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Omron PLC CP - Hmi NB Rs232

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Chapter 1

NB to CP1E-N[]S1 Communication

• Understand
– the feature of NB Designer (For NB HMI)
– The feature of CX-Programmer (For PLC)
– Set up communication between PLC and HMI
– Create Project and control PLC through NB HMI by touch

• End of Lesson
– Able to bring back the program you have created which include
• Set up communication between PLC and HMI
• Control HMI Lamp
• Insert Number and text
• Display Number and text
• Event and Historical Event
Chapter 1-1-1i
The Complete CP1E-N[]S1 Family
Chapter 1-1-1i
The Complete CP1E-N[]S1 Family
30 I/O points 40 I/O points 60 I/O points

Difference between S1 and S

Chapter 1-1-2i
The Complete HMI Family



Model NB7W-TW00B NB10W-TW01B
- - -
interface Memory Memory Memory Memory
10/100 10/100 10/100
Ethernet - - - 10/100 base-T
base-T base-T base-T
RS-232C RS-232C
Serial (COM1) RS-422A RS-422A RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C
RS-485 RS-485
RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C RS-232C
Serial (COM2) - - RS-422A RS-422A RS-422A RS-422A RS-422A
RS-485 RS-485 RS-485 RS-485 RS-485
Chapter 1-1-3i
The Complete Power Supply Family
Chapter 1-1-4
Wires and cables for connection

S/N Product Qty

1 PLC: CP1E-N30S1 1

2 NB: NB10W-TW01B 1

3 Power Supply: S8VS-06024 1

4 USB plug Connector 2

5 RS232 (Male to Male) 1
6 Wires A Few
Chapter 1-1-4i
Cable Connection Type

RS232 (Male to Male) USB plug Connector



Chapter 1-2-1
Wiring Diagram

Connect to
DC 24V

USB cable from PC


Connect to HMI
using RS232 cable

Connect to
AC 230V
Connect to


USB port
Connect to
DC 24V
Chapter 1-3
How are we going to create graphic for the

Answer: Using NB Designer

Chapter 1-3-1
What will we learn in this topic
• Understand
– the feature of NB Designer
– Set up communication setting for the HMI
– How to create control button
– How to create Lamp
Chapter 1-3-2
Set up I/O list
• We be using this range of I/O for this whole chapter
Name Address
Word W0 - W9
Data Memory D100 – D199

• For Toggling on the Lamp

Name Address
Toggle W0.00
Lamp 1 CIO 101.00
Chapter 1-3-3
Let Talk About NB Designer
• Basic Feature of a NB Designer

Project files
HMI edit
Component window

Component Project
list structure
window window

Chapter 1-3-4
Create New Project
• Create New Project for NB
Step Description Connection
1 File > New(N) or Ctrl + N to create new

Click to Create
New project

2 Create the project name and click ok

Name the Project you desire


Choose the location

of the project
Chapter 1-3-5
Special Window
• Function for Special Window
Frame1 (Common Window) Frame2 (Fast Selection Window)
Common Window will always be displayed in the Fast Selection Window is the window called by the
screen, and the components to be displayed forever operation buttons, and it will be always displayed in
can be put in Common Window. In this way, you can the screen until the operation button makes it hidden.
see the state of this component or operate this Therefore, it can be used to put window switching
component at any time. The default Common Window button or some other common components. The
is Frame 1. You can use [Change Common Window] default Fast Selection Window is Frame 2. When the
function key to switch the other window as the other window is set as Fast Selection Window, the size
current Common Window, but only one window can of that window must be same as that of Fast Selection
be used as the current Common Window. Window.
Chapter 1-3-5
Special Window
• Function for Special Window
Frame3 (NUM Keyboard) Frame4 (ASCII Keyboard)
NUM Keyboard is use for key in BCD number to display Support Case: Pressing the Caps key in the keyboard
and input function can realize the case switching

Support Chinese and English Input Methods: Pressing

CH key in the keyboard can realize the switching
between Chinese and English
Chapter 1-3-5
Special Window
• Function for Special Window
Frame5 (File List Window) Frame6 (Password Window)
File List Window is provided by the system when the Checking this option means the Password Input
new project is created, convenient for the users to call Window Frame 9 (Login window) will pop up
it during the import or export of project file or recipe automatically for the user to input the password for
file. The specified pop-up File Browser Window can be convenient login when the security level or the
set in the [HMI Extended Attributes] tab in the [HMI permission of the current user doesn’t meet the
Attribute] dialog box. requirement of the set level or authority.
Chapter 1-3-5
Special Window
• Function for Special Window
Frame7 (Confirm Action Window) Frame8 (HEX Keyboard)
Confirm Action window will pop up automatically HEX Keyboard is use for key in HEX value number to
when the current component is touched, and the state display and input function
value can be written into the controller when “YES” is
clicked, while the operation will be cancelled
automatically when the user have clicked “Cancel” or
haven’t confirmed “YES” after the set “wait[s]” is
Chapter 1-3-5
Special Window
• Function for Special Window
Frame9 (Login Window)
NB-Designer makes the Frame9 as the password input
window (Login Window), which is convenient for the
user to call it when the security level or user
permission is used.
Chapter 1-3-6
Software connection
• Create software connection
Step Description Connection
1 to 3 Step 1: Select the HMI
Here is where you get
NB10W-TW01B cos the
your HMI, PLC and
hardware is NB10W-

Step 1
Step 2

Step 2: Select the PLC

the hardware is CP1E

Step 3

Step 3: Select Serial Port

cos we be using RS232
Chapter 1-3-7
How to set up COM setting Between PLC and HMI?
• Setup Communication Setting
Step Description Connection
Double Click or Right
click on the HMI and
go to Attribute, HMI
Attribute pop-up

Click on COM1 Setting as the connection

cable from PLC to HMI is at COM1 port
Chapter 1-3-7
How to set up COM setting Between PLC and HMI?
• Setup Communication Setting
Step Description Connection
For CP1E,
the Baud
rate read
either 57600
or 115200
(Ex. For this
case, use

Default Setting, changes if necessary

Chapter 1-3-8
Where do we start create it window?
• This is the method
Step Description Connection

Right click on
the NB and
click Edit to
Chapter 1-3-9
Create New Frame
• New Frame Start from 10 as Frame 1 to 9 is use for special window
Step Description New Frame
1 Go to Toolbar
Click on the

2 Pop-up appear
Frame ID start from 10
as Frame 1 to 9 is used
for special window

New Frame
Frame Name start from being created
Frame10 as Frame 1 to
9 is used for special
window. (Name can be

3 View form Toolbar

Frame has
be added
once click
OK in Step 2
Chapter 1-3-10
Create Link button
• Click and drag the Function Key to the window
Step Description Chapter 1-1 Button
1 Function Key tab

Click and drag the icon

and do the setting,
after finishes the
setting, click to the
2 Click on Tag tab location you desire.
Check Use Tag to display
text on the icon

When it not activate is

state 0, display text

3 Click on Graphic tab

Select the design

of the button
Chapter 1-3-11
Create Toggle button
• Click and drag the Bit State Switch to the window
Step Description Toggle Switch
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Bit State Switch tab

Chapter 1-3-11
Create Toggle button
• Click and drag the Bit State Switch to the window
Step Description Toggle Switch
3 Click on Tag tab

4 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-3-12
Create Lamp
• Click and drag the Bit State Lamp to the window
Step Description Lamp
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Bit State Switch tab

Chapter 1-3-12
Create Lamp
• Click and drag the Bit State Lamp to the window
Step Description Lamp
3 Click on Graphic tab

4 Graphic tab
Chapter 1-3-13
Create Text
• Click on Text
Step Description Text
1 Select Static text in 2 different way

Method 1: Click on
the A icon and Text
Attribute pop-up

Method 2: Click
on Draw tab and
Text Attribute
pop-up appear
Chapter 1-3-13
Create Text
• Placing of Text
Step Description Text
2 Name Label for the Header, button and

Type the content of Place the Text of

your choice your desire

3 Set the font of any size, color and

Chapter 1-3-14
Method of Download to NB
• Method of downloading the drawing to NB
– Download way
– System Manager
Chapter 1-3-15
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-3-16
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go Frame 10

2 There no PLC program yet, so when

click on the toggle button, nothing
happen to the Lamp(L1)
Chapter 1-4
What kind of program is needed for the NB
HMI to control?

Answer: Program Logic by using CX-Programmer

Chapter 1-4-1
What will we learn in this topic
• Understand
– the feature of CX-Programmer
– How to create Program
– Set up communication setting for the PLC
Chapter 1-4-2
• Basic Feature of a CX-Programmer



Status Bar
Chapter 1-4-3
Create New Program
• Set the PLC setting to the same as the NB HMI
Step Description Display Number
1 Click On NEW

2 Select CP1E
Chapter 1-4-3
Create New Program
• Set the PLC setting to the same as the NB HMI
Step Description Display Number
3 Click on Settings, choose N30.
Click Ok then OK.

4 Once Finish, it will display like this

Chapter 1-4-4
Create Input and Output Contact
• Create Input contact and Output contact

Type Description Address

Input Toggle W0.00
Output L1 101.00
Chapter 1-4-5
Online mode
• Go Online and set to Program Mode to do Setting
Offline Mode Online Mode


Click here
to Online

Click here to
Program mode
Chapter 1-4-6
Com Setting for PLC
• Set the PLC setting to the same as the NB HMI
Step Description Display Number
1 Double click on the Setting

2 PLC Setting pop-up appear, click on

Built-in RS232C Port tab to set the
Communications Setting Type Set
Baud 115200 bps
Format 7, 2, E
Mode Host Link
Chapter 1-4-7
Transfer PLC Program
• Set the PLC setting to the same as the NB HMI
Step Description Transfer Program
1 Download program to PLC
1. Click PLC tab > Transfer >
Transfer [PC ->PLC]
2. Ctrl + T
3. Click on the icon

2 Check the Settings before download,

else there will be no communication
between PLC and Inverter due to setting
wasn’t being transfer.
Chapter 1-4-8
Test Run Program
• After download is complete,
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go
Frame 10

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-4-8i
Monitor HMI with PLC
• Let try it out
HMI View PLC View

Step 1: Press the

Toggle button
(W0.00) to activate
the L1 (101.00)

Step 2: In PLC, this show

that the HMI and PLC is
Step 4: Feedback communicating and that
receive after PLC why when Press toggle
output is activated button, W0.00 contact is Step 3: When Toggle is
in green. activate
Chapter 1-4-9
1. Try ON and OFF pushbutton
2. Try Reset button

ON/OFF pushbutton and

indicating Light


RESET pushbutton
and indicating Light

Type Description Address

Input ON/OFF W0.01
Output L2 101.01
Input RESET W0.02
Output L3 101.02
Chapter 1-4-9i
Example - ON/OFF
• Let try it out
HMI View PLC View

Step 1: Press the ON button (W0.01)

to activate the Lamp (101.01)

Step 4: Feedback
receive after PLC
output is activated Step 2: In PLC, this show
that the HMI and PLC is
communicating and that
why when Press toggle
button, W0.01 contact is Step 3: When Toggle is
Step 5: Press the OFF button (W0.01)
in green. activate
to de-activate the L2 (101.01)
Chapter 1-4-9ii
Example - RESET
• Let try it out
HMI View PLC View

Step 1: Press and hold the RESET

button (W0.02) to activate the Lamp

Step 5: Release the RESET button

Step 2: In PLC, this show
(W0.02) to de-activate the L3 (101.02)
that the HMI and PLC is
communicating and that Step 3: When Toggle is
why when Press toggle activate
button, W0.02 contact is
in green.

Step 4: Feedback
receive after PLC
output is activated
Chapter 1-5
What other function do NB have?

Answer: We see in the next coming slide

Chapter 1-5-1
What will we learn in this topic
• Understand
– How to create Number Display & Number Input
– How to create Text Display & Text Input
– How to create Constant, Add, Substrate & Jogging value
– How to create Dropdown List and List
Chapter 1-5-2
Create Display Number
• Click and drag the Number display and place it in the window
Step Description Display Number
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Numeric Data tab

Chapter 1-5-2
Create Display Number
• Click and drag the Number display and place it in the window
Step Description Display Number
3 Click on Graphic tab
Chapter 1-5-3
Create Input Number
• Click and drag the Number Input and place it in the window
Step Description Input Number
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Numeric Data tab

Chapter 1-5-3
Create Input Number
• Click and drag the Number Input and place it in the window
Step Description Input Number
3 Click on Graphic tab
Chapter 1-5-4
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-5-5
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go
Frame 10

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-5-5
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
3 Click on Number Input, a Tenkey
pad pop-up appear.
Key in the value from 0 to
Maximum value set (Ex. I be Keying Tenkey pad

value ‘555’ and enter)

4 The value in the Number Input will

display ‘555’ and so does the
Number display

Only display, value can’t

be change direct from
Chapter 1-5-6
Monitor from PLC
• To view from PLC
Step Description Display Number
1 1. Click on the View tab, scroll it
down to Window > Watch
2. Click on the Icon
3. Press Alt + 3 (Keyboard)

Method 2 Method 1
Chapter 1-5-6
Monitor from PLC
• To view from PLC
Step Description Display Number
3 You will see this table below, next
key in W1 at the Address area

4 1. At the value area, you will see

the value key in from the HMI.
2. You can also key in the value
when in online mode

Value ‘555’ is display

Chapter 1-5-7
Create Display Text
• Click and drag the Text Display and place it in the window
Step Description Display Text
1 Basic Attributes tab

Word Length 1 = 2 Characters

To have more word, increase
the word length

2 Click on Font tab

Chapter 1-5-7
Create Display Text
• Click and drag the Text Display and place it in the window
Step Tab Display Text
3 Click on Graphic tab
Chapter 1-5-8
Create Input Text
• Click and drag the Text Input and place it in the window
Step Description Input Text
1 Basic Attributes tab

Word Length 1 = 2 Characters

To have more word, increase
the word length

2 Click on Font tab

Chapter 1-5-8
Create Input Text
• Click and drag the Text Input and place it in the window
Step Description Input Text
3 Click on Graphic tab
Chapter 1-5-9
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-5-10
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go
Frame 10

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-5-10
NB Display
• Try it out
Step Description Display Number
3 • Click on Text Input, a
Keyboard pad pop-up appear.
• Key in the value from 0 to
Maximum value set (Ex. I’ll be Keyboard pad

keying value ‘hi’ and enter)

4 The value in the text Input will

display ‘hi’ and so does the Text

Only display, value can’t

be change direct from
Chapter 1-5-11
Create Constant Value
• Click and drag the Multiple State Setting and place it in the window
Step Description Constant
1 Basic Attributes tab

Move the
mouse and
place the
button here
2 Click on Multiple State Setting tab

Once click, Set

value is set to
the address
Chapter 1-5-11
Create Constant Value
• Click and drag the Multiple State Setting and place it in the window
Step Description Constant
3 Click on Tag tab

4 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-12
Create Add value
• Click and drag the Multiple State Setting and place it in the window
Step Description Add value
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Multiple State Setting tab

Value keep adding 1 Maximum value

when click
Chapter 1-5-12
Create Add value
• Click and drag the Multiple State Setting and place it in the window
Step Description Add value
3 Click on Tag tab

4 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-13
Create Subtract value
• Click and drag the Multiple State Setting and place it in the window
Step Description Subtract value
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Multiple State Setting tab

Value keep subtracting Minimum value

1 when click
Chapter 1-5-13
Create Subtract value
• Click and drag the Multiple State Setting and place it in the window
Step Description Subtract value
3 Click on Tag tab

4 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-14
Create different type of Jogging
• Create multiple State Setting
• Jog++, Jog--, Jog ++ (Circle), Jog -- (Circle)
Chapter 1-5-15
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-5-16
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go
Frame 10

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-5-16
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
3 Constant Button (+10)
• Click on Constant button, the
Value 10
display value will automatic
show value ‘10’

4 Add Button (+1)

• Click on Add button, the Value 11
display value will increase
value by 1 from the previous
value (Ex. If before value is 10,
next increase is 11 onward)
Chapter 1-5-16
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
5 Sub Button (-1)
• Click on Add button, the
Value 9
display value will decrease
value by 1 from the previous
value (Ex. If before value is 10,
next decrease is 9 onward)

6 Jogging Button (++1)

• Click and hold on Jogging Value 100
button (++1), the display value (Max value Set)
will increase drastically from
the previous value till the
maximum value it can go (Ex. If
before value is 10, the increase
will go on to the maximum
Chapter 1-5-16
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
7 Jogging Button (--1)
• Click and hold on Jogging
Value 0
button (--1), the display value (Min value Set)
will decrease drastically from
the previous value till the
maximum value it can go (Ex. If
before value is 10, the
decrease will go on to the
minimum value)
8 Jogging Button (+++1)
• Click and hold on Jogging Value 11
button (+++1), the display
value will increase drastically
from the previous value till the
maximum value and back to
minimum value and so on until
release the Jogging button
Chapter 1-5-16
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
9 Jogging Button (---1)
• Click and hold on Jogging
Value 0
button (---1), the display value (Min value Set)
will decrease drastically from
the previous value till the
minimum value and back to
maximum value and so on
until release the Jogging
button (---1)
Chapter 1-5-17
Create Dropdown List
• Click and drag the Multiple State Switch and place it in the window
Step Description Dropdown List
1 Basic Attributes tab

2 Click on Multiple State Setting tab

of state

Value for
Chapter 1-5-17
Create Dropdown List
• Click and drag the Multiple State Switch and place it in the window
Step Description Dropdown List
3 Click on Tag tab

Tag must be created

else the dropdown
list will not appear
any value for clicking

4 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-18
Create List
• Click and drag the Multiple State Switch and place it in the window
Step Description List
1 Basic Attributes tab

List will show

all the
selection you

2 Click on Multiple State Setting tab

of state

Value for
Chapter 1-5-18
Create List
• Click and drag the Multiple State Switch and place it in the window
Step Description List
3 Click on Tag tab

Tag must be created

else the dropdown
list will not appear
any value for clicking
List will show
all the
selection you

4 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-19
Create Multiple State VG Graphic
• Create VG Graphic for multiple State
Step Description VG Graphic
1 Create a design
Create a box and
paste it

Step 1
Change the
background color
(Ex. Grey)

2 Save picture

Right click on the box and

go to Save to the VG map
Chapter 1-5-19
Multiple State VG Graphic
• Create VG Graphic for multiple State
Step Description VG Graphic
3 Save picture
Save the picture as new
(Ex. Background)
Keep saving to
the same VG file
will create more
States (Ex. Do for
7 states)
Once it save, this consider
one state (STATE:0)

4 Save picture
Delete the box
after creating
multiple state
VG graphic

Save again but this time save

to the VG file you created
Chapter 1-5-20
Create Multiple State Display
• Click and drag the Multiple State Display and place it in the window
Step Description Multiple State Display
1 Basic Attributes tab

List will show

all the
selection you

2 Click on Multiple State Setting tab

Value for

of state
Chapter 1-5-20
Create Multiple State Display
• Click and drag the Multiple State Display and place it in the window
Step Description Multiple State Display
3 Click on Tag tab
Tag must be created
else the display will
not appear when it
being selected

4 Click on Graphic tab

Select Background as
we create for this
cos of it multi-state
Chapter 1-5-21
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-5-22
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go
Frame 10

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-5-23
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
3 Dropdown List
• Once click on the dropdown
list, select any state. (Ex. I click
on value ‘40’)
Click, list of
number drop

4 The value selected from the

dropdown list will be display each
of their different state. (Ex. I
choose ‘40’ and the bottom display
Value 40
appear with the value ‘40’)
Chapter 1-5-23
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
5 List
• All the selection is display in
the list, by just clicking at any
state. (Ex. I click on value ‘10’)
Click the
value from
the list

6 The value selected from the

dropdown list will be display each
of their different state. (Ex. I
choose ‘10’ and the bottom display
Value 10
appear with the value ‘10’)

If value is different with the state,

then the display will no appear.
Chapter 1-5-24
Create Home button
• Click and drag the Function key and place it in the window
Step Description Frame1: Common Window
1 Function Key tab

Select Change window and

Frame0 where it the main page
Place it here where it
common for all
Frame except
Frame1 to 9 as they
are special window

2 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-24
Create Home button
• Click and drag the Function key and place it in the window
Step Description Frame1: Common Window
3 Click on Graphics tab

Place it here where it

common for all
Frame except
Frame1 to 9 as they
are special window
Chapter 1-5-25
Create Previous button
• Click and drag the Function key and place it in the window
Step Description Frame1: Common Window
1 Function Key tab

Select Goto Prev is where you

go back to the previous page
Place it here where it
common for all
Frame except
Frame1 to 9 as they
are special window

2 Click on Graphic tab

Chapter 1-5-25
Create Previous button
• Click and drag the Function key and place it in the window
Step Description Frame1: Common Window
3 Click on Graphics tab

Place it here where it

common for all
Frame except
Frame1 to 9 as they
are special window
Chapter 1-5-26
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-5-27
NB Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-1 to go
Frame 10

2 Home button click, you be send to

the main page
Once click, it
Prev button click, you be send to will send to
Home page
the previous page (Main Page)

Once click, it will send to

Previous page (Right now still
back to Main Page cos 2 pages)
Chapter 1-6
How do we monitor event status?

Answer: Create Event to view

Chapter 1-6-1
What will we learn in this topic
• Understand
– How to create Event
– How to set Event Information
– How to Clear Event
– How to create Historical Event
Chapter 1-6-2
Create New Frame for Event
• Create a Frame11
Step Description New Frame
1 Go to Toolbar
Click on the

2 Pop-up appear Frame ID start from 10

as Frame 1 to 9 is used
for special window
New Frame
being created
Frame Name start from
Frame10 as Frame 1 to
9 is used for special
window. (Name can be

3 View form Toolbar

Frame has
be added
once click
OK in Step 2
Chapter 1-6-3
Create Function Key button
• Click and drag the Function key and place it in the window
Step Description Chapter 1-1 Button
1 Function Key tab
Click and drag the icon
and do the setting,
after finishes the
setting, click to the
2 Click on Tag tab location you desire.
Check Use Tag to display
text on the icon

When it not activate is

state 0, display text

3 Click on Graphic tab

Select the design

of the button
Chapter 1-6-4
Create Event Display
• Draw a background 1st
Step Description Event
1 Create a background box

Event Display
have no
background Paste the
color Background
box here

2 Click and Drag Event Display

Click and
Chapter 1-6-4
Create Event Display
• Click and drag the Event Display and place it in the window
Step Description Event
3 Basic Attributes tab

Paste the Event box

over the
Background box
4 Click on Graphic tab
Select number of row and
column in the display and how
you want to acknowledge

Select the
you want
to view
from the
Chapter 1-6-5
Create Event Information
• Click the Event Information
Step Description Event
1 Basic Attributes tab

Add Event

2 Event (Address)

Key in the
Address you
want to see
Chapter 1-6-5
Create Event Information
• Click the Event Information
Step Description Event
3 Event (Attribute)

When the
Event is
then event

4 Event (Text)

Text being display when

event is trigger
Chapter 1-6-6
Create Event Information
• Create 4 more Event
Event Description Event
0 Address type: CIO_Bit 0.00
Data type: Bit
Trigger: ON
Content: L1 ON
1 Address type: CIO_Bit 0.01
Data type: Bit
Trigger: ON
Content: L2 ON
2 Address type: CIO_Bit 0.02
Data type: Bit Create 4 Event

Trigger: ON
Content: L3 ON
3 Address type: W1
Data type: WORD
Condition: >40
Content: Too Much
Chapter 1-6-7
Event Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-2 to go
Frame 11

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-6-7
Event Display
• Let try it out
HMI Chapter 1-1 HMI Chapter 1-2

Step 2: You can see L1 is

still ON as the Toggle
button still active

Step 1: Press the

Toggle button
(W0.00) to activate
the L1 (101.00)

Step 4: You can see L3 is

Step 3: Press and
as the Toggle button still
release RESET button
(W0.02) to activate
the L3 (101.02)
Chapter 1-6-8
Create Clear Event
• Click and drag the Clear Event and place it in the window
Step Description Event
1 Key Functions tab

Clear all Event

in the Event

2 Click on Tag tab Paste the

function box
Name the
Chapter 1-6-8
Create Clear Event
• Click and drag the Clear Event and place it in the window
Step Description Event
3 Click on Graphics tab

Paste the
function box
Chapter 1-6-9
Create History Event
• Click and drag the History Event and place it in the window
Step Description Event
1 Basic Attributes tab

Paste the
box here

2 Click on Table Display Attributes


Click and
Chapter 1-6-9
Create History Event
• Click and drag the History Event and place it in the window
Step Description Event
3 Background Setting tab

Select number
of row and Paste the
column in the Background
display and box here
how you want
to acknowledge

4 Separator Setting

Select how much spacing you want

for each row and column
Chapter 1-6-9
Create History Event
• Click and drag the History Event and place it in the window
Step Description Event
5 Title Bar Setting

Paste the
box here

Font can be
set through
Chapter 1-6-10
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-6-11
Historical Event Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-2 to go Frame 11

2 You can see the Historical have no

display as there no storage device to
store the data
Chapter 1-7
Saving Event to USB Drive
Chapter 1-7-1
What will we learn in this topic
• Understand
– How to save historical data to USB Flash Drive
– How to retrieve the data file from the USB Flash Drive
Chapter 1-7-2
Saving Event to USB Drive
• Create a subdirectory name (Example: Demo_Event)
Step Description Saving Event

1 Double Click or Right

click on the HMI and
go to Attribute, HMI
Attribute pop-up

Click on COM1 Setting as the connection

cable from PLC to HMI is at COM1 port
Chapter 1-7-2
Saving Event to USB Drive
• Create a subdirectory name (Example: Demo_Event)
Step Description Saving Event

Select Historical Events
Step1: Check this to Storage tab
save Event in USB

Step 2: Create
Chapter 1-7-3
Download to NB
1. Click Tools at toolbar, click Compile to compile the drawing first, if there
no problem carry on the next step.
2. Click download to download the drawing

Chapter 1-7-4
Historical Event Display
• Let try it out
Step Description Display Number
1 Click on the Chapter 1-2 to go
Frame 11

2 Next slide show the result

Chapter 1-7-4
Historical Event Display
• Let try it out
HMI Chapter 1-1 HMI Chapter 1-2

Step 1: Press any

control to create

Step 2: Click On the Clear


Step 3: All Event display

is clear
Chapter 1-7-4
Historical Event Display
• Let try it out
HMI Chapter 1-1 HMI Chapter 1-2
Step 5: New Event

Step 4: Press any

control to create
event again

Step 6: You can see the Historical event from the very 1st
event still remain and carry on with the new event even
though the event was clear
Chapter 1-7-5
Insert USB Drive
• Insert the USB Drive to the Host port of the NB
Step Description Display Number
1 Before Inserting USB Drive to NB
• Empty USB Drive

2 After removing USB drive from NB

• Folder created by the NB will
appear after an event has
happen in the NB

Folder Auto
Chapter 1-7-6
Read USB Flash Drive
• Insert the USB Drive to the Host port of the NB
Step Description Display Number
1 Event will be save to an Excel file
(CSV format)

CSV file location

• From the USB Drive > Event >
Demo_Event (Depend what you
name during creating subdirectory)
> CSV file
• CSV is follow by YYYYMMDD.csv

2 Historical Event in CSV file format


• Product:

• Software Download:

• CP1E:
– http://www.omron-

• NB:
END of Chapter 1

Thank you!

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