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The document discusses earthing, shielding and power distribution principles for Kongsberg Maritime offshore product families. It provides definitions and guidelines to construct and implement these principles in installations.

Earthing and screening principles are intended to provide protection, safety and signal integrity. They aim to protect life, health and security during operation and maintenance of equipment.

Earth fault detection methods for 24VDC systems include leakage current monitoring and summation current monitoring. 230VAC/115VAC systems can use insulation resistance monitoring.

KM Offshore Division

Specification of
Earthing, Shielding and Power
distribution principles

This specification describes the earthing, shielding and

power distribution principles for all KM Offshore product

February 2011 © Kongsberg Maritime AS
Document history
Document number: 161012
First version. This issue is based on corresponding document
Rev. A 12.02.96
dated 15.12.94.
Update of text and figures (Gen), Earth type changed: RE to IE
Rev. B 26.09.96 and ’old’ IE to IS (NORSOK std.) (Paragraph 4.2) and new
paragraph (Paragraph 6) added to document.
Colour coding of earth conductors, earth bars and cable screen
Rev. C 23.01.97 (Paragraph 4.2) are changed to be in accordance with NORSOK
std Z-CR-010 (rev. 1 Jan 96) section 13.5.3.
Company name Simrad Norge has been changed to Kongsberg
Simrad AS, as well as corrections of spelling mistakes in the
document. Inserted one reference document: The Norwegian
Rev. D 08.05.98
Electrical Safety Directorate Guidelines for Earth in Maritime
Installations of July 1993 (Paragraph 2). New paragraph
(Paragraph 7) added to document.
Company name Kongsberg Simrad AS has been changed to
Rev. E 07.09.05 Kongsberg Maritime AS. The whole document has been through
a review due to new KM-technology.
Rev. F 03.03.06 New document template added to content.
- 0V DC shall be connected to earth.
- IE/IS shall be connected to PE, as long as nothing else is
Rev. G 17.12.09
- Common for DP, NAV and Automation.
Complete update of existing chapters. Added the chapters Life,
Rev. H 18.02.2011
health, security;Signal integrity and Earth fault detection.

The reader
This specification is intended for the KM Offshore HW engineer. It defines how to construct and execute
earthing, shielding and power distribution in KM installations.

The information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No
part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information
contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of
Kongsberg Maritime AS.
Kongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly
stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was
designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel.
The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate
or work on the equipment.
Kongsberg Maritime disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation,
use or maintenance of the equipment.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this document, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism.
Kongsberg Maritime AS
Table of contents
Abbreviations .........................................................................................................5
1 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT.................................................. 7
1.1 Definition of teminology ........................................................................................7
1.2 References ..............................................................................................................8
2 LIFE, HEALTH, SECURITY................................................. 9
2.1 Purpose of earthing and screening principles .........................................................9
2.2 Protection..............................................................................................................10
2.3 Competence ..........................................................................................................10
2.4 Bonding ................................................................................................................10
2.5 Physical protection ............................................................................................... 11
3 POWER DISTRIBUTION ................................................. 12
3.1 IT-net ....................................................................................................................13
3.2 TN-net...................................................................................................................14
3.3 Typical power distribution....................................................................................15
3.4 DC distribution .....................................................................................................15
3.4.1 24VDC power ......................................................................................... 15
3.4.2 Centralized 24VDC power supply ............................................................. 16
4 SIGNAL INTEGRITY ....................................................... 17
5 KM EARTHING ............................................................... 18
5.1 Basic principles ....................................................................................................18
5.2 Main earth reference.............................................................................................19
5.3 PE-bar ...................................................................................................................20
5.4 IE/IS-bar ...............................................................................................................21
5.5 IS-bar ....................................................................................................................22
5.6 NORSOK earth bar requirement ..........................................................................22
6 CABLING ....................................................................... 23
6.1 Cable entry............................................................................................................23
6.1.1 EMC entry............................................................................................... 23
6.1.2 EMC cable clamping................................................................................ 23
6.1.3 Non-EMC entry ....................................................................................... 24
6.2 How to terminate the cable screens ......................................................................24
6.3 Cable stripping (Make-off)...................................................................................28
6.4 Cable termination .................................................................................................28
6.5 Spare conductors ..................................................................................................29
7 EARTH FAULT DETECTION ............................................. 30
7.1 Earth fault detection methods ...............................................................................30
7.1.1 230VAC/115VAC..................................................................................... 30

161012/H 3
7.1.2 24VDC.................................................................................................... 31

4 161012/H
EFI Earth Fault Indicator
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
Exd Flameproof Enclosure
Exi Intrinsically Safe
FS Field Station
HFI High Frequency Interference
HMD Hardware Module Description
I/O Input/Output
IE Instrument Earth
IS Intrinsically Safe
KM Kongsberg Maritime AS
LFI Low frequency interference
MCT Multi Cable Transit
NDU Network Distribution Unit
NORSOK Standards for the Norwegian shelf
OS Operator Station
PE Protective Earth
PS Process Station
RMS Root Mean Square
SOLAS International convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
For reference value this list contains more terms than those used in this document.

161012/H 5
6 161012/H
About this document

1 About this document

This document shall be used in all KM Offshore projects involving earthing, shielding
and power distribution unless otherwise specified in the product/project documentation.
It puts down the basic principles in these areas which shall be followed by KM Offshore.
The principles are derived from the IEC 60092 series “Electrical Installation in Ships”.
In this document the terms signal cable and instrument cable are used interchangeably.

1.1 Definition of teminology

The following verbs are used throughout this document to clearly distinguish
requirements from recommendations from permission.

Table 1 Definition of requirement, recommendation and permission

Verb Meaning Comment

Shall Requirement Unalterable demand. Must
be done.
Should Recommendation Preferred solution or
May Permission Allowed to do.

161012/H 7
1.2 References
No. Doc. no. Description
Z-010 Rev. 3,
1 NORSOK Standard “Electrical, Instrumentation and Telecommunication Installation”
Oct. 2000
1974 SOLAS Convention, Chapter II-1, Construction - Structure, Subdivision and
Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations. Part D Electrical Installations
3 IEC 60079-0 Explosive atmosphere, Equipment- general requirements
4 IEC 60079-1 Equipment protected by flameproof enclosures
5 IEC 60079-7 Equipment protection by increased safety
6 IEC 60079-11 Equipment protection by intrinsic safety
7 IEC 60079-15 Construction, test and marking og type of protection "n" electrical apparatus
8 352118 Cable Earthing Installation Manual
Lover og forskrifter for maritime elektriske anlegg (in Norwegian, concerning
9 354498
Norwegian law)
10 354499 KM Earthing Requirement specification
11 170083 Kongsberg Maritime Network, installation manual

8 161012/H
Life, health, security

2 Life, health, security

2.1 Purpose of earthing and screening

Norwegian law requires that electrical installations and equipment are projected,
developed, maintained and controlled so that they do not pose any threat to life, health
and material property. The relevant laws and regulations are found in KM document
354498 Lover og forskrifter for maritime elektriske anlegg. This document is written in
Norwegian as it addresses Norwegian law regarding maritime electrical installations.
Document 354499, the KM Earthing Requirement specification describes the practical
consequences of these laws and regulations for KM.)
This Earthing principles document describes how earthing may be executed on KM
Offshore installations in order for KM Offshore to comply with these laws and
regulations. Deviating national regulations may apply.

The KM Offshore Earthing principles shall be:

KM Offshore shall have a clear earthing principles document.
The earthing principles shall be clearly communicated - both internally and
The earthing principles shall be clearly understood throughout the organization.
(See document 352118 Cable Earthing Installation manual for installation details)
The KM Offshore earthing principles shall at all times be maintained in accordance
with current laws and regulations.
The earthing principles shall be followed in order to comply with the KM intentions
’fit for purpose’ and ’right first time’.
According to Norwegian law, the responsibility for the implementation of these
principles shall lie with the person in charge of the KM Offshore electrical installations.

161012/H 9
2.2 Protection
• Personnel shall be protected from dangerous discharges.
• Equipment shall comply with relevant regulations. (See document 354499 KM
Earthing Requirement specification for details/reference list.)
• Equipment shall also be protected from uncontrolled discharges which could destroy
the electronics.
• In order to avoid damage, the equipment shall be earthed so that a low impedance
return path for unwanted currents caused by faults is created.
• Therefore our equipment is designed with 0 VDC reference to Instrument Earth.

2.3 Competence
Any personnel who designs or implements earthing and power on KM Offshore
installations shall have the proper knowledge, education and training.

2.4 Bonding
Bonding is required on all enclosures containing equipment mounted in the door powered
by more than 50VAC.
Bonding shall be provided between the main structure and all preassemblies, modules
and decks that are not welded or bolted together.

Figure 1 Example of bonding

10 161012/H
Life, health, security

2.5 Physical protection

Voltage level above 50VAC/VDC shall be sufficiently marked and protected.
A correctly-connected earthing strap (to PE) shall be used to protect the equipment in
the enclosure against electrostatic discharge. This shall be in the 1M Ω class so that it
does not lead to personnel damage.

Figure 2 Earthing strap

161012/H 11
3 Power distribution

Three-phase power distribution is found in two different topologies onboard ships: IT-net
and TN-net. TN-net can further be wired as TN-C, TN-S, or TN-C-S net.
First letter, describing the net topology towards earth:
All conducting parts are isolated from earth. The neutral point or one of the screens
may be connected to earth via overvoltage protection equipment.
Direct connection of a point in the distribution system with earth. Usually this will
be the neutral point on the secondary side of the transformer.
Second letter, describing the powered system (consumer) towards earth:
Direct connection of a point in the powered system with earth, regardless of
earthing elsewhere.
Direct connection to the neutral point at the origin of installation, which is
connected to the earth. In a distribution there is a direct connection to this earth
point through the PE/PEN connector.
Subsequent letters:
The neutral connector (N) and the protective earth connector (PE) are found as
separate connectors either from the switchboard or the UPS.
The neutral connector (N) and the protective earth connector (PE) are found
combined in one connector (PEN).

12 161012/H
Power distribution

3.1 IT-net
Figure 3 IT-net 115/230VAC

Figure 4 IT-net phase segregation

161012/H 13
3.2 TN-net
Figure 5 TN-C net 400/440VAC Figure 6 TN-S net 400/440VAC

Figure 7 TN-C-S net Figure 8 Phase segregation on TN-S net

14 161012/H
Power distribution

3.3 Typical power distribution

Figure 9 115/230VAC power distribution

3.4 DC distribution
3.4.1 24VDC power
Figure 10 24VDC power

161012/H 15
3.4.2 Centralized 24VDC power supply
Figure 11 Centralized 24VDC power supply

16 161012/H
Signal integrity

4 Signal integrity

Signal integrity is defined as keeping the information of the signals undisturbed in

the system. The signals are received at the destination from the source exactly as
described/specified beforehand.
Interference, natural degradation and design affects the signal integrity, and must be
properly dealt with in order to safeguard the signal integrity on KM Offshore installations.
To protect the signal against interference cables with screen shall be used in all KM
Offshore installations. The cable screen shall be grounded according to the instructions
in chapter 5 KM earthing on page 18 and chapter 6 Cabling on page 23.
The signal cables shall be twisted pair.
The communication cables shall have individual shield.
For detailed information regarding network cables, see the document 170083, Kongsberg
Maritime Network, installation manual.
115/230VAC cables shall be segregated from signal cables. If they are found in the same
cable duct a neutral connector should be added to the duct.

161012/H 17
5 KM earthing

5.1 Basic principles

In general all modules shall be earthed according to the applicable HMDs.
If all modules are earthed, earth fault detection is not possible.
For instances with earth fault detection see chapter 7.

Earth bars shall be located in order to allow easy access for usage, inspection and
It is preferable to use 360 degrees earthing.
If pigtail is used to connect to the earth bar, it shall be as short as possible, preferably
shorter than 10 cm and its cross-section area should not be diminished.
The earthing conductor from the PE-bar to the Main Earth Reference shall be minimum
16 mm².
The Kongsberg system is designed to handle interconnected PE- and IE-bars.

Figure 12 Basic KM earth bar principle

18 161012/H
KM earthing

Figure 13 Basic KM module earthing principle

5.2 Main earth reference

• The Main Earth Reference for all earth systems shall be the main structure/hull.
• Necessary measures/precautions to prevent corrosion shall be taken.
• The Main Earth Reference points shall be bosses welded to the structure as close as
possible to the equipment. Earth bars mounted on earth bosses welded to the structure
may also be used.
• All enclosures should have separate earth bolts - serial connection of main earth
bars are not acceptable.
• If there are two separate bars for PE and IE, there shall be a jumper between the
PE- and the IE-bar.
• All cabinets shall be connected to the main structure/hull from the PE bar.
• For systems with PE-bar only, one earth boss is sufficient.
• Each earth boss shall only have one connection.

161012/H 19
5.3 PE-bar
• 360 degrees earthing is to be preferred. See example below.
Figure 14 Example of 360 degrees Figure 15 Example of 360 degrees
earthing earthing

• Field equipment must be connected through cables to the PE system.

• If the braid armour is the earth conductor (power cable) it must be electrically
continuous from the field to the central equipment PE-bar. The cross section of the
separate earth conductor must be equal to the cross section of one of the conductors.
• For power cables where the braid armour does not have sufficient cross section, the
equipment must be earthed through a separate earth conductor in the cable.
• All power cables shall be connected to the PE-bar with pigtail:

Figure 16 Power cable termination - pigtail

20 161012/H
KM earthing

Figure 17 Power cable termination

• The braid armour shall be covered with yellow/green sleeves.

• Exd electrical equipment with direct entry shall be connected to the PE-bar by a
separate earth conductor in the cable. (IEC 60079-1)
• The PE-bar shall be connected to the enclosure by metallic clamps.
• The PE-bar shall be marked yellow/green and with a PE-label.
• The PE-bar shall be connected to the nearest Main Earth Reference boss through an
insulated earth conductor.
• The earth conductor shall be coloured yellow/green.

5.4 IE/IS-bar
If IS bar is required KM Offshore combines the IE and IS bar unless otherwise specified.

• The IE screen shall be covered with yellow/green sleeves.

• The IE-bar shall be the earth reference for both Intrinsically Safe, and non Intrinsically
Safe instrumentation and telecommunication 0 volt reference.
• IE-bars shall be marked yellow/green and with:
– A red mark for bars containing Non-IS cables.
– A blue mark for bars containing IS cables.
– Red and blue marks for bars containing both non-IS and IS cables.
• The IE-bar shall be isolated from the enclosure and connected to PE by a jumper,
unless required otherwise by systems following the NORSOK requirements.

161012/H 21
5.5 IS-bar
In some older systems one may find separate IS-bar. The IS bar shall be marked
yellow/green and with a blue mark for bar containing IS cables. Otherwise same
requirements as for IE-bar.
For installation using galvanic isolators for IS signals IE/IS bar can be combined. For
installation using zener barriers for IS signals, separate IS bar is required.

5.6 NORSOK earth bar requirement

In systems required to follow the NORSOK standard (ref.), the PE- and IE-bars are
required to be connected directly to the main earth and not to each other. The distance
between the IE and PE connection points with the main earth shall be at least one meter.

Figure 18 NORSOK earth requirement

22 161012/H

6 Cabling

All cables shall have strain relief.

6.1 Cable entry

6.1.1 EMC entry
EMC entry is the preferred solution as it provides 360 degrees grounding that best
prevents the interference draining.
Power cables in an EMC solution shall be grounded directly to the PE-bar with pigtail
inside the enclosure to safeguard the power current-carrying capacity.

Cable gland
Suitable where relatively few field cables enter the enclosure. For indoor and
outdoor use.
Suitable where numerous field cables enter the enclosure. Mainly for indoor use.
Suitable where numerous cables enter the enclosure. For indoors and outdoor use.

6.1.2 EMC cable clamping

All cables entering or leaving the enclosure (via the base frame) shall pass through
and be clamped by means of one of the following: Multi Cable Transit (MCT) frames
and packing pieces, multigate, or glands.
An alternative cable clamping system may be used provided it is acceptable to the
vessel’s classification society and the project.

161012/H 23
6.1.3 Non-EMC entry
For a non-EMC solution: when 360 degrees grounding is not obtainable inside the
enclosure the cables shall be grounded with pigtail that is as short as possible.
Cable gland
Suitable where relatively few field cables enter the enclosure. For indoor and
outdoor use.
Suitable where numerous field cables enter the enclosure. Mainly for indoor use.
Suitable where numerous cables enter the enclosure. For indoor and outdoor use
Filling material
Suitable where numerous cables enter the enclosure.

6.2 How to terminate the cable screens

Overall shield:
As a main rule overall shield shall be connected to the PE-bar; however if the cable
has armour the armour shall be connected to the PE-bar and the shield shall be
connected to the IE-bar. See figure Power cable termination - pigtail on page 20
Inner shield(s):
The inner/pair shield shall be connected to the IE-bar.
The inner shield shall be insulated in relation to the overall shield.
Inner shield shall be connected to the IE-bar within the KM enclosure and shall be
left insulated in all field instruments.

Figure 19 Signal cable termination

24 161012/H

Figure 20 Signal cable with armour termination

Figure 21 Signal cable with plug/housing

161012/H 25
Field termination:
Figure 22 Instrument cable with armour/shield and inner (pair) shield

Figure 23 Instrument cable with overall shield and inner (pair) shield

26 161012/H

Figure 24 Instrument cable with overall shield

161012/H 27
6.3 Cable stripping (Make-off)
Cables with braid armour shall have an outer heat shrink sleeve, which is fitted over the
complete cable make-off.
Instrument and telecommunication cables with both braid armour and screen shall have
inner and outer heat shrink sleeves.
The inner sleeve shall be drawn over the inner bedding, i.e. passed under the braiding
providing insulation between braiding and screen.
The outer sleeve shall be fitted over the complete cable make-off.

Figure 25 Cable stripping (make-off)

6.4 Cable termination

All cable conductors shall be terminated by use of compression lugs or ferrules
dependent upon the type of termination.
The braid armour and the screen shall be separated from each other as well as from the
conductors, twisted and fitted as required. This shall be done without any reduction of
the cross sectional area.
If a drain wire (PE-wire) exists among the screen, it shall be grounded.
Where the screen is left disconnected or floating (e.g. for field instruments), it shall be
sealed and insulated with an isolating cap.
It is accepted to have two conductors into common ferrule.

28 161012/H

6.5 Spare conductors

Spare conductors in instrument cables should be terminated to the IE-bar (or to the
PE-bar when there is no IE-bar) and left insulated at the field end.
For NORSOK: the spare conductors in instrument cables shall be terminated to the
IE-bar (or to the PE-bar when there is no IE-bar) and left insulated at the field end.

Figure 26 Spare conductors termination

161012/H 29
7 Earth fault detection

For 24VDC earth fault detection is mandatory for Safety systems and NORSOK
deliveries. It is optional for other systems and may be requested by the customer.
When using earth fault detection the 24VDC power system shall be grounded only once.
For 24VDC systems with earth fault detection the 0 voltage shall only be connected to
the IE-bar at the power supply. All other connections to the IE-bar downstream of the
earth fault detection system will have the same effect as earth faults and thus compromise
the detection system.

7.1 Earth fault detection methods

7.1.1 230VAC/115VAC
Monitoring the insulation resistance of unearthed main circuits (IT) Systems. When
the insulation resistance between the system conductors and earth falls below the set
response value, the alarm relays switch and alarm is given.

Figure 27 Insulation/resistance monitoring 230VAC/115VAC

30 161012/H
Earth fault detection

7.1.2 24VDC
The KM 24VDC shall be galvanically separated from external (other) power systems.
When earth fault detection on 24VDC system is required, earthing as described in the
appropriate HMDs cannot be used. See illustration below.

Leakage current monitoring

Figure 28 Leakage current sensor for 24VDC

161012/H 31
Summation current monitoring
Summation sensor module. It monitors the leakage current in to the power supply
through the IE connection.

Figure 29 24VDC summation monitoring

32 161012/H
Earth fault detection

Summation sensor module. It monitors the difference in power supply current to and
from a power supply or other similar module.

Figure 30 24VDC summation monitoring per I/O module

161012/H 33
©2011 Kongsberg Maritime

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