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Facts:: Injunction Was Issued

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JM Tuason and Co. Inc. et. al. vs. Mariano et. al. [G.R. No. L-33140.

October 23, 1978]


Ponente: AQUINO, J.


The case began when Manuela Aquial and Maria Aquial filed a complaint in forma pauperis in the
Court of First Instance of Rizal Pasig Branch X, wherein they prayed that they be declared the
owners of a parcel of land located at Balara, Marikina, Rizal, docketed as Civil Case No. 8943. They
alleged that sometime in 1960, or after J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. had illegally entered upon that land,
they discovered that it had been fraudulently or erroneously included in OCT No. 735 of the Registry
of Deeds of Rizal. They further alleged that transfer certificates of title, derived from OCT No. 735,
were issued to J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc., J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. filed a motion to dismiss on
the grounds of lack of jurisdiction, improper venue, prescription, laches and prior judgment. The
plaintiffs opposed that motion. The lower court denied it. The grounds of the motion to dismiss were
pleaded as affirmative defenses in the answer of Tuason and J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. They insisted
that a preliminary hearing be held on those defenses. The Tuason and J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. filed
the instant civil actions of certiorari and prohibition praying, inter alia, that the trial court be ordered to
dismiss the complaint and enjoined from proceeding in the said case, and a writ of preliminary
injunction was issued.


Whether or not OCT No. 735 and the titles derived therefrom can be questioned at this late hour by
respondents Aquial and Cordova.


NO. The trial court was directed to dismiss Civil Case 8943 with prejudice and without costs.


Considering the governing principle of stare decisis et non quieta movere (follow past precedents
and do not disturb what has been settled), respondents Aquial and Cordova cannot maintain their
action in Civil Case No. 8943 without eroding the long settled holding of the courts that OCT No. 735
is valid and no longer open to attack.It is against public policy that matters already decided on the
merits be relitigated again and again, consuming the court’s time and energies at the expense of
other litigants.

Republic of the Philippines


G.R. No. L-33140 October 23, 1978

CELSO S. TUASON and SEVERO A. TUASON, petitioners,
HON. HERMINIO C. MARIANO, Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance of Rizal
CORDOVA, respondents.

Sison Law Office and Senensio O. Ortile for petitioners.

Hill & Associates Law Office for respondents Aquials.

Antonio E. Pesigan for respondents Cordovas.


This is another litigation regarding the validity of the much controverted Original Certificate of Title
No. 735 covering the Santa Mesa and D Estates of the Tuason mayorazgo or Entail with areas of
877 (879) and 1,625 hectares, respectively (Barrette vs. Tuason, 50 Phil. 888; Benin case, infra).

On October 1, 1965, Manuela Aquial and Maria Aquial filed a complaint in forma pauperis in the
Court of First Instance of Rizal Pasig Branch X, wherein they prayed that they be declared the
owners of a parcel of land located at Balara, Marikina, Rizal (now Quezon City) and bounded on the
north by Sapang Mapalad, on the south by the land of Eladio, Tiburcio on the east by Sapang
Kolotkolotan, and on the west by Sapang Kuliat The land, which has an area of three hundred
eighty-three quiñones was allegedly acquired by their father by means of a Spanish title issued to
him on May 10, 1877 (Civil Case No. 8943).

They alleged that sometime in 1960, or after J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. had illegally entered upon that
land, they discovered that it had been fraudulently or erroneously included in OCT No. 735 of the
Registry of Deeds of Rizal and that it was registered in the names of defendants Mariano, Teresa,
Juan, Demetrio and Augusta all surnamed Tuason pursuant to a decree issued on July 6. 1914 in
Case No. 7681 of the Court of Land Registration.

They further alleged that transfer certificates of title, derived from OCT No. 735, were issued to
defendants J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc., University of the Philippines and National Waterworks and
Sewerage Authority (Nawasa) which leased a portion of its land to defendant Capitol Golf Club.

Plaintiffs Aquial prayed that OCT No. 735 and the titles derived therefrom be declared void due to
certain irregularities in the land registration proceeding. They asked for damages.

Defendant J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction,
improper venue, prescription, laches and prior judgment. The plaintiffs opposed that motion. The
lower court denied it. The grounds of the motion to dismiss were pleaded as affirmative defenses in
the answer of defendants Tuason and J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. They insisted that a preliminary
hearing be held on those defenses.
On January 25, 1967, the spouses Jose M. Cordova and Saturnina C. Cordova, who had bought
eleven hectares of the disputed land from the plaintiffs, were allowed to intervene in the case.

On September 5, 1970, the lower court issued an order requiring the parties the Register of Deeds
of Rizal to produce in court on October 16, 1970 OCT No. 735 and certain transfer certificates of title
derived from that first or basic title. Later, the court required the production in court of the plan of the
land covered by OCT No. 735 allegedly for the purpose of determining whether the lands claimed by
the plaintiffs and the intervenors are included therein.

On February 11, 1971, the Tuason and J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. filed the instant civil actions of
certiorari and prohibition praying, inter alia, that the trial court be ordered to dismiss the complaint
and enjoined from proceeding in the said case. After the petitioners had filed the proper bond, a writ
of preliminary injunction was issued. Respondents Aquial and Cordova answered the petition. The
parties, except the Aquials, filed memoranda in lieu of oral argument.

The issue is whether OCT No. 735 and the titles derived therefrom can be questioned at this late
hour by respondents Aquial and Cordova. The supposed irregularities in the land registration
proceeding, which led to the issuance of the decree upon which OCT. No. 735 was based, are the
same issues raised in Civil Cases Nos. 3621, 3622 and 3623 of the lower court. The 1965 decision
of Judge Eulogio Mencias in those cases, in validating OCT No. 735, is annexed to the complaint of
the Aquials. It is cited by them to support their support their action and it might have encouraged
them to ventilate their action in court.

On appeal to this Court, that decision was reversed and the validity of OCT No. 735 and the titles
derived therefrom was once more upheld. (Benin vs. Tuason, L-26127, Alcantara vs. Tuason, L-
26128 and Pili vs. Tuason, L-26129, all decided on June 28, 1974, 57 SCRA 531).

The ruling in the Benin, Alcantara and Pili cases was applied in Mara, Inc. vs. Estrella, L-40511, July
25, 1975, 65 SCRA 471. That ruling is simply a reiteration or confirmation of the holding in the
following cases directly or incidentally sustaining OCT No. 735: Bank of the P. I. vs. Acuña, 59 Phil.
183; Tiburcio vs. PHHC, 106 Phil. 447; Galvez and Tiburcio vs. Tuason y de la Paz, 119 Phil.
612; Alcantara vs. Tuason, 92 Phil. 796; Santiago vs. J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. 110 Phil. 16; J. M.
Tuason & Co., Inc. vs. Bolaños, 95 Phil. 106; J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. vs. Santiago, 99 Phil. 615; J.
M. Tuason & Co., Inc. vs. De Guzman, 99 Phil. 281; J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. vs. Aguirre, 117 Phil.
110; J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. vs. Macalindong, 116 Phil. 1227; J. M. Tuason & Co., Inc. vs.
Magdangal, 114 Phil. 42; Varsity Hills, Inc. vs. Navarro, L-30889, February 29, 1972, 43 SCRA 503,
and People's Homesite and Housing Corporation vs. Mencias, L-24114, August 16, 1967, 20 SCRA

Considering the governing principle of stare decisis et non quieta movere (follow past precedents
and do not disturb what has been settled) it becomes evident that respondents Aquial and Cordova
cannot maintain their action in Civil Case No. 8943 without eroding the long settled holding of the
courts that OCT No. 735 is valid and no longer open to attack.

It is against public policy that matters already decided on the merits be relitigated again and again,
consuming the court's time and energies at the expense of other litigants: Interest rei publicae ut
finis sit litium." (Varsity Hills, Inc. vs. Navarro, supra).

Finding the petition for certiorari and prohibition to be meritorious, the trial court is directed to dismiss
Civil Case No. 8943 with prejudice and without costs. No costs.

Barredo (Actg. Chairman), Antonio, Concepcion Jr., and Santos, JJ., concur.

Fernando, J, took no part.

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