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The patron god of the “silver-swirling” Achelous River.


Greek god of the winds and air


Primordial god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space and heaven.


God of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds.


Olympian god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun,
light and knowledge.


God of war. Represented the physical, violent and untamed aspect of war.


Minor patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees. Son of


God of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.


The Primordial Titan of Astronomy. Condemned by Zeus to carry the world on

his back after the Titans lost the war.

A minor god of vegetation, fruits of the earth and rebirth.


A wind god (Anemoi) and Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of
winter. Referred to as “The North Wind”.


Minor god of opportunity, luck and favorable moments.


One of the twins, Castor and Pollux, known as Dioskouri. Zeus transformed
them into the constellation Gemini


The large and powerful wild bull tamed by Persephone and turned into the
Taurus constellation.


The nothingness that all else sprung from. A god who filled the gap between
Heaven and Earth and created the first beings Gaia, Tartarus, Uranus, Nyx
and Erebos.


The Ferryman of Hades. Took the newly dead people across the rivers Styx
and Acheron to the Greek underworld if they paid him three obolus (a Greek
silver coin).


The god of time. Not to be confused with Cronus, the Titan father of Zeus.

The Titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year..


God of agriculture, leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans
and father of the Titans. Not to be confused with Cronos, god of time.


Guardian god of the ancient city Lamark, where wounded heroes could find
comfort and heal after battle. He was the son of Aphrodite.


Deimos is the personification of dread and terror.


An Olympian god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual

madness, religious ecstasy and theatre.


Primordial god of darkness.


God of sexual desire, attraction, love and procreation.


One of the wind god known as Anemoi and god of the unlucky east wind.
Referred to as “The East Wind”.

A fisherman who became immortal upon eating a magical herb, an Argonaut
who may have built and piloted the Argo, and became a god of the sea.


God of the Dead and Riches and King of the Underworld.


God of the Sun and also known as Sol.


God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture.
Created weapons for the gods and married to Aphrodite.


The greatest of the Greek heroes, he became god of heroes, sports, athletes,
health, agriculture, fertility, trade, oracles and divine protector of mankind.
Known as the strongest man on Earth.


God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide
to the Underworld and messenger of the gods.


The Evening Star – the planet VENUS in the evening.


God of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song.


The Greek god of sleep.


God of strength and power.


God of satire, mockery, censure, writers and poets and a spirit of evil-spirited
blame and unfair criticism.


God of dreams and sleep – has the ability to take any human form and appear
in dreams.


The Titan god of the sea before Poseidon and father of the Nereids (nymphs
of the sea).


Another Anemoi (wind god) and Greek god of the south wind. Known as “The
South Wind”.


Titan god of the ocean. Believed to be the personification of the World Ocean,
an enormous river encircling the world.


Black-winged daimons that personified dreams.


The physician of the Olympian gods.

The Titan god of warcraft and of the springtime campaign season.


God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, goats, mountain wilds, and is often
associated with sexuality. Also a satyr (half man, half-goat).


The Morning Star – THE PLANET VENUS as it appears in the morning.


The Greek god of wealth.


Twin brother of Castor, together known as the Dioskouri, that were

transformed into the constellation Gemini.


ancient, pre-Olympian sea-god of the deep sea, one of the Greek primordial
deities and son of Gaia.


Olympian Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.


Minor rustic fertility god, protector of flocks, fruit plants, bees and gardens and
known for having an enormous penis.


The immortal father of sea-goats, made into the Capricorn constellation.


The immortal father of sea-goats, made into the Capricorn constellation.


Titan god of forethought and crafty counsel who was given the task of
moulding mankind out of clay.


A group of gods that came before all else.


The god of the deep abyss, a great pit in the depths of the underworld, and
father of Typhon.


A minor god and the god of death.


Messenger of the sea and the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.


The deadliest MONSTER in Greek mythology and “Father of All Monsters”.

Last son of Gaia, fathered by Tartarus and god of monsters, storms, and
volcanoes. He challenged Zeus for control of Mount Olympus.


Primordial god of the sky and heavens, and father of the Titans.

The god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal.


A wind god (Anemoi). God of the west wind and known as “The West Wind”.


God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice, King of the Gods and the
“Father of Gods and men”.



A minor moon goddess whose name means “she who washes away pain”.


One of the seven, Pleiades and daughter of Atlas and Pleione. She bore
several children with the god Poseidon.


An early Greek goddess of the sun, daughter of Helios and Rhode, and
possibly goddess of the morning.


Greek goddess of the sea, wife of Poseidon and a Nereid.


Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.


Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.


A Greek goddess who was worshipped almost exclusively at a single

sanctuary on the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf.


Goddess of love and beauty and married to Hephaestus.


Virginal goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo.


Known as the “Star Maiden”, daughter of either Zeus and Themis, or of

Astraeus and EOSand associated with the Greek goddess of justice, Dike.


Greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly.


Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy. Daughter of Zeus and born
from his forehead fully grown, wearing battle armour.


Eldest of the three Moirai, goddesses of fate and destiny (also known as The
Fates). Atropos chose the mechanism of death and ended the life of each
mortal by cutting their thread.


The goddess of force and raw energy, daughter of Pallas and Styx, and sister
of Nike, Kratos, and Zelus.

Ancient Greek prophet goddess who was known as the protector of mariners,
sailors, and fishermen.


One of the Muses, the muse of epic poetry, daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne
and the wisest of the Muses.


Sea nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia, where she

detained ODYSSEUS for several years. Generally said to be the daughter of
the Titan ATLAS.


One of the Pleiades, and a wife of Poseidon. Said to be the mother of the sea
god’s children Lycus and Nycteus


Primordial sea monster goddess, the daughter of Gaia and Pontus and
mother of sea monsters.


A goddess of magic who transformed her enemies, or those that insulted her,
into beasts.


The muse of history and one of the nine muses known as “The Muses”. Like
all the muses, Clio is the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne.

Youngest of the Three Fates and responsible for spinning the thread of
human life.


The Greek goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.


Goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest.


A sea nymph whose name represented the bounty of the sea. Mother of the


Goddess of childbirth, referred to by Homer as “the goddess of the pains of



One of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, known as The Pleiades.


The spirit and personification of hope. Hope was usually seen as an extension
to suffering by the Greek, not as a god.


Minor goddess of war and destruction, the companion and lover of the war
god Ares and connected to Eris.


A Titaness and the goddess of the dawn.


One of the Muses, the muse of lyric poetry, especially love and erotic poetry.


Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord and connected to the war-goddess


One of the Muses, the muse of music and lyric poetry.


The primal Greek goddess of the Earth. Known as the great mother of all and
often referred to as “Mother Earth”.


The Greek goddess of harmony and concord.


Goddess of eternal youth.


The goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, witchcraft and necromancy

(the undead).


Primordial goddess of the day, daytime and daylight. Daughter to Erebus and
Nyx (the goddess of night).

Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage. Married to Zeus and known as
Queen of the Gods.


goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state.
Also one of the Hesperides.


Goddess of good health, cleanliness, and sanitation. This is where the word
“hygiene” comes from.


Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. She is also known
as one of the goddesses of the sea and the sky.


The Keres were female spirits, the daughters of NYX, the goddess of night.


A Dionysian goddess whose celebrations were wild and lascivious.


Second of the Three Fates, the measurer of the thread of life woven by
Clotho’s spindle which determines Destiny.


Eldest of the seven Pleiades and the greek goddess of fields.


Spirit goddess of insanity, madness, crazed frenzy and the dead.


One of the Muses. Originally the muse of singing, she then became the muse
of tragedy.


One of the seven Pleiades and married to king Sisyphos of Ephyra.


Titan goddess of wisdom, an Oceanid, and the first great spouse of Zeus.


The goddess of retribution and personification of vengeance.


Goddess of victory, known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.


Primordial goddess of the night.


Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction.


Goddess of vegetation and spring and queen of the underworld. Lives off-
season in the underworld as the wife of HADES.


The goddess of fame, gossip and renown. Her favour is notability, and her
wrath is scandalous rumors.

One of The Muses, the muse of sacred poetry, sacred hymn, dance, and
eloquence as well as agriculture, geometry and pantomime.


Titaness and goddess of nature. Daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the
sky god Uranus, and known as “the mother of gods”.


Goddess of the Moon, sometimes referred to as Luna and the ‘mother’ of



One of the seven Pleiades (the daughters of Atlas and Pleione) and the wife
of Oenomaus – although according to some accounts, she is his mother by


Goddess of the river Styx and a Naiad who was the first to aid Zeus in the
Titan war.


A mountain nymph and one of the seven Pleiades.


Goddess of dance and chorus and one of the nine Muses.


One of the Muses, the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry.


Goddesses of retribution and vengeance whose job was to punish men who
committed heinous crimes.


Goddesses of retribution and vengeance whose job was to punish men who
committed heinous crimes.


The nine Muses were the goddesses the arts.


Ancient Greek Titaness and goddess of divine order, law, natural law and


Sea nymph, goddess of water and one of the fifty Nereids, daughters of the
ancient sea god Nereus. Also a shapeshifter and a prophet.


Goddess of prosperity and fortune.


One of the Muses, the muse of astronomy and astrology

 Achelois - One of the moon goddesses.

 Achelous - The patron god of the Achelous river.

 Aeolus - (a.k.a. Aeolos, Aiolos, Aiolus, Eolus) God of air and the winds.

 Aether - (a.k.a. Aither, Akmon, Ether) God of light and the atmosphere.

 Alastor - God of family feuds.

 Alcyone - One of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione.

 Alectrona - Early Greek goddess of the sun.

 Amphitrite - (a.k.a. Salacia) The wife of Poseidon and a Nereid.

 Antheia - Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.

 Aphaea - (a.k.a. Aphaia) A Greek goddess who was worshipped exclusively at a single sanctuary on the
island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf.

 Aphrodite - (a.k.a. Anadyomene, Turan, Venus) Goddess of love and beauty.

 Apollo - (a.k.a. Apollon, Apulu, Phoebus) God of the sun, music, healing, and herding.

 Ares - (a.k.a. Enyalius, Mars, Aries) God of chaotic war.

 Aristaeus - (a.k.a. Aristaios) Patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees.

 Artemis - (a.k.a. Agrotora, Amarynthia, Cynthia, Kourotrophos, Locheia, Orthia, Phoebe, Potnia
Theron) Goddess of the moon, hunting, and nursing.

 Asclepius - (a.k.a. Aesculapius, Asklepios) God of health and medicine.

 Astraea - The Star Maiden - a goddess of justice, included in Virgo and Libra mythologies.
 Até - Goddess of mischief.

 Athena - (a.k.a. Asana, Athene, Minerva, Menerva) Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and the strategic
side of war.

 Atlas - The Primordial Titan who carried the weight of the heavens on his back.

 Atropos - (a.k.a. Aisa, Morta) One of The Fates - She cut the thread of life and chose the manner of a
persons death.

 Attis - The (minor) god of rebirth.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - B

 Bia - The goddess of force.

 Boreas - (a.k.a. Aquilo, Aquilon) The North Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

 Brizo - Protector of Mariners.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - C

 Caerus - (a.k.a. Kairos, Occasio, Tempus) The (minor) god of luck and opportunity.

 Calliope - One of the Muses. Represented epic poetry.

 Calypso - (a.k.a. Kalypso) The sea nymph who held Odysseus prisoner for seven years.

 Castor - (a.k.a. Castore, Kastor) One of the twins who represent Gemini.
 Celaeno - The name of a wife of Poseidon.

 Cerus - The wild bull tamed by Persephone, made into the Taurus constellation.

 Ceto - (a.k.a. Keto) a sea monster goddess who was also the mother of other sea monsters.

 Chaos - (a.k.a. Khaos) The nothingness that all else sprung from.

 Charon - (a.k.a. Charun) The Ferryman of Hades. He had to be paid to help one cross the river Styx.

 Chronos - (a.k.a. Chronus, Khronos) God of time.

 Circe - (a.k.a. Kirke) A goddess who transformed her enemies into beasts.

 Clio - One of the Muses. She represented History.

 Clotho - (a.k.a. Nona) One of the Fates - Spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle.

 Crios - The crab who protected the sea nymphs, made into the Cancer constellation.

 Cronus - (a.k.a. Cronos, Kronos, Saturn) God of agriculture, father of the Titans.

 Cybele - (a.k.a. Agdistis, Magna Mater, Meter, Meter Oreie) Goddess of caverns, mountains, nature
and wild animals.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - D

 Demeter - (a.k.a. Ceres, Demetra, Tvath) Goddess of the harvest.

 Dinlas - Guardian of the ancient city of Lamark, where wounded heroes could heal after battle.

 Dionysus - (a.k.a. Bacchus, Dionysos, Liber) God of wine and pleasure.

 Doris - A Sea Nymph, mother of the Nereids.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - E

 Eileithyia - (a.k.a. Eileithyiai, Eilithia, Eilythia, Eleuthia, Ilithia, Ilithyia, Lucina) Goddess of childbirth.

 Eireisone - The deity who embodied the sacred ceremonial olive branch.

 Electra - (a.k.a. Atlantis) One of the seven Pleiades.

 Elpis - (a.k.a. Spes) The spirit of Hope.

 Enyo - (a.k.a. Bellona) A (minor) goddess of war, connected to Eris.

 Eos - (a.k.a. Aurora, Eosphorus, Mater Matuta, Thesan) Goddess of the Dawn.

 Erato - One of the Muses - represents Lyrics/Love Poetry.

 Erebus - (a.k.a. Erebos) God of darkness.

 Eris - (a.k.a. Discordia) Goddess of strife, connected to Enyo.

 Eros - (a.k.a. Amor, Cupid, Eleutherios) God of love, procreation and sexual desire.

 Eurus - (a.k.a. Euros, Vulturnus) The East Wind - One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

 Euterpe - One of the Muses - represents Music/Lyrics/Poetry.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - G

 Gaia - (a.k.a. Celu, Gaea, Terra) Goddess of the Earth, also known as Mother Earth.
 Glaucus - (a.k.a. Glacus, Glaukos) A fisherman turned immortal, turned Argonaut, turned a god of the

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - H

 Hades - (a.k.a. Aita, Dis Pater, Haidou, Orcus, Plouton, Pluto) God of the Dead, King of the

 Harmonia - (a.k.a. Concordia) Goddess of Harmony and Concord.

 Hebe - (a.k.a. Juventas) Goddess of youth.

 Hecate - (a.k.a. Hekat, Hekate, Trivia) Goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and the undead.

 Helios - (a.k.a. Sol) God of the Sun.

 Hemera - (a.k.a. Amar, Dies, Hemere) Goddess of daylight.

 Hephaestus - (a.k.a. Hephaistos, Vulcan, Sethlans, Mulciber) God of fire and blacksmithing who
created weapons for the gods.

 Hera - (a.k.a. Juno, Uni) Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage and wife of Zeus.

 Heracles - (a.k.a. Herakles, Hercules, Hercle) An immortal hero of many Greek legends, the strongest
man on Earth.

 Hermes - (a.k.a. Pyschopompus, Mercury, Turms) God of commerce and travel, and messenger of the

 Hesperus - (a.k.a. Hesperos, Vesper) The Evening Star.

 Hestia - (a.k.a. Vesta) Greek goddess of the home and fertility. One of the Hesperides.
 Hygea - (a.k.a. Hygieia, Salus) Goddess of cleanliness and hygeine.

 Hymenaios - (a.k.a. Hymenaeus, Hymen) God of weddings.

 Hypnos - (a.k.a. Somnus) God of sleep.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - I-L

 Iris - Goddess of rainbows.

 Khione - The goddess of snow and daughter of the North Wind (Boreas).

 Kotys - (a.k.a. Cotys, Cottyto, Cottytus) A Dionysian goddess whose celebrations were wild and

 Kratos - A god of strength and power.

 Lacheses - (a.k.a. Decima) One of the Fates. Measured the thread of life with her rod.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - M

 Maia - (a.k.a. Mya, Fauna, Maia Maiestas, Bono Dea) One of the seven Pleiades, Goddess of fields.

 Mania - (a.k.a. Mania, Manea) Goddess of insanity and the dead.

 Melpomene - One of the Muses - represented Tragedy.

 Merope - One of the seven Pleiades, married to king Sisyphos.

 Metis - Titan goddess of wisdom.

 Momus - (a.k.a. Momos) God of satire, writers, and poets.

 Morpheus - God of dreams and sleep.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - N-O

 Nemesis - (a.k.a. Rhamnousia, Invidia) Goddess of retribution (vengeance).

 Nereus - (a.k.a. Phorcys, Phorkys) Titan God who Fathered the Nereids. God of the Sea before

 Nike - (a.k.a. Victoria, Nice) Goddess of victory.

 Notus - (a.k.a. Auster) The South Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

 Nyx - (a.k.a. Nox) Goddess of night.

 Oceanus - Titan god of the ocean.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - P

 Pallas - A giant who was one of the ancient Titan gods of war.

 Pan - (a.k.a. Faunus, Inuus) God of woods, fields, and flocks. Also a Satyr.

 Peitha - (a.k.a. Peitho, Suadela) Goddess of persuasion.

 Persephone - (a.k.a. Persephassa, Persipina, Persipnei, Persephatta, Proserpina, Kore, Kora, Libera)
Goddess of the Spring who lives off-season in the Underworld.

 Pheme - (a.k.a. Fama) Goddess of fame and gossip.

 Phosphorus - (a.k.a. Phosphor, Lucifer) The Morning Star.

 Plutus - God of wealth.

 Pollux - (a.k.a. Polydeuces) One of the twins who represent Gemini.

 Polyhymnia - One of the Muses - represents sacred poetry and geometry.

 Pontus - (a.k.a. Pontos) Ancient god of the deep sea.

 Poseidon - (a.k.a. Neptune, Nethuns, Neptunus) God of the sea and earthquakes.

 Priapus - (a.k.a. Priapus, Mutinus, Mutunus) A (minor) god of gardens and fertility, best known for
having an enormous penis.

 Pricus - The immortal father of sea-goats, made into the Capricorn constellation.

 Proteus - An early sea god before Poseidon.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - R-S

 Rhea - (a.k.a. Cybele) Goddess of nature.

 Selene - (a.k.a. Luna) Goddess of the Moon and the 'mother' of vampires.

 Sterope - (a.k.a. Asterope) One of the seven Pleiades, who bore a child of Ares.

 Styx - A Naiad who was the first to aid Zeus in the Titan war. (Not to be confused with the river Styx).

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - T

 Tartarus - (a.k.a. Tartaros, Tartarizo) God of the depths of the Underworld - a great storm pit - and the
father of Typhon.

 Taygete - (a.k.a. Taygeti, Taigeti) One of the seven Pleiades, a mountain nymph.

 Terpsichore - One of the Muses - represented Dancing.

 Thalia - One of the Muses - represented Comedy.

 Thanatos - (a.k.a. Mors) God of death.

 Themis - Ancient goddess of divine order, law, and custom.

 Thetis - Leader of the Nereids, a shapeshifter, and a prophet.

 Triton - Trumpeter of the sea and messenger of the deep.

 Tyche - (a.k.a. Fortuna, Nortia) Goddess of fortune and prosperity.

 Typhon - (a.k.a. Typhaon, Typhoeus, Typhus) God of monsters, storms, and volcanoes. Challenged
Zeus for control of Mount Olympus.

List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - U-Z

 Urania - One of the Muses - represented Astronomy and Astrology.

 Uranus - (a.k.a. Ouranos, Caelus) God of the sky and the heavens. Father of the Titans.

 Zelus - The god of zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.

 Zephyrus - (a.k.a. Zephyros, Favonius, Zephyr) The West Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

 Zeus - (a.k.a. Dias, Jupiter, Tinia, Jove, Jovis Pater) Leader of the Olympic gods, and god of lightning,
thunder, and the heavens.

The 9 muses
1. Clio: The Muse Clio discovered history and guitar. History was named Clio in
the ancient years, because it refers to “kleos” the Greek word for the heroic acts.
Clio was always represented with a clarion in the right arm and a book in the left
2. Euterpe: Muse Euterpe discovered several musical instruments, courses and
dialectic. She was always depicted holding a flute, while many instruments were
always around her.
3. Thalia: Muse Thalia was the protector of comedy; she discovered comedy,
geometry, architectural science and agriculture. She was also protector of
Symposiums. She was always depicted holding a theatrical – comedy mask.
4. Melpomene: Opposite from Thalia, Muse Melpomene was the protector of
Tragedy; she invented tragedy, rhetoric speech and Melos. She was depicted
holding a tragedy mask and usually bearing a bat.
5. Terpsichore: Terpsichore was the protector of dance; she invented dances, the
harp and education. She was called Terpsichore because she was enjoying and
having fun with dancing ( “Terpo” in Greek refers to be amused). She was
depicted wearing laurels on her head, holding a harp and dancing.
6. Erato: Muse Erato was the protector of Love and Love Poetry – as well as
wedding. Her name comes from the Greek word “Eros” that refers to the feeling
of falling in love. She was depicted holding a lyre and love arrows and bows.
7. Polymnia: Muse Polymnia was the protector of the divine hymns and mimic
art; she invented geometry and grammar. She was depicted looking up to the
Sky, holding a lyre.
8. Ourania: Muse Ourania was the protector of the celestial objects and stars; she
invented astronomy. She was always depicted bearing stars, a celestial sphere
and a bow compass.
9. Calliope: Muse Calliope was the superior Muse. She was accompanying kings
and princes in order to impose justice and serenity. She was the protector of
heroic poems and rhetoric art. According to the myth, Homer asks from Calliope
to inspire him while writing Iliad and Odyssey, and, thus, Calliope is depicted
holding laurels in one hand and the two Homeric poems in the other hand.
1. Ate` – goddess of mischief
Peitha – goddess of persuasion
Momus – god of mockery, writers, and poets
Caerus – god of luck and opportunities
Mania – goddess of insanity and the dead
Harpocrates – god of silence
These are just a few, I don’t know if you know these already.

ars, and planets, and the art of

Titan 2nd Gen.

Athena Virgin Goddess of: Warcraft, Heroism, Counsel, Pottery, Weaving, Olives and

Atlas God of endurance and astronomy

God of vegetation
(Atus, Attus, or Attin)

Aura Gentle early morning breeze


Bia Personification of force and raw energy

Boreas God of the north wind and winter

Castor and Pollux / Polydeuces

Gods of sailors, horsemanship and travelers

Goddess of sea monsters and sea dangers
(aka Keto)

Chaos Personification of nothingness

Goddess of renown, fame, and infamy
(aka Klymene)

Coeus Intellect, intelligence and the axis of heaven

Cratos / Kratos Divine personification of strength


God of time
(For Cronos, see below)

(Kronos, Porus, Poros) God of agriculture
(For Chronos, see above)

Cybele Goddess of the earth

Goddess of Agriculture, Grain and Bread, The Afterlife
(aka Sito, Thesmophoros)

Goddess of justice
(aka Dicé)

Dione Goddess of springs and possibly the bright sky

Dionysus(Dionysos) God of Wine, Drunkenness, Madness, Parties, Vegetation, The Afterlife

Echo Goddess of Nature.

Goddess of childbirth

Eos Goddess of the dawn

Epimetheus God of afterthought and the father of excuses

Erebus God of darkness and shadow

Goddess and personified spirit /daimona of Strife, Discord and chaos
(aka Discord, Strife)

Eros Winged god of love, procreation, sexual desire and attraction

Europa Goddess of the night

Eurybia Goddess of mastery of the seas

Titaness of water meadows and pastures OR
(1 of 2)

Goddess of All Things
(2 of 2)

Mother of gods. Personification of the Earth (Mother Earth). Mother of the Tit

Ganymede God of rain

Geras Personification of Old Age

King of the Underworld. God of the Dead, Death
(Plouton and Ploutos)

Hebe Goddess of youth

Goddess of wilderness, childbirth, magic and witchcraft

Helen of Troy Queen of Laconia

Helios Titan of the Sun. Personification of the Sun, guardian of oaths. Charioteer of

Hemera Goddess of Daytime

God of Metalworking, Fire, Building, Fine Arts, Volcanism

Hera Queen of Heaven. Goddess of the Sky, Women, Marriage, Impregnation

God of physical strength. Divine protector of mankind. Gatekeeper of Olympu
(born Alcaeus)

Hermes God of Animal husbandry, Travel, Trade, Athletics, Language, Thievery, Good
(Argeiphontes) Dead. Herald of the Gods

Hestia Virgin Goddess of: Home, Hearth, Family, Meals, Sacrificial offerings

Primordial waters

Hyperion Light, wisdom and watchfulness

Personification of Sleep

Iapetus God of mortality. The Piercer

Iris Goddess of the rainbow. Messenger of the Gods

Leader of the Argonauts
(Iason, Jason and the Argonauts)

Lelantos God of the unseen, air, hunter’s skill of stalking prey

Leto Goddess of womanly demure and motherhood

Lyssa Personifcation of Rage, fury, crazed frenzy and (in animals) rabies

Maia Goddess of nursing mothers

Menoetius God of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality

Metis Goddess of wisdom, good counsel, advice, prudence, planning, cunning, craft

Midas King of Phrygia

Minos First king of Crete. Judge of the dead in the underworld

Mnemosyne Goddess of memory and remembrance

Momus God of mockery and censure, ridicule, scorn, complaint and harsh criticism

Doom, fate

Morpheus God of dreams

Narcissus –

Goddess of Vengeance and Retribution, indignation, for evil and undeserved g

Personification of resentment

Nereus God of rich bounty of fish

Nike Personification and Goddess of victory

Nyx Night

Oceanus God of the river

Odysseus King of Ithaca

Oedipus King of Thebes

Oizys Personified spirit/daimon of Misery, woe, distress and suffering

Ophion Ruler of Earth8*


Pallas God of warcraft and of the springtime campaign season

God of fields, groves, wooded glens, the wild, forest, pasture, shepherds, floc
Pan (aka Aegipan)
rustic music (pan-pipes), theatrical criticism and associated to fertility, Sprin



Persephone Queen of the Underworld. Goddess of the Afterlife, Spring Growth, Grain

Perses God of destruction


Phanes God of procreation and the generation of new life

Philotes Personification of friendship and affection

Goddess of prophecy and oracular intellect

The bringer of light (from Venus – the morning star)
(Eosphorus and Hesperus)

Pontus God of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures

Poseidon King of the Seas. God of Rivers, Earthquakes, Horses

Prometheus God of forethought

Rhea Mother of gods. Goddess of fertility, motherhood and the mountain wilds

Selene Goddess of the moon

Styx Goddess of the River Styx

Tartarus God of the underworld

Tethys Goddess of fresh-water, mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains and

Thanatos Personification of Non-violent death

Thalassa Personification of the sea

Thaumas Personification of the the wonders of the sea

Theia Mother of the Sun

Themis Personification of divine law and order, natural law and custom

Goddess of Creation

Tyche Goddess of fortune, chance and luck

God of the heavens. Father of the Titans


Zelus / Zelos Zelus is the personification of zeal, dedication, emulation, keen rivalry, envy

Zeus King of Heaven. God of Sky, Weather, Fate, Kingship

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