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The document discusses the requirements and design of a music streaming software called Tune Source, including use cases, entity relationship diagrams, and data flow diagrams.

The requirements specified for Tune Source include browsing, listening to, purchasing, and managing songs and user accounts.

Use case diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and data flow diagrams are used to represent the system and its requirements.

Higher Nationals in Computing


Software Development Life


Learner’s name: Nguyen Quang Vinh

Assessor name: Ngo Quoc Anh

Class: GCS0703A

Learner’s ID: TCS19023

Subject’s ID: 1631

Assignment due: 30th August

Assignment submitted: 29th August

Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number Unit 9: Software Development Life Cycle

Assignment title Undertake a Software Development Lifecycle

Academic Year 2018 – 2019

Unit Tutor Ngo Quoc Anh

Issue date Submission date

IV name and date

Submission Format:

Format: The submission is in the form of 1 document

You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at
1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm. The reference
follows Harvard referencing system.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference properly,
and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get failed

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle

LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


Page 1
Now your team had been accepted to create the Software to Tune Source. As a member of a
development team, your task now is to produce the requirements for Tune Source. You also need to
specify the technique(s) or processes you used in order to get these requirements.
Task 2
Based on the requirements which established in Task1 provide the following diagrams: Use Case, ERD,
DFD. which can help to identify more clearly about the system you are going to implement.
Task 3
Based on your understanding about the Tune Source’s requirements in Task1 and Task 2, show how the
requirement can be addressed. Your method could include software behavioural specification methods
and reliability and effectiveness of software.
Task 4
Your client want to improve the software quality. Create a report which shows how software quality
could be improved from tracing requirements and program design.

Page 2
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Undertake a software development lifecycle

P5 Undertake a software M3 Analyse how software D3 Critically evaluate

investigation to meet a requirements can be how the use of the
business need. traced throughout the function design paradigm
software lifecycle. in the software
development lifecycle can
P6 Use appropriate M4 Discuss two improve software quality.
software analysis approaches to improving
tools/techniques to carry software quality.
out a software
investigation and create

LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural

design techniques
D4 Present justifications
P7 Explain how user and M5 Suggest two software of how data driven
software requirements behavioural specification software can improve the
have been addressed. methods and illustrate reliability and
their use with an effectiveness of software.

M6 Differentiate between
a finite state machine
(FSM) and an extended-
FSM, providing an
application for both.

Page 3
TASK 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
P5 Undertake a software investigation to meet a business need. .................................................................................... 5
Project analysis .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Methods of collecting information ................................................................................................................................ 5
Observational Method............................................................................................................................................... 5
Interview Method ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Questionnaires/Surveys............................................................................................................................................. 7
Which method should we use for the current project? ................................................................................................ 9
Step-to-step approach for Questionnaire method.................................................................................................... 9
List of questions: ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
TASK 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
P6 Use appropriate software analysis tools/techniques to carry out a software investigation and create supporting
documentation .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Stackholders: ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Costs: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Security Considering .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Update Software...................................................................................................................................................... 10
SQL Injection ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Error Messages ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Validation of Data .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Passwords ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
SSL ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Use case diagram ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Entity relationships diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 13
DFD .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
TASK 3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
P7 Explain how user and software requirements have been addressed. ....................................................................... 22
Upload function ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Browse the song function ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Reference ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25

Page 4

P5 Undertake a software investigation to meet a business need.

Project analysis
In order to obtain the data required for project development, interactions between designers and clients
are required in every phase of scheme growth. The customer data on implementation issues should be
searched and analyzed at every point. When analyzing feasibility, the broader questions are relatively
general, for example: What is the scope of the problem, what is the best way to automate? No, or financial
If we have to analyze the project-related information or project related objects during the analysis phase,
then what feasible options can be used for the project and information. Details about this? There was a
mistake. So how can we collect sufficient information to help develop applications?
Methods of collecting information
Many common methods are employed to collect business users ' requests. There are a number of software
system-specific techniques or some kind of user interface, some of which may be used in any working

This illusion contains the picture description for Observational method (measuring 2019)
Observational Method
[1] [4]

Developers often use observation techniques to leverage and evaluate data through professional
observation and teaching, or working environments. This method is used to determine how requirements,
growth possibilities or a business method can be identified, to establish and evaluate the effectiveness of a

Page 5
proposal, to recommend and to offer the highest quality alternatives for developing a design. Furthermore,
this technique is often used together with other techniques to verify the precision of the information being
There are two basic approaches to observation techniques: Active and passive
Active Method: The investigator will ask any concerns concerning data about the problems necessary to
create the software project when monitoring the method of operating on an object. Although this
technique creates an unsafe working flow disturbance of the job or observer item, designers can rapidly
comprehend why hidden activities and procedures are involved in a workflow.
Passive Method: The way the participants observe and gather data on the work process of the observant's
item is the technique through which they silently observe and retrieve. The advantage of this method helps
designers to see how actually the piece of nature functions. The best way to gather the information needed
to develop the project is to provide assessments and analysis. In order to best gather data, researchers can
use special technical equipment.

Interview Method

Method for questioning chosen topics is the information gathering technique. This is the only way to know
the opinions and plans of our customers. But there are also certain disadvantages to the interview method.
It is elevated price, time consuming and sometimes the gathered data is not adequate and needs the
interviewer to have some expertise or operating environment.

This illusion contains the picture description for Observational method (guides 2019)
Today, many techniques of interview are available, for example individual surveys, concentrate community
meetings, telephone and courier surveys. The benefits and disadvantages of each technique will be their

Personal interviews: The method of interviewing and interviewing persons to meet and discuss directly is
personal interview techniques. The interviewer can change questions or explain issues if the respondent
fails to understand the matter. This technique offers a greater flexibility than others.
Direct interviews will probably obtain more data from the client-replying questionnaire, as the interviewer
can see to obtain further information on the interviewer by observation (environmental work, attitude,
behaviour, costumes). The ability to interview and communicate or negotiate will be implemented and the
quality and quantity of information obtained shall be determined.

Page 6
Group Interview: The interviewer will encounter with a team of 5 to 10 individuals in a pleasant
atmosphere in the focus group study method, which helps interviewees and interviewed persons to think
safe. Closer to the ceiling and close. The interviewer will prepare the open questions during the interview
process to encourage the customers to discuss the issues raised freely. In order to gain a better
understanding of the client's position on a problem, the interviewer can make consecutive questions. The
aim of collective interview methods is to provide ideas and ideas to be evaluated and further evaluated by
means of surveys and data obtained. This method is also used to learn more about the behavior of
consumers. Nevertheless, the method of immediate contact has elevated price disadvantages; the
interviewer has a lengthy history in leading and suggesting various questions during the debate.

Phone interviews and Mail interviews:

Phone interviews: is an analysis subject method by telephone. The feasibility of this technique is increased
with the support of technological equipment. High capability responses can be collected. The advantage of
telephone interviews is that access to them is quick, easy to manage, regardless of distance. The downside
of this technology is not suitable for complex interviews with nature; the behavior of changing objects is
not observed.

Mail interview: is the technique by e-mail to the interviewee by issuing a questionnaire. The receiver simply
has to check and send the questions to the interviewer. The benefit is that the designer does not need
communication or negotiation skills because he is not faced with the test, the test findings are not partial.
Costs for interviews are significantly smaller than for other interviews. The disadvantage of this method is
that it is time consuming and not suitable for specialized problems.

Due to their own advantages and disadvantages in each data collection method. Consequently, individuals
often merge various techniques for collecting and assessing the finest in project development.


You must have excellent information if you want to get a nice research paper. And if you want excellent
data, a nice questionnaire or study must be designed and implemented. Data collection techniques for
generating a useful study paper are quite distinct.

Page 7
This illusion contains the picture description for Questionnaires/Survey method (Shareyouressays 2019)
The most prevalent and simplest study to do, however. This way you can create a survey, then submit it to
many individuals, then use these responses for analyzing and evaluating information.
In other words, you will use questions to rate your consent and usually ask questions like the image above
in the questionnaire article. Moreover, you can also collect information by using YES / NO questions.
Good data collection. You have to make sure that those who reply to your questionnaire have to respond
responsibly, seriously and not randomly. If too many people harass, the data you collect will not be
different from a stack of waste and no good results. Then, how can good data collection be guaranteed?

• In the case of the respondent, it is very difficult for people, especially if people have no benefit, to
ask them to answer their questionnaire fully seriously. So, I want excellent information. Give the
answering individual a tiny donation that will assist them to respond more severely.

• The questionnaire should be translated into a language that is familiar to you. If you write a
questionnaire in competent English it is not permissible for the respondents to fully comprehend or
misinterpret the material that contributes to inaccurate responses. This helps you to achieve better
• Take charge of the questionnaire slightly by slightly, do not be careless about it, look for a
questionnaire issue or time to reply all questions How soon does it take? Please put yourself in the
situation of the respondent to see if your survey is dull or hard to reply. Before you give it to the
user, please check and check many times.

Page 8
Which method should we use for the current project?
If the decision is left to me alone to decide, I would like to take the Questionnaires methods. We will get
valuable information just from UX, and we also collect the necessary information (which may become
crucial) to aid to our decision.

Step-to-step approach for Questionnaire method

Step 1: Determine the important information we need to know
Step 2: Who will the Survey be sent
Step 3: Which collection methods will be used (mail, email, phone)
Step 4: What kind of questions will be asked
Step 5: Make sure the questions can only give out the potential respondents, revise questions if necessary
Step 6: Distribute the questionnaire
Step 7: Chase for the answer
Step 8: Analyze the result
Step 9: Make use of the result

List of questions:
1. How big is the current Tune Source’s system?
2. What is the scope of this Tune Source’s project?
3. How the risk being controlled in the past Tune Source’s system?
4. How big is the budget for this current project?
5. How is this project being paid? (following successive paying method?)
6. Which function will be needed for this project?
7. What data will be handled to us (the IT company) to process?
8. How will this project end?
9. What is our (the IT company) rights?
10. When is the deadline?


P6 Use appropriate software analysis tools/techniques to carry out a software investigation and create
supporting documentation
- John Margolis, Megan Taylor, Phil Cooper: Co-Founders of Tune Source
- Carly Edwards: Project Sponsor, Assistant Vice President, Marketing
- Nguyen Quang Vinh: Project Manager

Web Server Free to Pay-as-use
Domain Name $500
SSL certificate $100
Website development team $8000
Website maintenance $400
Contents manager system $900
E-commerce functionality $2000

Page 9
Security Considering
Over the years, system safety is one of the worst issues. Today's technology is increasing, and the risks to
safety are also more advanced and harmful. We also evaluated and provided some safety alternatives for
the digital music devices in response to safety hazards for TuneSource's internet initiative, and we will
subsequently provide a few alternatives. TuneSource scheme has been used for security.

Update Software
An Up-to-date software will help a lot with security since almost all the visible bugs has been handled by a
third-party company
SQL Injection
By using special character on the input, hacker can simply hack into the database system and cause
damage to the data.
Error Messages
Too specific error message will give out a ton of information to the outsider – which in the beginning, does
not need to know too much about the system
Validation of Data
Should be done from both side, server and client
The passwords must be long enough to keep the chance of being hacked low, the recommendation is at
least 8 characters with both number, normal, upper key and special character
Passing personal information between client and server should be done through SSL protocol

Page 10
Use case diagram

Use case name Browse Music ID: BM-1

Description Search for certain song
Actor User, Admin
Trigger User or Admin use website to search for the song
Pre-condition 1. Customer already have their account to use the function
2. Admin already logged in their account
3. Song is available
Normal Course 1. Write the song name down.
2. Click search button.
3. The result page shows up with results
Post-condition Get the song from website results

Use case name Purchase the song ID: PS-1

Page 11
Description Buy the song customer want
Actor User
Pre-condition 1. User account have enough currency to purchase the song
2. Song is available to download
Normal Course 1. Search the song using song ID or song Name
2. Purchase the song
Post-condition User successfully purchase the song

Use case name Listen the song ID: LS-1

Description User and Admin can listen to the song they want
Actor User and Admin
Pre-condition 1. Account of user is available to listen the song
2. Admin’s account can always listen to the song
3. Song is available
Normal Course 1. Search for the song they want to listen
2. Listen to the song
Post-condition Valid account can listen to the music

Use case name Upload Song ID: US-1

Description Admin can upload the new song
Actor Admin
Pre-condition 1. Location of the song from the Admin computer
2. Internet is available
Normal Course 1. Locate the song from computer of Admin
2. Choose the song want to upload
3. Upload the song
Post-condition The song being uploaded successfully

Use case name Delete Song ID: DS-1

Description Admin can delete the song
Actor Amin
Pre-condition 1. The song exists on Tune Source server
2. Admin account must be used for this action
Normal Course 1. Search the song admin want to delete
2. Delete the song
3. Save action
Post-condition The song got deleted successfully

Use case name Edit Song ID: ES-1

Description Admin can edit the song and its information
Actor Admin
Pre-condition 1. Admin account must be used for this function
2. The song is available to edit
Normal Course 1. Admin locate the song they want to edit
2. Edit the song’s information
3. Save the action
Post-condition The information of the song is edited

Page 12
Use case name User’s information manager ID: UM-1
Description Admin and User can both manage the user information
Actor User, Admin
Pre-condition Admin account is logged in / This user account is logged in
Normal Course 1. User/Admin logged in the account need to edit
2. Find the option to manage this account information
3. Edit the information
4. Save the action
Post-condition Account’s information is edited

Entity relationships diagram

Entity Description
Admin The manager of the whole system

Page 13
Customer The user of the system
Song Thing being listen/bought by customer
Purchase The detail of what the customer have bought
CD Information of the song being bought by customer

DFD of the whole system

Name Flowchart

Page 14

Page 15
Listen the

Page 16

Page 17
n of user

Page 18

Page 19

Page 20
Edit Song

Page 21
State machine


P7 Explain how user and software requirements have been addressed.

Page 22
Tune Source’s project is a big project that provided high quality music for customer with many other
functions, and those functions will be implemented by many other ways (frontend and backend) to show
the behavior and effectiveness of the software

For example, the upload function

Upload function
This function can only be used when using admin account. It allows admin to add a new song to the
database. When upload the new music, the admin will also check with the SQL to see if that song is existed
in the same CD category before.

Front-End for upload function

We can use language like HTML5 and CSS to display the UI so that user will get the better experience on
web browsing

Back-end for upload function

We can use C# and connect to SQL to link to the data of Tune Source system so that we can work with the
information in there.

Page 23
Another example of Browse (search) function

Browse the song function

this function can be used by both customer (the owner of this account) and admin. This function allows
user and admin to search for the available song (return nothing if there is no matched search result)

Front-End for Browse function

We can create a search box to design the interface in HTML5 and CSS so that user can use it easier

Back-end for Browse function

We can use C# to retrieve the data from database and return the result to result page

Page 24

1. (2019). [online] Available at:
%20Using%20Direct%20Observation%20Techniques.pdf [Accessed 22 Aug. 2019].
2. (2019). Research Guides: Research Methods Guide: Interview Research. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2019].
3. shareyouressays. (2019). essay-on-questionnaire-method-of-data-collection. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 22 Aug. 2019].
4. (2019). observation-role. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2019].

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