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Oracle® Transportation Management

Kewill Flagship Parcel Rate Requests

Integration Guide
Release 6.4.3
Part No. E92127-01

December 2017
Copyright Notice
Oracle® Transportation Management Kewill Flagship Parcel Rate Requests Integration Guide, Release
Part No. E92127-01
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE ................................................................................. III

CONTENTS................................................................................................. IV

TABLES........................................................................................................ V

SEND US YOUR COMMENTS ...................................................................... VII

PREFACE ................................................................................................ VIII

CHANGE HISTORY .................................................................................................. VIII

1. INSTALL FLAGSHIP ........................................................................... 1-1

2. SET UP FLAGSHIP .............................................................................. 2-1

LOCATIONS .......................................................................................................... 2-1

CARRIERS/SERVICES ............................................................................................. 2-1

LOCATIONS .......................................................................................................... 3-1

ORDER RELEASES................................................................................................... 3-1
SERVICE PROVIDERS/CARRIERS ............................................................................... 3-1
RATE SERVICE/CARRIER SERVICE LEVEL .................................................................... 3-2
DHL CANADA TO USA RATING ................................................................................. 3-3
4. RATING ............................................................................................. 4-1

SETTING UP TO INVOKE FLAGSHIP FROM A RATE OFFERING ............................................ 4-1

RATE OFFERING TYPE ............................................................................................................. 4-1
RATE OFFERING ................................................................................................................... 4-1
RATE RECORD ..................................................................................................................... 4-1
SAMPLE RATE INQUIRY ........................................................................................................... 4-1
SETTING UP TO INVOKE FLAGSHIP FROM A RATE COST ................................................... 4-2
RATE OFFERING TYPE ............................................................................................................. 4-2
RATE OFFERING ................................................................................................................... 4-2
RATE RECORD COST .............................................................................................................. 4-2
UNDERSTANDING RATE RESPONSES ........................................................................... 4-2
CALCULATING DISCOUNTS ....................................................................................... 4-3
5. ACCESSORIALS.................................................................................. 5-1

HAZMAT............................................................................................................... 5-4
6. RATING ENGINE FATAL EXCEPTION .................................................. 6-1

7. APPENDIX: SUPPORTED CARRIER SERVICE CODES ........................... 7-1

DHL U.S ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “DHL” .................................................................. 7-1

FEDEX U.S. ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “FDX” ............................................................... 7-2

iv Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
GENERIC RATED OR NON-RATED – LTL: CARRIER CODE “GEN” ...................................... 7-3
UPS U.S. ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “UPS” ................................................................. 7-3
U.S. POSTAL SERVICE U.S. ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “USPS”......................................... 7-4
PUROLATOR (LEGACY) CA ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “PURO” .......................................... 7-6
FEDEX SMARTPOST US ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “SPO” ................................................ 7-7
CZAR - USING SMC3 RATEWARE SERVER: CARRIER CODE “CZAR” ................................. 7-7
DHL CANADA CA ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “DHCA” ..................................................... 7-7
BAX GLOBAL US ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “BAX” ........................................................ 7-8
UPS CANADA CA ORIGIN: CARRIER CODE “UPCA” ...................................................... 7-8
TNT UK: CARRIER CODE “TNTUK” .......................................................................... 7-9

Table 3-1 ............................................................................................................................. 3-1

Table 3-2 ............................................................................................................................. 3-3

Table 5-1: Accessorials .......................................................................................................... 5-1

Table 5-2 ............................................................................................................................. 5-5

Table 7-1: DHL U.S Origin: Carrier Code “DHL” ......................................................................... 7-1

Table 7-2 ............................................................................................................................. 7-2

Table 7-3: FedEx U.S. Origin: Carrier Code “FDX” ..................................................................... 7-2

Table 7-4 ............................................................................................................................. 7-2

Table 7-5 ............................................................................................................................. 7-3

Table 7-6 ............................................................................................................................. 7-3

Table 7-7 ............................................................................................................................. 7-3

Table 7-8 ............................................................................................................................. 7-4

Table 7-9 ............................................................................................................................. 7-4

Table 7-10 ........................................................................................................................... 7-5

Table 7-11 ........................................................................................................................... 7-6

Table 7-12 ........................................................................................................................... 7-6

Table 7-13 ........................................................................................................................... 7-6

Table 7-14 ........................................................................................................................... 7-6

Table 7-15 ........................................................................................................................... 7-7

Table 7-16 ........................................................................................................................... 7-7

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. v
Table 7-17 ........................................................................................................................... 7-7

Table 7-18 ........................................................................................................................... 7-7

Table 7-19 ........................................................................................................................... 7-8

Table 7-20 ........................................................................................................................... 7-8

Table 7-21 ........................................................................................................................... 7-8

Table 7-22 ........................................................................................................................... 7-9

Table 7-23 ........................................................................................................................... 7-9

Table 7-24 ........................................................................................................................... 7-9

Table 7-25 ........................................................................................................................... 7-9

Table 8-1 ............................................................................................................................. 8-1

vi Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle® Transportation Management Kewill Flagship Parcel Rate Requests Integration Guide, Release

Part No. E92127-01

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Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. vii
This guide provides instructions and simple examples that demonstrate how to set up rates and
extract costs for parcel mode shipments via Oracle Transportation Management to Kewill Flagship
external rating engine link.

Change History
Date Document Revision Summary of Changes

12/2017 -01 Initial release.

viii Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
1. Install Flagship
Follow the instructions provided by Kewill to install Flagship on a machine. This machine should be
connected to the same network as the application server to minimize communications performance

Once Flagship is installed, you will need to define the Oracle Transportation Management properties
that specify the communication information. For example:


Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1-1
2. Set Up Flagship
At least one shipper location should be created. This will correspond to the origin location of shipments
created and rated within Oracle Transportation Management. You will assign a code to this location
within Flagship, referred to as the CUSTNUM (customer number, but you can use letters). Ex:
PHILAPA. In Flagship itself, this will be referred to as the Shipper ID when you add the customer.

Once a customer location has been created in Flagship, you must install one or more supported
carriers and services. Each carrier you install for a particular location must be assigned a carrier code.
This is a code that should be unique to the carrier for this location. When you install a carrier, you will
be given the opportunity to select which services are supported.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2-1
3. Setup Base Oracle Transportation Management
Oracle Transportation Management and Flagship are orthogonal solutions to similar problems with
vastly different implementations and points of view. Oracle Transportation Management is built to
handle multi-modal transportation and generic costing solutions, and Flagship is designed to solve a
customer-centric problem of consolidated parcel-mode shipping. This makes interfacing between the
two products a little particular.

The first and most important thing to understand is that all shipments rated via the Oracle
Transportation Management-Flagship combination must originate at a location that corresponds to a
customer location setup in Flagship. This is done by identifying the Flagship CUSTNUM using a special
location reference number. The reference number qualifier is user-definable and is specified by the
global property: glog.RatingEngine.Kewill.RefnumQual. Using the example CUSTNUM seen in the
Set Up Flagship section, it would be:

glog.RatingEngine.kewill.RefnumQual= KEWILL_SFCUSTNUM

Order Releases
As of 6.1.4, it is possible to specify the SFCUSTNUM on the order release using the same reference
number qualifier ID as was used on the location. If the SFCUSTNUM is specified here, it will
automatically override the SFCUSTNUM (if any) found on the origin location. In addition, Oracle
Transportation Management will now take advantage of Kewill's ability (post v4.0) to rate using
origin address components that are not directly related to SFCUSTNUM.

If a shipment originates at a location without a CUSTNUM reference number and an override is not
found on the order release, the rate request will fail and be flagged as infeasible.

Note: If an order is from DHL Canada to USA, then ‘KEWILL_EXPORT_REASON’ Refnum

need to be added with one of the possible values (Permanent (p),Temporary (T), Re-
Export(R)). This Refnum is added in Shipment Refnums as well as in Order Release

Service Providers/Carriers
The concept of a Carrier in Flagship is nearly equivalent to the Service Provider in Oracle
Transportation Management. The difference is a matter of scope. A carrier is a specific subset of
Oracle Transportation Management service providers. A service provider that can act as a carrier for
Kewill-based rating must be explicitly identified as such. This is done by assigning carrier codes (see
the Service Providers/Carriers section) to a service provider alias using the following alias IDs:
records the actual name of the carrier as listed in the table below (ex:TNT,UPS,FDX) while ‘KEWILL
CARRIER CODE’ records the value as configured in Kewill Flagship (please see below screen shot).

Example: If ‘TNT’ is the actual carrier associated with the carrier code ‘TNTUK’, then in the carrier data
setup, the user will need to define ‘TNT’ as the ‘KEWILL CARRIER GLOBAL ID’ and ‘TNTUK’ as the

Table 3-1

Carrier Name Kewill Carrier Code Kewill Global Carrier Code

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3-1
Carrier Name Kewill Carrier Code Kewill Global Carrier Code




U.S.Postal Service USPS USPS






Purolator PURL PURL

Rate Service/Carrier Service Level

Each carrier installed in Flagship can provide one or more parcel services. For example, UPS provides
standard Ground delivery service, Next Day Air, Second Day, etc. In Oracle Transportation
Management, carrier service levels correspond to rate services, which are user-configurable and can
be assigned to a contract-level rate offering or a geographical rate record. Rate services in Oracle
Transportation Management specify exactly how to calculate the amount of time it takes for a
shipment to travel from its origin to its destination, with stops along the way. When defining a rate for
Flagship, it is necessary to pass a code that specifies the requested service level for the shipment
being rated. These codes are pre-defined by Kewill. The code for UPS Next Day Air, for example, is
NDA. For UPS Ground, it is GND. For USPS Priority Mail, it is PRTY. (The full list of codes can be found
at the end of this document).

There is a one-to-one relationship between Oracle Transportation Management Rate Services and
Flagship Service Levels. There is no need to use a secondary attribute of rate service to associate with
a Flagship service, so you can define these services directly in Oracle Transportation Management. The
most important restriction is that the rate service ID absolutely must match the desired Flagship
service level. This is illustrated in the screenshot below.

In addition, Flagship has the ability to calculate and return to Oracle Transportation Management the
expected pickup and delivery dates for certain carrier service levels, thus allowing Oracle
Transportation Management to skip this calculation itself. To do this, you must specify a rate service

Note: The TIMEDEFINITESERVICE should not be used in scenarios where applying stop
times and re-driving of the shipment is required, since the re-drive logic dies not support

Some carriers do not provide expected pickup and delivery dates for all service levels. For these
carrier/service level combinations, an alternate rate service type should be selected, such as
SIMULATION or LOOKUP. Check with Flagship Support for an up-to-date listing of these carrier/service
level combinations.

3-2 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table 3-2

Carriers Domestic Rate Service International Rate Service









TNT Not Supported LOOKUP

DHL Canada to USA Rating

For DHL Canada to USA rating, it is necessary to pass an Export Reason Code to the rating engine.
This can be done by using the order release and setting the property
glog.RatingEngine.Kewill.ExportReasonRefnumQual to KEWILL_EXPORT_REASON. Additionally, you
need to configure the refnum (KEWILL_EXPORT_REASON) at Order Release level to one of the
following values (P,T,R) ->(Permanent, Temporary, Re-Export). No support from Rate Inquiry.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3-3
4. Rating
This section will discuss how to set up basic rating information, using the previous section’s locations,
carriers, and rate services, to invoke and extract costs and time of service information from Flagship.
In Oracle Transportation Management 6.1, there are different ways to invoke an external engine. In
previous versions of Oracle Transportation Management, external engines could only be invoked as
the major part of the contract-level rate offering structure. Only the SMC external rating engine was
available for use at this level. It is now possible to invoke an external rating engine as part of the
calculation of a standard rate cost, including the ability to impose shipment data-based conditions. A
simple example of each will be provided below.

Setting Up to Invoke Flagship from a Rate Offering

This simplest way to invoke Flagship is from a rate offering. This is very similar to how Oracle
Transportation Management invokes SMC Rateware, also done from a rate offering.

Rate Offering Type

All rating calculations are controlled by an entity called the rate offering type. A rate offering type is
two sets of attributes that describe the characteristics and the main calculations performed by the
rating engine. For example, a standard TL rate may require stop off charges, accessorial cost
calculations, and standard costing. Rate offering types are not going to be discussed in detail here,
beyond what is necessary to setup the invocation of Flagship. To invoke Flagship from a rate offering
type, only one attribute is needed: EXTERNALRATINGENGINE. The attribute must be specified in the
rate offering type’s main attribute list, and in the costing sequence.

Rate Offering
When setting up the rate offering type, the correct service provider must be chosen, along with the
correct rate service and rate offering type. On the Oracle Transportation Management rate offering
Attributes page, the Kewill Flagship external rating engine is chosen.

On the Attributes page, select the Kewill external rating engine:

On this page, choose the internal representation of a package on a shipment. You can choose to
represent a package using either ship units or ship unit lines.

Rate Record
The rate record’s geography must at least accommodate the location that is associated with the
customer location defined in Flagship.

Sample Rate Inquiry

The following rate inquiry (RIQ) shows an example of how a rate can be retrieved from Flagship using
the sample setup described in the previous sections. The origin location must be one of the supported
locations created in Flagship and flagged with the appropriate location_refnum (KEWILL_SFCUSTNUM)
in Oracle Transportation Management. The destination can be anywhere supported by the carrier.

Three dimensions and weight must be specified for each package (defined by ship units in this
example). A ship unit count greater than 1 indicates multiple packages represented by a single line.
These packages will be rated on an individual basis.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-1
In addition to package information, one can specify each package as hazmat using Is Hazardous,
Package Item ID, and Hazmat Item ID attributes. The working of hazmat request depends on the
parameter called ‘Run Hazmat Qualification Process’.

Flagship has the ability to calculate many different accessorial costs that can then be returned and
displayed separately from the base shipment cost. Oracle Transportation Management currently
supports few of these accessorials. These are discussed in the Accessorials section of this document.

Setting Up to Invoke Flagship from a Rate Cost

There are occasions when a rate will require calculations to be retrieved from an external source (such
as Flagship), and then combined with additional calculations done within Oracle Transportation
Management. When this is necessary, external engines can be invoked from a rate cost.

Rate Offering Type

The rate offering type must include the GRID rate attribute, the ACCESSORIALS rate attribute, or
both. EXTERNALRATINGENGINE should NOT be included in this case, since you are not invoking the
external engine from the rate offering.

This rate offering type instructs the Oracle Transportation Management rating engine to perform
calculations using both rate costs and accessorial costs (if any). Rate costs are defined on the rate

Rate Offering
The only important difference in this example is that the Kewill external rating engine is not chosen on
the attributes page.

Rate Record Cost

A cost must be created and added to the rate record that invokes the external rating engine. The
engine is chosen in much the same way as seen earlier on the rate offering Attributes tab in the Rate
Manager. First, you must select External from the Cost Type dropdown. Then, you select which
external rating engine to invoke. In this case, the only option is Kewill.

Note: When invoking Flagship from a rate cost, it is not possible to retrieve the calculated
pickup and delivery dates, so the Rate Service must not be defined using the
TIMEDEFINITESERVICE rate service type.

Understanding Rate Responses

Because Oracle Transportation Management and Kewill Flagship capture costs differently, there is a
specific mapping required between applications. Individual costs are identified by API keys in
Flagship’s response. These keys are mapped and combined within Oracle Transportation Management
to present this data in a familiar format. Below is a summary of these API keys and their associated

• CALCFREIGHT represents the total shipment cost. This includes all costs and applicable
discounts associated with the shipment.
• FREIGHT represents the Base Cost (B).
• Accessorial Costs are either anticipated or unanticipated.

4-2 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
• Anticipated accessorials are the API keys which are defined as part of a Kewill charge token
set and are recognized in Oracle Transportation Management using the planning parameter
NAV_CANADA_CHARGE and CHG_RESIDENTIAL. Any anticipated accessorials which have not
been manually mapped in the Kewill charge token set to an accessorial code by the user will
display in Oracle Transportation Management with a cost type of OTHER (O).
• Unanticipated accessorials are those which are not specifically requested by Oracle
Transportation Management however they are returned by Flagship. These costs are
calculated as remaining costs (uncategorized costs). These costs, if not mapped to an
accessorial code, are captured as other costs with a cost type of OTHER (O).

The remaining (uncategorized) costs are included in the CALCFREIGHT key and is calculated
by Oracle Transportation Management’s rating logic.

This relationship can be expressed as follows:

Remaining( Uncategorized ) Costs = CALCFREIGHT – [FREIGHT (B) + Accessorial Costs (A) +

Other Costs (O)]

Calculating Discounts
All costs returned from Flagship reflect any applicable discounts. If you want to see a summary of
calculated discounts in Oracle Transportation Management, set the following property to true:


With this property set to true, a shipment’s freight cost will be adjusted upward to simulate a “pre-
discounted” cost, then a separate discount cost line will appear with the discount amount. Finally the
shipment’s total cost will match the CALCFREIGHT cost received from Kewill.

Presently, this feature is only available for the carrier FEDEX, as Flagship only returns a discount key
for this carrier. For this carrier, the API key for discounts is called TOTDISCOUNT. Again, because all
discounts are already reflected in the costs returned from Flagship, the TOTDISCOUNT key is only
returned for reference. The calculation for remaining costs (including discounts) can be expressed as

Remaining (Uncategorized) Costs = CALCFREIGHT – [ FREIGHT(B) + Accessorial Charges (A) + Other

Costs (O) + Discount (negative)]

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4-3
5. Accessorials
Flagship has the ability to calculate many different types of accessorial costs. Oracle Transportation
Management can recognize and support some of these accessorial costs. In order to better
understand the accessorial costs returned from Flagship, OTM provides the ability to map Flagship
codes to OTM accessorial codes.

The API keys which represent these accessorials returned by Flagship are represented in Oracle
Transportation Management as Kewill charge tokens. A list of Kewill charge tokens supported by
Oracle Transportation Management can be viewed on the user interface via Contract and Rate
Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Kewill Charge Tokens.

Table 5-1: Accessorials

Key Short Description


AVN_INS_CHARGE Aviation insurance This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

surcharge appropriate carrier and service is specified.

CHG_ADD_HNDL Additional This accessorial may be automatically calculated

handling charge and returned by Flagship. The choice is made
according to the parameters of the shipment
being rated and is entirely up to the carrier. If
the carrier does not automatically calculate this
charge, but the shipper needs the charges to be
calculated, it can be requested by assigning the
accessorial code to the order release.

CHG_DLVY_AREA Extended delivery This accessorial must be requested by the

area charge shipment. In order to do this, it must have an
assigned accessorial code, and that accessorial
code must be assigned to the order being
planned or included in the accessorial codes list
of an RIQ query.

CHG_DLVY_CONF Delivery This accessorial must be requested by the

confirmation shipment. In order to do this, it must have an
charge assigned accessorial code, and that accessorial
code must be assigned to the order being
planned or included in the accessorial codes list
of an RIQ query.

CHG_RESIDENTIAL Residential area Residential delivery charges are often treated

delivery charge differently by different carriers. Some carriers
will calculate and return it as an accessorial cost,
while others will calculate a different base cost
using a residential vs. commercial tariff. In all
cases, the Oracle Transportation Management
destination location determines whether the
delivery address is residential or commercial.
This is then passed into Flagship for appropriate
treatment. It is not necessary to explicitly
request the charge calculation. The key which
represents this charge is CHG_RESIDENTIAL.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-1
COD_FEE Collect on delivery This accessorial is automatically calculated if the
fee appropriate carrier and service is specified.

CUSTOMS_CLEARANCE_CHRG Customs This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

clearance charge appropriate carrier and service is specified. If no
code is assigned, the cost will be returned with a
cost type of OTHER. The key which represents

DECVALCHG Declared value This accessorial must be requested by the

charge shipment. In order to do this, it must have an
assigned accessorial code, and that accessorial
code must be assigned to the order being
planned or included in the accessorial codes list
of an RIQ query. In addition, the individual ship
units or ship unit lines specified on the order or
the RIQ must also have assigned declared
values. The declared values can be zero, of

DIRECT_CHG Direct to This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

consignee charge appropriate carrier and service is specified.

DROP_CHG Drop charge This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

appropriate carrier and service is specified.

DRY_ICE_CHG Dry ice charge This accessorial must be requested by the

shipment. In order to do this, it must have an
DRYICE_CHRG assigned accessorial code, and that accessorial
code must be assigned to the order being
DRYICECHG planned or included in the accessorial codes list
of an RIQ query. The key which represents this
charge is DRYICE_CHRG or DRY_ICE_CHG or

When a dry ice charge is requested, additional

information about the weight and packaging type
of the dry ice is required by the carriers. This
information is specified on the order release lines
or ship units, depending on the package type
specified on the rate offering. The additional
information is passed to Kewill using order
release line or ship unit remarks as follows:

DRYICEWT: The weight in pounds (for US origin)

or kilograms (for non-US origin). Do not include
the UOM designation.

DRYICE_PKGTYPE: This is a text description of

the UN Hazmat package type for the dry ice. Ex:
fireboard box

The dry ice charge will be calculated either as a

discrete accessorial charge, or it will be included
in the overall HAZMAT charge accessorial,
depending on the carrier.

5-2 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
EXTAREA_CHG Extended area This accessorial is automatically calculated if the
charge appropriate carrier and service is specified.

FUELCHG Fuel Surcharge This accessorial is automatically calculated and

returned by Flagship. If no accessorial code is
assigned to the Kewill charge token in the Kewill
charge token set then, the cost will be returned
with a cost type of OTHER.

HAZCHG Hazmat charge See below

HST_SURCHARGE Harmonized sales This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

tax charges appropriate carrier and service is specified.

NAV_CANADA_CHARGE Surcharge for This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

shipments appropriate carrier and service is specified.
traveling through
DHL air network

SATDLVYCHG Saturday delivery This accessorial must be requested by the

charge shipment. In order to do this, it must have an
assigned accessorial code, and that accessorial
code must be assigned to the order being
planned or included in the accessorial codes list
of an RIQ query. This cannot be combined with
Saturday pickup. The requested service type
must support Saturday delivery.

SATPICKCHG Saturday pickup This accessorial is automatically calculated if the

charge pickup date is a Saturday. The accessorial
request cannot be combined with Saturday
delivery. The requested service type must
support Saturday pickup.

There are three types of charge tokens:

• Default charge tokens: These charges are automatically returned to OTM and do not need
to be specifically requested. Example: FUELCHG.
• Requested charge tokens: These charges must be specifically requested in order to be
returned to OTM. In order to request a charge, you must assign an accessorial code using the
Kewill Charge Token Set screen, and you must then assign that accessorial code to the order
being planned. Examples are DECVALCHG, SATDLVYCHG, and CHG_DLVY_CONF.
• Charge tokens which require additional information: These charges must be specifically
requested, along with supporting information, in order to be returned to OTM. OTM supports
only a subset of these charge tokens. Just as with requested charge tokens, in order to
request this type of charge, you must assign an accessorial code using the Kewill Charge
Token Set screen, and you must then assign that accessorial code to the order being planned.
OTM provides the ability to map Flagship codes representing a charge to OTM accessorial codes by
using a Kewill charge token set. All anticipated Kewill charge tokens should be grouped into a Kewill
charge token set. Kewill Charge Token Sets are created via Contract and Rate Management > Power
Data > Rates and Codes > Kewill Charge Token Set in which you can map the Kewill charge tokens to
OTM accessorial codes. In the Kewill charge token set, you can map an OTM accessorial code for
uncategorized accessorials.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-3
Oracle Transportation Management performs rating using the Kewill charge token set, which is
assigned to the parameter KEWILL CHARGE TOKEN SET. Oracle Transportation Management ships
with a default Kewill charge token set value called DEFAULT_KCTSET in the DEFAULT parameter set.
Some of the Flagship accessorials which OTM supports are listed here.

It is not necessary to specify an accessorial code for Hazmat rating to occur. Hazmat rating is
triggered by the presence of the Hazmat option on the order release line or the packaged item. If an
accessorial code for Kewill Hazmat rating is specified, however, the cost will be flagged as an
accessorial cost and assigned the proper code. Without the accessorial code, the cost will still be
calculated and returned, but flagged as a cost of type OTHER. The key which represents this charge is

Dangerous goods (or Hazmat) rating for certain carriers and geographies can involve quite a few
additional pieces of information on each package being shipped. Most of these fields can be entered
directly on the order release line or can be specified on a separately identified object called a Hazmat
Item. Shipments and order releases can then reference the Hazmat Item by specifying the
corresponding Hazmat Item ID. All Kewill Flagship API keys used by UPS, FedEx, and DHL-EU have
corresponding Oracle Transportation Management fields in the order release, order release line,
hazmat item, or hazmat generic tables. If an order release line specifies both a Hazmat Item and
individual hazmat values, the value on the order release line will override the value stored in the
Hazmat Item or Hazmat Generic record.

In order to get a Hazmat charge, it is required to have the Hazmat flag set on either the order release
line or on the packaged item. Additional Hazmat data is required for certain parcel carriers. The list of
additional required fields is identified in the tables below. In order to identify a specific parcel carrier it
is necessary to add a Service Provider Alias (such as 'KEWILL GLOBAL CARRIER CODE') to the service
provider. See Service Providers/Carriers in the Setup Base Oracle Transportation Management section
for a more detailed explanation.


1) Hazmat rating is currently only supported for UPS, FedEx, and DHL-EU Additional
carriers will be added and verified in upcoming updates.

2) There is a limit on the number of Hazmat Line Items that can be shipped in one
package. This limit varies by carrier. Oracle Transportation Management will try to
rollup/aggregate quantities and weight details of similar hazmat line items (items
having same UN Number, Package Group and Proper Shipping Name) and create
unique hazmat line items based on UN Number, Package Group and Proper Shipping
Name before calling the Kewill Rating Engine.

3) The package-level information below is required for Kewill to rate Hazmat items. These
details are always read from the first line item of a package (SU or SUL). For more
details about each field please refer to the below table.






5-4 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Table 5-2
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX Order EMERGENCYPHONE Emergency order_release.em_phone_num Y

Release: NUMBER phone number ber,
Emergen when shipping shipment.em_phone_number
cy Phone hazardous
Number materials. The
24-hour contact
Shipmen for the
t: shipment.
cy Phone

FDX Order HAZMAT_ALL_PACK Flag to indicate order_release_line, N

Release ED the pkg is 'All hazmat_item
Line: All packed in one'
Packed in

Item: All
Packed in

FDX Order HAZMAT_AUTHORIZ The order_release_line.haz_authori N

Release ATION authorization zation,
Line: for the hazmat_item.authorization
Authoriza dangerous
tion for goods
Dangero shipment. The
us Goods authorization
field is only
Hazmat required to
Item: state special
Authoriza governmental
tion for authorizations
Dangero that are
us Goods required
because of the
provisions or
shipped with.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-5
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX, Order HAZMAT_CARGO_PL Required if a order_release_line.haz_is_pas N

UPS Release ANE cargo aircraft senger_aircraft_forb,
Line: packing hazmat_item.is_passenger_air
Passenge instruction from craft_forbid
r Aircraft the IATA DG
Forbidde Regulations is
n used.
Y – Shipment
Hazmat prepared for
Item: shipment via
Passenge cargo aircraft
r Aircraft only.
Forbidde N – Shipment
n prepared for
shipment via
passenger or
cargo aircraft.
See Table 4.2
column K of the

FDX Order HAZMAT_CHEMICAL The basic order_release_line.haz_chemic N

Release _FORMULA chemical al_formula,
Line: description of hazmat_item.chemical_formul
Chemical the substance a


FDX, Order HAZMAT_CLASS_DI Hazmat class / order_release_line.hazardous_ N

UPS Release VISION_NUMBER division number classification_gid,
Line: hazmat_generic.hazardous_cla
Hazardou ssification_gid
tion ID

tion ID

5-6 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

UPS Order HAZMAT_CODE The unique order_release_line.haz_identifi N

Release hazmat code to cation_number,
Line: identify hazmat_generic.identification_
Identifica hazardous number
tion material. Valid
Number values are a
Hazmat identifier; for
Generic: example:
Identifica 0012456. This
tion information is
Number retrieved and
used by the
Label Module.
This value can
be configured
through Web
Admin tool.
Note that
mber, Units,
pingN are
required fields
to ship Hazmat
item. (Note:
This references
the UN DG ID.
It is not a
required field
for UPS rating,
but may be
used by some
other feature in
the future.)

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-7
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

DHEU Order HAZMAT_CODEIDE The unique order_release_line.haz_identifi N

Release NTITY_NUMBER hazmat code to cation_number,
Line: identify hazmat_generic.identification_
Identifica hazardous number
tion material. Valid
Number values are a
Hazmat identifier; for
Generic: example:
Identifica 0012456. This
tion information is
Number retrieved and
used by the
Label Module.
This value can
be configured
through Web
Admin tool.
Note that
mber, Units,
pingN are
required fields
to ship Hazmat
item. (Note:
This is the UN
DG ID for this
item. It is
apparently the
same value as
the API key:
keys are
required for
DHEU hazmat

5-8 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX Order HAZMAT_CONCENT Required if the order_release_line.haz_concen Y

Release RATION_PERCENT Dangerous tration_percent,
Line: Goods UN hazmat_item.concentration_pe
Concentr Number is rcent
ation 2031, 1796,
Percent 1826, or 1873.
Enter the
Hazmat percentage of
Item: DG
Concentr concentration if
ation the above
Percent condition

FDX Order HAZMAT_CRITICALI A measurement order_release_line.haz_crit_sa N

Release TY_SAFETY_INDEX for packages fety_index,
Line: containing hazmat_item.criticality_safety
Critical fissile material _index
Safety that is
Index determined by
dividing the
Hazmat number 50 by
Item: the smaller of
Critical the numbers
Safety determined
Index using the rules
in section of
the DG

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-9
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX Order HAZMAT_EXEMPTIO Exemption hazmat_approval_exemption.d N

Release NNUMBER number and escription
Line: text (ground
Approval shipments
Exemptio only)


UPS Order HAZMAT_IDG_ADDI Hazmat IDG order_release_line.haz_idg_ad Y

Release TIONAL_DESCINFO additional d_desc_info,
Line: description hazmat_item.idg_additional_d
Hazmat information esc_info
IDG Info

IDG Info

FDX, Order HAZMAT_IDG_PROP Proper shipping order_release_line.haz_proper Y

UPS Release ER_SHIPPING_NAM name (Should _shipping_name,
Line: E conform to hazmat_generic.proper_shippi
Proper IATA proper ng_name
Shipping shipping
Name names)


5-10 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX, Order HAZMAT_IDGIDENT Hazmat IDG UN order_release_line.haz_identifi N

UPS Release IFICATIONNUMBER identification cation_number,
Line: number hazmat_generic.identification_
Identifica number


FDX Order HAZMAT_LIMITED_ Limited order_release_line.haz_is_limit N

Release QUANTITY quantity flag ed_quantity,
Line: hazmat_item.is_limited_quanti
Limited ty


FDX Order HAZMAT_MAX_QUA Maximum order_release_line.haz_max_q N

Release NTITY passenger uantity,
Line: volume or the hazmat_item.max_quantity
Maximu maximum
m cargo volume
Volume for the item
(Used in Q-
Hazmat Value
Item: calculation)

FDX Order HAZMAT_OUTER_PA Outer order_release_line.haz_outer_ N

Release CKAGING_TYPE packaging type packaging_type,
Line: if packing type hazmat_item.outer_packaging
Outer = All packed in _type
Packagin one
g Type

g Type

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-11
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX Order HAZMAT_OUTER_PA Outer packing order_release_line.haz_outer_ N

Release CKING_COUNT count packing_count,
Line: hazmat_item.outer_packing_c
Outer ount


FDX Order HAZMAT_OVERPAC Flag to indicate order_release_line.haz_is_over N

Release K the package is pack,
Line: an 'overpack' hazmat_item.is_overpack


DHLEU, Order HAZMAT_PACKAGET Hazmat order_release_line.haz_packag Y

FDX, Release YPE package type of e_type, (FDX)
UPS Line: the Dangerous hazmat_item.package_type
Hazmat Goods arks
Package shipment.


FDX, Order HAZMAT_PACKING_ Packing count order_release_line.haz_packin N

UPS Release COUNT (number of g_count,
Line: packaged units) hazmat_item.packing_count


5-12 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX, Order HAZMAT_PACKINGI Required for order_release_line.haz_packag Y

UPS Release NSTRUCTIONS dangerous ing_instr,
Line: goods hazmat_item.packaging_instr
Packing shipments,
Instructi unless the DG
ons class is
radioactive or
Hazmat Not Restricted.
Item: See Table 4.2
Packing columns G, I,
Instructi or K of the

FDX Order HAZMAT_PHYSICAL A description of order_release_line.haz_physic N

Release _FORM the physical al_form,
Line: form of the hazmat_item.physical_form
Hazmat radioactive
Physical substance :
Form Special
Hazmat Liquid
Item: Gas

FDX Order HAZMAT_Q_VALUE Ratio used to order_release_line.haz_q_valu N

Release indicate that e, hazmat_item.q_value
Line: Q the combined
Value quantities in 'all
Ratio packed in one'
package are
Hazmat within the
Item: Q maximum
Value allowable
Ratio limits.

FDX, Order HAZMAT_QUANTITY Hazmat item order_release_line.haz_quantit Y

UPS Release quantity y, hazmat_item.quantity


Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-13
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX Order HAZMAT_RADIOACT The type of order_release_line.haz_radioac N

Release IVE_LABEL label on the tive_label,
Line: shipment. W1 hazmat_item.radioactive_label
Type of (White I)
Shipmen Y2 (Yellow II)
t Label Y3 (Yellow III)

Type of
t Label

FDX Order HAZMAT_RADIOACT A description of order_releae_line.haz_rad_pac N

Release IVE_PACKAGING the type of kaging,
Line: packaging the hazmat_item.radioactive_pack
Packagin substance is aging
g Type contained in.
Hazmat package types
Item: are listed in
Packagin section 10.5 of
g Type the DG
Expected (
Expected )
Industrial ip1 (
Industrial Type
1(IP-1) )
Industrial ip2 (
Industrial Type
2(IP-2) )
Industrial ip3 (
Industrial Type
3(IP-3) )
Type a ( Type
A )
Type b(m) (
Type B(M) )
Type b(u) (
Type B(U) )
Type c ( Type

5-14 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX Order HAZMAT_RADIOACT A measurement order_release_line.haz_radioac N

Release IVITY of the activity tivity,
Line: of the hazmat_item.radioactivity
Shipmen shipment. For
t fissile material,
Radioacti the weight of
vity the material in
grams or
Hazmat kilograms may
Item: be substituted
Shipmen for the activity
t measurement

FDX Order HAZMAT_RADIOACT The units that order_release_line.haz_radioac N

Release IVITY_UNITS the activity tivity_units,
Line: were measured hazmat_item.radioactivity_unit
Radioacti in. This must s
vity Units be in becquerel
units (or
Hazmat multiples
Item: thereof) :
Radioacti Bq (becquerel)
vity Units kBq

FDX Order HAZMAT_RADIONU The order_release_line.haz_radion N

Release CLIDE radionuclide uclide,
Line: assigned to the hazmat_item.radionuclide
Radionuc substance
lide being shipped.
A table of basic
Hazmat radionuclides is
Item: available in the
Radionuc DG Regulation
lide Guide section
10.4.A. For
aluminum (13)
has a
radionuclide Al-

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-15
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX, Order HAZMAT_REPORTAB Enter Y if the order_release_line.haz_is_repo Y

UPS Release LE_QUANTITY DG is a rtable_quantity
Line: reportable
Reportab quantity. For
le U.S. entry/exit
Quantity only. Default: N


FDX Order HAZMAT_SPECIAL_ Indicates order_release_line.haz_special N

Release PROVISIONS Dangerous _provisions,
Line: Goods (DG) are hazmat_generic.special_provisi
Special being shipped ons
Provision under one of
s the special
Hazmat listed in the
Generic: IATA
Special Dangerous
Provision Goods
s Regulation
Guide, section
4.4. There
appear to be
146 different
provisions, and
provisions may
apply to a
single item in
some cases.

FDX, Order HAZMAT_SUBRISKC Hazmat subrisk order_release_line.haz_subsidi N

UPS Release LASS class ary_hazard,
Line: hazmat_generic.subsidiary_ha
Subsidiar zard
y Hazard

y Hazard

5-16 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

DHEU Order HAZMAT_SUBSTAN Hazardous order_release_line.substance_ N

Release CE_NUMBER materials number,
Line: substance hazmat_item.substance_numb
Substanc number. er


FDX Order HAZMAT_SURFACE_ The surface order_release_line.haz_surface N

Release READING reading of the _reading,
Line: radiation hazmat_item.surface_reading
Surface exposure for
Reading the package.
This reading
Hazmat must be
Item: measured in
Surface mrem/h

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-17
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

FDX, Order HAZMAT_TECHNICA Technical order_release_line.haz_nos_te Y

UPS Release L_NAME name: The chnical_name,
Line: technical name hazmat_item.nos_technical_na
NOS is used to me_gid_1
Technical expand upon
Name 1 certain hazmat
items that do
Hazmat not have a
Item: descriptive
NOS enough proper
Technical shipping name,
Name 1 and end with
“n.o.s.” On the
document, the
technical name
must follow the
proper shipping
name in
parenthesis like
this: “proper
shipping name
name)”. See
section 4.1.2 of
the IATA
Guide if more
clarification is

FDX Order HAZMAT_TRANSPO A number order_release_line.haz_transp N

Release RT_INDEX based on the ort_index,
Line: radiation hazmat_item.transport_index
Hazmat exposure of a
Transpor package. This is
t Index determined
based on the
Hazmat maximum
Item: measurement
Transpor of the radiation
t Index in mrem/h at a
distance of 1
meter from the

5-18 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Carrier Screen API Key Description Oracle Transportation Requ
and Management Field ired
Name to

DHEU Order HAZMAT_UNDG_NU Hazardous order_release_line.haz_identifi Y

Release MBER Materials UN cation_number,
Line: Dangerous hazmat_generic.identification_
Identifica Goods number. number


FDX, Order HAZMAT_UNITS IATA units for order_release_line.haz_units, Y

UPS Release non UPS hazmat_item.units
Line: shipments
IATA (L=>Liters
Units g=>Grams
Hazmat kg
Item: G=>Kilograms
IATA Gross).

FDX Order PACKINGGROUPNU Type of order_release_line.haz_packag Y

Release MBER_TYPE packaging for inggroup,
Line: Dangerous hazmat_generic.packaginggrou
Packagin Goods. Packing p
g Group Group (I, II,
g Group

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5-19
6. Rating Engine Fatal Exception
As of Oracle Transportation Management version 6.1.5, certain situations will trigger the rating
subsystem to throw a fatal exception. A fatal rating exception is a situation considered severe enough
to completely halt rating and the invoking planning process in progress. This is now set by the addition
of a new planning parameter group called Exception Handling. Within this parameter group, the
parameter FAIL ON FATAL RATING EXCEPTION has been added. To trigger the Fatal Exception, the
value for this parameter must be set to true. Currently, only the following situations will cause this
exception to be thrown:

• The Kewill Flagship engine fails to accept a socket connection during rating.
• The Federal Express fails to communicate with Kewill Flagship during a query for FDX rates.
In normal Oracle Transportation Management operations, a fatal exception will have no impact. If
thrown, the rate will be marked as infeasible, and the rating engine will continue on to evaluate the
next rate. When the FAIL ON FATAL RATING EXCEPTION planning parameter is true, a fatal exception
will instruct the invoking planning process to immediately abort all operations. Bulk Plan, for example,
will halt and no shipments will be created.

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6-1
7. Appendix: Supported Carrier Service Codes
DHL U.S Origin: Carrier Code “DHL”
Table 7-1: DHL U.S Origin: Carrier Code “DHL”

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

Next Day 10:30 AM Letter NDEL

Next Day 10:30 AM DNDE

Next Day 12:00 Letter N12L

Next Day 12:00 DN12

Next Day 3:00 PM Letter DN3L

Next Day 3:00 PM DND3

2nd Day Letter DSDL

2nd Day DSD

Ground GND

@Home Standard Delivery Confirmation Required (DCR) DHST

@Home Deferred DCR DHDF

Media Mail @Home STD DCR DMHS

Media Mail @Home Def. DCR DMHD

Bound Printed Matter @Home Standard DCR DBHS

Bound Printed Matter @Home Deferred DCR DBHD

@Home Standard HST

@Home Deferred HDF

Media Mail @Home Standard MHS

Media Mail @Home Deferred MHD

Bound Printed Matter @Home Standard BHS

Bound Printed Matter @Home Deferred BHD

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-1
Table 7-2

International Service Flagship Service Code

Global Mail Standard GMS

Global Mail Priority GMP

International Document Letter IDL

International Document IDOC

Worldwide Priority Express WPX

FedEx U.S. Origin: Carrier Code “FDX”

Table 7-3: FedEx U.S. Origin: Carrier Code “FDX”

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

Ground GND

Home Delivery RES

Express Saver SVR

Priority Overnight PRI

2Day 2ND

Standard Overnight STD

First Overnight FST

1Day Freight 1FR

2Day Freight 2FR

3Day Freight 3FR

SmartPost Plus SPP

Table 7-4

International Service Flagship Service Code

International Priority IPRI

International Economy IECO

International First IFIR

7-2 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
International Service Flagship Service Code

International Priority Freight IPFR

International Economy Freight IEFR

International Ground IGND

International Priority Distribution IPD

Generic Rated or Non-Rated – LTL: Carrier Code “GEN”

Table 7-5

Generic Service Flagship Service Code

Generic GEN

UPS U.S. Origin: Carrier Code “UPS”

Table 7-6

Domestic Service Flagship

Service Code

Next Day Air NDA

Next Day Air Early A.M. NDAE

Next Day Air Saver NDAS

2nd Day Air AM SDAE

2nd Day Air SDA

3 Day Select TDS

Ground GND


Table 7-7

International Service Flagship Service Code

Worldwide Express IEXP

Worldwide Express Plus IEPL

Worldwide Expedited IEXD

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-3
International Service Flagship Service Code

Worldwide Saver EXPS

Table 7-8

U.S. to Canada Service Flagship Service Code

Canada Express CEXP

Worldwide Express Plus Canada CEPL

Worldwide Expedited Canada CEXD

Standard Canada CSTD

Worldwide Saver To Canada CXPS

U.S. Postal Service U.S. Origin: Carrier Code “USPS”

As of May 14, 2007, the US Postal Service changed their rating methodology. The size of all U.S.
Postal Service mail pieces will play a larger role in determining the amount of postage. New services
codes have been added in Flagship to support this change. You no longer need to supply the
packaging type.

Table 7-9

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

First Class Parcel FCLS

First Class Flat FCF

First Class Letter FCL

Priority Mail Parcel PRTY

Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box PMFB

Priority Mail Flat-Rate Envelope PMFE

Express Mail Parcel EXPR

Express Mail Flat-Rate Envelope EMFE

Standard Mail Machinable Parcels SMP

Standard Mail Irregular Parcels SMPI

Parcel Post PPST

7-4 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

Media Mail MEDM

BPM Destination BMC Flats BDBF

BPM Destination BMC Irregular Parcels BDBI

BPM Destination BMC Machinable Parcels BDBP

BPM Destination SCF Flats BDSF

BPM Destination SCF Irregular Parcels BDSI

BPM Destination SCF Machinable Parcels BDSP

BPM Presorted Flats BPF

BPM Presorted Irregular Parcels BPI

BPM Presorted Parcels BPP

BPM Nonpresort Flats BSF

BPM Nonpresort Irregular Parcels BSI

BPM Nonpresort Parcels BSP

Table 7-10

International Service Flagship Service Code

First Class Mail International FCI

First Class Mail International Cards FCIC

Express Mail International EMS

Express Mail Intl Flat-Rate Envelope EMIE

Priority Mail International PMI

Priority Mail Intl Flat-Rate Envelope PMIE

Priority Mail Intl Flat-Rate Box PMIB

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-5
UPS Supply Chain Solutions (SCS) US Origin: Carrier Code “EMRY”
Table 7-11

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

UPS Next Day Air Freight - DOM AM

UPS Next Day Air Freight NGS - DOM AMNG

UPS 2nd Day Air Freight - DOM 2M

UPS 2nd Day Air Freight NGS- DOM 2MNG

UPS 3 Day Freight - DOM DEFR

UPS 3 Day Freight NGS- DOM DFNG

Saturday Delivery - DOM SAT

Note: Use domestic services for U.S. shipments to Canada and Puerto Rico as well.

Table 7-12

International Service Flagship Service Code

Express Freight CX

Air Freight Consolidated EC

Air Freight Direct CA

Purolator (legacy) CA Origin: Carrier Code “PURO”

Table 7-13

Canada Domestic Service Flagship Service Code


Ground GRD

Table 7-14

Canada International Service Flagship Service Code

International Air INTL

7-6 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
FedEx SmartPost US Origin: Carrier Code “SPO”
Table 7-15

Service Service Flagship Service Code

Priority SPRI

Standard A SSTA

Standard B – BPM SSBB

Standard B – Media SSBM

Standard B – Parcel Post SSBP

Czar - Using SMC3 RateWare Server: Carrier Code “CZAR”

Table 7-16

Service Service Flagship Service Code

Generic Czar Service GEN

DHL Canada CA Origin: Carrier Code “DHCA”

Table 7-17

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

Express DEXP

Ground DGRD

Table 7-18

International Service Flagship Service Code

DHL Worldwide Priority WPX

International Document DOX

International Air Letter IAL

U.S. Overnight Air Letter UOA

DHL International (southbound) U.S. Ground IGRD

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-7
BAX Global US Origin: Carrier Code “BAX”
Table 7-19

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

BAX Global Overnight 1DAY

BAX Global Second Day 2DAY

BAX Global Saver BSAV

BAX Global Deferred BDEF

Note: Use domestic services for U.S. shipments to Canada.

Table 7-20

International Service Flagship Service Code

Door to Door - Standard Air Freight DDAF

Door to Airport - Standard Air Freight DAAF

Airport to Door - Standard Air Freight ADAF

Airport to Airport - Standard Air Freight AAAF

International BAX Saver (U.S. to Mexico only) ISAV

Guaranteed Door to Airport - Standard GDTA

Air Freight (U.S. to Mexico only)

UPS Canada CA Origin: Carrier Code “UPCA”

Table 7-21

Domestic Service Flagship Service Code

UPS Express Early A.M. CEAM

UPS Express CEXP

UPS Express Saver CEXS

UPS Expedited CEXD

UPS Standard CST

7-8 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table 7-22

Canada to U.S. Service Flagship Service Code

UPS Express Early A.M. UEAM

UPS Express UEXP

UPS Expedited UEXD

UPS 3 Day Select UTDS

UPS Standard to the U.S. USTD

Table 7-23

Canada to Mexico Service Flagship Service Code

UPS Express MEXP

UPS Expedited MEXD

Table 7-24

International Service Flagship Service Code

UPS Worldwide Express Plus WEPP

UPS Worldwide Express WEXP

UPS Worldwide Expedited WEXD

TNT UK: Carrier Code “TNTUK”

Table 7-25

International Service Flagship Service Code

TNT 9:00 Express 09

TNT 10:00 Express 10

TNT 12:00 Express 12

TNT Express 15

TNT Economy Express 412

TNT 12:00 Economy Express 48N

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7-9
Note: Domestic services are not supported.

7-10 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
8. Appendix: Certified Carrier List and Support Detail
The following is a list of carriers that have been certified with Oracle Transportation Management.
Certification means that a representative number of carrier service levels have been installed and
verified within Oracle Transportation Management’s QA environment.

This list also details whether these carriers offer hazmat rating support and package-level cost detail
support. Package-level cost detail means that shipment costs can be captured within Oracle
Transportation Management at the individual package level. Carriers who do not support package-level
cost details can still rate multiple packages within a shipment, however the cost lines for all packages
will be rolled up to the shipment level.

Table 8-1

Carrier/Geography Hazmat Supported in Oracle Package-Level Cost

Transportation Management Detail Support

Geography: USA origin

USPS Not Offered Yes

UPS Yes Yes


FDX Yes No



UPS SCS Not Offered No

Geography: UK origin

TNT Not Offered No

Geography: EU origin



Geography: CANADA origin

UPS Canada Yes

DHL Canada No

Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 8-1
8-2 Copyright © 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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