Final Notes PE2
Final Notes PE2
Final Notes PE2
Health and Fitness are vital keywords for sustaining a strong and healthful living. For the
past two decades the promotion of health and fitness in the Philippines were taken into
consideration in all school levels. It made a bold step in creating awareness for health and fitness
among children and students through the activities in the Physical Education.
The effective use of body through varied physical activities will certainly help promote
fitness and health for daily living.
Physical Education has a unique role to play in the education of the youth and that is to
enhance their physical fitness and well-being through the selected variety of motor skills and
activities. Generally, Physical Education aims build for every child/student a strong foundation
about fitness and specifically aims to assist every student to develop an optimum level of health
and well-being. It further aims to help the student acquire the knowledge and movement skills that
will lead to lifelong participation in enjoyable and wholesome physical activities.
Physical Education is an important subject in the curriculum that aims to build
and develop every learner to an optimum level physically, mentally, emotionally,
socially through participation in enjoyable and wholesome physical activities.
Physical Fitness is the ability of an individual to perform daily activities without
undue fatigue, reduce the risk of health problems and with extra energy in case of
emergency. Components of physical fitness are organic vigor, endurance, power,
strength, flexibility, agility, balance, speed and coordination.
Physical Wellness is the positive state of well-being and the capability of an
individual to design personal fitness program for improving and maintaining
optimum level of health.
Heart disease
Insulin resistance
High blood pressure
Joint problems
Type II Diabetes
Blood vessel inflammation
Gallbladder Disease
Back pain
Premature death
Skill-related fitness tends to be sport specific and is best developed through practice.