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Lecture 2 SWP

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Soil-Water-Plant Relationship

Plant growth depends on the use of two important natural

resources, Soil and Water.

 Soil provides the mechanical and nutrient support & water storage
necessary for plant growth

 Water is essential for plant life processes

Effective management of these resources for crop production requires the

producer to understand relationships between soil, water, and plant.
Soil : There are many variables effecting Physical Characteristics of soil
 Soil Texture

 Soil Structure

 Soil Bulk Density

 Soil Porosity

They all impact how soil, water, and air interact

Soil Composition
Soil is mixture of Mineral matter, Organic matter, and Pores

 Mineral matter consists of small mineral particles of either sand, silt, or clay
 Organic matter is made up of decaying plant and animal substances
(distributed in and among the mineral particles)

The combination of mineral and organic matter is referred to as the Solids

 Pores
- Spaces that occur around the mineral particles, are important because
they store air and water in the soil

The amount of water and air present in the pore spaces varies over time in an
inverse relationship. This means that for more water to be contained in the soil,
there has to be less air.
Soil Texture

• Soil texture is determined by the size of the particles that make up the soil or the
relative distribution sand, silt and clay.

• The traditional method of determining soil particle size is done by separating the
particles into three convenient size ranges.

• These soil fractions or separates are sand, silt, and clay.

• Sand particles range in size from 2 mm to 0.05 mm. There are subcategories assigned
to this range that include coarse, medium, and fine sand.
• Generally, only particles smaller than 2 mm in size are categorized as soil particles.
Particles larger than this are categorized as gravel, stones, cobbles, or boulders.

• Silt particles can range in size from 0.05 mm down to 0.002 mm. The physical
appearance of silt is much like sand, but the characteristics are more like clay.

• Clay particles are less than 0.002 mm in size. Clay is an important soil fraction because
it has the most influence on such soil behaviour as water-holding capacity.

• Clay and silt particles cannot be seen with the naked eye. (Figure 2)
Figure 2: Textural Classification

Soil texture is determined by the mass ratios, or the percent by weight, of the three
soil fractions. The soil textural triangle, Figure 3 shows the different textural classes
and the percentage by weight of each soil fraction. For example, a soil containing 30
percent sand, 30 percent clay, and 40 percent silt by weight is classified as a clay
Figure 3: Textural Triangle
Soil Structure

• Soil structure is the shape and arrangement of soil particles into


• Soil structure is an important characteristic used to classify soils

and heavily influences agricultural productivity and other uses.

• The principal forms of soil structure are platy, prismatic, columnar,

blocky, and granular.

• These soil structure descriptions indicate how the individual

particles arrange themselves together into aggregates.

• Aggregated soils types are generally the most desirable for plant
Density of solids ( Mean Particle Density)-

𝜌 𝑀𝑠
Dry Bulk Density -

𝜌 𝑀𝑠 𝑀𝑠
𝑏= =
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠 +𝑉𝑎 +𝑉𝑤

Total Wet Bulk Density

𝜌 𝑀𝑡 𝑀𝑠 +𝑀𝑤
𝑡= =
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠 +𝑉𝑎 +𝑉𝑤

𝑉𝑓 𝑉𝑎 + 𝑉𝑤
𝑓= =
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠 + 𝑉𝑎 + 𝑉𝑤
𝑽𝒇 𝑽𝒂 +𝑽𝒘 𝑽𝒕 −𝑽𝒔 𝑽𝒔 𝝆𝒔
𝒇= = = = 1- = 1-𝑴𝒔
𝑽𝒕 𝑽𝒔 +𝑽𝒂 +𝑽𝒘 𝑽𝒕 𝑽𝒕 𝝆𝒃

= 1-

Voids Ratio

𝑉𝑎 + 𝑉𝑤 𝑉𝑓
𝑒= =
𝑉𝑠 𝑉𝑡 − 𝑉𝑓
Gravimetric Moisture Content
Volumetric Moisture Content
𝑉𝑤 𝑉𝑤
𝜃= =
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠 + 𝑉𝑓
𝑉𝑤 𝑉𝑤 𝜌𝑤 𝑀𝑠 𝑀𝑤 1 𝜌𝑏
𝜃= = = = = 𝑤
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠 +𝑉𝑓 𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑡 𝑀𝑠 𝜌𝑤 𝜌𝑤

It is important to understand the interactions between the soil and water,

which include soil water content, how the soil holds the water, and soil
water tension.

Soil Water Content

Soil water content must be defined to indicate the amount of water stored in
the soil at any given time.
The most commonly defined soil water content are
• Saturation,
• Field capacity,
• Wilting point,
 At saturation, which usually occurs immediately after a heavy rainfall
or an irrigation, all pore spaces in the soil are filled with water.
 When the soil is at or near saturation, some of the water is free to drain
or percolate due to the force of gravity.
 This excess water is referred to as gravitational water.
 Since this percolation takes time, some of this extra water can be used
by plants or lost to evaporation.
Field Capacity
• Field capacity is defined as the amount of water remaining in the soil
after percolation has occurred.
• This is not a very definite soil water point; therefore, field capacity
often is defined as approximately one third-bar atmosphere tension.
Wilting Point
Wilting point is defined as the soil water content at which the
potential of the plant root to absorb water is balanced by the water
potential of the soil. Crops will die if soil water is allowed to reach
the wilting point.
How Soil Holds Water

Soil holds water in two ways,

• As a thin film on individual soil particles,
• In the pores of the soil.
Water stored as a thin film on individual soil particles is said to be in adsorption.
Adsorption involves complex chemical and physical reactions but in simple terms,
a thin film of water adheres to the outside layers of soil particle molecules.

Water stored in the pores of the soil is said to be in capillary storage. An example
of this phenomenon would be to place one end of a glass capillary tube in a pan of
water. Water in the tube will rise to a certain height, which depends on the
diameter of the capillary tube (Figure 4). This phenomenon can act in any
direction and is the key to water being stored in soil pores as illustrated in Figure
Figure 4. Capillary forces illustrated by
how far water rises to tubes of various diameters
Figure 5. HOW Soil Holds Water
Macro pores > 100 µm
Meso pores 30 – 100 µm
Micro pores < 30 µm 1 mm = 1000 µm
Soil Water Tension
• The ease by which water can be extracted from the soil depends on the soil water
tension, also known as the soil water potential.

• Water being held in pores by the capillary storage is held in the soil at a certain
tension. The same is true for water held with the adsorption phenomenon. As the
soil dries, these tensions become larger.

• It is easier for a plant to extract water being held at lower tensions.

• At Saturation, the soil water tension is approximately 0.001 bars. One bars tension
is equivalent to 1 atmosphere of pressure (14.7 psi).
• Thus it would be very easy for a plant to extract water from a saturated soil.
• Saturation only lasts a short time, so plants extract only a small portion of the
water above field capacity.

• Field capacity is defined to be at approximately one-third atmosphere

pressure or approximately 1/3 bar. At this content, it is still easy for the plant
to extract water from the soil

• The wilting point occurs when the potential of the plant root is balanced by the
soil water potential, thus plants are unable to absorb water beyond this tension.
This commonly occurs at approximately 15 bars. At this soil water tension, the
plant will die.
% Volumetric Moisture Content

Figure 8. Soil Water Retention Curve

• A soil water retention or soil water characteristic curve illustrates the
tension relationships (Figure 6). These curves are slightly different for
different types of soils due to different soil textures and structures.

• Water between the field capacity and the wilting point is water that is
available to the plant.

• However best plant growth and yield occur when the soil water content
remains in the upper half of the plant available soil water range.

• Plants develop the tension, or potential, to move soil water from the soil
into the roots and distribute the water through the plant by adjusting the
water potential, or tension, within their plant cells.
Soil Type Volumetric Moisture Content at Volumetric Moisture Content at Volumetric Moisture Content at
Saturation 𝜽𝒔 Field Capacity 𝜽𝑭𝑪 Permanent Wilting Point 𝜽𝑷𝑾𝑷

Coarse sand 0.395 0.032 0.012

Medium coarse sand 0.365 0.095 0.017
Medium fine sand 0.350 0.155 0.023
Fine sand 0.365 0.196 0.042
Humus loamy medium coarse 0.470 0.405 0.105

Light loamy medium coarse sand 0.394 0.280 0.100

Loamy medium coarse sand 0.301 0.209 0.021

Loamy fine sand 0.439 0.179 0.060

Sandy loam 0.465 0.260 0.061
Loose loam 0.455 0.340 0.110
Fine sandy loam 0.504 0.423 0.087
Silt loam 0.509 0.461 0.092
Loam 0.503 0.420 0.098
Sandy clay loam 0.432 0.338 0.180
Silty clay loam 0.475 0.372 0.185
Clay loam 0.445 0.411 0.255
Light clay 0.453 0.360 0.215
Silty clay 0.507 0.463 0.257
Basin clay 0.540 0.519 0.321
Peat 0.863 0.763 0.265
• A plant’s root system must provide a negative tension
(pressure) to extract water from the ground.

• This tension must be equivalent to the tension that holds

the water in the soil. For example, if the water in the soil
is at 0.3 bars (around field capacity), the plant must
provide at least 0.3 bars of negative tension to pull the
water from the ground.

• At the wilting point, the maximum negative tension that

a plant can provide is balanced by the soil water tension.
At this point, the plant can no longer extract water from
the soil and will be permanently stressed.
Figure 9. Illustration of decreasing
water potential for a plant.

The tensiometer uses a column of water attached to

a ceramic cup. There is a pressure gauge that is a
the top of the column to measure how much of a
vacuum is created. How the tensiometer works is
very simple. If the soil is at field capacity then no
water will be lost through the ceramic cup. But if
the soil is lower then field capacity water will
slowly seep out of the cup. As the water leaves the
ceramic cup it causes a vacuum in the column
which causes the gauge to get a reading. By taking
a reading from the gauge you can figure out how
much water is actually in the soil. This picture
shows how depth of the Tensiometer can have an
effect on the amount of water
• There are several factors that determine when, where, and how much water a plant
will use.
• These factors include daily plant water need as influenced by climatic conditions
and stage of growth, plant root depth, and soil and water quality.

• A plant has different water needs at different stages of growth. While a plant is
young it requires less water than when it is in the reproductive stage. When the
plant approaches maturity, its water need drops.
Plant Root Depth
• A plant’s root depth determines the depth to which soil water can be extracted.

• A young plant has only shallow roots and soil water deeper than rooting depth is of
no use to the plant.

• Plants typically extract about 40 percent of their water needs from the top quarter of
their root zone, then 30 percent from the next quarter, 20 percent from the third
quarter, taking only 10 percent from the deepest quarter.
• Therefore, plants will extract about 70 percent of their water from the top half of their
total root penetration.

• Deeper portions of the root zone can supply a higher percentage of the crop’s water
needs if the upper portion is depleted.

• However, reliance on utilization of deeper water will reduce optimum plant growth.

Basic knowledge of soil-plant-water relationships make it possible to better

manage and conserve irrigation water. Some of the important factors to
remember include:

1. Soil water holding capacity varies with soil texture. It is high for medium
and fine-textured soils but low for sandy soils.

2. Plant roots can use only available soil water—the stored water between
field capacity and permanent wilting point. However, as a general rule, plant
growth and yields can be reduced if soil water in the root zone remains
below 50 percent of the water holding capacity for a long period of time,
especially during critical stages of growth.
3.Although plant roots may grow to deep depths, most of the water and
nutrients are taken from the upper half of the root zone. Plant stress and
yield loss can occur even with adequate water in the lower half of the
root zone.
Crop (Plant) Growth Stages
The growth of a crop to its maturity is considered in 04 stages,

• Initial stage
• Crop Development stage
• Mid stage
• Late stage

The evapotranspiration of the crop differs for each growth stage.

This difference is accounted for multiplying the ET0 by a Crop
factor (Kc) for each growth stage.
The Kc is specific for the type of crop and its growth stage under

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