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E Procurement

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The diagram shows the PeopleSoft eProcurement business processes

PeopleSoft eProcurement integration with other PeopleSoft applications

PeopleSoft Payables
The interaction of PeopleSoft eProcurement and PeopleSoft Payables data and processing
enables you to match vouchers with all purchase order and receiver details. You can
automatically generate debit memos for goods that are returned to a supplier.

PeopleSoft Order Management

When PeopleSoft Order Management requires that incoming or purchased items be reserved for
a specific customer sales order, PeopleSoft eProcurement uses pegging functionality to directly
ship the items to the customer, or to ship to an inventory location as reserved for the customer

PeopleSoft Project Costing

PeopleSoft eProcurement creates requisitions based on project activity requests in PeopleSoft
Project Costing and returns ordered material transactions to PeopleSoft Project Costing as
committed costs.

PeopleSoft Asset Management

A direct link with PeopleSoft Asset Management streamlines the entry of asset information.
Seamless interaction between PeopleSoft eProcurement, PeopleSoft Asset Management, and
PeopleSoft Payables enables you to pass asset information, capitalize assets at point of receipt,
process modifications to existing assets, and create work orders for maintenance of the asset.
Requisitions and purchase orders can be created to acquire parts and services for specific work
orders that are associated with the asset.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Integration between PeopleSoft eProcurement and PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables
users to have a single common interface to requisition both goods and services. A hiring manager
can order a configured workstation and standard office supplies, along with the skills-based
request, all from the same requisition.

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing

PeopleSoft eProcurement integrates with PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing to generate contracts
and purchase orders. You create requisitions using PeopleSoft eProcurement to send out for
bids. This facilitates the collaboration between buyers and suppliers of goods and services, and
reduces costs by accepting competitive bidding for goods and services.

PeopleSoft Inventory
Close integration between PeopleSoft eProcurement and PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to
share common item definitions and set up items from one menu for both PeopleSoft
eProcurement and PeopleSoft Inventory. Using the Quick Sourcer feature, you can create
material stock requests to fill requisitions from inventory stock.

PeopleSoft Supplier Portal

PeopleSoft eProcurement integrates with the Supplier Portal through the dispatch process. Using
the Supplier Portal, buyers can collaborate more efficiently with their suppliers.

PeopleSoft Purchasing
Close integration between PeopleSoft eProcurement and PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to
share common control data, such as item definitions for both PeopleSoft eProcurement and
PeopleSoft Purchasing. It enables you to create requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, and other
transactions that will be stored in shared tables. The combination offers a complete solution for
direct, indirect, service, and project purchases in an integrated environment.

PeopleSoft eSettlements
PeopleSoft eProcurement integrates with PeopleSoft eSettlements to enable vendors to enter
invoices against POs that have been generated from PeopleSoft eProcurement.
PeopleSoft Catalog Management
PeopleSoft eProcurement delivers a comprehensive integration to PeopleSoft Catalog
Management. Catalog content may be aggregated from multiple suppliers and then loaded into
the PeopleSoft Item Master table. This provides a uniform mechanism for ordering goods from
multiple suppliers that would otherwise be represented in disparate formats.

PeopleSoft Human Resources

PeopleSoft eProcurement incorporates an application message that enables automatic updates
to the system from a PeopleSoft HRMS database. Relevant changes to employee data in the
JOB record can result in the creation of new requesters in eProcurement. Changes to roles,
departments, business units, and database access can also be updated.

PeopleSoft General Ledger

PeopleSoft eProcurement interacts with PeopleSoft General Ledger for budget checking and
commitment control. With this integration, you can ensure that funds are available for requisitions
before they are submitted
The Procurement Card Center custom navigation pages are intended for the person in the
organization who is responsible for all aspects of the Procurement Card, including setup and

Page Name Navigation Usage

Procurement eProcurement, Access the primary Procurement Card Center

Card Center Procurement Card menu and activities.

Inquire Click the Request Add new or inquire existing procurement card
Procurement Procurement Card requests.
Card Request link on the
Procurement Card
Center page.

Statement Click the Review View statement summaries by credit card

Summary Bank Statement vendor, billing date, or status.
link on the
Procurement Card
Center page.

Reconcile Click the Access the Reconcile Statement and Review

Reconcile link on Disputes menu options on the Reconcile page.
the Procurement
Card Center page.

Process Click the Process Access the Load ProCard Stage, Load Statement,
Statements Statements on the Correct Errors, Load Voucher Stage, Budget
Procurement Card ChartField Validation, Bank Statement Has
Center page. Arrived, and Grace Period Has Expired menu
options on the Process Statements page.

List of Click the Preferred Define preferred vendors by associating a

Page Name Navigation Usage

Merchants Vendors link on merchant with a specific vendor.

the Procurement
Card Center page.

Review Click the Review Review and enter comments for disputed
Disputes - Disputes link on transactions.
Procurement the Procurement
Card Card Center page.

Correct Errors Click the Correct Review and correct errors for statements loaded
Errors link on the to the staging tables.
Procurement Card
Center page.

Reports Click the Reports Generate reports for procurement card summary
link on the and exception reporting. Reports include:
Procurement Card Account Summary, Cardholder Information,
Center page. Expected Credits, Purchase Details, Purchase
Exceptions, Credit Detail By MCG, Non-Preferred
Supplier, Top Supplier Chains, Top Merchant
Category, and MCC Exceptions (merchant
category code exceptions).

Security Click the Security Define roles, access rights, proxies and
link on the SpeedCharts for procurement cards. Menu
Procurement Card options include: Register Roles, Assign Access
Center page. Rights, Assign Proxies, and Assign SpeedCharts.

Definitions Click the Define procurement card setup data such as card
Definitions link on profiles and card-issuing banks. Menu options
the Procurement include: Cardholder Profile, Preferred Vendors,
Card Center page. and UOM Mappings.

Pages Used to Navigate in PeopleSoft eProcurement

Page Object Name Navigation Usage

Administer PV_ADM_MAIN eProcurement, This page provides links to all

Procureme Procurement functional and technical setup
nt Main Application pages that you need to complete
Administration the PeopleSoft eProcurement
Page Object Name Navigation Usage

Procureme PV_ADM_SETUP_G eProcurement, PeopleSoft eProcurement

nt Setup UIDE Procurement delivers the setup guide to
Guide - Application provide sequential steps to
Default Administration enable users to implement
Click the PeopleSoft eProcurement and
Procurement link to the pages that define
Setup Guide organizational structure in
link. PeopleSoft applications.
Click the See Determining eProcurement
Default link. Technical Implementation
Options, Determining
eProcurement Functional
Implementation Options.

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