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Defining incompatible behaviour in an
employer/employee relationship
in the
at the
I wish to convey my grateful appreciation to all those who made this study
My boyfriend, I have not been walking this journey alone. Your enduring support,
constant encouragement and patience during those long hours of work have
assisted in carrying me through those times when I wondered if I would ever finish
this task.
To all my family, friends and colleagues, I would like to express appreciation for
their support, patience and encouragement throughout the years of study.
For those wanting to embark on a similar journey I leave you with the following
food for thought:
Charlene Grant
Orientation:If the employer fails to promote harmony and an employee to behave
in harmony with the culture, values and relations of the organisation, has the
employer, on the grounds of “incompatibility”, the right to terminate the services of
that employee? How does one define “incompatibility”? The current legislation in
South Africa is vague when it comes to answering the above questions in relation
to incompatibility which leads to mismanagement of the situation which
subsequently has adverse consequences for the employer.
Practical implications: The findings provide guidelines to corporate leaders and
their human resource functionaries on how to properly categorise an employee’s
behaviour as that of incompatibility. Once a proper categorisation of
incompatibility has been made it then goes on to provide guidelines for a fair
procedure to the implemented when managing such behaviours.
Contributions: This study adds to the small base of research available on the
nebulous concept of incompatibility by identifying specific characteristics that
encompass this concept. This in turn will reduce the poor success rates at
external dispute resolution bodies for the employers.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………………………….. 2
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………… 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………. 5
2.9 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 3 – RESULTS…………….………………..…………………………………29
3.3Description of Codes.......................................................................................... 31
3.3.4 Investigation................................................................................................... 33
relationship .................................................................................................... 35
incompatible .................................................................................................. 35
employees ..................................................................................................... 37
3.3.17Poor performance as substance for dismissal ............................................... 38
evidence ........................................................................................................ 40
completed...................................................................................................... 40
employee ....................................................................................................... 41
disharmony .................................................................................................... 42
3.4.Categories ........................................................................................................ 44
3.4.2Disrespect ....................................................................................................... 48
3.4.6Procedure ....................................................................................................... 50
3.5Themes.............................................................................................................. 51
3.5.1Substance ....................................................................................................... 52
3.5.2Procedure ....................................................................................................... 53
3.7Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 54
dismissing an employee.......................................................................................... 64
5.6Summary ........................................................................................................... 77
CHAPTER 6 – Conclusion and Recommendations….…………………………….78
6.1Introduction ........................................................................................................ 78
6.5 Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research ................ 83
6.5.1 Recommendations…………………………………………………………………..83
6.6Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 84
Table 2.1…………………………………………………………………………….23
Table 3.1…………………………………………………………………………….30
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
The concept of incompatibility arose within our labour relations legal system
as far back as 1987. Incompatibility is thought to be the inability of an
employee to maintain harmonious relationships within an organisation and
between colleagues (Grogan, 2005). The existence of incompatibility in the
workplace can have a crippling effect, often leading to lost production, poor
morale, and the erosion of productive management time (Christianson,
2004).For these reasons the employer may want to dismiss an employee who
does not, at times, have harmonious relationships within the workplace and
organisation, thereby being labelled “incompatible”. However, once the
incompatibility has been established, how does an employer go about
dismissing the employee? What processes do they follow to ensure that
fairness in terms of substance and procedure prevails?
to something related to the employee and his/her ability to do the work, or
whether it is related to the employer’s right to relatively peaceful and
harmonious relationships within the workplace, that would justify the ultimate
sanction of dismissal (Mischke, 2005).
terminated in terms of Section 189 and Section 189A of the LRA (Grogan,
The LRA does not provide any guidance on dealing with incompatibility in an
organisation (Israelstam, 2012). There is no Code of Good Practice in this
regard that can guide an employer in properly dealing with incompatibility.
The effect thereof is that employers often use their own discretion and, in so
doing, often miscategorise the issue and subsequently follow the incorrect
procedure when dismissing employees. No specific mention is made in the
LRA of a category under which incompatibility resorts or whether
incompatibility is indeed grounds for dismissal. Section 188 of the LRA clearly
indicates that, for a dismissal to be fair, it must be effected for a fair reason,
and by following a fair procedure. It is therefore imperative to correctly
categorise the reason for dismissal, as this will dictate the procedure that
needs to be followed in carrying out the dismissal (Grogan, 2005). However,
the problem with categorisation of incompatibility lies in the precise definition
thereof. Incompatibility is vaguely defined,which results in employers simply
labelling employees who might be difficult to manage as incompatible,
whereas they might not be incompatible, they just require a different style of
management (Israelstam, 2012).
an unfair reason. These institutions are, however, bound by the guidelines in
the LRA when determining whether a dismissal wasin any way unfair. The
Labour Court was also established as a specialist institution to set precedents
and supervise the awards by the CCMA andbargaining councils. It is therefore
of paramount importance that an employer complies with the basic guidelines
with regards to procedures followed and reasons for the dismissal of
The result of the above problem is that employers often fall foul at the CCMA
when dismissing an employee for incompatibility. The rate of dismissal cases
for incompatibility being upheld by the CCMA is very low (Israelstam, 2005).
Very little, if any, research into the reasons for this low rate has been
conducted. This leaves many questions unanswered with regards to why
employers are often ordered by the CCMA to re-instate, re-employ or
compensate the ‘incompatible’ employees,due to perceived unfairness with
regards to substance or procedure.
The present research into these questions and problems will produce findings
that employers can use when faced with such cases, and will guide employers
to properly categorise incompatible employees and not simply label all
eccentric behaviour as incompatible.Once an employee has been
correctlyidentified as being incompatible,align the incompatibility as
misconduct or incapacity so that the correct procedure in terminating services
of incompatible employees can be followed.
1.4 Objectives
Theoretical objective:
The views of leading scholars and/or legal practitionerson the subject will be
reviewed. As there are limited articles on the problem, the primary source will
be arbitration awards by the CCMA, dealing specifically with dismissals due to
Practical objective:
Once the study has been completed, the findings can provide building blocks
to implement basic, practical guidelinesfor fair procedures and means of
identifying incompatibility. Organisations will then have improved chancesof
being successful in matters of dismissal due to incompatibility at the CCMA or
bargaining councils.
incompatibility need to be identified. This would reduce the re-instatement,
re-employment and compensation of an employee.
Due to the fact that incompatibility is a nebulous concept, it is of utmost
importance thata precise definition or test be developed that would assist
employers in properly identifying incompatibility. This will strengthen
employers’ cases before the CCMA, and ensure a higher success rate than
what is presently the case (Subrumuny and Amalgamated Beverages Ltd,
If South Africa wishes to act fairly towards employers and employees, in line
with Section 23(1) of the Constitution of South Africa, especially when it
comes to incompatibility, a Code of Good Practice dealing with incompatibility
will need to be developed to assist employers in correctly categorising an
incompatible employee and following the correct procedure.
body of scientific knowledgewill be the integration of knowledge into a larger
theoretical or empirical framework.
The current study into this field and problem can contribute to the
development of a Code of Good Practice or, at least, good policy guidelines
for employers on how to deal with incompatibility in the work place.
A proper definition and guideline will assist in a more equitable outcome in the
management of incompatibility.
1.9 Conclusion
Chapter 2
Research Design
2.1 Introduction
Research can be seen as the vehicle for theory development. It is also seen
as a method to gather information needed for theory building (Fawcett, 1986).
This is true whether the purpose of the research is to generate theory or to
test it. When the purpose of the research is theory generation, as in the
present study, the research approach is a combination of theoretical
concepts, practical considerations, personal convictions and interests, and
practical research methodologies (Fawcett, 1986).
By looking at the specific research designs that are used to develop theories,
it can further explainthe relationship between theory and research. A
theoretical study can be classified as descriptive research or explanatory
research. Descriptive theories are the most basic of theories. They describe
or classify specific dimensions or characteristics of individuals, groups,
situations, or events by summarising the commonalities found in discrete
observations. Descriptive research is used to test descriptive theories. The
type of research that will be used in the present study is that of descriptive
theoretical research. Descriptive theories are needed when very little is known
about the phenomenon in question. In the present studyit is the current
research topic dealing with dismissals relating to incompatibility (Fawcet,
development of basic guidelines for employers to follow when dealing with
incompatible employees.
2.2.1 Ontology
One of the key ontological questions is whether or not social reality exists
independently of human conceptions and interpretations, whether there is a
common, shared, social reality or just multiple context-specific realities, and
whether or not social behaviour is governed by laws that can be seen as
generalizable (Ritchie, 2003).
Within ontology, there are three broad yet distinct positions. They are: realism,
materialism, and idealism. Realism indicates that there is a distinction
between the way the world is and the meaning and interpretation of that world
held by individuals. Materialism has a similar perspective as realism, except
that material features like economic relations or physical features hold reality.
Finally, idealism asserts that reality is only known through the human mind
and through socially constructed meanings (Ritchie, 2003).
In the present study the researcher, having had experience in this particular
field and in dealing with cases of this nature, approached the ontological
dimension of the research with an idealism perspective, specifically working
through current case law on the particular topic and identifying trends, with the
aim of producing a realistic account of the research.
The researcher interacted with the documentation before her, and knowledge
will was discovered through the use of different methodological approaches
when analysing the data. The most ideal method of analysing and
interpreting the data in this study was through the use of a meta-/ethnography
approach, (Ritchie, 2003) where findings were interpreted and translated from
one study to another.
2.2.2 Epistemology
Three main issues around social research are debatable. Firstly is concern
regarding the relationship between the researcher and the researched?Some
qualitative researchers believe that, in the social world, people are affected by
the process of being studied, and that the relationship between the researcher
and the social phenomenon is interactive. Ultimately, the belief is that the
researcher is unable to remain objective, and can therefore not produce an
objective account with regards to the research. There is a perception that the
findings are either mediated through the researcher, or they are negotiated
and agreed between the researcher and the research participants (Oliver,
Secondly is the issue surrounding the theories of truth? This is directly linked
to the views about similarities and differences between the natural and the
social worlds. The dominant theory of truth with regards to the natural
sciences is one of a match between observations or readings of the natural
world and an independent reality. The social world, on the other hand, is more
likely to have an intersubjective or coherence theory of truth,which suggests
that this independent reality can only be gauged in a consensual rather than
an absolute way. An example would be that if several reports confirm a
statement, it can be considered as a true representation of a socially
constructed reality (Ritchie, 2003).
Different epistemologies exist, and the one most suited to the present study is
a qualitative epistemology. The literature review indicates that not much
research has been carried out into the field of incompatibility and the fair
dismissal of such employees. There is clearly a lack of testable
hypotheses,and certainly not a hypothesis related to the research question.
The best strategy from an epistemological perspective is to follow a qualitative
strategy,in order to:
(ii) Develop propositions to be tested;
(iii) Develop fundamental theory that relates to the situation and that
explains the data collected;
(iv) Sacrifice validity and reliability at the specific stage of the research in
exchange for meaning and understanding.
The main objective of the study was to identify what defines an incompatible
employee, and howclearer guidelines in identifying an incompatible employee
mayimprove fairness in employment practices.
As the research does not deal with specific individuals, but rather specific
cases, the researcher primarily obtained data from recent case law dealing
with dismissals due to incompatibility.
The primary location of this type of data was electronic sources that can be
accessed via the Internet,such as the following websites:
• Caselaw.co.za;
• Lexnexis; and
• Juta stats.
The approach was to identify key words that would filter the information
sourced in such a way as to extract information relevant to the research
questions. The following outlines a list of the key words that were used in the
data sampling and selection processes:
Table 2.1Keyword/Phrases
• Dismissal due to
• Unfair dismissal;
• Harmonious relationships;
• Organisational culture;
• Transformation;
• Personality in the workplace;
• Dismissal due to misconduct;
• Dismissal due to incapacity;
• Procedural requirements for
• Substantive requirements for
• Fair dismissal;
• Unfair dismissal;
• Incompatibility;
• Organisational misfit;
• Incompatibility procedure;
• Diverse workplace;
• Case law regarding
dismissal due to
The data was restricted to specific cases from 2000-2013, due to the large
amount of case law that had been finalised through CCMA arbitration, which
indicated that there was an increase in cases of this nature. The reason for
the selection of casesfrom this time period wasto obtain the most recent
information regarding ways of dealing with these dismissals from the CCMA
arbitration commissioner’s viewpoints.
The type of systematic review that was used for this study is a meta-
ethnography. A meta-ethnography is a method that is used to achieve
interpretative synthesis of qualitative research and other secondary sources
(Schlosser, 2007). Meta-ethnography, however, does not develop overarching
generalisations, but rather aims to translate qualitative studies into one
another. Meta-ethnography consists of a set of processes that overlap from
time to time during the study, and include the following (Schlosser, 2007):
The reason for the choice of the systematic review methodology for the
present study was the nature of the research, in that solicited and unsolicited
literature in the form of cases were studied and analysed. Only cases
relevant to the particular topic were analysed. Systematic review minimised
bias in locating, selecting, coding, and aggregating studies (Schlosser, 2007),
and was therefore the most suited research methodology for the study.
synthesis, thereby generating new theory. When analysing the different
cases, the following categories were identified:dismissalsdue to incompatibility
that were successful and those that were unsuccessful. Within these
categories, it was determined which procedures for dismissing the employees
were followed when the cases were successful and unsuccessful. Finally, the
different reasons for the cases being unsuccessful or successful were
categorised. These categories provided an overall trend,and aided the
construction of an appropriate method for dismissing employees who were
incompatible, which assisted in a higher success rate for employers when
cases were referred to the external dispute resolution bodies.
The validity of the findings or data of the research study referred to
correctness or precision of the research findings. There are two dimensions
to validity;these are the internal validity, referring to whether you investigated
what you claimed to investigate, and external validity, which refers to whether
the abstract constructs thatwere tested are applicable to other groups within
the population or contexts. There has been a shift in the qualitative literature
to move towards the use ofcredibility and transferability in place of reliability
(Ritchie, 2003). In the present research study, to ensure that validity was
maintained, the researcher constantly checked and comparedthe cases to
see if the same findings led to the outcome. Together with this constant
checking and comparison, theory triangulation was performed, where the
researcher looked at the data extracted to ensure that there was consistency
in the theoretical perspectives. The above establishedthe principles that
could be used to guide future decisions related to incompatible behaviour.
Technical research standards were maintained primarily through objectivity.
The integrity of the study wasfoundedon full disclosure of results, theories,
and research methods employed in the interpretation of key findings.
Any reference made to data made throughout the study was factual and
extrapolated from relevant literature sources; no data was made up or
modified. A further contribution to the ethical standards of the study was that
copyright infringement and plagiarism was avoided by giving due recognition
to the sources consulted.
2.9 Conclusion
The purpose of this chapter was to discuss the research philosophy, the
epistemology,the ontology,and the selected approach to locating data in the
present study. In the next chapter, the results of the study will be reported.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
Once the cases were collected, the researcher went about detailing the
reasons for the dismissal, as well as the procedure followed in dismissing the
employee. The success of each case (from the employer’s perspective) was
also recorded, and the characteristics of incompatible behaviour were
exposed. The procedure followed when dismissing incompatible employees
was also recorded and analysed. From this analysis, the codes and
categories were identified. The results of the data analysis provided the
rationale and a description for each of the following research questions:
Table 3.1
• Dismissal due to • EBSCOHOST: • 7 • 4
incompatibility Academic search;
• Unfair dismissal Business Source • 28 • 8
• Harmonious complete; • 8 • 2
relationships E-Journals;
misfit • SABINET;
• Incompatibility • SAFFI; • 0 • 0
procedure • UJ Library
• Diverse workplace Catalogue • 23 • 4
• Case law • 122 • 100
dismissal due to
What follows is a description of the codes that were identified during the
analysis phase, followed by an outline of the categories that were identified
and which codes form part of each category, as well as the definition of each
of these codes.
This code relates to the procedure followed when confronting the employee
regarding his/her behaviour and the effect of the behaviour on the
organisation and staff. The behaviours included problems in dealing with
clients, complaints lodged by fellow employees, insolence, intimidation, and
aggressive behaviour. The main focus is on the informality of the meeting but
providing the employee with the opportunity to respond to the allegations.A
total of 12% of the cases concluded at external dispute resolution bodiesthat
were analysed were instances where an employee was alleged to have
displayed behaviours that were labelled as incompatible.These employees
were summonsed to an informal meeting where the behaviour being
displayed was discussed with them and they were given an opportunity to
respond to the the allegations of such behaviour.A very interesting finding was
that 67% of the cases studied did not follow a formal process such as a
disciplinary hearing or an incapacity investigation when implementing action
against an employee for their alleged incompatibility. Employers were
successful in 25% of all the cases that were dealt with in an informal way
bythe external dispute resolution bodies. It was noted by the commissioners
in their rulings that, although an informal process was followed, the accused
employees were provided with an opportunity to respond to the allegations
levelled against them, and that a formal procedure was not required. This
indicates that the most important procedural requirement is to allow the
employee to provide reasons or to state their case in relation to the
allegations of incompatibility. The results therefore indicate that a formal
disciplinary process or incapacity management process is not necessary to
protect this right of the employee.
This code relates very strongly to the procedural requirements that the
employer should follow in order to prove fairness when having dealt with
employees who have been identified as displaying behaviours that could be
seen as incompatible with the employer or the employees. In order for a
dismissal to be fair, one of the requirements is the provision of counselling.
Analysis showed that 20% of the cases fell within this code. 75% of the cases
resulted where employers were unsuccessful when the matters were referred
to dispute resolution bodies. This is an indication that,when dealing with
incompatibility cases, employers mostly do not offer counselling session in an
attempt to inform the employee of the unwanted behaviours and give thereby
providing employees with an opportunity to remedy their behaviours before
being dismissed. The high percentage (75%) ofunsuccessful cases due to a
lack of such counselling indicates the importance to offer counselling as part
of the procedure prior to dismissing the employee.
Very similar to the previous code, this code deals with matters dealing with
the procedural requirements expected of an employer when dealing with
incompatibility. Before an employer can with certainty allege that an
employee is incompatible, an employer is expected to conduct a thorough
investigation to determine if there is any existence of behaviours that could be
seen to fall under the definition of incompatibility. A total of 4% of the cases
that were analysed fell under this code, which was a surprising figure,
considering that one of the key elements in proving fairness of dismissal is
having adhered to procedural requirements. Of these cases, employers were
unsuccessful in 100%when the matters were referred to dispute resolution
bodies. This clearly indicates that most employers donot ensure that a
thorough investigation is carried out to determine incompatibility, and act
prematurely in identifying incompatibility as the reason for dismissal.
resolution. It is therefore clear that eccentricity has no substance as grounds
for dismissal, and was found to be anunfair reason for dismissals.
This code deals with the impact of the perceived incompatible behaviour of an
employee on the workplace, with specific reference to the fellow colleagues
and management. Disruption in thecases analysed, was caused by
behaviours that included severe conflict with staff members and overtly
aggressive and confrontational personalities. These led to a decrease in staff
morale, to the extent that staff was not able to work together. A total of 16%
of the concluded cases from external dispute resolution bodies that were
analysed dealt with gross disruption as the substance for the dismissal of
employees. Employers were successful in 56% of the cases when the matters
were referred to the external dispute resolution bodies for arbitration. The
main reasons for 44% of the employers falling foul at the external dispute
resolution bodies was due to the absence of progressive disciplinary action
being carried out for previous actions of the same nature, there was no
counselling that took place to sensitise the employee of the unwanted
conduct, and employees were not provided with an opportunity to respond to
allegations against them. This is an indication that gross disruption by an
employee, if proven, is a fair reason for the dismissal of the incompatible
employee, provided previous remedial steps have been taken in an attempt to
improve the conduct.
This code deals with one of the procedural requirements when an employer is
contemplating dismissal of an employee for incompatibility. The rationale is
that the employer needs to counsel the employee regarding incompatibility
through unacceptable behaviour, and then afford the employee the
opportunity to remedy such behaviour. A total of 18% of the cases dealt with
this code, and 77% of these instances,the employers did not succeed in
proving their cases at the CCMA. This is an indication that employers are
either not aware of this procedural requirement,or they do not see the need to
prolong the employment relationship by affording employees an opportunity to
remedy their behaviour.
This code deals with informal steps the employer could have taken prior to
initiating dismissal procedures. These steps could include identifying the
cause of the strain in the employment relationship and implementing
appropriate interventions. Only 3% of the cases studied were related to this
code. Of these cases,employers were unsuccessful in 100% of the cases.
The reason for the lack of success in these cases was that employers did not
make a genuine attempt to identify the root causes of the conflict that resulted
in a strain in the interpersonal relationships. This resulted in the interventions
in an attempt to resolve the conflict thatwas not identified or implemented.In
the cases investigated, the employers were reluctant to resort to informal
processes in an attempt to improve relationships and initiate formal processes
in an attempt to speed up the process of terminating services.
This code deals with one of the procedural requirements that must be
adhered to before an employee can be dismissed. Progressive discipline
should be implemented to prove that the measures taken were not
punitive,but merely corrective. Only 8% of the cases studied fell within this
category. Of these cases, 100% of employers were unsuccessful when the
matters were referred to external dispute resolution bodies. This is an
indication that employers who do not comply with the prescribed procedures
will not be successful in matters regarding termination of services. Employers
should take corrective action rather thanviewingtheprocess as punitive and
seeking the most severe sanction when dealing with these cases. This notion
relates to the principle of fairness as enshrined in labour legislation.
This code deals with whether progressive disciplinary action was taken before
dismissing an employee and the effect thereof on the success rate of these
matters when referredto dispute resolution bodies. A total of 7% of the cases
studied fell within this category,andin71% of these cases the employers were
successful upon conclusion of the matters by the CCMA. This success rate is
due to the correct procedures being followed when contemplating and
effecting dismissal. Specifically, dismissal was not a first resort in dealing
withthebehaviour displayed by these employees; they were afforded an
opportunity to rectify their behaviour. Dismissals in these matters were the
last resort,which indicated that the employers had gone to great lengths to
change these employees’ behaviours.
This category deals with the reasons cited by employers for dismissing
employees whom they deem to be incompatible with their organisation or
fellow colleagues. For dismissals to be fair,the reasons for the dismissal of
the employee need to be fair. A total of 34% of the cases studied fell within
this category. Employers in 100% of these cases were unsuccessful when
these matters were referred for dispute resolution. This is an indication that
employers may not cite any excuse as a reason for dismissing employees
whom they consider incompatible.
3.3.13 Apportioning blamefor the disharmonious situation
This code deals with the effect of incompatible employees on staff morale. A
total of 8% of the cases studied fell within this code. When dismissing these
employees,employerscited the employees’ behaviour as reasons for
dismissal, which was considered incompatible, leading to strain in work
relationships, as the reason for dismissal. Of all the cases studied under this
code,employers were unsuccessful in 50% of the cases. This is an indication
that, if an employee’s behaviour is so disruptive that it has an adverse effect
on the morale of fellow staff members; it could be deemed a fair reason for
the dismissal of the employee. However, proper investigation must be carried
out,as can be seen from the 50% of the cases that were unsuccessful.
Employers must firmly establish that the behaviour of one employee is, in fact,
having an adverse impact on other staff members to such a degree that their
morale is impacted.
This code deals with the employer following correct procedures when
dismissing employees who are deemed to be incompatible. These procedural
requirements should be in line with the Code of Good Practice:
Dismissals,contained in the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995. A total of 47%
of the cases studied fell within this category. Of this 47%,employers in 91% of
the cases did not follow the correct procedures when dismissing incompatible
employees. A staggering 87% of the employers did not follow any procedure
at all when dismissing the employees, and simply issued termination letters to
the employees without affording them any opportunity to state their side of the
case. In 2% of the cases,employees were dismissed verbally, without a letter
terminatingtheir services. From the results, it is clear that employers who do
not follow the required procedures to ensure fairness when dismissing
employees will be unsuccessful when the matters are referred for arbitration.
therefore imperative that poor performance be proven before using it as the
substance in dismissing an employee.
This code relates to behaviours displayed by employees that are not aligned
to the corporate culture and values of the organisation. A total of 18% of the
cases studied fell within this code. Of the cases studied, 55% resulted in
success for the employer when referred to external dispute resolution bodies.
When an employee displays behaviours that are not aligned to the corporate
culture and the values of the organisation, this could be used as a fair reason
for dismissing an employee. This behaviour is also deemed a characteristic
of incompatibility as a reason for dismissal.
the above cases, incompatibility was either misinterpreted or purposefully
misapplied as the substance for the dismissal.
This code relates to the status and power of managers in an organisation and
their use of this power to effect unjustified dismissals. Of the cases studied,
only 1% of the cases fellwithin this code. In this case, an altercation led to the
employer citing incompatibility and dismissing the employee, without
justifiable grounds or following a fair procedure.
3.3.24 Incompatibility used as a reason to dismiss employees at the end of their
probationary period.
This code deals with probationary employees who are dismissed at the
conclusion of their probationary period for reasons relating to incompatibility
with the organisation’s culture, values, employees and/or management. Of
the cases studied, 4% were categorised under this code. The employers
failed to win 50% when the disputeswere referred to external dispute
resolution bodies. The reason for the failure of these cases was that the
employers did not have valid grounds that justified the incompatibility; the
employer did not want to permanently employ the employee for reasons
known to them and thus used incompatibility as a reason for the termination of
the employee’s services. On the other hand, in the 50% in which the
employers were successful there were valid grounds for considering the
employees incompatible. In these cases, their behaviour included displaying
attitudes towards management and fellow employees which led to tension in
the organisation, even after they had been counselled.
This code deals with an employer citing the irretrievable breakdown of the
employment relationship as a reason for dismissal,while there is no evidence
to substantiate the claim. Of the cases studied, 2% fellunder this code. One
case related to an employee who failed to build close relationships with
clients. Employers were unsuccessful in 50% of these cases. The dispute
resolution body found that there was no evidence to support the claim of
irretrievable breakdown of the employment relationship. They further indicated
that this should have been a case of a performance-related issue or,
alternatively, a matter of incompatibility. This indicates that employers have to
clearly identify the reason for wanting to dismiss an employee and have
substantive evidence of the related behaviours.
This code deals with the procedural requirement of consulting with the
employee regarding concerns about their behaviour that could lead to
dismissal, prior to implementing formal procedures that could ultimately lead
to dismissal. Only 1% of the cases fell within this code. The employer in this
instance, a farmer, was ordered to reinstate the worker. The farmer used
incompatibility due to relationship problems experienced between his
domestic worker and his wife as substance in the dismissal of the employee.
This is a clear indication of the importance of adhering to the procedural
requirement of informing an employee accused of incompatibility that if their
behaviour does not change it could result in their dismissal. The absence of
this consultation with the employee would be deemed a procedural flaw,
which would lead to the employer being unsuccessful despite there being
substance to the claim of incompatibility.
3.3.28 The employee showed no remorse for the actions that caused
This code deals with the demeanour of employees during and after
consultation regarding their incompatible behaviour. Only 1% of the cases fell
within this category. The matter was referred to a dispute settling body, which
found in favour of the employer. The employee in question displayed
behaviours such as spreading malicious rumours, displaying negative
attitudes towards fellow colleagues and management, and being rude to
seniors. When called in to address the issue, the employee showed no
remorse for her behaviour, and blamed others, and refused to
acknowledgethat her behaviour was unacceptable. This shows that when an
employee who is deemed incompatible and receives counselling but refuses
to acknowledge or change such behaviour, it contributes to the substance of
the allegation of incompatibility.
This code deals with the effect of the incompatible behaviour of an employee
on the reputation of the organisation with external clients or stakeholders.
The behaviour must have been such that it caused external clients to have
reservations about dealing with the organisation after having experienced
contact with the employee. Only 1% of the cases fell within this code. The
dispute resolution body found for the employer,who proved that the
incompatible behaviour of the employee caused the company to be brought
into disrepute, and that it was a fair reason for the dismissal of the employee.
It is therefore clear incompatibility that manifests in actions harmful to the
company’s image is fair grounds for dismissing an employee.The
incompatible behaviour would have to have been suchthat it damaged
relationships with clients and stakeholders. This would have had an impact
on the profits of the organisation.
What follows below is a list of the categories that emerged from the
categorisation of the codes according to similar characteristics.
3.4 Categories
The table below is indicative of what transpired during the data collection and
analysis of the cases studied. It emphasises the abstraction from the
identification of codes, based on their similarities and differences into the
resultant categories in the first column. What follows from this table is the
emergence of themes based on the similarities and differences of the
categories. The two themes that emerged from the data analysis are that of
substance and procedure.
Table 3.2: Categories derived from the codes
Categories Codes
Disruptive behaviour Odd or eccentric behaviour
Gross disruption of the workplace
Defiance of authorithy
A negative effect on staff morale;
A misfit in terms of the corporate culture
and values of the organisation and the
Bringing the company into disrepute; and
Disrespect The employees displayed disrespectful
behaviour towards their colleagues
and/or management;
The employee displayed a negative
attitude when dealing with colleagues,
customers, or management;
Employee showed no remorse for
actions that caused disharmony.
Substance used to dismiss There was no evidence of disharmony;
employees There was no evidence that one party's
conduct alone was to blame for the
Poor performance;
Personal issues;
Seniority used to effect a dismissal;
Employees complain about a
management style;
Incompatibility cited to dismiss an
employee at the end of their probationary
Incompatibility used as a reason for
dismissal when no other substance is
Remedial action Genuine attempts made by employer to
improve interpersonal relationships prior
to embarking on formal processes;
Progressive disciplinary action prior to
Employment Relationship Irretrievable breakdown in the
relationship of trust between employer
and employee;
No evidence of irretrievable breakdown
of the employment relationship.
Procedure Meeting called outside of the formal
process to allow a response to the
Counselling sessions provided to
employeesto make them aware of their
Thorough investigation to determine
whether incompatibility is present;
Opportunity given to employee to alter
incompatible behaviour subsequent to
counselling session;
The absence of progressive disciplinary
Required disciplinary procedures were
not followed correctly or not followed at
Dispute referred for dispute resolution
body prior to the matter being addressed
Incompatibility is incorrectly used as a
reason for dismissal when no other
substance can be found.
This category came about by grouping together all the codes related to
disruptive behaviour as a means of identifying incompatibility. It refers to
behaviour that is disruptive and has a direct or indirect impact on fellow
colleagues’ morale and interpersonal relations in the worksituation. Disruptive
behaviour renders the relationship between the employee and the employer
intolerable. Disruptive behaviour should be severe enough to impact the
performance of the organisation and result in the employment relationship
being irreparably broken to justified grounds to terminate the employment
Of all the cases studied, 53% fell within this category indicating its widespread
occurance. Disruptive behaviour, if proven, would serve as evidence of
incompatibility. It would be a fair reason to dismiss an employee displaying
severe disrupt behaviour provided that a fair procedure was followed to allow
the employee to respond to the allegations. For disruptive behaviour to be
classified as incompatible behaviour there should be an absence of a single
incident that warrant immediate disciplinary action. Instead it will be behaviour
that affects the morale and performance over a period of time without single
incidences that could be disciplined.
3.4.2 Disrespect
24% of all the cases studied fall into the category of disrespect, indicating that
it is a fairly common occurance. The following codes relating to disrespect by
the employee were grouped together:
• The employees displayed disrespectful behaviour towards their
colleagues and/or management;
• The employee displayed a negative attitude when dealing with
colleagues, customers, or management; and
• Employee showed no remorse for actions that caused disharmony.
3.4.3 Substance used to dismiss employees
This category refers to situations where the employer does not provide
sufficient reason to dismiss an employee for reasons of incompatability. Lack
of substance includesdecisions where employers use their seniority to dismiss
employees, and cite unsubstantiated reasons as evidence of incompatibility. If
during the dispute resolution proceedings no evidence of incompatibility could
be offered, this category applies.Unsubstantiated evidence includes cases
where employers are equally responsible for the breakdown of the
employment relationship.
incompatable behaviour, unless the offence is significantenough and leads to
a breakdown in the employment relationship.
This category deals with circumstances where the employer has sufficient
evidence that the employment relationship has irretrievably broken down.
Providing evidence that the employment relationship has irretrievably broken
down is a justifiable reason to dismiss an employee.
3.4.6 Procedure
This category incorporates all the codes that are relevant to the procedural
requirements for dismissing employees. To be procedurely accurate, the
employer should put the allegations to the employee and allow them an
opportunity to respond to these allegations. The employee displaying
incompatible behaviour should be provided with counselling in order to
remedy their behaviour. The employer is obliged to thoroughly investigate the
matter prior to any type of action being instituted, to determine if
incompatibility truly exists. In the absence of a thorough investigation,
counselling sessions, progressive disciplinary action, and an opportunity to
respond to the allegations levelled against the employee, the procedural
requirements will not have been met, and the employer will be found to have
unfairly dismissed the employee.
3.5 Themes
Figure 3.1. A schematical depiction of the data analysis
In this section, two themes that emanated from the grouping of the categories
based on specific characteristics, namely substance and procedure will be
3.5.1 Substance
This theme relates to the reasons cited for taking any type of action against
an employee for incompatibility. The following categories formed part of this
• Disruptive behaviour;
• Disrespect;
• Substance in charges; and
• Breakdown in the employment relationship.
The categories that had been identified from the constant comparison of the
codes were used as a means of further comparison for similarities and
differences. The above four categories were similar in that they dealt with
how incompatibility is charactierised due to the nature of the behaviour
displayed by the employee. All the above categories deal with the actual
behaviour of the employee who is being labelled as incompatible and were
thus grouped together to form the above theme.
3.5.2 Procedure
“1) A dismissal that is not automatically unfair, is unfair if the employer fails to
(ii) based on the employer's operational requirements; and
(b) that the dismissal was effected in accordance with a fair procedure.
(2) Any person considering whether or not the reason for dismissal is a fair
reason or whether or not the dismissal was effected in accordance with a fair
procedure must take into account any relevant code of good practice issued in
terms of this Act.”
3.7 Conclusion
The purpose of this chapter was to discuss the research results that
emanated from the study. In the next chapter, the literature review will be
elaborated on, including the theory that emanated from the review.
Chapter 4
Literature Review
4.1 Introduction
In Chapter 3, the findings of the research study were provided;and the six
categories that emanated from the study were identified. Based on the
findings, some development of the definition of incompatibility was achieved,
with specific reference to the characteristics thereof and how it may be used
as a valid reason to dismiss an employee, as well as the procedure that has
to be adhered to. In this chapter, we will be elaborating on the current
literature on incompatibility,and to elaborate on this current literature with the
findings from the research study.
In the following year, in the matter of Joslin v Olivetti Systems and Networks
Africa Pty (Ltd) (1993), the IC held that the employee had to be reinstated
after being unfairly dismissed for incompatibility. The court held that dismissal
for incompatibility is only justified if the conduct is of such a nature that it
causes consternation and disruption in the workplace and only after
counselling has been afforded the employee and failed. In this matter, the
employee, a manager, displayed eccentric behaviour in the form of carrying
about 36 pens in his pocket, wearing a floppy cricket hat, and behaving in an
odd manner. The employer contended that the performance was so dire as to
constitute lack of performance. In this example, it was clear that due to the
perceived eccentric behaviour displayed by the employee, who was a
manager and was expected to behave in a specific manner, the employer
dismissed him due to perceived incompatibility. The Court, however, found
against the employer. The IC indicated that, although non-performance by a
manager would justify dismissal, eccentric behaviour is not a justifiable reason
for dismissal, unless the employer can prove that the eccentric behaviour has
led to the irreparable breakdown of the employment relationship. Clearly, in
the above case the employee was not incompatible with the organisation.
In the matter of Lubke v Protective Packaging Pty (Ltd) (1993), the IC re-
instated a senior manager after he had been dismissed for incompatibility. In
this matter, the applicant, once appointed as Managing Director for the
respondent, started implementing new strategies and ways of running the
organisation thatwere not acceptable to her subordinates and colleagues.
This led to her being called in by the chairperson and dismissed for
incompatibility,as shehad attempted to change the organisational culture. The
court held that the golden rule when dismissing an employee for
incompatibility is to make sensible, practical and genuine efforts to improve
interpersonal relationships prior to dismissing employees. Dismissal should be
the last resort. In the case of Jardine v TongaatHulett Sugar Ltd (2002), the
CCMA found the dismissal for incompatibility to be unfair, and indicated that
“…there must at least be some other evidence besides the opinion of the
employer to establish incompatibility.” The evidence required to prove
incompatibility was not made clear.
broad categories of fair dismissal: “The employment of a worker shall not be
terminated unless there is a valid reason for such termination connected with
the capacity or conduct of the worker or based on the operational
requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service.” Incompatibility is
not categorised as one of the above, and is therefore left to the employer to
decide under which category a specific incident of incompatibility resorts.
Despite the fact that it is not categorised under a specific category in
Schedule 8: Code of Good Practice: Dismissals, does not mean that a
separate category is required for the concept of incompatibility to be dealt
under. Incompatibility, if correctly defined, will have the effect of falling under
one of the above categories which would then lead to the correct procedure
being followed when managing incompatibility in the workplace.
Misconduct is the most common reason for dismissal in South Africa (Grogan,
2005). Misconduct can be defined as any conduct that is in contravention of
the rules or standards that are expected by the employer (Grogan, 2005).
Larger employers have disciplinary codesthat list behaviours that are not
condoned in the workplace, and if an employee contravenes one of these,they
may face disciplinary action. Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of
1995 provides a guide in terms of code of conduct. The premise in dismissal
for misconduct is that the employees who committed the misconduct
committed a material breach of their contracts, or they destroyed the
relationship of trust between the employer and employee, which then justifies
the termination of the employment relationship (Grogan, 2005). Dismissal for
misconduct differs from dismissal due to incapacity or operational
requirements, in that dismissal for misconductis seen as emanating from the
conduct of the employee and not the employer. An employer will need to
justify a dismissal for misconduct by proving that there was a workplace rule
in place, that it was known by the employee, the rule was reasonable and
valid, and that dismissal was the appropriate sanction (Van Niekerk,
Christianson & Van Eck, 2008).
continuously cause disharmony between colleagues are often disciplined for
such acts.The question is whether such behaviour can be correctly
categorised as that of misconduct?Is the categorisation of incompatible
behaviour as mischievous fair and is disciplinary procedures the correct
procedure to deal with these behaviours? For misconduct to be proven there
must be the existence of a rule (Van Niekerk et al., 2008). The question would
then arise as to “Is being incompatible with the organisation based on a rule of
the organisation?”Unless it can be proventhat a rule had been contravened by
the employee, categorising incompatible behaviour as that of misconduct
places a significant burden ofproof on the employer if a diciplinary procedure
is followed.
The capacity of employees is their ability to perform the work that they are
contracted to perform (Christianson, 2004). This ability may relate to the
performance or the health of the worker, but the bottom line is that the
employee must be unable to carry out the duties contained in his/her specific
job. According to Van Niekerk (2008), a fair reason for a dismissal related to
the incapacity of an individual would be the employer’s loss of confidence in
the employee to perform to the expected standards. Landman (1995, p.49)
reasoned that “The concept of incapacity is a broad one. It embraces just
about any inability arising from any cause…which gives rise to the
performance of work which is below the appropriate or expected standard.”
The incapacity of an employee is deemed a no fault dismissal, and is thus
treated very similarly to a dismissal related to the operational requirements of
the business (Israelstam, 2012). It is important when an employer is dealing
with an employee with regards to poor performance that the employer
establishes whether the employee is unwilling or unable to perform. Once it is
established that the employee is unable to perform, it becomes a capacity
issue. When the reason for the incompetence is wilful, it will have bearing on
misconduct. If the employee is not to blame for his/her incompatibility, they
should be dealt with it using an incapacity process (Christianson; 2004).
However, ifan employeeis to blame for the incompatibility,then the matter
should be dealt with using a misconduct process. Due to the fact that the
capacity concept embraces any inability arising from any cause, often the
employer attempts to categorise incompatibility under incapacity management
as a means to terminate services of the employee (Christianson, 2004).
as falling within the operational requirements category. A further emphasis in
respect to the judgement was on employers having the right to insist on
reasonably harmonious interpersonal relationships in the organisation. This
confirmed the earlier view expressed by the Court in Erasmus v BB Bread Ltd,
where the court held that the employer is entitled to remove an employee from
the workplace if the employee’s presence or actions gave rise to disharmony.
This was also the main emphasis in Wright v St Mary’s Hospital. InWright vs.
St Mary’s Hospital, the Court found that dismissal for incompatibility would
only be justified if there was an irremediable breakdown in the working
relationships. From a procedural perspective, the IC emphasised that the
employer has to attempt remedial action with regard to the perceived
incompatibility. It was also further noted that if the employee is found to be
responsible for the incompatible behaviour, he/she must be provided with an
opportunity to remedy the cause of the disharmony. Only after these attempts
have failed is it fair to implement a dismissal process.
4.5. Incompatibility as a form of workplace diversity
One case illustrating that conflict may manifest in ways that disguise the true
nature of the problem was Nathan v The Reclamation Group (Pty) Ltd (2002).
In this case, the applicant sold his scrap metal business to the respondent's
company, and took over as director of the company. After the appointment of
an operations director, problems began to emerge. The new operations
director stripped the director of his authority, humiliated him, and degraded his
status in the company. He further employed his son-in-law to take over some
of the duties of the director. Eventually, the director was dismissed and the
reason cited for the dismissal was incapacity and poor work performance.
When the matter was referred for arbitration, the arbitrator indicated that there
was no evidence of poor performance or incapacity, and that the real reason
for the dismissal was due to the incompatibility between the new operations
director and the director of the company (Israelstam, 2012). The employer
was ordered to compensate the employee for unfair dismissal. This case
illustrates that insubordination, lack of respect, and poor performance are
characteristics of incompatibility. The above characteristicscould constitute
incompatibility, but only if the conduct is so offensive as to cause a total,
irremediable breakdown in the employment relationship. Important to note,
too, is that the behaviours should be solely by the employee in order to justify
dismissal of that employee (Nathan v The Reclamation Group (Pty) Ltd,
Managers often raise incompatibility with the corporate culture when dealing
with the perceived incompatibility of an employee (Weeks, 2010). Corporate
culture can be defined as the unwritten rules governing relationships,
interactions, work-flow and approaches to work, but also to various ’softer’
issues, such as forms of address, respect, and conduct before clients, and
even codes of dress (Mischke, 2005). A new employee may take a
considerable period of time to discover the unspoken rules of the corporate
culture (Mischke; 2005). A decision by the IC is worth mentioning here.
InLubke v Protective Packaging (Pty) Ltd, the court was not in agreement with
the employer’s reason of incompatibility with corporate culture in dismissing
the employee. The court held that corporate culture is an amorphous concept,
and that it is inappropriate to use it in the context of the working environment
and working relationships.
the breakdown of the employment relationship.Disruptive behaviours that
could lead to the irretrievable breakdown in the employment relationship
include shouting matches, namecalling and other disrespectful verbal
exchanges to nasty tricks involving sabotage, or destruction of property and/or
actual outbreaks of a violent nature (Ramsey, 2003).Dismissal for
incompatibility should not be an option and should be treated as a last resort.
Case law has shown that there is usually a very high threshold before an
employee can be dismissed because of incompatibility in the workplace. For
dismissal to be considered, it must be shown that the employee’s actions or
words, and not the employers, caused the breakdown in the relationship
(Douglas, 2008).
In Wright v St Mary’s Hospital, the ICfound that the incompatibility was due to
operational requirements (Mischke, 2005). However,Section 213 of the
LRAdefines operational requirements as the employer’s technological,
economic, and structural or “similar” needs. When dealing with incompatibility
the question now arises to whether incompatibility would fit within the scope of
employers’ “similar” needs, or whether it should be seen as a form of
incapacity on the part of the employee.
arbitrator had the following to say with regards to the right by the employer to
lay down standards regarding a peaceful workplace:
“incapacity” as used in a loose and non-technical sense. The incapacity
does not arise from poor work performance but from an inability to
conform to the standards set by the employer to achieve harmony in
the workplace. Adapting items 8 and 9 of Schedule 8 to the exigencies
of a case of incompatibility, important principles can be extrapolated
which by and large conform to sound industrial relations practices and
norms. Particular relevant factors to be taken into account include that
the employee should be counselled, afforded an opportunity to meet
the required standard, have alternatives considered short of dismissal;
dismissal should be preceded by an opportunity to state a case in
response and to be assisted by a trade union representative or fellow
employee (2790)”.
4.7 Incompatibility and common law
There are four sources of law that regulate the termination of employment
relationships in South Africa. These four sources include the Constitution,
legislation, common law, and collective agreements concluded between the
employer and employees (Dhlamini, 2007). Common law can be simply
explained as the body of case law.
In an Australian case, Mabry v West Auckland Living Skills Home Trust Board
(2001), the Employment Court ruled that, when an employment relationship
comes to an end due to incompatibility, the employer must justify the
dismissal by showing that the necessary level of incompatibility existed. Once
this burden has been discharged, the substantive and procedural elements of
the dismissal must be considered. The Mabry v West Auckland Living Skills
Home Trust Board (2011) case involved a community service worker
employed by the Trust Board. After a few months of employment, the
employee was called in and some concerns were raised by her supervisor.
The employee became very upset, which resulted in the relationship
deteriorating. Her behaviour became insolent and insubordinate towards her
supervisor. Various warnings were issued and opportunities were provided to
the employee to improve. Over many weeks, the employee showed little
improvement, despite the warnings and meetings, and was dismissed. The
Employment Tribunal had indicated in their ruling that the incompatibility
between the parties was mutual becoming worse as each week passed by.
The incompatibility was driven entirely by Ms Mabry and the dismissal was
thus justified. When taken on appeal the Employment Court upheld the
findings (Beech, 2007). The Employment Court highlighted the importance of
the employer proving that the employee was largely responsible for the
source of harm to the person or another person, so allowing incompatibility in
the workplace unchecked, which could expose the employer to further claims
by a grievant (Beech, 2007).
Procedural guidelines that were highlighted by the Courts were that employers
have to:
The Court concluded that if these remedial steps fail, the employer should then
inform the employee that the employer is considering terminating the services of
the employee, and provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the
intention to terminate his/her services. The employer is required to consider the
employee’s response before deciding the matter. The employee has the right to
be represented by a trade union representative or a fellow employee (Doak,
4.9 Summary of the literature on incompatibility
Currently, in South Africa there are no definite tests in place to establish the
characteristics that define an incompatible employee. The lack of a precise
definition and tests leaves the concept open to use for any employee who
may not share the views of colleagues. This could be one of the reasons
why,in many cases,lose cases are beingreferred to the CCMA or bargaining
councils (Isaelstam, 2005).
A Code of Good Practice in dealing with incompatibility will need to be
developed, which will assist employers in correctly categorising an
incompatible employee and following the correct procedure.
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
At the outset of the research study, it was established that there is currently
no set definition of incompatibility or of therelatedbehaviours. It was further
established that the absence of a definition leads to management using their
discretion in determining incompatibility, in turn leading to poor success rates
when the matters are referred to external dispute resolution bodies
(Israelstam, 2012). The study, however, has identified certain behaviours as
being characteristic of incompatibility. What follows is a short discussion
outlining these behaviours, per the findings of the research study.
• Continuous disrespectful behaviour towards fellow colleagues and
• Disruptive behaviour – there is a thin line between eccentric behaviour
and disruptive behaviour. For the behaviour to be deemed
incompatible, it would need to have a severe and negative effect on the
• A negative attitude, including the spreading of malicious rumours about
management and fellow colleagues which are not true;
• Any behaviour that leads to the company being brought into disrepute,
which directly or indirectly led to a loss of business or confidence in the
• The employee may be represented by a colleague or trade union
representative of their choice.
An interesting finding from the study was that a formal process such as a
disciplinary hearing or incapacity management hearing or investigation is not
required for the procedure to be deemed fair. It was found that an informal
process, where the employee is notified of the intention to terminate his/her
services and given and an opportunity to respond to the allegations, is
In the case of senior employees, the requirements are somewhat less exact,
which does not imply a lesser right to a fair hearing. The argument here is that
an experienced executive who needs to be counselled on fundamental job
skills is probably not fit to be an executive in the first place. The counselling
sessions would not be required over the same period of time that a junior staff
member would require.
What was noted isthat,overall, the employer should make a genuine effort to
effect an improvement in interpersonal relations when dealing with an
employee whose work is satisfactory but his/her behaviour bespeaks
• The employer must be in a position to prove that the incompatible
behaviour of the employee has negatively influenced the work
environment, evident in, e.g., resignations;
Before implementing the guidelines outlined above, which emanated from the
study, it is imperative for the employer to properly establish under which
category as per the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 the incompatibility will be
dealt with. As outlined in the study, this is paramount, as it will outline what
procedure is required to be followed.
The research findings indicate that it would be wise for employers to deal with
incompatibility under incapacity management. The findings have shown that
the phenomenon of incompatibility is such that it could be seen as an
employee not being able to meet a specific standard required by the
organisation. Every employer has a right to set specific performance
standards required of the employee. These standards could be extended to
include behavioural standards, as these affect the work environment and
dealings with external clients or stakeholders. Should these behavioural
standards not be met, and an employee is classified as incompatible, the
incompatibility should be classified as incapacity.
5.6 Summary
The purpose of this chapter was to integrate the research results from the
study which with the literature review, in an effort to provide a set of guidelines
to the employers when classifying and defining incompatibility,together with
the correct procedures to follow. In the next chapter, a conclusion on the
study will be given.
Chapter 6
Conclusionand Recommendations
6.1 Introduction
In Chapter 5, the findings of the research study were combined with the
literature review. A set of guidelines for establishing incompatibility was
provided. Guidelinesregarding fairness of substance and proceduresregarding
incompatibility were also provided.Classification of incompatibility into the
most appropriate category according to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
was also elaborated on. In this final chapter, an overview of the study is
provided, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the study, for future
work to be conducted on this topic.
The purpose of this research study was to answer the following questions:
The purpose of the conducting the research using the systematic review is to:
• Select studies and reports that should be included;
• Assess the quality of each report;
• Synthesise, in an unbiased manner, the findings from individual
studies or reports; and
• Interpret the findings and present an impartial summary of the
findings, taking into consideration the flaws in the evidence.
Through the process of systematic review, 100 cases were extracted from
legal databases, including Juta, Lexnexis and Caselaw. Key words such as
dismissal, incompatibility, unfair dismissal, harmonious relationships,
organisational culture, transformation, personality in the workplace, dismissal
misconduct, dismissal incapacity, procedural requirements dismissal,
substantive requirements dismissal, fair dismissal, unfair dismissal,
incompatibility, organisational misfit, incompatibility procedure, diverse
workplace,were used to extract these cases.
Once extracted, these cases were then scrutinised, and 30 codes were
identified. The 30 codes were:
• The absence of progressive disciplinary action.
• Progressive disciplinary action prior to dismissal
• There was no evidence of disharmony.
• There was no evidence that one party's conduct was fully responsible for the
• Staff morale was severely affected by the incompatible behaviour displayed by
the employee.
• The procedure was not followed correctly or not followed at all.
• The employee displayed disrespectful behaviour towards colleagues and/or
• Performance problem used as substance in dismissal.
• The employee displayed serious attitude problems when dealing with
colleagues,customers, or management.
• The behaviour of the employee is in direct conflict with the corporate culture
and values of the organisation.
• Incompatibility cited as substance in cases of personal issues.
• Seniority used to effect a dismissal, even though there is no substance.
• Dispute referred for dispute resolution prior to the matter being addressed
• Employees complain about management style.
• Incompatibility used as a reason to dismiss an employee at the end of their
probationary period.
• Incompatibility used as a reason for dismissal when no other substance can
• No evidence of an irretrievable breakdown of the employment relationship.
• There was no prior consultation informing the employee that behaviour could
lead to dismissal.
• Employee showed no remorse for actions that caused harmony.
• Behaviour of employee has caused company to be brought into disrepute.
• Behaviour of employee is grossly insubordinate.
Once these 30 codes had emerged, similarities in the codes were identified,
which resulted in the establishment of six categories. The six categories were:
• Disruptive behaviour;
• Disrespect;
• Procedure;
• Remedial actions;
• Employment
relationship; and
• Reason for dismissal.
These six categories were divided into two overriding themes dealing with
incompatibility: substance and procedure.
6.3.2 Findingsof research study
The implications of the research findings are quite significant in terms of the
guidelines that emerged.If these guidelines are incorporated in an
organisation’s policies and procedures, employers will experience greater
success when matters are heard by external dispute resolution bodies. On the
other hand, the employee concerned would be treated fairly, as a proper
process would be followed whereby the employee would have an opportunity
to remedy such behaviour.
6.4.2 Theoretical Contributions
Two main limitations of the study were identified, each of which provides
opportunities for further research in this area.
Firstly, many of the cases used in the study were not published.
6.5.1 Recommendations
therefore requires a specific event or consultation to spell out that it is
unacceptable and that the behaviour should change;
- The above implies that for discipline or capacity procedures to be
instituted successfully, the behaviourtshould be gross enough. In the
case of incompatibility, employer’s deals with a process to “claw
back” on prolonged unacceptable behaviour.
Therefore, the study recommends that employers, who want to take action
based on incompatible behaviour, change their internal procedures to
accommodate the lack of consistency prior to dismissal. This would require
specific steps to be taken that will make the person aware of the
unacceptable behaviour and process to allow the employee to correct the
behaviour according to the agreed standards. Failing the previous steps, the
employer may with more success revert to standard disciplinary and
capacity procedures.
6.6 Conclusion
The purpose of this research study was to look into current case law
regarding the management and identification of incompatibility. It was found
that incompatible is characterised by behaviours such as disrespect anda
negative attitude. The incompatibility needs to be the fault of the
employee,with no contribution by the employer. There should also be
evidence of an irretrievable breakdown of the employment relationship for
there to be justifiable grounds for dismissal. Finally a fair procedure with
regards to thorough investigation, counselling, and remedial action needs to
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