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Pharmacological and Environmental Factors in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma

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Published Online November 17, 2009

Pharmacological and environmental factors

in primary angle-closure glaucoma

Ian Subak-Sharpe†, Sancy Low†‡, Winifred Nolan§, and Paul J. Foster*†‡

Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK; ‡UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK,
and §Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, Birmingham, UK

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Introduction or background: A large number of drug classes have now been
reported to provoke angle closure in high-risk individuals. The mechanism of
action can be generalized into three main categories: sympathomimetic,
parasympatholytic and idiosyndratic reactions.
Sources of data: This review of the ophthalmic literature provides a clinical
summary of primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) and its management.

Areas of agreement: External stimuli ( pharmacological and environmental) may

induce acute, and more often, asymptomatic angle closure, which carries a
significant risk of glaucoma.

Growing points: Whenever in doubt, patients at risk of PACG who are starting
on drug therapy known to provoke angle closure or aggravate the condition
should be referred for detailed gonioscopic examination of the anterior
chamber by an ophthalmologist.
Areas for developing research: The use of new imaging methods such as
anterior segment optical coherence tomography to assess the presence or risk of
angle closure is gaining popularity, and may offer a more rapid method of
identifying people who are at risk of sight loss from angle-closure glaucoma
precipitated by non-ophthalmological medication.

Keywords: angle-closure/glaucoma/drugs/environment

Accepted: October 13,
2009 Glaucoma is the world’s commonest cause of irreversible blindness,
*Correspondence to: currently affecting 60 million people with 8.4 million blind, and pro-
P. Foster, Department of
Epidemiology and
jected to rise to 80 million by 2020 with 11.2 million blind.1 It is an
Molecular Genetics, UCL optic neuropathy associated with characteristic cupping of the optic
Institute of disc and progressive visual field loss. In the disease, the retinal ganglion
Ophthalmology, 11-43
cell axons are damaged as they enter and transit through the optic disc.
Bath Street, London EC1V
9EL, UK. E-mail: p.foster@ The pathophysiology of the condition is attributed to either direct pressure, causing a block of axoplasmic flow, or indirect reduction in

British Medical Bulletin 2010; 93: 125–143 & The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1093/bmb/ldp042 For Permissions, please e-mail:
I. Subak-Sharpe et al.

optic nerve head blood flow, caused by a lowering of the vascular per-
fusion pressure.2 However, the balance between these two mechanisms
is often unclear.
For clinical purposes, glaucoma is normally classified according to
the presence or absence of obstruction by the iris to the outflow
pathway of aqueous humour at the level of the proximal trabecular
meshwork in the anterior chamber drainage angle (the angle between

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the peripheral cornea and the iris). Such cases are referred to as angle-
closure glaucoma and open-angle glaucoma, respectively. While the
prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma is greater than primary
angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) in the Western world, the primary
angle closure accounts for 50% of global glaucoma blindness.1
There are three conceptual stages in the natural history of PACG.
Initially, contact between the peripheral iris and the trabecular mesh-
work occurs with no clinically discernable impact on the intraocular
pressure (IOP) or the tissues of the trabecular meshwork. These cases
are termed ‘anatomically narrow angle’ or ‘primary angle-closure sus-
pects’. In many cases, this progresses to the formation of adhesions
between iris and trabecular meshwork, or an increase in the IOP. This
stage is termed ‘primary angle closure’ and denotes an established
disease. Unless promptly and effectively managed, the condition may
progress to cause glaucomatous optic neuropathy, or ‘PACG’, which
causes significant functional impairment of the vision.3
The clinical course through these conceptual stages can be ‘acute’
(indicating a rapid onset of extremely high IOP causing symptoms of
pain, redness and reduced vision) or ‘chronic’ (indicating an asympto-
matic course). Most textbooks and review articles that accounts for
PACG emphasize the presence of symptoms as a defining feature of
acute angle closure (AAC). When treated promptly and effectively,
acute cases (Fig. 1) can usually be prevented from developing glauco-
matous optic neuropathy or significant visual deficits3 However, angle
closure often follows an asymptomatic course, referred to as ‘chronic’
angle closure. Eyes with the asymptomatic (‘chronic’) form of the
disease typically present late to medical services often with advanced
glaucomatous damage and visual field loss. From population-based
research in the high-risk populations of Asia, it appears that more than
50% of cases of angle-closure glaucoma remain asymptomatic until
there is profound loss of vision in the later stages.4 – 7 Despite early
treatment, some patients who initially present with acute symptoms,
will progress to develop chronic angle-closure glaucoma. Hence, long-
term follow-up may be required for some patients after AAC.
Angle closure in Europe is less common. In the AAC register at
Moorfields Eye Hospital serving Greater London, an average of one
case per week presents to eye casualty with the condition ( personal

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Fig. 1 An eye with AAC, with clinical signs of a mid-dilated pupil, hazy cornea and injected
blood vessels (courtesy of medical illustrations, Moorfields Eye Hospital).

communication, D. Siriwardena). In the Rotterdam eye study, 2% of

an unselected population aged 55 years and over had a narrow anterior
chamber angle at risk of closure on examination of the limbal
chamber depth. This was twice as high in women as men.8 In the
Egna-Neumarkt study in Northern Italy, angle-closure glaucoma was
found in 0.6% of the population, accounting for a quarter of all the
glaucoma cases.
Drugs and poisons, both therapeutic and recreational, as well as
environmental factors have been linked to the development of angle
closure in susceptible patients. These often present with symptoms, but
may have a ‘chronic’ insidious course leading to PACG. Best current
evidence does not support the use of a classification system focused on
symptomatology to describe PACG.9 This review is focused on the
drug and environmental mechanisms that may trigger angle closure
and lead to glaucomatous optic neuropathy if left untreated. It will
allow the reader to identify patients at risk and understand the ration-
ale behind the treatment of these cases.10

Diagnostic provocation of the occludable angle

The use of eye drops ( pilocarpine and phenylephrine together) to assess
a narrow angle that may be at risk of occluding and predispose a
patient to PACG is known as the ‘Mapstone provocative test’.11 The
rationale of the Mapstone test is that simultaneous contraction of the
sphincter and dilator muscles of the iris in opposite directions leads to
pupil-block angle closure (Fig. 2), triggering elevated IOP in an at-risk
eye. Alternatively, more physiological stimuli may be used: the

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Fig. 2 (A) Normal anterior chamber angle anatomy: the trabecular meshwork (TM) is
found at the angle between the iris and the cornea, and constitutes the main drainage
structure that removes aqueous humour (AH) from the eye. AH is produced by the ciliary
body (CB), passing through the space between the iris and the lens into the anterior
chamber, finally draining out of the eye from the TM. (B) In pupil-block angle closure, AH
is unable to pass through the anterior chamber due to the pupillary sphincter being adher-
ent to the anterior lens (curved arrows). A positive force in the posterior chamber due to
AH build-up (vertical arrows) leads to a rise in IOP, and blockage of the TM and anterior
chamber angle (illustrations for Figs 2– 4 are courtesy of Mr Alan Lacey).

Fig. 3 (A) This figure demonstrates a normal but narrow angle before pupil dilation. The
peripheral iris is thick but the trabecular meshwork (TM) is visible for the sector of the eye
in this illustration. (B) After pupillary dilation, there is marked crowding of the peripheral
iris and occlusion of the drainage angle.

darkroom test12 or prone-position test13 may be performed by either

placing the patient in a darkroom or a prone-position for 60 –90 min. If
the peripheral iris obstructs the trabecular meshwork and leads to IOP
elevation of 8 mmHg or more, this is considered a positive result. These
two tests can be combined in the darkroom prone-position test.14,15
Pharmacological mydriasis/dilation of the pupil with topical phenyl-
ephrine (sympathomimetic), atropine and cyclopentolate (both anticholi-
nergic parasympatholytics) can precipitate angle closure due to crowding
of the peripheral iris in the fully dilated state (Fig. 3). There may be a lag

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Fig. 4 (A) This figure demonstrates a normal and wide-open angle. (B) In contrast to (A),
this diagram shows a particular iris configuration known as plateau iris, which occurs in
younger patients, where the peripheral iris makes a sharp angulation at the drainage
angle, causing it to be blocked. The central iris profile is flat, compared with the mechan-
ism illustrated in Fig. 2b.

of 1–4 h before the onset of symptoms secondary to significantly raised

IOP. Resolution of pharmacological dilation can also precipitate AAC
through pupil-block in a similar way to the Mapstone provocative test
mentioned above (Fig. 2).
Apart from topical sympathomimetic or anticholinergic eye drops,
angle closure has now been reported in many classes of drugs, some of
which affect autonomic function and may result in permanent visual
loss and glaucomatous optic neuropathy. The patients most at risk of
developing angle closure are typically older, female patients with
shallow anterior chambers. They are often, but not invariably, hyper-
metropic and have bulky crystalline lenses. In younger people, an ana-
tomical predisposition known as ‘plateau iris’ may be present16
(Fig. 4). Plateau iris may be associated with multiple ciliary body
cysts.17 Clinical features to look out for in the high-risk eye are pre-
sented in Table 1.

Mechanisms of drug-induced angle closure

There are several different mechanisms that may cause iridotrabecular
contact, and result in pathological angle closure. These mechanisms are
typically described as acting at four distinct anatomical locations, each
progressively more posterior: the pupil margin, the peripheral iris, the
cilio-lenticular space and retro-lenticular potential space. Pupil-block
(Fig. 2) occurs as a result of a differential pressure gradient from
the posterior segment where the aqueous humour is formed and
the anterior chamber where the fluid is drained. Pupil-block may
also occur in the presence of peripheral iris crowding or plateau iris.

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Table 1: The high-risk eye.

Individual risk factors

Age Age of 60 years or older is a major risk factor for AAC, relative risk 9.1 in
Gender AAC affects women two to four times as often as men, irrespective of race.
Cataracts Bulky cataracts are associated with pupil-block and peripheral iris crowding.
Race Chinese race found to be a relative risk of 2 –2.8 in Singapore; 11.8% of Alaskan
Eskimo women over 60 years was found to have occludable angles.

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Family history A positive family history has been observed in cases of PACG.

Ocular risk factors

Refraction Patients with angleclosure are more likely to be hypermetropic than myopic.
Axial biometry Shorter anterior chamber depths and axial length are demonstrated in patients
with occludable angles than in normal controls.
Plateau iris Approximately 50% of patients under 40 years had plateau iris.

Fig. 5 This is an UBM image of a patient with drug-induced angle closure, the iris is
pressed against the anterior chamber angle and the CB is rotated anteriorly. The uveoscl-
eral effusion (*) seen here is typical of the idiosyncratic mechanism of adverse reactions
that precipitate AAC (courtesy of Mr Gus Gazzard).

The latter two can lead directly to iris obstruction of the trabecular
meshwork and subsequent angle closure.
Drug-induced angle closure is the result of: (1) crowding of the
anterior chamber angle as a result of pupillary dilation, (2) pupil-block
as the dilated pupil constricts or (3) idiosyncratic drug reactions that
change the irido-corneal angle by formation of cilio-choroidal effusions
(Fig. 5). Table 2 gives a list of the drug classes and mechanisms of
action. The important drug classes that have been associated with
angle closure are now discussed individually.

Asthma and chronic obstructive airway disease are frequently treated
with bronchodilator medications. These are usually either a2 –adrenergic
agonists or anticholinergics. Nebulized forms of ipratropium
bromide,18,19 atropine20 and salbutamol (albuterol)21 used on their own

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Table 2: Drug provoked angle closure by mechanisms of action and drug classes.

Sympathomimetic activity
b2-Agonists Salbutamol (albuterol), ritodrine
a-Agonists Phenylephrine
Nasal decongestants Phenylpropanolamine

Anticholinergic activity

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TCA Imipramine, clomipramine, trazadone
SSRIs Paroxetine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, venlafaxine
Muscarinic antagonists Oxybutynin, atropine, botulinum toxin A, tropicamide

Other drug classes (idiosyncratic reactions)

Antihistamine Promethazine
Amphetamines Ecstasy
Sulpha-containing drugs Sulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, acetazolamide
Thiazide diuretic Hydrochlorthiazide
Antiepileptic Topiramate
Antidepressant Escitalopram

have each provoked AAC. However, most patients suffering an acute

asthma attack receive combinations of these medications often in high
doses, as nebulized preparations. AAC has been reported on a number of
occasions for the combination of nebulized ipratropium bromide with
salbutamol.22 – 25 The route of absorption of these agents into the eye is
unclear. However, it has been suggested that nebulized administration of
these medications allows a significant dose to be absorbed over the con-
junctiva and cornea. To avoid this, it has been suggested that patients
could be fitted with goggles, or the holes in the sides of mask, which
discharge vapour across the cornea, could be occluded.

The major classes of antidepressants that cause angle closure are tri-
cyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs).26 – 28 TCAs have historically been associated with a high inci-
dence of anticholinergic (muscarinic) side-effects such as dry mouth
and constipation. Newer tricyclic-related drugs such as trazodone have
a lesser side-effect profile. AAC has been widely reported among
patients using clomipramine29 and imipramine, a less sedative tricyclic.30
Although trazodone has less anticholinergic (muscarinic) side-effects
than the older tricyclics, chronic low dose use in a patient known to
have PACG resulted in poor IOP control during trazodone use.31
SSRI were originally developed and promoted for their lack of seda-
tion or systemic antimuscarinic side-effects. They are now the most
widely used antidepressants in the UK. However, they do have

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anticholinergic properties and several of the SSRIs have been shown to

have the potential to provoke symptomatic AAC either at therapeutic
dosage or in overdose. Paroxetine has been the SSRI most frequently
reported in this context32 – 35 with patients ranging widely in age and
duration of time from initiating treatment to onset of angle-closure
Of the other SSRIs, both citalopram36 and escitalopram37 have been

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reported to be associated with AAC. The mechanism of angle closure
for escitalopram was through production of a ciliochoroidal effusion
(Fig. 5), ciliary body detachment and rotation of the iris and anterior
chamber angle.37 This was diagnosed before any glaucomatous disc
damage and resolved after topical cycloplegics and discontinuation of
the escitalopram. Fluvoxamine, another SSRI has been implicated in
provoking AAC in a patient known to have narrow angles and glau-
coma. The patient’s symptoms were reversed upon stopping the
Venlafaxine is a serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor,
widely used for depression as it is thought to have less sedative and
antimuscarinic effects than the tricyclics. It is also used to treat irritable
bowel syndrome, where it is thought to act both by modulating central
and peripheral sensory mechanisms and by reducing associated
depression. However, there have now been several reports of AAC with
venlafaxine via an idiosyncratic mechanism with supraciliary effu-
sions.39 – 41 It remains unclear whether this is due to serotoninergic
effects, anticholinergic effects or weak adrenergic effects.
Serotinergic agents are also used as appetite suppressants and dexfen-
fluramine prescribed for this has been associated with AAC by inducing

Anticholinergics given for urinary incontinence and as antispasmodics

Over active bladder (OAB) and detrusor instability are extremely
common conditions, affecting one in three of those over 75 years old.43
The involuntary bladder contractions, mediated by muscarinic recep-
tors in the detrusor muscle, occur during the bladder filling phase. The
mainstay of treatment for OAB is anticholinergic medication.
Symptomatic AAC has been reported in an 80-year-old hypermetrope
taking oxybutynin for urge incontinence.44 The British National
Formulary lists ‘glaucoma’ as a contraindication to use of anticholiner-
gics for these conditions, although it makes no distinction between
open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma, nor between
patients who have had previous laser treatment for their occludable
anterior chamber angles. The risk of angle closure is reduced but not

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eradicated by laser iridotomy. These patients are therefore considered

to be at lower (but not negligible) risk.45

General anaesthetics
Patients undergoing general anaesthesia procedures are often given

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intravenous anticholinergic medications such as atropine to prevent
side-effects from neostigmine, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor used
at the end of operation to reverse non-depolarizing muscle relaxants.
Although small doses of parenteral atropine were found not to produce
mydriasis, larger doses did, especially in lightly pigmented eyes.46
There have been several case series of patients suffering AAC after
general anaesthesia47,48 and have resulted in permanent visual loss
from glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Atropine is sometimes used
after coronary angioplasty, and a case of AAC after this has been

Over-the-counter medicines and cough suppressants

Phenylephrine has marked a1-adrenergic properties and is frequently
used by eye care professionals to produce mydriasis ( pupil dilation) for
diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is also a common constituent of
many over-the-counter cold remedies and is also used to treat epistaxis,
by direct intranasal application to produce vasoconstriction, usually
prior to nasal packing or cautery. Its use has been associated with
AAC, when given nasally for epistaxis,50 and as part of an
over-the-counter medicine Fenox nasal drops (Phenylephrine
Hydrochloride BP 0.5% w/v with Cetrimide Ph Eur, Glycerin Ph Eur,
Methylhydroxybenzoate Ph Eur).51 The phenomenon of
phenylephrine-induced angle closure is not infrequently seen in oph-
thalmology clinics after topical (eyedrop) application, for fundal exam-
ination. Mydriatic-induced angle closure is used in glaucoma clinics,
after peripheral iridotomy, as a test to assess safety and determine if
there is a need of long-term pilocarpine prophylaxis.
Many over-the-counter cold and cough remedies contain constituents,
included as antihistamines or decongestants, which also have marked
sympathomimetic or anticholinergic effects. AAC has been reported in
a patient after taking the recommended dose of Night Nurse, which
contains the antihistamine promethiazine, and Day Nurse (Glaxo
Smithkline) which contains the decongestant phenylpropanolamine.52
These ingredients are far from unique to these products though: pro-
methazine is a component of Medised, Phenergan, Tixylix Night-time,

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Avomine, Pamergan, Sominex, Ronpiron, Phensedyl, Phenhalal and Q

Mazine: Phenylpropanolamine is also found in Contac 400, Vicks
Coldcare, Mu-cron, Benylin Day and Night, Allereze, Dimotapp,
Nirolex prolonged release, Sinutab, Triogesic and Triominic.52 In a
study from Hong Kong, up to 25% of cases that present with AAC had
recently taken antitussive medication that precipitated the event.53

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Recreational drugs
Cocaine hydrochloride causes pupil dilation due to its adrenergic prop-
erties. It is often given medically to reduce bleeding, particularly from
the nasal mucosa. Acute angle closure has been reported after cocaine
application intranasally during dacryocystorhinostomy surgery54 and
after elective antral washout.55 AAC has also been reported after ipsi-
lateral intranasal cocaine abuse.56
In contrast to cocaine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) is
only used recreationally. Bilateral AAC was reported in a young
woman who used ecstasy and marijuana.57 No choroidal effusions
were found. However in another case report of a young man who
noticed progressive decrease in vision after taking ecstasy for 2 weeks
was found to have choroidal effusions and transient myopia which
resolved upon cessation of the drug.58

Botulinum toxin
Botulinum toxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine and could theor-
etically cause mydriasis. A case of AAC has been recorded shortly after
treatment of blepharospasm with botulinum toxin.59

Other sympathomimetics
Ritodrine is a direct acting sympathomimetic drug, predominantly a
b2-agonist, which is used to reduce uterine contractions and stop pre-
mature labour. It is usually given by intravenous infusion. Bilateral
AAC has been reported 8 h after starting a ritodrine infusion for pre-
mature labour.60 However, labour itself has also been implicated in
triggering AAC.61
There has been a case report of angle closure developing a few hours
after ingestion of sildenafil (Viagra).62 However, angle closure has also
been associated with sexual activity63 and the drug may not actually be
the association in this case.64

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Belladonna (atropa belladonna) is a mixture of alkaloids, principally
atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine. It is derived from the deadly
nightshade plant. Up until the 1950s it was in common usage both as a
tincture and an extract. There have been case reports of AAC precipi-
tated in hypermetropes who had recently been commenced on extract
of belladonna, a few days previously.65

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Bilateral AAC has been reported in two patients following snake-
bite.66 Snake venoms are often complex multicomponent poisons.

Idiosyncratic reaction to systemic medications

Topiramate is a relatively new sulpha-containing anticonvulsant that
can be used in both children and adults. It is also increasingly used for
migraine prophylaxis. It has been associated with acute myopia, supra-
choroidal effusion and acute angle closure.67 – 71 This is an idiosyncratic
response, which is neither dose dependant nor is it related to pre-
existing patient refractive error. Topiramate-induced angle closure is
caused by suprachoroidal effusion and ciliary body oedema, which
produce forward rotation of the ciliary body, in turn displacing the iris
forward to close the anterior chamber angle (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 (A) This is an anterior segment OCT (ASOCT) scan of a uveoscleral effusion (*) in
cross section. The anterior chamber is shallow. The patient was on topiramate and all clini-
cal signs resolved within 2 weeks of cessation of the drug. The ASOCT scan differs from the
UBM (Fig. 5) in that the cilary body (CB) is less well demarcated on ASOCT. (B) However, on
the high-resolution ASOCT scan on eccentric gaze, the TM was clearly visible and one can
see the CB rotation, and a completely closed angle from this adverse drug reaction.

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Because of the high frequency of this severe ocular side-effect, patients

and the parents of paediatric patients should be warned to attend their
local eye casualty if they experience blurring of vision or eye pain, after
starting topiramate. The ophthalmologists treating these patients should
stop the topiramate, substituting another anticonvulsant, and commence
atropine cycloplegia, to displace the iris-lens plane posteriorly, together
with topical ocular hypotensive medications and acetazolamide.

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Other sulpha-containing drugs72 – 76 such as hydrochlorthiazide, a
thiazide diuretic used to treat hypertension77 may also be accompanied
by suprachoroidal effusions, anterior rotation of the ciliary body and
shallowing of the anterior chamber.73,74 These patients are unlikely to
have pre-existing risk of angle closure, and after withdrawal of the
medication usually revert to a normal deep anterior chamber, with
open drainage angle.67,69

Environmental factors in angle closure

Light, season and temperature
In non-tropical countries there is often a wide variation in the number of
day–light hours, according to the season. In Finland using meteorological
data and hospital discharge registers, the incidence of AAC was found to
be positively associated with the number of hours without sunshine, and
was more common in winter and autumn than summer or spring.78,79 In
Croatia, a similar retrospective study also found more cases of AAC
during winter, and on days with less sunshine.80 A similar seasonal inci-
dence was seen in Birmingham and in Canterbury in the UK.81,82 In Israel,
a statistically significant preponderance of attacks were found in summer
and winter, times of more extreme weather than in spring or autumn.83
In Singapore, a prospective island-wide incidence study, found AAC
to be more frequent on hotter days.84 In Switzerland85 found that the
majority of AAC cases presented during a particular pattern of adverse
weather with advection of cold maritime air behind a low-pressure
system. A common factor for all these environmental factors is thought
to be that during adverse weather conditions people tend to stay
indoors. The darker conditions are associated with pupil dilation and
increased frequency of AAC.

Incidence of AAC, in the UK, appears to be inversely related to sunspot
activity, both on the day of presentation and in the immediately

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preceding period.81 In Singapore,84 there was a direct relationship

between symptomatic angle closure and both number of sunspots and
mean solar radio flux. Increased sunspot activity is associated with a
small increase in solar radiation, terrestrial geomagnetic storms and
heating of the Earth’s outer atmosphere.84 It remains unclear whether
sunspot activity is truly associated with AAC.

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Adrenaline and stress
Two 73-year old sisters presented with simultaneous AAC after having
been involved in a fight with each other.86 The release of adrenaline
during the squabble, and associated mydriasis, was thought to be the
causative factor.
AAC has been reported a number of times after eyelid surgery, in par-
ticular blepharoplasty.87 – 89 These cases were thought to have been
caused by adrenaline-induced angle closure (several millilitres of local
anaesthetic-containing adrenaline is injected for haemostasis) in eyes
with coexistent occludable anterior chamber angles.

Identification of cases and management

The current reference-standard of angle width assessment is gonio-
scopy, in which the anterior chamber angle is examined using a diag-
nostic contact lens. Other screening techniques include the oblique
flashlight test, van Herick technique at the slit lamp microscope and
newer imaging techniques including high-resolution ultrasound biomi-
croscopy (UBM) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the
anterior segment. Some of these imaging techniques are not widely
available (see also Figs 5 and 6).

Management of angle closure

Laser iridotomy
The creation of a full thickness hole in the peripheral iris using laser
( previously argon laser but now superseded by either combined argon
and Nd:YAG laser, or YAG laser alone) is termed an iridotomy.90,91
Prior to the development of laser technology this hole was made by
surgical means (surgical iridectomy). The iridotomy allows the aqueous
humor to bypass the pupil to eliminate any pupil-block mechanism of
angle closure. Iridotomy is implemented at diagnosis in all patients
with acute or established primary angle closure. Itis often used as

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a preventive treatment in patients with iridotrabecular contact, particu-

larly in cases that need frequent pupil dilation for retinal examinations
(e.g. diabetics). It is, however, less effective where extensive areas of
peripheral anterior synechiae already exist causing permanent angle


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Peripheral iridotomy is the usual first-line treatment of patients with
AAC. A significant number of patients have evidence of residual appo-
sitional angle-closure post-iridotomy. In some of these cases low-power
Argon laser burns are applied to the peripheral iris to contract it away
from the trabecular meshwork thereby opening the angle.92 – 94
Iridoplasty may also be used as initial treatment for patients in AAC.
Once angle closure has been overcome, a peripheral laser iridotomy is

Lens extraction
For patients with a co-existing cataract and angle closure, removing the
lens by surgical means will also have a therapeutic effect on the angle-
closure process.95 In many patients with chronic angle closure, this
achieves adequate control of the IOP.96

Medical treatment
Cholinergic agents, such as pilocarpine, can be delivered as eye drops.
These cause constriction of the pupil and thus pull the peripheral iris
away from the trabecular meshwork, opening the drainage angle.
Other topical and systemic IOP lowering medications are usually given
to help control IOP in AAC and may help control IOP in chronic

Discussion and conclusion

Most cases of primary angle closure probably occur in patients for
whom there are no identifiable, exogenous causative agents. However,
environmental and pharmacological factors (both systemic and topical)
can cause angle closure and glaucomatous optic neuropathy if left
untreated. This review draws from a very large number of case reports.
The message is that patients do not always have typical textbook
accounts of ‘acute’ symptomatic or ‘chronic’ asymptomatic presenta-
tions of angle closure. All healthcare professionals should be aware of
the risks of angle closure from certain systemic medications, in predis-
posed individuals. Referral to an ophthalmologist for gonioscopy
should be arranged whenever there is any doubt.

138 British Medical Bulletin 2010;93

Angle-closure glaucoma and systemic medication

It seems anomalous that current drug guidelines potentially deprive

all glaucoma patients of beneficial medications, when most have a type
of glaucoma (either open-angle or treated angle closure) which will not
be aggravated by their use. There remains a lack of understanding
about the difference between angle-closure and open-angle glaucoma.97
Instead of using a blanket recommendation contraindicating the use of
these medications for all glaucoma patients, one option is to assess

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them for closable angles prior to giving medications that might
produce angle closure. Ideally, patients that have been identified to be
at high risk (see Table 1) should be assessed prior to starting treatment.
However, this may not be practical to implement, even in populations
with high prevalence of angle closure.
Clinicians should ensure that all patients understand that they need
to seek urgent ophthalmic attention should they develop blurred vision,
or a red or painful eye, after starting any one of these medications. All
patients over the age of 40 years, and those with a positive family
history of glaucoma should undergo regular examination by an opto-
metrist or ophthalmologist.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and
not necessarily those of the Department of Health.

The authors acknowledge (a proportion of their) financial support
from the Department of Health through the award made by the
National Institute for Health Research to Moorfields Eye Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology for a
Specialist Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology.

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