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General System Operation: Pressurisation

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General System operation :


The Conquest Pressurisation system is used to lower the cabin

altitude of the aircraft during flight, particularly at flight levels.
This is achieved by allowing conditioned bleed air from the ACM
into the cabin and controlling the amount of air allowed to
escape overboard.The cabin pressure is controlled by an
adjustable pressure controller, an outflow valve, a safety valve,
two cabin altitude limit valves and two solenoid valves, a landing
gear squat switch, an emergency dump toggle valve and finally a
regulated vacuum supply.

Cabin pressurisation is obtained by releasing conditioned air

under pressure into the cabin and limiting the rate at which the
air is released back to the atmosphere.During proper system
operation the cabin will maintain a sea level cabin altitude up to
a flight altitude of 14,700 ft.At this point the cabin altitude will
gradually rise until it reaches a cabin altitude of 10 900 ft. at a
flight altitude of 35 000 ft.The following table shows the
theoretical increase as the aircraft climbs.
Pneumatics: The Conquest utilises pneumatic air pressure
supplied from engine compressor bleed air to run the following
aircraft systems:

 Surface deice boots, Hydraulic reservoir pressure,

 Instrument air systems, ; Windshield anti-ice, and
 Pressurisation vacuum systems.

Bleed air is provided by both engines and is extracted from the

second stage compressor section of each engine. Should the
aircraft be operated with only one engine in flight, sufficient
pneumatic air will still be provided for successful operation of all
pneumatic systems fitted to the Conquest.

The Conquest carries an adequate supply of supplemental

oxygen for use at all altitudes.

The oxygen system utilises stored high pressure oxygen which is delivered to all occupants at low
pressure through delivery masks stored either in the cockpit for the crew or in the ceiling of the cabin for
all passengers.
Conquest crew Conquest passenger
oxygen mask oxygen mask storage
The oxygen cylinder used in the Conquest is stored in the tail
section of the aircraft directly behind the rear pressure

It is available in two sizes, the first being the standard 11.0 Cu.
Ft cylinder with an optional 114.9 Cu. Ft cylinder which is the
size fitted to the entire FLIGHT.ORG AIR Conquest fleet.

A manual shutoff valve and regulator are fitted to the cylinder to

control the flow of oxygen to all of the aircraft occupants.

A filler valve is fitted to the underside of the tail section of the aircraft for servicing of the oxygen
cylinder with the cylinder pressure being shown on a pressure guage located on the right hand side of the
instrument panel in the cockpit.

Oxygen filler valve Oxygen pressure guage

The fully serviced oxygen cylinder should read between 1550 PSI
to 1850 PSI with the system being required to be charged
whenever the pressure guage reads below 300 PSI.

An overboard discharge indicator is provided in the system for a

visual indication that an over pressure situation has occurred.
This is in the form of a green disc located next to the Oxygen
cylinder filler valve on the lower skin of the tail section.

Oxygen over pressure indicator. This disc will disappear if an

overpressure situation has occurred

Inspection of the disc is carried out during the pre flight

inspection by simply noting the presence of the disc in the
appropriate position of the fuselage.

If the green disc is missing, then a new disc must be fitted and
the system recharged before flight.
Flight Controls::The Conquest is fitted with manually actuated
and manually trimmed primary flight controls.

Flaps are electrically operated and hydraulically actuated and a

yaw damper and stall warning system are also fitted as standard

The primary flight controls are conventional cable operated

systems with the rudder and ailerons being interconnected to
assist with pilot co-ordination during turn initiation.

The flight controls are locked by a control column pin which is

inserted after flight with an external rudder lock being provided
at the base of the rudder on the left hand side of the tail cone.

The flight controls are locked by a control column pin which is inserted after flight with an external
rudder lock being provided at the base of the rudder on the left hand side of the tail cone.

Control column lock External rudder lock

(unlocked by
application of full up

The primary flight controls are manually trimmed with all three
axes capable of trimming in flight.

The trim wheels are all located on the centre pedestal and utilise
mechanical pointers for pre flight inspection from inside the
cockpit of trim tab positions.

Note: This should still be checked visually however during the

preflight walk around.

power-assisted controls

power-assisted controls

A system of flying controls in which the force needed to move the

surface, although partly provided by the pilot's effort, is
supplemented by electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic means. In a
power-assisted flight controls system (FCS) failure, the pilot will
have some difficulty in controlling the aircraft. This was the
system used in aircraft when power controls were introduced,
and it is no longer in use. Sometimes referred to as power-
boosted controls.

Power Assisted Flight Controls:

In this system hydraulic power will assist the pilot in moving the
controls. The pilot will still get feed back of the air loads imposed
on the control.
In the event of hydraulic failure the pilot can still operate the
Manual and power assisted flying controls are known as
reversible flying controls.
Aircraft with reversible flight controls should be fitted with a
gust lock (flying control lock).

Powered Flying Controls: In a fully powered system there is

no physical connection between the pilot's controls and the
control surfaces and therefore there is no feedback of control
forces to the pilot. This type of powered control system is known
as an irreversible control and requires some form of artificial
Artificial Feel: The simplest artificial feel system is spring feel.

Sophisticated systems creates an artificial feel that is roportional

to EAS squared. Artificial feel systems are often known as "Q"
(the dynamic force element) feel systems.
All artificial feel systems operate in parallel to the flying controls.

Some systems can modify this to give lower control forces at high
speed (feel proportional only to EAS) or high control forces at
high speed (control forces proportional to EAS^3). In the pitch
control system 'g' feel is sometimes used which increases control
forces as the load factor increases. Artificial feel may also be
referred to as a 'force gradient unit'.
Gear Change:

Gear changing or ratio changing in a control system is an

attempt to match the need for large control deflections at low
speed with the need to safeguard the aircraft from overstress at
high speed. A full cockpit control deflection gives full control
deflection at low speed. but restricted control deflection at high
speed. e.g. rudder system.
Datum Shift: Datum shift is an adjustment of the relationship
between the control column range of movement and the control
range of movement to make the maximum deflection available in
the desired sense.
Power Control Unit (PCU) or The Servo Control Unit:

It is used to actuate powered flying controls. PCUs consist of a

balanced double acting actuator.
Body of the actuator is attached to the flying control surface.
Input and the ram is attached to the structure of the aircraft.
Moving the selector (by pilot) will move the spool valve, opening
one side of the actuator to pressure and the other to return.
As the piston is fixed to the aircraft structure, the body of the
actuator will move (same direction as the spool valve).
Since body of the actuator is attached to the flying control
surface it will move the control surface.
At the same time the spool valve will be centered, holding the
control surface in its new position.
Incase of a hydraulic failure the interconnecting valve drops to
break the actuator hydraulic lock, allowing manual controls
through the spool valve.
Fly-By–Wire Systems Fly-By-Wire Systems remove the direct
linkage from the control wheel to the PCU. This is an irreversible
control system.
Control Runs
e.g. The control wheel is turned to give a roll input.
Force of the roll application and the displacement of the control
wheel are sensed by transducers, which convert these inputs
into analog electrical signals.
The analog signals are sent to the Actuator Control Electronics
The ACE takes these inputs plus inputs from other aircraft
systems and computes a required control deflection and sends
digital electronic signals to the PCUs. The PCUs operate
hydraulically to move the control surface and simultaneously
send a position feedback signal to the ACE.
When the position feedback signal equals the commanded
position the ACE stops the PCU command.
Autopilot Control ::
The autopilot acts with the Primary Flight Computer (PFC) to
send signals directly to the ACE. The ACE computes the
commands, for the PCUs.
The autopilot and PFC commands are also transmitted to
backdrive actuators, DC electric motors, which move the control
wheels to follow up the autopilot commands.
Safety Features :
A breakout mechanism is provided to allow the other pilot to
control the aircraft if a control wheel jams. All actuators are
To allow for redundancy and error monitoring there are three
autopilot computers, three primary flight computers and four
The system will also incorporate degraded operation modes, to
allow limited use with software failures.

Load Limiting Devices: These devices will prevent extension of

a control surface above its limiting speeds. It will auto-retract
the flaps and slats at speeds above the limit.
Alpha / Speed Locks: Retraction of the leading edge slats is
inhibited if the aircraft is at high alpha or below a minimum
airspeed. This system is known as Alpha or Speed Lock.
Autopilot is an automatic flight control system that keeps an
aircraft in level flight or on a set course. It can be directed by
the pilot, or it may be coupled to a radio navigation signal.
Autopilot reduces the physical and mental demands on a pilot
and increases safety. The common features available on an
autopilot are altitude and heading hold. The simplest systems
use gyroscopic attitude indicators and magnetic compasses to
control servos connected to the flight control system. [Figure 5-
The number and location of these servos depends on the
complexity of the system. For example, a single-axis autopilot
controls the aircraft about the longitudinal axis and a servo
actuates the ailerons. A three-axis autopilot controls the aircraft
about the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical axes. Three different
servos actuate ailerons, elevator, and rudder. More advanced
systems often include a vertical speed and/or indicated airspeed
hold mode. Advanced autopilot systems are coupled to
navigational aids
The autopilot system also incorporates a disconnect safety
feature to disengage the system automatically or manually.
These autopilots work with inertial navigation systems,
global positioning systems (GPS), and flight computers to
control the aircraft. In fly-by-wire systems, the autopilot is
an integrated component

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