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Physical Education:Its Values For Life

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION: It's Values for life


Physical Education is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote the
optimum development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally through total body
movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities.


1. Physical Development

Through the carefully selected physical education activities an individual who participates actively will
develop and maintain good health and high level of physical fitness. The acquisition of physical skills can
motivate an individual to participate further in physical activities; hence, his growth and development
will be enhanced.

2. Social Development

Participation in physical education activities provides opportunities for the development of desirable
social traits needed for adjustments to the social fit in general. Some worthwhile traits are: friendliness
cooperation respect for the rights of others good sportsmanship good leadership and followership
honesty in group competition

3. Emotional Development

Participation in varied physical activities enables one to acquire pleasant attitudes, habits appreciations
and values. Positive character traits such as courage, self-confidence, discipline, appreciation for
beautiful performances, as well as self-expression are developed and become part of an individual's way
of life.

4. Mental Development

Focus is on the acquisition of knowledge and understanding ability to analyze body movements and
skills, evaluate game situations and make important decisions. Understanding the rules of the games
leads to better performance or appreciation of an activity if one is spectator. Creativity is an essential
segment of growth that can be enhanced if the learner has rich background and an exposure to a variety
of physical activities.


1.Article I of the International Charter of Physical Education and Sports, UNESCO, Paris (1978) and
Recommendation 1, Inter-disciplinary Regional Meeting of Experts in Physical Education and Sports,
UNESCO, Brisbane Australia (1982) states that:

"The practice of Physical Education and Sports is a fundamental right for all…. And the right
should not be treated as different in principle from the right to adequate food, shelter, and Medicare."

2. Article XIV, Section 19, 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines states that:

a. The state shall promote Physical Education and encourage sports program, league competitions, and
amateur sports including training for international competition to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenship.

b. All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country and in
cooperation with athletic club and other sectors.

1. Biological Function- refers to the enhancement of the individual's growth and development through
body movement.

2. Integrative Function- refers to personality integration achieved through participation in properly

selected physical activities.

3. Social Function- transmitting of values and standards that are consistent with the needs and ideas of
the society.


1. Sports - activities we engage for pleasure, enjoyment, recreation, even as form of competition
usually requiring vigorous bodily exercises.
1. Individual/dual sports
2. Team Sports
3. Track and Fields
4. Aquatic Sports

2. Recreational Activities - activities done during free time and one's work free will such as
cooking, weaving, mountaineering, gardening, mountain climbing, etc.
3. Dances - These are movements set to music where organization and structure emerge.
4. Gymnastics - systematic bodily exercises based on scientific principles.
5. Group Games - These are lead up activities with simple rules designed primarily for fun and
6. Health Safety and First Aid - This is the temporary care given to a victim of an accident or those
who become suddenly ill until the services of the physician can be obtained.


Physical Fitness is the ability of an individual to perform or carry of one's daily activities or task
efficiently without undue fatigue, reduce the risk of health problems and with extra reserve
energy in case of emergency.


A physically fit person works without becoming over fatigue. They accomplish their work with a
maximum of stress. They can face life's problems with a relatively better outlook.

A physically active individual has the capacity to learn a variety of vigorous recreational pursuits.
They enjoy participating in sports activities.

Good physical health contributes to self-confidence and poise. It gives the person a feeling of
security. It enables to mingle with people at work and play with satisfaction.

Physical Fitness is a necessary activity because it will give us information on the status of over-all
physical fitness. The Physical Fitness Test will serve as a guide in determining what PE activities the
student will need to improve any physical fitness component or their physical fitness component in
general. Testing will also serve as the basis to evaluate the activities of the PE program.

Through regular exercises, physical fitness helps the individual:

➢ in the proper growth of young bones and muscles;

➢ improve the ability to avoid and recover from illnesses and accidents;

➢ improve posture and appearance by strengthening muscles that support the body;

➢ minimize stress response;

➢ maintain proper body weight;

➢ prevent heart ailment;

➢ improve organic functions;

➢ delay the aging process;

➢ feel good and younger as a human being, and

➢ experience joy of participation in any recreational or sports activities.


Given below are the most measurable physical fitness components. The extent or levels of each acquired
attribute can determine the physical condition of a person.

1. Strength -is the ability to perform or move against a resistance.

Example: Try to lift a heavy object. Observe. How strong are your muscles in the arm?

2. Endurance - the ability of the body to undergo prolonged body stresses; the capacity to last long in a
certain task without undue fatigue. An example is running a long distance without fainting or collapsing.

Example: Have you tried jogging for 20 minutes? Or walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor? How did you

3. Flexibility - is a plasticity which gives the body to do wide range of movement.

Example: Pick up some pieces of paper on the floor. Did you do it with ease or was it difficult?

4. Agility - is the ability of the individual to change direction or position in space with quickness and
lightness of movement. It requires a combination of coordination and speed.

Example: Your basketball teammate runs fast moving from different direction to another while dribbling
the ball and suddenly passes the ball to you. Flow fast are you in catching the ball?

5. Balance - is the ability to asses and maintain body position, whether static or moving against the force
of gravity. Good balance is important for safety in performing daily tasks.

Example: Mount and walk through a balance beam. Were you steady or almost losing your balance?

6. Speed - is the ability to make successive movements of same kind at the shortest period of time.

Example: In the track oval, with the distance of 100 meters, run as fast you can? What is your time?

7. Power- the ability of the muscles to release maximum forces in the shortest period of time.
Example.: Shot put players developed power which is essential in their sport event.

8. Organic Vigor - refers to the soundness of heart and lungs which contributes to the ability to resist

Example: Aerobic exercise is one good activity in developing and improving organic vigor.

9. Coordination - refers to the teaming together of muscles and nerves in the performance of a certain

Example: Dancers should have good body coordination in executing different dance steps.


A. Health Related Components

1. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance- the ability of the heart and lungs to function efficiently and effectively
over a prolong period of time.

2. Muscular strength - the ability of the muscle group to contract against a resistance

3. Flexibility - the functional capacity of the joint to move through a normal range of motion. The
muscular system is also involved.

4. Muscular endurance - the ability to continue selected muscle group movements for a prolonged
period of time.

5. Body composition - the relative percentage of the muscle, fat, bone, and other tissues that comprise
the body. A fit person has a relatively low, but not too low, percentage of the body fat (body fitness).

B. Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Balance - it involves vision, reflexes and the skeletal and muscular system which provides the
maintenance of equilibrium.

2. Coordination - the ability to integrate the senses with the muscles so as to produce accurate, smooth,
and harmonious body movement.

3. Agility - it is the capacity to change direction of the body quickly and effectively.

4. Speed - it is the ability to move one's body from one point to another in a shorter possible time.

5. Power - Speed of contraction, likewise, is the basic ingredients which, when combine with strength,
provides an explosive type of movement.

6. Reaction Time - the time required to respond a movement as a result of a given stimulus.

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