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Final Report


ADE SARI TRIANA (1506673284)
NOVY CENDIAN (1506673196)



1. Name :
Address :
2. Name : Luthfi Kamal Bangkit Setyawan
NPM : 1506673183
BOP : Depok, May 20th 1997
Address : Jl. Taufiqurrahman No 57 B 03/02 Beji Timur, Depok
3. Name : Novy Cendian
NPM : 1506673196
BOP : Bogor, November 12th 1997
Address : Pondok Duta 1 Jl. Putra 2 F5/1 Depok, Jawa Barat
4. Name :
Address :
5. Name : Zaki Haryo Brillianto
NPM : 1506673486
BOP : Wonosobo, June 3rd 1997
Address : Jln. Masjid Al-Farouq 27D, Kukusan, Beji, Depok

2 Universitas Indonesia
Praise to God, for His blessing and mercy to the writer to complete this
Final Report entitled “Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Empty Fruit
Bunch”. This Final report is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements in
Chemical Plant Design Class as capstone course of Chemical Engineering Major
in Universitas Indonesia.
In finishing this report, the writer really gives their regards and thanks for
people who has given guidance and help, they are:
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA., Dr. rer. nat. Ir. Yuswan
Muharam M.T., Dr. Tania Surya Utami, S.T., M.T., Bambang Heru
Susanto, S.T., M.T., and others lecturers, who has given their best
guidance to the writer in writing a great quality report and well
developed chemical product.
2. Our parents, who always give their supports, prayers, and blessing.
3. All friends in Chemical Engineering Department batch 2015 who
always give their supports. Finally, the writer realizes there are unintended errors
in writing this final report. The writer really appreciates all readers giving their
suggestion to improve its content in order to be made as one of the good examples
for the next report.

Depok, December 16th 2018

Writer Team

3 Universitas Indonesia

Empty fruit bunch as raw material is used in acetic anhydride, acetic

vinyl, salt, and pharmaceutical production, as well as in PTA (pure terephtalic
acid) solvent. In 2014, Indonesia imported 111,864 tonnes ofacetic acid or equals
to US$ 63,650,018 (US$ 568.99 per ton). We produce acetic acid by carbonylation
process with rhodium catalyst. The types of main equipment are steam generator
reactor, carbonylation reactor, ditillation column, separator, pump, heat exchanger,
compressor, and storage tank. The result of acetic acid from this process reach
99,76% weight purity with flow rate 10,000 tonnes per year (30.6250 tonne/day).
The price of product is Rp 7,425,000 per tonne with IRR of 11.60%. It is a
feasible plan to build this plant since the IRR is greater than WACC, which is
9.62%. We have 4.958 years pay back period.

Keyword: Acetic acid, methanol, methane, carbonylation

4 Universitas Indonesia

Fossil fuels are not renewable and will be exhausted someday. It is

necessary to find an alternative energy sources that are renewable and
environmentally friendly. Biomass is organis material that comes from plants and
animals, a source of renewable energy. Empty fruit bunches (EFB) is one of them,
solid organic waste material with high content of cellulose to be converted to
hydrogen gas as key starting materials used in the chemical such as ammonia and
methanol and refining of oil. From the hydrogen import data, it is estimated that
import hydrogen may reach around 3274,2 ton. To supply the demand, the plant
will produce 0.8 tons of hydrogen gas per day with the market share of 10% from
48 tons of EFB each day.
Pangkalan Sesai, Dumai are chose to build the plant with area of 7 ha
consisting main process area (pre-treatment of EFB, hydrolysis process,
fermentation process, and hydrogen purification process) with the detail selected
by several parameters and scoring, steam generation plant, water treatment area,
and waste water treatment area. Then, the overall mass and energy balance
calculation is provided by using 2 simulation programs, superPro and Unisim.
After that, analysis of the design of heat exchangers that provide efficient
energy use is carried out by applying Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) to achieve
an optimal energy economization. Initially, it needed 0.57803 MW for cold
utilities and 0.154065 MW for hot utilities. By integrating the heat network, the
minimum required cold utilities decrease to around 0.49458 MW and the
minimum heat utility needs to be 0.070613.
In order to produce fermentative hydrogen, this plant need equipments to
be used in main process or utility area, such as elevator, conveyor, shredder,
reactor, pump, heat exchanger, deaerator, boiler, condenser, pressure swing
adsorption, clarifier, filter, and pipe. Therefore sizing is needed, also process
control and the P&ID.

5 Universitas Indonesia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................ii
LIST OF CONTENT............................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................v
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
1.1. Background..............................................................................................1
1.2. Review of Literature................................................................................2
1.2.1. Biomass.....................................................................................................2 Corn Stover..............................................................................................3 Rice Husk.................................................................................................5 Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB)...................................................................5
1.2.2. Hydrogen and Its Application................................................................7
1.3. Analysis.....................................................................................................8
1.3.1. Raw Material Analysis............................................................................8 Biomass from Palm Oil Waste................................................................8 Bacteria...................................................................................................10 Enzyme...................................................................................................12
1.3.2. Market and Product Capacity..............................................................13
1.3.3. Plant Location Analysis.........................................................................17
CHAPTER 2 PROCESS SELECTION.............................................................21
2.1 Process Synthesis.......................................................................................21
2.2 Process Selection and Description...........................................................21
2.2.1 Selection of Biomass Material..............................................................21
2.2.2 Selection of Pre-treatment Process......................................................24
2.2.3 Selection of Hydrolisis Process.............................................................26
2.2.4 Selection of Fermentation Process.......................................................27
2.2.5 Selection of Adsorbent Material in H2 Purification Process..............31
2.2.6 Process Description...............................................................................32 Pre-treatment of EFB........................................................................32 Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Glucose...................................................34 Fermentation Process........................................................................36 Hidrogen Purification Process..........................................................37
2.3 Block Flow Diagram.................................................................................40
2.4 Process Flow Diagram..............................................................................41
2.4.1 Pre-treatment Process...........................................................................41
2.4.2 Hydrogen Production............................................................................42
CHAPTER 3 MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE.............................................43
3.1 Mass Balance.............................................................................................44
3.2 Energy Balance..........................................................................................46
3.3 Production Conversion Efficiency...........................................................47
3.4 Product Yield.............................................................................................47
3.5 Energy Consumption of Unit Product....................................................47
CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION.............................................................................48
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Figure 1.1. Graphic of development of plantation area coverage and production of

palm oil (CPO and PKO) in 1980 – 2015.............................................9
Figure 1.2 Palm oil plantations in Sumatera..........................................................18
Figure 1.3 Plant location........................................................................................20
Figure 2.1 Black Box Diagram..............................................................................21
Figure 2.2 Schematic Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Material..........................33
Figure 2.3 Main Process Steps of a Typical PSA System......................................39
Figure 2.4 Block Flow Diagram of Fermentative Hydrogen Production..............40
Figure 2.5 Process Flow Diagram of Pre-treatment Process.................................41
Figure 2.6 Process Flow Diagram of Pre-treatment Process.................................42

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Table 1.1 Properties of Corn Stover........................................................................3

Table 1.2 Content of Lignocellulose.......................................................................4
Table 1.3 Properties of Rice Husk...........................................................................4
Table 1.4 Physical and Chemical Properties of Palm EFB.....................................5
Table 1.5 Typical Industrial Hydrogen Requirements...........................................12
Table 1.6 Pertamina’s Oil Refinery Plant in Indonesia.........................................12
Table 1.9 Prediction of Imported H2......................................................................15

Table 2.1 Scoring Criteria for Biomass Material Selection...................................22

Table 2.2 Biomass Material Comparisson.............................................................23
Table 2.3 Biomass Material Scoring and Ranking................................................23
Table 2.4 Pre-Treatment Scoring and Ranking.....................................................25
Table 2.5 Hydrolysis of Cellulose Process Scoring and Ranking.........................27
Table 2.6 Comparison of Fermentation Processes................................................29
Table 2.7 Fermentation Hydrogen Process Scoring and Ranking.........................31
Table 2.8 Type of Adsorben Scoring and Ranking................................................32
Table 2.9 Parameter Values of EFB Hydrolysis Based on Shen and Agblevor
Kinetic Model........................................................................................................35
Table 3.1 Mass Balance Overall Process...............................................................44
Table 3.2 Mass Balance Overall Process...............................................................46

8 Universitas Indonesia

1.1. Background

Fossil fuels are not renewable and will be exhausted someday. The use of
fossil fuels can be caused a serious environmental pollution because its
combustion produce CO2 to atmosphere. Thus, it is necessary to find an
alternative energy sources that are renewable and environmentally friendly. At
present, the energy is dominated by fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas.
(Ghimire, 2015). In 2006, the total fossil fuel reserves was estimated to be made
up of 17.67%, 64.99%, and 17.34% oil, coal, and gas respectively. This equates to
35, 107, and 37 years of usage for oil, coal, and gas, respectively, before
depletion, thereby indicating that coal will be the only fossil fuel remaining after
2042 (Shahriar and Topal, 2009).
It is widely accepted that the fossil fuel combustion can be directly linked
to the increasing of carbon dioxide (CO 2) levels in atmosphere. CO2 is one of the
contributor to greenhouse gas emissions that have effects on climate changes. The
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates around 250,000 additional deaths
per year from the effects of climate change such as malnutrition and heat stress
(World Health Organization, 2015). This has increasingly encouraging for
exploration of clean sustainable energy technologies.
In Indonesia renewable energy comprised 37% of the total energy sector in
2015 compared with 40% in 2008. There has been a steady decrease in renewable
energy consumption over the last few years (World Bank, 2018). This data
showing that Indonesia still dependent from using of fossil fuel energy
consumption. Around 60% from total of energy consumption in Indonesia is
coming from the fuel energy (World Bank, 2018). With this condition, it is very
important for us to find a new source of energy that can be replace the presence of
fossil fuel energy.
One of the solution to the renewable energy is Hydrogen (H2), a carbon-
free and environmentally friendly fuel. Hydrogen is a very promising alternative

1 Universitas Indonesia

energy source and has been received more attention all over the world in recent
years. It is considered to be a non-polluting alternative to fossil fuels, because
hydrogen produces only water, when it is combusted as a fuel or converted to
elecricity, which makes it very environmentally friendly. In addition, hydrogen is
increasingly being considered over methane, because it encompasses wider
industrial applications, such as the use in ammonia synthesis and the
hydrogenation of oil, petroleum, and coal (Kothari et al., 2012). Hydrogen can be
produced through various ways, which makes it renewable. In the long-term,
hydrogen will simultaneously reduce the dependence on foreign oil and the
emission of greenhouse gases and other pollutants.
1.2. Review of Literature

1.2.1. Biomass

Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals. Biomass
is a source of renewable energy. Biomass is manufactured from organic material
such as crops, wood, farm waste, and many more which contain glucose and can
be converted to source of renewable energy source such as hydrogen and methane.
Biomass is renewable source of energy because it is can be easily found in daily
life. So, the supply of material for biomass is long lasting.
Pros of biomass is a completely renewable resource. Fuel can be produced
using grains and plant waste that would otherwise go unused. This means that a
large amount of solid waste that is currently just dumped into landfills can be used
as a source of energy. Biomass can be used in many forms. It can be processed
and refined to produce alcohols and methane gas, both of which make clean
burning sources of energy. Finally, biomass energy can save a great deal of many
in transportation costs because it can be used in the same area in which it is
produced more cost effectively than having huge pipelines or long distances
transmission lines.
Cons of biomass is direct burning of biomass as fuel can release carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at an accelerated rate,
possibly contributing to the problem of global warming. In order to avoid this
effect, converting biomass into a different form of fuel, such as alcohol or
methane, is necessary. This conversion process requires an input of energy that
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can make biomass energy more costly than beneficial on a small scale. The cost of
accumulating and harvesting biomass in its raw form is much higher than the cost
of extracting fossil fuels at the current time. It takes time and money to gather and
transport biomass to a central point for processing into fuel. A biomass power
plant would require a great deal of space to accommodate the various stages of
collection and conversion of the mass into fuel before burning it to produce
electricity. Water can also be a problem as it would require large quantities to
handle the recycling process for waste materials. A careful look at the biomass
energy pros and cons reveals that it is far from the perfect energy source that man
would like, but it is still very promising as a replacement for the fossil fuels used
1.2.2. Bacteria

Fermentation is the process involving the biochemical activity of

organisms, during their growth, development, reproduction, even senescence and
death. The basic principle involved in the industrial fermentation technology is
that organisms are grown under suitable conditions, by providing raw materials
meeting all the necessary requirements such as carbon, nitrogen, salts, trace
elements and vitamins.
Clostridium acetobutylicum, a commercially valuable bacterium, is a
Gram-positive bacillus. C. acetobutylicum is most often soil dwelling, although it
has been found in a number of different environments. It is mesophilic with
optimal temperatures of 10-65°C. In addition, the organism is saccharolytic (can
break down sugar) and capable of producing a number of different commercially
useful products; most notably acetone, ethanol and butanol. C.
acetobutylicum requires anaerobic conditions in order to grow in its vegetative
state It can only survive up to several hours in aerobic conditions, in which it will
form endospores that can last for years even in aerobic conditions. Only when
these spores are in favorable anaerobic conditions will vegetative growth
Considerable research has been invested into metabolic pathways
of Clostridium acetobutylicum in order to improve industrial fermentation
operations. The metabolic pathways which produce industrial useful solvents are
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most notable in C. acetobutylicum. The solvents acetone, acetate, butanol,

butyrate, and ethanol are all derived from the common precursor, acetyl-CoA. In
addition to these products, CO2 and H2 are produced. Clostridium family are
frequently found in H2 producing bacterial consortia, reporting yield of 0.73-3.1
mol H2/mol of sugar. Due to the sensitivity of strict anaerobic bacteria to dissolved
oxygen, they are often cultivated together with facultative anaerobes. Still, some
studies proved that pure C. acetobutylicum attain higher H2 production yields
than in bacterial consortia.
C. acetobutylicum can be purchased any legal microorganisms seller. The
stock culture is maintained in the form of a spore suspension in 25 % glycerol and
frozen at -20 C. (Ponthein and Cheirslip, 2016). The use of inoculum might help
the bacteria to reduce its adaptation phase in fermentation. Inoculum can be in
form of solid or liquid mixture containing microbes, spores, or enzyme that is put
together into substrate or fermentation medium. The inoculum has to be free from
contaminant and big in quantity to reach the optimum fermentation medium. To
avoid any breakdown during the fermentation process, bacteria cell in the end of
process is used as inoculum for the next fermentation phase. The inoculum
involvement can be prepared by heating the Clostridium acetobutylicum to shock
the spores, then pre-cultured in Reinforced Clostridia Medium (RCM), in which 1
L RCM medium contains 10 g meat extract; 5 g peptone; 3 g yeast extract; 5 g
glucose; 1 g soluble starch; 5 g sodium chloride; 3 g sodium acetate; 0.5 g L-
cysteine. (Ponthein and Cheirslip, 2016).

1.2.3. Hydrogen and Its Application

Hydrogen (H2), is the simplest element, consists of only one proton and
one electron. Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn’t occur
naturally as a gas on the earth and must be manufactured. This is because
hydrogen gas is lighter than air and rises into the atmosphere as a result.
Hydrogen has the highest energy content of any common fuel by weight. On the
other hand, hydrogen has the lowest energy content by volume. It is the lightest
element, and it is a gas at normal temperature and pressure (Azo, 2008).

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Hydrogen was produced worldwide using various methods. The

production of hydrogen can be achieved by electrolysis, steam reformation and
renewable (biological) process. The biological production of hydrogen can be
divided into dark fermentation or photo-fermentation.
There are many uses of hydrogen. The largest single use of hydrogen in
the world is in ammonia manufacture, which consumes about two-thirds of the
world’s hydrogen production. Ammonia is manufactured by Haber-Bosch process,
large amount of hydrogen are used in the preparation of methanol. Another major
application of hydrogen is in the catalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds.
In the glass industry, hydrogen is used as a protectiove atmosphere for making flat
glass sheets. In the electronics industry, hydrogen is used as a flushing gas during
the manufacture of silicon chips.
Some see hydrogen gas as the clean fuel of the future – generated from
water and returning to water when its oxidised. Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are
increasingly being seen as “pollution-free” sources of energy and are now being
used in some transportation such as buses and cars.

1.3. Analysis

To build a plant, several aspects must be considered such as the raw

material, targeted market, product capacity, until the location of the plant. Here
some analysis to be picked in our plant.
1.3.1. Raw Material Analysis Biomass from Palm Oil Waste

The energy used in Indonesia as well as in other countries of the world
generally increases rapidly in line with population growth, economic growth, and
technological developments. Fulfillment of energy requirement that have been
done still be charged to fossil fuels, especially oil and gas (Putera, 2015).
Meanwhile, although the abundancy of biomass in Indonesia makes biomass the
most promising energy in Indonesia, it has not been utilized optimally for energy
requirements such as for power generation, home energy, fuel vehicles, and
industrial facilities. But as the stated on Presidential Regulation no. 5/2006 on
National Energy Policy, it sets the targets for an optimal energy mix in 2025,
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where renewable energy like biomass as one of the options will contribute more
than 15% of the total energy mix. (Dani and Wibawa, 2018)
Indonesia is known as the largest palm oil producer in the world after
overtaking Malaysia in 2006. The country produces around 28.5 million of palm
oil tonnes / year, equivalent to 52% of world crude palm oil (USDA, 2013). One
of the factors leading to higher production is the expansion of palm oil plantation
area by 14.26% per year from 294,560 to 11,300,370 hectares during the period of
1980 to 2015. (Permatasari, 2011). In the same period, the national palm oil
production increased by, on average, 17.46% per year from 849,121 tons to
37,541,167 tons (Hanbali, 2017).

Figure 1.1 Graphic of development of plantation area coverage and production of palm oil (CPO
and PKO) in 1980 – 2015
(Source: Direcorat General of Estate Corps, 2016)
The palm oil industry itself produce different types of waste that all can be
used to generate other useful functions. During the conversion process of fresh
fruit bunches (FFB) into crude palm oil (CPO), several kinds of waste including
empty fruit bunch (EFB), mesocarp fiber (MF), palm kernel shell (PKS), palm
kernel meal (PKM), and palm oil mills effluent (POME) are produced. The
production of these wastes is abundant as oil palm plantation area, FFB
production, and palm oil mills spread all over 22 provinces in Indonesia.
EFB is one of the waste produced by the palm oil industry containing
lignocellulose with higher caloric value. In which from a ton of FFB (Fresh Fruit
Bunches), 300 kg of EFB can be produced (Husain, Zainac and Abdullah, 2002).
According to data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) the total area of oil palm

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plantations in Indonesia is currently around 11.3 million hectares; a figure that is

nearly three times as much as in the year 2000 when around four million hectares
of Indonesian soil was used for palm oil plantations. This figure is expected to
increase to 13 million hectares by the year 2020. In terms of geography, Riau
(Sumatra) is the leading palm oil producer in Indonesia with the highest share of
2,5 million ha and production reaching 7 million ton/year (Ditjenbun, 2014).
EFB will be supplied from the area near the projected plant location.
According to Directorat General of Estate Corps data in 2015, the top 3 highest
production area in Riau are Rokan Hulu, Siak, and Rokan Hilir. Considering the
distance from Dumai as well as the transportation cost and time, Rokan Hilir is
selected as the first area to supply the EFB with 509,030 ton/year production or
around 58,1 ton/hr. Where the EFB itself constitutes 30% of the oil palm
portion,with an average factory work of about 8 hours per day, the resulting yield
is 58,1 ton/hr x 8 hours x 30% = 139,46 ton/day. The number of EFB available by
this area will not be supplied all, but depend on the production of hydrogen that is
going to be carried out to fulfill the domestic demand.
As a backup plan, if the palm oil factories in Rokan Hilir are not able to
supply the necessary suppy EFB to the factory, the supply will be shifted to
Rokan Hulu which way farther two times than from Rokan Hilir but has bigger
production capacity. With 647,501 ton/year or around 74 ton/hr production
capacity, the resulting yield is 74 ton/hr x 8 hours x 30% = 177,4 ton/day.
Looking at the ease of access to the raw material, the plant is designed to be
located near Pangkalan Sesai, Dumai, Riau with by utilizing EFB of 48 ton /day. Enzyme
Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant material on earth. Oil palm
empty fruit bunch is one of the lignocellulosic biomass. Lignocellulose is the
collective name for the three main components of plant material, namely
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Fermentation process to produce hydrogen
requires glucose as a fermentable sugar. So, a treatment should be done to convert
cellulose to glucose. Hydrolysis of cellulose is a process to break the β-1,4-
glycosidic bonds of the polymer which is an essential step for the conversion of

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cellulose into glucose. Enzymatic hydrolysis is a process in which enzymes

facilitate the cleavage of bonds in molecules with of the elements of water.
Cellulases are the enzymes that hydrolyze β-1,4 linkages in cellulose
chains. They are produced by fungi, bacteria, protozoans, plants, and animals. A
cellulosic enzyme system consists of three major components: endo- β-glucanase,
exo-ß-glucanase, and β-glucosidase. The β-1,4 glucosidase catalyzes the
hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds to terminal non-reducing residues in beta-D-
glucosides and oligosaccharides, with release of glucose. In a study, revealed that
the combination of cellulase and β-1,4 glucosidase in volume ratio 5:1 have
improved the production of soluble glucose in the reaction. These enzymes can
work optimally at 50oC and pH 4.8
1.3.2. Market and Product Capacity

Market analysis needs to be done to determine the potential of the product

in the market and can be used to determine the design
capacity of the plant will be built. Things are done in this market
analysis is to determine supply, demand and plant capacity.
Hydrogen gas is one of the key starting materials used in the chemical
such as ammonia and methanol. It is also used in the refining of oil, for example
in reforming, one of the processes for obtaining high grade petrol and in removing
sulfur compounds from petroleum which would otherwise poison the catalytic
converters fitted to cars or any others vehicle.

Table 1.1 Typical Industrial Hydrogen Requirements

Use H2 requirement per unit of product (m3)
Ammonia Synthesis 1950-2230/ton NH3
Methanol Synthesis 2.25/kg MeOH
Petroleum refining 109/m3 crude oil
Naphta 12/m3
coking distillate 180/m3
Hydrocracking 475-595/m3
Coal conversion to:
liquid fuel 1070-1250/m3
gaseous fuel 1560/103 SCM of synthetic gas
Oil shale conversion

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liquid fuel 230/m3 of synthetic oil

gaseous fuel 1200/103 SCM of synthetic gas
Iron ore production 560/ton of iron
Process heat 82.4/GJ or 169/103 kg process steam
(Source: Energy-Present and Future Options, Vol. 3, John Wiley &son Ltd.)
The oil refining industries in Indonesia are located in Sumatera,
Kalimantan, and Java. Refinery need for hydrogen in Indonesia are currently met
by hydrogen plants and by recycling by-product hydrogen made in the industry.
The capability to produce hydrogen by conventional steam reforming of natural
gas does exist, but to minimize cost, by-product hydrogen is used whenever
possible. In order for hydrogen supplementation of natural gas with hydrogen
separation to penetrate the refinery hydrogen market in Indonesia. It must at very
least, be competitive with steam reforming of natural gas.
Table 1.2 Pertamina’s Oil Refinery Plant in Indonesia
No Refineries in Capacity
Unit Province
. Indonesia (thousand bopd)
1 RU II Dumai Riau 127
2 RU III Plaju (Musi) 127
3 RU IV Cilacap Central Java 348
4 RU V Balikpapan 260
5 RU VI Balongan West Java 125
6 RU VII Kasim/Sorong West Papua 10
Ammonia production accounts for the largest industrial use of hydrogen in
Indonesia, and is produced by the catalytic reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen at
high temperature and pressure. Then it is well known that the demand of urea
fertilizer in Indonesia is continuously increased in future as population and
agriculture industries. Hydrogen is manufactured by steam reforming of natural
gas in essential all ammonia plant in Indonesia.

Table 1.3 Capacity of Ammonia and H2 Needed in Several Plants

Capacity Estimated H2
Company Ammonia Needed
(ton/year) (ton/year)
1 PT Petrokimia Gresik 1,105,000 207,573

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2 PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek 660,000 123,980

3 PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur 2,650,000 497,800
4 PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda 726,000 136,379
5 PT Pupuk Sriwijaya 1,832,000 344,140
6 PT Panca Amara Utama 700,000 131,494
Hydrogen gas is also used in steel industry to maintain a controlled
reducing atmosphere for annealing and heat treating steel. Plants that use
hydrogen for annealing obtain it by purchasing merchant hydrogen and by on-site
methane steam reforming. PT Krakatau Steel is one of the largest steel industry in
Indonesia. Its total steel production in various forms is estimated to 6 million ton
per year in 2019. Other steel industries are distributed in Java, Sumatra,
Kalimantan, etc wtih its production capacity increase day by day.
Oleochemical industry also use hydrogen gas. Oleochemicals are
chemicals derived from plant and animmals fats in which H 2 gas is needed in
methyl esther hydrogenation to make fatty alcohol and can be provided by palm
oil as fat sources. Numbers of oleochemical industry in Indonesia are PT Sinar
Mas Cepsa, PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, and PT Sumi Asih. A plant who wants
to produce 100 tonne fatty alcohol need about 2242 kg H 2. So, it can be concluded
that the need of H2 in oleochemical industry is quite large.
To determine production capacity of authors’ plant, author use hydrogen
import data and extrapolate it until the year of plant runs. Table below shows data
of hydrogen import in Indonesia 2007-2011.

Table 1.4 Hydrogen Import in Indonesia

Year Imported H2 (tons)

2007 37,819
2008 1163,862
2009 974,445
2010 1778,202
2011 1505,144
(Source: Kementrian Perindustrian)
It shows gas hydrogen import in Indonesia is fluctuative. But it can be
interpreted from 2007 to 2011, hydrogen needs in Indonesia increased improved
considerably. Author believe the number of hydrogen import will increase for the
following years. Based on import data above, we made the prediction capacity of
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hydrogen import when the plant runs by extrapolation. We plan to operate the
plant or make the production in the beginning of 2020.

Table 1.51 Prediction of Imported H2

Year Imported H2 (tons)

2012 1,812.12
2013 1,994.88
2014 2,177.64
2015 2,360.4
2016 2,543.16
2017 2,725.92
2018 2,908.68
2019 3,091.44
2020 3,274.2

It shows that in 2020, import H 2 may reach around 3274,2 ton. Taking note
that the rule of thumb for new plant is around 10-30%, the plant is targeted to
produce 327 tons of hydrogen gas per year with the market share of 10%,
although this number might change in the future. 10% is chosen based on two
assumptions. First, the involving fermentation process takes lot of times so the
operation of the plant can’t be run day and night like other kind of plant. Second,
the consideration that there will be more hydrogen plant establishment in the
future that will take some of the market opportunity left.
1.3.3. Plant Location Analysis

The location of the plant will affect the operation effectiveness, cost, and
many aspects of the manufacturing process. There are some things to consider to
find the best location for constructing a plant, such as:
1. Access to raw material
Good access to raw material means that it is close enough to the source,
which means that the transportation cost of the raw material can be
reduced. Because the feedstock used is empty fruit bunch (EFB), the plant
location should be near the palm oil plantations. As already known, many
palm oil plantations exist on Sumatera island. Riau is the largest producer
of palm oil in Indonesia.

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Figure 1.2 Palm oil plantations in Sumatera

(Source: Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, 2015)

Table 1.6 Palm oil production in Riau

No. Districts Production (tons)

1 Kampar 368,247
2 Rokan Hulu 647,501
3 Rokan Hilir 509,030
4 Pelalawan 452,530
5 Indragiri Hulu 198,322
6 Indragiri Hilir 245,803
7 Kuantan Sengingi 165,931
8 Bengkalis 298,976
9 Dumai 80,388
10 Siak 642,270
11 Pekanbaru 2,855
12 Kepulauan Meranti -
(Source: Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, 2015)

2. Infrastructure and transportation facility

A good infrastructure will support the plant to run smoothly. Road access,
water intake, and electricity are the important things that need attention.
The industrial area has a guarantee for the availability of infrastructure,
facilities and utilities.
3. Regulations impose by the local government
Regulations ensure the stability of the business, so there is no need to
worry about unexpected problems such as land permits, business status
and others.
Universitas Indonesia

4. Labor
The availability of labor is important for the plant because they will
operate all the process of production. Labor can be fulfilled from the
surrounding population. Riau has a population of 6,658 million in 2017
and according to Badan Pusat Statistik data there are 6.22% of labor that
not absorbed by the job market.
5. Environmental aspects
Plants location must not disturb living environment in terms of water, air
and sound pollutions.
Based on the previous considerations above, Pangkalan Sesai, Dumai is
chosen to build the plant. This location is decided to be plant location because of
several reasons:
 This location is close enough to raw material supplier, PT. Astra Agro
Industri, PT. Wilmar Nabati in Dumai, PT. Sinarmas Group in Dumai, and
PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V in Rokan Hulu. This location is also close to
some of the largest palm oil producing districts in Riau, such as Rokan
Hulu (93.1 km) and Rokan Hilir (180 km).
 It is located in an industrial area, so facilities such as road access and
electrical installations are easy to obtain.
 This location is close to the port in the Malacca Strait, making it easier to
distribute products out of the islands.
The map view of the plant can be seen in Figure 1.3.

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Figure 1.3 Plant location

(Source :

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2.1 Process Synthesis

The plant has main focus to produce H 2 from biomass to support the
chemical and refinery industry needs. The selected biomass is empty fruit bunch
(EFB) from palm oil, therefore the first process is the pre-treatment of the EFB
which involve shredding, washing, delignification, and filtration to remove the
lignin so that the hemicellulose and cellulose could go to the next process. After
that, hydrolysis process is carried out to convert cellulose into glucose and
followed by fermentation that convert glucose into acetic acid, H2 and CO2. the last
part is H2 purification process.

Figure 2.1 Black Box Diagram

There are plenty of process alternative from each of the steps in the
processing of hydrogen plant. The process selection is then will be analyzed by
using heuristic approach and the scoring method.

2.2 Process Selection and Description

2.2.1 Selection of Biomass Material
Based on agriculture activity in Indonesia, waste material with potential
resources are empty fruit bunch (EFB), palm oil mill effluent (POME), corn
stover, and rice husk. All of the potential waste material can be converted to
fermentative hydrogen through fermentation process. Selection of waste material
for feed of the plant is based on 4 criteria. Each option of biomass will be scored
using parameter with score from 1 to 4. Criteria for the selection of biomass raw
material are:

15 Universitas Indonesia

a. Cellulose content (35 %)

Component in biomass that important for hydrogen production through

fermentation is cellulose. More percentage content of cellulose in biomass,
more percentage of hydrogen that could possibly produced from
b. Lignin Content (30 %)

Lignin is component is organic waste material which blocking cellulose.

Lignin bond with cellulose produce lignocellulose. More percentage lignin
content, process of delignification is much harder.
c. Availability (35 %)

Availability of raw material for fermentative hydrogen plant is important.

The parameter for this criteria are based on production rate of raw material
per month.

Table 2.1 Scoring Criteria for Biomass Material Selection

Weight Score
(%) 1 2 3 4
Below More
Cellulose Content (%) 35 36-40 41-45
35 than 45
Lignin Content (%) 30 25-27 20-24 Below 20
than 28
Below More
10 – 13 14-16
Availability (ton/year) 35 10 than 16
million million
million million

Table 2.2 Biomass Material Comparisson

EFB Corn Stover Rice Husk
Cellulose Content (%) 45 37 47
Lignin Content (%) 27 26 24
Availability (ton/year) 19 million 4 million 12 million

Table 2.3 Biomass Material Scoring and Ranking

Universitas Indonesia

Raw Cellulose Lignin
Availability Total Rank
Material Content Content
Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
EFB 3 1.05 2 0.60 4 1.40 3.05 1
2 0.70 2 0.60 1 0.35 1.65 3
4 1.40 3 0.90 2 0.70 3 2

Based on the scoring and ranking above, the best biomass material for
fermentative hydrogen production is palm empty fruit bunch (EFB). EFB has high
content of cellulose compared to another waste material, high amount of
availability or production rate in Indonesia.
2.2.2 Selection of Pre-treatment Process
Pre-treatment process of EFB will destroy cellulose-lignin bond and
increasing enzyme accessibility to cellulose to produce sugar monomers. After
that sugar monomers will be processed through fermentation. This process is
called delignification. Selection of pre-treatment process consider some factor
such as:
1. Operating Cost (30%)
Operating cost consist of energy consumption cost and raw material cost.
Less temperature means less steam to generate, and less equipment needed
to increase pressures, vice versa. Lower operating cost will be better for
the pre-treatment process.
2. Increased Spesific Surface (35%)
Pre-treatment process should increase specific surface of the cellulose for
the next hydrolysis process that make hydrolysis process more efficient.
Higher the increased specific surface will be better for the pre-treatment
3. Lignin Removal (35%)

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Lignin should be removed at pre-treatment process because it’s hard to

fermented due to its strong hydrogen bond with cellulose. Higher the
lignin removal will be better for the pre-treatment process.
Thoses aspects can affect the economical and efficiency value for the
process. The comparison of the pre-treatment methods has been done by Mood in 2013. The scoring and ranking from 1 (the worst) to 5 (the best) of each
parameter for selecting the best pre-treatment, as described in Table 2.4 below
Table 2.4 Pre-Treatment Scoring and Ranking


Increased Total Rank

Operating Lignin
Method Spesific
Cost Removal

Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score

Acid 4 1,2 4 1,75 4 1,75 4 3

Alkaline 4 1,2 4 1,4 5 1,75 4,35 1
3 0,9 5 1,75 2 0,7 3,35 8
Biological 3 0,9 4 1,4 5 1,75 4,05 2
1 0,3 4 1,4 5 1,75 3,45 4
Ozonolysis 1 0,3 4 1,4 5 1,75 3,45 4
AFEX 1 0,3 4 1,4 5 1,75 3,45 4
2 0,6 4 1,4 3 1,05 3,05 9
LHW 2 0,6 4 1,4 2 0,7 2,7 10
Organosolv 1 0,3 4 1,4 5 1,75 3,45 4
2 0,6 4 1,4 1 0,35 2,35 12
Physical 1 0,3 5 1,75 1 0,35 2,4 11
(Source: Reproduced from Mood et. al., 2013)

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Based on the scoring and ranking above, the best pre-treatment method is
pre-treatment with alkaline. Pre-treatment with alkaline has quite good lignin
removal ability altough its ability is same with biological, wet oxidation,
ozonolysis, AFEX and organosolv method. Alkaline pre-treatment is operated at
lower temperatures and does not require complex reactors.
2.2.3 Selection of Hydrolisis Process
Hydrolysis of cellulose is very critical for biofuel production, because only
glucose, not cellulose, can be consumed by the bacteria used in fermentation to
produce biofuel. Hydrolysis of cellulose is a process of breaking the bonds of b-
1,4-glycosides in cellulose. There are two ways to hydrolyze cellulose: chemically
and enzymatically. The chemical method is to use concentrated strong acids to
hydrolyze cellulose under high temperature and pressure. The enzymatic method
uses bacteria secreted proteins to hydrolyze cellulose. Every method has their own
advantages and disadvantages. To determine which method will be chosen, the
selection process will be carried out based on the following criteria.
1. Operating cost
Operating cost consist of energy consumption cost and raw material cost..
Some of the processes have expensive raw material for the process to be
done. Lower operating cost will be better for the hydrolysis process.
2. Amount of cellulose hydrolyzed
The more cellulose that can be converted into glucose, the more efficient
the hydrolysis process.
3. Environmental safety aspects
The aim of making hydrogen from this biomass is to get environmentally
friendly renewable energy. The materials used must be environmentally
friendly and do not cause harmful effects to the environment.
4. Time
Time is a parameter that needs to be considered in choosing a process. The
process that runs too long will make it difficult to meet production targets.
The comparison of the pre-treatment methods has been done. The scoring
from 1 to 4 is used with 1 is the worst and 4 is the best for each parameter. The
scoring table is shown in Table 2.5.
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Table 2.5 Hydrolysis of Cellulose Process Scoring and Ranking

Enzymatic Dilute Acid
Parameter Weight Acid
Hydrolysis Hydrolysis
Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Operating cost 40% 4 1.6 1 0.4 2 0.8
Amount of
cellulose 30% 3 0.9 4 1.2 2 0.6
20% 4 0.8 1 0.2 2 0.4
safety aspects
Time required 10% 1 0.1 3 0.3 4 0.4
Total 3.4 2.1 2.2
Rank 1 3 2

Based on scoring and ranking, enzymatic hydrolysis is selected. This

method has good hydrolyzed ability, low operating cost, and environmentally
friendly. But, enzymatic hydrolysis requires more time than other methods.
2.2.4 Selection of Fermentation Process
There are several means of fermentative biohydrogen production, that is
photo-fermentation and dark fermentation. These diverse methods must be
improved in order to make biohydrogen an economically viable alternative to
other means of hydrogen production. Intensive research studies have already been
carried out on the advancement of these processes, such as the enhancement of
dark- and/or photo-fermentative H2 production rates and development of two stage
Dark-fermentative hydrogen production occurs under anoxic or anaerobic
conditions (i.e., in the absence of O 2 as an electron acceptor). Usually anaerobic
bacteria such as Clostridia sp., and Enterobacter sp. were used for dark
fermentation of carbohydrates to produce hydrogen and volatile fatty acid (VFA).
C6H12O6 + 2H2O 4H2 + 2C3COOH + 2CO2
Photo fermentation is carried out by nonoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria
that use sunlight and biomass to produce hydrogen. Purple non-sulfur (PNS) and
green sulfur (GS) bacteria such as Rhodobacter spheroids and Chlorobium
vibrioforme, respectively, can produce hydrogen gas by using solar energy and

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reduced compounds. Photosynthetic bacteria have long been studied for their
capacity to produce hydrogen through the action of their nitrogenase system. The
soluble metabolites resulting from dark fermentation, consisting of VFA's and
alcohols, were further used for H2 production in the subsequent photo
fermentation as illustrated in equation below
2C3COOH + 4H2O 8H2 + 4CO2
In fact, combination of the dark and photo fermentation could achieve a
theoretically maximum yield of 12 mol H2/mol hexose
C6H12O6 + 6H2O 12H2 + 6CO2
Most of the works on combining dark and photo fermentation have been operating
either as combined or two stages (sequential) processes for hydrogen production.

Table 2.6 Comparison of Fermentation Processes

Process Advantage Disadvantage
 Has the ability to fix N 2  O2 has an inhibitory effect on
from atmosphere. nitrogenase.
Photo-  A wide special light  Light conversion efficiency

fermentation energy can be used by is very low, only 1-5%.

these bacteria.
 Can use different organic
 It can produce H2 all day  O2 is a strong inhibitor of
long without light. hydrogenase.
 A variety of carbon  Relatively lower achievable

Dark sources can be used as yields of H2.

 As yields increas H2
fermentation substrates.
 It produces valuable fermentation becomes
metabolites such as thermodynamically
butyric, lactic, and acetic unfavorable.
 Product gas mixture contains
acid as by products.
 No O2 limitation problem. CO2 which has to be
 The complete conversion  The major problems in the
of organic compounds, photofermentation.
usually organic acids, to  Inhibition caused by high
Universitas Indonesia

hydrogen. concentrations of VFAs and

 Reduce the chemical
NH4-N severe control of
oxygen demand (COD) in
Dark and physico chemical conditions.
the effluent.  It needs complex nutrional
 Enhance the overall yield
of H2 in two stage process
compared to a single stage
In this part, selection of the processes will be done with several parameters
for scoring mechanism such as:
1. Hydrogen Yield (50%)
Higher yield is a parameter to see process’ effectiveness in synthesis
reaction. This measurement will be stated in volume of biohydrogen
produced per mol of glucose.
2. Applicability (25%)
Applicability parameter shows how well those methods preferred in
current industries. It also shows how easy the process to get done.
Applicability will be measured by the application of the technology from
research, pilot until industrial application.
3. Particular Treatment (25%)
Particular treatment means things that we have to give that the production
process can take place.
Table 2.7 Fermentation Hydrogen Process Scoring and Ranking
Dark and
Dark Photo
Parameter Weight Photo
Fermentation Fermentation
Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Hydrogen yield 50% 4 1,6 3 1,2 5 2
Applicability 25% 4 1,6 3 1,2 3 1,2
25% 5 2 4 1,6 3 1,2
Total 2,6 2 2,2
Rank 1 3 2

Based on scoring and ranking, dark fermentation process is selected. This

method has decent hydrogen production although its yield is below dark-photo
2.2.5 Selection of Adsorbent Material in H2 Purification Process
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To separate gas-gas mixture, one of types that is believed could produce H2

efficiently is through adsorption by Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA). PSA as
physical process of separation, depends much on the the attractive forces between
the gas molecules and the adsorbent material. Several factors leverage that
interaction are the gas component, the type of adsorbent material, the partial
pressure of the gas compenent, and the operating temperature. The gas component
and operating temperature are not the factor we can abruptly change, but
adsorbent material is. Solid adsorbent is made from microporous-mesoporous
material from inorganic material such as zeolites, aluminas, silica gels and from
organic material such as activated carbon and polymers.
The general criteria for selecting an adsorbent are:
1. Selectivity (40%)
It is related to capacity, which is the amount of adsorbate taken up by the
adsorbent, per unit mass or volume of the adsorbent. Can be evaluated by
the effective surface area it has.
2. Regenerability (20%)
Means that the adsorbent can opearate in cycles with uniform performance
using pressure swing to regenerate it, then each adsorbable component
must be relatively weakly adsorbed. The regenerability of an adsorbent
affects the the fraction of the original capacity that is retained.
3. Kinetics (30%)
Related to intraparticle mass resistance that control the cycle time of
adsorption process in specific temperature to be activated. Longer cycle
time, the greater the adsorbent inventory.
4. Compatibility (10%)
Covers various possible modes of chemical and physical attack that could
reduce the life expectancy of adsorben

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Table 2.8 Type of Adsorben Scoring and Ranking

Type of Adsorbent
Parameter Weight Zeolite Silica Polymer
Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Selectivity 40% 4 1,6 2 0,8 3 1,2 1 0,4
ity 3 0,6 3 0,6 3 0,6 2 0,4
Kinetics 30% 3 0,9 3 0,9 3 0,9 2 0,6
ty 4 0,4 4 0,4 4 0,4 2 0,2
Total 3,5 2,7 3,1 1,6
Rank 1 3 2 4

Based on the result above, zeolite is chosen as the adsorbent that made up the bed and give the adsorption performance in pressure
swing adsorption.

24 Universitas Indonesia
2.2.6 Process Description Pre-treatment of EFB
The first step of pre-treatment is to reduce the size of EFB using a
shredder. Then the reduced size EFB will be washed using water to cleaned up the
EFB from impurities. Before entering the delignification tank, feed will be heated
by steam in a heat exchanger to make temperature of feed suitable for the
delignification process (around 140-150°C).
Pre-treatment using alkaline is the best method chosen. Because alkaline
can break down cross-linked matrix of hemicelluloses and lignin (lignin removal)
greatly, and raise the porosity and surface area of cellulose for subsequent
enzymatic hydrolysis. Alkaline pre-treatment is operated at lower temperatures
and does not require complex reactors.

Figure 2.2 Schematic Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Material

NaOH is the most commonly used in delignification. With the 10%

concentration of NaOH at temperature 140-145°C, and 4-7 kg/cm 3 of pressure for
30 minutes can remove lignin 47,31% and 68,07% hemicelluloses respectively.
After delignification process, then feed will be trough filtration process. In this
process, the filter will separate the lignin sludge, because lignin is unwanted
component in the hydrolysis process. Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Glucose
25 Universitas Indonesia

Lignocellulosic biomass primarily comprises three major fractions—

cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin—plus lesser amounts of minerals (ash) and
other compounds often termed extractives (Jacobsen and Wyman, 2000).
The cellulose must be converted to fermentable sugars (glucose) before
fermentation process. Hydrolysis is a way that can be done to convert cellulose to
glucose. The hydrolysis method can be performed using dilute acid, concentrated
acid, or enzyme. Enzymatic hydrolysis has some advantages such as; high pure
glucose yield, low environmental impact, and mild reaction conditions.
The effect of temperature, pH, and enzyme ratio on the hydrolysis of
cellulose from EFB fiber was investigated. The combination of cellulase and β 1-4
glucosidase have improved the production of soluble glucose in the reaction. The
glucose concentration achieved after 5 h reaction time using the combination of
cellulase and β 1-4 glucosidase with the ratio of 5:1 hydrolyzed more cellulose
from treated EFB fiber and gave highest soluble glucose concentration up to 4 g
The results revealed that glucose produced tend to increase as the
hydrolysis temperature increases until temperature reaches 50 °C. Further increase
in hydrolysis temperature to 60 °C reduced the glucose production even much
lower as compared with low temperature reaction. When the pH of the medium
was increased, glucose concentration also increased until it reached pH 4.8.
Further increase beyond 4.8 resulted in lower concentration of soluble glucose
achieved. Suitable pH is required for the enzyme to maintain the three
dimensional shape of the active site (Hamzah and Idris, 2011).
Enzymatic hydrolysis of EFB will be carried out in the hydrolyzation tank.
The cellulase and -1,4 glucosidase enzymes are used to hydrolyzed pretreated of
EFB. After delignification using alkali solution, the EFB will be neutralized using
sulfuric acid 97% and keep in buffer tank. Hydrolyzation process performed at
temperatures 50ºC, pH 4.8 and mixed using agitator for 12 hours. Therefore, the
conversion of glucose from cellulose in hydrolyzation process are 67.5%
(Sudiyani et al., 2013). Fermentation Process
. The fermentation of glucose to produce H2 will take place in bioreactor.
The reaction is illustrated in equation below.

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C6H12O6 + 2H2O → 4H2 + 2CH3COOH + 2CO2

It is dark fermentation process, means it proceed without the presence of
light. Because of the use of Clostridium acetobutylicum, therefore it grows in
anaerobic condition. The bioreactor environment must be oxygen free, and replace
it with another inert gas such as N2. The amount pH of the effluent must meet the
requirementof he bacteria growth. The pH study revealed that cumulative
hydrogen production was maximum at initial medium of pH of 6.0. So the effluent
must undergo pH adjustment process to meet the ideal pH. To keep the pH of the
effluent around 6, buffer solution is needed.
Hydrogen fermentation using Clostridium acetobutylicum has also been
carried out between 37-40oC at atomosperic pressure. Hydrogen production was
strongly inhibited at 45oC. So the bioreactor must equipped with thermal jacket
and temperature controller to maintain the temperature system will not exceed or
below the ideal temperature.
In this process, the concentration of glucose is 10 g L-1 and the inoculum
size is 10% v/v. To get desired concentration of glucose, glucose must be diluted
with adding water. The yield of hydrogen in this process was about 2,64 mol H 2
mol-1 glucose. A theoritical maximum hydrogen production yield is 4 mol H 2 mol-1
glucose. So the conversion of this dark fermentation is 66%. The reaction will
produce syngas (H2 and CO2) in gas phase and effluent that contains acetic acid,
glucose, and water. Hydrogen Purification Process
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is chosen to purify and produce the
hydrogen from the gas stream coming from fermentation process. PSA is based on
very simple concept, physical binding of gas molecules to solid adsorbent
material. There are two main process happened in the PSA system, adsorption and
desorption or regeneration. Adsorption of impurities is carried out at high pressure
to increase the partial pressure of the undesired gas CO2 and being determined by
the pressure of the feed gas. The feed gas flows through the adsorber vessel in an
upward direction and the impurities contained such as water and CO 2 are
selectively adsorbed on the surface of the adsorbent.

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After the pure hydrogen exits from the top of adsorber and a defined time
is achieved for the adsorption phase, it enters the regeneration phase where the
adsorbed components are then desorbed from the solid by lowering their
superincumbent gas-phase partial pressures inside the column so that the
adsorbent can be reused. Figure belows gives structural ilustration of how those
steps are undergone.

Figure 2.3 Main Process Steps of a Typical PSA System


The PSA process basically works at constant temperature, any changes in

temperature only occurs by the heat of adsorption and desorption and by
depressurization. The pressure used in adsorber column is about 10 to 40 bars or
145 to 580 psi until equilibrium loading is reached, then lowering the pressure
slightly above the atmospheric pressure to regenerate the adsorbent. The hydrogen
product can be obtained at high purity up to 99, 98% and high recovery rates up to
90% (Keller & Shauhani, 2016).
2.3 Block Flow Diagram
The BFD is shown in Appendix A, Figure A.1.
2.4 Process Flow Diagram
All of the PFD is shown in Appendix A, Figure A.2.

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2.5 Mass and Energy Balance
2.5.1 Mass Balance
Table 2.9 Mass Balance Overall Process
Component (kg/h)
- Ace Ace Sodi Total
M C C. Total
Stream H Na H2SO Be Cellu tic tyl A Cellu Gluc Hemicel Lig um /Stream
ass O Acetobut Water (kg/h)
2 OH 4 ta lase Aci Gro sh lose ose lulose nin Sulf (kg/h)
2 ilicum
Gl d up ate
15 530 2000.00
EFB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 713 0 600.6 0 0
6 .4 000

NaOH to
150 15000.0
Deilignifi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13500
0 0000

Water to 323.50 323.504

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Washing 460 60

Water to 33452.
In 15065.4
Belt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15065. 46974
Filtration 46014
H2SO4 313.7 9.7051
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 323.505
R-101 9947 4
0 0 0 0 17 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
S-116 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.10 Mass Balance Overall Process (cont’d)
Component (kg/h)
M Acet Sodi Total/S
1,4- C. Acet Cell Total
as Stream H C NaO H2S Cellu yl Gluc Hemice Ligni um Wate tream
Beta Acetobu ic Ash ulos (kg/h)
s 2 O2 H O4 lase Grou ose llulose n Sulf r (kg/h)
Gluc tilicum Acid e
p ate
S-106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46.8 0 0 0 26.52 0 396.82
O 82.6 14.2 12.0120 498.8 21632 23376. 32912
S-108 0 0 9489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ut 9708 6 0 4120 .60 36 .49
159.2 62.7 607. 26.5 69.8 469. 363. 6630. 8653.4
S-117 0 0 17 83 100 0 58.86 5.04
9 5989 39 0292 74 34 57 76 0
40 44
.7 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 485.91
8 3

30 Universitas Indonesia

2.5.2 Energy Balance

Table 2.10 Energy Balance Overall Process
Output Requirement
Equipment Input (kJ/h)
(kJ/h) (kJ/h)
Bucket Elevator -1,761.48 0 -1761.48
Grinder -1,800,000 0 -1,800,000
Bucket Conveyor -36,000 -36,000
Washer -635,832 635,832 -1,271,664
HE-101 590,166 3,532,748.4 -2,942,582.4
TK-101 (Delignification) 5,024,059.2 43,755,836.4 -38,731,777
Filter F-101 45,209,530.8 14,140,684.8 31,068,846
HE-102 2,860,624.8 2,288,502 572,122.8
Neutralizer Reactor 2,327,324.4 2,334,315.6 -6,991.2
Hydrolysis Reactor 1,522,064.093 1,567,220.4 -45,156.307
HE-103 1,567,220.4 1,159,743.6 407,476.8
Fermentator 741,236.0491 1,240,660.8 -499,424.75
Compressor -3,467,000 -3,184,000 -283,000
PSA -3,184,000 -616,7000 2,983,000
Total Energy -10,586,912

2.5.3 Production Conversion Efficiency

The reactant will be converted to hydrogen as the desired product.
According to overall mass balance, the product conversion efficiency is :
ṁhydrogen + ṁCO +ṁacetic acid
η= 2
x 100
η= x 100
2.5.4 Product Yield
Yield based on product (H2) is
amount of main product produced
Product yield=
amount of raw material used
Product yield= × 100
Product yield=2.04
2.5.5 Energy Consumption of Unit Product

The total required energy shown in Table 3.2 is 10586912 kJ/h. The energy
required to get the H2 is
Energy Consumption=
Energy Consumption=25093 kJ /kg

2.6 Heat Exchanger Network (HEN)

Heat recovery system is also needed to optimize the energy balance as
well as reducing the cost for utilization for fuel and energy utilities. An overall
goal of using the available energy sources in the most efficient way can be
satisfied by optimal heat recovery from different parts of a given process (Zhang,
et al., 2011), through effective use of heat exchangers that are combined in a heat
exchanger network.
2.6.1 Stream Classification
The first step in making HEN is to classify cold stream and hot stream to
know the temperature changes in the plant.
Table 2.11 Stream Classification in Fermentative Hydrogen Plant
No. Stream In Tin Tout ΔH CP
Out (oC) (oC) Type (kW) (kW/oC)
1 6 (E-101) 7 25 145 Cold 154.065 1.283875
2 13 (E-102) 14 100 80 Hot -182.333 9.11665
3 16 (E-103) 17 80 50 Hot -278.273 9.2757667
4 19 (E-104) 20 50 37 Hot -117.424 9.0326154

Based on table above, there are 3 cold streams and 1 hot stream. The
ΔTmin=10°C is used for shifted calculation. Also the table below show the
calculation for shifted temperature for each stream.

Table 2.12 Shifted Temperature

Type Tin (oC) Tout (oC) Ts* (oC) Tt* (oC)
1 Cold 25 145 30 150
2 Hot 100 80 95 75
3 Hot 80 50 75 45
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4 Hot 50 37 45 32

2.6.2 Energy Target

First step to calculate the energy target is divided the temperature interval
by using cascade diagram. Cascade diagram is a diagram which show the energy
demand or surplus for increasing or decreasing temperature of the stream. To
develop the cascade diagram, the temperature of hot and cold stream need to be
shifted into 50% of ΔTmin. The shift temperature interval is stated with

×∆ T min . If ∆ T min =10o C then the shift temperature for hot stream is 5 oC
below the actual temperature and the shift temperature for cold stream is 5oC
above the actual temperature.
Using problem table cascade, plot of temperature change in shifted streams
based on the energy change is plotted. The result of the first step is shown in
figure below.

Figure 2.4 Hot and Cold Stream

From the hot and cold shifted stream, the energy demand or surplus can be
determined based on the ΔH of each interval. Then, energy demand or surplus
written in problem table as shown in Table 2.14.
Table 2.13 Problem Table

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T(i+1)-Ti mCp net dH Surplus/
Temperature Interval
(oC) (kW/K) (kW) Demand
1 55 -1.2839 -70.6131 Demand
2 20 7.8326 156.6525 Surplus
3 30 7.9919 239.7568 Surplus
4 13 7.7487 100.7336 Surplus
5 2 -1.2839 -2.5678 Demand

Result of problem table will be processed to cascade diagram that is based

on enthalphy change and showing pinch point in Figure 2.5.

Infeasible Cascade ΔH (kW) Feasible Cascade ΔH (kW)

Hot Utility Hot Utility
▼ 0 ▼ 70.61313
-70.613125 -70.613125
H ▼ -70.6131 ▼ 0
156.6525 156.6525
▼ 86.0394 ▼ 156.6525
239.75675 239.75675
▼ 325.796 ▼ 396.4093
100.733625 100.733625
▼ 426.53 ▼ 497.1429
-2.56775 -2.56775
▼ 423.962 ▼ 494.5751
Cold Utility Cold Utility
Figure 2.5 Cascade Diagram

Table 2.14 Minimum Hot and Cold Utility Requirement

Utility Q (MW)
Hot Utility 0.070613
Cold Utility 0.49458

From Figure 2.5, the cold and hot utility is obtained. The minimum of
energy from hot utility is 0.070613 MW, while the minimum of energy from cold
Universitas Indonesia

utility is 0.49458 MW. The result of minimum hot and cold utility from cascade
diagram is same as the plot shown in Grand Composite Curve in Figure 2.6.

Object 23

Figure 2.6 Grand Composite Curve

2.6.3 Heat Exchanger Network Design

Next step is to integrate heat streams to reduce heat load needed in the
process. Integrating of stream can be done by exchanging hot fluid that
can be used as cold fluid of heat exchanger. The result of pinch design
method is shown in Figure 2.7 below.

Figure 2.7 Pinch Design

2.6.4 Process Flow Diagram

Universitas Indonesia

PFD before HEN and PFD after HEN are shown in Appendix A, at A.4
and A.5
2.7 Utility
To operate this plant, some support units or utility units are
needed. This unit is separate from the main process units and plays
important role in the main process of the plant. The required utilities are
water utility, steam utility, air utility, electricity, and waste water treatment
2.7.1 Water Utility
This hydrogen plant requires a water supply to operate. Water is needed
for several things, including washing, process water, boiler feed water, cooling
water, sanitary water, and hydrant water. The water source comes from the river
which is about 5 km from the plant. Water is channeled through the pipe to the
water utility unit. This water source is brackish because it comes from the river
mouth, so it needs to be processed to remove salts, minerals, silt, and organic
substances that can damage the equipment. The mineral content isn’t significant
so it doesn’t need any treatment such as desalination process or else.
The quality of water needed for each different use will also have
different parameters. Table 2.16 and Tabel 2.17 below will show the water
parameters based on their usage.
Table 2.15 Boiler Feed Water Parameters
Parameter Unit Standard
pH - 9
Conductivity µS/cm 2000 (max)
TDS Ppm 3500 (max)
P-Alkalinity Ppm -
M-Alkalinity Ppm 800 (max)
O-Alkalinity Ppm 2.5 x SiO2 (min)

Table 2.16 Boiler Feed Water Parameters (cont’d)

Parameter Unit Standard
Silica Ppm 150 (max)
Fe Ppm 2 (max)
P Ppm -
SO4- Ppm 20 – 50
O mg/L 0.05
Universitas Indonesia

Hardness (Ca, Mg) mmol/L <0.01

Table 2.16 Cooling Water Parameters

Parameter Unit Standard
pH - 6.5 – 8
Conductivity mS/m <80
Cl- mg/L <200
SO4- mg/L <200
M-Alkalinity mg/L <100
Silica Ppm 150

Table 2.18 below shows the water requirement for the plant before considering
Table 2.17 Water Requirement in Plant Before HEN
No Equipment Mass Flow
. Code Name (kg/h)
1. BFW Boiler 18,708.45
2. E-102 Pre-Cooler 15,677.07
3. E-103 Pre-Cooler 23,926.03
4. E-104 Pre-Cooler 10,096.16
5. R-104 Fermentation Reactor 17,729.41
6. WM-101 Washer 323.50
7. F-101 Filter 15,065.46
8. PW Process Water 28,984.57
Total Requirement 130,510.65
It shows that the plant needs water about 130.510 ton per hour
before considering HEN. Table 2.19 below shows water needs in plant
after considering HEN.
Table 2. 18 Water Requirement in Plant After HEN
Equipment Mass Flow
Code Name (kg/h)
1. BFW Boiler 18,500.1
2. E-102 Pre-Cooler 8,465.62
3. E-103 Pre-Cooler 23,926.03
4. E-104 Pre-Cooler 10,096.16
5. R-104 Fermentation Reactor 17,729.41
6. WM-101 Washer 323.50
7. F-101 Filter 15,065.46
8. PW Process Water 28,984.57
Total Requirement 123,090.85

Universitas Indonesia

Therefore, the water requirement before and after considering HEN

is different. Water needs after HEN is about 123.09 ton per hour, so the
plant will save around 7419, 8 kg per hour. In addition, a plant also needs
water for sanitation. This plant is assumed to require 1500 kg per hour of
sanitary water.
The process flow diagram of water treatment process is can be seen in
Appendix A.6.
2.7.2 Steam Utility Steam Requirement
In this hydrogen plant, there are some heating system. So steam is needed
in these heating system. The steam will be heated by boiler the supplied to the
equipment. Steam that will be used for the plant has been determined. The steam
will be classified as low pressure steam (3 bar) and the temperature of steam is
about 260oC. Table below shows the steam requirement before considering HEN.
Table 2. 19 Steam Requirement in Plant Before HEN
No Mass Flow
Equipment Q (kcal/h) Qc(kj/h)
. (kg/h)
1 Pre-heat Delignification 132563.13 555015.31 328.98
2 Reactor Delignification 9257293.87 38758438 18378.87
3 Reactor Hydrolysis 304.59 1275.2574 0.6
Total Requirement 18708.45

After applying HEN to hydrogen plant, there is a stream process whose

heat is exhanged with another stream process. Table below shows the result of
steam, requirement after HEN.

Table 2.20 Steam Requirement in Plant After HEN

No. Equipment Q (kcal/h) Qc(kj/h) Mass Flow (kg/h)
Pre-heat 254382.0
1 60758.1 120.63
Delignification 1
2 Reactor Delignification 38758438 18378.87
3 Reactor Hydrolysis 304.59 0.6
Total 18500.1

Universitas Indonesia

It shows that after using HEN, the plant save some steam. Steam
requirement before using HEN is 18,708.45 kg/h, while after using HEN the
requirement can be reduce until 18,500.1 kg/h. Fuel and Air Requirement
Steam will be produced by boiler that needs fuel. In hydrogen plant, fuel
that will be used is fuel gas (natural gas). Natural gas is purchased from another
plant such as Chevron. To know natural gas needs in hydrogen plants, total heat
required for steam must be calculated. From steam table, heat capacity steam at 3
bar and 260oC is 2.0466 kJ/kg.. The equation of heat required is
Total Heat Required=mass flow × heat capacity
Total heat required before HEN is 38,288.71 kJ /h , while the total heat
after HEN in 37,862.3 kJ / h .Net Heating Value for Natural gas is 850 Btu/ft 3 or
31705 kJ/nm3 . Equation to get rate fuel gas needed in boiler is
Total Heat Required
Rate of Fuel Gas=
Before HEN, rate of fuel gas is 1.2077 nm3/h, while after HEN is 1.1942
Air is needed for combustion reaction of fuel gas with the composition in
table below.
Table 2.21 Composition of Fuel Gas

Compostion % mole
Methane 93.9
Ethane 4.2
Propane 0.3
i-butane 0.03
n-butane 0.03
i-pentane 0.01
n-pentane 0.01
Hexane 0.01
Hydrogen 0.01

Table 2.22 Composition of Fuel Gas (cont’d)

Compostion % mole
Nitrogen 1

Universitas Indonesia

If assume that reaction fuel gas is complete combustion reaction, so molar

flow rate for oxygen is
ńO reacted =2× ńC H +3.5 × ńC H +5 × ńC
2 4 2 6 3 H8 + 6.5× ńC 4 H 10 + 6.5× ńC 4 H 10 +8 × ńC H +8 × ń C H + 9.5× ńC
5 12 5 12 6

Therefore, the molar flow rate for air is

ńair =ńO ×
The results are before considering HEN, air needed for boiler is
11,804.67 kg/h, while after HEN is 11,672.5 kg/h.

Simulating the steam generation process has also been done to get more
precision result. The result for both manual and simulation with Hysys are shown
in table below.

Table 2.22 Steam, Fuel, and Air Requirement Before and After HEN
Manual Simulation
Before HEN After HEN Before HEN After HEN
Steam (kg/hr) 18,708.45 18,500.1 18,708.45 18,500.1
Fuel (nm3/h) 1.143 0.9667 1.0227 1.0119
Air (kg/h) 11,804.67 11,672.5 9,996 9,890

Take note that the nm here means normal meter, which is the
volume is measured in standard condition 60 °F and 1 atm.The process of
steam generation is shown in Appendix A.7

2.7.3 Electricity
All process in the fermentative hydrogen plant need electricity to supply
power then actuate the equipments such as pump, compressor, conveyor, and
others. Besides for the plant operations itself, electricity is also needed for office
needs. The data of the power requirement will be derived from the simulation,
then the calculation will determine the amount of energy needed to the plant and
provide information about the total power of electricity needed to maintain and
operate the whole process and activities in the plant.

Table 2.23 Process Equipment Electricity Requirement

Universitas Indonesia

Power Requirement
No Process Equipment Code Qty
(kW) per Hour
Bucket EV-
0.49 0.49
Elevator 101 1
Grinder G-101 1 500.00 500.00
Bucket BC-
10.00 10.00
Conveyor 101 1
Washer 353.24 353.24
101 1
Pre- Pump P-101 1 0.01 0.01
treatment Pump P-102 1 0.031 0.031
Pump P-103 1 0.17 0.17
Pump P-104 1 0.17 0.17
Delignification TK-
107.58 107.58
Tank 101 1
Pump P-105 1 0.002 0.002
1.94 1.94
Reactor R-102 1
2 Hydrolysis Pump P-106 1 0.10 0.10
3 Compressor 78.61 78.61
Purification C-101 1
Pump P-401 1 4.81 4.81
Pump P-402 1 8.01 8.01
4 Pump P-403 1 6.41 6.41
Pump P-404 1 5.32 5.32
Pump P-405 1 1.79 1.79
Table 2.24 Process Equipment Electricity Requirement (cont’d)

Power Requirement
No Process Equipment Code Qty
(kW) per Hour
Waste Pump P-301 1 0.09 0.09
5 Water Pump P-302 1 0.08 0.08
Treatment Compressor F-301 1 4.13 4.13
TOTAL 1082.99

With the assumption of 330 days of effective operation in the plant, the
annual process electricity requirement can be calculated using the equation below:
Electrictiy requirement per year=energy process unit requirement per day x total process da
Universitas Indonesia

= 8,577,280.8 kWh
The electricity requirement will be fully supplied by PLN (Perusahaan
Listrik Negara)¸with the usage cost per kWh is Rp 1,467.28 for R2-TR category.
Cost of electricity per year=Electricity requirement per year x price of electricity per kWh=
= Rp 12,585,272,572

2.7.4 Wastewater Treatment

There are two types of waste from processing empty fruit bunches
(EFB) to fermentative hydrogen; sludge and liquid waste. The waste
treatment process for the plant including:
a. Filtration (for the sludge)
Before going to the clarifier tank, sludge waste must be trough filtration
process, to separate solid and liquid component in the sludge. The solid waste
then can be used for organic fertilizer. While the liquid waste will be put
together with liquid waste from dark fermentation to the next process.
b. Clarifier
The first process after the two waste combined is clarifier. Waste will be
accomodated in clarifier tank. Process that occur in that tank is sedimentation
without presence of coagulant. In this process it is expected to occur
between solid and liquid. Sediment that formed in clarifier can be used for
fertilizer and feed for biogas, while the liquid waste will be directed to the
neutralizer tank.
c. Neutralizer
Liquid waste that resulting from dark fermentation is at acidic conditions wit
pH  4.5, so that the liquid needed to neutralized by added alkaline solution
(Ca(OH)2), until the pH  7.
d. Aerator
The next step is biological treatment, using activated sludge in the storage
tank. Activated sludge is used for digest organic compound (so that can fulfill
the requirement for liquid waste can be released into the environment) and
make the precipitate process faster. There will be a number of air pumped into
the tank for supply oxygen. Then the waste will be flow into the secondary
tank, the remaining activated sludge will be formed in the top of the tank,
then it will be pumped back into the first tank for recycle. Solid waste will be

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formed in the second tank and will be taken manually. The remaining liquid
then will be treated by adding chlorine so that the liquid waste can be released
into the sea.
The wastewater treatment process is shown in Appendix A.8
2.7.5 Comparison of Pre-HEN and Post-HEN
The utility which is used in the process are electricity and water.
Before HEN is constructed, assume that each of the streams will then be
increased or decreased by utility, and resulting into calculation of total
energy consumed in both hot utility and cold utility.

Table 2.24 Efficiency of HEN for Hot and Cold Utility

Q (MW) Difference
Utility Efficiency
Before HEN After HEN (MW)
Hot Utility 0.154065 0.070613 0.08345 54%
Cold Utility 0.57803 0.49458 0.08345 14%

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4.1 Main Process Sizing

3.1.1 Biomass Storage (Warehouse)
Warehouse used to place Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) as raw material. EFB
is obtained from oil palm plantations near the plant and stored for daily use in
fermentative hydrogen production .The detail specification of EFB warehouse can
be shown from Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Warehouse Specification

Empty Fruit Bunches
Storage for Empty Fruit
Bunches (Raw Material)
Number of Unit 1
Material Concrete
Rectangle building with a
triangular prism roofs
Operation Data
Temperature 30
Pressure 1 atm
Bulk Density 1,150 kg/m3
Capacity 336 tons
Volume 360 m3
Length 12 m
Width 8m
Height 3.75 m

3.1.2 Bucket Elevator (EV-101)

Bucket elevator with large pulley and lower RPM to reach bigger capacity
is needed to carry the EFB from warehouse to grinder. Capacity of the material to

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be carried in bucket is considered to select and purchase the type of elevator

needed. The specification of bucket elevator is shown in Table 3.2

Table 3.2 Bucket Elevator Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Bucket Elevator
Equipment Code EV-101
Carry the EFB from
warehouse to grinder
Number of Unit 1
Design Specification
Capacity 40 ton/h
Pulley Diameter 600 mm
Trunking 406 mm x 254 mm
Belt Speed 2.2 m/s
Belt Width 13" x 4P
Bucket Size 12" x 6"
Bucket Space 20 cm

3.1.3 Grinder (EV-101)

Grinder or shredder is used to crush and grind rhe EFB into small pieces
before it will be washed. The specification of grinder is obtained from the
supplier, which shown in Table 3.3

Table 3.3 Grinder Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Grinder
Equipment Code G-101
to crush and grind the
EFB to small pieces
Number of Unit 1
Design Specification
Power 110 kW
Universitas Indonesia

Cutting Chamber Width 1500 mm

Weigth 9 ton
Speed Main Shaft 25 RPM
Speed Secondary Shaft 17 RPM
LxBxH 1600 x 1520 x 1520 mm

3.1.4 Belt Conveyor (BC-101)

Conveyor is aim to load solid that has been crushed through a belt. The
specification of turbine is shown from Table 3.4

Table 3.4 Belt Conveyor Specification

Design Specification
Type Flat & Roll
Inclination degree 30o
Width (inches) 20
Length (ft) 100
Power (hp) 1.70
Maximum velocity (ft/min) 85
Maximum capacity (ton/hr) 0.28
Material of Belt Polymer or Plastic Polyester

3.1.5 Washer (WM-101)

Washer is used to remove the impurities, debris, and dust from the EFB
that has been crushed, with the flow of water. The specification of washer
that suit the process requirement is shown in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 Washer Specification

Design Specification
Capacity (kg/h) 2,000 – 3,000
2,550 x 1,000 x
Dimension (mm)
Power (kW) 4
Water Consumption (kg/h) 300
Power (hp) 1.70

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.6 Heater (E-101)

Heater (E-101) is used to pre-heat the sludge of EFB to 100 °C before it
enters the delignification tank. The specification of heater by calculation is
shown in figure below.

Figure 3.1 Heat Exchanger E-101 Specification Sheet

Figure 3.2 Mechanical Drawing E-101

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.7 Reactor Delignification Tank (R-101)

Table 3.6 Delignification Tank Specification

Delignification Tank
Operating Condition
Flowrate (kg/day) 3426.68
Capacity (m ) 2.69
Temperature (oC) 145
Pressure (bar) 1.39
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 1.20
Outside Diamerter with jacket
Tank Height (m) 1.79
Head Type Torispherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.199
Total Height 1.993
Shell Thickness (cm) 0.945
Head Thickness (cm) 0.602
Impeller Type Pitch Blade
Diameter (m) 0.40
Shaft Diameter 0.05
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.40
Rotation Speed (rpm) 60
Power (KW/m3) 3

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Figure 3.3 Mechanical Drawing of Delignification Tank Neutralizing Tank (R-102)

Neutralizing or neutralizer tank is used to neutralize the stream come out
of filter before it enters hydrolyisis reactor that require low pH condition. The
specification of neutralizer tanks is showsn in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 Neutralizing Tank Specification

Equipment Specification
Type: Flow Reactor
Fao 2.53 mol/s
X 0.80 %
K 779.75 1/min
Ca 1,08 mol/m3
V 0,002 m3/s
V 0,14462 m3/min
Total volume with safety 0,16 m3
Diameter of Reactor 0,45687 M
Height of Fluid 0,94885455 M
Height of Reactor 1,04374 M
Shell Thickness 1,09 Cm
Table 3.7 Neutralizing Tank Specification (cont’d)

Equipment Specification
Universitas Indonesia

Diameter of Impeller 0,1599045 M

Diameter of Baffle 0,045687 M
Position of Impeller from
0,15 M
Spesific Power for Agitation 1 kW/m3

Figure 3.4 Mechanical Drawing of Neutralization Tank Hydrolysis Reactor (R-103)

Hydrolysis reactor acts like a continuous stirred tank reactor. In
this plant the reactor is used to hydrolyze cellulose and hemicellulose to be
smaller molecule, monomer, known as glucose. The specification of
hydrolysis reactor is shown from Table 3.8.

Table 3.8 Hydrolysis Reactor Specification

Equipment Specification
Batch Reactor
Component Glucose & Xylose Unit
X 90,00 %
T 12,00 h
Table 3.8 Hydrolysis Reactor Specification (cont’d)

Equipment Specification
V 25,8846 m3
Total volume with safety 28,4731 m3
Universitas Indonesia

Diameter of Reactor 2,57397 m

Height of Fluid 5,26494 m
Height of Reactor 5,79144 m
Shell Thickness 1,30280 cm
Head Thickness 0,57746 cm
Diameter of Impeller 0,91 m
Diameter of Baffle 0,25740 m
Position of Impeller from
0,85799 m
Spesific Power for Agitation 0,2 kW/m3

Figure 3.5 Mechanical Drawing of Hydrolysis Tank Fermenter (R-104)

Fermenter also categorized as bioreactor that acts like batch
reactor. It is using bacteria to produce hydrogen and acetic acid as by-
prodict from glucose fermentation. The specification of fermenter is
shown from Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 Fermenter Specification

Universitas Indonesia

Equipment Specification
Component Glucose & Xylose Unit
X 90,00 %
T 12,00 h
V 25,8846 m3
Total volume with safety 28,4731 m3
Diameter of Reactor 2,57397 m
Height of Fluid 5,26494 m
Height of Reactor 5,79144 m
Shell Thickness 1,30280 cm
Head Thickness 0,57746 cm
Diameter of Impeller 0,91 m
Diameter of Baffle 0,25740 m
Position of Impeller from
0,85799 m
Spesific Power for Agitation 0,2 kW/m3

Figure 3.6 Mechanical Drawing of Fermentor

3.1.8 Filter
Plate and frame filter is aim to separate between hydrolyzed and
un-hydrolyzed product. The specification of P&F filter is shown from
Table 3.10.
Table 3.10 Filter Specification
Design Specification
Filter Area (m ) 80

Universitas Indonesia

Plate Size (mm) 870 x 870

Cake Thickness (mm) 30
Filter Chamber (L) 1210
Number of Plates 62
Number of Frames 63
Filtration Pressure (MPa) 0.6

3.1.9 Storage Tank

Every vessel has the different specification and design. The detail
specification of each vessel can be shown below. NaOH Storage Tank

Table 3.11 NaOH Storage Tank Specification

Type of fluid NaOH

Mass flow (kg/h) 1500
Density (kg/m3) 1500
Flow rate (m3/h) 1
Volume (m3/week) 168
Volume (m3) 184.8
Horizontal/vertical Vertical Concrete Foundation
Temperature (°C) 25
Pressure (kPa) 101.3
L/D 0.8
D (m) 6.527
L (m) 5.221

Table 3.11 NaOH Storage Tank Specification (cont’d)

Thickness (mm) > 12

Open/close vessel Close
Material type Stainless Steel 316
Vessel Head type Torispherical Dished Head H2SO4 Storage Tank

Table 3.12 H2SO4 Storage Tank Specification

Type of fluid Sulphate Acid

Mass flow (kg/h) 15000
Density (kg/m3) 1840
Flow rate (m3/h) 0.176
Volume (m3/week) 29.537
Volume (m3) 32.491
Universitas Indonesia

Horizontal/vertical Vertical Concrete Foundation

Temperature (°C) 25
Pressure (kPa) 101.3
L/D 0.8
D (m) 3.678
L (m) 2.942
Thickness (mm) >12
Open/close vessel Close
Material type Stainless Steel 316
Vessel Head type Torispherical Dished Head Storage Tank before Hydrolysis Reactor

To make the the hydrolysis reactor works as continue operation and
to enhance the productivity of the process in the plant, storage tank for the
outlet stream coming out of neutralizing reactor is stored first and then
flow in to the hydrolysis reactors at designed schedule. The specification
of this storage tank is shown in Table 3.13.

Table 3.13 Storage Tank Before Hydrolysis Reactor Specification

Mass flow (kg/h) 1287.32

Density (kg/m3) 1047.617
Flow rate (m3/h) 1.229
Volume (m3/week) 206.44
Volume (m3) 227.084
Horizontal/vertical Vertical Concrete Foundation
Temperature (°C) 50
Pressure (kPa) 161.3
L/D 0.8
D (m) 6.986
L (m) 5.589
Thickness (mm) >12
Open/close vessel Close
Material type Carbon Steel SA 283
Vessel Head type Dished Head Storage Tank before Fermentor

Same like the the storage tank built before hydrolysis reactor, to
make the fermentor work as continue operation and to enhance the
productivity of the process in the plant, storage tank for the outlet stream
Universitas Indonesia

coming out of hydrolysis reactor is stored first and then flow in to the
fermenters at designed schedule. The specification of this storage tank is
shown in Table 3.14.

Table 3. 14 Storage Tank Before Fermentor Specification

Mass flow (kg/h) 1380.42

Density (kg/m3) 1056.609
Flow rate (m3/h) 1.306
Volume (m3/week) 219.486
Volume (m3) 241.434
Horizontal/vertical Vertical Concrete Foundation
Temperature (°C) 37
Pressure (kPa) 101.3
L/D 0.8
D (m) 7.128
L (m) 5.703
Thickness (mm) >12
Open/close vessel Close
Material type Carbon Steel SA 283
Vessel Head type Dished Head

3.1.10 Compressor
Table 3. 15 Compressor Specification

Compression Head
MW 16.01 kg/kmol
SG 0.552741786
Γ 1.299150046
T1 (in) 310 K
Z 0.9995
R 848 kg m /kmolK
(γ-1)/γ 0.2303
P2 (out) 1000 kPa
P1 (in) 101.325 kPa

Universitas Indonesia

Head 49472.87336 meter

Table 3.15 Compressor Specification (cont’d)

Compression Power
A 11
Epoly 0.806
n 1.4
(n-1)/n 0.2857
Eisen 0.7518
γ/(γ-1) 4.3428
q 772.2505 m3/h
q 1.85E-02 106 std m3/d
q actual 1,91E-02
Ps 100 kPa
Ts 288 K
kW / stage 90,59 kW
q untuk WL 0,227767 m3/s
u 28,73 m/s
d 0,3982 m/s
N 1379,0000 Rpm
FL 0,095144861
WL 0 kW
Total Daya 90,77 kW

3.11 Pump
Table 3.16 Pump (P-101) Specification

Name P-101
P in 101,325 Pa
P out 131,723 Pa
ΔP 30,398 Pa
Δh 0 M
ρ 998 kg/m3

Table 3.16 Pump (P-101) Specification (cont’d)

Universitas Indonesia

Name P-101
g 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 5 M
F 2.267 m2/s2
ṁ 0.0899 kg/s
Flow 9,01,E-05 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 2.94 Watt
W act 3.92 Watt
Head 3.34 M
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 3.170 Pa
NPSHa 9.804706 M

Table 3.17 Pump (P-102) Specification

Name P-102
P in 101,325 Pa
P out 455,963 Pa
ΔP 354,638 Pa
Δh 0.5 M
ρ 1045 kg/m3
g 9,8 m/s2
L pipe 12 M
F 9.524 m2/s2
ṁ 4.1667 kg/s
Flow 0.003987 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 1474.13 Watt
W act 1965.50 Watt
Table 3.17 Pump (P-102) Specification (cont’d)

Name P-102
Head 36.10 M
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 6,560 Pa
NPSHa 7.781256 M

Table 3.18 Pump (P-103) Specification

Name P-103
P in 101,325 Pa
P out 405,300 Pa
Universitas Indonesia

ΔP 303,975 Pa
Δh 0 m
ρ 1045 kg/m3
g 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 12 m
F 5.195 m2/s2
ṁ 4.1667 kg/s
Flow 0.003987 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 1233.67 Watt
W act 1644.89 Watt
Head 30.21 m
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 6,560 Pa
NPSHa 8.723 m

Table 3.19 Pump (P-104) Specification

Name P-104
P in 62,036 Pa
P out 253,313 Pa
ΔP 191,277 Pa
Δh 0 m
ρ 1010 kg/m3
g 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 5 m
F 2.239 m2/s2
ṁ 2.944 kg/s
Flow 0.00237 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 458.65 Watt
W act 611.54 Watt
Head 19.55 m
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 1,000 Pa
NPSHa 9.9 m

Table 3. 20 Pump (P-105) Specification

Name P-105
P in 101,325 Pa
Universitas Indonesia

P out 151,988 Pa
ΔP 50,663 Pa
Δh 0 M
Ρ 1035 kg/m3
G 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 5 M
F 2.185 m2/s2
Table 3. 20 Pump (P-105) Specification (cont’d)
Name P-105
ṁ 2.48 kg/s
Flow 0.0024 m3/s
H 0.5
W theo 243.09 Watt
W act 324.11 Watt
Head 9.99 M
Type Pa
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 1,24 M
NPSHa 9.754 Pa

Table 3. 21 Pump (P-106) Specifications

Name P-106
P in 99,064 Pa
P out 101,325 Pa
ΔP 2,261 Pa
Δh 0.5 m
Ρ 1035 kg/m3
G 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 0.5 m
F 4.589 m2/s2
ṁ 2.4831 kg/s
Flow 0.0024 m3/s
Η 0,75
W theo 28.99 Watt
W act 38.65 Watt
Head 1.19 m

Table 3. 21 Pump (P-106) Specification (cont’d)

Name P-106
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 6,560 Pa
NPSHa 8.3738 m
Universitas Indonesia

Table 3. 22 Pump (P-107) Specifications

Name P-107
P in 99.054 Pa
P out 120.000 Pa
ΔP 20.946 Pa
Δh 3 m
ρ 1045 kg/m3
g 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 20 m
F 34.634 m2/s2
ṁ 4.1667 kg/s
Flow 0.003987 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 350.33 Watt
W act 467.10 Watt
Head 8.58 m
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 0.1 Pa
NPSHa 3.36 m

Table 3. 23 Pump (P-107) Specifications

Name P-108
P in 95,000 Pa
P out 120,000 Pa
ΔP 25,000 Pa
Δh 2 m
ρ 1045 kg/m3
g 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 30 m
F 30.305 m2/s2
ṁ 4.1667 kg/s
Flow 0.003987 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 307.62 Watt
W act 410.16 Watt

Universitas Indonesia

Head 7.53 m
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 0.1 Pa
NPSHa 4.8 m

Table 3. 24 Pump (P-109) Specifications

Name P-109
P in 95,000 Pa
P out 120,000 Pa
ΔP 25,000 Pa
Δh 2 M
ρ 1045 kg/m3
g 9.8 m/s2
L pipe 15 M
F 23.811 m2/s2
Table 3. 24 Pump (P-109) Specifications (cont’d)
Name P-109
ṁ 4.1667 kg/s
Flow 0.003987 m3/s
η 0.75
W theo 280.56 Watt
W act 374.08 Watt
Head 6.87 M
P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 0.1 Pa
NPSHa 5.464337 M

Table 3. 25 Pump (P-110) Specifications

Name P-110
P in 99.000 Pa
P out 110.325 Pa
ΔP 11.325 Pa
Δh 2 M
ρ 1045 kg/m3
g 9,8 m/s2
L pipe 30 M
F 30,305 m2/s2
ṁ 4,1667 kg/s
Flow 0,0039872 m3/s
η 0,75
W theo 253,09 Watt
W act 337,46 Watt
Head 6,20 m

Universitas Indonesia

P atm 101325 Pa
P vap 1,00E-01 Pa
NPSHa 4,801689 m

3.1.12 Pressure Swing Adsorber

Hydrogen stream with the molar flow rate of 20,2462 kmol/hour is sent to
the molecular sieve bed to produce pure hydrogen (>99,9% mole). Specification
of feed and product are presented in table below. The regeneration cycle are
executed in following consecutive basic sub cycle: Equalization step, Providing
for purging step, Dumping, Purging, and Re-pressurization

Table 3. 26 Feed and Product Specifications

Specification Unit Feed Product
Molar flow Kmol/hour 30,36 20,14
Mass flow Kg/hour 485,9 40,4082
Vapour fraction Mol-fraction 1 1
Liquid fraction Mol-fraction 0 0
Specific heat kJ/kmole. ° C 32,28 28,58
Temperature ° C 40 42
Pressure bar 10 10

Moreover, the specifications of adsorbent and adsorption bed are presented

in Table 3.27 below.

Table 3. 27 Specifications of Adsorbent and Adsorption

Specification Unit Value
Adsorbent -- Molecular Sieve
Shape -- Beads
Crush Strength N 40 min.
Diameter Mm 1,6-2,5
Bulk Density g/ml 0,74 min.
Particle Density g/ml 1,13
Attrition Wt.% 0,3 max.
Table 3. 27 Specifications of Adsorbent and Adsorption (cont’d)
Specification Unit Value
Bed Height mm 2900
Bed ID mm 1800
Bed Void -- 0,35

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.13 Heater (E-102)

Heater (E-102) is used to heat the sludge of EFB to 145 °C after it pre-
heated and before it enters the delignification tank. The specification of
heater by calculation is shown in figure below.

Figure 3.7 Heat Exchanger E-102 Specification Sheet

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.8 Mechanical Drawing E-102

3.1.14 Cooler (E-103)

Cooler (E-103) is used to cool the sludge of EFB to 80 °C before it enters
the hydrolysis reactor. The specification of heater by calculation is shown
in figure below.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.9 Heat Exchanger E-103 Specification Sheet

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.10 Mechanical Drawing E-103

3.1.15 Cooler (E-104)

Cooler (E-104) is used to cool the sludge of EFB to 50 °C before it
enters the hydrolysis reactor. The specification of heater by calculation is
shown in figure below.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.11 Heat Exchanger E-104 Specification Sheet

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.12 Mechanical Drawing E-104

3.1.16 Cooler (E-105)

Cooler (E-105) is used to cool the glucose to 37 °C before it enters
the hydrolysis reactor. The specification of heater by calculation is shown
in figure below.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.13 Heat Exchanger E-105 Specification Sheet

Figure 3.14 Mechanical Drawing E-105

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.17 Mixing Tank

Mixing tank is used for making solution of NaOH and H 2SO4, which will
entering hydrolysis and fermentor respectively. The specification of mixing tank is
as below.
Table 3. 28 Mixing Tank for NaOH Specification

Mixing Tank for NaOH

Code MX-101
Number of Unit 1
Mixing medium and strerilizing
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 1
Flowrate (kg/day) 1500,00
Capacity (m ) 1.25
Temperature (oC) 70
Pressure (bar) 101.30
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder Tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 0.93
Outside Diamerter with
jacket (m) 1.19
Tank Height (m) 1.39
Head Type Torispherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.154
Total Height 1.545
Shell Thickness (m) 0.007
Head Thickness (m) 0.005
Impaller Type Pitch Blade
Number 1
Diameter 0.31
Shaft Diameter 0.04
Distance from Tank
Rotation Speed (rpm) 100
Power (W) 7.82

Table 3.29 Mixing Tank for H2SO4 Specification

Universitas Indonesia

Mixing Tank for H2SO4

Code MX-102
Number of Unit 1
Mixing medium and strerilizing
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 1
Flowrate (kg/day) 323.505
Capacity (m3) 0.22
Temperature (oC) 70
Pressure (bar) 101.30
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 0.52
Outside Diamerter with
jacket (m) 0.87
Tank Height (m) 0.78
Head Type Torispherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.087
Total Height 0.865
Shell Thickness (m) 0.005
Head Thickness (m) 0.004
Impaller Type Pitch Blade
Number 1
Diameter 0.17
Shaft Diameter 0.02
Distance from Tank
Bottom 0.17
Rotation Speed (rpm) 100
Power (W) 1.98

4.2 Utility Process Sizing

3.2.1. Water Utility Sizing
Based on the equipments needed shown in PFD and the description
process that already stated before, the sizing are as follows:
Universitas Indonesia
72 Pump
Table 3.30 Pump Specification (P-501)
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Pump
Equipment Code P-501
Type Centrifugal Pump
Operation Data
Temperature (K) 298
kg 998
Density ( 3
Pressure inlet (Pa) 101325
Pressure outlet (Pa) 131325
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6564
Mass Flow (kg/s) 57.72
Efficiency (%) 75
Fluid Water
Design Specification
Power (W) 2425.72
Head (m) 3.22
NPSHa (m) 9.58

Table 3.31 Pump Specification (P-502)

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Pump
Equipment Code P-502
Type Centrifugal Pump

Table 3.31 Pump Specification (P-502) (cont’d)

Operation Data
Temperature (K) 298
kg 995
Density ( ¿
Universitas Indonesia

Pressure inlet (Pa) 101325

Pressure outlet (Pa) 1114575
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6564
Mass Flow (kg/s) 54.24
Efficiency (%) 75
Fluid Water
Design Specification
Power (W) 73739.93
Head (m) 104.03
NPSHa (m) 9.57

Table 3. 32 Pump Specification (P-503)

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Pump
Equipment Code P-503
Type Centrifugal Pump
Operation Data
Temperature (K) 298.8
kg 994.6
Density ( ¿
Pressure inlet (Pa) 101325
Pressure outlet (Pa) 1114575
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6564
Mass Flow (kg/s) 43.38
Efficiency (%) 75
Fluid Water

Table 3.32 Pump Specification (P-503) (cont’d)

Design Specification
Power (W) 59001.68
Universitas Indonesia

Head (m) 104.09

NPSHa (m) 9.58

Table 3. 33 Pump Specification (P-504)

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Pump
Equipment Code P-504
Type Centrifugal Pump
Operation Data
Temperature (K) 300
kg 994
Density ( 3
Pressure inlet (Pa) 101325
Pressure outlet (Pa) 131325
Operation Data
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6564
Mass Flow (kg/s) 10.06
Efficiency (%) 75
Fluid Water
Design Specification
Power (W) 1211.57
Head (m) 9.21
NPSHa (m) 3.59

Table 3. 34 Pump Specification (P-505)

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Pump
Equipment Code P-505
Type Centrifugal Pump
Operation Data
Temperature (K) 300

Universitas Indonesia

kg 994
Density ( ¿
Pressure inlet (Pa) 101325
Pressure outlet (Pa) 131325
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6564
Mass Flow (kg/s) 10.07
Efficiency (%) 75
Fluid Water
Design Specification
Power (W) 423.69
Head (m) 3.22
NPSHa (m) 9.58

Table 3. 35 Pump Specification (P-506)

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Pump
Equipment Code P-506
Type Centrifugal Pump
Operation Data
Temperature (K) 300
kg 994
Density ( ¿
Pressure inlet (Pa) 101325
Pressure outlet (Pa) 131325

Table 3. 35 Pump Specification (P-506) (cont’d)

Operation Data
Vapor pressure (Pa) 6564
Mass Flow (kg/s) 10.06
Efficiency (%) 75
Fluid Water
Universitas Indonesia

Design Specification
Power (W) 498
Head (m) 3.79
NPSHa (m) 9.02 Pipe
Table 3. 36 Pipe Specification

Pipe code Material Schedule ID (mm) Nominal Size (inch)

S-101 Steel 40 199.25 8
S-102 Steel 40 160.91 8
S-103 Steel 40 162.07 8
S-104 Steel 40 162.07 8
S-105 Steel 40 162.12 8
S-106 Steel 40 157.40 8
S-107 Steel 40 156.21 8
S-108 Steel 40 137.72 6
S-109 Steel 40 137.41 6
S-110 Steel 40 122.78 5
S-111 Steel 40 103.46 5
S-112 Steel 40 66.12 3
S-113 Steel 40 66.03 3
S-114 Steel 40 66.03 3
S-115 Steel 40 66.03 3
Table 3. 36 Pipe Specification (cont’d)

Pipe code Material Schedule ID (mm) Nominal Size (inch)

S-116 Steel 40 66.03 3
S-117 Steel 40 65.97 3
S-119 Steel 40 2.25 0.125
S-120 Steel 40 2.69 0.125
S-121 Steel 40 2.22 0.125
S-122 Steel 40 162.12 8
S-125 Steel 40 5.5 0.125
S-126 Steel 40 5.5 0.125
S-127 Steel 40 3.5 0.125
S-128 Steel 40 3.5 0.125
S-129 Steel 40 3.5 0.125
S-130 Steel 40 3.5 0.125
S-131 Steel 40 5.87 0.125
Universitas Indonesia

S-132 Steel 40 5.87 0.125

S-133 Steel 40 5.87 0.125
S-134 Steel 40 11.46 0.375 Screen
Table 3. 37 Screen Specification

Screen type Static screen

Material SS 304
Screen opening (mm) 0.5
Capacity (gpm) 1490
Dimension (inch) 56 x 124 x 72 Reverse Osmosis

Table 3. 38 Reverse Osmosis Specification

Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Reverse Osmosis
Equipment Code R-401
Membrane Type (DOW) BW30-400
Feed Source Brackish Water
SDI <5
Permeate Flow (gpm) 550
Recovery (%) 75
Design Specification
Flow Configuration Plug Flow
Active Membrane Area (ft2) 400
Average Flux (gfd) 15
Number of Element (Ne) 132
Number of Pressure Vessels 22
Design Specification
Number of Stages 2
Staging Ratio 2:1 Blending Tank

Table 3. 39 Blending Tank Specification

Code T-401
Number of Unit 1.00
Mixing river water with sodium
Operating Condition
Universitas Indonesia

Storage Time (days) 1.00

Flowrate (kg/day) 208081.00
Capacity (m3) 274.59
Temperature (oC) 70
Pressure (bar) 2.05

Table 3. 39 Blending Tank Specification (cont’d)

Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 5.59
Tank Height (m) 8.39
Head Type Torispherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.932
Total Height 9.321
Shell Thickness (m) 0.040
Head Thickness (m) 0.024
Impaller Type Pitch Blade
Number 1
Diameter 1.86
Shaft Diameter 0.23
Distance from Tank Bottom 1.86
Rotation Speed (rpm) 100
Power (W) 34549.27 Clarifier
Sizing for clarifier is using value of clarifier size based on
simulation in Superpro Design. For sizing calculation of clarifier, it is use
assumption detention time 2 hour or 120 minutes.

Table 3. 40 Clarifier Specification

Code C-401
Mass flow rate (ton/h) 208.00
Volumetric flow rate (m3/h) 222835.0000
Detention Time (min) 120.0000
Clarifier volume (m ) 445.6700
Clarifier height (m) 2.67
Diameter (m) 14.5900
Universitas Indonesia

Surface Area (m2) 167.130

Solid Loading (kg/m2-day) 34.2600 Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Filter

Sizing for granular activated carbon (GAC) filter using data from
website Yardney Water Filtration Systems. There are several list of
standard specification of industrial GAC Filter.
Table 3. 41 Specification of GAC Filter

Code R-402
Water Flowrate (gpm) 162.75
Maximum pressure (psi) 80
Standard Flow Range
Minimum Flow (gpm) 160
Maximum Flow (gpm) 320
Filtration Specification
Chlorine Removal (gpm) 600
Activated Carbon Volume (ft3) 127
Filtration Surface Area (ft2) 31.82

Table 3. 41 Specification of GAC Filter (cont’d)

Backwash Operation
Backwash Flowrate (gpm) 159
Media Requirement
Gravel 1/2"-3/4" (ft3) 19
Activated Carbon (ft3) 127
Inlet/Outlet Pipe Size (inch) 2
Backwash Line Pipe Size (inch) 2 Ion Exchanger

a) Cation Exchanger
Table 3. 42 Specification of Cation Exchanger

Name Cation Exchanger

Code R-403
To remove soluble positive ions
and water hardness
Operation Semi-continuous
Universitas Indonesia

Material Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C

Type Vertical with head torispherical
Pressure Design (psi) 17.029
Amount (coloumn) 2
Resin Volume (m3) 5.477
Flowrate (m3/h) 36.227
Tank diameter (m) 1.536
Tank height (m) 0.493
Shell thickness (mm) 5
Head thickness (mm) 5

b) Anion Exchanger
Table 3. 43 Specification of Anion Exchanger

Name Anion Exchanger

Code R-405
To remove soluble negative ions
and water hardness
Operation Semi-continuous
Material Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C
Type Vertical with head torispherical
Pressure Design (psi) 16.707
Amount (column) 2
Resin Volume (m3) 3.423
Flowrate (m3/h) 36.226
Tank diameter (m) 1.642
Tank height (m) 0.408
Shell thickness (mm) 5
Head thickness (mm) 5 Degasifier
Table 3.44 Specification of Degasifier

Code R-404
Remove gases soluble in
water, such as O2 and CO2 to
preventive corrosion and
Material Stainless Steel 316
Vertical with Head
Universitas Indonesia

Pressure Design (psi) 38.964

Amount (column) 1
Table 3.44 Specification of Degasifier (cont’d)

Volume /capacity (m3) 1.815

Tank Diameter (m) 0.914
Tank height (m) 4.572
Shell thickness (mm) 5.000
Head thickness (mm) 6.350 Storage Tank

a) Boiler Feed Water Tank
Table 3. 45 Specification of Boiler Feed Water Tank

Type of fluid Water

Mass flow (kg/h) 36223.000
Density (kg/m3) 1000.000
Volume (m3/h) 36.223
Volume (m3/week) 6085.464
Volume (m3) 6694.010
Horizontal/vertical Vertical with Concrete Foundation
Temperature (°C) 26.000
Pressure (kPa) 101.300
L/D 0.900
D (m) 20.524
L (m) 18.472
Thickness (mm) > 12
Open/close vessel Close
Material type Carbon steel SA283
Vessel Head type Dished Head

b) Process Water Tank

Table 3. 46 Specification of Process Water Tank

Type of fluid Water

Mass flow (kg/h) 88696.000
Density (kg/m3) 1000.000
Volume (m3/h) 88.696
Volume (m3/week) 14900.928
Volume (m3) 16391.021
Vertical with Concrete
Temperature (°C) 26.000
Pressure (kPa) 101.300
Universitas Indonesia

L/D 0.900
D (m) 27.581
L (m) 24.823
Thickness (mm) > 13
Open/close vessel Close
Material type Carbon steel SA284
Vessel Head type Dished Head

3.2.2. Steam Generation Utility Sizing Utility Mass Balance
The mass balance in steam generator unit is shown in table below.
Table 3. 47 Mass Balance in Steam Generator
Mass input Mass Output
Equipment Stream (kg/hour) (kg/hour)
Water Steam Water Steam
11100,0 11100,0
Condensor From Process 0 0
6 6
Output Condensor 0
Condesate 6
18500,1 0
Tank From Water
7400,04 0
Deaerator 18500,1 0 18500,1 0
Condensate Tank
Boiler Output Deaerator 18500,1 0 0
1 Utility Sizing

a) Pipe

Table 3.48 Pipe Specification in Steam Generator

Nominal Size
Pipe Name Material Schedule ID (mm)
From process 10S 817.1 36
Output condenser Steel 40 36.2 1.5
From water
Steel 40 29.54 1.25
Steel 40 46.71 2
condensate tank
Output deaerator Steel 40 46.71 2
Universitas Indonesia

b) Condensate Tank

Table 3. 49 Condensate Tank Specification

Type Condensate Tank

Type of fluida Boiler Feed Water
Mass flow (kg/h) 18500,100
Density (kg/m3) 1000,000
Volume (m3/h) 18,500
Volume (m3/hour) 18,500
Volume (m3) 20,350
Vertical with Concrete
Temperature (°C) 78,146
Pressure (kPa) 101,300
L/D 0,650
D (m) 3,375
Table 3. 49 Condensate Tank Specification (cont’d)

Type Condensate Tank

L (m) 2,194
Thickness (mm) > 12
Open/close vessel Close
Material type Carbon steel SA283
Vessel Head type Flat Tank

c) Deaerator

Table 3. 50 Deaerator Specification

Code T-202
remove gases soluble in water,
such as O2 and CO2 to
preventive corrosion and
deposite before entering boiler
Material Stainless Steel 316
Type Vertical with Head Torisperical
Pressure Design (psi) 17,589

Amount (column) 1,000

Universitas Indonesia

Volume /capacity (m3) 5,550

Tank Diameter (m) 1,219

Tank height (m) 5,486

Shell thickness (mm) 5,000

Head thickness (mm) 6,350

d) Boiler

Table 3. 51 Boiler Specification

Unit Boiler
Code E-203
Function Generate Steam
Type Fire Tube Boiler
Quantity 1
Heating Surface (m2) 3,88
Capacity (kJ/hr) 7.200,43
Power (hp) 4,17
Model Aalborg M3P-20
Efficiency (%) 90,15
Fuel Specification
Fuel LNG
ρ Fuel (kg/m3) 0,70
NHV (Btu/L) 30,02
Height (m) 4,61
Width (m) 5,58
Length (m) 8,09

e) Condensor

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 3.15 Condensor Specification

3.2.3 Wastewater Treatment Utility Sizing Utility Mass Balance
The overall mass balance of waste treatment unit is shown in table
Table 3. 52 Mass Balance Waste Treatment Utility per Equipment

Universitas Indonesia

In (kg/h) Out (kg/h)

Stream Mass Flow Stream Mass Flow
102 287,331
Sludge Filter 101 396,824
103 109,493
102 287,331 105 2717,956
104 8753,396 120 6322,771
Neutralizer 106 100
111 6422,773
Tank 120 6322,771
111 6422,773
Aerator Tank 109 6722,795
112 200
113 872,741
Settler 109 6722,795
114 5850,054 Utility Sizing

a) Sludge Filter
The most common filtration process that occur in wastewater treatment is
using pressing technique, Plate and frame filtration. This technique is the most
widespread despite its intermittent operation.
Table 3. 53 Filter Specification
Filter Mass Flow Rate 397 kg/h
Volumetric Flow Rate 366 kg/h
Filter Area 30 m2
Plate Size 630x630 mm
Number of Plate 37
Number of Frame 38
Amount of Unit 2

b) Clarifier
Clarifier is used to separate solid product because of previous
process. It must be separated because it is the reason of plugging and
fouling in a pipeline. The specification of clarifier is shown in Table 3.54.

Table 3. 54 Clarifier Specification

Clarifier Mass Flow
9.04 Ton/h
Volumetric Flow Rate 8.608 m3/h
Clarifier Volume 17.217 m3
Clarifier Height 2.67 m
D 2.87 m
Universitas Indonesia

Amount of Unit 1

c) Neutralizer Tank
This tank is needed to neutralize the waste from the process that is acidic.
The neutralize process is done by adding a base solution (CaOH). The
specification of neutralizer tank is shown in Table 3.55.

Table 3. 55 Neutralizer Tank Specification

Fao 0.12 mol/s
X 0.98 %
K 70.18 1/min
Ca 1.08 mol/m3
V 0.09680 m3/min
Total Volume with Safety 0.11 m3
Diameter Reactor 0.39964708 m
Height of fluid 0.84481287 m
Height of reactor 0.92929416 m
Shell Thickness 1.225 cm

Table 3.55 Neutralizer Tank Specification (cont’d)

Diameter of impeller 0.13987648 m

Diameter of baffle 0.03996471 m
Position of impeller from
0.13 m
Spesific Power for
1 kW/m3
Residence Time 1 min
Amount of Unit 1

d) Aerator Tank
This aerator tank will be using an open pond plus blower for oxygen
supply. The specification of blower is shown in Table 3.56.

Table 3. 56 Blower Specification

Mass Flow Rate 100 kg/h

Volumetric Flow Rate 81,7 m3/h
Blower Power 0,0572 kW/h
Amount of Unit 1

Universitas Indonesia

e) Settler
Settler is used to separate solid product because of previous
process. It must be separated because it is the reason of plugging and
fouling in a pipeline. The specification of clarifier is shown in Table 3.57.
Table 3. 57 Clarifier Specification
Clarifier Mass Flow
6.72 Ton/h
Volumetric Flow Rate 137.735 m3/h
Clarifier Volume 275.47 m3
Clarifier Height 2.67 m
D 11.47 m
Amount of Unit 1

Universitas Indonesia

4.1 P&ID

P&ID stands for Piping and Instrumentation Diagram or Drawing. A P&ID

is a working document that is used by every discipline involved in the design,
engineering and construction of process plants. The P&ID of the process in this
plant can be seen in Appendix B.

89 Universitas Indonesia
4.1.2 Plant Control in Main Process

Table 4.1 Plant Control Tabulation for Main Process

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable
The temperature transmitter
Control the temperature will give an electric signal to
of inlet reactor to keep TC and the the signal will turn
Flow rate of
Temperature of the operating condition into pneumatic signal to flow
steam for Temperature
TK-101 reactor input of reactor in optimum into valve. If the temperature of
heat Control
stream condition. Optimum inlet reactor decreasing into
condition is determine below 145 oC, percent of steam
the separation of lignin valve opening will increase

90 Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Plant Control Tabulation for Main Process (cont’d-1)

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable

The temperature transmitter will

Control the temperature of give an electric signal to TC and the
reactor in stable value. the signal will turn into pneumatic
Flow rate of
Temperature Temperature Delignification process signal to flow into valve. If the
TK-01 steam for
of reactor Control need to be operate in 145 temperature inside reactor
reactor jacket o
C to get optimum decreasing into below 145 oC,
operation. percent of steam valve opening will

Within the range of pH 6.9-8.3,

should the pH exceed or lower
pH of within the range, the analyzer
Flow rate of Control the pH of
R-102 reactor Analyzer transmitter will emit pneumatic
sulfuric acid neutralization outlet
product signal to control flowrate of sulfuric
acid to keep pH within the range
given conditions

91 Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Plant Control Tabulation for Main Process (cont’d-2)

Operation Manipulated Controlled

Controller Function Control Procedures
Equipment Variable Variable

The temperature transmitter will

give an electric signal to TC and the
Control the temperature
Flow rate of signal will turn into pneumatic
Temperature inside of storage tank T-
cooling water Temperature signal to flow into valve. If the
T-101 of storage 101. Temperature of inlet
for storage Control temperature inside reactor
tank reactor need to be kept in
jacket increasing more than 50 oC, percent
50 oC
of cooling water valve opening will

Control the pressure inside

When the pressure exceed 1.2 atm,
of storage tank. Pressure
Opening of Pressure Pressure the pressure transmitter will give an
inside the storage tank
T-101 pressure inside the Indicator electric signal to PC and open the
need to be kept at value
relief valve vessel Control pressure relief valve to reduce the
below to maximum design
pressure inside vessel

Table 4.1 Plant Control Tabulation for Main Process (cont’d-3)

92 Universitas Indonesia

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable

The temperature transmitter will

Control the temperature
give an electric signal to TC and the
inside of hydrolysis
Flow rate of signal will turn into pneumatic
reactor. Temperature
cooling water Temperature Temperature signal to flow into valve. If the
R-103 inside the reactor must be
for reactor of reactor Control temperature inside reactor
kept in 50 oC which the
jacket increasing more than 50 oC, percent
optimum temperature for
of cooling water valve opening will

The temperature transmitter will

give an electric signal to TC and the
Control the temperature
Flow rate of signal will turn into pneumatic
Temperature inside of storage tank T-
cooling water Temperature signal to flow into valve. If the
T-102 of storage 102. Temperature of inlet
for storage Control temperature inside reactor
tank reactor need to be kept in
jacket increasing more than 37 oC, percent
37 oC
of cooling water valve opening will

Table 4.1 Plant Control Tabulation for Main Process (cont’d-4)

93 Universitas Indonesia

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable

Control the pressure

When the pressure exceed 1.2
inside of storage tank.
atm, the pressure transmitter
Opening of Pressure Pressure Pressure inside the
will give an electric signal to
pressure inside the Indicator storage tank need to be
PC and open the pressure relief
relief valve vessel Control kept at value below to
valve to reduce the pressure
maximum design
inside vessel

The temperature transmitter

Control the temperature
will give an electric signal to
inside of hydrolysis
Flow rate of TC and the signal will turn into
Temperature reactor. Temperature
cooling water Temperature pneumatic signal to flow into
R-104 of reactor inside the reactor must be
of reactor Control valve. If the temperature inside
tank kept in 37 oC which the
jacket reactor increasing more than 37
optimum temperature for o
C, percent of cooling water
dark fermentation.
valve opening will increase

4.1.3 Plant Control in Steam Generation

94 Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.2 Plant Control Tabulation for Steam Generation

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable

Control the temperature The temperature transmitter will

of water product of give an electric signal to TC and
Flow rate of condenser. Temperature the signal will turn into pneumatic
of water Temperature
E-201 cooling water of water product need to signal to flow into valve. If the
outlet Control
of condenser be control to avoid temperature water outlet increase,
forming of 2 phase percent of cooling water valve
stream. opening will increase

Control the water level When the level transmitter give an

inside the condensate electric signal to the level control,
Flow rate of Water level
tank below 93 % of tank the LC will give pneumatic signal
water from inside the
T-201 Level Control volume. Water level need to control valve. If the water level
water condensate
to be kept below 93 % to is above 93 % of vessel volume,
treatment tank
maintain the pressure the inlet valve opening will
inside condensate tank. decrease.

Table 4.2 Plant Control Tabulation for Steam Generation (cont’d)

95 Universitas Indonesia

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable
Within the range of excess
oxygen 5 – 10 %, if the
Control the excess excess oxygen exceed or
Percent Excess oxygen oxygen content in flue lower within the range, the
E-203 Opening of content in flue Analyzer gas. The excess oxygen analyzer transmitter will
Vent in Boiler gas is determine the boiler emit pneumatic signal to
efficiency control flowrate of air to
keep excess oxygen within
the range given conditions

96 Universitas Indonesia

4.1.4 Plant Control in Water Treatment

Table 4.3 Plant Control Tabulation for Water Treatment

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable
When the level transmitter
Control the water level
gives an electric signal to
inside the condensate
Flow rate of the level control, the LC
Water level tank below 93 % of
outlet water will give pneumatic signal
inside tank volume. Water
T-401 from Level Control to control valve. If the
sedimentation level need to be kept
sedimentation water level is above 93 %
tank below 93 % to maintain
tank of vessel volume, the inlet
the pressure inside
valve opening will
condensate tank.
Within the range of
Control the pressure of
pressure 2 – 10 bar, if the
water stream inlet
pressure exceeded or lower
Flow rate of Pressure of reverse osmosis within
within the range, the
inlet water to water stream range 2-10 bar.
R-401 Pressure Control pressure transmitter will
Reverse inlet reverse Pressure need to be
emit pneumatic signal to
Osmosis osmosis control to maintain the
control flowrate of water to
optimum condition in
keep pressure within the
reverse osmosis
range given conditions
Table 4.3 Plant Control Tabulation for Water Treatment (cont’d)
97 Universitas Indonesia

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable
When the level transmitter
Control the water level
gives an electric signal to
inside the storage tank
the level control, the LC
Flow rate of below 93 % of tank
Water level will give pneumatic signal
outlet water volume. Water level
T-402 inside water Level Control to control valve. If the
from water need to be kept below
storage water level is above 93 %
storage 93 % to maintain the
of vessel volume, the inlet
pressure inside storage
valve opening will
Analyze concentration of
Control the flowrate of Natrium in Cation and
The cation Natrium in Anion concentration of SiO2 in
Flow rate of
R-403 & R- content in water exchanger and SiO2 in Anion. If both of them
inlet water to Analyzer
405 outlet of ion Cation exchanger already exceed the
ion exchanger
exchanger through flowrate of concentration of required,
control valve the flow rate of valve will

98 Universitas Indonesia

4.1.5 Plant Control in Waste Water Treatment

Table 4.4 Plant Control Tabulation for Waste Water Treatment

Manipulated Controlled
Equipmen Controller Function Control Procedures
Variable Variable
Within the range of pH 6.9-
8.3, should the pH exceed
Flow rate of
or lower within the range,
the analyzer transmitter
hydroxide pH of reactor Control the pH of
R-301 Analyzer will emit pneumatic signal
inlet to product neutralization outlet
to control flowrate of
sulfuric acid to keep pH
within the range given
When the level transmitter
Control the water level
give an electric signal to
inside the storage tank
the level control, the LC
Flow rate of below 93 % of tank
Level of water will give pneumatic signal
outlet water volume. Water level
R-302 inside the Level control to control valve. If the
from aerator need to be kept below
aerator water level is above 93 %
tank 93 % to maintain the
of vessel volume, the inlet
pressure inside storage
valve opening will

99 Universitas Indonesia

5.1 Plant Layout Area

5.1.1 Safe Range Between Equipment

The space available must be enough for the whole plant and its supporting
facilities. The facility should reflect recognition of the importance of smooth
process flow. Spacing between process instruments is ruled by Inside Battery
Limit (IBL), and the spacing between supporting facilities is ruled by Outside
Battery Limit (OBL). Safety is the main consideration in the plant layout. For
example, the fire fighter unit should be placed close to the unit that may cause a
fire and there is minimum spacing for hazardous reactor and high temperature
vessel so that impact cost can be minimalized.
5.1.2 Area Classification
This Hydrogen plant will be built with the total area 7 ha. The main
process plant consists of several sections, including water utility and its treatment.
The brief explanation in every section can be described below.
1) Warehouse
EFB will be obtained from palm field around Riau. EFB is supplied from
all possible field by the palm farmer. EFB is stored in a warehouse to keep
it dry. It is placed in the warehouse at atmospheric and temperature of
25°C conditions.
2) Administrative Section
Administrative section is area for non-process section. It is including
office, laboratory, workshop, fire station, etc.
3) Main Process Section
In this area, pre-treatment and main process (hydrolysis and fermentation)
is happened. The main process is sensitive to impurities, temperature,
pressure, so it a must to keep the surrounding without any disturbances.
4) Water Utility Section
In this area, water treatment process is happened. River water is processed
for boiler feed water and process water in this area.
5) Steam Generation Section

100 Universitas Indonesia


In this area, boiler feed water is processed to produce steam. Water is

processed to become steam with boiler.
6) Wastewater Treatment Section
Waste from main process such as solid waste and liquid waste is treated in
this area. Treated waste is drain to the sea after it is safe enough.
5.1.3 Overall Plant Layout
This plant has several stages in the process from unloading raw material to
wastewater treatment. This plant separates the process into many sections. First,
the processes begin with unloading empty fruit bunches (EFB) from supplier to
raw material storage and thus the raw material goes into pre-treatment area where
it will be shredded and convert to glucose. Second, it goes into main process area
and will be converted to hydrogen by fermentation process. The fermentation
product will be separated into two stages. The bottom product goes to wastewater
treatment and the gas product goes to PSA to separate hydrogen from carbon
Hydrogen plant has 2D perspective complete with its equipment layout
and sizing with scale of 1:20000. This layout also describes end-to-end of pipeline
route within our processes. The overall 2D plant layout is described in Appendices

5.2 Equipment and Perspective

Universitas Indonesia

6.1 HSE Aspect

Health is one of the main concerns in hydrogen plant activities. Better

health of the worker will result in better operation in plant. To ensure worker’s
health, appropriate prevention of hazards that can affect the worker’s health must
be provided. Safety is also a main concern in hydrogen plant. Unsafe operation
will not only affect plant operation but also affect worker’s health and even the
plant’s environment. Hazard analysis is needed to ensure safe operation in the
plant so unwanted events will not occur. Plant activities are always generate
waste. This waste could affect the environment around the plant if not handled
well. Appropriate waste management is needed to avoid environmental damage
caused by production waste.
6.1.1 Hazard and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) is a hazard
identification and risk study to define the problem and how to manage the hazard
in daily activities and special of operation process and industries production. In
HIRA Analysis contain some step that must be followed. They are:
1. Sorting activities to be carried out into more specific smaller and sub
2. Identify potential hazards for each sub-activity.
3. Determination of possible risks (hazard effects and the possibilities).
4. Determination means for prevention and mitigation from each hazard.
5. Conclusion potential hazards and risks faced for each activity.
In determining hazard possibilities level and hazard effect as mentioned in step
number 3, there is a parameter given in Table 6.1.

102 Universitas Indonesia


Table 6.1 Level of Hazard Possibilities

Parameter High Medium Low

Every time the One in every 10 to One during all the
process conducted 100 trials conducted process conducted

Hazard Effect Almost every time

One in every 10 to One in 100 or more
Appearance the process
100 trials conducted trial conducted
Frequency conducted

No experience,
Level of Worker never perform the Lack of Experienced and
Ability particular work Experiences skilled work

Table 6.2 Level of Hazard Effect

Parameter High Medium Low
Hazard may cause death,
Hazard may
severe injury, illness or
cause an
Human Hazard may cause
partial/ total loss of one injury which the
Resources minor injury
or more bodily functions person could
(e.g. loss of: continue their
work activities
or use an arm, etc.)
Serious property
Property damage Minor properties
damage, loss of
which can cause damages which
Assets production capability
reduction in level give no effect to
(production process is
of production production process
Minimum Complete
Protection No protection tools are
protection tools protection tools
Tools within reach
available provided
Availability of Less than 1 minute 1-30 minutes More than 30
Universitas Indonesia


Universitas Indonesia
Table 6.3 Risk Matrix
Potential Consequences
Low Medium High
Human Resources Asset Environment Unlikely Sometimes Likely
Shutdown plant and damage Fatal environment damage
Death, disability, in production (water contaminant, toxic
High M H H
severe injuries
equipment air, plant damage)

Medium injuries
(scratch, bruise, cough, Damage cause decreasing Little environment damage
Medium L M H
dizzy) but the body can production capacity (waste, dust, odor)
still work

Minor damage, no affect in

Low Minor injuries No environment damage L L M
productivity and equipment

105 Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.4 Hazard Identification

Level of
Hazard Level of Treatment and Final
Activities Potential Hazard Hazard Effect Risk
Possibility Prevention Risk

Loading H2SO4 and Worker’s skin exposed Using personal

Skin irritation L M L L
NaOH to mixing tank to the chemical spill protection equipment

Worker fell down

Move the EFB to the into the screw Clear SOP for work
Part of body
conveyor or M M M area, Using L
Bucket Elevator Wounded
protection tools
body part pinched
Hand pinched in the Part of body safety tools,
Operate the filtration M L L L
filter press unit wounded Clear the SOP to
workers and

Part of body
Inspection on the heater burnt or Personal protection
High temperature H M H L
and boiler exposed to high equipment

106 Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.4 Hazard Identification (cont’d-1)

Level of
Hazard Level of Treatment and Final
Activities Potential Hazard Hazard Effect Risk
Possibility Prevention Risk

Noise Surfacing tools

pollution that generate
that can noise with a
Pump and Compressor Loud Noise damage the L H M L
silencer, and
hearing of oblige the use of
workers earplug

Skin irritation, Personal

Handling Fermentation digestive protection
Biological hazard M H H L
agent (C. Acetobuilicum) disease to the equipment and
worker masker

Electricity usage Electricity current Electrical shock H M M Protection L

107 Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.4 Hazard Identification (cont’d-2)

Level of
Potential Hazard Hazard Level of Final
Activities Risk Treatment and Prevention
Hazard Effect Possibility Risk

Part of body Using approximately

wounded by safety tools,
Inspection on the filter High pressure M L L L
bursting Clear the SOP to workers and
filtrate operators

Clear the SOP to

EFB handling Flammable Fire H L L workers and no fire L
area regulation

Control and manage Personal Protection
Toxin formation (weakness,
Clostridium H M H Equipment and follow the H
and skin contact vertigo,
acetobutylicum growth SOP accurately
double vision,
etc) to fatality

108 Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.4 Hazard Identification (cont’d-3)

Level of
Potential Hazard Hazard Level of Final
Activities Risk Treatment and Prevention
Hazard Effect Possibility Risk

Fuel leak (natural Personal Protection
eye and skin M L L L
gas) Equipment
Loading fuel to boiler for
steam generation
Providing fire extinguisher,
Minor to
providing first aid kit and
Fire permanent H L M L
ambulance for emergency

109 Universitas Indonesia


6.1.2 Hazard Identification (HAZID)

HAZID is performed for the objectives listed below (Norsok, 2010):
• To identify hazards associated with the defined system and to assess the
sources of hazards, events, or sets of circumstances which may cause the
hazards and their potential consequences.
• To generate a comprehensive list of hazards based on those events and
circumstances that might lead to possible unwanted consequences.
• To identify possible risk reducing measure.
Hazards are identified from each area of the plant and office. Plant area
will be divided into several nodes based on process occurred on each node to
enable a detail analysis of hazards and their causes. After listed from each node,
hazard effect is analysed and frequency based on parameters listed in Table 6.5
and Table 6.6.

Table 6.5 Hazard Effect Parameter for HAZID

Parameter Severe Major Minor
Human Resources Fatal accident Non-fatal accident No accident
Losses between
Losses more than Losses less than
Asset US$ 100,000 –
US$ 1,000,000 US$ 100.000
Environment Major damage Minor damage No damage

Table 6.6 Hazard Frequency Parameter for HAZID

Parameter Most Likely Unlikely
More than 10
Hazard 1-10 times in Once in 10
times in 10
Frequency 10 years years

HAZID analysis of plant and office is shown in Table 6.7.

Universitas Indonesia
Table 6.7 Plant and Office Hazard Identification
No. Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention
Biomass To store
The existence of ignitable
1. storage empty fruit Fire hazard Severe Unlikely Hydrant system
material nearby
(warehouse) bunch (EFB)

Slip that occurs between the Worn (Wear)

Change the worn rubber
belt and the pulley on the
lagging, add tension belt
components, roller does not rubber Minor Likely
conveyor, plug belt cleaner
spin, the existence of the bottom belt
at the end of the runway
material attached conveyor
Worn (Wear)
To load solid Change the worn rubber
on the
that has been lagging, add tension belt
Belt Over Capacity rubber Minor Likely
2. crushed conveyor, plug belt cleaner
Conveyor bottom belt
through a at the end of the runway
belt Set the material to fall in
the middle, install
Does not
Material loading fall is not additional components for
right in the middle, roller Minor Likely the belt and roller always
fluently and
and belt do not touch attached or in touch with
not straight
the fitting

111 Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.7 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d-1)

No. Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

To crushed EFB in Over Capacity, Changes the blade
3. Grinder Stuck Minor Likely
small size blunt blade periodically
Create a material container
To transport EFB
Sudden change at the bottom; ensuring the
4. Bucket Elevator from warehouse to Material spill Minor Unlikely
in speed load is treated under the
maximum design load
Sound pollution Installing silencer on
5. Pump To flow the liquid Operation Noise can damage Minor Likely equipment which emit
hearing noise, using earplugs
To increase or
Corrosion of Monitoring and
decrease the Leakage, process
6. Heat Exchanger tube or shell; Major Likely maintenance frequently,
temperature of disruption
mixing of fluids change gaskets periodically
Monitoring and
7. Piping To transport fluid Corrosion Major Likely maintenance frequently,
plugging, failure
using corrosion inhibitor
Sound pollution Installing silencer on
To flow the gas
8. Compressor Operation Noise can damage Minor Most equipment which emit
product to PSA
hearing noise, using earplugs

112 Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.7 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d-2)

No. Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention

To get cellulose by High Monitoring and

9. Delignification Tank Explosion Major Unlikely
removing lignin temperature maintenance frequently
Monitoring and
To separate between
Large cake maintenance frequently,
10. Filter hydrolysed and un- Plugging Minor Likely
accumulation change gaskets
hydrolysed product
To neutralize pH of
cellulose before Input flowrate Installing flow control
11. Neutralizer Tank Flooding Minor Unlikely
entering the is too large in the inlet valve
hydrolysis reactor
Enzyme Monitoring the
environmental Minor Likely
To convert cellulose inactivation contaminants
12. Hydrolysis Reactor into glucose
Very high May cause
enzymatically Using personal
concentration allergy or Major Unlikely
protection equipment
of enzyme irritation
Controlling the pH,
To convert cellulose Inappropriate Hydrogen temperature, and
13. to H2 by fermentation environmental producing Minor Likely operating condition
process condition capacity (retention time, organic
loading rate, etc)
Table 6.7 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d-3)

113 Universitas Indonesia

No. Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention
Controlling the
To convert
Very high concentration of
Fermentation cellulose to H2 by Microorganism
13. concentration of Minor Unlikely microorganism; using
Reactor fermentation release
microorganism personal protection
To produce high
Pressure Swing High temperature Monitoring and
14. purity H2 by Explosion Severe Unlikely
Adsorption and pressure maintenance frequently
adsorbing CO2
Monitoring, regular
To remove CO2
checking temperature,
15. Degasifier and O2 from High temperature Explosion Major Unlikely
and providing fire
Monitoring and
To demineralize
16. Ion Exchanger Short-circuit Electrical shock Major Unlikely frequently, Cleaning up
the sedimentation
To eliminate non- Damage The quality of
organic chemicals membrane, not process water, Checking periodically
17. such as salts, selective at fouling at the Major Unlikely and replacement of
metals, and impurities or equipment which damaged equipment
minerals contaminant use water from RO
Table 6.7 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d-4)

114 Universitas Indonesia

No. Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention
High Monitoring,
18. Boiler To generate steam temperature Explosion Major Unlikely maintenance or
and pressure inspection frequently
To separate solid
Cleaning up the
product because of No sediment
19. Clarifier Overflow tank Minor Unlikely sedimentation
previous process cleanup
produces CaCO3
Error in
To monitor and monitoring Good training, tight
20. Control Room control all operation and Major Unlikely procedure obedience,
in the plant controlling regular briefing
Using anti-slip coating
for flooring, Using
Slippery floor Slipped Minor Likely
appropriate apparel
A place for meeting,
(PPE, lab coats, etc.)
21. Office Monitoring and
medical treatment, or
training Electrical
Short-circuit Major Unlikely frequently, using
shock, fire
appropriate circuit
breaker and insulation

Table 6.7 Plant and Office Hazard Identification (cont’d-5)

115 Universitas Indonesia

No. Location Description Cause Hazards Effect Frequency Prevention
Tight laboratory
Chemical spill Slipped Minor Unlikely
To control product procedure obedience
22. Laboratory Area
quality Chemical Providing fire
Fire Minor Unlikely
reaction extinguisher

116 Universitas Indonesia


6.1.3 Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)

Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) is a structured, systematic
examination of a process or operation that takes place and is still in the planning
stages in which aims to identify and evaluate problems that may pose` a danger to
the individual employees, equipment operation, or efficiency of the process
operation. HAZOP is the identification of irregularities or deviations that occur in
the operation of an industrial installation, along with the consequent undesirable
effects concerning safety, operability, and environment.
HAZOP is performed by a group of experts from multiple disciplines and
led by an experienced safety specialist or training consultants. The main HAZOP
procedures are (Timmerhaus, 1991):
1. Collecting all process lineation for each process in the plant.
2. Process breakdown into little and more detail sub-process.
3. Searching all possibilities of deviation in each process through uses of
systematic questions (HAZOP model for question is made by using
keywords, intended to make the analysis process easier).
4. Scoring for each negative effect that caused by every deviation mentioned
5. Determination of overcome action to every deviation happened.
Two groups of keywords are used to emphasize systematic question in
HAZOP procedure, which are:
1. Primary Keywords
Primary keyword is every word that is related to condition or parameter of
a process. For example: flow, pressure, temperature, viscosity, corrosion, erosion,
level, density, relief, composition, addition, and reaction
2. Secondary Keywords
Secondary keywords are every word which is merged with primary
keyword will shows probability of deviation that can be happened, such as: no,
more, less, reverse, and as well as.
Table 6.8 below shows standard HAZOP deviation matrix.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.8 Standard HAZOP Deviation Matrix

Flow High F Low F No F
Temperature High T Low T -
Pressure High P Low P -
Level High L Low L No L
(Source: McKay, 2017)

Universitas Indonesia

Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study

Operation Unit Possible
No Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
Material quantity
Lack of supply
Less target is not
Biomass by supplier Controlling the Human
1 W-101 Level accomplished
Storage supply by supplier Control
Problem of
More Flooding
next operation
Plugging or Low water supply
blocking in to next unit and
Less pump so feed there might
P-101; flow rate is too possibility of
P-102; low cavitation
P-103; High water Installing a control
supply to next valve, regular
unit. When the maintenance, and Flow
2 Pump P-105; Flow
P-106; fluid flow is too controling Control
High impeller
P-107; fast, the pump periodically and
work, feed
P-108; More will run out of cleaning the pump
flowrate is too
P-109; fluid and could
P-110 cause heat and
fires at the pump
so the pump can
be broken

119 Universitas Indonesia


Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-1)

Operation Unit Possible
No Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
Compressor Pressure controlling
Less work is too Pressure does by installing the
low not fit the safety valve
3 Compressor K-101 Pressure
Compressor specification of Flow controlling by
the compressor Flow
More work is too installing input and
high output valve
Material input
Belt Low power to flow is stuck Keeping electricity Speed
4 BC-101 Conveyor Low
Conveyor move the belt and pile up in 1 power Control
Material input
flow is too fast
Incorrect set Determining new
High & supply will
point set point
be great
Too many
EFB drops and
Bucket EFB feeds do Controlling the Capacity
5 EV-101 Capacity High damage
Elevator not match the inlet flow of EFB Control

120 Universitas Indonesia


Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-2)

Operation Unit Possible
No Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
Higher thermal
monitoring and
exposure, high
Excessive control, decrease
More water inlet the water inlet
flow rate flow rate using
equipment due
pump variable
to overheating
frequency drive
Steam and control,
6 Boiler F-301 ture
Temperature increase
Insufficient Loss of Control
the water inlet
water inlet performance,
flow rate using
flow rate, low steam
Less pump variable
leakage, generation,
frequency drive,
equipment flooding, work
installation of Low
failure injury
Low alarm,
maintenance and
cleaning of boiler

121 Universitas Indonesia


Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-3)

Operation Unit Possible Prevention/Actio Contro
No Parameter Deviation Effects
Unit Code Causes n l
Abnormal heat
input, thermal
Damaged Condition
failed open
equipment due monitoring and
pressure Pressur
Operating to overpressure, control, opening of
6 Boiler F-301 More control e
Pressure can lead to vent relief valve,
valve/relief Control
explosion, installation of
valve isolated,
work injury High High alarm
Flow of inlet
stream is too
Water still have Check and control
high, so the Flow
7 Filter F-101 Flow More much flow by decreasing
stream could Control
impurities opening valve
not be
8 Grinder G- Particle size Less Unsucessful EFB’s size Keeping electricity Speed
101 grinding does not meet power Control

122 Universitas Indonesia


for the
Determining new
More following
set point

Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-4)

Operation Unit Possible
No Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
9 Heat Exchanger E- Temperature of
101; process fluid Install High
Less Pipe Blockage
E- remains Temperature Alarm Tempera
102; Flow Cooling constant ture
E- Water
Failure of Temperature of control
103; Install Low
More cooling water process fluid
E- Temperature Alarm
valve decrease
E- More Failure of
105 pressure Install High Pressure
Pressure cooling water Bursting of tube
on tube Pressure Alarm Control
Contamin Leakage of Operator
ation of tube and Contamination Proper maintenance Control
process cooling water of process fluid and operator alert
fluid line goes in
Corrosion Corrosion Hardness of Less cooling Proper maintenance

123 Universitas Indonesia


and crack of
of tube cooling water

Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-5)

Operation Unit Possible
No Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
Input flowrate Close the inlet valve to
is too large reduce the flowrate
Less Output Flooding
Open up the output Level
flowrate is too Control
Neutralization R-101; valve
small and
Tank and R-102 Level and
10 Tempera
Delignification Temperature Input flow rate Material damage Open the inlet valve to
Tank is too small increase the flowrate ture
and the
More Output production
process is not Reduce the output
flowrate is too
running optimum flowrate
11 Hydrolysis R-103; Level and Input flowrate Close the inlet valve to Level
Reactor and R-104 Temperature is too large reduce the flowrate Control
Fermentor More Flooding and
Open up the output Tempera
flowrate is too
valve ture
Less Input flow rate Material damage Open the inlet valve to

124 Universitas Indonesia


is too small and the increase the flowrate

Output production
process is not Reduce the output
flowrate is too
running optimum flowrate

Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-6)

Operation Unit Possible
No Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
Hydrolysis Less Agitator is low
11 R-103; Rotation of Deactivation of Speedo
Reactor and Incorrect set Determining set point
R-104 Agitator More bacteria meter
Fermentor point
Input flowrate Close the inlet valve to
is too large reduce the flowrate
More Output Flooding
Open up the output
flowrate is too
T-102; small Level
12 Storage Tank T-103 Level Control
Input flow rate Open the inlet valve to
is too small Production increase the flowrate
Less Output process is not
running optimum Reduce the output
flowrate is too

125 Universitas Indonesia


Gas flowrate is Decrease the gas

More Explosion
too high flowrate
Pressure Increase the gas Control
Gas flowrate is Adsorbent cannot
Pressure Swing Less flowrate by open the
13 T-104 too low adsorb CO2
Adsorption check valve
Inlet gas Tempera
Adsorbent cannot Control the gas outlet
Temperature More temperature is ture
adsorb CO2 from stripping colomn
too high Control
Table 6.9 Plant Hazard and Operability Study (cont’d-7)
No Operation Unit Possible
Parameter Deviation Effects Prevention/Action Control
Unit Code Causes
Input flowrate
is too large
Close the inlet valve to
More Output Flooding
reduce the flowrate
MX- flowrate is too
101; small Level
14 Mixing Tank MX- Level Control
Input flow rate
102 is too small Process doesn’t
meet the right Open the inlet valve to
Less Output operation increase the flowrate
flowrate is too condition

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6.2 HSE Management

Health, safety, and environment (HSE) management system used to ensure

that the business activities are conducted in a safe, healthy, environmentally
friendly, and also socially responsible manner. HSE management has aim to
preventing incidents, injuries, occupational illness, pollution and damage to
assets. It also enables peoples who including in production activity to thrive,
which helps our business healthy. HSE management consists of operational detail,
personal protection equipment, and material safety data sheet.
6.2.1 Operation Procedure
The main key to run the fermentative hydrogen plant with a long operating
life depends on the operation and maintenance stage from system. The main key
of operation and maintenance stage from system are including commissioning and
startup stages. Commissioning is to ensure the plant is ready to startup. The
explanation of the procedure related to the startup and shutdown in the
fermentative hydrogen plant is shown below. Startup
A. Commissioning
• Piping and Instruments
All equipment and lines in the plant must be installed properly
according to Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Checking
activities for the equipment and lines are including check each
location of equipment, check valve condition, pump, compressor,
reactor, venting system, electrical system, instrumentation, control
system, and many more.
• Equipment Checking for Safety Aspect
All of equipment inside the production plant must be checked in term
of safety aspect. It is need to be ensure that every equipment ready to
start the process. For the safety aspect, testing of all control and
communication system is important. Testing all equipment signals,
alarms, output devices, and communication devices to operate
correctly to ensure that all control and communication system is
works properly.

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• Pressure Leak Testing

Pressure leak testing is conducted by inserting a pressurized fluid.
This step has aims to ensure the connections in equipment is arranged
perfectly and no leaks. The fluid which used in this test is inert fluid.
For non-hydrocarbon system, the fluid for this test are water, air, and
nitrogen. Leak test is done at the maximum normal operating pressure
or 90% of design pressure. Leakage is characterized by decrease in
pressure. The leaks location is tracked using gas as a fluid. It will
make soap superimposed into the connection. If there are no bubbles,
there is leak.
Equipment for liquid handling especially piping system need to be
free from scaling and internal debris inside pipe. Scaling and internal
debris can be cleaned by blowing or washing with air, steam, water,
and other suitable medium.
• Cleaning and Flushing
Piping system needs to be free from construction debris. Ensure that
there is no construction debris inside the piping system. To start the
flushing procedure, check the process thoroughly to ensure screens have
been installed in front of pump suctions. Pipes cleaned with water, air,
steam, or nitrogen with high flow velocities to ensure that pipes will be
suitably scoured. It is needed to be ensure that the debris from one piece
of equipment will not simply be flushed into another.
B. Utilities Commissioning
All utilities (water and steam) should be commissioned. Utilities system need
to make sure that all the valves and compressor are installed properly. Water
and steam utilities are needed for cooling and heating system in pre-
treatment and main process.
C. Operational Testing
In operational testing, try to operate the process system closer to the actual
operating conditions. Operating testing has aim to make sure that the
equipment installed properly and there is no leak in all equipment. This stage
lasts for 2-3 weeks after all the equipment have been independently checked

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or tested. Water and steam tests should be set up in a closed loop with fluid
continuously recycled, with loops as large as possible. The loop should
ideally be the same loop that will be subject to solvent testing. Tests should
continue for several days in order to give all shifts a chance to conduct the
same tests. All shifts should be given the opportunity to start up and
shutdown each closed loop test.
D. Start Up Procedure for The Plant
Start up procedure is start after the commissioning phase done. Here is the
start up phase for the plant:
• Make sure the feedstock is enough for the process operation
• Check the electricity supply
• Set the setpoint value for all parameters in control system of plant,
such as pressure and temperature.
• Inject inert gas to fermentor, so the inside of fementor is anaerobic
• Turn on the combustion for reactor and other section.
• Prepare the reactor for the process. This step is to maintain the
temperature and pressure in the reactor to avoid the shock in reactor.
• Open all inlet valves to flow the inlet stream.
• Open utility valve for cooling water, water, air, fuel, and steam.
• Turn on all rotating equipment such as pump, turbine, and
• The pre-conditioning is 1 – 2 hours to see if the raction occurs or not.
• If the reaction does not occur, the start-up procedure should be
repeated. Shut Down
A. Initiated Shutdown
Initiated shutdown is done for maintenance of process equipment in plant.
The procedure is same as stopping equipment when process has done. Typical
procedure shutdown process can be seen on the following steps:
• Close all the inlet raw material valve.
• Shut down heating and cooling sources.
• Flooded with water or a solvent to remove deposit inside the reactor.

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• Purge the piping system with steam or inert gas to remove small
particulate inside pipe.
• Eliminating undesirable materials through cleaning process.
• After an hour, stabilize the temperature of reactor to prevent thermal
• Pressure trapped between two closed valves or closed process
equipment loops should be released immediately.
• Bring the vessel to atmospheric pressure.
• Shut down the electricity.
B. Process Shut Down (PSD)
A process shutdown is defined as the automatic isolation and deactivation
of all or part of a process. During a PSD, the process remains pressurized. In
our case, PSD consists of field-mounted sensors, valves and trip relays, a
system logic unit for processing of incoming signals, alarm and HMI units.
The system is able to process all input signals and activate outputs in
accordance with the applicable Cause and Effect. PSD is integrated with the
control system, such as pressure control and temperature control. When the
pressure is far from its set point, and potentially harms the equipment, human,
or environment, the PSD will automatically initiate.
C. Emergency Shut Down
The Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) will minimize the
consequences of emergency situations, related to typically uncontrolled
flooding, escape of hydrocarbons, or outbreak of fire in hydrocarbon areas or
hazardous areas.
The situations that initial the emergency shutdown such as:
• Electric power failure.
• The temperature of reactor outlet is too high.
• Manual alarm.
• Rotating equipment (pump and compressor) failure.
• Feed failure to any hot equipment such as reactor and boiler.
The main objectives of emergency shutdown are:
• To shut down the plant safely.

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• To minimize emission.
• To prevent over pressure in the equipment.
• To protect equipment from damage.

Shut down processes are performed by these following steps:

• Shutdown all transportation of gas and liquid
• Decrease the pressure and temperature of any equipment
• Perform electrical isolation
• Start all safety equipment
6.2.2 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is an equipment that will protect the
user against health or safety risks at work. PPE are including item such as safety
helmets, gloves, eyes protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and
safety harnesses. There are 2 types of personal protection equipment (PPE),
general equipment and special equipment.
A. General Equipment
Here is the list of general equipment for PPE:
1. Safety Helmet
Safety helmet is used to protect the user’s head against impact from
objects falling from above, by resisting and deflecting blows to the head,
hitting fixed dangerous objects at the workplace, lateral forces, open
flame, molten metals splash, electric shock and high temperature. Safety
helmet is very important for worker in some working area, such as
sodium hydroxide storage, sulfuric acid storage, and EFB grinding
2. Body Protector
Body protector is clothing to protect the body against hazardous liquids,
gases, or vapor. Body protector is very important for worker in some
working area, such as sodium hydroxide storage, sulfuric acid storage,
enzyme storage, bacteria storage, and waste treatment area.
3. Safety Shoes

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Employees with possibility to get leg injuries from falling or rolling

objects or from crushing or penetrating materials should wear protective
footwear. Safety shoes is also important for worker with possibility
exposure of corrosive materials, poisonous materials, and static
electricity. Safety shoes is very important for worker in some working
area, such as sodium hydroxide storage, sulfuric acid storage, EFB
grinding process, enzyme storage, bacteria storage, and waste treatment
B. The Special Equipment
There is also special equipment that includes:
1. Eye Protection
Eye protection that is used includes face shields (required when there is
need for protection of the entire face and throat. Safety eyewear is very
important for worker in some working area, such as sodium hydroxide
storage, sulfuric acid storage, bacteria storage, and enzyme storage.
2. Ear Protection
Hearing protection should be used where sound levels are greater than 85
dBA. The type of the protection used could be ear plugs and ear muffs.
Ear muffs itself is suitable for condition with sound level exceeding 105
dBA. Ear muffs is very important for worker in compressor area.
3. Respiratory Protection
Workers should use respirators for protection from contaminants in the air
only if other hazard control methods are not practical or possible under
the circumstances. Respirators should not be the first choice for
respiratory protection in workplaces. Respirator protection is very
important for worker in some working area, such as sodium hydroxide
storage, sulfuric acid storage, bacteria storage, and enzyme storage.
4. Hand Protection
Potential hazards include skin absorption of harmful substances, chemical
or thermal burns, electrical dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures,
fractures and amputations. Protective equipment includes gloves, finger
guards and arm coverings or elbow-length gloves. Gloves is very

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important for worker in some working area, such as sodium hydroxide

storage, sulfuric acid storage, bacteria storage, and enzyme storage.
5. Fall Protection
Fall protection is used when someone is working at height. The minimum
number that this equipment should be applied is 3 m. This tool works for
worker who fell caught and not directly touch the ground. Fall protection
is divided into fall resistant and fall arrest.
6.2.3 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
MSDS is document for describing the health and safety for each
component or material that involved in process. It is used for the workers or
anyone to prevent the damage because of the component.
There are two common symbols used on labels to quickly provide
information of the relative hazards of a material, National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) warning diamond and Hazardous Materials Information
System (HMIS). Both systems use a numerical rating of hazards in each of three
sections (health hazard, fire/flammability hazard and reactivity hazard).

Figure 6.1 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

(Source: NFPA, 2014)

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Figure 6.2 Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS)

(Source: HMIS, 2014)
The parameter for material safety based on NFPA is shown in Table 6.10.

Table 6.10 Parameter for Material Safety based on NFPA

Life-threatening, major or permanent damage may result from single or
repeated overexposures.
Major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment
is given.
2 Temporary or minor injury may occur.
1 Irritation or minor reversible injury possible.
0 No significant risk to health
Flammable gases, or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points
4 below 73°F, and boiling points below 100°F. Materials may ignite
spontaneously with air. (Class IA).
Materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature
conditions. Includes flammable liquids with flash points below 73°F and
boiling points above 100°F, as well as liquids with flash points between
73°F and 100°F. (Class IB & IC).
Materials which must be moderately heated or exposed to high ambient
2 temperatures before ignition will occur. Includes liquids having a flash
point at or above 100°F but below 200°F. (Class II & IIIA).
Materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Includes
1 liquids, solids and semi solids having a flash point above 200°F. (Class
0 Materials that will not burn.
Materials that are readily capable of explosive water reaction, detonation
4 or explosive decomposition, polymerization, or self-reaction at normal
temperature and pressure.
3 Materials that may form explosive mixtures with water and are capable
of detonation or explosive reaction in the presence of a strong initiating
source. Materials may polymerize, decompose, self-react, or undergo
other chemical change abnormal temperature and pressure with moderate

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risk of explosion.
Materials that are unstable and may undergo violent chemical changes at
2 normal temperature and pressure with low risk for explosion. Materials
may react violently with water or form peroxides upon exposure to air.

Table 6.10 Parameter for Material Safety based on NFPA (cont’d)

Materials that are normally stable but can become unstable (self-react) at
1 high temperatures and pressures. Materials may react non-violently with
water or undergo hazardous polymerization in the absence of inhibitors.
Materials that are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and will
0 not react with water, polymerize, decompose, condense, or self-react.

The parameter for personal protection based on NFPA and HMIS is shown in
Table 6.11 and Figure 6.3.

Table 6.11 Parameter for Personal Protection based on NFPA

Personal Protection
OX Oxidizer: allows chemical to burn without air supply
₩ Reacts with water in an unusual or dangerous manner
SA Simple asphyxiant gas (N2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe)

Figure 6.3 Parameter for Personal Protection based on HMIS

1. Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)

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For sulfuric acid, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the
give health hazard = 3, fire hazard = 0, reactivity = 2, and personal protection that
use is gloves, full suit, vapor respirator, face shield, and also boots.
Sulfuric acid is very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant,
permeator), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), of ingestion, of inhalation. Liquid
or spray mist may produce tissue damage particularly on mucous membranes of
eyes, mouth and respiratory tract. Skin contact may produce burns. Inhalation of
the spray mist may produce severe irritation of respiratory tract, characterized by
coughing, choking, or shortness of breath. Severe over-exposure can result in
death. Inflammation of the eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching.
Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally,
2. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Based on HMIS, for sodium hydroxide, from the parameter that the health
hazard = 3, fire hazard = 0, reactivity =2 and personal protection is J. From this
hazard rating, the conclusion that sodium hydroxide is extremely hazard. For the
reactivity, it is a violent chemical change. Because the personal protection is J,
need to use splash goggles, gloves, protection apron, dust respirator, and vapour
respirator for handling this material.
This material is very hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, irritant,
permeator), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in
case of inhalation (lung sensitizer). Liquid or spray mist may produce tissue
damage particularly on mucous membranes of eyes, mouth and respiratory tract.
3. Cellulose
For cellulose, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the
give health hazard = 1, fire hazard = 1, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that
use are gloves and googles. From the hazard rating, cellulose is not hazardous. It
is because cellulose has low level of reactivity, has no carcinogenic effects, and
combustible at high temperature.
Cellulose is a liquid-solid (slurry) that odorless, tasteless, and off-white color.
It is non-corrosive in presence of glass. This material is non-irritant for skin, but
slightly hazardous in case of ingestion and inhalation. Large amount of cellulose

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may cause digestive tract irritation. Chronic inhalation from cellulose-containing

fibers can cause byssinosis.
4. Lignin
For cellulose, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the
give health hazard = 1, fire hazard = 1, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that
use are gloves and googles. Form the hazard rating, lignin is non-hazardous
material. It is because cellulose may only cause mild skin irritation, has low
reactivity, also has low flammability.
Lignin is a liquid-solid (slurry) that weak odor, tasteless, and yellow-brown
color. This material is irritant for skin. This material also can cause eye irritation
and also irritating to ingestion system (mouth, throat, and stomach).
5. Glucose
For glucose, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the give
health hazard = 0, fire hazard = 1, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that use
are safety glasses with top and side shields and adequate ventilation. From the
hazard rating, glucose is non-hazardous material. It is because glucose has low
level of reactivity, can burn in fire, and no hazard for health.
Glucose is a liquid-solid (slurry) that odorless, tasteless, and white color. This
material is not hazardous for skin and inhalation but may causes gastrointestinal
disturbance in large doses. This material can produce carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide through combustion process.
6. 1,4 – β Glucosidase
For 1,4 – β Glucosidase, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows
that the give health hazard = 2, fire hazard = 1, reactivity = 0, and personal
protection that use are safety glasses with top and side shields, gloves, and
respirators protection. From the hazard rating, 1,4 – β Glucosidase is hazardous
material. It is because this material can cause skin irritation, eye irritation and has
respiratory sensitization.
1,4 - β Glucosidase is a powder of enzyme which use in hydrolysis process.
The enzyme is store at 2 oC. Storage temperature for enzyme is stabilized used
heat agent. To handle the enzyme, the worker must wear gloves as protection. The

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worker for enzyme handling must use respiratory masker and hair cap to avoid
contamination for enzyme.
7. Cellulase
For cellulase, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the give
health hazard = 2, fire hazard = 1, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that use
are safety glasses with top and side shields, gloves, and respirators protection.
From the hazard rating, cellulase is hazardous material. It is because this material
can cause skin irritation, eye irritation and has respiratory sensitization.
Cellulase is a solid powder enzyme that odorless, tasteless, and brown color.
It is irritant for skin and irritant for inhalation. Contact with large amount of this
material may cause skin irritation, eye irritation, and respiratory irritation. Storage
condition for cellulase enzyme at pH 5 - 7 at 4 oC. To handle the enzyme, the
worker must wear gloves as protection. The worker for enzyme handling must use
respiratory masker and hair cap to avoid contamination for enzyme.
8. Clostridium Acetobutylicum
For Clostridium Acetobutylicum, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. The
HMIS rating of hazard of this material is not available yet. Based on the SDS,
personal protection that use are safety glasses with top and side shields, chemical
resistant gloves, appropriate clothing to prevent skin exposure, and respiratory
Clostridium Acetobutylicum is a bacteria for dark fermentation. This bacteria
is available in form of freeze dried, frozen, or growing cells shipped in liquid cell
culture medium. This bacteria is dangerous to direct contact with skin and eye. If
skin is contacted with bacteria, it is need to wash skin immediately with soap and
water. If eye contacted with bacteria, flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes
with eyelids separated. The bacteria is store at 2 oC until 8 oC. Storage temperature
for bacteria is stabilized used heat agent. To handle the bacteria, the worker must
wear gloves as protection. The worker for enzyme handling must use respiratory
masker and hair cap to avoid contamination for enzyme.
9. Hydrogen
For hydrogen, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the
give health hazard = 0, fire hazard = 4, physical hazard = 3, and personal

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protection that use are safety glasses (according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 133),
work gloves (according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 132 and 1910.133), air supplied
respirator, and respiratory protection. From the hazard rating, hydrogen is
dangerous material. It is because high flammability and may cause breathing
Hydrogen is the main product of fermentative hydrogen plant. Hydrogen is
available in gas phase. Hydrogen gas is odorless, colorless, and flammable.
Hydrogen is a simple asphyxiant. Hydrogen in high doses may cause
unconsciousness. So, it is need an adequate ventilation in process area.
10. Acetic Acid
For acetic acid, the MSDS is shown in the appendix. MSDS shows that the
give health hazard = 3, fire hazard = 2, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that
use are safety glasses, respirator protection, gloves, and body protection. From the
hazard rating, acetic acid is hazardous material. It is because can cause skin
irritation, eye irritation, and inhalation disruption.
Acetic acid is by-product of fermentation process in fermentative hydrogen
process. Acetic acid is a liquid weak acid that has pungent odor, vinegar taste, and
colorless. This material has low boiling point, so this material is very volatile.
Potential acute effect is very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye
contact (irritant), of ingestion, also hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive),
of eye contact (corrosive).
11. Sodium Hypochlorite
For sodium hypochlorite, from the MSDS in the appendix, it shows that the
give health hazard = 1, fire hazard = 0, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that
have to use is splash goggles, lab coat, vapor respirator, be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent, gloves. Use a respirator if the exposure
limit is exceeded.
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a compound that can be effectively used for
water purification. It is used on a large scale for surface purification, bleaching,
odor removal and water disinfection. Potential acute effect is very hazardous in
case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, also hazardous
in case of skin contact (corrosive), of eye contact (corrosive).

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12. Aluminum Sulfate (Al2(SO4)3)

For aluminum sulfate, from the MSDS in the appendix, it shows that the give
health hazard = 2, fire hazard = 0, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that have
to use is splash goggles, vapor respirator, and gloves. This material can be
categorized hazardous material. It is because may cause skin irritation, eye
irritation, and lung irritation.
Aluminum sulfate is used for primary coagulant in water treatment process. It
is used on sedimentation process in water treatment process plant. Potential acute
effect is very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant),
and of inhalation (irritant).

13. Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)

For sodium carbonate, from the MSDS in the appendix, it shows that the give
health hazard = 2, fire hazard = 0, reactivity = 1, and personal protection that have
to use is splash goggles, vapor respirator, and gloves. This material can be
categorized hazardous material. It is because may cause skin irritation, eye
irritation, ingestion irritation, and lung irritation.
Na2CO3 has role as an addition that serves as an adjuvant to advance
precipitation and pH neutralization in water treatment plant. It is used on
sedimentation process in water treatment process plant. Potential acute effect is
very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), and of
inhalation (irritant).
14. Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)
For calcium hydroxide, from the MSDS in the appendix, it shows that the
give health hazard = 2, fire hazard = 0, reactivity = 0, and personal protection that
have to use is splash goggles, body protector, vapor respirator, and gloves. This
material can be categorized hazardous material. It is because may cause skin
irritation, eye irritation, ingestion irritation, and lung irritation.
Calcium hydroxide has a role as neutralizer in wastewater treatment process.
It is used on neutralization process in wastewater treatment. Potential acute effect
is very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (corrosive), of
ingestion, of inhalation.

Universitas Indonesia

6.2.4 Emergency Action Plan

Emergency is an unplanned yet sudden, unexpected, or impending
situation that may cause injury, loss of life, damage to the property, and/or
interfere with the normal activities of a person or firm, therefore require
immediate attention and remedial action. In the term of a process plant,
emergency situation often occurs because of the malfunction of equipment, unsafe
act, or even natural disaster, for example: floods, fires, toxic gas release, chemical
spills, explosion, and others.
At a minimum, emergency action plan must include the following:
• An evacuation policy and procedure;
• A preferred method for reporting fires and other emergencies;
• Emergency escape procedures and route assignments, such as floor plans,
workplace maps, and safe or refuge areas.
There are several emergency plan responses that will be reviewed here,
such as: emergency operating procedure and training, emergency alarm and
firefighting equipment, and emergency escape procedure and route. Emergency Operating Procedure and Training
The emergency procedures should include instructions for dealing with
fires, leaks, and spills. The procedure should describe how to:
• Raise the alarm and call the fire brigade;
• Tackle a fire or control spills and leaks (when it is safe to do so);
• Evacuate the site, and if necessary nearby premises.
• Handle medical emergency or offering first aid
1) Fire
Fire is one of the possible accidents that might happen in this fermentative
hydrogen plant. Whether it’s because the explosion of high pressure condition in
such operations like delignification and H 2 purification or because of unsafe act of
the employee itself. Described below is the instructions consist of a four-step
procedure that employees should follow during a fire. The plan works best when
expressed as an easily recalled acronym, such as SAFE.
• S – Sound the alarm
Sound it yourself or call out to someone else to sound it. This allows the
fire department to be on its way while other activities are being performed.

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• A – Alert others
Quickly tell others in the area of the fire. Do this in a calm, firm manner.
Do not cause a panic. Secure the area for the fire department. Close all
doors and windows to prevent the spread of smoke and flames. Call
security to give verification and information about location of fire.
• F – Fight the fire
Do this only in the case of a manageable fire, one that you have the
training and experience to fight. For example, fire in a wastebasket. If
possible, two employees should fight the fire together using two fire
extinguishers. If you have any doubt about your ability, then do not
attempt to combat it.
• E – Evacuate the area
If necessary, the burned are should be evacuated until the authorities come.
2) Chemical Spill
This procedure outlines the steps to manage a chemical spill in order to
minimize the potential for injury and damage to the environment. Emergency
procedures should consider the immediate danger to persons and ensure effective
containment and clean up, appropriate disposal of waste material and notification
to all relevant authorities. For major spill, the procedure is as follows:
• Do not touch any harmful substance. Take precautions to protect yourself
if necessary.
• Raise the alarm – evacuate persons not involved in contamination from the
area. Isolate contaminated individuals and treat as per MSDS. Isolate
affected persons and keep on site. If required, summon the First Aid
• Contact authorities such as Lab Manager or Safety Coordinator or nearest
building warden. Advise to notify Emergency Services if necessary.
• Close doors to prevent further contamination. Secure the area to keep non-
emergency response personnel away from danger.
• Assist the emergency response personnel and supply the Material Safety
Data Sheet/s if the chemical/s are known.

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• In conjunction with expert assistance, minimize the spread of

contamination and commence decontamination/clean up procedures.
And for minor spill,
• Containment - spills must be cleaned up promptly and thoroughly.
• Approach with care - many harmful chemicals lack color or offensive
odors. Never assume that they are harmless.
• Identify the chemical/s and hazards involved – check Material Safety Data
• Use the information on the physical and chemical properties of the
material to judge response and/or evacuation procedures.
• Decontaminate equipment, clothing and personnel, including any victims,
on site if necessary.
• Dispose of contaminated equipment and materials only after receiving
specialist advice.
• Ensure emergency procedures are in place and practiced
3) Gas Leak
When suspecting there are a gas leak, safety procedures are as follow:
• Avoid inhaling vapor and contact with liquid or gas.
• Turn off the supply also close the emergency shutdown valve (ESDV)
• Never operate any valves when being panic, because a wrong action
although just a simple action will cause to another new emergency
• Close the doors, windows or any gaps to block off the air vents if the leak
is near the building. It is done to prevent the gas from getting into the
• Move and evacuate the people upwind from the gas leak-area.
• Avoid any action which could generate smoke, such as smoking, turning is
the vehicle engine, etc.
• Immediately call the local fire station.
• If in doubt, evacuate the building and inform the police as well as the
National Gas Emergency Service or your gas supplier.
• Gather with others in the muster point nearby.

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4) Accident of Equipment
When there is accident from equipment, safety procedures are as follow:
• Check whether there is any leakage or not
• Move people away from the area and gather in assembly point
• Call the brigade, police and also ambulance
5) Medical Emergency
The direction provided in these procedures is intended to create a standard
set of protocols whenever an employee or visitor is injured or develops a
medical emergency condition on plant property.
• Notify the Incident Management Team (IMT) or dial the plant infirmary
and inform the nurse of emergency and its location in the plant.
• If the nurse cannot be reached, dial emergency call, and inform any
hospital or fire department of the medical emergency. Give the dispatcher
the nature and location in the plant of medical emergency.
• Unless you have been designated by management to be a first aid
responder, do not provide first aid. Make the victim as comfortable as
possible until medical help arrives. Emergency Alarm and Fire Fighting
The emergency plan must include a way to alert employees, including
disabled workers. Therefore alarm systems are installed to indicate the abnormal
conditions and problems of the plant and equipment to the operators, enabling
them to take corrective action and bring the plant/equipment back to normal
conditions, it provides warning for necessary emergency action and reaction time
for safe escape of employees. The alarm has to be distinctive and recognized by
all employees as a signal to evacuate the work area or perform actions identified
in the plan.
All of alarm which used for evacuation system has been meet the alarm
system standard from OSHA. Type of alarms which used in this plant:
a. Audible Alarm
Audible alarm serves as the first sign of emergency, it consists of horn and
sirens. Horns can be useful to call attention to critical situations. Thus,
sirens produce a loud piercing wail that makes them ideally suitable for

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initiating a site-wide evacuation. This type of alarm will be installed in the

fermentative hydrogen plant for giving warn if there is any possible
actions that might lead to dangerous situation such as chemical spill, H 2
leak, or fail in operations.

Figure 6.4 Audible Alarm

b. Visible Alarm
A visual alarm provides persons with hearing loss the same warning
delivered to hearing persons by an audible alarm. Visual alarms are
flashing lights used as fire alarm signals. Visual alarm with steady lights is
well suited for areas where ambient noise makes audible signals difficult
to hear, for an example in area where the compressor is in.

Figure 6.5 Visible Alarm

For firefighting, the plant has some equipment installed such as light fire
extinguisher (APAR), hydrant, and safety shower.
There are several important aspects in firefighting equipment, which are:
1. Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguisher is the equipment that is used to extinguish the fire in
small scale using water, dry chemical powder, foam, carbon dioxide, or
other substances. It usually comes in portable form, used to reduce their

Universitas Indonesia

destruction before firefighters arrive at the scene. Fire extinguisher which

will be used in the plant is class B fire extinguisher. This type usually used
for flammable liquids and gases considering that some materials in the
plant are flammable.

Figure 6.6 Fire Extinguisher

(Source: Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 2014)
2. Fire Hydrant
A fire hydrant is a visible fixture placed inside or outside a building,
parking area, industrial area, mine, roadside, etc. that is connected to the
municipal or a private water service network. Fire hydrants are designed to
instantly provide the water required by fire fighters to extinguish a fire.
The fire hydrant is located in several points in the plant to supply water
obtained from nearest water source, such as in the front of the main office
building, inside the main process area, and in each utilities area.

Figure 6.7 Fire Hydrant


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3. Safety Shower and Eye Wash Station

Combination shower and eye-rinse stations is the proper emergency
equipment that can minimize workplace injuries and protecting employees.
The first 10 to 15 seconds after exposure to a hazardous substance,
especially a corrosive substance, are critical. Delaying treatment, even for
a few seconds, may cause serious injury. Emergency showers and eyewash
stations provide on-the-spot decontamination. This unit is installed in
every process area that related to chemical contamination such as in main
process area especially near the delignification tank, neutralization reactor,
hydrolysis reactor, or fermentor. Also in utilities area just in case flowing
water is needed to provide the first aid.

Figure 6.8 Combination of Safety Shower and Eyewash Station

(Source: Emergency Escape Procedures and Routes
When preparing emergency action plan, designate primary and secondary
evacuation routes and exits. An exit route is a continuous and unobstructed path of
exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of safety. An exit route
consists of three parts:
1) Exit access – portion of an exit route that leads to an exit.
2) Exit – portion of an exit route that is generally separated from other areas
to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge.

Universitas Indonesia

3) Exit discharge – part of the exit route that leads directly outside or to a
street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the
The purpose of the escape procedure is to help the employee evacuate to
be predetermined assembly areas whenever the alarm sounds. Here is the
procedure of emergency escape:
1) In the event of an emergency, employees shall activate fire pull stations
without exposing themselves to serious hazards and leave the work area as
soon as possible via the emergency route assignments posted in your
immediate work area.
2) All primary emergency escape routes and designated meeting locations
shall be provided to each employee by departmental managers as part of
the emergency planning process. These primary route and designated
meeting locations must be approved by the plant manager.
3) An orderly evacuation shall be supervised by departmental managers, line
supervisors, and designated wardens who will check all rooms/enclosed
spaces and report any problems via telephone or radio to plant security.
4) Each local manager or supervisor shall provide for the specialized
evacuation of any handicapped employees.
After knowing about the escaping procedure, next provide assembly point
and the route from any side of the plant to go to that assembly point. Escaping
route should be the shortest and safest way to go to assembly or meeting point in
order to minimize after effect from emergency.
There are three assembly points in this plant. First is placed in front of the
main office, intended for the employees working near the office, laboratory,
workshop, and other facilities around to gather in the nearest safe and open area.
At this point, employees may prepare for the following instructions and evacuate
through the main gate if needed. It is far enough from the side corner of the main
process area which categorized high pressure area. The other two points are
placed in left and right side of the utilities area, which intended for evacuation
through the site gate. The figure in Appendices A.2 will explain the escape route
based on the plant layout of fermentative hydrogen plant.

Universitas Indonesia

6.3 Waste Management

Fermentative hydrogen plant which using empty fruit bunch (EFB) to

produce hydrogen by fermentation process also produce some residue or waste
both from production process and the utilities. These wastes must be handled
before ejected into environment, used again in the process or sold into another
industry. Waste management include collection, transport, treatment and disposal
of process waste. Waste management process must comply with regulatory
framework which relates to waste management. Waste will be classified as gas
emission, liquid and solid waste.
6.3.1 Waste and Impurities Identification
Process manufacturing of hydrogen by fermentation in this plant produces
several types of waste. There are solid waste, liquid waste, gas emission, and
sound (noise). The list of the waste and impurities are shown in Table 6.12.

Table 6.12 Waste Identification

No. Waste Origin Classification Main Composition
Ash from
1. Pre-treatment Solid waste Ash
Lignin from
2. Pre-treatment Solid Waste Ash, Lignin
3. Fermentor Main process Liquid waste Acetic acid
4. dioxide (CO2) Main process Gas emission Carbon dioxide (CO2)
from PSA
Water Water, CaCl, Na2CO3,
5. bottom Solid waste
treatment NaClO
Ultrafiltration Water
6. Solid waste Water, minerals
retentate treatment
7. RO retentate Solid waste Water, minerals
8. Ion Exchanger Solid waste Water, minerals
CO2 and O2
Water Carbon dioxide (CO2)
9. from Gas emission
treatment and Oxygen (O2)

Universitas Indonesia

10. Boiler flue gas Gas emission CO2 and CO
Ash boiler Steam
11. Gas emission N2, CO2, O2
product generation

6.3.2 List of Waste Management Concept

Every waste has to be treated before disposal to environment because it
will cause increasing environmental pollution. The government has regulation
which arranges every detail about environment, threshold value of waste that may
be disposal into the environment and labor regulations. Several ways to manage
solid waste (sand) are collected in the collecting pit or directly put the sand back
to river. A way to manage liquid waste is by using cooling water system, water
treatment unit (filtration and sedimentation), or chemical neutralization process.
The gas residue can be emitted directly to atmosphere because the amount
of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and hydrogen is already safe because
it is below the standard from Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) that is shown
in Table 6.13.

Table 6.13 The Threshold Value of Waste Gas (SNI 19-0232-2005)

No Threshold Value
Chemical Compound
. mg/m3 bda
1. Carbon dioxide 9000 5000
2. Carbon Monoxide 29 25
3. Nitrogen - -
4. Hydrogen - -
(Source: Standar Nasional Indonesia)
The noise waste regulated by Ministry of Manpower Decree No.
Kep.51/MEN/1999, Threshold Limit Value (TLV) from noise is around 85 dB for
8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. If exceeding the TLV, there are some disorders
that can cause such as physiological disorder (reducing function of hearing) and
also psychological disorders (mental and stress disorder). The noise level has to be
reduced by several actions: eliminating noise transmission to workers, eliminating
noise from noise source, and providing protection to employees.

Universitas Indonesia

6.3.3 Concept Selection of Waste Management

Solid waste will be transferred into collecting pit area since the fly ash is
not harmful to the environment and the source is from degradable biomass. Lignin
solid waste can be treated further. Solid waste from filtration process will be
processed together in waste water treatment by using activated sludge. Activated
sludge used as anti-bacterial agent for waste water. Before processed with
activated sludge, waste material must be neutralized using Ca(OH) 2. The result of
the waste water treatment process is neutral and bacterial free.
The hydrogen producing process generates a number of wastewater
streams that must be treated before recycling to the process or release to the
environment. This is accomplished in the wastewater treatment system. The
treated water is assumed clean and fully reusable by the process, which reduces
both the fresh makeup water requirement and discharge to the environment. The
water from ion exchange regeneration will be processed in neutralizing pit before
going into waste water treatment.

Universitas Indonesia

7.1 Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)

Capital estimation for fermentative hydrogen plant calculation and analysis

need several assumptions as shown below:
1. Plant lifetime is 20 years; start from 2021 (including the equipment
purchase and based on the benchmarking).
2. Plant total production for one year is capacity or approximately
103,620,000 scf of hydrogen
7.1.1 Cost Index
Cost index is required to determine equipment price in exact year which is
important to estimate equipment cost in a certain year. In this economic analysis,
chemical engineering cost index used to forecast the price of equipment in the
year of purchase. There are two methods for cost index which are commonly used,
Marshall-Swift Equipment Cost and Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index
(CEPCI). The index used for capital estimation is the Chemical Engineering (CE)
Plant Cost Index. In this analysis, this index is used to predict equipment price in
current year. In this analysis, this index is used to predict equipment price in
current year. The data is from the CEPCI Online as shown in Figure 7.1.

f(x) = 4.21x - 7907.62






2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018

152 Universitas Indonesia


Figure 7.1 Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (Averaged Over Year)
(Source: CEPCI Online, 2017)

We take into account the data of the years 2006-2016 as the price data of
Fermentative hydrogen plant’s equipment there are some from 2006. Table 1.1.
shows the data for cost index from 2006 to 2016:

Table 7.1 Cost Index Data for 2006 – 2016

Year Cost Index

2006 499.6
2007 525.4
2008 575.4
2009 521.9
2010 550.8
2011 585.7
2012 584.6
2013 567.3
2014 576.1
2015 556.8
2016 541.7

Using the data in Table 7.1, cost index for purchasing year of 2020 can be
forecasted by using extrapolation. Extrapolation data for cost index is using linear
equation of cost index trend. The forecast of cost index is plotted in Figure 7.2.

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f(x) = 4.21x - 7918.89








2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

Figure 7.2 Forecast Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) 2006 – 2020

Table 7.2 Extrapolation Data for Cost Index

Year Cost Index

2016 541.7
2017 578.5
2018 582.7
2019 586.9
2020 591.1

This projection of Chemical Engineering’s Plant Cost Index will be used

for the equipment cost prediction because the equipment will be purchased in
2020. In estimating equipment cost, we use index value to estimating price at
present time, the equation is:

Index Value at Present Time

Present Cost = (1.0)
IndexValue at Time Original cost wasObtained

7.1.2 Direct Cost

The direct cost in this plant includes total bare modulem land and building,
offsite facilities, building plant, site development, and supporting facilities costs. Total Equipment Cost (total Bare Module)

Universitas Indonesia

Hydrogen plant look for the price data of each equipment. The plant get
historical data from vendor and using formula to get the purchased cost in 2021.
We also use bare module factor to include the installation cost of every
equipment. The calculation of equipment or total bare module cost is begun with
the calculation of FOB itself. The parameter and the formula in Process and
Product Design Principles by Seider can be seen in Appendix R.1A. To get an
estimate of the purchase cost at a lated date, multiplying the cost from an earlier
date by the ratio called cost index is needed at that date a base cost index. The
total equipment cost is USD 54,760,370. Bulk Material Cost
Bulk material cost calculated from piping, controller, and electricity cost.
The total bulk material cost is USD 4.304.934. The detail about bulk material cost
is shown in appendix R.1.B Land and Building Cost
The fermentative hydrogen plant is going to be built in a land near
Pangkalan Sesai, Dumai, Riau with area of 7 ha or 70,000 m 2. With average price
of Rp 750,000 per m2 in that region, the land will be bought, not rented. The
considerations are first, the plant may exist for long period of time to gain
economic return and provide sustainable supply of hydrogen. And second, it’s not
reasonable to rent a land as wide as this area.

Table 7.3 Land Cost

Price per m Price per m2 Area Total Cost
(IDR) (USD) (m2) (USD)
Land 750,000 17.50 70,000 3,674,400
Total 3,674,400

Building cost means civil work cost which include steel, concrete, and also
asphalt for the road and parking area. The building components are construction
labor, equipment installation, insulation, foundation/support, safety device, etc.
Meanwhile for building cost, is calculated from the total equipment cost times the
related factor as described in the table below.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7.4 Building Cost

Description Description Total Cost (USD)

Building 10% from Total Bare Modul Cost 5,476,037
Foundation 10% from land cost 367,400
Contractors 3% from land cost 110,200
Site Preparation &
20% from Total Bare Modul Cost 10,952,074
Total 16,905,711
In total, the cost for land and building is USD 20,580,111. Supporting Facilities Cost
Supporting facilities are the equipment needed to accelerate production
process directly and indirectly. Supporting facilities are including equipment in
office, personal protection equipment, transportation, and many more. The amount
of these supporting equipment is determined according to the number of
employees and their needs. The supporting equipment cost is USD 65,161. The
detail is shown in Appendix R.1.C Utilities Installation
To provide utilities, firstly it needs to be installed in the plant. The table
below include the additional cost for utilities installation that contribute to capital
expenditure. Tabel below shown the installation cost for the plant.

Table 7.5 Utilities Installation Cost

Installation Price (Rp) Price (USD)

Fire Alarm System 1,750,000 123
Telephone Installation 30,000,000 2,102
Hydrant Installation 15,000,000 1,051
Internet Installation 5,000,000 350
Total 3,625

7.1.3 Indirect Cost

The indirect cost in this plant includes contingency, contractor’s fee,
engineering and supervision, and COPEX. Contingency and Contractor Fee

Universitas Indonesia

Based on Product & Process Design Principles Book, contingencies’ fee

can be estimated by 15% TBM (Total Bare Module). This cost is used to know
unpredictable cost due to mis-calculation. TBM itself has been calculated before
in the previous section, so the value of contingencies cost is shown in the table

Table 7.6 Contingency Cost

Description Value
Factor 0.15
Total Bare Modul Cost (USD) 54,760,370
Contingency Cost (USD) 8,214,100

7.1.4 Working Capital

Working capital is funds, in addition to fixed capital and startup funds,
needed by a company to meet its obligations until payments are received from
others for goods they have received. It is standard to provide working capital for a
one-month period of plant operation, because those buying the product are usually
given 30 days to make their payments, while the company has 30 days to pay for
raw materials. Inventories of products may be much less than 30 days. Here, 7
days is assumed (Seider, 2009).
Working Capital Cost =cash reserves +inventory + accountsreceivable−accounts payable
While the inventory for gas produce will not be calculated because it’s
pipelined. The table below accounts for working capital cost.

Table 7.7 Working Capital Cost

Description Cost (USD)

Cash Reserves 8.33% of the Annual Cost of Manufacture 3,916,826
Accounts Receivable 8.33% of the Annual Sales of All Product 374,879
Accounts Payable 8.33% of the Annual Feedstock Costs 2,724,710
Working Capital Cost 1,566,996
The annual cost of manufacture equals to annual operating expenditure,
annual feedstock costs indicating the raw material cost, and the annual sales of the
product is calculated as follows by multiplying the amount of hydrogen produce
and the selling price which is designated to Rp 650 or USD 0.046.

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7.1.5 Total Capital Investment

Total capital investment (or known as CAPEX) of a plant is stated as a
one-time expense for the design, construction, and start-up of a new plant.
Summing all of the costs that has been calculated before, the CAPEX is shown in
table below.

Table 7.8 Total Capital Investment Cost

Description Cost (USD) Percentage

Total Equipment Cost 54,760,370 61,19%
Bulk Material Cost 4,304,934 4.81%
Land Cost 3,674,400 4,11%
Building Cost 16,905,711 18,89%
Supporting Facility Cost 65,161 0.07%
Utility Installation Cost 3,625 0.004%
Contingency Fee 8,214,100 9.18%
Working Capital 1,566,996 1.75%
Total Capital Investment 89,495,297 100.00%

And the cost distribution is broken down to this pie chart in the figure

Total Capital Investment



4.11% 61.19%

Total Equi pment Cost Bul k Materi a l Cost Land Cost

Bui l di ng Cost Supporting Faci l i ty Cost Util ity Insta l l ation Cost
Contingency Fee Worki ng Ca pi tal

Figure 7.3 Total Capital Investment Cost Breakdown

Universitas Indonesia

7.2 Operational Expenditure (OPEX)

Operating cost are cost incurred during plant operation such as the cost of
materials, labor, utilities cost, insurance, salary tax, building tax, depreciation,
distribution and marketing as well as administration. Operational cost is usually
paid in every year of production. There are some factors that is needed to be
calculated such as direct production cost, fixed charge, and plant overhead cost.
These costs are called manufacturing cost. The operational cost is conducted into
two types which are manufacturing cost and general expense. To calculate
operating cost, there are some assumptions used for calculating the operating
costs. The assumptions are as follows:
 Plant operating life is 20 years.
 In one year, the plant operated for 330 days, 24 hours per day
 Production capacity is 100% since the first-time plant operated.
 US$1 equal to Rp 14,275 based on Bank Indonesia (November 26th, 2018).
7.2.1 Raw Material Cost
Raw material can look at the Appendix R.1.D that shows a summary of the
raw material cost that will be used during production processes, including
shipping cost. The total raw material cost is USD 32,709,598
7.2.2 Labor Cost
Labors that will be working at this plant consist of two types, direct and
indirect labor. Direct labors are who in charge during direct operational process in
this plant, whereas indirect labors are who in charge monitoring plant
survivability and relationship with outside world. The wages for each labor refer
to minimum regional wages (Upah Minimum Regional/UMR) in the plant
location, which is Dumai, Riau, by using data from Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan
in 2017 – 2019. This plant is assumed would be operate in 2021. The UMR is
estimated increased annually. The details are shown in table below.

Table 7.9 Minimum Regional Wages in Dumai

Year UMR (USD/month)
2017 186.02
2018 202.22
2019 218.45
Universitas Indonesia

2020 234.65
2021 250.85
(Source: Direct Labor Cost
To determine the number of labors, the shift scheduling of this plant
should be considered. The cost for labor-related operation covered the direct
wages and benefit (DW&B) of operators and direct salaries & benefit (DS&B) of
supervisors and engineering personnel. The DW&B and DS&B can be calculated
from an hourly rate for the labors of a proposed plant. Estimation of all labor-
related operations will include the estimation of number operators that is needed
for the plant per shift (Seider, et al., 2003).

Table 7.10 Direct Operating Labor Requirements for Chemical Plant

Type of process Number of operators per process section
Continuous Operation
Fluids processing 1
Solids-fluids processing 2
Solids processing 3
Batch Operation
Fluids processing 2
Solids-fluids processing 3
Solids processing 4
(Source: Seider, 2003)
Fermentative hydrogen plant is categorized as continuous processing with
subcategory solids-fluids processing. This plant needs 6 persons to operate

Universitas Indonesia

hydrolysis reactors, 9 persons to operate fermentor, 6 people to operate control

room, and 6 analysts with 2 per shift a day (24 working hours) with 13 months of
payment according to Indonesia’s law Table 7.11shows the details.

Table 7.11 Direct Labor Cost

Amount Salary per month per Total Salary per

(person) person (USD) year (USD)
21 300 81,900
Control Room
6 300 23,400
Analyst 6 350 27,300
Total Direct Labor Cost 132,600 Indirect Labor Cost

Indirect cost is needed to ensure management and operation of the firm.
The wages are used based on standard of Indonesia firm with salary projection to
2021 with 13 months of payment according to Indonesia’s law. The indirect labor
cost can be seen in Table 7.12.

Table 7.12 Indirect Labor Cost

Total salary
Departmen Amount Salary per month
Position per year
t (person) per person (USD)
1 2,000 26,000
1 1,500 19,500
Stakeholder Manager
Secretary of
President 1 1,000 13,000

Finance Finance 1 700 9,100
Department Accounting

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1 525 6,825

Security 15 251 48,945

Receptionist 2 251 6,526
Support &
Service Cleaning
5 251 16,315
1 525 6,825
1 680 8,840
Department 1 910 11,830
t Manager

1 665 8,645

Table 7.12 Indirect Labor Cost (cont’d)

Total salary
Departmen Amount Salary per month
Position per year
t (person) per person (USD)
Production Process
3 560 21,840
Department Engineer

Resources 1 665 8,645
HRD Human 1 350 4,550
Department Resources

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1 980 12,740
HSE Manager
Department Safety
3 550 21,450
1 500 6,500
Sales and Manager
Marketing 1 380 4,940
Department Sales /
1 330 4,290
Maintenanc 6 525 40,950
6 525 40,950
Total Indirect Labor Cost 290,706

7.2.3 Utility Cost

Utility cost are needed to maintain the main processes of the
production such as water, electricity, and plant infrastructure. For the electricity
based on PT. PLN, this plant is categorized as a moderate industry (200 – 30,000
kVA). It is mentioned that the price for the moderate-scaled industry since June
2018 is USD 0.07 per kWh. Electricity
The Appendix R.1.E shows process equipment electricity and Table R.1.F
shows supporting electricity requirement. Total needs for equipment electricity is
31680 kWh/year and the cost is USD 2,292,639. Water Utility
In this plant, water requirements for the process, steam generation, and sanitation
are met by seawater treatment. In seawater processing, several purification
materials are needed, such as coagulants and disinfectants such as sodium
hypochlorite. The use of these materials can be seen in the table below.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7.13 Water Utility Cost

Flow Total cost
Operating requirement Price per
Component rate per year
time (h) per year ton (USD)
(ton/h) (USD)
hypochlorite 0,1 24 792 40 31,680
sulphate 0,1 24 792 11 8,712
carbonate 0,1 24 792 300 237,600
Total 277,992 Steam
Steam obtained from steam generator system. To generate steam, fuel is
required for boiler. The fuel used is LNG, the details can be seen on the table

Table 7.14 Steam Utility Cost

Fuel supply equipment Boiler (E – 203)
Total heat required (MJ/h) 40,589.219
Total heat required
Total fuel needed
Working day/year 330
Total fuel needed
LNG price (USD/MMBTU) 18
Total price (USD/year) 5,484,283.2
Universitas Indonesia

7.2.4 Maintenance Cost

Maintenance is needed to maintain the condition of the facilities or
plant equipment by repairing or replacing unusable things to obtain a
satisfactory state of production operation. Maintenance is required both for
factories, offices, and supporting equipment so it can be used continuously,
and optimal production quality can be assured.

Table 7. 15 Maintenance Cost

Annual Cost
Maintenance Amount (percentage)
Main equipments 15 % of Total Bare Module Cost *410,703
3% of Supporting Facilities Cost 3,032
Land and building 1% of Land and Building Cost 67,008
TOTAL 480,743
*The value is the mean cost for main equipment cost for every year
7.2.5 Insurance and Tax Cost
Insurance is cost that paid to insurance company that cooperate with plant.
Insurance is the way to protect the company assets, both movable and fixed. For
calculating the insurance, the assumption based on PP No 84 Year 2010, that is
stated the assumption below:

Table 7.16 Insurance Cost

Insurance Annual Cost
Type (USD)
0.5% of FC cost 433,099
Employee’s 6% of annual
Insurance salary
Annual Insurance Cost 455,703

Table 7. 17 Land and Building Tax

Universitas Indonesia

Land and Building Tax

Area Cost per m2
Description Cost (USD)
(m2) (USD)
NJOP Earth 70 17,50 1,225,000
40 137 5,476,037
Total NJOP 6,701,037
NJOP for PBB 6,700,196
NJKP (40% NJOP) 2,680,079
Debted PBB (0.5% NJKP) 13,400

7.3 Depreciation

Depreciation is the reduction in value of an asset. The way to depreciate an

asset is a way to account for the decreasing value of the asset to the owner and to
represent the diminishing value of capital funds invest. Salvage value is the
estimated trade-in or market value at the end of the asset’s useful life. The salvage
value, S expressed as an estimated dollar amount or as a percentage of the first
cost, may be positive, zero, or negative due to dismantling and carry-away costs.
The list of all equipments have been elaborated in Capital Expenditure section.
The depreciation rate is for main equipment, supporting, and building. The
assumption depreciation factor of 10% for main and supporting equipments, 5%
for building, according to main depreciation for national assets. Data of
depreciation cost can look at the Appedix R.1.G.
7.4 Investment Feasibility Analysis

Before a new business begin or developed, first must be conducted

research whether the business will be profitable or not. The minimum expected
return is often referred as MARR, and profit calculated in the analysis of
investment feasibility known as IRR. Investment feasibility analysis also shows
the ability of a venture in experiencing lows of profit that may occur during the
period of analysis. By analyzing some of the important investment parameters, the
feasibility study can be done.

Universitas Indonesia

7.5.1 Loan Payment

To fulfill $86,460,436 for capital cost of the plant, should be found another
investment source. Not only from bank, due to plant huge value of plant capital
cost, investor is also needed. The local bank used is BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia)
with 10.87% interest that contribute to 75% of the capital investment, meanwhile
the investor loan with 12% interest contribute to 25% of the rest capital
investment. Therefore the capital share of each source is as follows.

Table 7. 18 Capital Share for Each of Capital Source

Capital Source Percentage Capital Share
Investor 25% $64,845,327
BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia) 75% $21,615,109

Table 7.19 Loan Payment

Loan Total
Year Initial Loan Payment after
Interest Payment
0 64,845,327 64,845,327
1 64,845,327 7,048,687 6,484,533 13,533,220 58,360,794
2 58,360,794 6,343,818 6,484,533 12,828,351 51,876,262
3 51,876,262 5,638,950 6,484,533 12,123,482 45,391,729
4 45,391,729 4,934,081 6,484,533 11,418,614 38,907,196
5 38,907,196 4,229,212 6,484,533 10,713,745 32,422,664
6 32,422,664 3,524,344 6,484,533 10,008,876 25,938,131
7 25,938,131 2,819,475 6,484,533 9,304,008 19,453,598
8 19,453,598 2,114,606 6,484,533 8,599,139 12,969,065
9 12,969,065 1,409,737 6,484,533 7,894,270 6,484,533
10 6,484,533 704,869 6,484,533 7,189,401 0
Therefore, the annual payment borne by the plant as financial interest from
money loan to bank is shown in the table below.

Table 7.19 Financial Interest

Year Financial Interest

0 0
1 7,048,687

Universitas Indonesia

2 6,343,818
3 5,638,950
4 4,934,081
5 4,229,212
Table 7.19 Financial Interest (cont’d)

Year Financial Interest

6 3,524,344
7 2,819,475
8 2,114,606
9 1,409,737
10 704,869

7.5.2 Income
Main product of this plant is hydrogen gas, which usually used by most of
other plants to generate energy or act as fuel. Therefore, to supply the local
demand of hydrogen in Indonesia especially in Sumatra Island, hydrogen gas is
pipelined and transferred to the plants nearby in Dumai, Riau. The plant can
produce 800 kg/day hydrogen gas or equal to 299,498.92 scf/day, meanwhile the
price of hydrogen in market is $13.99/kg or Rp 508.279 /scf or $ 0. 04553.So, the
annual income of this plant is the multiplication of the hydrogen production and
the price, which:
scf $ 0.046 days
Income=2 99,498.92 x x 330 =USD 4,546,393
day scf year
7.5.3 Cash Flow
Cash flow needs to be calculated to know the income earned and outcome
made during this plant lifetime. Before Tax Cash Flow (BTCF) is calculated by
adding CAPEX, OPEX, loan payment or financial interest, and depreciation,
while After Tax Cash Flow (ATCF) is calculated by deducting tax from BTCF.
Company tax rate is 20%, obtained by timing taxable income and tax rate.
Taxable income can be calculated by deducting depreciation from BTCF based on
Corporation Tax from Indonesian Tax Pocket Book by PT PWC. The cash flow
and cumulative cash flow can be seen below, and the table can be seen in

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20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
-10,000,000 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20






Figure 7.4 Cash Flow

Both of the cash flow is minus, which prove that the plant is not
economically feasible to be run because the hydrogen selling price is so low
meanwhile the operating cost each day is very high. Therefore, another case of
hydrogen selling price manipulation with some supporting factor is made.
In the case flow below, hydrogen selling price is made to $0.621 which
result to the positive NPV in the calculation, means that the plant can be normally

7.5 Profitability Analysis

7.5.1 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is used as a standard to
determine the economic feasibility of Hydrogen plant. WACC is calculated using
the equation below:
E D (7.1)
WACC= × ℜ+ × Rd × ( 1−tax rate )

where E/V is percentage of financing that is equity, D/V is percentage of financing

that is debt, Re is the cost of equity, and Rd is the cost of debt. Using the equation

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above, we found that the WACC value of this plant is 8.84 %. This value will be
compared to the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) value of this plant.
7.5.2 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a measure of the maximum interest rate
paid on project that still break even at the end of the project life. In other words,
the IRR is the interest rate when NPV = 0. The formula used to calculate IRR is
shown below:
C Fn
NPV =∑ −TCI=0 (7.2)
n =1 ( 1+ r )n

In the equation above, the IRR value is symbolized using the letter r. After
calculating the cash flow in Microsoft Excel, the interest rate (IRR) can not be
obtained. It is because the NPV for this plant is negative. It means, the plant
production is nonprofitable and not economically feasible with the stated product
price before.
7.5.3 Net Present Value (NPV)
Net Present Value (NPV) shows the net benefits received by a project over
the life of the project at a certain interest rate. NPV can also be interpreted as the
present value of the cash flows generated by the investment. A project can be seen
as feasible if the NPV is larger than zero, meaning that the project would bring
benefits when implemented. Otherwise, the project wouldn’t bring profit and thus
be discontinued. The NPV can be calculated by drawing the cash flow from year n
back to the present using a reasonable interest rate. The formula is shown below:

C Fn
C F n ,0= (7.3)
( 1+i )n

The interest rate used for this calculation is based on the WACC value of
hydrogen plant. With the MARR value of 8.84%, we get the NPV value of minus
USD 406,276,407. The general criterion for NPV value is that the value must be
positive with high interest rate (higher than 10%). However, because the NPV
value is minus, IRR can not be obtained and the plant production seems can no be
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7.5.4 Payback Period

Payback period indicates the time needed until the plant’s revenue can
recover all the investment made when starting the plant. It can be presented best
using the cumulative present worth chart, stretching from year 0 until the plant
lifetime. The chart can be seen below.


2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040





Figure 7. 5 Cumulative Present Worth Chart

7.5.5 Rate of Return

Rate of Interest (ROI) is the annual profit generated by one unit of capital
invested. The formula to calculate ROI is shown below:
Annual net profit (7.4)
%ROI= × 100
It is important to note that the annual income used is the income after tax.
Using the equation above, ROR value is -55,56%. The ROR is negative, so the
number shows the loss of investment we got for the project. It is because the
project is not profitable in the first place.
7.5.6 Breakeven Point (BEP)
Breakeven point (BEP) is an analysis to determine the amount of goods or
services to be sold to consumers at a given price to cover the costs incurred and
the profit. Shown below is the equation to find BEP.
CTPI (7.5)
( Price per unit−variable cost per unit )
The CTPI symbolizes the total permanent investment cost, which is characterized
by its value and not influenced by the amount of production. The variable cost is

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its opposite, which means that its values change accordingly to the amount of
goods produced. Since the project is not profitable though 20 years, there is no
BEP value for this case.

7.6 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis has aim to find the component of cash flow with high
impact to economical parameter of the project. The component with high
sensitivity in the cash flow will be analyzed in sensitivity analysis. The
component with high sensitivity in cash flow is product price and raw material
price. In this section, sensitivity analysis is conducted in 3 cases. The cases for
sensitivity analysis are :
 Case - A: Normal Product Price with Present Capacity
 Case - B: Increasing Product Price with Present Capacity
 Case - C: Increasing Product Price with Present Capacity and Subsidy for
Case - A: Normal Product Price with Present Capacity
From present condition, the fermentative hydrogen plant is not economic
feasible for next step of development. It is because hydrogen price and demand
are very low, but the operating expenses for fermentative hydrogen is very high.
Economic sensitivity analysis cannot be conducted if the cash flow is dominated
with expenses or deficit.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Figure 7.6 Cummulative Cash Flow for Case - A

Case - B: Increasing Product Price with Present Capacity

According to the present condition, the possibility case that make the
present cash flow become economic feasible is the escalation of hydrogen price. If
the hydrogen price is increasing, the annual revenue of the plant is increasing too.
Escalation of annual revenue may lead to payback period. Economic price for the
hydrogen product is determined by using simulation in Microsoft Excel.
Simulation conducted by “goal seek” value of IRR to 10% by changing the value
of product price. From the simulation, the economic price of fermentative
hydrogen is USD 0.6 per standard cubic feet. Payback period of the fermentative
hydrogen production with increased price of hydrogen is 5.9 years (approximately
6 years).

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0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0
-50000000202 202 202 202 202 203 203 203 203 203 204


Figure 7.7 Cummulative Cash Flow for Case – B

The sensitivity analysis for this case is shown by Figure 3.X, Figure 3.X, and
Figure 7.8.



15.00% raw material



-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 7.8 Sensitivity Analysis to IRR in Case - B

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Deviation vs NPV


150,000,000 Hydrogen
raw material


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 7.9 Sensitivity Analysis to NPV




6.000 Hydrogen
raw material


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 7.10 Sensitivity Analysis to PBP

Based on three figures above, the hydrogen price is the most sensitive
component among others. This is because the hydrogen price is too small
compared to operating cost. Cost of hydrogen is affecting the annual revenue
which use for operating cost.

Universitas Indonesia

Case - C: Increasing Product Price with Present Capacity and Get Subsidy
Cash flow in this case is conducted from the condition if the CAPEX of
this plant is paid by government. Indonesia’s government has possibility to give
subsidy for the development of technology for renewable energy and utilization of
waste. The subsidy given for the capital expenses of the first development. The
subsidy from government assumed to be 75% of capital expenses. The subsidy
from government affect the value of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback
period. The Internal Rate of Return in this case is 62.10% with payback period is
2 years.






0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0
202 202 202 202 202 203 203 203 203 203 204

Figure 7. 11 Cummulative Cash Flow for Case - C

The result of sensitivity analysis for Case – C is shown in Figure 7.12,
Figure 7.13, and Figure 7.14.

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60.00% Hydrogen
raw material


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 7. 12 Sensitivity Analysis to IRR Case-C




raw material


-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 7.13 Sensitivity Analysis to NPV

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2.000 Hydrogen
raw material



-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 7. 14 Sensitivity Analysis to PBP Case-C

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Based on three figures above, the hydrogen price is the most sensitive component
among others. This is because the hydrogen price is too small compared to
operating cost. Cost of hydrogen is affecting the annual revenue which use for
operating cost.

 The designed fermentative hydrogen plant from biomass utilize empty fruit
bunch (EFB) as raw material and is located at Pangkalan Sesai, Dumai,
Riau. The desired product produced is hydrogen and the byproducts are
acetic acid and CO2
 EFB feeds used in the plant is about 48 tons/day and it will produce 0.8
tons/day of hydrogen with 99% of purity.
 The processes that selected from process selection are EFB pre-treatment by
alkaline delignification, enzymatic hydrolysis, dark fermentation, and H2
purification by pressure swing adsorption.
 The product conversion efficiency is 9.5% and product yield is 4.22 %
 Before HEN, the cold utility needed is 0.57803 MW and the hot utility
needed is 0.154065 MW. After HEN, the use of both types of utilities
decreases, the cold utility needed is 0.49458 and the hot utility needed is
0.070613 MW.
 The HEN system manages to decrease the necessity up to 54% for hot utility
and 14% for cold utility
 The types of equipment in main process are delignification tank, neutralizer
tank, hydrolysis reactor, fermentor,PSA, pump, and compressor.
 Equipment fot utility in this plant are storage tank, pump, pipe, heat
exchanger, blending tank, cation exchanger, anion exchanger, clarifier,
deaerator, GAC filter, etc.
 The controlled parameter for this plant is temperature, composition, pressure
and level.

179 Universitas Indonesia


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Appendix A1: Block Flow Diagram

Figure A.1 Block Flow Diagram of Fermentative Hydrogen Production

183 Universitas Indonesia


Appendix A2: Process Flow Diagram of Pre-treatment Process

Figure A.2. Process Flow Diagram of Pre-treatment Process

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Appendix A3: Process Flow Diagram of Hydrogen Production

Figure A.3 Process Flow Diagram of Hydrogen Production Process

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Appendix A.4: Process Flow Diagram Before HEN

Figure PFD Before HEN

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Appendix A5: Process Flow Diagram After HEN

Figure 1.6. PFD After HEN

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Appendix A.6: Process Flow Diagram of Water Treatment Process

Figure 5.1 Water Treatment Process

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Appendix A.7: Process Flow Diagram of Steam Generation Plant

Figure 5.2 Steam Generation Process

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Appendix A.8: Process Flow Diagram of Wastewater Treatment

Figure 5.3 Wastewater Treatment Process

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Appendix B.1: P&ID of Pre-treatment Process

Figure 2.8 P&ID of Pretreatment Process

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Appendix B.2: P&ID of Main Process

Figure 2.2 P&ID of Main Process

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Appendix B.3: P&ID of Water Treatment Process

Figure 2.3 P&ID of Water Treatment Process

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Appendix B.4: P&ID of Steam Generation Process

Figure 2.4 P&ID of Steam Generation Process

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Appendix B.5: P&ID of Wastewater Treatment Process

Figure 2.5 P&ID of Waste Water Treatment Process

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