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Library Program: Action Plan 2015-20

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Program/Date PLAN PLAN



Need for additional AVP/Provost Funding will be needed Tenure-track and Tenure-track and
Library Self-Study/External
tenure-track and lecturer proportional to lecturer librarians lecturer librarians
librarians Review/Faculty input from University and Program
CI's spring 2015 Continuous growth
Improvement meeting

“The library’s workforce has

been stagnant while campus
FTE has grown, creating
exceptional stress on public-
facing departments.”
(External Review, pg. 1)
Need for additional library AVP/Provost Funding will be needed Library staff in the Library staff in the
Library Self-Study/External
staff proportional to areas of: circulation areas of: Unique
Review/Faculty input from University and Program Collections,
CI's spring 2015 Continuous growth Interlibrary Loan,
Improvement meeting Technical Services
“Human capacity in the
library has been greatly
outpaced by rising student
FTE. There is inadequate
staffing for key public service
operations. All library staff
take shifts covering the front
desk on nights and
weekends, using between
twenty and forty percent of
their weekly shifts for desk
coverage.” (External Review,
pg. 5)
Need for additional AVP/LibraryProgram Funding will be needed Increase number of Double the number
Library Self-Study/External
student workers proportional to student workers to of student workers
Review/Faculty input from
University and Program 2009 levels (before from current (2014-
CI's spring 2015 Continuous
growth Library lost funding 15) levels to assist
Improvement meeting
due to furloughs) with: book
Library lost funding for processing,
student workers due to digitization, point
furloughs of services support,
closing support,
facilities support.
Sustainable student Library Self-Study/External CIO/Finance Funding will be needed Facilitate proper Review printing
printing solution; Review/Faculty input from to implement and printing system as
classroom and public CI's spring 2015 Continuous sustain a printing management necessary
computing equipment Improvement system that supports services or decline
meeting/Mission pillar of student achievement to serve as a
being student centered. and eliminates printing/IT service
distraction from Library point
“Persistent issues with core mission and faculty
campus technology create reassignment to IT issue
obstacles in the student
learning workflow. These
issues include a slow,
unreliable printing system;
spotty wireless connections
throughout the building,
including in classrooms
intended for mobile laptop
use; outdated and
inadequate classroom
equipment, such as aging
laptops, projectors with low
lumens and early-2000s-era
graphics resolution”.
(External Review, pg. 5)

Logical allocation of faculty



Dedicated Library Program Academic Senate approval Library faculty service Permanent Library
CI's General Education Permanent Library
seat on General Education commitment seat on the GE
Student Learning Outcomes seat on the GE
Committee Committee. Library
for Information Literacy Committee. Library able to collect and
able to work with contribute
As the Library is key to GE faculty on meaningful
Learning Outcomes a seat developing signature assessment data
will allow Library to inform related to GE
committee on signature outcomes 3.1/3.2,
targeted authentic
assignment assessment and signature
contribute meaningful data assessments, etc assignment data,
to CI’s electronic portfolio etc. to CI's
system electronic portfolio
Library faculty time Dual map exercise: In consultation with
Systematic curriculum External Review/ Faculty Information Literacy
(i) Map the the faculty in each
mapping to inform the input from CI's spring 2015 Coordinator/Instruction
University’s current discipline, identify
Library's information Continuous Improvement Librarians
curriculum where in the
literacy instruction meeting.
(including curriculum
“A systematic curriculum identifying courses information literacy
mapping project could aid in offered online) and instruction should
minimizing duplicate (ii) map the entirety occur, and alter
instruction, allowing the of previous few information literacy
library to expand instruction years’ library program’s focus as
in overlooked areas, without instruction sessions necessary
putting an additional
instructional burden on very
busy library faculty.”
(External Review, pg. 2)
Sustainable alternative to Resources can stay up-to- Reference and Instruction Librarian and staff time; Identify services and Implementation
maintain Library’s digital date and accurate to support Librarians/AVP potential cost of replacement options and assessment of
presence student learning and faculty hardware/software Library’s digital
research presence
At the time of the self-
study, this was not a Boost support to online and
consideration- it has since distance learners
become a feasible reality


Update Library Bylaws These Bylaws were created Library Program Library faculty time Expanded/updated Revisit Bylaws as
in 2009 and need to be Bylaws needed
Unified Library Taking advantage of Chancellor’s Office/Library Staff retraining on new Begin Completion of
Management System Chancellor’s Office support faculty and staff ULMS; Librarians will implementation of installation of
(ULMS) need to instruct CI ULMS ULMS; initial
Leverage resource sharing students and faculty on assessment of
At the time of the self- across the CSU to benefit CI how to use new ULMS ULMS
study, this was not a students and faculty
consideration- it has since
become a feasible reality
Provost/AVP (for funding and Funding will be needed
Develop instruction, Library Self-Study/External Identify Strategies Strategies for
direction) /IT/Instruction proportional to
services and collection Review for providing, providing, growing
Librarians University and Program
development strategies growing and and sustaining
“The personalized research growth. Additional
for distance and online sustaining library library instruction,
help services the library librarians and staff;
students instruction, services services and access
delivers on-site at the software/hardware;
and access to library to library
Channel Islands campus training
collections to collections to
could not be affordably
distance and online distance and online
replicated at other sites
students students
without additional human
resources.” (External Review, Identify & explore Have in place a
pg. 3) options such as solid plan and
videoconferencing implementation of
by appointment for services as
distance/online identified in year 2
students and short report.
instructional videos
to supplement
information literacy

Provost/Facilities/Academic Funding will be needed Revisit/amend

Develop plan for Library Library Self-Study/External Develop
Planning proportional to recommendations
physical space Review recommendations
University and Program for accommodating
considerations: faculty and for accommodating
“Creating more space for growth and sustaining
staff office space; Library and sustaining
computing and desks would physical spaces
service points; Library physical spaces for:
collections space; Writing help the Library meet faculty and staff
student needs during times Implement first
Center space, etc. offices; service
steps of plan and
of high demand.” (External points; space for advocate for
Review, pg. 1) library collections; completion of plan
Writing Center
Student feedback from space, Learning
assessment Resource Center


Update Library Strategic Ongoing assessment and Library Program Faculty/Staff time Updated Strategic Assessment of
Plan evaluation of University and Plan Strategic Plan
Academic Affairs Strategic

The Program Action Plan is an agreement among appropriate AVPAA and Program to implement recommendations that emerged during the program review
process. These recommendations were derived from the program’s self-study, the external review, administrator input, and the Continuous Improvement
review. Through the Program Action Plan, the goal is to integrate program review results into Academic Affairs planning and budgeting. To the extent that resources
and changes in program and division strategic priorities permit, the Action Plan identifies two-year and five-year targets for implementation of recommendations.

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