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Table of Contents
1. POLITY & CONSTITUTION ______________ 4 5.1. Climate Change and Land______________ 47
1.1. Removal of Article 370 and 35A _________ 4 5.2. Interlinking of Rivers _________________ 49
1.2. National Register Of Citizens (NRC) _______ 5 5.3. Ocean Energy _______________________ 51
1.3. Regulating Social Media ________________ 7 5.4. Composite Water Management Index ___ 52
1.4. India Enterprise Architecture (IndEA) 5.5. National Resource Efficiency Policy ______ 53
Framework _____________________________ 8 5.6. Environmental and Social Management
1.5. More Judges for Supreme Court _________ 9 Framework ____________________________ 55
2. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS __________ 11 5.7. KUSUM ____________________________ 57
2.1. US-China Trade War __________________ 11 5.8. CITES CoP18 ________________________ 59
2.2. India-France ________________________ 12 5.9. Legal Rights to Rivers _________________ 60
2.3. No First Use Doctrine _________________ 14 5.10. Gogabeel__________________________ 61
2.4. Mekong Ganga Cooperation ___________ 16 6. SOCIAL ISSUES ______________________62
2.5. G-7 _______________________________ 16 6.1. National Medical Commission Act 2019 __ 62
3. ECONOMY _________________________ 18 6.2. Population Policy ____________________ 65
3.1. Direct Tax Code _____________________ 18 6.3. Mental Healthcare ___________________ 67
3.2. Jalan Committee Report ______________ 19 6.4. Rationalisation of School ______________ 68
3.3. Bank Merger ________________________ 21 6.5. Institute of Eminence _________________ 70
3.4. Development Bank ___________________ 22 6.6. Digital divide in India _________________ 70
3.5. Slowdown in Indian Economy __________ 23 6.7. Mob Lynching _______________________ 72
3.5.1. Slowdown in Auto-industry _____________ 25 6.8. Common Service Centers (CSC) _________ 73
3.6. Bond Yield and Inversion ______________ 26 6.9. State of Food Security and Nutrition in the
3.7. Social Stock Exchange ________________ 27 World, 2019 ____________________________ 74
3.8. Microcredit _________________________ 28 7. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ____________76
3.9. Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019 ______ 29 7.1. Gravitational Lensing _________________ 76
3.10. Coal India _________________________ 30 7.2. Srinivas Ramanujan __________________ 76
3.11. Marine Fisheries sector ______________ 32 7.3. Hydrothermal Carbonisation ___________ 77
3.12. Renewable hybrid energy systems _____ 34 8. CULTURE ___________________________78
3.13. Tourism Industry ___________________ 35 8.1. Megalithic Culture ___________________ 78
3.14. Sugar Industry in India _______________ 36 8.2. GI Tags ____________________________ 79
3.15. Consumer Protection Act 2019 ________ 38 9. ETHICS _____________________________80
4. SECURITY__________________________ 41 9.1. Right to Dissent _____________________ 80
4.1. Integrated Battle Groups ______________ 41 10. NEWS IN SHORT ____________________82
4.2. Cyber Security Policy _________________ 42 10.1. Hong Kong Protests ____________________ 82
10.2. Sabka Vishwas – Legacy dispute Resolution_ 82
4.3. India’s Transitions from Defence Market to 10.3. Angikaar Campaign ____________________ 82
Export Hub _____________________________ 43 10.4. Project SU.RE _________________________ 82
10.5. Meghdoot App _______________________ 82
4.4. Defence Financing ___________________ 45 10.6. INAPH project ________________________ 82
5. ENVIRONMENT _____________________ 47 10.7. Regulatory Sandbox ___________________ 83

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10.8. Sulphur Dioxide Emmissions _____________ 83 10.21. Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance __ 85
10.9. Tidewater Glaciers ____________________ 83 10.22. San Sadhan Hackathon ________________ 86
10.10. Tardigrade __________________________ 83 10.23. Coalition For Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
10.11. Russia Sends Humanoid Robot into Space _ 84 _________________________________________ 86
10.12. ICAR-FUSICONT ______________________ 84 10.24. Helium Hydride ______________________ 86
10.13. SHAGUN ____________________________ 84
10.14. Bio-Metric Data Based Seafarer Identity 11. GOVERNMENT SCHEMES IN NEWS _____87
Document ________________________________ 84 11.1. Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan-dhan
10.15. World Anti-Doping Agency _____________ 84 Yojana ___________________________________ 87
10.16. National Essential Diagnostic list ________ 85 11.2. NISHTHA- National Initiative for School Heads
10.17. SUPRA _____________________________ 85 and Teachers Holistic Advancement ___________ 87
10.18. Pashmina Products Receive BIS Certification 11.3. Samarth Scheme ______________________ 88
________________________________________ 85 11.4. National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-
10.19. National order of Merit ________________ 85 NULM) ___________________________________ 88
10.20. Child Well Being Index ________________ 85

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Why in news?
The Centre decided to end the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) under Article 370.
More on news
• President of India in “concurrence” with the “Jammu and Kashmir government” promulgated Constitution
(Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 2019 which states that provisions of the Indian Constitution are
applicable in the State. This effectively means that all the provisions that formed the basis of a separate
Constitution for Jammu and Kashmir stand abrogated. With this, Article 35A is scrapped automatically.
• Along with this, a statutory resolution was approved by the Parliament which – invoking the authority that
flows from the effects of Presidential Order – recommended that the President abrogate (much of) Article
• Also, Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019 was passed by the Parliament. Jammu & Kashmir (J&K)
was re-organised into two Union Territories - J&K division with a legislative assembly and the UT of Ladakh
without having an assembly.
Possible implications of the move
Article 370 and Article 35A – A brief background • Complete applicability of Indian Constitution to J&K
• The peculiar position of Jammu and Kashmir was • No separate flag
due to the circumstances in which the State • Tenure of the J&K assembly to be five years, instead
of the earlier six years.
acceded to India. The Government of India had
• Replacing Ranbir Penal Code (the separate penal
declared that it was the people of the state of J&K,
code for J&K) with the Indian Penal Code.
acting through their constituent assembly, who • Article 356 under which the President’s Rule can be
were to finally determine the constitution of the imposed in any state, will also be applicable to the
state and the jurisdiction of government of India. UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
• The applicability of the provisions of the • The central quota laws in school-college admissions
Constitution regarding this State were accordingly, and state government jobs will apply.
to be in nature of an interim arrangement. This • People from other states may be able to acquire
was the substance of the provision embodied in property and residency rights.
Art. 370 of the Constitution of India. • RTI would be made applicable.
• Art. 370 had “temporary provisions with respect • Certain provisions of the J&K Constitution which
to the State of Jammu and Kashmir” which gave denied property rights to native women who marry
a person from outside the State may stand
special powers to the state allowing it to have its
own Constitution.
• According to article 370, except for defence, foreign affairs, finance and communications, Parliament needs
the state government’s concurrence for applying all other laws.
• Article 35A of the Indian Constitution, which stemmed out of Article 370, gave powers to the Jammu and
Kashmir Assembly to define permanent residents of the state, their special rights and privileges.
How the Scrapping of Article 370 and 35A became possible?
• President issued a presidential order under Article 370 (1) of the Constitution. This clause enables the
President to specify the matters which are applicable to Jammu and Kashmir in concurrence with the Jammu
and Kashmir government.
• The order amended Article 367. Article 367 contains guidance on how to read or interpret some provisions.
The amended Article declares that “the expression ‘Constituent Assembly of the State…’ in Article 370 (3)
shall be read to mean ‘Legislative Assembly of the State’. Article 370(3) provided that the Article 370 was to
be amended by the concurrence of the Constituent Assembly. However, because of the amendment, it can
now be done away by a recommendation of the state legislature.
• In other words, the government used the power under 370(1) to amend a provision of the Constitution
(Article 367) which, then, amends Article 370(3). And this, in turn, becomes the trigger for the statutory

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resolution - Resolution for Repeal of Article 370 of the Constitution of India. As Jammu and Kashmir is under
the president rule, concurrence of governor is considered as “Jammu and Kashmir government”.
Scrapping Article 370: Constitutional and legal challenges
Petitions have been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the recent action of the Union Government on
Jammu and Kashmir, the following legal issues may receive attention in the course of judicial deliberations.
• Legality of the Presidential order: Article 370 itself cannot be amended by a Presidential Order. Even though
the Order amends Article 367, the content of those amendments, however, do amend Article 370. And as
the Supreme Court has held on multiple occasions, you cannot do indirectly what you cannot do directly.
Therefore, legality of the order – insofar as it amends Article 370 – is questionable.
• Misusing the President Rule and Making Governor as a substitute for the elected assembly: The governor
is the representative of the Union Government in the State. In effect, the Union Government has consulted
o Also, President’s Rule is temporary and is meant to be a stand-in until the elected government is
restored. Consequently, decisions of a permanent character – such as changing the entire status of a
state- taken without the elected legislative assembly, but by the Governor, are inherently problematic.
• Equating state assembly with constituent assembly: The difference is that the one has to exercise its
powers as per the constitution, while the other develops the constitution. This distinction that is at the heart
of India’s basic structure doctrine that prevents certain constitutional amendments on the ground that
Parliament, which exercises representative authority, is limited and cannot create a new constitution and
thereby exercise sovereign authority.
• Going against the Jammu and Kashmir’s Constitutional position: Presidential order has assumed that
legislative assembly has power to scrap Article 370. But Article 147 of the Jammu and Kashmir Constitution
prohibits such a move. The Article makes it clear that any changes to the Jammu and Kashmir Constitution
needs the approval of two-thirds of the members of the legislative assembly.
When the Constituent Assembly of J&K ceased functioning, a long-standing debate about the nature of Article
370 started. Before dissolution, the Constituent Assembly neither recommended abolishing Article 370 nor did
they advocate for it to be permanent. Yet, it remains to be seen whether the manner in which Article 370 has
been repealed stands the test of judicial review.
Article 370 was about providing space, in matters of governance, to the people of a State who felt deeply
vulnerable about their identity and insecure about the future. However, there are concerns that it neither served
the common people in J&K nor did it facilitate J&K’s integration with the rest of India. Therefore, one must hope
that the move will bring a new dawn of development and inclusion for Jammu and Kashmir, which will give a
voice to those who were deprived and marginalised.


Why in news?
The updated and final National Register of Citizens, which validates bonafide Indian citizens of Assam has
recently been released with over 19 lakh applicants
having failed to make it to the list. The Assam Accord
It was a Memorandum of Settlement signed between
Background representatives of the Government of India and the leaders
• The NRC has its roots in the Memorandum of of the Assam Movement in New Delhi on 15 August 1985.
Settlement or the Assam Accord signed It contained a provision that all ‘foreigners’ who came to
between the Assam State Students Union and Assam after March 25, 1971 should be detected and
the Government of India in 1985. The accord deported under the Illegal Migration Determination (by
was an outcome of the violent anti-migrant Tribunals) (IMDT) Act, 1983. It also talked about the
deletion of foreigners' names from the electoral rolls.
movement of the 1980s and contained various
clauses to curb illegal migration.

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• The Citizenship Act of 1955 was amended after the Assam Accord for all Indian-origin people who came
from Bangladesh before January 1, 1966 to be deemed as citizens.
o Those who came between January 1, 1966 and March 25, 1971 were eligible for citizenship after
registering and living in the State for 10 years while those entering after March 25, 1971, were to be
deported. However, nothing much happened over the decades.
• In 2014, the Supreme Court asked the state government to update the 1951 NRC in a time-bound manner.
Present exercise has been conducted under the supervision of the Supreme Court.
What is NRC?
What is the Significance of the Cut of Date?
• The National Register of Citizens is a list of all the
The cut of date was a critical bone of contention in
legal citizens of Assam, the only state with such a determining the status of migrants from Bangladesh to
document. India. It was on March 25, 1971 that the Pakistan
• It is governed by the Citizenship Act, 1955, and the military junta started a crackdown on freedom fighters
Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of and civilians of East Pakistan.
National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 (amended in The large-scale atrocities led to a steady exodus of
2009) and a 2010 order of the Ministry of Home over 10 million refugees to India, who primarily spread
Affairs, published in the Gazette of India. across the states of Assam, West Bengal, and Tripura.
• It will include persons whose names appear in any of
the electoral rolls upto the midnight of 24th March, 1971 or National Register of Citizens, 1951 and their
• NRC Vs Census: The census is conducted every decade, on a national level and gives the state a window into
the size and nature of Indian population. But the NRC is a unique exercise for the onus to prove citizenship
lies with the citizens. They have to, through a documentary evidence, show how they have come to be
citizens of India living in Assam.
Significance of having an NRC
• A long-term Solution: Established measures to curb illegal migration from Bangladesh, such as diplomatic
and border management efforts failed to bring any results. The two main reasons for this are: 1) Bangladesh
does not recognise any infiltration taking place from its territory to India; 2) The porous border between
India and Bangladesh hinders effective border management. Thus, an NRC is being viewed as an alternate
and a far-sighted administrative solution to the menace.
• Ascertaining the identity: NRC will provide a much-needed Provisions for people having missed out the
NRC list
perspective on the extent of illegal migration. The fear that
• The Assam government has assured
illegal immigrants will change the demography of state and people that those who find their names
influence the politics of state will also be done away with. missing from the final NRC will not
• A deterring tool: It is expected to deter future migrants immediately be termed "foreigners" or
from Bangladesh from entering Assam illegally as illegal immigrants.
publication of the draft itself had created a perception that • Such people will be allowed to register
staying in Assam without valid documentation will attract protests with the Foreigners Tribunal.
detention/jail term and deportation. They can even approach the High Court or
even the Supreme Court for further
Issues associated with the NRC appeal in the matter.
• Fear of exclusion: There are concerns that NRC may end up • The State government will also provide
incorrectly including or excluding people from the list. legal aid to the poor who find their names
o There is also an issue related to D voters. D-voters are missing from the list.
those who are disenfranchised by the government on
the account of their alleged lack of proper citizenship credentials and their inclusion will depend on
decision of the Foreigners Tribunal.
• Concerns of minorities: There are fears that such an exercise could end up targeting minorities in the
o The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016 which makes Hindu illegal migrants and those from certain
other minority communities in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan eligible for Indian citizenship
further creates apprehensions about alienation of minorities in the process.

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• No specific policy in ascertaining the fate of people: The government has not prepared a post NRC
implementation plan as
o the possibility of deportation of illegal migrants to Bangladesh is bleak as the people excluded from the
list should be proven citizens of Bangladesh, and that will require cooperation from that country.
o If they are identified as "illegal" migrants, they will be locked-up in detention camps, until their
deportation. Media reports have been stating that these detention camps are infamous for their
inhumane living conditions.
• Security concerns: Concerns are already being raised as to the security fallout.
• Issue of Statelessness: There are apprehensions, that India will end up creating the newest cohort of
stateless people, raising the spectre of a homegrown crisis that will echo that of the Rohingya people who
fled Myanmar for Bangladesh.
Way Forward
• Regarding finally excluded individuals: They would officially be non-citizens but India has no fixed policy for
“stateless” persons. They will surely not have voting rights but certain facilities on “humanitarian grounds”
may be provided to them such as right to work etc.
• Tackle issue of illegal migration comprehensively: Solving illegal migrants’ issue in Assam will not solve the
whole issue as they may very well come through states like West Bengal and then move on to the other
parts of the country. Thus, following steps should be taken:
o Comprehensive border management: including fencing, total surveillance 24x7, use of new imaging
technology etc.
o Forging bilateral agreement with neighbouring countries that provide for taking back nationals who stay
illegally in the other country after due verification.
o Assistance from international organisations: such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and other concerned international
agencies with experience in this kind of complex issue.
o Establish a SAARC convention: India should take the initiative to encourage other countries in the
SAARC region to develop a SAARC convention or declaration on refugees in which member states would
agree to ratify the 1951 Refugee Convention.
The road ahead
Amidst all its apprehensions, the NRC is a forward-looking step in documenting India’s citizens and detect and
deter infiltrators. The NRC process, at the current juncture, is an outcome of both a judicial push and political
balance of power as the Supreme Court has driven it, closely monitoring the entire process. The cooperation of
the States will be key for the success of NRC.


Why in news?
Recently, the Tamil Nadu Government told the Supreme Court that social media profiles of users should be
linked with their Aadhaar numbers.
• The Tamil Nadu government is seeking Aadhaar-social media linking after two PILs were filed in the Madras
HC for authentication of identity.
o But, the Madras High Court dismissed the original plea to link Aadhaar to social media accounts as it
violated the Supreme Court's judgment on Aadhaar.
• On the other hand, various social media platforms including Facebook have voiced their opinion against
such a move, as they fear it may be misused against them.
o Different high courts have conflicting opinions regarding this and these platforms seek to transfer all
these petitions to the Supreme Court
• The Supreme Court has highlighted that there is a need to find a balance between the right to online privacy
and the right of the state to trace the origins of hateful messages and fake news.
• However, the point of contention is on the manner in which social media should be regulated.

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Need for regulation of Social Media
Challenges in regulation of Social Media
• Exponential increase- in social media profiles on the • Poor Compliance by the platforms- For example,
platforms such as Whatsapp, Facebook etc. when it comes to takedown of content by these
• Quick spread of information- If some event happens platforms, governments often point out that
in one part of the world, its information or there is lack of compliance.
• Tedious Process- For example, even if books are
disinformation can be spread in minutes, which can
banned under CrPC, there needs to be a gazette
create chaos or panic.
notification and it allows people to challenge the
• Disparity of information available- Owing to the decision.
limited knowledge about the source of news and fact o Until a decision comes, the harm may have
check mechanisms. been done. This process is even more
• To curb illegal activities- such as spread of fake news, tedious in the case of social media.
pornographic and anti-national content, among other
• Ensure violence does not take place- such as against religious and ethnic groups. E.g. Muzaffarnagar riots.
Arguments against regulation
• Unconstitutional Move- as it is against the Right to Privacy interpreted by the court under the Constitution
and also against the spirit of the Supreme Court’s Puttaswamy privacy judgment.
o It can violate the individual's fundamental rights, dignity and personal information.
• Could lead to commercial use of Aadhaar- as it would result in users' messages and posts being traceable,
which can be used to target profiles by different stakeholders.
o Data Collection will increase as Aadhaar is tied across databases including driving licence and vehicular
registration, PAN, social security benefits etc. When this information is collated with Aadhaar, it can lead
to a 360-degree profile of an individual. This can be misused or tracked by various companies and
• Will disempower some sections- which have been empowered by the anonymity of social media such as-
o Women- have used anonymity to correct systemic and historic sexual harassment through the MeToo
o Caste Groups- have used it to highlight how certain institutions, particularly those that offer education
and health services, have discriminated against them.
• Prone to misuse- the experts believe this could also allow the government to use social media platforms as
surveillance tools.
• Wrong to link some issues with social media- e.g. Fake news is not an invention of digital age, rather has
been present since long. These issues have not much to do with these platforms themselves
Way Forward
• A larger stakeholder conversation is required between companies, law enforcement agencies, civil societies,
academicians and technical experts.
• Social media can be brought within a degree of regulation by adopting data protection laws. If these
companies don’t gather a lot of data, or if there is the right to correct data, it will provide a higher degree of
security to people.


Why in News?
Shillong Declaration on e-governance adopted at the 22nd National Conference on e-Governance (NCeG) talked
about India Enterprise Architecture (IndEA).
What is India Enterprise Architecture?
• IndEA, is a framework for developing a holistic architecture treating the Government as a single enterprise
which are functionally inter-related.
• IndEA provides a generic framework, comprising a set of architecture reference models, which can be
converted into an integrated architecture,

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• With IndEA, there will be one personalised account for each individual and he or she can avail all
government services from that account. This shall eliminate the need to visit separate sites and have
separate logins on them to access government services.
Main principles of IndEA
The following set of principles inform and guide IndEA framework:
• SDG Linkage: Performance Measurement Systems are aligned to Sustainable Development Goals prioritized
by the Government.
• Integrated Services that cut across agency-silos are identified, designed and delivered to realize the vision of
ONE Government.
• Sharing & Reusability, i.e., all commonly required Applications are abstracted to be built once and deployed
across the Whole-of-Government through reuse and sharing.
• Technology Independence: Application Design is open standards-based and technology-independent.
• Data-sharing across the Government, subject to rights and privileges, so as to prevent development and use
of duplicative sets of data by different agencies.
• Mobile channels are mandatory for delivery of all services, among all delivery channels.
Envisaged benefits
• Provide a ONE Government Experience to the citizens and businesses, by offering integrated services
through multiple channels, in a contactless, frictionless manner.
• Enhance the efficiency of delivery of services, by defining and enforcing service levels of a very high-order
• Improve the effectiveness of implementation of the developmental and welfare schemes through a holistic
performance management.
• Enhance the productivity of employees and agencies through easy access to information.
• Provide integrated and cross-cutting services through seamless interoperability across the Whole-of
• Bring in flexibility and agility in making changes to the systems to align with the best practices andto
leverage the latest technologies.
• Realize cost-effectiveness through use of shared infrastructure and services.
• Enable establishing a Connected Government that works for inclusive development.
• Maintain the right balance between security of data and privacy of personal information.
• IndEA Framework is generic by design. It cannot be used straightaway by any enterprise. The framework
has to be customized to fit the broad requirements of the business vision and objectives of the enterprise.
• The methods of implementation vary widely across enterprises, depending on the ecosystem of
governance and the current stage of evolution of e-Governance in the enterprise. As such it is difficult to lay
down any principles or detailed procedures for the implementation stage
• Enterprise Architecture has intricate dependencies and inter-connections between several parts. It is not
possible to pull out individual components and redesign / implement them in isolation as it would
seriously impair the interoperability and integration capabilities across government
With IndEA, India would be inching closer towards digital governance and establish itself as a knowledge
economy as envisaged in the Digital India initiative. To achieve this EA planners should recognize the importance
and provide specialized resources and effort adequately in the planning phase.


Why in news?
Parliament has recently passed the legislation to increase the sanctioned strength of the Supreme Court from 31
to 34 including the Chief Justice of India.

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• Originally, under Article 124 of the Indian Constitution the strength of Supreme Court was fixed at eight (one
chief justice and seven other judges).
• Article 124 (1) provides the power to the Parliament to increase the number of judges if it deems necessary.
• The Parliament through The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act, 1956 increased strength of Supreme
Court to ten.
• The Act was last amended in 2009 to increase the judges’ strength from 25 to 31.
Need to increase number of judges
• Huge pendency of cases - As per Law Ministry, currently, 59,331 cases are pending in Supreme Court. Due to
paucity of judges, the required number of constitution benches to decide important cases involving
questions of law were not being formed.
• Low disposal rate- Case disposal rate in Supreme Court remained between 55 to 59% leading to delay in
rendering justice to the public.

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Why in News? What is currency manipulator?
Recently, US formally labeled China a currency manipulator, further escalating Currency manipulation happens
its trade war with China. when governments try to
artificially tweak the exchange
More about news rate to gain an “unfair”
• It's the first time that the US labeled a country a manipulator since the advantage in trade.
1990s, when China was also the target.
• The move came after the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank of China, allowed the yuan to
suddenly depreciate relative to the dollar by 1.9 per cent — one of the biggest single-day falls.
• It signaled that the ongoing trade war between the world’s two biggest economies was now turning into a
currency war as well.
Background of US-China trade war
• The US and China trade is heavily skewed in favour of the China. In 2018, the US had a trade deficit of
$419.2 billion with China.
• In August, 2017, US President Trump asked US Trade Representative to begin an investigation for possible
tariff hikes on Chinese goods.
o It promptly started in January 2018, when Trump imposed a 30 per cent tariff on foreign solar panels and
20 per cent tariff on the first 1.2 million washing machines imported during the year. Both the moves
primarily hurt Chinese interests.
o US imposed heavy tariffs on imported steel and aluminum items from China and it responded by
imposing tit-for-tat tariffs on billions of dollars worth of American imports.
• The dispute escalated in to trade war in which US demanded China to reduce US $375 billion trade deficit,
and introduce “verifiable measures” for protection of Intellectual Property Rights, technology transfer, and
more access to American goods in Chinese markets.
• Made in China 2025 also drew the ire of US because of its focus on making China the dominant player in
emerging fields of technology and manufacturing, as well as its support for domestic firms with subsidies.
Global Impact of trade war
• Lower world GDP: In a report earlier this year, the IMF noted that the US-China trade tension was one factor
that contributed to a “significantly weakened global expansion” late last year, as it cut its global growth
forecast for 2019.
o According to a Bloomberg Economics report, uncertainty over trade could lower world gross domestic
product by 0.6 per cent in 2021 compared to a no-trade-war scenario.
o If US and China continue to raise tariff and non-tariff barriers, the global economic growth rate will fall to
a seven-year low of 2.8% and worse still, the world economy could enter a recession in near future.
• Impact on currencies: These tensions can shift “tariff war" to a potential “currency war". It leads to greater
risks not only for those trading in US and Chinese currencies or their stocks (over 60% of global financial
investors), but also for capital flows between emerging markets that tend to peg the value of their own
currencies to the dollar.
• Coupling with BREXIT: Ongoing trade tensions between the US and China, and the uncertainty due to Brexit
have impacted European countries exports badly especially on Germany which is the world’s third-biggest
trader after the US and China.
• Restructuring of Global value chains (GVCs): Machinery, electronics, and computer equipment account for
60% of US imports from China. These are made via GVCs that share production across a dozen or so
countries. Less demand from the US would mean China buying fewer components and sub-assembly units
from Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Thailand. This will shrink trade and weaken the GVC model.
• Gain for textile industries in South Asia: Textile imports of US have shifted from China towards other
countries in South Asia with Vietnam and Bangladesh witnessing larger increase in exports to USA.

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o Alternatively, cotton imports from USA to China have declined for the first half of 2019 and imports from
other countries including Brazil, Australia and India have increased.
• Weakened WTO: The US steel and aluminum measures in March 2018 on frivolous grounds of national
security was a violation of the WTO spirit.
o The US has no interest in pursuing the WTO’s agreed Doha agenda. By not allowing the appointment of
an Appellate Body judges, it is strangulating the WTO’s dispute panel.
Implications for India
In comparison with US-China trade, India’s total trade with the US was just $ 142 billion in 2018. The size of
India-US trade is less than one fifth of US-China trade. However, this could change to India’s advantage as US
China trade war has opened new avenues for other countries.
• Positive
o Growth in exports: As per a UNCTAD report, India is likely to increase its exports by as much as $11
billion in the long term due to the fall out between the US and China. The increase would come in items
that are currently being imported from China where US companies do not have the competitive edge to
match India.
✓ Indian exports would gain in China for the goods that it today imports from the US.
✓ India’s exports to China have grown much faster than to US post the trade war between the two
largest economies.
o Benefit to some domestic companies: India has benefitted from US-China trade war by exporting more
to China like plastic, cotton, inorganic chemicals and fish. India has a revealed comparative advantage in
some of these commodities.
✓ Indian exporters can take advantages in three distinct sectors: garments, information
communication and technology (ICT) and to some extent in automotive components.
o Increased FDI: There could be increased investment and capital flow between India and the US and India
and China as China and the US seek to disentangle themselves.
✓ Chinese companies have in recent times made a beeline to invest in India especially in the area of
o Benefit to Steel sector: The US is the world’s biggest steel importing country and India’s has been a
bright spot in the global steel industry for long—growing steadily year on year without a break, and the
potential for future growth is also very high.
• Negative
o Value of the Rupee: Due to weakening of the US dollar, which automatically creates a negative impact
on the trade deficit of India, causing a chain reaction of sorts.
o Indian stock markets: Amid concerns over the global trade war, key indices in the Indian share market
dropped due to the cautious approach of the investors.
o India-US duties: As the United States of America imposed duties on steel and aluminum, India now has
to pay approximately $241 million worth of tax to the US.
✓ As far as the manufacturing industry is concerned, the additional duty imposed could have a
detrimental impact, as the cost of production will go up due to the rise in the price of raw
In the wake of US-China trade war, the opportunities and challenges have been created, India needs to double-
down on engaging with US and sorting out things on the trade front. Also, the right step has been taken in which
India is keen to increase its market share in both countries and has carried out a detailed analysis identifying
items where there is potential to increase exports.

Why in News?
Recent Indian Prime Minister’s visit to France for a bilateral summit marked a further consolidation of the strong
Indo-French strategic ties.

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More about News Recent developments
• The discussions broadly focussed on reaffirming • Both countries signed Mutual Logistics Support
Agreement, enables Indian naval warships to now
France and India as the key strategic and like-
seek access to the French naval base in Djibouti to
minded partners, strengthening of the defence refuel for an operational turnaround to return to
partnership — including future defence acquisitions, Indian shores.
progress on set up of the Jaitapur nuclear power • Both countries have planned the launch of 8-10
plant, convergent, strategic and political priorities in satellites as part of a “constellation” for maritime
the Indo-Pacific. surveillance in the Indian Ocean region.
• In the digital space, the two countries have adopted • CNES concluded an agreement with ISRO for
training programmes and bioastronautics for a
a cybersecurity and digital technology road map.
human space flight- (Gaganyaan) by 2022.
o A Cooperation Agreement was signed between • The Indian Railway Station Development
the Centre for Development of Advanced Corporation (IRSDC) entered into a Tripartite
Computing and Atos for developing cooperation Agreement with French National Railways (SNCF) &
in fields of quantum computing, Artificial AFD, a French development agency in order to
Intelligence and exascale supercomputing. support Railway Station Development Program in
Areas of cooperation
• Maritime security cooperation/ Indo-Pacific region:
o Conduct of bilateral naval Exercise Varuna and exchange of information in the area of maritime
o Heightened cooperation at multilateral bodies: For e.g. India support to France’s candidacy at the
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA); France’s chairing of the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) in
2020, will be an opportunity to closely associate India with France’s priorities.
o French military bases in Djibouti, Abu Dhabi, and Reunion Island can be a force multiplier for India,
which itself is looking to build naval facilities in Oman (Duqm), Mauritius and Seychelles (Assumption
• Space
o 2015 MoU signed between the French (CNES) and Indian (ISRO) space agencies enriched cooperation
✓ It led to the finalizing of a joint mission of India’s Oceansat-3 satellite hosting France’s Argos system
for climate monitoring and tracking, scheduled to be launched in 2019.
✓ It has also resulted in the third jointly developed satellite, Trishna, for thermal infrared imaging.
✓ France is also considering contributing to India’s space agency, ISRO’s, upcoming inter-planetary
missions to Mars and Venus.
o The ambitious Joint Vision for Space Cooperation signed in 2018 paved the way for coordinating space
and maritime collaborations and enabled the commencement of work on a constellation of micro-
satellites for maritime surveillance.
• Political/foreign relations: France has emerged as India’s one of the most reliable partner on issues relating
to terrorism and Kashmir.
o France supports India’s candidacy for a seat as a permanent member of the United Nations Security
Council and supported multilateral export control regimes (accession to MTCR in June 2016, Wassenaar
Arrangement in 2017, the Australia Group in January 2018).
• Defence relations:
o France and its defence industry actively contribute to the “Make in India” programme in the defence
o The first conventional submarine, Scorpene, which started being built in India in 2008 with transfer of
technology and support from DCNS, began sea trials in 2015, and the second in January 2017.
o An agreement on India’s acquisition of 36 Rafale fighter jets was concluded in September 2016.
• Counter terrorism: Terror strikes in France in recent years by home-grown terrorists have enlarged the
scope of counter-terrorism cooperation to include cyber security and discussions on radicalisation.
• Bilateral Trade in Goods: In 2018, India-France bilateral trade stood at € 11.52 billion (+7.60%) as compared
to the corresponding period the previous year. India’s exports to France were valued at € 5.99 billion, up
11.77% during this period with a rise in exports.

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• French Investments in India: France has emerged as a major source of FDI for India. France is the 10th
largest foreign investor in India.
o France is focusing on Chandigarh, Nagpur and Puducherry under the flagship programme of Smart
• Nuclear field: In the nuclear field, an agreement was signed about a decade ago for building six EPR nuclear
power reactors with a total capacity of 9.6 GW for which negotiations have been ongoing between the
Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) and Areva, and now EdF.
o The agreement on the industrial way forward between NPCIL and EdF affirms that work at Jaitapur will
commence before the end of 2018.
• Educational relations: Potentially, the most significant was the focus on youth and student exchanges.
Currently about 2,500 Indians go to France annually to pursue higher education, compared to more than
250,000 from China.
• Tourism: A target of a million Indian tourists and 335,000 French tourists has been set for 2020.
• Combating climate change: France and India actively strengthened their cooperation under the 2015 Paris
Agreement on Climate Change. Together, they spearhead the implementation of this Agreement. They
jointly launched the International Solar Alliance.
This is a time for nations like India and France to take the lead and shape the narratives as well as the emerging
institutional frameworks. The visit gives immense possibilities which exist in Indo-French bilateral partnership
and there are growing signs that the political leadership in both countries are keen to exploit them.


Why in News?
Union Defence Minister recently said that India reserves the right to change its policy of 'No First Use' (NFU),
based on future circumstances which has been
No first use policy in other country
the cornerstone of India's nuclear weapons policy
• China was the first to pass such a resolution after it
for decades. became a nuclear power in 1964, portraying it as an
Background indication of the "purely self-defensive nature" of the
country's nuclear strategy.
• "No First Use" is a pledge taken by a country • The United States has never declared a NFU policy.
to not use nuclear weapons as a means of • In 1982, Soviet Union pledged that Moscow would have
warfare unless a rival nation resorts to such an NFU policy and not launch a nuclear weapon during
an action first. conflict. However, in 1993, Russia did away with the
• These policies are generally declaratory in stance and like other states said that it would not use
nature and there is no diplomatic nuclear weapons against other countries who do not
arrangement in place to either verify or possess nuclear arsenal.
enforce it. • Pakistan has made no such commitment.
• As of today, China and India are the only nuclear weapon
o Those that have pledged can still use
states that have maintained an unconditional NFU
nuclear weapons first in a conflict. pledge.
• India adopted the "No First Use" policy after
the Pokhran II tests in 1998, asserting that its newly acquired arsenal will be used only as a deterrent.
• In recent times, many important leaders have called for the policy to be scrapped.
o Late Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said in November 2016 that India should not "bind itself"
through such a pledge
o Lieutenant General BS Nagpal, former commander-in-chief of the Strategic Forces Command, recently
described it as a "formula for disaster".
Significance of NFU for India
• Create image of India as responsible nuclear power: Diplomats have often advanced the country’s
commitment not to use nuclear weapons first as proof of the country being a “responsible” state and
thereby a way to resist any pressures to sign any treaties that would affect its nuclear arsenal. It also helped
India to get NSG waiver, entry into exclusive nuclear groups such as MTCR and Australia group.

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• To avoid conventional war: India’s Nuclear Doctrine
Conventional wars have been avoided • On 4th January 2003 India’s official nuclear doctrine was
between India and Pakistan in the year released. It spelled out two of the contingencies under which
2001 at the backdrop of Parliament nuclear weapons were to be used
attack and in 2008 after the Mumbai o When Indian territory is under a nuclear attack, or
terrorist attack due India’s commitment o Indian forces that may be outside India are under attack.
to NFU policy as against the unclear • The Indian doctrine also stated that it will not use nuclear
nuclear policy of Pakistan. weapons against non-nuclear-powered states, and would
strictly control the export of such materials and technologies.
• First strike requires survivable second-
• The onus of authorising retaliatory attacks was placed on the
strike capability: A first use posture still
civilian political leadership, led by the Prime Minister.
requires a country to have survivable • However, the doctrine included one additional and significant,
second-strike capability as there is caveat: “in the event of a major attack against India, or Indian
nothing such as a “splendid” first strike forces anywhere, by biological or chemical weapons, India will
implying 100% removal of the retain the option of retaliating with nuclear weapons”.
adversary’s assets and leadership. • India remains committed to the goal of a nuclear weapon’s
• Civilian control: This ensure that free world, through global, verifiable and non-discriminatory
command and control stay firmly with nuclear disarmament.
the civilian political leadership.
• Global No First Use (GNFU) order: NFU for India also presents an opportunity for cooperation with China to
work jointly towards a Global No First Use (GNFU) order. Notably, there is considerable convergence
regarding the belief of nuclear weapons being restricted to the political realm.
Reason for calls for change in stance
• Pakistan's Tactical Nuke threats: Time and again Pakistan keeps talking about the use of tactical nuclear
weapons (TNW) against the Indian forces if any attempt is made to enter its territory. Also, India’s
conventional advantage has been blunted by Pakistan via use of sub-conventional assets such as terrorists
• Power a symmetry between India and China: The conventional disparity between India and China is not just
huge but also more palpable. This is putting immense pressure on India’s NFU policy.
• India would have to suffer a first strike before it retaliated: It is argued that NFU doctrine is not ideal when
India is on a two-front war with both China and Pakistan and they simultaneously launch offensives.
Challenges India might face in changing stance
• India’s Image: Reconsidering NFU policy may adversely damage India’s long earned reputation as a
responsible state.
• Affect India’s relation with neighbour: Adopting a first strike policy will affect India’s relationship with
neighbours like Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bhutan as they will start fearing India. Here they can
also go closer to China as it can be an alternative protector of them due to its commitment to NFU policy till
• Existing nuclear structure: If India has to switch from NFU, it will have to make substantial changes to
existing nuclear structures, alert levels, deployment and command and control arrangements. This will
involve a sizeable increase in delivery systems and warheads.
• China may also revise its NFU Policy: If India changes its NFU policy, it gives China opportunity to revise its
own NFU policy, leading to more tension in South Asia.
All doctrines need periodic reviews and India’s nuclear doctrine is no exception. With the rapidly changing
strategic environment if India’s policymakers feel the need to review the nation’s nuclear doctrine, they should
be cognizant of the costs involved in so doing. A sound policy debate can only ensure if the costs and benefits of
a purported policy shift are discussed and debated widely.

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Why in news?
Recently, the 10th Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Ministerial Meeting (10th MGC MM) was held in Bangkok,
Highlights of the meeting
• The new MGC Plan of Action 2019-2022 was adopted that envisages
o project-based cooperation in the seven areas of MGC cooperation, namely tourism and culture,
education, public health and traditional medicine, agriculture and allied sectors, transport and
communication, MSMEs
o three new areas of cooperation, i.e. water resources management, science and technology, skill
development and capacity building.
• The ministers agreed to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of MGC in 2020.
• The ministers reiterated the importance of tourism cooperation and recalled that 2019 has been identified
as the "India-ASEAN Tourism Year”.
About Mekong- Ganga Cooperation
• It is an initiative by six countries – India and five ASEAN countries, namely, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar,
Thailand and Vietnam for cooperation in tourism, culture, education, as well as transport and
• It was launched in 2000 at Vientiane, Laos.
• Both the Ganga and the Mekong are civilizational rivers, and the MGC initiative aims to facilitate closer
contacts among the people inhabiting these two major river basins.
• It is also indicative of the cultural and commercial linkages among the member countries of the MGC down
the centuries.
Why Mekong Ganga Cooperation is significant for India?
• Reaffirmation of India’s Act East Policy by effectively integrating with the region.
• Development of North East Region if trade and industry flourish in the entire region overland trade via
Myanmar to many MGC countries. Brahmaputra Valley is a key aspect in making the Mekong- Ganga
Cooperation Project effective and harvesting favorable social and economic gains.
• Boost to cultural and commercial cooperation.
• Make in India- Wide experience of Mekong countries in manufacturing can be utilised by India in its make in
India endeavour.
• Balancing China’s assertiveness in the region. China’s dominance can be seen in controlling the waters of
Mekong river upstream.
• Stronger place in World Politics India’s political leadership in the region will provide it a high ground in the
world politics.

2.5. G-7
Why in news?
Recently, India was invited as a special guest for attending the 45th G-7 Summit in France.
About G-7
• It is an intergovernmental organisation that was formed in 1975.
• Initially it was formed as an effort by the US and its allies to discuss economic issues, which included battling
a global oil crisis.
• The G7 or 'Group of Seven' are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United
States which discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, and energy policy.
• The G7 was known as the ‘G8’ for several years after the original seven were joined by Russia in 1997. The
Group returned to being called G7 after Russia was expelled as a member in 2014 following the latter’s
annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine.

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• The G7 nations meet at annual Summits that are presided over by leaders of member countries on a
rotational basis.
• The G7 does not have a formal constitution or a fixed headquarters. The decisions taken by leaders during
annual Summits are non-binding.
• India is not a member of the G7 group.
Issues faced by G-7
• Creating inequality: According to Oxfam International, G7 leaders are creating a wide gap between the
‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ both in their countries as well as across the globe.
• Domination of US: The G7 has turned into a collection of bilateral talks mostly tailored to suit the US
• Limited to economic issues: G7 is not capable of addressing issues outside of economic issues like terrorism,
nuclear proliferation, climate change etc. Moreover, these issues needs cannot be solved without the help of
non-G7 countries.
• No involvement of major countries like Russia, China etc: The rise of India, China, and Brazil over the past
few decades has been reducing the G7’s relevance, whose share in global GDP has now fallen to around
40%. The G7’s future has been challenged by continued tensions with Russia, disagreements over trade and
climate policies
• Competition from G20: Group of Twenty’s (G20) rise is becoming as an alternative forum. The power and
prestige of the G20 has surpassed that of the G7. Emerging powers including Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and
South Africa, whose absence from the G7 was often noted, all belong to the G20. The group’s member states
represent about 80 percent of global GDP and two-thirds of the world’s population.
Ultimately, the G7, like many other steering mechanisms developed in the 20th century, is struggling to find
relevance in a world order marked by so-called “coalitions of convenience.” There is a growing realization that
revamping the post-war order for the twenty-first century requires new member nations, especially from Asia
and Africa. India is leveraging its heft in the international order as issues such as trade, Kashmir, and India’s
relations with Russia and Iran were all discussed with G7 members.

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Why in news? Related Information
Recently, the draft legislation of the new Direct Tax • What is a Direct Tax?
Code (DTC) was submitted by the task force, headed o These are the taxes, paid directly to the
by Akhilesh Ranjan, to the Government of India. government by the taxpayer. Under the direct tax
system, the incidence and impact of taxation fall on
More on the news the same entity, which cannot be transferred to
• The Direct Tax Code (DTC) is an attempt by the another person.
Government of India to simplify the direct tax o It is termed as a progressive tax because the
laws in India. proportion of tax liability rises as an individual or
entity's income increases.
o It will revise, consolidate and simplify the
o Examples- Income tax, corporate Tax, Dividend
structure of direct tax laws in India into a Distribution Tax, Capital Gain Tax, Security
single legislation. Transaction Tax.
o When implemented, it will replace the • The system of Direct taxation is governed by the
Income-tax Act, 1961 (ITA), and other direct Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). It is a part of the
tax legislations like the Wealth Tax Act, Department of Revenue in the Ministry of Finance.
• The task force was constituted by the government to frame draft legislation for this proposed DTC in
November 2017 and review the existing Income Tax Act.
Need Trends of Direct Tax collection
• The Income Tax Act, 1961 with over 700 sections • There has been a growth of more than 80% in the
number of returns filed in the last four financial
was drafted as per the nature of Indian economy in
years and direct tax-GDP ratio rose to 5.98% in FY
1960s and the capacity to mobilize resources from
2017-18, the highest it has been in the last 10
taxpayers directly. years.
• However, in these 58 years, there have been • Further, the number of persons filing income tax
following developments- returns also increased by about 65% during period
o Changes in the Indian economy towards from 2014-2018.
liberalisation and privatisation. • Moreover, Direct Tax-GDP ratio rose to 5.98% in
o Changes in the Global economy towards more FY 2017-18, which is highest in the last 10 years.
integration and globalisation. This shows a sign of improvement of Tax-Buoyancy
o Changes in the models of doing business such in the economy.
as e-commerce.
o Changes in the technology which can be leveraged towards better tax administration
• Also, the IT Act has been amended various times which has made it complex and increased tax litigations.
Key Provisions of the draft DTC
• Rejig of tax brackets- to widen them and which can bring a significant relief for the middle and upper middle
o A common corporate rate of 25% will apply to both large local as well as foreign companies that are
present in India without a subsidiary.
• Removal of Surcharges and Cesses- which are currently imposed above a certain income slab and for
specific purposes.
• Negotiated Settlements- a new concept of settling disputes through mediation between the taxpayer and a
collegium of officers. Here, the assessee will only have to pay the tax and interest and no penalty in case of a
negotiated settlement.
• Assessment System- creation of an assessment unit to replace an assessing officer and a separate litigation
unit. It has favoured jurisdiction-free, anonymous assessment by domain experts with the involvement of
senior officials.
• Incentives for Start-Ups- by treating them differently from that of a normal company. It is proposed that the
funds raised by the start-ups will not require any kind of scrutiny.

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• Simplification of processes for taxpayers- due to features such as basic tax slabs and limited number of
efforts needed to file taxes.
o E.g. Surcharge and cess complicate the tax calculations especially for tax-deduction purposes and also
add to unnecessary disputes.
• Expansion of tax base- as large number of Significance of Direct tax collection
people will be covered in the lowest tax slab, • High Tax buoyancy: It is an important metric to know
the expected level of government borrowings from the
which will promote voluntary tax compliance.
debt market. Higher tax buoyancy would mean the
o Despite being a country of over 1.3 billion government would borrow less, keeping interest rates
people, there are only 74 million effective lower, while giving room for corporates also to borrow
taxpayers in India as per the last count. at lower rates thus reducing crowding out effect in the
• Address contemporary needs- such as greater economy.
mobility of capital, capital account • Fiscal Health: High rate of direct tax collection increases
convertibility, tax competition among countries. spending capacity of government on social sectors such
o Further, it will be capable of dealing with as education and health, without compromising the
new business models in a digital economy. fiscal prudence in the economy.
Evolution of the digital economy has • Maintaining Inflationary Trends: High rate of direct tax
collection helps in maintaining the optimum interest
allowed companies to offer their services
rate in the economy, which in turn assists in
despite not having physical presence in a
maintaining the inflationary pressure.
country. • Lower Indirect tax: Higher direct tax collections could
• Bring objectivity in tax architecture- as the lower the tax burden on the poor by creating fiscal
draft has also proposed concrete principles of space for a reduction in GST rates.
taxation, which would guide the future tax
proposals by all governments.
• Reduction in malpractices- through faceless assessment, whereby there will be no requirement of physical
presence of the assesse (tax payer) or the identity of the assessor (tax official).
o There is an emphasis on reducing litigation and making the interface of the department with taxpayers
anonymous to eliminate harassment and corruption.
• Boost to savings and investment- as the corporate tax regime will be rationalised which will create
predictability in the minds of individual and corporate players.
o The DTC also pays specific attention to startups under stressed positions due to taxation.
o The capital gains tax regime, minimum alternate tax and dividend distribution tax have also been
reviewed by the task force.
Way Forward
• Although previous efforts to develop an alternative mechanism for settlement of tax disputes, including
mediation, have not had too much success, but it can be ensured through the DTC in the following way-
o There is a need for a robust database of jurisprudence, and proper training to tax officers, chartered
accountants and other professionals empanelled to ensure a proper, effective and impartial approach to
settling litigation.
o Periodically release internal manuals, which contain the revenue department’s interpretation of the
provisions keeping in mind court rulings.
• Further, there should be an institutional mechanism, with participation of all the stakeholders, to
periodically oversee the changing requirement and amend the DTC as required.


Why in news?
Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) decided to transfer a surplus of Rs 1.76 lakh crore to the Government
of India exchequer.
• One of the many issues of friction between the government and the central bank is the transfer of higher
surplus by the latter to the government.

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o The RBI transfers the “surplus”, i.e. the excess of income
over expenditure, to the government, in accordance with
Section 47 (Allocation of Surplus Profits) of the Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1934.
o Earlier, the RBI used keep a major chunk of this surplus for its
contingency and asset development. However, after the
Malegam Committee (2013) recommendations its transfer
of surplus increased.
• Last year, RBI formed a committee under the chairmanship of
Bimal Jalan to review the provisions under the Economic Capital
• Recently, based on the recommendations of the committee, the
RBI Central Board has decided to increase its net transfer to the
• The recent transfer includes Rs 1.23 lakh crore of surplus for
2018-19 and Rs 52,637 crore of excess provisions identified
under a revised Economic Capital Framework (ECF) adopted by
the RBI board.
o The transferred amount is over three times the five-year
average of Rs 53,000 crore.
o The higher surplus is due to the long-term forex swaps and
the open market operations (OMO) conducted by the central
bank over the last fiscal.
How does the RBI accumulate these resources?
Key Recommendations of the Committee • Apart from keeping inflation in check, the RBI also
performs following activities-
• Guiding principle- The committee has given the o Management of the borrowings of the
recommendations on the principle that the Governments in India,
alignment of the objectives of the government o Regulation of banks and non-banking finance
and the RBI is important. companies,
• Defines economic capital- as a combination of o Management of the currency and payment
realized equity and revaluation reserves. (Central systems.
Board has decided to keep this entire capital at • While carrying out these functions or operations, it
the level of 24.5-20%) makes profits. It also earns through-
o Its foreign currency assets (bonds & treasury bills
o Realized equity- it is a form of contingency
of other central banks and deposits with other
fund for meeting all risks/losses primarily central banks).
built up from retained earnings. The o Its holdings of local rupee-denominated
committee states that the entire income government bonds or securities, and while
above the realised equity should be lending to banks for very short tenures, such as
transferred. It currently stands at 6.8% and overnight.
the committee recommends it to be in the o It claims a management commission on handling
range of 6.5-5.5% of the balance sheet. the borrowings of state governments and the
(Central Board has decided to set this at 5.5% central government.
of the balance sheet). • Its expenditure is majorly on the printing of currency
notes and on staff salaries.
o Revaluation reserves- it comprises of the
periodic marked-to-market unrealized/notional gains/losses in values of foreign currencies and gold,
foreign securities and rupee securities, and a contingency fund.
• Surplus Distribution Policy- which targets the level of realized equity to be maintained by RBI within the
overall level of its economic capital.
Arguments in favour
• More Judicious use of resources- as the RBI’s reserves are far in excess of prudential requirements. These
funds be utilised to provide capital to government-owned banks.
o It can help offset the expected shortfalls in various tax revenues in 2019-20 and aid the government in
meeting its fiscal deficit target.

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o It will also improve the yield of the government securities due to improved financing capability.
• Help government deal with economic slowdown- which can be addressed using these resources to provide
fiscal stimulus to a sagging economy, reduce off-balance sheet borrowings or meet the expected shortfall in
revenue collections.
• Many governments decide on this issue- e.g. in Japan, the government decides the quantum of surplus
which the central bank transfers to the government.
• Strong position of the Reserve Bank- which had an overall fifth rank in 2018 at 26.8 per cent of its balance
sheet with respect to central banking economic capital.
Arguments against
• Buffer against externalities- such as potential threats from financial shocks, and the need to ensure financial
stability and provide confidence to the markets.
• Crucial towards autonomy- of the Reserve Bank, which can be ensured only, maintaining a larger reserve, so
that it doesn’t depend on Government in times of financial stress.
o In the backdrop of resignation of the last RBI Governor, this move has been criticised by some experts as
having led to erosion of autonomy of RBI.
• Can create inflationary pressures- in the economy with an immediate increased government spending, if it is
not done in a proper manner.
Way Forward
In the future, it should be the endeavour of both the Government and the Reserve Bank to ensure that both risks
management and needs of the economy are balanced.


Why in news?
Recently government announced to merge 10 state-owned banks to create four large banks.
More in News
• Under the plan, Oriental Bank of Commerce and United Bank of India will be merged with Punjab National
Bank; Canara Bank with Syndicate Bank; Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank with Union Bank of India; and
Allahabad Bank with Indian Bank.
• This merger would bring number of public schedule bank in India from 27 before 2017, to 12.
Benefits of Bank Merger
• Global Banks: Big Indian Banks can slowly and gradually transform themselves into global banks. With
consolidation, the Indian banks will gain greater recognition and higher rating in the global market.
• Risk management and large loans: Merger will result in better NPA and Risk management. Also, Banks will
not be reluctant to approve big loans to averse the risk.
• Customer service: Larger size of the Bank will help the merged banks to offer more products and services
and help in integrated growth of the Banking sector.
• Human Resource: The wide disparities between the staff of various banks in their service conditions and
monetary benefits will narrow down
• Improve regulation: From regulatory perspective, monitoring and control of a smaller number of banks will
be easier after mergers.
• To Reduce cost:
o These banks are owned by government and each bank are competing with other for the same pie (in
terms of deposits or loans) in the same narrow geographies, leading to each one incurring costs.
o The volume of inter-bank transactions will come down, resulting in saving of considerable time in
clearing and reconciliation of accounts.
Challenges in Bank Merger
• Overlook regional requirement: Many banks focus on regional banking requirements. With the merger the
very purpose of establishing the bank to cater to regional needs is lost.

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• Too big to fail: When a big bank books huge loss or crumbles, there will be a big jolt in the entire banking
industry. Its repercussions will be felt everywhere.
• Job Loss: Mergers will result in immediate job losses on account of large number of people taking VRS on
one side and slow down or stoppage of further recruitment on the other.
• Cultural clash: Mergers will result in clash of different organizational cultures. Conflicts will arise in the area
of systems and processes too.
• Disruption in services: It may lead to deterioration of services and disruption in the near term as the merger
process gets under way. This will lead to a further slowdown in lending for a while.
Steps to be taken
• Standard process: There is no standard procedure to choose the banks for merger. The government should
design a standard process for merger.
• Consultation with stakeholders: All stakeholders must be taken into confidence, before the merger exercise
is started.
• Reduce the NPA first: The government should clean the bank book first and then consolidate the weak bank
with the strong bank.
• Governance reforms: Along with bank consolidation government should take immediate measures to
improve governance and get desired result.


Why in News?
Finance minister recently announced setting up a development bank as a slew of measures to boost the
economy and financial market sentiments.
What is development Bank
• Development banks are financial institutions that provide long-term credit for capital-intensive investments
spread over a long period.
• These banks also extended useful services such as in-house technical expertise, underwriting new capital
issuance and creating confidence in other lenders.
• They performed a counter-cyclical role to ensure investment flows even during economic downturns and
actively supported regional integration and the internationalisation of domestic companies.
Source of fund
• To lend for long term, development banks require correspondingly long-term sources of finance, usually
obtained by issuing long-dated securities in capital market, subscribed by long-term savings institutions
such as pension and life insurance funds and post office deposits.
• Considering the social benefits of such investments, and uncertainties associated with them, development
banks are often supported by governments or international institutions.
o Such support can be in the form of tax incentives and administrative mandates for private sector banks
and financial institutions to invest in securities issued by development banks.
Development bank in India
• In India, development banking was started immediately after independence.
• Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) is the first development bank in India. It started in 1948 to
provide finance to medium and large-scale industries in India.
• After 1991, following the Narasimham Committee reports on financial sector reforms, development finance
institutions were disbanded and got converted to commercial banks.
Differences between Commercial banks and Development banks
Commercial banks Development banks
Provide short term loans. Provide long term loans.
Accept deposits from the public. Accept deposits from commercial banks, Central and State governments.
Direct finance to customers. Provide refinancing facilities to commercial banks.

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Reason for recent demand for development bank
• Recent Economic slowdown: For instance, during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, development financial
institutions played an important countercyclical role in many jurisdictions, by scaling up their lending
operations when private financial institutions experienced temporary difficulties in granting credit.
• The problem in long term lending: Project finance has been a domain of DFIs since long. DFI transforming to
a bank had a negative impact on lending long term funds as banks have access to short term resources and
not to long term resources.
• Loss of core competence: When a bank offers a variety of products under an umbrella brand, there is a
possibility that the multi-product bank would lose sight of their core competence and would face a greater
risk by participating in untested activities.
Reliable and well-administered development financial institutions with a well-defined mandate and sound
governance framework is an important vehicle to accelerate economic and social development. They can create
new channels to crowd-in the private sector. Moreover, they can play a catalytical role by generating new
knowledge, convening stakeholders, and providing technical assistance to build capacity in the private and public


Why in News?
What is cyclic slowdown?
Recent economic data Indicates that there is • A cyclical slowdown is a period of lean economic activity
slowdown in Indian economy that occurs at regular intervals. Such slowdowns last over
Current situation in India the short-to-medium term, and are based on the changes in
the business cycle.
• GDP: The recently released government
• Generally, interim fiscal and monetary measures,
data showed that Gross domestic product
temporary recapitalisation of credit markets, and need-
(GDP) grew at 5% in the first quarter of based regulatory changes are required to revive the
FY20. This is marking the slowest growth economy.
since the fourth quarter of FY13. What is structural slowdown?
• Investment: The investment rate as • A structural slowdown, on the other hand, is a more deep-
measured by Gross Fixed Capital Formation rooted phenomenon. It is driven by disruptive technologies,
(GFCF) as a per cent of GDP is showing a changing demographics, and/or change in consumer
declining trend. behaviour.
o GFCF as a per cent of GDP has declined • Fixing such problems would require the government to
from 34.3 per cent in 2011 to 28.8 per undertake some structural policies. The best example in
this regard would be the reforms that were carried out to
cent in 2018.
address the crisis in 1991.
o Similarly, the GFCF in the private sector
Is slowdown cyclic or structural?
declined from 26.9 per cent in 2011 to • There has been a lot of discussion regarding the economic
21.4 per cent in 2018. slowdown that India is currently experiencing.
• Saving: Saving declined from 32.7 per cent • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in its annual report for
in 2011 to 29.3 per cent in 2018. The decline 2018-19, has said that the recent deceleration could be in
in savings rate is because the economy is the nature of a soft patch mutating into a cyclical
experiencing a declining wage growth (both downswing, rather than a deep structural slowdown.
rural and urban wages). • Although RBI acknowledge that there are still structural
• Wages: Rural wage growth has declined issues in land, labour, agricultural marketing and the like,
from 27.7 per cent in FY14 to less than 5 per which need to be addressed.
cent in FY19.
o The corporate wages have also exhibited a single-digit growth in FY19 compared to a double-digit
growth a few years back.
• Export: During the period from 2011-2018, exports as a per cent of GDP also declined from 24.5 per cent to
19.6 per cent.
• Inflation: The inflation rate in the economy has declined from 10.03 per cent in FY13 to 3.41 per cent in
FY19. Low inflation rate depicts weakening of demand that would discourage fresh investments and job

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Causes of slowdown
• Global economy: With the US-China Trade war and Brexit, global sentiments have remained poor, making
the prospects of an export-led growth bleak.
• Series of disruptions: A series of reform like Demonetisation, GST etc create disruptions in economy and
gives a severe blow to consumption and export growth.
• Tight monetary and fiscal policy: Since 2016-17, the monetary policy was focused on inflation. combined
fiscal deficit of the centre and the state was high. And government committed to lowering its fiscal deficit, it
left little room for government to increase its spending to boost the economy.
• Financial sector: Stress in financial sector due to rising NPA and NBFC crisis created liquidity crunch
Steps taken by government to revive economy
• Capital Infusion in Banks: The government announced upfront capital infusion of Rs 70,000 crore into public
sector banks.
• Mega of banks: The government announced merger of 10 public sector banks into four.
• Rollback of surcharge on FPI: The government has announced rollback of enhanced surcharge on foreign
portfolio investors and domestic portfolio investors which was announced in budget. The government also
announced to simplify KYC for FPI.
o The announcement on removal of surcharge is expected to provide the market some comfort as FPIs had
withdrawn close to $ 3.4 billion since July.
• No angel tax: it will be withdrawn for start-ups and their investors.
• FDI easing: Government allowed 100% FDI in commercial coal mining and allowed as much in contract
manufacturing through the automatic route. Government also give relaxation in 30% local sourcing norms
for single-brand retail.
• Relief for Indian companies: The finance ministry notified a scheme to settle the indirect tax disputes in the
pre-GST era, named Sabka Vishwas legacy dispute resolution scheme, which was announced in the union
budget for FY20.
• Relief in CSR: CSR violations will not be treated as criminal offence, instead they will be treated as civil
• To boost real estate: The government announced ₹30,000-crore liquidity support to the struggling housing
finance companies (HFCs).
• Help for MSME: MSMEs to get all their pending GST refunds within 30 days. Further, all GST refunds of
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) will be paid within 60 days from the date of application.
Steps to be taken
Short-term action
• On monetary policy
o Action is needed to reduce the repo rate. A real rate of borrowing of 2.5% cannot be conducive to
borrowing when animal spirits are weak. Banks will have to transmit rate reductions, requiring an
institutional mechanism (as the RBI Governor has indicated).
o The rupee has to be allowed to depreciate slowly, since the rising real effective exchange rate has hurt
• On fiscal policy
o The RBI stressed on continued focus on reforms in factors of production, faster implementation of
capital expenditure by public authorities, among others.
o Given the limited fiscal space, the only possibilities of raising revenues are of the non-tax type: monetise
government and PSU land as rapidly as possible.
o The goal of divesting government equity in public enterprises and in PSBs will also generate resources for
increasing public infrastructure investment—which should crowd in private investment. It could be
partly used to recapitalise PSBs.
Long term action
• Banking sector reform: Strengthening the banking and non-banking sectors gives a big push for spending on
infrastructure and revive consumption and private investment. Strengthening the bankruptcy code would be
a game changer for banks in resolving stressed assets.

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• Prioritize growth-friendly policies: The Indian government should pursue reforms in the areas of urban
governance; housing, land, credit, and labor markets; and infrastructure contracting. It should also seek to
shrink the informal economy and expand the tax base, while also improving state capacity and personnel
• Focus on Agriculture sector: For sustainable growth, agricultural growth must be 4% plus pa. That requires a
tilt away from the price- and subsidy-based current regime to a strategy-based one on public investment in
• Focus on Industrialization: India, despite being a developing economy, has adopted a service-led growth
strategy by bypassing the industrialization effort, with the share of services at 54 percent of the economy.
This phenomenon hindered in generating enough jobs for its teeming millions and growth in income is
• Foster greater federalism: Indian states should be allowed to engage both cooperatively and competitively
with the central government and with each other. Proactive bottom-up actions by state governments will be
needed to effectively scale up the fragmented agricultural sector and industrial production.


Why in news?
According to Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) data, Auto-industry witnessed steep dip in sale
in month of July.
Reasons for slowdown
• NBFC crisis: Nearly half the vehicles sold in rural markets are financed by non-banking financial companies
(NBFCs). Since IL&FS crisis last year auto-industry faces a severe liquidity crunch which almost drying up
credit for dealers and customers.
• Policy reset: Meddling by multiple ministries and policy flip-flops like leapfrogging from BS IV to BS VI,
sudden diesel ban, New axle load norms and EV thrust have hurt sales
o There is a possibility that some customers are waiting to buy the latest Bharat Stage (BS)-VI emission
standard compliant vehicles or are waiting for more incentives from vehicle makers who will be looking
to sell off their BS-IV compliant stocks before the April 1, 2020 deadline.
o In July 2018, the government increased the official maximum load-carrying capacity of heavy vehicles by
20-25 percent with the aim of bringing down logistics costs. This adversely affects sale of commercial
o The lack of a clear migration policy towards Electric Vehicles (EV) creates confusion among buyers,
contributing towards a reduction in auto sales.
• Multiple shocks: Starting with demonetization, many decisions like GST roll-out and multi-year insurance
have weighed heavy on consumers.
• Shared mobility: Tech-led shared mobility from firms such as Ola and Uber have dented demand in urban
• Election pause: Big transitions like elections are known to push consumers into wait-and-watch mode on
buying costly items like cars.
• Growing organised pre-owned vehicle market: Over the past five years, the size of pre-owned market has
expanded significantly, with higher share of organised players. This may impact new vehicle demand,
especially in case of sharp price hikes.
Impact of slowdown
• Overall Economy: The automobile industry supports the steel, chemicals, textiles and other sectors as well,
and any slowdown will impact the broader economy.
• Job loss: According to the latest figures that are available, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have
removed about 15,000 temporary workers in the past two to three months. A lack of working capital amid
tepid demand has led to closure of nearly 300 dealerships across the country. This has led to over two lakh
people losing their jobs, according to the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA)
• Revenue loss: Auto-industry accounting for about 11% of the entire GST revenues of the country. Any
slowdown would impact exchequer heavily.

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Steps taken by government
• The Centre lift the ban on purchase of new vehicles for replacing all old vehicles by government departments
• BS-IV vehicles purchased up to March 2020 will remain operational for the entire period of registration
• The government allow an additional 15 per cent depreciation, taking it to 30 per cent, on all vehicles
acquired till March 2020.
• Revision of one-time registration fee to be deferred till June 2020.
o In July 2019, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) had issued a draft notification that
proposed to increase the registration charges for new IC engine powered vehicles to Rs 5,000 from the
current Rs 600. This was met with intense resistance from the auto industry.
• The government promised to introduce new scrappage policy soon.
Way Forward
• A reduction in GST to 18% from the current rate of 28% will help in an immediate price reduction and boost
• Government should take timely measures to handle the NBFC crisis to infuse liquidity into the system


Why in news?
Talks on Bond yield and Bond Inversion were recently in news amid global slowdown and rising fears of
recession. In India, government bond yields fell sharply in the wake of the Union Budget.
Bond and Bond Yield
• A bond is a debt instrument issued by a country’s government or by a company to raise funds and having a
maturity period of more than one year.
• Every bond has a price fixed by the issuer known as face value and an annual interest known as coupon
• Later when the bond is traded in the secondary market, its price fluctuates in response to changes in interest
rates in the economy, demand for the instrument, time to maturity, and credit quality of that particular
• The effective rate of return or the profit that the bond earns is called as Bond Yield and is calculated by
dividing the bond's coupon rate by its face value. Bond
Yield Curve
Yield has an inverse relationship with the bond price. • It is a graphical representation of yields for
• Government bonds (referred to as G-secs in India, bonds (with an equal credit rating) over
Treasury in the US, and Gilts in the UK) come with the different time horizons.
sovereign’s guarantee and are considered one of the • The term is normally used for government
safest investments compare to other investment bonds which come with the same sovereign
options like shares, corporate bonds etc. guarantee.
• Thus, when an economy slows, investors prefers to • If bond investors expect the economy to grow
invest in government bonds, leading to rise in their normally, yield curve is upward sloping.
demand and prices and thus fall in their yields. • When the economy is expected to grow only
marginally, the yield curve is flat.
• On the other hand, when an economy grows, there will
• And the yield curve is inverted when the
be rise in inflation leading to increase in repo rate. This economy is expected to slow down.
may increase rate of interest in other investment
options thus decreasing the demand for government bonds and their prices leading to rise in their yield.
• Bond yields can therefore be a useful parameter in assessing economic health.
Bond Yield Inversion
• Yield inversion happens when the yield on a longer tenure bond becomes less than the yield for a shorter
tenure bond.
• A yield inversion typically signals a recession.
• An inverted yield curve shows that investors expect the future growth to fall sharply; in other words, the
demand for money would be much lower than what it is today and hence the yields are also lower.

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Why in news?
In budget session, Finance Minister proposed a social stock exchange (SSE) under the regulatory ambit of the
Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to support social enterprises and non-profits in raising funds.
About Social Stock Exchange (SSE) Impact Investment in India
• It is an electronic fundraising platform that allows • Impact Investment is the investments made into
investors to buy shares in a social enterprise businesses with the aim to make a measurable
that has been vetted by the exchange. social, economic and environmental impact while
o Social enterprises, volunteer groups and also generating a range of returns, from profit to
welfare organisations will be listed on this publicity.
platform so that they can raise capital. • India is considered a breeding ground for (social)
o Social enterprise is a revenue-generating impact investing due to the enormous size of its
demography and the unfulfilled demands for social
business whose primary objective is to
and economic services.
achieve a social objective, for example,
• The reduced public investment in priority sectors like
providing healthcare or clean energy. primary education, health, housing, water and
• It will act as crowd-sourcing platforms for fund- sanitation etc. has allowed the growth of the private
raising by non-profit entities aimed at impact entrepreneurial space.
investment and transparency. • Impact investments are growing in India, and in six
• Globally, at least ten SSEs have been set up, years between 2010 and 2016, the impact investing
including in Canada, the UK, Singapore, Kenya, sector in the country attracted over $5.2 billion.
South Africa, Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, Austria and Jamaica.
Need for SSE
• No such platform: Currently, there are no dedicated online information or investment platforms to serve
“for-profit” social enterprises. Some privately-owned crowdfunding platforms for non-profits do exist, but
they cover only a small fraction of NGOs.
• Small fraction of donors: Access to, and availability of, funds is one of the biggest problems for social
enterprises and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Currently, there is only a small crop of individual
donors who contribute money to such entities.
• Social welfare objectives: Government also wants to meet various social welfare objectives related to
inclusive growth and financial inclusion.
• Less impact investment in India: There is need to grow the impact investment market & funds flow to these
pro-social/pro-environmental businesses; and enable access for all to impact investment - in order that
capital markets serve the needs of society.
• Alignment with investors: Currently, it is a challenge for many enterprises to raise funds because they need
investors aligning with the thought of having such unique investments while also being focussed on financial
Benefit of Social Stock Exchange (SSE)
• It is an innovative measure to involve public participation in social causes through the equity route.
• It can be helpful in bringing in significant additional capital to support entrepreneurs working to improve
the lives of underserved populations, thereby accelerating inclusive growth.
• It will bring together social enterprises and impact investors on a common platform.
• It make the exercise much cheaper for them by standardisation of the process and does away with the need
to engage and negotiate directly.
• For non-profits companies, a SSE can enable fund-raising as well as information on operations and
financials through standardised reporting.
• A fund-raising platform that has regulatory oversight can improve credibility and help ameliorate the
difficulties non-profits face in fund-raising.
• Lack of clarity on trading & tax benefit: There is no clarity about trading, tax benefit transferability and
accountability of third parties availing of funds raised from this platform. There is also some confusion on
whether the ‘exchange' will involve trading in securities issued by non-profit bodies.

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• No proper records: Most NGOs are not good at keeping records and maintaining a paper trail. This could
affect channelisation and tracking of funds particularly in case of smaller players, who do not have the
resources to manage and keep records.
• No financial returns: Such securities do not offer financial returns apart from the social impact return. In this
case, the Return on investment (ROI) will most likely be the benefit to the social welfare objective the
investor is contributing towards.
• Limited to registered companies only: Only registered companies can list on stock exchanges. There are
other unregistered entities doing good work in health, education and policy advocacy.
• Accreditation: The biggest issue is still accreditation at all levels— among investors, social businesses, and
the intermediaries that act as vital brokers and valuation experts in the field. Getting enough “genuine”
social impact companies becomes difficult.
Way forward
• Define the organisations: The contours of a ‘social enterprise’ and a ‘voluntary organisation working for the
realisation of a social welfare objective’ will have to be defined – because, the wider the scope of these
terms, the more diverse will the regulatory framework need to be.
• Proper policies: SEBI’s extensive expertise notwithstanding, the extent of overhaul it will require over the
existing infrastructure, the totality of the new laws, policies and formulations that need to be drafted and
the time it will take to achieve and finally launch the SSE may be gauged only after the specifics have been
brought forth.
• Proper ROI methodology: It would seem that trading in instruments issued by social welfare organisations
will require an additional mechanism that calculates the value of each such instrument on the basis of the
ROI methodology that is devised.
• Education, training, and awareness: This would allow social businesses to attract capital and set them apart
as a special "asset class" like traditional for-profit investments.
• Creating social businesses: There are efforts underway to create and support social businesses, but we need
• Research and development: This knowledge would provide the right framework within which investors can
make more holistic decisions that include social businesses and SSEs.
• Regular assessment: An assessment of how effective the current provisions are and what efforts are
required to enable social enterprises to fully leverage them would be useful.
• Coordination between different bodies: Another task for the government is to work with NGOs and social
enterprises and prepare them to absorb large funds.

Why in news?
Recently, some experts have suggested that the existing systems of microcredit have a limited impact on the
long-term wellbeing of the recipients.
• Microcredit refers to the granting of very small loans to impoverished borrowers, with the aim of enabling
the borrowers to use that capital to become self-employed and strengthen their businesses.
• Loans given as microcredit are often given to people who may lack collateral, credit history, or a steady
source of income.
• The core idea of microcredit is that a small loan will provide access to the larger economy to people who
typically live outside the scope of the institutions on which the mainstream economy rests.
• Microcredit falls under the larger umbrella of microfinance, financial services for individuals who don’t have
access to traditional services of this kind.
• In India, the microcredit model has been dominated by the Self Help Group movement.
o It now has a savings account balance of Rs. 19,500 cr and credit outstanding of over Rs. 75,500 cr.
o There are more than 5000 channel partners and 8.7 Million groups touching more than 100 Million rural

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• Recently, a review article published in, Ideas for India, a policy research portal claimed that certain flaws in
how microcredit transactions occur has led to the outcomes having muted benefits in improving the lives of
its beneficiaries in a meaningful way.
Benefits of microcredit
• Poverty alleviation- as these small loans helps them to begin production and attain self-sufficiency.
• Promoting Entrepreneurship- which lead to development of new ventures such as Lijjat Papad among
• Help casual labour- such as rural labourers to diversify their source of income by starting new work during
lean seasons.
• Women Empowerment- Lending to microfinance borrowers, mostly women in rural areas, has increased by
900% over the last six years, from $2 billion in 2012 to $20 billion 2018.
• Social Security- as it can be used to dampen the effects of shocks like floods by providing people with a form
of insurance that both increases production before the shock and provides a safety net after.
Issues in microcredit in India
• Lack of flexibility- Many microcredit programmes require that repayment starts almost immediately and
then follows a strict weekly schedule. It makes it difficult for borrowers to use the money they receive for
productive investments that may take time to be realised.
• Non-maintenance of Credit History- The rigidity surrounding repayment is largely a response to lack of
information about the creditworthiness of clients. Many microcredit borrowers have little or no formal
credit history, meaning lenders have been unable to screen out unproductive borrowers.
• Vulnerability of Microfinance Institutions- to even a small adverse development, as their finances remain
fragile due to small size of these institutions. Unlike banks, which have multi products and an assured
deposit base, micro lenders are dependent on markets for funds, which turn hostile at the smallest of events
that affect business.
• Create further debt traps- when a small business fails and takes another loan to fulfil the previous one. It
rather exacerbates the debts.
Steps taken towards microcredit in India
• The Self Help Groups Bank linkage (SHGBLP) programme- It is an initiative of NABARD to link the
unorganised sector with the formal banking sector. Under this programme:
o banks were allowed to open savings accounts for Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
o banks can provide loans to the SHGs against group guarantee and the quantum of loan could be several
times the deposits placed by such SHGs with the banks.
• The Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP)- for creating sustainable livelihoods
amongst SHG members was introduced on pilot basis in select states, which now has been mainstreamed in
all states in the country
• The India Microfinance Equity Fund (IMEF)- to support the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs).
• The Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd (MUDRA)- set up by the Government of India in
2015 with its total focus on microenterprise, has to hand-hold and facilitate the development process of
smaller Microfinance Institutions and not for profit MFIs.


Why in news?
The Union Cabinet has approved the introduction of the Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in the Lok Sabha.
More on news
• The Bill makes amendments to the Chit Funds Act, 1982, to facilitate orderly growth of the Chit Funds sector
and remove bottlenecks being faced by the Chit Funds industry, thereby enabling greater financial access of
people to other financial products.

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Provisions under Chit Funds (Amendment) Chit fund
Bill, 2019 • A chit fund is a type of saving scheme where a specified number
• Additional names for chit funds: The of subscribers contribute payments in instalment over a defined
1982 Act specifies various names which
• Each subscriber is entitled to a prize amount determined by lot,
may be used to refer to a chit
auction or tender depending on the nature of the chit fund.
fund. These include chit, chit fund, and • Typically, the prize amount is the entire pool of contribution
kuri. The Bill additionally inserts minus a discount which is redistributed to subscribers as a
‘fraternity fund’ and ‘rotating savings dividend.
and credit institution’ to this list. • With a reported 10,000 chit funds in the country handling over
• Presence of subscribers through video- Rs 30,000 crore annually, chit fund proponents maintain that
conferencing: The Act specifies that a these funds are an important financial tool.
chit will be drawn in the presence of at • However, these can be misused by its promoters and there are
least two subscribers. The Bill seeks to many several instances of people running such Ponzi schemes
allow these subscribers to join via and then absconding with investor’s money.
Regulation of chit funds: being part of the Concurrent List of the
Indian Constitution; both the centre and state can frame legislation
• Increase in foreman’s commission: regarding chit funds.
Under the 1982 Act, the ‘foreman’ is • Neither RBI nor SEBI regulates the chit fund business.
responsible for managing the chit fund. • Under the Chit funds Act, 1982 all chit fund companies need to
He is entitled to a maximum be registered with respective state government.
commission of 5% of the chit amount.
The Bill seeks to increase the commission to 7%.
• Aggregate amount of chits: The Bill has increased the limits of maximum amounts that can be collected
under the chits by firms, associations or individuals..
• Application of the Act: At present, the 1982 Act does not apply to chits smaller than ₹100. The Bill seeks to
remove the limit of ₹100 and allows State government to set the limit.


Why in news? About Coal India Limited
The Government of India is considering to • Coal India Ltd. was formed in the year 1975.
break Coal India into separate listed • Before 1975, the Indian coal industry was plagued with a
number of issues like low productivity, lack of strategic planning,
companies to improve its working.
lack of funds, low-grade technology and lack of regulation.
Background • Under government monopoly, coal production by Coal India Ltd.
increased steadily.
• The Department of Investment & Public
o However top-grade coal was still not mined extensively,
Asset Management (DIPAM) had sent a prompting us to import it from countries like Australia,
proposal to Coal India and the Ministry Indonesia and South Africa.
of Coal to list four of Coal India’s biggest
production units, as well as its exploration arm.
• Coal India Limited is the dominant coal miner in the country. It made up 83% of domestic production and
63% of total coal supply (in tonnes) for fiscal year 2018-2019.
o The four units -- Mahanadi Coalfields, South Eastern Coalfields, Northern Coalfields and Central
Coalfields -- account for more than three-fourths of the company’s output, while constituting less than
half of its workforce.
o But, coal mining has been characterised by the monopoly of CIL, lack of an effective regulatory
mechanism, poor exploration efforts and sub-par safety records.
• Around 70 per cent of power generation is coal based. India is the third-largest producer of coal in the
world, but also third-biggest importer of coal, which the government wants to change by boosting local coal
Concerns with Coal India
• Unable to meet growing demand despite abundant resources- Coal India produced a record 607 million
metric tons but falling short by 22% of a target proposed in 2017. The goal has been revised a few times
since then, but output was still just below a revised target.

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o Declining Production- which Other Issues plaguing Coal Mining
has fallen by 5.1 per cent and • Unfavourable socio-economic environment in East India- The
despatches by 2.9 per cent in damage from open-cast mining is irreparable, rendering the land
July 2019 against the useless.
corresponding period of the o Deforestation has become rampant, hampering ecology in these
last year. areas.
• Decline in Capacity Utilization- due o People displacement has also increased due to infertile land and
transportation bottlenecks, non-availability of water.
management vacancies, delays in • Civil unrest is another important reason for not mining efficiently.
Coal reserves are most highly concentrated in areas where Maoist
procurement and strikes and
guerrillas operate, making the area hostile for mining.
bandhs • Increasing illegal mining and exporting of coal- So while the nation
o Inefficient organisation- CIL’s bleeds for more coal, there are select few who engage in selfish
output-per-man shift is malpractice like an illegal sale of coal for their personal gain.
estimated at one-eighth of Litigation against them often goes on for years, so illegal mining
Peabody Energy, the world's hasn’t been controlled yet.
largest private coal producer. • Rising imports- imports of the coal have surged to a record over the
• Delays in the projects- Till date, same period.
CIL’s 54 coal-mining projects are o The reasons include higher landed costs of domestic coal at
facing delays due to various distant locations (exacerbated by high railways transportation
costs), better quality of imported coal and lower ash content,
reasons such as contractual issues
selected power plant boilers being designed to a particular
and delays in securing green quality of imported coal, and a lack of domestic coking coal
clearances, among other factors. production (for the steel sector).
• Under-utilization of funds- The • Infrastructure- e.g. an overworked railway network has hampered
Standing Committee on Coal had transport of the fuel.
observed that CIL had utilised only
62% of the funds allocated to it till 2016.
• Falling share in capital markets- CIL has a market cap of about $28 billion, which are heading for a fifth
straight year of decline.
• Lack of availability of the latest technological equipment for deep depths coal mining.
o The machinery available with CIL called open-cast mining allows drilling mostly up to 300 meters below
earth’s surface, but about 40% of total coal reserves are located at a deeper depth which cannot be
extracted using opencast mining.
o Moreover, open cast mining is more preferred because it is easier, cheaper and safer than newer
technology methods.
o Hence the 40% reserves remain untouched while steel companies are forced to import coal.
• Lack of an accurate assessment and evaluation system of coal reserves distribution in the country.
o Technology and systems available with CIL do not show a precise account of coal reserves, due to which
they mine imperfectly.
Advantages of breaking up CIL Challenges of breaking up CIL
• Bring competition and need for innovation • Face protests by labour unions
• Take up methods to foresee demand-supply • There are structural differences between
situation and set long-term goals. subsidiaries, which may not be addressed by mere
• Can help increase production of coal to 1 billion change of management.
tonnes a year by 2020 from around 539 million • There are a wide range of subtle cross-linkages,
tonnes in the fiscal year. ranging from inter-subsidiary staff movement
• Government can divest some of its shares, which (management level), differences in dividend
can bring more private participation and greater payouts etc, which will make breaking it up
managerial expertise. difficult.
Some of the recommendations of the Working Group on Coal-
• Coal companies should take possession of the entire area of land required for the life of the project at one
instance to avoid delays in land acquisition.

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• Special task force to grant necessary clearances such as mining lease, forest and environment clearances,
and land acquisition. The number of levels and stages in the processes should be reduced.
• Opening up the sector for more private participation, especially with regard to captive mining.
• Setting up a regulatory authority, which would have powers to comprehensively handle coal resource
development and regulation of its extraction and use.
Way Forward
A blanket approach of breaking a large corporation into parts may not be applicable in the case of Coal India
limited due to various synergies and location specific cross-linkages present in different production units. Rather
to improve the efficiencies and competition, there is a need to enhance private players, allow commercial mining
and achieve a suitable number of players in public sector to optimize production.

Related news
• Recently, the Government allowed 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) under the automatic route in coal
mining and associated infrastructure to help attract international players to create an efficient and competitive coal
• Presently, 100 per cent FDI under automatic route is allowed in coal and lignite mining for captive consumption in
power projects, iron and steel and cement units.
• Now, the same has been allowed for sale of coal and mining, including associated processing infrastructure such as coal
washery, crushing, coal handling, and separation (magnetic and non-magnetic).
• Currently, the Coal India Ltd. (CIL), private and public sector companies with captive mines were allowed to mine and
sell 25 per cent of coal in the open market.
• FDI is expected to improve mining lifecycle as with the coming in of professional coal miners, overall improvement in
coal mining technologies and process will be witnessed.
o Also by raising domestic supply of the key raw material for power, steel and cement production there will be cost
cutting and reduction in burgeoning imports.
• Other FDI reforms announced:
o 100 per cent FDI under automatic route has been allowed in contract manufacturing to give a big boost to domestic
o On FDI in single-brand retail, the Cabinet also relaxed the definition of mandatory 30 per cent domestic sourcing
✓ Presently, the FDI Policy provides for 30 per cent of the value of goods have to be procured from India if the
single brand retailing entity has FDI of more than 51 per cent.
✓ With a view to providing greater flexibility and ease of operations, the Union Cabinet decided that all
procurement made from India by such entity for that single brand shall be counted towards local sourcing,
irrespective of whether the goods procured are sold in India or exported.
o It also allowed single-brand retailers to start online sales, waiving the previous condition of setting up a brick-and-
mortar store.
o While the current FDI policy provides for 49 per cent FDI under approval route in up-linking of News & Current
Affairs TV channels, the Cabinet has decided to permit 26 per cent FDI under government route for uploading/
streaming of news and current affairs through Digital Media on the lines of print media.


Why in News?
Recently, Marine Fisheries Regulation and Management (MFRM) Bill 2019 is circulated in the public domain for
Marine Fisheries sector in India
• Marine Fisheries is that branch of fisheries which deals primarily with marine fishes and other sea
products. For E.g. Oil sardines, tunas, crabs, marine algae etc.
• India is the second largest fish producer in the world with a total production of 13.7 million metric tonnes in
• The sector has been showing a steady growth in the total gross value added and accounts for 5.23 % share
of agricultural GDP.

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• Indian fisheries and aquaculture is an important Marine Fisheries Regulation and Management (MFRM) Bill
sector of food production providing nutritional 2019
security. besides livelihood support and gainful India has proposed Marine Fisheries Regulation and
employment to more than 14 million people, Management (MFRM) Bill 2019 as per its obligation under
and contributing to agricultural exports. the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
• It also helps in maintaining the contribution (UNCLOS) 1982 and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
national economic development, tourism and agreements.
recreation. • Covering the gap between centre and state: Since
fisheries is a state subject, fishing in the internal waters
(IW) and the territorial sea (TS) come within the
• Issue with Deep sea Fishing: Deep sea fishing purview of the states concerned. Other activities in the
policy had been criticized by various fisher TS and activities, including fishing beyond the TS up to
groups, mechanized fishing vessel owners, fish the limit of the EEZ, are in the Union list. No Central
government, so far, has framed laws covering the
processors etc. due to opening of Indian seas to
entire EEZ.
the foreign factory fishing ships.
• Social security: It proposes social security for fish
o Also, no suitable data is available about the workers and calls for protection of life at sea during
deep sea resources. severe weather events.
o The deep-sea fishing needs higher capital • Fishing in EEZ: The Bill prohibits fishing by foreign
investment and recurring cost. fishing vessels, thus nationalising EEZ. An Indian fishing
o There is also non availability of skilled vessel desirous of fishing in the EEZ, outside the TS,
manpower for deep sea fishing. must obtain a permit.
• Unorganized marketing system: The existing • Fisheries management plan: It will ensure that the
marketing system in India does not have any ecological integrity of the maritime zones of India,
forward or backward linkages. including prevention, control and mitigation of any
form of pollution arising through fishing and fishing
o There is a wide difference between fish sale
related activities is maintained.
price at landing centres and the retail
markets which indicates Potential of Marine fisheries in India
that the middlemen is • India has vast potential for fisheries considering long coastline of about
benefitted with the 8118 km, and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.02 million sq Km
substantial share of the apart from the inland water resources.
prices. • The annual fishery potential of the country’s EEZ is about 5 million
• Unutilised resources: Most of tonnes.
the resources caught in the high • India has large coastal wetlands which cover an area of over 40,230 km2.
seas are discarded out at sea except for high Steps taken by government
value resources like shrimps and sharks. • Blue Revolution: Integrated Development and
• Lack of value addition technology: There is Management of Fisheries approved by the Government
a huge gap in the technological expertise provides for a focused development and management of
and further standardization of the the fisheries sector to increase both fish production and
developed technology by research fish productivity from aquaculture and fisheries resources
institutes. of the inland and marine fisheries sector including deep sea
• A draft national policy on Mariculture has been formulated
• Lack of Infrastructure facility: The
to ensure sustainable farmed seafood production for the
infrastructure facility like Standard Boat
benefit of food and nutritional security of the nation.
building yards for construction of New boats • Government had notified National Policy on Marine
and repair of existing crafts, exclusive Fishing 2017.
fishing harbor etc. pose a huge challenge for • "Letter of Permit"(LOP) system in the exclusive economic
this sector in fisheries. zone (EEZ) has been stopped in order to boost the
• Declining catches and overfishing in coastal livelihood of local fisherman.
waters due to Climate change, Habitat • Traditional fishers have been exempted from the fishing
degradation (industrial waste, domestic ban implemented during monsoon period in the EEZ.
sewage, pesticides), Illegal, unreported and • Prohibited the use of LED lights and other artificial lights
unregulated landings etc. and practice of bull-trawling, purse seining and gill netting
operations in the Indian EEZ to protect the marine ecology.

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• Post harvest losses due to discard, spoilage, reduced quality.
• No social security: The fishing community does not get any proper social security benefits.
Way forward
• Funding: The funding from the Government needs to be channelized considering the importance and scope
of the deep-sea sector in the coming years.
o It is suggested that refinancing from NABARD can be arranged by the Govt. by issuing a notification or
the subsidy schemes may be made available to the interested entrepreneurs by the Govt.
• Special insurance system for the fishing community and cooperation in safety and security of fishermen with
neighbouring countries should be paramount to averse the loss of many fishers lives.
• Revival of cooperative sector with constant engagement of center government would help in achieving the
doubling the famers Income 2022.
• Training: Pro-active support, possibly through the provision of objective and competent advice and training,
to facilitate industry privatization initiatives with a view to making it more efficient and competitive.
• Awareness: It is also essential to create awareness on the edible qualities and the nutrient values of the non-
conventional resources among the public so as to generate a free market for many such deep sea resources.
o Research and development programmes should be strengthened through projects on exploratory deep
sea surveys.
• Conservation of sea resources: The Govt. should take steps to ensure conservation of threatened and
endangered deep sea resources such as shrimp and lobsters through legal provisions.
• Cooperative governance between centre & state over different territories of sea is key to the sustainable
management of marine fisheries, which should ideally go into the Concurrent List.


Why in News? Issue in standalone renewable energy systems
India recently conducted two auctions for • It relies on intermittent sources, producing energy only
when the sun is shining or wind is blowing.
wind/solar hybrid projects.
• Its output is constrained to specific hours of the day
About Renewable Hybrid energy system • Its use leads to lower utilization of transmission lines.
• It creates issues in matching peak power demand with
• Hybrid energy system usually comprises of two renewable output (e.g. in evening hours when solar
or more renewable energy sources combined energy is not available), and raise costs of transmission.
in such a way to provide an efficient system
with appropriate energy conversion technology connected together to feed power to local load or grid.
• Various types of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems include: Biomass-wind-fuel cell, a photovoltaic cell
array coupled with a wind turbine, hydro-wind energy system etc.
• Hybrid energy systems are inclined towards providing customized power solutions according to the diverse
needs of the customer. They were devised to overcome the constraints of standalone systems and fulfil the
need for a reliable power source. (see box)
• They are beneficial in terms of reduced line and transformer losses, reduced environmental impacts,
increased system reliability, improved power quality and increased overall efficiency.
• Hybrid energy systems often yield greater economic and environmental returns than wind, solar or
geothermal stand-alone systems.
o For example: Hybrid energy systems run on solar energy to provide power in the daytime and use wind
energy to provide power in the night time. Having been able to supply continuous power to clients,
there is a reduced power storage cost.
• It is estimated that wind-solar storage hybrid systems could generate round-the-clock power with cost as
well as reliability levels comparable to existing coal-fired power plants in the next 4-5 years.
• They can therefore become a viable solution to meeting future baseload power requirements, all at zero
carbon emissions and future cost-inflation proof.

34 ©Vision IAS

Challenges in implementing such system
• Technical challenges: The renewable energy sources, such as solar PV and FCs, need innovative technology
to harness more amount of useful power from them. The poor efficiency of solar is major obstruction in
encouraging its use.
• High manufacturing cost: The manufacturing cost of renewable energy sources needs a significant reduction
because the high capital cost leads to an increased payback time.
• Power loss: It should be ensured that there should be minimal amount of power loss in the power electronic
• Storage issues: The storage technologies need to increase their life-cycle through inventive technologies.
Way forward
• Rightful use of storage: If we can store some energy during excess renewable generation hours and release
it into the grid during peak demand hours, the combined “hybrid" system can produce 24x7 clean energy in
response to varying levels of demand through the day.
o The storage can take many forms, such as batteries, pumped hydro or mechanical storage through
• Ramping source of power: The intermittency of wind and solar could also be balanced by adding a fast; for
example, an open cycle gas turbine. The overall output of the hybrid system can thus be matched against a
required load on an hourly basis.
• Technical advancement: It is equally important to have proper R&D for such systems so that they can be
used effectively.
• Collaboration with other countries for viable storage solutions.
This approach of using hybrid models would not only help in village electrification but it will also be more
significant as its implementation is a smarter approach towards conservation of our environment ultimately
making power grid smarter. To support this Ministry of new and renewable energy released a solar-wind hybrid
policy in 2018 which provides a framework to promote grid-connected hybrid energy through set-ups that would
use land and transmission infrastructure optimally and also manage the variability of renewable resources to
some extent.


Why in news?
Recently, the Prime Minister urged people to visit at least 15 tourist
destinations within India by 2022.
Potential of Tourism for India
• Large number of domains and destinations in India- including
heritage tourism, natural tourism, spiritual tourism, medical tourism etc.
• Economic Potential- towards employment generation, Major Issues with Tourism in India
incoming foreign exchange and added income for the • Infrastructural issues- including suitable lodging
locals of these places. and connectivity to the tourism sites.
• Contribution to India’s soft power- in terms of people • Cleanliness concerns- owing to poor
to people contact and stature in the global arena. maintenance and dumping of waste.
• Lack of basic amenities- such as good quality
Steps taken towards it food, safe drinking water, clean toilets among
• Augmenting Tourism Infrastructure- through schemes others.
such as- • Safety concerns- especially pertaining to
women safety. Also there is issue of terrorism,
o Swadesh Darshan Scheme- Under this scheme
insurgency in some of the border states like
fifteen thematic circuits have been identified for Jammu and Kashmir, North-Eastern states.
development such as North-East India Circuit, • Environmental issues- where the local
Buddhist Circuit etc. environment faces degradation owing to
increasing tourist traffic.
35 ©Vision IAS
o Prashad Scheme (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive)- Under this, 25 sites have
been identified for development in India such as Amravati, Ajmer, Varanasi etc.
o Adopt of Heritage Scheme- whereby outsourcing of the maintenance of some of the monuments have
been done by the Ministry.
• Ensuring Ease of Travel- through-
o Issuance of e-Visa in the areas of travel, business and medical reasons.
o Multilingual Toll free tourism infoline- to provide information services and also guide the tourists during
any emergencies such as medical, crime, natural calamities etc.
• Promotion and Publicity- the Ministry of Tourism promotes products and destinations of India through-
o Organising and Participation in tourism related events such as Paryatan Parv, Bharat Parv
o Campaigning in the print, electronic, social, online and outdoor media,
o Producing brochures, maps, posters, promotional films etc.
o Also launched the 'Incredible India 2.0' Campaign during 2017-18 to cover both major and emerging
• Promotion of Service Quality Standards- through hotel classification into various stars (one to five),
heritage, legacy vintage hotels etc.
• International Cooperation- the Ministry engages in various consultations and negations with organisations
such as UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(ESCAP) etc.
Way Forward
• Developing an all-encompassing One Stop Solution including information on tourism related services
through a web based application and a Grievance Redressal Mechanism through Twitter and Tourist-Helpline
• The States/ UTs should adopt Adventure Tourism and Bed & Breakfast / Homestay Scheme Guidelines.
• There is a need to change the perception of India in the mind of foreign tourists, which will yield good
results for promotion of tourism. The states should also organize surveys to understand how the foreign
tourists perceive India and should work towards removing negative impressions.


Why in News?
The Union cabinet recently approved the creation of a buffer stock of 4mt of sugar.
More about news
• The buffer stock will be created for one year from August 1, 2019, to July 31, 2020, for which the
government would be reimbursing the carrying cost of about ₹ 1,674 crore to participating sugar mills.
• The reimbursement under the scheme would be met on quarterly basis to sugar mills which would be
directly credited into farmers’ account on behalf of mills against cane price dues and subsequent balance, if
any, would be credited to the mill’s account.
o The step is aimed at increasing wholesale prices of sugar and improving cash flow to sugar mills, which
in turn will help mill owners to clear the dues of farmers.
o Since the 2019-20 marketing year is likely to commence with huge carryover/opening stock, building a
sugar buffer stock will help maintain demand-supply balance and to stabilize sugar prices.
• The cabinet also approved a proposal on the fair and remunerative price (FRP) of sugar cane payable by
sugar mills for the 2019-20 sugar season, at the same rate as was offered in 2018-19.
Sugar industry in India
• India is the largest producer of sugar including traditional cane sugar sweeteners, khandsari and Gur
equivalent followed by Brazil.
• Sugarcane provides raw material for the second largest agro-based industry after textile.
• The sugar industry is an instrumental in generating the sizable employment in the rural sector directly and
through its ancillary units.

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• Broadly there are two distinct agro-climatic Sugarcane Pricing mechanism in India
regions of sugarcane cultivation in India, • In India, the pricing of sugarcane is governed by the
viz., tropical and subtropical. statutory provisions of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966
o Tropical Sugarcane region: It includes issued under the Essential Commodities Act (ECA), 1955
the states of Maharashtra, Andhra • There are mainly two prices for sugarcane
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, o Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP): It is the cane price
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, announced by the Central Government on the basis of
Pondicherry and Kerala. the recommendations of the Commission for
Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) after consulting the
o Sub-tropical sugarcane region: Around
State Governments and associations of sugar industry.
55 per cent of total cane area in the
o State Advised Prices (SAP): Citing differences in cost of
country is in the sub-tropics. U.P, Bihar, production, productivity levels and also as a result of
Haryana and Punjab comes under this pressure from farmers' groups, some states declare
region. state specific sugarcane prices called State Advised
Challenges faced by Sugar Industry in India Prices (SAP), usually higher than the SMP/FRP
• This dual sugarcane pricing distorts sugarcane and sugar
• Low level of productivity of sugarcane: economy and leads to cane price arrears
Due to inadequate irrigation facilities and • High SAPs without any linkage with the output price
untimely supply of quality seed material. becomes unviable
Average rate of recovery in India is less • Industry association recommends to remove the system of
than ten per cent which is quite low as SAP; in case states announce SAP, such price differential
compared to other major sugar producing should be borne by the state governments.
countries. Factors for fixation of FRP
• Inefficient govt policies: More problems of • Cost of production of sugarcane
sugar industry are the result of the • Inter-crop price parity
• Reasonable margins for the growers of sugarcane on account
Government policy regarding to the policies
of risk and profits
on the cane prices, control of price of
• Recovery of sugar from sugarcane price at which sugar is
sugar, dual pricing etc. sold by sugar producers
• Pricing Mechanism: The production of • The realization made from sale of by- products or their
sugar is influenced by the purchasing price imputed value
of sugarcane depending upon the cost of • Recovery of sugar from sugarcane
cultivation. The industries price of the main • Price at which sugar is sold by sugar producers
raw material in turn depends upon the • Availability of sugar to consumers at a fair price
prices of competitive food crops on one
hand and the cane price fixed by the Shifting trend of sugar industry to peninsular India
Government on the other. • Apart from Uttar Pradesh, in recent year many peninsular
• Seasonal nature: The sugar industry has a states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu etc. have
seasonal character and the crushing season emerged as major producer of sugar which has also caused
normally varies between 4 and 7 months in sugar mill industries to shift to peninsular India.
a year leaving the mill and the workers idle • The reason for this shift is also due to better conditions
for almost half of the year available for cultivation in the peninsular part like
o longer crushing period
• Problem of By-products: An important
o adequate rainfall
problem of sugar industry is the utilization o higher recovery rates
of by products specially bagasse and o higher sucrose content than northern India
molasses. The industry faces problems in o easier transportation access due to port areas etc.
disposing these by-products especially under
pollution control devices.
• High Prices of Sugar: The inefficiency and uneconomic nature of production in sugar mills, low yield and
short crushing season, the high price of sugarcane and the heavy excise duties levied by the Government -
these are responsible for the high cost of production of sugar in India.
• Obsolete and old machinery: Majority of the machines which are currently in use in sugar mills across India,
mainly in states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, are obsolete and old.
• Small and uneconomic size of mills: Most of the sugar mills in India are of small size with a capacity of 1,000
to 1,500 tonnes per day. This makes large scale production uneconomic. Many of the mills are economically
not viable.

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• Regional imbalances in distribution: Over half of Various Steps taken by Government
sugar mills are located in Maharashtra and Uttar • Ethanol Blended Programme (EBP): It seeks to
Pradesh and about 60 per cent of the production achieve blending of Ethanol with motor sprit with a
comes from these two states. On the other hand, view to reducing pollution, conserve foreign exchange
there are several states in the north-east, Jammu and increase value addition in the sugar industry
and Kashmir and Orissa where there is no enabling them to clear cane price arrears of farmers.
appreciable growth of this industry. This leads to The Central Government has scaled up blending
regional imbalances which have their own targets from 5% to 10% under the EBP.
• National Policy on Bio-Fuels, 2018: Under this policy
sugarcane juice has been allowed for production of
• Uncompetitive in global markets: The Indian ethanol. Government fixed remunerative price of
sugar is uncompetitive in the global market as ethanol produced from C-Heavy molasses and B-
there is a fixed minimum support for the Heavy molasses/sugarcane juice separately for supply
sugarcane with no impact arising from market under Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) during ensuing
forces. As a result, the export of excess output of ethanol season 2018-19.
sugar is not a viable proposition for the Indian • Scheme for Extending Financial Assistance to Sugar
sugar mills. Undertakings (SEFASU-2014): It envisages interest
free loans by bank as additional working capital to
Way Forward sugar mills, for clearance of cane price arrears of
• Miniaturization of sugar industries: This will help previous sugar seasons and timely settlement of cane
price of current sugar season to sugarcane farmers.
group of small farmers to setup a small scale
sugar industry themselves near their sugarcane fields. They need not to depend on anybody to sell their
• Improve cane pricing: The ideal way to manage sugar surplus is to link the sugarcane price to output price.
o The government should come up with a formula that arrives at the cane price after factoring the value of
the output (including price of sugar, ethanol and power generated from bagasse)
• Power generation: Using cogeneration technology is another option through which companies can generate
revenues by selling extra electricity generated as a by-product of sugar production to power distribution
• Encourage public to use more jaggery and mechanization of jaggery plants
• License to farmers to produce alcohol from molasses
• Encourage all sugar industries to have co-generation plants
• Recommendation Rangarajan Committee on the Regulation of Sugar Sector in India
o It suggests that sugar pricing should be based on a revenue sharing formula based on 75 per cent of
sugar prices or 70 per cent of the price of sugar and major by products.
o States should not declare State Advised Price (SAP). It suggested determining cane prices according to
scientifically sound and economically fair principles.
o All existing quantitative restrictions on trade in sugar should be removed and converted into tariffs.
o Removing the regulations on release of non-levy sugar.
o States should encourage development of market-based long-term contractual arrangements, and phase
out cane reservation area and bonding.
o The prices of the by-products should be market-determined with no earmarked end-use allocations.


Why in News?
Issues with the Act
President gave assent to the Consumer • The Act does not specify that the Consumer Disputes Redressal
Protection Act, 2019. Commissions will comprise a judicial member. If the
Commissions were to have members only from the executive,
More in News the principal of separation of powers may be violated.
• The new Act, which would replace the • The Act does not specify whom the Consumer Protection
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, is not an Councils will advise. If the Councils advise the government, it is
unclear in what capacity such advice will be given.
amendment to the 1986 law, but a new
• The definition of ‘consumer rights’ in the Act is not simple and
consumer protection law.
straight forward, so that consumers at least know what their
entitlements are.
38 ©Vision IAS
• It aims to address consumer vulnerabilities to new forms of unfair trade and unethical business practices
in the fast-changing new-age economy.
Key Feature of the Act
• A consumer is defined as a person who buys any good or avails a service for a consideration. It does not
include a person who obtains a good for resale or a good or service for commercial purpose. It covers
transactions through all modes including offline, and online through electronic means, teleshopping, multi-
level marketing or direct selling.
• The Act defines “consumer rights” as the right
o to be protected against the marketing of goods, products or services which are hazardous to life and
o to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods, products or
o to be assured of access to a variety of goods, products or services at competitive prices.
o It also includes the right to be heard and to be assured that the consumer’s interests will receive due
consideration at appropriate forum; and
o the right to consumer awareness.
• Central Consumer Protection Authority will be set up to promote, protect and enforce consumer rights. It
can issue safety notices for goods and services, order refunds, recall goods and rule against misleading
o The CCPA will have an investigation wing, headed by a Director-General, which may conduct inquiry or
investigation into such violations.
• Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions will be set up at the District, State and National levels for
adjudicating consumer complaints. Appeals from the District and State Commissions will be heard at the
next level and from the National Commission by the Supreme Court.
• Consumer Protection Councils will be established at the district, state and national levels to render advise
on consumer protection.
• Product liability means the liability of a product manufacturer, service provider or seller to compensate a
consumer for any harm or injury caused by a defective good or deficient service. A claim for compensation
may be made for any harm caused, including:
o property damage
o personal injury, illness, or death; and
o mental agony or emotional harm accompanying these conditions.
Comparison of the 1986 Act with the 2019 Act
1986 Act 2019 Act
Ambit of law All goods and services for All goods and services, including telecom and housing construction,
consideration, while free and and all modes of transactions (online, teleshopping, etc.) for
personal services are excluded consideration. Free and personal services are excluded.
Unfair trade Includes six types of such The Act adds three types of practices to the list, namely:
practices practices, like false • failure to issue a bill or receipt;
representation, misleading • refusal to accept a good returned within 30 days; and
advertisements. • disclosure of personal information given in confidence, unless
required by law or in public interest.
Contests/ lotteries may be notified as not falling under the ambit of
unfair trade practices.
Product No provision. Consumer could Claim for product liability can be made against manufacturer, service
liability approach civil court but not provider, and seller
consumer court
Unfair No provision. The Act recognizes and addresses the menace of unilateral and unfair
contracts contracts.
Regulator No separate regulator Establishes the Central Consumer Protection Authority
Pecuniary District: Up to Rs 20 lakh; State: District: Up to Rs one crore; State: Between Rs one crore and up to Rs
jurisdiction of Between Rs 20 lakh and up to 10 crore; National: above Rs 10 crore.
Commissions Rs one crore;
National: Above Rs one crore.

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Consumer Complaints could be filed in a Complaints can be filed in a consumer court where consumer resides
court consumer court where sellers or work.
(defendant) office is located
E-commerce No provision Defines direct selling, e-commerce and electronic service provider. The
central government may prescribe rules for preventing unfair trade
practices in e-commerce and direct selling.
Mediation No legal Provision Court can refer settlement through mediation
The Act is a much-needed step to overhaul the archaic consumer protection law that was increasingly becoming
redundant in protecting the interests of Indian consumers in this age of digitization. The Act addresses consumer
concerns arising from technological advancements in the marketplace, removes logistical hurdles for the
consumers while initiating action, and broadens the scope of grounds for which action can be initiated.

40 ©Vision IAS

Why in News?
The Indian Army plans to raise new integrated battle groups (IBGs) that can mobilize fast and strike hard across
the borders with Pakistan and China, as part of its ongoing endeavor to reformat its entire war-fighting
machinery and sharpen the “Cold Start” doctrine.
Background Problems faced by Indian Army
• After the terrorist attack on the • Need effective defence planning- where the forces do not
work in silo-driven approach to defence planning.
Parliament, the Indian military
• Need force restructuring- to achieve a better teeth-to-tail
undertook massive mobilisation but the
ratio. For this over 12.5 lakh-strong army needs to shed around
Army’s formations which were deep 1.5 lakh personnel over the next six to seven years.
inside took weeks to mobilise losing the • Need to improve combat capabilities- including capacity to
element of surprise. undertake conventional and hybrid warfare such as mandated
• The Army formulated its “Pro-Active under the cold start doctrine, hot pursuit activities, anti-terror
Conventional War Strategy”, colloquially operations etc.
called the Cold Start doctrine, after the • Constrained Capital Budget- Due to changed nature of warfare
slow mobilization of its “strike where technology, not manpower, is slated to play a bigger
formations” at the border launch pads role in battles of the future. For the army alone, the ratio of
under Operation Parakram, which took revenue to capital expenditure is 81: 19 percent; of which 73
percent of revenue expenditure is for pay and allowance. The
almost a month after the terrorist attack
implementation of One Rank One Pension has further left little
on Parliament in December 2001.
for hardware modernization or capital acquisitions.
• Army Chief had initiated four major • Need to remove redundant logistic units- such as the signal
studies to undertake overall regiments have undergone change due to change in electronic
transformation of the force which warfare. Similarly, the army does not need elements such as
included restructuring of Army military farms.
Headquarters; force restructuring which
includes creation of Integrated Battle Groups (IBG); the cadre review of officers; and review of the terms
and conditions of Junior Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks.
• The aim is holistic integration to enhance the operational and functional efficiency, optimize budget
expenditure, facilitate force modernisation and address aspirations.
About Integrated battle groups (IBGs)
• IBGs are brigade-sized, agile, self-sufficient combat formations, which can swiftly launch strikes against
adversary in case of hostilities.
• Each IBG would be tailor-made based on Threat, Terrain and Task and resources will be allotted based on
the three Ts.
• They need to be light so they will be low on logistics. They will be able to mobilise within 12-48 hrs based on
the location.
Structure in Indian Army
• They are battle formations with heavy • While a command is the largest static formation of the
firepower that will combine infantry, armour, Army spread across a defined geography, a corps is the
artillery, engineers, logistics and support largest mobile formation.
units to bring together all necessities to fight • Typically, each corps has about three brigades. Brigades
a war. are the smallest battle formations in the Indian Army.
• The first three IBGs to be set up in the plains • The IBGs will be even smaller than brigades, to make
of Jammu, Punjab and Rajasthan for the them more flexible and allow for faster mobilisation of
Pakistan border by October-November along troops.
the Pakistan border which will have elements o The idea is to reorganise them into IBGs which are
brigade-sized units but have all the essential
from various formations of the Western
elements like infantry, armoured, artillery and air
defence embedded together based on the three Ts.

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• The two IBG configurations tested before the decision was finalised included one for offensive roles (strike
corps) — to carry out hostilities such as cross-border operations — and one for defensive postures (holding
corps) — to withstand an attack from an enemy side.
o The former will be more armour (tank)-intensive for thrusts across the border, and the latter will be
infantry-centric to hold ground.
• The establishment of these groups will do away with the older formation of troops, which included around
eight to 10 brigades, each with three to four battalions. Instead, an IBG will have just about six battalions.
• The IBGs, with about 5,000 troops each, will be carved out of some of the around 50 divisions (which have
about 15,000 soldiers each) under the 14 corps (40,000 to 60,000 troops each) in the 12.3-lakh strong Army.
Significance of the move Other steps taken
• Swift movement of forces: Indian Army • Restructuring the Army’s officer cadre- including bringing
down the age of key commands, harnessing the higher life
aims to be able to move both troops and
expectancy and motivation of the personnel
equipment swiftly and stealthily into
• Creation of a new post of Deputy Chief for Military
enemy territory at short notice, not Operations and Strategic Planning- to deal with military
leaving the rival side with time to tackle operations, military intelligence, strategic planning and
the IBGs. operational logistics.
• Better integration of forces and self- • Merger of separate verticals- of the DCOAS (planning and
sufficiency: These specialised groups will strategy) and the Master General Ordnance (MGO) into one
ensure better integration and self- office of the DCOAS (Capability Development and Sustenance)
sufficiency as compared to the existing • Setting up new wings for vigilance and human rights issues-
formations. During hostilities, the current under the command of Major General rank officers. This is in
system requires a brigade to wait to be accordance with the Army’s commitment to probity and
augmented by various types of units, such
• Setting up new information warfare wing- to deal with the
as artillery and logistics, which raises its
needs of the future battlefield, hybrid warfare and social
time to mobilise. This won't be the case media reality. Hybrid warfare is a military strategy that
with IBGs, which will be self-sufficient and employs political warfare and blends conventional warfare,
inbuilt with all such units, and hence, irregular warfare and cyber warfare with other influencing
easier to mobilise. methods, such as fake news, diplomacy, lawfare and foreign
• Lean and mean Army: These groups are electoral intervention.
part of the overall move to make the
Army lean and mean which will help in better expenditure planning, better synchronization, better
preparedness to deal with various issues etc.


Why in news?
Recently, the 12th India Security Summit was organised by ASSOCHAM on the theme “Towards New National
Cyber Security Strategy”.
About Cyber Security Policy 2013:
The Policy proposed to:
• Set up different bodies to tackle various levels of threats, along with a national nodal agency to coordinate
all cybersecurity matters.
• Create a National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIIPC)
• Create a workforce of around 500,000 trained in cyber security.
• Provide fiscal benefits to businesses to adopt best security practices.
• Set up testing labs to regularly check safety of equipment being used in the country.
• Create a cyber ecosystem in the country, developing effective public-private partnerships and collaborative
engagements through technical and operational cooperation
• Build indigenous security technologies through research.

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Progress under the Cyber Security Policy-
• An elaborate National Cyber Security assurance framework is under implementation.
• The National Cyber Security Coordinator was appointed directly under the PMO- has led to improved
coordination amongst various agencies.
• A NCIIPC has been set up- and there is a regular dialogue with the key sectors of the economy.
• Public-private partnership is being developed- There is an active dialogue between the government and the
private sector.
• Cyber Security Research and Development (R&D) policy has also been under active consideration of the
• India is pursuing active cyber diplomacy by setting up cyber security dialogues with several countries and is
participating in several international forums including the UN on cyber security.
Challenges, which exist and mandate the need of a new Cyber Security Policy
• Roles and responsibilities- Still there is some ambiguity in responsibility of organisations for cyber security.
o National Technical Research Organisation has been entrusted with this responsibility, which doesn’t
come under any ministry and operates directly under Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).
o The interplay between Ministry of Defence (MoD), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the Armed Forces,
and the intelligence agencies, both internal and external, needs to be clearly demarcated.
o Lack of Unity of Command- which defines who will carry out offensive cyber operations in a conflict
scenario and the rules of engagement.
o Lack of Standards and Protocols- across the country in the cyber domain.
• Issues with National Cyber Security Coordinator-
o It does not have any executive power since it is not under any Ministry.
o It is not in the loop for cyber operations undertaken by the intelligence agencies.
o Its faces lack of staff.
• Coordination in Public-Private Partnership- There is a serious mismatch of understanding between the civil
sector and the government agency of cyber security.
o Perception of Private Agencies- the private sector is only interested in grabbing the order, but are not
serious enough in developing Indian solutions and thus do not invest much in R&D.
o Perception of Public Agencies- there is very little understanding of cyber security in the top echelons of
the government agencies. Also, the procedures are too bureaucratic, time consuming and the vendors
are usually treated appropriately.
Way Forward and broad contours of new Cyber Security Policy
• On Public-Private Partnership-
o Set up a permanent mechanism for private public partnership.
o Put in place appropriate policy and legal frameworks to ensure compliance with cyber security efforts.
o Establish India as a global hub of development of cyber security products, services and manpower.
• Develop credible code breaking capacity which the countries like USA, UK, Russia, China possess.
• On Cyber Operations in tactical battle area-
o Collect intelligence by rapidly exploiting captured digital media.
o Gaining access to closed networks in or near the area of operations, including extracting and injecting
o Using electronic warfare systems as “delivery platforms for precision cyber effects”.
• Creating accountability in Research Organisations- such as the Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO), which can be asked to submit regular Return on Investments in various cyber security fields.


Why in news?
Recently, in its largest ever single export order, the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) will supply 50,000 artillery
shells used with the Bofors guns to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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Background Defence Export Sector
• The defence exports have increased exponentially –
• India is at a crucial juncture of its journey from Rs 4682 crore in 2017-18 to 10745 in 2018-19 –
towards self-reliance in defense production on the back of recent policy liberalization. With the
which started primarily with imports, then growing trend of shipments in recent years, exports of
gradually progressed towards licensed defence products will exceed the Rs 35,000 crore
production from the 1970s, took substantial target by 2024-25.
form in 1980s and 1990s and now we are talking • In the current financial year, exports worth Rs 5600
about indigenous design, development, crore have already been processed, with a bulk of
manufacturing and export capabilities. Major these being by the private sector. Of the Rs 11,000
crore odd worth of exports last financial year, the
defence items being exported now are personal
private sector contributed to over Rs 9812 crores.
protective items, offshore patrol vessels,
• The government plans to give the defence sector a $
helicopters and radio sets. 25 billion share in the $ 1 trillion Indian
• According to the Stockholm International Peace manufacturing economy to be reached by 2025.
Research Institute (SIPRI), India was the largest
importer of military equipment in the world, accounting for 13% of the total global arms import between
2012–16. It is more than both China and Pakistan. The report also points out that India increased its arms
imports by 43% between 2007–11 and 2012–16. The biggest contributor to Indian exports has been the US,
accounting for nearly Rs 5,000 crore worth of exports, followed by old arms partner Israel and the European
• The draft Defence Production Policy, 2018, has set a Open general export licence (military goods,
software and technology) provides licence for
target of $5 billion (RS 35000 Crore) in defence export
the export of a wide range of military equipment to
by 2025. low-risk destinations.
Defence Exports: An Overview • These licences are available in the public domain
and must be used by exporters.
• Increasing self-Reliance: According to a recent • Use of these licences removes the need to apply
statement in Parliament by Minister of State for for an individual export control licence.
Defence, in 2015-16 the total capital expenditure for
defence procurement was
₹62,341.86 crore. Of this, 62% Recent Reforms in Defence Sector to boost Exports:
• The provision of ‘in-principle’ approval for export incorporated in the
procurements came from
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that domestic players can
domestic suppliers. Only
explore opportunities in overseas markets.
₹23,192.22 crore was spent on • Setting up of ‘Defense Exports Steering Committee’ (DESC) for taking
purchases from foreign vendors. decisions on proposals of export permissions particularly related to the
• Expanding Budget: Defence export of indigenously developed sensitive defense equipment and for
attaches are being given an monitoring overall progress of defense exports.
annual budget of up to $ 50,000 • Setting up of Defense Investor Cell, Society for Indian Defense Start-ups,
each for promoting exports of innovations for defense excellence platform (iDEX), different startup
Indian made defence products challenges, hackathons etc.
from both the public and private • Decision to establish defense industrial corridors in UP and Tamil Nadu.
sector by participating in • Department of Defence Production has provided a list of 51 items to the
exhibitions, conducting market industry lobbies to identify how many of them can be manufactured in
India and made available for exports.
studies, organizing seminars and
• It has also proposed a series of amendments to the Defence Offset
distribution of publicity Guidelines to open up new avenues for discharge of offset obligations
material. by foreign vendors. Among the new avenues are: investment in
• Source Diversification: A new specified projects in defence, aerospace and internal security such as
plan for an ‘Open General testing labs, testing ranges and skill centres.
Export Licence’ to give India
further access to the global market will be launched. It will enable Indian companies to export certain
equipment to identified nations. The nations that India believes have the maximum potential of purchasing
military equipment include Vietnam, Thailand, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, UAE and Malaysia.
• Product Diversification: India is looking to encourage private and public sectors to go beyond export of
components to platforms where large-scale value addition can be done. According to the ministry data, most
of the exports are for components, with parts for small arms topping the chart.

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• Favourable conditions for exports: Exports growth has been boosted by the low cost of production in India
and offset obligations being discharged. The increase in exports comes after recent changes in policy that
have made it easier for companies to get official permissions.
• Introducing Policy reforms in the sector: Key Policy reforms of the MoD include: Strategy for Defence
Exports, Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP 2016), simplified Make-II Procedure, Defense Offset Policy,
‘ease of doing business’ reforms, revision in licensing process (nearly two third of the items have been made
licence-free especially on the component side), new strategic partnership policy etc. All these moves will
have a long-term implication on India’s defense manufacturing and export potential.
o Opening the Defence Sector: Since the government liberalised Foreign Direct Investment in the defence
sector, nearly Rs 4,000 crore of FDI has come in this sector.
• Encouraging Private Participation and MSMEs: In the last four and a half years, the contribution of small
and medium scale sector to defense production has grown by 200 percent. The Government had been taking
several steps to encourage the private sector, MSMEs in particular, in defence production under the existing
production policy and some "notable changes" had been brought in the recent policy.
o OFB and defence PSUs are planning to outsource about 3000 items which will give boost to MSMEs
o The government had also allowed suo-motu defence products development and production.
o Defence investor cell, an online cell created by the government, acts as a guide to get information,
understand issues, etc. The MSMEs have particularly benefited from the cell in the last 10 months.
Way Ahead
• We need to invest in research and development, production facilities and quality standards to compete on
platforms globally, coupled with strong export compliance programmes and intellectual property right
protection measures to ensure defence exports continue to be a long-term success story.
• The Indian manufacturing economy is likely to reach USD 1 trillion in next five years of which it is expected
that USD 25 billion would come from the defence sector and further USD 5 billion to be generated by
• The economic, as well as strategic dividends of being a good defense exporter are numerous and for the first
time, India seems to make some serious efforts in this direction.
• A continuous policy push, crucial administrative reforms and the responses from the industry give this hope
that India can develop an ecosystem which is required for the growth and sustainability of our defense


Why in news?
Recently, the Union Cabinet added a new Term of reference (ToR) of the 15th Finance Commission (FC) which
requires the commission to examine if a separate mechanism for funding of defence and internal security ought
to be set up.
• Dwindling defence Budget: Though the government has allocated Rs 4.31 trillion for defence spending
(including military pensions of Rs 1.12 trillion), as a proportion of GDP, the allocation is inching steadily
lower. In 2014-15, defence allocations, accounted for 17.1 % of the central government’s spending, or about
2.28 % of GDP. This year, the Defence Budget will comprise 15.5 % of government expenditure and only 2.04
per cent of GDP.
• Therefore, the latest addition to the 15th FC’s ToR calls for the FC to examine the possibility of allocation of
adequate, secure and non-lapsable funds for defence and internal security of India.
India’s Defence Budget: Concerns and Scope
• India’s challenging security environment: More recently, the Indian Army has released its Land Warfare
doctrine which emphasizes a two-front threat scenario (China-Pakistan) for which the Indian Army has to be
prepared against.

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o As per CAG’s Report, India do not have sufficient Why is the latest tweak in FC’s Terms of References
funds for emergency necessary purchases, and being criticised?
the army did not have sufficient war reserves to • Likely protests from the states on apprehensions
fight a high-intensity war for more than ten days. of States being squeezed out of funding:
• Need to upgrade the armed forces rapidly for Sequestering funds for defence from the Centre’s
modern-day threats: Modernisation involves the gross tax revenues means a reduction in the
acquisition of new state-of-the-art platforms, overall tax pool that is shared with states. This is
technologies and weapon systems to upgrade and likely to be protested by the states, several of
whom are arguing for an increase in their share in
augment Defence capabilities. The current defence
taxes collected to 50 per cent from the current 42
allocation is far too meagre to make any meaningful per cent.
progress in this regard. • Raises questions over the fiscal prudence of the
o Modernisation of both Pakistan and China is Central Government: As defence being a Union
going on in full swing, therefore it is important subject the Centre’s request to the FC for greater
that we remain deterrent as far as these are resources means that it has limited ability to ramp
concerned. up expenditure on items in the Union list. This is
• Lack of Capital Expenditure/Resource Crunch: partly because the Centre’s expenditure on items
India’s defence budget in recent years has been in the State and Concurrent Lists has been
falling, but more significantly, an increasing increasing over the years.
component of the funds are being allocated towards
salaries, pensions and other operating expenses. And given the demographic trends, the nation’s pension bill
is becoming larger, even surpassing the salary bill. Thus, only a third (INR 1.03 trillion) is allocated for capital
expenditure, which goes into modernization of the military.
• To achieve the grater indigenisation: Large number of systemic changes outlined in Defence Procurement
Procedure of 2016 have been aimed to achieve greater indigenisation and, in this view, Army have also
identified as many as 25 projects for Make in India. However, there is no adequate Budget to support this.
As a result of which, many of these may end up foreclosed.
Way Ahead
In view of India’s more pressing socio-economic needs Indian armed forces will have to become smarter in how
they manage their dwindling resources. For this:
International Examples
• Focussing on strategic defence Policy: Indian defence China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has
policy remains constrained by its inability to already initiated its most wide-ranging and
fundamentally restructure its armed forces to meet the ambitious restructuring since 1949, which
requirements of modern warfare. Defence reforms are includes reducing the size of the PLA by 300,000
needed urgently then the increasing defence allocation in soldiers, increasing the size of its navy and air
annual budgets. The post-Pulwama situation made it clear force, and restructuring seven military regions
that for all the out-of-the-box thinking and effective into five theatre commands.
execution, Indian armed forces lacked the killer punch, This exercise is intended to enhance the PLA’s
given their lack of upgradation. ability to conduct joint operations on land, at
• Need for armed forces to be a leaner, meaner fighting sea, in the air, and in the space and cyber
force within budgetary constraints: Rationalizing domains.
manpower in the armed forces should be a priority.
Recently, the Indian Army initiated a restructuring exercise with the aim of cutting back up to 100,000
soldiers and reducing its revenue budget, which is expected to rise to over 90% of the total in the coming
o The central reform entails replacing division-sized forces with bulked-up brigades called Integrated
Battle Groups or IBGs.

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Why in news?
Recently, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Special Report on Climate Change
and Land (SRCCL).
• This report presents the most recent evidence on how the different uses of land like forests, agriculture,
urbanisation are affecting and getting affected by climate change.
o The report’s full name is Climate Change and Land, an IPCC special report on climate change,
desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas
fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
o This is the first time that the IPCC has focused its attention solely on the land sector.
o It is part of a series of special reports. The aim of these special reports is to provide “an assessment on a
specific issue”. They complement the main “assessment reports” that the IPCC publishes every five or
six years.
o The second special report on oceans and the cryosphere is due in September this year. The IPCC also
published a special report on 1.5C of warming in October 2018.
o These reports were sought by governments to get a clearer picture of specific aspects of climate change.
• Usually, the discussion on climate change has given more thrust to curbing vehicular and industrial
emissions. The IPCC report warns that clean energy, clean transport and reduction emissions alone will not
cut global emissions enough to avoid dangerous warming beyond 2 degrees Celsius.
Focus Area Observations
Climate Change and Land
How does Negative Impacts
climate • Climate change can affect the land through both gradual changes in temperature and rainfall
change affect patterns, as well as changes in the “distribution and intensity of extreme events”.
land • Three main processes where climate change impact land-
degradation? o Coastal erosion as affected by sea level rise and increased storm frequency/intensity.
o Permafrost thawing responding to warming.
o Increased wildfires responding to warming and altered precipitation regimes.
• Climate Change is also influencing species invasions and the degradation that they cause.
• When rainfall patterns change, it is expected to drive changes in vegetation cover and composition.
o For example, in Central India, there has been a threefold increase in widespread extreme rain
events during 1950-2015, which has influenced several land degradation processes, not least soil
• Increased Heat waves threaten the already drought-prone areas. Extreme heat events can reduce
photosynthesis in trees, restrict growth rates of leaves and reduce growth of the whole tree.
• Global warming will exacerbate heat stress thereby amplifying deficits in soil moisture
Positive Impacts
• CO2 fertilisation- where higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere bolsters plant growth and land
• Longer growing seasons in high latitudes due to warmer seasons of spring and autumn.
How does the Negative Impacts
land • Around 23% of global greenhouse gas emissions were released from 2007-16.
contribute to • Source of CO2 emissions- Deforestation and other types of vegetation loss.
climate • Source of Methane- Livestock production, Rice farming and other smaller sources like animal
change? manure, waste burning and peat lands in the northern hemisphere.
• Source of Nitrous Oxide- Nearly two-thirds emission come from agriculture and most of it come from
the application of nitrogen fertiliser.
Positive Impacts
• From 2008-17, the land absorbed 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. It happens when-
o Trees and other types of vegetation carry out photosynthesis.

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o Soil gains carbon through plant material, crop residues and animal manure.
o The ability of the land to absorb greenhouse gases is currently being aided by “increasing
atmospheric CO2 concentration and a prolonged growing season in cool environments”.
Desertification • Drylands are particularly vulnerable to land degradation because of scarce and variable rainfall as
well as poor soil fertility.
• The people residing these drylands are vulnerable because their livelihoods are predominantly
dependent on agriculture; one of the sectors most susceptible to climate change.
• Global warming is projected to reduce crop yields across dryland areas.
• Thus, it will provide an added incentive for people in these areas to migrate to other places. This can
increase the costs of labour-intensive SLM [sustainable land management] practices.
Other Impacts • On the livelihoods of people around the world, particularly those living in vulnerable and poverty-
stricken regions.
• In many of the poorest parts of the world, poverty, land degradation and vulnerability to extreme
events linked to climate change all go hand-in-hand.
• There is clear link between climate-related land degradation, migration and conflict. E.g. conflicts in
both Rwanda and Sudan.
Climate Change and Food Security
How can • Climate change is putting the world’s food supply at risk.
climate • With more extreme weather events, stable food production will increasingly be imperilled,
change affect threatening the poorest populations first.
food security? • There is evidence that pests and diseases are boosted due to climate change.
• Desertification could affect rangelands where cattle are reared.
• Crop yields are already falling in some areas, deserts are spreading and plant diversity is waning.
• Cereal prices could increase by 1-29% by 2050 as a result of climate change
• Reduction in nutritional quality of staple crops- due to increased atmospheric concentrations of
carbon dioxide (CO2).
o Wheat grown at CO2 levels of 546-586 parts per million (ppm) has 5.9-12.7 per cent less protein,
3.7-6.5 per cent less zinc, and 5.2-7.5 per cent less iron. Similarly, the report points out for rice
o This could put about 600 million people, living in low-income countries, especially in Asia, at risk
of low nutrition.
How Food • The push to use more of the world’s land to produce crops and lumber is contributing to climate
System is change by eliminating natural wetlands and reducing forests that capture greenhouse gases.
aiding Climate • The current farming practices, of both crop and livestock, are unsustainable and are responsible for a
Change significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and is also worsening climate change.
• The global food system is responsible for 21 to 37 per cent of the world’s GHG emissions. This
includes agriculture (10-12 per cent), land use (8-10 per cent), and storage, transport and processing
(5-10 per cent).
• Food wastage (from harvesting, processing, and storage) also contribute 8-10 per cent of GHG
emissions. The global food loss and waste has increased from around 540 metric tonnes in 1961 to
1630 Mt in 2011.
• Rapid agricultural expansion has led to destruction of forests, wetlands and grasslands and other
ecosystems. Soil erosion from agricultural fields, the report estimates, is 10 to 100 times higher than
the soil formation rate.
How could ‘negative emissions’ affect land, food and wildlife?
Negative • They range from the natural-sounding – planting trees, for example – to the technologically
emissions are a advanced, such as using machines to suck CO2 from the air (known as direct air capture, or DAC)
group of • Many of the modelled pathways for limiting global warming to 1.5C rely heavily on a technique
methods that called “bioenergy with carbon capture and storage” (BECCS).
aim to remove o This technique involves growing crops, using them to produce energy and then capturing the
CO2 from the resulting CO2 emissions before storing them in the ground or sea.
atmosphere o If BECCS is pursued at the level “necessary to remove CO2 from the atmosphere at the scale of
and store it in several billion tonnes of CO2 per year”
the land or
Sustainable development, Gender and the role of Indigenous Communities
• In rural areas, women face higher vulnerability to climate change and its potential land-based solutions than men.
o E.g. the need to adapt to climate change on farms in Australia and Canada falls disproportionately on women’s

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workloads. Whereas in Ethiopia, research found that male-headed households had access to a wider set of
adaptation measures than female-headed households
• The indigenous knowledge can play a key role in understanding the impacts of climate change on land in regions
without long-term instrumental data records.
Summary of Recommendations for Policy Makers
• Many activities for combating desertification can contribute to climate change adaptation with mitigation
co-benefits, as well as to halting biodiversity loss with sustainable development co-benefits to society.
• Sustainable land management, including sustainable forest management, can prevent and reduce land
degradation, maintain land productivity, and sometimes reverse the adverse impacts of climate change on
land degradation.
• Policies that operate across the food system, including those that reduce food loss and waste and influence
dietary choices, enable more sustainable land-use management, enhanced food security and low emissions
trajectories (high confidence). Such policies can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation,
reduce land degradation, desertification and poverty as well as improve public health.
• Acknowledging co-benefits and trade-offs when designing land and food policies can overcome barriers to
• Delaying climate mitigation and adaptation responses across sectors would lead to increasingly negative
impacts on land and reduce the prospect of sustainable development.


Why in news? About National River Linking Project (NRLP)
Recently, the Union Government has approved • The core idea behind interlinking is transfer of 'surplus'
the Kosi-Mechi river-interlinking project. water from one basin to another 'deficit' basin.
• The NRLP is being managed by India's National Water
More on the Kosi-Mechi River Interlinking Development Agency (NWDA), under the Union Ministry
Project of Water Resources.
• The Inter-link project has been split into three parts:
• It is the country’s second major river o A northern Himalayan rivers inter-link component
interlinking project after Ken-Betwa of o A southern Peninsular component
Madhya Pradesh. o An intrastate rivers linking component
• This interlinking project envisages diversion • Under the National Perspective Plan (NPP) prepared by
of part of surplus water of Kosi river through Ministry of Water Resources, NWDA has already identified
existing Hanuman Nagar barrage to the 14 links under Himalayan Rivers Component and 16 links
Mahananda basin. under Peninsular Rivers Component for inter basin transfer
• Mechi is an important tributary of of water based on field surveys and investigation and
detailed studies.
Mahananda river. Its basin however remains
• The government has identified four priority links for the
mostly deficient in providing adequate water
preparation of detailed project reports (DPR) under the
for irrigation. Peninsular Component:
• It is a green project as it involves no o the Ken-Betwa link project (UP and M.P.),
displacement of population and there is no o the Damanganga-Pinjal link project (Maharashtra and
acquisition of any forestland. Gujarat),
o No National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Eco- o the Par-Tapi-Narmada link project (Maharashtra and
sensitive areas, etc. are present within 10 Gujarat)
km radius of the project. o the Godavari-Cauvery link project (Andhra Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu).
Arguments in favour of Interlinking of Project
• Judicious Use of Water Resources- to ensure greater equity in the distribution of water by enhancing its
availability in drought-prone and rainfed areas.
o Will prevent flow of fresh river water into sea. For example, the Godavari-Krishna project will lift
Godavari waters that now flow into the sea.
• Address the issue of Water Stress- as per Niti Aayog, India is facing its ‘worst’ water crisis in history and that
demand for potable water will outstrip supply by 2030 if steps are not taken.

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• Can improve the irrigation coverage- such as this project will provide irrigation to large command areas
spread across the districts in north Bihar.
o The NPP is envisaged to give the benefits of 25 million ha of irrigation from surface waters and 10 million
ha by increased use of ground waters, raising the ultimate irrigation potential from 140 million ha to 175
million ha.
o It also targets to decrease farmers’ dependency on uncertain monsoon rains and bringing millions of
hectares of cultivatable land under irrigation.
o It will also aid the achievement of second green revolution.
• Power generation- It is also seen to
lead to the generation of 34 million
KW of power.
• Disaster Management- as it can help
in swift diversion of waters in both
floods and droughts.
Arguments against the Interlinking of
• Artificial change of course- Rivers
living eco-systems that have evolved
over hundreds of thousands of years.
Shifting their course like roads and
power lines may lead to unintended
o Only by maintaining “minimum
flow requirements” the river
ecosystem can be conserved.
• Bypass the crucial dryland areas-
There are concerns that the intended
projects might bypass the core
dryland areas of central and western
India, which are located on elevations
of 300 to 1000 metres above mean
sea level.
• Impact on Environment- including
large-scale submergence of forests and destruction of habitat for wildlife as happened in the Ken-Betwa link.
• Impact on rivers- water discharge in 23 out of 29 rivers will reduce considerably, they say. E.g. The Ganga
will see a 24% decrease in flow. Its tributaries Gandak (-68%) and Ghaghara (-55%) will be the worst affected.
• Lead to shoreline loss- as per a study, it will lead significantly reduce the sediments deposited by the rivers
in deltas. Fertile deltas will be under threat, with coastal erosion expected to threaten the land and
livelihoods of local economies that support 160 million people.
• Impact on Monsoons- The continuous flow of fresh river water into the sea is what helps maintain a low
salinity layer of water with low density in the upper layers of the Bay of Bengal. This is a reason for the
maintenance of high sea-surface temperatures (greater than 28 degrees C), which create low-pressure areas
and intensify monsoon activity.
• Increased vulnerability- Rare ecosystems and vital agricultural areas would become more vulnerable to
storm surges, river flooding, and heightened salinity.
• Federal contentions- as water is a state subject. States that have surplus water are not ready to give it to
other states and there is a huge logjam, which is cropping up time and again because of this.
The future projects should be on the lines of this green interlinking project where there is minimal adverse
impacts as discussed above.

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Why in news? Challenges in Ocean Energy in India-
Recently, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has • Lack of indigenous technologies- India
had planned to set up an OTEC plant way
declared Ocean Energy as renewable energy.
back in 1980, off the Tamil Nadu coast,
Background but with the foreign vendor closing down
its operation, it had to be abandoned.
• The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) has a • Costly project- OTEC is capital intensive
theoretical potential of 180,000 MW in India subject to and is economical only at very large
suitable technological evolution. scales.
o The total identified potential of tidal energy is about o E.g. The capital cost for tidal energy
12,455 MW, with potential locations identified at power plants is very high due to high
Khambat & Kutch regions, and large backwaters, where civil construction and high-power
barrage technology could be used. purchase tariff.
o The total theoretical potential of wave energy in India • Insufficient incentives- by the
along the country’s coast is estimated to be about government for the private players such
as acquisition of technology and know-
40,000 MW.
how of the ocean energy.
• A variety of different technologies are currently under • Environmental Concerns- due to
development throughout the world to harness this energy inadequate study and data, it is difficult to
in all its forms. In this direction, the Government has been estimate the impact of wave power
trying to utilize the Ocean Energy Capacity. generation on marine ecosystem.
• The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy received some
applications by some private players, for projects in this field, but they wanted clarity on the status of Ocean
Energy as Renewable Energy.
o The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has thus clarified to all the stakeholders that energy
produced using various forms of ocean energy such as tidal, wave, ocean thermal energy conversion
among others shall be considered as renewable energy and shall be eligible for meeting the non-solar
Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO)
o Under the RPO, distribution companies Steps taken by the Government
(DISCOMs) are required to have certain • The technology programme has been launched by the
proportion of clean energy supplies. The
o to accelerate and enhance support for the resource
proportion is fixed by state power
assessment and deployment of ocean energy in the
regulators. The DISCOMs can also buy country and
renewable energy certificates in lieu of o to harness it for power generation and to overcome
mandated clean energy supplies, from the the barriers.
developers or renewable power • It is open to public and private sectors to carry out
generators. projects in India.
• Industry lead R&D proposals are invited from
Technologies- Technology although currently
stakeholders, for solving problems in Indian conditions.
under-utilised, ocean energy is mostly exploited • Basic R&D is being looked after by the Ministry of Earth
by just a few technologies: Wave, tidal, current Sciences (example: National Institute of Ocean
energy and ocean thermal energy. Technology, Chennai).
• Tidal Energy The tidal cycle occurs every 12 • All the stakeholders desirous of utilizing Ocean Energy are
invited by MNRE for demonstration projects of proven
hours due to the gravitational force of the
technologies under Research, Design, Development and
moon. Demonstration (RDD&D) programme/policy of the
o The difference in water height from low Ministry, in force at the time.
tide and high tide is potential energy.
Similar to traditional hydropower generated from dams, tidal water can be captured in a barrage across
an estuary during high tide and forced through a hydro-turbine during low tide.
o To capture sufficient power from the tidal energy potential, the height of high tide must be at least five
meters (16 feet) greater than low tide.
o The Gulf of Cambay and the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat on the west coast have the locations in the country
where potential exists.

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• Wave Energy- is generated by the movement of a device either floating on the surface of the ocean or
moored to the ocean floor.
o Wave conversion devices that float on the surface have joints hinged together that bend with the waves.
This kinetic energy pumps fluid through turbines and creates electric power. Stationary wave energy
conversion devices use pressure fluctuations produced in long tubes from the waves swelling up and
o This bobbing motion drives a turbine when critical pressure is reached. Other stationary platforms
capture water from waves on their platforms. This water is allowed to runoff through narrow pipes that
flow through a typical hydraulic turbine.
• Current Energy- Marine current is ocean water moving in one direction. Tides also create currents that flow
in two directions.
o Kinetic energy can be captured from marine and other tidal currents with submerged turbines that are
very similar in appearance to miniature wind turbines. Similar to wind turbines, the movement of the
marine current moves the rotor blades to generate electric power.
• Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)- uses ocean temperature differences from the surface to depths
lower than 1,000 meters, to extract energy.
o A temperature difference of only 20°C can yield usable energy. Research focuses on two types of OTEC
technologies to extract thermal energy and convert it to electric power: closed cycle and open cycle. In
the closed cycle method, a working fluid, such as ammonia, is pumped through a heat exchanger and
vaporized. This vaporized steam runs a turbine. The cold water found at the depths of the ocean
condenses the vapor back to a fluid where it returns to the heat exchanger.
o In the open cycle system, the warm surface water is pressurized in a vacuum chamber and converted to
steam to run the turbine. The steam is then condensed using cold ocean water from lower depths.


Why in news? Related news
Recently, the NITI Aayog released the Recently, India has been placed as the thirteenth most water-
Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) stressed country as per the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas released
2.0 to assess and improve the performance in by the World Resources Institute (WRI).
efficient management of water resources. • A region is said to be under ‘water stress’ when the demand
for water there exceeds the available volume or when poor
About Composite Water Management Index quality restricts use.
• The CWMI 2019 measures the • Key findings of the Atlas
performance of States on a comprehensive o Both surface water and groundwater in India was highly
set of water indicators and reports relative exploited. Groundwater levels, in fact, declined at more
than eight centimetres per year between 1990 and 2014
performance in 2017-18 as well as trends
in northern India.
from previous years (2015-16 & 2016-17). o Chandigarh was the most water-stressed, followed by
• States and Union Territories (UTs) have Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
been scored on the Index which comprises Recently, union government has launched ‘Samagra Shiksha-Jal
nine themes, and a total of 28 indicators Suraksha’ drive as an impetus to Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA) which
across themes, and have been divided into was launched in July 2019.
three categories: non-Himalayan states, • It aims to create awareness about water conservation
North-Eastern and Himalayan states, and among all school students in the country.
Union Territories (UTs). • The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of
Key findings of the Report Human Resource Development is the implementing agency.

• A majority of Indian states are demonstrating progress- 80% of the states (19 out of 24) have shown
improvement in their water management scores over the last three years.
o High-performing states continue to lead on the Index- such as Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
• But improvement is piecemeal- as the improvement demonstrated by states and UTs is not consistent
across themes, and average state performance declined on four themes.

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o Improvement is also insufficient in states where it is most required- Apart from Haryana, Goa, and
Telangana none of the other low-performing states have advanced beyond the 50-point mark in the last
three years.
• The low-performing states bear the largest burden of national population and economic production- The
16 low-performing states collectively account for ~48% of the population, ~40% of agricultural produce, and
~35% of economic output for India.
• Source augmentation and restoration of water bodies: Overall performance on surface water restoration
slipped during FY 17-18 compared to FY 16-17,
Some Successful Case Studies
due to the decline in the performance of
• Mukhya Mantri Jal Swavlambhan Abhiyan (MUSA),
Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and Nagaland.
Rajashtan- It is multi-stakeholder programme which
• Source augmentation (Groundwater): Overall, aims to make villages self-sufficient in water through a
states have displayed improvement in recharge participatory water management approach. It focuses
of their groundwater resources between FY 15- on converging various schemes to ensure effective
16 and FY 17-18, but the median continues to implementation of improved water harvesting and
remain below 50% of the total achievable score. conservation initiatives.
• Participatory irrigation practices: Overall, • Mission Kakatiya, Telangana- It aims to restore over
performance declined marginally in the last 46,000 tanks across the state and bring over 20 lakh
three years. Despite most states having legal acres land under cultivation. Over 22,500 tanks had
been restored till March 2018 as per reports.
frameworks to promote Water User Association
• Jakhni Village, Bundelkhand, Uttar Pradesh- From one
(WUA) involvement, actual implementation of
of the most water scarce regions of India, villagers of
WUA responsibilities (such as involvement in this village have drastically changed their water
O&M of irrigation assets) remains low. situation by putting rigorous water conservation
• Sustainable on-farm water use practices: efforts. It included construction of farm ponds,
Overall, states have failed to show any restoration/rejuvenation/restoration of water bodies,
significant improvement in on-farm water use collection and utilization of grey water, raising of farm
efficiency. This is a pressing concern given the bunds, and intensive plantation of trees.
large-scale national push towards the adoption
Significance of CWMI
of micro-irrigation.
• It proposes a policy shift in water resources
• Rural drinking water: Overall scores declined in
management, from the conventional style of
FY 17-18 from a low base in FY 16-17 (less than investment in major infrastructure projects, to
50% of the total achievable score), largely due undertaking grass-root level activities with
to poor performance on the new service participation of local communities which could ensure
delivery indicators introduced under the theme equitable access of water.
this year. • It will help build pressure on states who have not
• Urban water supply and sanitation: While performed well to improve their water management
water access remains high on average, techniques as this is directly linked to agriculture
significant gaps exist in wastewater treatment. prosperity in different states.
States have shown improvement in creation of • Data from Index can be used by researchers,
entrepreneurs, and policymakers to enable broader
wastewater treatment capacity, but utilization
ecosystem innovation for water in India.
of this capacity remains low.
• Policy and governance: An increase in theme averages suggests a growing focus by states on water as a
subject as well as the use of regulatory frameworks for better resource management. However, water
pricing and data centres remain improvement areas for most states.


Why in news?
Recently, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change placed the Draft National Resource Efficiency
Policy (NREP) 2019 in public domain.
• As one of the fastest growing economies in the world, India has increased its material consumption to six
times, from 1.18 billion tonnes (BT) in 1970 to 7 BT in 2015.

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o It is expected to further increase owing to increasing population, rapid urbanization and growing
o In this context, enhancing resource efficiency and promoting the use of secondary raw materials has
emerged as a strategy to ensure sustainable development.
• Resource efficiency (RE) implies judicious use of earth’s limited resources to achieve maximum benefit for
sustained human wellbeing while minimizing the adverse impacts on environment.
o It reduces waste, drives greater resource productivity, delivers a more competitive economy, addresses
emerging resource scarcity issues, and helps reduce the environmental impacts associated with both
production and consumption.
o 6Rs Principle is key to drive resource efficiency and refers to reduce, reuse, recycle, refurbish, redesign
and remanufacture.
• The Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP) envisions a future with environmentally sustainable
and equitable economic growth, resource security, healthy environment (air, water and land), and restored
ecosystems with rich ecology and biodiversity.
• It is guided by the principles of
o Reduction in primary resource consumption to ‘sustainable’ levels, in keeping with achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals and staying within the planetary boundaries
o Creation of higher value with less material through resource efficient and circular approaches
o Waste minimization
o Material security, and creation of employment opportunities and business models beneficial to the
cause of environment protection and restoration.
Potential of Resource Efficiency
• Economic Potential-
o Can help material savings of Rs. 60.8 billion in manufacturing sector alone.
o Can reduce import dependence for critical minerals to improve the country’s trade balance.
o Can improve resource availability that is critical to the growth of industries.
• Social Potential-
o Can reduce conflict and displacement in mining areas, as well as improve health and welfare of local
communities due to reduced extraction pressures.
o Can improve affordability of and access to resources critical for poverty reduction. E.g. recycled
aggregates and other secondary raw materials.
o Can contribute towards preserving resources for future generations
• Environmental Potential-
o Can reduce ecological degradation and pollution associated with mining due to reduced extraction
o Can lead to reduction in GHG emissions from extraction, manufacturing and use phase.
o Can provide opportunities for restoration of landscape and water bodies.
Salient Features of the NREP 2019
• Priority resources, materials and sectors- across the life-cycle are intended to be covered here such as-
o Resources and materials: Metals, non-metallic minerals, air, water, land, biomass, fossil fuels.
o Sectors: Construction, transport, plastic, packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, agriculture,
metal industry (steel, aluminium etc.), textile, renewable energy, food etc.
o Wastes: Municipal solid waste, plastic packaging, waste electrical and electronic equipments, industrial
• Indicators- to track the progress on resource efficiency-
o Resource Productivity - ratio of monetary output to resource input
o Domestic Material Consumption - total amount of materials consumed by the economy
o Domestic Material Extraction - input from natural environment to be used in the economy
o Direct Material Input - direct input of materials for use in economy
o Waste recycling related indicators- e.g. secondary raw materials recovered, recovery rate etc.

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• Institutional Set-up
o National Resource Efficiency Authority (NREA)- to be constituted under the provisions of Section 3(3) of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, will be mandated to drive the agenda of resource efficiency
across the country. It will have a collaborative structure with a core working group and a members
group with other stakeholders.
o Shared responsibility of Stakeholders- such as-
✓ Role of Government- in developing and implementing resource efficiency strategies, facilitate data
compilation, setting up of infrastructure (e.g. Material Recycling Zones) among others.
✓ Role of Manufacturers and service providers- in integrating design for recovery and recyclability in
the product and formulating end-of-life management policy.
✓ Role of Consumers- in creating demand for resource efficient products and services, engage in
shared use of products and environmentally safe disposal of their end of life products.
✓ Role of Civil Society Organizations- in awareness generation (especially amongst the informal
sector) and advocacy of secondary material use.
✓ Role of Recyclers- in maintaining required statutory norms and standards for occupational Health,
Safety and Environment at premises. Also provide opportunities to the informal sector to become
part of their formal setups.
✓ Role of Academia- in introduction of courses on concepts like 'Circular Economy' and 'Resource
Efficiency' in schools and colleges. Further research and training programs can also be brought.
• Policy Instruments
o Addressing regulatory gaps- so as to integrate resource efficiency and circular economy across life cycle
stages. For this proper guideline, mandatory quality and design standards need to be in place. Also new
concepts like environmental liability can be utilized.
o Design of innovative market-based instruments- like taxes must incorporate the cost of externalities,
tax exemptions for components using recycled material, tax sops for eco-labelled products and
rationalization of tax regime to make secondary raw materials price-competitive.
o Green Public Procurement- e.g. Public tenders that include quotas for locally sourced materials could be
designed. A comprehensive and well-designed national level Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP)
policy can be implemented.
o Supporting recycling and recovery structures- e.g. Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) needs to be set up
equipped with best available technology systems for efficient end-of-life collection.
o Strengthening product responsibility- Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems should be
accompanied by reporting and monitoring mechanisms and could be supported by the creation and
accreditation of more Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs).
o Creation of resource efficient business models- by incorporation of Viability Gap Funding (VGF), seed
funding for circular business models, dedicated Green fund among others.
Natural resources form the backbone of any economic development. Resources not only help in meeting our
basic needs, but also fulfil human aspirations for a better quality of life, higher standards of living. This policy
framework if implemented in its letter and spirit can reap large dividends.


Why in news?
Recently, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change released the Environmental and Social
Management Framework (ESMF) in public domain.
• The draft Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is part of a World Bank-funded project
named ENCORE (Enhancing Coastal and Ocean Resource Efficiency Program) which aims to strengthen
integrated coastal zone management in all coastal States and Union Territories of India.

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• The ESMF has been prepared with Need for an ESMF
an objective to manage the social • Depending on the nature and location, the project initiatives such as
and environment impacts through coastal protection measures, waste management, development of
infrastructure facilities for livelihood support etc., are likely to result
appropriate measures during the
in positive and negative impacts on the project area during their
planning, design, construction and construction and O&M phases.
operation of various sub-projects of • These impacts assume importance when the project locations are in
ENCORE. the proximity to sensitive areas.
o It is a tool for ENCORE Program o E.g. the Bombay high court struck down the Coastal Regulation
to screen the subprojects to Zone (CRZ) clearance for its Coastal Road, which is part of the
categorise them based on Eastern Freeway to be constructed to provide an alternate
defined criteria and to decide on speedy connect between South Mumbai and Western suburbs.
how to manage these using • Hence, there is a need for systematic safeguards management with
either full-fledged ESIAs pre-defined framework for risk mitigation.
(Environmental and Social • As all project locations and activities are not finalized, in order to
identify and manage associated environmental risks, it is required
Impact Assessment) and ESMPs
to prepare an ESMF for the project.
(Environmental and Social
• ESMF manages potential adverse impacts through a guide consisting
Management Plan) or some of a set of methodologies, procedures and measures to facilitate
generic efforts are required. adequate environmental management (risk management and
• It aims to ensure the following: impacts) of works related to the project and whose specific location
o Integration of environmental is unknown or may change during project implementation.
and social aspects into the
decision-making process at all stages of the sub-projects.
o Enhancement of sustainable environmental and social outcomes through sensitive planning, design and
implementation of sub-projects,
o Avoidance or minimization of impacts on cultural properties and natural habitats through careful
planning and safeguards,
o Restoration of the livelihoods and living standards of the subproject affected people and compensate
any loss of livelihood or assets,
o Adoption of higher work safety standards, occupational and community health and safety.
• The Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM), under MoEFCC is the National Project
Management Unit (NPMU) for ICZMP and ENCORE Programs.
Salient Features of ESMF
• ESMF Adoption Framework- which include various steps like: Screening and initial environmental and social
examination, Environment and social review, implementation of environmental and social measures etc.
• Resettlement Policy Framework- Every Project Authority shall undertake a survey for identification of the
persons and their families likely to be affected by the project.
o Based on the social impact assessment survey, will prepare an action plan to mitigate or minimize the
adverse impacts as identified during the survey.
o The draft mitigation plan in form of resettlement action plan (RAP) will be again disseminated among the
affected individuals / community.
• Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF)- There has to be a social assessment and free, prior and
informed consultation process leading to the broad community support by tribal for the project, and the
development of an instrument for indigenous peoples in the form of a Tribal Peoples Plan (TPP).
• Gender Action Plan- will be prepared to analyse the gender issues during the preparation stage of sub
project and design interventions.
o Any project must address the constraints on women’s participation in project design, construction, and
monitoring and evaluation (M & E).
o The project must also focus on the linkage between gender and poverty, by identifying, for example,
households headed by females and those households’ special needs.
• Labour Management Framework- since during the construction phase of the project of the different
interventions in the States and UTs, labourers will be hired. This framework has to be in place to ensure

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o Potential impacts associated with influx of labourers on the host population and receiving environment
are minimized
o Provision of safe and healthy working conditions, and a comfortable environment for migrant labour
o To ensure compliance with the national labour laws.
• Grievance Redress Mechanism- for the ENCORE Program incorporates an integrated system with Grievance
Redressal Cell (GRCs), with necessary officers, officials and systems, at the SPMU in all the states and UTs.
• This should work like a living document and shall be updated as and when required according to the
changing scenarios and challenges. It has to be a continuous process rather than a “one-off” investment
• So far three coastal States, namely Gujarat, Odisha and West Bengal, have prepared such plans for
sustainable coastal management with support from the World Bank. Such plans should be prepared for the
selected coastal stretches in other States/UT as well.

5.7. KUSUM
Why in News?
Recently, The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued operational guidelines for the
implementation of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM Kusum) Scheme.
• As a part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), India has committed to increase the
share of installed capacity of electric power from non-fossil-fuel sources to 40% by 2030.
• Large Scale Solar power generation projects are being installed to achieve the target of 100 GW of Solar
Power generation by 2022.
• It has also been planned to simultaneously develop decentralized Solar energy and other renewable
energy generation Plants of capacity up to 2 MW which could be connected directly to existing sub-stations
of Distribution Company.
• Such plants near these sub-stations may be developed, preferably by farmers, giving them an opportunity
to increase their income by utilising their barren and
uncultivable land for solar or other renewable energy Benefit of the scheme
• It will have substantial environmental impact
based power plants.
in terms of savings of CO2 emissions.
• Besides, developing decentralized renewable power, it is
• Component-B of the Scheme on standalone
planned to replace Agriculture Diesel pumps with Solar solar pumps may result in saving of 1.2
Water pumps and Solarise Grid connected Agriculture billion liters of diesel per annum and
pumps. associated savings in the foreign exchange
• Solarization of the pumps can reduce dependence of due to reduction of import of crude oil.
these pumps on conventional sources of energy supplied • It will also have direct employment
by DISCOMs and thus reducing their burden of subsidy on potential for skilled and unskilled workers.
agriculture consumption of Electricity. • It will also provide additional source of
• Hence, KUSUM was launched in February which has income to farmers who will be in a position
to sell the surplus power to DISCOMs.
provision for the decentralised renewable energy plants,
Solar agriculture water pumps and solarisation of existing Grid connected Agriculture pumps.
About KUSUM Scheme
• The scheme aims to provide energy security along with financial and water security to farmers.
• It would encourage farmers to generate solar power in their farms and use the clean energy to replace their
diesel water pumps.
• It targets to add decentralised solar power capacity of 25,750 megawatt by 2022.
• The approved scheme comprises three components:

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Components Details
Component A: • Mandate- Under this component, solar or other renewable energy based power plants (REPP)
setting up of of capacity 500 kW to 2 MW will be setup by individual farmers/ group of farmers/
10,000 megawatt cooperatives/ panchayats/ Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO) referred as Renewable Power
of decentralised Generator (RPG).
ground/ stilt- • Transmission of Power- The RPG will be responsible for laying of transmission line and comply
mounted grid- with grid connectivity and other regulations.
connected solar or • Power Purchase Agreement- shall be executed between the DISCOM and RPG with all the
other renewable necessary conditions. The RPG shall also provide the bank guarantees to the DISCOMs. If the
energy-based RPG is not able to generate minimum energy then it will be liable to pay compensation.
power plants. • DISCOMS to be provided performance-based incentives of Rs 0.40 per unit for five years
• 1,000 MW to be taken up on pilot basis first
Component B: Off- • Mandate- Under this Component, individual farmers will be supported to install 17.50 lakh
grid solar standalone solar Agriculture pumps of capacity up to 7.5 HP for replacement of existing diesel
pumps Agriculture pumps in off-grid areas.
• Requirements of Solar Pumps- It will be mandatory to use indigenously manufactured solar
panels with indigenous solar cells and modules.
• Centre and state to share 30 per cent of pump cost each; farmer to provide the remaining 40
per cent (can access bank loan for up to 30 per cent of the cost)
Component C: • Mandate- Under this Component, individual farmers having grid connected agriculture pump
Solarization of will be supported to solarise pumps. The farmer will be able to use the generated solar power
grid-connected to meet the irrigation needs and the excess solar power will be sold to DISCOMs.
electric pumps • Quality Assurance and Evaluation Mechanism- Systems installed under this Programme should
meet technical specification and construction standards as specified by BIS and MNRE from
time to time.
• Allowed solar PV capacity up to two times the pump capacity in kW terms, to enable sale of
excess power to discoms.
• Procurement based incentive of Rs 0.60 per unit for discoms to purchase of surplus power
• Both net-metering and on-way transfer of power allowed.
• Centre and state to share 30 per cent of pump cost each; farmer to provide the remaining 40
per cent (Can access bank loan for up to 30 per cent of the cost)
• Increased Groundwater exploitation: Increased dependence on groundwater for irrigation has resulted in
improving agricultural yields, but it has also led to depletion of groundwater resources at an alarming rate.
o Scheme fails to mandate or even suggest remote monitoring of pump use and groundwater withdrawal,
particularly in states/regions with fast depleting aquifers.
o Free electricity through a large number of solar pumps will increase the chances of over-exploitation of
water and risks the water table even in safe zones.
• Missing measures to ensure efficient DISCOM participation: The scheme provides DISCOMS with a
procurement-based incentive of Rs 0.40 per unit for five years (or Rs 6.6 lakh per MW) to ensure efficient
DISCOM participation. However, such an incentive is missing in the case of on-grid pumps.
• Increase subsidy burden: Although KUSUM aims to reduce subsidy burden of state discoms, it does not have
any clear goals or provisions to ensure subsidy reduction. The subsidised solar pumps are being installed
without accompanying cuts in agricultural supply or a reduction in subsidy. The result may, therefore, be an
increase in total subsidy burden on states.
• Missing the intended beneficiary: The solar pump schemes have so far mostly failed to benefit their
intended target group – small farmers. Most of the subsidised solar pumps had been installed by large
farmers. The KUSUM scheme proposes installing solar plants on farm land. This option will require large
investment which will likely exclude small farmers.
• Missing financing mechanism: The scheme requires up to 40 per cent financing by the farmer, of which 30
per cent may be available by banks. This requires development of an efficient financial ecosystem, currently
missing in rural India. The guidelines fail in suggesting how it will be done.
• Unclear Selection of beneficiary: Off-grid and on-grid components of the KUSUM scheme call for priority
being given to small and marginal farmers, however objective criteria for beneficiary selection is not defined.
It is left to the state implementing agencies to select beneficiaries.

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Way forward
• Monitoring groundwater extraction: Solar pump schemes should accompany explicit and strict measures of
monitoring and control to manage groundwater extraction. Funds for solar pump schemes should be
extended only to states willing to take such measures.
• Increase agricultural tariffs: Solarisation of feeders may be the most economical solution, but needs to be
accompanied by gradual increase in agricultural tariffs and limits on hours of power supply.
• Mini grid model: Off-grid pumps should be considered only in exceptional cases, for unelectrified regions
with relatively high water-table, and utilisation should be increased through a mini-grid model in which
excess electricity can be used in households or for other economic uses.
• Target and incentivise small and marginal farmers: Clear targets must be set to provide solar pumps to
small and marginal farmers. Providing access to financing is a crucial support needed by this segment.
• Regulatory measures: Efficient DISCOM operations should be ensured by regulatory mandates for regular
reporting on installations, operations, evacuation, billing and payment to farmers.
• On-grid pumps are an alternative for water-scarce regions with high farmer distress, but adequate and one-
way power flow (as opposed to net meter) is necessary to limit water withdrawal.
• Address the state disparity issues: KUSUM should aim to reduce the existing disparity among States with re
gard to solar pumps deployment and irrigation access. The disparity highlights poor State budget allocation
towards solar pumps and the lack of initiative by State nodal agencies.
o To encourage more equitable deployment of 17.5 lakh grid pumps by 2022, the Centre should incentivise
States through target linked financial assistance, and create avenues for peer learning.

5.8. CITES COP18

Why in news?
The 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) took place in Geneva, Switzerland.
More on news
• The Indian star tortoise, smooth-coated otters and Asian small-clawed otters was upgraded to CITES
Appendix I giving it the highest level of international protection from commercial trade.
• The Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) and 18 species of sharks and rays was included for the first time under
Appendix II.
o The gecko is used in Chinese traditional medicine and traded throughout south-east Asia in dried form or
preserved in alcohol.
• Giraffes have been accorded protection from unregulated trade i.e. it is placed in Appendix II of CITES
• CITES, aims at regulating the international trade of specimens of endangered animals and plants, in
particular by monitoring their exportation, re-exportation, importation, transit, transshipment or possession
for any ends in the countries that are a party to CITES.
• CITES was drafted after a resolution was adopted at a meeting of the members of the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1963.
• The Convention is legally binding on the Parties in the sense that they are committed to implementing it;
however, it does not take the place of national laws.
• CITES has three Appendices.
o Appendix I - includes species threatened with extinction. Trade in specimens of these species is
permitted only in exceptional circumstances e.g. Tiger, Himalayan brown bear, elephant, and Tibetan
o Appendix II - includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be
controlled in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival e.g. Hippopotamus, bigleaf
mahogany, and the gray wolf.
o Appendix III - a species included at the request of a country which then needs the cooperation of other
countries to help prevent illegal exploitation, e.g. walrus, Hoffmann's two-toed sloth, and the red-
breasted toucan.

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Why in News? Legal rights to Ganga and Yamuna
There were calls to confer legal rights to In 2017 High Court of the State of Uttarakhand in India declared
rivers. that ‘the Rivers Ganga and Yamuna are legal persons with all the
corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a living person in
Background order to preserve and conserve river Ganga and Yamuna.
• Covering all natural features: Court extended legal rights to
• The concept of granting legal rights to
the ‘Glaciers including Gangotri and Yamunotri, rivers,
non-human entities is not new, but it has streams, rivulets, lakes, air, meadows, dales, jungles, forests
only recently begun to be implemented wetlands, grasslands, springs and waterfalls’ of the
for nature. Himalayas, in order to preserve and conserve these natural
o In 2008, Ecuador granted legal rights features.
to nature in its constitution, explicitly • Loco Parentis: The Director NAMAMI Gange, the Chief
recognizing the rights of nature, and Secretary of the State of Uttarakhand and the Advocate
empowering “all persons, General of the State of Uttarakhand are declared persons in
communities, peoples and nations [to] loco parentis as the human face to protect, conserve and
call upon public agencies to enforce preserve Rivers Ganga and Yamuna and their tributaries.
o These Officers are bound to uphold the status of Rivers
the rights of nature.
Ganges and Yamuna and also to promote the health and
• More recently, the approach has been well-being of these rivers
applied to specific natural features, • Environmental jurisprudence: The Ganga and Yamuna
namely rivers: the Whanganui in New obtained legal rights. Granting legal rights to rivers (and
Zealand, the Ganges and Yamuna Rivers water-bodies) opens up a new area of environmental
in India and the Rio Atrato in Colombia. jurisprudence.
Why conferring legal rights to rivers is needed?
• Protection of rivers: Ascribing legal rights Legal Rights for Nature: Two Approaches
to rivers helps counter pollution, may • Nature rights: Within this framework, nature can only have
revive water bodies. ‘nature rights’, which are specific to the organism or
• Recognising nature: Granting nature legal ecosystem, for example, a bee has bee rights, a river has river
rights establishes nature as a legal equal to rights, and so on.
humans, which is a profound cultural and • Legal personhood: Legal rights are not the same as human
legal shift in terms of how we relate to, rights, and so a “legal person” does not necessarily have to be
and interact with, the environment. a human being.
o Giving nature legal rights means the law can see “nature”
• Attitudinal & behaviour change: It will
as a legal person, thus creating rights that can then be
also change the way humans treat these enforced.
ecologically important river. o Legal personhood also includes the right to enter and
• Expansion of environmental law: enforce contracts, and the ability to hold property.
Protecting the environment through
judicial process is one of the lasting legacies of the rapid expansion of environmental law. Earlier approaches
have often obscured the particular interests of “nature” behind the effects of environmental degradation on
human interests.
Argument against giving legal right to rivers
• Ambiguity in defining rivers: There are vast number of rivers in India but there is no proper definition of a
river, hence it becomes difficult to list out the rivers for conferring legal rights.
• No proof of concept: There is a great deal of uncertainty about what this novel legal development will mean
in practice.
• Enforcement challenges: While the court can direct particular individuals to be the human face of the rivers,
it has no power to provide funding to support this new role, which creates real enforcement challenges
• Unnecessary litigations and increasing workload of judiciary: This has the potential to significantly broaden
the rights associated with Rivers well beyond the legal rights. For example, an environmental activist has
reported the ‘murder’ of the Ganges and Yamuna Rivers to the police, on the basis that the rivers were too
polluted to be considered ‘alive’.

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• Jurisdiction issues: Ganges and Yamuna rivers extend beyond the borders of the state of Uttarakhand, this
would make it difficult for the state government to be responsible for the entire river.
• Clash with other rights: One of the challenges for the creation of legal rights for rivers is how the new rights
for the river will interact with the legal rights of other people, including rights to water and land.
Way ahead
Legal rights are only worth having if they can be enforced. To enforce legal rights for a river, several practical
factors must be accounted for.
• First, an individual or organization must be appointed to act on a river’s behalf, to uphold the rights of, and
speak for nature
• Second, capacity in the forms of time, money, and expertise may need to be made available so that the
rights of the river can be upheld in court.
• Third, river representatives and funding sources are likely to need some form of independence from state
and national governments, as well as sufficient real-world power to take action, particularly if such action is
politically controversial.

Why in news? Ox-bow lake
Recently, Gogabeel, has been declared as Bihar’s first ‘Community Reserve’. It is a crescent shaped lake formed
when a wide U-shaped meander of
About Gogabeel a river is cut off from the main
stem of the river, resulting in a
• It is an ox-bow lake in Bihar’s Katihar district.
separate body of water.
• It is formed from the flow of the rivers Mahananda and Kankhar in the
north and the Ganga in the south and east.
• Among the threatened species, the Lesser Adjutant falls in the vulnerable category; and three species, the
Black-necked Stork, White Ibis and White-eyed Pochard are under the near threatened category.
• Other species reported from this site include Black Ibis, Ashy Swallow Shrike, Jungle Babbler, Bank Myna,
Red Munia, Northern Lapwing and Spotbill Duck.
• In 2004, Gogabeel, including the neighbouring Baghar Beel and Baldia Chaur, were given the status of an IBA
(Important Bird Area of India).
What is a Community Reserve?
• It is a category of protected areas which was introduced in the Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act of
• It is an inhabited area which typically act as buffer zone to or connectors and migration corridors between
established national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and reserved and protected forests of India. Parts of the land
in this area are privately owned.
• Such areas are designated as conservation areas if they are uninhabited and completely owned by the
Government of India but used for subsistence by communities
• These categories were added because of reduced protection in and around existing or proposed protected
areas due to private ownership of land, and land use.
• State Government after consulting with the central government and the local communities, declares any
area as community or conservation reserve.
• Currently there are 127 community reserves in India and maximum in the state of Meghalaya.

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Why in News? Medical Council of India
Recently, President gave assent to National Medical • It is a statutory body, established under Indian Medical
Commission (NMC) Act 2019. Council Act 1956.
• It regulates
Background o standards of medical education.
• Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhury committee (2015) o permission to start colleges, courses or increase
recommended structurally reconfiguring the the number of seats.
(Medical Council of India) MCI’s functions and o standards of professional conduct of medical
practitioners such as registration of doctors etc.
suggested the formation of a National Medical
• Various other committees such as Lodha Panel (2016) and Arvind Panagariya have also previously suggested
scrapping of the MCI.
• Government earlier superseded the MCI through the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018.
The powers of the MCI were also switched from the elective council body to the board of governors.
• Recently, the government also passed the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill of 2019 to further
continue the interim provisions of the ordinance.
• The National Medical Commission (NMC) Act, 2019 seeks to replace the MCI with a National Medical
Commission and overhaul the medical education system.
• However, there are certain sweeping provisions in the Act that has led doctors to protest against the act.
Reasons for the introduction of the Act Issues faced by medical education in India
• Poor doctor-population ratio: India has a • Lack of seats: There still exists a disproportionate
relationship between the number of students and
doctor-population ratio of 1:1456 as
available medical seats.
compared with the WHO standards of 1:1000.
• Rapid and uneven growth of medical colleges: Number of
• Poor distribution of doctors: In addition, medical colleges has more than doubled during last 25
there is a huge skew in the distribution of years. New private medical colleges account for most of
doctors working in the Urban and Rural areas the growth and it has also led to increase in demand of
with the urban to rural doctor density ratio medical education with high tuition fee.
being 3.8:1. • Accreditation standards: Accreditation by MCI is
• Poor condition in rural areas: Consequently, compulsory but requested information emphasizes
most of rural and poor population is denied documentation of infrastructure and human resources
good quality care leaving them in the clutches (head counting) rather than measures of quality of
medical education and outcomes.
of quacks. It is worth noting that at present
• Shortage of medical teachers: There is 30-40% shortage
57.3% of personnel currently practicing
of medical teachers. In last 3 years, numbers of medical
allopathic medicine does not have a medical colleges have gone up to 38, thus requiring 4000 more
qualification. teachers additional to already shortage of medical
• Issues with MCI teachers.
o It failed to produce sufficient number of • High cut off rates, unavailability of medical equipment,
doctors. and poor return on investment (ROI) are some of the
o Shortage of teachers in medical colleges challenges which are steadily deteriorating medical
and poor regulation of undergraduate and education in the country.
postgraduate courses.
o Lack of accountability, alleged corruptions and failure to discharge mandated responsibilities.
• It will help to address issues faced by medical education in India.
About NMC Act
• The Act seeks to proposes to repeal the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and replace the Medical Council
of India (MCI)
• It provides for a medical education system which ensures:

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o availability of adequate and high-quality medical professionals
o adoption of the latest medical research by medical professionals
o periodic assessment of medical institutions
o an effective grievance redressal mechanism.
• Constitution of the National Medical Commission: The Act sets up the National Medical Commission
(NMC). Also, within three years of the passage of the
Functions of the National Medical Commission
Act, state governments will establish State Medical
• framing policies for regulating medical
Councils at the state level. institutions and medical professionals
o The NMC will consist of 25 members, appointed • assessing the requirements of healthcare related
by the central government. human resources and infrastructure
o A Search Committee which will be nominated by • ensuring compliance by the State Medical
the central government will recommend names Councils of the regulations made under the Act
to the central government for the post of • framing guidelines for determination of fees for
Chairperson, and the part time members. up to 50% of the seats in private medical
o Members of the NMC will include: institutions and deemed universities which are
✓ the Chairperson (must be a medical regulated under the Act.
✓ Presidents of the Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Medical Education Boards
✓ General of Health Services, Directorate General of Health Services
✓ Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research
✓ five members (part-time) to be elected by the registered medical practitioners from amongst
themselves from states and union territories for a period of two years.
• Medical Advisory Council: Under the Act, the central government will constitute a Medical Advisory
o The Council will be the primary platform through which the states/union territories can put forth their
views and concerns before the NMC.
o Further, the Council will advise the NMC on measures to determine and maintain minimum standards
of medical education.
• Autonomous boards: The Act sets up autonomous boards under the supervision of the NMC. Each
autonomous board will consist of a President and four members, appointed by the central
government. These boards are
o Under-Graduate Medical Education Board and Post-Graduate Medical Education Board to set
standards and regulate medical education at undergraduate level and postgraduate level respectively.
o Medical Assessment and Rating Board for inspections and rating of medical institutions and
o Ethics and Medical Registration Board to regulate and promote professional conduct and medical ethics
and also maintain national registers of (a) licensed medical practitioners and (b) Community Health
Providers (CHPs).
• Limited licensing: Under the Act, the NMC may grant a limited license to certain mid-level practitioners
connected with the modern medical profession to practice medicine. These mid-level practitioners may
prescribe specified medicines in primary and preventive healthcare.
• Entrance examinations: There will be a uniform National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to
under-graduate and post-graduate super-specialty medical education in all medical institutions regulated
under the Act. The NMC will specify the manner of conducting common counselling for admission in all such
medical institutions.
• National Exit Test (NEXT): The Act also mentions that National Exit Test, which is to gain a licence to practise
after MBBS, can also serve as an entrance examination to post-graduate level.
• Regulation of fees: The Act also proposes for the NMC to "frame guidelines for determination of fee and
other charges" for 50% of seats in private medical institutions and deemed to be universities.
o Currently, state governments determine fees for 85% of seats in such institutions and the rest are left for
the management.

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Benefit of the Act
• Improved medical education system: The Act aims to provide for a medical education system that improves
access to quality and affordable medical education, ensures availability of adequate and high quality medical
professionals in all parts of the country.
• Addressing shortage of doctors: Countries such as Thailand, United Kingdom, China, and even New York
have permitted Community Health Workers/Nurse Practitioners into mainstream health services, with
improved health outcomes. Since India have shortage of doctors and specialists, the task shifting to Mid-
level Provider will relieve the overburdened specialists.
o Chhattisgarh and Assam have also experimented with the Community Health Workers. They have
performed very well and there is no ground of concern if the quality of personnel is regulated tightly.
• Regulation of fees: IMC Act, 1956 has no provision for regulation of fees. As a result, some states regulate
the fees of some seats in private colleges through MoUs signed with college managements.
o Nearly 50% of the total MBBS seats in the country are in government colleges, which have nominal fees.
Of the remaining seats, 50% would be regulated by NMC. This means that almost 75% of total seats in
the country would be available at reasonable fees.
o In the spirit of federalism, the State governments would still have the liberty to decide fees for
remaining seats in private medical colleges on the basis of individual MOUs signed with colleges on the
basis of mutual agreement.
• Transparency: Act will help to ensure transparency and accountability in education system and control
through NMC.
Why it is being opposed?
• Centralisation of power: Act seeks to form NMC, which will be the overarching body on medical education
and research and for the practitioners. It is complete abandonment of federalism and autonomy of medical
• Interference from Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy can have upper hand in all the important bodies where
appointment is being done by Centre.
• Opaqueness in the selection process: There is no provision of election for all the chief posts of these
multiple bodies.
• Less control of States: States have been reduced to mere advisory roles from being in governance mode.
Also, due fees regulation by commission States are led to a no-holds barred situation for private medical
• Oversized body: Scale of the commission would make matters worse. Advisory council will comprise more
than 100 members, including 24 members of the commission. Reaching consensus will become difficult.
• Ambiguity over NEXT exam: It seems that those who don’t clear the exam will not be allowed to practise at
all, which is huge. Last year, 1.15 lakh students undertook PG entrance exam but only 80,000 qualified. The
others are still practising as MBBS doctors. This Act would altogether stop that. It will lead to acute shortage
of doctors when our country is already facing so.
• Interference by third party in inspection/ corruption: According to the Act, not only can members of the
board inspect, but it may “hire and authorise any other third party agency or persons for carrying out
inspections. So far, medical colleges were only inspected for approval by the Medical Council of India (MCI),
but this responsibility has now been entrusted upon Medical Assessment and Rating Board. This will append
the corruption of which the MCI was accused
• Unclear provision of community health providers (CHPs): the government failed to define who would be
those CHPs. IMA vehemently opposed this step as this would legalise quackery.
Way forward
• Voluntary and grade based NEXT exam: If at all, an exit exam was to be given, it should have been made
voluntary and grade-based. So, if a MBBS practitioner wants grade-accredited, s/he could have taken it, as is
the precedent in some countries.
• Trained team of auditors: Inspection should be done with doctors’ designated bodies to keep it corruption

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• More stakeholders involvement: In order to ensure fair decision making all stakeholders should be given the
importance and also the role of state should be increased.
• Other suggestions for medical education in India
o To achieve higher standards of medical education, our goal should be to re-evaluate each and every
o create an efficient accreditation system;
o promote an equal distribution of resources,
o redesign curricula with stricter implementation and improved assessment methodologies.


Why in news?
Recently, there has been a demand to adopt a new population policy for the country.
• Recently, on the World Population Day (July 11th), some concerns were raised that there has been a
“population explosion” in the country. Also, there has been a popular demand from various corners to
implement certain measures to implement population control such as-
o Call for enacting population control laws
o Annulling the voting rights of those having more than two children.
• However, the Economic Survey 2018-19 has rebutted these observations. As per it, India is set to witness a
“sharp slowdown in population growth in the next two decades”.
• The fact is that by the 2030s, some States will Steps taken to control the Population Growth in the country
start transitioning to an ageing society as On-Going Interventions
part of a well-studied process of • Quality care in Family Planning services by establishing
“demographic transition” which sees nations Quality Assurance Committees at state and district levels. ·
slowly move toward a stable population as • Improving contraceptives supply management up to
fertility rates fall with an improvement in peripheral facilities.
social and economic development indices • Demand generation activities in the form of display of
over time. posters, billboards and other audio and video materials in
o The National Family Health Survey the various facilities.
• National Family Planning Indemnity Scheme’ (NFPIS)
(NFHS)–4 revealed that 24 states in the
under which clients are insured in the eventualities of
country have already achieved deaths, complications and failures following sterilization
replacement level fertility (2.1). and the providers/ accredited institutions are indemnified
o India’s declining fertility can largely be against litigations in those eventualities.
attributed to key determinants like • Compensation scheme for sterilization acceptors- under
increasing emphasis on women’s the scheme MoHFW provides compensation for loss of
education and their participation in the wages to the beneficiary and also to the service provider
labour force. (& team) for conducting sterilisations.
• In this background, it is said that rather New Interventions under Family Planning Programme
merely focussing on population stabilization, • Scheme for Home delivery of contraceptives by ASHAs at
doorstep of beneficiaries.
there is a need to focus on other components
• Scheme for ASHAs to ensure spacing in births.
of the population policy.
• Introduction of the new device and methods, which are
Population Policy of India more effective and give boost to spacing of births.
• Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (National Population
• Over the years, India has achieved a steady Stabilization Fund) has adopted the following strategies as
decline in its fertility rates and a slowing a population control measure
down of its population growth. o Prerna Strategy- to push up the age of marriage of girls
• India has the distinction of being the first and delay in first child and spacing in second child the
country in the world to launch a national birth of children in the interest of health of young
programme, emphasizing family planning to mothers and infants.
the extent necessary for reducing birth rates o Santushti Strategy: it invites private sector gynecologists
"to stabilize the population at a level and vasectomy surgeons to conduct sterilization
operations in Public Private Partnership mode.

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consistent with the requirement of national economy"
• The National Population Policy 2000 (NPP 2000) affirms the commitment of the government towards
voluntary and informed choice and consent of citizens while availing of reproductive health care services
and continuation of the target free approach in administering family planning services.
• Under this policy, various less developed states have seen improvement in parameters such as Bihar,
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Assam.
o Their demographic indicators began to be monitored relentlessly.
o For the first time the decadal growth rate in these states has reduced.
o The age of marriage went up, so preventing thousands of maternal and new-born deaths and stillbirths.
o The hospital-based deliveries have doubled in some states with near-tripling in Madhya Pradesh and
Odisha, especially due to the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).
Need of a new Population Policy for India
• Creation of wrong perception- by associating population growth with carious issues of the country and more
people chase fewer and fewer resources.
o Lead to conflicts- as this perception can quickly degenerate into a deep class or religious conflict that
pits the poor, the weak, the downtrodden and the minorities against the more privileged sections.
• Lack of success on various parameters- of the National Population Policy 2000 such as-
o The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) was to have been reduced to 30 per thousand live births and the
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to less than 100 per 1 lakh live births. Today, in 2015, five years after
the goals were to have been realised, India has achieved neither.
• Skewed female and child sex ratio- which is spreading from urban into rural areas.
o Discriminatory social barriers like the absence of women’s ownership rights over land and property are
responsible for the continuing son preference.
• Migration- can lead to issues of sons of soil doctrine (insider vs outsider conflict) as well as strain on the
infrastructure, housing and water availability.
• Ageing- The growing population of the elderly and the increase in life expectancy accompanied by chronic
diseases have the potential to deflect resources from the primary task of providing education, skill
development and increasing employability.
o In the next 10 years, the elderly will account for 12% of the country’s population.
o There are issues faced by elderly in availing benefits of old-age homes and protective laws.
o Dependency ratios are increasing rapidly while the joint family system has disintegrated.
o The market of caregivers is today unregulated, expensive and undependable.
Way Forward
• The new population policy should be such, which cut across sectoral paradigms and address the above
• There should be focus on young population (below 35 years), which could have great socio-economic
developmental outcomes for the nation in years to come.
o It includes greater access to education and livelihood opportunities and meeting the health needs of this
population, including their reproductive needs.
• The two-pronged approach of health system strengthening and population control may work in states such
as Bihar and UP, but for other states that are near or under replacement fertility, more resources should
move into health system strengthening and core health priorities—non-communicable diseases, drug
availability, and human resource deployment etc.
• There is need to focus on smaller states as well. E.g. The Sample Registration System, which tracks deaths
and births in a sample of villages and urban blocks, should also generate data on MMR for smaller states or
union territories (UTs). It currently tracks only larger states.
• A common minimum programme agreed upon by a multi-stakeholder consensus involving all political
parties could be a way forward. It could effectively address misalignment between central and state efforts,
as well as delays and derailments due to regime changes.

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Why in news?
Recently, there has been a discussion over the gap between the requirements and availability of facilities in the
mental healthcare sector in India.
• According to a recent National Mental Health survey, approximately 150 million people in India need care
for their mental health condition.
o It further says that between 70 and 92 percent of these cases failed to receive treatment.
• The World Health Organisation says India has the highest number of teenage suicide rates globally.
• The mental health it forms part of Sustainable Development Goal 3, which emphasises well being of all.
Issues with Mental Healthcare in India
• Lack of awareness about the issue- More than 80% of people do not seek any professional help in India.
• Lack of infrastructure-
o Capital- The amount spent on mental healthcare is just 0.06% of health budget.
o Human- There is a requirement of 13500 psychiatrists but only 3827 are available. Against the
requirement of 20250 clinical
psychologists only 898 are available. Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
Similarly, there is an acute shortage • Rights of person with mental Illness- every person shall have
a right to access mental health care and treatment from
of paramedical staff also.
mental health services run or funded by the appropriate
• Changing Social Discourse- With rising government at an affordable price, free for homeless and BPL.
urbanization and globalization, there is • Advance Directives: given by mentally ill person regarding her
also a small shift towards a nuclear treatment and who shall be her nominated representative
family. With a smaller family, there is a • Central and State Mental Health Authority: These bodies are
larger pressure on the children required to regulate various provisions relating to mental
contributing into depression. health establishments, professionals, law enforcement
• Social stigma because of lower officials and other issues.
awareness is also a deterrence to help • Suicide is decriminalized- person attempting suicide will be
the mentally ill patients. treated as mentally ill and will not be treated under IPC
• Mental Health Review Commission: will be a quasi-judicial
o People suffering from any kind of
body that will periodically review the use of and the
mental health issue are considered procedure for making advance directives and advice the
‘lunatics’ by the people due to the government on protection of the rights of mentally ill persons.
lack of awareness, ignorance and • Mental Health Review Board to protect the rights of persons
blatant apathy. This leads to a vicious with mental illness and manage advance directives.
cycle of shame, suffering and not to • A person with mental illness shall not be subjected to electro-
mention, isolation of the patient. convulsive therapy without the use of muscle relaxants and
o Conditions of Prisoners- having anaesthesia.
mental health problems hasn’t
improved despite provisions in the Mental Healthcare Act.
• Increasing competitiveness- in various fields such as education sector and due to lack of employment
opportunities leading to mental health concerns.
• Lack of implementation- only 19 States have implemented the Mental Healthcare Act till now.
Steps taken
• National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)- implemented since 1982, the Government is supporting
implementation of the District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) in 517 districts of the country for
detection, management and treatment of mental disorders/ illness.
o Manpower development schemes for establishment of Centres of Excellence and strengthening/
establishment of Post Graduate (PG) Departments in mental health specialties.
• Government of India has launched a National Mental Health Policy 2014 –
o Universal access to mental healthcare institutions.

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o Strengthen leadership in the mental health care.
o Gives out role for central and state governments, local bodies and civil society organizations.
• Government has recently come out with Mental Health Care Act 2017 with the aim of avoiding
discrimination and improving their autonomy in their decisions.
• Karnataka government has launched a dedicated helpline called Arogyavani that acts as a counselling and
redressing any type of grievances.
Way Forward
• A community-based solution inspired by Asha workers model can be adapted to serve the mentally ill
population efficiently. Also, more and more professionals should be trained in this field to decrease the ever-
increasing gap.
• To end the stigma, there is a need to empower the people suffering from various mental health issues.
Steps can also be taken to connect the people suffering from such diseases with each other by forming a
network, such that no one feels alienated or alone.
• Other steps which can be taken include-
o Changes in the school curriculums and the examination patterns.
o Interaction with mental health care patients.
o Improving awareness among parents and counseling them too about depression.


Why in News? Rationale behind rationalisation policy
Recently Punjab Education Dept formed • Low enrolment: The existence of too many schools,
rationalisation policy for school teachers in state. It mostly low in enrolment, is creating problems in terms
of quality of teaching and infrastructural facilities
has been introduced to ensure proper pupil-teacher
offered by these schools.
ratio (PTR) as well as optimum utilisation of the
• Large number of small schools: India has three times
available strength of the teaching faculty in the best more schools than China but falls short in qualitative
interest of students. indicators.
Background • Limited finance and resources with states: Due to
limitation of state resources and surplus small schools,
• When Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) was started it has adversely affect the provisioning of resources,
there was a huge infrastructure gap in the learning process and monitoring and supervision.
country adversely affecting the goal of universal
elementary education.
o Consequently, SSA provided 2.06 lakh primary and 1.61 lakh upper primary schools upto 2016-17.
• Section 6 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 also provided children’s
access to elementary schools within the defined area or limits of neighbourhood.
• States are now increasingly realising that surplus schools, in excess of neighbourhood requirement, have
somehow been established which are adversely affecting the provisioning of resources, teaching learning
process, monitoring and supervision.
About Rationalisation of Schools
• Rationalisation of Schools policy may vary from the need for opening of a new school in one habitation, to
maintain status quo in another habitation, merging of more than one small school into one bigger school in
another habitation and /or relocation of school from one habitation to another habitation depending on the
local specific situation.
• Objectives of Rationalisation of Small Schools
o To ensure access of all children to fully functional neighbourhood schools.
o To improve the quality of education, and to ensure the retention of children in schools.
o To make all schools RTE Act 2009 compliant.
o To consolidate the resources for the best interest of the child

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Rationalisation of Schools in India
• Many states such as Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Odisha, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra have
attempted school rationalisation (under names such as consolidate schools, mainstreaming,
amalgamation, and integration) at primary and upper primary levels.
• In 2017, Ministry of Human Resource Development also issued Guidelines for Rationalization of Small
School across States for Better Efficiency.
• The draft National Education Policy (NEP) released in May 2019 has identified the issue of isolation of small
schools and has proposed a potential solution through the creation of ‘school complexes’.
• Economic Survey 2018-19 also suggests that the number of school going children in India will decline by
18.4% between 2021 and 2041 and there is significant rise in number of schools per capita with low
enrolment (less than 50 students).
o Hence it is recommended to consolidate/merge elementary schools (located within 1-3 kms radius of
each other) in order to keep them viable rather than building new ones.
Benefits of such policy
• Bigger schools: It is claimed that one big school is better than two smaller schools; bigger schools provide a
wider range of curricular and extracurricular offerings.
• Better infrastructure and conducive Global Models of school consolidation
environment: It will enable provisioning of • United States of America (USA): The consolidation of
better infrastructure facilities and enable schools and school districts was a major pivot of structural
targeted improvements in learning levels. and systemic reforms.
o Sports programs and extracurricular o From 1930 to 1970, nearly two-thirds of all schools in
activities flourish in consolidated schools the USA were consolidated, resulting in an average
because of combined funding. five-fold increase in school size and increasing
• Better governance: It can be a tool for professionalisation of education bureaucracies.
improving governance and efficiency in • Canada: School consolidation formed an essential
component of educational reforms to address issues such
public schools.
as low student enrolment and higher expectations in terms
Issues related to policy of student and teacher performance.

• Changes in Enrolment: There is some evidence that school consolidation can have a negative impact on
school enrolment or attendance due to increased distances.
o There are also differences in enrolment trends across gender as girls are not able to access the schools
due to distances.
• Better services by smaller schools: In contrary to issues of small schools, they usually provide closer
relations between faculty and administration, a smaller teacher-pupil ratio, and an enhanced potential for
individualized instruction.
• Other major concerns
o Less participation in decision-making by teachers and administrators
o Less human contact, producing frustration and alienation and weakening morale of both students and
school staff
Way forward
• Proper planning: Detailed planning for consolidation based on secondary data, child mapping, and
mandatory consultations with all stakeholders and local governance institutions should be undertaken to
avoid any negative impact of consolidation.
• Coordination between 3 tier government: The central, state, and local governments should act as
facilitators for consolidation and desist from following a one-size-fits-all approach. Consolidation should be a
local exercise, best carried out by local authorities.
o The state government should act as facilitators in the process by providing school data analytics and
visualisation platforms, capacity-building of local authorities, and financial support.
• Improve other parameters: The government needs to take on improving school infrastructure on a war
footing, like it did for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan. It also needs to improve teacher training and inculcate e-

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• The following guiding principles could be followed for school consolidation and restructuring:
o Create before you destroy: Construct functional school infrastructure and appoint teachers in the
consolidated school prior to shutting down schools.
o No child should be left behind: Access to every child and means to participate should be ensured.


Why in news?
The Union government granted the institute of eminence (IoE) status to 14 more higher educational institutions
taking the list to 20
More on news
• Empowered Expert Committee (EEC) appointed by Government under the Chairmanship of Shri N
Gopalaswami recommending 15 Public institutions and 15 Private institutions for considering to give status
of Institutions of Eminence.
• Since the scheme has only provided for 10 Public and 10 Private Institutions, the UGC has examined the list
of 15 Public and 15 Private Institutions using transparent and verifiable criteria.
The following were the principles used for identifying the Institute of Eminence
• Since the thrust of the scheme is to prepare institutions for the global rankings, no existing institution which
has NOT figured in any of the global/national ranks shall be recommended for the IoE status.
• Only after exhausting the above criterion, if any
slot remains vacant, consideration shall be The salient features are
given to 'yet to be established (Greenfield)' • Greater autonomy viz. to admit foreign students up to
proposals 30% of admitted students;
• To recruit foreign faculty upto 25% of faculty strength;
About Institute of Eminence • To offer online courses upto 20% of its programmes;
• To enter into academic collaboration with top 500 in the
• Aim: The aim of the scheme is to bring higher
world ranking Institutions without permission of UGC;
educational institutions selected as IoEs in top • Free to fix and charge fees from foreign students
500 of world ranking in the next 10 years and in without restriction;
top 100 eventually overtime. • Flexibility of course structure in terms of number of
• Objective: Objective is to provide world class credit hours and years to take a degree;
teaching and research facilities to Indian • Complete flexibility in fixing of curriculum and syllabus,
students within the country and enhance etc. has been provided to IoEs.
general level of education of the country
• Financial support: Each Public Institution selected as IoE will be provided financial assistance up to Rs. 1000
Cr over a period of five years.
o In case of the private institutions, there will be no financial support, but they will be entitled for more
autonomy as a special category Deemed University.
• Greenfield Institutions: The Greenfield Institutions would get 3 year period to establish and operationalise
the institution, and thereafter, EEC will consider giving IoE status to such institutions.


Why in News?
According to new study, India’s digital divide is preventing the Digital India programme from achieving its desired
What is Digital Divide?
• It means discrepancy between people who have access to and the resources to use new information and
communication tools, such as the Internet, and people who do not have the resources and access to the
• It also means discrepancy between those who have the skills, knowledge and abilities to use the
technologies and those who do not.

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• The digital divide can exist Determinants of Digital Divide in India
between those living in rural • Poverty: When people have low income, they cannot afford technology
areas and those living in even if they have access of mobiles and internet.
urban areas, between • Illiteracy: The education is strong compliment to the use of technologies like
genders, between the internet and the relevant education levels are secondary and tertiary levels
educated and uneducated, as they are expected to upgrade the national capacity for adaptation and
between economic classes, innovation.
and on a global scale • Knowledge divide: Knowledge divide is directly related to digital divide.
between more and less Given the high levels of literacy in rural India and very low levels of English
speaking and computer savvy population, there is a dire need to develop
industrially developed
softwares in local languages in order to ensure higher and faster adoption of
nations. internet in rural areas.
Digital divide in India • Electrification: There is close relationship between the level of
electrification and digital divide. Rural India has low electricity coverage in
• Globally 12 percent more comparison to urban India. Further the cost of electricity is very high. In
men used the internet than such condition; one cannot afford the use of computers and internet.
women in 2017, while in • Digital infrastructure: The distribution of digital infrastructure becomes
India only 29% of total highly skewed in different states, urban-rural areas etc. which further
internet users are females. widens the digital divide.
• Although India has 220
million smartphone users and is the second largest smartphone market in the world, the overall penetration
is still just about 30 per cent of the population.
• There is a huge rural- urban and inter-state digital divide in India.
• Similarly, many states like north-eastern states, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and
Assam lag behind other states in the use and development of ICTs.
• The internet connectivity promotes social & economic inclusion, efficiency and innovation.
Impact of Digital Divide
• Low female representation: Du1e to huge digital divide in gender, thousands of Indian girls in these far-flung
areas are refused access to Information and Communications Technology (ICTs), which is a primary cause of
low female representation in jobs.
• Denial to education: This lack of equal opportunities to access online services and information deprive
people of higher/quality education and skill training that could help them contribute to the economy and
become leaders on a global level
• Non delivery of welfare schemes: As many schemes have started using ICT in their delivery, at the same
time due to digital divide it will create more problem.
Way forward Some Steps taken by Government
• Focus on education: Make primary and • Bharat Net is the initiative to provide broadband in rural
secondary education especially for girls and India by connecting 250,000 gram panchayats with high
women accessible even in the remotest parts speed fibre optic networks.
• Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan
of India.
(PMGDISHA): It will empower the citizens to operate
• Generating awareness: Digital divides could computer or digital access devices, thus, enabling them to
be bridged to an extent by bringing greater use IT and related services especially Digital Payments.
awareness among citizens about the use of • SWAYAM: To bridge the digital divide for students who
digital technology which could help in have hitherto remained untouched by the digital
reducing information inequality in society. revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream
• Digital literacy and access: The digital divide of the knowledge economy.
can be bridged only if communities have • GSAT 29: It is a multi-beam, multiband communication
access to digital channels and are aware of satellite of India which helps in bridge the digital divide of
how to use them. As part of the Digital India users.
programme, 250,000 access points are being set up for delivering various electronic services to villages.
• Make digital services more affordable: One of the ways to bring about greater penetration of digital
technology in society is to make it more affordable. Promoting greater market competition in Internet

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provision and encouraging public-private partnerships in building ICT infrastructure could increase the
affordability of digital technology and thereby improve access to it.
• Technology advancement suited to rural India: There is a need to promote technologies which are best
suited to rural India.
• Address linguistic barriers: There is dominance of English language in software and internet. There is a need
to promote the use of national language and local languages at least in government websites so as to make
computers and internet more users friendly.
• Infrastructure: Promotion of telecommunication infrastructure in rural India is the most important condition
for bridging the rural-urban digital divide and Indian government can play a significant role in creating the IT
infrastructure in rural India.
• Collaboration with private sector: Meaningful collaborations with the private sector, out-of-the-box thinking
to maximise technological innovations and following a consistent, singularly-focused approach towards the
larger objective, are key.


Why in news?
Current legal provisions for mob lynching
Rajasthan assembly recently passed anti- • Section 223(a) of the Code of Criminal Procedure enables a
mob lynching bill. group of people involved in the same offence to be tried
Mob Lynching in India
• The Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860 also has some proximate
• Lynching is an illegally authorized way sections related to hate speech and hate crimes under Sections
of punishing somebody by an informal 153A (promoting enmity between different groups and doing
group. It is most often also referred as acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony), 153B (imputation,
informal public executions by a mob who assertions prejudicial to national integration).
Need of a separate law
wish to punish an alleged transgressor,
• Deterrence: A dedicated law would help create enough
or to intimidate a group.
deterrence against such heinous crime.
• Lynching is an egregious manifestation • Ensure governance: The killing of human being by a crowd out
of prejudice, intolerance, and contempt to enforce mob justice puts a dent on democratic society and
towards the rule of law. questions governance capabilities of the state. Thus, it needs to
• Supreme Court in Tehseen Poonawalla be punished.
vs Union of India, 2018 issued directions • Deal with multi-dimensional challenges: such as vigilantism,
on the preventive, remedial and punitive lynching due to spread of rumor etc.
measures to be adopted by the central However, some experts feel that the lynch mob is a law and order
and the state governments. challenge and there are enough provisions in IPC related to murder,
attempt to murder, acts done by several persons in furtherance of
• Apart from Rajasthan, West Bengal
common intention etc. to tackle such menace if implemented
government has also introduced bill strongly and effectively.
against mob lynching.
• Till now there is no national law on anti-mob lynching.
Issues with mob lynching
• Against rule of law: The process of adjudication takes place within the courts of justice, and not on the
• Against human rights: The lynching by mob create an atmosphere where human beings are dehumanised,
freedom of speech, expression and personal choices are endangered and plurality and diversity is not
• Fuel communalism and casteism: as in most cases, victims are the most vulnerable people of society -
nomadic tribes, religious minorities, lower castes etc.
• No database to analyse trends: As per Ministry of Home Affairs there is no record keeping on public
lynching. Thus, making it difficult to draw conclusions and possible solutions to the problem.
• Rise in causes that fuel the tendency towards such incidents
o Loss of faith of people in the judicial/democratic system of governance especially the poor and
marginalized. So, they are tempted to deliver instant justice in their own ways.

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o Socio-political framework: it involves people with little or no education, deep fissures and mistrust,
political patronage to achieve narrow political gains, rising intolerance and growing polarization.
o Misinformation and propagandas spread through platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp: For e.g. recent
rumours regarding child lifters have incited many impulsive and unplanned acts of violence across the
o The incapability/unwillingness of law enforcement agencies to act against mob crimes further
encourages it to take the law into their own hands frequently. Public officials and police departments
should be held accountable for showing incompetence rather than putting onus on social media
platforms completely
o Dispersion of responsibility and guilt unlike sense of responsibility in individual action.
Way forward
• Supreme Court has denounced the horrendous acts of mobocracy and gave certain directions to deal with
such crimes.
o Appointment by states of senior police officers as nodal officers in districts,
o Identification of vulnerable and sensitive regions
o More efficient patrolling of highways in these areas
o Lodging of FIRs without delay
o Compensation schemes for victims and their families
o Designated fast track courts to try the culprits
o Prompt departmental action against police officers and administrative officials who fail to uphold the
o A special law to be framed by Parliament, creating a separate offence of lynching.
o Many of these directions have been incorporated in the Bill passed by Rajasthan assembly.
• Setting example and ensuring prosecution and punishment: Mob lynching points to a disruption that
reflects the loss of trust in state capabilities in justice delivery. Thus, such reiterative brutality and assaults
on personal liberty and the right to life needs to be suppressed and punished so that perpetrators know that
they would not be able to get away with it.
• Focus needed on social/attitudinal change: through reaching out to local communities to keep peace and
check trouble makers from spreading rumours, creating awareness regarding misuse of social media by mass
campaigns with help of civil society etc.
• Strengthening administration and governance to ensure public confidence in state institutions: by
strengthening local intelligence networks, swifter response from police, proactive flagging of rumors.
• Holding Social media platforms accountable: WhatsApp should change its platform to enable privacy in
messages between individuals and tracking identity where forwarded message is to public.
• Adopt innovative practices as adopted in various states: For example
o Telangana police has trained a team of 500 police officers to tackle the fake news menace. These
officers go to villages to spread awareness about social issues. Police personnel have also been added to
local WhatsApp groups in villages to spot rumors that could lead to violence.
o The West Bengal police took to Twitter to dispel a rumor that government had sanctioned a five-day
holiday on account of Eid, nixing attempts to incite communal tension.


Why in news?
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) has signed an MoU with Common Service Centres (CSC) e-
Governance Services India for enhancing new offerings for the MSME sector by synergizing each other's
About CSC
• It is an initiative of Ministry of Electronics & IT. CSCs are the access points for delivery of various electronic
services to villages in India.
• The CSCs provide high quality and cost-effective video, voice and data content and services, in the areas of
e-governance, education, health, telemedicine, entertainment as well as other private services.

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• Under CSC 2.0 scheme launched in 2015 seeks to set up at least Successful Models of CSCs in India
one CSC in each of the 2.5 lakh GPs across the country by 2019. • Gujarat model: All of the eGram
It forms a part of Digital India programme. centres functional in Gujarat since
2007 are governed by the eGram
• The CSCs:
Vishwagram Society established as an
o cater to regional and linguistic diversity of the country, thus entity directly under the Ministry of
enabling the Government’s mandate of a socially, Panchayat Raj.
financially and digitally inclusive society. • Kerala Model: Akshaya project
o promote rural entrepreneurship and builds rural capacities implemented by the Kerala IT Mission
and livelihoods. combines the power of State
o increase community participation and collective action machinery, the reach of Panchayats
which would lead to sustainable socio-economic and the entrepreneurial spirit of
development through bottom up approach. Akshaya operators to steer the
o help to decrease digital divide in India. project.

Challenges in implementation of CSC in India

• Lack of implementation machinery: With limited push within the government for the required budgetary
and manpower support, the project is still managed by a very small team within the MeiTy.
• Lack of infrastructure: for implementation of CSC scheme.
• Accountability Gap: The PPP model of the CSCs presently lacks a strong grievance redressal mechanism in
case of failure in providing a G2C service for any reason.
• Limited access: Although more than 90,000 centers are operational, yet the services offered are accessed
only by a small number of populations.
Way Ahead
• Shift to B2C model: Currently CSC business model is more G2C (Government to Citizen) whereas to create
sustainable business model it needs to be B2C (Business to Consumer), which will be based on local
• Adapt newer technology: It need to increase its focus on new courses on artificial intelligence, blockchain,
machine learning in nominal fee.
• Infrastructure: Infrastructure development/roll out targets for licensed telecom service providers can be
coordinated with the CSC footprints, especially taking into account broadband as part of Universal Service to
connect underserved communities in India.
• Coordination with other bodies: Local content and applications, such as eEducation, eHealth, eAgriculture
can be developed in close coordination with relevant UN Agencies, such as UNESCO, WHO, FAO,
respectively, which will transform the CSCs into Broadband Community Centers.


Why in News? SDG 2
Recently United Nations released The State of • Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved
Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2019. nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
• Target 2.1: By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all
About State of Food Security and Nutrition in people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable
the World situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and
sufficient food all year round
• It is issued annually by the Food and o Indicator 2.1.1: Prevalence of undernourishment
Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the o Indicator 2.1.2: Prevalence of moderate or severe
International Fund for Agricultural food insecurity in the population, based on the Food
Development (IFAD), UN Children’s Fund Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES).
(UNICEF), the World Food Programme (WFP)
and the World Health Organization (WHO).
• This year’s report, for the first time comes with estimates of the prevalence of moderate or severe food
insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES).

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o This indicator provides a perspective on • Moderate food insecurity: People experiencing moderate
global food insecurity relevant for all food insecurity do not have regular access to nutritious
countries of the world: one that looks and sufficient food – even if they are not necessarily
beyond hunger towards the goal of suffering from hunger, they are at risk of various forms of
ensuring access to nutritious and malnutrition and poor health.
sufficient food for all. • Severe food insecurity: People facing severe food
insecurity, on the other hand, have likely run out of food,
Findings of the report experienced hunger and, at the most extreme, gone for
• The report highlights that after decades of days without eating, putting their health and well-being at
declining, hunger is again on the rise. grave risk.
o More than 820 million people in the
Drivers of the rise in hunger
world are still hungry today, underscoring the
• Conflict
immense challenge of achieving the Zero
• Climate and exposure to increased climate extremes
Hunger target by 2030. and more variability
o Global level of the prevalence of • Economic effects and how economic slowdowns and
undernourishment has remained virtually downturns are affecting food insecurity
unchanged in the last three years, at a level
slightly below 11 percent.
• In Asia, despite great progress in the last five years, Southern Asia is the highest sub region with almost 15%
of prevalence of undernourishment.
• In high-income countries, too, sizeable portions of the population lack regular access to nutritious and
sufficient food.
• Over 2 billion people (26.4 percent of the world population) do not have regular access to safe, nutritious
and sufficient food and these people live in low- and middle- and high-income countries;
o 17.2 percent of the world population, or 1.3 billion people, have experienced food insecurity at
moderate levels.
o 9.2 percent of the world population (or slightly more than 700 million people) were exposed to severe
levels of food insecurity in 2018, implying reductions in the quantity of food consumed to the extent
that they have possibly experienced hunger.
• Globally, the prevalence of stunting among children under five years is decreasing, while the number of
stunted children has also decreased from 165.8 million in 2012 to 148.9 million in 2018.
• Globally, 7.3 percent (49.5 million) children under five years of age are wasted, two-thirds of whom live in
• In 2018, childhood overweight affected 40.1 million children under five worldwide; while in 2016, nearly
two in five adults (38.9 percent) were overweight, representing 2 billion adults worldwide.
• One in seven live births (20.5 million babies born globally) was characterized by low birthweight in 2015 –
many of these low birthweight babies were born to adolescent mothers.
• Overweight and obesity are on the rise in almost all countries, contributing to 4 million deaths globally.
• Women have a higher chance of suffering from food insecurity than men, with the largest gender gap being
in Latin America.
Way forward
• The report calls for action to safeguard food security and nutrition through economic and social policies that
help counteract the effects of economic slowdowns and downturns – including guaranteeing funding of
social safety nets and ensuring universal access to health and education.
o Countries need to protect incomes in the short term, particularly for the most affected households,
through social protection programmes, public works programmes, or policies aimed at stabilizing food
o At the same time, they need to avoid cuts in essential social services.
• Given the rising importance of global trade in food and agricultural commodities, trade policy also needs to
feature prominently in the minds of policymakers when promoting economic transformation that helps
achieve food security and nutrition objectives.
• Integrating food security and nutrition concerns into poverty reduction efforts, while increasing synergies
between poverty reduction and hunger eradication, helps accelerate both goals.

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Why in news?
Recently, the NASA has announced that plan to use the phenomena of gravitational lensing in its research.
More on news
• The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is using the James Webb Space Telescope to
conduct wide range of investigations across the fields
of astronomy and cosmology.
o Recently, NASA announced that they plan to
investigate how new stars are born. For this, they
will take the help of a natural phenomenon called
“gravitational lensing”.
o This programme is called TEMPLATES (Targeting
Extremely Magnified Panchromatic Lensed Arcs
and Their Extended Star Formation).
About Gravitational lensing
• It is a phenomenon, which occurs when a huge
amount of matter, such as a massive galaxy or cluster
of galaxies, creates a gravitational field that distorts and magnifies the light from objects behind it, but in
the same line of sight.
o These large celestial objects will magnify the light from distant galaxies that are at or near the peak of
star formation. So, in a way these objects act as natural, cosmic telescopes and are called gravitational
o As a result, the galaxies appear much, much brighter than they actually are, because they’ve been
highly magnified up to 50 times.
Applications of Gravitational Lensing
• Study the galaxies, which are very far away- and can be seen otherwise with even the most powerful space
• Observe invisible things in the Universe- since dark matter doesn’t emit or absorb light on its own, so it
can’t be observed directly. Using this effect, it can be worked out how much dark matter exists in the
• Understand the star formation- by studying how those galaxies are forming their stars, and how that star
formation is distributed across the galaxies.
• Understand the past- e.g. The Milky Way today forms the equivalent of one Sun every year, but in the past,
that rate was up to 100 times greater. Using this effect, the scientists can look billions of years into the past
in order to understand how our Sun formed.


Why in News?
Scientists from Technion — Israel Institute of Technology have developed a concept named the Ramanujan
Machine, after the Indian mathematician.
About Ramanujan Machine
• It is an algorithm that reflects the way Srinivasa Ramanujan worked during his brief life.
o Throughout his life, Ramanujan came up with novel equations and identities including equations
leading to the value of pi and it was usually left to formally trained mathematicians to prove these.
• The purpose of the machine is to come up with conjectures in the form of mathematical formulas that we
can analyze.

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• In most computer programs, humans input a problem and expect the algorithm to work out a solution. But
with the Ramanujan Machine, it works the other way around.
o Feed in a constant, say the well-known pi, and the algorithm will come up with an equation involving an
infinite series whose value, it will propose, is exactly pi.
About Srinivas Ramanujan
• He was one of India's greatest mathematical geniuses born in Madras (1887-1920).
• With very little formal training, he engaged with the most celebrated mathematicians of the time,
particularly during his stay in England (1914-19), where he eventually became a Fellow of the Royal Society
and earned a research degree from Cambridge.
• He discovered Ramanujan number i.e. 1729 which is the smaller number which can be expressed as the sum
of two cubes in two different ways- 1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103.
• Ramanujan made substantial contributions to the analytical theory of numbers and worked on elliptic
functions, continued fractions and infinite series.
o Some of the other major contributions include solving of cubic & quadratic equations, proof of
Goldbach’s conjecture, calculation Euler’s constant to 15 decimal places, investigating relations between
integrals and series, studying highly composite numbers, fermat theorem (states that a prime number of
the form 4m+1 is the sum of two squares), divergent series, Bernoulli Numbers etc.


Why in news?
Recently, IIT Kharagpur has developed Hydrothermal Carbonisation technology which can generate energy from
solid waste with high moisture content.
About Hydrothermal Carbonisation
• The technology is aimed at conversion of wet biomass into hydro-char (a coal like fuel) under suitable
temperature and pressure conditions.
• The hydro-char, rich in carbon and high calorific content, can be utilized as fuel, as an alternative for coal, as
feedstock for gasification, as a soil additive for nutrient enrichment, or as an adsorbent for activated carbon.
• Its by-products include ash which can be applied as a plant nutrient enhancer because of its phosphorus
content, and also a potassium loaded liquid that can be used for watering plants.
Why India needs such technology?
• High percentage of wet waste: Of the 55 million tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste generated every year in
India, 85% is biodegradable waste which has a very high moisture content ranging between 60 and 70 per
cent of the total.
• Realisation of target: the technology will help India in achieving the renewable energy target of 10 GW bio
power by 2022.
• Indegenisation of technology: This technology is already in use in Japan and Germany. And the
development has led to India having its own technology.

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Why in News?
Recently, new menhirs were found on the Pothamala hills on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border.
More about news
• Pothamala hills houses hundreds of cobbled stone structures, pointing to the existence of a structured
graveyard of a prehistoric civilisation dating back around 3,000 years.
• These menhirs are the largest-ever recorded Menhirs in Kerala.
• Menhirs are monolithic slabs that are erected above the ground and may be small or gigantic in height.
• Menhirs are endemic to certain regions only and are a feature of megalithic culture.
Megalithic culture in India
• Megalithic culture refers to the cultural remains found in the megaliths and from the habitation sites
associated with them.
o Megaliths include different kind of monuments that have one thing in common-they are made of large,
roughly, dressed slabs of stone.
o Such monuments have been found in many parts of the world in- Europe, Asia, Africa, and in Central
and South America.
• In the Indian subcontinent, Megaliths occur in the far south, the Deccan plateau, the Vindhyan Arravalli
ranges and the north west.
o Megalithic sites in India are dated to period ranging from 1300 BCE to 12 century CE.
o Megaliths in Vindhyas referred to a pre-iron chalcolithic context, peninsular India are associated with
iron period.
o The practice of making megaliths continues among certain tribal communities of India such as the
Khasis of Assam and the Mundas of Chotanagpur.
• Megaliths reflect certain burial styles that emerged at different times in different places and continued for
quite some time.
o The origin of some of these burial practices can be traced to a Neolithic-chalcolithic context. For
instance, pit and urn burials are found in the South Indian neolithic-chalcolithic sites and two burials
marked by stones have been found at Watgal, Karnataka.
o However, unlike burials of the Neolithic chalcolithic phase, which tend to be within the habitation,
megalithic burials are located in a separate area. The separation of abodes of the living and the dead is
significant, and is indicative of
a shift in social organization.
o The three basic types of
Megaliths are the chamber
tombs, unchambered tombs,
and megaliths not connected
with burials.
o Various types of megalithic
monuments found are
menhirs, dolmenoid
cist/dolmen, topikal etc. (See
• Megaliths in India cannot be
treated as representing a single,
homogenous or
contemporaneous culture.

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8.2. GI TAGS
Name State Salient Features
Palani Tamil Nadu • It is an ‘abhishega prasadam’ (food that is a religious offering) for Lord
Panchamirtham Dhandayuthapani Swamy, the presiding deity of Arulmigu
Dhandayuthapani Swamy Temple, situated on Palani Hills, Palani Town in
Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu.
• It is a combination of five natural substances, namely, banana, jaggery
sugar, cow ghee, honey and cardamom in a definite proportion.
• It is prepared in a natural method without addition of any preservatives
or artificial ingredients and is well known for its religious fervour and
• This is the first time a temple ‘prasadam’ from Tamil Nadu has been
bestowed with the GI tag.
• It is prepared under the guidance given by the CFTRI (Central Food
Technological Research Institute) Mysore, a government of India
Tawlhlohpuan Mizoram • It is a medium to heavy, compactly woven, good quality fabric from
Mizoram and is known for warp yarns, warping, weaving & intricate
designs that are made by hand.
• Tawlhloh, in Mizo language, means 'to stand firm or not to move
• It holds high significance in the Mizo society, is produced throughout the
state of Mizoram, Aizawl and Thenzawl town being the main centre of
Mizo Puanchei Mizoram • It is a colourful Mizo shawl/textile, from Mizoram.
• It is an important marriage outfit in the state.
• It is also the most commonly used costume in Mizo festive dances and
official ceremonies.
• The weavers insert the designs and motifs by using supplementary yarns
while weaving to create this beautiful and alluring textile.
Tirur Kerala • Tirur betel vine is mainly cultivated in Tirur, Tanur, Tirurangadi,
Kuttippuram, Malappuram and Vengara block panchayaths of
Malappuram District, Kerala and is valued both for its mild stimulant
action and medicinal properties (remedy for bad breath and digestive
• It is unique for its significantly high content of total chlorophyll and
protein in fresh leaves.
• It is also commonly used for making pan masala for chewing.
• Eugenol is the major essential oil in Tirur betel leaf contributing to its

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Why in news?
Famous sayings and quotes
Recently Prime Minister emphasised the value of “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is
dissent and constructive criticism in a democracy. not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”
Understanding Dissent ― Galileo Galilei
“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue
• Dissent is a sentiment or philosophy of non- freely according to conscience, above all liberties”. –
agreement or opposition to a John Milton.
prevailing idea (e.g., a government's policies) or
“If there is anything that links the human to the divine,
an entity (e.g., an individual or political party which it is the courage to stand by a principle when everybody
supports such policies). else rejects it.” ― Abraham Lincoln
• In some political systems, dissent may be formally
“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”-
expressed by way of opposition politics, Martin Luther King Jr.
while politically repressive regimes may prohibit
“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity
any form of dissent, leading to suppression of
opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social
dissent and the encouragement of social or environment. Most people are incapable of forming
political activism. such opinions.": Albert Einstein
• Dissent is often related to two other concepts,
“It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question
critical thinking and toleration. authority.” ― Benjamin Franklin
• Dissent is a powerful source for developing
“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands
effective public reasoning, itself necessary for speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.”
determining the legitimacy of the actions and ― Mahatma Gandhi
institutions of a given state as well as the customs
“The strength of a nation is not gauged by the
and practices of a given society.
uniformity of opinion of its citizens or a public
• The toleration of dissenting religious practices can profession of patriotism. The true strength of a nation is
often be a vital force for expanding the scope of revealed when it does not feel threatened by its citizens
inclusion and consent within a state, thereby expressing revolutionary views; when there is a free and
increasing the legitimacy of the laws and policies of open press that can criticise the government; and when
a given state. citizens do not resort to violence against their fellow
citizens, merely for expressing a contrary view. That is
Significance of Right to Dissent when we will have achieved liberty of speech. And that
• Cornerstone of Democracy: Democracy is favoured is when we will be truly free.” -Justice A.P Shah
as the most acceptable form of governance
because a citizen has a right to dissent without fear of victimisation — as long as such dissent does not lead
to inhuman or unconstitutional action. Right to dissent comes within the ambit of Right to freedom of
speech and expression enshrined in the
constitution. Ethics of Dissent: There is a fundamental ethical
o Highlighting the importance of dissent in principle involved in dissent and hence any society
which muzzles dissent is acting unethically. Two ethical
democracies, the Supreme Court (SC) said that
principles associated with dissent.
“Dissent is the safety valve of democracy.
• Dissent in relation to non-violence, a principle
o Protests play a crucial role in the civil, political, which is integral to Indian practices of dissent from
economic, social and cultural landscape of any ancient times to Gandhi and Ambedkar.
progressive democracy. Peaceful resistance • Dissent as an ethical means of protecting all those
such as of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and who are oppressed and are marginalised in a
Nelson Mandel, has been pivotal in bringing society. The ethical principle here is that the worse
about radical positive transformation in the off in a society have greater right to dissent and
country’s socio-political fabric. protest even when the more privileged may not
• Dissent as a fundamental human trait: Disagreeing agree or sympathise with that dissent.
with each other is a fundamental human trait.
Philosophers argue that a child meaningfully attains its sense of the self — its recognition of ‘I’ and the

80 ©Vision IAS

concept of ‘mine’ — when it first begins to say ‘no’. Free speech thus is seen as integral aspect of each
individual rights to self-development and fulfilment.
o Further, we will have a stronger identity of what our society and nation are through forms of dissent.
Any society which eradicates dissent has only succeeded in eradicating itself.
• Dissent giving way for creation on new knowledge and new understanding: Science as well as philosophies
are not possible without dissent since it is by finding flaws with the views of others that new knowledge is
created. Similarly, Buddha and Mahavira were dissenters first and philosophers next.
Safeguarding right to dissent Various Judicial Pronouncements with regard to Right to
• Reforming the legal architecture: The freedom of speech and expression (Including Right to
government should set up an independent
commission to review all laws that criminalise Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India Case (1978) the SC held
speech and take steps to repeal or amend them to that the freedom of speech and expression has no
geographical limitation and it carries with it the right of a
bring them in line with international human rights
citizen to gather information and to exchange thought
norms and India’s treaty obligations. So long as with others not only in India but abroad also.
bad laws remain on the books, they will serve as
Shreya Singhal v. Union of India Case, 2015: A landmark
tools for governments or local power-holders to
judgement in which Section 66A of IT Act, was declared
harass critics and clamp down on free speech. unconstitutional. The SC observed that when it comes to
• Sensitising the administrative machinery: The democracy, liberty of thought and expression is a cardinal
government needs to prioritise training for the value that is of paramount significance under our
police to ensure they do not file inappropriate and constitutional scheme.
irrelevant cases. Judges, particularly in the lower
courts, should be better trained about peaceful expression standards so that they dismiss cases that infringe
on protected speech.
• Providing open channels of communication vital for democracy and governance. Clogged channels and
garbled information flows cause incalculable harm both to the governed and those who govern. Role of Civil
Society thus becomes important as in a democracy, NGOs provide a platform to dissent in an informed and
reasoned manner. They provide a mechanism for the ruled to keep a check on the rulers.

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10.1. HONG KONG PROTESTS beneficiaries of PMAY (U) under the fold of other
central schemes.
• Hong Kong has seen months of protests sparked by a • The campaign will be rolled out in all Pradhan Mantri
controversial plan to allow extraditions to mainland Awas Yojana (Urban) cities on 2nd October 2019 and
China. culminate on the occasion of Human Rights Day,
• The existing extradition law states that it does not 10th December, 2019.
apply to "the Central People's Government or the • It has been launched for facilitating social behaviour
government of any other part of the People's change through community mobilisation, focusing
Republic of China". on issues such as water & energy conservation,
• But the proposed changes would have allowed for waste management, health, tree plantation,
the Hong Kong government to consider requests sanitation and hygiene for beneficiaries of completed
from any country for extradition of criminal suspects, houses under PMAY (U).
even countries with which it doesn't have an • For this purpose, the campaign will converge with
extradition treaty and including mainland China, schemes/services of various urban missions and
Taiwan and Macau. other central ministries dealing with these subjects.
• These protests have brought into focus the "one • The convergence would especially focus on Ujjwala
country, two systems" deal under which Hong Kong for gas connection and Ayushman Bharat for health
is governed. insurance to the beneficiaries of PMAY (U).
• When Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997
by Britain, both sides agreed that the city would 10.4. PROJECT SU.RE
remain a semi-autonomous region under the Basic
• Project SU.RE was recently launched by the Union
Law, its mini-Constitution, for 50 years.
Textile Minister, along with Clothing Manufacturers
• The Basic Law provides people in Hong Kong more
Association of India (CMAI), United Nations in India,
political freedoms than their counterparts in
and IMG Reliance.
mainland China.
• Project SU.RE is Indian apparel industry’s largest
• There is a relatively free press, an unregulated
commitment to move towards sustainable fashion.
Internet and a less-controlled judiciary in Hong
SU.RE stands for 'Sustainable Resolution' – that
Kong. But China has increasingly tried to exert its
contributes to a clean environment.
influence on the city in recent years, raising concerns
• It aims to contribute to the UN Sustainable
of the city’s pro-democracy groups.
Development Goals 2030, especially SDG-12 for
• The protest movement is leaderless. Protesters are
responsible consumption and production.
now demanding greater democracy and an inquiry
• It will address the needs of an increasingly
into alleged police brutality during past
conscious consumer who would prefer to buy from
a brand that is environmentally conscious and
10.2. SABKA VISHWAS – LEGACY engages in environmental protection.
• Recently the Sabka Vishwas-Legacy Dispute • Recently, the Ministry of Earth Sciences and
Resolution Scheme, 2019 was notified. Ministry of Agriculture have launched a mobile
• The Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) application MEGHDOOT that will provide location,
Scheme is a one-time measure for liquidation of crop and livestock-specific weather-based agro
past disputes of Central Excise and Service Tax (that advisories to farmers in local languages.
are subsumed in GST and are pending in litigation at • The app would provide information in the form of
various forums). images, maps and pictures. It has been integrated
• The scheme also offers an opportunity to the with WhatsApp and Facebook as well to help
taxpayers to pay the outstanding tax and be free of farmers share advisories among themselves.
any other consequence under the law. • It has been developed by experts from the India
• The scheme comes with a validity of 4 months Meteorological Department and Indian Institute of
starting from September 1, 2019 to December 31, Tropical meteorology and the Indian Council of
2019. Agricultural Research.
• Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) • National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has
recently launched ‘Angikaar Campaign’ to bring the developed an Information Network for Animal
Productivity & Health (INAPH).

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• It is an IT application that facilitates the capturing of • Smaller sources of SO2 emissions include: industrial
real time reliable data on Breeding, Nutrition and processes such as extracting metal from ore; natural
Health Services of all indigenous, nondescript, sources such as volcanoes; and locomotives, ships
crossbred as well as exotic milch animals delivered at and other vehicles and heavy equipment that burn
farmer’s doorstep. fuel with a high sulphur content.
• The objective is to enable proper identification of • The primary reason for India’s high emission output
animals and traceability of their products. is the expansion of coal-based electricity generation
• Each animal will be provided a thermoplastic over the past decade. The vast majority of power
polyurethane ear tag bearing its 12-digit UID (Pashu plants in India lack flue-gas desulfurization
Aadhaar). technology to reduce their air pollution.
• The data being captured by it includes the species, • In combination with other pollutants and moisture,
breed and pedigree of the particular animal, apart Sulphur dioxide is responsible for the formation of
from information relating to its calving, milk high resistance, visible corrosion layers on all except
production, artificial insemination (AI), vaccination most noble metals (e.g. silver and gold) and alloys.
and feeding/nutrition history. • The SO2 gas contributes to the formation of acid
• Through this, farmers, processors, animal husbandry rain. It is also a precursor for sulphate aerosols, a
department officials and healthcare professionals type of suspended particle that can affect the
can devise appropriate strategies for livestock properties of clouds and also lead to outbreaks of
management. haze and other health and climate problems.
• It will also help to address major issue of zoonotic
diseases and other challenges which are 10.9. TIDEWATER GLACIERS
impediments to accessing global markets for Indian
• According to recent study, Underwater melting of
livestock products.
tidewater glaciers is occurring 100 times faster than
10.7. REGULATORY SANDBOX previously thought.
• About Tidewater Glaciers
• The draft enabling framework for regulatory o They are valley glaciers that flow all the way
sandbox was recently released by the RBI while the down to the ocean.
decision to setup a regulatory sandbox had been o Tidewater glaciers meet the ocean at the calving
announced earlier. front where ice undergoes melting by the ocean
• A sandbox is a closed testing environment designed (submarine melting) and icebergs calve off into
for experimenting safely with web or software the sea.
projects. o Increased rate of underwater melting is due to
• The concept is being used in the digital economy factors like burning of fossil fuels, oil and gas
arena, in the form of regulatory sandboxes, which drilling, Ice breaking ships etc.
are testing grounds for new business models that o The increased rate of melting might lead to
are not protected by current regulation, or consequences like extreme flooding, biodiversity
supervised by regulatory institutions. loss, disappearing of Coral Reefs, scarcity of
• Innovators can use it to mimic the characteristics fresh water etc.
exhibited by the production environment on a real- • What is the difference between sea ice and glaciers?
time basis to help simulate responses from all the o Sea ice forms and melts strictly in the ocean
relevant systems. whereas glaciers are formed on land. Icebergs
• It is particularly relevant in the fintech world. The are chunks of glacial ice that break off glaciers
purpose is to adapt compliance with strict financial and fall into the ocean.
regulations before getting the necessary regulatory o When glaciers melt, because that water is stored
approvals for a mass launch. on land, the runoff significantly increases the
• In this way, it helps maintain balance between the amount of water in the ocean, contributing to
development of fintech sector and consumer global sea level rise.
protection. o Sea ice, on the other hand, is often compared to
ice cubes in a glass of water: when it melts, it
10.8. SULPHUR DIOXIDE EMMISSIONS does not directly change the level of water in
the glass.
• A report by Greenpeace has found that India is the
largest emitter of sulphur dioxide (SO2) in the world, 10.10. TARDIGRADE
contributing more than 15 per cent of global
anthropogenic emissions. • The Israeli spacecraft Beresheet which recently
• The largest source of SO2 in the atmosphere is the crashed landed on moon had thousands of
burning of fossil fuels by power plants and other Tardigrades on board.
industrial facilities. • Tardigrade also called water bear or moss piglet
refer to any of more than 1,100 species of free-living

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tiny invertebrates belonging to the phylum • People can directly give their feedback about
Tardigrada. schools which will further increase the public
• They are considered to be close relatives participation and will ensure accountability and
of arthropods (e.g., insects, crustaceans). transparency.
• They are near microscopic animals about 1 mm (0.04 • Note: This is different from another initiative of
inch) or less in size. MHRD “Shala Gunvatta (Shagun) Portal” which
• Tardigrades are toughest and most resilient monitors progress of implementation of the various
creatures on Earth, can survive in extreme hot and components of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan while also
cold temperature conditions. It is the only animal to capturing and sharing of best practices from States
have survived all five extinctions known to man. and UTs.
• They live in a variety of habitats: in damp moss,
on flowering plants, in sand, in fresh water, and in 10.14. BIO-METRIC DATA BASED
• Under unfavourable conditions, they go into a state
• India has become the first country in the world to
of suspended animation called the “tun” state—in
issue Biometric Seafarer Identity Document (BSID).
which the body dries out and appears as a lifeless
ball (or tun). • The new facial biometric technology is a marked
improvement over the two fingers or iris-based bio-
• In this state their metabolism may decline to as little
metric data.
as 0.01 percent of its normal rate. Tardigrades can
survive as tuns for years, or even decades, to wait • The issuance of SID involves the collection of
out dry conditions. biometric and demographic details of the seafarers,
their verification and then issuance of the card to
• They typically eat fluids from plant and animal cells.
They are also known to eat bacteria.
• The new document will give a foolproof
10.11. RUSSIA SENDS HUMANOID identification to our seafarers which will facilitate
their movement, provide ease of getting jobs and
help in identifying them from any location in the
• Recently, Russia sent the humanoid robot Fedor, world.
also known as Skybot F850 to International Space • A record of each SID issued will be maintained in a
Station. It will spend 10 days in space to assist national database and its related information will be
astronauts. internationally accessible.
• Fedor is Russia’s first robot in space. Previously in • In India the BSID project has been taken up in
2011 NASA sent up Robonaut 2, a humanoid collaboration with Centre for Development of
developed with General Motors and in 2013 Japan Advanced Computing (CDAC), Mumbai.
sent up a small robot called Kirobo, developed with • The new card is in confirmation of the Convention
Toyota which holds conversations in Japanese. No. 185 of the International Labour Organization on
BSID. India ratified the Convention in October 2015.
• Scientists from the ‘Indian Council of Agricultural
Research’ (ICAR) have created an innovative • The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has
technology called ICAR-FUSICONT to control suspended the National Dope Testing Laboratory’s
disease named ‘Panama Wilt’ affecting banana crop (NDTL) accreditation for a period of up to six months
in regions of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. due to non-conformities with the International
• The disease Panama Wilt is caused by a fungus Standard for Laboratories.
resulting in the loss of crop by more than 50%. • WADA was set up as a foundation under the
initiative of the International Olympic Committee in
10.13. SHAGUN 1999.
o It seeks to promote and coordinate the fight
• Recently, Ministry of Human Resource
against doping in sport internationally.
Development launched one of world’s largest
o It monitors the World Anti-Doping Code.
Integrated Online Junction for School Education
o UNESCO’s International Convention against
Doping in Sport helps in ensuring the
• It is an over-arching initiative to improve school effectiveness of the code. India is a signatory to
education system by creating a junction for all the convention.
online portals and websites relating to various
o As the Code is a non-government document that
activities of the Department of School Education
applies only to members of sports organizations,
and Literacy in the Government of India and all the Convention provides the legal framework
States and Union Territories. under which governments can address specific

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areas of the doping problem that are outside the o Funding will be provided normally for a period
domain of the sports movement. of three years, which could be extended to 2
• At national level, National Anti Doping Agency years (5 years total) as assessed by an expert
(NADA) was set up in 2005 as registered society committee.
under the Societies Registration Act of 1890. • SERB is a statutory body under Department of
o It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote and fund
Youth Affairs and Sports. research in different scientific disciplines.
o The primary objectives are to implement anti-
doping rules as per WADA code, regulate dope 10.18. PASHMINA PRODUCTS RECEIVE
control programme, to promote education and BIS CERTIFICATION
research and creating awareness about doping
and its ill effects. • Recently, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has
• National Dope testing Laboratory is a body under published an Indian Standard for identification,
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports responsible for marking and labelling of Pashmina products to
analytical testing of samples and research in the field certify its purity.
of dope analysis. • The Changthangi or Pashmina goat is a special
breed of goat indigenous to Ladakh.
10.16. NATIONAL ESSENTIAL • They are raised for ultra-fine cashmere wool (which
DIAGNOSTIC LIST grows as a thick, warm undercoat on the goat),
known as Pashmina once woven.
• Recently, the Indian Council of Medical Research • The textiles are handspun and were first woven in
(ICMR) finalised India’s first National Essential Kashmir.
Diagnostics List (NEDL). o The nomadic Pashmina herders (called
• This list aims to bridge the current regulatory Changpa) live in the hostile and tough terrain of
system’s gap, which does not cover all the medical Changthang and are solely dependent on
devices and in-vitro diagnostic device (IVD). Pashmina for their livelihood.
o Even though WHO’s Essential Diagnostics List
(EDL) acts as a reference point for development 10.19. NATIONAL ORDER OF MERIT
of national EDL, India’s diagnostics list has been
• Recently, Guinea conferred 'The National Order of
customised and prepared as per landscape of
Merit', its highest award, on President Ram Nath
India’s health care priorities.
• With this, India has become the first country to
• He was awarded for his exceptional contribution to
compile such a list that would provide guidance to
the advancement of overall relations and
the government for deciding the kind of diagnostic
development of mutual cooperation between India
tests that different healthcare facilities in villages
and Guinea and for promoting friendship and
and remote areas require.
partnership between the people of both the
o It builds upon the Free Diagnostics Service
Initiative and other diagnostics initiatives of the
Health Ministry to expand this basket of 10.20. CHILD WELL BEING INDEX
diagnostic tests.
o It also encompasses tests relevant for new • Recently, Child Well Being Index was released by
programmes such as Health and Wellness World Vision India (an NGO) and IFMR LEAD (a
Centres (HWCs) under the Pradhan Mantri Jan research institute in India).
Arogya Yojana. • The score is calculated using 24 indicators divided
into 3 categories of Healthy individual development,
10.17. SUPRA positive relationships and protective contexts.
• Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh topped the
• Science and Engineering Research Board has
index while Meghalaya, Jharkhand and Madhya
developed a newly approved scheme SUPRA
(Scientific and Useful Profound Research Pradesh featured at the bottom.
Advancement). • Among the UTs, Puducherry was best performing.
o It has sole objective of funding exploration of
new scientific and engineering breakthroughs
with global impact with long-term impact on ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE
our fundamental scientific understanding. • MP has become the second state in India after
o It is designed to attract high quality research Kerala to develop an action plan to manage
proposals consisting of new hypotheses or antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
challenge existing ones and provide ‘out-of-box’ • The Madhya Pradesh State Action Plan for
solutions. Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance (MP-

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SAPCAR) focuses on a ‘One Health’ approach to • It is proposed to be launched at the upcoming UN
containing AMR through key strategic priority areas Climate Action Summit in New York, USA.
and multi-sectoral involvement. • Government pledged Rs. 480 crore corpus to CDRI
• It is in line with the National Action Plan on which will:
AMR (NAP-AMR) which calls for states to develop o fund technical assistance and research projects
state level action plans to ensure on-the-ground on an on-going basis,
implementation. o setting up the Secretariat office,
o covering recurring expenditures.
10.22. SAN SADHAN HACKATHON • The Secretariat of CDRI will be established in New
Delhi as a Society under The Societies Registration
• It was jointly organised recently by Ministry of Jal
Act, 1860. Its memorandum and by-laws will be
Shakti and the Department of Empowerment of
prepared and finalized by the National Disaster
Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with Atal
Management Authority (NDMA).
Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, Bill & Melinda Gates
• The Charter document of the CDRI will be finalized
Foundation, and 91springboard.
by the NDMA in consultation with the Ministry of
• It is an initiative under Swachh Bharat Mission to
External Affairs.
make smarter, more accessible and easier to use
toilets for Persons with Disabilities. 10.24. HELIUM HYDRIDE
• Shortlisted researchers, startups, student innovators,
technology enthusiasts and industry experts will • Scientists have spotted the helium hydride molecule
have to develop a toilet prototype during the two- (HeH+) for the first time in space.
day hackathon. • The helium hydride ion or hydridohelium (1+) ion is a
cation (positively charged ion) with chemical formula
10.23. COALITION FOR DISASTER HeH+. It consists of a helium atom bonded to a
RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE hydrogen atom, with one electron removed, it can
also be viewed as protonated helium.
• The Union Cabinet recently approved the
• It is the lightest heteronuclear ion, and is believed to
establishment of an International Coalition for
be one of the first compounds formed in the
Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) along with its
Universe after the Big Bang.
supporting Secretariat Office in New Delhi.

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Why in news?
Recently, Ministry of Labour and Employment introduced the new scheme named “Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan-
Dhan Yojana” (PMLVM) which offers pension coverage to the trading community.
Objective Eligible Beneficiaries Key Features
To provide • Traders aged between 18 and • It is an extension of the PM Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana which
pension coverage 40 who have an annual grants a monthly pension of Rs.3000 per month to shopkeepers, retail
to the trading turnover of less than ₹1.5 traders and self-employed individuals after attaining the age of 60
community. crore are eligible. years.
• It shall apply to the laghu • It would target enrolling 25 lakh subscribers in 2019-2020 and 2 crore
vyaparis, who are self- by 2023-2024.
employed and working as shop • It will benefit the operations of such small traders which are generally
owners, retail traders, rice mill characterized by family owned establishments, small scale of
owners, oil mill owners, operations, labour intensive, inadequate financial aid, seasonal in
workshop owners, commission nature and extensive unpaid family labour.
agents, brokers of real estate, • The Life Insurance Corporation of India, which acts as the pension
owners of small hotels, fund manager, is responsible for the disbursement of pension amount.
restaurants and other laghu • The subscribers will have to contribute a monthly amount till
vyaparis. attaining the age of 60 years, which will vary depending on the age at
• Any person covered under any which they enter the scheme, that will be matched by the
other social security schemes government.
such as Employee State • In case of permanent disability of beneficiary before superannuation
Insurance Scheme, Employees age, the spouse can continue in scheme by remitting the balance
Fund Organization Scheme, amount until the loan tenure is reached.
National Pension Scheme (NPS) o If there is no spouse, then the total contribution along with
etc. or he is an income-tax interest will be paid to the beneficiary.
assessee is not qualified to • In case of death occurs after the retirement date, the spouse will
register for the scheme. receive 50% of the pension as the family pension. After the loss of
both the pensioner and the spouse, then the fund will be credited
back to the nodal agency.
• Apart from an online portal that would be launched, people would be
able to apply for the scheme through the common service centres
already in place for other schemes.


Union HRD Minister launched the National Mission to improve Learning Outcomes at the Elementary level- NISHTHA,
National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement.
Objective Beneficiaries Key Features
To train over 42 lakh It covers all teachers and • Standardized module: developed at national level for all States and UTs.
teachers across the Heads of Schools at the • Activity-based modules: including educational games and quizzes, Social-
country elementary level in all emotional learning, motivational interactions, team building, preparation for
Government schools, school-based assessment, in-built continuous feedback mechanism, online
faculty members of State monitoring and support system, training need and impact analysis.
Councils of Educational
• Post training module: this integrated training programme is embedded with
Research and Training
(SCERTs), District post training interventions including provision of mentoring.
Institutes of Education • Use of technology: A Mobile App and Learning Management System (LMS)
and Training (DIETs) as based on MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
well as Block Resource Environment) have been developed by NCERT.
Coordinators and Cluster o LMS will be used for registration of Resource Persons and Teachers,
Resource Coordinators in dissemination of resources, training gap and impact analysis,
all States and UTs. monitoring, mentoring and measuring the progress online.

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Why in News?
Ministry of Textiles signed a Memorandum of Understanding with 16 State governments on to offer skill training
programmes under the Samarth scheme (Scheme for capacity building in the textiles sector).
Objective Key Features
• To provide demand driven, • The Scheme would target to train 10.00 lakh persons (9 lakhs in organised & 1 lakh in
placement oriented National Skills traditional sector)
Qualifications Framework (NSQF) • The scheme will broadly adopt the following strategy:
compliant skilling programmes to o Aadhaar enabled biometric attendance system with minimum 80% attendance
incentivize and supplement the for assessment
efforts of the industry in creating o Training by certified trainers having Training of Trainers (ToT) certification by
jobs in the organized textile and Resource Support Agency (RSA)
related sectors, covering the entire o Third party assessment and certification by assessment agencies empaneled by
value chain of textile, excluding RSA
Spinning and Weaving. o Placement linked skilling programme with mandatory wage employment in
• To promote skilling and skill organized sector (70%) and in traditional sector (50%) and post placement
upgradation in the traditional sectors tracking for one year
of handlooms, handicrafts, sericulture o Preference given to marginalized social groups and 115 aspirational districts
and jute. o Public Grievance redressal system.
• To enable provision of sustainable o For self-empolyment, concessional credit under the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA
livelihood either by wage or self Yojana will be provided for beneficiaries.
employment to all sections of the • Implementing Agencies include Textile Industry, Institutions/Organization of the
society across the country. Ministry of Textile/State Governments having training infrastructure and placement
tie-ups with textile industry, Reputed training institutions/ NGOs etc.


Why in News?
Deendayan Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), a flagship mission under the Ministry of
Housing and Urban Affairs has been conferred the prestigious SKOCH Governance Gold Award for its Portal for Affordable
Credit and Interest Subvention Access (PAiSA).
Objective Intended beneficiary Salient features
To uplift the urban • Urban poor • NULM was launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
poor folks by o Street (MHUPA) in 2013 by replacing the existing Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana
enhancing Vendors (SJSRY). It provides for:
sustainable o Slum dwellers o Employment through Skill Training and Placement through City Livelihood
livelihood o Homeless Centres.
opportunities o Rag pickers o Social Mobilization and Institution Development through formation of Self-
through skill • Unemployed Help Groups (SHG) for training members and hand holding, an initial support
development. • Differently abled of 10, 000 is given for each group.
o Subsidy to urban poor - An interest subsidy of 5% - 7% for setting up
individual micro-enterprises with a loan of up to 2 lakhs and for group
enterprises with a loan limit of up to Rs.10 lakhs.
• Cost of construction of shelters for urban homeless is fully funded under the
• Other means - Development of vendor markets and also the promotion of skills
for the vendors through setting up infrastructure and special projects for the rag
picker and differently abled etc.
• Ministry of Housing launched a web portal named PAiSA- Portal for Affordable
Credit and Interest Subvention Access. It acts as a centralized electronic platform
for processing interest subvention on bank loans to beneficiaries under Deendayal
Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM).

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