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Corre 2 (Prelims - Tropical Design)

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Some important passive design strategies mentioned are light shelves, cavity walls, overhangs, insulation, large shading trees, and building orientation.

Passive design strategies mentioned include light shelves, cavity walls, overhangs, insulation, large shading trees, and building orientation.

The document mentions the Koppen climate classification system which divides climates into cold, cool temperate, warm-humid and hot-dry regions.


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1. This also serves as daylighting for structures Light 17. A type of building design concept Climate-Responsive
aside from skylights. Shelves that takes advantage of natural Design
energy sources such as sun and wind
2. Wind speed increases rapidly as the 5%
that affect our built environment.
percentage of opening area increases from 0
to this value. 18. The season in the Philippines Amihan
dominated by trade winds
3. The tendency of air or gas in a shaft or other Wind
characterized by moderate
vertical space to rise when heated, creating a Shadow
temperature of little rainfall, also
draft that draws in cooler air or gas from
called the northeast wind that can
ventilate bedroom area.
4. Also called the altitude or 90 degrees from Horizon
19. A climatic element and when Solar Energy
the observer's horizon.
combined with air temperature, and
5. The direction of the sun path as measured To the East wind movements and solar radiation
from true south is this. or West affects human comfort. Too much of
6. With rapidly growing population in warm Urban this element can amplify heat and
humid tropics there is an urgent need to make it feel "Muggy" while lack of it
develop better climatically adapted ________ can be uncomfortably dry.
designs. 20. The most important design strategies Building
7. Rate of heat transfer that occurs through a Radiation for solar design is correct orientation
unit thickness of material for a unit area of the ________.
subjected to a unit difference in temperature. 21. A design plane that serves as a Building Envelope
8. Design buildings with _______ ventilation. Cross climatic mesh or fabric that filters the
outside environment not only
9. This design variable refers to materials and Building
provides aesthetic fenestrations but
construction; thermal insulation, surface Fabric
creates an indoor environment that is
qualities, shading and sun-control.
10. A climate classification where the main Cool
22. Asian planners' guidelines in the form Feng Shui
problem is the lack of heat (under heating) or Climate
of _________ or those by Olgyay Design
an excessive heat dissipation for all or most
with climate are some sources of
parts of the year.
guidelines for siting towns with
11. Range under which most people feel Comfort respect to climate.
comfortable. Zone
23. Which of the statements is not true? A. Transitional
12. The reflection of a solar energy. Wind A. Transitional spaces in tropical spaces in tropical
Shadow zones are located on the north and zones are located
13. Philippine climate can be generally classified Temperate south sides of the building where the on the north and
as this. sun's penetration is not as great. south sides of the
building where the
14. Tropical architecture is all about achieving Insulation, B. Tropical regions need both vertical sun's penetration is
thermal comfort through the use of passive Large and horizontal shading throughout not as great.
design elements like sunshades, cavity walls, the year.
light shelves, overhands, roof and wall ______
and even shading from ______ trees to block C. For tropical zones, generally much
the sun. ventilation is desired.
15. It is a horizontal light-reflecting overhand that Light Shelf
allows daylight to penetrate deep in a D. Transitional spaces require total
structure and if placed above eye-level it climatic control and natural
provides shade near a window and help ventilation is not sufficient.
reduce glare. 24. Window blind or shutter with Louver
16. A type of building design or architecture Bioclimatic horizontal slats that are angled to
which seeks to create an architecture that is admit light and air but keep out rain
fundamentally more responsive to location, and direct sunlight.
climate, and human needs.
25. When air temperature exceeds 37 deg. C in Passive 40. Cools the air by water evaporation drawn Evaporative
humid tropical cities _______ cooling is no over a cooling pond or mist and can be Cooling
longer possible which makes active design cooler than outside temperature.
or refrigeration restore thermal comfort.
41. The maximum solar heat factor for walls in 4%
26. This principle uses wind speed differences Bernoulli's warm humid tropics.
to move air.
42. Wind speed _____ with the increase in height Increases
27. Also called passive ventilation, uses natural Natural above the ground.
outside air movement and pressure Ventilation
43. A vertical distance measurement between a Horizon
differences to ventilate a building.
reference datum.
28. It is the annual mean temperature if the 26.5 deg. C
44. The temperature of the outside air in Sol-Air
highest DBT of the year is 37 deg. C. and the
contact with a shaded wall or roof which Temperature
lowest DBT is 16 deg. C.
would give the same rate of heat transfer
29. A French term known as sun breaker. Briese Soliel and the same temperature gradient as the
combined effect of solar radiation and air
30. Zone of the Earth as described to have an Tropics
uncomfortable climate that receives large
amounts of solar radiation, high temperature, 45. Angle of the sun or moon position along the Azimuth
high level of humidity and long periods of horizon.
sunny days.
46. What architects need to realize is that the Air-Flow
31. A climatic element which provides natural Wind _______ within a group of buildings is
ventilation and usually cools buildings and inextricably linked to the shapes and spaces
people because it accelerates the rate of of buildings, a design responsibility that care
heat transfer. Not predictable as the sun's must be given in relation to adverse wind
movement. effect and lost of potential for natural
32. Spaces located between outdoor and Transitional
indoor environment. Space 47. Sometimes the most important Natural
consideration in site selection or planning is
33. Where external thermal loads are dominant, Reflect Solar
a realization of the need and benefits of
building envelope should minimize indoor Radiation
protecting the _________ environment.
surface temperature by using appropriate
thermal insulation and light external colors 48. What DTR is. Diurnal
to ________. Temperature
34. Vertical windows located on high walls Clerestory
extending up from the roof line, designed to 49. A type of glass wall system which offers High
allow light and breezes into a space without good thermal and optical performance to Performance
compromising privacy. lower cooling load, reduce reliance on Glazing
artificial lighting and reduce energy
35. A method of converting solar energy into Solar Energy
direct current electricity using
semiconducting panels that exhibit creation 50. The illumination of buildings by natural light. Daylighting
of voltage or electric current upon exposure
51. Tropical design is applicable to Tropical, Southeast
to sunlight.
Subtropical, and Equatorial Climates Asian
36. Building that uses durable and energy High covering the _______ countries.
efficient materials. Performance
52. Prevailing wind in the Philippines: Habagat May to
37. To attain continuous natural ventilation in Large (SW) October
tropical design it is the prescribed size of a
53. Prevailing wind in the Philippines: Amihan November
window opening towards the windward and
(NE) to April
leeward side of the building.
54. A phenomenon where the urban Urban Heat
38. Part of the Earth that lies between the Tropics
temperature is hotter than rural Island
Tropic of Cancer (23 deg 26 north) and South
of the Tropic of Capricorn of the Equator.
55. A process by which energy is transferred Radiation
39. Computer programs currently being Powerful
from one molecule to one adjacent to it
developed to provide reliable estimates of Computers
without relative displacement.
natural ventilation will need ______.
56. Rectangular building shall be oriented with Short, East 70. ______ planning is called the site planning Heliothermic
the ______ axis running ________ to lessen to West that accounts for natural solar heating and
unwanted solar heat gain. cooling processes and their relationship to
building shape, orientation and designing to
57. It is a property that enables building Thermal
gain heat from the sun.
materials to absorb, store, and later release Mass
significant amount of heat and is considered 71. Sustainable design strategies includes green Using Native
well in designing for the tropics to maintain spaces. Species
comfortable temperature within.
72. ______ effect is the tendency of warm air to Stack
58. The 4 individual factors needed to Thermal rise when heated, resulting in cooler air
completely specify a thermal environment Mass being drawn through windows at a lower
are: temperature, humidity, rate of air level.
movement and _______.
73. In warm humid tropical climates relative 60%
59. It is a local set of atmospheric conditions Tropical humidity during summer months is usually
that differ from those of the surrounding Climate ________ % which impairs evaporative cooling
area. in the body.
60. Windows facing in this direction admits even North 74. The angle of position of the sun along the Sun Path
natural light, produces little glare and no horizon and used for guide to locate
unwanted summer heat gain. building shading devices.
61. Sunny sides are the axis of east, west and North 75. What items can be considered as a heat I, II, III
______ direction. sink?
62. Short wave radiation. Solar
I. Water feature
II. Landscape
63. The season in the Philippines characterized Habagat III. Building forms
by hot and humid weather and frequent IV. Radiant cooling
heavy rainfall with a prevailing wind from the V. Evaporative Cooling
west, this destructive monsoon wind VI. Wind Shadow
challenges us to build resilient cities. VII. Air Tightness.
64. Indoor ______ can cause fungus due to poor Humidity 76. Defined a region with certain temperature, Climate
circulation of air. dryness, wind, light, etc. An integration in
65. Using plants for green walls and roofs is Dynamic time of the atmospheric environment of a
called ______. Shading certain geographical location. Encompasses
the statistics of temperature, humidity,
66. _______ is the transfer of heat between surface Convection
atmospheric particle count and other
and a moving fluid or the transfer of heat by
meteorological elements in a given region
moving the molecules from one point in a
over a long period of time.
fluid to another.
77. The most important environmental factor or Climate
67. Most references to heat stress in humid Air
the first to be consider by architects when
tropical climate regions pay attention or Temperature
designing buildings. Dictates passive design
focuses on ________ as a critical variable.
strategies for the effective suitable sites.
68. Overhands and diffusing horizontal waffles Shading
78. Defined as a removal of heat from the Passive
we call fins provides high quality _________.
building environment by applying natural Cooling
69. Warm humid: location areas between 7 Climate in process in the design to eliminate heat by
degrees north and south of the equator the Tropics convection, radiation and evaporation.
Warm Humid: Conditions with high relative
79. Good architectural design in warm humid Document
humidity high average temperatures cloudy
tropics can be measured not only on visual and Measure
skies, sky glare can be distressing intense
appearance but the ability to _________. thermal
rainfall and abundant vegetation, fungi are a
persistent problem.
of the bldg.
80. Houses in large scale subdivision in recent Consumerism 95. In tropical design _______ lighting is preferred. Unilateral
years exhibit little consideration with
96. Characteristics of Tropical Climates 20-30
regards to tropical design and are the
Temperature Average mean temperature (dbt ) deg. c
product of intensive _______.
81. Ideal direction where place solar shading South Facing
82. In broad terms, the _______ of the earth are Climatic
four: the cold, the cool temperate, the Region
warm-humid, and the hot-dry.
83. Tropical architecture is the outbreak of Vernacular
_______. Architecture
84. Is a local atmospheric zone where the Micro-
climate differs from the surrounding area. Climate
85. Any cool mass that is available for the Heat Sink
absorption of excess heat, including water
bodies, the ground and massive building
86. Direction of Amihan. N.E.
87. Architecture has been said the art and A Balance
science of building design therefore
designing for hot-humid climates calls for
_______ of art and science that can have two
extremes; a got to be efficient but boring
designs or a got to be different or visually
titillating designs rather than a more
professional progressive designs that is
both pleasing and better in performance in
humid tropical/tropical climates.
88. Paint roof/wall with ______ color along the Light
sunny side to deflect heat rays.
89. Characteristics of Tropical Climates 50% - 100%
Humidity Level. Relative
90. Sustainable Development mean Earth's
responsible land use and conservation of Natural
_________. Resources
91. Type of corridor that is preferred in Single
academic buildings with large exterior Loaded
surface for daylight exposure. Corridor
92. Responsible land use mean adapting _______ Smart
system. Landscape
93. Sustainable Design and tropical I, II
architecture is related in terms of:

I. Optimization of Sun and Wind Energy

II. Providing good indoor quality and
thermal comfort.
94. Direction of Habagat. S.W.

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