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Parcial 2 Ingles

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Test 2

1. Alice is calling the restaurant to 3. Rebeca isn´t

Talk whit Alberto old
Find something tall
Make a reservation thin
2. Alice feels 4. The restaurant is going to
Hungry early
Embarrassed at 7
Worried at 9

B. Liz and Bill are taking at work: liten to their conversation.

1. Bill something takes a bath right after work F
2. Liz is going to go running whith Bill F
3. Bill likes to read the newspaper in the evening F
4. Liz doesn´t usually go online in the evening T

C. Complete the conversation. Use the simple present continuous, or going

to and the verbs in parentheses. Use contraction where possible.
Tony How ´s going your semester is, going (go), Mona?
Mona Not very well, actually. I’m taking (take) five classes this semester.
It´s a lot I don´t have (not have) time to do all the work.
Tony Are, going to graduate still Are, graduating (graduate) In June?
Mona No, I don´t think (nor think) so Maybe in September.

D. Tin is going on a camping trip, and a friend gives him some advice. Write the
words in the correct order to make suggestions.
1. (flashlight/to/whit/don´t/ take/a /batteries/forget
Don´t forget to take a flashlight with batteries.
2. (should/pack/repellent/ you/insect/some)
You should pack some insect repellent

3. (bag/need/warm/take/sleeping/you/to/ a)
You need to take a warm sleeping bag

E. these people are planning a trip a foreign country. Write the conversations.
Use need + the infinitive for reasons and Is it+ adjective questions.
A. I need to go online to get a hotel room
(go online/ get/ a hotel room)
B. Is it importan to make a reservation early?
(important/make a reservation early)

1, A. I need to call a travel agent to ask about public transportation.

(call a travel agent/ask about public transportation)
B. Is it easy to get around?

2. A. I need to get a phrase book to learn some

(get at phrase book/ learn some expressions)
B. Is it necessary to understand the language?
(necessary/understand the language)

E. Write answer to hit questions. Put the adjectives in parentheses in the correct
order, and use,
Example: A. Which armchair do you like?
B. I like the large brow one
1 A. I need to call a travel agent to ask about public transportation.
(called a travel agent/ask about public transportation)

B. Is it easy to get around?

easy/get around)

2. A. I need to get a phrase book to learn some expressions

(get a pharase book/ learn some expression)
B. Is it necessary to understand the language?
(necessary/ understands the language)

F. Write answers to the questions, put the adjectives in parentheses in the correct
order, and use one or ones.
Example: A. Which armchair do you like?)
B. I like the large brown one (brow/large)
1. A which dress do you like?
B. I like the pretty green one (green/pretty)

2. A Which curtain would you like?

B. I´d / I would like the Chinese silk ones (Chinese/silk)

3. A Which table do you want?

B. I want the round glass one (glass/round)

G. Read the pairs of sentences. Write a sentences whit the same meaning using
the word in parentheses.
Example: I make a lot of calls from my office. I don´t make many calls from my
I make more phone calls from my office than from my home (more).
1. I use a cell phone a lot. Frank doesn´t use a cell phone very much.
I use a cell phone more than Frank (does)
2. We don´t send many test messages. I send a lot text messages.
We spend less time online than our Kids (do)

3. You don´t send many text messages. I send a lot of text messages.
You send fewer text messages than I do. (fewer)

H. Maria is asking Judy to describe Steve. Write the questions for the answers.
Maria Do Steve and his brother look alike?
Judy No, Steven and his brother look totally different.
1. Maria What does he look like?
Judy He´s short and thing, and he has long brown hair.
2. Maria How tall is he, exactly?
Judy He´s five six.
3. Maria Does he have straight hair?
Judy No, his hair is curly.

I. Circle the correct words.

1. I’ll graduate in June if don´t/won´t fail any courses.
2, After I graduate/will graduate, I’ll take a trip to Brazil.
3. When I come back from my trip, I’ll look/look for a job.
4. them I may/’’ll probably move out of my parent´s house.

J. Complete the conversations, Use reflexive pronouns.

1. Did you go to a movie whit Paul?
B. No, I went by myself.
2. A What happened to Mark´s leg?
B. He was playing tennis with Liz, and he hurt himself.
3. A. Did you burn yourself?
B. Yes. I spilled some hot water on my hand.

K. Complete the conversations with the verbs in parentheses.

Use the simple past or the past continuous.
Erica Did you hurt (hurt) your arm, Gary?
Gary Yes, I spraint (spraint) it.
Erica How? What were you doing (do) when it happened (happen)?
Gary I was painting (paint) the house, and I fell (fall) off a ladder.
Erica Ouch! Well. At least you didn’t break (not break) anything!

M. Circle the best words to complete the sentences.

1. Sarah is going on business trip to Tokyo. She need to take her
tent/makeup/fisrts-aid kit
2. We´re shopping for some new furniture for the living roong. Last weekend, we
saw some nice nightstands/dressers/armchairs.

3. The boys were in a fight at school yesterday. Terry got broke/ hurt a black eye.
4. Hello? Josh? I can´t heart you. I think we have a bad message/
5. Jill is the woman by/standing/wearing the red suit. She´s talking to Joe.
N. read the situations and the beginnings of the conversations.

1. You´re in the kitchen, and you´re making lunch for a friend.

Your friend is sitting in the living room next to the telephone.
The phone rings.
You Would you mind answering the phone?

Your friend____
Oh, no No problem.
The phone? It´s not mine,
No, go ahead.

2. David helped a friend move some heavy furtniture last weekend, and he hurt his
back. He´s talking with his friend Janice.
Oh, I bet he wasn´t too happy.
Oh, no ! Are you better now?
Wow, That was lucky
3, Bill, loves to go car races. Matt went him a few weeks ago, and he had an awful
Bill there´s another race this Saturday. Do you want to go?
That sounds great. Let’s got
What time does it start?
Uh, I guess we could, but ….
4. Cathy and Judy are planning a big party at Judy´s apartment. Suddenly, Judy
thinks of something they forget.
Judy oh no! just realized- there arn´t enough places for people to site.
Cathy Don´t worry.
I´ll sit on the couch.
I´ll bring some chairs
I wont forget. I promise!

o. Complete the conversations whit the comparative form of the adjetives (=more;
Rob So, how do you like your new cell phone Anna?
Is it better (good than your regular phone?
Anna Well, it´s a lot, and it´s easer ( easy) to make call anytime.
More convenient
Rob Is it less expensive (expensive) than your regular phone?
Anna Well, I use my cell phone a lot, so it isn´t cheaper ( cheap) for me!
It isn´t hart to find a vacation rental in Europe
Rental home can be inexpensive for large groups.
You ¨ll have more time to learn about one place if you sallow travel.
In a rental home you have more for yourself

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