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First Bi-Monthly Monetary 2018-19

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First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20 MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20

First Bi-monthly Monetary contracting manufacturing activity. Of its constituents,

the Italian economy contracted for two consecutive
Policy Statement, 2019-20 quarters in Q3 and Q4. In the UK, growth slowed down
Resolution of the Monetary on Brexit uncertainty, with industrial production
contracting during September-January. The Japanese
Policy Committee (MPC) economy rebounded in Q4 on increased domestic
Reserve Bank of India* consumption expenditure and recovering investment
spending. However, the latest data on manufacturing
activity and business confidence suggest that growth
On the basis of an assessment of the current
lost momentum in Q1:2019. The monetary policy
and evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary
stances of the US Fed and central banks in other major
Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting today decided
advanced economies (AEs) have turned dovish.
3. Economic activity also slowed down in some major
• reduce the policy repo rate under the
emerging market economies (EMEs). The Chinese
liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 25
economy decelerated in Q4:2018 on subdued domestic
basis points to 6.0 per cent from 6.25 per
and global demand impacting industrial activity.
cent with immediate effect.
Much of this weakness seems to have continued
Consequently, the reverse repo rate under the into 2019 as reflected in low factory output in Q1,
LAF stands adjusted to 5.75 per cent, and the marginal though the purchasing managers’ index (PMI) moved
standing facility (MSF) rate and the Bank Rate to 6.25 into expansion zone in March after three months of
per cent. contraction. In Q1, the Russian economy continued to
The MPC also decided to maintain the neutral be impacted by both domestic and external headwinds.
monetary policy stance. The Brazilian economy ended 2018 on a weak note;
going into 2019, available economic indicators for Q1
These decisions are in consonance with the suggest that economic activity remained restrained by
objective of achieving the medium-term target for both weak domestic and external demand. The South
consumer price index (CPI) inflation of 4 per cent African economy slowed down in the final quarter
within a band of +/- 2 per cent, while supporting of 2018. Subdued industrial activity and worsening
growth. external demand point to a further loss in momentum
The main considerations underlying the decision in Q1.
are set out in the statement below. 4. Crude oil prices have risen on production cuts
Assessment by OPEC and Russia as well as disruption in supplies
due to US sanctions on exports from Venezuela. Gold
Global Economy
prices weakened on expectations of positive outcomes
2. Since the last MPC meeting in February 2019, of the China-US trade deal. Inflation continued to
global economic activity has been losing pace. In the remain low in major AEs and many key EMEs due to
US, the subdued performance in the final quarter slowing global growth and stable or falling commodity
of 2018 appears to have continued into Q1:2019 as prices.
reflected in declining factory activity. The Euro area
5. Financial markets continued to be driven by
slowed down in Q4:2018 on soft domestic demand and
monetary policy stances of key central banks and
Released on April 04, 2019. movements in crude oil prices. In the US, the equity

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MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20 First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20

market witnessed some selling pressure in the last slowing somewhat. Services GVA growth also remained
week of March on weak economic data. Equity markets unchanged in Q3; while growth in construction activity
in EMEs gained, benefitting from country-specific accelerated, there was some loss of momentum in
factors and easing of global financing conditions. public administration, defence and other services.
Bond yields in the US softened, slipped into negative
8. Beyond Q3, the second advance estimates of
territory in Germany and dipped further into negative
foodgrains production for 2018-19 at 281.4 million
territory in Japan as central banks signalled softer
tonnes were 1.2 per cent lower than the fourth advance
stances. Bond yields in most EMEs have been falling
estimates of 2017-18, but 1.4 per cent higher than the
in tandem with those in AEs and on the improving
second advance estimates of 2017-18. According to the
inflation outlook. In currency markets, the US dollar
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
has traded with an appreciating bias in recent weeks.
(NOAA) of the US, El Niño conditions strengthened
EME currencies have traded with a depreciating bias
during February 2019, which may affect the prospects
on country-specific factors and on fears of a weakening
of a normal south west monsoon.
economic outlook in China.
9. Of the high frequency indicators of industry, the
Domestic Economy manufacturing component of the index of industrial
6. Turning to the domestic economy, the second production (IIP) growth slowed down to 1.3 per cent
advance estimates for 2018-19 released by the Central in January 2019 due to automobiles, pharmaceuticals,
Statistics Office (CSO) in February 2019 revised India’s and machinery and equipment. The growth of eight
real gross domestic product (GDP) growth downwards core industries remained sluggish in February.
to 7.0 per cent from 7.2 per cent in the first advance Credit flows to micro and small as well as medium
estimates. Domestic economic activity decelerated for industries remained tepid, though they improved
the third consecutive quarter in Q3:2018-19 due to a for large industries. Capacity utilisation (CU) in the
slowdown in consumption, both public and private. manufacturing sector, however, as measured by the
However, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) growth Reserve Bank’s order books, inventory and capacity
remained in double digits for the fifth consecutive utilisation survey (OBICUS), improved to 75.9 per cent
quarter in Q3, with the GFCF to GDP ratio rising to in Q3 from 74.8 per cent in Q2 exceeding its long-term
33.1 per cent in Q3:2018-19 against 31.8 per cent in average; the seasonally adjusted CU rose to 76.1 per
Q3:2017-18, supported primarily by the government’s cent from 75.4 per cent. The business assessment
thrust on the road sector and affordable housing. index of the industrial outlook survey (IOS) points
The drag on aggregate demand from net exports also to an improvement in overall sentiments in Q4. The
moderated in Q3 due to a marginal acceleration in manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI)
exports and a sharp deceleration in imports led by a remained in expansion zone for 20th month in March.
decline in crude oil prices. The key indicators of investment activity contracted,
viz., production of capital goods in January and
7. On the supply side, the second advance estimates
imports of capital goods in February.
of the CSO placed the growth of real gross value added
(GVA) lower at 6.8 per cent in 2018-19 as compared 10. High frequency indicators of the services sector
with 6.9 per cent in 2017-18. GVA growth slowed suggest significant moderation in activity. Sales of
down to 6.3 per cent in Q3 due to a deceleration in commercial vehicles contracted during February.
agriculture output from the record level achieved in Other indicators of the transportation sector, viz., port
the previous year. Industrial GVA growth remained freight traffic and international air freight traffic, also
unchanged in Q3, with manufacturing GVA growth contracted. However, indicators of the construction

2 RBI Bulletin April 2019

First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20 MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20

sector, viz., consumption of steel and production elevated, even though it moderated markedly during
of cement, continued to show healthy growth. The January-February vis-à-vis December.
hotels sub-segment showed some improvement in 15. Inflation expectations, measured by the Reserve
foreign tourist arrivals in January and international Bank’s survey of households, declined in the February
air passenger traffic in February. The services PMI round over the previous round by 40 basis points each
continued to be in expansion zone for the tenth for the three months ahead and for the one year ahead
consecutive month in March 2019. horizons. Firms participating in the Reserve Bank’s
11. Retail inflation, measured by y-o-y change in the industrial outlook survey of manufacturing companies
CPI, rose to 2.6 per cent in February after four months reported reduction in input price pressures, but they
expected an increase in staff expenses in Q1:2019-20.
of continuous decline. The uptick in inflation was
Farm and industrial input costs increased at a slow pace
driven by an increase in prices of items excluding
in January-February 2019. Nominal growth in rural
food and fuel and weaker momentum of deflation in
wages and staff costs in the organised manufacturing
the food group. However, inflation in the fuel group
and services sectors remained muted in Q3:2018-19.
collapsed to its lowest print in the new all India CPI
series. 16. From a daily net average surplus of ₹27,928 crore
(₹279 billion) during February 1-6, 2019, systemic
12. Within the food group, deflation in four sub- liquidity moved into deficit during February 7 -
groups – vegetables, sugar, pulses and fruits – March 31, reflecting the build-up of government cash
continued in February. Egg prices moved into inflation balances. Currency in circulation expanded sharply
after remaining in deflation in previous three months, in February-March. The liquidity needs of the system
while inflation ticked up in all other food sub-groups. were met through injection of durable liquidity
13. Inflation in the fuel and light sub-group collapsed amounting to ₹37,500 crore (₹375 billion) in February
from 4.5 per cent in December to 1.2 per cent in and ₹25,000 crore (₹250 billion) in March through open
February. Prices of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) market purchase operations (OMOs). Consequently,
total durable liquidity injected by the Reserve Bank
declined sharply, pulled down by the lagged impact
through OMOs aggregated ₹2,98,500 crore (₹2,985
of the softening of international energy prices. The
billion) for 2018-19. Liquidity injected under the LAF,
prices of firewood, with the second largest weight
on an average daily net basis, was ₹95,003 crore (₹950
in the fuel group, also declined. Electricity slipped
billion) during February (February 7-28, 2019) and
into deflation in January and February. Inflation in
₹57,043 crore (₹570 billion) in March. The weighted
kerosene remained elevated, however, reflecting the
average call rate (WACR) remained broadly aligned
impact of the calibrated increase in its administered
with the policy repo rate in February and March.
17. Anticipating the seasonal tightening of liquidity
14. CPI inflation excluding food and fuel declined at end-March, the Reserve Bank conducted four
to 5.2 per cent in January, but rose to 5.4 per cent in longer term (tenor ranging between 14-day and 56-
February, driven by a broad-based pick-up in inflation day) variable rate repo auctions during the month in
in the personal care and effects, and recreation addition to the regular 14-day variable rate term repo
and amusement sub-groups. However, inflation auctions. Furthermore, the Reserve Bank conducted
in the clothing and footwear, and transport and long-term foreign exchange buy/sell swaps of US$
communication sub-groups fell, the latter reflecting 5 billion for a tenor of 3 years on March 26, 2019,
the reduction in petrol and diesel prices. Inflation thereby injecting durable liquidity of ₹34,561 crore
in the health and education sub-groups remained (₹346 billion) into the system.

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MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20 First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20

18. Export growth remained weak in January and further moderated. Taking into consideration these
February 2019 mainly due to exports of petroleum factors and assuming a normal monsoon in 2019, the
products decelerating in response to a fall in path of CPI inflation is revised downwards to 2.4 per
international crude oil prices. Among non-oil exports, cent in Q4:2018-19, 2.9-3.0 per cent in H1:2019-20
engineering goods, chemicals, leather and marine and 3.5-3.8 per cent in H2:2019-20, with risks broadly
products recorded either sequentially lower or negative balanced.
growth. As in the case of exports, lower international 21. GDP growth for 2019-20 in the February policy
crude oil prices downsized the oil import bill. Non-oil was projected at 7.4 per cent in the range of 7.2-7.4
non-gold imports declined sharply, dragged down by per cent in H1, and 7.5 per cent in Q3 – with risks
the subdued demand for pearls and precious stones, evenly balanced. Since then, there are some signs of
transport equipment, project goods and vegetable oils. domestic investment activity weakening as reflected
The trade deficit narrowed in February 2019 – both in a slowdown in production and imports of capital
sequentially and on a year-on-year basis – to its lowest goods. The moderation of growth in the global
level in 17 months. This, along with the increase in economy might impact India’s exports. On the
services exports and lower outgo of income payments, positive side, however, higher financial flows to the
resulted in narrowing of the current account deficit commercial sector augur well for economic activity.
sequentially. On the financing side, net FDI inflows Private consumption, which has remained resilient, is
were strong in April-January 2018-19. Foreign portfolio also expected to get a fillip from public spending in
investors turned net buyers in the domestic capital rural areas and an increase in disposable incomes of
market in Q4:2018-19. India’s foreign exchange households due to tax benefits. Business expectations
reserves were at US$ 412.9 billion on March 31, 2019. continue to be optimistic. Taking into consideration
Outlook the above factors, GDP growth for 2019-20 is projected
at 7.2 per cent – in the range of 6.8-7.1 per cent in
19. In the sixth bi-monthly monetary policy resolution
H1:2019-20 and 7.3-7.4 per cent in H2 – with risks
of February 2019, CPI inflation was projected at 2.8 per
evenly balanced.
cent for Q4:2018-19, 3.2-3.4 per cent for H1:2019-20
and 3.9 per cent for Q3:2019-20, with risks broadly
balanced around the central trajectory. Actual inflation
outcomes averaged 2.3 per cent in January-February.
20. The inflation path during 2019-20 is likely to be
shaped by several factors. First, low food inflation
during January-February will have a bearing on the
near-term inflation outlook. Second, the fall in the fuel
group inflation witnessed at the time of the February
policy has become accentuated. Third, CPI inflation
excluding food and fuel in February was lower than
expected, which has imparted some downward bias
to headline inflation. Fourth, international crude oil
prices have increased by around 10 per cent since the
last policy. Fifth, inflation expectations of households
as well as input and output price expectations of
producers polled in the Reserve Bank’s surveys have

4 RBI Bulletin April 2019

First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20 MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20

and demand conditions worsen, crude prices may fall

from current levels, despite production cuts by OPEC.
Fourth, inflation excluding food and fuel has remained
elevated over the past twelve months with some pick
up in prices in February. However, should the recent
slowdown in domestic economic activity accentuate,
it may have a bearing on the outlook for inflation in
this category. Fifth, financial markets remain volatile
reflecting in part global growth and trade uncertainty,
which may have an influence on the inflation outlook.
Sixth, the fiscal situation at the general government
level requires careful monitoring.
23. The MPC notes that the output gap remains
negative and the domestic economy is facing
headwinds, especially on the global front. The need is
to strengthen domestic growth impulses by spurring
private investment which has remained sluggish.
22. Beyond the near term, several uncertainties
24. Against this backdrop, the MPC decided to reduce
cloud the inflation outlook. First, with the domestic
the policy repo rate by 25 basis points and maintain
and global demand-supply balance of key food
the neutral stance of monetary policy.
items expected to remain favourable, the short-
term outlook for food inflation remains benign. 25. Dr. Pami Dua, Dr. Ravindra H. Dholakia, Dr.
Michael Debabrata Patra and Shri Shaktikanta Das
However, early reports suggest some probability of
voted in favour of the decision to reduce the policy
El Niño effects in 2019. There is also the risk of an
repo rate by 25 basis points. Dr. Chetan Ghate and
abrupt reversal in vegetable prices, especially during
Dr. Viral V. Acharya voted to keep the policy rate
the summer months. Second, inflation in fuel group
items, particularly electricity, firewood and chips saw
unprecedented softening in H2:2018-19. There is, 26. Dr. Chetan Ghate, Dr. Pami Dua, Dr. Michael
however, uncertainty about the sustainability of this Debabrata Patra, Dr. Viral V. Acharya and Shri
Shaktikanta Das voted in favour of the decision to
softening in inflation in fuel items. Third, the outlook
maintain the neutral stance of monetary policy. Dr.
for oil prices continues to be hazy, both on the upside
Ravindra H. Dholakia voted to change the stance from
and the downside. On the one hand, continuing OPEC
neutral to accommodative.
production cuts will reduce supplies. On the other
hand, there is considerable uncertainty about demand 27. The minutes of the MPC’s meeting will be
conditions. Should there be a swift resolution of trade published by April 18, 2019.
tensions, a pick-up in global demand is likely to push 28. The next meeting of the MPC is scheduled during
up oil prices. However, should trade tensions linger June 3, 4 and 6, 2019.

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MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20 First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20

Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies Well-functioning securitisation markets can enable
better management of credit and liquidity risks on
This Statement sets out various developmental and
the balance-sheets of banks as well as non-bank
regulatory policy measures for strengthening regulation
mortgage originators and, in turn, help lower the
and supervision; broadening and deepening of the
costs of mortgage finance in the economy. In India,
financial markets; improving payment and settlement
in contrast, the securitisation market is dominated by
systems; and, promoting financial inclusion.
direct assignment and purchase of loan receivables of
I. Regulation and Supervision non-banks (including Housing Finance Companies) by
1. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Liquidity Risk banks.
Monitoring Tools and LCR Disclosure Standards In view of the benefits brought in by the standardisation
Presently, the assets allowed as Level 1 High Quality of asset securitisation practices as also their role in
Liquid Assets (HQLAs) for the purpose of computing enabling superior management of credit and liquidity
the LCR of banks, inter alia, include (a) Government risks as alluded to before, the Reserve Bank has decided
securities in excess of the minimum SLR requirement, to constitute a Committee that will assess the state
and (b) within the mandatory SLR requirement, of housing finance securitisation markets in India;
Government securities to the extent allowed by RBI study the best international practices as well as
under (i) Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) [presently lessons learnt from the global financial crisis; and
propose measures to further develop these markets
2 per cent of the bank’s NDTL] and (ii) Facility to
in India by identifying critical steps required such
Avail Liquidity for Liquidity Coverage Ratio (FALLCR)
as, inter alia, definition of conforming mortgages,
[presently 13 per cent of the bank’s NDTL].
mortgage documentation standards, digital registry
With a view to move further towards harmonisation for ease of due diligence and verification by investors,
of the effective liquidity requirements of banks with avenues for trading in securitised assets, etc.
the LCR, it has been decided to permit banks to reckon
The composition and terms of reference of the
an additional 2.0 percent of Government securities
Committee will be announced shortly. The Report of
within the mandatory SLR requirement, as FALLCR for
the Committee will be due by the end of August, 2019.
the purpose of computing LCR, in a phased manner,
as under: 3. Task Force on the Development of Secondary
Market for Corporate Loans
Total HQLA carve
Effective Date out from SLR
(per cent of NDTL)
(per cent of NDTL)
The secondary market for loans can be an important
April 4, 2019 13.50 15.50
mechanism for credit intermediaries to manage
August 1, 2019 14.00 16.00 credit risk and liquidity risk on their balance-sheets,
December 1, 2019 14.50 16.50 especially for distressed assets. Loan sales can facilitate
April 1, 2020 15.00 17.00 risk transfer across intermediaries that originate credit
(such as banks and non-banking financial companies)
2. Committee on the Development of Housing
as well as from credit originators to intermediaries
Finance Securitisation Market
such as Asset Restructuring Companies (ARCs),
Globally, residential and commercial mortgages are Private Equity (PE) funds, Alternative Investment
supported by well-lubricated securitisation markets Funds (AIFs), etc. Presently, the secondary market for
whereby mortgage originators package portfolios corporate loans in India is dominated by transactions
of mortgages and resell them in capital markets of banks in non-performing assets and is constrained
as mortgage-backed securities or covered bonds. by sparse information on pricing and recovery rates.

6 RBI Bulletin April 2019

First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20 MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20

Recognising the benefits of an active secondary market framework envisages the credit-to-GDP gap as the
in loans, the Reserve Bank will set up a Task Force to main indicator, which may be used in conjunction
study the relevant aspects including best international with other supplementary indicators, viz., the Credit-
practices and propose measures for developing a Deposit (C-D) ratio for a moving period of three years
thriving secondary market for corporate loans in India. (given its correlation with the credit-to-GDP gap and
The measures explored would include, inter alia, loan GNPA growth), industrial outlook (IO) assessment
contract standards, digital loan contract registry, ease index (with due note of its correlation with GNPA
of due diligence and verification by potential loan growth), and interest coverage ratio (noting its
buyers, online platform for loan sales/ auctions, and correlation with the credit-to-GDP gap). Based on the
accessible archive of historical market data on bids and review and empirical testing of CCCB indicators, it has
sale prices for loans. been decided that it is not necessary to activate CCCB
at this point in time.
The composition and terms of reference of the Task
Force will be announced shortly. The Report of the II. Financial Markets
Task Force will be due by end of August, 2019.
6. Permitting G-sec trading through International
4. Issue of Instructions on an External Benchmark Central Securities Depositories (ICSDs)
As announced in the ‘Statement on Developmental Pursuant to the announcement made in the Union
and Regulatory Policies’ of December 05, 2018, it was Budget for 2014-15 on ‘allowing international
proposed that all new floating rate personal or retail settlement of Indian debt securities’, the Reserve Bank,
loans (housing, auto, etc.) and floating rate loans to in consultation with the Government, had initiated
Micro and Small Enterprises extended by banks from discussions with ICSDs to permit their non-resident
April 1, 2019 shall be benchmarked to the external clients to transact in Government securities. It is now
benchmarks, viz., the RBI Repo Rate or any other proposed to commence the process of implementation
benchmark market interest rate published by the of international settlement of Government securities
Financial Benchmark India Private Ltd. (FBIL). by ICSDs. This would open up a new channel for
non-residents to undertake Government securities
Taking into account the feedback received during
transactions. Operational details in this regard will
discussions held with stakeholders on issues such as (i)
be worked out with ICSDs in consultation with the
management of interest rate risk by banks from fixed
Government and the Securities Exchange Board of
interest rate linked liabilities against floating interest
India (SEBI).
rate linked assets and the related difficulties, and (ii)
the lead time required for IT system upgradation, it 7. Licensing of Non-Banking Financial Companies
has been decided to hold further consultations with (NBFCs) as Authorised Dealer Category II
stakeholders and work out an effective mechanism for
As per the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999,
transmission of rates.
forex transactions are required to be made only
5. Countercyclical Capital Buffer through the authorised persons who can undertake
transactions, specifically permitted to them.
The framework on countercyclical capital buffer
(CCCB) was put in place by the Reserve Bank in terms With a view to improve the ease of undertaking forex
of guidelines issued on February 5, 2015 wherein it transactions by increasing the last-mile touch points
was advised that the CCCB would be activated as of regulated entities to sell foreign exchange for non-
and when the circumstances warranted, and that trade current account transactions, it has been decided
the decision would normally be pre-announced. The that non-deposit taking systemically important Non-

RBI Bulletin April 2019 7

MONETARY POLICY STATEMENT FOR 2019-20 First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20

Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs-NDSI) in the of customers. The Reserve Bank proposes to put in
category of Investment & Credit Companies (ICCs) place a framework on TAT for resolution of customer
will be made eligible to apply for grant of Authorised complaints and compensation framework across all
Dealer Category II licence. Detailed instructions in this authorised payment systems by the end of June 2019.
regard shall be issued by the end of April 2019.
IV. Financial Inclusion
III. Payment and Settlement Systems
10. Convergence of Priority Sector Lending (PSL)
8. Benchmarking India’s Payment Systems guidelines for housing loans between Scheduled
Efficient payment systems reduce the cost of Commercial Banks (SCBs) and Regional Rural Banks
exchanging goods and services and are indispensable (RRBs) & Small Finance Banks (SFBs)
to the functioning of financial markets. The past decade The housing loan limits for eligibility under Priority
has witnessed several innovations in retail payments Sector Lending were revised during June 2018 for
across the globe. Benchmarking India’s Payments Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional
Systems is necessary to gauge India’s progress against
Rural Banks and Small Finance Banks). It has been
payment systems and instruments in major countries
decided to extend the same regulation to the Regional
and give further impetus to the planned efforts for
Rural Banks and Small Finance Banks. This is aimed
deepening the digitisation of payments. A report
to bring these banks at a level-playing field with other
containing the findings of such an exercise will be
scheduled commercial banks. A circular in this regard
placed on the RBI website by the end of May 2019.
shall be issued by the end of April 2019.
9. Framework for Harmonizing Turn Around Time
11. Extension of NBFC Ombudsman Scheme to
for the Resolution of Customer Complaints and
cover Non-Deposit taking Non-Banking Financial
Companies (NBFCs)
The Reserve Bank has directed various authorised
payment systems to put in place appropriate customer As announced in the ‘Statement on Developmental
grievance redressal mechanism. Further, for some and Regulatory Policies’ of February 7, 2018, the
payment systems the Reserve Bank has issued Ombudsman Scheme for handling grievances of
guidelines prescribing compensation to be paid to customers of NBFCs was introduced by the Reserve
customers for delay in resolving failed transactions. It Bank w.e.f. February 23, 2018. To begin with, the
is, however, observed that the time taken for resolving Scheme was implemented for the customers of deposit
customer complaint varies across payment systems. In taking NBFCs registered with the Reserve Bank. As
order to have prompt and efficient customer service in stated in the policy, the operation of the Scheme was
all the electronic payment systems, it is necessary to reviewed and it has now been decided to extend its
harmonise the Turn Around Time (TAT) of resolution coverage to those non-deposit taking NBFCs having
of customer complaints and chargebacks, and to have customer interface and asset size of ₹100 crores
a compensation framework in place for the benefit (₹1 billion) and above, by the end of April 2019.

8 RBI Bulletin April 2019

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