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4 Nadi Pariksha

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Dadhich N K, Sharma Pooja © 2016 Global Science Publishing Group USA

ISSN: 2377-6196
The American Journal of

RevIew ArtIcle Open Access

A comprehensive knowledge on Nadi Pariksha

1 2
Dadhich N K , Sharma Pooja *
SKD Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital Rampur Muzaffarnagar; UP-251001. India
Jammu Institute of Ayurveda & Research, Nardini,Jammu,- 181123, J & K, India


Nadi Pariksha is the science of observing the pulse from a perspective of diagnosis of
the human body, mind and the sub-consciousness. It is commonly known as Pulse
diagnosis. Nadi Pariksha had got its significant role in the physiological and
pathological conditions. Since the past scrutiny of pulse has been one of the most
important diagnostic tools. The art of science of examination of pulse was well
developed in ancient India. Nadi Pariksha has been said as one of the Ashta Sthana
Pariksha. This system of examination can’t be practiced easily because of non-
availability of detailed description about Nadi Pariksha in Ayurvedic literature and lack
of practice in the field of science. Nadi Pariksha is an important tool for diagnosis in all
the stages of Vaya. Luckily some of the ancient Ayurvedic books are still available to
us. So, to impoverish the cognition, a little attempt is made to put.

Key words: Kala, Nadi Pariksha, Pulse, Nadi-Gati. Tri-Dosha, Nadi-Yantra.

recognized by the Vaidya through proper Nadi-Pariksha.

INTRODUCTION Even in today’s hectic lifestyle, under emergency clinical
conditions, modern physicians seek help by the Pariksha
T he great heritage for us is Ayurveda. Ayurveda gives of Nadi, as it is thought to present the latest picture of
everything to human for good living. To know about the working efficacy of heart, and the rate, rhythm,
wellness of individual Nadi-Pariksha is one of the volume and character of the pulse indicate clearly the
important diagnostic tools. Nadi Pariksha is one among condition of the patient in various aspects. In this article
the Astha Sthana Pariksha. Nadi Pariksha is an ancient different type of Nadis, their location, Nadi Pariksha
Ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It Vidhi, Nadi Lakshanas (features of Nadi) in relation to
can accurately diagnose both physical and mental Doshas, different Nadi in females, males, old, young,
diseases and imbalances. This diagnostic tool forewarns etc, Nadi according to different conditions, Nadi
us of potential health risks. It is assigned that the according to different diseases, healthy and unhealthy
knowledge of pulse science was originated some years persons Nadi, Nadi Gati, Panchbhotika difference of
ago in various medical therapies of the world, like in Nadi, Nadi according to Tri-Doshas. Modern correlation
Greek, Chinese, Turkish, Arab, Homeopathy, Allopathic of Nadi is with pulse. Nadi instrument are explained.
etc. and it gained as an essential tool for proper
diagnosis. From the past decades Nadi has been Review on topic:
recognized as the most fundamental sign of life, and the In Ayurveda it is clearly mentioned that in the world
pathology as well as physiology of the Sharir is being three main forces can be recognized as Soma
(moon/water), Surya (sun), and Anila (air) with their
How to Cite this Article: action Visarga, Adana and Viksepa respectively. In the
Dadhich N K, Sharma Pooja (2016). A comprehensive same way the body is maintained by three humors viz.
knowledge on Nadi Pariksha. The Ame J Sci & Med Res, Kapha, Pitta and Vata having the same qualities and
1(2):190-195. doi:10.17812/ajsmr129. actions repectively1. Tri-Dosha is the fundamental
principle in Ayurveda. These are present all over the
Published online February 16, 2016 body in different properties and are correlated with

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Dadhich N K, Sharma Pooja © 2016 Global Science Publishing Group USA

individual constitution . The Nadi-Pariksha is the circulation of blood may be felt. For the convenience’s
diagnostic way to assess health status of the individual sake, however, the wrist is preferred. When the patient is
in terms of Tri-Doshas. The explanation of Nadi is in the last state, his pulse, which cannot be felt at the
different in different Samhitas. wrist, may be felt below the ankle- joint, or at the throat
or at the chest. The physician should hold with the
The detailed description about Nadi Parikshana is
second, middle and ring finger the wrist of his patient,
given in Laghutrayi as comparison in Brahtrayee. In
rd supporting the latter’s elbow with his left hand. He
Sharangadhara Samhita Nadi is explained in 3 chapter
should examine the quickness or slowness of the beats
and in Yogratnakar also. And Basavarajiyam is also one
and their various other characteristics which may be
of those treatises which have highlighted this ancient
better learnt from the practical instructions of the
type of examination of the patient. Nadi Pariksha is one
preceptor given at the patient’s bedside than from any
among the Ashtasthana parikshas. So many ancient 5 (a)
remarks . The throbbing pulse beat felt under index
Ayurvedic texts highlighted this technique. The huge
finger is referred to as Vata, middle finger as Pitta, and
propagation of Nadi Pariksha was started from 5(b)
ring finger as Kapha . In other side the accuracy of the
Yogasastra and Sidhasastra. The Philosophical
diagnostic method and interpretation of Nadi Pariksha is
knowledge on Nadi Pareksha is transferred from Shiva
dependent upon the subjective judgment and the result
to Brahama then to Indra and finally to Kanada. The
of Nadi Pariksha are often varies among
famous research scholar on Nadi Vigana was Mahrashi
Ayurvedaacharyas due to variation in skills.
Kanada (Vidhyotani) and second one was Ravana
(Sedheda). Susruta has also described that the Dosas are
circulated in the body through Siras (blood vessels), and
The word Nadi’s derivation is from Amarkosh ‘Nat’ 6
so they are called flowing to all (Sarva Vahah) . This
Avaspandane Dhatu it forms Nate. The Synonyms of Vata- Pitta-Kapha in the body is recognized by Nadi-
Nadi Sanayu, Hansi, Dhamani, Dhara, Tantuki, 7
Pariksha . Savil narrated that many of the indications
Jivangyana, Dharni, Jevashksi, Rasayani, Seera, in obtained from pulse do not depend upon a
English also nerve, pulse, artery, vein, lymphatic comprehension of the circulatory conditions which the
vessels. The total numbers of Nadi in human are 72 varieties of the pulse denote, or indeed, upon a
thousand. These are present all over the body. 8
knowledge of circulation at all . For detailed and good
From pulse diagnosis we can know the good or bad knowledge in Nadi it is must to know full information
of the individual. The Nadi Devta’s are - about Prakrit and Vikrit stage of Tri-Dosha and Dosha
functions. According to Charaka, the Nadi is called a
DOSHA DEVTA channel, which may facilitate the flow of nutrients and
energy at the cellular level, through circulatory process,
Vata Brahma, Vayu 9
accompanied by breath activity . Michael described it as
Pita Shiva, Surya energy vessels connected to various energy centers.
Kapha Vishnu, Chandra KNOWLEDGE ABOUT JIVNADI- It is radial artery in
wrist joint position. It is one of the important diagnostic
For Nadi Pariksha it is important to know about Nadi. Acharya Ravana mentioned this Nadi as Jivnadi. It
physician and patient character that are4- is easy to diagnose, Tri-Dsosha use as Mula of Nadi-
Pariksha. It is superficial as compared to other Nadi.
A Healthy Man’s Pulse:
Stable mind, healthy Clear all The pulse of a healthy man is slow and regular. The
body urges, beats are distinct from one another; their strength is
Appropriate also uniform. The pulse of a healthy child differs from
and mind, easily seated, quietly
Happy one. seating that of a healthy adult; the former is quicker than that of
the latter. Again, the pulse of a healthy adult is not
Frequent uniform all day long. In the morning it appears to be
bath, cool; at midday it seems to be hot; while in the evening
Addicted, unstable mind,
hungry, it becomes quicker
10 (a)
. Pulse which beats 30 times
Inappropriate suppression of urges,
thirsty, minimum in one speed, is fully strong, all Doshas are in
greedy, desired.
sleepy, after their proper place, it must neither be slow nor high in
exercise. speed, in its normal position, in pressing the pulse it
must not be slow in these all conditions pulse is in good
Examination of the Pulse: form10(b).
An examination of the pulse consists of feeling the
pulse with the tips of one’s fingers. The pulse is to be felt Speed Of Nadi13:
at the wrist (feeling of radial pulse). In the case of male With the contraction and relaxation of heart
patients, it is to be felt at the wrist of the right hand and muscles in blood vessels contraction occurs due to
in that of female patient’s wrist of the left hand. There this, pulse beats are felt and diagnosis takes place.
are many other parts of the body where the course of the The movement occurs due to Vyanavayu.

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Dadhich N K, Sharma Pooja © 2016 Global Science Publishing Group USA
Speed Denoter Nominal :

Chapla,chandi,vakra Sethra, Seetmeta, Suthala Truteta
Vegvati, druta Sethra Seethtava, Sukshma,ku Ateseeta
Deragha balvati, Shingati Tela
Vegvhani,vegvahni Susethra, Samurchita Dhurgha Ushna
Tevra,tevravhani Jada Anuspanda Krisha Gourve
, Atichapla veshma Stabhda Mandgamna Prabal, Laghvevegvate
Shigrasapandna,vyak Pendasani Sampulta,neesc Gatekoteela Kathenasaushna,ne
Ulama bha Helta eschla
Chala. Prethula. Mand Vkra Seetla,pratpta

Stages Of Nadi12-
Panchbhut Fingers Speed
INCURABLE HEALTHY Bhotika tatv Kaneshtika (little) Dhergha, vartula
Veshma,sansthanaveechuta Prasana Apatatv Anamika (ring) Left/right
Neshkramna,himvatveshada Sarla Madhyama
Bheta, mrenala,sarla, deergha Safuta, sama Agni tatv Above
Adrika,sukshma manthra Somya, komala Vayutav Tarjne (index) Vakra
Akash tatv Angusth (thumb) Shunyaakara
Speed OF NADI13 :
With the contraction and relaxation of heart muscles According To The Dosha Speed Of Nadi-
in blood vessels contraction occurs due to this, pulse according to Harita-
beats are felt and diagnosis takes place. The movement
occurs due to Vyanavayu.
According to Ayurveda natural speed of Nadi Kapha, Pita, Vata Udharvarekha(Dola)
per minute: Snake like
Speed Of Vakraagnijwala,
Speed Of Pulse Kapha+Maruta
VAYA NADI dhergha(Vakrachkra)
14 (in per minute) Pitta+Maruta Kandukautpata (Chaplchkra)
(in per pal)
Fetal & Neonatal 56 140 16 (A)
The Pulse In Disease :
Under 1 yr Infant 50 125
Hindu physicians describe the reading of pulse as if
Under 3 yrs child 40 100 the sound of movement of different animals. The Gati of
From 7-14 yrs Nadi changes with the type of work being done or with the
36 90
Youth changes in the body or any disease. Some are shown
From 14-20 yrs 29 72.5 below-
From 21-65 yrs 28 70
After 65 yrs 31 77.5 Disease condition Nadi lakshana
Healthy person Stable, strong
8 Position Of Nadi Pariksha: Mandagni, Dhatukshaya Feeble, low
Radial artery it is also called as Jivnadi, Posterior Samavastha Hard, tense
Tibial artery, Posterior Auricular Branch of External Hungry Unstable
Carotid Artery, Common Carotid Artery, Facial Branch of
the External Carotid, Superficial Temporal Artery, Lingual Trupta Stable
Branch of Carotid Artery, and External Ilium Artery. In Jvar Warm, increased rate
these, most important is Jivanadi . Vata jvar Curved, unstable, cold
Pitta Jvar Straight, long, increased rate
Panchbhut Nadi Positions & Speed- it takes place
Slow, very stable, cold,
in fingers like- according to Harita- Shleshma jvar

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Intake of curd, rice in For one day it is the prodormal symptom. Nadi
Hot, irregular
Jvar prodermal symptoms are different with the location of
Intake of acidic the Nadi of that particular area. Like- in Janu (knee)
Mandhara (churning)
substancesn in Jvar Marma no movement of Nadi occurs it means the
Sexual intercourse in patient may die within one month. Harita explains all
Slow, Vikal (irregular), fearful
Jvar symptoms relating to death of an individual within year/
17 (a)
Similar to the movement of 6 months/ month or in days . When Nadi
Atisar Movements are more than 30 times in one step and
dead snake
Stable, curved, slow, less speed in own place. And Nadi which runs with
Arshas stoppage is called Pranaghatani Nadi
occasionally straight
Ajirna Hard, Jada
Vimarga (trespassing), Special Instruction For Vedya18-
Chhardi The Vedya who feels Nadi, concludes a diagnosis
Trishna Dry and after that if he washes his hands, in such cases it
is seen that the disease of the patient gets cured like
Gulma Trembling
a feather is washed away with water.
Anah Dridha(hard), divided
Udavarta Kathin Difficulties Connected With The Examination Of
Shula Trembling, stout, slow The Pulse-
Amalpitta Vishirna, lean, dry The hurdles in the pulse diagnosis path are really
Plihodar Vishirna, lean, dry very great. Mere instructions, however elaborate,
Jalodar Full, weak, Vishirna, cold cannot teach the students much. One should
Unstable, sharp, alternately repeatedly examine the pulse of as many patients as
Pandu one can, and carefully observe the peculiarities of its
feeble, Perceivable
course. A good deal of time must elapse before one
Kasa Increased rate can succeed in mastering the subject. The help of the
Prameha(DM) Weak, wet, irregular preceptor is absolutely necessary. European
Harder, stable, mortal walk, physicians recommend the use of the watch for
full of nodes examining the pulse. A rough knowledge is gained by
Little, weak, irregular, empty, 19
Bhangandra this method .
Very slow, Spandanheen, Importance Of Nadi-Pariksha-
weak, not on Pathway It reveals the characteristics of Tri-Doshas in body
and symptoms and prognosis of the disease as well as
Nadi In Female Disoders16 (B) - Naturally in females the function of the heart and heart beat .
pulse is slow, soft to feel and is cold. These all are
considered during Parikshna. Physiology Of Pulsation-
Pulse is a pressure wave that travels along the
Conditions Nadi Gati vessel’s wall. The factors responsible for the pressure
wave between vessel wall and the pulse are-
Leecorrhoea Nodes, empty, faster, weak, different than
heart beats A). the intermittent flow of blood from the heart i.e. the
Somaroga Weaker, slower stroke volume output.
Yoniroga Slower, thicker in touch, harder B). the resistance to output of blood from the arterioles
Upsargaj into the capillaries.
roga Feverish pulse, faster, thicker in touch, C). the elasticity of the arterial walls.
Pulse Pressure-
Yonikand Sometimes-faster/slower the difference between systolic and diastolic
In pregnancy Heavy, Vata character, Vakrta. pressure is called Pulse Pressure. This is felt as a
throbbing pulsation in an artery during systole, as the
Uncurable Symptoms By Nadi Parikshna- elastic arteries are expanded by the blood being
If in an individual sometimes frequency of pulsation is forced into them by ventricular contraction.
very slow, sometimes it’s very frequent, sometimes it
is intermittent, and then sometimes it may or may not Pulse In Various Diseases21-
feel, then it symbolizes Sannipatja Nadi. When Nadi
feels cool, or like electricity it shows that the person DISEASE PULSE FORM
will survive only. Alcoholism Full pulse
Angina pectoris High tension pulse

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Anxiety Feeble and low tension pulse great importance. In modern view Nadi-Pariksha indicates
Appendicitis Proportional to temperature appraisal of cardiac function which is essential view of
CVS biological function. The main point of this article I
HT Fast pulse want to put here is awareness of Nadi Pariksha. I expect
Indigestion Intermittent pulse hereafter much research will take place in this diagnostic
Malaria Slow Pulse method and modern science helps for invasive test in lab
Myxodema Slow on Nadi Pariksha.
Peritonitis Small, hard, rapid
Pneumonia Rapid
Pregnancy Slow regular and low tension Ayurvedic diagnostic technique of Nadi-Pariksha has
Renal coma Hard always been a point of disputation. This diagnostic skill
Typhoid fever Slow is based on a fine touchable sensitivity of the Vaidya to
distinguish three types of Dosha respectably. Acharya’s
Sepsis Rapid
of Yoga mentioned in their test that Nadi is the channel
of fresh ‘Prana’ or ‘Ki’ that is energy which is known as
the very basis of bio-energy dynamics of body. Nadi-
Nadi Yantra Intrument22- Pariksha is studied in modern basis as vascular
Pulse diagnosis is as old as our Ayurvedic system. It physiology. The Nadi Pariksha is one of diagnostic
helps to detect diseases with their Doshas present in the methods in Astha-sthana Pariksha it helps in assessing
body. Vaidya feels the palpation of radial artery at three the health status of the subject in terms of Tri-Dosha.
close yet precise positions. Instrument is formed by The accuracy and exactness of diagnosing and
biomedical engineering institute to capture the signals representation of Nadi-Pariksha is dependent upon the
from the radial artery. ‘Nadi-Yantra’ which uses subjective judgment. Hence, the outcome varies from
piezoelectric based pressure. Sensors to capture the physician to physician due to different skills in diagnostic
signals from the waveforms obtained from our system tool. So, there is keen need to develop a scientific
concur with standard physiological arterial signals. Signal method to standardize the procedure of Nadi Pariksha
processing techniques were applied to obtain features diagnostic method.
such as- amplitude; power spectral density, band power
and spectral centroid to reflect variation in signals and
percussion peaks were identified. Competing interests
There is enough evidence in Ayurvedic books that The authors have declared that no competing
each and every Dosha and Vikara on any stage in human interests exist.
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