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Period June 13 - June 16 2019: Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI

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Maternal Fetal Division / A.

Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

No Date of Date of Patient Name Detail of Patient Treatment Recommendation

Admission Discharge (Age/LMP/MR)
1 15/06/2019 Mrs. F G2P1A0 - O2 8 lpm via NRM - Observation of
33 years old - NIfedipine 10 mg/ 8 general condition,
LMP: 20/10/2018 Referred from Obstetrician hours /oral vital signs, vaginal
MR : 885769 with Major Congenital Anomaly - 4 gr MgSO4 40% in bleeding, uterine
and Severe Preeclampsia. 100 cc NaCl 0,9% 73 contraction, urine
dpm production
Headache (+) - 6 gr MgSO4 40% in - Informed consent to
500 cc Ringer Lactate the family about
BP : 181/125 mmHg 28 dpm for 24 hours general condition of
- Urine catheter the patient
Urine Protein : +2 - Dexamethasone 6 mg - Postpartum follow-
/ 12 hours / IM up visit for
Ultrasonography : - Induction of Labor : monitoring blood
EFW : 1590 gr - Cervical balloon pressure for 12
Labiopalatoschizis catheter insertion weeks
Right Ventricular hypertrophy - Drips oxytocin 5 IU + - Screening for risk
Single umbilical artery Ringer lactate 500 cc factor for the next
start with 8 dpm pregnancy
Pre- Treatment Diagnosis : increase 4 dpm per - Vaginal Higine
G2P1A0 34 weeks of 30 min until 40 dpm
gestational age + Severe or adequate
Preeclampsia + Major contraction.
Congenital Anomaly - Vaginal delivery
- Repair of perineal
Post- Treatment Diagnosis : laceration
Severe Preeclampsia + Patau - Breast Binding
Syndrome + Preterm Delivery +
Second degree perineal
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Outcome :
Female, BW: 1655 gr, BL: 39 cm
APGAR Score 1/5/5

Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Echocardiography : category i
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

2 15/06/2019 Mrs. W G3P2A0 - O2 8 lpm via NRM - Monitoring patients

32 years old - Nifedipine 10 mg/ general conditions,
LMP: 17/10/2018 Referred from Massenrempulu 8hours /oral vital signs and
MR : 885771 Hospital with G3P2A0 34 weeks - 4 gr MgSO4 40% in hemorrhage
2 days of gestational age + 100 cc NaCl 0,9% 73 - Wound hygiene
Premature rupture of dpm - Control for operation
membrane + Oligohidramnion - 6 gr MgSO4 40% in suture
+ 2 Previous C-Section 500 cc Ringer Lactate - Early Mobilization
28 dpm for 24 hours - Postpartum follow-
History of amniotic fluid - Urine catheterization up visit for
leakage since 5 days before - Lower segment monitoring blood
admission Transverse Caesarean pressure for 12
History of lung maturation with Section weeks
Dexamethasone (4 times - IUD Insertion - Informed the risks of
administration) pregnancy after three
previous caesarean
Blood pressure : 180/110 delivery
mmHg - Control IUD insertion
Nitrazine test (+)

Ultrasonography :
EFW : 1568 gr
AFI : 4 cm

Laboratory finding :
Urine protein : +2
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Pre- Operative Diagnosis :

G3P2A0 34 weeks 2 days of
gestational age + Severe
Preeclampsia + Preterm
Premature rupture of the
membranes + Oligohydramnios
+Suspect IUGR + 2 Previous C-
Section + IUD Acceptor

Post- Operative Diagnosis :

Severe Preeclampsia + 2
Previous C-Section +
Oligohydramnios + IUGR + IUD

Outcome :
Male, BW: 1660 gr, BL : 41 cm,
APGAR Score : 8/9, ballard
score : 27 (similar to 35 weeks
gestational age)
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

3 15/06/2019 Mrs. A G2P1A0 - Induction of Labor : - Educate to the

29 years old  Cervical balloon patient and family
LMP: ?/01/2019 Referred from Polyclinic with catheter insertion about the risk of
MR : 885175 G2P1A0 22-23 weeks of  Drips oxytocin 5 IU + preterm labour
gestational age + Ringer lactate 500 cc - informed consent to
Polyhydramnios + Multiple the patient and family
start with 8 dpm
Congenital Anomaly about the risk of
increase 4 dpm per
labour induction
History of antenatal care in 30 min until 40 dpm
Obstetrician and diagnosed with or adequate
multiple congenital anomaly contraction.
Ultrasonography : - Observation Vital
EFW : 700 gr sign, Hemorrhage,
AFI : 27 cm Contraction, Fetal
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

heart rate, sign of

Pre- Treatment Diagnosis : labour
G2P1A0 22-23 weeks of
gestational age +
Polyhydramnios + Multiple
Congenital Anomaly
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

4 16/06/2019 Mrs. S G4P3A0 - O2 8 lpm via NRM - Observation Vital

32 years old - NIfedipine 10 mg/ 8 sign, Hemorrhage,
LMP: ?/10/2018 Headache (+) hours /oral Contraction, Fetal
MR : 885825 - 4 gr MgSO4 40% in heart rate
History of 1st Cesarean section 100 cc NaCl 0,9% 73 - Observation of
in 2017 due to Severe dpm general condition,
Preeclampsia - 6 gr MgSO4 40% in vital signs, vaginal
500 cc Ringer Lactate bleeding, uterine
BP : 175/112 mmHg 28 dpm for 24 hours contraction, urine
- Urine catheter production
Laboratory Finding : - Lower Segment - Exclusive
Urine Protein : +2 Transverse Cesarean breastfeeding for 6
Section months
EFW : 2616 gr - Bilateral Tubectomy - Postpartum follow-
Modified Pomeroy up visit for
Pre- Treatment Diagnosis : monitoring blood
G4P3A0 34-35 weeks of pressure for 12
gestational age + Severe weeks
Preeclampsia + 1 Previous C- - Wound hygiene
Section + Female sterilization - Control for operation
acceptor candidate suture

Post- Treatment Diagnosis :

Severe Preeclampsia + Preterm
Delivery + 1 Previous C-Section
+ Preterm Delivery + Female
sterillization acceptor
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Outcome :
Female, BW: 2210 gr, BL: 46 cm
APGAR Score 8/10, ballard
score : 27 (similar to 35 weeks
gestational age)

Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Echocardiography : category i

5 16/06/2019 Mrs. S G4P2A1 - Lung Maturation with - Observation Vital

37 years old Dexamethasone 6 gr sign, Hemorrhage,
LMP: 23/11/2018 Referred from Obstetrician /12 hours / oral Contraction, Fetal
MR : 885843 with G4P2A1 gravid 29 weeks 1 - Brain Protector : heart rate
day + Gestational Hypertention  4 gr MgSO4 40% in -
100 cc NaCl 0,9% 73
History of Hypertention since dpm
2nd pregnancys  6 gr MgSO4 40% in
500 cc Ringer Lactate
28 dpm for 24 hours
 Urine catheter
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

History of 1st Cesarean section

in 2017 due to Gestational

BP : 150/100 mmHg

EFW : 1223 gr

Pre- Treatment Diagnosis :

G4P2A1 29 weeks 2 days of
gestational age + Gestational
Hypertension + 1 Previous C-

Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Echocardiography : Category i
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Total Miscarriage

Total cases :5 Incomplete :-

Vaginal delivery :1 Dilatation & Curettage :-
Augmentation delivery :3 Missed Abortion :-
Lower segment transverse cesarean section :2 Blighted ovum :-
Hysterectomy sub total/total :-
Cystectomy/myomectomy :-
Salpingectomy :-
Conservative :

Maternal :-
Perinatal :-

Family planning
Natural :- Hormonal progestin injection :-
Barrier :- Female sterilization :1
Hormonal combination :-

Makassar, June 17th 2019

Known By:
Maternal Fetal Division / A. RAHMAYANTI
Period June 13th – June 16st 2019

Dr. dr. Masita Fujiko, Sp.OG (K)

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