EUMS Guide 2019-20
EUMS Guide 2019-20
EUMS Guide 2019-20
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Brass Ensemble Chamber Orchestra
We are an unauditioned, fun and friendly Chamber orchestra is an auditioned string orchestra,
brass ensemble. Providing an inclusive and conducted by Paul McClure. We play a wide variety of
supportive space we cater for brass players of high standard music, from Bach’s Brandenburg
all standards, with diverse and productive rehearsals. Our performanc- Concerto to Abreu’s “Tico Tico no Fuba!”. We hold
es are high-quality and range from busking to concerts, with at least 2 concerts each term, giving us the chance to perform in venues such as
per term. One of our main aims is to raise awareness with the smaller the beautiful Mary Harris Chapel. Tour is the main highlight of the
societies in the Exeter music scene, promoting and collaborating Chamber Orchestra calendar– our most recent destinations have been
when possible. Berlin and Seville! Tour offers the opportunity to perform in
prestigious venues, explore new places and make great friendships! If
you’re a string player, please come along to auditions!
Facebook: /exeterunibrass
Instagram: @exeter_uni_brass_ensemble Facebook: Exeter University Chamber Orchestra
Instagram: @euchamber // Twitter: @UoEChamberOrch
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Clarinet Choir Contemporary Choir
Exeter University Clarinet Choir is an
We are a fun, friendly and un-auditioned choir that
unauditioned, relaxed and friendly music society
sing a variety of genres. We are the biggest music
welcoming clarinettists of all abilities. We play a
society on campus and are very proud to have won
range of styles of music, from classical to film
"Student Group of the Year" 2019! We rehearse every Wednesday and
music to jazz, and we also play a variety of clari-
hold performances at the end of each term at venues in and around
nets, mostly Bb, but also Eb, Alto and Bass. Our
Exeter. Each term features additional performance opportunities such
rehearsals are fun and productive, and we
as Carolling!
perform in termly concerts in collaboration with
other small ensembles. Anyone is welcome to come along for a
rehearsal to see what we're all about. There is no
Facebook: Exeter University Clarinet Choir obligation to join but we’re pretty sure you'll
Instagram: @exeteruniclarinetchoir have a great time and want to sing with us
Snapchat: euclc Facebook: /execontempchoir
Instagram: @execontempchoir
Twitter: @exetercontempchoir
Concert Band
Exeter University Concert Band is an
unauditioned band made of wind, brass and
percussion instruments. We welcome and Country Music Society
accompany musicians of all abilities, and we play a fun set of music
ranging from familiar film medleys to classic wind band pieces, such "What makes you country?": Something Exeter's coun-
as: Doctor Who, How To Train Your Dragon, Disney Medley, Moment try music society aims to answer. If you are a lover of
for Morricone and Loch Lomond. We rehearse every Thursday at country music then this is the society for you! Our aim
6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Frank Oliver is to bring people together through a shared love of
Recital Hall in Kay House, Duryard. Our country music. Country tells a story: everyone can relate to it. There-
rehearsals are fun and relaxed, as we work fore whether you are a country enthusiast or just would like to dis-
towards a concert at the end of every term. cover more, this society aims to give the music, and country music
culture, the love it deserves.
Facebook: Exeter University Concert Band
Facebook: Exeter University
Instagram/Twitter: @euconcertband Country Music Society
Youtube: Exeter University Concert Band Instagram:
Email: @exetercountrymusicsociety
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Flute Choir Footlights
We are a small, friendly, unauditioned group of en- Footlights is the University of Exeter’s biggest
thusiastic flautists who meet each week to play a musical theatre society, committed to delivering
wide range of repertoire from classic pieces spectacle-filled productions, with fully-realised shows, Spotlights Show
Choir, Fitlights (our dance-fitness class!) and more. Specialising in major
like Dambusters to stage and screen pieces such as The Bare
dance-based musicals with an exceptionally high production quality, we
Necessities. Mostly, we play concert flutes, but we also have a piccolo, strive to provide opportunities to students across every musical and
alto and bass flute to add to our ensemble that everyone is welcome theatrical discipline. Acting with Footlights is energetic and exciting, but it is
to try. We also hold regular socials and termly performances, some of just one way of getting involved. We consistently bring together Exeter’s
which are in collaboration with other music societies. most talented musicians to perform challenging and rewarding musical
scores and offer countless opportunities to experience production roles from
Facebook: lighting design to fundraising, set building to photography.
/ExeUniFluteChoir Facebook: Exeter Footlights //
Exeter Spotlights
@exeuniflutechoir Instagram: @exeterfootlights //
Folk Society
Gilbert & Sullivan Society
We are a society of passionate dancers
The Exeter Gilbert and Sullivan Society is the oldest theatre
and musicians celebrating all things
society at the university. Established over 50 years ago, we
Folk. The folk tradition is inclusive and produce and perform the works of the dramatist W.S
welcoming and we're no different. Regardless of ability or experience, Gilbert and composer Arthur Sullivan, seen as by many as
if you’ve got energy, you’re perfect! The society originated as the Folk the forefathers to modern musical theatre. We aim to
Dance Society 60 years ago, today we not provide opportunities to everyone interested in theatre, priding our
only dance, but also hold music and song reputation as one of the friendliest and most welcoming theatre societies.
sessions, run dancing workshops and are Our ambition is to rework these classic operettas– thinking in an innovative
the home of Pigasus, the Folksoc Ceilidh way to bring life back to the genre, providing exciting opportunities not just
Band. for talented performers but also creative and production teams. Each year,
we offer two full scale productions with opportunities for ambitious actors,
Website: singers, dancers and musicians as well as smaller concerts and fundraisers
throughout the academic year with a more intimate setting, highlighting the
Facebook: /exeterfolksoc musical talent of the society.
Twitter: @exeterfolksoc
Facebook: Exeter University Gilbert and Sullivan Society
Instagram: @exeterfolksoc
Instagram: @exetergilbertandsullivan
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Jazz Orchestra
Gospel Choir
EUJO is Exeter University’s fully auditioned jazz and funk
EUGC is a fun place where singers and lovers of society. Consisting of three primary ensembles, The Big
gospel music come together to make music in a Band, The Anything Goes Funk Band and the Small Band,
fun and relaxed environment. We pride ourselves EUJO plays a wide variety of professional gigs across the
in the building of skill for singers of all abilities. We region. In the past these have included both Uni related events - such as
aim to promote gospel music in Exeter and ulti- Society Balls, Conferences and Graduation ceremonies - and private
mately progress to larger platforms within the UK. functions outside of Uni, such as weddings, drinks receptions, public
functions and local music festivals. In September of each year, we audition
Facebook: / a full orchestra comprised of saxes, brass, full rhythm section, as well as
UoEGospelChoir vocalists. We rehearse once a week on a Monday evening in Kay House,
and this year we’ve got loads of plans for gigs, society collaborations,
socials, as well as the famous
Facebook: Exeter University
Jazz Orchestra
Instagram: @eujojazz
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Opera Society Saxophone Choir
In Opera Society, we focus on people who want to get involved Exeter University Saxophone Choir (EUSax) is a chilled
in the music and theatre scene at Exeter but do not want to society for saxophonists of all abilities to meet up and
audition to do so. Our society offers: play. We play a variety of genres of music, including
- A full-scale production of an Opera for those interested in jazz, film, and a little bit of classical. Most of the choir
branching out of their comfort zone and learning the skill of
plays alto, and if you can't bring your own instrument, we have a
performing opera on-stage
- Concerts for both singers and orchestral players for couple available for you to use. Alternatively, if you fancy playing the
everyone to explore the music tenor, baritone or soprano instead of the alto, you're welcome to do
- Viewings of professional operas on stage and on so! Whether you're a virtuoso on the sax, or just starting out, this is
screen at places such as the Northcott and Vue Cinema the society for you.
- Socials to make friends with like-minded people.
There really is some- Facebook: /EUSaxes
Facebook: /UoEOperaSociety
thing for everyone in Instagram:
our friendly-focused Twitter: @UoEOperaSociety
society, and we’d love @exeterunisaxchoir
to have you join us! Instagram: @operasoc
Rock and Metal Society
Semi-Toned is at the forefront of a cappella in the Unit-
We aim to bring together people who share a love ed Kingdom. The group became national champions in
of rock, metal and punk music (not geology), and want 2015 having won the Voice Festival UK. In 2016, Semi-
to attend gigs and enjoy our socials. In the past we Toned went on to win the BBC2 competition The Choir:
have organised trips to Bristol to see bands such Gareth’s Best in Britain. In 2017 the group reached the final of Sky 1
as Alestorm, SWMRS and Mastodon and to London to see Metallica. TV show, ‘Sing! Ultimate A Cappella’. Now an international phenome-
We also organise gigs of our own at the Cavern in Exeter with non, they perform in the US and the UK, and are renowned for their
discounted entry for members, the first this year being Cybernetic five-star sell out shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The group
Witch Cult on October 22nd. As well as all of this we also run pub embraces music of a variety of genres to ensure there is something
quizzes and other socials throughout the year like any other society. for everyone in their shows. All topped off with the group’s iconic
burgundy blazers.
Facebook: University Facebook: Semi-Toned
of Exeter Rock and
Instagram: @semitoned
Metal Society
@exeter_rams Email:
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Shotgun Theatre Symphony Orchestra and
Shotgun Theatre strives to create innovative and Symphonic Wind Orchestra
boundary-breaking Musical Theatre productions. We
EUSO and EUSWO are Exeter University’s
are committed to providing opportunities in all aspects
auditioned orchestras, both professionally
of theatre for our members to push creative and per-
conducted by our musical director, Tim Pithers.
sonal boundaries, producing work with the potential to excel in, and
EUSO is a full scale symphony orchestra that
go beyond, the Student Theatre scene. We hold a long history of pro-
rehearses every Tuesday during term time, and
ducing prestigious shows to excellent reviews, presenting 4 full-scale
EUSWO is the university’s newest auditioned ensemble, a ‘project-led’
shows throughout the year. We pride ourselves on our inclusive ethos,
wind orchestra that holds three more intensive rehearsals each term.
opening our show decisions to a members’ vote twice a year. We are
Wind, percussion and front desk strings are auditioned in late
also committed to our society’s social aspect, offering Social Member-
September, with all other string desks unauditioned. We also hold
ships and hosting events for theatre-lovers throughout the year, such
yearly auditions to give soloists the opportunity to play a concerto with
as our bi-termly Open Mic Cabaret Evenings. Anyone is welcome to
the orchestra.
sing their hearts out or simply enjoy a night of great music and infec-
tious vibes. We can’t wait to welcome you to Theatre at Exeter! We perform three joint concerts throughout the year, with recent
repertoire including the likes of Sibelius’ Symphony No.2 and
Facebook: Shotgun Theatre Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Suite with the Symphony Orchestra, and Nigel
Hess’ East Coast Pictures and Guy Woolfenden’s Illyrian Dances with
Instagram: @ShotgunTheatre the Wind Orchestra.
Twitter: @ShotgunTheatre We’re a friendly and
welcoming society, with
exciting things in store for
Soul Choir the next year, such as
working with the
A group of 40 singers with our very own Soul band; Bournemouth Symphony
we like our music live and with a dash of soul, whether Orchestra and outreach
that is Motown classics or covers of contemporary hits performances at a local
with a soul twist. From charity fundraisers in venues care home and the
such as Monkey Suit, Christmas Concerts in museum.
St Davids Church and our annual joint performance with the Exeter
University Jazz Orchestra at the Phoenix, Soul Choir has built a
reputation of producing great live music with bagfuls of SOUL. Website:
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University Singers Chapel Choir
Exeter University singers is the University’s Chapel Choir is part of the University’s Chaplaincy who sing in liturgical
chamber choir. Conducted by Matthew services offered by the University Chapels as well as around Devon and
Jeffrey and Daniel Maw, the choir is made up of approximately 40 in Exeter Cathedral. More information can be found here:
singers who take pride in producing concerts and recordings of a high
standard across Devon and around the world through regular tours.
We sing a diverse range of music from Classical to 21st century works, Email Contacts:
running fun, focused weekly rehearsals and regular workshop days. A Cappella Society -
Whilst the choir take pride in the high standard of musicianship Beats and Bass Society -
achieved, it is also known for its family feel and vibrant social scene.
Big Band -
Facebook: /exeteruniversitysingers Brass Ensemble -
Taught by a professional, fun and friendly director, we Country Music Society -
rehearse every Tuesday from 7-8:30pm in the Peter Flute Choir -
Chalk Rooms 1.1-1.3, singing gorgeous music from all Folk Society -
around the world. This means different lan- Gospel Choir -
guages, lovely harmonies and a chance to try
Indie Music Society -
something new every week! Unlike many other
choirs, we don't audition - everyone is wel- Jazz Orchestra -
come. We are a diverse group, with members Modern Orchestra -
coming together from all across the planet to Rock and Metal Society -
create a wonderful sound! We also wel- Saxophone Choir -
come non-student members, which makes us
Semi-Toned -
unique amongst the university's non-classical
choirs and gives us a real community feel. Soul Choir -
Symphony Orchestra -
Facebook: University of Exeter World Music Choir University Singers -
Instagram: @wmc_exeter Website: World Music Choir -
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