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Introduction To Analytics and Big Data

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Subject : Computer Science

Paper: Data Analytics
Module: Introduction to Analytics and Big
Module No: CS/DA/1
Quadrant 1 – e-text
1.1 Introduction

Big data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database
systems. The data is too big, moves too fast, or doesn‟t fit the structures of traditional
database architectures. To gain value from this data, you must choose an alternative
way to process it, i.e., effective data analytics is required. This module gives you a
complete picture about big data and how analytics is carried on such a data.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

• To learn the fundamentals of data analytics

• To know the difference between data analytics and data mining

• To understand big data and its impact on analytics

• To understand characteristics of big data

• To know about applications involving big data and analytics

1.3 Data Analytics

Data Analytics (DA) is the science of examining raw data with the purpose
of drawing conclusions about that information. The data that is captured by any
data collection agent or tool or software is in its raw form, i.e., unformatted or
unstructured or unclean with noises/errors or redundant or inconsistent. Hence,
analytics covers a spectrum of activities starting from data collection till visualization.

The science of data analytics is generally divided into three broad categories:

(i) Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

(ii) Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA)
(iii) Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)
1.3.1 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

EDA is an approach/philosophy for data analysis that employs a variety of

techniques enticing the data to reveal its structural secrets, and being always ready
to gain some new, often unsuspected, insight into the data. Most EDA techniques
are graphical in nature.

Advantages Disadvantages

a) Flexible ways to generate hypotheses a) Usually does not provide definitive

b) More realistic statements of accuracy
b) Difficult to avoid optimistic bias
c) Does not require more than data can produced by over fitting
c) Requires judgment and artistry - can't
d) Promotes deeper understanding of be cook booked
processes by Statistical learning

1.3.2 Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA)

This approach for data analysis is aimed towards proving or disproving existing
hypotheses. CDA, a deductive approach is inferential in nature. It relies heavily on
probability models and hypotheses are determined at outset. CDA provides precise
information in the right circumstances and backed with well-established theory and

Advantages Disadvantages

a) Provide precise information in the a) Misleading impression of precision in

right circumstances less than ideal circumstances

b) Well-established theory and methods b) Analysis driven by preconceived


c) Difficult to notice unexpected results

1.3.3 Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)

QDA is all about drawing conclusions from non-numerical data for analysis, which
might be further used for decision making.
Advantages Disadvantages

a) allow for a broader study, involving a a) collect a much narrower and

greater number of subjects, and sometimes superficial dataset
enhancing the generalisation of the
results b) results are limited as they provide
numerical descriptions rather than
b) can allow for greater objectivity and detailed narrative and generally
accuracy of results. Generally, provide less elaborate accounts of
quantitative methods are designed to human perception
provide summaries of data that
support generalisations about the c) the research is often carried out in an
phenomenon under study. In order to unnatural, artificial environment so
accomplish this, quantitative research that a level of control can be applied
usually involves few variables and to the exercise. This level of control
many cases, and employs prescribed might not normally be in place in the
procedures to ensure validity and real world yielding laboratory results
reliability as opposed to real world results

c) using standards means that the d) in addition preset answers will not
research can be replicated, and then necessarily reflect how people really
analyzed and compared with similar feel about a subject and in some
studies. Kruger (2003) confirms that cases might just be the closest
'quantitative methods allow us to match.
summarize vast sources of e) the development of standard
information and facilitate comparisons questions by researchers can lead to
across categories and over time' 'structural' bias and false
d) personal bias can be avoided by representation, where the data
researchers keeping a 'distance' from actually reflects the view of them
participating subjects and employing instead of the participating subject.
subjects unknown to them

1.3.4 Data Analytics vs Data Mining

Data analytics is distinguished from data mining by the scope, purpose and
focus of the analysis. Data miners sort through huge data sets using sophisticated
software to identify undiscovered patterns and establish hidden relationships. Data
analytics focuses on inference, the process of deriving a conclusion based solely on
what is already known by the researcher.
1.4 Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics refers to the process of collecting, organizing and

analyzing very large sets of data ("big data") to discover patterns and other
useful information.

With big data analytics, data scientists and others can analyze huge volumes
of data that conventional analytics and business intelligence solutions can't touch.
Consider that your organization could accumulate billions of rows of data with
hundreds of millions of data combinations in multiple data stores and abundant
formats. High-performance analytics is necessary to process that much data in order
to figure out what's important and what isn't.

Analyzing big data allows analysts, researchers, and business users to make
better and faster decisions using data that was previously inaccessible or unusable.
Using advanced analytics techniques such as text analytics, machine learning,
predictive analytics, data mining, statistics, and natural language processing,
businesses can analyze previously untapped data sources independent or together
with their existing enterprise data to gain new insights resulting in significantly better
and faster decisions.

1.5 Introduction to Big Data

The recent hot IT buzzword, big data has become viable as cost-effective
approaches have emerged to tame the volume, velocity and variability of massive
data. Within this data lie valuable patterns and information, previously hidden
because of the amount of work required to extract them. Big data is data that
exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The data is too
big, moves too fast, or doesn‟t fit the structures of traditional database architectures.
To gain value from this data, you must choose an alternative way to process it.

1.5.1 What does big data look like?

As a catch-all term, “big data” can be pretty nebulous, in the same way that the term
“cloud” covers diverse technologies. Input data to big data systems could go on from
social networks, web server logs, traffic flow sensors, satellite imagery, broadcast
audio streams, banking transactions, MP3s of music, the content of web pages,
scans of government documents, GPS trails, telemetry from automobiles, financial
market data, etc.

1.5.2 Quantum of data that we process

• The Internet Archive surpassed 15 petabytes as of May 2014

• Google processes 30 PB a day- "MapReduce“ -
• AT&T transfers about 30 petabytes of data through its networks each day -
"AT&T- News Room“
• The German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) has a storage capacity of
60 petabytes of climate data
• Wayback Machine has 3 PB + 100 TB/month
• Facebook has 2.5 PB of user data + 15 TB/day
• As of January 2013, Facebook users had uploaded over 240 billion photos.
For each uploaded photo, Facebook generates and stores four images of
different sizes, which translated to a total of 960 billion images and an
estimated 357 petabytes of storage
• eBay has 6.5 PB of user data + 50 TB/day
• CERN’s Large Hydron Collider (LHC) generates 30 PB a year
• Movie Avatar is reported to have taken over 1 petabyte of local storage for
the rendering of the 3D CGI effects
• Teradata Database 12 has a capacity of 50 petabytes of compressed data

Do you Know?

Computing in CERN

In CERN‟s Large Hydron

Collider (LHC)
approximately 600 million
times per second, particles
collide within the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC).
Electronic circuits record
and send the data to the
CERN Data Centre (DC)
and approximately 30
petabytes of data are
produced annually. The
Data Centre processes
about one petabyte of data
every day which is Source:
equivalent to around
210,000 DVDs. The centre
hosts 11,000 servers with
100,000 processor cores.

The Earthscope is the

world's largest science
project, designed to track
North America's geological
evolution. Earthscope
records 67 terabytes of


1.5.3 What is Big Data?

“Big data exceeds the reach of commonly used hardware environments

and software tools to capture, manage and process it within a tolerable
elapsed time for its user population.”

- Gartner’s Merv Adrian in Q1, 2011 Teradata Magazine


“Big data” refers to datasets whose size is beyond the ability of typical
database software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyze.”

- McKinsey Global Institute - Big data: The next frontier for

innovation, competition, and productivity , 2011. Characteristics

Big data can be described by four major characteristics as shown in figure1:

i) Volume
ii) Variety
iii) Velocity
iv) Veracity
The quantity of generated data is important in this context. The size of the data
determines the value and potential of the data under consideration, and whether it
can actually be considered big data or not. The name „big data‟ itself contains a term
related to size, and hence the characteristic.
The type of content, and an essential fact that data analysts must know. This helps
people who are associated with and analyze the data to effectively use the data to
their advantage and thus uphold its importance.
In this context, the speed at which the data is generated and processed to meet the
demands and the challenges that lie in the path of growth and development.


Figure 1. Characteristics of Big Data


The quality of captured data, which can vary greatly. Accurate analysis depends on
the veracity of source data.

Other features that might also be used for characterizing bid data are as


The inconsistency the data can show at times—-which can hamper the process of
handling and managing the data effectively.

Data management can be very complex, especially when large volumes of data
come from multiple sources. Data must be linked, connected, and correlated so
users can grasp the information the data is supposed to convey. How big data is different?

Typically the following points may be used by the readers to understand how big
data differs from that of a traditional data which is organized in single or multiple

• Generated automatically by machine

• Big data is typically an entirely new source of data
• Not designed to be friendly
• Can be messy and ugly(junk filled data)
• No standards

1.6 What to do with these data?

Having understood the context of big data and its features, ultimately the next
question that arises in the readers‟ mind is, “what can be done with such a data?”.
Big data shall lead the users to perform the following tasks:

• Aggregation and Statistics

– Data warehouse and OLAP
• Indexing, Searching, and Querying
– Keyword based search
– Pattern matching (XML/RDF)
• Knowledge discovery
– Data Mining
– Statistical Modeling

1.7 Big Data Use Cases

A big data use case can help you solve a specific business challenge by using
patterns or examples of big data technology solutions. Few domains which might
produce big data and the challenges in them are summarized below. The new form
of data that might emerge from such domains and possible analytics are also
highlighted in the table 1.
1.7.1 Healthcare

Making use of the petabytes of patient data that healthcare organizations possess
requires extracting it from legacy systems, normalizing it and then building
applications that can make sense of it in the following ways:

1. Develop evidence-based Medicine

2. 'Domesticate' Data for Better Public Health Reporting, Research
3. Use Free Public Health Data For Informed Strategic Planning

Table 1. Big Data Use Cases

Application New Data Solution


Patient Monitoring Preventive health care, Disease Drug

Data Analysis

Manufacturing Sensor data Automated Diagnosis, support

Customer and market segmentation,

Retail Social media data
sentiment analysis

Public sector Surveys Personalized services

1.7.2 Manufacturing

Analyzing big data use cases in the manufacturing industry can reduce processing
flaws, improve production quality, increase efficiency, and save time and money. It
also leads to the following:

1. Improving Manufacturing Process

2. Custom Product Design
3. Better Quality Assurance
4. Managing Supply Chain Risk

1.7.3 Location based services

Mobile location-based services and corresponding big data can help developing
patterns of usage that lets you not only provide a wider variety of services but also
aids predictive analytics to understand who your subscribers are, how they use your
services and what will entice them to stay with your service. Telecommunications
companies can focus marketing efforts on the right customers by using Behaviour-
based Customer Insight for Telecommunications.

1.7.4 Public sector

Big data is changing the way government agencies store, manage and collect data,
but they cannot rely on structured data to meet their goals. Like commercial
businesses, public-sector agencies need to capture data from a variety of sources,
including unstructured data such as email and social media, to turn it into actionable
items. Government agencies can build a case for big data as well as develop a data
and analytics strategy and platform so they become an integral part of the agency's
big data strategy.

1.7.5 Retail

Retailers can use "big data" - combining data from web browsing patterns, social
media, industry forecasts, existing customer records, etc. - to predict trends, prepare
for demand, pinpoint customers, optimize pricing and promotions, and monitor real-
time analytics and results.

Case Studies

A) Massachusetts General Hospital


At Massachusetts General Hospital, an analytics system called QPID is helping

providers ensure that they don‟t miss critical patient data during admission and
treatment. The system is also used to predict surgical risk, helping match patients
with the right course of action that will keep them safest during their care. The
system automates searches using national guidelines, and then it essentially shows
the results in a dashboard with a red, yellow, or green risk indicator for the surgeon
to see.”

QPID‟s Q-Core clinical reasoning engine mines the entire patient record and
extracts facts that are assembled against a structured patient data model. The
model is used by the reasoning engine to answer complex questions about the
patient‟s medical history and status. Q-Core findings are delivered through QPID
applications, which expedite quality reporting, registry submissions and cohort
identification. Unlike standard document-based natural language processing (NLP),
which can yield results that are not highly accurate, Q-Core mines the entire
longitudinal patient record and extracts facts that are assembled against a structured
patient data model to produce a synthesized view of the patient‟s medical history
and status.

B) United Parcel Service (UPS) Incorporation


UPS having begun to capture and track a variety of package movements and
transactions as early as the 1980s.The company now tracks data on 16.3 million
packages per day for 8.8 million customers, with an average of 39.5 million tracking
requests from customers per day. The company stores more than 16 petabytes of

Much of its recently acquired big data, however, comes from telematics sensors in
more than 46,000 vehicles. The data on UPS trucks, for example, includes their
speed, direction, braking and drive train performance. The data in not only used to
monitor daily performance, but to drive a major redesign of UPS drivers' route
structures. This initiative, called ORION (On-Road Integration Optimization and
Navigation), is arguably the world's largest operations research project. It also relies
heavily on online map data, and will eventually reconfigure a driver's pickups and
drop-offs in real time.

C) Tesco Plc


Tesco Plc, the British supermarket chain, is currently the second most profitable
retailer in the world with outlets in twelve countries. Tesco began collecting ever
more data on its consumers and was one of the first companies to embrace, and
learn from, Big Data analytics. Tesco realized the value of the insight it would
be getting into its customers‟ behaviours and now receives detailed data on two-
thirds of all shopping baskets. Tesco was processed the flood of data that
descended upon them.

The first step, however, was to segment the customers into appropriate groups. That
resulted in two things. On the one hand Tesco could actually be more targeted in
its mailings of vouchers and coupons. Having broken down customers into
segments, Tesco increased its reach by launching the Clubcard Plus, which had
an integrated debit card. This was later replaced by a credit card but
nonetheless lured customers into spending more at Tesco. Using all this data Tesco
started trying to convert the non-buyers. For example, finding that recent parents
were spending their money elsewhere, they launched a Baby club and ended up
capturing 24% of the baby market.

Seeing that its analytics approach worked, Tesco started applying it to other fields
also. One example is its optimized stock keeping system which forecasts sales by
product for each store based on historical sales and weather data.
Through predictive analytics Tesco managed to save 100m pounds in stock that
would have otherwise expired and thus wasted. In another instance Tesco found
that its management of the fridge and store temperatures was sub-optimal and thus
enabled significant savings in energy costs.

Using the insights it gained from the collected data Tesco evolved from a retailer
that thought it knew what the customers wanted into one that actually did know and
could monitor the preferences as they changed over time. Tesco managed to break
its customers down into segments it understood better and thus target its sales
efforts accordingly.


The introductory module on big data shall convey the readers the following

 Definition of Data Analytics and its broad classification.

 The differences between Data analytics and Data Mining.
 Perspective of big data and application of analytics on it. Characteristics of
Big Data and its implications in decision making.
 Real time use cases related with big data and possible application of

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