.

6 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
44 With one step per second you shake the cup with a frequency of about 1 Hz. In the first harmonic mode the
wavelength would be about twice the diameter of the cup i.e. 16 cm (we have antinodes at each end).  This gives a
speed of v = 1 × 16 = 16 cm s −1.
45 a A
 standing wave is made up of two traveling waves.  The speed of energy transfer of the traveling waves is taken
to be the speed of the standing wave.
b From y = 5.0 cos(45π t ) we deduce that the frequency of oscillation of point P and hence also of the wave is
45π v 180
= 22.5 Hz.  The wavelength is then λ = = = 8.0 m. Since the diagram shows a second harmonic
2π f 22.5
this is also the length of the string.
c The phase difference is π and so y = 5.0 cos(45π t + π ) = −5.0 cos(45π t ).
46 a T
 he hit creates a longitudinal wave that travels down the length of the rod and reflects of the end.  The reflected
waves pushes the hammer back.
s 2.4
b v = = = 1.3 × 104 m s −1
t 0.18 × 10 −3
c We assume free-free end points and so the wavelength is given by 2.4 m.  The frequency is then
c 1.3 × 104
f = = = 5.6 kHz.
λ 2.4

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 4 7
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 5
5.1 Electric fields
kQ1Q2 8.99 × 109 × 2.0 × 10 −6 × 4.0 × 10 −6
1 a F = = = 28.8 ≈ 29 N
r2 (5.0 × 10 −2 )2
b The force would become 4 times as small.
kQ1Q2 F
i F ′ = =
( 2r )2 4
k 2Q1Q2 F
ii F ′ = ( 2r )2 = 2
k 2Q1 × 2Q2
iii F ′ = =F
( 2r )2
2 The middle charge is attracted to the left by the charge on the left with a force of
kqQ 8.99 × 109 × 2.0 × 10 −6 × 4.0 × 10 −6
F1 = 2 2 = = 45 N. It is attracted to the right by the charge on the right
r (4.0 × 10 −2 )2
kqQ2 8.99 × 109 × 2.0 × 10 −6 × 3.0 × 10 −6
with a force of F2 = = = 135 N. The net force is thus 135 − 45 = 90 N
r2 ( 2.0 × 10 −2 )2
directed towards the right.
3 Suppose we call the distance (in cm) from the left charge x. Then we need
8.99 × 109 × 2.0 × 10 −6 × 4.0 × 10 −6 8.99 × 109 × 2.0 × 10 −6 × 3.0 × 10 −6
x2 (6 − x )2
4.0 3.0
x 2
(6 − x )2
This means that
4.0(6 − x )2 = 3.0x 2
4( 36 − 12x + x 2 ) = 3x 2
x − 48x + 144 = 0

The solution is x = 3.22 cm.

4 The forces are as shown. The distance between the charge Q and the charge 2Q is 5.0 cm.



physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 5 1
kQ( 2Q ) 8.99 × 109 × 3.0 × 10 −6 × 6.0 × 10 −6
The magnitudes are F1 = = = 64.7 N and
d2 (5.0 × 10 −2 )2
kQQ 8.99 × 109 × ( 3.0 × 10 −6 )2
F2 = 2 = = 89.9 N. We need to find the components of F1:
d ( 3.0 × 10 −2 )2
4 3
F1x = 64.7 cos θ = 64.7 × = 51.76 N and F1y = 64.7 sin θ = 64.7 × = 38.82 N. The components of
5 5
the net force are: Fx = −51.76 N and Fy = 38.82 − 89.9 = −51.08 N . The net force has magnitude
F = 51.76 2 + 51.08 2 = 72.7 ≈ 73 N and direction 180° + arctan = 224.6° ≈ 225°.
5 a A diagram is the following in which the angle θ of each string to the vertical is given by sin θ = ⇒ θ = 3.37.


kQ 2
We have that T cos θ = mg and T sin θ = F = so that dividing side by side gives
kQ 2 mgd 2 tan θ 100 × 10 −6 × 9.8 × 0.12 × tan 3.37°
tan θ = ⇒ Q = = = 8.0 × 10 −9 C.
mgd 2 k 8.99 × 109
8.0 × 10 −9
b  This corresponds to = 5.0 × 1010 electronic charges.
1.6 × 10 −19
60 × 10 3
6 a Since the molar mass of water is 18 g per mole, a mass of 60 kg corresponds to = 3333 moles i.e.
3333 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 2 × 10 27 molecules of water. A molecule of water contains 10 electrons (2 from hydrogen
and 8 from oxygen) and so we have 2 × 10 28 electrons in each person.
kQ1Q2 9 × 109 × ( 2.0 × 10 28 × 1.6 × 10 −19 )2
b The electric force is therefore F1 = 2
= 2
= 9 × 10 26 ≈ 10 27 N, an
enormous force. r (10)
c A ssumptions include the use of Coulomb’s law for objects that are not point charges, assuming the same
distance between charges etc.
d We have neglected the existence of protons which gives each person a zero electric charge and hence zero
electric force.
F 3.0 × 10 −5
7 E = = = 6.0 N C−1
q 5.0 × 10 −6
kQ 9.0 × 109 × 2.00 × 10 −6
8 The magnitude of each of the fields produced at P is: E = = = 1.95 × 105 N C−1. The
( )
r2 0.05 + 0.30
2 2

vertical components of the electric fields will cancel out leaving only the horizontal components. The horizontal
d 0.30
component is E x = E cos θ = E 2
= 1.95 × 105 × 2
= 1.92 × 105 N C−1. The net field is then
a 0.10
d2 + + 0.30 2
4 4
directed horizontally to the right and has magnitude 2 × 1.92 × 105 = 3.84 × 105 N C−1.

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 5 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
  9 The two electric fields are E1 = E 2 = 1.95 × 105 N C−1. Adding vectorially by taking components gives E x = 0 and
E y = 2 × 1.95 × ×105 × sinθ = 2 × 1.95 × 105 × = 6.4 × 105 N C−1 .
0.10 2
+ 0.30 2
10 I = nqAv = 8.5 × 10 × 1.6 × 10 × π (0.90 × 10 ) × 3.6 × 10 = 12.45 ≈ 12 A
28 −19 −3 2 −4

11 a The current will be the same by conservation of charge.

Av r 2v 1.0 2 × 2.2 × 10 −4
b Since I = nqAv , we have that A1v1 = A2 v 2 and so v 2 = 1 1 = 1 2 1 = 2
= 5.5 × 10 −5 m s −1.
A2 r2 2.0
I 5.0
12 From I = nqAv we get v = = = 4.3 × 10 −5 ≈ 4 × 10 −5 m s −1.
nqA 5.8 × 10 × 1.6 × 10 −19 × π × ( 2 × 10 −3 )2

13 a One hour is 1 × 60 × 60 = 3600 s and so Q = It = 10 × 3600 = 3.6 × 104 C.

Q 3.6 × 104
b N = = = 2.25 × 10 23 ≈ 2.2 × 10 23
e 1.6 × 10 −19
14 a and b These points are inside the conducting sphere so the electric field is zero there.
kQ 8.99 × 109 × 4.0 × 10 −6
c E = = = 1.6 × 106 N C−1
R2 (15.0 × 10 −2 )2
d At 20 cm, E = 1.6 × 10 ×   = 9.0 × 105 N C−1
 20 

5.2 Heating effect of electric currents

15 Electrons making up the current collide with lattice atoms and transfer some of their kinetic energy to these
atoms. The average kinetic energy of the atoms increases and since temperature is proportional to the average
kinetic energy of the atoms the temperature of the wire increases. The electric field keeps accelerating the
electrons and so this process continues.
16 Doubling the length of the wire doubles the potential difference across its ends while the current stays the same.
Since R = the resistance doubles.
17 a Yes since the graphs are straight lines through the origin.
b The resistance for wire A is lower and so this wire corresponds to the lower temperature.
6.0 V
18 Since the resistance is constant, = ⇒ V = 14 V .
1.5 3.5
19 It obeys Ohm’s law so the resistance is the same, 12 Ω.
V 220
20 R = = = 15 Ω
I 15
21 a V = IR = 2 × 4 = 8 V across the first and V = IR = 2 × 6 = 12 V across the second.
b There is no potential difference between B and C since there is no resistance between these points.
V 2 220 2
22 a The resistance is R = = = 403 ≈ 4.0 × 10 2 Ω.
P 120
2.0 × 10 −6 × L
b 403 = ⇒ L = 0.57 m
π × (0.03 × 10 −3 )2

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 5 3
23 a The two 4.0 Ω resistors are in series and are equivalent to 8.0 Ω. The lower two 2.0 Ω are equivalent to 4.0 Ω.
1 1 1
The 8.0 Ω and the 4.0 Ω resistors are in parallel and are equivalent to = + ⇒ R = 2.7 Ω.
R 8.0 4.0
1 1 1
b The 6.0 Ω and 4.0 Ω resistors are in parallel and are equivalent to = + ⇒ R = 2.4 Ω. This and the
R 6.0 4.0
other two are in series for an total of R = 2.0 + 2.4 + 8.0 = 12.4 Ω.
1 1 1 1
c All three are in parallel for a total of = + + ⇒ R = 1.0 Ω.
R 3.0 3.0 3.0

24 We have that 12 = I ( R1 + R2 ) and ε = IR2 where R1 is the resistance of wire AC and R2 the resistance of wire BC.
ε R2 ε 54
Thus = . But the resistances are proportional to the lengths and so = ⇒ ε = 6.48 V.
12 R1 + R2 12 100

25 a Applying Kirchoff ’s laws to the two loops gives: 3.0 = 20( x + y ) + 30( x + y ) and

2.0 = 20( x + y ) + 30( x + y ) + 10y. These simplify to

3.0 = 50x + 50y
2.0 = 50x + 60y
These are solved to give 10y = −1.0 ⇒ y = −0.10 A, and x = 0.16 A.
b The potential differences are
20 Ω : V = 20( x + y ) = 20 × (0.16 − 0.10) = 1.2 V
30 Ω : V = 30( x + y ) = 30 × (0.16 − 0.10) = 1.8 V
10 Ω : V = 10y = 10 × ( −0.10) = −1.0 V

26 Applying Kitchhoff ’s law: 9.0 + 3.0 = 4.0x so right away x = 3.0 A. 3.0 = −3.0( x − y ) − 2.0( x − y ) = −5x + 5y.
Hence y = 3.6 A.
27 Applying Kitchhoff ’s law: 9.0 = 2.0x + 5.0 × 1.0 ⇒ x = 2.0 A. In second loop ε = 3.0 × 1.67 + 5.0 × 1.0 = 10 V.
28 a F
 rom the graph, when the potential difference across each resistor is 1.5 V the current in X is about 2.68 A and
in Y 1.55 A for a total current leaving the cell of 4.2 A.
b This has to be done by trial and error. The voltage across X plus that across Y must give 1.5 V. This is achieved
for a current of about 1.1 A for which the voltages are 0.5 V and 1.0 V adding up to 1.5 V.
29 The top loop gives: 6.0 = 4.0x + 3.2x ⇒ x = 0.833 A. The lower loop gives: 2.0 = R × 0.8333x ⇒ R = 2.4 Ω.
L 2.4
= ⇒ L = 0.60 m.
1 4

5.2 Electric cells

30 Chemical energy in the top cell gets converted into thermal energy in the resistor, mechanical energy (and some
thermal energy) in the motor (which in turn gets converted into gravitational potential energy as the load is being
raised) and finally electrical energy that charges the lower battery.

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 5 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
31 P / W 14



0 5 10 15 20
R = 2.0 Ω.
32 a V
slope = −r
vertical intercept = emf

b Since V = ε − Ir,
i the slope is the negative of the internal resistance of the battery
ii the vertical intercept is the emf of the battery
2.4 − 9.6
33 a The internal resistance is the slope and so equals − r = ⇒ r = 1.2 Ω.
8.0 − 2.0
b Extending the line to find the vertical intercept gives an emf of about 12 V.

1 1 1
34 a The two parallel resistors are equivalent to = + ⇒ R = 6.67 Ω. The total resistance of the circuit is
R 10 20
then RT = 8.67 Ω . The total current is then I T = = 1.38 A. The potential difference across the 2.0 Ω
resistor is V = 1.38 × 2.0 = 2.77 ≈ 2.8 V. The potential difference across the parallel resistors is then
9.2 9.2
V = 12.0 − 2.77 = 9.2 V. So each of the two resistors get a current of = 0.92 A and = 0.46 A.
10 20

2.8 V 9.2 V 9.2 V

1.38 A 0.92 A 0.46 A

b The two parallel resistors have a total of 2.0 Ω making a total circuit resistance of 6.0 Ω. The total current is
then I T = = 1.0 A. The internal resistance and the 2.0 Ω resistor get 1.0 A of current and the potential
difference across each is 2.0 V. The potential difference across the parallel combination is 2.0 V and so each gets
0.50 A of current.

2V 2V
2V 0.5 A 0.5 A

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35  a and b Let r be the internal resistance and ε the emf. The total resistance when in parallel is 2.0 + r and so
ε ε
3.0 = . When in series the total resistance is 8.0 + r and so 1.4 = . We must solve the system of
2.0 + r 8.0 + r
equations 3.0 =
2.0 + r
1.4 =
8.0 + r
3.0 8.0 + r 8.0 + r
Dividing side by side = ⇒ 2.14 = ⇒ 4.28 + 2.14r = 8.0 + r ⇒ 1.14r = 3.17 ⇒ r = 3.25 Ω
1.4 2.0 + r 2.0 + r
and so ε = 5.25 × 3.0 ≈ 16 V.

36 a The current everywhere is the same, call it x. Then 9.0 − 3.0 = 8x ⇒ x = 0.75 A.
b The power in the top cell is 9.0 × 0.75 ≈ 6.8 W and in the lower it is −3.0 × 0.75 ≈ −2.2 W.
c The power in the lower cell is negative implying that it is being charged.

5.4 Magnetic fields


38 We must apply the right hand rule for force

a The magnetic field is into the page
b The force is into the page
c The magnetic field is out of the page
d The force is zero since the velocity is anti parallel to the field
e The force is zero since the velocity is parallel to the field

6 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 5 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015

40 The magnetic field is directed into the page. In a the right hand rule (for a negative charge) gives a force
downwards away from the wire. In b it gives a force to the right.
41 a the field is to the right and so the force is into the page
b the velocity is parallel to the field and the force is zero
c the force is towards the magnet (up the page)
E 2.4 × 10 3
42 a eE = evB ⇒ B = = = 1.2 × 10 −2 T. The electric force is upwards so the magnetic force is
e 2.0 × 10 5

downwards. Therefore the field must be into the page.

b The condition in a is independent of charge and mass so the proton will be undeflected as well.
c The electric force will stay the same but the magnetic force will double. Therefore the electron will be
deflected downwards.
43 a There are equal and opposite forces at the poles of the magnet giving a net force of zero.
b The forces are opposite so they will rotate the magnet counterclockwise.
44 The force is F = BIL sin θ = 5.00 × 10 −5 × 3000 × 30.0 × sin 30° = 2.25 N.
45 Note: This requires knowledge of circular motion (Topic 6).
v2 eBr eBr eB
a We have that evB = m =⇒ v = . But v = 2π fr and so 2π rf = ⇒ f = .
r m m 2π m
b The mass is different and so the answer changes.
46 a T
 he combined magnetic field from the two wires at point R must point downwards so as to cancel the
uniform field. Since R is closer to Q, the field of Q is larger than the field from P. Hence the current in Q
must go out of the page.
b If the current increases, the net field from P and Q increases as well, so that the total field at R is no longer
zero. If we move closer to Q the field from Q will be much larger than the field from P and so their combined
field will be downwards and much larger than external field. Hence the point has to move to the left.

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Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 6
6.1 Circular motion
2π 2π
1 a The angular speed is just ω = = = 5.07 rad s −1. The linear speed is v = ω R = 5.07 × 3.50 = 17.7 m s −1.
T 1.24
1 1
b The frequency is f = = = 0.806 s −1.
T 1.24

2 a = 4π 2 rf 2 = 4π 2 × 2.45 × ( 3.5)2 = 1.2 × 10 3 m s −2.

 ∆v 
3 a The average acceleration is defined as a = . The velocity vectors at A and B and the change in the velocity ∆v
are shown below. ∆t

2π × 2.0
The magnitude of the velocity vector is 4.0 m s −1 and it takes a time of = 3.14 s to complete a full
revolution. Hence a time of = 0.785 s to complete a quarter of revolution from A to B. The magnitude of
 5.66
∆v is 4.0 2 + 4.0 2 = 5.66 m s −1 and so the magnitude of the average acceleration is = 7.2 m s −2. This is
directed towards north-west and if this vector is made to start at the midpoint of the arc AB it is then directed
towards the center of the circle.
v 2 16.0
b The centripetal acceleration has magnitude = = 8.0 m s −2 directed towards the center of the circle.
r 2.0
 2π r 

v 2
  4π 2 r
4 The centripetal acceleration is a = = T = 2 = 4π 2 rf 2 . Hence
r r T
a 50
f = = = 0.356 s −1 ≈ 21 min −1.
4π 2 r 4π × 10

v2 4.00
5 a The centripetal acceleration is = = 10.0 m s −2. The tension is the force that provides the centripetal
r 0.400
acceleration and so T = ma = 1.00 × 10.0 = 10.0 N.
b From T = ma = 20.0 N we have a = = 20.0 m s −2 and so v = 20 × 0.40 = 2.83 m s −1.
4.00 2 16.0
c 20.0 = 1.00 × ⇒r = = 0.800 m
r 20.0

4π 2 r 4π 2 × 6.4 × 106
6 With a = 9.8 m s −2 we have that a = ⇒T = = 5.08 × 10 3 s ≈ 85 min.
T2 9.8

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 6 1
 2π r 

v 2
  4π 2 r 4π 2 × 50.0 × 10 3
  7 a a = = T = 2 = = 3.2 × 109 m s −2
r r T ( 25.0 × 10 −3 )2
b The forces on the probe are (i) its weight, mg, and (ii) the normal reaction force N from the surface. Assuming
the probe to stay on the surface the net force would be
mv 2 mv 2  v2 
mg − N = ⇒ N = mg − = m  g −  = m(8.0 × 1010 − 3.2 × 109 ) > 0.
r r  r 
This is positive so the probe can stay on the surface.

2π R 2π × 1.5 × 1011
  8 a v = = = 2.99 × 104 ≈ 30 km m s −1
T 365 × 24 × 60 × 60
v 2
( 2.99 × 104 )2
b a = = = 5.95 × 10 −3 ≈ 6.0 × 10 −3 m s −2
r 1.5 × 1011

mv 2
c F = ma = = 6.0 × 10 24 × 5.95 × 10 −3 ≈ 3.6 × 10 22 N
  9 The components of L are:
L x = L sin θ , L y = L cos θ

We have that
L sin θ = m
L cos θ = mg
Dividing side by side:
L sin θ
= R
L cos θ mg
tan θ =
v2 180 2
This gives ⇒ R = = = 4.7 km
g tan θ 9.8 × tan 35°

10 a friction



b Let the normal reaction force from the wall be N. Then

N =m
mg = f s

For the minimum rotation speed the frictional force must be a maximum i.e. f s = µs N . I.e.
N =m
mg = µs N

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 6 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
v2 gr 9.8 × 5.0
Combining gives mg = µsm i.e. v = = = 9.04 m s −1. From v = 2π rf we find
r µs 0.60
v 9.04
f = = = 0.288 rev s −1 ≈ 17 rev min −1.
2π r 2π × 5.0

11 a Let v be the speed on the flat part of the road before the loop is entered. At the top the net force on the
cart is its weight and the normal reaction force from the road, both directed vertically downwards. T   hen,
2 2
mu mu
N + mg = ⇒N = − mg where u is the speed at the top. For the cart not to fall off the road, we must
1 1
have N > 0 i.e. u > gR . From conservation of energy, mv 2 = mg( 2R ) + mu 2 and so u 2 = v 2 − 4 gR .

2 2
Hence v 2 − 4 gR > gR , i.e. v > 5 gR = 29.7 ≈ 30 m s −1.

b For just about equal to 5 gR we get u = gR = 13.3 ≈ 13 m s −1.

12 The tension in the string must equal the weight of the hanging mass i.e. T = Mg . The tension serves as the
v2 v2 Mgr
centripetal force on the smaller mass and so T = m . Hence m = Mg ⇒ v = .
r r m

13 Let the tension in the upper string be TU and TL in the lower string. Both strings make an angle θ with the
horizontal. We have that:
TU sin θ = mg + TL sin θ
TU cos θ + TL cos θ = m
We may rewrite these as:
TU sin θ − TL sin θ = mg
TU cos θ + TL cos θ = m
From trigonometry, sin θ = = 0.50 ⇒ θ = 30°. Further, r = 1.0 2 − 0.50 2 = 0.866 m. Therefore the
equations simplify to
0.50 × (TU − TL ) = 2.45 TU − TL = 4.90
or .
0.866 × (TU + TL ) = 18.48 TU + TL = 21.33

Finally, TU = 13.1 N, TL = 8.22 N.

1 2
14 a By conservation of energy, mgh = mv and so v = 2 gh = 2 × 9.81 × 120 = 48.9 ≈ 49 m s −1 (with this speed,
this amusement park should not have a licence to operate!).
b The forces on a passenger are the weight and the reaction force R both in the vertically down direction. Thus
v2 v2
R + mg = m ⇒ R = m − mg . The speed at the top is found from energy conservation as
r r
1 2
mgH = mv + mg( 2r ) ⇒ v 2 = 9.81 × 240 − 2 × 9.81 × 60 = 1177 . Hence
R = 60 × − 60 × 9.81 = 1765 ≈ 1800 N.
50 2
c Using v 2 = u 2 − 2as we get 0 = 49 2 − 2a × 40 and so a = = 30 m s −2 (some passengers will be fainting
2 × 40
now, assuming they are still alive!).

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 6 3
6.2 The law of gravitation
Mm −11 5.98 × 10 24 × 7.35 × 10 22
15 a F = G = 6.67 × 10 × = 1.99 × 10 20 N
R2 ( 3.84 × 108 )2
Mm −11 1.99 × 10 30 × 1.90 × 10 27
b F = G = 6.67 × 10 × = 4.17 × 10 23 N
R2 (7.78 × 1011 )2
Mm −11 1.67 × 10 −27 × 9.11 × 10 −31
c F = G = 6.67 × 10 × = 1.0 × 10 −47 N
R2 (1.00 × 10 −10 )2
16 a Zero since it is being pulled equally from all directions.
b Zero, by Newton’s third law.
m2 m2 Mm m(m + M )
c F = G , (d) F = G 2
+G 2
4R 2
4R 4R 4R 2

 GM 
g  (9R )2  1
17 A = =
gB  GM  81
 R2 
 G 2M 
g  ( 2R )2  1
18 A = =
gB  GM  2
 R2 
19 Since star A is 27 times as massive and the density is the same the volume of A must be 27 times as large. Its radius
 G 27M 
g A  ( 3R )2 
must therefore be 3 times as large. Hence = = 3.
gB  GM 
 R2 
 GM / 2 
g  ( R / 2)2 
20 new = =2
g old  GM 
 R2 

21 Let this point be a distance x from the center of the Earth and let d be the center to center distance between the
earth and the moon.  Then
G 81M GM
x 2
(d − x )2
81(d − x )2 = x 2
9(d − x ) = x

x 9
= = 0.9
d 10
22 a At point P the gravitational field strength is obviously zero.
b The gravitational field strength at Q from each of the masses is
GM −11 3.0 × 10 22
g= = 6.67 × 10 × = 1.0 × 106 N kg −1. The net field, taking components, is directed from Q
R 2
( 2 × 10 )
9 2

to P and has magnitude 2 g cos 45° = 2 × 1 × 106 cos 45° = 1.4 × 106 N kg −1.

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 6 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
GMm v2 GM 2π r 4π 2 r 3
23 W
 e know that 2 = m ⇒ v2 = . But v = and so we deduce that T 2 = . Therefore
r r r T GM
GMT 2 6.67 × 10 −11 × 6.0 × 10 24 × ( 24 × 60 × 60)2
r= 3 = 3 = 4.2 × 107 m.
4π 2 4π 2
GM 6.67 × 10 −11 × 6.0 × 10 24
24 a From v 2 = we calculate v = = 7.5828754 × 10 3 ≈ 7.6 × 10 3 m s −1.
r (6.4 + 0.560) × 106

6.67 × 10 −11 × 6.0 × 10 24

b The shuttle speed is v = = 7.5831478 × 10 3 m s −1. The relative speed of the shuttle
6.9595 × 10 6

and Hubble is 0.2724 m s and so the distance of 10 km will be covered in = 36711 s ≈ 10 hrs.
Gm m v2 Gm 2π r  2π r  = Gm1 giving
25 a  n1 2 = m2 ⇒ v 2 = n − 11 . But v = and so  
r r r T T r n −1
4π 2 r 2 Gm1
= n −1
T2 r

4π r
2 n +1
T2 =
b For this to be consistent with Kepler’s third law we need n + 1 = 3 ⇒ n = 2

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 6 5
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 7
7.1 Discrete energy and radioactivity

  1 a D
 iscrete energy means that the atom cannot have any continuous value of energy but rather one out of many
separate i.e. discrete values.
b The existence of emission atomic spectra is the best evidence for the discreteness of energy in atoms: the
emission lines have specific wavelengths implying specific energy differences between levels.
  2 The bright lines are formed when an electron makes a transition from a high energy state H to a lower energy
hc hc
state L. The photon emitted will have a wavelength determined from = ∆E LH ⇒ λ = where ∆E LH
λ ∆E LH
is the difference in energy between state H and L. The dark lines are formed when a photon is absorbed by an
electron in a low energy state L which then makes a transition to a high energy state H. For the absorption to be
possible the photon energy must equal the difference ∆E LH . Hence this photon will have the same wavelength as
the emission line wavelength.
  3 The energy difference is 2.55 eV. Hence,
= 2.55 eV = 2.55 × 1.6 × 10 −19 = 4.08 × 10 −19 J
6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108
4.08 × 10 −19
λ = 4.875 × 10 −7 ≈ 4.9 × 10 −7 m
  4 The energy differences between levels get smaller as n increases. Therefore transitions down to n = 2 (the visible
light transitions) have wavelengths that are close to each other.
  5 a Ground state is the energy level with the least possible energy.
b The energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state is 10.2 eV. That between the ground
state and the second excited state is 12.1 eV. The incoming photons do not have exactly these amounts of
energy so the hydrogen atoms will not absorb any of these photons.
c With incoming electrons it is possible that some will give 10.2 eV of their energy to hydrogen atoms so that
the atoms make a transition to the first excited state. The electrons that do give this energy will bounce off the
atoms wityh a kinetic energy of about 0.2 eV.
  6 2e
  7 a I sotopes are nuclei of the same element (hence have the same proton (atomic) number) that differ in the
number of neutrons, i.e. they have different nucleon (mass) number.
b They have different mass and different radius.
  8 210
83 Bi → 0
−1 e +γ +ν + 210
84 Po

94 Pu → 24α + 235
92 U
10 18 min is 6 half-lives and so the sample will be reduced by 26 = 64 times i.e. to 0.50 mg.
11 a Activity is the rate of decay.
b 4.0 min

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 1
c A / Bq 400




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
t / min

d We make the following table of numbers of X and Y nuclei:

Time/min Number of X nuclei Number fo Y nuclei Ratio of Y to X

0 N 0 0
4 N /2 N /2 1
8 N /4 3N/4 3
12 N /8 7 N/8 7
So the required time is 12 min.
k k 1
12 The equation is C = , i.e. d + d0 = . So a graph of d versus would give a straight line with slope
(d + d 0 )2
k and intercept −d0.

13 From I = I 0 e − µ x we deduce that ln I = ln I 0 − µ x, so a graph of ln I versus x gives a straight line with slope − µ.
14 a strong nuclear force
b electric force
15 As the nucleus gets heavier more protons and neutrons must be added to the nucleus. The neutrons contribute
to nuclear binding through the nuclear force but the protons contribute to repulsion through the electrical force
in addition to binding through the nuclear force that they also participate in. However, the electrical force has
infinite range and all the protons in the nucleus repel each other whereas only the very near neighbors attract
through the nuclear force. To make up for this imbalance it is necessary to have more neutrons i.e. particles that
contribute to only binding.

7.2 Nuclear reactions

16 Note that the problem has given an atomic mass for nickel and we need the nuclear mass. Hence we must subtract
the electron masses. The mass defect is
δ = 28m p + (62 − 28)mn − ( M Ni − Zme )
= 28 × 1.007 276 + 34 × 1.008 665 − (61.928 348 − 28 × 0.000549)
= 0.585 362 u
and so the binding energy is
E = δ c 2 = 0.585 362 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2
= 545.26 MeV
E 545.26
Hence the binding energy per nucleon is = = 8.79 MeV. This is the highest binding energy per
nucleon. A 62

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
17 The mass defect is
δ = 8m p + 8mn − ( M O − 8me )
= 8 × 1.007 276 + 8 × 1.008 665 − (15.994 − 8 × 0.000549)
= 0.137 920 u
and so the binding energy is
E = δ c 2 = 0.137 920 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2

= 128.47 MeV
E 128.47
Hence the binding energy per nucleon is = = 8.03 MeV. Consider now the reaction 168 O → 11 p + 157 N .
A 16
The mass difference is 15.994 − 8 × 0.000549 − (1.007 276 + 15.000 − 7 × 0.000549) = −0.012 727 u. The negative
sign implies that the reaction can take place only when energy is supplied to the oxygen nucleus. This energy is
E = 0.012 727 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2 = 11.9 MeV
hc hc 6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108
18 a Using, E = hf = we find λ = = −19
= 2.44 × 10 −11 m.
λ E 0.051 × 10 × 1.6 × 10

b This is in the gamma ray area of the spectrum.

92 U →
19 a 236 Pd + Pd + 2 01 n
117 117
46 46

b Two neutrons are produced as well as photons.

c The mass difference is 236.0455561 − ( 2 × 116.917 8 + 2 × 1.008 665) = 0.192 626 u. The energy is
E = 0.192 626 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2 = 179 MeV. (Since equal numbers of electron masses have to be
subtracted from the atomic masses on each side of the reaction equation, we are allowed to use atomic
masses here.)
20 The mass difference is 235.043992 + 1.008 665 − (97.912 76 + 134.916 5 + 3 × 1.008 665) = 0.197 402 u. The energy
released is E = 0.197 402 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2 = 184 MeV.
21 The mass difference is 2.014102 + 3.016 049 − (1.008 665 + 4.002 603) = 0.018 883 u. This energy is
E = 0.018 883 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2 = 17.6 ≈ 18 MeV. (Since equal numbers of electron masses have to be
subtracted from the atomic masses on each side of the reaction equation, we are allowed to use atomic masses
22 The mass difference is 1.007 276 + (7.016 − 3 × 0.000549) − 2 × (4.002 603 − 2 × 0.000549) = 0.018 619 u. This
corresponds to an energy E = 0.018 619 × 931.5c 2 MeV c −2 = 17.3 MeV not including the kinetic energy of the
accelerated proton.
23 The formula for the mass defect given in the textbook is δ = Zm p + ( A − Z )mn − M nucleus. Now,
M nucleus = M atom − Zme . Hence,
δ = Zm p + ( A − Z )mn − ( M atom − Zme )
= Z (m p + me ) + ( A − Z )mn − M atom
= ZM H + ( A − Z )mn − M atom
where M H = m p + m e is the mass of the hydrogen atom.

 1 = ( M D + M T − M He − mn ) c 2. Now let us look at the binding energy of each nucleus involved in the
24 a Q
E D = (m p + mn − M D )c 2 ⇒ M D c 2 = (m p + mn )c 2 − E D
ET = (m p + 2mn − M T )c 2 ⇒ M T c 2 = (m p + 2mn )c 2 − ET
E He = ( 2m p + 2mn − M He )c 2 ⇒ M He c 2 = ( 2m p + 2mn )c 2 − E He

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 3
Hence replacing the masses in the equation for Q1,
Q1 = ( M D + M T − M He − mn ) c 2
( )
= (m p + mn − E D ) + (m p + 2mn − ET ) − ( 2m p + 2mn − E He ) − mn c 2

= E He − ( E D + ET )

b Q2 = ( M U + M Zr − M Te − 2mn ) c 2. Working as in a
EU = (92m p + 143mn − M U )c 2 ⇒ M U c 2 = (92m p + 143mn )c 2 − EU
EZr = (40m p + 58mn − M Zr )c 2 ⇒ M Zr c 2 = (40m p + 58mn )c 2 − EZr
ETe = (52m p + 83mn − M Te )c 2 ⇒ M Te c 2 = (52m p + 83mn )c 2 − ETe

Q2 = ( M U − M Zr − M Te − 2mn ) c 2
( )
= (92m p + 143mn − EU ) − (40m p + 58mn − EZr ) − (52m p + 83mn − ETe ) − 2mn c 2

= EZr + ETe − EU
c T
 he results in a and b show that, in general, the energy released can be found from the difference of the total
binding energy after the reaction minus that before the reaction. Thus, to have energy released the binding
energy after the reaction must be greater than that before. The peak of the binding energy curve is at nickel.
Elements to the right and left of nickel have lower binding energy per nucleon. The issue here is how to use
the binding energy curve to show that energy will be released for fission (involving elements heavier than
nickel) and fusion (involving elements lighter than nickel). Notice that we cannot prove mathematically
that this is the case without knowing the mathematical equation of the binding energy curve. However, the
fact that the curve rises for light elements up to nickel and then drops for elements heavier than nickel is
indicative that energy is released in both fusion and fission reactions.

7.3 The structure of matter

25 a In order to avoid absorption of alpha particles as well as avoid multiple scatterings.

b In order to avoid collisions of alpha particles with air molecules which would have deflected the alphas.
1 1 2
26 a The neutron is d d u and so the antineutron must be d d u . The electric charge is  + + −  e = 0.
 3 2 3
2 2 1
b The proton is u u d and so the antiproton is u u d with electric charge  − − +  e = − e , as expected.
 3 3 3
27 The antiparticle of the K + has quark structure u s.
28 It is – 1 since this is an antibaryon.
29 a Violates: −1 → 0 + 0
b Conserves: −1 + 1 → 0 + 0
c Conserves: −1 + 1 → 0 + 0 + 1 − 1
d Violates: +1 → 0 + 0
30 Consider a decay such as Λ 0 → p + + π − where the lambda baryon is ud s. Notice that there is a strange quark
on the left hand side of the decay but none on the right hand side. If this were a strong interaction process (or
electromagnetic) the lifetime would be very short (less than about 10 −20 s). However, the decay of the lambda
has a much larger lifetime (of order 10 −10 s). To explain this it was hypothesised that this long lifetime decay (and
many others like it) were due to the weak interaction. The weak interaction being weaker than the strong would
naturally lead to a long lifetime decay. To prevent this decay from happening via the strong or electromagnetic
interactions, a new quantum number called strangeness was introduced that was assumed to be conserved in
strong and electromagnetic interactions but not in weak interactions.

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
1 1
31 a The charge of d s is zero  − +  ; the strangeness is + 1.
 3 3
b No, they have different stangeness
 2 1 
32 a The charge of c d is e  + + = 1
 3 3 
b The strangeness is zero since it does not have strange quarks in it.
33 a Conserves: 0 + 0 → +1 − 1
b Conserves: 0 + 0 → +1 − 1
c Violates: +1 → 0 + 0
d Violates: 0 + 0 → 0 − 1
34 a Electron neutrino
b Muon neutrino
c Tau antineutrino
d Electron antineutrino
e Electron antineutrino and tau neutrino
35 a Electron lepton number
b electron and muon lepton number
c electric charge
d baryon number
e Energy
f baryon number
36 a Yes because they have electric charge
b No because they do not have electric charge
37 Yes because it is made out of charged quarks
38 Since ηc = c c the antiparticle of the ηc is c c i.e. is the same as the ηc itself. However the antiparticle of the meson
K 0 = d s would be s d and is different.
39 a Confinement means that color cannot be observed. This implies that one cannot find isolated quarks or gluons.
b The gluons will be very short lived and will produce hadrons along their path. The energy of the gluons will
create quark antiquark pairs out of the vacuum and these will combine to make hadrons.

 e may deduce that 2mu + md = 938 and mu + 2md = 940 (units of mass are MeV c −2 ). We solve this system of
40 a W
equations to obtain the individual quark masses: from the first equation, md = 938 − 2mu and substituting this
into the second gives
mu + 2(938 − 2mu ) = 940
3mu = 2 × 938 − 940
mu = 312 MeV c −2

and so md = 314 MeV c −2.
b It follows that we can predict a mass of 312 + 314 = 626 MeV c −2 for the mass of the π + meson, which is clearly
c The reason for the disagreement is that both in the calculation of the masses in a as well as in the calculation
of the mass of the pion in b we have neglected to take into account the sizable binding energy of the quarks.
(There are also other technical reasons having to do with exactly what one means by the “mass” of the quarks.)
41 The Higgs particle is a crucial ingredient of the standard model of particles. Its interactions with other particles
make those particles acquire mass.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 5


43 a d quark inside the neutron turns into a u quark, an electron and an electron antineutrino.
b e–

d u

44 a e–

μ– νμ

b e– μ–


νe νμ

c u μ+


d νμ

d s μ–


u νμ

45 W − → e − + ve
W − → µ − + vµ
W − → τ − + vτ

6 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
46 a e– νμ

e+ νμ

b e–

νμ νμ

c e–

e+ e+

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 7 7
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 8
8.1 Energy sources

1 a S pecific energy is the energy that can be extracted from a unit mass of a fuel while energy density is the energy
that can be extracted from a unit volume of fuel.
b The available energy is mgh. The energy density is the energy per unit volume that can be obtained and
mgh mgh
so E D = = = ρ gh = 10 3 × 9.8 × 75 = 7.4 × 105 J m −3
V m
2 a In 1 s the energy is 500 MJ.
b In one year the energy is 5.0 × 108 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 = 1.6 × 1016 J.
3 a The overall efficiency is 0.80 × 0.40 × 0.12 × 0.65 = 0.025.
4 2.5


100 1.5


20 48 28

4 a The energy produced by burning the fuel is 107 × 30 × 106 = 3.0 × 1014 J. Of this 70% is converted to useful
0.30 × 3.0 × 1014
energy and so the power output is P = = 1.04 × 109 W.
24 × 60 × 60
0.70 × 3.0 × 1014
b The rate at which energy is discarded is Pdiscard = = 2.43 × 109 W.
24 × 60 × 60
∆m ∆m Pdiscard 2.43 × 109
c Use c ∆θ = Pdiscard to get = = = 1.2 × 105 kg s −1 .
∆t ∆t c ∆θ 4200 × 5
5 In time t the energy used by the engine is 20 × 103 × t. The energy available is 0.40 × 34 × 106 J and so
20 × 103 × t = 0.40 × 34 × 106 ⇒ t = 680 s. The distance travelled is then x = vt = 9.0 × 680 = 6.1 km.
6 The useful energy produced each day is E = Pt = 1.0 × 109 × 24 × 60 × 60 = 8.64 × 1013 J. The energy produced
8.64 × 1013
by burning the coal is therefore 0.40 = ⇒ Ec = 2.16 × 1014 J. So the mass of coal to be burned is
2.16 × 1014
m= = 7.2 × 106 kg per day.
30 × 106

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 1
  7 a T
 he fissionable isotope of uranium is U – 235. This is found in very small concentrations in uranium ore
which is mostly U – 238. Enrichment means increasing the concentration of U – 235 in a sample of uranium.
b The moderator is the part of the nuclear reactor where neutrons released from the fission reactions slow
down as a result of collisions with the atoms of the moderator. The temperature of the moderator can be kept
constant with a cooling system that removes the excess thermal energy generated in the moderator.
c Critical mass refers to the least mass of uranium that must be present for nuclear fission reactions to be
sustained. If the mass of uranium is too small (i.e. below the critical mass) the neutrons may escape without
causing fission reactions.
  8 a The reaction is 235
92 U+ 01 n → 140
54 Xe + 94
38 Sr + 2 01 n . The mass difference is

δ = ( 235.043992 − 92 × 0.000549) + 1.008 665

      − ((1339.921636 − 54 × 0.000549) + (93.915 360 − 38 × 0.000549) + 2 × 1.008 665))
    = 0.198 331 u
And so the energy released is E = 0.198331 × 931.5c2 MeVc-2 = 185 MeV.
b With N reactions per second the power output is N × 185 MeVs-1. In other words, N × 185 × 106 × 1.6 × 10-19 = 
200 × 106⇒N = 6.8 × 1018 s-1.
  9 a One kilogram of uranium corresponds to = 4.26 moles and so 4.26 × 6.02 × 1023 = 2.57 × 1024
nuclei. Each nucleus produces 200 MeV and so the energy produced by 1 kg (the energy density) is
2.57 × 1024 × 200 × 106 × 1.6 × 10-19 ≈ 8 × 1013 J kg-1.
8 × 1013
b = 2.7 × 106 kg
30 × 106
500 × 106
10 a The energy that must be produced in 1 s is E = = 1.25 × 109 J. Hence the number of fission
1.25 × 109
reactions per second is = 3.9 × 1019.
200 × 106 × 1.6 × 10 −19
b The number of nuclei required to fission per second is 3.9 × 1019 which corresponds to
3.9 × 1019
= 6.5 × 10 −5 mol, i.e. a mass of 6.5 × 10-5 × 235 × 10-3 = 1.5 × 10-5 kg s-1.
6.02 × 10 23
11 steam
fuel control rods
control rods
rod (can be raised or lowered)
(can be raised or lowered)
generator steam

fuel water pump
rod coolant (carbon solid
dioxide gas) moderator
pressurised water reactor (PWR) gas-cooled reactor

a i fuel rods are pipes in which the fuel (i.e. uranium – 235) is kept.
ii c ontrol rods are rods that can absorb neutrons. These are lowered in or raised out of the moderator so that
the rate of reactions is controlled. The rods are lowered in if the rate is too high – the rods absorb neutrons
so that these neutrons do not cause additional reactions. They raised out if the rate is too small leaving the
neutrons to cause further reactions.
iii The moderator is the part of the nuclear reactor where neutrons released from the fission reactions slow
down as a result of collisions with the atoms of the moderator. The temperature of the moderator can be
kept constant with a cooling system that removes the excess thermal energy generated in the moderator.

2 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
b It is kinetic energy of the neutrons produced which is converted into thermal energy in the moderator as the
neutrons collide with the moderator atoms.
12 A solar panel receives solar radiation incident on it and uses it to heat up water, i.e. it converts solar energy into
thermal energy. The photovoltaic cell converts the solar incident on it to electrical energy.
13 a T
 he power that must be supplied is 3.0 kW and this equals 700 × A × 0.70 × 0.50. Hence 700 × A × 0.70 ×
0.50 = 3.0 × 103⇒A = 12 m2.

85 kW

25 kW 30 kW 30 kW

mc ∆θ 300 × 4200 × 35
14 The power that is provided is 0.65 × 240 × A and this must equal = .
∆t 12 × 60 × 60
300 × 4200 × 35
Hence 0.65 × 700 × A = ⇒ A = 6.5 m 2.
12 × 60 × 60
15 The power incident on the panel is 600 × 4.0 × 0.60 = 1440W. The energy needed to warm the water is
1.89 × 107
mc∆θ = 150 × 4200 × 30 = 1.89 × 107 J and so 1440 × t = 1.89 × 107 ⇒ t = = 1.31 × 104 s = 3.6 hr.
16 a From the graph this is about T = 338 K
b P = IA = 400 × 2 = 800W
c The useful power is the 320 W that is extracted. The efficiency is thus = 0.40.
17 The power supplied at the given speed is (reading from the graph) 100 kW. Hence the energy supplied in 100 hrs
is 100 × 103 × 1000 × 60 × 60 = 3.6 × 1011 J.
18 We look at the power formula for windmills, P = ρ Av 3 to deduce:
a i the area will increase by a factor of 4 if the length is doubled and so the power goes up by a factor of 4,
ii the power will increase by a factor of 23 = 8
iii the combined effect is 4 × 8 = 32
b Not all the kinetic energy of the wind can be extracted because not all the wind is stopped by the windmill (as
the formula has assumed). In addition, there will be frictional losses as the turbines turn as well as losses due to
19 Assumptions include:
i no losses of energy due to frictional forces as the turbines turn
ii no turbulence in the air
iii that all the air stops at the turbines so that the speed of the air behind the turbines is zero (which is

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 3
20 The power in the wind before hitting the turbine is ρ1 Av13 and right after passing through the turbine is
1 1 1 1
ρ2 Av 23 so the extracted power is ρ1 Av13 − ρ2 Av 23 = × π × 1.52 (1.2 × 8.0 3 − 1.8 × 3.00 3 ) ≈ 2.0 kW.
2 2 2 2
1 1
21 From P = ρ Av 3 we get 25 × 10 3 = × 1.2 × A × 9.0 3 ⇒ A = 57.16 m 2 and so π R 2 = 57.16 ⇒ R = 4.3 m. The
2 2
assumptions made are the usual ones (see question 19)
i no losses of energy due to frictional forces as the turbines turn
ii no turbulence in the air, and
iii that all the air stops at the turbines so that the speed of the air behind the turbines is zero (which is impossible).
22 The potential energy of a mass ∆m of water is ∆mgh and so the power developed is the rate of change of this
energy i.e. gh = 500 × 9.8 × 40 = 1.96 × 105 ≈ 2.0 × 105 W .
23 The potential energy of a mass ∆m of water is ∆mgh and so the power developed is the rate of change of this
∆m ∆V
energy i.e. gh = ρ gh = ρQgh .
∆t ∆t
24 The amount of electrical energy generated will always be less than the energy required to raise the water back to
its original height. This is because the electrical energy generated is less than what theoretically could be provided
by the water (because of various losses). So this claim cannot be correct.
 oal power plant: chemical energy of coal → thermal energy → kinetic energy of steam → kinetic energy of
25 a C
turbine → electrical energy.
b hydroelectric power plant: potential energy of water → kinetic energy of water → kinetic energy of turbine →
electrical energy.
c wind turbine: kinetic energy of wind → kinetic energy of turbine → electrical energy.
d nuclear power plant: nuclear energy of fuel → kinetic energy of neutrons → thermal energy in moderator →
kinetic energy of steam → kinetic energy of turbine → electrical energy.

Chapter 8.2 Thermal energy transfer

26 a E
 nergy has to be conserved so whatever energy enters the junction has to leave the junction and so the rates of
energy transfer are the same.
b The temperature differences are not the same because X and Y have different thermal conductivity.
27 There is; in order to send the warm air that collects higher up in the room downwards.
900  4
28 Power is proportional to T 4 and so the ratio is  = 34 = 81
 300 
29 a A black body is any body at absolute temperature T whose radiated power per unit area is given by σT4. A
black body appears black when its temperature is very low. It absorbs all the radiation incident on it and reflects
b A piece of charcoal is a good approximation to a black body as is the opening of a soft drink can.
c It increases by  273 + 100  ≈ 1.8
 273 + 50 
30 a The wavelength at the peak of the graph is determined by temperature and since the wavelength is the same so
is the temperature.
b The ratio of the intensities at the peak is about ≈ 0.6.
P 1.35 × 109
31 We have that eσ AT 4 = P ⇒ T = 4 i.e. T = 4 = 278 K.
eσ A 0.800 × 5.67 × 10 −8 × 5.00 × 106

4 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
1 1
32 a We must have that σ AT ∝ ⇒T ∝
2 .
d d
∆T 1 ∆d
b Using our knowledge of propagation of uncertainties, we deduce that = and so
T 2 d
∆T 1
= × 1.0% = 0.005 . Hence, ∆T = 0.005T = 0.005 × 288 = 1.4 K.
T 2
33 a Intensity is the power received per unit area from a source of radiation.
b P = e σ AT 4. P = 0.90 × 5.67 × 10-8 × 1.60 × (273 + 37)4 = 754 W. Assuming uniform radiation in all directions, the
P 754
intensity is then I = = = 2.4 W m −2.
4π d 2
4π (5.0)2
34 a Imagine a sphere centered at the source of radius d. The power P radiated by the source is distributed over the
surface area A of this imaginary sphere. The power per unit area i.e. the intensity is thus I = = .
b We have assumed that the radiation is uniform in all directions. A 4π d 2

35 a The peak wavelength is approximately λ0 = 0.65 × 10-5 m and so from Wien’s law: λ0T = 2.9 × 10-3 Km we find
2.9 × 10 −3
T = = 450 K.
0.65 × 10 −5
b The curve would be similar in shape but taller and the peak would be shifted to the left.
36 a Albedo is the ratio of the reflected intensity to the incident intensity on a surface.
b The albedo of a planet depends on factors such as cloud cover in the atmosphere, amount of ice on the surface,
amount of water on the surface and color and nature of the soil.
37 a The earth receives radiant energy from the sun and in turn radiates itself. The radiated energy is in the infrared
region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Gases in the atmosphere absorb part of this radiated energy and
reradiate it in all directions. Some of this radiation returns to the earth surface warming it further.
b The main greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane. See page 336 for sources.
38 a The energy flow diagram is similar to that in Fig. 8.10 on page 334.
b The reflected intensity is 350 - 250 = 100 Wm-2 and so the albedo is = 0.29 .
c It has to be equal to that absorbed i.e. 250 Wm-2.
I 250
d Use eσT 4 = I ⇒ T = 4 i.e. (assuming a black body) T = 4 = 258 K.You must be careful with
eσ A 5.67 × 10 −8
these calculations in the exam.You must be sure as to whether the question wants you to assume a black body
or not. Strictly speaking, in a model without an atmosphere the earth surface cannot be taken to be a black
body – if it were no radiation would be reflected!
39 a The intensity radiated by the surface is I 1 and a fraction t of this escapes so we know that I3 = tI1. The intensity
of radiation entering the surface is (1 − α ) + α I 1 + I 2 . This must equal the intensity of radiation leaving the
surface which is I 1: (1 − α ) + α I 1 + I 2 = I 1. The intensity of radiation entering the atmosphere is (1- α )I 1
and that leaving it is 2I 2 + I 3. Hence 2I 2 + I 3 = (1- α )I 1. So we have to solve the equations (we used I3 = tI1)
(1 − α ) + α I 1 + I 2 = I 1
2I 2 + tI 1 = (1 − α )I 1
These simplify to
(1 − α ) + I 2 = (1 − α )I 1
(1 − α − t )
2I 2 = (1 − α − t )I 1 ⇒ I 2 = I1

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 5
S (1 − α − t )
(1 − α ) + I 1 = (1 − α )I 1
4 2
S (1 − α − t )
(1 − α ) = (1 − α )I 1 − I1
4 2
S (1 − α + t )
(1 − α ) = I1
4 2
2 S
I1 = (1 − α )
1− α + t 4

1 − α − t (1 − α )S 2t (1 − α )S
Therefore, I 2 = × and I 3 = × as required.
1− α + t 4 1− α + t 4
b The intensity entering is . The intensity leaving is α + I 3 + I 2. The intensity leaving simplifies to
4 4

S 2t (1 − α )S 1 − α − t (1 − α )S S  2t 1− α − t
α + × + × =  α + (1 − α ) + (1 − α ) 
4 1− α + t 4 1− α + t 4 4 1− α + t 1− α + t
S 1− α + t
=  α + (1 − α ) 
4  1− α + t
= (α + (1 − α ))
2 S
c The intensity radiated by the surface is I 1 = (1 − α ) and must equal σ T 4, where T is the surface
temperature. Hence 1− α + t 4

2 S
(1 − α ) = σT 4
1− α + t 4
2(1 − α )
t= 4 − 1+ α
σT 4
2(1 − 0.30) × 350
t= − 1 + 0.30
5.67 × 10 −8 × 2884
t ≡ 0.556
d i L et an intensity I be incident on the atmosphere of emissivity e. An amount eI will be absorbed and
reradiated, an amount αI will be reflected and an amount tI will be transmitted. By energy conservation we
have that I = eI + αI + tI from which e = 1 - α - t as required.
1 − α − t (1 − α )S
ii We equate I 2 = × to e σ T 4 where T is the atmosphere temperature to get
1− α + t 4
(recall that e = 1 - α - t)
1 − α − t (1 − α )S
eσT 4 = ×
1− α + t 4
1 (1 − α )S
σT 4 = ×
1− α + t 4
1 (1 − 0.30) × 350
T =4 ×
1 − 0.30 + 0.556 5.67 × 10 −8
T = 242 K

6 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015
40 Radiation is a main mechanism to both the atmosphere and to space. In addition there is conduction to the
atmosphere, as well as convection.
41 a Dry sub – tropical land has a high albedo, around 0.4 whereas a warm ocean has an albedo of less than 0.2.
b Radiation and convection currents are the main mechanisms.
c Replacing dry land by water reduces the albedo of the region. Reducing the albedo means that less radiation
is reflected and more is absorbed and so an increase in temperature might be expected. The increase in
temperature might involve additional evaporation and so more rain.
42 The rate of evaporation from water depends on the temperature of the water and the temperature of the
surrounding air. These are both higher in the case of the tropical ocean water and evaporation will be more
significant in that case.
43 There is more evaporation in region b implying that it is both warmer and wet. The fact that region b is
warmer is further supported by the somewhat greater conduction which would be expected if the difference in
temperature between the atmosphere and the land were larger.
44 We have that the original average albedo of the area was 0.6 × 0.10 + 0.4 × 0.3 = 0.18 and the new one is
0.7 × 0.10 + 0.3 × 0.3 = 0.16 for a reduction in albedo of 0.02. Hence the expected temperature change is estimated
to be 2°C.

physics for the IB Diploma © Cambridge University Press 2015 ANSWERS TO TEST YOURSELF QUESTIONS 8 7
Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 9
9.1 Simple harmonic motion
1 They are not simple harmonic because as shown in the textbook the restoring force whereas opposite to, is not
proportional to the displacement away from the equilibrium position. If however the amplitude of oscillations
is small the force does become approximately proportional to the displacement and the oscillations are then
approximately simple harmonic.
 π π
2 a We notice that x 0 cos  ω t −  = x 0 sin ω t and so the phase is − .
 2 2
b At t = 0 the equation says that x = x 0 cos φ . The next time x assumes this value is at a time given by
x 0 cos(ωT + φ ) = x 0 cos φ . Thus we must solve the equation cos(ωT + φ ) = cos φ . This means that the angles

ωT + φ and φ differ by 2π and so solutions are ωT + φ = φ + 2π ⇒ T =
3 a At t = 0 we have y = 5.0 cos(0) = 5.0 mm. ω
b At t = 1.2 s we use the calculator (in radian mode) to find y = 5.0 cos( 2 × 1.2) = −3.7 mm.
c −2.0 = 5.0 cos( 2t ) ⇒ 2t = cos −1  −  = 1.98 ⇒ t = 0.99 s.
 5
d Use v = ±ω x 02 − x 2 . We know that ω = 2.0 s −1. Therefore,
6.00 = ±2.0 25 − x 2 ⇒ 25 − x 2 = 9.0 ⇒ x = ±4.00 mm .
4 a The equation is simply y = 8.0 cos( 2π × 14t ) = 8.0 cos( 28π t ).
b The velocity is therefore v = −8.0 × 28π sin( 28π t ) and the acceleration is a = −8.0 × ( 28π )2 cos( 28π t ).
At t = 0.025 s we evaluate (in radian mode) y = 8.0 cos( 28π × 0.025) = −4.7 cm,
v = −8.0 × 28π sin( 28π × 0.025) = −5.7 m s −1 and a = −8.0 × ( 28π )2 cos( 28π × 0.025) = 3.6 × 10 2 m s −2.
5 The angular frequency is ω = 2π f = 2π × 460 = 920π . The maximum velocity is
ω A = 920π × 5.0 × 10 −3 = 14 m s −1 and the maximum acceleration is ω 2 A = (920π )2 × 5.0 × 10 −3 = 4.2 × 104 m s −2.
6 a The equation of the string may be rewritten as y = ( 6.0 sin(π x )) cos( 2π × 520t ) from which we deduce that the
frequency of all points is 520 Hz and that the phase of all points is zero.
b From a the amplitude is A = 6.0 sin(π x ) and so is different for different points on the string.
c The maximum amplitude is obtained when sin(π x ) = 1, i.e. the maximum amplitude is 6.0 mm.
d The displacement is always zero at the ends of the string, in particular at the right end where x = L , the length
of the string. The displacement is zero all the time when 6.0 sin(π x ) = 0 i.e. when π x = π ⇒ x = 1.0 m.
e When x = = 0.75 m the amplitude is 6.0 sin(π x ) = 6.0 sin(0.75π ) = 4.2 mm.
7 a The area is approximately 0.50 cm (the exact value is 0.51 cm).
b This is the displacement from when the velocity is zero to when it is zero again i.e. from one extreme position
until the other i.e. twice the amplitude.
 2π t  = −0.25 sin ( 5 t ).
c The period is 0.4 s and so the equation for displacement is x = −0.25 sin  π
 0.4 

2π 2π
8 We need to graph the equation a = −ω 2 x where ω = = = 12.57 s −1. The slope would be ω = 158 s
2 −2

T 0.5
or just 1.58 since we are plotting cm on the horizontal axis.
a/m s–2



0 10
–15 –10 –5 5 15


9 a The defining relation for SHM is that a = −ω 2 x which implies that a graph of acceleration versus displacement
is a straight line through the origin with negative slope just as the given graph.
= −15 s −2 and so ω = 15 = 3.873 s . Thus the
b The slope of the graph gives −ω 2. The measured slope is

period is T = = 1.6 s.
c The maximum velocity is ω A = 3.873 × 0.10 = 0.39 m s .

d The maximum net force is ma = mω A = 0.150 × 15 × 0.10 = 0.225 N.


1 1
e The total energy is ET = mω 2 A 2 = 0.150 × 3.8732 × 0.10 2 = 0.012 J.
2 2
10 a The forces on the mass when the plate is at the top are shown below:

The net force is mg − N = ma. Since we have simple harmonic motion a = ω 2 x = 4π 2 f 2 x in magnitude, and
the largest acceleration is obtained when x = A, the amplitude of the oscillation. The frequency is 5.0 Hz. The
g 9.8
critical point is when N = 0. I.e. g = 4π 2 f 2 A and so A = = = 0.0099 m. The amplitude must
4π f
2 2
4π 2 × 25
not exceed this value.
b At the lowest point:
N − mg = ma = m4π 2 f 2 A
⇒ N = mg + m4π 2 f 2 A
N = 0.120 × 9.8 + 0.120 × 4 × π 2 × 25 × 0.0099
N = 2.35 N
4π x 3 4π R 3
11 a The volume within the sphere of radius x is and that of the entire sphere is therefore the mass
3 3 3
enclosed is the fraction M 3 .
Mx 3
3 GMmx
b F =G R 2 =
x R3

c The acceleration of the mass is given by ma = − 3
⇒ a = − 3 x which is the condition for SHM with
ω2 = .
2π R3
d T = = 2π
ω GM
(6.4 × 106 )3
e T = 2π = 5085 s = 85 miin.
6.67 × 10 −11 × 6.0 × 10 24

f From gravitation we know that mv = GMm ⇒ v 2 = GM =  2π R  ⇒ T = 2π R as in d.

2 2 3

R R2 R  T  GM
12 a When extended by an amount x the force pulling back on the body is 2kx and so
2k 2k 2 × 120
ma = −2kx ⇒ a = − x and so ω = = = 10.95 s −1 giving a period of
m m 2.0
2π 2π
T = = = 0.57 s.
ω 10.95
b With the springs connected this way, and the mass pulled to the side by small amount one spring will be
compressed and the other extended. Hence the net force on the mass will still be 2kx so the period will not
13 a At the top the woman’s total energy is gravitational potential energy equal to mgh where h is the height
measured from the lowest position that we seek. At the lowest position all the gravitational potential energy has
1 1 1
been converted into elastic energy kx 2 and so mgh = kx 2. Since h = 15 + x we have that mgh = k(h − 15)2.
2 2 2
We must now solve for the height h:
60 × 10 × h = × 220 × (h − 15)2
600h = 110(h − 30h + 225)

110h 2 − 3900h + 24750 = 0

11h 2 − 390h + 2475 = 0
The physically meaningful solution is h ≈ 27 m.
b The forces on the woman at the position in (a) are her weight vertically downwards and the tension in the
spring upwards. Hence the net force is Fnet = T − mg = kx − mg = 220 × ( 27 − 15) − 600 = 2040 N hence
F 2040
a = net = = 34 m s −2.
m 60
c Let x be the extension of the spring at some arbitrary position of the woman. Then the net force on her
is Fnet = T − mg = kx − mg directed upwards i.e. opposite to the direction of x. So ma = −(kx − mg ). The
acceleration is not proportional to the displacement so it looks we do not have SHM. But we must measure
displacement from an equilibrium position. This is when the extension of the spring is x 0 and kx 0 = mg. In
other words call the displacement to be y = x − x 0. Then
ma = −(k( y + x 0 ) − mg ) = −ky − kx 0 + mg = −ky since kx 0 = mg. Hence we do have the condition for SHM. And
k k 2π
so a = − y so that ω 2 = ⇒ ω = 1.91 s −1 and finally T = = 3.28 ≈ 3.3 s.
m m ω
d She will come to rest when the tension in the spring equals her weight i.e. when
mg 60 × 10
kx 0 = mg ⇒ x 0 = = = 2.7 m. Hence the distance from the top is 15 + 2.7 = 17.7 ≈ 18 m.
k 220
e It has been converted to other forms of energy mainly thermal energy in the air and at the point of support of
the spring.

9.2 Single-slit diffraction
14 The diffraction angle is θ ≈ = 0.333 rad and so the angular width is double this i.e. 0666 rad or 38.2°.
λ 6.00 × 10 −7
15 The diffraction angle is θ ≈ = = 0.0050 rad and so the angular width is double this i.e. 010 rad. The
b 0.12 × 10 −3
linear width is therefore 2dθ = 2 × 0.0050 × 2.00 = 0.020 m.
λ λ
16 a The diffraction angle is about θ ≈ = 0.0041 rad and so b ≈ ≈ 24 λ .
b 0.0041
b In i we have a smaller width and so a larger diffraction angle. In ii there will be no change since both
wavelength and width halve. Notice however that if we were to pay attention to the vertical axis scale, with a
smaller slit width less light would go through so in both cases the intensity would be less.





−0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10

θ / rad

9.3 Interference
λ D 680 × 10 −9 × 1.50
17 The separation is given by the booklet formula s = = = 8.5 mm.
d 0.12 × 10 −3
18 The two flashlights are not coherent. This means that the phase difference between them keeps changing with
time (very fast, on a time scale of nanoseconds). Thus, whatever interference pattern is produced at any moment
in time, a different pattern will be produced a nanosecond later. Therefore all we can observe is an average of the
rapidly changing patterns on the screen, i.e. no interference at all.
19 d sin θ = n × 680 and d sin θ = (n + 1) × 510. Thus n × 680 = (n + 1) × 510 ⇒ 680n = 510n + 510 ⇒ n = 3.
3.1 λD
20 a The separation of the bright fringes is s = × 10 −3 = 0.775 × 10 −3 m. From s = we get
4 d
sd 0.775 × 10 −3 × 1.00 × 10 −3
λ= = = 6.46 × 10 −7 ≈ 6.5 × 10 −7 m
D 1.2
b The wavelength in water would be less (by a factor of 1.33) and so the distance would also be less.
21 a We must have d sin 20° = 1 × λ and so d = = 2.92 × λ .
sin 20°
b From s = , the distance between the bright fringes would double if d halves.
22 a Use d sin θ = nλ with d = mm and λ = 600.0 nm to get:
n θ
0 0.0°
1 13.89°
2 28.69°
3 46.05°
4 73.74°

b n=4

23 There will be a phase change of π at both reflection points and so the condition for destructive interference (for
1 λ
normal incidence) is 2d =  k +  where n is the refractive index of the coating.
 2 n

 1 λ  1 680
This gives d =  k +  =  k +  nm . The least thickness d is obtained for k = 0 and is d = 123 nm.
2 2n  2  2 × 1.38
24 The reflected light must show constructive interference. There is a phase change only at the top reflection so
 1 λ
the condition for constructive interference is 2d =  k +  where n is the refractive index of the film. Then
 2 n
 1 λ  1  550  1
d = k +  = k +  =  k +  × 206.8 nm. Possible values of d are then d = 103 nm, d = 310 nm etc.
 2  2n  2  2 × 1.33  2
25 a Coherent light means light where the phase difference between any two points on the same cross section of the
beam is constant. Monochromatic light means light of the same wavelength.
7.0 × 10 −7
b The first maximum is observed at d sin θ = λ ⇒ θ = sin −1 = 0.05 rad and this gives the
following graph. 1.4 × 10 −5

–0.10 –0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10

θ / rad

c The angle in b would now halve to 0.025 rad giving the following graph.

–0.10 –0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10

θ / rad

26 a See, for example, Figure 9.19 in the coursebook.

b i The intensity increases, the maxima become thinner and there are secondary maxima
ii the intensity of the maxima stays the same but their separation increases.

9.4 Resolution
1 × 10 −2
27 The angular separation of the points is θ A = = 10 −6 rad. The diffraction angle is
10 × 10 3

1.22 × 600 × 10 −9
θD = = 4 × 10 −5 rad. The objects will not be resolved since θ A < θ D.
20 × 10 −2
1.4 500 × 10 −9
28 a The angular separation is θ A = and the diffraction angle is θ D = 1.22 × −2
= 1.22 × 10 −5 rad. For
d 5.0 × 10
1.4 1 .4
resolution we need θ A ≥ θ D, i.e. ≥ 1.22 × 10 −5 and so d ≤ = 115 km.
d 1.22 × 10 −5
b It would decrease since the diffraction angle would get smaller.
5.0 × 10 −7
29 a The diffraction angle is θ D = 1.22 × −3
= 1.52 × 10 −4 rad and this is the smallest angular separation that
can be resolved. 4 .0 × 10
b With θ D = θ A = 1.52 × 10 −4 we get 1.52 × 10 −4 = ⇒ s ≈ 58 km.
3.8 × 108
21 × 10 −2
30 a The diffraction angle is θ D = 1.22 × = 3.4 × 10 −3 rad and this is the smallest angular separation that
can be resolved. 76
3.6 × 1011
b The angular separation of the two stars is = 4.1 × 10 −6 < θ D so the stars cannot be resolved.
8.8 × 1016
8.0 × 10 −2
31 The diffraction angle is θ D = 1.22 × = 3.3 × 10 −4 rad. The angular separation of two points on a
2.2 × 105
diameter of Andromeda is = 0.088 > θ D so the telescope sees Andromeda as an extended object.
2.5 × 106
5.5 × 10 −7
32 The diffraction angle is θ D = 1.22 × = 1.5 × 10 −4 rad. When this is about equal to the angular
4.5 × 10 −3
3.8 × 108
separation of the earth and the moon, i.e. θ A = , the objects will be resolved. This means
3.8 × 10 8
= 1.5 × 10 −4 ⇒ d = 2.5 × 1012 m.
5.5 × 10 −7
33 a The diffraction angle is θ D = 1.22 × = 2.8 × 10 −7 rad.
b It is free from atmospheric disturbances such as light pollution, turbulence in the air etc.
34 a From d sin θ = nλ, we get using the average wavelength of the
3 × 589.29 × 10 −9
two lines: d = = 8.5 × 10 −6 m.
sin 12°
λ λ 589.29 × 10 −9
b For resolution: mN = ⇒N = = = 329.
∆λ m ∆λ 3 × 0.597 × 10 −9
λ 550
35 a From ∆λ = = = 0.092 nm.
mN 2 × 3000
b Increasing m and N both decrease ∆λ and so improve resolution. However the intensity of the light decreases
with increasing m and so it is preferable to increase N instead.

9.5 The Doppler effect

Note: Take the speed of sound in still air to be 340 m s–1.

source moving

a b

37 a This is a case of a source moving towards the observer and so
c 340
f = f0 = 500 = 566.7 ≈ 570 Hz.
c −v 340 − 40
c 340
b i λ= = = 0.68 m
f 0 500
c 340
ii λ ′ = = = 0.60 m
f 566.7
38 a This is a case of a source moving away from the observer and so
c 340
f = f0 = 480 = 438.7 ≈ 440 Hz .
c +v 340 + 32
c 340
b i λ= = = 0.71 m
f 0 480
c 340
ii λ ′ = = ≈ 0.78 m
f 438.7
39 a This is a case of an observer approaching a stationary source and so the relevant formula is and
 v  12 
so. f = f 0  1 −  = 512  1 −  = 493.9 ≈ 490 Hz.
 c   340 
c 340
b i λ= = = 0.66 m
f 0 512
c 340 − 12
ii λ ′ = = ≈ 0.66 m = λ
f 493.9
40 a This is a case of an observer moving away from a stationary source and so the relevant formula is and so
 v  25 
f = f 0  1 +  = 628  1 +  = 674.2 ≈ 670 Hz.
 c  340 
c 340
b i λ= = = 0.54 m
f 0 628
c 340 + 25
ii λ ′ = = ≈ 0.54 m = λ
f 674.2
41 An observer on the approaching car will measure a higher frequency ( f 1) than that emitted ( f 0 ) because we have
a case of the Doppler effect with an approaching source. The wave will then be reflected with frequency f 1 . The
car is now acting as an approaching source. The frequency received back at the source ( f 2 ) will be higher than
that emitted from the car. This is the case of a double Doppler effect.
 v
42 The frequency received by the receding observer is (observer moving away) f = f 0  1 −  . The wave is reflected
 c
backwards. The moving observer now acts as the source of the waves and the frequency emitted by this “source”
 v
is f = f 0  1 −  therefore, the original source now acts as a stationary observer and so the frequency it receives is
 c
1 − v  1 − v 
1  c  . Hence  c  . Since 480 = 0.96 we have
now f = f0 480 = 500
1 +  v v
1 +  v
1 +  500
 c  c  c
1 − v 
 c
0.96 =
1+ v 
 c
v v
0.96 + 0.96 = 1 −
c c
1.96 = 0.04
= 0.0204
v = 0.0204 × 340 = 6.9 m s −1

1 − v 
 c  directly into the SOLVER of your graphics calculator
Hint: You can put the equation 480 = 500
1 + v 
 c
(with x = ) and get the answer immediately without any of the tedious algebra above.
c f0
43 The frequency received by the stationary observer is (source moving towards) f = . The wave is reflected
1 − v 
 c
backwards. The stationary observer now acts as the source of the waves and the frequency emitted by this “source”
is f = . The original source now acts as a moving observer and so the frequency it receives is
1 − v 
 c
1 + v  1 + v
 v  c   c  . Since 512
now f  1 +  = f 0 . Hence 512 = 500 = 1.024 we have
 c 1 − v  1 − v 500
 c  c
1 + v 
 c
1.024 =
1 − v 
 c
v v
1.024 − 1.024 = 1 +
c c
2.024 = 0.024
= 0.01186
v = 0.01186 × 340 = 4.0 m s −1

44 As far as the observer is concerned the velocity of the source is vS + v 0 and the speed of the wave is v 0 + c . So
using the formula of the stationary observer and an approaching source we have
fS fS c + v0 .
f0 = = = fS
 v + v 0   c + v 0   vS + v 0  c − vS
1−  S    − 
 c + v0   c + v0   c + v0 
c −v
45 a The frequency emitted is f. The observer is moving away so he receives a frequency f R = f . This
frequency is reflected from the object which now acts as a receding source. The frequency received back at the
1 − v 
 c .
original source is then f ′ = f R c =  f c − v  c = f c − v = f
c +v  c  c +v c +v v
1 + 
 c
v  v  v  v ∆f 2v
b If is small then f ′ ≈ f  1 −  1 +  ≈ f  1 − 2  . Hence = .
c  c c c f c
∆f 2v c ∆f 1500 × 2.4 × 10 3
c i = ⇒v = = = 0.36 m s −1
f c 2f 2 × 5.00 × 106
ii Because there is a range of speeds for the blood cells and the ultrasound is not incident normally
on the cells.
∆λ v ∆λ 0.17 × 10 −7
46 = ⇒v =c = 3.0 × 108 × = 9.33 × 106 m s −1
λ c λ 5.48 × 10 −7

∆λ v ∆λ 3.0 × 10 −9
47 a = ⇒v =c = 3.0 × 108 × = 1.4 × 106 m s −1
λ c λ 657 × 10 −9
b The speed derived in a is just the component of velocity along the line of sight, not the total velocity.
2π R 2π × 7.00 × 108
48 The speed of a point on the Sun’s equator is v = = = 1.89 × 10 3 m s −1 .
T 27 × 24 × 60 × 60
c 3.0 × 108
The emitted frequency is f = = = 6.00 × 1014 Hz. The shifts are then
λ 5.00 × 10 −7
∆f v v 6.00 × 1014 × 1.89 × 10 3
= ⇒ ∆f = f = = 3.778 × 109 Hz.
f c c 3.00 × 108
49 a There is no shift since the velocity is at right angles to the direction of observation. The stars are neither
approaching or moving away from the observer at that time.
∆λ v c ∆λ 3.00 × 108 × 0.08 × 10 −7
b The speeds of the stars are = ⇒v = = = 3.65 × 106 m s −1 and
λ c λ 6.58 × 10 −7

∆λ v c ∆λ 3.00 × 108 × 0.18 × 10 −7

= ⇒v = = = 8.21 × 106 m s −1.
λ c λ 6.58 × 10 −7

Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 10
10.1 Describing fields
Gm 16Gm 25Gm 16 × 25Gm
1 a The net field at P is: g = 2
− 2
= − =0
(d / 5 ) ( 4d / 5 ) d2 16d 2
Gm 16Gm 5Gm 16 × 5Gm 5Gm 20Gm 25Gm
b The net potential at P is: V = − − =− − = − =−
d / 5 4d / 5 d 4d d d d
2 a V =−
5R e
6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.98 × 10 24
5 × 6.38 × 106
= −1.249 × 107 ≈ −1.25 × 107 J kg −1

b EP = −
5R e
6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.98 × 10 24 × 500
5 × 6.38 × 106
= −6.252 × 109 ≈ −6.25 × 109 J

GM earth M moon 6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.97 × 10 24 × 7.35 × 10 22

3 a EP = − =− = −7.62 × 10 28 J
r 3.84 × 10 8

GM earth 6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.97 × 10 24

b V =− =− = −1.04 × 106 J kg −1
r 3.84 × 108
GM earth 6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.97 × 10 24
c v= = = 1.02 × 10 3 m s −1
r 3.84 × 108
GM earthm GM moonm
4 We must plot the function EP = − − giving the graph in the answers. Here m is the mass
r d−r
of the spacecraft and d the separation of the earth and the moon (center-to-center). Putting numbers in,
6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.98 × 10 24 × 3.0 × 104 6.67 × 10 −11 × 7.35 × 10 22 × 3.0 × 104
EP = − −
r 3.84 × 108 − r
1.2 × 1019 1.5 × 1017
= −
r 3.84 × 108 − r
1.2 × 10 / 3.84 × 108 1.5 × 1017 / 3.84 × 108
= −
r / 3.84 × 108 1 − r / 3.84 × 108
3.1 × 1010 3.9 × 108
= −
x 1− x

where x = . In this way the function can be plotted on a calculator to give the graph shown here.
3.84 × 108
r /d
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

EP/ 3.12 × 1010 J



GM P GM m M P (0.75d )2
5 a At r = 0.75, g = − =0 . Hence = = 9.
(0.75d )2 (0.25d )2 M m (0.25d )2
b The probe must have enough energy to get to the maximum of the graph. From then on the moon will pull it
in. Then W = mv 2 = m ∆V ⇒ v = 2 ∆V = 2( −0.20 × 1012 − ( −6.45 × 1012 ))) = 3.5 × 106 m s −1.
6 The tangential component at A is in the direction of velocity and so the planet increases its speed. At B it is
opposite to the velocity and so the speed decreases. The normal component does zero work since the angle
between force and displacement is a right angle and cos 90° = 0.
7 The work done by an external agent in moving an object from r = a to r = b at a small constant speed.
8 a The pattern is not symmetrical and so the masses must be different. The spherical equipotential surfaces of the
right mass are much less distorted and so this is the larger mass.
b The gravitational field lines are normal to the equipotential surfaces.
c From far away it looks like we have a single mass of magnitude equal to the sum of the two individual masses.
The equipotential surfaces of a single point mass are spherical.
kq kq 4kq
9 a V = + =
d/2 d/2 d
kq kq
bV = − =0
d/2 d/2
10 A diagram is:

Q1 Q2
8.99 × 109 × 2.0 × 10 −6 8.99 × 109 × 4.0 × 10 −6
The potential at P is V = − = −1.5 × 104 V.
0.4 0.6
kq 8.99 × 109 × 5.0 × 10 −6
11 a V = 4 × where r = 0.050 2 m. Hence V = 4 × = 2.5 × 106 V.
r 0.050 2
b E=0
c The potential at the centre has a maximum value. At a maximum value the derivative is zero.
12 a The work done is
 kQ kQ  −3  8.99 × 109 × 10 8.99 × 109 × 10 
W = q∆V = q  −  = 1.0 × 10 ×  −  = 3.6 × 107 J.
 r2 r2   2.0 10 
b No

13 The work done on the electron is
 kQ  8.99 × 109 × ( −10)
W = q∆V = q  − 0 = ( −1.6 × 10 −19 ) × = +1.44 × 10 −7 J.
 r  0.10
14 The work done (W = q∆V ) is equal to the change in kinetic energy  mv 2  . Hence
2 
1 −31 −19
× 9.1 × 10 × v = 1.6 × 10 × ( 200 − 100)

2 × 1.6 × 10 −19 × 100
⇒v = −31
= 5.9 × 106 m s −1
9.1 × 10
15 a The forces are roughly as follows.

F1 F2


They have magnitudes:

8.99 × 109 × 1 × 10 −6 × 2 × 10 −6
F1 = = 7.19 N
8.99 × 109 × 4 × 10 −6 × 2 × 10 −6
F2 = = 14.4 N
0.052 + 0.052
8.99 × 109 × 3 × 10 −6 × 2 × 10 −6
F3 = = 21.6 N
We must find the components of F2:
F2 x = F2 cos 45° = 10.2 N and F2 y = F2 sin 45° = 10.2 N. So the net force has components:
Fx = 10.2 − 7.2 = 3.0 N and Fy = 10.2 − 21.6 = 11.4 N. The net force is then F = (11.4 )2 + ( 3.0)2 = 11.8 N.
 −11.4  = −75°
The direction of the net force is arctan  .
 3.0 
b The distance of the center of the square from each of the vertices is
a = 0.0252 + 0.0252 = 0.0354 cm. So the potential at the center is
kQ1 kQ2 kQ3 kQ4 8.99 × 109
V = + + + = × ( −1 × 10 −6 + 2 × 10 −6 − 3 × 10 −6 + 4 × 10 −6 )
a a a a 0.0354
V = 5.1 × 105 V
c The work done is W = q∆V = q(V − 0) = 1.0 × 10 −9 × 5.1 × 105 = 5.1 × 10 −4 J.
kq1 kq2
16 a Charge will move until both spheres are at the same potential. Then = . By conservation of charge,
r1 r2
q q
q1 + q2 = Q where Q is the charge on the one sphere originally. Thus 1 = 2 ⇒ 3q1 = 2q2
10 15
2 3
and q1 + q2 = 2.0. Hence q1 = × 2.0 = 0.80 µC and q2 = × 2.0 = 1.2 µC.
5 5
0.80 × 10 −6
1.2 × 10
b σ1 = = 6.4 × 10 −6 C m −2 and σ 2 = = 4.2 × 10 −6 C m −2.
4π × 0.10 2
4π × 0.15 2

c E1 = 2
= 4π kσ 1 = 4π × 8.99 × 109 × 6.4 × 10 −6 = 7.2 × 105 N C−1 and
E 2 = 4π kσ 2 = 4π × 8.99 × 109 × 4.2 × 105 = 4.8 × 105 N C−1.
d The electric field is largest for the sphere with the larger charge density. The wire has to be long so that the
charge of one sphere will not affect the charge distribution on the other so that both are uniformly charged.

17 You must draw lines that are normal to the equipotentials.
18 a The potential a distance x from the bottom plate is given by
250 − ( −250)
V = −250 + x = ( −250 + 3.33 × 10 3 x ) V and so at x = 3.00 cm,
V = ( −250 + 3.33 × 10 3 × 0.0300) = −150 V. Therefore the electric potential energy of the charge is
EP = qV = ( −2.00 × 10 −6 ) × ( −150) = 0.300 mJ.
b The potential at x = 12.0 cm is V = ( −250 + 3.33 × 10 3 × 0.120) = 150 V and hence
EP = qV = ( −2.00 × 10 −6 ) × 150 = −0.300 mJ.
c The work done must be W = q∆V = ∆EP = −0.300 − 0.300 = −0.600 J.
1 2 1
19 a The kinetic energy of the electron E K = mv = × 9.1 × 10 −31 × (1.59 × 106 )2 = 1.15 × 10 −18 J
2 2
gets converted to electric potential energy eV at the point where the electron stops. Hence the potential
1.15 × 10 −18
at P is V = = −7.19 V.
−1.6 × 10 −19
kQ Vr ( −7.19) × 2.0 × 10 −10
b V = ⇒Q = = = −1.6 × 10 −19 C.
r k 9 × 109
20 a The field due to each of the charges has the direction shown. It is clear that the net field will point in the
negative y – direction.

kQ kQ
The magnitude of the field due to one of the charges is E = 2 = 2 . The y – component is
r a + d2
kQ kQ a kQa 2kQa
Ey = 2 sin θ = 2 = 2 and so the net field is Enet = 2 .
a +d 2
a +d a +d
2 2 2
(a + d )
2 3/ 2
(a + d 2 )3 / 2
b For two negative charges:

The net field is clearly directed to the left. It has magnitude

2kQ 2kQ d 2kQd
Enet = 2E x = 2 cos θ = 2 = 2 .
a +d 2
a +d a +d2 2 2
(a + d 2 )3 / 2
2kQa 2kQ 1
c We have Ea = 2 = 2 3/ 2
(a + d ) 2 3/ 2
a  d2 
 1 +
a 2 
2kQd 2kQ d 2kQ d /a
and Eb = 2 = 3 2 3/ 2
= 2 3/ 2 .
(a + d )
2 3/ 2
a  d  a  d2 
 1 + a 2   1 + a 2 
The plots are (the vertical axis is in units of 2 ):

Ea 1





0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3






0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3


21 The initial potential energy of the three protons is zero. When at the vertices of the triangle of side a the potential
k(e )(e ) 3ke 2
energy is EP = 3 × = since there are three pairs of charges a distance a apart. This evaluates to
a a
3 × 8.99 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2
EP = −16
= 1.4 × 10 −12 J ≈ 8.6 MeV. This is the energy that must be supplied.
5.0 × 10
10.2 Fields at work
GMm mv 2 GM
22 a 2
= ⇒v =
r r r
6.67 × 10 −11 × 5.98 × 10 24
Substituting values: v = = 7.6 × 10 3 m s −1
6.38 × 10 + 500 × 10
6 3

2π r 2π r 2π × (6.88 × 106 )
b From v = ⇒T = = = 5688 s = 94.8 ≈ 95 min
T v 7.6 × 10 3
GMm v2 GM 2π r 4π 2 R 3
23 We know that = m ⇒ v 2
= . But v = and so we deduce that T 2
= .
24 a From the previous problem, Therefore
GMT 2 3 6.67 × 10 −11 × 6.0 × 10 24 × ( 24 × 60 × 60)2
r= 3 = = 4.2 × 107 m. The distance from the surface is
4π 2 4π 2
therefore r = 4.2 × 10 − 6.38 × 10 = 3.6 × 10 km.
7 6 4

b No, it has to be above the equator.

25 The net force is the gravitational force and this must point towards the center of the earth. This happens only for
orbit 2.

26 As shown in the text the reaction force from the spacecraft floor is zero giving the impression of weightlessness.
More simply, both spacecraft and astronaut are in free fall with the same acceleration.
27 a Apply energy conservation to get: total energy at the point the fuel runs out is
1 GMm 1 GM GMm GMm
E T = mv 2 − = m − =− . At the highest point the kinetic energy is zero and so
2 2R 2 2R 2R 4R
− =− leading to r = 4 R
4R r
b The total energy of the rocket at the point where the fuel runs out is negative so the rocket cannot escape, it
will fall back down.
c Apply energy conservation again between the points where the fuel runs out and the crash point to get:
GMm 1 2 GMm
− = mv − leading to
4R 2 R
1 2 GM GM 3GM
v = − =
2 R 4R 4R
d From energy conservation, when the rocket is a distance r from the centre of the planet:
GMm 1 2 GMm 2GM GM
− = mv − . This simplifies to v = − (where R ≤ r ≤ 4 R ). We need to plot this
4R 2 r r 2R
function. It is best to write the equivalent form: v = − 1. The graph is then:
2R r

R 4R
GM 1 GMm GMm GMm GMm
28 a We deduced many times that v 2 = and so ET = mv 2 − = − =− .
r 2 r 2r r 2r
6.67 × 10 −11 × 2.0 × 10 30 × 6.0 × 10 24
b ET = − = −2.7 × 10 33 J
2 × 1.5 × 10 11


29 Using E K = , EP = − and ET = − we deduce that
2r r 2r
a B has the larger kinetic energy
b A has the larger potential energy
c A has the larger total energy
30 a The total energy is negative so the satellite cannot escape.
b From problem 30, ET = − . Since we are told that ET = − and energy is conserved,
2r 5R
GMm GMm 5R
− =− ⇒r = .
2r 5R 2
31 The engines do positive work increasing the total energy of the satellite. Since ET = − it follows that the
orbit radius will increase. 2r

A bit more: Since the kinetic energy is given by E K = and the orbit radius has increased the speed in the
new circular orbit will decrease. 2 r
The firing of the rockets when the satellite is in the lower orbit makes the satellite move on an elliptical orbit.
After half a revolution the satellite will be at A and further from the earth than in the original position at P. As the
satellite gets to A its kinetic energy is reduced and the potential energy increases. At A the speed is too low for the
new circular orbit and the engines must again be fired to increase the speed to that appropriate to the new orbit.
(If the engines are not fired at A then the satellite will remain in the elliptical orbit and will return to P.)

new circular orbit


old circular P

32 The potential energy is given by EP = − . This is least when the distance to the sun, r, is smallest
(remember, EP is negative). Therefore since the total energy is conserved, the kinetic energy and hence the speed
are greatest at P.
33 The escape speed is v esc = . At the surface of the planet, g = 2 ⇒ GM = gR 2. Substituting:
2 gR 2
v esc = = 2 gR .
34 a We have done this before.
4π 2 r 3 M 3M M 4πρ
b T2 = . Now r ≈ R and ρ = = . Hence, 3 = .
GM 4π R 3 4π R 3 R 3
4π 3

Substituting, T = = .
G 4πρ Gρ
T planet ρearth ρearth  1669  2
c = ⇒ =  = 3.95 ≈ 4
Tearth ρ planet ρ planet  85 
4π 2 R 3
35 a We must use the formula T 2 = that we have derived many times already. Now
GM 4π 2 R 3 4π 2 R R
g = 2 ⇒ GM = gR 2. Substituting, T 2 = 2
= . Hence T = 2π .
R gR g g
3.4 × 106
b T = 2π = 5.5 × 10 3 s = 91 min.
4π 2 R 3 T 2 R3 912 ( 3.4 × 106 )3
c From T 2 = we deduce that 12 = 13 hence = and so R2 = 4.5 × 106 m. The height
GM T2 R2 140 2 R23
is therefore h = 4.5 × 106 − 3.4 × 106 = 1.1 × 106 m.
GM 2
36 a F =
4R 2
GM 2 Mv 2 GM  2π R  2 GM  2π R  2 16π 2 R 3
b = and so v 2
= . But v 2
=   and so =   . Hence T 2
4R 2 R2 4R  T  4R  T  GM

16π 2 (1.0 × 109 )3

c T = = 2.8 × 104 s = 7.8 h
6.67 × 10 −11 × 1.5 × 2.0 × 10 30

1 1 GM 2 GM
d ET = Mv 2 + Mv 2 − . Since v 2 = we have that
2 2 2R 4R
1 GM GM 2 GM 2 GM 2 GM 2
ET = M ×2− = − =− .
2 4R 2R 4R 2R 4R
e Since energy is being lost the total energy will decrease. This implies that the distance R will decrease. (From
the period formula in (b) the period will decrease as well.)
GM 2 16π 2 R 3
f i The total energy is ET = − and the period is T 2 = . Combining the two gives
2 4R GM
GM −3 / 2
ET = − 3 / 2 or ET = − cT where c is a constant. Working as we do with propagation of
 GMT 2 
 16π 2  ∆ET ∆T
∆ET 3 ∆T 3
uncertainties (or using calculus) we have that = or ∆t = ∆t .
ET 2 T ET 2 T
∆ET ∆T
−6 −1
ET 3 T 3 72 × 10 s yr
ii = = × = 3.99 × 10 −9 yr −1
∆t 2 ∆t 2 2.8 × 104 s
g The lifetime is therefore −9 −1
= 2.6 × 108 yr.
3.9 × 10 yr
37 a Force towards the centre of the circle.
1 q2 v2
b We equate the electric force to the centripetal forcer to get: = m . Solving for the speed gives the
answer. 4 πε 0 r 2
1 1 q2
c The total energy is kinetic plus electric potential energy: E = mv 2 − . Using the previous result for
2 4πε 0 r
1 q2 1 1 q2 1 q2 1 q2 1 q2 1 q2
speed: v 2 = gives E = m − = − =− .
4πε 0 mr 2 4πε 0 mr 4πε 0 r 8πε 0 r 4πε 0 r 8πε 0 r
1 q2  1 q2  1 q2
d The change in energy is an increase of ∆E = − − − =+ .
8πε 0 2r  8πε 0 r  16πε 0 r
e2 2π r 4π 2 r 2 e2 4π 2 m 3
38 a As in the previous problem v 2 = k . Using also v = we get = k ⇒ T 2
= r .
mr T T2 mr ke 2
4π 2 × 9.1 × 10 −31
b T = × (0.5 × 10 −10 )3 = 1.397 × 10 −16 ≈ 1.4 × 10 −16 s.
8.99 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2
ke 2
c The change in energy is E = − . In the first orbit this evaluates to
8.99 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2
E1 = ≈ 2.30 × 10 −18 J. In the other orbit this becomes
2 × 0.5 × 10 −10
8.99 × 109 × (1.6 × 10 −19 )2
E2 = −10
≈ 5.75 × 10 −19 J. The change is 1.7 × 10 −18 J.
2 × 2.0 × 10

Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 11
11.1 Electromagnetic induction

1 The flux is increasing at a constant rate so the induced emf is constant. It equals the slope which is 2.0 V giving the
graph shown here.
emf / V

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time /s

2 The flux is not changing in the first 4 s so the induced emf is zero. In the next 2 s the slope and hence the emf is
constant at 2 V. In the last 4 s the slope is 1 V. This gives the graph here.
emf / V

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time /s

3 a In the first 4 s the emf is constant at 6 V and so the flux is increasing at a constant rate. We have a straight line
graph with slope 6. In the next 2 s the emf is zero which means that the flux is constant. Similarly, in the last
4 the emf is constant so the flux is increasing at a constant rate, i.e. the flux – time graph is a straight line with
slope 12. A possible graph is shown here.

Flux / Wb


0 4 8 12
Time /s

b The answer is not unique because there are many straight lines with the slopes given above – we just don’t
know the value of the flux, just its rate of change.

4 The magnetic field created by the outer solenoid is directed into the smaller coil. Since the current is increasing
the flux is increasing. By Lenz’s law the induced current must oppose the change i.e. it must decrease the flux.
This can be done by having the induced current create a magnetic field directed out of the page. The current
must then be counter-clockwise.
5 a Looking down from above the ring, we see that the magnetic field is directed towards us and the flux is
increasing. So the induced current must produce a magnetic field directed away from us. By the right hand
rule for the magnetic field direction, the current must be clockwise. As the ring moves away from the magnet
we see magnetic field coming towards us and the flux is decreasing. So we must produce a current whose
magnetic field comes towards us and so the current must be counter-clockwise. When the ring is half way
down the length of the magnet the current must be zero.
b The magnetic field we see now is directed away from us. So the induced current must create a magnetic field
coming towards us and so the current is counter-clockwise. As the ring leaves, the flux is decreasing, the field
is going away from us and the current must produce its own magnetic field away from us, i.e. the current is
clockwise. Half way it must be zero.
6 This is answered in answer to question 5.
7 a The diagram shows an edge – on view of the ring as it approaches the north pole of the magnet. The forces
on two diametrically opposite points on the ring are as shown. The net force of these two forces is upwards.
The same is true for any other two diametrically opposite points and so the net magnetic force on the ring is
vertically upwards, making the ring fall slower than in free fall.

N in out

b As the ring moves away from the south pole the diagram is:

out in

Therefore the net force is again upwards.

8 An electron in the rod is moving downwards and since the magnetic field is into the page the magnetic force on
the electron will be directed to the left. Hence the left end will be negatively charged. The electrons that have
moved to the left have left the right end of the rod positively charged.
9 a The magnetic field at the position of the loop is coming out of the page and is increasing. Hence the flux is
increasing. To oppose this increase the induced current must produce a magnetic field into the page and so the
current must be clockwise.
b The magnetic field at the position of the loop is coming out of the page and is decreasing. Hence the flux is
decreasing. To oppose this decrease the induced current must produce a magnetic field out of the page and so
the current must be counter-clockwise.
10 The induced emf is the rate of change of flux linkage i.e.
∆Φ ∆B ∆B 2
N =N A=N π r = 200 × 0.45 × π × 0.012 ≈ 28 mV.
∆t ∆t ∆t

11 The flux in the loop is increasing and so there will be an emf and a current in the loop. By Lenz’s law, the
magnetic field of the induced current will be directed out of the page hence the current will be counter –
clockwise. The force on the movable rod is thus directed to the right. (Note: this could have been guessed since
by moving the rod to the right we decrease the are and hence the flux. This is what must happen to oppose the
change in flux which is an increase since the field is increasing.)
12 a i x

ii x

b i There is an induced emf but no current and so no force on the magnet. The oscillations are simple
ii Now there is a current. As the magnet moves downward the flux in the coil is increasing. Assume the lower
pole is a north pole. The induced current will produce a magnetic field upward and so there will be a
retarding force on the magnet that will make the oscillations die out. A similar argument applies when the
magnet moves upwards.
13 As the ring enters the region of magnetic field the flux will be increasing and so an emf will be induced in the
ring. Since it is conducting a current will be established as well. The current must produce a field out of the page
so as to oppose the increase in flux which means that the current is clockwise. On the lower part of the ring in
the region of the field there will therefore be a magnetic force directed upward. Similarly there will be an upward
force as the ring leaves the region of the magnetic field. In both cases the upward force delays the fsll of the ring
so this ring land last.

11.2 Transmission of power

14 a The emf is the (negative) rate of change of the flux with time and so is a sine function with the same period as
the graph for flux.
b This is a tricky question: we want the variation with angle and not time so the graph does not change.
c The maximum induced emf will now double since the rate of rotation doubles. But since we want the
dependence on angle and not time the period of the graph will not change. This gives the graphs shown here.

1 2 3 4 5 6 θ /rad

15 a The peak power is 20 W and so the average power is 10 W. Hence P = RI 2 rms ⇒ I rms = = 2.0 A.
b R= ⇒ Vrms = 2.0 × 2.5 = 5.0 V.
I rms
c The period is 1.0 s (there are two peaks within one period).
d At double the rotation speed the period will halve and the peak power will increase by a factor of 4 leading to
the graph in the answers in the textbook. This is because at double the rotation speed the induced emf doubles
and so the power (that depends on the square of the induced emf) increases by a factor of 4. This gives the
graph shown here.
P / W 80




0 0.5 1 1.5 2

VP N P 220 500 200 × 220

16 a From = we get = ⇒ VS = = 88 V. The frequency is unchanged so it stays 50 Hz.
VS N S VS 200 500

b The power in the primary is P = VPIP = 220 × 6.0 = 1320W and so that in the secondary is 0.70 × 1320 = 924W.
Hence the current is = 10.5 A.
P 300 × 106
17 a The current produced is I = = = 3750 A. The power lost in the cables is then
V 80 × 10 3
7.0 × 107
5.0 × 37502 = 7.0 × 107 W, a fraction = 0.23 of the power produced.
300 × 106
P 300 × 106
b At 100 kV, the current is I = = = 3000 A and the power lost is 5.0 × 30002 = 4.5 × 107 W
V 100 × 10 3

4.5 × 107
representing a smaller fraction = 0.15 of the total power produced.
300 × 106
18 The r.m.s. voltage is given by Vrms = and ω = 2π f =100π s−1.
Vrms 2 220 2
Hence B = = = 0.0825 T.
ω NA 100π × 300 × 0.20 2
19 There is error in the question! The vertical axis is flux axis not power. The flux is given by
t 10 × 2π t
Φ = 10 sin( 2π −3
) and so the induced emf is ε = −3
cos( 2π ) . The peak value is
0.9 × 10 0.9 × 10 0.9 × 10 −3
10 × 2π 69813
ε= −3
= 69813 V and so the rms value is ε rms = = 4.9 × 104 V .
0.9 × 10 2

P 150 × 10 3
20 a The current produced is I = = = 150 A. The power lost in the cables is then
V 1.0 × 10 3
4.5 × 104
2.0 × 150 2 = 4.5 × 104 W, a fraction = 0.30 of the power produced.
150 × 10 3

P 150 × 10 3
= 30 A and the power lost is 2.0 × 30 = 1.8 × 10 W representing
2 3
b At 5000 V, the current is I = =
V 5.0 × 10 3
1.8 × 10 3
a smaller fraction = 0.012 of the total power produced.
150 × 10 3
140 2 816.7
21 The maximum power is = 816.7 W. The average power is = 408 ≈ 410 W.
24 2
11.3 Capacitance
A Cd 1.0 × 1 × 10 −2
22 C = ε 0 ⇒ A = . Thus A = = 1.1 × 109 m 2 = 1.1 × 10 3 km 2. This is a huge area and shows that a
d ε0 8.85 × 10 −12
1 F capacitor is an enormous value for a capacitor.
A 0.25
23 The capacitance is C = ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −12 × = 2.8 × 10 −10 F. The charge is then
d 8.0 × 10 −3
Q = CV = 2.8 × 10−10 × 24 = 6.6 × 10−9 C.
24 The charge on the fully charged capacitor is Q = CV = 12 × 10−6 × 220 = 2.64 × 10−3 C. The average current is
Q 2.64 × 10 −3
then I = = = 0.18 A.
t 15 × 10 −3
25 a Q = CV = 20 × 10−3 × 9.0 = 180 mC
1 1
b E = CV 2 = × 20 × 10 −3 × 9.0 2 = 810 mJ
2 2
E 810 × 10 −3
c P= = = 16.2 ≈ 16 W
t 50 × ×10 −3
26 a CT = C1 + C2 = V = 120 + 240 = 360 µC
b The charges are: Q1 = C1V = 120 × 10−6 × 6.0 = 720 µC and Q2 = C2V = 240 × 10−6 × 6.0 = 1440 µC.
1 1
c E1 = C1V 2 = × 120 × 10 −6 × 6.0 2 = 2160 µJ ≈ 2.2 × 10 −3 J
2 2
1 1
and E 2 = C 2V 2 = × 240 × 10 −6 × 6.0 2 = 4320 µJ ≈ 4.3 × 10 −3 J.
2 2
1 1 1 C1C 2 120 × 240
27 a = + ⇒C = = = 80 µF
C T C1 C 2 C1 + C 2 360
b The charge on each capacitor is the same and equals Q = CT V = 80 × 10−6 × 6.0 = 480 µC.
Q2 (480 × 10 −6 )2 Q2 (480 × 10 −6 )2
c E1 = = = 960 µJ and E 1 = = = 480 µJ.
2C1 2 × 120 × 10 −6 2C 2 2 × 240 × 10 −6
28 The capacitor has a charge of Q = CV = 25 × 10−12 × 24 = 600 pC. After connecting the charged capacitor to the
uncharged charge will move form to the other until the voltage across each is the same. The total charge on both
capacitors will be 600 pC by charge conservation.
Q Q Q Q 600
a V = 1 = 2 and so 1 = 2 ⇒ Q2 = 3Q1. Q1 + Q2 = 600 pC ⇒ Q1 + 3Q1 = 600 pC. Hence Q1 = = 150 pC
C1 C 2 25 75 4
and so Q2 = 450 pC.
1 1
b Initially the energy stored was E = CV 2 = × 25 × 10 −12 × 24 2 = 7.2 nJ. After the connection the total
2 2
−12 2
Q 2
Q 2
(150 × 10 ) (450 × 10 −12 )2
energy is E T = 1 + 2 = + = 1.8 nJ. The difference is a “loss” of 5.4 nJ.
2C1 2C 2 2 × 25 × 10 −12 2 × 75 × 10 −12
c The energy was dissipated as thermal energy in the connecting wires.

1 1
29 a E = CV 2 = × 250 × 10 −3 × 12 2 = 18 J
2 2
V2 V 2 12 2
b The resistance of the lamp is found from: P = ⇒R= = = 24 Ω and the time constant for the
R P 6.0
circuit is τ = RC = 6.0 s. This is, approximately, the time for which the current is appreciable enough to light
the lamp.
30 a Since V = the graph would be a straight line with positive slope through the origin:

To increase the charge on the capacitor by a small change of charge δq requires work δqV to be done. This is
represented by the area of the thin strip in the graph.
b V

δq Q
This work is stored as energy in the capacitor. Hence the total area is the total energy stored.
− t −
31 a and c The voltage across the capacitor is given by V = V0 e RC = 48e 25 ×10−5 ×15 ×103
= 28.159 V. The charge is then
Q = CV = 25.0 × 10−6 × 28.159 = 7.0 × 10−4 C.
V 19.841
b The voltage across the resistor is 48 − 28.159 = 19.841V and so the current is I = = = 1.3 × 10 −3 A.
R 15 × 10 3
T1/ 2 T 1.5
32 a The “half-life” is 1.5 s and so from ln 2 = we find τ = 1/ 2 = = 2.16 s.
τ ln 2 ln 2
τ 2.16
b From τ = RC we find R = = = 43 kΩ.
C 50 × 10 −6
33 a The charge stored on the capacitor initially is Q = CV = 250 × 10−6 × 12 = 3.0 × 10−3 C. The charge t seconds
− RC −t Q Q0 VQ0 6.0 × 3.0 × 10 −3
later is Q = Q0 e and the voltage is V = V0 e RC . Hence = ⇒Q = = = 1.5 × 10 −3 C.
V V0 V0 12
Q0 − RCt
b The current is I =
e and again
I Q0 VQ0 6.0 × 3.0 × 10 −3
= ⇒I = = −6
= 8.0 × 10 −5 × 10 −3 A .
V RCV0 RCV0 250 × 10 × 75 × 10 × 123

Q0 − RCt
34 a I = e where the initial charge is Q = CV = 2.00 × 10−6 × 9.0=1.80 × 10−5 C.
1.80 × 10 −5 − 1.00

Then, I = −6
e 5.00 ×106 × 2.00 ×10−6
= 1.63 × 10 −6 A.
5.00 × 10 × 2.00 × 10

b We are asked to find the power in the resistor and so P = RI 2 = 5.00 × 106 × (1.63 × 10−6)2 = 1.33 × 10−5 W.
c This has to be the same as b.
35 Diode A is top left and diode B is top right!

b By using a higher value of the resistance or capacitance.

Answers to test yourself questions
Topic 12
12.1 The interaction of matter with radiation

1 a The emission of electrons from a metallic surface when light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation are
incident on the surface.
b From the Einstein formula Emax = hf − φ. At the critical frequency, Emax = 0 and so
φ 3.00 × 1.6 × 10 −19
hf c − φ = 0 ⇒ f c = = −34 = 7.24 × 1014 HZ .
h 6.63 × 10
2 a Evidence for photons comes from the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering and others.
b φ = hfc. Then Emax = hf − φ = hf − hfC = h(f − fC) = 6.63 × 10−34 × (3.872.25) × 1014 = 1.074 × 10−19 J. The
E max 1.0074 × 10 −19
stopping voltage is qV s = E max ⇒ V s = = = 0.671V .
q 1.6 × 10 −19
3 a Light consists of photons. When light is incident on the metal an electron from within the metal may absorb one
photon and so its energy will increase by an amount equal to the photon energy. If this energy is sufficient to
overcome the potential well the electron finds itself in, the electron may be free itself from the metal.
b The number of electrons emitted per second is 1015 and so the charge that leaves the metal per second, i.e. the
current, is 1015 × 1.6 × 10−19 = 1.6 × 10−4 A.
c From Emax = hf − φ we get
φ = hf − E max = − E max
6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108
= − 2.1 × 1.6 × 10 −19
5.4 × 10 −7
= 3.23 × 10 −19 J
3.23 × 10 −20
1.6 × 10 −19
= 0.20 eV
d The energy is independent of intensity and so we still have Emax = 2.1 eV.
e The current will double since current is proportional to intensity.
4 a • The electrons are emitted without delay. In the photon theory of light the energy is supplied to an electron
by a single photon in an instantaneous interaction.
• There is a critical frequency below which no electrons are emitted. The energy of the photon depends on
frequency so if the photon energy is less than the work function the electron cannot be emitted.
• The intensity of light has no effect on the energy of the emitted electrons. The intensity of light depends on
the number of photons present and so this will affect the number of electrons emitted not their energy.
b i Stopping voltage is the voltage that makes the current in the photoelectric experiment zero.
hc hc
ii qVS = − φ ⇒ φ = − qVS
λ λ
6.63 × 10 × 3.0 × 108
φ= −7 − 1.6 × 10 −19 × 1.40 = 7.32 × 10 −19 J
2.08 × 10

The longest wavelength corresponds to the smallest frequency i.e. the critical frequency:
hc hc 6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108
− φ = 0 ⇒ λC = = = 2.72 × 10 −7 m .
λC φ 7.32 × 10 −19

5 a i As long as the wavelength stays the same, the energy of the emitted will stay the same.
ii Increasing the intensity of light increases the number of electrons emitted i.e. the photocurrent.
hc hc
b We have that qVS = −7 − φ and q (2VS ) = − φ.
2.3 × 10 1.8 × 10 −7
hc hc
Subtracting, qVS = −7 − ⇒ VS = 1.50 V. Hence,
1.8 × 10 2.3 × 10 −7
hc −19 6.25 × 10 −19
φ= − qV = 6.25 × 10 J= = 3.9 eV.
2.3 × 10 −7 1.6 × 10 −19

6 a The work function is φ = 3.0 × 1.6 × 10−19 = 4.8 × 10−19 J. The power incident on the given area is
P = 5.0 × 10−4 × 1.0 × 10−18 = 5.0 × 10−22 W. To accumulate the energy equal to the work function we need
4.8 × 10 −19
a time of 5.0 × 10−22 × t = 4.8 × 10−19 i.e. t = = 960 s or 16 minutes.
5.0 × 10 −22
b Since in photoelectric experiments there is no time delay in the emission of electrons, light cannot be treated as
a wave as this calculation has.
c In the photon theory of light, the energy carried by a photon is given to the electron in one go, not gradually.
7 a i Extending the graph we find a horizontal intercept of about 5.0 × 1014 Hz.
ii The work function and the critical frequency are related through:
hfC − φ = 0 ⇒ φ = hfC = 6.63 × 10−34 × 5.0 × 1014 = 3.3 × 10−19 J = 2.1 eV.
b Reading off the graph we find about 2.0 × 10−19 J = 1.25 eV.
c It will be a line parallel to the original with a horizontal intercept at 6.0 × 1014 Hz.
8 The energies, in eV, of the hydrogen atom electron are found from − 2 and so form the set {−13.6, −3.4, 1.51,
0.85, . . .}. The difference between excited levels and the ground state are {10.2, 12.1, 12.8, . . .}. Thus an electron
with energy 11.5 eV can give 10.2 eV of its energy to a ground state electron that will make a transition to
the level n = 2 and rebound with a kinetic energy 11.5 − 10.2 = 1.3 eV. Of course the electron may just lose
no energy to the atom in which case it will have an elastic collision moving away with the same energy as the
original, i.e. 11.5 eV.
P nhf
9 a The intensity is I = = where n is the number of photons incident per second. Then I = Φh f where
n A A
Φ= is the number of photons per second per unit area.
Φhc 3.8 × 1018 × 6.33 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108
b I = Φhf = = = 1.5 Wm −2 .
λ 5.0 × 10 −7

Φhc Φ′hc λ′ 4.0 × 10 −7

c = ⇒ Φ′ = Φ = = 3.0 × 1018 m −2 s −1.
λ λ′ λ 5.0 × 10 −7

d Since the intensity is the same, the flux for the shorter wavelength is less and hence fewer electrons will be
emitted since fewer photons are incident.
e This assumes that the fraction of photons that eject electrons is the same for both wavelengths. This fraction is
called the quantum efficiency, which in general does depend on wavelength in a complex way.
10 a The existence of absorption and emission spectra – the wavelengths of the emitted or absorbed photons are
specific to specific elements and correspond to specific energies. This can be understood if we accept that the
energy in atoms has specific values so that differences in levels also have specific values.

b We list the energy differences between the ground sate and the excited states: ∆E12 = 10.2 eV, ∆E13 = 12.1 eV,
∆E14 = 12.8 eV, ∆E15 = 13.1 eV, ∆E16 = 13.2 eV, ∆E17 = 13.3 eV. Hence: i not enough energy for an excitation,
ii the electron can reach n = 4 and iii the electron can reach n = 6.
11 a This is the energy that must be supplied to an atom so that an electron can be ejected from the atom.
b The energy in the n = 3 level is E 3 = − 2 = −1.51 eV and this is the ionization energy for this level.
12 a The smallest wavelength corresponds to the largest energy difference and this theoretically is 13.6 eV. Hence
hc hc 6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108
E = hf = ⇒ λ = = = 9.1 × 10 −8 m.
λ E 13.6 × 1.6 × 10 −19
b The kinetic energy of the electron must be at least 13.6 eV, i.e.
1 2 2 × 13.6 × 1.6 × 10 −19
mv = E K ⇒ v = = 2.2 × 106 m s −1.
2 9.1 × 10 −31
h 6.63 × 10 −34
13 a λ = = = 2.7 × 10 −34 m
p 0.250 × 10
b No because to show diffraction effects the brick would have to go through openings of size similar to the
wavelength and this is not possible.
14 a The Davisson-Germer experiment – see text.
h 6.63 × 10 −34 −28 p 9.75 × 10 −28
b p= = = 9.75 × 10 N s. Hence v = = = 1.1 × 10 3 ms −1.
λ 680 × 10 −9
m 9.1 × 10 −31

15 a The work done in accelerating the electron will go into kinetic energy and so EK = qV. Then
p2 h h
= qV ⇒ p = 2mqV . Then λ = = .
2m p 2mqV
λp 2m p q pV mα qα
b = = ≈ 4×2 = 8
λα h m pq p
2mα qαV
c From E K = we find p = 2mE K = 2 × 9.1 × 10 31 × 520 × 1.6 × 10 −19 = 1.23 × 10 −23 N s. Hence
h 6.63 × 10 −34
λ= = −23
= 5.4 × 10 −11 m.
p 1.23 × 10

16 a From E K = we find p = 2mE K = 2 × 1.67 × 10 −27 × 200 × 106 × 1.6 × 10 −19 = 3.27 × 10 −19 N s. Hence
h 6.63 × 10 −34
λ= = −23
= 5.4 × 10 −11 m.
p 1.23 × 10
b The total energy of the electron in the state n = 2 is E = 2
= −5.44 × 10 −19 J. The kinetic
energy of the electron is the negative of the total energy and so EK = +5.44 × 10−19 J. Since
EK = we find p = 2mE K = 2 × 9.1 × 10 −31 × 5.44 × 10 −19 = 9.95 × 10 −25 N s. Hence
h 6.63 × 10 −34 nh nh
λ= = = 6.66 × 10 −10 ≈ 6.7 × 10 −10 m. An alternative way is to use mvr = ⇒ 2π r = = nλ
p 9.95 × 10 −25
2π p
and so 2πr = 2λ ⇒ λ = πr. The n = 2 state has r = 4 × 0.5 × 10−10 m and so λ = 6.3 × 10−10 m. (The difference
with the previous answer is a question of significant figures.)

17 We may take the uncertainty in the electron’s position to be ∆x ≈ 1 × 10 −10 m, the “size” of the atom.
h 6.63 × 10 −34
Then ∆p ≥ = = 5.27 × 10 −25 N s. The corresponding kinetic energy is then of order
4π∆x 4π × 1 × 10 −10
p 2 ∆p 2 (5.27 × 10 −25 )2 −19 1.53 × 10 −19
EK = ≈ = = 1.53 × 10 J = = 0.96 ≈ 1 eV which is the correct order of
2m 2m 2 × 9.1 × 10 −31 1.6 × 10 −19
18 a There is a wave associated with every moving particle, of wavelength equal to Planck’s constant divided by the
momentum of the particle.
b The kinetic energy of the electron will be EK = qV and so = qV ⇒ p = 2mqV = 1.21 × 10 −24 N s. Then
6.63 × 10 −34
λ= = 5.5 × 10 −10 m .
1.21 × 10 −24
c Precise knowledge of the wavelength implies precise knowledge of the momentum. By the uncertainty
principle the uncertainty in position must be large.
19 a As the opening decreases there will be more and more diffraction and so the beam will not be thin – it will
b To reduce diffraction the wavelength must be as small as possible (and smaller than d). This requires fast
h 6.63 × 10 −34
20 The de Broglie wavelength of the tennis ball is λ = = ≈ 1 × 10 −34 m . The tennis ball wave
p 6
will diffract through the opening. The angle at which the first diffraction minimum occurs is of order
λ 1 × 10 −34
θD ≈ = = 1 × 10 −34 rad. The angle is insignificantly small. The tennis ball will move on a straight line
b 1
without any deviation.
21 There will always be an uncertainty ∆x in the position of the top of the pencil and so there will be a
corresponding uncertainty in momentum. Hence the top of the pencil will have to move and hence the pencil
will fall.

22 a The top graph allows precise determination of the wavelength and hence the momentum. The uncertainty in
momentum will then be small.
b The bottom diagram shows that the probability of finding the particle is large within a small area of space.
23 a The wavelength will be given by λ = and for the fundamental (i.e. the first harmonic),
λ = 2L = 2 × 10 −15 m.
h 6.63 × 10 −34
b ∆p ≥ = = 5.27 × 10 −20 N s
4π∆x 4π × 1 × 10 −15
p 2 ∆p 2 (5.27 × 10 −20 )2 −9 1.53 × 10 −9
EK = ≈ = = 1.53 × 10 J = ≈ 1010 eV = 104 MeV.
2m 2m 2 × 9.1 × 10 −31 1.6 × 10 −19
c This is far larger than the binding energy of a nucleus and so the electron would rip the nucleus apart. The
electron cannot be confined within a nucleus.

12.2 Nuclear physics
24 By conservation of energy
1 2 k( 2e )(79e ) 2k( 2e )(79e )
mv = ⇒v =
2 d md
2 × 9 × 109 (22 × 1.6 × 10 −19 )(79 × 1.6 × 10 −19 )
6.4 × 10 −27 × 8.5 × 10 −15
v = 3.7 × 107 m s −1
25 The idea is that since the nucleus is very massive it will not recoil. Then at the point of closest separation the
kinetic energy will be a minimum and will increase as the separation increases. The potential energy is given by
kZe 2
EP = and so will be a maximum at the point of closet separation and will tend to zero as the separation
increases. These observations give the graphs in the answers in the textbook.
26 a As the energy increases the alpha particle can approach closer and closer to the nucleus. Eventually it will be
within the range of the strong nuclear force and some alphas will be absorbed by the nucleus and will not scatter.
b Since the nuclear charge of aluminum is smaller than that of gold the alphas will get closer to aluminum and so
will experience the nuclear force first. Hence deviations will first be seen for aluminum.
27 The radius of a nucleus of mass number A is R = 1.2 × A1/ 3 × 10 −15 m and its mass is M = Amn (here mn is the
M A × mn mn
mass of a nucleon). The density is therefore ρ = = = and so is
4 4 4
πR3 π (1.2 × A1/ 3 × 10 −15 )3 π (1.2 × 10 −15 )3
3 3 3
1.67 × 10
independent of A. An estimate of this density is ρ = 4 ≈ 1017 kg m −3 .
π (1.2 × 10 )
−15 3

28 a The main evidence is the discrete energies of alpha particles and gamma partivcles in alpha and gamma decay.

88 Ra + 0 γ
Ra → 226
226 0
b 88

hc hc 6.63 × 10 −34 × 3.0 × 108

c hf = = ∆E ⇒ λ = . Hence λ = = 1.883 × 10 −11 m.
λ ∆E 0.0678 × 106 × 1.6 × 10 −19
29 Plutonium ( 242
94 Pu ) decays into uranium ( 92 U ) by alpha decay. The energy of the alpha particles takes four distinct

values, 4.90 MeV, 4.86 MeV, 4.76 MeV and 4.60 MeV. In all cases a gamma ray photon is also emitted except
when the alpha energy is 4.90 MeV. Use this information to suggest a possible nuclear energy level diagram for
30 40



The four indicated transitions are:

40 40
I: 19 K → 18 Ar + e+ + ν (beta plus decay)
40 40
II: 19 K → 19 K + γ (gamma decay)
40 40
III: 19 K → 18 Ar + e+ + ν (beta plus decay)
40 40
IV: 19 K → 20 Ca + e- + ν (beta minus decay)
ln 2 ln 2
31 a We know that λ = = = 0.231 s −1.
T1/ 2 3.00
b We start with × 6.02 × 10 23 = 6.02 × 10 21 nuclei and so:
i N = 6.02 × 10 21 × e −0.231× 1 = 4.78 × 10 21;
ii N = 6.02 × 10 21 × e −0.231× 2 = 3.79 × 10 21;
iii N = 6.02 × 10 21 × e −0.231× 3 = 3.01 × 10 21.
32 a The probability of decay within a half-life is always .
2 1 1 1 1
b The probability that the nucleus will not decay after the passage of three half – lives is × × = .
2 2 2 8
no decay no decay no decay

1 7
Hence the probability that the nucleus will decay some time within three half – lives is 1 − = = 0.875.
8 8
c The probability of decay in any one half – life interval is 0.5.
More mathematically, we want to find P ( D N ) where we use the notation of conditional probability and
the events D and N stand for D = decay in the next half-life and N = no decay in the first 4 half lives. Then
P(D ∩ N ) 1 1 1 1
P(D N ) = . Now, P ( N ) = 4 = and P ( D ∩ N ) = . Hence P ( D N ) = .
P( N ) 2 16 32 2
33 The half-life is so long so that what we are really asked to find is the initial activity of 1.0 g of pure
radium. We have that A = λ N 0 e − λt so that the initial activity is λ N 0 . A mass of 1.0 g of radium
corresponds to = 0.0044243 moles and hence N 0 = 0.0044243 × 6.02 × 10 23 = 2.6634 × 10 21
ln 2 ln 2
nuclei. Since λ = = = 1.3737 × 10 −11 s −1 we find an activity of
T1/ 2 1600 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60
1.3737 × 10 × 2.6634 × 10 21 = 3.66 × 1010 Bq.

ln 2 ln 2
34 The decay constant is λ = = = 0.0578 d −1 and so A = λ N 0 e − λt = 3.5 × e −0.0578 × 20 = 1.1 MBq.
T1/ 2 12

ln 2 ln 2
35 The decay constant is λ = = = 1.34 × 10 −6 s −1. From A = λ N 0 e − λt we find
T1/ 2 6 × 24 × 60 × 60
0.50 × 106 = 1.34 × 10 −6 × N 0 e −1.34 × 10 × 24 × 60 × 60
⇒ N 0 = 4.2 × 1011.

36 After time t the number of uranium atoms remaining in the rocks is N = N 0 e − λt and so the number that decayed
N (1 − e − λt )
(and hence eventually became lead) is N − N 0 = N 0 (1 − e − λt ). Hence we have that 0 − λt = 0.80.
N 0e
− λt − λt − λt λt
This means that 1 − e = 0.80e ⇒ 1 = 1.80e ⇒ e = 1.80. Hence λt = ln(1.80) = 0.5878. Since
ln 2 ln 2 0.5878
λ= = = 1.54 × 10 −10 yr −1 we find t = = 3.8 × 109 yr.
T1/ 2 4.5 × 10 9
1.54 × 10 −10

37 The method of question 36 may be used but here, clearly, a ratio of 1:7 corresponds to three half – lives and so the
age is about t = 3 × 1.37 × 109 = 4.1 × 109 yr.
ln 2
38 The activity is given by A = λ N = λ N 0 e − λt where λ = is the decay constant.
T1/ 2
AA λ A N 0 A 3 3
a = = × 1 = = 0.75
AB λB N 0 B 4 4
ln 2
− ×4
− λA × 4
AA λ A N 0 A e 3 e 4
b = = × ln 2 = 0.95
AB λB N 0 B e − λB × 4 4 − ×4
e 3
ln 2
− × 12
A λ N e − λA × 12 3 e 4
c A = A 0 A − λ × 12 = × ln 2 = 1.5
AB λB N 0 B e B 4 − × 12
e 3

39 This is a very difficult question and many different possibilities must be considered. Essentially we must be able to
determine form a graph of activity versus time the initial activities of the two isotopes and their respective half –
lives. One possibility is represented by the following graph in which a short (S) and a long (L) half – life isotopes
are present. The shape of the curve is not a pure exponential.
A × 1010 Bq 2



1 2 3 4
t /min

We see that after about 1 minute we have a smooth exponential curve which implies that one of the isotopes has
essentially decayed away, leaving behind just one isotope. This is justified by estimating a half-life for times greater
than 1 minute. We get consistently a half-life of 1 minute for the long half – life isotope. Extending smoothly the
exponential curve backwards, we intercept the vertical axis at about 1 × 1010 Bq.
A × 1010 Bq 2



1 2 3 4
t /min

Thus the activity of isotope L is given by AL = 1010 × 0.5t /1. This means that the initial activity of the other
isotope is also 1 × 1010 Bq. Subtracting from the data points of the given graph the activity of this isotope we get
the following graph.
A × 1010 Bq 1





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
t /min

This represents the decay of just isotope S. From this graph we find a half-life of about 0.1 minute.
Obviously, this analysis gets more complicated when the half- lives are not so different or when the initial
activities are very different.
40 a If the mass (in grams) is m and the molar mass is µ , the number of moles of the radioactive isotope is . The
m µ
initial number of nuclei is then N 0 = × N A since one mole contains Avogadro’s number of molecules.
m m
b The activity is A = λ N = λ N 0 e − λt = λ N A e − λt and the initial activity is thus A0 = λ N A x . Measuring the
µ µ
ln 2
initial activity then allows determination of the decay constant and hence the half-life from λ = .
T1/ 2

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 1 questions
? Test yourself
1.1 Measurement in physics 11 In yet another experiment, the following data
was collected for current and voltage:
1 What is the radius of the Earth (6380 km)
(V, I ) = {(0.1, 29), (0.2, 46), (0.3, 62), (0.4, 80)},
expressed in units of the Planck length?
with uncertainty of ± 4 mA in the current.
2 Assuming the entire universe to be made up of
a Plot the current versus the voltage and draw
hydrogen gas, how many molecules of hydrogen
the best-fit line. Suggest whether the current
are there?
is proportional to the voltage.
3 How many apples do you need to make up the
b The experimenter is convinced that the
mass of an average elephant?
straight line fitting the data should go through
4 Give an order-of-magnitude estimate for the
the origin. What can allow for this?
time taken by light to travel across the diameter
12 The velocity of an object after a distance x
of the Milky Way galaxy.
is given by v2 = 2ax, where a is the constant
5 Give an order-of-magnitude estimate for the
acceleration. The graph shows the results of
gravitational force of attraction between two
an experiment in which velocity and distance
people 1 m apart.
travelled were measured. Copy the graph
6 Calculate the acceleration of a block of mass
and draw a smooth curve through the points.
2.42 kg that is acted upon by a force of 15 N.
Estimate the acceleration and the velocity of the
(F = ma)
object after a distance of 2.0 m.
1.2 Uncertainties and errors v /m s–1 2.5

7 The mass of a rectangular block is measured to

be 2.2 kg with an uncertainty of 0.2 kg. The
sides are measured as 60 ± 3 mm, 50 ± 1 mm 1.5
and 40 ± 2 mm. Find the density of the cube
in kilograms per cubic metre, giving the
uncertainty in the result. 0.5
8 The radius r of a sphere is measured to be
22.7 cm ± 0.2 cm. Find the uncertainty in: 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
a the surface area of the sphere x/m
b the volume of the sphere.
9 The length of a pendulum is measured with a 13 A sphere and a cube have the same surface area.
percentage uncertainty of 5% and the period Which shape has the larger volume?
with a percentage uncertainty of 6%. Find the 14 The graph shows how the velocity of a steel
percentage uncertainty in the measured value of ball depends on time as it falls through a viscous
the acceleration due to gravity. medium. Find the equation that gives the
10 A student measured a given quantity many times velocity as a function of time.
and got the results shown in the diagram. The true v /m s–1 0.20

value of the quantity is indicated by the dotted line.

true value 0.15

data obtained 0.10

a Discuss whether she should continue

accumulating more data in the hope of getting
a result that agrees with the true value.
b Suggest whether the source of error is 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
systematic or random. t /s

15 The table shows the data collected in an 17 Vectors A and B have components (Ax = 3.00,
experiment. Ay = 4.00) and (Bx = −1.00, By = 5.00). Find the
magnitude and direction of the vector C such
x / ± 0.1 y
that A − B + C = 0.
1.0 2.0 ± 0.1
18 Points P and Q have coordinates P = (x1, y1),
2.0 11.3 ± 0.8 Q = (x2, y2).
3.0 31 ± 3 a Find the components of the vector from P to Q.
4.0 64 ± 6 b What are the components of the vector from
5.0 112 ± 10 Q to P?
6.0 176 ± 20 c What is the magnitude of the vector from the
origin to P?
a Plot y against x and draw the best-fit line. 19 A molecule with a velocity of 352 m s−1 collides
b Assuming the suspected relationship between with a wall as shown in the diagram, and
the variables is y = cx2.5, plot the data in order bounces back with the same speed.
to get a straight line and then find the value of
the constant c.

1.3 Vectors and scalars

16 A person walks 5.0 km due east, then 3.0 km due
a What is the change in the molecule’s velocity?
north and finally stops after walking an additional
b What is the change in the speed?
2.0 km due north east. How far and in what
direction relative to her starting point is she?

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 1 answers
Topic 1 Measurements and
1.1 Measurement in physics
Many of the calculations in the problems of this section
have been performed without a calculator and are
estimates.Your answers may differ.
1 6.4 × 1041
2 3 × 1079
3 16 000 (assuming a 4000 kg elephant)
4 100 000 years
5 2 × 10−7 N
6 6.2 × 109 m s−2

1.2 Uncertainties and errors

7 (1.8 ± 0.4) × 104 kg m−3
8 a (6.5 ± 0.1) × 103 cm2
b (4.9 ± 0.1) × 104 cm3
9 17%
10 a no
b systematic
11 The line of best fit intersects at 12 mA. The extreme
line within the error bars intersects at 6 mA. So no
line can be made to go through the origin for this
data. A systematic error of about 1 mA is required.
12 2.4 m s−2; 3.1 m s–1
13 sphere
14 v = 0.2(1 − e−0.5t)
15 b c = 2

1.3 Vectors and scalars

16 7.79 km at 34.5°
17 C = (−4.00, 1.00)
18 a (x2 − x1, y2 − y1)
b (x1 − x2, y1 − y2)
c x12 + y12
19 a 704 m s−1 in magnitude
b zero

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 2 questions
? Test yourself
2.1 Motion Accelerated motion
4 The acceleration of a car is assumed constant at
Uniform motion 1.5 m s−2. Determine how long it will take the
1 A person walks a distance of 3.0 km due south and car to accelerate from 5.0 m s−1 to 11 m s−1.
then a distance of 2.0 km due east. If the walk lasts 5 A body has an initial velocity of 3.0 m s−1 and
for 3.0 h, find: after travelling 24 m the velocity becomes
a the average speed for the motion 13 m s−1. Determine how long this took.
b the average velocity. 6 A ball is thrown upwards with a speed of 24 m s−1.
2 An object moving in a straight line according a Find the time when the velocity of the ball is
to the velocity–time graph shown below has an 12 m s−1.
initial position of 8.00 m. b Find the time when the velocity of the ball is
−12 m s−1.
v /m s–1 15
c Calculate the position of the ball at the times
10 found in a and b.
5 d Determine the velocity of the ball 1.5 s after
0 t /s
4 8 12 16 e Predict the maximum height reached by the
–5 ball.
–10 (Take the acceleration of free fall to be 9.8 m s−2.)
7 A stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial
a Find the position after 8.00 s. speed of 10.0 m s−1 from a cliff that is 50.0 m high.
b Find the position after 12.00 s. a Find the time when it reaches the bottom of
c Calculate the average speed and average velocity the cliff.
for this motion. b Find the speed just before hitting the ground.
3 Find the velocity of the two objects whose c Determine the total distance travelled by the
displacement–time graphs are shown below. stone.
s /m 15
(Take the acceleration of free fall to be 9.81 m s−2.)
8 A rock is thrown vertically down from the roof of
10 a 25.0 m high building with a speed of 5.0 m s−1.
5 a Find the time when the rock hits the ground.
b Find the speed with which it hits the ground.
0 t /s
5 10 15 (Take the acceleration of free fall to be 9.81 m s−2.)
–5 9 A window is 1.50 m high. A stone falling from
–10 above passes the top of the window with a speed
a of 3.00 m s−1. Find the time when it will pass the
s /m 30 bottom of the window. (Take the acceleration of
free fall to be 9.81 m s−2.)
10 A ball is dropped from rest from a height of
10 20.0 m. One second later a second ball is thrown
0 t /s
vertically downwards. The two balls arrive on
2 4 6 8 10 12 the ground at the same time. Determine the
initial velocity of the second ball.

11 The graph shows the variation of the position of 15 A stone is thrown vertically up from the edge
a particle with time. Draw the graph showing the of a cliff 35.0 m from the ground. The initial
variation of the velocity of the object with time. velocity of the stone is 8.00 m s−1.
f a graph to show the variation of velocity with
g a graph to show the variation of position with
1 2 3 4 5 6 (Take the acceleration of free fall to be 10.0 m s−2.)
t /s 16 A rocket accelerates vertically upwards from rest
with a constant acceleration of 4.00 m s−2. The
fuel lasts for 5.00 s.

12 The graph shows the variation of the velocity v = 8.00 m s–1

of a moving object with time. Draw the graph
showing the variation of the position of the
object with time.
35.0 m

a Find the maximum height achieved by this

0 rocket.
0.5 1 1.5 2
t /s b Determine the time when the rocket reaches
the ground again.
c Sketch a graph to show the variation of the
velocity of the rocket with time from the time
of launch to the time it falls to the ground.
13 The graph shows the variation of the velocity
(Take the acceleration of free fall to be 10.0 m s−2.)
of a moving object with time. Draw the graph
showing the variation of the position of the
Projectile motion
object with time (assuming a zero initial
displacement). 17 A ball is kicked horizontally with a speed of
5.0 m s−1 from the roof of a house 3.0 m high.
v /m s–1 24 a Calculate the time when the ball hits the
b Determine the speed of the ball just before
12 hitting the ground.
18 A particle is launched horizontally with a speed
of 8.0 m s−1 from a point 20 m above the ground.
0 a Calculate the time when the particle lands on
0 5 10 15
t /s the ground.
b Determine the speed of the particle 1.0 s after
14 A hiker starts climbing a mountain at 08:00 launch.
in the morning and reaches the top at 12:00 c Find the angle between the velocity and the
(noon). He spends the night on the mountain horizontal 1.0 s after launch.
and the next day at 08:00 starts on the way down d Determine the velocity with which the
following exactly the same path. He reaches the particle hits the ground.
bottom of the mountain at 12:00 (noon). Show
that there must be a time between 08:00 and
12:00 when the hiker was at the same spot along
the route on the way up and on the way down.

19 A plane flying at a constant speed of 50.0 m s−1
and a constant height of 200 m drops a package
2.2 Forces
of emergency supplies to a group of hikers. The
package is released just as the plane flies over a Equilibrium
fir tree. Find at what distance from the tree the 24 A block rests on an inclined plane. Draw the
package will land. forces on the block.
20 A stone is thrown with initial speed 6.0 m s−1 at 25 Sketch a diagram showing a mass hanging at the
35° to the horizontal. Find the direction of the end of a vertical spring that is attached to the
velocity vector 1.0 s later. ceiling. On the diagram, draw the forces on:
21 A ball is launched horizontally from a height a the hanging mass
of 20 m above ground on Earth and follows b the ceiling.
the path shown in the diagram. Air resistance 26 A force of 125 N is required to extend a spring
and other frictional forces are neglected. The by 2.8 cm. Estimate the force required to stretch
position of the ball is shown every 0.20 s. the same spring by 3.2 cm.
27 A block rests on an elevator floor, as shown in
y /m 20
the diagram. The elevator is held in place by a
cable attached to the ceiling. On a copy of the
diagram, draw the forces on:
a the block
b the elevator.

0 5 10 15 20

a Determine the horizontal component of

velocity of the ball.
b The ball is now launched under identical
conditions on the surface of a planet where
the acceleration of free fall is 20 m s−2. Draw
the position of the ball on the diagram at time 28 Determine F and θ in the diagram such that the
intervals of 0.20 s. net force is zero.
22 A soccer ball is kicked so that it has a range of
30 m and reaches a maximum height of 12 m. 12 N
Determine the initial velocity (magnitude and F

direction) of the ball.

23 A projectile is launched horizontally. The force
40° θ
of air resistance is proportional to speed. Explain
why the projectile’s velocity is more vertical
than it would have been in the absence of air

15 N

29 A force of 10.0 N is acting along the negative

x-axis and a force of 5.00 N at an angle of 20°
with the positive x-axis. Find the net force.

30 A force has components 2.45 N and 4.23 N 34 A block of mass 5.00 kg hangs attached to three
along two perpendicular axes. Determine the strings as shown in the diagram. Find the tension
magnitude of the force. in each string. (Hint: Consider the equilibrium
31 A block of mass 12.5 kg hangs from very of the point where the strings join.)
light, smooth pulleys as shown in the diagram.
Determine the magnitude of the force that T2

must be applied to the rope so the system is in

T1 45°


Accelerated motion
F=? 35 A mass of 2.00 kg is acted upon by two forces
of 4.00 N and 10.0 N. What is the smallest and
largest acceleration these two forces can produce
on the mass?
32 A block of mass 10.0 kg rests on top of a bigger 36 A bird is in a glass cage that hangs from a spring
block of mass 20.0 kg, which in turn rests on a scale. Compare the readings of the scale in the
horizontal table (see the diagram). following cases.
a The bird is sitting in the cage.
10.0 kg b The bird is hovering in the cage.
c The bird is moving upward with acceleration.
20.0 kg
d The bird is accelerating downward.
e The bird is moving upward with constant
a Find the individual forces acting on each 37 A block of mass 2.0 kg rests on top of another
block. block of mass 10.0 kg that itself rests on a
b Identify force pairs according to Newton’s frictionless table (see diagram). The coefficient
third law. of static friction between the two blocks is
c A vertical downward force of 50.0 N acts on 0.80. Calculate the largest force with which the
the top block. Calculate the forces on each bottom block can be pulled so that both blocks
block now. move together without sliding on each other.
33 A 460 kg crate is being pulled at constant
2.0 kg
velocity by a force directed at 30° to the
horizontal as shown in the diagram. The F
10.0 kg
coefficient of dynamic friction between the crate
and the floor is 0.24. Calculate a the magnitude
of the pulling force and b the reaction force
38 A small passenger car and a fully loaded truck
from the floor on the crate.
collide head-on.
a State and explain which vehicle experiences
the greater force.
30° b If you had to be in one of the vehicles, which
one would you rather be in? Explain your

39 Three blocks rest on a horizontal frictionless 42 A weightlifter slowly lifts a 100 kg mass from the
surface, as shown in the diagram. A force of floor up a vertical distance of 1.90 m and then
20.0 N is applied horizontally to the right on the slowly lets it down to the floor again.
block of mass 2.0 kg. a Find the work done by the weight of the mass
on the way up.
3.0 kg 5.0 kg b Find the work done by the force exerted by
2.0 kg
the weightlifter when lifting the weight up.
c Find the total work done by the weight on
a Find the individual forces acting on each mass. the way up and the way down.
b Identify force pairs according to Newton’s 43 A spring of spring constant k = 150 N m−1 is
third law. compressed by 4.0 cm. The spring is horizontal
40 Two bodies are joined by a string and are pulled and a block of mass of 1.0 kg is held against the
up an inclined plane that makes an angle of 30° right end of the spring. The mass is released.
to the horizontal, as shown in the diagram. Calculate the speed with which the block
F moves away.
44 A ball is released from rest from the position
shown in the diagram. What will its speed be as
4.0 it goes past positions A and B?

3.0 m

30° A

a Calculate the tension in the string when: 4.0 m

i the bodies move with constant speed
ii the bodies move up the plane with an B
acceleration of 2.0 m s−2.
b What is the value of F in each case? 45 A 25.0 kg block is very slowly raised up a vertical
distance of 10.0 m by a rope attached to an
2.3 Work, energy and power electric motor in a time of 8.2 s. Calculate the
41 A block of mass 4.0 kg is pushed to the right by power developed in the motor.
a force F = 20.0 N. A frictional force of 14.0 N is 46 For cars having the same shape but different size
acting on the block while it is moved a distance engines the maximum power developed by the
of 12.0 m along a horizontal floor. The forces car’s engine is proportional to the third power of
acting on the mass are shown in the diagram. the car’s maximum speed. Predict the dependence
on speed of the wind resistance force.
R 47 Describe the energy transformations taking place
f F when a body of mass 5.0 kg:
a falls from a height of 50 m without air
mg resistance
b falls from a height of 50 m with constant speed
a Calculate the work done by each of the four c is being pushed up an incline of 30° to the
forces acting on the mass. horizontal with constant speed.
b Hence find the net work done.
c State by how much the kinetic energy of the
mass changes.

48 A car of mass 1200 kg starts from rest, accelerates 2.4 Momentum and impulse
uniformly to a speed of 4.0 m s−1 in 2.0 s and
51 Two bodies of mass 2.00 kg and 4.00 kg are
continues moving at this constant speed in a
kept on a frictionless horizontal table with a
horizontal straight line for an additional 10 s.
compressed spring between them. The masses
The brakes are then applied and the car is
are released. The heavier body moves away with
brought to rest in 4.0 s. A constant resistance
velocity 3.50 m s−1. Find the velocity of the
force of 500 N is acting on the car during its
other body.
entire motion.
52 A body of mass 0.500 kg moving at 6.00 m s−1
a Calculate the force accelerating the car in the
strikes a wall normally and bounces back with
first 2.0 s of the motion.
a speed of 4.00 m s−1. The mass was in contact
b Calculate the average power developed by the
with the wall for 0.200 s. Find:
engine in the first 2.0 s of the motion.
a the change of momentum of the mass
c Calculate the force pushing the car forward in
b the average force the wall exerted on the mass.
the next 10 s.
53 A person holds a book stationary in his hand
d Calculate the power developed by the engine
and then releases it. As the book falls, state and
in those 10 s.
explain whether the momentum of the book is
e Calculate the braking force in the last 4.0 s of
the motion.
54 a A fan on a floating barge blows air at high
f Describe the energy transformations that
speed toward the right, as shown in the
have taken place in the 16 s of the motion of
diagram. State and explain whether the barge
this car.
will move.
49 A bungee jumper of mass 60 kg jumps from
b A sail is now put up on the barge so that the
a bridge 24 m above the surface of the water.
fan blows air toward the sail, as shown in the
The rope is 12 m long and is assumed to obey
diagram. Will the barge move? Explain your
Hooke’s law.
a Estimate the spring constant of the rope so
that the jumper just reaches the water surface. sail
b The same rope is used by a man whose mass
fan fan
is more than 60 kg. Explain why the man will
not stop before reaching the water. (Treat the
jumper as a point and ignore any resistance to
motion.) barge barge
50 For the bungee jumper of mass 60 kg in question a b
49, calculate:
a the speed of the jumper after falling 12 m 55 You jump from a height of 1.0 m from the
b the maximum speed attained by the jumper surface of the Earth. The Earth will actually
during their fall. move up a bit as you fall.
c Explain why the maximum speed is reached a Explain why.
after falling more than a distance of 12 m (the b Estimate the distance the Earth moves, listing
unstretched length of the rope). any assumptions you make.
d Sketch a graph to show the variation of the c State and explain whether the Earth would
speed of the jumper with distance fallen. move more, less or the same if a heavier
person jumped.

56 A 0.350 kg mass is approaching a moving plate 59 A mass of 6.0 kg moving at 4.0 m s−1 collides
with speed 8.00 m s−1. The ball leaves the plate at with a mass of 8.0 kg at rest on a frictionless
right angles with a speed of 12.0 m s−1 as shown surface and sticks to it. How much kinetic
in the diagram. What impulse has been imparted energy was lost in the collision?
to the ball? 60 A binary star system consists of two stars that
are orbiting a common centre, as shown in the
12.0 ms–1 diagram. The only force acting on the stars is
the gravitational force of attraction in a direction
along the line joining the stars.

8.0 m s–1

57 A body of mass M, initially at rest, explodes and

M 2M
splits into two pieces of mass and ,
3 3
respectively. Find the ratio of the kinetic energies
of the two pieces. a Explain carefully why the total momentum of
58 A wagon of mass 800 kg moving at 5.0 m s−1 the binary star is constant.
collides with another wagon of mass 1200 kg b Explain why the two stars are always in
that is initially at rest. Both wagons are equipped diametrically opposite positions.
with buffers. The graph shows the velocities c Hence explain why the two stars have a
of the two wagons before, during and after the common period of rotation and why the
collision. inner star is the more massive of the two.
61 You have a mass of 60 kg and are floating
weightless in space.You are carrying 100 coins
each of mass 0.10 kg.
a If you throw all the coins at once with a
v / ms–1 5 speed of 5.0 m s−1 (relative to you) in the same
3 direction, calculate the velocity with which
1 you will recoil.
–1 t /s b If instead you throw the coins one at a time
–3 0.150 s
with a speed of 5.0 m s−1 relative to you,
–4 discuss whether your final speed will be
Use the graph to: different from before. (Use your graphics
a show that the collision has been elastic display calculator to calculate the speed in
b calculate the average force on each wagon this case.)
during the collision
c calculate the impulse given to the heavy
d If the buffers on the two wagons had been
stiffer, the time of contact would have
been less but the final velocities would be
unchanged. Predict how your answers to b
and c would change (if at all).
e Calculate the kinetic energy of the two
wagons at the time during the collision when
both have the same velocity and compare
your answer with the final kinetic energy
of the wagons. How do you account for the

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 2 answers
Topic 2 Mechanics 13 s /m 60

2.1 Motion
1 a 1.67 km h−1 0
b 1.2 km h−1 at 34° east of south 0 5 10
t /s
2 a 88 m
b 68 m 14 Make graphs of position against time; the graphs
c 8.33 m s−1; 5.0 m s−1 must cross.
3 a 1.7 m s−1 16 a 70 m
b −6.0 m s−1 b 10.7 s from the start
4 4.0 s c v /m s–1 20
5 3.0 s
6 a 1.2 s
b 3.7 s 0
5 7 10 10.7 t /s
c 22 m
d 9.3 m s−1
e 29 m
7 a 4.37 s
b 32.9 m s−1
17 a 0.78 s
c 60.2 m
b 9.2 m s−1
8 a 1.8 s
18 a 2.0 s
b 23 m s−1
b 13 m s−1
9 0.326 s
c −51°
10 −14.6 m s−1
d 21 m s−1 at −68°
11 v
19 320 m
20 52° below the horizontal
21 a 10 m s−1
b y /m 20
1 2 3 4 5 6
t /s 15


12 v 5

0 5 10 15 20
x /m

22 18 m s−1 at 58°

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t /s

2.2 Forces c
24 reaction = 300 N reaction = 350 N

reaction = 150 N
reaction = 100 N

50 N
W = 100 N W = 100 N

W = 200 N W = 200 N
a b
33 a 1220 N
b 4040 N
25 34 < AQ: This is not the right answer: should be T1, T2
T and T3>
35 7.00 m s−2 and 3.00 m s−2
T 36 a mg
b mg
c greater than mg
W d less than mg
e mg
26 143 N
37 94 N
39 a see free-body diagrams (vertical forces are
16 N 20 N 10 N

2.0 kg 5.0 kg

R 3.0 kg

b forces in the same colour are action–reaction

W 40 a i 39 N ii 55 N
28 7.6 N at 58° b 59 N in i and 83 N in ii
29 5.57 N at 162°
30 4.89 N 2.3 Work, energy and power
31 62.5 N 41 a Work done by weight and reaction force is zero.
32 a Work done by F is 240 J and by friction is –168 J.
b 72 J
reaction = 300 N reaction = 350 N
c The kinetic energy increases by 72.0 J.
reaction = 150 N 42 a −1900 J
reaction = 100 N
b +1900 J
c z ero
43 0.49 m s−1
44 7.7 m s−1; 12 m s−1
50 N 45 3.0 × 102 W
W = 100 N W = 100 N 46 F ∝ v 2
W = 200 N W = 200 N
a b

b Forces in red are an action–reaction pair.

47 a The potential energy the mass has at the top is 2.4 Momentum and impulse
converted into kinetic energy. As the mass lands,
51 7.00 m s−1
all its potential energy has been converted to
52 a −5.00 N s
kinetic energy.
b 25.0 N
b Some of the initial potential energy has been
54 a yes
converted to kinetic energy. The kinetic energy
b no
remains constant during the fall. The remaining
55 b The order of magnitude is about 10−23 m.
potential energy decreases as the mass falls and
56 5.05 N s at 56.3°
gets converted into thermal energy. As the
57 ratio of light to heavy = 2
mass lands, all the initial potential energy gets
58 b 38 400 N on both
converted into thermal energy (and perhaps a bit
c 4800 N s
of sound energy and deformation energy during
d The force would be larger but the impulse would
impact with the ground).
be the same.
c The kinetic energy remains constant. The
e 4000 J; the final kinetic energy is 10 000 J
potential energy is increasing at a constant rate
59 27 J
equal to the rate at which the pulling force
60 a There are no external forces on the binary star
does work.
48 a 2900 N
b The momentum of the system is not just
b 5.8 kW
constant but also zero; otherwise it would change
c 500 N
direction as the stars moved. Hence the stars
d 2.0 kW
must have opposite momenta, i.e. they have to be
e 700 N
diametrically opposite each other.
49 a 200 N m−1
c Since they are opposite each other at all times,
50 a 15 m s−1
they complete orbits in the same time.
b 16 m s−1
61 a 0.71 m s−1
d –1
v /m s 15 b 0.77 m s−1
0 5 10 15 20 h /m

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 3 questions
? Test yourself
3.2 Modelling a gas 6 The point labelled A in the diagram shows the
state of a fixed quantity of ideal gas kept at a
1 The density of copper is 8.96 g cm−3 and its molar
temperature of 300 K. The state of the gas changes
mass is 64 g mol−1.
and is represented by the arrowed route in the
a Calculate the mass of an atom of copper.
pressure–volume diagram. The gas is eventually
b Determine the number of copper atoms per
returned to its original state.
cubic metre.
2 A volume of 2.00 × 10−4 m3 of a gas is heated from p/atm
20.0 °C to 80.0 °C at constant pressure. Calculate 4
the new volume.
3 Determine the number of moles in a gas kept
at a temperature of 350 K, volume 0.20 m3 and 2
pressure 4.8 × 105 Pa.
4 A gas is kept at a pressure of 4.00 × 105 Pa and
a temperature of 30.0 °C. When the pressure is 0 2 8 V/dm3
reduced to 3.00 × 105 Pa and the temperature
raised to 40.0 °C, the volume is measured to be a Calculate the temperature of the gas at the
0.45 × 10−4 m3. Estimate the original volume of corners of the rectangle on the
the gas. pressure–volume diagram.
5 An air bubble exhaled by a diver doubles in radius b Predict at what point on the dotted path the
by the time it gets to the surface of the water. internal energy of the gas is greatest.
Assuming that the air in the bubble stays constant
in temperature, predict by what factor the pressure
of the bubble is reduced.

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 3 answers
Topic 3 Thermal physics
3.2 Modelling a gas
1 a 1.0 × 10−25 kg
b 8.4 × 1028 m–3
2 2.41 × 10–4 m3
3 33 mol
4 1.1 × 10–5 m3
5 by a factor of 8
6 a at B, 1200 K; at C, 600 K; at D, 150 K
b at B

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 4 questions
? Test yourself
4.1 Oscillations 3 The graph shows the variation with time of the
displacement of a particle undergoing simple
1 The graph shows the variation with displacement
harmonic oscillations.
of the acceleration of a particle that is performing




a On a copy of the graph mark a point where:

a Explain why the oscillations are simple i the velocity is zero (mark this with the
harmonic. letter V)
b Make a copy of the graph and mark with the ii the acceleration has maximum magnitude
letter V a point on the graph where the speed is (mark this with the letter A)
a maximum. iii the kinetic energy is maximum (mark this
c The amplitude of oscillations is reduced from with the letter K)
2.0 cm to 1.0 cm. On your graph draw the iv the potential energy is maximum (mark this
variation with displacement of the acceleration with the letter P).
of the particle. b For the motion shown, sketch a graph of:
2 The graph shows the variation with displacement i velocity versus time (no numbers on the
of kinetic energy of a particle of mass 0.25 kg that axes are necessary)
is undergoing simple harmonic oscillations. ii acceleration versus time (no numbers on
EK /J the axes are necessary).

–4 –2 0 2 4 x/cm

a Use the graph to calculate:

i the maximum speed of the particle
ii the potential energy when the displacement
is 2.0 cm.
b On a copy of the axes draw a graph to show
the variation of the potential energy with

4 The graph shows how the velocity of a particle 6 These displacement–position graphs show the
undergoing simple harmonic oscillations varies same wave at two different times. The wave travels
with time. to the right and the bottom graph represents the
wave 0.20 s after the time illustrated in the top
v/cm s–1 6
y/cm 0.6
2 4 6 8 0.2
–2 t/s
–4 0
2 4 6 8
–6 −0.2 x/m

a On a copy of the graph mark a point where: −0.4

i the displacement is zero (mark this with the −0.6

letter Z)
ii the displacement has maximum magnitude y/cm 0.6
(mark this with the letter M).
b Sketch an acceleration versus time graph for this 0.4

motion (no numbers on the axes are necessary). 0.2

c The mass of the particle is 0.20 kg. Draw a
graph to show the variation with time of the 0
2 4 6 8
kinetic energy of the particle. −0.2 x/m

4.2 Travelling waves −0.4

5 The speed of ocean waves approaching the shore −0.6

is given by the formula v = √gh, where h is the
depth of the water. It is assumed here that the a For this wave determine:
wavelength of the waves is much larger than the i the amplitude
depth (otherwise a different expression gives the ii the wavelength
wave speed). iii the speed
a Calculate the speed of water waves near the iv the frequency.
shore where the depth is 1.0 m. b Suggest whether the graphs may be used
b Assuming that the depth of the water decreases to determine if the wave is transverse or
uniformly, draw a graph of the water wave longitudinal.
speed as a function of depth from a depth of 7 An earthquake creates waves that travel in the
1.0 m to a depth of 0.30 m. Earth’s crust; these can be detected by seismic
a Explain why three seismic stations must be used
to determine the position of the earthquake.
b Describe two differences in the signals recorded
by three seismic stations, assuming they are
at different distances from the centre of the

8 The graph shows the variation with distance x, 11 A ship sends a sonar pulse of frequency 30 kHz
and of the displacement, y, of a sound wave and duration 1.0 ms towards a submarine and
travelling towards the right along a metal rod. receives a reflection of the pulse 3.2 s later. The
This is the displacement at t = 0. The frequency speed of sound in water is 1500 m s−1. Calculate:
of the wave is 1250 Hz. a the distance of the submarine from the ship
y/mm b the wavelength of the pulse
2 c the number of full waves emitted in the pulse.

4.3 Wave characteristics

2 4 6 8 10 12 Two pulses are moving towards each other. The
x/m graph shows the variation of displacement y with
–2 distance x at t = 0 s. Both pulses have a speed of
1 cm s−1. Draw the shape of the string at t = 2 s.
a Calculate the speed of the wave. y/cm 2
b Determine the displacement of a point on
the rod: 1
i at x = 129 m and t = 0
ii at x = 212 m and t = 10 ms.
–2 2 4 6 8
9 A stone is dropped on a still pond at t = 0. The x/cm
wave reaches a leaf floating on the pond a distance
of 3.00 m away. The leaf then begins to oscillate. 13 Two pulses are moving towards each other. The
The graph shows how its displacement y varies diagram shows the variation of displacement
with time t. y with distance x at t = 0 s. Both pulses have a
a Calculate the speed of the water waves. speed of 1 cm s−1. Draw the shape of the string at
b Determine the period and frequency of t = 2 s.
the wave.
c Calculate the wavelength of the wave.
d State the initial amplitude of the wave.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
−5 t/s


10 A sound wave of frequency 500 Hz travels from

air into water. The speed of sound in air is
330 m s−1 and in water 1490 m s−1. Calculate the 14 A pulse with the shape shown in the diagram
wavelength of the wave in: travels on a string at 40 m s−1 towards a fixed
a air end. Taking t = 0 ms to be when the front of the
b water. pulse first arrives at the fixed end, draw the shape
of the string at: t = 1.0 ms; t = 1.5 ms; t = 2.0 ms;
t = 2.5 ms; t = 3.0 ms; t = 4.0 ms.

12 cm

15 Polarised light is incident on a polariser whose 4.4 Wave behaviour
transmission axis makes an angle θ with the
22 A ray of light enters glass from air at an angle of
direction of the electric field of the incident
incidence equal to 45°, as shown in the diagram.
light. Sketch a graph to show the variation with
Draw the path of this ray assuming that the glass
angle θ of the transmitted intensity of light.
has a refractive index of 1.420 and the plastic has
16 Unpolarised light of intensity I0 is incident on a
a refractive index of 1.350.
polariser. The transmitted light is incident on a
second polariser whose transmission axis is at 60°
to that of the first. Calculate, in terms of I0, the 45°
intensity of light transmitted through the second normal air

polariser. glass
17 Unpolarised light of intensity I0 is incident on
a polariser. A number of other polarisers will be plastic
placed in line with the first so that the final air
transmitted intensity is 0 . Each polariser has
its transmission axis rotated by 10° with respect 23 A ray of light moving in air parallel to the base
to the previous one. Determine how many of a glass prism of angles 45°, 45° and 90° enters
additional polarisers are required. the prism, as shown in the diagram. Investigate
18 Light is incident on two analysers whose the path of the ray as it enters the glass. The
transmission axes are at right angles to each refractive index of glass is 1.50.
other. No light gets transmitted. Discuss whether
it can be deduced whether the incident light is
polarised or not.
19 Unpolarised light is incident on two polarisers glass
whose transmission axes are parallel to each other.
Calculate the angle by which one of them must
be rotated so that the transmitted intensity is half 24 In the corridor shown in the diagram an
of the intensity incident on the second polariser. observer at point P can hear someone at point
20 A fisherman is fishing in a lake. Explain why it Q but cannot see them. State the name(s) of the
would be easier for him to see fish in the lake if physical phenomena that may account for this.
he was wearing Polaroid sunglasses. How could someone at P see Q?
21 You stand next to a lake on a bright morning
with one sheet of Polaroid.You don’t know the
orientation of its transmission axis. Suggest how
you can determine it. (You may not use other
Polaroid sheets with known transmission axes.)

25 Two loudspeakers are connected to the same 27 Two sources emit identical sound waves with a
audio oscillator. An observer walks along the frequency of 850 Hz.
straight line joining the speakers (see diagram). a An observer is 8.2 m from the first source and
At a point M halfway between the speakers he 9.0 m from the second. Describe and explain
hears a loud sound. By the time he gets to point what this observer hears.
P, a distance of 2.00 m from M, he hears no b A second observer is 8.1 m from the first
sound at all. source and 8.7 m from the second. Describe
a Explain how this is possible. and explain what this observer hears. (Take
b Determine the largest possible wavelength of the speed of sound to be 340 m s−1.)
sound emitted by the loudspeakers. 28 In the context of wave motion, state what you
understand by the term superposition. Illustrate
constructive and destructive interference by
suitable diagrams.


26 A car moves along a road that joins the twin

antennas of a radio station that is broadcasting at
a frequency of 90.0 MHz (see diagram). When
in position A, the reception is good but it drops
to almost zero at position B. Determine the
minimum distance AB.


Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 4 answers
Topic 4 Waves 4.2 Travelling waves
5 a 3.16 m s−1
4.1 Oscilliations b K at any point where x = 0
6 a i 0.6 cm
1 b V at the origin
ii 4.0 m
c same graph but from x = –1 cm to xv= 1 cm
iii 5.0 m s−1
2 a i 6.9 m s–1
iv 1.25 Hz
ii 1.5 J
b no
b EP /J
6 8 a 5.0 × 103 m s−1
b i 0 mm
ii –2.00 mm
4 9 a 3.0 m s−1
3 b T = 1.5 s; f = 0.667 Hz
c 4.5 m
d 12 cm
1 10 a 0.66 m
b 2.98 m
–4 –2 0 2 4 x/cm 11 a 2400 m
b 0.050 m
3 a i V at any maximum or minimum of the graph
c 30
ii A at any maximum or minimum of the graph
iii K at any point where x = 0
iv P at any maximum or minimum of the graph
4.3 Wave characteristics
b i a negative cosine curve 12 d /cm 4

ii a negative sine curve

4 a i Z at any maximum or minimum of the graph
ii M at any point where v = 0 2
b a /m s–2
5 1

0 0
–2 2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8
t /s
–5 13 d /cm 1.0

c EK /J 3.0

1.0 0
–2 2 4 6 8
–0.2 x/cm

0.0 –0.4
0 2 4 6 8
t /s

14 4.4 Wave behaviour
t = 1.0 ms
4 cm 4 cm 45°

t = 1.5 ms 29.87°

31.59° plastic

t = 2.0 ms 4 cm 4 cm

24 Reflection and diffraction of sound; absence of

these for light. P could see Q by using a mirror at
the corner.
t = 2.5 ms 10 cm 2 cm 25 b 8.0 m
26 0.83 m
27 a The path difference is two wavelengths, so
the observer hears a loud sound because of
constructive interference.
t = 3.0 ms 12 cm b The path difference is one and a half wavelengths,
so the observer hears no sound because of
destructive interference.

t = 4.0 ms

4 cm

17 128 additional polarisers
19 45°

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 5 questions
? Test yourself
5.1 Electric fields 6 The potential difference between consecutive
dotted lines in the diagram is 50 V. The red arrows
1 Four equal charges q = −5.0 µC are placed at
indicate the electric field.
the vertices of a square of side 12 cm, as in the
diagram. Determine the force on the charge at the 50 V 50 V

top right vertex.


electric field E

a Calculate the work that must be done by an

external agent in moving a charge of +5.0 µC
from A to B.
2 A small plastic sphere is suspended from a fine b Repeat the calculation in a when the same
insulating thread near, but not touching, a large charge is moved from A to C.
sphere that is being charged. As the charge on c The +5.0 µC charge is moved from A to C and
the big sphere increases it is observed that i the then from C to B. Calculate how much work
plastic sphere is slowly attracted toward the large would be required then. Compare your answer
sphere, ii eventually touching it, iii at which point to that in part a and comment.
it is violently repelled. Carefully explain these d An electron is released from rest from a point
observations. on line B. State whether the electron will reach
3 The electric field at a point in space has line A or line C and calculate its speed there.
magnitude 100 N C−1 and is directed to the 7 a An electron is accelerated by a potential
right. An electron is placed at that point. For difference of 100.0 V. Determine the speed of
this electron, calculate a the force and b the the electron after acceleration.
acceleration. b Determine the speed a proton would attain if
4 The number of electrons per second moving accelerated by the same potential difference as
through the cross-sectional area of a copper wire is the electron.
4.0 × 1019. 8 Two positive point charges of magnitude q and 9q
a Determine the current in the wire. are a distance d apart, as shown in the diagram.
b The diameter of the wire is 1.5 mm and the d
q 9q
number of free electrons per unit volume for
copper is 8.5 × 1028 m−3. Estimate the drift P
speed for the electrons. 4
5 Give an estimate for the number of free electrons
a Calculate the electric field strength at point P,
per unit volume for gold (density 19 390 kg m−3; d
molar mass 197 g mol−1). Assume that each atom a distance from q.
contributes just one electron to the set of free b Sketch a graph of the electric field as a function
electrons. of the distance x from the charge q. (Take the
field to be positive if it is directed to the right.)
c How do the answers to a and b change if the
charges are both negative?

5.2 Heating effect of electric 17 Determine the resistance between A and B in
the diagram.
10.0 Ω 20.0 Ω
9 Explain why a light bulb is most likely to burn A
out when it is first turned on rather than later.
10 State the factors that affect the resistance of a 30.0 Ω 10.0 Ω

metal wire.
11 Determine the factor by which the resistance of 10.0 Ω 20.0 Ω
a wire changes when its radius is doubled.
12 The resistance of a fixed length of wire of 18 Six light bulbs, each of constant resistance
circular cross-section is 10.0 Ω. Predict the 3.0 Ω, are connected in parallel to a battery of
resistance of a wire of the same length made of emf = 9.0 V and negligible internal resistance.
the same material but with only half the radius. The brightness of a light bulb is proportional
13 Look at the arrangement of resistors shown in to the power dissipated in it. Compare the
the diagram. brightness of one light bulb when all six are on,
3.0 Ω 1.0 Ω
to that when only five are on, the sixth having
burnt out.
2.0 A 19 One light bulb is rated as 60 W at 220 V and
4.0 Ω another as 75 W at 220 V.
a Both of these are connected in parallel to a
1.0 A 110 V source. Determine the current in each
4.0 Ω 9.0 Ω light bulb. (Assume that the resistances of the
light bulbs are constant.)
A B b Would it cost more or less (and by how much)
to run these two light bulbs connected in
a Find the current in, and potential difference parallel to a 110 V or a 220 V source?
across, each resistor. The potential at A is 12 V. 20 Three appliances are connected (in parallel) to
b What is the potential difference between A the same outlet, which provides a voltage of
and B? 220 V. A fuse connected to the outlet will blow if
14 A light bulb is rated as 60 W at 220 V. the current drawn from the outlet exceeds 10 A.
a Calculate the current flows in the light bulb The three appliances are rated as 60 W, 500 W
when it is connected in series to a 220 V and 1200 W at 220 V. Suggest whether the fuse
source of voltage. blows.
b The lamp is connected in series to a 110 V 21 An electric kettle rated as 1200 W at 220 V
source of voltage. Calculate the current flows in and a toaster rated at 1000 W at 220 V are both
the lamp. (Assume the resistance stays the same.) connected in parallel to a source of 220 V. The
c Determine the power output of the light bulb fuse connected to the source blows when the
when it is connected to the 110 V source. current exceeds 9.0 A. Determine whether both
15 Determine the energy used when a 1500 W appliances can be used at the same time.
kettle is used for four minutes: 22 At a given time a home is supplied with 100.0 A
a in kW h at 220 V. How many 75 W (rated at 220 V) light
b in joules. bulbs could be on in the house at that time,
16 In country X the voltage supplied by the assuming they are all connected in parallel?
electricity companies is 110 V and in country Y
it is 220 V. Consider a light bulb rated as 60 W
at 110 V in X and a light bulb rated as 60 W at
220 V in Y. Take the cost of electricity per kW h
to be the same. Suggest where it costs more to
operate a light bulb for one hour.

23 a Determine the reading of the voltmeter in 26 State the reading of the ideal voltmeter in the
the circuit shown in the diagram if both circuit in the diagram.
resistances are 200 Ω and the voltmeter also 6.0 V
has a resistance of 200 Ω.
b Determine the reading of the ammeter.
c The voltmeter is replaced by an ideal
voltmeter. Determine the readings of the
voltmeter and ammeter.

12.0 V 27 Two resistors are connected in series as shown

in the diagram. The cell has negligible internal
resistance. Resistor R has a constant resistance
R of 1.5 Ω.

24 For the circuit shown in the diagram, calculate
the current taken from the supply.
The current–voltage (I–V ) characteristic of
ԑ = 120 V resistance X is shown in the diagram.
The potential difference across resistor R is 1.2 V.
40 Ω Calculate the emf of the cell.
80 Ω I /A 1.4


12 Ω 120 Ω
25 Two identical lamps are connected to a cell of
emf 12 V and negligible internal resistance, as 0.6

shown in the diagram. Calculate the reading of 0.4

the (ideal) voltmeter when lamp B burns out.
12 V
0.0 V/V
0 1 2 3 4


28 A lamp of constant resistance operates at normal 28 Two light bulbs are rated as 60 W and 75 W
brightness when the potential difference across at 220 V. If these are connected in series to a
it is 4.0 V and the current through it is 0.20 A. source of 220 V, what will the power in each be?
To light up the lamp, a student uses the circuit Assume a constant resistance for the light bulbs.
shown in the diagram. 29 A device D, of constant resistance, operates
8.0 V
properly when the potential difference across
it is 8.0 V and the current through it is 2.0 A.
The device is connected in the circuit shown, in
series with an unknown resistance R. Calculate
the value of the resistance R. (The cell has
60 Ω 60 Ω negligible internal resistance.)
emf 12 V

a Calculate the resistance of the light bulb at R

normal brightness.
b Calculate the potential difference across the
light bulb in the circuit in the diagram.
c Calculate the current through the light bulb.
d Hence explain why the light bulb will not 35 Twelve 1.0 Ω resistors are placed on the edges
light. of a cube and connected to a 5.0 V battery, as
24 Each resistor in the diagram has a value of 6.0 Ω. shown in the diagram. Determine the current
Calculate the resistance of the combination. leaving the battery.

25 You are given one hundred 1.0 Ω resistors.

Determine the smallest and largest resistance you
can make in a circuit using these resistors.
26 A wire that has resistance R is cut into two equal
pieces. The two parts are joined in parallel. What ε = 5.0 V
is the resistance of the combination?
27 A toaster is rated as 1200 W and a mixer as
500 W, both at 220 V.
a Both appliances are connected (in parallel) to
a 220 V source. Determine the current in each
b How much energy do these appliances use if
both work for 1 hour?

5.3 Electric cells 5.4 Magnetic fields
36 A direct current supply of constant emf 12.0 V 39 An electron is shot along the axis of a solenoid
and internal resistance 0.50 Ω is connected to a that carries current. Suggest whether it will
load of constant resistance 8.0 Ω. Find: experience a magnetic force.
a the power dissipated in the load resistance 40 The diagram shows four different wires carrying
b the energy lost in the internal resistance in current and the magnetic force on each.
10 min. Determine the direction of the magnetic field in
37 Two identical lamps, each of constant resistance each case.
R, are connected as shown in the circuit on I I out of
the left. A third identical lamp is connected in F page
parallel to the other two. I into F
F I page
ε a b c d

41 The diagram shows two parallel conductors

ε carrying current out of the page. Conductor 1
carries double the current of conductor 2. On a
copy of the diagram, draw to scale the magnetic
fields created by each conductor at the position
of the other and the forces on each conductor.
conductor 1 conductor 2
2I I

Compare the brightness of lamp A in the

original circuit (left) with its brightness in the
42 A proton of velocity 1.5 × 106 m s–1 enters a
circuit with three lamps (right), when:
region of uniform magnetic field B = 0.50T. The
a the battery has no internal resistance
magnetic field is directed vertically up (along the
b the battery has an internal resistance equal to R.
positive z-direction) and the proton’s velocity
38 Find the current in each of the resistors in the
is initially on the z–x plane, making an angle of
circuit in the diagram. What is the total power
30° with the positive x-axis.
dissipated in the circuit?
z y
60.0 Ω 57.0 Ω

ε = 12.0 V
r = 3.0 Ω B field x
40.0 Ω 20.0 Ω

a Show that the proton will follow a helical

60.0 Ω path around the magnetic field lines.
b Calculate the radius of the helix.
c Determine the number of revolutions per
second the proton makes.
d Determine the velocity of the proton along
the field lines.
e Calculate the vertical separation of the coils of
the helix.

43 An electron enters a region of uniform 44 Two identical charged particles move in circular
magnetic field B = 0.50T. Its velocity is normal paths at right angles to a uniform magnetic field
to the magnetic field direction. The electron as shown in the diagram. The radius of particle 2
is deflected into a circular path and leaves the is twice that of particle 1.
region of magnetic field after being deflected Determine the following ratios:
by an angle of 30° with respect to its original period of particle 2
direction. Determine the time for which the a
period of particle 1
electron was in the region of magnetic field. E of particle 2
b K
EK of particle 1

region of magnetic
particle 2 field into page
particle 1


Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 5 answers
Topic 5 Electricity and 5.2 Heating effect of electric currents
11 decreases by a factor of 4
magnetism 12 40 Ω
13 a 2.0 A 6V 2.5 A 2.5 V
5.1 Electric fields
0.5 A
1 30 N north east
3 a 1.60 × 10−17 N left
b 1.76 × 1013 m s−2
4 a 6.4 A
b 2.7 × 10−4 m s−2 1.0 A 0.5 A

5 6 × 1028 electrons per cubic metre 4V 4.5 V

6 a 2.5 × 10–4 J
b 5.0 × 10–4 J 12 V 3.5 V
c 2.5 × 10–4 J
b 8.5 V
d C; 4.2 × 106 m s−1
14 a 0.27 A
7 a 5.9 × 106 m s−1
b 0.136 A
b 1.4 × 105 m s−1
c 15W
8 a 0
15 a 0.1 kW h
b E
b 3.6 × 105 J
16 cost is the same
17 38.75 Ω
18 same
x /d 19 a 0.14 A and 0.17 A
b Costs more at 220 V by a factor of 4
20 does not blow
21 cannot be used at the same time
22 293
d 23 a 4.0 V
c Field is still 0 at . b 40 mA
c 6.0 V, 30 mA
24 5.0 A
25 12 V
26 6.0 V
27 2.8 V
x /d
28 a 20 Ω
b 1.6 V
c 0.080 A
29 4.0 Ω
30 0.01 Ω, 100 Ω
32 a toaster, 5.45 A; mixer, 2.27 A
b 6.1 MJ
33 19 W; 15 W
34 2.0 Ω
35 6.0 A

5.3 Electric cells 5.4 Magnetic fields
36 a 16 W 39 no
b 600 J 40 a out of page
37 a same b out of page
16 c left
b times as bright
d left
38 0.08 A 0.08 A
41 2B

0.08 A 0.04 A 0.04 A

0.04 A power = 0.96 W 42 b 2.7 cm

c 7.6 × 106 per second
d 7.5 × 105 m s−1
e 0.098 m
43 6.0 × 10−12 s
44 a 1
b 4

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 7 questions
? Test yourself
7.1 Discrete energy and 7.2 Nuclear reactions
radioactivity 12 Calculate the energy released in the beta minus
1 Calculate the number of neutrons in these decay of a neutron.
nuclei: 31H, 23 48 179
11Na, 22Ti, 72Hf. 13 Calculate the energy released in the alpha decay:
2 Tritium (31H) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen 234
90Th → 230 4
88Ra + 2 He
and decays by beta minus decay. State the
equation for the reaction and the names of the (The atomic mass of thorium is 234.043596 u;
products of the decay. that of radium is 230.03708 u.)
3 Nitrogen (147N) is produced in the beta minus 14 One possible outcome in the fission of a
decay of a radioactive isotope. State the equation uranium nucleus is the reaction:
235 1
for this reaction and the names of the particles in 92U + 0 n → 95 139 1
42Mo + 57La + 20 n + ?
the reaction.
a Write down what is missing in this reaction.
4 A nucleus (ZAX) decays by emitting two positrons
b Calculate the energy is released. (Atomic
and one alpha particle. State the atomic and mass
masses: U = 235.043922 u; Mo = 94.905841 u;
numbers of the resulting nucleus.
La = 138.906349 u.)
5 Name the two missing particles in the reaction
22 22 15 The reaction by which hydrogen in stars is
11Na → 10 Ne + ? + ?
converted into helium is:
6 The initial activity of a radioactive sample is
120 Bq. After 24 hours the activity is measured to 411H → 24He + 201e + 2νe + 00γ
be 15 Bq. Determine the half-life of the sample. The reaction releases about 26.7 MeV of
7 Discuss how you could confirm that a particular energy. The Sun radiates energy at the rate
element emits: of 3.9 × 1026 W and has a mass of about
a positively charged particles 1.99 × 1030 kg, of which 75% is hydrogen.
b negatively charged particles Calculate how long it will take the Sun to
c electrically neutral particles. convert 12% of its hydrogen into helium.
8 The track of an alpha particle is measured to be 16 Outline the role in nuclear fusion reactions of:
30 mm. The energy required to produce an ion a temperature
is about 32 eV, on average. Assuming that alpha b pressure.
particles create 6000 ions per mm along their
path, estimate the energy of the alpha particle. 7.3 The structure of matter
9 Discuss what is meant by the statement that the
17 Describe the Rutherford–Geiger–Marsden
strong nuclear force has a short range.
experiment and explain how its results led to the
10 Compare the gravitational force between two
Rutherford model of the atom.
electrons a distance of 10−10 m apart with the
18 Explain, in terms of quarks, what is meant by the
electrical force between them at the same
terms a hadron, b meson and c baryon.
19 Discuss whether it is correct that all electrically
11 An unstable nucleus has too many neutrons.
neutral particles are their own anti-particles. Give
Suggest the likely way in which it will decay.
examples to support your answer.
20 In the reaction p + p → p + p + X, determine
whether X can be a baryon.
21 Write down the charge and strangeness of the
baryon λ = (uds).

22 Identify the reactions that conserve lepton 28 a Describe what is meant by a Feynman diagram.
number. b Draw Feynman diagrams to represent the
a p+ → e+ + p0 electromagnetic processes:
b p0 → e+ + μ− i e− + e+ → e− + e+
c τ+ → π+ + –ν τ ii e− + e+ → γ + γ.
d π− → e− + –ν e 29 A meson has quark content uu –.
23 Explain whether the weak force acts: a State the electric charge of the meson. The
a on mesons. meson is at rest and decays into photons.
b on baryons. b Explain why the meson cannot decay into just
24 Neutrinos are electrically neutral. Are neutrinos one photon. The meson in fact decays into
identical to anti-neutrinos? two photons.
25 a The positive pion π+ has the quark content c Draw the Feynman diagram for this decay.
– ) and rest mass 140 MeV c−2. Explain
(du 30 The diagram represents the beta plus (e+) decay
why there exists a different meson (the ρ+ of of a proton.
rest mass 770 MeV c−2) with the same quark a Identify the quarks making up the neutron.
content as the π+. b State the name of the particle represented by
b The negative pion π− has quark content (du – ). the wavy line.
Explain how it may be deduced that there c Identify the particles denoted by X and Y in
exists a meson with the same quark content as the diagram.
the π− and rest mass 770 MeV c−2. X
26 Outline how the exchange of gluons by quarks
results in the strong nuclear force between Y
27 Using the weak interaction vertices, draw a
Feynman diagram for the reaction
µ+ + e− → – ν μ + νe.

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 7 answers
Topic 7 Atomic, nuclear and 28 b i
particle physics e–

7.1 Discrete energy and radioactivity

1 2, 12, 26, 107
2 31H → -10e + –ν e + 32He e+ e+

3 146C → -10e + –ν e + 147N

4 AZ X → 2 -10e + 42α + A-4Z X
5 22 0 – 22 ii
11Na → -1e + ν e + 10Ne e– γ
6 8.0 h
8 5.8 MeV
10 e = 4 × 1042 γ
Fg e+

7.2 Nuclear reactions 29 a 0

12 0.783 MeV b violates momentum conservation
13 3.65 MeV c
u γ
14 a seven electrons
b 208 MeV
15 8.9 × 109 yr
u γ

7.3 The structure of matter 30 a u → d + e+ + νe

20 it cannot; baryon number would not be conserved b W+
21 Q = 0, S = −1 c positron and electron neutrino
22 c and d
27 μ+ νμ


e– νe

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 9 questions
? Test yourself
9.1 Simple harmonic motion R/ kg 90

1 A body performs SHM along a horizontal straight

line between the extremes shown by the solid grey 80
lines in the diagram.
The arrows represent the direction of motion of 70
the body. The body is shown in four positions:
A, B, C and D. Copy the diagram and, in each
position, draw arrows to represent the direction
and relative magnitude of:
a the acceleration of the body 50
b the net force on the body. 0 5 10 15 20
t /s
position Use the graph to determine:
a the mass of the passenger
b the amplitude of the waves in the sea.
4 A body is suspended vertically at the end of a
spring that is attached to the ceiling of an elevator,
as shown in the diagram. The elevator moves with
constant acceleration. Discuss qualitatively the
2 The piston (of mass 0.25 kg) of a car engine has a effect, if any, of the acceleration on the period of
stroke (i.e. distance between extreme positions) of oscillations of the mass when the acceleration is:
9.0 cm and operates at 4500 rev min–1, as shown in a upwards
the diagram. b downwards.


oscillation acceleration

a Calculate the acceleration of the piston at 5 A body of mass 1.80 kg executes SHM such that
maximum displacement. its displacement from equilibrium is given by
b Calculate the velocity as the piston moves past x = 0.360 cos(6.80t), where x is in metres and
its equilibrium point. t is in seconds. Determine:
c What is the net force exerted on the piston at a the amplitude, frequency and period of the
maximum displacement? oscillations
3 A passenger on a cruise ship in rough seas stands b the total energy of the body
on a set of ‘weighing scales’. The reading R of the c the kinetic energy and the elastic potential
scales (in kilograms) as a function of time is shown energy of the body when the displacement is
in the diagram. 0.125 m.

9.2 Single-slit diffraction 10 In a two-slit interference experiment with slits
of negligible width, five maxima are observed
6 In a single-slit diffraction experiment the slit width
on each side of the central maximum. When
is 0.025 mm and the wavelength of light is 625 nm.
the slits are replaced by two slits of finite width
a Calculate the angle of the first diffraction
separated by the same distance as before, the
third maximum on either side of the central
b State an approximate value for the ratio of
maximum is missing (i.e. the intensity of light
the intensity of the central maximum to the
there is zero). Calculate the width of the slits in
intensity of the first maximum to the side.
terms of their separation, d.
7 White light illuminates a slit. The first diffraction
11 When a thin soap film of uniform thickness is
minimum for a wavelength of 625 nm is observed
illuminated with white light, it appears purple in
at 14°.
colour. Explain this observation carefully.
a Calculate the slit width.
12 A car moves along a road that is parallel to the
b Determine the wavelength of light for which
twin antennas of a radio station broadcasting at
the first secondary maximum occurs at an angle
a frequency of 95.0 MHz (see diagram). The
of 14°. (The first secondary maximum appears
antennas are 30.0 m apart and the distance of A

at an angle (in radians) of approximately .) from the mid-point of the antennas is 2.0 km.
c Explain why the central maximum will be When in position A, the reception is good, but it
white but the spot at 14° will be coloured. drops to almost zero at position B. Calculate the
distance AB.
9.3 Interference 13 Two radio transmitters are 80.0 m apart on a
8 Discuss the effect on the bright spots in a Young’s north–south line. They emit coherently at a
two-slit experiment of: wavelength of 1.50 m. A satellite in a north–
a decreasing the separation of the slits south orbit travelling at 7.50 km s−1 receives
b increasing the wavelength of light a signal that alternates in intensity with a
c increasing the distance to the screen frequency of 0.560 Hz. Assuming that the signal
d increasing the distance of the source from received by the satellite is the superposition of
the slits the waves from the individual transmitters, find:
e using white light as the source. a the distance between two consecutive points
9 A diffraction grating with 350 lines per mm where the satellite receives a strong signal
produces first-order maxima at angles 8.34° and b the height of the satellite from the Earth’s
8.56° for two separate wavelengths of light. surface.
a Determine these wavelengths. 14 A soap film will appear dark if it is very thin
b Calculate the angle that separates the second- and will reflect all colours when thick. Carefully
order maxima of these wavelengths. justify these statements using interference from
thin films.

Measurement and uncertainties
Additional 1
Topic 9 answers
Topic 9 Wave phenomena (HL)
9.1 Simple harmonic motion
1 a A, right and long; B, right and shorter; C, zero; D,
left and shortest
b same as a
2 a 1.0 × 104 m s–2
b 21 m s–1
c 2.5 × 103 N
3 a 70 kg
b 7.1 m
5 a A = 0.360 m, f = 1.08 Hz, T = 0.924 s
b 5.39 J
c 4.74 J, 0.650 J

9.3 Interference
9 a 4.14 × 10−7 m; 4.25 × 10−7 m
b 0.462°
10 3d
12 105 m
13 a 13.4 km
b 714 km


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