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Do You Have A Dream, A Goal in Life?

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Do you have a dream, a goal in life?

One of my dreams is to be a successful person, but everyone wants me to leave. My parents, friends, and
relatives all say the same thing: “Leave the Philippines once you graduate and get a high-paying job abroad. Donʼt
waste your talents. There arenʼt any opportunities here.” All young Filipinos know this advice: study hard so you can
get into the best university in Manila and it would be easier to leave from there.

As a young kid and until now, I have a deep-seated desire for a better life, and when my teacher told us that we
could someday become rich if we studied hard and aced our exams, I believed her. Studying has become a necessity for
me, thinking I need it to live a good life.

Thinking that we are already in high school, I was filled with much pride knowing that I came closer to my goal.
Every day I would remind myself why I was doing all these: I am studying because I want to leave the country and get a
better life for my family.

But during this summer, I learned to rethink my life choices. It is where I was faced with a diversity of ideas that
challenged my own. I can never forget an article that I read that day: A student shared what his Social Science Professor
had said. “This university is funded by the public so we can use our education to help the country. But many of our
graduates forget this the moment they get their diplomas. Instead of helping the countryʼs poor, they work in foreign
lands to get high wages. They use their education to enrich themselves. And when they return to the Philippines, they
are quick to complain that the country remains poor! Ask yourselves, what have you done to help the country? And
who will help the countryʼs poor when all of you are gone?”

It was a turning point for me. I realized that education has a much deeper purpose. It is not simply about
learning how to solve textbook problems or acing exams. We must learn to see the bigger picture and ask the tough
questions. What is our role in society and how can we use our education to help?

I have a dream to let the people know that we must not focus on material wealth. Even though this is a norm
for humanity, we should not succumb to this standard.

I have a dream that we can contribute so much more for our country given the situation we are in right now.
We are aware of all the people that haven’t been given justice. The people who have been violated and deprived of
human rights. We are aware of all the unfair matters that are existing in our country. We, no matter the age, should
strive to find unity and create a better environment for everyone.

Through our civic activities, we can convince our fellow youth to stay and tell them that thereʼs more to life than
the pursuit of money. We have a people to serve and a nation to build.

To finish this speech I will leave you a question: Who will help the countryʼs poor when all of us have left?

Have you ever questioned your decision? If it was the right thing to do? Have you ever sacrificed something
for the benefit of others? And at the back of your mind you’d think, what if I did that instead of this?

When I was young, I was so fearless. I wanted to do everything. Whenever I was given an opportunity, I would
always grab it. I just blindly went along and eventually enjoyed whatever the outcome may be. But, the moment I set
foot in high school, I started to close myself to the world and felt that I never wanted to share my abilities ever again.

I don’t know what changed within me. This was my mindset for months which affected my thirst for adventure
and discovery. I went to my mom for advice and the moment an opportunity came, I took it. She supported me whole
heartedly and told me to never be afraid again. What if I never got back up? Or the moment I accepted a new thing, I
would suddenly be attacked with fear and swore to fully close myself to the world? Would I become the person who I
am today? These are my what ifs.

Fear exists in all of us but I believe that the courage in my heart was the one that maneuvered my way into who
I am now. We need courage to fight our fears, no matter what they may be. Nothing in the world is difficult with
courage and perseverance.

Once we open ourselves to these opportunities, we have also opened ourselves for growth and change.

When overcoming fears and going against the norm, there are always risks involved. And I don’t blame you for
being scared. There are different types of risks that come about that are serious enough so a person must have courage
to endure it. Courage can occur anytime, anywhere, and often in our everyday lives. Everyone will experience courage
no matter how young or old they are.

Being courageous is not enough. Simply putting yourself to an open relationship with chances will not always
be easy, life will never be easy. Perseverance is what drives us to who or what we want to become. Yes, doors are
open, but it will be by your will to make an action that will fully support your way to success.

Just because life was not all that convenient doesn’t mean you need to give up. Even if it is unbearable there will
always be a way. As long as you see a hint of light in the darkness there will always be hope. What ifs doesn’t always
mean regret. If you are at a difficult position where you are between what you want and what would be better for you,
just choose, choose rationally. But, whatever happens. Whatever the outcome may be, you have to accept it. Because
between these what ifs, there are also lessons.

What ifs are mind boggling questions about your life, or just about anything. You are assessing your decisions
and by that you are teaching yourself skills that would benefit you in the future. You’ve become your own teacher.
Being able to chase that opportunity, is an ability we all need. There is always room for change and improvement.

Rememeber that life is a journey for knowledge, skill and growth. It has always been a cycle of these three
things. At the end of every obstacle there will be a lesson. These what ifs will guide you BUt, questioning what has
already happened will not change it. Guide yourself, along with people that are wiser than you. What ifs are questions
that will lead to lessons, acceptance and growth, not regret.

I love you. I love the way your smile and your laugh. I like the way you dress. I like how you always have such
an expressive face when you react to the things you see or hear. I love your hair. I love how you’re so petite. I love
your personality. I love how you’re so fearless and driven. I love how you can see beauty everywhere and through

These are some remarks that you tell people when you like them as a person, as a friend or something more.
You say these things to compliment them even if it’s their style or their attitude. The ability to affirm others is an act that
involves many characteristics on how an individual can be perceived. It is an act of Empowerment.

Comparison should not exist among us, instead, we should be helping each other out in terms of fighting for our
rights and correcting the wrongs that exists within our own community. Do you think discrimination still exists in our
world? There are still violated human rights which I think supports the fact that discrimination does exist.

First, there is gender discrimination. Up until now, women are not given equal rights. There are still countries
that favor men more then women. Higher salaries, easy qualifications and the like. Women experience discrimination in
many ways. Besides that, I already mentioned, women also suffer from slavery, violence, sexual harassment,
discrimination because patriarchy system, religion, differences opportunities to working and lead an institution.

Next, there is discrimination among religions. Studies have found that Christians are actually the most-
discriminated around the world where they are harassed by governments in 160 countries. That same study revealed
that Muslims were discriminated against for their beliefs in 120 countries. Jews constitute one percent of the world
population and yet are discriminated against in 85 countries which ranks them third among all other religious groups.
Religions have been existing for the longest time but it seems that discrimination is still apparent.

Finally, racial discrimination. There are lots of people who find their race better then another, making the
relationships unequal in all aspects. That’s the way the racism prospers in human civilization. A lot of people have been
suffering due to this. People are harassed in all forms, even if they are young or old.

These are only some of the things that should be eradicated in this world. We have been alive for a long time.
There have been numerous breakthroughs all throughout history, but why are people still close minded out this. We
should empower each other because we are all part of the same group and that is humanity. Empowerment isn’t hard
and it only broadens the possibilities for betterment in our society.

A lot of people have already suffered from these matters, isn’t it time to change and actually move on from the
close-minded beliefs that people had since the beginning of time. We are all humans and therefore, we are all equal.
No one is above another and we should treat each other fairly because again, we are just human beings. Acceptance and
equality will drive us to where we want to go.

Loving others may be an exaggeration, but it should be our goal. Equality may be the most important goal the
human race can shoot for. From the American Revolution, to the civil war, to today in Iraq, equality is the most we can
hope for. Of course, without inequality, we would not be human; we are all not good at the same things. But we
should all be equal in our potential and freedoms.






To be honest with you, I am always melancholic during my birthday and on Christmas eve. I just see of it as a
reminder that another year has passed and I am gonna miss all of these. All the moments that you have right now will
never happen again, and if it happens again, it will never be the same. You will never get the same thing to happen to
you twice, because that’s what’s beautiful about life. It offers you moments to smile, laugh, cry, and to be silent.

Sometime I wish that I could turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were. To relive a memory
from before that I deeply cherish. To be with the people that I love even if it’s just for one last time. But i know that's
naive. We just have to accept that time is always moving even if we don’t want it to. It’s the reality of life.

We all know that change is the one and only permanent thing in this world and that will never change. Everyone
and everything will come and go. And sometimes, it’s painful. That’s how we learn to accept that’s how life really is.

Before I end this speech, I would like to insert a quote from Stranger Things. When life hurts you, because it
will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave. – H.

Being out of the cave means that you are open with what life has to offer. You have accepted that it is what it is.
That’s the only thing you can do. You can’t blame anything or anyone. It happens for a reason. I am thankful that life is
like this, it gives us the space to learn and the slap of sense that this is hard but you have to bear it. And I hope that you
are thankful, too.
TOPIC OUTLINE: THINGS YOU ARE PROUD OF (myself and what I have become)



Wherever I may be right now, I am proud of whom I have become. I am proud of how I grew up from
being a brat to being an eager, driven and passionate person. I am proud to have all the people that
have been by me for the past years.

They have greatly contributed to how I see the world, how I see society and how I see myself. We should
all be proud of who we are. We have all grown to be better people regardless of all the obstacles we
have to face to get here.

Life is a journey, a process of continuous growth. I am proud that I can see life in this perspective. I do
not hate it even with all the things that I have lost to be able to learn certain lessons that have created
the key principles in my life.

I think I am just at the quarter marker or less of the person who I am meant to be. We are all destined to
be great one day. We should be proud that we are driven by passion and faith. And if you feel lost,
remember why you started. Remember the people that has helped you come along this way. You owe it
to them that success.

You look awful today. You look like a 30-year old mom. Why are you so fat and short? You’re not proportional. Why
do you look like that? You have no chance of getting pretty with those scars. She is so much prettier than you.

Have these thoughts wandered around your head before?

To those who have social media accounts, please raise your hand. This proves that all of us are exposed these
platforms, may it be for social awareness, getting updated with the latest trends or for boredom. Social Media
platforms are meant for social interactions, for communication, but sometimes, things happen among people or within
us that isn’t really all that good. I’m talking about comparison. I think everyone can agree that atleast once in their life,
they have compared themselves to other people, making them feel either superior or inferior.

I’m not centering my argument on social media bc it isn’t the only way that a person can put themselves down. In
between personal obstacles, we become overwhelmed and start to limit themselves. I know I do!

Comparison made me feel less and led me down the road of self-destruction. My mind was filled with what I could do
and become if I succumb to the standards of society instead of what I am doing now.

Nothing in this life will be easy, we will cry, laugh, scream and be silent. What you do to get over that wall is
what defines you. There’s more than one way over a wall! Remember that!

Thinking positive thoughts enhances self-love and confidence, but it isn’t easy! With everything we go through,
positive thinking takes a lot of discipline. Thinking isn’t enough. You have to act. Start doing things that make you feel
like you are enough. If you think you can change the world, you probably will be the one to do it. Put your comparisons
aside and appreciate what’s here, right now, you.

There’s nothing better than maturing and knowing that you are enough. All that you have is what the God gave
you. Nothing more and nothing less. Just perfection. You are no mistake and the mistakes that you do make, help you
become the person you were meant to become.

Think of this when you’ve hit a wall, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Love what you do, where you are and
carry yourself with dignity and know that no one can take that away from you.

Trust yourself and work hard. Life gives no promises; but if you give out good energy, you will be given exactly
what you give out.

Remember to uplift yourself and tell these things. Dear self, you look awfully tired today, but it’s because you
work hard all night to finish something that you will be proud of. Dear self, you are a bit chubby and small, but that
doesn’t make you any less of a person. Dear self, you are beautiful in every way and then God that he has created you
this way, perfection. Dear self, I love you.

“What you would do if you only have say, 3 months left, okay let’s exaggerate, let’s say 24 hours left to live?” I
assume that everyone has encountered that question atleast once in their life.

The first time I was asked, the first thing that came to my mind was doing everything that I want to do or was scared of
doing my entire life. Let me share a few things on my list.

#1 Sneaking into a concert

#2 Doing a death-defying stunt, let’s say jumping off a 50- story building with safety gear

#3 Riding the bus all day to take that last tour around the city and frantically getting off because I am scared of buses.

Taking these 24 hours, to live my fullest and have no regret when I meet my demise. But, would I really have no regrets?
As I repeatedly ponder on this question, the more I asked myself,

Did I fulfill my mission?

Was there essence in my existence?

Did I leave a mark or an impact for the people to use as they go on with their lives?

I suddenly thought of all the things that I could do for this world, my country, our home. Maybe you’d think that Why
would one less person in the world be such a big loss? Nothing would change. Well, let me tell you that there are a lot
of people that were individually inflicting the biggest changes or advancements in our world, that has given the biggest
contribution to where we are today. What if you could be that groundbreaking person, and all you needed was a little
push? The world is already great, but think of how greater it could become.

Being able to contribute even the smallest things, could be a part of the biggest steps for development in the
world. It doesn’t matter whether you are old or young, you are significant. We can stop the world from deteriorating by
spreading awareness about the current situation on Earth. We can diminish damage by correcting actions. We can open
more doors for the youth so that they can have a platform to speak up and be heard. We are equal no matter the color,
age or gender. We can improve the world by simply having courage.

To end this speech, I would like to insert a quote from Wonder Women. I guess I gotta try. My father told me, if
you see something wrong happening in the world, you can either do nothing or you can do something and I already
tried nothing. – W.W.

It means that we should take action, do what we want to do to make positive change. We are the only ones who
can help each other and therefore, bring a change to this world to benefit every single being.

Before I die, I would do something that could help the people that I will be leaving in this Earth. Giving them that one
last push that they may need. Tell them to act on kindness, courage and intergrity.

So, let me ask you, what you would do if you only have 24 hours left to live?

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