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Technical specification of fire detection & alarm system

Introduction: The fire detection and alarm system (FAS) will be installed in convention
centre. Fire alarm control panel will be installed in the lobby and repeater wil be in the
control room of auditorium. The purchase order for the entire scope of work will be awarded
to a single firm to ensure dependability and uniformity in quality.
The bidders are strongly encouraged to visit site at RRCAT to understand building
design and their layout and associated technical requirements during the pre-bid
Department of Atomic Energy’s security guidelines allow only those contractor’s
personnel to work inside the premises who can submit a recent police verification
certificate, identity proof and address proof to the RRCAT authorities.
All the points mentioned in this specification should be adequately addressed to
enable the purchaser for making a technical comparison of the offer with this
technical specification.
1.0 Scope: The scope of tender covers:
1.1 Design, supply, installation and commissioning of FAS. The installation will
be done as per the applicable codes and standards.
1.2 Training of purchaser’s manpower to operate and maintain the system,
1.3 Supply of full documentation covering design, installation, operation and
maintenance aspects, technical details of bought out components, as-built
drawings & device charts of the system and tests carried out during
1.4 Three years onsite comprehensive warranty and
1.5 Maintenance of the system after expiry of warranty period as per the
mutually agreed terms and conditions.

2.0 Quality Assurance:

2.1 Pre-qualification for the Bidder: The original manufacturers (OEM) and
their authorized dealers / representatives are eligible to bid if:
2.1.1 The original equipment manufacturer follows a well-documented
quality management system such as ISO 9001: 2000 or ISO 9001:
2008. The bidder shall attach a certificate to this effect with their bid.
2.1.2 The letter of appointment as authorized dealer and system integrator
from the OEM shall be attached in the bid.
2.1.3 The authorized dealers / representatives shall also attach a tender
specific authorization from the OEM to participate in this particular
2.1.4 The bidder shall have engineers / technicians trained and certified by
the OEM. The OEM’s certificates shall be submitted with the bid.

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2.1.5 The bidder shall have executed atleast one service / maintenance
contract in the last two years (counted backward from opening date of
techno-commercial bid). A list of such installations their contact details
shall be submitted in the bid. The purchaser reserves the right to
communicate with them for getting information on bidder’s
performance. The negative feedback may become a basis of rejection
of the offer.
2.1.6 The offered FAS (with same make and model number of redundant fire
alarm control panel) shall be working successfully atleast at one place.
A list of installations and their contact details shall be submitted in the
bid. The purchaser reserves the right to communicate with them for
getting information on system’s performance. The negative feedback
may become a basis of rejection of the offer.
2.1.7 The bidder shall have supplied and installed FAS at 2 installations in
India in the last two years (counted backward from opening date of
bid). The bidder shall submit a list of customers with their address and
contact details along with the names of the contact persons. The
purchaser reserves the right to communicate with them for getting
information on the bidder’s as well as system’s performance. The
negative feedback may become a basis of rejection of the offer.
2.1.8 OEM shall give an undertaking that they will support the bidder and
the purchaser for this project for the next seven years from the date of
purchase order by providing all spare parts, components and devices as
well as software upgradations.
2.1.9 Proof of average annual turnover of the bidder for last three years not
less than 10 times of EMD amount of the tender.
2.1.10 Profit and loss statement of last three years confirming that loss has not
been incurred for more than one year in the period of last three years.
2.1.11 Latest solvency certificate from any scheduled bank for a minimum
value of 10 times of the EMD amount of the tender.

2.2 Approval: The offered components (panels, detectors, sounders, flashers,

manual call points) shall conform to relevant parts/sections of EN-54 and
shall have certification by at least one of the following: VdS (Germany),
UL (USA), FM (USA), DBI (Denmark) & LPCB (UK).
2.3 Single Source: All components and devices like control panel,
detectors, sounders, manual call points shall be products of a single OEM
and shall be manufactured by the OEM. Third party manufactured products
are not acceptable. In exceptional conditions, where a detector type is not
being manufactured by the OEM; then compatibility of the offered detector
shall be approved by the OEM explicitly. This approval must be a part of the
bid. All the interface modules to achieve full functionality will be

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responsibility of the vendor. Accessories like messenger, dialler, PC, SMF
batteries and cables can be of other make but they should be approved by the
2.4 Product Life: The OEM shall certify that the supplied components /
products have been newly manufactured & tested in compliance with the
relevant parts of EN54 standards and the components are free from defects
in design, material & workmanship. The reference of vendor’s order on
OEM and purchaser’s order on the vendor will be mentioned on the
2.5 Certificates: Wherever applicable, compliance/conformance certificates
shall be supplied with all the components and devices.
2.6 Pre-dispatch Inspection: The shipping release to dispatch the components
will be issued only after a pre-dispatch inspection by the purchaser's
engineer to ensure the compliance with this tender specification. The
components' original packing shall not be removed and the same shall be
opened before the purchaser's engineer. The supplier shall give at least 15
days advance notice prior to the commencement of pre-dispatch inspection
so that the purchaser's representative can plan to witness the tests. The
cables shall be tested for acceptance tests as per relevant standard in
presence of purchaser’s representative at the vendor’s works. Waiving of
quality surveillance or acceptance of material or equipment by the quality
surveyor shall not relieve the supplier from the responsibility of furnishing
material and workmanship in accordance with this tender document.

3.0 Technical Specifications:

This document also serves as a Vendor Confirmation Form.
Incomplete and ambiguous responses will lead to the rejection of the offer.
Vendor responses shall be duly signed by authorised signatory and
properly stamped with the company seal. The tender submission shall show
compliance to the specifications and shall include a full set of descriptive
and technical literature on the equipment and system proposed. Necessary
catalogues shall be enclosed. In case Xerox copy of catalogue is submitted,
the supplier shall be required to submit original copy whenever asked by

3.1 Bill of Material (BOM): Table -1 gives an estimation of quantity of

important FAS components required for the entire project. The bidder shall
quote rate for a unit quantity against each item (per item rate). This rate will
be used for cost comparison of the received offers. This rate will become the
basis for amending the order for an unlikely scenario where the quantity may
need a minor upward revision during the design stage.

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Table-1: BOM
# Description of Component Quantity Offered Item
3.1.1 100% redundant Fire alarm control panel 1
3.1.2 Repeater Panel 1
3.1.3 Intelligent addressable multi-sensor / 125
multi-criteria detectors
3.1.4 Beam Detector 10
3.1.5 Addressable manual call points 10
3.1.6 Addressable Sounders 8
3.1.7 Addressable Flashers 8

3.1.8 Response Indicator 20

3.1.9 Two core armoured cable 1200 mtr

3.1.10 Cabling on the wall 1200mtr

3.1.11 System design and documentation 1 Set

3.1.12 Detectors removal tool kit 1
3.1.13 Detectors testing tool kit 1
The bill of material may not be complete for successful installation, commissioning and
maintenance (required during warranty period); therefore all remaining components /
accessories may be put under the head of “supply of mandatory recommended accessories”
appropriately and their cost breakup along with their item list should be explicitly mentioned.
This shall be understood that the purchaser will not provide any hardware, spares, accessories
and manpower for completion of the work and envisaged maintenance during the warranty
period. Appropriate testing equipments, instruments and assemblies of fire alarm systems
calibrated/certified from reputed institutions/laboratories required during commissioning
shall be arranged by the vendor at his own cost. Any other item not listed in the BOM but
required for the functioning of the system must also be quoted separately.
(i) Design and documentation, (ii) installation and commissioning and (iii) training shall
be quoted separately.
3.2 Design: The successful bidder, on placement of purchase order, must submit
design file containing, design calculations, layout drawings (based on IS
2189 or NFPA – 72, NFPA-75, Code of Practice – FIA, UK, NFPA-2001)
and bill of materials with makes and model numbers for approval of the
purchaser; preferably within 30 days of placement of order. The vendor will
be required to make a presentation of their layout design at purchaser’s
premises within 10 days of submission of the design file. The purchaser’s
suggestions will be discussed during this presentation. The purchaser will
convey the approval/rejection of the design within 10 days of obtaining all

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clarifications. Modified layout, a detailed quality assurance plan (QAP) and
a test and inspection schedule (TIS) will be submitted by the vendor for the
approval of purchaser before starting the work.
Final design, QAP and TIS shall be submitted in electronic (soft) and printed
(hard copy) formats to the purchaser.
3.3 Technical Features of FAS
Table-2: Technical Features of FAS
# Tender Specification Bidder's
3.3.1 The available electrical power is 230 VAC (10%) and 50 Hz Yes / No
3.3.2 The environmental conditions are 10% to 93% RH and ≤10 to Yes / No
≥50C ambient temperature.
3.3.3 The FAS shall conform to EN-54 part 13 “Fire detection and fire Yes / No
alarm systems - Compatibility assessment of system components”
3.3.4 The FAS shall conform to EN-54 part 14 “Fire detection and fire Yes / No
alarm systems. Planning, design, installation, commissioning, use
and maintenance.”
3.3.5 The FAS shall operate on 2 wires (or a 2 core cable) with single Yes / No
3.3.6 The FACP should have redundancy in CPU and loop cards. Yes/No
3.3.7 The FACP design should be modular for the ensuring easy Yes / No
maintenance and seamless functioning of the system, i.e. the
internal cards of the FACP shall be arranged such that no other card
is disturbed/ removed while removing the faulty card. Cards shall be
mounted on only one common bus without any physical contact
with one another.
3.3.8 In order to maintain robustness of the system, there shall be only Yes / No
one common bus in one panel. The communication amongst cards
in a panel shall take place via the common bus. The use of two or
more bays shall be avoided as this will avoid the need to interlink
them via loose cable links within the panel.
3.3.9 All system components like detectors, manual call points, sounders Yes / No
shall have corrosion resistant contact points. Termination of SLC
cable at devices & panel shall be properly sealed to avoid false
alarms due to spurious signal pick up. Recessing & dressing of
cabling work inside & outside of building on wall & ceiling shall be
done neatly to maintain good aesthetic view.

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# Tender Specification Bidder's
3.3.10 The FAS shall operate on captive or external 24 VDC (nominal)
SMF batteries with inbuilt charger to give minimum of 72 hours in
normal conditions and 30 minutes in alarm condition in case of
failure of mains power.
3.3.11 Any addressable device in the system may be enabled or disabled Yes / No
through the system keypad.
3.3.12 A system status report will be generated and printed by the system Yes / No
operator's command.
3.3.13 The detectors, sounders, flasher and manual call points shall have Yes / No
inbuilt fault isolators.
3.3.14 The detectors shall have a plug-in wiring connector for ease of Yes / No
installation and serviceability. Easy wiring using terminal block
shall be provided to enable removal of a detector without loss of
power to the remaining loop.
3.3.15 The detectors should have a facility of automatic drift compensation Yes / No
and they should adjust to the environmental changes. Day/Night
automatic adjustment of detector sensitivity shall be possible.
3.3.16 The detectors shall have LED, which will light up continuously in Yes / No
alarm condition.
3.3.17 Power and control cables will be laid on existing falase ceiling. Any Yes / No
damage done to the false ceiling during installation will have to be
recitied by the supplier with the same finish.
3.3.18 Good aesthetics shall be maintained in the dressing of cables. Yes / No
Minimum efforts shall be required in removing old faulty cables
and inserting new cables without disturbing the healthy cables.
3.4 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP):
Table-3: Technical Specification of FACP
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.4.1 Make and model
3.4.2 Code Conformance EN54-Part 2, EN54-Part 4
3.4.3 Number of Loops 2 loops expandable to 4 loops
3.4.4 Capacity ≥ 200 devices per loop
3.4.5 Sensitivity Adjustable from FACP
3.4.6 Authentication Two level password protection
3.4.7 No. of users 3 users or more by authenticated

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# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.4.8 Programmability Through local panel
3.4.9 Display 5.7" TFT/LCD colour plain text
display / 240 character LCD
3.4.10 Sounder Inbuilt, different tones for fire &
3.4.11 Event Logging ≥ 1000 events
3.4.12 Dialling Automatic dialling to 5 telephone
numbers for giving messages
(pre-recorded on non-volatile
memory) of 60 seconds duration.
3.4.13 Checking Continuous checking of FAS
3.4.14 Connectivity RS 485
3.4.15 Enclosure Lockable

3.5 Multi-sensor / multi-criteria detector:

Table-4: Technical specification of multi-sensor / multi-criteria detector
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.5.1 Code Conformances EN 54- Part 5, EN 54-Part 7
3.5.2 Detection Smoke, temperature, rate of rise.
3.5.3 Optical detection Light Scatter Principle
3.5.4 Light Emission Photoelectric / high power LED
3.5.5 Heat Detection NTC sensors
3.5.6 Sensitivity using FACP OR GUI software
3.5.7 Controls with FACP The detector shall be able to read
its settings from the control
panel. Latching the detector and
isolating the detector from the
FACP shall be possible.
3.5.8 Construction Polycarbonate ABS Plastic
3.5.9 Output Local and FACP
3.5.10 Powering Loop powered

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3.6 Beam smoke detector
Table-5: Technical Specification of beam smoke detector
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.6.1 Code Conformance EN 54 – Part 12
3.6.2 Features Transceiver type
3.6.3 Range > 20 mtr
3.6.4 Integration with Through interface module on
FACP each detector – module has
inbuilt fault isolator. Must be
installed in IP66 box.
3.6.5 Powering Dedicated uninterrupted DC
power supply or loop powered
3.7 Sounder:
Table-6: Technical Specification of Sounder
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.7.1 Code conformances EN 54 - Part 3
3.7.2 Sound Level 99 dB (A)
3.7.3 Function Test Possible from FACP
3.7.4 Tone adjustability Yes
3.7.5 Powering Loop powered
3.8 Manual Call Points (MCP):
Table-7: Technical specification of MCP
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.8.1 Code Conformances EN54-Part 11
3.8.2 Intelligent Feature Integral Microprocessor
3.8.3 Type double action / hard push
3.8.4 Cover Transparent protective
3.8.5 Reset Local
3.8.6 Color Red
3.8.7 Powering Loop powered
3.9 Repeater Panel:
Table-8: Technical specification of repeater panel
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.9.1 Display 5.7" TFT colour display / 240
character LCD display

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# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.9.2 Navigation Scroll wheel or arrow buttons
3.9.3 Function Should display same information
as on FACP
3.9.4 Powering Loop powered
3.10 Cable
Table-9: Technical specification of Cable
# Parameter Tender Specification Bidder’s Specification
3.10.1 Category FRLS
3.10.2 Insulation XLPE
3.10.3 Grade 1.1 kV
3.10.4 Inner Sheath FRLS PVC
3.10.5 Outer Sheath FRLS PVC
3.10.6 Armour GI round wire
3.10.7 Conductor material copper
3.10.8 Size Article of IS 2189 i.e. 1.5
mm OR as recommended by
Note: Reputed makes like Polycab/Lapp/Fenolex shall be considered.
3.11 Laying of cable:

The ends of all cables should be sealed by means of proprietary seals and associated glands.
No heat should be applied to any seal or termination. Cable tails should be insulated by
means of blank sleeving anchored and sealed.

Where protection of the cable glands is required or terminations are on display, the glands
should be enclosed in red colored shrouds.

All cables to brick/concrete should be securely fixed by means of copper saddles sheathed
with red colored pipe. These saddles should be provided near bends and on straight runs at
intervals no greater than recommended in the Standards or by the manufacturer.

Where multiple cables are to be attached to a wall or socket, copper saddles should enclose
all cables and should be secured by means of suitable masonry plugs and two round head
plated woodscrews

Where multiple cables are to be attached to the top of horizontal trays they should be neatly
run and securely fixed at suitable intervals. Copper saddle should be used.

At detector and sounder locations, cables should be terminated in approved galvanized

junction boxes. All other devices forming part of the system should utilize dedicated /custom
back boxes.

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4.0 Essential Spares of FAS:
Table-10: List of Essential Spares
# Item Description Quantity
1.1.1 CPU Card 1 Nos.
1.1.2 Loop Card 1 Nos.
1.1.3 Panel power supply 1 Nos.
The essential spares will be included for cost comparison of tenders.
5.0 Payment : Full payment within 30 days of acceptance. The payment for cable and
cabling will be on pro rata basis.
6.0 Completion Period: The complete scope of work should be finished within 2 months
from the date of starting of work. Completion period for supply, installation, testing,
commissioning & training shall be mentioned in the document.
7.0 Acceptance: The final acceptance of the system will be based on on-field testing of
the devices as well as the complete system. Code conformances shall be demonstrated
in the acceptance tests. The service check of the system shall be done for 15 days. The
equipment will be considered as commissioned after 15 days of uninterrupted
successful operation. After complete handing over, System Architecture Drawings, as
built drawings for all building, technical catalogues & literatures, O & M manual,
checklist & recommendation from manufacturers, acceptance Reports, pre-
commissioning test reports in soft (in CDs) & hard (printed) form shall be submitted
by vendor.
8.0 Warranty: Three years comprehensive onsite warranty shall be offered. Onsite
maintenance, repair and replacement of faulty components without any charge shall
be included in the warranty terms. Free upgrades to new versions and introductory
training for the new version of the GUI software and programming software shall be
provided free of cost during the warranty period. The periodic and preventive
maintenance (quarterly and annual checks) as per IS 2189:2008 (article numbers
7.4.5, 7.4.6 and 7.6) shall be provided at no extra charge. System down time period
beyond 3 days will increase the warranty period by twice the downtime.. OEM is
expected to provide/organise the services in case of vendor’s inability to do so.
9.0 Terms and Conditions of the Annual Maintenance Contract: The basic AMC rate,
exclusive of the government duties, levies and taxes, for subsequent years after the
warranty period, shall be quoted in the offer itself. Full technical support for reported
problems, quarterly maintenance checks, annual maintenance checks, preventive
maintenance, repair and replacement of faulty devices and telephonic, electronic and
web based assistance shall be provided in the AMC period. The periodic and
preventive maintenance (quarterly and annual checks) as per IS 2189:2008 (article
numbers 7.4.5, 7.4.6 and 7.6) shall be provided at no extra charge. During the
maintenance contract period, the purchaser will provide the replacement for damaged
components but the installation; testing and successful running of the system will be a

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responsibility of the vendor. The bidder shall propose a list of spare inventory to be
maintained by the purchaser along with the cost of each spare in the bid itself. For
graphics user interface software, programming software, free upgrades to new
versions and introductory training for the new version shall be provided free of cost
during the AMC period. The MC rates will remain fixed for the period of two years
after elapse of warranty period.
Separate MC orders with one year contract period will be issued at the
beginning of each year after the elapse of warranty period. The payment will be made
at the end of the annual contract period. Accordingly, the vendor shall submit the
invoices only after the successful completion of one year period. Advance payment
terms will not be admissible during the entire contract duration of 2 years.
Government levies and taxes will be reimbursed only after the vendor submits the
documentary evidence of such payments to the concerned authorities. The vendor is
advised to submit the invoices along with applicable tax receipts to reduce the
processing time.
It is under purchaser’s sole discretion to take a decision regarding
discontinuation of the maintenance contract either due to unsatisfactory performance
of the vendor, unsatisfactory performance of the FAS or a modification in the
purchaser’s technical requirements and the vendor will have no right to insist on the
purchaser to enter into an AMC. OEM is expected to provide/organise the services in
case of vendor’s inability to do so.
10.0 Evaluation of offers: The cost comparison of offers will be done on the basis of sum
of total cost of FAS (with three years warranty period) along with essential spares.
11.0 Order Acceptance: An order acceptance shall be issued by the successful bidder
within 10 days of receipt of the order. In order to ensure that the OEM is fully aware
of terms and conditions of the purchase order, a copy of the technical part of the
purchase order will be sent to the OEM.
12.0 Mandatory Questionnaire: Table-17 shall be filled by the bidder and return with
their bid. Offers without the filled up and duly signed questionnaire are liable to be
Table-11: Mandatory Questionnaire
# Questions Bidder’s
12.1 Whether the OEM(s) have ISO 9001: 2000 / ISO 9001: 2008 quality Yes / No
management system in place?
12.2 Number of installations in last three years
12.3 Have you attached a list of installations done in last three years along Yes / No
with their addresses, contact details and names of contact persons?
12.4 Have you read and understood article 1 and agree with the scope of the Yes / No
12.5 Have you read and understood article 2 and agree to comply with the Yes / No

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quality assurance points?
12.6 Have you attached a sheet for showing point by point conformances Yes / No
against article 3?
12.7 Have you agreed for 3 years warranty period? Yes / No
12.8 Have you quoted for AMC rates valid for two years after the elapse of Yes / No
warranty period?
12.9 Have you filled and submitted the right-most column of all the tables Yes / No
from table 2 to table 9?

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