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Digest Case

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belonging to Zoila de Talaban of the total value of one

BERNARDO VS. BALAGOT hundred and eighty-eight pesos and fifty centavos. The
information further alleges "that the said accused is a
[G.R. No. 86561. November 10, 1992.]
habitual delinquent, he having previously been convicted
by final judgment rendered by a competent court, once for
Facts: the crime of attempted robbery in an inhabited house and
once for theft, the date of his last conviction being
It is stressed at the outset that the petitioner is not among November 14, 1934."
the disqualified offenders listed in Section 9 of P.D. 968
(Law on Probation). Section 4 of the said decree, which was The accused pleaded guilty to the information whereupon
promulgated on July 24, 1976, provided for the grant of the trial court rendered judgment imposing the prison
probation. On December 1, 1977, that section was sentence upon the defendant-appellant, took into
amended by P.D. 1257. This was the prevailing law on account the aggravating circumstance of recidivism
probation at the time the petitioner was convicted in 1984. because the date of the conviction of the accused for the
On October 5, 1985, Section 4 was again amended, this crime of theft is specified in the information, but it
time by P.D. 1990. This was the law in force at the time the refused to consider the defendant-appellant a habitual
petitioner filed his application for probation. P.D. 1990 was delinquent under the provisions of article 62 of the Revised
promulgated on October 5, 1985, and published in the Penal Code for the following reason:
Official Gazette on December 30, 1985. It took effect on
January 15, 1986, after fifteen days from the date of its 'That the said accused is a habitual delinquent, he having
publication. The petitioner’s application for probation was previously been convicted by final judgments rendered by
filed on February 3, 1986, after P.D. 1990 had already a competent court, once for the crime of attempted
become effective. Consequently, the petitioner cannot robbery in an inhabited house and once for theft”
invoke the original Section 4 of P.D. 968, as he is not among
"those who have already filed their respective applications
for probation at the time of the effectivity of P.D. 1990.
Can the defendant-appellant in this case be considered a
Issue: Should PD 1990 should apply to the petitioner?
habitual delinquent?
P.D. No. 1990 was issued when it was observed that even if
The defendant and appellant in the case at bar can not be
a person’s conviction was finally affirmed after he had
considered a habitual delinquent but only a recidivist. As
exhausted the appeal process (usually up to this Court), he
the plea of guilty offsets the aggravating circumstance of
nevertheless could still apply for probation and thus in
recidivism, the penalty provided for in article 299 of the
effect undo such affirmance. To prevent loss of time,
Revised Penal Code for the crime of robbery in an
money, and effort on the part of the State in this wasteful
inhabited house by means of unlawful entry where the
exercise, the law was amended to make appeal and
criminal is not armed and the value of the property stolen
probation mutually exclusive remedies. The present case
does not exceed 250 pesos, should be imposed in the
falls squarely within the objectives of P.D. 1990.
medium degree in accordance with the provisions of
At any rate, even if it be assumed that the respondent article 64 of the Revised Penal Code. Applying the
judge did gravely abuse his discretion, the petition was still provisions of the Indeterminate Sentence Law (People vs.
correctly dismissed because of the amended Section 4 of Co Pao [1934], 58 Phil., 545; People vs. Gayrama [1934],
P.D. 1990. 60 Phil., 796), the principal penalty imposed by the court a
quo is modified and instead the penalty of six months
and one day to two years, eleven months and eleven
PEOPLE v. BLENVENLDO VENUS days of prision correctional, is hereby imposed upon the
[ GR No. 45141, Sep 15, 1936 ] defendant-appellant, Bienvenido Venus. With this only
modification, the judgment of the lower court is affirmed,
with costs against the appellant in both instances.
An information charging the defendant,
Bienvenido Venus, with the crime of robbery in an Same case, Pakisulat pa rin ito. This has different
inhabited house. The information alleges that the application.
defendant entered the house then occupied by Zoila de GUMABON vs DIRECTOR OF PRISONS
Talaban by breaking the hasp of the door of said house G.R. No. L-30026 January 30, 1971
which was secured by a padlock and once inside took and
carried away, with the intent of gain and without the FACTS:
consent of the owner thereof, various personal properties
After pleading guilty for complex crime of rebellion with
multiple murder, robbery, arson, and kidnapping, Mario
Gumabon and five others were sentenced to reclusion
Each of the petitioners has been since then imprisoned by
virtue of the above convictions and has served more than
13 years.

Subsequently, the Supreme Court negated the complex

crime stating that rebellion cannot be complexed with
other crimes. Thus, the accused in the Hernandez case was
only sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment.

Petitioners now seek for the retroactive application of the

Hernandez doctrine which was promulgated after their


Whether or not the court erred in imposing excessive



As the Court had ruled since 1956 that only the crime of
simple rebellion exists in our legal system for which the
maximum penalty of prision mayor may be imposed, the
excess of the life sentences imposed upon petitioners over
the imposable maximum of prision mayor cannot stand and
must necessarily be declared void.

Prescinding then from the question of jurisdiction of the

sentencing courts, the case at bar presents a clear case of
an excess in penalty imposed beyond twelve years
of prision mayor which has become illegal by virtue of this
Court's settled doctrine that the crime of rebellion cannot
be complexed with other common crimes. On this ground,
as well as on the further and more fundamental ground
that to hold them liable to continue serving life sentences
for a crime that the law—at the time of their conviction as
well as now—punishes only with prision mayor which they
have more than fully served, would be to deny them their
constitutional rights of due process and equal protection of
the law.

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