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Transparansi PDRP (Gas) (English)

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Jaques Charles: Volume of a dry gas varies directly with

temperature if the pressure remains constant.

Or At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass

of gas varies directly with absolute temperature.

V1 V
 2
T1 T2

Boyle : Volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the absolute

pressure at constant temperature.

P 1V 1 = P 2V 2

From the work of Boyle and Charles, scientists developed the

relationship now called the perfect gas law or ideal gas law.

 pV = nRT

In applying this equation to a process going from an initial set of

conditions to a final set of conditions, you can set up ratios of
similar terms which are dimensionless as follows

 P1   V1   n1   T1 
         
 P2   V2   n2   T2 

Susbscript 1 and 2 refer to the initial and final conditions. The

pressure and temperature may be expressed in any system of units
you choose as long as the same units are used for both conditions.
Do not forget that the pressure and temperature must be absolute
pressure and absolute temperature.

Example :

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 20

1. An oxygen cylinder used as standby source of oxygen contains
1.00 ft3 O2 at 70 0F and 200 psig. What will be the volume of this
O2 in a dry gas holder at 90 0F and 4.00 in H2O above
atmospheric? The barometer reads 29.92 in Hg.

Solution :

T1 = 70 + 460 = 530 0R
T2 = 90 + 460 = 550 0R
29.92 inHg
P1  ( 200 psig  14.7 psia )   437 in Hg
14.7 psia
4 inH 2O 29.92 inHg
P2  29.92 inHg    30.21 in Hg
12 in H 2O 33.91 ft H 2O
ft H 2O
Since n1 = n2, therefore

P   T2 
V2  V1  1   
 P2   T1 
 437 inHg   550 0 R 
V2  1.00 ft 3     0
 30.21 inHg   530 R 
 15.0 ft 3 at 90 0 F and 4 inH 2 O gauge

2. Calculate the mass of 1.00 m3 of wáter favor at 2.00 kPa and 23

C. Assume that the water vapor is an ideal gas under these

Solution :
Steps in solving this problem.
1.00 m3 ? m3
2.00 kPa 101.3 kPa ? kg mol ? kg
23 0C 0 0C

Standar conditions

Basis : 1.00 m3 H2O at 2.00 kPa, 23 0C

2.00 kPa ( 273  0) K 1 kgmol 18 kgH 2 O

1.00 m 3      1.46 10 2 kgH 2 O
101.3 kPa (273  23) K 22.4 m 3
1 kgmol

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 21

3. You have 10 lb CO2 in a 20 ft3 fire extinguisher tank at 30 0C.
Assuming that the ideal gas law holds, what will the pressure
gauge on the tank read in a test to see if the extinguisher is full?

Solution :
V  T 
P2  P1  1   2 
 V2   T1 
Use P1, V1 dan T1 for standard conditions and P2, V2 and T2 for the
conditions in the tank.

1 lb mol CO2 359 ft 3 1 303 K

P2  14.7 psia  10 lb CO2    3

44 lb CO2 1 lb mol 20 ft 273
 66 psia
Hence the gauge on the tanks will read (assuming that it reads
gauge pressure ad that the barometer reads 14.7 psia) = 66 – 14.7
= 51.3 psig

The use of the gas constat of R.

To solve the problems, R can also be used by determining R from P

– Vˆ - T data at standard conditions.

Example :

Calculate the volume occupied by 88 lb CO2 at a pressure of 32.2

ftH2O and at 15 0C.

Solution :

88 lbCO2  ? ft3 at SC  ? ft3 pada 32.2 ftH2O 15 0C

a) Using Boyle’s and Charles’s laws.

At standard condition :
P = 33.91 ftH2O
Vˆ = 359 ft3/lbmol
T = 273 K

P   T2 
V2  V1  1   
 P2   T1 

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 22

1lbmol CO2 359 ft 3 33.91 ftH 2 O 288 K
88 lbCO2    
44 lb CO2 lb mol 32.2 ftH 2 O 273 K
 798 ft 3CO2 at 32.2 ftH 2 O,15 0 C

b) Using the gas constant R

PVˆ 33.91  359

R 
T 273
( ftH 2 O)( ft 3 )
 44.6
(lbmol )( K )

nRT 1 lbmol CO2 ( ftH 2 O )( ft 3 ) 288 K

V   88 lbCO2   44.6 
P 44 lb CO2 (lbmol )( K ) 32.2 ftH 2 O
 798 ft 3CO2 at 32.2 ftH 2 O, 15 0 C


Density of a gas is defined as the mass per unit volume.

As the mass contained in a unit volume varies with Temperature (T)
and Pressure (P) we have to be careful to specify these two
conditions. If not otherwise specified, the densities are presumed to
be at standard conditions (SC).

Example :
What is the density of N2 at 27 0C and 100 kPa expressed in
a). SI units
b). American Engineering Units

Solution :
a). Basis ; 1 m3 N2 at 27 0C, and 100 kPa

273 K 100 kPa 1 kgmol 28 kg

1m 3    3
  1.123 kg
300 K 101.3 kPa 22.4 m 1 kgmol
density  1.123 kg 3 pada 27 0 C dan 100 kPa

b). Basis : 1 ft3 N2 at 27 0C, and 100 kPa

273 K 100 kPa 1 lbmol 28 lb

1 ft 3    3
  0.0701 lb
300 K 101.3 kPa 359 ft 1 lbmol
density  0.0701 lb 3 at 27 0 C (80 0 F ) and 100 kPa (14.5 psia)

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 23

Specific Gravity of a gas is usually defined as the ratio of the density
of the gas at a desired temperature and pressure
to that of air (or any specified reference gas) at a
certain temperature and pressure.

Example :
What is the specific gravity of N2 at 80 0F and 745 mmHg compared
to :
a. Air at SC (32 0F, 760 mmHg)
b. Air at 80 0F, 745 mmHg.

Solution :

a). Basis : 1 ft3 N2 at 80 0F, 745 mmHg

492 0 R 745 mmHg 1 lbmol 28 lb

1 ft 
  3

540 R 760 mmHg 359 ft 1 lbmol
 0.0697 lb N 2 3 at 80 0 F , 745 mmHg

Basis : 1 ft3 air at 32 0F, 760 mmHg

492 0 R 760 mmHg 1 lbmol 29 lb

1 ft 3  0
  3

492 R 760 mmHg 359 ft 1 lbmol
 0.0808 lb air pada 32 0 F , 760 mmHg
ft 3
lb N 2 at 80 0 F , 745 mmHg
0.0697 ft 3
Sp. gr   0.862
0.0808 lb udara at 32 0 F , 760 mmHg
ft 3

Note : Sp. Gr is not dimensionless.

b). Basis : 1 ft3 air at 80 0F, 745 mmHg

492 0 R 745 mmHg 1 lbmol 29 lb

1 ft 3  0
  3

540 R 760 mmHg 359 ft 1 lbmol
 0.0721 lb 3 at 80 0 F , 745 mmHg

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 24

lb N 2
at 80 0 F , 745 mmHg
0.0697 ft 3
( Sp.Gr ) N 2   0.967
0.721 lb air at 80 0 F , 745 mmHg
ft 3
lbN 2
 0.967
lb air

Since the same conditions, Sp. Gr can be calculated directly

density N 2 MR N 2
Sp.Gr  
density air MR air
  0.967 lb N 2
29 lb air


Dalton’s Law  Total pressure of a gas is equal to the sum of the

pressure exerted by the individual molecules of
each component gas.

Pt = P1 + P2 + P3 +…+ Pn

P1 n
 1  yi  mole, fraction
Pt nt

Ratio of the partial pressure of an individual component to the total

pressure is exactly the same numerically as the ratio of the moles of
the individual component to the total moles.

 P i = yi . P t

i stands for any component.

Amagat’s Law  Total volume of a gaseous mixture is equal to the

sum of the volumes of the individual gas
components if they were to be measured at the
Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 25
same temperature and at the total pressure of all
the molecules.

Vt = V1 + V2 + V3 +…+ Vn

V1 n
 1  y i  mole. fraction
Vt nt
V1 n
 1
Vt nt

Example :
1. A gas-tight room has a volume of 1000 m3. This room contains
air (considered to be 21% O2, 79 % N2) at 20 0C dand a total
pressure of 1 atm.
a. What is the partial volume of O2 in the room?
b. What is the partial volume of N2 in the room?
c. What is the partial pressure of O2 in the room?
d. What is the partial pressure of N2 in the room?
e. If all of the O2 were removed from the room by some
method, what would be the subsequent total pressure in the
room ?

Jawab :
Basis : 1000 m3 udara pada 20 0C, 1 atm
a). VO  0.21 1000  210 m O2 pada 20 C ,1 atm
3 0

b). VN  0.79 1000  790 m N 2 pada 20 C ,1 atm

3 0

c). PO  0.21 1 atm  0.21 atm bila V  1000 m , 20 C

3 0

d). PN  0.79 1 atm  0.79 atm bila V  1000 m , 20 C

3 0

e). Tekanan = 0.79 atm

2. Analisa gas dari suatu cerobong asap adalah sbb : 14 % CO2,

6.0 % O2, dan 80 % N2. Pada 400 0F, 765 mmHg. Hitunglah
tekanan parsial tiap komponen!
Jawab :
Basis : 1.00 kg (atau lb) mol gas
Komponen kg (atau lb) mol P (mmHg)
CO2 0.14 107.1
O2 0.06 45.90
N2 0.80 612.0
Total 1.00 765.0

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 26
Vapor : Gas di bawah temperatur temperatur kritis dan dapat
Penguapan dan pengembunan pada T dan P konstan, adalah proses
kesetimbangan, dan tekanan pada kesetimbangan disebut tekanan

Titik didih air terjadi bila tekanan uap air = tekanan atmosfir di atas air
Karena tekanan atm di dataran tinggi lebih rendah maka air akan
mendidih pada T yang lebih rendah.
Istilah-Istilah :
Sublimasi  perubahan fase padat lengsung menjadi fase
gas/uap tanpa melewati fase cair
Gas Jenuh  gas yang siap untuk mulai mengembun
Cairan Jenuh  cairan yang siap untuk mulai menguap
Uap Basah  uap jenuh dan cairan jenuh yang berada dalam
Kualitas  fraksi massa uap dalam uap basah

Contoh Soal :
Pada 400 K dan 245.6 kPa, volume spesifik campuran uap basah
0.505 m3/kg. Berapa kualitas uapnya?

Jawab :
Dari table uap, volume spesifik uap dan cairan jenuh adalah :
3 3
Vˆl  0.001067 m Vˆg  07308 m
kg ; kg
Basis = 1 kg campuran uap basah
Ambil x sebagai fraksi massa uap.

0.001067 m 3 0.7308 m 3
  (1  x ) kg cairan   x kg uap  0.505 m 3
1 kg cairan 1 kg uap
 0.001067  0.001067 x  0.7308 x  0.505
 x  0.69
Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 27
Bila suatu gas/campuran gas kontak dengan cairan, gas akan memperoleh uap
dari cairan. Bila kontak cukup lama maka akan dicapai kesetimbangan dimana
tekanan parsial uap = tekanan uap. Setelah kesetimbangan tercapai, tidak ada
lagi cairan yang menguap ke dalam bentuk fase gas. Keadaan gas demikian
disebut jenuh oleh uap pada suhu tersebut.

Pada saat jenuh :

Pudara moludara
 pada T kons tan
Pair mol air
Vudara moludara
 pada T kons tan
Vair mol air
Pudara Pudara Vudara
 
Pair Ptotal  Pudara Vtotal  Vudara

Contoh Soal :
Berapa m3 udara kering pada 20 0C, 100 kPa (750 mmHg) dibutuhkan
untuk menguapkan 6 kg alcohol jika tekanan tetap konstan pada 100
Diketahui Palkohol pada 20 0C (68 0F) = 5.93 kPa

Jawab :

Campuran jenuh
Udara – alkohol
100 kPa
100 kPa
Alkohol 6 kg

Basis : 6 kg alkohol

Palkohol n
 alkohol
Pudara nudara

Pudara = Ptotal - Palkohol

= (100 – 5.93)kPa = 94.0 kPa

1 kg mol alkohol 94.1 kg mol udara 22.4 m 3 293 K 101.3 kPa

6 kg alkohol     
46 kg alkohol 46 kg mol alkohol 1 kgmol 273 K 100 kPa
 50.4 m 3 udara pada 20 0 C ,100 kPa

Dasar Teknik Proses-IKS 28

Kejenuhan relatif  RS 
Puap = tekanan parsial uap dalam campuran gas
Pjenuh = tekanan parsial uap dalam campuran gas jika gas jenuh
pada suatu suhu

Jika subskrip 1 simbol uap dan superskrip * simbol “jenuh”, maka

P1 V1
P1 P Vt n massa1
RS   t   1 
P1 * P1 * V jenuh n jenuh massa jenuh
Pt Vt

Kejenuhan untuk uap air disebut juga kelembaban.

Kejenuhan relatif 60 % artinya

 100 %  60 %
PH 2O *

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