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Downtime Analysis of Virtual Machine Live Migration: Irtual Achine IVE Igration

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DEPEND 2011 : The Fourth International Conference on Dependability

Downtime Analysis of Virtual Machine Live Migration

Felix Salfner Peter Tröger, Andreas Polze

Department of Computer Science Operating Systems and Middleware Group
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Hasso-Plattner-Institute at University Potsdam, Germany {peter.troeger,andreas.polze}

Abstract—Virtual machine environments like VMware, XEN, carefully since migration time as well as downtime can vary
KVM, and Hyper-V support live migration of guest operating by an order of magnitude or more, depending on the memory
systems, which is used in data centers to provide uninterrupted workload. It is the goal of this paper to systematically
service during maintenance or to move computation away from
failure-prone hosts. The duration of migration, as well as the investigate the factors determining the time needed for VM
virtual machine downtime during this process are essential live migration.
when assessing if service availability agreements might be
We present the result of an experimental study that analyzed Within the different existing virtualization frameworks
virtual machine live migration downtime and duration. We with live migration support, the basic principle is that the
show that total migration time as well as downtime are
virtualization cluster management actively moves a virtual-
dominated by specific memory utilization patterns inside the
virtualized guest. We experienced that downtime involved by ized system while it is still executing and is still changing
live migration can vary by a factor of more than 23, which the hardware’s and software’s state. Today’s products realize
can have significant impact on service availability. this by a delta-copying approach where modified memory
Keywords-virtual machine, live migration, downtime regions are incrementally transferred until a lower threshold
for data to be moved is reached. In the subsequent phase in
I. I NTRODUCTION which the VM is stopped, the remaining resources are copied
Virtualization as a concept for isolation and multiprogram- and reconfigured and the VM is resumed on the destination
ming has been known since the late 60’s [1]. Today, many host. This leads to the two characteristics investigated in this
virtualization products for commodity server and desktop paper:
environments exist. Most platforms support live migration, • migration time is the time from start of the live migra-
which allows to move a running virtual machine (VM) to tion process until the virtualization framework notifies
a new physical host with minimal service interruption. This that the source host can be deactivated.
renders live migration a very attractive tool for various sce- • downtime or blackout time is the phase during migration
narios in dependable computing. Currently the predominant when there is a user-perceptible service unavailability.
use of live migration is in data centers or compute clouds The most difficult procedure in live migration is the trans-
where VMs can be moved across physical hosts for load fer of main memory state. As live migration environments
balancing, server consolidation or maintenance. In all these typically share storage within the migration cluster, swapped
cases knowing the downtime involved by moving the VM out memory pages do not have to be considered. Read-only
is essential when service availability guarantees have to be pages from the working set (such as code pages) need to be
fulfilled: the time of service interruption must not exceed migrated only once, whereas data pages could be modified
the clients retry intervals. again after their initial transfer. Transfer of writable memory
A second area where live migration is used is proactive can happen theoretically in three phases [3]: In the initial
fault management. VMs are moved away from a physical push phase, in which the source machine’s actively used
node that has been predicted to show a failure in the near set of pages is copied to the destination host in rounds. In
future (see, e.g., [2]). In addition to the downtime involved the subsequent stop-and-copy phase, in which the source
in moving the VM, the total duration of migration is an VM is suspended, remaining memory regions are transfered,
important characteristic. This is because the entire migration and the VM is resumed again on the destination host. The
has to have finished before the failure occurs. length of this phase is the VM downtime. The last step is the
However, the majority of existing work that builds on live pull phase, where the VM running on the destination host
migration of VMs simply assumes some fixed (in many cases might access memory regions that are still not migrated,
arbitrary) duration of the live migration and the downtime which are then pulled from the source host. The end of the
involved by it. According to the experiments presented in pull phase marks the end of the migration time. The time
this paper, such an assumed value has to be chosen very of transition from one phase to the next is controlled by

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-149-6 100

DEPEND 2011 : The Fourth International Conference on Dependability

Table I
adaptive algorithms that take into account various aspects I NVESTIGATED PARAMETERS
such as the number of dirty memory pages, etc. Most live
migration products combine the first two phases in a so- HYPERVISOR The virtualization framework used
called pre-copy approach. VMSIZE Amount of main memory statically config-
ured for the VM
III. E XPERIMENT D ESIGN AND L OAD M ODEL LOAD CPU utilization of the virtualized operating
Live migration duration is influenced by load factors from
WSET Working set, the sum of utilized memory
inside the VM and from the underlying physical host. For
PERIOD The period for one memory modification
our investigations we assumed a typical (and recommended) cycle
setup where applications only run in VMs and there are no BPC Blocks per cycle. Number of modified blocks
applications running on the physical host directly (except for per cycle
the hypervisor). FILL Filling degree. The average percentage of a
Experiments carried out prior to the ones presented here memory block being actively modified
have shown no impact on migration time and downtime
when running multiple VMs on one physical host. Results
shown here have therefore been measured with just one VM majority of requests, e.g., by always reading some data,
per physical host. We assumed a model of VM operation storing logging information, and returning the result.
without over-commitment, which is a VM configuration A list of all parameters investigated in our experiments is
where the sum of virtual memory of all VMs on a host provided by Table I.
does not exceed the amount of physical memory.
The focus of this work is on application-specific effects B. Technical Setup and Issues
on live migration. Since in most scenarios the migration net-
work is not a controllable parameter we did not investigate All tests were performed on two Fujitsu Primergy RX300
effects of the migration network on migration performance. S5 machines with a shared iSCSI drive, the migration
Additional tests investigating network usage showed that was performed for a VM running Linux 2.6.26-2 (64 bit).
the migration frameworks handle network capacity issues All VMs were configured to have one virtual CPU and
carefully so that this assumption appears valid. a varying amount of (virtualized) physical RAM. In all
The goal of our experiments are to investigate the effects cases, the virtualization guest tools / drivers were installed.
of the following factors on migration time as well as down- Native operating system swapping was activated, but not
time: CPU load, configured memory size of the VM, utilized aggressively in use due to the explicit limitation of the
amount of memory, and memory modification pattern for allocated amount of memory.
two different virtualization products. We conducted all experiments with the two hypervisors
VMware and Xen. Experiments for VMware were performed
A. Load Generators with ESX 4.0.0, using the vCenter server software for
In order to be able to analyze the effects of each factor migration coordination. High availability features were de-
and its combinations we used three different load generators activated. Experiments for Xen were performed with Citrix
- one for CPU load and two for memory load. XenServer 5.6 (Xen core 3.4.2). Both Xen hosts were
The CPU load generator was based on burnP6 and configured to form a pool, the test scripts were executed
cpulimit generating a controllable CPU utilization in the in the dom0 partition of the pool master.
running VM. Total migration time was measured by capturing the
The locked pages generator is used for analysis of static runtime of the product command-line tool that triggers a
memory allocation that cannot be swapped out. This is migration. Downtime was measured by a high-speed ping
achieved by allocating a given amount of memory, writing (50 ms) from another host, since the virtualization products
random data to it and locking it in physical memory using do not expose this performance metric by themselves. The
the according system call. downtime is expressed as the number of lost Ping messages
In order to investigate the effect of modifying memory multiplied by the ping interval.
pages while the VM is migrated, we programmed a dirty Live migration, similar to every performance-critical soft-
pages generator, simulating memory write access of appli- ware feature, is influenced by a manifold of hardware /
cations running in the VM. It implements a cyclic memory software factors. We are aware of the fact that new product
modification pattern by continuously writing pre-computed versions, node and networking hardware as well as special
random data to locked memory locations. This pattern is optimization switches can lead to better or worse results.
motivated by server applications, which modify memory Nevertheless, the point of our investigations is to identify
regions based on incoming requests. These modifications major impact factors when using live migration for depend-
can be expected to have comparable characteristics for the ability purposes.

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-149-6 101

DEPEND 2011 : The Fourth International Conference on Dependability

IV. S INGLE VARIABLE E XPERIMENTS degree using the dirty page generator. As expected, both
Since the number of parameters (also called factors) virtualization toolkits showed no effect on downtime or
is too large for an investigation of all combinations of migration time.
factors with each factor tested at multiple levels, we first E. PERIOD and BPC
aimed at reducing the set of factors. In order to do so, we
investigated each parameter individually. As will be shown The parameters PERIOD and BPC determine how fre-
in this section, this analysis helped to eliminate the two quently memory pages are modified. In order to assess how
parameters LOAD and FILL. total migration time and downtime are affected by them we
In order to investigate a single factor we set all but the conducted a series of experiments where we varied PERIOD
investigated parameters to fixed values and measured both for a number of settings for BPC using the dirty page
downtime and total migration time at various levels of the generator. Results show that both downtime and migration
investigated parameter. time are strongly affected by the two parameters. To check
for stochastic variability, we determined 95% confidence
A. VMSIZE intervals, which never exceeded 5% of the average value.
We investigated the influence of the configured VM main However, the influence of PERIOD and BPC are complex
memory with different settings for both products. Specif- and will be further investigated in Section V.
ically, we have investigated idle VMs with VMSIZE set To better understand the complex behavior we performed
to 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and 8GB RAM. The virtual a source code analysis of Xen and had personal commu-
machines were idle, so no load generator was used. While nication with VMware representatives. The behavior seems
VMware showed a nearly constant migration time, Xen had to be mainly related to the rate-adaptive migration control.
a linearly growing migration time with increasing VMSIZE. The relevant aspect here is the dirty page diff set, the
fraction of pages that are scheduled to be copied in each next
B. LOAD round of the pre-copy phase. Both virtualization products
For the investigation of the influence of CPU load on obviously identify ”hot pages” in this set and shift such
migration time, we performed at least 10 migrations per pages more aggressively to the stop-and-copy phase because
CPU utilization degree, ranging from 0% to 100% artificial for hot pages a block transfer in the stop-and-copy phase
CPU load in steps of size ten using the CPU load generator. is potentially more effective (depending on “hotness” of
Results showed almost no impact with a 95% confidence the page, network link speed and other factors). Akoush et
interval of not more than -/+ 1s for all load values. al. [4] made similar investigations in their live migration
Both products also showed a constant (significantly performance analysis.
smaller) downtime in all constellations, with a 95% con-
F. Summary
fidence interval of not more than +/- 10% of the average
downtime. Summing up these experiments, we observe that live
The results suggest that both virtualization frameworks migration duration as well as downtime can depend heavily
reserve enough CPU time for their own management (mi- on the investigated factors. On the other hand we saw that
gration) purposes. Live migration scenarios seem to only CPU load as well as the degree to which memory pages are
depend on non-CPU utilization factors. We could hence filled do not influence migration performance significantly
safely drop CPU load as an influencing factor in subsequent which allows us to exclude them from further investigations.
experiments. In order to deal with the mutual non-trivial dependencies
seen in this section we subsequently devised experiments
C. WSET that investigate all combinations of factors, as will be
Using the locked pages generator, we varied the size of presented in the next section.
the working set from zero to 90% of the virtual memory
available to the VM. Results show that VMware downtime
as well as migration time depend on WSET. Xen also shows From the experiments shown in the previous section we
dependency on WSET so that the effects of WSET are were able to conclude that the factors LOAD and FILL can
analyzed further in Section V. be omitted from further analysis.
A second reduction in the number of factors can be
D. FILL achieved by leveraging on the fact that BPC (blocks per
In order to rely on the trap and page table mechanisms cycle) and PERIOD (duration of one cycle) can be combined
of the operating system, all VM migration approaches copy into one factor RAT E = P ERIOD , which denotes the
memory content in pages. Hence an entire page has to be number of blocks that are modified per millisecond.
migrated even when only a fraction of a page is written. We have hence reduced the number of factors to the
We tested this assumption by “filling” pages to a varying following three parameters: VMSIZE, WSET, and RATE.

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-149-6 102

150000 150000



400 100000 400 100000
] ]
[1/s [1/s
DEPEND 2011 : The200Fourth International
50000 Conference on Dependability RA 200
50000 RA

0 0

kout time, vmsize=2048MB Xen

Xenblackout time,
migration vmsize=6144MB
time, Xen blackout time, vmsize=4096MB
vmsize=2048MB Xen blackout

250 250

200 200
migration 10 10

150 150


n time [s]
time [s]

100 100
5 5 5

time [s]
time [s]

time [s]
50 50

0 0 0 00
1200 1200 1200
1000 1000 1000
800800 800 800


200000 200000

200000 200000 200000 200000

600600 600

T [ [M
600 150000 600 150000
150000 150000 150000 150000
[M ]



100000 400
400 100000400 100000 400
400 100000
100000 ] 100000
] [1]/s ] /s]]
[1/s E /s
[1 [1/s E [1
TE 50000 TAET TE 50000 ATTE
50000 RA 200
50000 RAR 200
50000 RA 200
50000 RRA

0 0 0 00

gration time,
kout time, vmsize=2048MB
Mean time,downtime formigration
vmsize=6144MB Xen time,
Xen blackout
plotted over WSET and RATE for Xen
VMSIZE=4096 (left) and VMSIZE=8192 (right)
migration time, vmsize=8192MB

250 250 250

200 200 200



150 150 150
n tim
time [s]

time [s]
ckout tim

100 100 100

e [s] e [s]

50 50 50

0 0 0
1200 1200 1200
1000 1000 1000
800 800 800


200000 800 200000 200000 200000


200000 600 600 200000 600
T [ [M

150000 600 150000 150000 150000




150000 150000

400 400

100000 100000400 100000 100000

100000 [1/s] 400] 100000[1/s] ]
[1/s [1/s
TE /s] RA
TE TE /s] RA
50000 RTAE [1 200
50000 RATE [1 200
50000 RA 200
50000 RA
0 0 0 0

gration time, vmsize=6144MB

Figure 2. Mean migration time for Xen plotted over WSET and RATE for VMSIZE=4096 (left) and VMSIZE=8192 (right)
Xen migration time, vmsize=8192MB


We performed experiments according to a full factorial 200 increasing rate) requires more memory to be transferred in

design, meaning that all possible combinations of parameter 150

the stop-and-copy phase. We can also conclude from the
levels have been measured in the experiment. More specifi- figure that WSET seems to have a linear effect on downtime,
time [s]


cally, for Xen we investigated a total number of 528 param- 50

regardless of the values of VMSIZE and RATE.
eter combinations (treatments), each with 20 measurements 0 Turning to total migration time (Figure 2) we observe
resulting in an overall number of 10560 migrations. In each 1000 that the mean migration time is more irregular. It came
experiment we measured migration time and downtime as 800

200000 200000
as a little surprise to us that for RATE levels ”above the

150000 150000
response variables. In case of the VMware hypervisor, we

jump” total migration time decreases with increasing RATE.


100000 400 100000

] ]
[1/s [1/s
50000 RA
TE performed experiments for 352 combinations resulting in 200
50000 RA
In order to check that this behavior really occurs we have
0 7040 migrations. 0
carried out separate experiments specifically targeted to this
In the following we will discuss results for each virtual- question with the same consistent result. The behavior can
ization framework separately. be explained by the documented stop conditions for the pre-
copy phase in these products. The precopy phase of Xen
A. Analysis of XenServer stops (1) when a sufficiently small amount of memory is
As we have three factors (plus a response variable) we left on the source or (2) if an upper limit for the transferred
cannot present the entire results in one plot. Since VMSIZE data was reached or (3) if the time taken becomes too
has the least number of levels, we decided to plot the mean long (measured by the number of pre-copy rounds) [4].
response, i.e. mean migration time or downtime, over WSET Hence if the modification rate grows beyond a certain value
and RATE for fixed values of VMSIZE (see Figures 1 and 2). close to the link speed, the algorithm will end the pre-copy
Comparing the two figures, we can see that downtime shows phase earlier resulting in the observed behavior of constant
a very different behavior in comparison to migration time, downtime and decreasing overall migration time.
although the first is part of the latter. One peculiarity in Figures 1 and 2 is the abrupt change
Downtime (Figure 1) in general increases with increasing at a RATE level around 30,000 1s . In order to analyze this
WSET and increasing RATE. This is not surprising as further, we conducted additional “zoom-in” experiments that
an increased usage of memory (more pages written at an investigated a sub-range of values for RATE at greater level

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-149-6 103

DEPEND 2011 : The Fourth International Conference on Dependability

Xen blackout time, vmsize=4096MB

VMware migration time, vmsize=4096MB
Xen migration time, vmsize=4096MB

250 50

10 40




time [s]
5 100
time [s]

time [s]

0 0 10
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800


36000 36000

600 600
34000 34000

32000 600



400 400
30000 ] 30000 ] 200000
[1/s [1/s

200 28000 RA 200 28000 RA 400 150000

26000 26000

200 TE
50000 RA
VMware blackout time, vmsize=4096MB
Figure 3. Mean downtime (left) and migration time (right) for Xen with 0

additional WSET and RATE levels in the ”zoom-in area”, VMSIZE=4096 10

of detail (see Figure 3). As it can be seen from the plot, 6

time [s]
the change is not as abrupt as might have been concluded 4

from Figures 1 and 2 and only appears to be abrupt due 2

to the scale of the plot and due to a lack of intermediate 0


measurement points. 600

The effect of VMSIZE can be observed by comparing the

400 150000

two plots in Figure 2. It can be seen that VMSIZE has a 100000
200 TE
50000 RA
non-trivial effect on migration time: since the shapes look
very different at different levels of VMSIZE, the effect does
not appear to be linear, except for the case where RATE
equals zero. There is no effect of WSET if RATE is zero. Figure 4. Mean migration time (top) and downtime (bottom) for VMware
plotted over WSET and RATE, VMSIZE=4096
The plots in Figures 1 to 3 show times averaged over all 20
measurements. In order to assess the variability in the data,
we report the ratio of maximum to minimum values as well from treatment means we have observed a ratio of 16.27.
as standard deviations for the data in Table II. Specifically, This shows that due to different memory load the maximum
two ratios and two standard deviations are reported: the ratio mean downtime can be 16.27 times as large as the minimum
of the maximum treatment mean to the minimum treatment mean downtime. If we instead consider the maximum and
mean and the ratio of the maximum to the minimum values minimum value observed across all experiments, the factor
across all measurements. Regarding standard deviations we even goes up to 23.83! The conclusion from this observation
report the largest standard deviation computed within each is that if service downtime is critical for meeting availability
treatment as well as the standard deviation for the overall goals, a realistic assessment of availability can only be
data set. In addition, the table reports the mean time averaged achieved if the maximum downtime for the application-
across all measurements. specific memory load is used.
The table quantifies what has also been observable from
the plots: Both migration time as well as downtime vary VI. R ELATED W ORK
tremendously depending on the three investigated parame- In the area of dependable computing, VM live migra-
ters. tion has primarily been used as a tool. Two examples are
proactive fault tolerance [2] and the approach to resource
B. Analysis of VMware allocation proposed in [5].
Due to space limitations we report results for VMWare A second group of related work deals with various aspects
only for VMSIZE equal to 4GB (see Figure 4). This is no of implementing VM live migration. Hines and Gopalan [6]
severe limitation as the behavior is very similar for other discuss the modification of Xen for post-copy live migra-
values of VMSIZE. tion. Sapuntzakis et al. [7] introduced several optimization
As can easily be observed the behavior differs signif- approaches for VM live migration, among which ballooning
icantly from the one of Xen, which emphasizes that the is best-known, which forces the VM to swap out as much
choice of the hypervisor product can have significant impact memory as possible.
on availability. The main reason for the different behavior This work, however, is somewhere in between using
seems to be the different rate-adaptive algorithms employed live migration as a tool and investigating aspects of its
in the two virtualization products. implementation: We have focused on the factors determining
Variability of the data for VMware is also listed in Ta- downtime and migration time from an application’s perspec-
ble II. Regarding the max:min ratio of downtime computed tive. A work that is closer related to ours is [3], which

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-149-6 104

DEPEND 2011 : The Fourth International Conference on Dependability

Table II

Hypervisor / Guest time Mean time [s] Max:Min Ratio Standard Deviation
Mean Overall Treatment Max [s] Overall [s]
XenServer / CentOS migration 89.73 9.01 9.10 6.32 39.08
downtime 7.69 3.17 3.46 0.62 2.94
VMware / Linux migration 30.93 2.24 2.96 7.72 7.51
downtime 3.10 16.27 23.83 0.50 1.80

investigates the effect of the size of the writable working Future work will involve investigation of other virtual-
set. The migration times reported are much smaller than the ization approaches (e.g., KVM and Microsoft Hyper-V).
ones reported here. This is probably due to the fact that We will also focus on the relationship between the load
the workloads used in their experiments do not result in generators used in this work and real-world applications.
significant memory load.
VII. C ONCLUSION We would like to thank Matthias Richly from Hasso
Plattner Institute for the realization and management of the
With growing capacity of commodity server hardware and
experimentation environment. All hardware resources were
increased consolidation efforts, virtualization has become a
made available by the HPI FutureSOC lab infrastructure.
standard approach for data center operation - not only on
the mainframe and for UNIX systems, but also in the world R EFERENCES
of Intel servers. Live migration of virtual server workloads [1] R. P. Goldberg, “Survey of Virtual Machine Research,” IEEE
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either about the total duration of live migration or the length 2009. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2009,
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In this paper, we have reported about our research on
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induced downtime. Our measurements are based on two in Proceedings of Proceedings of the 2nd conference on
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4.0.0 and Citrix XenServer 5.6. By carrying out a wide range NSDI, 2005. Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Association, 2005,
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migration can vary significantly depending on the memory
[4] S. Akoush, R. Sohan, A. Rice, A. W. Moore, and A. Hopper,
load and memory access patterns of the guest system. “Predicting the Performance of Virtual Machine Migration,”
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fault management: If VMs are to be migrated away from
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availability computing clusters with distributed virtual ma-
predict failures further in the future than the total duration chines,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
of migration. Our results also help to assess if service avail- vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 384–393, 2010.
ability assertions are violated by the downtime introduced
by live migration of a VM running the service. Even if the [6] M. R. Hines and K. Gopalan, “Post-copy based live virtual ma-
absolute numbers may be different for future versions of the chine migration using adaptive pre-paging and dynamic self-
ballooning,” in Proceedings of 2009 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS
virtualization products our results highlight that application- international conference on Virtual execution environments,
specific investigations are crucial to assess the feasibility of Washington, DC, USA, ser. VEE ’09. New York, NY, USA:
live migration in a particular scenario. ACM, 2009, pp. 51–60, washington, DC, USA.
A second area where our results are useful is to help to im-
[7] C. P. Sapuntzakis, R. Chandra, B. Pfaff, J. Chow, M. S.
prove live migration features of virtualization products. For
Lam, and M. Rosenblum, “Optimizing the migration of virtual
example, the observation that Xen migration time depends computers,” SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., vol. 36, no. SI, pp. 377–
on the size of virtual RAM configured might be an indicator 390, 2002.
how live migration can be improved futher, or might even
stimulate new ideas for VM live migration.

Copyright (c) IARIA, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61208-149-6 105

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