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Allan A. Ostique Jr.1, Christian Jay H. Lupiba1, Jenmark L. Quinones1, Engr. Rey Albert Cabotaje2
College of Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Mindanao
Matina, Davao City
Abstract— Covered court has be minimized, physical subject, research instruments, C. Methods and Procedures
now been an essential part of a activities can be lessen and in and design procedures. In this chapter, the
community where people meet, the presence of a calamity,
play sports, and even consider A. Conceptual Framework methodology used in this
evacuation areas can be research will be presented. It
a safe place when disaster
needed. The concept of the study includes research design of
strikes. This research aims to
help a certain barangay in We have found a According to Thomas (2003), the study and the procedures
Davao del sur who are community in Astorga, the term, ‘structural steel’, is that are needed to complete
currently suffering from a Davao del Sur which have a generally taken to include a this design.
damaged covered court. The damaged covered court wide variety of elements or
authors will aim to help the which made it unusable. As components used in the Research Design
said barangay and will develop concerned students of The construction of buildings and
a certain design for an easy to
The type of research used
University of Mindanao, we other structures; they include in this study is descriptive
build and retractable rooms in beams, girders, stanchions,
decided to help them by research, it will determine the
case of calamities.
designing a new covered trusses, floor plates and needed parameters that will
court for their community. As purlins. The proponents help sustain everyday
Index Terms—Calamities, we spoke with the barangay aimed to provide a activities of the said
Evacuation Centre, captain in the said sustainable and economical
Retractable Rooms, Concept, barangay. This research aims
community, he agreed to let design of a covered court to provide a multi – purpose
Flexible steel structure.
us design a new gym for but economical design to
I. INTRODUCTION them. He also told us that The proponents are help the municipality save
they need to transfer the gym planning to use staad to an time and money in
Covered Courts has advantage. This will help the
because of the settlement of constructing a covered court.
become part of the Filipino’s proponents save time in
the foundation and the visible
daily lives. As we all know, analyzing the structure. This
cracks in the soil near the Research Subject
most of the children in our software will also give the
trusses’ foundation. With this The subject of the study
country developed their skills proponent detailed results in
help, we are hoping that we will be the residents of
in such covered courts. Man, the minimum dimensions
can somehow boost the smile Barangay Jose Rizal, Sta.
being a social being, desires required to have a safe
back to the people in the said Cruz, Davao del sur.
affiliation with other people structure.
[1] of this socialization Fig 1.
In designing the said Research Material/
happens in a certain place
covered court, the party is Equipment
and a covered court is a great Input
planning to use space frames Using all tools and
example. The children in our Processing
instead of space truss. A equipment’s needed for
country meet their friends Output
space frame or space surveying the site for
through playing sports (e.g.
structure is a truss-like, gathering data that required
basketball), in such courts.
lightweight rigid structure for the design of a space
With this social interaction
constructed from interlocking frame and retractable room
taking place, relationship will
struts in a geometric pattern. structures. The proponents
start to develop in each other
Space frames can be used to also use advance engineering
and as this relationship
span large areas with few technologies to analyze and
grows, conflict will be
interior supports. Like the design our structure with
minimized. Residents with Fig. 1 Process used for the Green
truss, a space frame is strong Building correct input parameters from
minimized conflict can bring
because of the inherent the standards of National
a big impact in the B. Materials and Resources
rigidity of the triangle; Structural Code of the
community for a community
flexing loads (bending mo- The study will apply the Philippines and design base
without conflict is a
ments) are transmitted as following standards: a) on the requirements of the
productive community. And
tension and compression National Building Code of DPWH.
as we observed in our daily
loads along the length of the Philippines; b) National
living, such covered courts
each strut. Structural Code of the Research Design
can boost the productivity of
the people using it. It can Philippines 2015; c) Procedure
II. MATERIALS AND American Institute of Steel
also be useful in significant The research design
METHODS Construction Inc.; d)
events such as fiesta, health parameters will be based on
The methods and Philippine Green Building the standards mentioned in
services for the community,
procedure that will be used in Code 2015; f) National the Materials and Resources.
evacuation, etc. Without the
the study includes the Plumbing Code of the For designing the structural
presence of a covered court
research design, research Philippines; g) DPWH Blue members STAAD RCDC
in a community, life would
be boring, socialization can Book. together with computer-based
computations using III. Structural
STAAD® Pro v8i and Analysis
Microsoft Excel® will be
use. The design for each After gathering the said
structural member must be data, this procedure will
economical as much as analyze and design the steel
possible. structure to be constructed on
the said area. This procedure
The following are the will also give us the
process in designing the said information about the All architectural plans will be
covered court. minimum dimensions of the in the Appendix C.
materials to be used in the Fig. 3 B. Structural integrity
I. Data Gathering said project. This will also Figure 3 showed an
give us the proper average growth rate of
1. The space frame
A. Population dimensions of the footings 4.178% for total population
that will sustain the loads that (blue line) and an average
The population of Jose are applied in the structure. growth rate of 1.747% for
Rizal grew from 1,189 in hazard prone population. As
1990 to 1,480 in 2015, an IV. Cost Estimate for the occupancy in many
increase of 291 people. The The proponents will also ways the total population is C. Bill of Materials and
latest census figures in 2015 conduct full cost estimate of the basis for total gross floor Cost Estimates
denote a positive growth the said gymnasium. area, however it is logical Detailed estimation of
rate of 1.95%, or an increase that population in non-hazard construction cost result will
of 143 people, from the area are likely not will move be in the Appendix I. The
previous population of 1,337 V. Design of to evacuation centre in result, gathered prices of materials
in 2010. Retractable it is decided to use the and its calculation needed
Structure population in areas Microsoft Excel®. Compri of
The proponents will vulnerable to calamities. The PPO detailed, Gantt chart,
design a retractable structure population growth data base Cash flow, PERT /CPM,
for emergency purposes on the hazard prone areas Manpower and Equipment.
using rectangular pipes and were too high that the given
heavy duty door hinges that land area by the LGU cannot
can be removed when not in handle capacity of the
in need or can be assembled population. However, based
in the presence of evacuation. on the DPWH the design of
the evacuation center passed
all requirements needed. A
Results and Discussions building can serve 1156
The following are the occupants, which is higher
results and discussions of the than the common capacity of
problem developed during 350 occupants of an
the modelling process. evacuation center.
Minimum Ratio:
A. Capacity of the Structure.
II. Modelling Population Data’s obtained
This procedure aims to calculated using straight-line FUTURE WORKS
model and design the most method as shown.
appropriate covered court in
Occupancy: The presented green
the area. The modelling
includes the architectural building design in a proposed
design of the structure. This Evacuation Center in
will also analyze the needed Barangay Tibungco, Davao
parameters that will be City can withstand
needed in certain occasions. catastrophic events such as
typhoons and earthquakes. It
can accommodate 1156
people in case of emergency. no. 1, pp. 35-45, 2013.
It has comfortable design that [13] Y. Li, L. Yang, B. He and D. Zhao, “Green Building in China
Needs Promotion,” Sustainable Cities and Societies,
people would will be satisfy 1-6, 2016.
their stay. [14] G. U. Aliagha, M. Hashim, S. Afeez Olalekan and K. N. Ali,
In the future it is “Review of Green Building Demand Factors for Malaysia,”
recommended to expand the Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy,
capacity of the evacuation [15] W.-H. Tsai, C.-H. Yang, J.-C. Chang and H.-L. Lee, “An Activity-
center with the additional Based Costind Decision Model for Life Cycle Assessment in
Green Building Projects,” European Journal of Operational
concept of green building. Research, vol. 238, no. 2, pp. 607-619, 2014.
Adding more energy efficient
innovations is recommended
to be add on. S

This part is optional. If
you wish to acknowledge
those who helped you in your
study, keep this section short
only, at most 1 paragraph will


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