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By Farha Ali, Lander University: IP Spoofing

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IP Spoofing

by Farha Ali, Lander University

The Internet Protocol, or IP, is the main protocol used to route information
across the Internet. The role of IP is to provide best-effort services for the
delivery of information to its destination. IP depends on upper-level TCP/IP suite
layers to provide accountability and reliability. The heart of IP is the
IP datagram, a packet sent over the Internet in a connectionless manner. An IP
datagram carries enough information about the network to get forwarded to its
destination; it consists of a header followed by bytes of data . The header
contains information about the type of IP datagram, how long the datagram
should stay on the network (or how many hops it should be forwarded to), special
flags indicating any special purpose the datagram is supposed to serve, the
destination and source addresses, and several other fields, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The IP Header

Layers above IP use the source address in an incoming packet to identify the
sender. To communicate with the sender, the receiving station sends a reply by
using the source address in the datagram. Because IP makes no effort to validate
whether the source address in the packet generated by a node is actually the
source address of the node, you can spoof the source address and the receiver
will think the packet is coming from that spoofed address. Many programs for
preparing spoofed IP datagrams are available for free on the Internet; for
example, hping lets you prepare spoofed IP datagrams with just a one-line
command, and you can send them to almost anybody in the world. You can spoof
at various network layers; for example, you can use Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) spoofing to divert the traffic intended for one station to someone
else. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is also a target for spoofing;
because SMTP does not verify the sender's address, you can send any e-mail to
anybody pretending to be someone else. This article focuses on the various types
of attacks that involve IP spoofing on networks, and the techniques and
approaches that experts in the field suggest to contend with this problem.
Spoofing IP datagrams is a well-known problem that has been addressed in
various research papers. Most spoofing is done for illegitimate purposes—
attackers usually want to hide their own identity and somehow damage the IP
packet destination. This article discusses ways of spoofing IP datagrams, various
attacks that involve spoofed IP packets, and techniques to detect spoofed packets
and trace them back to their original source; spoofing concerns for IPv6 are
briefly addressed.

Spoofing an IP Datagram
IP packets are used in applications that use the Internet as their communications
medium. Usually they are generated automatically for the user, behind the
scenes; the user just sees the information exchange in the application. These IP
packets have the proper source and destination addresses for reliable exchange of
data between two applications. The IP stack in the operating system takes care of
the header for the IP datagram. However, you can override this function by
inserting a custom header and informing the operating system that the packet
does not need any headers. You can use raw sockets in UNIX-like systems to
send spoofed IP datagrams, and you can use packet drivers such as WinPcap on
Windows . Some socket programming knowledge is enough to write a program
for generating crafted IP packets. You can insert any kind of header, so, for
example, you can also create Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) headers. If
you do not want to program or have no knowledge of programming, you can use
tools such as hping, sendip, and others that are available for free on the Internet,
with very detailed documentation to craft any kind of packet. Most of the time,
you can send a spoofed address IP packet with just a one-line command.

Why Spoof the IP Source Address?

What is the advantage of sending a spoofed packet? It is that the sender has some
kind of malicious intention and does not want to be identified. You can use the
source address in the header of an IP datagram to trace the sender's location.
Most systems keep logs of Internet activity, so if attackers want to hide their
identity, they need to change the source address. The host receiving the spoofed
packet responds to the spoofed address, so the attacker receives no reply back
from the victim host. But if the spoofed address belongs to a host on the same
subnet as the attacker, then the attacker can "sniff" the reply. You can use IP
spoofing for several purposes; for some scenarios an attacker might want to
inspect the response from the target victim (called "nonblind spoofing"), whereas
in other cases the attacker might not care (blind spoofing). Following is a
discussion about reasons to spoof an IP packet.

An attacker generally wants to connect to a host to gather information about open
ports, operating systems, or applications on the host. The replies from the victim
host can help the attacker in gathering information about the system.

These replies might indicate open ports, the operating system, or several
applications running on open ports. For example, a response for connection at
port 80 indicates the host might be running a Web server. The hacker can then try
to telnet to this port to see the banner and determine the Web server version and
type, and then try to exploit any vulnerability associated with that Web server. In
the scanning case, attackers want to examine the replies coming back from the
host, so they need to see the returned packet. If the spoofed address is actually an
address of a host on the attacker's subnet, then the attacker can use a sniffer to see
the packets.
Sequence-Number Prediction
If you establish the connection between two hosts by using TCP, the packets
exchanged between the two parties carry sequence numbers for data and
acknowledgments. The protocol uses these numbers to determine out-of-order
and lost packets, thus ensuring the reliable delivery to the application layer as
promised by TCP. These numbers are generated pseudo-randomly in a manner
known to both the parties. An attacker might send several spoofed packets to a
victim to determine the algorithm generating the sequence numbers and then use
that knowledge to intercept an existing session. Again it is important for the
attacker to be able to see the replies.

Hijacking an Authorized Session

An attacker who can generate correct sequence numbers can send a reset message
to one party in a session informing that party that the session has ended. After
taking one of the parties offline, the attacker can use the IP address of that party
to connect to the party still online and perform a malicious act on it. The attacker
can thus use a trusted communication link to exploit any system vulnerability.
Keep in mind that the party that is still online will send the replies back to the
legitimate host, which can send a reset to it indicating the invalid session, but by
that time the attacker might have already performed the intended actions. Such
actions can range from sniffing a packet to presenting a shell from the online host
to the attacker's machine.

Determining the State of a Firewall

A firewall is used to protect a network from Internet intruders. Packets entering a
firewall are checked against an Access Control List (ACL). TCP packets sent by
a source are acknowledged by acknowledgment packets. If a packet seems like
an acknowledgement to a request or data from the local network, then a stateful
firewall also checks whether a request for which this packet is carrying the
acknowledgment was sent from the network. If there is no such request, the
packet is dropped, but a stateless firewall lets packets enter the network if they
seem to carry an acknowledgment for a packet. Most probably the intended
receiver sends some kind of response back to the spoofed address. Again, for this
process to work, the attacker should be able to see the traffic returning to the host
that has the spoofed address—and the attacker generally knows how to use the
returned packet to advantage.

Denial of Service
The connection setup phase in a TCP system consists of a three-way handshake .
This handshake is done by using special bit combinations in the "flags" fields. If
host A wants to establish a TCP connection with host B, it sends a packet with a
SYN flag set. Host B replies with a packet that has SYN and ACK flags set in the
TCP header. Host A sends back a packet with an ACK flag set, finishing the
initial handshake. Then hosts A and B can communicate with each other, as
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: A Normal TCP Connection Request from A to B
The three-way handshake must be completed in order to establish a connection.
Connections that have been initiated but not finished are called half-open
connections. A finite-size data structure is used to store the state of the half-open
connections. An attacking host can send an initial SYN packet with a spoofed IP
address, and then the victim sends the SYN-ACK packet and waits for a final
ACK to complete the handshake. If the spoofed address does not belong to a
host, then this connection stays in the half-open state indefinitely, thus occupying
the data structure. If there are enough half-open connections to fill the state data
structure, then the host cannot accept further requests, thus denying service to the
legitimate connections (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Half-Open TCP Connection

Setting a time limit for half-open connections and then erasing them after the
timeout can help with this problem, but the attacker may keep continuously
sending the packets. The attacked host will not have space to accept new
incoming legitimate connections, but the connection that was established before
the attack will have no effect. In this type of attack, the attacker has no interest in
examining the responses from the victim. When the spoofed address does belong
to a connected host, that host sends a reset to indicate the end of the handshake.

In this type of attack an attacker sends a packet with the source address of the
victim to multiple hosts. Responses from other machines flood the victim. For
example, if an attacker uses the IP address of source A and sends a broadcast
message to all the hosts in the network, then all of them will send a reply back to
A, hence flooding it. The well-known Smurf and fraggle attacks used this

Countermeasures for IP Spoofing

IP spoofing countermeasures include detecting spoofed IP packets and then
tracing them back to the originating source. Detection of spoofed IP packets
requires support of routers, host-based methods, and administrative controls,
whereas tracing of IP packets involves special traceback equipment or traceback
features in routers. The following section discusses both IP spoofing detection
and IP spoofing traceback techniques.

Spoofed Packet Detection

Detection of a spoofed packet can start as early as at Layer 2. Switches with the
IP Source Guard feature[8] match the MAC address of the host with a Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)-assigned dynamic or administratively
assigned static IP address. Packets that do not have the correct IP source address
for that particular MAC address are dropped, thereby limiting the ability of hosts
connected to such a switch to send a packet with their neighbor's address. The IP
Source Guard feature works very well for interfaces with a single IP address, but
one interface can be assigned multiple IP addresses, and that may cause
problems. The same problems can occur with Network Address
Translation (NAT), where hosts might get different IP addresses several times.
Routers work at Layer 3 in networks, and they know which interface a network is
connected to and what network addresses can be expected to come from that
network. If the outgoing packet from an interface does not have the network
address of that interface, then the packet is spoofed and the router can stop that
packet at that point; however, if the attacker is spoofing an IP address of a host
on the same network (most likely in the attacks where they will be sniffing the
replies), then this technique is not really helpful. The same logic can be used for
an incoming packet; if a packet destined for an interface has a source address of
the same network as the interface, then it is a spoofed packet. Routers can detect
spoofed packets only when the packets pass through them, and if the target and
attacker are both on the same subnet then this technique does not work.
Hosts receiving a suspicious packet can also use certain techniques to determine
whether or not the IP address is spoofed. The first (and easiest) one is to send a
request to the address of the packet and wait for the response; most of the time
the spoofed addressees do not belong to active hosts and hence no response is

Another method is to check the Time to Live (TTL) value of the packet, and then
send a request to the spoofed host. If the reply comes, you can compare the TTL
of both packets. Most probably the TTL values will not match. But of course it is
also possible that these TTL values are the same but the packet is coming from a
different source, and conversely. Packets generated by different operating
systems differ slightly in values of certain fields; for example, in Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) ping packets, you can examine the data payload to
determine the operating system. Windows fills the packet with letters of the
alphabet, whereas Linux puts numbers in the data portion. If the suspicious
packet does not have the same characteristics as the legitimate packet, that is
evidence it was not sent from the IP address that is in its source address field.
You can also use IP identification numbers to determine whether a packet is
actually coming from the said source. For legitimate packets the IP ID is close in
value, but this method is not reliable because the attacker can ping the said
source and determine the IP ID that it is using, and then craft packets that will
seem legitimate. In all these techniques we are trying to determine only whether
or not a packet is spoofed, and taking all these steps for all packets would be
prohibitive from an overhead standpoint. Thus you should either randomly check
packets or determine some suspicious activity that would trigger further
investigation for spoofed-packet detection. The next section addresses measures
you can take to trace a spoofed packet back to its real source.

Tracing Spoofed IP Packets

IP traceback technology plays an important role in discovering the source of
spoofed packets. Hop-by-hop traceback and logging of suspicious packets in
routers are the two main methods for tracing the spoofed IP packets back to their

When a node detects that it is a victim of flood attack, it can inform the Internet
Service Provider (ISP). In flood attacks the ISP can determine the router that is
sending this stream to the victim, and then it can determine the next router, and
so on. It reaches either to the source of the flood attack or the end of its
administrative domain; for this case it can ask the ISP for the next domain to do
the same thing. This technique is useful only if the flood is ongoing.
As mentioned earlier, a router has an idea of the IP addresses that should be
arriving at its interfaces. If it sees any packet that does not seem to belong to the
address range for its interface, it can log the packet as suspicious. Appropriately
timed broadcasts among different domains to detect spoofed packets can help
administrators of different networks trace spoofed IP packets back to their

IP Spoofing and IPv6

IP spoofing detection, or in other words validating the source address of an IPv6
packet, is a little more complicated than the process for IPv4. A host using IPv6
may potentially have multiple addresses. Again the problem inside the Local
Area Network is to associate the IPv6 address with the Layer 2 or MAC address.
Among peers on the same network, you can use Neighbor Discovery or Secure
Neighbor Discovery (SEND) advertisements to verify the source address in a
packet. You can verify source addresses of packets arriving from nodes outside
the network by using the Authentication Header (AH) in IPv6 datagrams. You
can use agreed-upon parameters between source and destination to calculate
authenticÂÃÆ’â€Å¡Ã‚Âation information on header fields that
does not change during transit. Although this process will not prevent someone
from signing a spoofed address, it does provide a means to authenticate the
identity of the source.
IPv6 and IPv4 network interÂÃÆ’â€Å¡Ã‚Âconnections will
likely face spoofing problems. IPv6 packets are usually encapsulated in IPv4
packets to travel across the non-IPv6 supporting networks. The IPv6 interim
mechanism "6to4" [10, 11] uses automatic IPv6-to-IPv4 tunneling to interconnect
networks using different IP versions. This mechanism uses 6to4 routers and
6to4 Relay Routers that accept and decapsulate IPv4 traffic from anywhere.
There are no constraints on such embedded packets. Relay routers act as bridges
between IPv6 and 6to4 networks and can be tricked into sending spoofed traffic
anywhere. Also, anyone can send tunneled spoofed traffic to a 6to4 router, and
the router will believe that it is coming from a legitimate relay. There is no
simple way to prevent such attacks, and longer-term solutions are needed in both
IPv6 and IPv4 networks.

IP spoofing is a difficult problem to tackle, because it is related to the IP packet
structure. IP packets can be exploited in several ways. Because attackers can hide
their identity with IP spoofing, they can make several network attacks. Although
there is no easy solution for the IP spoofing problem, you can apply some simple
proactive and reactive methods at the nodes, and use the routers in the network to
help detect a spoofed packet and trace it back to its originating source.

[1] Alaaeldin A. Aly, "Tracking and Tracing Spoofed IP Packets to Their
Sources," Proceedings of 6th annual conference, UAEU April 2005.

[2] S.J. Templeton and K.E. Levitt, "Detecting Spoofed Packets," DARPA
Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, 2003.

[3] "IP Spoofing an Introduction,"

[11] Carpenter, B., Fink, B., and Moore, K., ""Connecting IPv6 Routing
Domains Over the IPv4 Internet," The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 3, No.
1, March 2000.
[12] Wesley Eddy, "Defenses Against TCP SYN Flooding Attacks," The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 9, No. 4, December 2006.
FARHA ALI holds a BE in Computer Engineering from NED University,
Pakistan, and an MS in Computer Engineering from Clemson University, South
Carolina, with a focus area in Computer Communications. She is a member of
American Mensa and ACM. Her research papers (co-authored with her advisor)
as a PhD student‚ at Clemson University's Computer Science Department
were published in IEEE's Conferences on Web Intelligence and Web Services.
She is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and a Certified Ethical Hacker. Her main
interests are Distributed Computing, Network Security, and Semantic Web.
Currently she is working as a faculty member at Lander University's Department
of Mathematics and Computing. She teaches mainly Networking and
Programming courses. E-mail:

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