Case Digest
Case Digest
Case Digest
152318 Ruling:
GTZ versus Court of Appeals It is noted that it was imperative for
petitioners to secure from the Department of
Foreign Affairs "a certification of
FACTS: respondents' diplomatic status and
entitlement to diplomatic privileges including
On September 7, 1971, Federal immunity from suits.
Republic of the Germany and Republic of the
Philippines ratified an agreement concerning The requirement might not
technical co-operation in Bonn, capital of necessarily be imperative. However, had GTZ
West Germany back then. obtained such certification from the DFA, it
would have provided factual basis for its
The agreement affirmed to promote claim of immunity that would, at the very
a project called Social Health Insurance, least, establish a disputable evidentiary
Networking and Employment (SHINE) presumption that the foreign party is indeed
SHINE is designed to enable immune which the opposing party will have
Philippine families-especially poor ones to to overcome with its own factual evidence.
maintain their health and secure health care We do not see why GTZ could not
of sustainable quality. have secured such certification or
The Federal Republic of Germany endorsement from the DFA for purposes of
assigned the GTZ as the implementing this case. Certainly, it would have been
program, on the other hand, Republic of the highly prudential(sensible) for GTZ to obtain
Philippines designated the Department of the same after the Labor Arbiter had denied
Health and the Philippine Health Insurance the motion to dismiss.
Corporation. Still, even at this juncture, we do not
The private respondents this case, see any evidence that the DFA, the office of
employed under GTZ for the implementation the executive branch in charge of our
of the program, SHINE, in which it had diplomatic relations, has indeed endorsed
misunderstanding with the Project Manager GTZ's claim of immunity.
of SHINE. This misunderstanding leads to It may be possible that GTZ tried, but
exchanges of letters which interpreted to be failed to secure such certification, due to the
the resignation of the private respondents. same concerns that we have discussed
Then, took an action by filing a case for herein.
illegal dismissal to the labor Arbiter.
However, GTZ contends that they are
immune from suit since they are accredited
agency of the Federal Republic of Germany
for the project.
Whether or not GTZ shall enjoy the
State immunity from suit.
G.R. No. 206484 present Constitutions.
Whether or not the petition was a suit
against the State without its consent
An unincorporated government
agency such as the DPWH is without any
separate juridical personality of its own and
hence enjoys immunity from suit.