466 Qazi Saif Voluntary
466 Qazi Saif Voluntary
466 Qazi Saif Voluntary
Despite being a premium product, the Dyson’s Super Sonic Hair Dryer launched in November 2016
was able to generate value and capture media attention on the same scale as a product belonging to the
mass segment. The following lessons can be taken from the product marketing strategy of Dyson for
this particular product.
Creating Value
Dyson's hair dryer is priced at 399$ which is higher than its other competitors in the premium segment
of dryers. This is significantly higher than the other upper end products in the hair dryer market. This
Pricing strategy helps create a Forced perception of higher value within the customers. Dyson targets
only to the premium segment customer and such high price bars the entry of mass consumer. But the
people who have apt purchasing power make it a niche product for the consumers which consider it
Value for Money. Hence, Dyson creates it impact statement only with the consideration to the
Premium Segment.
Points of Disparity
Dyson spends 67 million dollars spent on research and development. It is the only Hair Dryer in the
market which contains a Micro-Processor. The Aesthetic appeal of the dryer is very different than the
other products in the market.
Dyson differentiates its product by emphasizing its benefits, design, price and customer service. It also
boasts a very detailed Product design and ergonomics.