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Unit 42: Heat Transfer and Combustion

Unit code: K/601/1443 QCF level: 5 Credit value: 15


1 Heat transfer rates

Interfaces: conduction (Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, temperature

gradient, composite plane walls and thick cylinders);
convection (description of forced and natural convection, convective heat transfer coefficient,
film and overall coefficient)

Radiation: nature of radiation; Stefan-Boltzman law; black and grey body radiation; emissivity;
absorptivity; correction for overall heat transfer coefficient

Lagging: material types; conductivity; energy costs; economic lagging

You should judge your progress by completing the self assessment exercises. On completion of this
tutorial the student should be able to do the following.

 Explain steady and non-steady heat transfer.

 Explain Fourier’s equation for conduction.

 Explain the analogy with electrical resistance.

 Calculate the thermal resistance for flat, cylindrical and spherical layers.

 Calculate the thermal resistance for compound layers.

 Solve heat transfer problems for the above.

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Heat exchangers are used in so many fields of engineering from central heating systems to large
industrial boilers, from sugar refining to oil distillation, from refrigerators to air conditioners and so
on. The list is endless. The design of suitable units is based on theory and empirical data and this
covers a vast range of work. The purpose of these tutorials is to provide the basic level of
understanding and some advanced theory for anyone studying the topic from beginner’s level. The
tutorial only covers steady state heat transfer.

More advanced studies of conduction will enable you to study the following topics.


This occurs when the temperature in a material is changing with time. Calculating the temperature
at any point is beyond the scope of this tutorial.


When a block of material is maintained at constant but different temperatures on all its faces, a
steady flow of heat may be produced at each face but the temperature at any given point on the
block is difficult to find and is also beyond the scope of this tutorial.


Heat transfer occurs from one body to another by three methods, conduction, convection and
radiation. Most heat exchangers will use elements of all three. A net amount of heat is always
transferred from the hotter body to the colder body.

This tutorial covers conduction, the process by which heat is passed on through solids, liquids and
gasses from one molecule to another.

Heat or more correctly, internal energy is basically the

kinetic energy of the molecules vibrating or moving around
in the material. The kinetic activity increases as the
temperature is raised. If the material is all at one uniform
temperature, the kinetic motion is uniform. When a hot
material comes into contact with a colder material, the
kinetic activity is passed on through contact and the
transfer of momentum between the faster moving
molecules and the slower moving molecules so the colder
material becomes hotter. This is the basis of conduction.

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Consider a flat solid material of thickness t and surface

area A. The surface temperature on the hot side is θh on
the cold side θc. Heat will flow from one side to the other
at a rate of Φ Watts.

The heat transfer is directly proportional to the

temperature difference Δθ and the area A. It is inversely
proportional to the thickness t since the thicker it is, the
less the heat transfer. It also depends on the material.
Clearly copper conducts heat much better than concrete
so we need a property called the Thermal Conductivity
and this is usually given the symbol k.
It follows that
k A Δθ k A θ c  θ h  k A θ h  θ c 
Φ  
t t t
The units of k are Watts/m K
Here are some typical values of k for common material at
ambient conditions.

Material Aluminium Copper Steel Concrete Glass Wood Water Air

k W/m K 201 385 63 0.1 1.0 0.15 0.59 0.024


Calculate the heat transfer through a flat copper plate 200 mm tall by 300 mm wide and 25 mm
thick when the surface temperatures are 150oC and 55oC.


k A θ h  θ c  385 x 0.2 x 0.3150  55

Φ   87 780 W
t 0.025

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If we make the analogy that Φ is equivalent to electric current I and Δθ is equivalent to voltage ΔV,
we may make an analogy with Ohm’s law
ΔV Δθ t
Electrical Resistance R  Thermal Resistance R  
I Φ kA
We should note that Δθ and ΔV are both strictly negative quantities because Δ means the last figure
minus the first figure so Δθ = (θc – θh). If we stick to this, we must put a minus sign in front of the
previous equations. If we simply let Δθ represent the temperature difference Δθ = (θ h – θc) and
remember that heat flows from hot to cold, we will have no difficulty solving basic problems.


In reality, the temperature drops in the direction of heat flow so if we measure the distance from the
hot side as x, the heat flow through a very thin layer thickness dx will be:-

Φ  k A
This is important when analysing non-steady flow conduction and in the following work.


Consider heat flowing from the inside of a tube to the outside

at a steady Φ. This is the same at all radii.
The heat flowing through an elementary layer of radius r and
k A dθ k 2 π L r dθ
length L is Φ   
dx dr
dr 2 π kL dθ
Rearrange to get 
r Φ
Now integrate between limits.
Ro θo

2π kL
 dθ Ln r RR
2π kL
 io
r Φ θi
R 
Ln  o   
2π kL
θ o  θ i  Φ   2 π k L θ o  θ i  Φ
θ i  θ o 
 Ri  Φ R   Ro 
Ln  o  Ln  
 Ri   i


Calculate the heat transfer through a copper tube 5 m long with inner diameter 80 mm and
outer diameter 100 mm. The inside temperature is 200 oC and the outside temperature is 70oC.


Φ θ i  θ o   2 π x 385 x 5 200  70  7 046 438 W
R   50 
Ln  o  Ln  
 Ri   40 

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The derivation is similar to that for a tube. The surface area of a sphere is 4πr2
k A dθ 4 π r 2 k dθ
Φ 
dx dr
dr 4 π k dθ
Rearrange to get 2  
r Φ
Now integrate between limits.

 r 
4 k

  dθ
1 R o
Ri  θθθio
Ri r 2
Φ θi

 
 R -o1  R i-1  
θ o  θi  Φ


R i-1  R -o1
θ i  θ o 


A spherical steel reaction vessel has an outer radius of 1.5 m and is covered in lagging 200 mm
thick. The thermal conductivity of the lagging is 0.1 W/m K. The temperature at the surface of
the steel is 340oC and the surface temperature of the lagging is 45oC. Calculate the heat loss.


4 π x 0 .1
Φ 340  45  4.7 kW

1.51  1.7 1 


1. Calculate the heat loss through flat sheet of glass 2 m x 1 m and 5 mm thick when the surface
temperatures are 20oC and 5 oC.
(Answer 6 kW)

2. A steam pipe has an external diameter of 75 mm and it is covered with lagging 25 mm thick
with a thermal conductivity of 0.09 W/m K. The surface temperature of the lagging is 300 oC on
the inside and 80oC on the outside. Calculate the heat loss per metre length.
(Answer 243.5 W/m)

3. A steel pipe has an inner diameter of 50 mm and outer diameter of 100 mm. The outside
temperature is 400 oC and the inside temperature is 120 oC. The thermal conductivity 60 W/m K.
Calculate the heat flow from the outside to the inside for 1 m length.
(Answer 152.3 kW/m)

4. A spherical vessel 2 m diameter is lagged to a depth of 300 mm. The thermal conductivity of
the lagging is 0.1 W/m K. The temperature of the inside and outside of the lagging is 180 oC and
40oC respectively. Calculate the heat loss.
(Answer 762.4 W)

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If heat is conducted through a compound layer, the problem is analogous to

electricity flowing through a series of resistors. Consider a flat wall made up
of three layers of different materials A, B and C as shown. The heat transfer
rate is the same through each layer. Using the thermal resistance we have:
RA  a
θ h  θ 2   ΦRA θ 2  θ h  ΦRA
ka A

RB  b
θ 2  θ3   ΦRB θ3  θ 2  Φ RB  θ h  Φ RA  Φ RB
kb A

RC  c
θ3  θ c   ΦRA
kc A
θ c  θ3  ΦRC  θ h  ΦRA  ΦRB  ΦRC θ c  θ h  ΦRA  RB  RC 
θh  θc θ  θc
Φ  h
RA  RB  RC  R
All we need to do is calculate the resistance of each part and add them up.
R 
Ln  o 
Cylindrical layers R 
  i  Spherical layers R 
R  o
Δθ R i-1  R -1
Φ 2πk L Φ 4 πk


When we have compound layers (this may also include convection), it is convenient to use the
equation Φ = - U A Δθ where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient and Δθ is the temperature
change across the entire layer. This will be covered and used in the following tutorials.


A wall with an area of 25 m2 is made up of four layers. On the inside is plaster 15 mm thick,
then there is brick 100 mm thick, then insulation 60 mm thick and finally brick 100 mm thick.
The thermal conductivity of plaster is 0.1 W/m K.
The thermal conductivity brick is 0.6 W/m K
The thermal conductivity the insulation is is 0.08 W/m K
The inner surface temperature of the wall is 18oC and the outer is -2oC.
Calculate the heat loss and the temperature at the interface between the plaster and the brick.
t 0.015
Plaster R1  R4  1   6 x 10 3 K/W
k1 A 0.1 x 25
t 0.1
Brick R2  2   6.67 x 10 3 K/W
k 2 A 0.6 x 25
t 0.06
Insulation R3  3   30 x 10 3 K/W
k 3 A 0.08 x 25
Total Resistance R = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 = 49 x 10-3 K/W
θ  θ c 18 - (-2) 20
Φ h  -3
  405 W (Answer calculated with all memory retained)
R 49 x 10 49 x 10 -3
Temperature drop over plaster = ΦR1 = 405 x 6 x 10-3 = 2.43 K Hence the temperature at the
interface is 18 – 2.43 = 15.57 oC

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A steel pipe 120 mm inside diameter has a wall 10 mm thick. It is covered with insulation 20
mm thick. The thermal conductivity of steel is 60 W/m K and for the insulation is 0.09 W/m K.

The pipe carries steam at 150oC and the outer surface temperature of the insulation is 0oC.
Calculate the heat loss per metre length. Calculate the temperature at the pipe’s outer surface.

R   70 
Ln  o  Ln  
R  i   60   4.089 x 10 4 K/W
2πkL 2 π x 60 x 1
R   90 
Ln  o  Ln  
Insulation R   i    70   0.444 K/W
2πkL 2 π x 0.09 x 1
Total resistance =0.445 K/W Φ = Δθ/R = (150 – 0)/0.445 = 337.2 W

Temperature drop over pipe wall = ΦR = 4.089 x 10-4 x 337.2 = 0.138 K

The surface temperature of the pipe is 149.86oC
This illustrates that a well insulated pipe warms up to the same temperature as the fluid inside
and it is quite normal to neglect the temperature drop through the metal wall.


1. The inside dimensions of a refrigerated box is 2m x 1 m x 1.2 m. It is covered with insulation

50 mm thick and then a liner 5 mm thick. It is required to extract 150 W from the box.
Simplifying the problem to a plain flat surface calculate the inside temperature when the outer
surface is maintained at 20oC. The thermal conductivity of the insulation is 0.043 W/m K and
0.2 W/m K for the liner. (Answer 4.09oC)

2. A nylon pipe has a bore of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 5 mm. It is covered with insulation 10
mm thick. The thermal conductivity of the nylon is 0.25 W/m K and for the insulation it is
0.1 W/m K. The inside of the pipe carries hot water at 50 oC and the outer surface of the pipe is
at 10oC. Calculate the heat loss per metre length and the temperature between the two materials.
(Answer 70 W and 41.9oC)

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