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lndustri al

Forecasting is the first major activity in the planning. lt involves careful study of past data and present
scenario. The main purpose of forecasting is to estimate the occurrence, timing or magnitude of future

Types of Forecasting in following areas like as capital and cash planning, inventory
planning, enrolment of student in college, product planmng,
Short, medium and long terms are the usual categories in behalf sales planning and sales force decisions etc.
of which the forecasting can be defined but the 'actual meaning Medium range forecasting needs judgement as well as time
of each will vary according to the situation that is being studied. series analysis. Combination of collective opinion, regression
analysis, correlation of different index and inflation etc. may
Long Range Forecasting be useful in forecasting.
Long range forecasting have more than 5 yr time period. It is
difficult to model and foresee event for more than 5 yr. It is
Short Range Forecasting
mainly due to economic uncertainty and variation in the These forecastings are defined, as the range of forecasting is
behaviour of the interrelated process. These are useful in the less from t h to 1 yr. In most cases, it is for one season, a few
various-areas like capital planning, plant location, plant layout months or few weeks. Short range forecasting is based on past
or expansion, new product planning, research and development data.
planning and technology management etc. The methods of
forecasting used in these cases are qualitative techniques. Measuring Forecast Error
Medium Range Forecasting 1. Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
The time period of medium range forecasting is generally 1 to In this method, we calculate as the average of absolute value
5 yr. As the range offorecast shortens 5 to 1 yr, the accuracy of difference between actual and forecasted values. The
of forecast increases. Estimate of reliability of forecast may negative sign in this difference is ignored as overestimate as
be useful in mediumrange forecast. This forecast is very useful well as underestimate are both off-target and thus undesirable
776 B
# AT # Ttsf,rp rz Mechanical Engi neeri ng

i,o,-o,, Time Series Analysis

MAD = n
There are soroe models in forecasting which involve analysis
of past data or happenings. These models are as follows:
where, D, = actual value of demand for period r 1. Simple moving ayerage
F, = forecasted demand for period r 2. Weighted moving average
= number ofperiods considered for calculating 3.
Exponential smoothing
4. Double exponential smoothing
2. Mean Sum of Square Error (lvlsE)
as 1. Simple Moving Average (SMA)

Average of all squares of all errors in forecast is termed

mean sum of square method. It is written as The forecast for (l + 1)th period is given by

\{o, - r)' (t r -i
. MSE= t=l h :l-l>
./+r \n)i=uur_n

where, Di = actual demand for the lth period

3. Bias ru = number ofperiods included in each average
Bias is measure of over estimation or under estimation. If the
bias value is positive then, it is under estimation and if bias is 2. Weighted Moving Average
negative then, it is over estimation.
This approach is based on the principle that more weightage
should be given to relatively newer data.
- n,) Fore cast is the weighted average of data.
Bias =
F,*1= Z*,o,
4. Tracking Signal it+L-n
It is used to identify those items which do not keep pace with where, wi = relatiye weight of data for the lth period
either positive or negative bias or trend.
It is the ratio of mean absolute deviation till r periods to bias
In =,
till n periods. It is written as
3. Exponential Smoothing
; (Bias;, In this method, the weightage of the data diminishes
' (MAD), - (MAD), exponentially as the data become older. In exponential
smoothing, all past data are accounted. The weightage data
Quantitative Methods'of decreases by (1 - o) time, where o, is known as exponential
smoothing constant. If { one period ahead forecast made at
Forecasting time r, D, is actual demand for period r and cr is smoothing
Extrapolation constant then, relation between these terms is given by
Extrapolation is one of the easiest ways to forecast. It is based F, = a,D,_r + (1
- d) Ft_t
on past few values of a production capacity, next value may F,=F,_t+crlDr_t-Fr_)
be extrapolated on a graph paper. This may be done by or F,*| = F, + cr (D,- F,)
extending the curve (or line) joining the already known { is also given by
values. If the production of a firm has been X y and Z then, in
F, = a,D,_, + o (1 - a) Dt_z+ o (1 - cr)2
the next year one may except production capacity requirement
D,_zt s (1' a)3D, .o+ ...
of S units.
S Double exponential smoothing
o.7 Simple exponential smoothing does not do well when there is
a trend in the data. In such situations, several methods were
o, devised under the name 'double exponential smoothing,.
c:J One method, sometimes reffered as 'Hat-Winters double
: exponential smoothing' works as follows:
+ lt Again, the raw data sequence of observations is represented
by (x,), beginning at time / = 0. We use (s,) to represent the
1999 2000 2001
smoothed value for time r and (b,) is our best estimate of the
lndustrial Engineering * 777

trend at time r. The output of the algorithm is now written as Sol.

F,*,r zfl estimate of the value of x at time r + m, m > 0 based
on the raw data up to time r. Double exponential smoothing is
given by the formulas I s85
,s0 =xo 2 611
.t = Ux, * (1 - o) (s, + b,_1) -l 656
T ,
b t = F(s, - s,_r) + (1 - B)b/_l 4 '748
Fr**= sr+ ntb, 5 863
where, cr is the data smoothing factor, 0 < o' < 1, p is the trend 6 9t4
I andboistakenas(x, 7 964
smoothingfactor,0< P< , -x)l(n-l)
for sorne n > 1. Note that If is undefined (there is no estimation (r) On the trasis of five month moving average method
for time 0) and according to the definition F, = so + bo which is Forecast for 8th month
well defined, thus further values can be evaluated. 964+914+863+748+656

Example 1. The forecast for April was 100 units with a - aro
smoothing constant 0.20 and using first order exponential Forecast of the load on the centre in the 8th month
smoothing. What is the July forecast? What do you = 829
think about a 0.20 smoothing forecast? (II) On the basis of three month moving weighted
average Forecast for 8th month

Sol. We know that

Ft*1= F,+ u(D,- F,)
964x0.5 + 914x0.3+ 863x0.2
Given, cr = 0.20 Forecast =
= 928.8

Example 3. The sales cycie in a shop in three consecutive

100 l
months are given as 110, 90 and 120. Exponential
smoothing ayerage meth,od with a smoothing factor 0.2
May 100+ 0.2(200-100)=120
is used in forecasting. What is the expected number of
June 120 + 0.2 (50 - 120) = 106 sales in the next month?

July 106 +4.2 (150- 106)= 114.8

Sol. Given, Fr = 110, Fz=90, Fz=120
U, = 0.2
Forecasted demand for the July month is 114.8 or 115. Ft* t = u {+ cr (l - ct) F,_r+ a"(1. - a")2 F'*z
We have to see there is no big change in forecasted Putting r = 3,
demand. So, smoothing constant is to be changed. r) = uf'rT L (1 - ct) Fz+ a (1 - cl)2 R,
Fq= 0.2x720+0.2x0.8 x 90+0.2x0.64
Exampl€ 2, Post data about the load on a machine centre is x 110
as given below. = 24 + 14.4 + 14.08
Month I 2 J 4 6 1
= 52.48
Example 4. For a product, the forecast and actual sales for
Load machine-hours 585 611 656 748 863 914 )64
. August were 40 and 30 respectively. if exponentially
(r) If a five month moving average is used to forecast smoothing factor is 0.5 then, calculate the sales for
the next month's demand, compute the forecast of September month.
the load on the centre in the 8th month. Sol. Given, D, = 30, F,= 40, cr = 0.5
We know that
(II) Compute a weighted three month moving average
Ft*1= FI + a (D,- F,)
for the 8th month, where weight are 0.5 for the
40 + 0.5 (30 - 40)
latest monthl 0.3 and 0.2 for the other months.
40 -5
778 I tit{ flil Mechanical Engineering

Scheduling Example 5. Scheduling of n jobs on one machine

(n/1 scheduling)
Scheduling is used to allocate resources over time to accomplish Job:(iil:*gqUdirbe:;
specific tasks. Forecast demand determines plan for the output *fiarii+d}
which tells us when products are needed. 6

t L".di"s I Fq*,,.i.s] [mffiil lffi-l 1

s 10
I- ShortLerm I T J
lcapacity centre I
Sol. On the basis of FCFS
In this method, the job which arrives first is scheduled
The customer order for each job has certain contents which first. Then, the next arrivedjob is scheduled and so on.
rleed to be performed on various work centres or facilities. , ',Joh.:,:r Processirig , ,.',.$A*r];.:., l-+.
This is defined as 'the assignment of specific jobs to each *rtiyaIr. .::,,:tilr.rp:,,:: tfi:nie (in. :nf-s) ,
operational facility during a- planning period is known as ,.. ,':{!r,. ,.
..*n,$aYs1., .f;.xii1.1'+t4',r +:.-. i*gi.*l
s€qggIlpe , . .,::1. ..',.:, ..
loading.' .: ;.,..,., P ;,''. :.'' :.
,, ,,,:F15,iilj:,::
of trdCr) j
tf ;i.iii:iiliii,: ii!;ij:i:;l
rill:::i:i;ji:'r!;.:iif r,,,:
.' izero: ,:.

P 4 6 0+4=4 0
When number of jobs are waiting in queue before an o 5 1 4+5=9 2
operational facility (such as boring machine), there is need to R 3 8 9+3=12 4
decide the sequence of processing all the waiting jobs. This is s '7
10 12+7 =19 9
defined as 'the decision regarding order in which jobs in waiting T 2 -) 19+2=21 18
are processed on an operational facility or work-centre is called Total flowtime = 4 +9 + 12 + 19 + 21
= 65 days
Total flow time 65
Mean flow time =
If the priority ruIe ofjob sequencing is known, we can sequence Number of 5 jobs
thejobs in a particular order. Sequencing does not tell us day = 13 days
and time at which a particular job is to be done. This aspect is Total lateness ofjobs = 0 +2 + 4 + 9+ 18 = 33 days
covered in detailed scheduling. Total lateness ofjobs
This is defined as 'the formation of starting and finish time of Average lal.eness oljobs = Nurb., ol Job,
all jobs at each operational facility.' l
= t =6.6days

Expediting or follow-up involves continuous tracking of job's

By Shortest Processing Time (SPT) rule or
progress and taking specific action, ifthere is a deviation from Shortest Operation Time (SOT)
detailed schedule. The aimof expediting is to complete the job In this rule, highest priority to that job which has shortest
as per the detailed schedule and overcome any special case processing time.
causing delay; failure, breakdown, non-availability of material
and disruption of detailed schedule. 8€queJlee

Scheduling Rules
T 0
When many jobs are waiting before an operational facility,
R 0
we have some rule to decide the priority while sequencing. .P 5
It will be clear by following rules: o t1
1. First Come First Serve (FCFS). s 18
2. Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
or Shortest Operation Time (SOT) rule Totalflowtime = 2+5+9+14+21 =51 days
3. Earliest Due Date (EDD) rule
4. Last Come First Serve (LCFS) Mean flow time 10.2 days
5. Random Schedule Rule (RSR) Total lateness of iobs =3+7+11=21 davs
6. SlackTime Remaining (STR) rule
lndustrial Engineering & 779

Total lateness of jobs 29

Average latness ofjobs =
Number of jobs =T =5'8daYs
Ram schedule rule
)_ =
4.2 days
In this method, job is chosen randomly. This method gives
On the basis of Earliest Due Date (EDD)
priority ofjobs in random order.
In this method, highest priority is to the job having earliest Let the random selection ofjob be
due date S-+R+P--rT-+Q
,ii'Io&ili::ii;r 'it:rliYT;I1I-.Yll" ;|i;$toltr,iffi'1; ,1,:ilhc*tiirgl1;
ffs.,*qppgpl: . nm.;i ;

,rlri;i(Pi$x,if.t-r,li:il ;r i, r :,,: :i,
i:t::;i iEl::i:i,iii,
! $1sl*;i ;,f;i#ri..
,:!:]:;;ii]:;,ii;:irii ii:.j ;ii#flilii;
T 2 3 0+2=2 0
P 4 6 2+4=6 0
a 5 7 6+5=11 4
R 3 8- 1l+3=14 6
s '7
10 14+7 =21 1t

Total flow time = 2 + 6 + 11 + 14 + 21 Total flowtime = 7 + 10 + 14 + 16 + 2l

= 54 days = 6g days
Total flow time Total flowtime 68
Mean flow time - Number of jobs Mean flow time
Number of jobs 5
54 13.6 days
= -) = I0.8daYs
Total tardiness ofjobs 0+2+8+13+16
Total lateness ofjobs =0+0+4+6+ll 39 days
= 21 days
Total lateness ofjobs Total tardiness ofjobs
Average lateness ofjobs = Average tardiness ofjobs =
Number of jobs Number of jobs
= 4) =4'ZdaYs
-5 = 7.8 davs

On the basis of Last Come First Serve (LCFS) Slack Time Remaining (srR)
In this rule or method, the job has to be given priority which
In this method, highest priority gives to that job which has has minimum (di- pi).
arrived most recently.
#"ffififfiHlir iiilfl*uu#t*;r
r:::F$*i t
:ii,sun*i! :i:: ;111&.$tt i,::: ,.1$ry,F."ry l
.:: iri:r:::l;? i: l:ri i:r! ii i: i:iri:i, r:r
:$*-s.i&#i i+!{lf. .#$iiii:: ,I'liti:lPfiirtiFilr.,i ':, :'hofie€l ,l
ri::.#r..}. g-,)r::ir: t::i : :'r, : ::i:.:i t; :; :. i:s:!,i lri$;l*r(rt,:4j, I
:::: ii:t::::
lit +L
::i+:idii::iirr:i F.rltF.
l; l:1
. +z.l
.I :ii:tlriffi "S;*d;rlrr;
I :airi-I

,iitlti+Y A T 2 3 0+2=2 0
T 2 J 0+2=2 0 P 4 6*,, 2+4=6 0
s '7 10 2+7 =9 0
o 5 7 6+5=11 4
n J 8 9+3=72 4
,s l 10 11+7=18 8
O 5 7 12+5=l'7 10
P 11 + 4 --21
R 2 8 18 +2=20 t2
4 6 15

Totalflowtime = 2+9+12+11 +27 Total flow time 2+6 + 11 + 18 + 20

57 days
= 61 days
Total tardiness ofjobs 0+0+4+8+12
Total flow time 24 days
Mean flow time - Number of jobs Total flow time
6t Mean flow time =
Number of jobs
12.2 davs
5" 57
Total tardiness ofjobs = 0+0+4+10+15 =t =11'4daYs
= 29 days
_ Total tardiness ofjobs
Average tardines s of iobs Average tardiness of jobs = ?1 = 4.g 7ur"
Number of jobs
7BO | {;e"f # {w{*y; Mechanical Engineering

Example 6. When n jobs are performed on two machines five Minimum time to complete all jobs by processed sequence =
jobs are performed first on machine M, and then on 30 min. Total idletime for machineMn= 30 min.
machine Mr. Time in hour taken by each job on each If process is recycled then, idle time to machine M = 3O 2g
machine is given below. ; -
=2 min
Inventory is defined as the lisr of movable gbods which helps
directiy or indirectly in the production of goods for
Step 1 The smallest processing time between two sale.
machines is 1 which corresponds to job Q and then the We can also defined inventory as a comprehensive list of
job Q is processed firsr. movable items which are required for manufacturing the
products and to maintain the plant facilities in working
Step 2 Now, write remaining table as conditions.
Inventory is divided into two parts
1. Direct Inventories
The inventories, which play adirect role in manufacturing of
a product'and become an integral part of the finished proJuct
Now, minimum processing time is 2 corresponds to job are called direct inventories.
P on machine M,. Raw materiais, work in progress, purchased parts and finished
Then, it is processed in the last. goods are direct inventories.

2. Indirect Inventories
Mafhiiirt Jsb This is defined as the materiai which helps the raw material to
T get converted into the finished products. But they are not
Mr 9 3 l0 integral part of the finished product. Tools and supplies
M2 7 8 +^ (material used in running the plant but do not go into the
The srnallest processing time is 3 on machine M, product) are indirect inventories.
corresponds tojob S.
Then, it is assigned at number 2. Inventory Control
a s P Inventory control means making the desired item of required
Now, reduced table is written as quality and in required quantity available to various
departrnents when needed.

Determining Inventory Level
2 The main object of inventory control is to establish level of
In this table, the smallest processing time is 4 on machine inventory which will serve to minimize the product,s cost and
M, corresponds to job L So, it is written at 2nd position maxirnize company's reverlue. *. +
from last. The amount of inventory a company should carry, is detemined
by four basic variables.
o s R T P
1. Order quantity
Sequencing ofjobs are given in order as 2. Reorder point
Q-->S-+R-->T-+P 3. Lead time
sqqrreiira *i:i';ili,!:i':
4. Safety stock
,ofg.g6,;, l*me. :ii.l.ltl€:it ?ftii$,.i 'Prosest$g IlfE :IdIe,
,l iri,.:, ,:riiAt,::. ,:m:r':, i,:,,:titlis,i,::, iilat: tiiire 1. Order quantity
O 0 1 I I 6 '7 1
Order quantity is the volume of the stock at which order is
s 1 -) 4 1 8 t5 placed. Order quantity means total quantity of buy or sell order.
R 4 9 13 l5 7 22 Sometimes traders don't want to teil others how much quantity
T 13 t0 23 23 4 27 1 he is buying or selling, hence he may choose to disclose only a
P 23 5 28 28 2 30 I part of his total order quantity i.e., minimum )AVo of total
order quantity.
lndustrial Engineering 1 751

2. Reorder point Inventory Costs

It is time between initiating the order and receiving the required
The costs that are affected by firm's decision to maintain
particular level of inventory are called cost associated with
In the form of equation, reorder point is given by
inventories or relevant inventory cost.
Reorder point = Minimum inventory + Procurement time
x Consumption rate
Total Inventory Cost
3. Lead time It is calculated by the given formula.
There is always some intervals between the time in which the Total Inventory Cost (TIC)= Purchase cost + Total Variable
need for a material is determined and the time in which the Cost (TVC) of managing the
material is actually received. This time period is known as inventory
lead time. It consists of requisition time ({, ) and procurement TIC = Purchase cost + Inventory
time (P,). carrying cost + Ordering cost +
The requisition time consists of time required to prepare Shortage cost
purchase requisition and plaeing the order to a selected vendor.
1. Purchase cost
4. Safety stock It is defi,ned
as the cost of purchasing a unit of an item. It is
calculated by
If the use rate and lead time could be predicted correctly, it
would be possible to limit maximum inventory of items to the Purchase cost = Price per unit x Demand per unit time
order quantity. Maximum inventory would be equal to the order = Crrx S
quantity Q and minimum inventory would be zero. where, C, = unit cost
Average inventory in this case is given by S = annual demand

Q+0( Max + Min ) 2. Ordering cost

=ll ,t 1t It is defined as the cost ofplacing an order from a vendor.
If C, is the cost ofplacing an order and 4 is the order quantity

=Q2 then, unit cost of placing an order given by * +qc

Saft}z stock calculated by the following relation: If S = annual requirement then annual ordering -q.o.t = a, S

Safety stock = K
3. Carrying cost
where, K = a factor based on acceptable:frequency of Carrying or holding costs are the costs incurred maintaining
stock-out in a given number of years
the stores in the firrn Annual carrying cost is calculated by

Inventory Models Cri=Cuxix 1

where, unit purchase cost
1. Static Inventory Model u
i- interest rate
In this type of model, only one order can be placed to meet
demand. Repeated orders are either impossible or too 4. Shortage cost
expensive. When an item cannot be supplied on consumer's demand,
the penalty cost for running out of stock is called shortage
2. Dynamic Inventory Model cost or stock-out cost.
Shortage cost is calculated by
In this type ofmodel, repeated orders can be placed to replenish
stock. Dynamic inventory models are of two types-
Shortage cosr = ti-il:il:",H;:,':?
(a) Deterministicmodel unit short in the inventorv
Average number of units short
In this model, we assume that the demand as well as lead time
Minimum shortage in the inventory
of an item are deterministic.
+Maximum shortage in inventory
(b) Probabilisticmodel 2
This model takes into account, the variations in demand and
lead time of an item. x (Time for which shortage exists)
782 X {.;e3"# Txxtqp* Mechanical Engineering

Economic Order euantity Total Variable Cost (TVC) is calculated by

(EOQ) . TVC = 9n*s+gxC xi

Economic order quantity is defined as the quantity which
will minimize the total variable cost of managing the = Qr s +!xc,
inventory. q2"-
EOQ is calculated by Total Cost (TC) is calculated by

EOQ = 'q'-
where, C, = ao.t of placing an order =cxs*QtS+IxC,
-u"" q 2 '
= annual consumption of,the product
,S where, notations are described previously.
C, = ur,it cost of an item
i = interest rate charged per unit per year Exam ple 7. A company requires 16000 units of raw material
costing 7 2per unit. Cost ofplacing an order is {45 and
Crx i = Co the,Carrying costs are 20Vo per year per unit of average
C, is known as the holding cost of an item for a year. inventory. Determine-
Graphical presentation of various costs with order
quantity. i. The economic order quantity.
1. Ordering cost 2. Cycle time.
3. Total variable cost of managing the inventory.
Sol. First we should write all giu"n auta with their usual
S = 16000, C,=7 2/unit
Co=745, i=20%o
1. Economic Order euanrity (EOe)

Ec-s 2x45x16000
- Vc,ri = 2x0.2
= 1891.36
But EOQ is a quantity. So, we should write EOe in
2. terms of whole number = 1898 units
Number of orders per year
o Annual consumption
c Econornic order quantity
= 1898-=8'42 = 9

2. Cycle time is defined as the time period between

two consecutive orders. So, it is calculated as
=@ 1

o Il4
: vr - -Xl2=-
= e'
9 3
c = 1.33 months
3. Total variable cost of managing the inventory
_- -:gxS xi+!xC.
q 2 -u
PointA represents economic order quantity andhere, total cost
= Jlrl6ggg*]!98 r. 2x0.2
is minimum.
= 7158.94
lndustrial Engineering l, 783

Example 8. A company needs 2000 units per month. Cost of Example 9. An item is produced at the rate of 50 items
placing an order is { 40. In addition to { 0.50 the carrpng per day. The demand occurs at the rate of 25 items
costs are 20Vo per unit of average inventory per year, the per 'day. If the setup cost is < 200 per setup and
purchase price of < 10.00 per unit. Find the economic holding cost is < 0.01 per unit of item per day. Find
lot size to be ordered and the total minimum cost. the economic lot size for one run, assuming that
Sol. In this problem the demand is given in month. So, we shortages are not permitted. Also, find the time of
calculate the annual demand S = 12 x 2000 = 24000 units cycle and minimum total cost for bne run.
Inventory carrying cost is 2070 per unit of average Sol. First we should write all the given data with their usual
inventory in addition to { 50. notations.
So, the C,.i is given by Given, p= 50 items per day
C,.i=0.50+207ox70 S= d = 25 items per day
= { 2.50 / unit of average inventory co={2oo
c'=740 Cu'i=Cn={0'01
1. So, economic order quantity is calculated by
So, EOQ =
zCuS 2C,S
[,-4'1.,,, .,, ['-' j
\ P.) \ P)
= 876.35 = 877 units
Total minimum cost = Cost of material + Total variable 2x200x25
cost of managing the inventorY / l<\
o.o1xl r-11
x10+ ,,
24ooo ,40+817
\ s0/
=24000 z
= 7 242190.89
Economic Order Quantity when replenishment is not
instantaneous (Gradual Replenishment or Finite l*
= V4U0x50xl00
Let p = dally production rate or rate of = 20 x 10"60
replenishment = l4l4.Zl = l4l5
d = daily compution rate: q^ l4l5
2. Cvcle time = a= --::-
/ ,) " .\ '25 =56.6=)/ days

In this case. the average quantity = +lt - n)

3. Minimum"ort= -C"-r ,*!(r-4)rc ;
So, Total Variable Cost (TVC) of *unaging the inventory is q 2\ p)
given by
E = rvC -'oq ,s *!(r-
2\ p)lrc,
ri d
2 ,(r-?l)xo.or
= t41szs*tats \ s0)
= T 7.07 per day
If we differentiate this equation with respect to 4 then, it So, minimum cost of per run ='7.07 x 57
-. .+03.05
( tL\=_q*, *+.f _41*c.,i 1
Economic Order Quantity
laq) q2"" 2"l,' Pt
For maximum value of q. Problems on Price Break
dE In this type, problems are as given below.
_=_ -o
Range of quantity Purchase cost per unit
2C"S o< Qr<br Cul
b1< g2< b2 C
\ P) Ordering and demand is already given in questions.
784 E {;eTff {xx{rsr; Mechanical Engineering

Intro Exercise I
1. Forecasting provides guidelines on 11. ltem Erequires four numbers of item C. product prequires
(a) how many of the products produced are likely to be two numbers of items B and five number of item C. lf five
demanded by the customers numbers of product P are to be manufactured then. the
(b) material requirements schedules number of item C required will be
(c) amount of business, the firm can expect during the (a) 65 (b) 50
planning period (c) 75 (d) 30
(d) All of the above 12. The lead time consumption is 600 units. The annual
2. The order in which different jobs are being taken up in a consumption is 8000 units. The company has a policy of
machine or process is called EOQ ordering and maintenance of 200 units as saiety
(a) routing (b) sequencing stock. The Reorder Point (ROp) is
(c) scheduling (d) aggregate planning (a) 500 units (b) 700 units
(c) 800 units (d) None of these
3. lf forecast and actual demand for march are 60 and 70
respeclively. lf cl = 0.1, then forecasted value of April is 13. The rnonthly demand is t g000 of sales. Annual carrying
(a) 70 (b) 61 cost is ( 8400. The ordering cost per order is { 600. The
(c) 6e (d) 64 EOQ. is
4. The time at which the processing of job in the machine is
(a) one month of sales (b) two months of sales
(c) 26 days of sales (d) 28 days of sales
completed is
(a) processing time (b) due date 14. The fixed per cost of land is { 50000. The variable cost is
(c) completion time (d) flow time (
t0 per unit production. lf selling price is 20 per unit {
5. The flxed cost of {
25000 and break even quality of and production is 6000 units then, margin of safety is
(a) 1000 units
35000 units are estimated for a production. The profit at (b) 2000 units
a sales volume of 50000 units is (c) 3000 units (d) None of these
(a) 1 0000 (b) 1 0s00 15. The demand and forecast for a month are 12000 and
(c) 10714 (d) None of these 10000 respectively. By using single exponential smoothing
6. Earliest Due Date EDD sequencing of jobs in method forecast for next month is (given smoothing
a single
facility, would coefficient = 0.25)
(a) minimise the mean tardiness (a) 10500 (b) 10510
(b) minimise the mean lateness (c) 1 0230 (d) 10600
(c) minimise the maximum tardiness 16. Four jobs are to be processed on a machine as per data
(d) None of the above : listed in the table.
7. Short Processing Time (SpT) sequencing of jobs in a iro$: :ottp #;
single facility would minimise the
(a) mean lateness
(b) maximum tardiness 19
(c) Both (a) and (b) 15
(d) mean tardiness
(l) lf the Earliest Due D*eLe (EDD) rute is used to
8. Annual carrying cost, for a given annual demand sequencing the jobs then, the number of jobs delayed
(a) will increase with the increase in the number of orders is
placed per annum (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) will decrease with the increase in the number of orders (c) 3 @)4
placed per annum (ll)Using the Short Processing Time (SpT) rute totat
(c) is independent of number of orders piaced per annum tardiness is
(d) will increase with the decrease in lead time (a) 8 (b) 7
(c) 11 (d) 13
9. When the ordering cost is increased to .l 6 times, the EOe
will be increased to 17. In a manufacturing shop each job must pass through two
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times machines (M, and M* in lhal order). The processing time
(c) 8 times (d) remains same (in hours) for these jobs is

10. Mean rate of consumption during lead time (R) multiplieci

by man lead time (L) is equal to r;,;,;; |$:!, i;i
,r': :,::ltG:l:" .: tii,'l.EJl i,#,':
(a) buffer stock (b) safety stock
(c) reserve stock (d) None of these
M1 16 33 I 28 12 17
7 2A 14 21 15 8
lndustrial Engineering fi 7SS
The optimal make span (in hour) of the shop is (ll) lf company does not follow any policy (company does
(a)120 (b) 122 not order economical quantity) then, total annual
(c) 110 (d) 130 vgriable. cost is

18. An oil engine manufacturer purchases lubricant at rate of (a) { 1200 (b) < 11s8
{ +z per piece from a vendor. Requirement of these (c) t 1305 (d) < 14e1
lubricant is 1800 per year. lf cost per placement of an 20. Consider the
order is { 16 and inventory carrying charge per rupee per
year is only 20 paise. The order quantity per order is
(a) 80 (b) 83 0 <01<650 20
(c) 82 (d) 85 650<02<800 18.50
19. A manufacturing ccmpany purchases 9000 parts of a 800<q 17.50
machine for its annual requirement, ordering one month
usage at a time. Each part cost 20. The ordering cost{ The monthly demand for the product is 300 units, the
per order is { 15 and carrying chargeis are 15o/o of average cost of carrying inventory is 2o/" of the unit price of the
inventory per year. item and cost of ordering is { 400. The optimum order
(l) The economical ogder quantity is quantity is
(a) 300 units (b) 350 units (a) 700 (b) e00
(c) 250 units (d) 400 units (c) 800 (d) 828

A,p5vers with Solutions

1. (d) 2.(b) P(1)
3. (b) (S,)o*,, - d' Dxt*,r,+ (1 -d) Sr*.n : Z:;Z?,,
=0.1x70+(1-0.1)x60 =13C
='7 + 54 P(5)=5xP(1)
=61 =5x13C=65C
4. (c) 12' (c) Reorder oo't
F ,urnr, cost + Lead time consumption
5. (c) BEP = = 200 + 600 = 800 units
S, -y
25000 13. (c) At optimum level,
35000 =
= .l -v Annual carrying cost = Annual ordering cost
255 = ( 8400
= S-V= 35 'l Ordering cost as per order = { 600
We know, 8400
Number of order per year = 6* = ,O
Proflt = Sales in unit x - If - Fixed cost
Time between orders = 365/14 = 26.07
50000x: - 25000 = t\j t4.28
.. ,."= 26 days
6. (c) (a) ,8. (b) 14. (a) Break Even Point (BEP)
Fixed cost
= S"lling price - Variable cost
e. (b)

where, C, is ordering cost.

lf it increases to 16 times then.
Margin of safety = 6000
= 5ooo units

- 5000
= 1000 units
EOQ'= = 4 (EOQ)
I-5. (a) Given, D712000, F, = 10000
10. (a)
u= 0.25
11. (a)
We know that

\ F,*1= F,+ u(D,- F)

B(2) c(5) 10000 + 0.25 (12000 - 10000)
and B(1) , C(4) 10000+500=i0500
786 i *e'f # "{w{*y:, Mechanical Engineering

L6. (I) (c) Arrange in ascending order ofdue dare. (II) For M' job J, For M, Job J,
ffi Tirie ','1 " ''r',,'D,€lh)'pet:dfly-,,.,r, .', ,

= Due date -.lob florv time

Then, for MrJob -I, (Time),,
7 I 5 0+5=5 1-\-L')

l0 II 8 5+8=13 10-13=-3 = (Time)oo, of Mrfor Job J,

15 IV 6 13+6=19 15-19=1 See the 2nd row 2l <23
m 19+2=21 18. (b) Given data are
19 2 19 -21=*2 -
AnnualdemandS= 1800
Number of delays = Number of zero or negative
delays Co= { l6
-3 Inventory carrying cost
(II) (c) Arrange in ascending order of process time. Cu.i = 42x0.20 ={ 8.4
kcloesSi ilh Ilirel '.. :.,I.,:,'THi.dSc*5r1:'
r'':, I :;,;. :.
date +rJofo'fl3{firtiffi .i' :'::' :'',,:'::
_ /Zxroxrsoo
- Ilue date time
2 III 0 +2=2 t9 2 - 19 = - 17 (consider 0) = 82.80 = 83 units
5 I ) t\-1 7 7-J=O 19. (D ta) Given,
6 IV 7 +6=13 t5 13 - 15 = -2 (consider 0) S = 9000 units
8 II 13+8=21 10 21-10=11 Co =tl5
Total tardiness : 0 + 0 + 0 + 1l = 11 Cu =72O
17. (b) First of all, we have to make sequence of jobs. i=15%o=0.15
We know that

M2 2x9000x15
Select the job in which least time is taken bymachine. EoQ= =
For job A, Mrtakes least time, so write it on right
side C, = 300 units
(II) (c) In case of inventory each month

After this F
M1 M2
q= 9000
D =75ounits

; . ,,.,
Total variable cosr = C. r.
After this C but by machine M, +
U F A = 15"9ooo*zoxo.tsx75o
Complete it
750 2
c E D B F A
20. (d) Quantity 44 Unitprice
;Ioh ,,Mt: ',,',,tMl, 0<0r <650 20
llfliir, 650 < 02 < 800
l:::-l In '. 18.50
C 0 0+9=9 9 9+14=23 800 < 03
E 9 9 + 12=21 23 23+15=38
D 2t 21+28=49 49 49 +21 =10 C'=7400
B 49 49+33=82
82+20=102 82 S = 300 units
F 82 + I7 =99 82 102+8=ll0 102 i=2Vo=0.2
A 9999+16=115 115 ll5 +7 =122 At C, = yL50
Optimal time is 122 h.
(I) For M, job J, For M* Job J,
= 828 units
Then, for M,lob "/, (Time),. 828 > 800
= (Time)o,, of Mrfor job J, .'. Optimum order quantity = 828 units
See the 3rd row 49 > 38
lndustrial Engineering V 787

Linear Programming
Linear programming is defined as 'it is the optimization (either maximization or minimization) of a linear
function of variables subject to constraint of linear inequalities.'

Features of Linear there is no case then, it can be negative. For the products
Q, R and S the non-negative conditions can be

Programming Qr>o /r>o

Linear programming is based on followi(rg basic concepts:
Qr20 and also tz20
o^>0 tr> 0
1. Decision Variables or This shows that quantity produced can be at most zero and
not below that. Similarly, the machine hours expended for
Activities each dnit P Q, R and S can be at the most zero and no case
Decision variables are defined as variables whose it can behegative.
quantitative values are to be found fromthe solution ofthe
model .so as to minimize or maximize the objective 5. Linear Relationship
functions. Decision variables may be controllable or It shows straight line or proportional relation among the
uncontrollable. The decision variables are denoted by x, relevant variables. It means change in one variable produces
x2, x3 ... xr. Controllable variables are those values which proportionate change in other variables.
are under control of the decision maker. But uncontrollable
variables are not under control of the decision maker. 6. Process and its Level
2. Objective Functions Process represents to produce a particular output. If a
product can be produced in two different ways, then there
It states the determinants of the quality either to minimized are two different processes or decision variables for the
or to be maximized. Profit is a function to be maximized purpose of linear programming.
and cost is a function to be minimized. An objective function
must include all the possibilities with profit or cost 7 . Feasible Solution
coefficient per unit of output. e.9., A firm which produces
four different products E Q, R and S in quantities Q, ,Q, All such solutions which can be worked out under given
constraints are called feasible solutions and region
Q, and Q, respectively, the objective function can be written
as minimize
comprising such solution is called the feasible region.
C = QrCr+ QzCz+ QtCz+ Q+Cq
where, C is the total cost of production and C, C, C, and
B. Optimum Solution
Co are unit costs of product n Q, R and S respectively. Optimum means either maximum or minimum. The object
of obtaining the feasible'optimum solution may be
3. Constraints or Inequalities minimization of cost or maximization of profit. It is the
These are restrictions imposed on decision variables. These best solution in all feasible solutions.
may be terms of availability of raw materials, machine
hours, man hours etc. Suppose items R Q, R and S requires
9. Formulation of Linear
tp t2, t3and ro machine hour respectively. The total machine Programming Model
hours available are Thour(s) and this is a constraint.
Ii is defined as translating a problem into a format of
Then, it can be written as
mathematical equation.
Qrtr+ Qrtr+ Qrtr+ Qoto<T
4. Non-Negative Condition The applications of linear programming in industry, business
The linear programming model essentially seeks that the and other fields are product mix, production planning,
values for each variable can either be zero or positive. If -
assembly line balance, blending problems, media selection
788 * #AY# #w{c}ffi Mechanical Engineering

Example l. A firm manufactures two products X and I, both Putting the value ofy in Eq. (i),
have to be processed on two machines P, and pr. Product 4x+6x2=24
X requires 4 h each on both machines, while product I , 4x=12
requires 6 h on machine P, and 2 h on machine pr. The x=3
available hours on machines P, and P, are 24 and 16 Then, the coordinates of O are (3,2).
respectively. The profit per unit is estimated at { 100 for The points m, O and r gives the optimum solution.
productXand( 125for product Y. For point ru,
What quantityof each product to be produced to maximize Z= I00x+125y
profit? = 100x0+125x4
Sol. Step 1. First of all, we formulate the given problem in = 500
form of mathematical equation. For point O,
Let we assume, Z=100x+125y
x = number of units of product X = 100x3+125x2
. y = number of units of product I = 550
Z = incremental profit of the firm For point /,
The objective maximize = 100x+I25y
Z= l00x+lZ5y = 100x 4+125x0
Inequalities are written as ..':, = 400
4x + 6y a24 Our object is maximized Z.
4x+ 2yS16 Then, it is given by point O. Three units of product and two
In graphical method, inequalities are converted into units of product I should be produced by firm.
Then, Example 2. Maximize
4x+6y =24 ...(i) Z=3x+2y
2y = 16 ...(ii) Subject to
Then, the constraint Eqs. (i) and (ii) are represented on 8x+6y)48
the graph. 3x+2y<6
The product X is taken on X-axis and the product I on .r.) > 0
Y-axis. Sol. First we should convert inequalities into equalities and
Step 2. Draw straight lines on rhe graph using the plot the graph.
constraints equations and to mark the feasible solution 8x+6Y={3
on the graph.
A*8=1 ...(i)
s (0, 8) Coordinates are given by (6, 0) and (0, 8).
3x+2y', = 6
o_ 4x+2y=i$ "'(ii)
Coordinates are given by (2, 0) and (0, 3).
m '*1=l
Region of feasible region Y8
4x+6y=24 6
(4,0) h(6,0) 4
Product X
The coordinates O are calculated by solving Eqs. (i) and
4x+6Y = 24 .. (iii)
4x +2Y = l$ ... (iv) There is no common feasible region by
Subtracting Eq. (iv) from Eq. (iii), 8x+6.v>48and3x+2y36
4Y=8 Therefore, there cannot be a feasible solution. Thus, this
.._a linear programming problem gives infeasible solution.
lndustrial Engineering E 789

Simplex Method 5. Ifthe consraints of primal are of less than equal to ( < )
type as in maximization problerrl all the constraints of
When the decision variables are more than two, graphical the dual become greater than equal to (2) type.
method becomes inadequate and linear programming problem 6. The column coefficients of primal constraints are changed
is solved by simplex method. into row coefficients of the dual constraints.
Simplex method is defined as an algebraic procedure that 7. The value of slack variables in the index row of the dual
through a series of repetitive operations. progressively corresspond to the values of decision'variables in the
approaches an optimal solution. prirnal.
Some terms related to describe simplex method- 8. The optimal solutions are same in both cases.

Slack Variables Exarnple 3. Find the dual of minimize,

It is defined as constraint of LPP augmented with additional
Subject to
variable(s) to it into an equation i.e.,> and < signs are to be
replaced by a sign of equal (=).
x1 -2*r-3xr> 4
5xr+&xr.< 75
x1 - 4*r- 5x.. 2 3
xy x, xr,. 0
5xr+9xr+S, = 75 Sol. The dual is given by as maximise
where, Sr = slack variable Z = 4yr+3y,
It is the difference by which 5x, + Sxrfall short of 75. Subject to
Similarly, yt+y2< 60
15xr+20xr> 340 _1r, _4r.
"./1 't2' {
15xr + 20xr- Sz = 300 or 2y, + 4yr> 80
S, = surplus variables which is subtracted so that excess (of -3)r-5y,(-140
15x, + 20xr) is consumed over 300 or
An extra variable called an artificial variable must be 3y,+5y,>140
i.e., 15x, + 20xr- Sr+ Ar= 3gg where, )1, 1l2 ) 0
Because we do not want to violate the non-negative constraints.
When x, and x, as zero in Break Even Analysis
15"r, + 20xr- Sz = 300 This is defined as at what minimum level of production volume,
Then, S, = * 300 (which violates non-negative constraint) feasible production systems will get profit.
It can be determined by break even chart.
Duplex Method
Duality in Linear Programming
It is observed that with every linear programming problem
there exists another mirror image problem based on the same
data. The original problem is called the primal problem and
other is called the dual problem. They can be derived from
each other and there is an unique dual associated with primal
and vice-versa.
The transformation of given prirnal problem into a dual problem
involve following steps:
1. If the objective of primal is maximization problem then
the objective of dual is minimization problem. Quantity (Q)

2. The number of variables in the dual is equal to the number Let ,,

fixed cost for process 1
of constraints in the primal and the number of constraint Vt-_
variable cost for process 1
in the dual is equal to the number of variables in the primal. Fz= fixed cost for process 2
3. The coefficients of the objective function of the dual are v2= variable cost for process 2
taken the right hand side of consffaints of the primal QsEp = break even quantity
constraint. Terp = total cost of manufacturing at break
4. The coefficients of the objective functions of the primal even point
become right hand side constriants of the dual constraints. In this chart, X-axis shows the production yolume and Y-axis
shows the cost ofrevenue.
79A | {;eXb T's"i*** Mechanical Engineering

Fixed Cost Determining Production

Fixed cost is defined as the cost of those elements, which remain
unaffected by the change in volume or level of activity. Volume for a given profit
Examples of fixed cost are aclministrative staff salary, The given profit = P
- machinery building,
overhead expenses related to plant, ofifice,
cat etc. These overhead costs may be in form ofdepreciation,
Fixed cost + Variable cost = Sales
- proflt
rent insurance charges etc. F+p=(S_We
Variable Cost F+P
Q= s-v in terms of unit
Variable cost is defined as the cost of those elements, which where, S = salesprice
are proportional to the variation in the volume, activity or F = fixed cost
utilization ofresources. The examples of variable costs are- I/ = variable cost
direct material costs or direct labour costs which are 2 = quantitiy at BEp
proportional to production and thus, termed as variable costs. In terms of money is given by
IfFis fixed cost and V is product variable cost. e is break
even quantity (a point of no profit-no loss) and S is sales price os=s"s#=.ffi
of product.
s, \
Total cost = Fixed cost + Total variable cost Formula for Break Even Analysis
=F+eV F
Total revenue = QS BEP= S _ y in terms of unit
At the break even point, BFP in terms of money is given by
Total revenue = Total cost
QS=F+QIr r .)= r)
= srr t_t
Q6-v)=F (s -v,/ l,-I
( s, I

Q= Production quantity for profit P is given by

s-y F+P

O_ in terms of unit
,s -y
/ v\
Angle of Incidence (0)
It is defined as the angle between the lines of total cost and
total revenue. An direct measure is profit volume ratio. It
"eJ e
is given by
Sales-Variable cost
"o.t Profit volume ratio =
J Sales
Qr.t Quantity
Profit-Volume Graph
Margin Of Safety (MOS) (P-V Graph)
It is the difference between operating sales and break even
Profit volume graph is a plot similar to break even point
analysis. It is useful for comparing different processes or
Margin of safety = Present sales - Break even sales
systems. The chart represents quantity on X-axis and profit on
Margin of safety I-axis. If there is no production then, profit is negative and
Margin of safety ratio =Present sales equal to the fixed cost. The slope of line starting with (zero
Higher is this ratio, more sound in the economics of the firm. production of fixed cost) point is dependent on profit_volume
lndustrial Engineering 1 791

Mathematical Formation of
(or loss
Transportation Problem
if negative Let
= index for origin
= index for destination
x..U = quantity shipped'from origin I to
s, = total capacity of origin i
d = total demand of destinationT
c.. = unit cost of shipping one unit from

By the graph
origin i to destinationT
Linear programming formulation of a transportation problem
Profit-volume ratio =
Break even quantity
Fixed cost+Profit
Minimize z=iicu*ii
- i=1 j=l
Quantity at profit
Subjected tt iy,j = d,foralti (where,7 =1,2,...n)
Example 4.
A company is producing certain tlpe of circuit l=l
breakers. The fixed cost of land, building is n

< 80000. The variable cost is ( 10 per unit production. If

/-/ ,, = Si for all I (where, i = 1,2, .. . m)
sales price of the product is { 20 per unit, what should be

I'' = I"
minimum production level? mn
If the firm is operating at present so that production is
20000 units, what is the firm's profit and margin of safety?
Sol. Fixed cost (F) = ( 80000 X,i}0 for all l, where i=l,2 ... m
Variable cost (V) = 10 ( for all j, whereT = l, 2, ... n
Sales price (S) = t 2O
Let break even quantity is Q then, Decision Rule
F+QV=QS (I) IfIsupply=LDemand
F 80000 Then, go to next step.
Q= S-V- = 20-10 =8000units (ID IfLsupply>LDemand
The minimum production level of firm should be Then, add a dummy destination with zero transportation
8000 units. cost.
Margin of safety in terms of unit (IID If X supply < I Demand
= 20000 - 8000 Then, add a dummy source with zero transportation cost.
= 12000 units
In terms of rupees = 12000 x Sales price Feasible Solution
= 12000 x20 A basic feasible solution for tlre general transportation problem
= ( 240000 must consist of(m+ n 1) occupiedcells.
Then, profit product of 20000 units -
where, m = numbet of destinations
= Total revenue - Total cost rz = number of resources
= 20000 x 20- (80000+ 20000 x l0)
= 400000 - 280000 Non-Feasible Solution
= ( 120000
When the number of occupied cells is less ttran (m + n - l).
Transportation Model then solution is non-feasible. It is also known as degeneracy.

Tiansportation problem is special variety of classical linear Vogel's Approximation Method

programming problem. In this model, shipment of goods from
few location to other locations are planned. Due to specific
characteristics of transportation problems, special approaches This is used for doing initial assignment of a transportation
are available to solve them. problem.
792 N #eT# Tw{r.p* Mechanical Engineering

Example 5. kt see it by an example. Highest of all calculated penaltycosts is S, (or S). Therefore,
allocation is to made in row of source Sri So, tie route will
be S3D5 becausetransportation cost is riinimum.
Now, matrix is written as



Requiremeht 100 150

Total supply = 250 + 200 + 250 100 150 250 100 +a(
= 700 Now, we exclude this column and work on remaining
Total demand ='
100 + 150 + 250 + 100 matrix for calculating penalty cost.
= 600
Penalty cost
It is the case of X supply > L demand
Hence, add a dummy destination with zero transporlation
(250) 16 - 13 = 3
cost and demand 100 to balance for required demand.
Now, new transportation matrix is written as
(200) 16 - 15 = 1

(150) 16- 15 = 1

Penalty 15-13 17-16 17-16 16-15

cost =2 =1 =1 =1
For maximum penalty cost zero, cost route is S,D,.
Now, assigning destination, the matrix is written as

In this method, we calculate the difference between
the two least cost routes for each row and column. 200
The difference is called as penalty cost for not using
the least cost route.
Now, select maximum penalty cost. It may be in row 150

or column according to case. Assignment must be done 150 250 100

in the least costroute of the selected row or column. Now, exclude this column and work on the remaining
matrix for calculating the penalty cost.
Penalty cost

13-0=13 17-16=1

15-0=15 16--15=1

'15-13 t7-16 17-16 16_15 0-0
penaltv 17 - 16 17 - 16 't
=2 =1 =1 =1 =0 6 - 15
cost =1 =1 = 1
lndustrial Engineering * 791

There is tie between all routes, we break the tie by arbitrarily After allocations are done, the matrix is written as
selecting any routed then SrD, is least cost route.



Demand 100 150 250 100 100

Now, we exclude the allocated colusrn, row and work on
remaining matrix for calculating penalty cost. Initial cost for this allocation is given as
Penalty 13 x 100+ 16 x 150+ 16x 100+ 15 x 100+ 17 x 150
cost +0x100={9350
16- 15 = 1 C-heck for degeneracy
' m=5
17-16=1 m+n-1=7
ty 17-16=1 16-15=1 Number of filled cells = 6
This is the case of degeneracy.
For removing degeneracy allocate E in the least-cost
unfilled cell. This cell route is S,D, or Spr. Now, matrix
is after degeneracy is given as

In next step allocation is done by this s1

100 ,

Intro Exercise 2
1. ln order the linear programming techniques provide valid 3. ln simplex method of linear programming, the objective
results, then the row of the matrix consists ol
(a) relation between factors must be linear (positive) (a) slack variables
(b) relation between factors must be linear (negative) (b) coefficient of the objective function, which is the profit
(c) results do not depend upon relation between factors contribution per unit of each of the pioducts
(d) Both (a) and (b) (c) names of the variables of the problem
(d) None of the above
2- ln the graphical method of linear programming problem,
every corner of the feasible polygon indicates 4. Which of the following is not correct about LPP?
(a) optimum solution (a) All constraints must be linear relationships
(b) a basic feasible solution (b) Objective functions must be linear
(c) Both (a) and (b) (c) All the constraints and decision variables must be of
(d) None of the above either<or>type
(d) All decision variables must be non-negative
794 & #e'{# {xs{*ffi Mechanicat Engineering

5. ln the simplex method, infeasibility of a linear 13. ln assignment model

programming problem is indicated, when (a) degeneracy always present in all the problems
(a) values of the index row, (c, - z) under one or more of (b) number of resources is equal to number of jobs
the non-base decision vaiiabt6s is/are zero (c) only' one unit from the ith source can be assigned to
(b) value of index row, (c, z,) indicate optimality with
- any one of its destination
artificial variable in the'base (d) AII of the above
(c) some of the values in constant column (b) are zero
14. ln a n x n matrix of an assignment problem, the optimality
(d) all the replacement ratios, 4 (s is key column) are is reached when the minimum number of straight line
negative di"
scoring all the zeros is
6. ln the simplex method, the unbounded solution is indicated (a) n (u)
when (c) n2
(d) Nbne of these
(a) value of index row (c,
- z), under one or more of the
non-base decision vAriadles islare zero 15. Z = - x, + 2x, is subjected to the following constraints.
(a,)' - Xt+ 3xrS 10
(b) all the replacement ratios, (s indicates key x,- xr{2
[4J + xr3 6
column) are negativd
(c) value of index row (c, - z) indicate optimality with
, x1,xZ30
artificial variable in thei bas'e Minir:num value of Z is
(d) some of all values in the constant column (b) are zero 20
7. ln the simplex method, the existence of more than one
(c) -2
T (b) 6

optimum solution is indicated, when (d) zero

(a) the index row (c,- z,) under one or more of the 16. Z = 2 x, + 3x, is subjected to constraints
non-base decisiori variables islare zero
x., + xrS 30
(b) all the reptacement ratios, (s is the key cotumn) x., - xra 0
Iro J xr2 0
are negative
(c) some of the values in constant column (b) are zero xr2 3
(d) All of the above 05x.,a20
8. Dual of dual is 0<xr<12
(a) primal (b) dual The points at which maximum value of Z occurs, are
(c) either dual or primal (d) None of these (a) (3, 3) (b) (20, 10)
(c) (12,12) (d) (18, 12)
9. The dual of the primal maximization Lpp having m
constraints and n non-negative variables shcjuld 17. It = x., +_ x. i9 subjected to constraints x1 + x, 3 1 ,
(a) be a minimization LPP -3x.,+ xr< 3 and x, t 0, xr2 0 then, the maximum va-lue ol
(b) have n constraints and m non-negative variables Zoccurs at
(c) Both (a) and (b) f1 1)
(d) None of the above
10. lf dual has an unbounded solution, primal has (c)
(b) (0,5)
(d) None of these
(a) an unbounded solution (b) an infeasible solution
18. Consider the linear programrping:
(c) a feasible solution (d) None of these
11. ln a linear programming model, there are n variables and
Minimize Z = 4\ + 6x, + I8x, subjected to constraints
m constraints. The condition of degeneracy is that during x, + 3xr> 3
an iteration, the total number of allocated base calls should x, + 2xr2 5
be and xr, xr, xr20
(a) equal to (m + n 1)- Dual of this LPP is
(b) more than (m + n 1) -
(c) less than (m + n 1) (a) maximize Z=3w,+5w,
(d) None of the above wr3 4, wr! 9
12. ln a transportation problem, there are five supply centres 3w, + wrS 6
and six demand centres. The total quantity of supply w, wr> 0
available is greater than the total demand. The number of (b) maximize Z=Swr+3w,
allocations, without degeneracy during an iteration is
w.,2 4, wr2 9
(a) zero (b) 6
(c) e (d) 3 3w., + wr3 6
w-, wr2 0
lndustrial Engineering * 795

(c) maximize Z=3wt+5wz A company has one surplus truck in each of the cities A,
w, a9, wrl 4 B, C and one deficit truck in each of cities R Q, R and S.
The distance between cities in kilometre is shown in matrix
w., + 3wra 6 beloiiv. By assigning the trucks from cities is surplus to
wf wr2 0 cities in deficits, lf minimum distance is covered by
(d) None of the above vehicles.
19. There are 4 machines and 4 operators. Operator charges PORS
on different machines as A 7 5 10 17
(Charge on machine in {) 20 10
B 5 13
I ll lll lv C 6 5 3 8
1 6 7 7 8 (l) Correct assigning orders is as
(Operator) 2 7 I I 7 (a) A*P (b) A-o
3 8 6 7 6
C_R c-s
4 8 7 6 (c) A-O (d) A-s
lf one operator use pne machine then, minimum cost to B_P B-Q
operate all machines is c-H c-P
(a) { 21 (b) <25 (ll) Minimum distance covered IS

(c) { 26 (d) <28 (a) 15 km (b) 10 km

(c) 12 km (d) 13 km

dnsvvers with Solutions

1. (d) (b)
2. 3. (b) 4. (c) xt=2
5. (b) (b)
6. 7.(a) 8. (a) So, coordinates ofpointA are (2,4).
9. (c) 10. (b) 1L. (c)
12. (a) For B, xr* xr= 6
13. (d) 14. (a) xr-xr= 2

15. (c) First of all, convert all inequalities into equation 2xr=g
-xl+3x2= l0 xt= 4
* -* :') and xz= 2
x1+ xz= 6 So, coordinates ofpoint B is (4,2).
Draw the lines Corner points are (0, 10/3), (4,2), (2, 4) and (2,0).
For minimize,
Ar (0, 10/3),
Z = O+2x9=20
(0,10/3) At(4,2), **Z=-4+4=0
At(2,4), Z=-2+8=6
At(2,0), Z=-2+2x0=-2
16. (d)

(2,0) (6,0)
Now, find the values of A and B.
For A,

-xl+3x2= 70 ...(i)
-xl+xz= 6 ...(ii)
Adding Eq. (i) and Eq. (iii), (20,10)

4xr= 16
xz= 4
796 h #P"'{ff '{ cs{qpr: Mechanical Engineering

Corner points are (12,12), (18, lZ), (20,10) and Step 2 Least element in each column subtract from
(20,0). other elements.
Maximize Z=2x, + 3x, 'IIIIIIIV
At(12,12), Z=24+36=60
At (20,10), Z = 40 + 30 = 70 I I 1

At (18, 12), Z = 36 + 36 =12 2 1 2

At(20,0), Z=40+0=40 J
Hence, 72 the is maximum value corresponding
4 E
to (18, 12).
17. (c) xl+xz= 1 Operator Charge on machine
*3xr+xz=3 I I6
2 w7
J [6
4 m6
Minimum cost to operating al1 machine
20. (D (c)POR
A 1 5 10 I'7
B 5 13 20 10
C 6 5 J 8

x1 O R
There is no common region between given constraints.
A l 5 10 t7
B 5 t3 20 10
So, solution is infeasible.
C 6 5 J
f8. (a) Constraints 8
D1 0 0 0 0
xt+3xz> 3
xr+2xr> 5 Step 1 It is not a square matrix because one row
xyx2'x3>0 is less than the column so, add a dummy row.
Minimize Z = 4xt+ 6r, + 1 gx,
Step 2 Select least element in each row and
Dual is given by
subtract it from other elements in that row. The
Maximize Z=3wr+ 5w,
number of lines is four, hence it is optimal
Constraints wt < 4,wrS9 condition.
wPwr) 0 A 2 E 5 t2
le. (b) IV B E *o3 15 5
1 6 7 7 8 C 3 2 E 5
(Operator) 2 7 8 9 7 Dl a * g E
-l 8 6 7 6 P R
4 8 7 6 I Order is
Step 1 Select least number in each row and subtract A-->Q
that number from all other elements.
I 0 I 1 2
D, -->S
2 0 I 2 0 (II) (d) Minimum distance= 5+5+3
3 2 0 1 0
2 1 0 .,
lndustrial Engineering X 797

Assignment Models
Assignment problem is defined as a particular case of transpofiation problem in which the objective is to
assign a number of resources to an equal number of activities at minimum cost or maximum profit.
Assigning p jobs to p different machines one job to each machine or g task to q facilities one task to each

Step 3 Now, start with first row. I make assignment i.e.,

Hungarian Method rectangle (n) a single zero,ifany and cross (x) all other
The Hungarian method is the efficient method of finding zeros in the column so marked.
optimal solution to the assignment problems.
It involves a rapid reduction of the original matrix and finding
at least one zero in each row and column which results in
optimal solution.

Example I. Five jobs 1,2,3,4 and 5 are to be assigned to 5

machines P, Q, R, S and 7- The cost of assigning these
jobs to the machines in rupees is given in following
matrix. Determine the optimal assignment algorithm, so
Step 4 Choose the smallest element in step 3. Subtracting
as to minimize the total cost. Calculate the total cost of
this number from all uncovered elements in the matrix
optimal assignment.
and adding this to those covered bytwo lines and leaving
Job Machine unchanged elements covered by one line.
P o R s T P O R T
1 6 7 5 9 4 1 1 3 0 2 0
2 1 0 4 1 I
2 1 5 t0 9 6
3 2 2 0 1 3
1 5 4 .1 6 5 4 4 0 I 0 I
4 8 J 5 6 4 5 0 4 I 0 J
5 4 7 5 6 6 Step 5 The number lines to cover all zeros in the above
Step 1 Choose the smallest element in each row and PORST
subtract it from all other elements of this row. 1 l -') x 2 E
P o R T 2 I tr 4 1 1

1 2 -') I 5 0 3 2 2 t0t I J

2 2 0 5 4 I 4 4 >s< tr

J 2 I 0 J 2 5 u 4 1 -1

4 5 0 2 -') I

5 0 J 2 2 The number of such lines are five. Hence, the optimal

assignment can be made.
Step 2 Choose the smallest element in each column and
subtract it from all other elements in this column. Job 1 is assign to machine I
Job 2 is assign to machine Q.
Job 3 is assign to machine R.
1 2 J I ., 0
Job 4 is assign to machine S.
2 2 0 5 2 I
Job 5 is assign to machine P
J 2 1 0 1 2
The total cost of assignment will be
4 5 0 2 I I (4+5+3+6+4)=722
5 0 J 1 0 2
798 g {;,47X TxsP*r:, Mechanical Engineering

Queueing Theory Waiting time in the system = Waiting time + Service time

(Waiting Lines) 4. Queue length

This is defined as the number of custonrers waiting in the queue.
The formation of queues or waiting lines is a most common
phenomenon in our daily life. It occurs where the current 5. System length
demand exceeds the current capacity to provide that service.
Systemlength is equal to the number of customers in the queue
Queues may not be a physical line of customers. It may be and those being served.
merely a list of customers, units, orders etc. Some examples
ofsuch type ofqueues are unconnected telephone calls, waiting
list of passengers for a berth, untyped paper with the typist
Terminology and
etc. Notations for Queueing
Some Important Terms Rblated to System
Queueing System Let N(r) = numberofcustomers inqueueing systemattime
, t (t>0)
Input source S'= number of servers in queueing systems
Two important characteristics of a queueing input source P,(t) = probability of n units in queueing system
1. Its size X,, = mean arrival rate (units/unit time)

The size of a queueing system is defined as the total number Lq = averagenumber of customers in the queue system
of customers that might require service from time to time. The n = mean number of units in the queueing system
size of input source is generally assumed to be infinite. including the one being served

2. The pattern of arrival ws = ayetage waiting time in the queue

wq = ayerage time in the queue system = (i. e., waiting
The pattern of arrival of the customers may be either constant
time + service time)
or at random. Most arrival in a service system are at random.
This occurs when new arrival is independent of its previous Average arrival rate
arrival. The number of arrivals per unit time is estimated by Traffic intensity p =
Average service time
Poisson distribution. The mean arrival rate (the average number
of arrivals per unit time) is represented by the lettgr 1,. l,
p= cl,
The meantime between consecutive arrivals (the time elapsed
where, C = numberofserver
between the first arrival and the next is eqrut to ).
f If number of server is one.

Characteristics of Waiting Lines Then, p =


Some important characteristics required to study the waiting

line are given below Important Formuldd
1. Waiting time t. Probability that there is no customer in the system is given
It is defined as the time that a customer spends in the queue by
before being taken up for service.
Po = l--pT
2. Service time
2. Probability that the customer will have to wait in queue is
It is the time period between two successive services. It may
given by
be either constant or variable.
3. Waiting time in the system pt=l _po=
It is defined as the time spent by the customers in the queue -1. Probability that there are n customers in queue system is
system. given by
lndustrial Engineering A 799

Sol. 1. We know that if customer is not waiting in queue

= _r) rrY ,u tr
then. probability= 1 - %= I -
'' ['--J l.-,J
4. Average expected number of customers in the queue (queue x:-
'" 30
length) is given by
l, = 2 customer per hour
^') 60
p(p-[) -
queue length U=;=3customerperhour
' '2t)
5. Average expected number of customers in the queue
systemis givenby
2. The number of customers in barber shop
Zr= _ =Systemlength = Length of the system
u.-^" I2^
6. Expected length of non-empty queue is given by p-1. 3-2
Expected lenght of waiting line J. Waiting time for a customer
a.D_ = Average time in queue
Probability (n>1)
pG-r) 3(3-2) 3

- -a 4' rime speed",tffii,1"'1"r'"Xil"",,,,,"
\Pi )" l r lrl+p-Irl
_p [(u-]"t rr pL tp-rr I

7. _ I _ I _,
Average waiting time in the queue is given by p-). 3-2
rr.q_ __
f,_ = 60 min
p(p - }.t
Example 3. Patrons arrive at a reception counter, an
8. Average time in the queue system (1.e., waiting + service average interval rate 5 min and receptionist takes an
time) is given by average of 3 min for one patron. Determine average
I queue length.
w' = p-1,
Sol. i" = I5 = 12 patrons per hour
9. Probability density function of waiting time. (Probability
that a customer shall have to wait between time /, and tr.) b = ry = 2o patrons per hour
is given by
We know that average queue length
p= l', 11,
_7"yr-,r-^,,41 k?o 12x12 144
p(p-I) 20x(20-t2) 20x8
Example 2. Customers arrive at one person barber shop _9
according to a Poisson process with a mean time arrival 10
30 min. Customers spends on an average of 20 min in PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) and
the barber chairs. CPM (Critical PathMethod) are scheduling techniques which
Determine- are used to plan, schedule, control a project consisting of
1. Probability that a new arrival need not to wait for number of interrelated activities.
the barber to free.
These techniques give a picture which defines the job to be
2. Number of customers in the shop.
done, integrates them in a logical sequence and provides a
3. Waiting time for a customer.
system of control over the progress of the plan.
4. Total time spend by customer in the shop.
800 * A;*FS Fx*f*r: Mechanical Engineering

Terms Related with CPM and Network Diagram or Arrow

PERT Diagrary
Event It is a pictorial representation of a project plan, showing the
Event is defined as a specific instant of time which indicates inter relationship and inter dependencies between the various
the beginning or end of the activity. Event is also known as a activities in a sequence, in which they are to be performed to
junction. It is represented by a circle and the event number is complete the project.
written within the circle. Unlike an activity, an event consumes
neither time nor resources.

All projects consist of number ofjob operations or tasks which
are called activities. An activity is any tirne or resource
consuming part of the project which has defineable start and This network have five events and its activities to be performed
finish. It may be process such as moulding, flrushing, cutting, are designated as at e and m is dummy activity. Event a is
forging and material handling or material procurement cycle. start ofthe project and event 5 is end ofthe project.
An activity is shown by an arrow in a network diagram. It
begins in start event which is also known as tail event and end Earliest5tart Time (EST)
in completion event or head event. An activity is normally given It is earliest
possible time at which an activity can start and
a name like A, B, C etc. which are marked below the arrow calculated by moving from first to last event in the network
and the estirrated time to accomplish the activity is marked diagram.
above the affow.
Earliest Finish Time

Tail event Head event
It is the earliest possible time at which an activity can finish.
It can be written as
Start End
EFT = EST + Duration of that activity

Latest Start Time (LST)

In a network Such activities have When two It is the latest possible time by
which an activity can start
diagram, critical a provision offloat activities stafiatthe without delaying the date of completion of the project. It can
activities are those or slack so that even same instant of be written as
which if consumed if they consume a
, timelikeAandB, the LST = LF t _ Duration of that activity
more than their specified time over head events are
estimated time, the and above the joined by dotted (LFr)
project will be estimated time, the affows and this
delayed. A critical
It is latest by which the activity must be completed so that the
project will not is known as
activity is marked scheduled date for the completion of the project may not be
be deiayed. dummy activity.
either by a thick delayed.
affow or a double Latest finish time is calculated by moving backward i.e.,from
line arrow to last event to first event of the net'wbrk diagram.
distinguish it
from non-critical Float or Slack
activities. Float or slack means a margin of extra time over and above its
Let see this figure to clear all these things. duration which a non-critical activity can consume without
delaying the date of completion of the project. The float or
slack is calculated by

ffime availablefor ) (fime necessary )

Float or slack = | completion ot the l- | to .o*pl.t. I

Iactivity J I tfre same activity,,J

Slack is used with PERT while float with CpM but in general
The activity between event 2 and3 is known as dummy activity.
practice, they may be used interchangeably float
The dummy activity denotes that activity C cannot start unless
both activities a and b are completed. = (LST _ EST)
= (LFT _ EFI)
lndustrial Engineering * 801

Critical Path So, we can write

Critical path is defined as a path in network diagramin which Jv= o,
earliest finish time and latest finish time are equal. It represents Example 4. A network diagram shown in figure. Show the
the sequence of activities which decide the total project
duration. It is the longest path and consumes maximum time.
For critical path float is equal to zero.

Progranilne Evaluation
and Review Technique
(PERT) critical path on the network and also calculate the total
project duration.
PERT finds applications in planning and control of complex Sol. First of all, write all the possible paths in network
set of activities, functions and relationships. The main object diagram.
of the PERT is controlling the critical activities of the project (D l--t2 -s 6
that can be completed within the scheduled time limit. PERT '(ID 1 -+2-+3-+6
gives an idea to indentifying critical activities right at the (ilI)1+2->3->5-+6
planning stage so that management is aware of these potentially (IV)1 -+ 3 -+ 6
troublesome areas and exercise proper control over them, so (V) 1-+3-+5-+6
as to complete the project within the schedule time. (VI)1 -+ 4 --> 5 -+ 6
PERT uses three time estimates for each activity. Now, calculate total duration on each path
(I) l-+2-+6=3+5=8days
1. Optimistic Time (rJ (II) 1 -+ 2 -+3 -+6 = 3 + 10 + 6= 19 days
(III)1 -+ 2 -+ 3 -+5 -+ 6 = 3 + 10 + 4 + l= 18 days
It is the shortest time in which
an activity can be completed (IV)1 -+ 3 -+ 6 = 4 + 6 = 10 days
assuming that everything goes exceptionally well. It has low (V) 1 -->3 + 5 -+ 6 = 4 + 4 + I =9 days
probability of occurrence. (VI)1 -+ 4 -+ 5 -+ 6 = 14+ 1 + 1 = 16 days
Now, the path have long duration that is critical path.
2. Most Likely Time (r_) Critical path is I --> 2 -+ 3 --> 6.
This is the most likely time required to complete the activity Critical path should be shown by double arrow in the
taking into consideration, all favourable and unfavourable network diagram.
elements. This estimate of time lies between:the optimistic
and pessimistic time.

3. Pessimistic Time (r',)

trt is defined as the time in which an activity rvill take to
complete, if everything turns out to be against expectation.
Similar to optimistic time, it has low probability of occurrence.
Total project duration = 19 days
4. Expected Time (r,)
The expected time (rr) is calculated by
Exarnple 5. Draw the PERT network for the activities whose
three estimates are given in the table.
._ to+41*+ln
ar$B$ff' $!5.s

It is assumed .tiurc ri ":

o undt r" ur"about f;qually likely to occur whereas

t :.:: .t:. :tt | :

the probability of occurrence of t * is 4 times that of t o and t A 1 5 J
,. A
Siandard deviation is given by B 2 + 3

.2 C J 5 4
t, *to \ -L D A 2 10 9
6) ='o 6 E C 4 6 5
F B,D,E 5 13 6
^ ( ,, -,.,\'
VarianceY=(a,)'=[=U G A 2 6 4
J H GF 0 6 3
802 * #eY* "f
xat*r: Mechanical Engineering

From the three estimates, obtain the expected times of Now, write all the possible path in the network diagram
all the activities and slack of all the events. Also, find (I) A-+ G-+H
the critical path. (II) A.-+ D -+ F -s H
Sol. First of all, make the table and calculate activity expected (III)B -+ F -+ H
time. (IV)C -+ E -s F -; H
to+4tm+tp Now, calculate the total duration on each path
We know that activity expected time t"= (I) A -+ G -+ H =3 + 4+ 3 = 10days"
(II) A -+ D -+ F ) H =3 + 8 + 7 + 3 =21 days
Sri (III)B -+ F --> H = 3 +7 + 3 = 13 days
A 1 5 3
(IV)C+ E-+F-)H= 4+5+J +3= 19days
So, critical path is
2 +72+ 4
B 2 4
6" A-+D-+F-+H
3+16+5 This bracket indicates as
C 3 5 4
6 EST = Earliest Start Time
2+36+.10 LFT = Latest Finish Time
D A 2 10 9

E C 4 6 5
5 +24+13
F B,D,E 5 t3 6 -'
2+16+ 6
G A 2 6 4

H G,F 0 6 3 _O+12+6 _1

Now, draw the network diagram

Event 1 2 J 4 5 6

Slack 0 0 0 2 0 0

Since, slack = LFT - EST

Intro Exercise 3
1. CPM is 4. A dummy activity
(a) time oriented technique (a) does not require any time
(b) activity oriented technique (b) is represented by a dotted line
(c) event oriented technique
(d) Both (b) and (c) (c) is artificially introduced
(d) All of the above
2- PERT is
(a) event oriented 5. The critical path of a network represents
(b) activity oriented
(c) cost oriented (d) Both (a) and (b) (a) minimum time required for completion of project
(b) maximum time required for completion of project
3. Critical activities are those for which
(a) float=+1 (b) float = 0 (c) minimum cost required for completion of project
(c) float < 1 (d) float > 1 (d) maximum cost required or completion of project
lndustrial Engineering $ 803

6. One time estimate is (V) Number of hours for which the cashier remains busy
(a) PERT (b) cPM in 8 days
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (.a)6h (b) 7h
(c) 6.4 h (d) 5h
7. Which of the following is not correct?
(Vl) Average length of non-empty queue is
(a) The critical path of a project network represents the
(a) 4 (b) 3
minimum time needed to complete the project
(c) 6 (d) 5.
(b) Critical path is the longest path in a project network
(c) A delay in the completion of critical activities need not
(Vll) Average cost due to waiting on a part of cashier, iI
cashier is value at <1 00/h
cause a delay in the completion of the whole project
(d) The sum of the variances of the critical activity times (a) t 15 (b) < 20
gives the variance of the overall project completion (c) ( so (d) < 25
time 14. Consider the following network:
8. lf an activity has zero slack, it implies that
(a) it is a dummy activity
(b) it lies on the critical path
(c) there are more than one critical paths
(d) All of the above '
9. An activity in the network
(a) represents a task which has a definite beginning and
a definite end Distance between different stations is shown on each link
(b) cannot staft unless all its immediate procedures are in km.
completed (l) The shortest route from 1 to 8 is
(c) have float zero, if it is critical, otherwise total float as (a) 1-+3-+5+8
positive in case of non-critical activity (b)1-+4-+7-+8
(d) All of the above (c) 1+2-,5-i.7)B
10. The probability of obtaining a total of 6 in a single throw (d) None of the above
to two dice (ll) Shortest length is
(a) 5/36 (b) e/36 (a) 9 km (b) 11 km
(c) 1/13 (d) 7t13 (c) 10 km (d) 12 km
11. ln a queue, the mean arrival rate is equal to 10 per hour 15. A network is shown in figure.
and the mean service rate is 15 per hour. The expected
queue length is
(a) 1.57 (b) 1.33
(c) 3.2 (d) 2-75'
12. ln a single channel queue, if mean waiting time in system
is 60 min, the mean waiting time in queue is 40 min, then The critical path is
mean rate of service will be (a) 1-+2+5+6-+7-+ 8-+9
(a) 2 per hour (b) 3 per hour (b) 1 -+2-+3-+4-+8-+9
(c) 1 per hour (d) 4 per hour (c) 1 + 2 -+ 3 -+5 -+ 6 -+ 7 -+ 8 -+ I
13. At a cashier counter,8 customers arrive on an average (d) 1 -+ 2 -+ 3 -+ 4 8 -, 9
every 5 min. While cashier can serve 10 customers in 16. Variance for critical path is as
5 min. Select correct option. a ----) b= 4
1i1 Expected number of units in the system b -------) c= 16
(a) 4 (b) 5 c -----) d=4
(c) 6 (d) 8 d -------> e= 1

(ll) Average number of units in the queue Then, standard deviation of critical path
(a) 3 (b) 3.2 a -----J eis
(c) 2 (d) 4 (a) 6 (b) 5
(lll) Expected time per unit in the system is (c) 4 (d) 3
(a) 2.5 min (b) 3 min 17. Time estimate of a PERT activity are given below.
(c) 3.2 min (d) 4 min Pessimistic time = 14 min, most likely time = 10 min,
(lV) Expected time, a customer spend in the queue optimistic time = 8 min. Then, the expected time of activity
(a) 4 min (b) 3.2 min
(a) 10 min (b) 11 min
(c) 3 min (d) 2 min (c) 10.33 min (d) 12 min
4 {;e #"# E'xetc}y: Mechanical Engineering

18. Critical path of project is given below.

The total project duration is
li.#iift ir n:.4avsi. (a) 15 days (b) 22 days
3 (c) l8"days (d) 20 days
4 Consider a PERT network. The optimistic pessimistic and
most likely time is given in a table as
7 ,':.t;::
5 1-2 2 5 I
1-4 3 3 .)

(a) b-+d-+f-->h (b) a-->c-+e-+f 2-3 1 1 1

(c) b-+d-+g-+h (d) a-+d-+e-+h 3-5 0 6 18

19. Consider six activities as
4-5 2 I 14
A#fri.JtSi:.;rl !ii'iF. F$t6trdh 5-6 -7
7 7
(l) Critical path duration of network is
a (a) 21 days (b) 20 days
b (c) 1 7 days (d) 24 days
a (ll)Standard deviation of critical path is
d (a) 82 (b) e
c,e (c) (d) 7

Answers with Solutions

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d)
s. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b)
13. I = t16o = 96 customer per hour
e. (d)
10. (a) Results are: l, 5 tl = t0x60
5 = 120 customer per hour
2,4 (I) tal Expected number of customers in system
J,J i, 96 s(r
4,2 p -1. t2}-s6
5, 1

Total change =6x6=36 (II) (b) Average number of customers in queue

.'. Probabilitv = :
5 )e 3.2
'36 *120x24 =
(III) (a) Expected time per customer in system
ll.(b) p=l-lo-2
' u 15 3 1
2/3 - -l
il20-961- 24 "
and L" = --P- = U-).
' 1-p t-213 =z 60
I = )-Z 4 =
-24 =2.5min
= = 1.33
(rv) (d) Expected time, a customer spend in queue
I 7"96
12. (b) -Isq=w -w I

p(u-i.) 120x24- 30 "
i = 2min
l, = 20 per minute (V) (c) Cashier busy in 1 day shift
= 3perhour = ;(,-1)=1
i= \ u/ u
lndustrial Engineering $ 805

964 (ID 1 -+ 2 --> 3 -+ 4 -->7 -+ 8 -+ 9=3+4+5+6+4

= r2o=5 h
=22 days
So, cashier busy in 8 days shift - 8X:5 = 6.5 h [II) 1 -+ 2-+3 -+ 5 + 6 -+ 7 + 8-+9
(VI) (d) Average length of non-empty queue =3+4+3+4+6+4

_ p 120 =24 days

- (P_l, _
- (tro-s6) _ry._5
- 24 -' (V)1 -+2-+ 5 -+ 6-+7 -+8-+ 9 i3 +2+3+4+6+4
=22 days
C/D (ll) Average cost due to waiting on a part of cashier
Path 1 + 2 -+ 3 -+ 5 -+ 6 -+ 7 -+ 8 -+ 9 is critical
= Cost per hour x Idle time

= Ioo x ['-1'] 16. (b) a ------) b ----+ c ---) d ----- c

\ tr,i Ot2=4 Oz2=16 Gzz=4 Oq'=l
/ qa\ We know that
'- ll----;
= 100-
\ 120) Standard deviation = 6r' +orz +or' +oo'

_ rooxz4 ={20 J4+16+4+t = ,125

t20 5

14. A shortest route is a route in network which length is less 17. rc) r
D =
14 min. l=m l0 min, /o=8min
than other route of the network. We know that
te6-6 _ 14+4x10+g
: = 10.33min
18. (a)

The routes and distances are d

t -+2 -+ 6 -+ 8 = 3 + 8 + 3 = i4 km f
1 -s2 -+ 5-+ 6 -+ 8 = 3 + 3 + 4 13 = 13km 6
I ->2 -+5 -+8 =3 + 3 +7= 13 km
Now, draw the network diagram
L -+ 2 -+ 5 -+l -+8 = 3 + 3 + 2 +3 = 11 lcn
1 --> 3 -+ 5 -+6 -+ 8 = 6 + 2 + 4 +4+ 3 = 19km

1 -+ 3 -+5 -+ 8 = 6 + 4 +'7 = 17 l<m

I -+4 -+7 -+ 8= 5 +'7 +3 = 15 km The paths and {uration are given below.
(D (c) Route of minimum length is
a-+c-+e-->g- 3+5+7+2 = 17days
I->2-->5-r7+8. a-->c-+f-+h =3+ 5+5+10 =23days
(ID (b) Minimum length of route is 1l km. b -+ d ) e -) g=4 +5 + 7 + 2 = 18 days
I.5. (c) b -s d + f ) h = 4 + 5 + 5 + 10= 24 days
Hence, critical path is
b -+ d -sf--s h
le. (d) First to all, draw the network diagram

The paths and time are given below.

(I) 1 -+ 2 -+ 3 -+4 -+8 -+9= 3+ 4+5 + 5+4
=21 days

I si4nff Ywt*xr Mechanical Engineering t

The paths of complete activity are given below.

Now, draw the network diagram
The critical path tells the project completion path.
a -+ b --> c -+f=5 + 6 + 5 + 4 =20 days 3

a --> d ) e --> f= 5 + 4 + 3 + 4 =16 days

Critical path is 1 -+2 -+3 -+ 5 -+ 6 =5 + I +7 +7 =20 days
q -+b-+c)f and 1 -+ 4 -+5 -+6=3 + 8 + 7 = 1g days
Critical path duration = 20 days
Project duration = 20 days
(II) (ct Activity on critical path
20. (r) (b)
4-5 Standard deviation = Jo,, +or, +c.12 +oo2
= Ji+0"+9'f0= J10

lndustrial Engineering ft tOZ

unit Exercise 1
(1 MarkQuestions) 6. Given that Q = procurement cost per order,
D = number of units demanded per year,
1. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer
/1 = holding cost per unit year, i - rate of interest,
using the codes given below the lists.
P = purchase price per unit. The proeurement quantity
per order (Q) is given by
P. Decision making under 2.0.D
complete certainity (a) Q= (b) Q=
H +iP
Q. Decision making under 2. Maximum criterion
risk 2.0
R. Decision making under Transportation model (c) Q= (d) Q= D(H +iP)
complete uncertainity
S. Decision makingbasedon Decision tree 7. Consider the following statements:
expert opinion The assignment problem is seen to be the special case of
Codes the transportation problem in which
Pa R S I:tm = n
(a)3 4 1 2 2. all a.= |
(b)4 3 2 1 3. x..= I
(c)3 4 2 1
(The symbols have the usual meaning.)
(d)4 3 1 2
Which of these statements are correct?
, In exponential smoothing method of forecasting, the (a) 1,2 and3 (b) 1 and 2
forecast for higher values of the smoothing constant
(c) 2 and3 (d) 1 and 3
(a) will be more sensitive to forecast of the previous period
(b) will be more sensitive to changing patterns in demand 8. Ifthe fixed cost ofthe assets for a given period doubles,
(c) will not be affected by the forecast of the previous then how much will the break even quantity becomes?
period (a) Half the original value
(d) will notbe affectedbythechanging patterns in demand (b) Same as the original value
(c) Twice the original value
3. Which one of the following statements is not correct for (d) Four time the original value
the exponential smoothing method of demand
forecasting? 9. While solving a linear programming problem by simplex
method, if all ratios of the right hand side (b,) to the
(a) Demand for the most recent data is given more
coefficient, in the key rcw (a) becomes negative, then
the problem has which of the following qpes of solution?
(b) This method requires only the current demand and (a) An unbound solution
forecast demand (b) Multipte solutions
(c) This method assigns weight to all the previous data (c) Aunique solution
(d) This method gives equal weightage to all the periods (d) No solution r ,.
4. In a transportation problem, the matbrials are transported 10. Consider the following statements:
from 3 plants to 5 warehouses. The basic feasible solution 1. For the application of optimality test in case of
must contain exactly, which one of the following allocated transportation model, thenumber of allocations should
cells? be equal tom+ n, where misthe number of rows and
(a) 3 (b) s n is the number of columns of the matrix.
(c) 7 (d) 8 2. Transportation problem is a special-case of a linear
programming problem.
5. A production line is said to be balanced when
(a) there are equal number of machines at each work 3. In case of assignment problem, the first step is to make
a square matrix by adding a dummy row or a dummy
(b) there are equal number of operators of each work column.
station Which of these statements is/are correct?
(c) the waiting time for service at each station is the same (a) I,2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(d) the operation time at each station is the same (c) 2 and 3 (d) Only 2
808 * {;,4{# {rs{r*rzMechanical Engineering

11. Match List I (OR-technique) with List II (Model) and 1,6. Match List I (OR-technique) with List II (Application)
select the correct answe.r using the codes given below the and select the correct answer using the codes given below
lists. the lists.

P. Branch and bound techniques PERT and CPM

P. Linear programming 1. Warehouse location decision
a Expected value approach Integer
Q. Transportation 2. Machine allocation deci sion
Smoothing and levelling R. Assignment -l- Product mix decision
Queueing theory
Exponential distribution Decision theory
S. Queueing 4. Projectmanagement decision
5. Number of servers decision
PaRS Codes
(a)2 I 4 3 PaRS
(b)2 41 3 (a)t 2 3 s
(c)3 4 1 2 (b)3 1 2 s
(d)3 1 4 2 (c)1 3 4 s

12. Consider the lollowing sratements:

(d)3 2 t 4

The break even point increases 17. For.,a M/}y'/I: -/FCFS queue, the mean arrival rate
f. ifthe fixed cost per unit increases. is equal to 10 per hour and the mean service rate is
2. if the variable cost per unit decreases. 15 per hour. The expected queue length is
3. ifthe selling price per unit decreases. (a) 1.33 (b) l.s3
Which of these statements is/are correct? (c) 2.75 (d) 3.20
(a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2 18. Match List I (Methods) with List II (Applications) and
(c) 2 and3 (d) I and 3 select the correct answer using the codes given below the
13. A single bay car wash with a Poisson arrival rate and lists.
exponential service time has cars arriving at an average ,EffiI
rate of
10 min apart and an average service time of
P. Break even analysis l. To provide dillerent
4 min. What is the system utilization?
(a) 1.00 facilities at different
(b) 0.67
(c) 0.40 locations
(d) 0.24
Q. Transportation problem 2. To take action from
14. Which one of the following statement is not correct? among the paths with
(a) Assignment model is a special casq of a linear uncertaintiy
programming problem R. Assignment problem 3. To choose between
(b) In queueing models, Poisson arrivals and exponential
different methods of
services are assumed
(c) In transportation manufacture
problems, the non-square matrix is
made square by adding a dummy row or a dummy
S. Decision tree 4. Todeterminethe location
column ofthe additional plant
(d) In linear programming problems, dual of a dual is a
15. Consider the following statements: (a)4 3 1 2
1. A linear programming problem with three variables (b)3 41 2
and two constraints can be solved by graphical (c)3 4 2 1
method. (d)4 3 2 I
2. For solutions of a linear programming problem with
19. In the solution of a linear programming problem
mixed constraints, Big-M method can be employed. by
simplex method, if during an iteration, all ratios of right
3. In the solution process of a linear programming
hand side b,to the coeffrcient of entering variable a are
problem using Big-M method, when an artificial
found to be negative, it implies that the problem has
variable leaves the basis, the column of the artificial
(a) infinite number of solutions
variable can be removed from all subsequent tables.
(b) infeasible solution
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1,2 and3 (c) degeneracy
(b) I and2
(c) i and 3 (d) 2 and 3 (d) unbound solution
lndustrial Engineering i 809

20. Consider the following statements regarding the 27. Which one of the following is an inventory system
characteristics of the standard form of a linear that keeps a running record of the amount in storage
programming problem. and replenishes the stock when it drops to a certain
1. All the constraints are expressed in the form of level by ordering a fixed quantity?
equations. (a) EOQ (b) Periodic
2. The right hand side of each constraint equation is (c) Peripheral (d) ABC
28. The critical path of a network is the path that
3. A1l the decision variables are non-negative.
(a) takes the shortest time
Which of these statements are correct? (b) takes the longest time
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) I and2 (c) has the minimum variance
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 (d) has the maximum variance
21. Routing in production planning and control refers to the 29. Customers arrive at a counter randomly at the rate of
(a) balancing of, toad on machines 6 customers per hour. The service is provided at the
(b) authorization of work to be performed counter by a server. The mean time of the service is 4
(c) progress of work pbrformed min per customer. The services are exponentially
(d) sequence of operations to be performed distributed. What is theprobabilitythat anewly anived
'tustomer has to wait?
)', Dummy activities are used in a network to
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.6
(a) facilitate computation of slacks
(c) 0.66 (d) 0.8
(b) satisfy precedance requirements
(c) determine project completion time 30. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(d) avoid use ofresources Queueing theory is applied best in situation where
(a) arrival rate ofcustomers equal to service rate
?1 Which one of the following is true in respect of production (b) average service time is greater than average
control for continuous or assembly line production?
arrival time
(a) Control is achieved by PERI network (c) there is only one channel of arrival at random
(b) Johnson algorithm is used for sequencing and the service time is constant
(c) Control is on one work centre only (d) the arrival and service rate cannot be analyzed
(d) Control is on flow of identical components through through any standard statistical distribution
several operations
31. PERT considers the following time estimates:
24. Which one of the following is assumed for timing the 1. Optimistic time
activities in PERT network?
2. Pessimistic time
(a) cr distribution
3. Most likely time
(b) B distribution
Which of these statements are correct?
1c1 Binomial distribution (.a) 1,2 and3 (b) 1 and 2
(d) Erlangian distribution (d)
(c) Only 3 1 and 3
Thethreetime estimates of aPERI activityare; optimistic
32. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
time = 8 min, most likely time = 10 min and pessimistic
(a) PERT is probabilistic and CPM is deterministic
time : 14 min. The expected time of the activity would be
(b) In PERT, events are used and in CPM, activities
(a) 10.00 min (b) 10.33 min
are used
(c) 10.66 min (d) 11.00 min
(c) In CPM, the probability to complete the project
26. In a network, what is total float equal to? in a given time duration is calculated
(u) LFI - EST, + r,_,
33. What is the additional time available for the
(b) ESl -LET,+ t" performance of an activity in PERT and CPM
(c) ES, -LIit,- t,_, calculated on the basis that all activities will start at
(d) Lry-EST,-r,, their earliest start time, called?
where, LFT = latest finish time of an activity; (a) Slack (b) Total float
EST = earlieststart timeof an activity; 4_j=time ofactivity (c) Free float (d) Independentfloat
i - j.
810 E {;4 lti Mechanical Engineering

34. In case of solution of a two variables, linear programming 39. Which one of the following is correct?
problem by graphical method, one constraint line comes
In the basic EOQ model, if lead time increases from 5 to
parallel to the objective function line. Which one of the 10 days, the EOQ will
following is correct?
(a) double
The problem vvill have
(a) infeasible solurion (b) decrease by a factor oftwo
(b) unbounded solution (c) remain the same
(c) degenerate solution (d) Data is insufficienr
(d) infinite number of optimal solution 40. The solution in a transportation model (of dimension
35. Match List I (Techniques/methods) with List II (Models) m x n) is said to be degenerate, if it has
and select the correct answer using the codes given below (a) exactly (m + n - 1) allocations
the iists. (b) fewer than (m + n - l) allocations
Li*tII (c) more than (m + n - 7) allocations
P. Vogel's approximation 1. Assignment model (d) (.m x n) allocation
method 41. Economic order quantity is the quantity at which the cost
Q. Floods technique 2. Transportation model ofcarrying is
R. Two phase method 3. PERT and CPM (a).".minimum
S. Crashing 4. Linearprogramming (b) equal to the cost ofordering
(c) less than the cost ofordering
P (d) cost of overstocking
(a)3 4 I 2 42. A shop owner with an annual constant demand of A unit
(b)2 t 4 3 has ordering costs of { P per order and carrying costs
(c)3 I 4 2 { l per unit per year. The economic order quantity for a
(d)2 4 1 J purchasing model having no shortage may be determined
36. In CPM, the project iluration can be reduced by from
24P D4AP
(a) one or more non-critical activities ft)
(b) one or more critical activities V1
(c) one or more dummy activities
(d) activities having independent float (c)\i,
(dr ^t_ m
37 . ln the inventory control, if the yearly demand for a certain a_
material is fixed, the economic order quantity gives +J' If the annual demand of an item becomes half, ordering
minimum cost doub :, holding cost one-fourth and the unit cost
(a) inventory carrying cosl. per year twice, then what is the ratio of the new EOe and the
(b) acquisition cost per year earlier EOQ?
(c) total cost per year I
(d) number oforders per year (at (b) I-
2 {r tl2
38. If D = annual demand for a material (units per year) (c) (d)
xD 2
Q = quantity ofmaterial ordered at each order point
(unit per order) 44. If critical path of a project is 20 months with a standard
C = cost of carrying one unit in inventory for one deviation 4 months, what is the probability that the project
year (rupees per unit per year) will be complet I in 24 months?
S = average cost of completing an order for a material (a) 15.85% (b) 68.37o
(rupees per order) (c) 84.27o (d) 95.50E"
TSC = total annual stocking costs for a material (rupees
per year) 45. If the earliest starting time for an activity is g weeks, the
Then, the Economic Order euantity (EOe) is latest finish time is 37 weeks and the duration time of the
activity is 11 weeks, then the total float is equal to
t/ c (b)2DC
(a) 18 weeks (b) 14 weeks
(c) 56 weeks (d) 40 weeks
Vs (d) 2DS
lndustrial Engineering X 811

46. The variance of the completion time for a project is the 54. In the EOQ mode, if the unit ordering cost is doubled,
sum of variance of the EOQ
(a) all activity time (a) is halved
(b) non-critical activity time (b) is doubled
(c) critical activity time (c) increases 1.414 times
(d) decreases 1.414 times
(d) activity times of first and last activities of the project
The inter-arrival time at a tool crib are dxponential with an
47. The indirect cost of a plant is T 400000 per year. The
average time of 10 min and the length of the service time
direct cost is t 20 per product. Ifthe average revenue per
6 min assumed to be exponential. The probability that a
product is ( 60, the break even point is
person arriving at the booth will have to wait, is equal to
(a) 10000 product (b) 20000 product
(a) 0.15 (b) 0.40
(c) 40000 product (d) 60000 product
(c) 0.42 0.6
48. In order, for a transportation matrix which has six rows
and four columns not to degenerate, what is the number 56. The symbol used for transport in work study is
of occupied cells in the matrix? IGATE 20031

(a) ' (b)e (a) (b) r

6 =
'(c) E
(c) (d) v
15 {d) 24 57. Iri?ERT analysis, a critical activity has [GATE 2004]
49. In the basic EOQ model, if demand is { 60 per month, (a) maximum float (b) zero float
ordering cost is { 12 per order, holding cost is { 10 per (c) maximum cost (d) minirnum cost
unit per month, what is the EOQ?
(b) 144 58. For a product, the forecast and the actual sales for
(a) 12
December 2002 were 25 and 20 respectively. If the
(c) 24 (d) 28 exponential smoothening constant cr is taken as 0.2, the
50. Standard time is forceast sales for January 2003 would be
(a) normal time + allowances IGATE 20041

(b) (normal time x rating) + allowances

(a) 21 (b) 23
(c) 24 (d) 27
(norrnal time)
(c) i# l+allowances 59. There are two products P and O with the following
\ ranng ) characteristics: [GATE 20041
(d) normal time + (allowances x rating)
Pf.oduct ,:r'rD iond.sf .::, ir!: giii$!Fg:iw
51. It is given that the actual demand is 59 units, a previous ,',1,1,(rmi!)1,,,,, ,:: {.-{/,dider),.i,l ,{ ii f/yi:ar):
forecast is 64 units and smoothening factor is 0.3. What
P 100 50 4
be the forecast for next period, using exponential
a 400 50 I
(a) 36.9 units (b) 57.5 units The Economic Order Quantity (EOO of products P and
(c) 60.5 units (d) 62.5 units Q will be in the ratio IGATE 200s]
(a) 1:l (b) t :2
<) A solution is not a basic feasible solution tn a (c) 1 :4 (d) 1:8
transportation problem if after allocations
(a) there is no closed-loop 60. An assembly activity is represented on an operation
(b) there is a closed-loop
process chart by the symbol IGATE 2005]
(a) (b) A
(c) total number of allocations is one less than the sum (c) D (d) o
of number of sources and destinations
(d) there is degeneracy 61. The sales of a product during the last 4 yr were 860, 880,
870 and 890 units. The forecast for the fourth year was
53. If ru is thenumber of constraints in a linear programming 876 units. If the forecast for the fifth year, using simple
with two variables x and y are non-negativity constraints exponential smoothing, is equal to the forceast using a
;r > 0, ) > 0; the feasible region in the graphical solution three period moving average, the value of the exponential
will be surrounded by how many lines? smoothing constant tx, is IGATE 200s1
(a) m (b) m+l (a) tll (b) 1/s
(c) m+2 (d) m+4 (c) 2/1 (d) 2/s
812 E {;"4T# H"#{q*il Mechanical Engineering

62. Consider a single server queueing model with poission A schedule that minimizes the total inventory cost is
arrivals ()u = 4lh) and exponential service (p = 4/h). Ttre
number in the system is restricted to a maximum of 10.
(a) T-+S -+Q -sR -+p (b) p+R __>S _+e__+T
(c) T.-+R +,S + e -+p (d) p -+ e -+R-+S_+T
The probability that a person who comes in leaves without
joining the queue is 67, The expected time (/,) of a pERI activity in terms of
IGATE 200s1
(a) tltl (b) t/10 optimistic time (r,), pessimistic time (rr) and most likely
(c) 1/9 (d) time (/,) is given by , TGATE 2009I
63. The number of customers arriving at a railwayreservation to+4tt +t, to+4t,,+tt
'e6 (bl t"=
counter is Poisson distributed with an arrival rate of ---
8 customers per hour. The reservation clerk at this counter to+4tt+tD to+4tD+tt
takes 6 min per customer on an average with an tL, I
ea- 'el
exponentially distributed service time. The average
number of the customers in the queue will be 68. In a CNC program block, N002 G02 G91 X4OZ4O ...,
IGATE 20061
G02 and G91 refer to TGATE 20101
(a) 3 (b) (a) circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction
(c) 4
and incremental dimension
@) 4.2
(t) circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction
64, In an MRP system, component demand is '
hnd absolute dimension
IGATE 20061 (c) circular interpolation in clockwise direction and
(a) forecasted incremental dimension
(b) established by the master production schedule (d) circular interpolation in clockwise direction and
(c) calculated by the MRp system from the master absolute dimension
production schedule
69- The demand and forecast for February are 12000 and
(d) ignored
10275 respectively. Using single exponential smoothening
65. In an M/M/l queueing system, the number of arrivals in method (smoothening coefftcient = 0.25), forecast for the
an interval oflength Zis a poisson random variable (i.e., month of March is IGATE 20101
the probability of there being n arrivals in an interval of (a) 431 (b) 9s87
e-"' ()tT)n (c) 10706 (d) 11000
"nl ris
length r.The probabilitydensity funcrion
70. Littile's law is a relarionship between IGATE 20101
/(r) of the inter-arrival time is given by TGATE 200g1 (a) stock level and lead time in an inventory system
(b) waiting time and length of the queue in a queueing
(a) t"2 (r-^'\ (b) t -),2r
---- system
(c) number of machines and jobs due dates in a
e scheduling problem
(c) ?,' e-)"r (d) (d) uncertainty in the activity time and project completion
66. A set of jobs is to be processed on a single machine. The
processing time (in days) is given in the table below. The 71. Vehicle manufacturing assembly line is an example of
holding cost for each job is { K per day. TGATE 20031 (a) product layout (b) process layout
(c) manual layout (d) fixed layour
P IGATE 20101
72. Simplex method of solving linear programming problem uses
(a) all the points in the feasible region TGATE 20101
R (b) only the corner points ofthe feasible region
s (c) intermediate points within the infeasible region
T (d) only the interior points in the feasible region
lndustrial Engineering n 813

Unit Exercise 2
(2 Marks Quesfions) 7. Consider the following sets of tasks to complete the
assembly of an engineering component:
1. For a small scale industry, the fixed cost per month is
< 5000. The variable cost per product is {
20 and sales price
is { 30 per piece. The break even production per month will
(a) 300 (b) 460
(c) 500 (d) 10000
2. A new facilityhas to be designed to do all the welding for
3 products A, B and C. Per unit wglding time for each
product is 20 s, 40 s and 50 s respectivelyr. Daily demand
forecast for product A is 450, for B is 360 and for C is
240. A welding line can operate efficiently for 220 min
in a day. Number of welding lines required are The expected production rate is 3000 units per shift of
(a) 5 (b) 4 8 h duration. The minimum number of workstations that
(c) 3 (d) 2 are needed to achieve this production level is
(a) 4 (b) 8
3. At a self-service store, a cashier can serve 10 customers
(c) 10 (d) 11
in 5 min. On an average, 15 customers arrive every
10 min. If the arrivals are as per Poisson distribution and 8. In the network shown below, the critical path is along
services as per exponential distribution, the probability
that the cashier would be idle is
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.7s I\
(c) 0.25 (d) zero t\
4. Which one of the following information combinations I

has lowest break even point? I


(a) 3000 (a) 1-+2-+3-+4+8+9

(b) 4000 40 (b) 1-+2+3-+5-+6+7+8-+9
(c) 5000 40 (c) 1-+2-+3-+4-+7 -+8-+9
(d) 6000 40 (d) 1-+2-+5+6-+7+8-+9
5. Acompany has four work centers A, B, C and D with per
day capacities of 450 units, 390 units, 360 units and
9. Two alternative methods can produce a product. First
method has a fixed cost of < 2000 and variable cost of
400 units respectively. The machines are laid down in
order toA, B, C and D and product has to be operated on
{ 2Olpiece and the second method has fixed cost of
< 1500 and a variable coSt 6f{ 30. The break even quantity
all these machines for getting converted into finished
between the two alternatives is
product. The actual output turns out to be 306 units per
day. What is the system efficiency?
(a) 25 (b) s0
(a) 68Vo (b) 78% (c) 75 (d) 100
(c) 80Vo (d) 857o 10. An operation consultant for an automatic car wash wishes
6. For a product, the forecast for the month of January was to plan for enough capacity to handle 60 cars per hour.
500 units. The actual demand turned out to be 450 units. Each car will have wash time to 2 min. but there is to be
What is the forecast for the month of February using a 207o allowance for setup, delays and payment
exponential smoothing method with a smoothing transactions. The installation capacity of car wash stalls
coefficient = 0.1? should be
(a) 455 (b) 49s (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 500 (d) s4s (c) 5 (d) 6
814 t {:;A[{"{w\*r; Mechanical Engineering

11. A company intends to use exponentiai smoothing (a) 26 days (b) 27 days
technique for making a forecast for one of its products. (c) 30 days (d) indeterminable
The previous year's forecast has been 7g units and the
actual demand for the corresponding period turned out 17. Match List I (OR-technique) with Lisr II (Model) and
to be 73 units. If the value of the smoothing constant cr, is select the correct answer using the codes given below the
0.2, the tbrecast fbr the next period will be lists.
(a) 73 units (b) 75 units
(c) 77 units (d) 78 units Branch and bound technique PERI and CPM
Expected yalue approach Integer
t2. Time estimates of an activity in a pERT network
are; optimistic time to = 9 days; pessimistic time programming
Smoothing and Levelling
tp= 2l days and rnost likely time t* = 15 days. The Queueing theory
Exponential distribution Decision theory
approximate probability of completion of this activity
in 13 days is Codes
(a) 16To lb) 34Io PaRS
(c') 50c'/o (d) 84Vo
(a)2 t 4 3
(b)2 413
13. A dealer sells a radio set at { 900 and makes 807o profit (c)3 4 1 2
on his investment. If he can sell it at { 200 more. his (d).3 1 4 2
profit as percentage of investment will be
(a) 160 (b) 18. Process I requires 20 units of fixed cost and 3 units of
variable costs per piece, while process II required 50 units
(c) 100 (d) 120 offixed costs and I unit ofvariable cost per piece. For a
t4. Estimated time T" and variance of the activities Von the company producing 10 pieces per day
critical path in a PERTnetwork are given in the following (a) process I should be chosen
table: (b) process II should be chosen
(c) either ofthe two processes should be chosen
(d) a combination ofthe process I and process II should
be chosen

19. Annual demand for a product costing { 100 per piece is

t 900. Ordering cost per order is t 100 and inventory
The probability of completing rhe project in 43 days is holding cost is T 2 per unit per year. The economic lot
(a) 15.67o srze ls
(b) 50.080
(c) 81.47o (a) 200 (b) 300
(d) eo.o% (c) 400 (d) s00
15. The earliest occurrence time for event I is g weeks and 20. Consider ie following linear programming problem;
the latest occurrence time for event 1 is 26 weeks. The Maximise Z: 2A + 3.B, sutrrjected to A + B < 10,
earliest occurrence time for event 2 is 32 weeks and the 4A + 68 530. 2A + B < 17; A, B >A
iatest occurrence time for event 2 is 37 weeks. If the Which of the following is correct?
activity time is l1 weeks, then the total float will be (a) It may contain alternative optimal solutions
(a) l1 (b) t3 (b) The soiution will be fnbounded
(c) 18 (d) 24 (c) The soiution witl be degenerate
t6. For the network shown in the given figure, the earliest (d) It cannot be solveci by simplex method
expected completion time of the project is 2I. Weekly production requirements of a product are
1000 items. Thr cycle time of producing one product on
a rnachine is lr min. The factory works on two shift
basis in which total avaiiable time is 16 h. Out of the
available time about 25Vo is expected to be wasted on
break downs, material unavailability and quality related
problems. The factory works for 5 days in a week. How
many machines are required to fulfill the production
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 6
lndustrial Engineering I 815

't) Consider the below network. Activity times are given in 28. Based on the given graph, the economic range of
number of day. The earliest expected occurrence time (/r) batch sizes to be preferred for General Purpose (GP)
for event 50 is machine, NC machine and Special Purpose (SP)
machine will be


Batch size +
(a) 22 (b) 23
(c) 24 (d) 2s
(a)2s 4
23. Using the exponential smoothing method of forecasting, (b)t4 J
what will be the forecast for the fourth week, if the actual (d3 2 4
and forecasted demand for the third week is 480 and 500, (d)14 2
respectively and a= 0.2?
(a) 400 (b) 4e6 29. There are two machines M, and Mrwhich process jobs
(c) 500 (d) s04 A, B, C, D, E and F. The proceSsing sequence for these
jobs is M, followed by Mz. Consider the following data in
24. Consider the 3 activities of a CPM network as shown this regarde:
below Earliest and latest occuffences times of these events Process time required in minutes-
are given on the nodes. The total float on activity 20-30 :.p
Job B: C D
ES=5 ES=10 ES=18 gg=28
l1 10

The processing sequence ofjobs that would minimize the

LS=5 LS=15 LS=23 LS=33 make span is
(a) zero (b) 2 (a) C -+A-sB -+F -+E-+D (b) C-+A-+B-4)+E-$
(c) 3 (d) s (c) C-+A->D-+B-+F--+E {d) E-+F-4)+B+A--C
)\ A dealer of washing machines forecasts.the demand at 30. Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson
the raie of 600 units per month, for the next four months. with an average time of 10 min between one arrival and
The actual demand is fbund to be 500, 680, 800 and the next. The length of a phone call is assumed to be
900 units. The Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and the distributed exponentially with a mean of 3 min. The
bias are found to be probability that a person arriving at the booth will have
(a) 170 and 120 (b) -120 and 170 to wait, is
(c) 340 and-240 (d) -240 and 340 (a) 0.043 (b) 0.300
26. 7n a PERT network, expected project duration is found to
(c) 0.429 44 (d) 0.700
be 36 days from the start of the project. The variance is 31. For the network shown in the hgure, the variance along
four days. The probability that the project will be the critical path is 4.
completed in 36 days is
(a) zero (b) 347o
(c) 50Va (d) 84Vo
The average time between two arrivals of customers at a
counter in a readymade garment store is 4 min. The
average time of the counter clerk to serve the customer is
3 min. The arrivals are distributed as per Poisson
distribution and the services are as per the exponential
distribution. The probability that a customer arriving at
the counter will have to waiL, is The probability of completion of the project in 24 days is
(a) zero (b) 0.2s (a) 68.27o (b) 84.1Eo
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.7s (c) 95.47o (d) 97.'|Eo
816 I {;eE# {w{q*m Mechanical Engineering

32. The earliest time of the completion of the last event in c -+ d = 4 timeunits, d -) e = I time unit. The standard
the below network in weeks is deviation ofthe criticalpath a -+ e is
(a) 3. (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
38. Consider the data given in the following table:

i €g
* fi,.:rllj
I 500 500
2 650 650

(a) 4t 3 800 650 r50

(b) 42
(c) 43 (d) 46 4 900 650 150

33. The demand for ia product in the month of March turned Give the fact that production in regular and overtime is
out to be 20 units against an earlier made forecast of limited to 650 and 150 respectively, the balance demand
20 units. The actual demand for April and May turned to of 100 units in the 4th period can be met by
be 25 and 26 units respectively. What will be the forecast (a) using overtime in period 2
sm,..'hin, (b) using regular production in period 1
:"t,::: T:1': :::11 :::i::::::ilTi (c) subcontracting
(a) 20 units (b) 22 units (d) using any of the steps indicated in A, B and, C
(c) 26 units (d) 28 units
39. Aproduct is manufactured byprocessing on the fourWork
34. Manufacturing a product requires processing on four Station (WS). The capacityof each machine on these work
machines A, B, C:, D in the ofi,er A-+B-+C-+D. The stations is given in the diagram as shown below. In the
capacities of four naachines are A = 1 00, B = 110, C 120
= diagram Ml, M2A, M2B, Mj, MoA and M.,B are the
and D=130 units prer shift. If the expected output isgO%
machines and 500, 2i5,275,560,200 and 200 are their
of the system capar:ity, then what is the expected output? capacities in number of products made per shift. If the
(a) 90 units (b) 99 units products made in this system are 5Vo defective, then what
(c) 108 units (d) 117 units wiil be the output from this system?
35. Process X has a fixed cost of 40000 per.month and a
variable cost of( 9 per unit. Process Ihas a fixed cost of
< 16000 per month and a variable cost of T 24 per unit.
At which value, total cost of processes X and y will be
(a) 800 (b) 1200
(c) 1600 (d) 2000
36. A furniture company is maintaining a constant work force
which can produce 3000 tables per quarter. The annual
demand is 12000 units and is distributed seasonally in
accordance with the quarterly indexes O, = 0.80,
Qz= I.40, O: = 1.00 and Qo = 0.80. Inveniories are (a) 380 (b) 47s
accumulated when demand is less than the capacity and
(c) 522 (d) s32
are used up during periods of strong demand to supply
the total demand. To take into account any seasonal 40. In a forecasting situation, exponential smoothing with a
demand the inventories on hand at the beginning of the smoothing constant a = 0.2 is to be used. If the demand
first quarter should be at least for nth period is 500 and the actual demand for the
(.a) zero (b) 600 corresponding period turned out to be 450, what is the
(c) 1200 (d) 2400 forecast for the (n + l)th period?

37. The variance (V1) for critical path

(a) 450 (b) 410
a ) b = 4 timeunits, D -) c = 16 time units,
(c) 490 (d) s00
lndustrial Engineering E gtZ

41. A capstan lathe is used to mass produce, in batches of 48. An operations consultantfor an automatic car wash wishes
200, a particular component. The direct material cost is to plan for enough capacity tohandle 60 cars perhour. Each
( 4 per piece, the direct labour cost is { 3 per piece and car will have a wash time of 4 rrrinutes, but there is to be a
the overhead costs are 400Vo of the labour costs. What is 25Vo allowance for setup time, delays and payment
the production cost per piece? transactions. How manycar wash stalls shouldbe installed?
(a) 19t (b) < 23 (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) { 16 (d) < 1s (c) 5 (d) 6

42. Atime standard for a data entry clerk is to be set. A job is 49. Process 1 requires 20 units of fixed cost and 3 units of
rated at 120Vo , it takes 30 s to enter each record and the variable costs per piece, while process II required 50 units
allowances are 15Vo. What is the normal time? offixed costs and 1 unit ofvariable cost per piece. For a
(a) 25 s (b) 30 s company producing 10 pieces per day
(c) 36 s (d) 40 s (a) process I should be chosen
43. The standard time of an operation has been calculated as (b) process II should be chosen
10 min. The worker was rated at SOVo.If the relaxation (c) either ofthe two processes should be chosen
and other allowances were257o, then the observed time (d) a combination ofthe process I and process II should
would be be chosen
(a) 12.5 min (b) 10 min 50. Annual demand for a product costing ( 100 per piece is
(c) 8 min (d) 6.5 min t 900. Ordering cost per order is { 1 00 and inventoryholding
44. Two machines of the same production rate are available cost is { 2 per unit per year. The,economic lot size is
for use. On machine 1, the fixed cost is { 100 and the (a) 200 (b) 300
variable cost is { 2 per piece produced. The corresponding (c) 400 (d) s00
numbers for the machine are { 200 and ( 1 respectively.
51. At a self service store, a cashier can serve 10 customers in
For certain strategic reasons both the machines are to be
5 min. On an average 15 custormers arrive every 10 min. If
used concurrently. The sale price ofthe first 800 units is
the arrivalsare as per Poisson ,distribution and services as
< 3.50 per unit and subsequently it is only t 3.00. The
per exponential distribution, threprobability that the cashier
break even production rate for each machine is
would be idle is
IGATE 20031
(a) 0.50 (b) 0.7s
(a) 75 (b) 100 (c) 0.25 (d) None of these
(c) 150 (d) 600
\,, The sale of cycles in a shop in f,our consecutive months are
45. A residential school stipulates the study hours as
given as 70,68, 82,95. Exponrontiallysmoothing average
8.00 pm to 10.30 pm. Warden makes random checks on
method with a smoothing factor of 0.4 is usedin forecasting.
a certain student 1 1 occasions a day during the study hours
The expected number of sales in the next month is
over a period of 10 days and observes that he is studying
on 71 occasions. Using 95%o confrdence interval, the IGATE 20031

estimated minimum hours of his study during that (a) 59 (b) 73

10 day period is (c) 86 (d) 136
IGATE 20031 53. Market demand for springs is 800000 per annum. A
(a) 8.5 h (b) 13.9 h company purchases theSttprings in lots and sell them.
(c) 16.1 h (d) 18.4 h The cost of making a purchase: order is < 1200. The cost
46. Anoperations consultant for an automatic car wash wishers of storage of springs is { 120 per stored piece per annum.
to plan for enough capacity ofstalls to handle 60 cars per The economic order quantity iri IGArE 20031
hour. Each carwill haveawashtimeof 3 minutes, butthere (a) 400 (b) 2828
istobea20Vo allowance for set up time, delays and payrnent (c) 4000 (d) 8000
transactions. How manycar wash stalls shouldbe installed? 54. A manufacturer produces two q/pes of products 1 and2,
(a) 3 (b) 4 at production levels ofx, and xr.respectively. The profit
(c) 5 (d) 6 is given as 2xr+ 5xr. The production constraints are
47. Process X has flxed cost of < 40000 and variable cost of xr+3xr< 40
t 9 per unit whereas process Yhas fixed cost of{ 16000 3x,+xr324
and variable cost of 7 24 per unit. At what production xr+ xr1 0
quantity, the total cost ofX and Y are equal?
(a) 1200 units (b) 1600 units xr>o
(c) 2000 units (d) 2400 units xn)0
BlB i {i.i* t:f: !, r.t'u.:*'t r\4echanical Engineering

The maximum profit which can meet the constraints is

For line balancing the number of work stations required
IGATE 20031 for the activities M, E and Zwould respectivelybe
(a) 29 (b) 38
(c) 44 (d) 7s
IGATE 20041
(a) 2,3, I (b) 3, 2, I
55. A project consists of activities A to M shown in the net in (c) 2, 4.2 (d) 2, 1, 3
the following figure: with the duration of the activrties
59. A maintenance service facility has poisson arrival rates.
marked in days:
negative exponential service time and operates on a .first
come first served' queue discipline. Break downs occur on
an average of3 per day with a range ofzero to eight.
Themaintenancecrewcan service an average of6 machines
per day with a range ofzero to seven.
The mean waiting time for an item to be servicecl would be

(a) -

day (b) ; day
The project can be completed IGAT'E 20031
(a) between 18, 19 days (b) between 20,22days (c) I day (d) 3 days
(c) between 24,26 days (d) between 60,70 days
60. A company has an annual demand of 1000 units, ordering
56. A standard machine, tool and an automatic machine tool cost of < 100/ order and carrying cost of{ 100/unit. If
are being compared for the production of a component. the stock out costs are estimated to be nearly { 400 each
Following data refersi to the two machines: time the company runs out-of-stock, the safety stock
justified by the carrying cost will be
$tr[qdaid-, Artomh{ic,
,,meffiinertool maehinetool IGATE 20041
Setup time 30 min 2h {a) 4 (b) 20
Machining ti 22 mtn 5 min
(c) 40 (d) 100
per piece 61. A companyproduces two types of toys p and
e. production
Machine rate { 2t00 per hour t 800 hour time of Q is twice that of p and the company has a maximum
The break even prod,uction batch size above which the of 2000 time units per day. The supply of raw material is
automatic machine t,ool will be economical to use. will just sufficient to procluce I 500 toys (of any type) per
be Toy tlpe Q requires an electric switch which is available
IGATE 20041
(a) 4 (b) s @_600 pieces per day only. The company makes a profit
(c) 24 (d) 22s of t 3 and { 5 on gpe P and
e respectively. For maximi zation
ofprofits, the dailyproduction quantities ofp and toys
5/- A soldering operation was Lvork sampled over two rlays e
should respectively be IGATE 20041
16 h during which an r:ruployee soidered 10g joints. Actual
(a) 1000,500 (b) s00,1000
working time was 90% of the total time and the
performance rating
(c) 800,600 (d) 1000,1000
estin-rated to be 120 Vo" If the
contract provides allov,zance of 2AVo of the iotai time 62. A manufacturing shop processs sheet metal jobs, wherein
available, the standard time fbr the operaticn would be each job mlrst pass through two machines (M, and M,in
IGATE 20041 that order). The processing time (in hour) for these jobs
(a) E min (b) 8.9 min is
(c) 10 min (d) 12 min
Madriae, .Iobs r,'..:
58. An electronic
equipiment manufacturer has decided to add
a component sub-a.ssembly operation that can produce -F ) ft s'. T U
80 units during a regular 8 h shift. This operation consists M1 15 32 8 27 11 t6
ofthree activities a.s below M2 6 19 13 20 t4 1
Activity Standard time (in min) The optirnal make span (in hour) for these jobs is
M. Mechanical assernbly t2
IGATE 20061
E. Electric wiring t6 (a) 120 (b) 11s
L Test 3 (c) 109 (d) 79
lndustrial Engineering I 819

63. Consider the following data for an item:

Annual demand 2500 units per year lt€irii,:',
Order cost T 100 per order
P 110 t20 130
Inventory holding rate 257o ofunitpice
a 115 t40 140
Price quoted by a supplier R 125 t45 165
Otdei iin**tl# {in r,iudt} ,;',,:,,:',,:tj t.$*ieg jh{l IGATE 20061
< 500 t0 (a) 350 (b) 360
> 500 9 (c) 385 (d) 3e5

The optimum order quantity is IGATE 20061 68. A stockist wishes to optimize the number of perishable
(a') 447 (b) 47r items he needs to stock in any month in his store. The
(c) 500 (d) > 600 demand distribution for this perishable item is

64. A component can be produced by any of the four processes, Demand (in unit)
I, [, ru and IV. Procpss I has fixed cost of { 20 and Prohahilitv 0.10 0.35 0.35 0.20
variable cost of{ 3 per piece. Process II has a fixed cost
The stockist pays { 70 for each item and he sells each
of{ 50 and variable cost of{ 1 per piece. Process III has af( 90. lf the stock is left unsold in any month, he can
a fixed cost of <40.00 and variable cost of{ 2 per piece.
sell the item at ( 50 each. There is no penalty for
Process IV has fixed cost of t 10 and variable cost { 4
unfulfilled demand. To maximize the expected profit, the
per piece. If company wishes to produce 100 pieces of
optimal stock level is IGATE 20061
the component, from econoinic point of view it should (a) 5 units (b) 4 units
choose IGATE 200sI (c) 3 units (d) 2 units
(a) process I (b) process II
(c) process III (d) process IV 69. The table gives details of an assembly line.
.Iry:sf,&,ltilitiifi ,::i:i,: ri:; f -::: :i:IIl ,rtrIE:,. ;,,..Y1, ,rtlV,I
65. A welding operation is time studied during which an t

operator was pace rated as l207o.The operator took, on Total task time at
an average, 8 min for producing the weld-joint. If a total the work station 1 9 10 9 6
of l07a allowances are allowed for this operation. The (in minute)
expected standard production rate of the weld-joint (in What is the line efficiency of the assembly line?
unit per 8 days) is TGATE 200s1 IGATE 2006I
(a) 45 (b) s0 (a) 70Vo (b) 75Vo
(c) 55 (d) 60 (c) 80Vo (d) 857c
66, A company has two factories S,, S, and two warehouses 70. The maximum level of inventory of an item is 100 and it
D,., Dr.. The supplies from S, and S, are 50 and 40 units is achieved with infinite replenishment rate. The inventory
respectively. Warehouse D, requires a minimum of becomes zero over one and half month due to consumption
20 units and a maximum of 40 units. Warehouse D, at a uniform rate. This cycle continues throughout the
requires a minimum of 20 units and, over and above, it year. Ordering cost is t 100 per order and inventory
can take as much as can be supplied. A balanced carrying cost is ( 10 per*iem per month. Annual cost (in
transportation problem is to be fornlulated for the above { ) of the plan, neglecting material cost, is
situation. The number of supply points, the number of IGATE 20071
demand points, and the total suppiy (or total demand) in (a) 800 (b) 2800
the balanced transportation problem respectively are (c) 4800 (d) 6800
IGATE 200s1 7t- In a machine shop, pins of 15 mm diameter are produced
(a) 2, 4,90 (b) 2,4, trc at a rate of 1000 per month and the same is consumed at
(c) 3,4,90 (d) 3, 4, tto a rate of 500 per month. The production and consumption
continue simultaneously till the maximum inventory is
67. A firm is required to procure three items (P, Q and R).
reached. Then inventory is allowed to reduce to zero due
The prices quoted for these items (in {) by suppliers S,,
to consumption. The lot size of production is 1000. If
S, and S. are given in table. The management policy
backlog is not allowed, the maximum inventory level is
requires that each item has to be supplied by only one
gupplier and one supplier supply only one item. The IGATE 20071
(a) 400 (b) s00
minimum total cost (in t) of procurement to the firm is
(c) 600 (d) 700
820 il r;,*,'! #. {{*Ft Mechanical Engineering

72. Thenetrequirements of an item over 5 consecutive weeks

are 50-0-15-20-20. The inventory carrying cost and
ordering cost are t 1 per item per week and t 100 per
order respectively. Starting inventory is zero. Use Least
Unit Cost Technique (LUCT) for developing rhe plan.
The cost of the plan (in t ) is TGATE 20071 Sub-assembly
(a) 200 O) 2s0
(c) 225 (d) 260
Estimate demand for end product p is as follows:
73. For the standard transportation linear programme with
ru sources and n destinations and total supply equaling Week 2 3 4 5 6
total demand, an optimal solution (lowest cost) with the Demand r000 1000 1000 1000 t200 1200
smallest number of non-zero x,_ values (amounts from Ignore lead times for assembly and sub-assembly.
source i to destinationT) is desired. Tht best upper bound Production capacity (per week) for component R is the
for this number is IGATE 20081 bottleneck operation. Starting with zero inventory, the
(a) mn . (b) Z(m+n) smallest capacity that will ensure a feasible production
(c) m+ n (d) m+n*1 plan upto week 6 is TGATE 200g1
(a).'I000 (b) 1200
74. A moving average system is used for forecasting weekly
(c) 2200 (d) 2400
demand Fr(l) and Fr(t) are sequences of forecasts with
parameter m, and m, respectively, where m, and, m, 77. A companyuses 2555 units for an item annually. Delivery
(m, > m2) denote the numbers of weeks over which th6 lead time is 8 days. The recorder point (in number of
moving averages are taken. The actual demand shows a units) to achieve optimum inventory is TGATE 20091
step increase from d, to dratacertain time. Subsequently, (a) 7 (b) 8
IGATE 20081 (c) 56 (d) 60
(a) neither Fr(r) nor Fr(t) will catch up with the value d, 78. Consider the following Linear programming problem
(b) both sequences Fr(t) and Fr(t) will reach d, in the (LPP);
same period Maximize z=3xr+2x,
(c) P,(r) will attain the value drbefore Fr(t) Subjected to *r < 4
(d) Fz(t) will attain the value d,before Fr(t) xz< 6
75. For the network below, the objective is to find the length 3xr+2xr< 18

of the shortest path from node p to node G. Let d,,be the xr) O,xr)0 IGATE 20091
length ofdirected arc from node i to node l.
(a) The LPP has a unique oprimal solution
(b) The LPP is infeasible
(c) The LPPis unbounded
(d) The LPP has multiple oprimal solution
79. Six jobs arrived in a sequence as given below.

I 4
II 9
Let ,1 be the length of the shortest path from p to node7. m 5
Which of the following equations can be used to find S"? IV 10
IGATE 20081 V 6
(a) So = Min {S, So} VI 8
(b) Sc = Min {S, _ d4s, Sn_ d*o}
(c) Sc = Min {Sn * deo, So + doo} Average flow time (in days) for the above jobs using
Shortest Processing Time lSpT) rule is
(d) Sc =Min {dq6, dpc}
IGATE 20091
76. The product structure of an assembly p is shown in the (a) 20.83 (b) 23.16
figure. (c) 125.00 (d) r39.00
lndustrial Engineering * tZt

80. A box contains 2 washers, 3 nuts and 4 bolts. Items are 82. The project activities, precedence relationships and
drawn from the box at random one at a time without durations are described in the table. The critical path of
replacement. The probability of drawing 2 washers first the project is IGATE 20101
followed by 3 nuts and subsequently the 5 bolts is
IGATE 201.01
(a) 21315 (b) 1/630
(c) tlt260 (d) 1t2s20
8L. Annual demand for window frames is 10000. Each frame
costs { 200 and ordering cost is { 300 per order. Inventory
holding cost is (
40 per frame per year. The supplier is
willing to offer 27o discotnt if the order quantity is 1000
or more and 4Vo if order quantity is 2000 or more. If the
total cost is to be minimized, the retailer should
IGATE 20101
(a) order 200 frames every time
(b) accept 2Vo discourt (a) P -+R -+T -+V (b) 0 -+S -+T ->V
(c) accept 47o discount (c) P -+R -+U -+W (d) Q -+S -+ U -+W
(d) order Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

Common Data /Litrked Answer Questions

Statements for Linked Answer Questions I andZ
The actual demand for the l1th month based on 3 months
moving average is 150. The actual demand for the last
9 months have been as 100, 105, 110, 120, ll5, ll7, 123,
140, 150 respectively.

1. The actual demand in last 10th month is

(a) 140 (b) 130i
(c) 150 (d) 160 5. For the maximum profit, the numbers of ash tray and
2. The actual demand in l1th month according 5 months tea tray are
moving average method is (a) 1800 and 600 (b) 1800 and 800
(a) 138 (b) 148 (c) 1600 and 500 (d) 1700 and 400
(c) 136 (d) 146 6. Maximum net profit per day is
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 3 and 4 (a) { 7000 - (b) < 8000
The demand for last year four months are 10, 12, 13 and 8 (c) t 9000 (d) < 10,000
tonne of ingots. Statements for Linked Answer Questions 7 and 8
3. What is the general equation of demand? A manufacturer purchases items in lots of 800 units
(a) Y=10.75+0.3x (b) Y=10.75-0.3x which is a four months requirement. The price of one
(c) Y=10+0.3x (d) Y =10-0.3x unit is ( 100 and ordering cost is 120 per patch order.
The inventory carrying cost is 20Vo as of the average
4. What would be demand for during the period of two inventory investment.
months from now?
(a) 7.55 (b)
7. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is
(c) 9.55 (d) (a) 170 units (b) 160 units
(c) 150 units (d) 165 units
Statements for Linked Answer Questions 5 and 6
A certain company produces tea trays and ash trays out of
8. How much we can save to purchase EOQ?
sheet metal. Following data is given on capacity availability
(a) 7 3394 (b) < 496s
and economics of each product. (c) { 3842 (d) < 2634
822 1 t;X.'{{: F**qsil Mechanical Engineering

Statements for Linked Answer euestions q and 10

In a hardware shop data is as given below. :::t::i. ::il: irr i :; ::.::i:r:::l

Jpn 2010 80
Expected sales per year - 2500, lead time : 3 days,
Feb 2010 65
number of working days = 250,
March 2010 90
Ordering cost = { 12.50/order, holding cost = 20Vo of April2010 10
average inventory
May 2010 80
Lot size (units) price per unit (t) June 2010 100
I to 259 4.00 July 2010 85
August 2010
260 to999 3.00 60
ber 2010 75
1000 and above 2.00
15. Forecasted value of a car in September month, if using
9. Optimum order size is
3 months moving average method is
. (a) 1000 (b) 300 (a) 81.66 (b) 83.33
(c) 250 (d) 280 (c) 83.34 (d) 7s
10. Reorder level is 16. Forecasted value for October month, if o = 0.2 is
(a) 50 units (b) 40 units ' (a) 80.33 or 81 (b) 75
(c) 30 unirs (d) 20 units (r) 78 (d) 7e
Statements for Linked Answer euestions 11 and 12 Common Data for Questions 17 to 19
.A news paper boy buys paper for { 1.40 and sell them In a machine production shop breakdown at an average
for { 2.45 each. He cannot return the unsold papers. 2 per hour. The non-productive time of any machine cosls
Daily demand has the following distribution: { 30 per hour. If cost of repair man is { 5b per hour and
repair rate is { 3 per hour.
Probabiiitr, 0.0 1.05 0.050 0. l0 0.15 0. i5 a.t2 0.10 0.10 o.o7 0.0( 0.0t
Demand 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3(
17. Number of machine not working at any polnt of tirne is
(number of (a) 3 (b) 2
news paper)
(c) 4 (d) s
11. How many papers he should order per day 18. Average time that a machine is waiting to the repairman
(a) 30 is
(b) 2e (a) 7t3
(c) 28 (d) 27 (b) 2
(c) 2/3 (d) 4t3
12. How much he saved per day (if order optimum numbers
19. Expected cost ofthe system per hour is
of paper)
(a) { 110 (b) { 120
(a) { 29.50 (b) t 31.50 i (c) t 115 (d) < 10s
(c) t 30.50 (d) < 32.s0
Statements for Linked Answer euestions 2O and2l
or Answer Questions 13 a bre_ak even analysi fbr one type ofproduct is given below
In a machine shop, certain type of machines breakdown at {

an average rate of 6 per hour. The breakdowns are Variable cost : { l0 per unit
accordance with Poission process. The estimated cost of idle Revenue = { 15 per unit
machine is { 5per hour. Two repairmen A and B with
different skills are being hired as repairmen. Repairmen A 20. The break even quanrity is
takes 6 min on an average to repair a machine and his (a) 300000 '"(b) 150000
wages are t
8 per hour whereas the repairmhn B takes fire (c) 225000 (d) 200000
minutes to repair and the are { 10 per hour. 21. Profitability for 300000 units is
13. What is cost/per day when service taken from repairman (a) t 500000 (b) { 600000
A (c) t a00000 (d) < 300000
(a) 1244 (b) < 248 Statements for Linked Answer euestions 22 and 23
(c) T 236 (d) < 230 A company wants to launch a new product. The fixed cost
14. Which repairman's service should be used? of the new product is t 40000 and variable cost per unit is
< 1000. The revenue function for the sales of x uniis is given
(a) repairman A (b) repairman B by 10000 r- 500 -r2
(c) Cannot predict (d) data is insuffrcient
)) The profit function is
Common Data for Questions 15 and 16 (a) -50012 + 9000x - 40000
A dealership for honda city car sells a particular model of (b) -50x2 + 900x * 4000
the car in various months of the year. (c) -50012 +1200x - 40000
(d) -50x2 + 9000r- 36000
lndustrial Engineering \ 823

23. For break even point, the value ofx is/are ommon Data for Question 30 and 31
(a) 8 (b) 10 Present the following activities in the form of a PERT
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b) networkl

Common Data for Questions 24 and25 Actirity, Completion time

We have f,rve jobs each of which must go through the :: 'Optitri. stie,(r,) Pes$iiniBtit'. Iost lilrely
machine A, B, C in the order A -+ B -+ C , tirne,tf;) , time-,(fu}
Prrrcessing time (in hour) t-2 I
t2 8

4 l--1 1 1 4
Job number i 1 2 J 5
2-4 ti 16 t2
MachineA 5 1 6 9 5
3-5 J 1 5
Machine B 2 1 4 5 J
4-5 0 0 0
Machine C 3 7 5 6 7 4-6 J 9 6
5-1 -l 9 6
24. The sequence that minimized the [otal elapsed time is
(b) 2-+5-+3-s4-+1 5-8 4 8 6
(a) 5-+4+3-+2-+l t2
(c) 2-->5-+4-+3-+1 (d) l-->3->4'+2-+5 7-9 4 8
8-9 2 8 5
25. Total idle time lor machine C is 9.10 4 16 10
(a) 18 h (b) 13 h 6-10 4 8 6
(c) l2 h (d) 11 h
30. Project completion time is
Common Data for Questions 26 and27 (a) 44 days (b) 48 days
Four technicians are required to do four differentjobs. (c) 46 days (d) 42 days
Tbchnieian Hour, to, corrrpl*ts iob 31. The standard deviation of the project is
Job l Joli,2 Joh 3 Jotr 4 (a) 3.12 (b) 2.8
A 20 36 3l 21 (c) 3.8 (d) 4.2
at 45 22 Statements for Linked Answer Questions 32 and 33
B L+ 34
C 45 38 t8 Consider a linear programming problem with two variables
and two constraints. The objective lunction is maximize
D 31 40 35 28
xtx xz. The corner points ofthe feasible region are (0, 0),
Job 4 is given to technicran (0,2) (2,0) and (4/3,4/3).
(a) B (b) A
(c) c (d) D 32. If an additional constraint X, + Xr< 5 is added the optimal
solution is
27. Total work time is (a) (5/3, s/3) (b) (4t3,4t3)
(1) 103 h (2) 96 h'
(.c') (512,512'S (d) (s, 0)
(3) 103 h (4) r07 h
Let I and Y, be the decision variable ofthe dual u, and
Statements for Linked Answer Questions 28 and 29 y. be the slack variables of the dual of the given linear
A small project has six activities.The time duration and piogramming problem. The optimum dual variables are
immediate predecessor is given as below. IGATE 200s1
(a) Y, and Y, (b) Yr and V,
(c) YrandV, 4i (d) Yr and V,
Statements for Linked Answer Questions 34 and 35
6 Consider a PERI network for a project involving six tasks
5 (a to/):
4 ?ask Fredectsscr Expected ta*ktime Yaria*ceof the tr
-) ' {i* da.ys} l
,'timb {in daysi
4 a 30 25
b a 40 64
The critical path is C a 60 81

(a) A-+B-+C-+F (b) A-+D-+E-+F d b 25 9

e b,c 36
(c) A-+B-+D-+F (d) None of these f d,e 20 o

29. Project duration is 34. The expected completion time of the project is
(a) 20 days (b) 22 days (a) 238 days (b) 224 days
(c) 24 days (d) 18 days (c) 171 days (d) 155 days
X {",4Y# Tas€z+ra Mechanical Engineering

The standard deviation of the critical path of the project

is tcATg2ob6l
(a) r1n days (b) ffidays
(c) J2g['days (d) .[36 days

Common Data for Questions 36 and 37

Consider the Linear Programming problem (Lpp):
Maximize Z= 4x + 6y
Subjected to
' x,y>0

36. After introducing slack variables s and r, the initial basic

feasible solution is represented by table below (basic
variables are J = 6 andt = 6 and the objective function
value is 0).

-4 -6 0 0 0
J 3 2 1 0 6
t 2 J 0 i 6
x v .t t RHS

After some simplex iterations, the following table IS

obtained: 3E. The critical path duration of the network (in days) is
(a) 11 (b) 14
0 0 0 2 12
(c) 11 (d) 18
s 5t3 0 I -1t3 2
39. The standard deviation ofthe critical path is
v 2/3 I 0 U3 2
IGATE 200e1
(a) 0.33 (b)
From this, one can conclude that (c) 0.88
i (d) 1.66
(a) the LPP has a unique optimal solution
(b) the LPP has an optimal solution that is not unique
(c) the LPP is infeasible
(d) the LPP is unbounded
37. The dual for the LP in above question is
(a) Min6u + 6v (b) Max6u + 6v
subjected to subjected to
3u+2v>4 3u+2v<4
2u+3v>6 2u+3v<6 40. fi the Earliest Due Date (EDD) rule is used to sequence
u,v>0 u,v>0 the jobs, the number of jobs delayed is

(c) Max4u + 6v (d) Min4u + 6v

.(a) 1 (b) 2
subjected to
(c) 3 (d) 4
subjected to
3u+2v>6 3u+2v<6 41. Using the Shortesr Processing Time (SPT) rule, total
tardiness is IGATE 20101
2u+3v>6 2u+3v<6 (a) zero (b) 2
u,v>o u,v>0 (c) 6 (d) 8
lndustrial Engineering $ 825

flns]vers with Solutions

Unit Exercise 1

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 18. (b) le. (d) 20. (a) 21. (d)
,,) (b)
4. (c) Large value of cr is selected for fluctuating demand 23. (b) 24. (b)
while lower value of cx, is selected for smooth demand
pattern tn+4t-+t, 8+4x10+14
2s. (b)
3 plants ------+ 5 warehouses
m=3 .n= 5 = 10.33 min
Degeneracy occurs when number of allocations are 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (b)
lessthanm+n-l 29. (a) Arrival rate = ?t = 6
=3+5-l=7 60
(d) 6. (c) 7.(a) Servicerate=!t=T =15
8. (c) Selling costlitem x n = Fixed cost
+ Variable cost/item x n Probabilityto wait = = 0.4
Cr. n = Cr+ Cr- n
30. (c) 31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (c)
Here n break even quantity
34. (d) 3s. (b) 36. (b) 37. (b)
,= 'o 38. (a)
If Co becomes twice then n will be twice. 39. (c) Lead time has no effect on EOQ. It affects the reorder
9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (a)
40. (b) 41. (b) 42. (c)
12. (d) We know that
BEP = 43. (d) EoQ = .l---:--!
cs -c,
This relation provides that 1 and 3 are correct. C,
D' = D/2, Co' =ZCo, C r= 4
13. (b) Arrivalrate l.= l0 =6/h
Servicerate P=T=15/h
7"6 !:a = 4?
= ts =o'+ 44. (c) Weknow, , = =,
System utilization
and 0(1) = fr.842 = 84.2 Vo

_p_ 0,4 (a) Total flaot = L,- E,- t,,

Ls -1-p- 1-0.4 =37-8-ll
L s = 0.67
= 18 weeks
14. (c) ls. (d) 16. (b) 46. (c)
17. (a) Arrival rate l" = 10
. 47. (a) Break even point = j900?* = 10000 products
Serviceratep=15 (60 - 20)

)"102 48. (b) To avoid degeneracy, number ofoccupied cells

p15 3 =m+n-l
where, m = Number of rows
p2 etr2
Length ofqueue - ,)-'1- 7-p 1-2/3 rz = Number of columns
__) I
uq = 1.33 6+4-l=9
826 | #,€Til {w{r*yt Mechanical Engineering

C, = ordering cost/order ny
C, = holding or carrying cost/unit per year i's = c[,'.y4+(1 -o")Fo
50. (a) Normal time = Observed timex performancerating factor 880 = cr . 890 + (1 -.q) - 876
Standard time = Normal time + Allowances
a = 2l'7
51. (d) cr = 0.3 62. (a) Given, ?," -
Actual demand = !,= 59
= Fr=64
Maximum number = 10
Weknowi{+i = 0. }, + (1 - a) F,
= 0.3 x 59 + (1 *O.3) x 64 Trafllcintensity=p= = I

= 62.5
s2. (b) We know, L P-. =|

54. (c) Po+ P, + -1

Pr+ ... + pto
Pr+ pPo+ p2.po+ ... + plo%
po(l+p+...+plo) -1
Po(1 +1+l+...+1) -1

= Osoe= l.414Eoe PU-- 1

60 II
(d) Arrival rate= =6person/h Probability that a person who comes in but leaves
without joining the queue is
Service rate = ;6 = I0person/h 1

Prr = PrrPo = (lilt

' , -
Probability that person has to wait lt
p l

p=?"tp=*=0.0 'll ll
'10 63. (b) Given, i"=8,F=60/6=10
56. (a) s7. (b)
58. (c) Forecast F,=25 i
s P = u = lo =0.8
Actual sale !, = 20 Average number of customers in queue is
oz (0.8)2
F,, *t=6y.)r+(l_ 0-)Fn N=l-P=ffi=3''
=0.2x20+(l-0.2)x25 64. (c) 6s. (c)
=4+20=24 66. (a) Job order should be in asCending order ofprocessing
=-2 I -----+ 2 ----s 3 ------+ 5
67. (a) 68. (c)
60. (d)
61. (c)
69.. (c) )p"b = 12000, Fr.o: 1027 5 , a" = 0.25
)1 = 860' 1l2 = 880
FM*.h = O(.)Feb + (1 - o) Fo"o
)3 = 870,.)a=890
= 0.25 x 12000 + (1 - 0.25) x t0275
Fq = 876
Yr+Y,+lr, = 10706
- . 70. (b) 71. (a) 72. (b)
lndustrial Engineering B tZZ

Un it Exerc ise 2
1. (c) Fixed cost/month 5. (d) As product has to be operated on all these machines
cr'= 5ooo 306
Variable cost of one piece .'. System efficiency = 360 = 0.85 ct 857o

cv=T20 6. (b) FF"b = 0 . )rm + 1t - cr; fr'r*

Sale price, FF"b = 0.1 x 450 + (1 -0.1) x 500
= { 30 Per Piece
CP =45+454=495
Cr.x = Co+ Crx 7. (a) 8.(b)
5ooo 9. (b) 2000 +20.x = 1500 + 30.x
,.= 30-20 =5oo

2. (c) A s, B ------+ 40
20 s, C ------+ 50 s
BEp =x =
1f$ = ro
->demand fdrecast for
Daily 10. (a) Capacity = 60 cars per hour = I car per minute
A -+ 450 B -+ 360 C -+ 240 Time required to wash one car is
Time required to weld product A ,..5
=2+2>< I00 =2.4min
= lx+so
= 150 min
Number of cars washed in I h one stall is
4tJ 60
Similarlv. for B =
"60 _ x360 =240 mjn
and for C 9x240 So, number of stalls = N =2.4 = 3
= 60 = 200 min
11. (c) F, = a . r-n_t * (l - d") F,
Total time required 1

= 150 + 240 + 200 = 590 min = 77 units
Number of welding lines required

590 12. (a) ,, =,J!!!, =Y!#fl

=-220 :

= 15 days
= 2.68 =3 -'o
Standard deviation = 'n -9
15 66 =21 =2
(c) Arrival rate = -Io =1.5/min=)"
*-i 13*15
Service rate
= ;-) :2/min =B o2
andP(-1)=0.1586 (from chart)
p: l/[= 1.5
:0.75 = 0.16 or 16%o
Probability that cashierlryould be idle is 100x900
1-p=l-0.15:0.25 13. (d) CP: ,oO**. =500

c. 30000 SP ir he *"jt#o'*'33r
4. @)
' C, -C, 40- lo ll1;,
40000 Profit =
' 40*15 =1600 11oo-5oo
5oooo - xtoo =t2Ovo
' 40-20 =2500 14. (c) Standard deviation

40_30 =6000
Clearly break even point is lowest for case (1) .
828 g #eX"# E'aa{*yt Mechanical Engineering

J4,r4a1 =3
where, 02 = variance
21. (b) Hour utilized per day= 16 - rc x # = t2h
Hour utilized per week = 12 x 5 = 60 h
7- _
x- x 43-40
z---:.=l |
6J Number of items produced on machine =
P (1) = 9.314 or 81.4Vo
15. (c) Ei=S Li=26 7.=8 Tr= 32 = 360

Tr= 26 Tr= 37 Therefore, number of machines required = #

E,=32 L,=37 C------@ =2.JJ =3
22. (d) Critical path is 10 -+ 20 -, 30 -+ 40 -+50
Total float = (Li Ei) - dij TE for event 50 is 25 days
16. (c) I.=s Triz

23. (b) F,=a'Y3+(1-o()F3

' = 0.2, +SO + (t -'O.Z) x SOO
Tr=n = 496

Project duration = 30 days 24. tdt rotar noar

17. (a)
18. (a) Process I Process II =,{I;,i11=? n

Cr+xC, Cr+ xC, )lr,v,-r;rl

= 20+3x10=50 = 25. (a) Mean absolute deviation -
= = 50+1x10=60 '=l
As total cost for process I is less than process II.
.'. Process I is chosen.

\/E: :
le. (b) EOQ =

20. (a) Maxima Z=2A+38

A+BS10 ... (i)
I +80 + 200 + 300
MAD = -100
4A+68330 .. . (ii) = I10
2A+8317 . .. (iii)

/-.t "' -lir

F ryr
Bias = r=l n '
_ -100+80+200+300 _ t20
26. (c) Standard deviation
= JVu'iunt" = J4 = 2
7 _ ^- "r _ 36-36
P(0) = 0.5
+A 27. (d) )"=60/4=15
Eq. (ii) is 2A + 38 < 15 as it is same as constraint.
F=60 l3=20
So, it has alternative optimal solutions. p=Vp=15120=0.75
28. (b)
lndustrial Engineering * 529

29. (a) Find smallest value, min (Mt, M) if Mris smallest .'. Output from system
then allocate on extreme left side.
= 400 x 0.95 = 380
If Mris smallest, then allocate on extremeright side
40. (c) Demand for nft period = 500
Actual demand for nft period = 450
c A B F E D
Forecast for (n + 1)ft period is
30. (b) 31. (d) Fn+t.- Jn +(1-cr).F-n
32. (d) ), = 60/10 = 6, 1t= $913 = 29 = 0.2 x 450 + 1l - 0.2) x 500
Q=),lp=6/20=0.3 = 490
4=8 4= 33 41. (a) Total cost = Material cost + Labour cost
+ Overhead cost
= 4x200+3 x 200+ 3, ,*
10 T,= 40 Te= 46
o = { 3800
Production cost per piece = ZOO
= ttg
f.= 13 f,= 23
42. (c) Normal time = Observed time x Rating factor
Earliest time of completion = 46 weeks
33' (b) ron'
=30x 1.2=36s
43. (b) Normal time= Standard time x Rating factor
= 10x0.8=8min
Observed time = Normal time
Fru, = 0 )onn, + (1 - o) Foon,
+ Percentage allowance of normal time
=0.2x25+0.8x20 / "5\l=lomin
=21 =81 l+"loo,
FJu," = Cr( . )uay + (1 - Cx,) Fru,
= 0.2 x26 + 0.8 x2l 44. (a) Machine (1) Machine (2)
=22 Fixedcost = { 100 Fixedcost={200
34. (a) ForA= 100x0.9=90, for B=110x0.9=99 Variable cost ={ 2 /piece Variable cost = { l/piece
For C= 120 x0.9= 108, for D= 130 x 0.9 =lll Let machine (1) produces n quantities as production
Minimum output is 90 units for machine A. rate of both machine is same.
35. (c) 40000+9x=16000+29x .'. Machine (2) will also produce n quantities. Hence,
BEP,r = 1600 total cost in production
36. (b) Demand in first quarter = 0.8 x 3000 = 2400
= (100 +2xn) + (200 + 1 xn)
Demand in second quarter = 1.40 x 3000 =4200
Demand in
third quarter = 1.00 x 3000 = 3000 Given, sale price = ( 3.50/ unit, if n < 800
Demand in
fourth quarter = 0.80 x 3000 =2400 and { 3.00/ unit, if r > 800
As demand in second quarter :4200 Consider Ist case then at break even point,
So. surplus required for consumption 300+3n=3.50x2n
4200 - 3000 = 1200 n = i5
Production in every quarter is 3000 and total demand $.goo)
45. (c) Number of total observation in 10 days
+ surplus required in first quarter
= 2400 + 1200 = 3600 = 11 x 10= 110
So, inventory required at beginning oflst quarter Studying occasions = 71
= - 3600 3000 = 600 71
37. (c) Standard deviation ofcritical path a -+ e is
Probability of studying = 1 10
= 0.6455
Study hours in one day = 2.5 h
= ,[116-.4..,. 1 =5 (8.00 pm to 10:30 pm)
38. (b) For 10 days = 25 h
39. (a) Defective products = 57o Minimum number of hours of studying in 10 days
Percentage of items without any defects = 25 x 0.6455 = 6.1 37 h 1

= 100-5=95Vo 46. (b) Time taken to wash one car = 3 x 1.2 = 3.6 min
Station WSo has minimum number of material Number of cars which can be washed in a stall/hour
= 200 + 200 = 4OO 60
= 36 = 16.67
830 1 {;A"{# Ys*t#{,: Mechanical Engineering

Number of car wash stalls = 16.61 = O

47. (b) 40000+9x = 16000 +24x

BEP,x = 1600 units
48. (c) Wash time for each car = 4 x 1.25 = 5 min
Number of car washed in one stalt / h =, = lz

Number of car wash stalls to be installed = !9 = 5

49. (.a) Process I (8,0) (10,0) (40,0)
Total cost = Fixed cost + Variable cost * I
Solving Eqs. (i) ura Gii)
Process II Z^*=2x'7+5x3=29
55. (c.t Project complete =Activity (C + F + K + W
Totalcost=50+ 1 X tO
=60 = 4+9 +3 +8=24
Total cost for process I is less than process II so,
process I is chosen.
50. (b) Annual consumption in rupees = { 900
Cost ofplacing an order = { 100
'lY Li,
s6. (d) Total cost ofr, component by using standard machine
= 300 tool
(to 22 \
15 -l-+-.x1x200
51. (c) l"= r0 Ir=t10 \60 60 )
Total cost of x, component by using automatic
Probability that cashier will be idle machine tool
= 1_p
= l2+L.x
\60) lxg00
I l5l l0
= 1-- = I_:-^-
lui5 =0.25 For break even point be x number ofcomponent then,
I ,
(zo 22 \ / s \
<) (b) Let expected number of sales in the next month =.4 l-+
\60 60 /
.r 1x200- l2+-:-x 1.800
( 60 )
Then, ..- )r{
f, = - d) ft _ z+ d (1 - ilz ft _ 3 + d (t - d)3 fi_ 4
d' f, _, + d (1 s7. (d) Actual working time = 16116*2n = 864 min
= 0.4 x95 + 0.4 x 0.6 x 82 + 0.4x (0.6)2 x 68 + 0.4 100
x (0.6)3 x 70 120
Normal time= Actual tt
53. (c)
= 13.52
Demand D = 800000 per annum = 864 x# *][% -,,
Ch: < 1200 Per order Standard time = Normal time with 2OVo allowance
Cr = t 120 per stored piece per annum 20
= 1036.8 + 1036.8 x 100
2DCh /2x800000x1200 = 7244.76
Then, EOQ = 1244'16
So, standard time/joint - = l2min
= 4000 58. (b)
54. (a) Objective function, 59. (a) Arrival rate(),) = 3 per day
Z = 2xr+ 5x, Service rate (p) = 6 per day
3xr+xr<24 ... (i) Mean waiting time for an item to be serviced
") . (ii) )"31
""2 - = -----------:- :-
xr+rr< 10 ... (iii) u(u-I) 6(6-3) 6 uav'
(c) Annual demand,
D = 1000
lndustrial Engineering I gSt

Ordering cost, Case I

c, = ( loo/order Let EOQ < 500
Carrying cost, ;Then, holding cost = 0.25 x l0: T 2.5
= { l00iunit Per Year
Stock-outcost={4000 So, EOQ =
Optimum ievel of stock out
EDC" I s = 447 .24 < 500 "

- \i ch \ic,, *s lnventory cost = EOQ x C,,

= 441 .20 x 2.5
X f 4oo : I 118.03
r00 V 4oo + roo
Case II
61. (a) According to given condition, Let EOQ > 500
P+2Q < 2000 ... (i) Then. Cn= 0.2:5x9 =2.25
P+ B < 1500 . . (ii) 62x2500x100
=411.4 *
Objective function
.. (iii)
Obviously, we can
!- 2.25
nnot order more than

Z =3P+50
mrx Hence, optimum orde
c r quantity = 441
64. (b) Number ofpieces produced = 100
Total cost = Fixed cost + Variable cost
x Number of pieces
TCr= 5g + 1x 100= 150
TCr= 49 +2xlO0=240
TCo:19 +4x 100=410
Process II is corresponding to minimum cost.

0) 65. (a) Standardtirne= 8x1.2+8 x 1.2t -lq

(X) I
By solving Eqs. (i) and (iii) and Eqs. (i) and (ii), = 10.56 min
we get 8x60
Expected production ral.e = = 45 units
At point A.
66. (c) For balance transportation problem,
Z =3 x800+5x600=5400 number of supply points
AtpointB, Z : 3x 1000+ 5 x500= 5500
Hence, maximum profit occurs at B.
62. (b) Sequencing ofjobs is
R iT s O U P
Job In',: 0 ,:," rr.In: Out Supply 50 40
R 0 8 8 8+13=21 Number of demand points = 4
T 8 8+11=19 (t9 <21)21 2l + 14=35 Total demand = 50 + 40 = 90
s 19 19 +21 =46 (46 > 3s) 46 46 +20=66 67. (c) Given,
o 46 46 + 32=78 (78 > 66) 78 18 + 19 =91 s1 s2 s3
U t8 18 + 16:94 (94 <91) 91 97 +1=104 P 110 120 130
P 94 94 + 15 =109 (109 > 104) 109 109+6=115 O 115 140 140

Optimal span of shop is 115 h. R t25 145 165

63. (a) Annual demand = 2500 units/yr Step 1 Subtract minimum value in each column from
Ordering cost = { lOOiorder all values on that column.
Holding cost = 257o of unit price
832 A #A {* Mechanical Engineering

s1 s2 s3
< 6000
O Total annual cost = 800 + 6000 = { 6800
71. (b) Maximum inventorylevel = G -a1.9
Step 2 Apply some procedures for rows.
s1 s2 s3 where, P = 1000 per month
Q = 1000, d = 500 per month
P 1000
o = (1000 * 500), ,O* = rOO

72.(d)Week 1 2 3 4

Step 3 Now, draw minimum number of horizontal

Io. q 'L-3--io

and vertical lines to cover all zeros.

o 50 55
By least unit cost technique, 2 orders should be given

a Ist order = 50 items

IInd order = 55 items
A,-fter 2 weeks,

Cost ofplans = 100 + 0 + 100 + 40 + 20 =7 260

73. (d) If number of allocation are less than m + n - 1, then
degeneracy arises.
But it can be done in 2 lines while number of rows
are 3 so, solution is yet not fixed. 74. (d)
Step 4 Subtract the minimum value from all values 75. (c) Obviously
and add at its junction also. Sc = min (Sn+ dqc, SR_ dRc)
,sr s2 s3
v G

P st t20 76. (c)
O s2 t40 77. (c) Lets see a deterministic model-
R s3 125
Minimum cost
= 120+ 140 + 125
68. (b) o
69. (c) Line efficiency
Total time used
- Number of workstation x Cycle time

nr=@"100 :-Lead time f

6xmax (1,9,7,10,9,6)
where, R = consumptionrate
qr= *1100 =80% = 2555 units annual
6x10 7 = cycle time
70. (d) Total annual cost =Annualordering cost /= lead time
+Annual carrying mst Q = prdered quantity
Annual ordering cost = Cost of an order .r = reorder quantity
x Number of orders per year
'- =t 800 Using geometry of triangle.
- l00x ,\D-1--
(.'. Inventory becomes zero over one and half month.)
Annual carrying cost = Average inventory x Carrying 2555 =
Cost per itenlyr
x= 56 units
lndustrial Engineering I S33

78. (d) *t14 . .. (i) Total cost : Purchase cost + Holding cost
xz< 6 ... (ii) + Ordering cost
3xr+2xr< 18 .. . (iii) T (C) = Annual demand x Cost of one item
+ Average inventory x Holding cost / item
i + Number of orders x Ordering cost per
= loooo x zoo +S1{x+o+
2 387
= 7 2015492
For Q = 1000

I(C) =
98 1000 10000
10000x200x - x4O+ --._ x300
Objective function
-+ 2
100 1000

Z=3xr+2x, = 1983000

Z has same slope as constraint (3). Fore=2966,7(C)=10000x200+

96+,2000 x40
Hence, LPP has'multiple optimal solutions. *
79. (a) + x:tttt
80. (c) Total items = 2+3+4=9 :< 1961500

21321 Lowest total cost occurs at Q:)ggg
9 816 5
Hence he should accept 47o discount.
| / t260 82. (d) For f -------) At junction take greater value
81. (c) Annual demand = 10000 For f <- At junction take lower value
Ordering cost = (
300/ order Critical path = Q -+ S -+ U -+ W
Cost of each frame = { 200
TL= 4
Holding cost = { 40 frame per year rE= 16, TL- 22
Tr= 3
If O> 1000, discowt=27o
If Q>2000, discount = 47o -\
Economic order
. quantitr:
EDt" Te= o (z
il-ar- Tt= o .-7 TL= 24
2x10000x300 u,5
T-= 4 Tr= 3
= 387 unit Tt= o Tt- 14

Gommon DatalLinked Answer Questions

1. (d) Mffttfu &etHcLder I Actual demand for l1th month = 150

1 100 According 3 months moving average method
2 105 140+150+x
,rU _
-l 110 3
4 t20 450:290+x
5 115 x = 450-290=160
6 t11 2. (a) Actual demand for llth months according five
1 r23 months moving average method
8 140 160 + 150 + l4O +123 +ll1
9 150
10 x
_690_ 138
834 i :i,A g
b "{
es{{}il Mec hanical Engi neeri ng

3. (b) Let demand is given by Number of ash tray = 1800

!=a+bx Number of tea tray = 600
x: 6. (c)
^: "-,.,m pro,i,Z=7 54000
Daily fixed cost = < 45000
I 1 Maximum net pronr 4s000
10 4
2 -1 t2
-20 : :1%%%_
-12 1

J 13 t3 8ooj<tz

2 8 16

7. (a) Given. 5= 4
Xr=0 Ly =43 X xy: -3 Lx?=10 c'={1oo
We know that
Zry -
na+bLx S = 2400 units
43=4a+bxO zC,S 2x120x2400
EOQ = =
a = 70.75 c.i 100x0.2
--3 = a x 0 + bx x 10 m = 240 =170
b = -0.3 , = Z+Ox
l^ 11
Demand function y = 10.15 - 0.3 x 8. (b) .When company purchases 800 units
4. (c) From now 2 months later x = 4 Then, total managing variable cost
Then, l=10.15-0.3x4 C,,xS . q
^ I
= 10.75 - l.2O = q1
= 9.55
l2ox24oo 1x
(a) For maximum profit- - + 8oox tooxo.2
Number of ash tray = a .8002
= 360+8000=<8360
Number of tea tray = y
When company purchases EOQ
Constraints are
l1x+2Oy<30000 r = Q+)oc, i
15x+5y < 30000
Maximize Z=20x+30y l2ox24oo
Now, inequalities are converted into linear equation - 170
+ 1 x 17ox
loox 0.2
10x+20y = 30000 = 73394
x+2Y = 3000 ..(i) if company purchase
Annual saving
3;r+Y = 6999 . .. (ii) EOQ= 8360-3394=4965
9. (a) Given,
(0, 6000) S = 2500 units
Number of working days = 250 days
Ordering cost =t 12.50 / order
Holding cost = 2O7o of fverage inventory
Lot size (unit) Price per unit ( t)
I to2594.00
(2000,0) (s000,0)
260 to 9993.00
The feasible region is bounded by four corner points
1000 and above 2.00
1. (0,1s00), (0,0) (2000,0) (1800,600)
So, maximizeZ=20x + 3Oy Now,
Ar (0, 1500), 2x12.50x2500
Z:O+30x1500=45000 Qn
= .,[25ooo
At (0,0), : 354 approx
At (2000, 0), Qr, < b, (1000), so we calculate Qn,
Z=20x2000+30x0=40000 2x12.50x2500
Ar (1800, 600), Qoz= = 289 approx
Z = l80O x 20 + 30 x 600 = 54000
lndustrial Engineering i 835

Which lies between 260 and 1000.

Total cost calculated as In 8 shift the number of machines = 1x8
Tr,(b,) =4x25ffi + 12.50xffi *4^4rs.25 = 12 machines
( 10250.19 The idle cost of 12 machines = 12 x 15 = ( 180
Repairman cost : 8 x 8 = { 64
Tr,(b) =3 x 25oo + 12.50x
= { 7716.50
X . ff xzxo.x
14. (b)
Total cost = 180 + 64 =T 244
When service taken from repairman B
1000 2500
Trr(br) =2x25N+12.50x 1000 * x2x0.25 '5= ; = l2 machine per hour
= ( 5281 .25
System length
Trr(at 10001 is lowest inventory cost. So, 1000 is
optimum order size.
p t2-6
The number of idle machines in 8 h = 8 x 1
10. (c) Reorder level = Demand during lead time
= 8 machines
.,A.nnual demand
xLead time Machine idle cost = 8 x 15 = ( 120
Number of working days ' Repairman cost= 10 x 8={ 80
''Total cost = 120 + 80 = { 200
= #><, =30unirs
<200 < <244
11. (a) Let q = ,r*o3io", newspapers ordered per day So, service should be taken from repairman B.
D = demand
15. (a) 16. (a)
cn = 7 l'40
17. (b) Given that
-,s =)45-1.40={t.05 7t =2machines/hour
Cummulative probability distribution is given as
P = 3 machines/hour
',,,:fr :3:$:i. :N:,, ::d7:: z8 :;,**:i '30 ::3I..
, 3Z iiE4 rr Si; 35 Number or ma"3il:il1'#tfng at anv point ortime
PD 1.0 3 0.0: 0.05 0.10 0. 15 0. 15 0.12 ). 0( 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.02
D X^
0.03 0.0t 0.1 3 0.23 0.38 0.53 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.92 0.98 1.00 = u-)" =:==
2 machines Per hour

The desired optimum value of 4 is obtained by double

18. (cl Waiting time fo'r a machine
inequality _2
c. p(r-r-I) 3(3-2)
Pra q-l< Cnq <polq
c, _ 1.05 =0.42g
19. (a) Expected cost ofthe system per hour
C, +C, 1.40+ 1.05
=Non-productive cost of machines per hour +
0.38 < 0.428 <0.53 Cost of service man per hour
This suggests that q must lie between 29 and30.
={ 110
t2' (b) rhe saving *i
"j'r?l?;i?_ 1.40)
20. (d) Given,
. =30x1.05={31.50 Fixed cost (F ) = 1000000 (
13. (a) Given. {
Variable cost (V ) = l0 per unit
)" = 6 machine per hour Revenue = (S ) = {
15 per unit
Idle machine cost = { 15 per hour Let break even quantity = 0
When service taken from repair man A At the break point
p= - 10 machine per hour F+QV=QS
-perhour F
Wages of repairman = 8 per hour ( 1000000
The number of machines in queue system (repairing
s-v 1s-10
L =f u )
' s' (u-tr)
(ro-ol 21. (a) Profirability for 300000 units
6=3 = (300000 - 200000) x (15 - 10)
= machineoerhour
= 100000 x 5 ={ 500000
lndustrial Engineering i Slz

28. (a) Given that Now, draw the network diagram

Activity .iromedihte:
pieae oi
The project paths are
First of all, draw the network diagram
1-+2+3+5-+7-+9 --> 10 = 8 +4 + 5 + 6 + 8 + 10=41 days
1-+2-+3-+5-+8-+9-+10 = 8+4+5 + 6 + 5 + 10=38 days
I-+2-+4->5-+8+ 9+10 = 8 + 12 + 0 + 6 + 5 + 10
= 41 days
The paths are l-+.2 -+4-+5-+1->9-+10 = 8 + 12+ 0 + 6 + 8 + 10
A -s D -+ E -+F= 5 + 4 + 3 +4= 16 days =Mdays
A -+ B -+ C --> F = 5 +6 + 5 + 4 = 20 days I-+2-+4-+6-+10 = 8 + 12 + 6 + 6 = 32 days
Critical path is A -+ B -+ C -+ F. Project duration = 44 days
29. (a) Project duration = 20 days
31. (a)
30. (a) lkIostniLGX$
.:nr j{i#},'
r-2 4 t2 8
2-3 1 1 4
2-4 8 l6 I2 2-4
3-5 -) 1 5 4-5
4-5 0 0 0 5-7
4-6 J 9 6
5-1 J 9 6
5-8 4 8 6 9-10
7-9 4 12 8 Project variance
8-9 2 8 5 = 1.78 + 1.78 + 0 + 1.00 + 1.78 +4.00
9-10 4 16 10
= 10.34
6-10 4 8 6
Standard deviation = ..,lb:i4 :3.12 days
,iExpeetCd tqr.q,, 32. (b) Additional constraint
1,,++r- +r, )
xt + xz < 5 has no effe9t on optimal region.
t' -
6 )
(+ +\
So. optimal solution ir It,l J.
t-2 6
2-3 4
2-4 12
3-5 5
4-5 0 I
4-6 6 (0,2)
5-1 6
5-8 6
7-9 8
8-9 5
9-10 10 (2, 0) (5, 0)
6-10 6
33. (d)
B3B 1 #,4{'h Yqa{*rt Mechanical Engineering

M" (d)

36" {b} In tai:le, zero has appeared in the optimal solution

below e non-basic variable which shows that there
(r55i are multiple sc{utions.
60ie*) 45(1A5) 37. (a) LP Dual
Critical path isr a *+ r: *l e *+J Max 4x + 6y l{Iin 6u + 6v
Expected completion time = l55 days 3x+?y56 3u + 2r'2 4
Xr+?yS6 2r + 3r,I 6
35. (a) Standard rieviati*n o * *W_- "x,yP0 *, Y=0

' = {5mI;mm 3*. (d)

= .ff5t coy*

I+4x2+.3 /
-- 3
i-"7- I
\O J

5+6x4+7 *6
-*-- 6
[7*-ttl 4
L6) X
3 + 4x5-r7
-*__"-___ =5 t') 'i f7--3\2 16
\6J 36

5+4x? +9 _
ill i

2+ 4x4+ 6
'----_*n r0
6 {:i

4*4x5+6 _ \
*---._**.- ( 6* 4','
6 0
l6 j
"._-_**=o \2 t6
6 6
\ti.) 36

2t"4x3+4 .-1
-r 0
l--*r* I =*-
--*--- 6
\6 ) 36
lndustrial Engineering * 839

T,=6,Tr=6 40. (c) Sequence by EDD rule

1=z:N 1 0+4=4 +2
2 4+7=ll .,

3 11+8=19 1

19 +2=21

4=5 4=1 8 Number of delay = l

TL=12 TL=18 41. (d) Sequence by SPT rule
Critical path = 1 -+ 3 + 5 -+ 6 -+'7
Duration = 6 + 4+ 5 + 3 = 18 days
39. (c) Variance along the critical path
.)))) 0+2=2
o''= oi_: +o;-s +0;_6 +O;_7 2+4=6
4 t6'4 4
_ _+_+_+_
36 36 36 36 6+7=13
28 13+8=21
= 36 :0.77
- Total tardiness = 0 + 0 + 4 + 4 = 8
Standarddeviation o= JO:n =0.88

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