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ISSN: 2339-076X (p); 2502-2458 (e), Volume 6, Number 2 (January 2019):1625-1634


Research Article

Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological

properties of soil after adding crops biomass residues and yield of
upland rice
Junita Barus1,2*, Jamalam Lumbanraja3, Hamim Sudarsono4, Dermiyati3
1 Doctoral Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1,
Bandar Lampung 35145, Indonesia
2 Lampung Assessment for Agricultural Technology, Jl. ZA Pagar Alam No. 1A, Bandar Lampung 35145, Indonesia
3 Department of Soil Science, University of Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Bandar Lampung

35145, Indonesia
4 Department of Plant Protection, University of Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Bandar

Lampung 35145, Indonesia

*corresponding author:
Received 15 November 2018, Accepted 10 December 2018

Abstract: Returning and addition of organic material to the soil is a key to protecting the soil, plants,
and the environment. A study aimed to elucidate the effect of residual biomass application on some
indicators of soil physical properties, an abundance of earthworms and soil microbial activities was
conducted in Kebun Percobaan (KP) Natar, BPTP Lampung from February to July 2017. The treatments
were three types of crops biomass residues, i.e., maize stover, rice straw, and soybean stover (fresh or
compost). The dosage rates were 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10 t/ha. The treatments were arranged in a
randomized block design with three replicates. Upland rice (Inpago 9 variety) was planted after two weeks
application of biomass residues treatments. The results showed that application of crops biomass residues
improved bulk density and significantly increased soil water content at the high dose of biomass residues
(7.5 or 10 t/ha). The amount and weight of earthworms with added of compost biomass significantly
correlated with soil water content (r values 0.491 and 0.376, respectively). The dose of biomass residues
had a significant effect on soil respiration that the highest soil respiration was obtained in maize compost
biomass treatment (at 12 weeks observation) was 31.7 and rice straw compost (at 8 weeks observation)
which was 30.19 mg/hour/m2 C-CO2.
Keywords: biomass residues, bulk density, earthworms, soil respiration, soil water content
To cite this article: Barus, J., Lumbanraja, J., Sudarsono, H. and Dermiyati. 2019. Improvement of several
indicators of physical and biological properties of soil after adding crops biomass residues and yield of upland rice. J.
Degrade. Min. Land Manage. 6(2): 1625-1634, DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm. 2019.062.1625.

Introduction activities and act as decomposers in the process of

decomposition of organic matter (Powers et al.,
The soil in the wet tropical climate usually low 2009; Kara et al., 2014). Carbon organic soil plays
fertility and low in soil organic matter content an important role as source and nutrient sink and
(mostly <2%) (Las and Setyorini, 2010). As was as a substrate for soil microbes (Tornquist et al.,
known, the organic material was a key to 2009), so the balance in soil, environment, and
protecting and sustainability of soil, plants, and biodiversity need to be maintained and
the environment. The organic material was sustainably. The potential of biomass residues of
composed of a variety of these simple and crops such as rice, maize, and soybeans in
complex carbon compounds (Fisher and Glaser, Indonesia reach to 10 million tons per year which
2012), as a nutrient source for soil microbial 1625
Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

can be utilized as compost or returned directly in (Paul, 2007). Soil respiration is influenced by soil
fresh as mulch to improve soil fertility. Soil temperature and humidity, and is positively
amended with plant biomass residues displayed a correlated with the numbers of soil fauna (Zhang
wide variation of decomposition such as N et al., 2015). The measures of soil respiration can
mineralization depending on the plant species and use the undisturbed soil or disturbed soil samples.
plant components/organs which are largely related Measurements in the field are done by pumping
to their biochemical composition (Abbasi et al., soil air or by covering the soil with a vessel that
2015). Returning and addition of organic material the volume is known (Saraswati et al., 2007). The
to soil improve physical properties and ensuring evolution CO2 from the soil is a product from the
root growth and penetration. Riwandi et al. (2015) decomposition of organic matter; therefore, the
reported that with the application of compost degree of respiration is an indicator of the degree
mixture of cattle dung and plant biomass of 5, 10, of decomposition of organic matter which occurs
and 20 t/ha improved the growth and biomass of at certain intervals.
roots of corn crops. Organic matter improves soil
water content (Evanylo et al., 2011) and modifies
the soil water dynamic as well as increases water Materials and Methods
holding capacity (Milla et al., 2013). Compost can A study of residual biomass application effect on
be defined as an organic multi-nutrient fertilizer the abundance of earthworms and soil respiration
containing significant amounts of valuable plant was conducted in Natar village, Lampung
nutrients including N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, and a Province in 2017. The biomass residues were from
variety of essential trace elements (Smith and three crops, i.e. maize stover, rice straw, and
Collins, 2007; Quilty and Cattle, 2011; Fisher and soybean stover. The research comprised two sub-
Glaser, 2012). experiments: 1) The fresh form of biomass
Soils with sufficient organic matter provide residues (as a mulch); and 2) The compost form of
a suitable environment for fauna and soil biomass residues. Three types of crop biomass
microbes. Organic matter as an energy source for residues, i.e. maize stover, rice straw, and soybean
macro and micro-fauna of the soil, it was evident stover (fresh or compost) were applied to soil
with that reported by Goyal et al. (2009), that (Ultisol) with the rates of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10
addition of 5 t/ha of rice straw compost enhanced t/ha. After two weeks of biomass application,
microbial C-biomass. The addition of organic upland rice was planted. The treatments were
matter to the soil was caused the activities, and arranged in a randomized block design with three
the microbiological population in the soil was replicates. Chemical fertilizers for upland rice
increased, especially related to the activities of were Urea, SP-36, and KCl with doses of 200,
decomposition and mineralization of organic 150, and 75 kg/ha respectively.
matter. Beside soil microorganisms, soil fauna
also plays a role in the decomposition of organic Water content and soil bulk density
materials, that among others belonging to Undisturbed soil samples taken with ring samples
protozoa, nematodes, collembola, and were oven-dried at 105oC until the constant
earthworms. Soil fauna has a critical role in weight. The soil with the ring was weighed and
accelerate decomposition of organic matter and then the soil removed, and the empty ring was
transfers nutrients through the result of microbial weighed. Calculation of soil water content (WC)
activities (Xin et al., 2012). Abundance and was as follow:
diversity of soil fauna refer to the numbers and
The weight of water
diversities of plant species in an ecosystem and WC (%)  x 100%
other environmental factors. On the soil with The weight of dried soil
rubber stand, the fauna dominated by Acari order Calculation of bulk density (BD) value with the
at sampling 0, 2nd, and 8th week and Collembola following equation:
order at 4th, 6th, 10th, and 12th week, in which both
orders have an important role in the process of The weight of dried soil
BD 
decomposition of organic matter (Haneda and Volume of soil
Asti, 2014). Earthworms as early decomposers
serve to eat the crumbs of organic matter and Observation of earthworm
remove it in the form of faeces after digestion in Observation of earthworms was done after two
the body, that making it easier for microorganisms weeks of crop biomass residues application using
to decompose it further. the square wood monolith 50 x 50 cm2, and soil
Microbial activities in the soil can be digging to the depth of 20 cm. Soil from a
measured from the use of O2 or the release of CO2 monolith replace to plastic sheeting was placed on
as an indicator and called the soil respiration
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 1626
Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

the soil and hand sorted. Then, the earthworms multiple comparisons were used to post hoc test.
were counted and weighed. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to
compare soil water content with the earthworms
Soil respiration
and soil respiration data. All statistical analyses
Soil respiration is an indicator of microbial were performed using the SPSS version 20.0.
activity in the soil. In the process of respiration,
O2 was used by microbes and CO2 was released,
Respired CO2 can be measured by use of an alkali Results
trap followed by titration (Paul, 2007). Soil Soil water content and bulk density
respiration measurements in the field were done
by modification of the Verstraete method The application of crops biomass residues
(Saraswati et al., 2007). Soil respiration increased the soil water content compared to the
measurements were made three times at 2, 8, and control (Table 1). The increase in water content
12 weeks after addition of crops biomass residues. was significant at a high dose of biomass (7.5 or
Two jars on each plot (treatment) were put on the 10 t/ha). However, this effect on BD soil was not
soil, where one jar as a treatment and another jar significant. The lowest BD value was in the
as a control. The jar was enclosed to the soil so application of compost biomass residues of maize
that it covered of the surface of the soil. Inside the 7.5 t/ha and compost of rice straw 10 t/ha, that is
jar was laid a bottle of film containing 10 mL 0.1 1.32, while the highest BD was on the control
N KOH. The same was done for control, but the (without application of biomass residues).
soil surface was covered with plastic, so KOH Numbers and weight of earthworms
could not capture CO2 that came out from the soil.
The CO2 field capture was conducted for two The application of crops biomass residues either
hours, and then KOH in the bottle of the film was in the form of fresh or compost affected the
brought to the laboratory for titration to determine amount and weight of earthworms (Figure 1). The
the quantity of C-CO2. Determination of CO2 was most common types of earthworms were
made with KOH as a CO2 catcher, the amount of Lumbricus sp. which has the highest body weight
HCl required for titration is equivalent to the compared with other earthworms. The type of
amount of CO2 produced, with the following biomass did not significantly affect the number
equation, and weight of worms. However, the higher doses
of compost biomass significantly affected the
KOH + CO2 K2CO3 + H2O
number and weight of worms, but there was no
K2CO3 + HCl  KCl + KHCO3
interaction effect of type and dose of biomass
KHCO3 + HCl  KCl + H2O + CO2
(Table 2). The average weight of earthworms was
CO2 amount was calculated using the following higher with the application of soybean biomass
formula: residues (fresh or compost) than the application of
(a - b) x t x 12 rice or maize biomass. The results of the
C - CO 2 
T x πx2 correlation test (Pearson) showed no significant
where: correlation between bulk density (BD) and the
C-CO2 = mg/hour/m2 numbers and weight of earthworms in both fresh
a = ml HCl for soil samples, (after and compost application. The correlation value (r)
adding methyl orange) between BD and earthworm weight with added
b = ml HCl for control, (after adding composting biomass residues was 0.233.
methyl orange) Meanwhile, correlation of water content and the
t = normality of HCl amount and weight of earthworms with added of
T = measurement time (hours) compost biomass was significantly correlated (r
r = the radius of the jar/tube (cm) values 0.491 and 0.376, respectively) (Table 3).
Soil respiration
The yield of upland rice
The return of maize, rice and soybean biomass
Observation of upland rice yield was carried out residues in both fresh and compost increased soil
on the number of grains/panicles, and the weight respiration compared to control. The dose of fresh
of grain per plot. The dry weight of rice straw and compost biomass residues significantly
biomass was also observed. affected soil respiration (Figures 1, 2, and 3). The
Statistic analysis application of biomass residues of fresh or
compost form increased respiration of soil, but the
Analysis of variance was used to test differences average of soil respiration was higher in compost
between the means of treatments, and Duncan’s biomass treatment compared to fresh biomass.

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 1627

Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

Table 1. The water content and soil bulk density after the application of the plant biomass residues
Treatment Fresh Biomass Compost Biomass
Water Content Bulk Density Water Content Bulk Density
(%) (g/cm3) (%) (g/cm3)
1. Maize stover
0.0 (control ) 24.34 b 1.49 a 25.54 b 1.43 a
2.5 t / ha 22.01 b 1.48 a 30.38 ab 1.35 a
5.0 t / ha 26.14 ab 1.47 a 30.82 ab 1.40 a
7.5 t / ha 31.08 a 1.43 a 34.72 a 1.32 a
10.0 t / ha 29.96 ab 1.43 a 32.64 a 1.38 a
2. Rice Straw
0.0 (control ) 28.41 ab 1.45 a 30.05 ab 1.38 a
2.5 t / ha 26.46 ab 1.44 a 32.94 a 1.33 a
5.0 t / ha 27.85 ab 1.38 a 30.96 ab 1.34 a
7.5 t / ha 30.68 a 1.42 a 30.51 ab 1.36 a
10.0 t / ha 2 6.42 ab 1.44 a 31.92 a 1.32 a
3. Soybean stover
0.0 (control ) 31.41 a 1.44 a 27.59 ab 1.43 a
2.5 t / ha 29.97 ab 1.42 a 28.79 ab 1.39 a
5.0 t / ha 32.58 a 1.38 a 30.19 ab 1.37 a
7.5 t / ha 31.09 a 1.36 a 29.74 ab 1.34 a
10.0 t / ha 28.48 ab 1.41 a 31.73 a 1.36 a
VC - 16.63 VC = 3.57% VC = 14.87 VC = 5.46%
Remarks: The average value followed by the same letter in the same column is not significantly different according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5%

Figure 1. The number and weight of earthworm after two weeks application of biomass residues in 1 m2

Table 2. Analysis of variance (tests of between-subjects effects) the number and weight of worms after
added fresh and compost biomass
Source df F Value P Value
Number of Number of Weight of Number of Weight of
Worms Worms Worms Worms Worms
Corrected Model 14 0.787 0.854 0.674 0.611
Intercept 1 482.233 158.395 0.000 0.000
Fresh biomass 2 0.070 2.691 0.933 0.084
Doses 4 2.174 0.760 0.096 0.560
Fresh biomass*doses 8 0.273 0.441 0.970 0.887
Compost biomass 2 0.356 2.463 0.704 0.102
Doses 4 4.278 2.505 0.007** 0.032*
Compost biomass*doses 8 0.161 0.521 0.994 0.831
* and ** significant at P< 0,05 and P< 0,01 respectively

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 1628

Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

Table 3. Pearson correlation between soil water content with the amount and weight of earthworms on
biomass residues treatment of fresh and compost form
Fresh biomass residues Compost biomass residues
Number Weight Number Weight
of worms worms (g) of worms worms (g)
Soil water Pearson Correlation 0.211 0.191 0.491 ** 0.376 *
content Sig.(2-tailed) 0.163 0.209 0.001 0.011
N 45 45 45 45

The type of crop biomass residues compost had a maize compost biomass treatment (at 12 weeks
significant effect on soil respiration, but in a fresh observation), and rice straw compost of 30.19
form was not significant (Table 4). Biomass mg/hour/m2 C-CO2) at 8 weeks observation. The
dosages also affected soil respiration but varied on time after application also affected soil
each type and form of biomass, in general, the respiration, where at 8 and 12 weeks after the
dose of biomass residues had a significant effect application, soil respiration was generally higher
on soil respiration versus control. The highest soil than in 2 weeks.
respiration (31.7 mg/hour/m2) was obtained in

Figure 2. Soil respiration (C-CO2) at 2, 8, and 12 weeks after application maize biomass residues ( A =
fresh biomass; B = compost biomass)

Figure 3. Soil respiration (C-CO2) at 2, 8, and 12 weeks after application soybean biomass residues (A =
fresh biomass; B = compost biomass)

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 1629

Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

Table 4. Analysis of variance (tests of between-subjects effects) of soil respiration at 2, 8, and 12 weeks
after addition of fresh and compost biomass
Source df F Value P Value
Soil respiration 2 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks 2 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks
Fresh biomass 2 1.300 1.527 3.198 0.287 0.234 0.055
Doses 4 3.626 4.325 4.607 0.016* 0.007* 0.005*
Fresh biomass*doses 8 0.615 0.432 0.492 0.758 0.893 0.852
Compost biomass 2 0.381 4.345 0.438 0.686 0.022* 0.022*
Doses 4 1.296 22.259 11.691 0.294 0.000** 0.000**
Compost biomass*doses 8 0.109 0.323 0.576 0.999 0.951 0.951
* and ** significant at P< 0,05 and P< 0,01 respectively

The rice yield The addition of rice straw compost or soybean

stover compost significantly increased dry weight
The addition of compost of crops biomass
of rice straw at high doses (7.5 or 10 t/ha),
residues had no significant effect on the yield
whereas at lower doses there was no significant
component (the number of grains/panicles and the
effect. The highest of grain weight per plot (19.3
weight of grain), but at highest dosage (7.5 and 10
kg) was obtained in the addition of 7.5 t/ha of rice
t/ha) of rice straw significantly increased the
straw compost.
number of grains/panicles (Table 5).

Table 5. Yield component of upland rice and straw weight after application of compost of crops biomass
Treatment Number of grains/panicles Weight of grain/plot Dry weight straw
(5 x 10 m) (kg) (10 plants) (g)
1. Maize stover
0.0 (control ) 151.67 b 13.0 a 784.45 b
2.5 t / ha 164.67 b 15.0 a 804.33 b
5.0 t / ha 169.33 ab 15.8 a 717.62 b
7.5 t / ha 175.00 ab 16.5 a 803.20 b
10.0 t / ha 174.33 ab 16.5 a 1140.93 a
2. Rice Straw
0.0 (control ) 165.67 ab 14.0 a 896.78 ab
2.5 t/ ha 165.00 ab 13.5 a 860.50 ab
5.0 t / ha 174.67 ab 16.5 a 992.58 ab
7.5 ts / ha 181.67 a 19.3 a 1079.82 a
10.0 t / ha 191.00 a 17.0 a 995.43 ab
3. Soybean stover
0.0 (control ) 153.00 b 15.0 a 855.98 ab
2.5 t / ha 163.67 b 15.0 a 871.33 ab
5.0 t / ha 172.67 ab 15.5 a 905.97 ab
7.5 t / ha 176.00 ab 16.8 a 1065.58 a
10.0 t / ha 170.62ab 17.3 a 1229.12 a
St.Dev 16.36 4.37 173.0
Description: The average value followed by the same letter in the same column is not significantly different
according to Duncan's multiple range test at 5%

Discussion (Barus, 2016; Fisher and Glaser, 2012). Many

studies have shown that the return of organic
Addition of compost of crops biomass residues material to the soil affects the soil properties and
increased the soil water content especially at high the presence of fauna and microbes that play a
doses; this was due to the increase of organic role in the decomposition of organic matter. The
matter content, the increase of macroaggregate increase of water content under added compost of
formation, and the increase of fast drainage pores crops biomass residues implies that there would

Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 1630

Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

be more water available for the rice plants growth materials (palatability), are dependent on the
during the dry season. Zhang et al. (2009) value of C/N, lignin and polyphenols (Hendriksen
reported that the management practice such as (1990), and type of land use significantly affects
mulching (the air-dried wheat straw 0.8 kg/m2) the wet weight of earthworms (Hairiah et al.,
and no-till practice could increase soil water 2004).
storage levels, especially in upland. Compost can The correlation of water content and the
effectively improve soil quality as well as soil amount and weight of worms with the addition of
hydraulic and pore characteristics (Eusufzai and compost biomass was significantly correlated (r
Fujii, 2012). values 0.491 and 0.376, respectively). Faber et al.
The application of crops biomass residues (2017) reported that earthworm densities were
tended to improve soil bulk density than control in correlated positively with soil moisture and
this study. Soil bulk density (BD) is affected by negatively with soil temperature. Many studies
soil organic matter content, in accordance with have shown that the return of organic material to
Busscher et al. (2011) research results that with the soil affects the soil properties and the presence
the increase of total organic carbon by the of fauna and microbes that play a role in the
addition of organic matter into the soil can decomposition of organic matter. Barus (2016)
significantly lower the BD. The study result of reported that the application of 10 t/ha straw
Barus (2016) showed that the return of organic compost significantly increased the soil water
matter from the biomass residues of the plant both available (at pF 2.54) compared to control.
in the form of compost and biochar improved the Earthworms prefer moist soil than dry soil, the
physical properties of soil such as bulk density, opposite, the presence of earthworms also affects
total porosity, and soil drainage pore. The soil the soil water content. Earthworms usually get
physical properties improvement was due to the their food, i.e. litter on the soil, but the worm
binding of soil organic matter and clay particles moves actively in the soil either horizontally or
via cation bridges and through stimulation of vertically to make many burrows in the soil, thus
microbial activities and root growth (Farrel and can increase the porosity of the soil (Hairiah et al.,
Jones, 2009). 2004). Soil fauna (earthworms) affects soil
The addition of crops biomass did not physical properties by forming macropores,
significantly affect the number and weight of moving through the soil by digging galleries and
worms, but doses of compost biomass were burrows, and digesting the casts and pellets that
significant. The higher of compost dose added are often the basic components of well-developed
increased the amount and weight of the worm. macroaggregate structure (Lavelle et al., 1992).
Decomposition rates of the individual plant The dosage of biomass residues had a
species depend on the initial characteristics of the significant effect on soil respiration in both fresh
biomass that plays a primary role in the process of and compost. The type of fresh biomass residues
decomposition. According to Anwar (2009), the of crops had no significant effect on soil
organic material source affected the rate of respiration, but in the form of compost, the type of
decomposition by earthworms into vermicompost, crops biomass residues had a significant effect.
where the organic material from market residues Plant types and forms of biomass, fresh or
were decomposed most easily by earthworms compost affect the quality of the organic material,
compared to rice straw and the empty palm oil including the levels of C, N, or C/N. Nguyen and
bunches. The application of biomass residues Marschner (2016) reported that biomass residue
compost form increased the number and weight of added with lower C/N increased microbial
earthworms compared with the application of biomass C, N, and P compared to higher C/N
fresh form. Composting decreases C/N, so biomass. The transformation of organic matter is
compost is preferable than fresh matter. As stated controlled by soil organism due to degradation of
by Ritonga et al. (2016) that worms like a high organic carbon compounds makes energy
quality of organic matter (lower C/N). In contrast, available for heterotrophic organism. The total
earthworms also play a role in the decomposition soil respiration in relation to litter decomposition
of organic matter and play a role in had similar patterns for the three stands of Pinus
biogeochemical cycles by cutting and feeding the massoniana forests, showing a quadratic function
plant litter so the material is easier to be (R2 = 0.37) (Xiao et al., 2014).
decomposed and destroyed. The role of soil fauna The time after application also affected the
in the decomposition of plant residues from macro soil respiration, where at 8 and 12 weeks after the
and meso-fauna such as oligochaeta and application, soil respiration was generally higher
arthropods that play a role in the early stages of than in 2 weeks. This was likely due to at 2 weeks
decomposition (Monroy et al., 2011). Earthworms after application; the soil condition was still
are detritivores and selective in choosing organic affected by the impact of soil tillage that made
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 1631
Improvement of several indicators of physical and biological properties of soil

many microbes died. Beside that, after 8 and 12 yield of upland rice, due to their multiple positive
weeks, rice plants have grown and covered the effects on physical, chemical and biological soil
soil surface, that creating an ideal environment for properties. Badiane et al. (2012) reported that
microbial proliferation. During the composting water stress significantly reduced grain yields of
process, the respiration rate was initially high but maize. So, the addition of organic material can
decreased with time as the decrease of dissolve modify the soil water dynamic as well as increase
organic-C concentration. Goyal et al. (2009) water holding capacity (Milla et al., 2013).
reported that CO2-C evolution was faster at 21 Management practices such as sugarcane straw
days (after incubation of 5 t compost/ha) and then removal of > 25% caused soil physical quality
decreased in the following weeks. The higher reduction and making it less favourable to plant
values of respiration mean more CO2 produced by development (Satiro et al., 2017). Further,
microorganisms, so it indicates that the activities Mahmoud et al. (2009) reported that addition of
of microorganisms in the soil also increases. Soil rice straw compost equivalent to 10 t/ha increased
microbial responses to glucose and phosphorus soil organic matter from 1.15 % to 3.42 %. Soil
addition under laboratory conditions where sugar organic-C plays an important role as a source and
as a carbon and energy source for soil sink as well as a substrate for soil microbes
microorganisms. Nguyen and Marschner (2016) (Tornquist et al., 2009) so that the balance and the
reported that amendment of soils with residues of biodiversity in soil are maintained.
young kikuyu shoots, young eucalyptus leaves,
and mature wheat shoots increased microbial
biomass C concentration compared to control Conclusion
(without amended residues) at 7 days or 21 days The application of crops biomass residues
after addition. improved physical properties such as bulk density
Land-use changes and differences in and soil water content, increased the amount and
cropping patterns may affect the state of soil weight of earthworms, increased soil respiration,
organic matter and the presence of soil microbes. and yield of upland rice. Application of compost
According to Susilawati et al. (2013), carbon biomass was better than fresh biomass to improve
biomass of microorganisms (C-mic), soil soil properties, and at high doses, the effect was
respiration, and total microorganisms are related better than at low doses.
to each other and influenced by soil organic
matter content. The research results of Ritonga et
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