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Cement concrete
• It is a mixture of cement, sand & gravels with water in a proper defined
• the strength of cement concrete depends upon gravels & band b/w cement
parte & gravels
• cement concrete can be classified:
Mix characteristic strength at 28 days (20 N/mm2)
Characteristic strength
the value of strength below which not more than 5% test results are expected
to fall
fck = fm – 1.65 σ
Modulus of elasticity
Cube test
• size of cube = 150 mm x 150mm x 150mm
• The specimen is tested after every 28 days of casting.
• Top surface of concrete cube is covered by cement capping
• as per IS 456 -2000, min. 3 samples are used for testing.
• Average value of 3 samples is considered as compressive strength of cube.
• individual variation of result should lie b/w ± 15%
• if variation of result is more than ±15%, then the test result are considered as
• if size of cube increases, the strength of concrete decreases. σ = load/Area
Characteristic strength
the value of strength below which not more than 5% test results are expected
to fall
fck = fm – 1.65 σ
Modulus of elasticity
Effect of creep
it sis the time dependent property in which deformation in structure take place without
increase in stress with time
long term modulus of elasticity ➔ ELS = =
𝐸𝑐 5000√𝑓𝑐𝑘
1+𝑜 1+@
ϴ = creep coefficient
ϴ = Ultimate strain
Creep strain
ϴ➔ 7 days = 2.2
28 days = 1.6
1 year = 1.1
Types of reinforcement
1. Mild of reinforcement
• these bars contain use carbon content, high ductility & less strength eq
• IS 432 is used for consideration of mild steel bars.
Water ➔ Ph ➔ 6 to 9
Concrete ➔ fresh PH = 13
Hardened PH = 8.5 (exposure of CO2)
2). All the tensile stresses are taken by steel only & all the compressive stresses are
taken by concrete only
3). for design purpose, partial factor of safety for steel is 1.15 design stress =
= 0.87 fy
Strain = 0.87fy
Strain Analysis
Xulim d-Xulin
0.0035 0.002 +
Y = 0.42xu
Stability condition
C= T
0.36 fck xuB = 0.87 fy Ast
Xu = 0.87 fyAst
0.36 fckB
Moment of resistance(MOR)
MOR = C(d – 0.42xu)
MOR = T (d -0.42xu)
Tensile force
T = 0.87 Fy Ast
Compressive force
C = C 1 + C2
C1 = 0.45 fck . xu B C2 = .045 Fck . Xu B
3 2 4
7 3 7
y1 = xu + ½ ¾ XU y2 = . xu
4 3 4
7 8 7
C = c1 + C2
Y = 0.42xu
Stability condition
C= T
0.36 fck xuB = 0.87 fy Ast
Moment of resistance(MOR)
MOR = C(d – 0.42xu)
MOR = T (d -0.42xu)
Type of sections
Under – reinforced Balanced Over – Reinforced
• Xu < XUlim • Xu = Xulim ➔ xu > xu lim
Note in limit state method, partial factor of safety is used for design stresses only &
load factor is used for design load & design moments. These loads are known as
factored loads
Lever arm
It is the critical distance b/w C.G of compressive load & C.G. Of tension force
Doubly R/ F BEAM
ESC = 0.0035 (1- )
T = C
Xu = 0.87 fyAst- Asc (Fsc – 0.45fck)
0.36 fckb
= 0.05 to 0.2
bf = + 6Df + bw bf = + 3Df + bw
𝑙𝑜 𝑙𝑜
6 12
Continues beam
lo = Effective span of beam
lo = 0.75 x span of beam
➔ Xu = 0.87 fyAst
Case -2
when N.A Lies outside the flange area
Xu> Df :
DF < xu
xu > Df
c1 = compression due to rectangular beam
Case – 3 –
When N.A Lies Outside Flange
Learn xu > DP
Df > xu ➔
xu < Df
T= 0.87 fyAst
C = C 1 + C2
C1 = 0.36fckxubw
C2 = 0.45 fck (bf-fw)yf
Where, yf = 0.15 Xu + 0.65 Df
V =
Where V = variation of
Types of shear
1). flexural shear
• This shear is due to flexural bending on a given part of member.
• The cracks develop in the beam or slabs along their span are due to flexural
shear only.
2). Punching shear
• Punching represents the penetration of a concentrated load on the given
structural member.
• this shear is produced at intersection of concentrated load with plate number
(member lying in horizontal direction eq. Flat slab footings)
Homogeneous ➔ Parabolic
Heterogeneous ➔ Rectangular
Assumptions for shear R/f
1). The material is isotropic in mature.
2). The diagonal cracks are inclined at 45o of longitudinal axis of member.
3).the crack shall up to effective depth of beam.
4). there is a perfect band b/w concreter & steel compressive forces are taken by
concrete only & tensile force are taken by steel only
Sv = 0.87 fy As vd (cosα+sinα)
3). The shear stress depends upon grade of concrete & quantity of steel (% of steel)
%p = Ast x 100
4). if ﺡv < ﺡc ➔ min shear R/F is provided & the amount of shear R/F can be
calculated by
Asv > 0.4
bSv 0.87fy
Development length
• Development length is the min length of bar req. to resist slippage b/w concrete
& steel.
Anchorage length
• It is the length of bar which is provided to ensure the safety against frictional
• Anchorage length in any case should not be grouter than if teems diameter of
1). Lo > 16 ∅
Curtailment of bars
• Curtailment of bars represent the cutting of bars along the span of beam when
the req. of moment decreases.
• This curtailment can be done for negative steel as well as positive steel.
• The bars are curtailed by 30& at distances of 0.12L.
Lap splices
• It is the overlapping of bar that have ot be provided to increase the length of
• If diameter of bar is up to 36mm, lap splices are provide with max. value of
Ld calculated <
Ld calculated < L0
Anchorage Length
Ld(calculated) = 0.87fy∅
Design of Beams
1) Effective span
• Effective span of a beam represents the span which resist bending due to
external load.
• It represents the length of bean which is subjected to deflection.
𝑙 0 = clear span
w = support width
𝑤 + 𝑤
left = c/c distance between supports = 𝑙 0 +
2 2
b) Cantilever
left = 𝑙 0 +
c) Continuous Beam
= L0 + d
Left = L0 +
D) Framed structure.
Leff = L0 + +
2 2
= c/c distance
Control of Deflection
Deflection of beam can be limited on span to depth ratio.
i) Span to Depth ratio ( )
Cantilever → 7
simply supported → 20
Continuous → 26
• Beams are always designed t control the deflection due to external loads.
• If span of beam is more than 10m, then standard valves of ratio is multiplied
span( in m)
Area of Reinforcement
Min. tensile Reinforcement
%PE =
𝐴 𝑠𝑡 × 100 = × 100
𝑏𝑑 fy
Astmin =
Astmax = 0.04 × bD
Astmax = 0.04 × bD
I. The min percentage of steel in a beam depends upon grads of steel only.
II. Min. steel is provided to avoid sudden failure of beam.
III. Max. amount of steel depends upon cross section of beam it does not depend
upon grade of concrete & steel.
Exposure conditions
Condition Min. grade of Min. clear
concrete cover
1 Mild Exposure The member is M20 20mm
protected against
weather condition
2 Mediate The member is M25 30mm
subject to normal
rain conditions &
sheltered from
severe rains.
3 Severe The member is M30 45mm
subjected to heavy
4 Very Severe Member is exposed M35 50mm
to sea water
5 Extreme Member is exposed M40 75mm
to tidal conditions or
in continuous
contact with water.
Lateral Restraints
→ Clear spacing’s
For simply supported ➔ 60b or 250 ➔ lesser
For continuous beam → 25b or 250 ➔ lesser
• 𝑙𝑦 > 2
• Any slab which is supported on two sides is also considered as one way slab.
• The bending in this slab takes place along shorter span.
• Min. amount of steel is provided in the form of distribution bars along longer
span is prevent shrinkage & cracking.
𝑙𝑦 ≤ 2
• Any slab which is supported on more than two sides is known as Two way
• Main steel bars are provided along both spans.
• The deflection in two way slab is parabolic in nature while the deflection in one
way slab is considered to be const after some distance.
Cantilever = Leff = 𝑙0 +
Width ≥ 600mm → 𝑙0 + 𝑙0
• Clear cover ➔ Min. clear cover = 20mm.
thicknessn of seak
θmax >
𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ(𝑑 )
θmax >
Distribution steel
1) The main purpose of distribution bars is to control the affect of shrinkage &
2) These bars are not considered for load carrying but these are considered for
effective distribution of loads on main steel.
Distribution steel
Ast = 0.12% of bD
𝑙4 ≤2
• Design of two way slab is based upon distribution of moments along two
directions ( Along x axis & y axis).
• Those distributed moments can be calculated by.
Flat slab
• It is the type of slab which directly rest over columns.
• The main purpose of Flat slab is to reduce the overall height of structure.
• Flat slab directly transfer the load to the columns.
• The critical section for flat slab is from outer periphery.
Deep Beam
1) Simply supported Deep Beam
> 2
𝑙 𝑙
or ≤ 2
> <
𝑙 𝑙
2.5 or 2.5
leff leff
Slenderness ratio = λ = =
rmin least tateral dimension
𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝐵
Along x=axis = Whenever is max.
500 30
𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝐷
Along g axis = Whichever is max.
500 30
Max. Eccentricity
Along x axis = 0.05 B
Along y axis = 0.05 D
1) Longitudinal Reinforcement
➢ Min. Asc = 0.8% of gross area
➢ Max. Asc = 6% of gross area
➢ Dia of bar > 12mm
➢ Rectangular/square column ➔ min. no. of bars = 6.
➢ Circular column ➔ min. no. of bars = 6.
2) Lateral Reinforcement
This R/F is provided:
i. To prevent buckling of individual longitudinal bars.
ii. To prevent the concrete in the given core created by longitudinal bars.
iii. To provide lateral stability against shear & torsion.
iv. The diameter of lateral R/F should be or 6 mm whichever is more or max.
Column by WSM
𝜎𝑆𝐶 = f y = 0.55fy
= = = 6mm
𝜃 25
4 4
= 6mm = 6mm
= 300mm
16×25 = 400mm
Provide 8mm 𝜃 tic bars @ 300mm c/c spacing.
Helical Reinforcement
• The circular columns having helical reinforcements are subjected to triaxial
• In circular column, due to helical R/F the compressive strength of column is
increased by 5%.
Load carrying capacity ➔ P=1.05 (0.4fckAC+0.67fyASC)
0.36 𝑓 𝑐𝑘 𝐴 𝑔 -1 ≤ 𝑉 𝑛
𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
Vh = volume of Helix
Vcore = volume of core Vcore = Acore = × 1000 mm3
Dcore = D-2×clear cover
VH = volume of Helix
= no. of turns × length of turn × Area of tie
VH = × 𝜋 (DHelix) × (𝜃𝑡) 2
1000 𝜋
𝑝 4
Design of Footing
• Footings are designed for load over column and is self weight self weight of
footing is taken as 10%. of column load.
p = load over column
Footing self wt. = 0.1×P
Total load on Footing = 1.1P
• Area of footing
Total land
Area of footing (Af) =
SafeBearing capacity
qo B – d < 𝜏C × dB
B > D or > 1
2) Deep Foundation
B ≤ D or ≤ 1
• This footing is provided for the columns containing very small external load.
• It is the most economical & basic type in which there is no need of
• A min longidned R/F is provided without any lateral R/F.
• The Depth of this footing depends upon angle b/w the points of exterior edge
of column & exterior edge of footing.
3) Combined Footing
Deep Foundation
• This foundation is provided when load is very heavy & the condition of sail is
not good at surface.
• This foundation is generally provided in the form of pile foundations.
• Crack width in member should not be greater than 0.3mm for mild exposure
and 0.2mm for moderate exposure and 0.1mm for serve, extreme & very severs
Load combinations
Limit state
Collapse Serviceability
D.L. +LL 1.5 1
DL +EL/WL(No reversal of stress) 1.5 1
DL +EL (reversal of stresses) 0.9 1
DL+LL+EL/WL 1.2 DL → 1
LL, WL/EL → 0.8
Windward side
• The side of structure in which direct effect of wind wind is considered.
Leeward side
• The side of structure in which indirect effects of wind are considered.
• In this side, direct aind force does not exist only sounder effect is considered.
Modular Ratio ( m )
𝐸𝑆 =
m = 5000
𝐸𝐶 √𝑓𝑐𝑘
m =
• Effect of creep & shrinkage is considered the modulus of elasticity of concrete
decreases & modular ratio increases.
𝑝 𝑝
Also, =
𝐴𝑐 𝐸𝑐 𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝐸𝑠
𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝐸𝑠
AC = = AC = M Ast
1. Plane section remains plane before & after bending. It represent the variation of
strain is const. along the given span.
2. All the tensile forces are carried by steel only & compressive forces are carried
by concrete only.
3. There is no initial stress in steel when steel is embedded in coreete.
4. The bond b/w concrete & concrete & steel is perfect within elastic limit.
5. The modulus of elasticity of concrete & steel are remains constant & does not
change with time.
• Critical depth of N.A. represents the depth of axis when concrete & steel
attains its max. permissible values.
• The depth of critical axis depends upon grade of steel only.
Types of Section
1) Under Reinforced Section
M = bx (σcbc/2)(d-x/3)
3) Balanced Section
Fe415 230N/mn2
Fe500 275 N/mn2
x C = Rd = d
C1 = 𝑥𝑎−𝑑 𝑐 𝜎𝑐𝑏𝑐
Y = 0.42xu
Stability condition
C= T
0.36 fck xuB = 0.87 fy Ast
Xu = 0.87 fyAst
0.36 fckB
Moment of resistance(MOR)
MOR = C(d – 0.42xu)
MOR = T (d -0.42xu)
• it is the horizontal distance b/w 2 risers
• width of tread lies b/w 200 mm to 300 mm
• it is the vertical distance b/w 2 treads.
• value of riser is 150mm to 200 mm
• it is the horizontal projection of a tread in outward directory to increase the
space for resting of foot.
• it is a series of no of steps b/w 2 landings.
• Min no of steps should be 3 & max. no of steps should be 12.
It is the horizontal projection of flight.
• it is the vertical angle drawn b/w vertical axis & the line joining points of
• pitch should not b greater than or equal to 38o
Vertical Head Room
• it is the vertical distance b/w 2 landings
• height of vertical head room is 2m.
Indian standard recommendations
for riser & tread dimensions
R x T = 40000 to 50000 mm2
2r+T = 380 to 630 mm
Leading Conditions
1). Live load
• the live load over stances is taken as 3kN/m2 when the building is not subjected
to overcrowding
• live load is taken as 5 kN/m2 when the building may be subjected to over
2). dead load
Self weight of step = ½ x R x Tx γ
Self weight of wa.st slab = r D x b
where γ = unite weight . of RCC
3). The landing width of stair case should not be less the width of staircase
Width of staircase ➔ 1.2 m – 2 m Public buildings
1 m – 1.2 m residential/private buildings
• A/c to this concept , the bending moment due to external load must be
resister by the moment generated due to prestressing force
Losses in prestressing
• when the transfer of lead at prestressing members is done, some amount of
losses at pre stressing force takes place these losses are divided into
➔ Woblers’ effect
X = given distance
m = coefficient of gyration
Po = milted streets
Pn = stress left after effect of friction
Hoop stressed
Hoop stresses in water tank are always tensile in nature
IS : 3370- 2009
Part – I General Requirement
Part – ii RCC Tanks
Part – iii Pre – stressed concrete
part – iv Coefficient for calculation of moment, shear, & tension
Water tanks are always designed in the form of retaining wall which are used to retain
the water
Retaining walls
1). Cantilever Retaining wall
these walls are having height up to 6m.
These walls are designed in the form of 3 cantilever Slabs i.e. Heel., toe &
• ve = v+ 1.6 T
Me = M + T ( 1 + /1.7 )