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The key takeaways are that rising wedges typically have a bearish implication and falling wedges typically have a bullish implication. Wedges can be either continuation or reversal patterns, but it is best to treat rising wedges as bearish and falling wedges as bullish. Precise trading rules and combining other techniques with chart analysis can help optimize risk and reward when trading wedges.

The two types of wedges are rising wedges, which foreshadow a violent downwards reversal, and falling wedges, which have a bullish implication. Rising wedges typically have a bearish bias while falling wedges typically have a bullish bias.

Some characteristics and traps of wedges include frequent false breakouts requiring trendlines to be redrawn, uneven price structures, and whipsaws that can negatively impact overall profit and loss. Continuation wedges also tend to complete in a shorter time period than reversal wedges.


Rewarding patterns…provided you stay disciplined!


The wedge is a very usual chartist pattern which is made of two converging trendlines that go
in the same direction, both upwards or both downwards. As such, it can be immediately
distinguished from a triangle.

This pattern can be found on every timeframe, from the monthly charts to intraday price

There are two sorts of wedges that have opposite consequences:

 Falling wedges, mostly completed following a sharp slump and which have a
bullish implication,
 Rising wedges, which foreshadow a violent, downwards reversal phase.
Their bearish bias is all the more pronounced since they are completed after a
long period of time, and following a clear uptrend.

But regarding most wedges as reversal patterns are just an opinion on our own. Many
authors, however, consider that following the examples of triangles, pennants and flags,
wedges are essentially continuation patterns, sloped against the trend.
True, you can find falling wedges just in the middle of a bullish trend, or rising wedges within
a bearish trend.
A perfect example of continuation rising wedge made on the Japanese Topix index in 2007 is
shown on the chart below.

Setting up precise figures on the continuation or reversal nature of wedges is hard and useless,
we think. What is of more interest is that continuation wedges tend to complete in a generally
shorter lapse of time than reversal wedges.

Furthermore, the debate over the reversal/continuation nature of wedges is of minor

importance as these patterns are overwhelmingly broken in the "natural" sense: downwards
for a rising wedge, upwards for a falling wedge. Hence, let us rely on the general rule
according to which a rising wedge has a bearish bias and a falling wedge, a bullish one.
BUT you must always have a very precise trading plan in your mind for the uncommon
invalidation occurrences.

In a first step, we shall study the characteristics and traps inherent to wedges. These
observations will lead us in a second part to underline the absolute necessity to combine other
techniques to a mere chartist analysis in order to optimise one's risk/reward while trading
wedges. In a third part, we shall infer from the above a few simple trading rules.

1. The wedge pattern: easy to recognise, hard to trade

Beforehand, let us assess that wedges are the chartist's best friends as they rarely disappoint
about the probability prices will eventually go the expected way. This is basically why you
can qualify them as either "continuation" or "reversal" even before the very completion of the

1.1 Pattern construction and basic principles

Unlike in flags and rectangles, a wedge is delimited by two converging straight lines, a
support line and a resistance line. Unlike in triangles, both lines slope either up or
As wedges are swing-wing patterns, it is useless being too rigorous as regards their
construction: we consider that support and resistance lines made by only two points are
enough for a wedge to qualify.

Rising Wedge

Falling Wedge

All the examples of wedges plotted here on daily charts are delimited by straight lines joining
open/close prices rather than extreme points reached during the session – although this is, of
course, irrelevant for the forex market. This is the only way, we think, to avoid data that could
be "polluted" during very volatile sessions. This rule was not applied for weekly or intraday

A frequent mistake consists in confusing a rising/falling wedge with an ascending/ descending

triangle. This confusion is all the more worrisome so that the implications of these two
patterns are diametrically opposite. Here are a few means to make the distinction:

 A rising/falling wedge can extend itself until its apex, which clearly
contradicts the generally accepted rules for triangles, i.e. breakout after the
5th impact, or within the ¾ of theoretical time length to complete the pattern;
 We earlier wrote that, for daily chart analysis, we felt more comfortable to
take open/close data instead of extreme prices (i.e. daily highs for a rising
wedge's or an ascending triangle's resistance line, daily lows for a falling
wedge's or a descending triangle's support line). By doing so, one can better
estimate the real degree of "steepening" of the most extreme straight line –
some seemingly ascending triangles may reveal to be rising wedges;
 Volumes may also clear up any ambiguity (see below).

The Nokia chart below displays a good example of an intraday rising wedge. Please notice the
divergence made by the slow stochastic oscillator at the end of the pattern.

1.2. Inherent risks to wedges

The wedge pattern's "success rate" ex post – measured as the percentage of bearish/bullish
breakouts for a rising/falling wedge – is high, but trading wedges accurately happens to be a
tricky task. How can this paradox be explained?

The main reason is the impossibility to reasonably forecast the timing of breakouts.
Traditional markers that can be applied for instance to triangles (5th impact) are useless here.
Indeed, all the difficulty comes from the pattern's irregularity: a wedge may well be

"requalified". For example, let us suppose that a trader thinks prices clearly broke the lower
trendline of a rising wedge; hence, he bets on a sharp movement downwards to come.

But we observed that, much more than for any other chartist pattern, wedges are often subject
to whipsaws, leading to overanticipate the future trend. In the case of our rising wedge,
should prices manage to reach the former lower support line – which now acts as a resistance
line – again, the mistake to avoid would consist not only in cutting the freshly initiated short
position, but also in going long again. But just like for any other chartist structure, the wedge's
outline is likely to evolve over time… Betting on "the" breakout requires from the trader to
be ready to change his/her mind about the pattern at any time!

If a pullback occurs following the breakout of a rising wedge – with a suspicion of whipsaw –
it seems appropriate to:

 partly neutralise a short position,

 accordingly re-draw a less steep lower support trendline, to take the
supposedly false breakout into consideration,
 reinitiate a short position once this newly drawn trendline is broken to the
downside. For more safety, one can also rely on indications such as
weakening momentum or volumes, or ideally on bearish divergences as we
will examine below.

From our own experience, we are tempted to assert that following a wedge, prices tend to go
almost always in the expected direction. Besides, the length of their completion before the
eventual breakout is generally a forerunner of the future trend's magnitude: a particularly
long rising wedge mostly warns you of a sizeable bearish movement to come.

Another difficulty lies in the impossibility to determine a price target. The height of a
triangle or a rectangle (continuation patterns par excellence), the distance from the top of the
head to the neckline in a head-and-shoulders pattern are reliable landmarks to help determine
a target.
Things are very different with wedges as they frequently encompass false (and sometimes
multiple!) breakouts, leading the technician to often readjust his/her trendlines.

Our answer would be the following: When you may reasonably think that the wedge you're
looking at will be a continuation one (for instance a falling wedge after a clear bullish trend),
then calculate the extent of the movement prior to the pattern (the 'mast') and extrapolate it to
the upside once the wedge is broken, exactly as if you were studying a flag or a pennant.

On the other hand, if you anticipate that this wedge will be a reversal one, conveying trend
exhaustion, such landmarks are inefficient. Fibonacci-like retracements provide better price
targets in this case.

1.3 Rising and falling wedges: asymmetrical behaviours

Generally speaking, in accordance with Dow's theory, market highs are made in periods of
euphoria when managements, economists, strategists and analysts feel completely relaxed
about macro and microeconomic perspectives. Volatility tends to be very weak.

Even though 'blissful consensus' times may persist for a while, elementary human psychology
suggests that market lows are made at the conclusion of longer periods. That is why reversal
falling wedges take even more time to be completed than reversal rising wedges. After
prolonged pessimism through the market, we strongly advise against anticipating any upside
breakout in a falling wedge, except when it occurs within an ocean of bad news (principle of
contrarian opinion). It is well known that markets that do not even react to further bad
statistics are poised for a bounce.
A falling wedge with bullish reversal implications is plotted in the 1993 chart of JPYUSD
below – please notice, however, that its support line is only propped up by two points. Ex
post, we can see that it was more accurate to wait for the short pullback a few days after the
pattern's 'completion' (green arrow) before building a massive long position.

Configurations such as a Hammer/Hanging Man (as is the case here), an Evening/Morning

Star or, even better, an Island Reversal can be frequently found at the end of falling wedges,
whereas this is more rare during market tops within rising wedge patterns.

2. The necessity to use complementary techniques for validation

As usual in technical analysis, it is strongly advocated to check a wedge's validity through a
more in-depth study, going beyond the traditional chartist framework.

2.1 Elliottician analysis

An Elliott wave study is obviously a great help for the technician as continuation wedges
abound in waves 2 and 4.

Wedges can be also found in waves 5; in this case, they form all of them and are essentially
reversal warnings. Conceptually, they perfectly coincide with the exhaustion situations
inherent in most of waves 5: new highs are made (in the case of a rising wedge) but in a more
and more painstaking way, with contracting volumes and shrinking volatility.

Let us go one step further: the presence of wedges is an excellent means to corroborate one's
Elliott wave scenario as it enables to clarify the wave count – the trickiest point in this
method, we think.

For non-Elliotticians, we believe the easiest way to avoid traps consists in relying on volumes
and technical oscillators.

2.2 Volume analysis

As far as wedges are concerned, scrutinizing volumes is necessary and even mandatory. In
fine, volumes can help you remove any ambiguity as to whether the current consolidation
pattern is an ascending triangle or a rising wedge with almost flattish new highs. In a rising
wedge, volumes reached on each successive high will tend to broadly decrease and be
anyway lower than in an ascending triangle.
On the other hand, whatever the considered timeframe, in an ascending triangle, volumes will
be bigger on white (bullish bias) than on black candlestick sessions (bearish bias); the exact
opposite should be observed in rising wedges.
The reason why is the psychology associated to both chartist patterns is completely different:
exhausting uptrend, in a rising wedge; repeated attempts from traders to test a resistance that
ultimately breaks, in an ascending triangle.

As typically, in a rising wedge, prices try to make new highs while volatility is shrinking, a
volume analysis is very often supported by weakening momentum (be it ROC or RSI) and
tiny Bollinger bandwidth. The latter phenomenon generally attests complacency vis-à-vis the
bullish trend.

The last months of 2008 give us a good example of falling wedge on the DJ Stoxx 600 index
as shown below. We can perceive the very progressive weakening of the bearish momentum
along with the gradual decrease of day-to-day volatility, and, even more importantly, the
overall volume downtrend.
New lows were made in a desperate mood, which translated into decreasing, but not
vanishing volumes. During the considered period, the deleveraging process – especially
among hedge funds – perfectly illustrated this point.
The subsequent bullish breakout did not immediately trigger a big additional movement, as
the index had already bounced 12% off its previous low… But from March 2009 onwards, a
real, strong uptrend has developed.

To summarise, while diminishing volumes during up waves in a narrow range are a serious
warning of bearish reversal, the opposite signal after extended slumps is far more complex to

2.3 Oscillators

We are firm believers that technical oscillators (especially momentum indicators) are a great
help as to how to avoid traps set by wedges. Not that they protect against false breakouts; but
they confirm shifting dynamics, and the divergences they make versus prices generally
provide us with nice timing to initiate positions.

It may seem tautological: with reversal wedges, the trader should favour momentum
oscillators, weheras with continuation wedges, he/she would be keen to rely on trend-
following tools.

For reversal wedges, we would advise to use slow stochastics (less erratic than fast
stochastics) by:

 tracking divergences between prices and the indicator,

 checking crossovers between the %D and %DS lines, and
 monitoring exits from overbought/oversold areas.

The chart plotted below shows a good example of bearish divergence on Cap Gemini in April

The MACD2's behaviour versus the MACD enables to accurately catch important turning
points as well, inasmuch as it introduces an important momentum aspect in a trend-following
indicator. We believe it can be rewarding to take a look at it when a wedge seems to run out
of steam. But simple divergences between prices and their MACD are already meaningful: the
S&P 500 index after the 1987 stock crash gives a perfect example of a reversal falling wedge
which coincides with a very clear bullish divergence between prices and MACD (see below).

On the other hand, pure trend-following indicators such as ADX, or signals given by moving
averages may be useful but more certainly in the case of continuation wedges. With reversal
wedges, the crossing angle of a short moving average versus a long one, or an ADX seeming
to plateau and revert to the downside may provide an indication in addition to a chartist
breakout; but by construction, these signals occur lately (even if you use exponential moving

2.4 The multi-timeframe analysis

Another means to check the validity of what might be a wedge and forecast a trading plan
accordingly consists in simultaneously working on several investment horizons.

When you trade on an intraday basis with 60-mn bar charts, it can be highly rewarding to
examine the same asset on at least one longer step, let's say with daily data over one month. In
the same way, an investor with a 6-month holding horizon can add to his/her analysis by
studying a market over several years thanks to weekly charts. As traders, we all have in mind
some situations where a rising wedge completed intraday fits into… another rising wedge on
a daily basis!
Hence, the relevance of a wedge that implies a new movement in the same direction as the
longer timeframe turns out to be much strengthened.

Wedges, especially the reversal ones, very often occur at turning points. If for instance a
falling wedge on daily data goes along with a weekly or even monthly MACD reverting to the
upside, then odds are really big that the asset is about to achieve a major low.

A last method consists in giving more importance – and thus taking heavier bets – on wedges
depending on the direction of the longer trend. Of course, this technique happens to be
successful with continuation wedges.

3. Wedges and trading rules

a) If you want to anticipate a breakout from the pattern, only do it by small

quantities, all the more so you deal with a probable reversal wedge. For a wedge,
the timing of breakout is tricky insofar as, unlike in a triangle, you may not
consider any deadline for the completion of the pattern – ¾ of theoretical length is
commonly accepted for triangles. In the case of a wedge, it may well last until its
apex, i.e. the point of intersection of its two boundary trendlines, without being
formally invalidated.

b) Breakout: play more substantial positions: in a first step, when the trendline is
broken (which can obviously be a false signal); and in a second step, once it is
confirmed (let's say, 2 candles out of the wedge's bounds).
If a gap occurs little time before the breakout – see SAP's chart plotted below – or,
even better, the very day of the breakout, then you may make a riskier bet.

c) Pullback: take a close look at volumes and oscillators to appreciate the degree of
conviction of this movement. Should volumes not follow suit to price action, then
the probability for the breakout to be considered as definitive becomes very high.
In this case, we suggest you should add a stop sale (purchase) a few points below
(above) the former breakout level after a rising (falling) wedge

d) Adopt a very strong short (long) bias once the pullback (correction) test failed, as
represented below by the blue arrows on this Euro Stoxx 50 index chart – please
also notice the interesting bearish divergence between MACD and MACD2 during
the second rising wedge.

e) And, very importantly… do not assign any price target just based on the pattern
– and if you want to, better work with gaps and retracements. Even though chartist
targets are easier to determine in the case of continuation wedges (by extrapolating
the range of the previous movement prior to the building of the wedge, once the
latter is undoubtedly broken), they are not outstandingly efficient, from our own
experience. Or, at least, less efficient than in the case of other chartist patterns like
triangles, pennants, rectangles or head-and-shoulders structures.

f) What if our wedge is invalidated? As far as trading is concerned, the key point is
not to be systematically, nor even mostly, right, but to have an action plan if the
market does not behave as you were anticipating.

But what does invalidation really mean? In the case of wedges, asymmetrical
patterns, we must keep some tolerance: false breakouts are extremely frequent and
often require to re-draw the steepest trendline once or even several times. At the
risk of repeating ourselves, watching volumes is crucial when it comes to weigh
the odds for a false breakout.

A major stop level (taking the invalidation of the wedge into account) should
obviously be set but this point must be chosen clearly above (below) the high
(low) reached during the rising (falling) wedge. Don't forget: room to manoeuvre
should be greater than for any other chart pattern.
If you work with daily data, we suggest you replace the high/low with the
highest/lowest close reached during the wedge.

All things considered, we can say a wedge's risk/reward ratio is generally good;
nevertheless, frequent whipsaws and the necessity to take a loose stop-loss level may
pollute your overall P&L.


Wedges can be frequently found, especially on an intraday basis, and their predictive power is
really high. That said, the best way to optimise your risk/reward is to complement one's
purely chartist analysis with other indicators and preferably on varied timeframes. This
holistic approach helps you take the good decisions and avoid usual hurdles linked to the
unevenness of these price structures.

On longer time steps, falling wedges are more seldom encountered than traditional reversal
patterns like inverted head-and-shoulders structures or double/triple bottoms, but they remain
excellent forewarnings of the end of a downtrend.

As a matter of fact, you cannot pretend to correctly trade wedges without greater tolerance
than for other patterns ("re-drawing" phenomenon after a false breakout without formal
acknowledgement of invalidation). As a consequence, your trading discipline must be even
more drastic, but be sure the game is worth the candle.


AXA Investment Managers


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