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Assignment On Basic Linear Algebra

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(1) Show that matrix multiplication is associative i.e. A(BC) = (AB)C whenever the
multiplication is defined.
(2) Suppose A and B are matrices of order m × n such that Ax̄ = B x̄ for all x̄ ∈ Rn .
Prove that A = B.
(3) Let A = (aij ) be a matrix. Transpose of A, denoted by AT , is defined to be
AT = (bij ) where bij = aji .
(i) Show that (A + B)T = AT + B T , whenever A + B is defined
(ii) Show that (AB)T = B T AT , whenever AB is defined.
(4) A square matrix A is said to be symmetric if A = AT and a square matrix A is
said to be skew symmetric if A = −AT .
Prove that a square matrix can be written as a sum of symmetric and a skew
symmetric matrix.
(5) A square matrix A is said to be nilpotent if An = 0 for some natural number n.
(i) Give examples of non-zero nilpotent matrices,
(ii) Prove that if A is nilpotent then A + I is an invertible matrix, where I is the
identity matrix.
(6) Trace of a square matrix A, denoted by T r(A), is defined to be the sum of all
diagonal entries.
(i) Suppose A, B are two square matrices of same order. Prove that T r(AB) =
T r(BA).
(ii) Show that for an invertible matrix A, T r(ABA−1 ) = T r(B).
(7) Apply Gauss elimination method to solve the system 2x+y+2z = 3, 3x−y+4z = 7
and 4x + 3y + 6z = 5. " #
2 6 −2
(8) Find the row reduced echelon form of the matrix .
3 −2 8

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