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CS EDUC 50 Eng. Child and Adolescent Learner and The Learning Principles

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CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission

The premier university in Cavite State University shall provide
historic Cavite recognized for CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY excellent, equitable and relevant educational
excellence in the development Don Severino de las Alas Campus opportunities in the arts, science and
of globally competitive and Indang, Cavite technology through quality instruction and
morally upright individuals. relevant research and development activities.
It shall produce professional, skilled and
morally upright individuals for global


Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:

TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of projects.

EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class performance and
Core Values
other course requirements.

SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of the community.
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.

1. Develop a highly competent human resource by ensuring an enriching environment to promote professional growth, and career.
2. For advancement of faculty, staff and students.
3. Provide quality instruction and development-oriented researches in cooperation with various institutions for the benefit of the community.
Goals of the
4. Respond effectively to the needs, demands and requirements of the community to demonstrate the University’s mission of relevance and
5. Institutionalize quality assurance policies to keep abreast with national and international standards of excellence to realize
competitiveness in the campus’ products and services.
The Department of Teacher Education aims to provide learning experiences to develop adults who have the thinking, problem-solving, decision-
making, communication, technical, and social skills to participate in various types of employment in the service of the community, development
activities, and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the community they serve. Consequently, the department aims to produce
of the
graduates who:
1. are committed and accountable for providing classroom instruction with results that are manifested in high performance levels in terms of
student learning outcomes;

2. are dedicated to the well-being of the students and communities they serve, taking into account their cultural diversity, group aspirations,
and what is valued in education; and
3. keep abreast with developments in education and builds professional links to enrich the teaching profession.
Program Educational Objectives
1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts;
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter / discipline;
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments;
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners;
5. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices;
6. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing and reporting learning processes and outcomes;
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national and global realities; and
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities.

1st Semester, AY 2019-2020
Course Course Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Credit
EDUC 50 Type Lecture 3
Code Title Principles Units
This course focuses on child and adolescent development with emphasis on current research and theory on the biological, linguistic, cognitive,
social and emotional dimensions of development. Further, this includes factors that affect the progress of development of the learners and
shall include appropriate pedagogical principles for each developmental level.
BSE1A Eng. (Wed./Thu.- 7:00-8:30)
none Course Schedule BSE1B Eng. (Wed.-11:30-1:00;Sat.-4:00-5:30)
BSE1C Eng. (Sat.-12:00-3:00)

Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives
Program/Student Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The students should:
a. possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective learning; X X
use English as a global language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of X X X
language and literature;
c. acquire extensive reading background in language, literature, and allied fields; X
d. demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication; X
shows competence in employing innovative language and literature teaching X X
approaches, methodologies, and strategies;
f. use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching; X X

inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve X
learning and teaching language and literature; and
display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented language and X
literature teacher.
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course Program Outcomes Code
After completing this course, the students must be able to: a b c d e f g h
1. compare and contrast, organize, and synthesize the different researches and theories
related to the four broad dimensions of child and adolescent development;
2. articulate in their own views and ideas on how children and adolescents grow; D D
3. apply knowledge in human growth, development, and learning to the teaching-learning
4. identify the psychological principles operating in particular learning and teaching situations;
5. resolve particular classroom problems using principles and theories of human growth and
development at various levels.
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
No. of Hours Outcomes-
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning based
Topic Resources Needed
Lec Lab Outcomes (ILO) Activities (TLA) Assessment
After the completion of the Orientation Small-group discussion Student Handbook Written exams
unit, students will be able A. University Vision and
to: Mission Role Playing on Emergency Plan Reference book
1. familiarize and reflect on B. Student Handbook
the University Vision (Students’ Code of Conduct) Interactive class discussion Powerpoint
2. explain the strong need C. Solid Waste Management Presentation
for teachers to have a clear D. Gender and Development Activity
6 understanding of human E. Emergency Plan in Case of
growth, development, and Calamity
learning; F. Multiple Intelligences
2. define the terms G. Grading System and Couse
childhood and adolescent; Requirements
and, H. Classroom Management Recent
3. identify pertinent researches on
provisions on the rights of

children and young I. The Child and Adolescent child’s stages of
persons. Learners development
A. Definitions of Childhood and
Adolescence; Researches on
B. The Rights of Children and the latest issues
Young Persons; on human
C. Importance of Human development
Growth, Development, and
D. Aspects of Development

After the completion of the II. The Development of the Interview their own parents Reference book Approved Title
unit, students will be able Learner of Term Paper
to: A. Principles of Growth and Inquiry-based Discussion Video presentation
1. enumerate the principles Development Visual materials
of growth and development; B. Physical and Motor, and Observation / Case Study that show
2. describe the different Brain Development Rubric for term paper factors affecting
factors that influence C. Factors that Influence Concept Outlining growth and
growth and development; Growth and Development development
3. identify the 1. Maternal Nutrition Sharing of research abstracts on
developmental tasks in 2. Child Nutrition growth and development Written exam
each life stage; and, 3. Parenting Styles
4. analyze the D. Havighurst’s Developmental Term paper (Title proposal)
characteristics of Tasks During Life Span
individuals in the different E. Stages of the Life Span
life stages and their 1. Prenatal
implications to the 2. Infancy
teaching-learning process. 3. Babyhood
4. Early childhood
5. Late childhood
6. Puberty
7. Adolescence stage
8. Early adulthood
9. Middle age
10. Old age
F. Exceptional Children
- Physical, Behavioral, and
Learning Disabilities

After the completion of the III. Human Development Interactive class discussion Reference book Written exam
unit, students will be able Theories
to: A. Cognitive and Language Researches Powerpoint Portfolio
1. explain the various Development presentation
theories of intelligence and 1. Piaget’s Cognitive Term Paper (Chapter I and II Term Paper
learning styles; Development making) Video presentation (Chapter I and
2. describe the factors 2. Vygotsky’s II)
affecting development; Socio-cultural Perspective Brainstorming Articles
3. compare the concepts of on Learning and
Vygotsky and Chomsky on Language Concept Outlining Journals
language development; 3. Chomsky’s
4. expound on how Psycholinguistics
student’s zone of proximal Biological Predisposition
development, and inner to Language
12 speech relate to the 4. Information Processing
teacher-student interaction; Theory
and, 5. Bio-cultural Theories
5. categorize exceptional 6. Brofenbrenner’s
development. Ecological Theory
7. Early Language
8. Exceptional
Development: Aphasia,
Dyslexia, Gifted child,
Syndrome, and Disorders
9. Theories of Intelligence
that Influence Individual

After the completion of the B. Psychosocial and Moral Interactive classroom discussion Reference book Reflection paper
unit, students will be able Development
to: 1. Erickson’s Theory of Term paper (Interview/ Data Powerpoint Written exam
1. enumerate the different Psychosocial gathering) presentation
6 stages of the theories Development Observations
under psychosocial and 2. Kohlberg’s Stages of Concept Outlining Video presentation
moral development; Moral Development

2. determine the crisis that 3. Bandura’s Social- Articles
occurs in Erikson’s theory Cognitive Theory
of psychosocial 4. Elliot Turiel’s Moral Journals
development that needs to Rules
be resolved; 5. Carol Gilligan’s Theory Interview form
3. define morality; of Moral Development
4. define emotional C. Emotional Development
intelligence; and, 1. Goleman’s Emotional
5. enumerate the major Intelligence
qualities that make up D. Freud’s Psychoanalytic
intelligence according to Theory

After the completion of the IV. Learning Theories

unit, students will be able A. Behavioral Approaches Brainstorming Reference book Reflection paper
to: 1. Classical Conditioning
1. describe the classical 2. Operant Conditioning Insights sharing Powerpoint Written exam
conditioning and cite ways 3. John B. Watson presentation
by which they are 4. Thorndike’s Role playing Observations
manifested in the connectionism Video presentation
classroom; B. Humanistic Approaches Term paper (Chapter III and IV Term paper
2. describe how different 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of making) Articles (Chapter III and
types of reinforcements Needs IV)
affect learning; and, C. Cognitive Approaches Journals
3. demonstrate how 1. Gestalt-Insight Theory
teachers can use 2. Tolman’s Purposive Interview form
awareness of the students’ Behaviorism
needs to effectively 3. Banduras Observational
motivate the students to do Learning
their best.


After the completion of the V. Cognition and Learning Observation / case study Reference book Reflection paper
unit, students will be able A. Teaching Strategies by Hilda
to: Taba Video presentation Powerpoint Observations
9 1. illustrate the connection 1. Concept Formation presentation
of different concepts; 2. Interpretation of Data Interactive discussion Written exam
3. Application of Principles Video presentation
B. Memory

2. create an activity that 1. Kinds of Memory Term paper (Remanining Final Term
promotes application of 2. Episodic, Semantic, and Chapters paper
principles; Procedural Memory
3. define the different 3. Explicit and Implicit
mnemonic techniques; and, Memory
4. apply different mnemonic 4. Mnemonics
techniques to improve the
students’ memory.
Total 54 hours
Suggested Lecture Requirements:
1. Mid-Term Examination
2. Final Examination
3. Quizzes/Seat works/Recitations
4. Class Reporting/Reaction Paper
5. Assignments
6. Class or Group Project (Term Paper)
7. Class Attendance

Class Standing (60%) The grading scale is as follows:
Behavior 10% 96.72 – 100.00 1.00
Attendance 10% 93.38 – 96.71 1.25
Assignment 10% 90.04 – 93.37 1.50
Seatwork 20% 86.70 –90.03 1.75
Quizzes 20% 83.36 – 86.69 2.00
Performance Task/Proj. 30% 80.02 – 83.35 2.25
100% 76.68 – 80.01 2.50
Comprehensive Exam (40%) 73.34 – 76.67 2.75
First Long Exam 25% 70.00 – 73.33 3.00 Passing Grade
Midterm Exam 25% 50.00 – 69.99 4.00 Conditional
Second Long Exam 25% Below – 50 5.00 Failed
Final Exam 25% INC Passed the course but lack some requirements
100% Dropped Unexcused absent is more than 20% of TCH

A. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as “DROPPED”.
B. Classroom Decorum
Students are required to:
1. wear identification cards and the prescribed uniform at all times;
2. turn off or put in silent mode cellular phones during class hours;
3. clean the classroom before and after classes;
4. avoid unnecessary noise that might disturb other classes;
5. practice good manners and right conduct at all times;
6. practice gender sensitivity and awareness inside the classroom; and
7. come to class on time.
C. Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Mid-term and Final Examinations are scheduled.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second offense, the student
will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
4. Students who will miss a mid-term or final examination, a laboratory exercise or a class project may be excused and allowed to take a special
exam, conduct a laboratory exercise or pass a class project for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity;
b. due to illness or death in the family; and
c. due to force majeure or natural calamities.


Acero, V., et. Al. (2004). Human Growth and Development. Rex Bookstore: Manila
Acero, V., et. Al. (2004). Child and Adolescent Development. Rex Bookstore: Manila
Berger. K. (1998). The Developing Person: Through Life Span 4th Ed. Worth Publishers Inc.
Gines, A. et. Al. (1998). Developmental Psychology: A Textbook for College Students in Psychology and Teacher Education. Rex Bookstore:
Corpuz, B. et. al. (2010). Child and Adolescent Development. Lorimar Publishing Incorporated: Quezon, City, Manila.

Revision Date of
Date of Revision Highlights of Revision
Number Implementation
1 July 2016 August 2016 Additional topics and OBE format
2 August 2018 August 2018 Aligned to the new curriculum

3 August 2019 August 2019 Rearrangement of the topics
Prepared: Evaluated: Approved:
Instructor Chairperson Campus Administrator Dept of Teacher Education Cavite State University – Carmona Campus
Consultation Hours:
Fridays, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Date Evaluated: ________________________ Date Approved: ________________________
Date Prepared: August 19, 2019


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