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Veterinary Microbiology 154 (2011) 152–155

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New Bruce-ladder multiplex PCR assay for the biovar typing of

Brucella suis and the discrimination of Brucella suis and Brucella canis
Ignacio López-Goñi a,*, David Garcı́a-Yoldi a, Clara M. Marı́n b, Marı́a J. de Miguel b,
Elı́as Barquero-Calvo c, Caterina Guzmán-Verri c, David Albert d, Bruno Garin-Bastuji d
Instituto de Salud Tropical, Departamento de Microbiologı´a y Parasitologı´a, Universidad de Navarra, 31008, Pamplona, Spain
Unidad de Sanidad Animal, Centro de Investigación y Tecnologı´a Agroalimentaria (CITA), Gobierno de Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain
Programa de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
European Union/OIE/FAO Brucellosis Reference Laboratory, French Agency for Food, environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES), F-94706,
Maisons-Alfort Cedex, France


Article history: Rapid and specific identification of Brucella suis at the biovar level is necessary because
Received 18 February 2011 some of the biovars that infect animals are pathogenic for humans. None of the molecular
Received in revised form 23 June 2011 typing methods described so far are able to discriminate B. suis biovars in a single test and
Accepted 28 June 2011
differentiation of B. suis from Brucella canis by molecular approaches can be difficult. This
article describes a new multiplex PCR assay, Suis-ladder, for fast and accurate
identification of B. suis at the biovar level and the differentiation of B. suis, B. canis and
Brucella suis
Brucella microti. An advancement of the original Bruce-ladder PCR protocol which allows
Brucella canis
Bruce-ladder the correct discrimination of all known Brucella species is also described.
PCR ß 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction proposed. One of these assays is a multiplex conventional

PCR (Bruce-ladder) (Garcı́a-Yoldi et al., 2006; López-Goñi
Brucella suis, the causative agent of swine brucellosis, is et al., 2008). In general Bruce-ladder performs excellently
classified in five biovars that infect different animal hosts: and has been recommended by the OIE as a rapid and
biovars 1, 2 and 3 affect domestic pigs, wild boars and simple one-step molecular test for identification and
hares; biovar 4 infects reindeer and caribou; and biovar 5 typing of Brucella species (OIE, 2009). However, its only
infects only rodents. In contrast to biovar 2, biovars 1 and 3 inconvenience is that some Brucella canis strains and
are pathogenic for humans and require high level of Brucella microti, isolated from common voles and foxes, can
biosafety laboratory precautions (Garin-Bastuji and Hars, be identified erroneously as B. suis (López-Goñi et al., 2008;
2001). The identification and typing of B. suis is currently Scholz et al., 2008). The present report describes a novel
performed by standard bacteriological and biochemistry multiplex conventional PCR assay (called Suis-ladder) that
methods, but these tests are not straightforward in differentiates between all B. suis biovars and B. canis, and
particular for the identification of biovars 1, 2 and 3 also propose an advancement of the original Bruce-ladder
(Alton et al., 1988). With the objective of improving the PCR to distinguish between these two species.
typing of B. suis, different PCR-based assays have been
2. Materials and methods

2.1. Strains
* Corresponding author at: Departamento de Microbiologı́a y Para-
sitologı́a, Universidad de Navarra, c/ Irunlarrea n8 1, 31008, Pamplona,
Spain. Tel.: +34 948 425600; fax: +34 948 425649. To ensure an adequate diversity, a representative
E-mail address: (I. López-Goñi). collection of B. suis and B. canis reference strains and field

0378-1135/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I. López-Goñi et al. / Veterinary Microbiology 154 (2011) 152–155 153

Table 1
Oligonucleotides used in the Suis-ladder multiplex PCR assay.

Primera Sequence (50 –30 ) Amplicon Source of genetic differences References

size (bp)

BMEI1426 TCG TCG GTG GAC TGG ATG AC 774 Deletion of 351 bp in Zygmunt et al. (2009)
BMEI1426-BMEI1427 in B. canis
BR1080f CCC TTG GTT TGT AGC GGT TG 197 Deletion of 162 bp in BR1080 in Halling et al. (2005)
B. abortus and B. melitensis
BMEI1688 TCA ACT GCG TGA ACA ATG CT 278 Deletion of 20,883 bp in Rajashekara et al. (2004),
BMEI1674-BMEI1703 in Halling et al. (2005)
B. suis and B. canis
BMEI0205f CGT CAA CTC GCT GGC CAA GAG 299,425 Derived from VNTR Bruce 11 Le Flèche et al. (2006)
Designation are based on the B. melitensis (BME) or B. suis (BR) genome sequences. f, forward; r, reverse.

isolates from different geographic origins and different applied to a total of 99 B. suis field isolates (see
animal species was examined (see supplemental material). supplemental material). All isolates from B. suis biovars
When needed, Brucella reference strains were used. All 1, 2 and 4 displayed the same PCR profiles to the
Brucella isolates were typed according to standard corresponding type strains (Fig. 1), consistent with the
procedures (Alton et al., 1988). Growth and harvesting biovar assigned by biochemical and molecular characteri-
of Brucella cells and bacterial DNA extraction were zation. The only exceptions were few B. suis field isolates
performed as described elsewhere (Garcı́a-Yoldi et al., identified by standard microbiological tests as biovar 3
2006, 2007). (see supplemental material). Two of these isolates (refs.
03-3081-02 and 01-1825-04) were typed as biovar 3 also
2.2. Molecular typing by MLVA but were classified as biovar 1 by PCR-RFLP for
omp genes, AMOS-ery-PCR and the new Suis-ladder. On the
Isolates were subjected to different PCR-based typing other hand, three isolates (refs. 04-3025-03, 04-1361-S4,
techniques: PCR-RFLP for omp2a, omp2b and omp31 genes 04-1361-S5) were typed as biovar 3 only by standard
(Cloeckaert et al., 1995; Vizcaı́no et al., 1997), multiplex microbiological procedures but as biovar 1 by all other
AMOS-ery-PCR (Ocampo-Sosa et al., 2005), original multi- molecular techniques. The existence of B. suis field strains
plex Bruce-ladder (Garcı́a-Yoldi et al., 2006; López-Goñi typed as biovar 3 with the classical biochemical scheme
et al., 2008), and Brucella MLVA (Le Flèche et al., 2006). A that fit with the genetic profiles of biovar 1 has been
new multiplex PCR (Suis-ladder) able to discriminate described by others (Ferrao-Beck et al., 2006; Le Flèche
among all five biovars of B. suis and B. canis was developed. et al., 2006; Whatmore et al., 2006; Fretin et al., 2008;
For this, four pairs of oligonucleotide primers were Huber et al., 2009) and confirms that the taxonomical
designed and selected based on biovar-specific genetic situation of B. suis biovar 3 can be questioned (Fretin et al.,
differences (Table 1). Amplification of DNA was performed 2008).
in 25 ml of a reaction mixture containing 1 ml of template When the Suis-ladder PCR was applied to the B. canis
DNA, 200 mM of each dNTP (Promega Corp.), 2 mM of reference strain a specific PCR profile clearly different from
MgCl2, 1 U of Immolase DNA polymerase and its amplifi- B. suis was obtained: only two fragments of 614 and 197 bp
cation buffer (Bioline Ltd.), and 12.5 pmol of each primer. were amplified (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the 774 bp fragment
After an initial denaturation at 95 8C for 7 min, the PCR common to all B. suis biovars was not obtained with B. canis
profile was set as follows: 35 s of template denaturation at
95 8C, 45 s of primer annealing at 63 8C, and 60 s of primer
extension at 72 8C, for a total of 30 cycles, with a final
extension at 72 8C for 6 min. PCR products were analyzed
by standard 1.5–2.0% agarose electrophoresis.

3. Results and discussion

A representative example of the multiplex Suis-ladder

PCR result is presented in Fig. 1. PCR using B. suis DNAs
from the five reference biovars gave different band
profiles: biovar 1 amplified three fragments of 774, 425 Fig. 1. Suis-ladder multiplex PCR: differentiation of all B. suis biovars, B.
and 197 bp; biovar 2 amplified three fragments of 774, 551 canis and B. microti. Lane 1, molecular marker 1 kb plus DNA ladder
and 278 bp; biovar 3 amplified three fragments of 774, 299 (Invitrogen Ltd.); lane 2, B. suis biovar 1 strain 1330; lane 3, B. suis biovar 2
strain Thomsen; lane 4, B. suis biovar 3 strain 686; lane 5, B. suis biovar 4
and 197 bp; biovar 4 amplified three fragments of 774, 614 strain 40; lane 6, B. suis biovar 5 strain ELT80; lane 7, B. canis, with a B.
and 197 bp; and biovar 5 amplified four fragments of canis profile in the original Bruce-ladder; lane 8, B. canis, with a B. suis
774 bp, 614, 278 and 197 bp. Then, the Suis-ladder PCR was profile in the original Bruce-ladder; lane 9, B. microti.
154 I. López-Goñi et al. / Veterinary Microbiology 154 (2011) 152–155


This work was partially supported by Ministerio de

Educación y Ciencia, Spain (AGL2008-04514, PET2008-
0027 and FAU2008-00015). We want to express our
gratitude to Pilar M Muñoz, Zeljko Cvetnic, David Fretin,
Maria Silvia Gennero, Falk Melzer, R. Miserez, Lorraine
Perrett, and Isabel Travassos for providing some of the
Brucella isolates.

Fig. 2. Bruce-ladder v2.0 multiplex PCR: differentiation of all known Appendix A. Supplementary data
Brucella species and vaccine strains. Lane 1, molecular marker molecular
marker 1 kb plus DNA ladder (Invitrogen Ltd.); lane 2, B. abortus; lane 3, B. Supplementary data associated with this article can be
melitensis; lane 4, B. ovis; lane 5, B. suis; lane 6, B. canis isolate with a B. found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/
canis profile in the original Bruce-ladder; lane 7, B. canis isolates with a B.
suis profile in the original Bruce-ladder; lane 8, B. abortus S19; lane 9, B.
abortus RB51; lane 10, B. melitensis Rev.1; lane 11, B. neotomae; lane 12, B.
pinipedialis; lane 13, B. ceti; lane 14, B. microti; lane 15, B. inopinata.

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