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Date-May 8th , 2017


Evaluation Test- Reported Speech

A. Complete the sentences with SAID or TOLD.

1. Ann told me that she was hungry.

2. Ann said that she was hungry.
3. Jack ___________that I had a message.
4. Jack ___________me that I had a message.
5. My neighbour and I had an argument. I __________my neighbour that he was
6. My neighbour __________me that I was wrong.
7. Ellen _________that she enjoyed the movie last night.
8. When the storm began, I _______the children to come into the house.
(6x 0,3= 1,8p)
B. Match the two columns according to the sequence of tenses in Indirect
(Reported) Speech:

Present Simple Past Perfect

Past Simple Past Continuous
Present Continuous Simple Past
Present Perfect (4x 0,3=1,2p)
C. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the list in the correct form:

Order, tell, ask, beg, suggest, advise

1. ‘’Let’s call Brian’’, Susan said to me.

Susan…suggested………calling Brian.
2. ‘’Don’t make any noise’’, Mother said to us.
Mother …………………us not to make any noise.
3. ‘’Please stay a little longer’’, Kate said to her sister.
Kate……………….. her sister to stay a little longer.
4. ‘’Fire!’’ the General said to the soldiers.
The General………………….the soldiers to fire.
5. ‘’Please, please forgive me’’, she said to him.
She ………………………….him to forgive her.
6. ‘’You should see a doctor’’, he told her.
He……………….her to see a doctor. (5x 0,3= 1,5p)
D. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns (he, she, they) or possessive
adjectives(his, her, their,): (10x0,2=2p)

1. Mary said, ‘’I want to go out with my friends’’.

Mary said that…she… wanted to go out with… her ….. friends.

2. Tom said, ’’I have lost my keys’’.

Tom said that ……………had lost ……………..keys.

3. Bob and Marie said, ’’We are taking our dog for a walk’’.

Bob and Marie said that ……….. were taking ………….dog for a walk.

4. Mr Jones said, ‘’I need to buy a present for my wife’’.

Mr Jones said that …………..needed to buy a present for ………..wife.

5. Andrew said, ‘’My sister is coming to visit me next week’’.

Andrew said that…………sister was going to visit …………..the following week.

6. Jane said, ‘’ My husband bought me a new phone last month”.

Jane said that…………husband had bought…………..a new phone the previous


E. Turn from direct into reported speech:

1. ‘’I can’t find my bag’’, she said.

She said (that) she couldn’t find her bag.

2. ‘’They are working in the garden’’, he said.

3. ‘’We got married six months ago’’, she said to us.
4. ‘’I’ll go shopping tomorrow’’, he said.
5. ‘’I bought a new car last week’’, he said.
6. ‘’We aren’t doing anything next week’’, they said.
(5x0,5=2,5p) + 1 free point= 10p GOOD LUCK!!!

A. 3.said, 4. told, 5.told, 6.told, 7.said,8.told

B. Present Simple- Simple Past, Past Simple- Past Perfect, Present Continuous- Past
Continuous, Present Perfect-Past Perfect
C. 2. told, 3. asked, 4.ordered, 5.begged, 6.advised
D. 2.he/his, 3.they/their, 4.he/his, 5. His/him, 6.her/her
E. 2. He said they were working in the garden, 3. She said to us/told us that they had got
married six months before, 4. He said he would go shopping the next day, 5. He said that
he had bought a new car the previous day/the day before, 6. They said to us/told us they
weren’t doing anything the following/the next week.

Teacher : Gabriela Tsilakidis

Date : March 28th, 2017

School : No.1 Frumusita Secondary School

Grade : 8th

Unit : Reported Speech

Lesson : Progress check lessons 21-25

Type of lesson : evaluation test

No. of students : 14

Timing : 50 min

Textbook/Coursebook : Reward Intermediate, Student’s Book, Simon Greenall, Macmillan


Skills: Writing

Competences of evaluation:

C1- to complete the sentences with the correct reporting verbs

C2- to match the tenses used in reported speech

C3- to rephrase the sentences using reporting verbs for commands, requests and suggestions

C4- to fill in the correct possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives or object pronouns

C5- to turn the sentences from direct speech into indirect speech



5 6 8 10
 Scrie verbele Scrie verbele  Scrie ordinea  Scrie ordinea
adecvate in adecvate in corectă a corectă a
vorbirea vorbirea adverbelor/ adverbelor/
indirecta în indirecta în locutiunilor locutiunilor
puține relativ puține adverbiale în adverbiale în
propoziții. propoziții. aproape toate toate
(2 propoziții) (3 propoziții) propozițiile. propozițiile
(4 propoziții) date.
( 6 propoziții)

 Corelează  Corelează  Corelează  Corelează toate

puține timpuri relativ puține aproape toate timpurile
verbale. timpuri verbale timpurile verbale.
(1 propoziții) (2 propoziții) verbale. (4 propoziții)
(3 propoziții)

 Reformuleză  Reformuleză  Reformuleză  Reformuleză

puține dintre relativ puține majoritatea toate
propozițiile dintre propozițiilor propozițiile
folosind verbele propozițiile folosind verbele folosind verbele
date. folosind verbele date. date.
( 1 propoziții) date. ( 3 propoziții) ( 5 propoziții)
( 2 propoziții)
 Identifică puține  Identifică relativ  Identifică  Identifică toate
forme ale puține forme aproape toate formele
pronumelor ale pronumelor formele pronumelor
cerute. cerute. pronumelor cerute.
( 1 propoziții) ( 2 propoziții) cerute. ( 5 propoziții)
( 3 propoziții)
 Transformă  Transformă  Transformă  Transformă
puţine relativ puţine aproape toate toate
propoziţii din propoziţii din propoziţiile din propoziţiile din
vorbirea directă vorbirea directă vorbirea directă vorbirea directă
în vorbirea în vorbirea în vorbirea în vorbirea
indirectă. indirectă. indirectă. indirectă.

( 1 propoziţii) ( 2 propoziţii) ( 3 propoziţii) (5 propoziţii)

School object : English Language

Teacher's name: Gabriela Tsilakidis

Grade: 8th

No. of students ……14……..absents........3................

Date : March 28th, 2017

Synopsis of results

No. of competence C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
No. of students who 2 1 - 1 -
achieved the competence
No. of students who 9 10 11 10 6
partially achieved the
No. of students who did - - - - 5
not achieve the

Grades ordering

Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- - 2 3 1 1 1 2 - 1

Average grade: 5,63


 Reporting verbs are usually confused

 Changes from direct into indirect speech are not always made

 Tenses are often confused and misused


 Usage of visual , written and audio material in class and at home.

 Promoting project-based tasks or group-based tasks.

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