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MN603 T2 2019 Assignment2

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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Trimester T2 2019
Unit Code MN603
Unit Title Wireless Networks and Security
Assessment Group Assignment (4 Students in a Group)
Assessment Design, analyse, and implement a secure smart home WLAN and a secure
Title enterprise WLAN.
Purpose of the The purpose of this assignment is to design and implement a secure enterprise
assessment wireless network, considering the ethical implications. The assignment covers
(with ULO the following Unit Learning Outcomes:
Mapping) d. Apply and evaluate wireless network security techniques in
consideration of ethical implications;
e. Design and implement secure enterprise wireless networks.
Weight 20%
Total Marks 100
Word limit 2000 - 2500
Due Date 29/09/2019 11:55PM
Submission  All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a
Guidelines completed Assignment Cover Page.
 The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body)
font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section
 Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed
appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension  If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration
Application must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit this
application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.
Further information is available at:
Academic  Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of
Misconduct the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion
from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves
familiar with the full policy and procedure available at:
Procedure. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity
Section in your Unit Description.

Prepared by: Dr Saeid Iranmanesh Moderated by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha August, 2019
MN603 Wireless Networks and Security Page # 2 of 4
Assignment Description

Smart home or home automation technology provides homeowners’ security, comfort, convenience and
energy efficiency by enabling them to control smart devices, via an app on their smartphone or other
networked device. This technology enables you doing things such as turn the lights on/off, stream music to a
speaker, lock/open the doors remotely, and much more.

This assignment aims to simulate a smart home using IoT technology in Cisco Packet Tracer. Students will
purely practice with the IoT component offered by the Cisco Packet Tracer to be used in the home. Those IoT
devices will be connected to the home WLAN that enables the users to control the things through wireless
technology. The users should also be able to control the things when they are outside home (remote access).
This means the WLAN should be connected to a global network that enables the users to have control on
devices when they are at work. Hence, there is another WLAN at work that is connected to the global network.
Note, you need to make sure that the WLANs are secure.

This assignment requires the students to design, analyse, and implement a smart home, considering the ethical
implications. The students are required to complete the following tasks and submit a report on Moodle.

1. Explore the ethical implications in the design and implementation of WLANs.

2. Design, analysis, and implementation of a smart home WLAN and an enterprise WLAN where the
following aspects of security should be considered:

a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Availability
d. Authentication
e. Authorization

3. Test and prove a successful of connectivity between users and IoT devices when they are at home and
when they are at work. You need to take a snapshot for each step of testing followed by the

4. Demonstration in Week 11 during the Lab.

The tutor will assign the groups, maximum number of students in a group is 4 and the students in each group
should be from the same lab.

Prepared by: Dr Saeid Iranmanesh Moderated by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha August, 2019
MN603 Wireless Networks and Security Page # 3 of 4

Marking criteria:

Section to be included in Description of the section Marks

the report
Abstract Summarize the objective of the project and the outcome 5
Introduction Introduction of smart home and security challenges 5
Explore ethical Investigate and report the ethical implications in the 10
implications design and implementation of a secure enterprise
wireless network
Design, analysis, and Design, Analysis, and implementation of a smart home and 15
implementation of smart enterprise WLAN
home and enterprise
Design, analysis, and Design, Analysis, and implementation of both smart home 15
implementation of and enterprise wireless networks, considering the
security in both smart following aspects:
home and enterprise
WLANs a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Availability
d. Authentication
e. Authorization

Testing Test and prove a successful of connectivity between 15

users and IoT devices when they are at home and when
they are at work. You need to take a snapshot for each
step of testing followed by the explanation.
Conclusion Write summary of the report highlighting the positive 5
and negative points
Reference style Follow IEEE reference style and format 5
Appendix You need to upload the packet tracer file (.pka) 5
Report Layout Report layout, style and language 5
Demonstration Demonstration in Week 11 during the Lab. 15
Total 100

Prepared by: Dr Saeid Iranmanesh Moderated by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha August, 2019
MN603 Wireless Networks and Security Page # 4 of 4
Marking Rubric for Assignment #2: Total Marks 100

Grade HD DI CR P Fail
Mark 80-100 70-79 60-69 50-59 <50
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Abstract Accurately PLUS Accurately Accurately Accurately Unsatisfactorily
concisely conveys conveys the conveys the conveys the or unclearly
/5 the project topic, project project topic, project topic conveys the
methods and topic, methods project topic
outcomes methods
Introduction All topics are Topics are Generally Some relevance This is not
pertinent and relevant and relevant and and briefly relevant to the
/5 covered in depth. soundly analysed. presented. assignment
Ability to think analysed. topic.
critically and
source material is
Explore ethical Finding is clearly Finding is Finding is Finding is not Finding is not
implications linked and well clearly linked and linked and available
/10 justified linked and convincing unjustified

Design, Demonstrated Demonstrat Demonstrate d Demonstrated Did not

analysis, and excellent ability to ed good good ability to ability to think demonstrate
implementati think critically and ability to think critically critically and ability to think
on of both present an think and present a present a design critically and
exceptional design critically and good design present a
home and
considering all the present an considering all design.
enterprise requirements exceptional the
WLAN design requirements.
/15 considering
all the
Design, Excellent analysis Good Good analysis Some analysis Lacking analysis
analysis, and included WPA, analysis included WPA, provided and of WPA, WPA2
implementati WPA2 and RADIUS included WPA2 and included WPA, and RADIUS.
on of security and covered all WPA, WPA2 RADIUS WPA2 and
aspects. and RADIUS RADIUS
in both home
and covered
and enterprise some
WLAN aspects.
Testing Testing was Testing was Testing was Testing was Testing was not
successful between successful successful partially successful.
/15 client and AP. All between between client successful
required snapshots client and and AP. Few between client
attached AP. Some required and AP. All
snapshots snapshots required
attached attached snapshots
Conclusion Logic is clear and Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is
easy to follow with logical and consistent cohesion and confused and
/5 strong arguments convincing logical and conviction disjointed

Prepared by: Dr Saeid Iranmanesh Moderated by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha August, 2019
MN603 Wireless Networks and Security Page # 5 of 4
Reference style Clear styles with Clear Generally good Sometimes Lacks
excellent source of referencing referencing clear consistency
/5 references. style style referencing with many
style errors
Appendix The PKA file is The PKA file is
/5 attached and The PKA file is not attached but demonstrated not attached
demonstrated and not
Report Layout Exceptional report Very good Good report Acceptable Poor report
layout, style and report layout, style report layout, layout, style
/5 language used layout, style and language style and and language
and used language used. used.
Demonstration Logic is clear and Consistency Mostly Adequate Demonstration
easy to follow with logical and consistent cohesion and is confused and
/15 strong arguments convincing logical and conviction disjointed

Prepared by: Dr Saeid Iranmanesh Moderated by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha August, 2019

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