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Commercial Dispatch Eedition 9-12-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

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Thursday | September 12, 2019

In memoriam

Bill Stacy, former MSU football star, Starkville

mayor, ‘stood for all the right things’
By Slim Smith Weatherly, a teammate of Stacy’s (1,232) than he passed for (1,100). from 1955-58. “He was an out- He ran for seven touchdowns and
standing football player, one of passed for 10 and was selected as a

his spring, Mississippi State the best defensive backs we ever second-team All-American in 1957,
baseball player Jake Mang- had and maybe the best passer leading MSU to a 6-2-1 record,
um was dubbed “the mayor to ever come here, too. He was a good enough for a third-place tie
of Starkville” as a sign of affection great track athlete, too. But more in the SEC and a 14th ranking in
Former by Bulldog fans.
Mississip- than all of that, he was a great guy. the final AP poll that season.
pi State But 30 years ago, it was another He stood for all the right things. I It was Stacy’s skills as a de-
football star Bulldog star who held that title, don’t think I’ve ever had a better fensive back that captured NFL
Bill Stacy literally. friend.” scouts’ attention. The NFL’s Chica-
passed away Billy Stacy, a football All-Amer- By modern standards, Stacy’s go Cardinals (soon to relocate
Tuesday ican at MSU in the late 1950s and statistics at MSU don’t leap off to St. Louis) made him the third
at age 83. mayor of Starkville from 1985-89, the page. They do reflect the era overall pick in the 1959 NFL Draft
Stacy served died Tuesday at age 83 after an
a term as in which he starred, a time when and moved him to safety.
Starkville extended illness. yards and touchdowns were few Until Houston’s J.J. Watt pulled
mayor from “Billy was one of the most and hard-earned. In his three off the feat in 2014, Stacy was the
1985-89. talented athletes to ever come years as the Bulldogs’ quar- last NFL player to have a receiv-
Courtesy photo/MSU Athletics Department through here,” said Charlie terback, he ran for more yards See Stacy, 6A

NEVER FORGET Philadelphia

man caught
with trafficked
Suspect charged
with kidnapping,
contributing to
delinquency of a minor

A Philadelphia
man is in custody
at Lowndes Coun-
ty Adult Detention
Center after state
troopers discovered
him with a missing
15-year-old who they
believe to have been a
sex trafficking victim from Georgia.
Troopers arrested Emanual
Terelle Moore, 32, on Sept. 2 on
Highway 45 Alternate and charged
him with kidnapping and misde-
Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
Sarah Browning, 17, daughter of John and Tiffany Browning, plays taps at 9:11 a.m. on Wednesday at New Hope High School meanor contributing to the delin-
to honor the lives of those lost during the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Browning and her classmates were not yet born quency of a minor. According to
when the attacks happened, but she said they talk about them in history class. “It’s kind of bizarre that it (9/11) actually information Mississippi Highway
happened to us and there are people who actually saw it happen,” she said. “It’s weird because it’s so recent. I don’t know Patrol Public Information Officer
how I would feel if I was in that situation and that happened right now.” See Moore, 3A

GTECHS student funding could go to home districts

CMSD approves MOU to move GTECHS under Education Program funding to
support the school.
“The cost for a student to
attend the ECHS shall be calcu-
EMCC control; other districts considering it CMSD was the first of the
five districts to approve a mem-
lated by averaging the base stu-
dent allocation amount for the
BY TESS VRBIN GTECHS, located at EM- orandum of understanding for current Mississippi Adequate CC’s Mayhew campus, allows GTECHS with EMCC and the Education Program (MAEP)
students the opportunity to take Mississippi Department of Ed- funding year plus the local con-
East Mississippi Community college classes during their ucation at Monday’s meeting tribution for all participating
College will become the govern- high school career. It accepts of the Board of Trustees. The districts (at the discretion of the
ing authority over the Golden students from Lowndes County, Spears Miller MOU explains not only the tran- board),” the MOU states.
Triangle Early College High Columbus Municipal, Noxubee LCSD has been the authority sition of authority but also the The agreement passed unan-
School program, pending ap- County, West Point Consolidat- over GTECHS for its first four formula by which districts will imously and without any de-
proval from all five participating ed and Starkville-Oktibbeha years of existence because it pay EMCC for their students to bate. The SOCSD and WPCSD
school districts in the area. Consolidated school districts. receives Mississippi Adequate attend GTECHS. See GTECHS, 6A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 Which actress plays Jenna, who Friday meetings
bakes unique pies and dreams of a Sept. 13:
■ Citywide Tailgate: More than 20
better life, in the 2007 movie “Wait- Lowndes County
ress”? tailgate tents throughout Starkville
Supervisors, 9
2 What brand of candy based its will serve food between 11 a.m.-1:30
a.m., County
name on the German word for pepper- p.m. to benefit United Way of North
mint, “pfefferminz”? Central Mississippi. A $5 wristband
3 What Ian Fleming novel has inspired Sept. 13:
Dalton Laniewski includes entry to any tent, plus 10
two different James Bond movies? Lowndes
Pre-K, Caledonia percent discount at participating
4 What is a young wild male turkey County School
shops. Visit or

96 Low 71
called — a coot, jake or tim? District Board of
5 If a player who is at advantage in a call 662-323-3830.
High game of tennis loses the next point,
Trustees, 12:30
Mostly sunny p.m., Central
Full forecast on
what is the score?
Answers, 3A Friday and Saturday Office
page 2A. ■ Habitat anniversary celebration: Sept. 16:
Stop by for refreshments as Colum- Columbus-Lown-
bus-Lowndes Habitat for Humanity des Convention
Inside celebrates 30 years of building homes and Visitors
Business 4B Dear Abby 3B and the fourth anniversary of the Hab- Bureau Board
Classifieds 5B Obituaries 5A itat ReSale Store, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. April Taylor is from Columbus and regular meeting,
Comics 3B Opinions 4A 13, and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 14, 1110 works at Wingate By Wyndham. 4 p.m., CVB
140th Year, No. 157 Crossword 6B Gardner Boulevard, Columbus. She loves to eat, shop and sleep. office


2A Thursday, September 12, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?
Democratic debate: Top 2020
contenders finally on same stage
Candidates will months, the stakes are ris-

On 9/11, Trump consoles victims,

debate tonight “For a complete junkie
or someone in the busi-
in Houston ness, you already have
The Associated Press
an impression of every-
one,” said Howard Dean,
who ran for president in
has tough words for Taliban
HOUSTON — Despite 2004 and later chaired the
Democratic National Com-
‘For the families who join us, this is your “Then the attack, the anguish of
knowing your family member had
the miles traveled, the tens
of millions of dollars raised mittee. “But now you are anniversary of personal and permanent loss’ boarded one of these flights or was
working at the World Trade Center
and the ceaseless churn of going to see increasing President Donald Trump
scrutiny with other people or serving right here at the Pen-
policy papers, the Demo-
coming in to take a closer By DEB RIECHMANN U.S. commercial airliners and tagon,” he said. “You waited. You
cratic primary has been re-
look.” and DARLENE SUPERVILLE crashed them into the World Trade prayed. You answered that most
markably static for months
The Associated Press
Center, the Pentagon and a field in dreaded call, and your life changed
with Joe Biden leading in The debate will air on a
polls and Elizabeth War- broadcast network with a Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly
WASHINGTON — Like his two Trump said he went to the scene
ren and Bernie Sanders post-Labor Day uptick in 3,000 people were killed in the larg-
most immediate predecessors, of the downed twin towers and saw
vying to be the progres- interest in the race, almost President Donald Trump marked est attack on American soil.
the first responders working.
sive alternative. That sta- certainly giving the candi- the anniversary of the Sept. 11 at- Like Presidents Barack Obama
“I went down to ground zero with
bility is under threat on dates their largest single tacks in a speech at the Pentagon and George W. Bush, Trump re- men who worked for me to try to
Thursday. audience yet. It’s also the and, like them, still unable to end membered the victims, first re- help in any little way that we could,”
All of the top presiden- first debate of the 2020 cy- America’s longest war, in Afghani- sponders and U.S. troops who have Trump said. “We were not alone. So
tial candidates will share a cle that’s confined to one stan. battled in Afghanistan, where the many others were scattered around
debate stage, a setting that night after several can- Trump’s 9/11 speech on Taliban hosted al-Qaida leaders as trying to do the same. They were all
could make it harder to didates dropped out and Wednesday came just five days after they plotted 9/11. trying to help.”
avoid skirmishes among others failed to meet new he called off U.S. talks with the Tal- “For the families who join us, In his speech, he had tough
the early front-runners. qualification standards. iban, abruptly ending nearly a year this is your anniversary of person- words for the Taliban following the
The other seven candi- of hopeful negotiations by a State al and permanent loss,” Trump end of peace talks.
If nothing else, viewers
dates, meanwhile, are un- Department envoy who said he was said. “It’s the day that has replayed “If anyone dares to strike our
will see the diversity of
der growing pressure to on the “threshold” of a peace agree- in your memory a thousand times land, we will respond with the full
the modern Democratic
prove they’re still in the ment aimed at ending the conflict. over. The last kiss. The last phone measure of American power and
Party. The debate, held on
race to take on President It has been 18 years since al-Qa- call. The last time hearing those the iron will of the American spirit,”
Donald Trump next No- the campus of historical-
ly black Texas Southern ida hijackers commandeered four precious words, ‘I love you.’” Trump said.
The debate in Houston University, features sever-
comes at a pivotal point al women, people of color
as many voters move past and a gay man, a striking
their summer vacations contrast from the increas-
and start to pay closer at-
tention to the campaign.
ingly white and male Re-
publican Party. It will un- Supreme Court allows broad enforcement of Trump asylum rule
With the audience getting fold in a rapidly changing
bigger, the ranks of candi- state that Democrats hope Policy is meant to deny asylum to country on the way to the
U.S. without seeking pro-
people pass and a final
decision on asylum that
dates shrinking and first to eventually bring into
votes approaching in five their column. anyone who passes through another tection there.
Most people crossing
most people do not win.
“BIG United States
country on the way to the U.S. the southern border are Supreme Court WIN for
Central Americans flee- the Border on Asylum!”
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH without seeking protection there ing violence and poverty. President Donald Trump
Office hours: Main line: They are largely ineligible tweeted.
By MARK SHERMAN lum in the United States. under the new rule, as are Justices Ruth Bader
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 The Associated Press The justices’ order late asylum seekers from Afri- Ginsburg and Sonia Soto-
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor? Wednesday temporari- ca, Asia and South Ameri- mayor dissented from the
n WASHINGTON — ly undoes a lower court ca who arrive regularly at high-court’s order.
Report a missing paper? The Supreme Court ruling that had blocked the southern border. “Once again, the Exec-
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? is allowing nationwide the new asylum policy The shift reverses de- utive Branch has issued a
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 enforcement of a new in some states along the cades of U.S. policy. The rule that seeks to upend
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? Trump administration southern border. The administration has said longstanding practices
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to rule that prevents most policy is meant to deny that it wants to close the regarding refugees who
Buy an ad? community Central American mi- asylum to anyone who gap between an initial asy- seek shelter from perse-
n 662-328-2424 grants from seeking asy- passes through another lum screening that most cution,” Sotomayor wrote.
Submit a birth, wedding
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce-
n 662-328-2471 ment?
n n Download forms at www.

Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701

Government plans to ban flavors used in e-cigarettes
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511
AP Health Writer
FDA will develop guidelines to remove all e-cigarette
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759
flavors except tobacco from the market
The federal government billion-dollar vaping in- man Services Secretary of what’s happening. “We
SUBSCRIPTIONS will act to ban thousands dustry, which has been Alex Azar told reporters can’t allow people to get
of flavors used in e-ciga- driven by sales of fla- during an Oval Office ap- sick and we can’t have
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE rettes, President Donald vored nicotine formulas pearance with the pres- our youth be so affected,”
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 Trump said Wednesday, such as “grape slushie” ident, first lady Melania he said.
Online.......................................... responding to a recent and “strawberry cotton Trump and the acting Trump’s first public
surge in underage vaping candy.” FDA commissioner, Ned comments on vaping
RATES that has alarmed parents, The Food and Drug Sharpless. come as health authori-
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. politicians and health au- Administration will de- Trump, whose son ties investigate hundreds
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. thorities nationwide. velop guidelines to re- Barron is 13 years old, of breathing illnesses
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. The surprise White move from the market all said vaping has become reported in people who
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. House announcement e-cigarette flavors except such a problem that he have used e-cigarettes
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 could remake the multi- tobacco, Health and Hu- wants parents to be aware and other vaping devices.
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo.
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card.

The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)

Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Tentative list of the missing in Bahamas after hurricane has 2,500 names
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS The Associated Press 2,500 people are listed as cautioned that the names staying in shelters.
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: missing in the Bahamas had yet to be checked Carl Smith, a spokes-
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., FREEPORT, Baha- in Hurricane Dorian’s af- against the rosters of man for the country’s Na-
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 mas — An estimated termath, the government people evacuated from tional Emergency Man-
said Wednesday. But it the devastated islands or agement Agency, said
he expected the list to
shrink as the names are
More than a week af-
ter Dorian smashed thou-
sands of homes on the
country’s Grand Bahama
and Abaco islands, the
death toll stood at 50 and
was expected to rise, with
search-and-rescue crews
still making their way
through the ruins.
“The number of deaths
is expected to signifi-
cantly increase,” Prime
Minister Hubert Minnis
said in a national address
Wednesday night.
He said the Bahamas
would hold a national day
of prayer, and named hur-
ricane response coordina-
tors for the two most-af-
fected islands.
While power has re-
turned to much of Grand
The solunar period indicates Bahama, Smith said the
peak-feeding times for fish and game.


12:26a electrical infrastructure
Minor 7:17p —
around Marsh Harbour,
Major 12:04p
Minor 5:44a 6:38a Abaco’s largest city, was
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Thursday, September 12, 2019 3A


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and much more with an online subscription. Nonsubscribers can
purchase online access for less than $9 per month.
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LCSO reserve officer injured SPD arrests two men

believed to have started
in motorcycle accident Cotton District fight
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN at the intersection of Gardner Bou- hood of the car and landed in the levard and Morgan Avenue at about road, Dillon said. Four total suspects charged
7:15 a.m., said City Public Informa- Brantley was taken to Baptist
An off-duty reserve deputy for
Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office
tion Officer Joe Dillon. Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle with misdemeanors, including 3
Dillon did not have the Impala’s and immediately flown to NMMC,
was injured in a wreck on Gardner
Boulevard this morning and has driver’s name by press time, but Dillon said. He didn’t know Brant- Mississippi State students
been taken to North Mississippi said the driver is 28. ley’s condition but said Brantley By Tess Vrbin
Medical Center in Tupelo. Brantley collided with the vehi- was conscious and talking when he
Richard Brantley, 48, was on his cle when the vehicle attempted to was taken to Baptist.
personal motorcycle when he col- turn left off Gardner and onto Mor- Columbus Police Department is STARKVILLE — Police have ar-
lided with a 2007 Chevrolet Impala gan. Brantley was thrown over the investigating the accident. rested two men they believe started
the brawl outside St. Joseph Catholic
Church early Sunday morning on
University Drive.
Stephen Jernigan II of Lake Vil-
lage, Arkansas, and Harrison Porter

Hood: Reeves improperly pushed frontage road project of Ridgeland, both 22, were arrested
Wednesday on simple assault war-
rants, the Starkville Police Depart-
Jernigan II

By EMILY Hood also said Reeves a criminal investigation area, and to build a front- ment posted on Facebook. They are
WAGSTER PETTUS withheld documents, and because Reeves did not age road near Lakeland the third and fourth men arrested
The Associated Press for participating in a Cotton District
that the “refusal to pro- provide all the documents Drive to the gated subdi-
duce records has imped- requested. vision where Reeves lives fistfight that was caught on video and
JACKSON — Missis- has received thousands of views on
sippi Democratic Attor- ed the investigation and The 43-page document in the Jackson suburb of
prevented a full report on was released more than Flowood. social media.
ney General Jim Hood “After further investigation, we Porter
released an investigative the subject.” a year after the Clarion The Nov. 5 governor’s
However, Hood said he Ledger first reported election is in less than believe these individuals instigated
report Wednesday that this altercation by verbally assaulting an intoxicated
says his rival in this year’s will not pursue any civil Reeves had pushed the eight weeks.
action seeking to make Mississippi Department “After a year of big female,” SPD wrote.
governor’s race, Republi- The first two men arrested were Nathan Cvita-
can Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, Reeves repay the public of Transportation to talk, Jim Hood admits he
novich, 22, of D’Iberville, and Dakota Husser, 23, of
improperly sought to costs of the planning for speed up the widening proved no wrongdoing
Biloxi, also on simple assault warrants.
influence a roadbuild- the frontage road, which of U.S. Highway 25, also and can take no action,”
Cvitanovich, Porter and Jernigan are all MSU
ing project near Reeves’ was not built. Hood said known as Lakeland Drive Reeves campaign spokes-
students, university officials confirmed to The Dis-
neighborhood. he could not complete in the metro Jackson man Parker Briden said. patch.
Porter also received a simple assault charge for
allegedly physically assaulting a 53-year-old man
on University Drive on Sept. 29, 2018, according to
court records.
Dozens of college-age individuals participated in
Marriages and divorces the fight. The incident is still under investigation and
Simpson; Aug. 17 Sierra Luekeyshe Winston Sharon Allen Higgins; Aug. 23 more arrests are expected, SPD said on Facebook.
Lowndes County ■ Jimmy Sprouse and Sheryl Williams; July 29 ■ Christyanna Green and Ro- In the video, a man can be seen yelling, taking his
Marriages Jaynes; Aug. 17 ■ Daniel Wooten and Chelsea driquez Carnell Green; Aug. 30 shirt off, throwing multiple people to the ground and
■ Demarcus Winston and ■ Ryan Gorski and Lindsay Ford; July 29 ■ Brian Henry and Kenya punching some of them repeatedly.
Tylicia Moore; Aug. 1 Simpson; Aug. 20 ■ Avery Kennoel Whitfield and
■ Amos Jones and Simeka
Henry; Aug. 30 Others in the video are seen throwing punches,
■ Sean Coleman and Juliana Ann Marie Jones Whitfield;
Hughes; Aug. 2 Wright; Aug. 22 Aug. 1
■ Alvin Terrell Henry and Se- pushing and shoving. Several people can be seen
■ Christopher Helton and ■ Mateo Marshall and Cassidy ■ Shaquille Taylor and Nikita
brina Blunt Henry; Aug. 27 lying on the ground in the churchyard, and first re-
Cynthia Brasher; Aug. 3 Scale; Aug. 23 Taylor; July 29 ■ Rhonda Michelle Woolbright sponder vehicles can be seen in the background.
■ Pruthivi Devatha and Carley ■ Richard Weeks and Patricia ■ Wallace C. Moore III and Fortune and Nicholas Adam SPD has not provided the call and response times
Ponds; Aug. 5 Hedge; Aug. 24 Alexandria N. Moore; Aug. 1 Fortune; Aug. 27 for Sunday’s incident, and The Dispatch has submit-
■ Jonathan Hewett and Lind- ■ Joseph Warrington and ■ Deana Ruth Davidson and ■ Joshua Daniel Adams and ted public records requests for the incident report
sey Ewers; Aug. 8 Stephanie Whiddon; Aug. 24 Gregory A. Davidson; Aug. 9 Erica Evans Adams; Aug. 29 and arrest affidavits.
■ Jimmy Glover II and Leslie ■ Jasmine Williams and Ariel ■ Beulah Mae Abrams and
Bumgardner; Aug. 9 Spencer; Aug. 24 Jimmie King Williams; Aug. 6
■ Marcus Brewer and Erica ■ Taylor Klinkman and Kayla ■ Cynthia Pate Jennings and
Bush; Aug. 10 Bonstrom; Aug. 30 Willie D. Jennings; Aug. 4
■ Ryne Long and Morgan ■ Jaired Proctor and Ashley ■ Christopher S. Blanton and
Jones; Aug. 10 Dawkins; Aug. 30 Tonya P. Blanton et al; Aug. 14
■ Collin Maxwell and Emily
■ Andreas Walker and Lavern ■ Chase Alexander Boulware
Castro; Aug. 10
Brooks; Aug. 30 and Tara Nycole Boulware;
■ Zachary Harrington and
Cassie James; Aug .14 Aug. 12
■ Jeffrey Swedenburg and Divorces ■ Ashley N. Brownlee and
Rebecca Royer; Aug. 14 ■ Brent B. Hitchcock and Han- William T. Brownlee; Aug. 16
■ James Brooks and Jennifer nah R. Hitchcock; July 26 ■ Kenyada Meshun Cockrell
Elliott; Aug. 15 ■ Dorothy Lang Higgins and and Coshun D. Cockrell; Aug.
■ Howard McCollum and Jac- Derrick Duane Higgins; July 22 20
queline; Aug. 16 ■ Tabitha Michaelean Phillips ■ Billie G. Noland and Gerald
■ John Gordy II and Amanda Hamilton and Kayline Hamilton D. Noland; Aug. 19
McKinney; Aug. 16 Jr.; July 22 ■ Donna Michelle Ridgeley
■ Luster Brooks and Renea ■ Bradley Jovan Force and Linn and Anthony Emmitt Linn;
Edwards; Aug. 17 Kaylon Lashay Force; July 25 Aug. 21
■ William Taylor and Allison ■ Robert Hamilton Gluck et ■ Cindy P. Landrum and Mi-
Sudduth; Aug. 17 al; Aug. 1 chael J. Landrum; Aug. 22
■ Matt Shepherd and Joy ■ Henry Lee Williams and ■ Derrick Duane Higgins and

Continued from Page 1A
Sgt. Derrick Beckom gia for statutory rape of the Investigation, Beckom
provided The Dispatch, a child and was out on bond. said. It is unclear wheth-
trooper discovered Moore, The other adult in the er Moore will face feder-
the victim and another vehicle was also arrested al charges in addition to
man stopped on the side of and later released after charges from MHP.
the highway due to a dis- further investigation by Moore is in custody on
abled vehicle and stopped Mississippi Bureau of $50,000 bond.
to help them.
While talking with
Moore, the trooper “rec-
ognized indicators the
adult males were a high
risk threat” to the child
and separated her from
the adults, according to
the information Beckom
provided. After speaking
with the child, the trooper
learned she was reported
missing out of Georgia and
was a victim of commercial
sexual exploitation. Moore
had been arrested in Geor-

1 Keri Russell

2 Pez

3 “Casino Royale”

4 Jake

5 Deuce
4A Thursday, September 12, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View
Dangerously hot weather good excuse to check
on elderly, less fortunate
Like a visitor who overstays his be far more than an inconvenience. For ing to diet (watch your salt intake) to homes, there are senior citizen centers
welcome, the unrelenting summer of some, it can be a threat to their health. physical activity can put people in peril. at which they can spend the hot day-
2019 stubbornly remains – tempera- This is especially true for elderly per- For elderly living in poverty, the time hours. Offer them a ride.
tures consistently hitting the mid-90s sons. risks presented by hot weather are even Are they staying hydrated? Are they
without much relief in sight even as we As we age, our bodies become less greater. Many do not have adequate dressed in light clothing? Are they
approach mid-September. efficient in regulating body tempera- cooling in their homes. Even the most spending too much time outdoors in
By now, we should be enjoying the ture. For one thing, we sweat less, rudimentary of cooling — window, the heat of the day?
first hints of fall weather with pleasant which is the body’s primary “air condi- ceiling or portable fans — can circulate We can prevent serious heat-related
mornings and evenings and warm tioning.” We also store fat differently, the air and drop the temperature from incidents simply by being aware of the
afternoons. We’ve had none of that. which also inhibits the body’s ability to dangerous to tolerable. dangers hot weather poses and making
September feels an awful like July this cool itself. Bearing this in mind, all of us should sure they’re taking some of these basic
year. There are also less obvious factors keep our elderly in mind as this endless precautions.
If it were merely a matter of comfort, that affect seniors disproportionately. summer continues. All of us have So, keep an eye on our older neigh-
we could be content to wait it out. Fall For example, some prescription medi- elderly friends or neighbors we should bors during this time.
will eventually arrive, we know. cines reduce sweating. check in on. A few minutes of your time could
But the lingering hot weather can Everything from the choice of cloth- If they have no cooling in their even save a life.

Letter to the editor

A call to vote and endorsement
We are less than two months away from the general
election in Mississippi. Have we as a people forgotten about
our civic duty? Have we forgotten that men and women
have actually given their lives so that we can cast a vote for
our leaders? The voter turnout in Lowndes County and in
Mississippi as a whole, during the primary and runoff, was
an utter disgrace.
Our beliefs and our values are at stake. I don’t say that in
an “Oh, it’s the end of the world” type of way, but I do mean
that there is a lot at stake.
Thanks to Lt. Governor Tate Reeves, Mississippi reve-
nues are looking to increase 5.5% year over year. Our econ-
omy is booming because of his successes in cutting taxes.
More people are working today than ever before in our state.
I simply ask that you get out and vote in the November
general election. Vote absentee if you have to do so. It is so
incredibly important. It is your civic duty. It is your right.
Please vote.
Heath Fisackerly
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to participate in
your community. We request the tone of your letters be con-
structive and respectful and the length be limited to 450 words.
We welcome all letters emailed to or
mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box
511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511.

Other editors State of the nation

John Bolton’s legacy: Chaos, Media bad-mouths the economy
dysfunction and no meaningful like it did in 1992
accomplishments As it did in 1992,
the anti-Republican
mists’ expectations
and stoking more
before Clinton’s election. Yet,
as Investor’s Business Daily
The departure of John Bolton as national security adviser media is covering fears of an impend- pointed out, in October 1992,
on Tuesday — President Trump said he fired him, and Mr. Trump’s economy as ing recession.” over 90% of the economic news
Bolton maintained that he quit — was logical and overdue. A negatively as possi- The National in newspapers was negative.
rigid ideologue, Mr. Bolton has a long record of championing ble while keeping a Bureau of Economic The next month, Clinton won
military action against U.S. adversaries, which Mr. Trump straight face. After Research, the gov- the election. And that month,
resists, and opposing negotiation with the likes of North all, unemployment ernment’s official only 14% of the newspapers’
Korea and Iran, which is the president’s natural instinct. is at historical lows, keeper of the busi- economic news was negative.
He didn’t alter those views to suit Mr. Trump, and instead most Americans ness cycle, defines A 1992 Gallup poll found that a
battled those who catered to the president’s wishes — most feel optimistic about a recession as “a majority of Americans thought
notably, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Mr. Trump was no their own economic significant decline we were in a recession.
doubt telling the truth, for once, when he tweeted, “I dis- future, and most Larry Elder in economic activity How big a role did the media
agreed strongly with many of (Mr. Bolton’s) suggestions, as credit Trump with spread across the play in this misperception?
did others in the Administration.” the growing economy. Trump’s economy, lasting more than a In the 1997 book “Lessons
Yet Mr. Bolton, who served in previous Republican admin- predecessor was the first presi- few months, normally visible in From the Recession: A Man-
istrations, can hardly be blamed for the falling-out. His ul- dent since 1949 to preside over real GDP, real income, employ- agement and Communication
tra-hawkish views and habit of bureaucratic infighting were an economic recovery without ment, industrial production, Perspective,” the authors write,
well known, even notorious, in Washington when Mr. Trump a single year averaging at least and wholesale-retail sales.” “It is difficult to avoid the con-
hired him in April of last year. But the president, in the hunt 3% gross domestic product Others, like economist Lee clusion that the highly negative
for his third national security adviser in just 15?months, sim- growth. Ohanian of the University of view of economy in 1992 was
ply disregarded the facts. Apparently Mr. Bolton was picked But Democrats, the media California, Los Angeles, define due in large part to widespread
because Mr. Trump had enjoyed watching him on television. and Trump-hating pundits a recession as at least two con- misperceptions about its perfor-
The result was to compound the chaos that has character- seem almost giddy at the pros- secutive quarters of negative mance and prospects, and that
ized the administration’s foreign policy and left Mr. Trump pect of a recession. economic growth. By either unduly negative coverage on
without meaningful accomplishments. Last year, multimillionaire definition, the economy is not network television played some
Perversely, considering how out of sync he was with Mr. comedian and HBO talk show close to a recession. major role in forming those
Trump’s priorities, Mr. Bolton managed to accomplish a fair host Bill Maher openly rooted But recently, The Washing- misperceptions.” In short, the
amount — if mostly in a negative sense. Last week he helped for it: “Can I ask about the ton Post eagerly noted: “Only media’s bad-mouthing of Bush
persuade Mr. Trump to torpedo an agreement with the economy? Because this econo- one president since the Civil 41’s economy shaped Ameri-
Afghan Taliban, painstakingly negotiated by the State De- my is going pretty well. ... I feel War has been reelected with cans’ perception of it.
partment over the course of nearly a year, just before it was like the bottom has to fall out at a recession taking place in How strong was the econ-
to be signed. Earlier this year, he induced the president to some point. And by the way, I’m the two calendar years before omy Bill Clinton inherited?
set aside State’s work on a possible interim deal with North hoping for it. Because I think facing voters a second time On Jan. 29, 1993, seven days
Korea on its nuclear program, and instead demand that one way you get rid of Trump ... William McKinley in 1900. after Clinton took office, a New
dictator Kim Jong Un immediately commit to giving up all is a crashing economy. So, Since then, all four presidents York Times article headlined
weapons of mass destruction. That helped to precipitate the please, bring on the recession. running for reelection who “U.S. Says Economy Grew at
collapse of the Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi and has led to a Sorry if that hurts people, but had such a recession lost: Fast Pace in Fourth Quarter”
prolonged lapse in negotiations, during which North Korea it’s either root for a recession William Taft, Herbert Hoover, said, “The economy grew at a
has been testing new missiles. or you lose your democracy.” In Jimmy Carter and George H.W. faster-than-expected annual
The national security adviser’s principal responsibility August, Maher doubled down: Bush.” Similarly, CNN political rate of 3.8 percent in the final
has traditionally been to oversee a disciplined policymaking “I’m just saying we can survive analyst Julian Zelizer wrote, “A quarter of 1992, the strongest
process that includes the State Department, the Pentagon a recession. We’ve had 47 of recession is what could keep performance in four years,
and intelligence agencies, and to tee up big decisions for the them. We’ve had one every time Trump off the list of two-term the Commerce Department
president. Mr. Bolton didn’t do that. Instead, he sniped at ini- there’s a Republican president!” presidents and relegate him to reported today.” Three-point-
tiatives undertaken by others, like the North Korea talks and said Maher. “They don’t last the one inhabited by Herbert eight percent! Not bad for a
Afghan negotiations, and pursued long-standing pet causes forever. You know what lasts Hoover, Jimmy Carter and “recession.”
of his own — such as his pointless crusade against the Inter- forever? Wiping out species! ... George H.W. Bush.” Had Hillary Clinton won
national Criminal Court. He championed an attempted coup Yes, a recession would be very One slight problem: By the 2016 election and presided
against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, which fell flat. worth getting rid of Donald election day in November 1992, over an economy performing
This dysfunction was, of course, enabled and even encour- Trump and these kinds of George H.W. Bush’s economy this well, the media would call
aged by Mr. Trump, who has shown no interest in orderly policies.” was on its 19th consecutive her an economic maestro who
process. During Mr. Bolton’s tenure, the president abruptly After a less-than-expected month of positive economic “jumpstarted the economy” and
reversed course on bombing Iran, as well as making peace number of jobs were created growth. The economy was whose reelection was all but a
with the Taliban, and it has been impossible to keep track of in August, many in the media nowhere near a recession. Ac- foregone conclusion.
his seesawing positions on China. “Sorry, it’s the way I nego- spoke enthusiastically at the cording to the National Bureau Larry Elder is a best-selling
tiate,” he recently told reporters. Mr. Trump’s fourth national notion of a recession. News- of Economic Research, the re- author and nationally syndicated
security adviser, if he can find one, will have to be a lot more week, for example, wrote, “The cession began in July 1990 and radio talk-show host. To find out
pliable than Mr. Bolton. U.S. added just 130,000 jobs in ended eight months later, in more about Larry Elder, visit
The Washington Post August, falling short of econo- March 1991 — a full 19 months
The Dispatch • Thursday, September 12, 2019 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH as a field representative her husband, Robert of Macon is in charge of
OBITUARY POLICY for former 2nd District Bishop of Starkville; arrangements.
Obituaries with basic informa-
U.S. Rep. David Bowen, sons, Jason Bailey of Mrs. Snowden was
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
as director of planning Starkville and Clarke born Aug. 4, 1928, in
free of charge. Extended and development in Bishop of Dallas, Texas; Shuqualak, to the late
obituaries with a photograph, Mississippi’s Northern brother, Russell Cox of John R. and Velma
detailed biographical informa- District, as executive Cordova, Tennessee; Smith Permenter. She
tion and other details families director of the Missis- and two grandchildren. attended Shuqualak
may wish to include, are avail- sippi Sheriffs’ Boys and Memorials may be High School and East
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Girls Ranch, and as made to the Bushby Mississippi Junior Col-
be submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s
mayor of Starkville. He Sunday School Class lege and was formerly
body has been donated to was a member of Calva- at the First Baptist employed as Director of
science. If the deceased’s ry Baptist Church. Church, 106 E. Lamp- Medical Records with
body was donated to science, He was preceded in kin St,, Starkville, Noxubee General Hos-
the family must provide official death by his parents MS 39759 or the Billy pital. She was a mem-
proof of death. Please submit and foster parents, J.L. Graham Evangelistic ber of Concord Baptist
all obituaries on the form pro-
“Pete” and Francis Association, 1 Billy Church.
vided by The Commercial Dis-
patch. Free notices must be
Whitehead and Mc- Graham Pkwy., Char- In addition to her
submitted to the newspaper Govern Stacy and Dora lotte, N. 28201. parents, she was pre-
no later than 3 p.m. the day Stanley; and brothers, ceded in death by her
prior for publication Tuesday Benny Stacy and Bobby Cecil Rich first husband, Oscar L.
through Friday; no later than 4 Stacy. HERMITAGE, Tenn. Lindley; second hus-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday He is survived by — Cecil L. Rich, 39, band, the Rev. James
edition; and no later than 7:30 his wife, Pat Fitzgerald
a.m. for the Monday edition. died Sept. 7, 2019, in M. Snowden; and broth-
Incomplete notices must be re-
Stacy of Starkville; chil- Hermitage, Tennessee. er, Clyde Permenter.
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. dren, Stephanie Tomlin- Services will be at 11 She is survived by
for the Monday through Friday son of Starkville, Steve a.m. Friday at Second her son, Oscar E. Lind-
editions. Paid notices must be Stacy of Louisville and Baptist M.B. Church in ley; two grandchildren;
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Shelly Stacy Moore Starkville. Burial will and three great-grand-
the next day Monday through of Elmore, Alabama; follow at Rest Haven children.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 siblings, Rose Rill, Ann
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Cemetery. Visitation is
publication. For more informa-
Roach, Jackie Stanley from 4-6 p.m. today at
tion, call 662-328-2471. Baldwin, Joe Stacy and West Memorial Funeral
James Stacy; seven Home. West Memo-
grandchildren; and five rial Funeral Home of
Jackie Jennings great-grandchildren. Starkville is in charge
COLUMBUS — Pallbearers will be
Jackie Daniel Jennings, of arrangements.
Jake Tomlinson, Phil- He is survived by
63, died Sept. 3, 2019. ip Moore, Matthew
Graveside services his son, Peyton Rich;
Moore, Stephen Moore,
will be at 6:30 p.m. mother, Geraldine Rich;
Baron Jones and John
Friday at Pleasant Hill father, Bernard Pope;
Cemetery. Lowndes and sisters, Gerilynn
Memorials may be
Funeral Home of Co- Odetunde and Berne-
made to the Calvary
lumbus is in charge of sha Pope.
Baptist Church Build- John D. Sanders
arrangements. ing Fund or Food Clos- Visitation:
He was preceded in et, 405 N. Jackson St., Sarah Henley Thursday, Sept. 12 • 1-2 PM
COLUMBUS — Sar- 2nd Ave. North Location
death by his mother, Starkville, MS 39759. Services:
Shirley Morre Barton; ah L. Henley, 51, died Thursday, Sept. 12 • 2 PM
Sept. 3, 2019, in Wichi- 2nd Ave. North Chapel
and father, Jack Jen- Wanda Langford Burial
nings. ta, Kansas. Haughton Memorial Park
He is survived by Arrangements are Amory, MS
Wanda Dean Langford,
his wife, Leslie Jen- 75, died Sept. 11, 2019, incomplete and will be
nings; son, Eric Daniel announced by Lee- Wanda Langford
at Windsor Place. Incomplete
Jennings; stepfather, Arrangements are Sykes Funeral Home of
College St. Location
Harold Barton; sister, incomplete and will be Columbus.
Cindy Westmoreland; announced by Memori-
brother, Mike Barton; al Gunter Peel Funeral Buddy Gardner
and one grandchild. Home and Crematory, CALEDONIA —
College Street location. Buddy Gardner, 68,
Billy Stacy died Sept. 10, 2019, at
STARKVILLE — Sharon Bishop his residence.
Billy McGovern Stacy, STARKVILLE — Services will be at 3
83, died Sept. 10, 2019, Sharon Cox Bishop, 73, p.m. Friday at Lowndes
at his residence. died Sept. 10, 2019, at Funeral Home Chapel.
Services will be at 11 her residence. Visitation will be one
a.m. Friday at Calvary Services are at 11 hour prior to services
Baptist Church, with a.m. today at First at the funeral home.
the Rev. Grant Arinder, Baptist Church in Lowndes Funeral
Bill Duncan and Bob Starkville, with the Home of Columbus is
Williams officiating. Rev. Gene Henderson in charge of arrange-
Burial will follow at officiating. A graveside ments.
Memorial Garden service will follow at
Park. Visitation will be 3:30 p.m. at First Marks Edith Snowden
two hours prior to the Cemetery in Marks. DECATUR, Ala.
services at the church. Visitation is two hour — Edith P. Lindley
Welch Funeral Home of prior to services at the Snowden, 91, died Sept.
Starkville is in charge church. Welch Funeral 9, 2019, at her resi-
of arrangements. Home of Starkville is dence.
Mr. Stacy was a 1955 in charge of arrange- Services will be at 2
graduate of Winona ments. p.m. Saturday at Cock-
High School and attend- She was preceded in rell Funeral Home, with
ed Mississippi State death by her parents, the Rev. Sean Greer of-
University. He was Cecil Vester Cox Sr. ficiating. Burial will fol-
drafted into the Nation- and Marie Rooker Cox; low at Salem Cemetery.
al Football League with brother, Cecil Cox Jr.; Visitation will be one
the Chicago Cardi- and sister, Martha Ann hour prior to services
nals, now the Arizona Cox. at the funeral home.
Cardinals. He served She is survived by Cockrell Funeral Home

Mississippi probes
possible Hepatitis
A exposure
The Associated Press

JACKSON — The Mis-

sissippi State Department
of Health is investigating
a case of hepatitis A in a

Walter Simmons Jr.

food service worker that
could have led to possible
exposure for customers.
State health officials Holly Springs, MS — Walter “Frankie”
say patrons of Dixie De- Simmons Jr., 60, passed away September 9, 2019,
pot Courtyard Lane deli in at Methodist Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.
Lucedale may have been A graveside service will be held Friday,
exposed if they ate there September 13, 2019, at 10:00 AM at Friendship
between Aug. 19-21, Aug. Cemetery in Columbus, MS. Holly Springs
23-24 and Aug. 26-31 from Funeral Home has been entrusted with the
the hours of 2 p.m. to 10 arrangements.
p.m. each day. Frankie was born December 18, 1958, in
State Epidemiolo- Columbus, MS, to the late Walter Simmons Sr.
gist Dr. Paul Byers says and Shirley Richardson Simmons.
the transmission risk is He is survived by his wife, Cheri Simmons;
low. Still, he says they’re daughters, Mary Elizabeth Simmons, Shirley
recommending patrons Simmons and Patricia Simmons; aunt and
consider getting a vacci- uncle, Otis and Patricia Richardson; and cousin,
nation if not previously Richard Richardson.
immunized. It’s free for Paid Obituary - Holly Springs Funeral Home
those suspected of being
exposed on Wednesday
through Friday at the
George County Health
6A Thursday, September 12, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
ing touchdown, return all of his adult life here. It Never looking back as the Bulldogs’ starting Bulldogs did not beat the ring. That was about all.”
an interception for a was home.” quarterback. Tide again for 23 years. It was his family
After leaving office,
touchdown and return a Stacy served as a Weatherly recalls one After his NFL playing — Peggy, his wife of
Stacy served as director
fumble for a touchdown field representative play in particular that days, Stacy never looked 61 years, son and two
of Mississippi Sheriff’s
in the same season. He for five-term U.S. Con- attests to Stacy passing back, Tomlinson said. daughters — that Stacy
Boys Ranch in Lowndes
made the Pro Bowl in gressman David Bowen skills. “He never did much treasured most.
County until his retire-
1962, but injuries forced before running for office “In 1957, we went over boasting about his play- “His family, that was
ment, Tomlinson said.
him to retire in 1963 after himself, winning election to Tuscaloosa to play ing career,” Tomlinson what he was the most
his fifth season. as Starkville’s mayor in Weatherly said the Alabama and we came
passage of time, along said. “He didn’t keep a proud of,” Tomlinson
Stacy was named to 1985. up with this trick play,” lot of memorabilia. The said. “He didn’t talk
the Mississippi State Although he served with Stacy’s reticence Weatherly said. “Billy
to talk about his athletic only thing he had in the about football unless you
Sports Hall of Fame in just one term, Tomlinson took the snap and just living room was a helmet brought it up, but he was
1970 and inducted into said Stacy enjoyed the prowess, has made his as the end was about
exploits forgotten among he wore when he played always talking about his
the Mississippi Sports work. to cream him, he let go with the Cardinals. He family. That was what he
Hall of Fame in 1979. “I do think he liked younger generations of a pass and the ball hit
Bulldog fans. also had a Cardinals built his life around.”
Born in Drew and being mayor,” Tomlinson my hands on the dead
raised in Winona, Stacy said. “He was very proud “He wasn’t just a great run. He had to jump up
returned to Starkville of Starkville and wanted player at Mississippi three or four feet in the
after retiring from the to see the city prosper.” State, he was a great air, kind of like one of
NFL. “His time as a local player in the NFL, too,” those old Harry Gilmer
“I think he considered and national football hero Weatherly noted. passes, just to get the
Starkville his home from fostered that rapport as As a receiver, Weath- ball out, 35 yards on a
the time he came to athletics became recog- erly was often Stacy’s straight line that hit me
college here,” said Bobby nized to be an integral to favorite, though still square in the hands.
Tomlinson, Stacy’s son- what was so special about seldom-used, target at a All I had to do was run
in-law. “He met his wife, living in a college town,” time when passing was the last 20 years for the
Peggy, when they were current mayor Lynn still considered some- touchdown. Billy did all
students at State and, Spruill added. “Starkville thing of a trick play. the work.”
aside from some time in loved its hometown hero Stacy threw just 182 That play helped State
Jackson, he lived almost and he will be missed.” passes in his three years beat Alabama 25-13. The

Continued from Page 1A
boards of trustees will be next to The plan when GTECHS began The board made this provision in a
vote on the MOU, CMSD board as a pilot program was for EMCC change to its accountability rules in
president Jason Spears said. to become the governing authority June.
The state only allows public K-12 and fiscal agent after the first grad- CMSD Superintendent Cherie
schools to receive MAEP funding, uating class, so things are going ac- Labat thanked the Board of Trust-
and making GTECHS part of LCSD cording to plan, Spears said. ees on Monday for “their diligence
was a last-minute decision soon be- GTECHS had 221 students total in pursuing getting our scores
fore the school’s first academic year in 2018-19, with 45 from CMSD, 63 back.”
in 2015, EMCC Vice President Paul from LCSD, 33 from NCSD, 34 from The MOU will likely be on an
Miller said. SOCSD and 46 from WPCSD. SOCSD board meeting agenda
The MOU establishes that District superintendents each in October, board president John
GTECHS will be considered an “in- signed a contract with GTECHS, Brown said.
novative high school program,” not EMCC and MDE in 2015, all agree- NCSD is under state conserva-
a high school, so students from out- ing to allocate GTECHS students’ torship and does not have a school
side LCSD will not have to transfer test scores to LCSD. The tests in- board, so the state board of educa-
districts in order to attend, he said. cluded state end-of-year benchmark tion will be in charge of approving
“One of the concerns that the tests and college entry exams such the MOU for Noxubee County,
school districts had previously was as the SAT and ACT, and the scores Spears said.
the fact that they were basically en- factor into the MDE’s accountability EMCC hopes to have the time-
couraging some of their students to rating of school districts, which are line of the transition of authority set
participate in a program that was released on an A-F scale each fall. in the next couple weeks so it goes
going to take them off the rolls and Spears wrote a letter to the state as smoothly as possible, Miller said.
put them in another school district, board of education in May advocat- “We don’t want there to be any
and those MAEP funds would fol- ing for the allocation of GTECHS gaps where there’s any funding
low that student,” Miller said. scores to students’ home districts. that’s missed,” he said.

Building permits
■ Riverhill Property Manage- ■ Wendy Sandlin; 1106 residence; Owner
City of Columbus ment; 626 Waterworks Rd., Southdown Pkwy.; Plumbing ■ Southern Loggers; Carson
Sept. 3-5, 2019 Apt. 2; Electrical permit; permit; Jeff Swedenburg Road; Install fuel storage
■ Jeffrey Carter; 1103 Ash St.; George Beavers ■ Nicole & James Murphy; tank; Petron, LLC
Renovation; Construction Risk ■ Robinson Property Manage- 1205 7th St. N.; Plumbing
■ Spec; 369 Academy St.; Ad-
Services ment; 1509 Hwy. 69 S.; Elec- permit; Leon Tabor
dition to commercial building;
■ JYD Partners, Ltd.; 939 trical permit; George Beavers ■ LBS Properties, LLC; 2219
Alabama St.; Modify sprinkler 5th St. N.; Plumbing permit; R JG Construction, LLC
■ WMR, LLC; 2104 5th St.
system; Global Fire Sprinklers, N.; Electrical permit; Anthony & D Plumbing ■ David Davis; 25 Daylilly Dr.;
LLC Sykes Construct duplex; Jedidiah
■ Court Square Tower, LLC;
605 2nd Ave. N.; Renovate
■ Rufus Harris Jr.; 104
Maxwell Ln., Apt. 5; Electrical
Lowndes County Davis
■ The Grove; 508 Lehm-
second floor; Construction Risk
Sept. 11, 2019
permit; Jimmie Chism berg Rd.; Set up two mobile
■ Christopher Reed; 117
Services ■ Krewe of Elmore, LLC; 525A homes; Todd Ables
Burton Dr.; Construct s/f
■ Jacob S. Hudspeth; 109 6th Ave. S.; Electrical permit; ■ The Grove; 508 Lehmberg
residence; Owner
Shelton St.; Reroof; J Crawley Jimmie Chism
■ Darryl Upton; Old West Rd.; Move two mobile homes;
Enterprises ■ Oak Manor Community,
Point Road; Construct s/f Mid South Installers
■ OR, Inc.; 2407-A Hwy. 45 LLC; 901 11th St. S., Apt. N4;
N.; Install portable building; Electrical permit; Paul Guerry
Edward Kidd ■ LBS Properties, LLC; 2219
■ DG Lucedale, LLC/Picayune, 5th St. N.; Mechanical permit;
LLC; 1908 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. 1; Weathers Air Conditioning
Signs; Mid-South Signs ■ Lee Ford; 522 Alabama
■ Columbus-Lowndes River- St.; Mechanical permit; Faris
walk; 50 W. Main St.; Banner Heating & Cooling
display (9/20-9/25); Columbus ■ WMR, LLC; 2102 5th St. N.,
Convention & Visitors Bureau Ste. 2; Plumbing permit; R &
■ Columbus-Lowndes River- D Plumbing
walk; 50 W. Main St.; Banner ■ WMR, LLC; 2104 5th St.
display (10/25-11/4)); Co- N.; Pluming permit; R & D
lumbus Convention & Visitors Plumbing
Bureau ■ Robert Woods; 406 7th
■ Columbus-Lowndes River- Ave. S.; Plumbing permit; R &
walk; 50 W. Main St.; Banner D Plumbing
display (12/2-12/11); Colum- ■ Doug Pellum; 205 5th St.
bus Convention & Visitors N.; Plumbing permit; R & D
Bureau Plumbing


Garrick Hodge/Dispatch Staff

Caledonia quarterback Brandon Edmondson (6) looks to the sideline as he awaits a play call during Friday’s game against Amory in Caledonia.

Caledonia fueled by disrespect ahead

of showdown with Heritage Academy
By Theo DeRosa “It’s expected, but at the back, and we’re gonna turn gives Heritage another di- definitely have to play physi- same time, you know, we up. We may turn up the next mension. cal football Friday night.”

gotta go prove them wrong,” day. We may turn up at their “Defensively, we’ll defi- If the Pats can manage
or Brandon Edmond- Edmondson said. field.” nitely have to play our best that, they just might have
son, the disrespect Add to it that the Patriots Wyatt’s optimism may game in order to keep us in a good chance of forcing
was born at church are holding their homecom- sound less than cautious, the ballgame,” Edmondson some turnovers against the
in New Hope, as his fellow ing game against the ’Feds but he’s still aware of the said. ’Feds’ triple option. That’s
attendees sounded off one — “it kind of tells us that threat posed by a Patriots The ’Feds’ offense, on the worst-case scenario for
by one: Heritage. Heritage. they think we’re nothing,” offense that’s averaged 36.5 the other hand, isn’t quite as Caledonia coach Michael
Heritage. Edmondson said — and points per game in its four straightforward nor as high Kelly.
No, not even with Caledo- Caledonia is feeling mighty contests this season. scoring. Caledonia runs the “If we give their offense
nia’s quarterback in atten- disrespected. He knows — the whole triple option, something for a short field with our triple
dance was anyone picking If you ask ’Feds sopho- team knows — that Heri- which Heritage Academy option, it’ll be a long night
the ’Feds to win Friday’s lo- more Kewon Wyatt, though, tage Academy quarterback coach Sean Harrison is on for us,” Kelly said.
cal showdown with Heritage the team is brimming with Carter Putt is one of the high alert come game time. But Kelly knew what he
Academy when the church nothing but confidence as best passers around. That “It’s a scary offense to was getting into by facing
members held their weekly a fun area rivalry nears re- rangy wideout Jared Long play against, because you the Patriots. After all, he
high school football pick ’em newal. is a dynamic deep threat for could be perfect all night, was the first to reach out
session. That doesn’t sur- “We’re gonna stop them,” Putt at receiver. That behind and one undisciplined play, regarding a renewal of the
prise Edmondson — but he Wyatt said of the 4-0 Pa- the Pats’ strong offensive and they can take it 80 rivalry.
doesn’t believe it. triots. “We’re gonna come line, running back KJ Smith yards,” Harrison said. “We’ll See RiVALRY, 2B


‘Thing One’ and ‘Thing Two’: How freshmen Emerson and Getting familiar
Jones have brought energy to MSU’s defensive backfield with the Wildcats
BY BEN PORTNOY As Jones answered and Jones have brought a There’s also a level By GARRICK HODGE at any level. I asked questions ranging from youthful exuberance to a of nostalgia to Jones, or Moorhead Monday what
his knowledge of Dr. Se- Mississippi State defen- “J-Dub” as he’s also nick- he thought the biggest
STARKVILLE — As uss’ “Cat in the Hat” to sive backs room that is named. He chose to wear Ryan Black has cov- difference between
freshman defensive back what kind of challenges far from lacking in char- the No. 2 after former ered Kansas State ath- a Klieman-coached
Jarrian Jones took the po- Kansas State presents acters. MSU cornerback Jamal letics for the Manhattan team and a Bill Sny-
dium Wednesday night, this weekend, Emerson “Wherever he goes, Peters — currently with Mercury for nearly two der-coached team are,
fellow fresh- snickered at his room- I go,” Emerson said of the Indianapolis Colts. years. and to sum up, he said
man and mate while pounding Jones. “I’m ‘Thing One’ As for Emerson, he’s Ahead of the Missis- Klieman won’t try and
running away on his virtual key- and he’s ‘Thing Two’ for the bigger of the pair sippi State football team’s trick you a bunch or cre-
mate Mar- at 6-foot-2, 195 pounds. 11 a.m. home contest with
board. a reason.” ate a bunch of diversion
tin Emerson A rangy corner with Kansas State on Saturday,
“We’re just like this Jones, a four-star re- schematically in any of
Jr. looked hard-hitting capabilities, Black spoke with The
every day,” Jones said cruit out of Brandon, and the phases. Having said
on from the he totaled 149 tackles, Dispatch to discuss new
peering toward his run- Emerson, a three-star that, what’s been your
side. Emerson
ning mate out of the cor- prospect from Pensaco- eight pass breakups an Kansas State head coach first impression of him
ner of his eye. “There’s a la, Florida — have quick- interception and a forced Chris Klieman, the Wild- through spring ball and
up against
time to be serious, and ly and rather loudly pro- fumble between his ju- cats’ early dominance and in the first two games?
the win-
there’s a time to play, but nounced their entrance nior and senior years of more. A: Given that I only got
dowed wall
most of the time we’re into the MSU secondary. high school. The interview has been to cover a year and a half
of the media
playing.” Jones is among the “I haven’t ever seen a edited for length and clar- of Snyder, I certainly won’t
room at the
Dubbed “Thing One” bigger talkers of the pair of corners like that,” ity. say I know more than Joe
Leo Seal
and “Thing Two” by se- group. Junior cornerback senior safety Jaquarius Moorhead does, but what
Jr. Football Jones
nior nickel back Brian Cam Dantzler compared Landrews said. “They’re Q: Earlier this week, we’ve seen through two
Cole, among others, him to former MSU hungry, they have a close MSU coach Joe Moor- games includes Klieman
Emerson whipped out
due to their respective safety Johnathan Abram bond. Those boys are go- head called Chris Klie- and offensive coordinator
his iPhone and began re-
jersey numbers — No. in the way he brings a ing to be top notch later man one of the best Courtney Messingham
1 and No. 2 — Emerson swagger to the field. See BULLDOGS, 2B coaches in the country See K-STATE, 2B
2B Thursday, September 12, 2019 The Dispatch •

MSU baseball coach Lemonis to Continued from Page 1B
speak at Starkville QB Club “Last year was my first year of our administrations were outside the football team all competition — Friday’s game
Mississippi State head baseball here, and I had a lot of peo- up for it,” Kelly said. “So we plan on attending, and his fam- is undoubtedly a good measur-
coach Chris Lemonis will be the speak- ple in the community ask me scheduled it, and I guess we’ll ily is coming, too. ing stick for games to come.
er when the Starkville Quarterback Club about possibly playing Heri- be ready to play for the next “I know people out of town It’s a big rivalry matchup, and
holds its third meeting of the year this tage again,” Kelly said. two years.” talking about the game,” Wy- it’s the perfect way to ensure
evening at the Starkville Country Club. He got Harrison on the Even though the rivalry att said. “The game’s big — bragging rights for the victor.
Lemonis will speak at 7 p.m., and phone, and the rest was histo- has been out of commission bigger than what people think But to Kelly, none of that
MSU defensive coordinator Bob Shoop ry, as the two schools sched- long enough that no player on it is.” matters when the ’Feds and
will be presenting the Scouting Report. uled a home-and-home series. either team has ever faced the One of the rare matchups the Patriots take the field.
A dinner of catfish, turnip greens, Caledonia will return the favor other, the Patriots and ’Feds between a public school and “At Friday night at 7 o’clock,
black-eyed peas, coleslaw and corn- by hosting next year’s game. alike still know the signifi- a private school — Putt said when those lights come on,
bread will be served along with a salad “He was open to the idea. cance. he was excited for a chance to it’ll be just another high school
bar and dessert at 6:30 p.m. I was open to the idea. Both Wyatt said his classmates prove himself against tougher football game,” Kelly said.

Source: From Special Reports

CALENDAR Continued from Page 1B
showing a ton of different the narrative leading into last
Today looks. They do what they call year’s game was around for-
College Football hockey substitutions. On the mer MSU quarterback Nick
Itawamba Community College at East first drive of the season, they Fitzgerald because he missed
Mississippi Community College, 7 p.m. had 20 players sub in through- the season opener. But when
Prep Soccer out the series at different Hill came to Manhattan and
Hartfield at Starkville Academy, 5 p.m. positions. On the flip side dominated K-State last year,
Heritage Academy at Mag Heights, 3 with Snyder, they were very he really opened people’s
p.m. straightforward. Unfortunate- eyes.
Columbus Christian Academy at Kirk ly, I think most of the fan base
Academy, 4 p.m. would tell you the plays would
Prep Volleyball
Q: Has former Kansas
be a little too predictable, but State turned Mississippi
Kosciusko at Columbus, 5:30 p.m.
I don’t think they’d say that State wideout Isaiah Zu-
West Lowndes at Noxapater, 6 p.m.
about Klieman. ber’s name been brought
New Hope at South Lamar, 6:30 p.m.
Grace Christian at Starkville High, 7:30 up at all this week in the
Q: The first two games KSU media world?
have gone very well for the A: Of course. Immediately
Heritage Academy at Caledonia, 6:30
Wildcats, with 49-14 and after Saturday’s game against
52-0 wins over Nicholls Bowling Green, we talked to
Prep Softball
State and Bowling Green, some of the receivers and the
Starkville at Columbus, 5/6:30 p.m.
Heritage Academy at Kemper Academy,
respectively. Could you one thing that really stands
5:30 p.m.
have envisioned KSU out- out today, there doesn’t seem
New Hope at Louisville, 5/6:30 p.m. scoring those two teams to be any animosity from the
Women’s College Soccer 101-14 at the start of the Kansas State side. They want
South Alabama at Mississippi State, to beat him because he’s an
A: I think you always as-
7 p.m. opponent of course, but there’s
Friday sume it’s a possibility. There’s
no bad blood here. If you had
Prep Football a reason you schedule two
a bitter parting, you wouldn’t
Mag Heights at Starkville Academy, 7 games like that to start the
be still in contact with him
p.m. year. I will say this, and the
as some of the guys are in a
Caledonia at Heritage Academy, 7 p.m. results bear this out, I thought
group text.
Marvell (Ark.) at Columbus Christian the Nicholls State game
Academy, 7 p.m. would be tougher than Bowl- Scott Sewell/USA TODAY Sports

ing Green because I thought Kansas State head coach Chris Klieman looks on during Satur- Q: Last year in Man-
Tunica Academy at Oak Hill Academy, day’s game against Bowling Green at Bill Snyder Family Stadium hattan, MSU completely
7 p.m. upper class FCS teams are in Manhattan, Kansas.
usually more of a challenge cleaned KSU’s clock. Obvi-
Philadelphia at Noxubee County, 7 p.m.
than a bottom-feeding FBS top in the nation in rushing Gilbert and Brown have both ously these are two differ-
Tupelo at West Point, 7 p.m.
team like Bowling Green has thanks to graduate trans- been great additions for Kan- ent teams, but what do you
Delta Academy at Hebron Christian, 7
been recently. And Nicholls fer running backs James sas State. think the key to a Kansas
went into Lawrence last year Gilbert and Jordon Brown. State win will be?
Victory Christian at Tabernacle (Ala.),
7 p.m. and knocked off Kansas. I What have you seen from Q: On the flip side, the A: If Kansas State can’t con-
Louisville at Starkville, 7 p.m. know the Jayhawks just lost the running game so far defense is eighth in the trol the line of scrimmage, it’s
Hamilton at West Lowndes, 7 p.m. to Coastal Carolina, but Nich- this season? nation in total defense by going to be another long day. I
New Hope at IAHS, 7 p.m. olls was familiar with coming A: Gilbert is much more a allowing seven points per don’t think on paper the MSU
into a Big 12 atmosphere and run between the tackles guy, game. Has Klieman ad- defensive line is as good as it
knocking that team off. Now whereas Brown could play dressed how they’re going was last year or if the quar-
ON THE AIR having said that, I think any- wide receiver full time if they to attempt to stop MSU terback play will be as good.
one that said they thought wanted him to do it. He has running back Kylin Hill? Now, it’ll be the first time
Today Kansas State would look as really good hands. But be- A: Klieman said (Tuesday) Kansas State goes on the road
COLLEGE SOCCER (WOMEN’S) dominant as it has would be sides them, this team has cy- Hill is a phenomenal watch on this year, so now we’re going
6 p.m. — Notre Dame at South Caroli- lying. Kansas State really cled in a lot of different guys. tape and they know eyes have to see how this system adapts
na, SEC struggled to score last year, Klieman said he wanted to to be eyes on him at all times. to going on the road and the
7 p.m. — North Carolina State at Min- and the Wildcats have already get a lot of freshmen in there He didn’t exactly give us a hostile environment. The one
nesota, BTN scored 14 touchdowns in two and do something, and to his specific game plan obviously, sign of concern, the defensive
GOLF games. It took them six games credit that’s been the case. but they know what Hill is ca- line has had little to no suc-
4:30 a.m. — European Tour Golf: The to reach that number last year. cess getting any pressure on
Now, I wouldn’t envision the pable of, because they played
KLM Open, first round, Amsterdam,
freshmen playing a whole lot him last year, and he torched opposing quarterbacks. I don’t
Q: KSU is close to the against Mississippi State, but them. It’s kind of funny, a lot of think that will cut it Saturday.
7:30 a.m. — European Tour Golf: The

KLM Open, first round, Amsterdam,
Noon — PGA Tour Golf: Military Tribute
at The Greenbrier, first round, White Continued from Page 1B
Sulphur Springs, W.V., GOLF
2 a.m. (tomorrow) — LPGA Tour Golf: on in life.” age during Saturday’s win “I thought he was going Emerson up the sideline,
The Solheim Cup, Day 1, Perthshire, Having both appeared in over Southern Miss, Emerson to get into the end zone, across midfield. Still on his
Scotland, GOLF MSU’s first two games of jumped in front of Golden Ea- but I guess he’s not athletic feet inside the 30, three South-
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL the year, Jones and Emerson gle receiver Jaylond Adams on enough,” Jones said through a ern Miss players finally knock
7 p.m. — Longview (Texas) at John Tyler have added staunch depth to a skied pass from quarterback smirk Wednesday. him to the ground turf near
(Texas), ESPN2 a group that is largely held as Jack Abraham. Walking into the Seal Com- the USM 20.”
MLB BASEBALL MSU’s most experienced de- Snatching the ball out of plex, the foyer boasts two au- While Emerson’s first ca-
Noon — NY Yankees at Detroit OR fensive unit. the air, he took off running tomatic sliding doors. Once reer interception has brought
Milwaukee at Miami, MLB With Dantzler and senior down the sideline before be- inside, the television calls of the lanky corner some noto-
3 p.m. — Chicago Cubs at San Diego Maurice Smitherman firm- ing brought down at the USM big plays from the week prior riety over the past few days,
OR St. Louis at Colorado (games joined ly entrenched in the top two 22-yard line. ring out over the loudspeak- Jones has used it as intrinsic
in progress), MLB corner spots, this season Em- “When I touched the ball ers. motivation to match his room-
6 p.m. — Regional Coverage: LA Dodg- erson and Jones have been I already knew I was going Wednesday, ESPN play-by- mate’s on-field success.
ers at Baltimore OR Atlanta at Philadel- mostly relegated to minor to catch it,” Emerson said. “it play analyst Kevin Brown’s “That’s my dog; we com-
phia, FOX roles. But even in limited ex- just felt like I was running on voice rang out as he reacted to pete with each other every
NFL FOOTBALL perience this season, the Dr. air I was so happy.” Emerson’s interception. day,” Jones said. “We tell each
7:20 p.m. — Tampa Bay at Carolina, Seussian duo has made its Racing down the field, “That one is intercepted other what we are and aren’t
NFL presence known. Jones greeted his roommate by Martin Emerson!,” Brown going to do, so I guess it’s my
Rearing back into cover- with a raucous ovation. exclaimed. “At the State 35, turn to get one.”
The Dispatch • Thursday, September 12, 2019 3B


Former Bulldogs safety Abram out for season Behind Keuchel,


ALAMEDA, Calif. —
Abram brought high
energy and physical play
that had been lacking at
Atlanta holds on
Oakland Raiders rookie times in the past for Oak-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to win his fifth straight
safety Johnathan Abram, land. His aggressiveness start. Chris Martin
formerly of Mississippi Tyler Flowers hit a struck out the side on
was apparent in the open-
State, will be placed on three-run homer, Dallas nine pitches in the sev-
er before his injury.
injured reserve after suf- “It’s a big loss, man,” Keuchel struck out eight enth. Shane Greene
fering a season-ending in- defensive end Josh Mau- in six innings, and the NL worked the eighth, and
jury to his shoulder in the ro said. “Just his energy. E a st- le ad - Mark Melancon finished
season opener. He caught on to the de- ing Atlan- for his 10th save in 10
Abram was injured fense really quickly. He ta Braves tries with Atlanta.
in the first half Monday was definitely years above beat the Melancon got some
night against the Denver Matt Kartozian/USA TODAY Sports his age on the mental side Philadel- defensive help to close it.
Broncos. He finished the Raiders safety Johnathan Abram, a first-round draft of things in the game. It phia Phil- With two runners on and
game but will need to un- pick out of MSU, will undergo shoulder surgery today hurts. I just wish him a lies 3-1 on one out, shortstop Dans-
dergo surgery today and will miss the rest of the season. speedy recovery. He’s a Wednesday Keuchel by Swanson made a leap-
“It’s a big loss. No and we’ll consider this a The Raiders were great teammate, a great night. ing catch on pinch-hitter
question it’s a big loss,” person, I love having him The Braves reduced Brad Miller’s liner up the
redshirt year for him. But counting on Abram to be
coach Jon Gruden said on our team. I love play- their magic number to middle. Third baseman
Wednesday. “We’ll hope he made some big plays a key part of a revamped eight, pending Washing- Josh Donaldson then
ing on the same side of
to get John back. We’ll to help us win a game, defense after drafting the ball as him and I just ton’s result at Minnesota. reached over the dugout
keep him around here, and he’s a big part of our him 27th overall in April hope he recovers as fast Keuchel (8-5) gave up railing and snared Maikel
let him learn the defense future.” out of MSU. as he can.” one run and three hits Franco’s foul pop.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: or healthy food “just one,” you may then have
My dad talk because to seriously curtail the time
had a heart it is hindering you spend with them.
attack and nearly my own ability DEAR ABBY: I have a
died a year ago. to heal and be friend I connect with on many
Since then, happy with my different levels. It’s amazing.
he has totally body? And how But he’s already in a relation-
revamped his diet do I tell a family ship. He tells me he loves me
and put forth the of drinkers I’m no and doesn’t ever want to lose
effort to eat a longer drinking? me, but he never talks about
plant-based diet — UNHEALTHY leaving her. He says things will
to become health- IN THE MIDWEST naturally work themselves out.
ZITS ier. It has been a
family affair, and
Although he says he isn’t
trying to have his cake and
my sister jumped Congratulations eat it too, that is exactly how
on the bandwag- on the lifestyle it feels at times. I’m confused
on as well. changes you are about what to do. My heart
I have battled
Dear Abby adopting. Change and my head are at odds.
for years with an isn’t easy, and Please give me some advice
unhealthy relationship with how your family reacts to the that will help me settle my
both alcohol and food. I have new you will affect your rela- inner self. — CONFUSED GIRL
been seeking help for my trou- tionship with all of them. IN LOVE
bles. The more help I have re- Approach your mother and DEAR CONFUSED GIRL: As
ceived, the more I have come your sister privately. Explain it stands, your friend has two
to realize my body dysmorphia that in the course of getting women, and you have half a
issues come from my mom help for your own issues you man. He may love you, but if
and sister and their constant have discovered that certain he was IN love with you, he
GARFIELD talk about losing weight and
being healthy. (Get this: When
subjects are detrimental to
your recovery, and you would
would end the relationship with
his girlfriend. He never talks
Mom isn’t around my dad, she appreciate it if they were not a about leaving her because
downs double cheeseburgers, topic of conversation when you he doesn’t intend to rock the
and my sister can drain a are together. boat.
bottle with the best of them.) As to explaining your absti- I know the idea of breaking
Every single family event or nence from alcohol to those things off is painful, but while
dinner out there’s a discussion who choose to imbibe, I do not you have romantic feelings
about how my mom needs to think it is realistic to expect for this person, you won’t
lose weight or eat better or them to stop because you be free to find anybody else.
something. have chosen to. When drinks You deserve someone who is
I want to support Dad, and are offered, ask to be served willing to make the same kind
other family members as well. something nonalcoholic. Many of commitment to you that you
How do I politely tell them I people do it these days, and it are willing to make to him. Re-
can no longer be around the should not present a problem. peat that to yourself daily until
constant “lose weight” talk If you are cajoled into having he’s out of your system.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. second time. were there, and you did have a
12). This trip around the sun TAURUS (April 20-May 20). reaction to what happened. It’s
brings variety, change and a You could go longer. You could time to examine that.
year’s supply of inspiration. do more. You could express with LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Want
You’ll study, work and make the greater eloquence. You could to keep the friendship going?
mistakes that help you master leap higher. You could think Don’t divulge too much upfront.
a skill. You’ll go into 2020 on a deeper... These are all things It’s all good information, but
surge of well-earned self-assur- that could happen after noon people have such short atten-
ance. Having nothing to prove, today. tion spans today for anything
you’ll nonetheless impress GEMINI (May 21-June 21). that’s not about them.
people who pay and award you. Someone is guaranteed to see VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Leo and Aries adore you. Your what you do. Someone will Pride isn’t the same as self-es-
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 7, 43, 33, comment. Someone will annoy teem, though they often show
38 and 4. you. That last person is the up in matching suits. You’re get-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). one who is the closest to you. ting keen to the difference, and
Time evolves your perspective, Intimacy and annoyance are so you can tell when someone is
so no matter how the expe- intertwined. trying to act powerful. The one
rience went down, there will CANCER (June 22-July 22). who really is powerful doesn’t
always be another way to see Maybe you could make your have to act.
it, and there will never be a way presence smaller, pretend like LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
to experience it the same a you weren’t even there, but you If anyone can do it, leave it to
anyone, then. Your job is the
one you can do in a special way
with intelligence, insight and
a personal touch. Of course,
it’s not the job itself but your
approach that matters.
21). Resist the urge to burn
your bridges, trash your plan B
or be generally cavalier, discard-
ing things as you go. Leaving
yourself options is an act of
self-love that just happens to be
nicer for the others, too.
21). Keep your cards close
to the vest. There’s no good
reason to show them. Mystery
is working for you. Also, keeping
your own secrets is a matter of
self-protection and self-respect.
19). Hopefully you can live with
an idea or creation for a while
before making the next big
decision, because you’ll see
things a little differently after
the initial excitement wears off.
You’ll understand how to make
it better.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Friends ask a lot of you,
but don’t feel obligated. Give
what’s easy for you to give, and
do as you please. Taking care
of yourself and being happy
FAMILY CIRCUS will be the best thing for your
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You don’t have to be very
close to recognize a kindred
spirit when you see one. Your
inner knowing is on point, and
the opportunity to connect will
be there, too.

Go out in style
4B Thursday, September 12, 2019 The Dispatch •

Business briefs Mississippi Lottery Corp. chooses ad and marketing firm
The Associated Press about 11.5 percent of the lottery’s ad-
vertising and marketing budget. The
JACKSON — The Mississippi current budget is for the year that
Lottery Corp. has chosen a Jack- ends June 30. It has an estimated $3.5
son-based firm to handle advertising
million for advertising and market-
and marketing.
ing, which translates into $402,500
Maris West and Baker is receiving
a three-year contract that includes this year for Maris West and Baker.
creating and buying ads for the lot- Legislators met in special session
tery, which is on track to start selling last year and authorized Mississippi
tickets in December. to become the 45th state with a lot-
The lottery communications di- tery. Money raised by the games of
rector, Meg Annison, says payments chance will help pay for highway im-
to the firm will vary by year, equaling provements.

Courtesy photo
Pictured from left are Terry Stacy, Ann Gifford, Clay Terrell, Foundation President
Thomas “Bud” Phillips, Rufus Ward, Community Counseling CEO Jackie Edwards and
Community Counseling Services Chief Personnel Officer Karen Frye. Not pictured:
Martha Taylor, Michael Fuller, Jerome Miller, and Community Counseling Services
CFO Richard Duggin.

Community Counseling Services receives grant award

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
has awarded a grant in the amount of $999,995 a year for five years, totaling
$4,995,975.00 to Community Counseling Services in support of the Golden Trian-
gle Region System of Care Project.

H&R Agri-Power nize dealers around the effect in mid-August. Rea

country that are provid- has been with JCPenney
recognized ing customers with the for more than ten years
Kubota Tractor “ultimate Kubota expe- and brings a wealth of
Corporation is pleased rience” from top quality Company knowledge
to honor H&R Agri-Pow- equipment, to sales and to her position at the
er in Columbus, with financing, customer sat- highest level of store
Kubota’s Elite Award of isfaction and best in class leadership.
Excellence, the compa- service. Rea is originally from
ny’s most prestigious Tupelo and was the
dealership certification Tupelo JCPenney store
and designation. Rea named general supervisor over various
The certification manager departments before
program was created by JCPenney at Starkville accepting this general
Kubota’s senior leader- Crossings named Lana manager role.
ship team in conjunction Rea as general manager She enjoys working
with its National Dealer of its Starkville Crossings with local animal shelters
Advisory Board to recog- store, which went into in her spare time.

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief
and other interested parties.

You are summoned to appear The staff of the Permit Board is
and represent your interests soliciting all relative informa-
against said Petition before the
Honorable Rodney P. Faver,
Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
tion pertaining to the proposed
activity, including public com-
ment, to ensure that the final
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on
the 29th day of October 2019,
at the Oktibbeha County Court-
staff recommendation on the
draft permit complies with all
State and Federal regulations.
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
house in Starkville, Missis- Public review and comment on
sippi, and in case of your fail-
ure to appear your interest in
the draft permit and support-
ing documentation is an import-
To place ads starting at only $12,
this matter will not be con-
ant element in the staff evalu-
ation and resulting recommend-
call 662-328-2424 or visit
ation to the Permit Board. The
You are not required to file an draft permit conditions have
answer or other pleading, but been developed to ensure com- THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 n 5B
you may do so if you desire. pliance with all State and Fed-
eral regulations but are sub-
Issued under my hand and the ject to change based on inform-
seal of said Court, this the 3rd ation received as a result of
day September 2019. Legal Notices
public participation. Restaurant / Hotel General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: West

CERY CLERK upon or object to the proposed Dispatch is seeking a
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- determinations are invited to

Call us: 662-328-2424 SIPPI submit comments in writing to
Kayra Johnson at the Permit individual to work in its
(SEAL) Board's address shown above, pressroom. Applicants
Legal Notices BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- no later than the end of the must be comfortable work- Apartments & Houses
son, D.C. thirty (30) day public notice. All ing around heavy ma-
comments received by this
date will be considered in the
chinery, adhering to tight
deadlines and must have 1 Bedrooms
SIPPI 9/19/2019 formulation of final determina-
tions regarding the an eye for detail & quality. 2 Bedroooms
3 Bedrooms
application(s). A public hearing Flexible hours are a must.
TATE OF CHARLIE SANDERS, will be held if the Permit Board Must pass drug test. Email
finds a significant degree of resume to
DECEASED Mississippi Environmental
public interest in the proposed or Furnished & Unfurnished
Quality Permit Board
permit(s). Persons wishing to
ESTATE NO. 2019-0106 P. O. Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225 request a public hearing may
drop resumes off at 516
Main St, 1, 2, & 3 Baths
BY: VANESSA MIXON, ADMINIS- Telephone No. (601) 961-5171 do so by submitting that re-
quest in writing to Kayra John- Columbus, MS 39701. Lease, Deposit
Public Notice Start Date: son or the Chief of the Environ- No phone calls please. & Credit Check
NOTICE TO CREDITORS September 12, 2019 MDEQ mental Permits Division at the
Contact: Kayra Johnson address shown above. The Per-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI mit Board is limited in the
scope of its analysis to environ- 327-8555
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Holcim US, Inc. located at
8677 Highway 45 Alternate mental impact. Any comments
By the Chancery Court of South, in Artesia, Lowndes relative to zoning or economic
Lowndes County: County, Mississippi has ap- and social impacts are within
plied to the Mississippi Depart- the jurisdiction of local zoning Apts For Rent: Other
Letters of Administration have ment of Environmental Quality and planning authorities and Ads starting at $25
been granted and issued to the for the following permitting ac- should be addressed to them. 1ST MONTH − Rent Free!
undersigned upon the Estate of tion: Issuance of Synthetic Apts For Rent: North 1BR Apt − $350−$385
Charlie Sanders, deceased, by Minor Operating Permit (SMOP) Additional details about the ap- 2BR Apt − $395−$495
the Chancery Court of Lowndes Ref. No. 1680-00025. The ap- plication(s), including a copy of 2BR TwnHome − $625
County, Mississippi, on the plicant's operations fall within the draft permit(s), are avail- FOX RUN APARTMENTS
able by writing or calling the 1 & 2 BR near hospital. Lease, Dep & Credit Check.
19th day of August 2019. This SIC Code 4593, Refuse Sys-
is to give notice to all persons tems and NAICS Code Public Records Request Officer $595−$645 monthly. Coleman Realty
having claims against said es- 562211, Hazardous Waste at the above Permit Board ad- Military discount, pet area, 662−329−2323.
tate to probate and Register Treatment and Disposal. A dress and telephone number. pet friendly, and furnished
same with the Chancery Clerk Statement of Basis has been Additionally, as a courtesy, for corporate apts.
of Lowndes County, Missis- prepared that contains a dis- those with Internet access, a
sippi, within (90) days from the cussion of the decision-making copy of the draft permit(s) may GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
first publication date of this No- that went into the develop- be found on the Mississippi 2BR/2BA
tice. A failure to so Probate ment of the permit and Department of Environmental ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. Located in Historical
and Register said claim will provides the permitting author- Quality’s website at: Downtown. All hardwood
forever bar the same. ity, the public, and other gov- 24−HOUR CAMERA
floors, open floor plan, roof
ernment bodies a record of the blicnotice.aspx. This informa- SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
top deck, newly remodeled.
THIS the 10th day of Septem- technical issues surrounding is- tion is also available for review Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
ber 2019. suance of the permit. The at the following location(s) dur- $1,300/mo. Dep. req. 662
Statement of Basis also ad- ing normal business hours: −328−8655 or 662−574−
/s/Vanessa Mixon Administrat- dresses any changes to emis- 7879.
rix sions and/or discharges result- Mississippi Department of En-
ing from any modification of the vironmental Quality

Job opening?
Publish: 9/12, 9/19, & facility. Office of Pollution Control
9/26/2019 515 E. Amite St
Holcim US, Inc. owns and oper- Jackson, MS 39201
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF ates a hazardous waste stor-
age and transfer facility which Artesia Public Library
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 18 South Front Street
SIPPI receives and blends combust-
ible organic wastes to produce Artesia, MS 39736
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- waste derived fuel for use at
other RCRA permitted treat- Please bring the foregoing to
JOHN WINSTON THOMPSON, ment, storage, or disposal the attention of persons whom Take down that “for
(TSD) facilities. In 2014, you know will be interested.
Holcim dismantled and re- rent” sign and get
moved all equipment associ- PUBLISH: 9/12/2019
ADMINISTRATRIX ated with the portland cement fast results with an
plant. Holcim then submitted a
CAUSE NO. 2019-0110-RPF revised application in 2015 for It’s a classified easy classified ad.
renewal of the TVOP for the re-
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION maining emissions equipment. rule-of-thumb:
During review of this applica- Place your
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI tion, EPA issued a guidance We tell readers
memorandum which withdrew
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of the “once in, always in” policy what they need ad today at
John Winston Thompson, de-
ceased, and
that was issued in 1995. The
new guidance allows major to know to buy
Advertise here.
sources of hazardous air pollut-
Any Unknown Parties In In-
terest ants (HAP) the opportunity to
what they need. Email: or call 328-2424
be reclassified as an area
You have been made a defend- source once a source’s poten-

Service Directory
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- tial to emit HAP has been re-
tion of Heirs-at-Law filed by the duced and/or limited below

Administratrix, Janice Louise major source thresholds.
Thompson, on August 9, 2019, Holcim submitted an applica-
seeking to determine the heirs- tion for a Synthetic Minor Oper-
at-law of John Winston ating Permit on November 13,
Thompson, deceased. Other 2018, which requests a limit Call us: 662-328-2424
than you, the only other inter- on throughput of hazardous
ested parties in this action are
Janice Louise Thompson and
waste derived fuel in order
limit both potential HAP and
General Help Wanted Promote your small business starting at only $25
Laura Hutchinson. volatile organic compound
(VOC) emissions below the ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST- Building & Remodeling Carpet & Flooring Excavating General Services
You are summoned to appear Title V major source ANT: You’re an admin pro
and represent your interests thresholds. who doesn’t want to be a SUGGS CONSTRUCTION WORK WANTED:
against said Petition before the secretary. You have great CO. Building, roofing, CLAY GRAVEL, Licensed & Bonded−
Honorable Rodney P. Faver, The staff of the Permit Board fill clay, & top soil
has developed this draft per- MS Office and computer remodeling, & home repair. carpentry, painting, &
Chancellor of the 14th Chan- for sale!
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on mit based on information sub- skills, awesome at filling Licensed & Bonded. demolition. Landscaping,
out forms, honest, people Easy access off 82 East
the 29th day of October 2019, mitted to the Permit Board by 662−242−3471
Can load & deliver.
gutters cleaned, bush
at the Oktibbeha County Court- the applicant, appropriate person, who is great at 662−574−8470. hogging, clean−up work,
house in Starkville, Missis- State and Federal agencies organizing paperwork and Stokes Excavation: pressure washing, moving
sippi, and in case of your fail- and other interested parties. projects. Exceptional at 662−689−0089. help & furniture repair.
ure to appear your interest in The staff of the Permit Board is
follow through and details. Carpet & Flooring 662−242−3608.
this matter will not be con- soliciting all relative informa-
sidered. tion pertaining to the proposed Looking for a good work Plumbing
activity, including public com- environment with some- PET DAMAGE TO CARPET? DAVID’S CARPET & General Services
ment, to ensure that the final what flexible hours. If you have pet damage I UPHOLSTERY
You are not required to file an can help! Small carpet or
answer or other pleading, but staff recommendation on the Send us a resume: CLEANING ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
draft permit complies with all tile installation jobs. I 1 Room − $40 ACME, INC.
you may do so if you desire. OPEN FOR SEASON! Stan McCown
State and Federal regulations. repair & stretch wrinkles 2 Rooms − $70 9−5: Tues−Fri &
Public review and comment on out of carpet. 3+ Rooms − $30 EA Licensed Plumber
Issued under my hand and the MACHINE OPERATORS 9−12: Sat. "We fix leaks."
seal of said Court, this the 3rd the draft permit and support- Call Walt: (662)574−8134. Rugs−Must Be Seen Over 50 years experience!
day of September 2019. ing documentation is an import- needed. Must be willing to Car Upholstery 662−386−2915
ant element in the staff evalu- abide by all safety regula- Repairs, cleaning,
ation and resulting recommend- tions, submit to & pass
Cleaning Available refinishing, scopes
LISA YOUNGER NEESE, CHAN- 662−722−1758 Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
CERY CLERK ation to the Permit Board. The background check & drug mounted & zeroed,
All notices
LOWNDES COUNTY,must be draft
MISSIS- permit conditions have
been developed to ensure com-
screen, able to lift heavy handmade knives.
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North RETIRED NURSE seeking
SIPPI rolls of fabric up to 75 lbs,
emailed to pliance with all State and Fed-
work 2nd shift & possess of West Point, turn right on sitter position in Columbus.
(SEAL) eral regulations but are sub- Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn Available now, day evening,
BY: /s/classifieds@
Shantrell W. Grander- ject to change based on inform- good reading & math com- Are you a painter? left on Darracott Rd, see & some weekends. Depen−
son, D.C. ation received as a result of prehension. AA/EOE. Call Got leaky pipes? Find a plumber Advertise here! public participation. 662-328-5670 for appt. sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on dable & trustworthy. Ref’s
fast in the classifieds. left. 662−494−6218. avail. 662−549−7748.
PUBLISH: 9/5, 9/12 &
9/19/2019 Persons wishing to comment

Just a click away!

upon or object to the proposed
determinations are invited to
submit comments in writing to
Kayra Johnson at the Permit
Board's address shown above,
no later than the end of the
thirty (30) day public notice. All
comments received by this
date will be considered in the
formulation of final determina-
tions regarding the
application(s). A public hearing
will be held if the Permit Board
finds a significant degree of
public interest in the proposed

The best place for personalized

permit(s). Persons wishing to
request a public hearing may
do so by submitting that re-
quest in writing to Kayra John-
son or the Chief of the Environ-

advertising in your community.

mental Permits Division at the
address shown above. The Per-
mit Board is limited in the
scope of its analysis to environ-
mental impact. Any comments
relative to zoning or economic
and social impacts are within
the jurisdiction of local zoning
and planning authorities and
should be addressed to them.

Additional details about the ap-

plication(s), including a copy of
the draft permit(s), are avail-
able by writing or calling the
Public Records Request Officer
at the above Permit Board ad-
dress and telephone number.
Additionally, as a courtesy, for
those with Internet access, a
copy of the draft permit(s) may
be found on the Mississippi

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

Department of Environmental
Quality’s website at:
blicnotice.aspx. This informa-
tion is also available for review
at the following location(s) dur- Premium placement Preferred placement in search
on classifieds home page.
ing normal business hours:
results and highlighted online.
Mississippi Department of En-

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

vironmental Quality
Office of Pollution Control
515 E. Amite St
Jackson, MS 39201

Artesia Public Library Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with

18 South Front Street
Artesia, MS 39736 with a dash of color. an attention getter.
Please bring the foregoing to
the attention of persons whom

you know will be interested.

PUBLISH: 9/12/2019
6B THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Autos For Sale Campers & RVs

This large 1 bedroom
recently renovated. It Ads starting at $25 FINANCING AVAILABLE TRAVEL TRAILER Visit
features great natural MAKE OFFER AT MODEL 29RKS.
light, hardwood floors, Houses For Sale: East Purchased new April for a printable copy of
tall ceilings and access 205−683−5663 2012, one owner, non−
to a shared laundry room. 495 EMERALD Dr. smoker. Large u−shaped these puzzles.
$750 rent and $750 Nice Brick Home in 2016 Toyota Camry wrap around kitchen
deposit. Utilities included. established neighborhood. 2011 Hyundai Veracruz counter. Dining table
No pets please. Call Peter, Located on a large lot. The 2015 Honda Accord with 4 chairs. Couch been
662−574−1561. home boasts 4BR/2.5BA 2012 Toyota Camry covered since purchase,
w/ 2 car garage. Freshly 2014 Nissan Versa makes into full bed, air
DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA painted interior and tile 2011 Buick Regal mattress and pump
CH&A, 1 story, W/D, floors in the kitchen & 2015 Kawasaki included. 2 euro−
historic district, 1 block bathrooms. $125K OBO. KL650−E recliners less than 3
from downtown. 770−658−7726. 2016 Chevy Colorado years old. Walk thru bath
$575/mo. + $575 dep. 2013 Ford Fusion with neo−angle shower.
NO PETS. 662−574−8789. 2010 Toyota Tundra Queen size bed in
Peaceful & Quiet area. Lots & Acreage 2013 Ford F−150 bedroom with a brand
2008 Hummer H3 new mattress.
20 ACRE 2005 Chrysler 300 To view camper
HOMESITE. Exceptional
2014 Chrysler 300
2008 Ford Mustang
call or text
RENTALS location on Old West Point 2011 Mazda 6 Additional photos
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Road. Perfect house site, 2012 Chevy Traverse available at request.
approved lake site, 2012 Kawasaki $10,000 negotiable.
1 BEDROOM utilities, great VN900−B
2 BEDROOMS neighborhood and all within 2013 Dodge Charger Motorcycles & ATVs
15 minutes of downtown 2005 Honda Odyssey
3 BEDROOMS and mega site. 2017 Chevy Impala 1993 KAWASAKI
Call Long & Long @ 2008 GMC Yukon VOYAGER XII
© The Dispatch

662−328−0770. 2008 Chevy HHR Only 25,500 miles. Runs &

DEPOSIT Broker/Owner. 2006 Dodge Ram 3500 looks good. No problems.
2015 Jeep Wrangler $3500 OBO.
2010 Mercedes Benz 501−545−7750.
356.7 ACRES ON HWY. 2013 Chevy Equinox 1999 ROADSTAR 1600
662-329-2323 Sudoku
69 S. 5 mi. from
Columbus. 30−year old GULF STATES AUTO
Only 45k miles. Hard bags, Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
mature pines, green fields, rider & passenger back placing puzzle based on
2411 HWY 45 N good hunting.
Automotive Sales
2601 Buttermilk Rd
rests w/ luggage rack, has Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 8 4 2 6 7 5 9 1 3
windshield. Ready to ride!
$3000/ac. Bud Phillips, Cottondale, AL 35453 ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 6 3 5 1 4 9 8 7 2

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

662−549−2302. $3500 OBO. 501−545−7750. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 1 7 9 8 3 2 5 6 4
Commercial Property For Rent
New inventory arriving daily!
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 1 6 2 8 3 7 5 9
2004 KAWASAKI Drifter. given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 3 5 7 9 6 4 2 8 1
OFFICE FOR RENT OR Sedans: 1500cc, Vance & Hines object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
153 ACRES on Hwy 50 E at loud muffler, 32,400mi.
numbers 2 9 8 7 5 1 3 4 6
contains the1sameto 9 number
STORAGE SPACE W/ 2015 Honda Accord LX;
end of Brewer Rd. 4 green Looks like an Indian M/C.
fields, exc hunting, sand, 4dr, Silver, 34K Miles,
$4500. 662−352−4776. the empty spaces so 7 6 4 3 9 8 1 2 5
30x15. Separate air $11,900 only once. The difficulty 9 8 1 5 2 6 4 3 7
conditioner & bathroom. gravel & clay deposits.
2017 Honda Accord Sport; that each row, each
$1,250 per acre. level increases from
$400/mo. Located in 4dr, White, 47K Miles, ELECTRIC SCOOTER with column and each 5 2 3 4 1 7 6 9 8
Caledonia. Call 662−574− For more info call Monday
0082. 205−799−9846 or $16,900 car carrier. $800. 662− 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/11

2017 Honda Accord Black; 327−0284.

4dr, Black, 29K Miles, the same number only once. The difficulty level
FOR RENT LOCATED $16,900 increases from Monday to Sunday.
NEAR DOWNTOWN. 2018 Honda Accord
3,000 sq. ft. truck
terminal, 9,500 sq. ft.
shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
1.75 acre lots.
Good/bad credit. 10%
Touring; 4dr, Red, 48
Miles, $24,900
2012 Honda Civic EX; 4dr,
office/shop. Buildings can down, as low as $299/mo. Silver, 151K Miles, $7,900
be rented together or Eaton Land. 2017 Honda Civic Sport Ads starting at $12
separately. All w/ excellent 662−361−7711. Hatchback; 4dr, Gray, 53K
access & Hwy. 82 visibility. Miles, $16,900 Travel & Entertainment
662−327−9559. 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5;
White, 109K Miles, $8,900
LEASE. 1112 Main St.,
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty
Merchandise 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5;
Black, 71K Miles, $9,900
2015 Nissan Altima 2.5;
Drummer, Experienced,
New to Columbus
White, 70K Miles, $9,900
of private parking. 662−
Ads starting at $12 2016 Nissan Altima SL
Excellent drummer with
Roland V Pro level
2.5; White, 62K Miles, electronic equipment
Houses For Rent: North Furniture $13,900 just moving to
Columbus, MS and
3BR/2BA HOUSE FOR Two Piece Living Room Set SUV’S: would like to join
RENT. All brick, big yard, A loveseat and chaise for 2015 Acura MDX AWD; current group or form
carport, W/D hookup. sale. Brown and blue. 4dr, Black, 42K Miles, new and dynamic band
Nice neighborhood. New!!! Leave a message. $19,900 with dedicated, quality
$780/mo. 155 W Thomas $300.00 662−242−2884 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe LT; musicians. Over the
Dr. 3 min from CAFB. 4dr, Silver, 109K Miles, years I have played
504−813−1200. $14,900 traditional soul, R&R,
General Merchandise
rockabilly, C&W, some
Vans: blues and zydeco as
3BR/2BA CH/A Hwy. 45 N. GE WASHER, white, very 2010 Honda Odyssey EX;
Caledonia Schools. No good condition. Stainless well as my current love
4dr, 135K Miles, Silver, which is Southern
pets. $1,000/mo. $1,000 steel tub. $225. $7,900
dep. 1 yr. lease. Weathers 662−425−2454. Gospel, traditional
2013 Honda Odyssey EX; Gospel, Country Gospel
Rentals, 662−574−0345. 4dr, 56K Miles, Gray,
Open Mon.−Fri. 8a−4p. and bluegrass. I guess
Lawn & Garden a "Dailey & Vincent"sort
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. of mix is what I like
Trucks: most but definitely open
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2016 HUSQVARNA R120S 2017 Freightliner
2−3 bath townhouses. Riding Mower. 19.5 HP, to any mix of the above
Cascadia; 155K Miles, −listed genres. I am a
$600 to $750. Briggs & Stratton motor, Red, $60,000
662−549−9555. 42" deck, $1,000 OBO. solid Christian, fun and
Ask for Glenn or text. Only used 3 times this easy to deal with and
Miscellaneous: know how to blend in
season. Leave msg. 2016 JLG 4069LE 35
Houses For Rent: South 662−251−4136. with and act in a
Hours Man Lift; Green, professional band. Yes,
Looking for
3BR/2BA HOUSE Open I am "retired"more or
floor plan w/ concrete less but still have it
Upcoming Vehicles: going on when it comes
floors, fireplace, large
fenced in backyard,
carport. $1,100/mo.
a new pet? 2013 Acura RDX AWD; 4dr,
Gray, 46K Miles, $13,900
2018 Honda Civic Sport;
to the music. I have
recently been with The
662−328−8655. Glorybound Gospel
4dr, Blue, 474 Miles, Band out of Pensacola,
$17,900 FL for the last five years
Mobile Homes for Rent 2018 Nissan Maxima SL; and you can see me
4dr, Black, 1362 Miles, play on their Facebook
123 BECK DR. 14x64. $21,900 page. Some travel or
2BR/1BA. $450/mo. 2013 Toyota Tacoma 4WD touring would be ok for
$450/dep. Includes Double Cab; 102K Miles, the right situation if ACROSS
garbage. No pets.
No HUD. 662−574−7614.
$18,900 necessary. I will be 1 Needed a
Campers & RVs
available in Columbus massage
starting the first of
3BR/2BA Trailer, New September. Send me a 6 Fierce fire
Hope school dist. $500/ 1998 WINNEBAGO. New text if interested, 11 Freak
mo & $500 dep. No pets, tires. $17,000. 662−327−
no drugs, no partying. Call 0284.
706−575−9399. 12 Sheet ma-
b/t 10a−7p. 662−386− terial
13 Sorts
4292. NO TEXT MGS. Pets

14 Said further
In Columbus School Dist. SHEPHERD PUPPIES. 15 Praline nuts
Ads starting at $12 Let your
$600/mo + 600 dep. Exc. ped. Blk, blk/silv & 17 Put down
601−940−1397 or fingers do the walking. blk/red. Vet checked, w/s. 19 “It’s a
662−549−8861. Autos For Sale Find your Taking deposits.
662−213−4609. mouse!”
dream job in
ON LG. PRIVATE LOT on stick shift, gold, 4 door, the classifieds! MALTESE PUPPIES For Madrid
Ridge Rd. Newly installed 4 cyl, 60k miles, cold AC. Sale with papers, first 23 Near future
flooring. Caledonia School $2,500. shots & pad trained. $900.
Dist. Call 662−574−5425. 662−549−5358. Call 662−425−2741. 25 Mix up
26 Crunch time 21 Kitchen
condition DOWN gadget
28 Clock sound 1 FBI worker: 22 Concert site
29 Visibly upset Abbr. 24 Pen fill
30 Compass dir. 2 Demure 25 Workout
31 Pot brew 3 Smiley locale

Finding a 32 Stretch of
33 Poughkeep-
4 Fencing sword
5 Fall
27 Car frame
31 Yarns

new home
6 Entry form 33 Let off steam
sie college 7 Tops 34 Skin woe
35 Ruby or 8 What’s more 35 Toast spread

starts with
garnet 9 Last letter 36 Bulldog
38 Rascal 10 Last part backer
41 Singly 16 Sponsorships 37 Took the title

The Dispatch 42 Bring on

43 Breath fresh-
17 Hay sites
18 Big dos
39 Coffee, in
20 Belmont or 40 Be a snoop
classifieds. 44 Run-down Preakness

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