CAN Data Miner: Software To Access Vehicle Information Via The OBD-connector
CAN Data Miner: Software To Access Vehicle Information Via The OBD-connector
CAN Data Miner: Software To Access Vehicle Information Via The OBD-connector
What I want to provide to the world is a flexible and configurable tool. This will of
course also mean that it may be complicated for the average person to understand
every detail.
Also notice that for J2534 devices there is no automatic detection of protocol. This is
one of the current limitations of the application.
This tool is still under development so this manual may not be accurate at all times.
At installation you will get a set of default values in the tool, and the vehicle that I
have tested on is a Subaru, which means that some parts are specific for that brand
and that if you test on another vehicle you may need to change the configuration for
that vehicle.
In the document there are references to PID, it may in some cases be seen as “PID
or other item”, e.g. address, TID etc.
Information that is obvious is intentionally left out – like explanation of Name fields.
Data provided together with this application is provided as-is and may not be entirely
correct. Especially when it comes to data that is specific for a vehicle brand or model.
Protocols & Features
Supported protocols are: J1850 VPW & PWM, ISO9141, ISO14230, ISO 15765 (11
and 29 bit) and raw CAN. Notice that the actual support also depends on the
interface device.
The application supports a number of OBD adapters, some J2534, some serial with
AT-commands. The first page of the application displays the supported adapters.
The current version will look up J2534 adapters from the registry so even if your
adapter isn’t listed it may still work. Notice that the adapter must support the 04.04
version of the J2534 API at the moment. The older version is not supported. If you
don’t know which version your adapter support you can always try and see if it is
discovered or not.
One of the features of this application is that it supports multiple adapters at the same
time so you can connect two vehicles at the same time and compare data from them
as long as you use different adapters. Multiple adapters of the same model is not
supported. Just watch out for stray currents if you connect two vehicles at the same
time and you for example use battery chargers on them or if there is another
connection between them.
Known Bugs/Limitations
• The Tactrix adapter seems to not have complete support for 29 bit addressing.
• The ISO 9141 support on the Volvo UWA seems to be incomplete.
This application shall be distributed in a ZIP file where the MSI file, this document
and a Setup.exe file shall be present. As you read this you have probably already
unpacked the ZIP file into an empty directory.
If you have an earlier version of this program installed I recommend you to uninstall
that version first.
Execute the Setup.exe file and install the program using the default values.
If you have a normal installation you it will be installed at the following locations:
Windows XP
Executable C:\Program Files\\CAN Data Miner
Data C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\\CAN Data Miner
Most of the testing has been done under 64-bit Windows 7, but the application is built
for 32-bit and should work well there too.
You should try to find the data directory, since the files there will be updated if you
change the configuration. And if you uninstall the program the data files will be
removed. So it may be a good idea to copy the files to a safe location before you
update the application. Notice that a new version of the application may not be
compatible with the old files, even if I’m trying to avoid changes that are incompatible.
If all goes well with the installation you will find the program in the start menu under
This program can be used without an adapter, but you will in that case not be able to
communicate with the vehicle for obvious reasons. There is a simulated driver
alternative that may be used if you like to try it out without connecting it to a car.
However the simulated driver is a bit limited in functionality.
At the first page there is a tree view to the left with the interfaces and the preferences
branches. The first page displayed contains a display of the supported devices and
some devices that aren’t supported. The items will get a border that indicates the
level of support provided as listed in the following table:
Color Support
Green Supported and recognized. Notice that serial devices are set as
recognized as soon as the system has a serial port so it’s a bit of false
advertising here.
Gray Supported but not recognized.
Yellow Currently not supported, will be added in future version.
Red Won’t be supported.
If you have a J2534 adapter that the application supports it must be connected and
the drivers for it loaded before the application is started.
If you don’t have “Advanced Mode” selected in the preferences page you will get a lot
of hint balloons with tips on various items:
To hide a single one for the moment you can click on it. But it will reappear when you
move the window to which it’s pointing.
The File menu will give you the option to open and close log files of various kinds.
• CAN Data log file – this is a file written in the Vector Canalyzer ASC format
and is only available when using the CAN protocol. The ASC format is a text
• Event log file – this is a file that gets the same information as is written in the
log window.
• Measurement data log file – this file is in the Microsoft Excel CSV format and
contains sampled data from the vehicle. One column per data source, data
sources are selected before logging is started.
Event logging is done in a separate window to allow for some flexibility. It also
contains some information about open log files.
The Event Log menu alternative will bring forward the log window in case it has been
In the event log window there is also a second tab that presents the CAN bus traffic.
Currently this will only be presented when the Vector CanCase is used.
This can be useful when debugging traffic on the CAN bus. The “Dir” column is
displaying the direction of data and which communication layer. There are three
possible layers, 1 to 3 where 1 is the low level CAN and 3 is the top level.
Under this menu item there are several alternatives, and each of them will be
For simplicity I have tried to use the Windows controls in their default manner, and I
do a quick intro here:
To add a record, select the last line in the table and start to type.
In a few cases you will need to double-click on the empty row to add data in a
separate form instead.
To update data you will select the field you want to update and click on it with the
mouse to get it into edit mode.
To delete data you need to select the whole row and press the Del button on the
keyboard. A confirmation pop-up shall appear to prevent you from accidental deletes.
If you have updated data you will get a confirmation pop-up before any changes are
lost. The application is a bit sensitive, so it’s sufficient to put a field into edit mode to
make it think that a change is made.
Config Parameters
This is a list of the IOCTL configuration parameters that the J2534 API accepts. This
list shall not need any change unless there is an update to the API. The current
version is the 04.04 version. Later versions may have additional parameters.
Communication Speeds
This page allows you to configure the permitted speeds that can be used with the
interface. I haven’t tested all the listed speeds, and unless you want to add a speed
to suit your case you can leave this as is.
This page allows you to configure units of various types to be used during
presentation, and you can also categorize them. This is intended to allow for filtering
between Metric and Imperial units at presentation.
There is a safeguard built in to prevent you from deleting a unit that is used.
PID Groups
The PID group page is one of the key pages in the application. There are several
items of information that can be configured here.
PID Group
The PID Group is an administrative item to group the data items in different
categories. Some PID groups has PID maps, that is when a specific PID contains
information about which other PIDs that are supported.
The Group ID column contains an unique numeric identifier for that group.
The Prim Mode column contains the primary mode for the PID group, it can be used
to select default mode value when a specific PID Group is selected.
Item ID
The Item ID is the table for all items within a PID group. This is PIDs, Addresses and
other items.
The column Item ID must contain a hex value of the form 0xNN. That value is used in
communication with the ECU.
The Can Plot column indicates if the value can be plotted in a graph or not. Text
strings can’t be plotted, static numerical values makes no sense to plot while
changing numerical values makes sense to plot and can therefore be plotted.
Plot Height is the height of the graph to plot in pixels, and it can range from 60 to
800. [This value is now obsolete, setting it does not have any impact on the new
Is PID Map means that the item in question is used to map which other items that are
supported by the ECU. E.g. on Mode 0x01, PID 0x00 there is a map for the
supported PIDs in range 0x01 to 0x20 where 0x20 is a new map and so on.
Refresh is the refresh frequency of the parameter when doing logging and plotting.
Some data is slower in update than other and can therefore be requested at a lower
rate. E.g. engine coolant temperature can have the value 1:30 which means that it’s
only requested once every 30th sample period.
The Data table is where the interpretation of the received data is configured. It
contains a lot of fields intended to control the behaviour of data interpretation and
The # (number) column is a numeric ID of the sensor, and controls the order of
presentation. The sensors can be sorted by any column of choice and the numbering
can be revised by clicking on the Renumber button.
The Name field can be left blank when it’s considered redundant. E.g. when the
name of the PID is sufficient.
Unit is a list of units that can be selected for presenting the value. This is not used in
the calculation, only in presentation.
Address Offset is the position in the payload packet that the data is located at. This
shall be entered in hex form.
Byte Count is the number of bytes the raw data consists of.
Start Bit is used when processing bit-coded data, leave blank if the data isn’t bit-
End Bit if it’s the same as Start Bit it’s handled as a single bit, which usually
represents a switch On/Off. If it’s greater than Start Bit it will mean that the bits in that
range are used to form a numeric value that is in the range permitted by the number
of bits. Notice that the plotted graphs add an offset for single bit plots to allow you to
distinguish between the bits in a byte presented.
Scale Offset and Scale Factor are two floating point values that are used to convert
the raw data to user-friendly data. E.g. converting the temperature 0x50 to a readable
value in Celsius will use the Scale Offset of -40 and the Scale Factor of 1 as
T = (0x50 + [Scale Offset]) * [Scale Factor]
Or in figures:
T = (0x50 + (-40)) * 1
This will give you a value of 40 degrees Celsius (Which is about 104 degrees
Fahrenheit). To get the value in Fahrenheit instead you will need to use an offset
value of -22.22222222 and a scale factor of 1.8.
This of course has the limitation of only permitting linear scaling of the data, so no
advanced formulas can be used.
Pres. Min and Pres Max are values specifying the range that can be used for
plotting data where the min value is the lowest position on the Y axis and the max
value is the highest. Any value outside the bounds is considered to be max or min
value to avoid runaway plots. Currently these values are only useful when handling
the Unit “bit”.
Format is the format to be used when doing a text presentation of the data. Normal
alternatives are “0” – no decimals, “0.00” – two decimals etc. The string is fed right
into the string formatter for C#, so you have some freedom to choose other format
masks as well. If it’s empty the format “0.000” is selected. If an invalid format is
encountered the default format is used and a “¹” is added after the value.
Zone fields are used to allow for configuration of colored zones in graphs to indicate
when a value is outside recommended range. If the Min and Max value for a zone is
identical it’s disabled. Recommended is to set the values to zero if they aren’t used.
Plot Color is controlling the color of some graphs. In other cases it is only used to
control if a sensor shall be plotted or not. Any sensor with the color None shall not be
The Modes Page is used for the basic modes (also called Service Identifier)
supported by the ECU.
The Mode column is sent to the ECU in combination with the PID value defined
above to get or set data in an ECU. The data is used when interpreting responses
from the ECU, and in those cases the returned data has 0x40 added to the mode to
indicate that it’s an answer. There is no need to declare those added values since the
application takes care of the 0x40 adding.
Secured means that the record is protected against accidental deletion because
deleting the record can cause problems in the application.
The PID Group column is for informative purposes and is also used when parsing
responses from ECU.
The Vehicles Page is where you as a user can define a vehicle configuration for a
specific vehicle. It is possible to copy an existing vehicle and create a new definition
that can be changed to suit your needs.
Vehicle Table
In this table the Address Bits field is important, since it is used to select between the
11-bit addressing mode and the 29 bit addressing mode of ISO15765. It also controls
the functionality of the application in some cases.
If your vehicle isn’t represented you can start with doing a copy of an existing vehicle
that is similar.
General Tab
The Protocol is where you select the communication protocol used on the OBD-II
connector. All newer vehicles (2008 and later on US market and most vehicles 2008
and later on other markets) supports ISO15765 and CAN while older are using a lot
of different protocols.
Speed is one of the speeds defined above. Take care to select a speed that is
supported by the protocol you selected.
Tester Addr is the address of the application in some configurations. E.g. 29-bit
addressing uses this, 11-bit does not. The value is usually 0xF1 or 0xF0, but some
vehicles uses other values.
Add Checksum is for older protocols that needs checksum on the communicated
data. Not applicable for ISO15765.
Additional OBD codes file This is the name of the file containing vendor-specific
OBD codes in the data directory. Notice that the vendor specific file is always
combined with the general set of OBD codes provided with the application. Vendor
specific definitions are the primary alternative if the same code is defined in both data
This tab contains two lists, one of ECU:s and their addresses and the other of the
supported PID groups for the vehicle.
Notice that the address format for the ECU:s depends on the number of address bits
and protocol. For ISO15765 11-bit only permits the range 0x00 to 0x07 while 29-bit
permits 0x00 to 0xFF.
The PID group table is edited by double-clicking on a row to get a pop-up where the
data is configured.
Addresses Tab
On this tab the sending and receiving addresses are configured. If you have defined
ECU:s in the previous tab you shall only define one broadcast and one fixed address
in the Tx table and one address in the Rx table. Values depends on number of bits
and protocol.
Broadcast Tx Rx
ISO15765 11-bit 0x07df 0x07e0 to 0x07e7 0x07e8 to 0x07ef
8 addresses
ISO15765 29-bit 0x18db3300 0x18da0000 0x18da0000
256 addresses to 0x18daff00 to 0x18da00ff
mask 0xffffff00 mask 0xffff00ff
Flags and Parameters Tab
On this tab the specific connection and message flags can be configured, as well as
additional IOCTL parameters to be applied at connection.
The IOCTL parameter list varies depending on which protocol that is selected.
For a detailed description of the flags and parameters you need to look at the J2534
spec and the API vendor documentation.
There are two ways to connect to a device, either by selecting the device in the tree
to the left or by clicking on the device in the first page.
If you click on a device in the first page a pop-up similar to the following:
If the OK button is active it can be clicked and the device shall be selected in the tree
to the left. The item in the tree can also be selected manually.
When selecting a device in the tree the page above will be displayed. The content
varies depending on the selected device. E.g. serial devices will offer additional fields
where the user can select COM port and COM port parameters.
If you have configured your vehicle correctly you may click on the Quick Open which
is the fast and easy way to get to the OBD data page. Notice that the Quick Open
function is pretty stupid and is not able to resolve encountered problems very well.
By using the Open button you will instead be able to do a step by step connection to
the device and vehicle. This is useful in case you want to try alternatives like using
the CAN protocol instead of ISO15765.
Since some devices (and vehicles) can handle multiple protocols simultaneously the
user is offered the ability to select protocol for the connection. The default protocol
depends on which vehicle that is selected.
All known protocols will be selectable by checking the the checkbox “All Protocols”,
but be aware that this also means that protocols not documented as being supported
by the application, device or vehicle will be provided. This is primarily for testing and
shall normally be left unchecked.
Select the protocol to use and click “Add New Connection”. This shall bring up a new
page where the protocol parameters can be configured.
Smart Serial Interface
When using a smart serial interface like the AGV4000 and ELM327 there will be a
few more interface parameters to consider in order to inform the application of which
port the device is connected to. Communication speed, parity, data bits and stop bits
can also be configured here if necessary.
If you don’t know which serial port your device was assigned you can disconnect and
reconnect it while the page above is displayed. The correct alternative will then be
selected in the Port drop-down. However you will still need to configure the speed
and the other parameters if they are different from the default for the device.
The Protocol page offers the ability to set protocol specific parameters before
connecting with the vehicle. These parameters can be specified in the vehicle
configuration. Which parameters that are available for configuration depends on
which device and protocol that is selected.
Notice that J2534 devices may support multiple protocols at the same time, so you
can set up both ISO15765 and ISO9141 at the same time using the same device.
This will of course require that the device and the vehicle you connect to supports it.
When connecting using a serial port device (AGV or ELM) there are no options to
configure and the adapter takes care of all necessary low level data.
Instead a progress bar and an information field about which protocol that was
detected will be displayed:
The progress bar is stepping up as the initialization commands are stepped through
to the adapter and finally the field for the detected protocol shall be filled in with the
protocol that the adapter did discover when communicating with the vehicle.
CAN Logging
The CAN logging can currently only be done with the Tactrix adapter, and it requires
you to set the connection protocol to CAN and the connection flags SNIFF_MODE
and CAN_ID_BOTH and then connect. The data that is logged is raw CAN data and
you will need a separate database for the vehicle in question to be able to interpret it.
When clicking on the Raw CAN button you will get a new window that is used for
CAN data logging and control of the logging.
Pressing on the Start button will start the listening for CAN messages and they will
be presented in the window as they come in and are updated. By checking the
Append Logging checkbox the data in the log window is appended otherwise there
is a lookup performed and the data with the same MsgID is replaced with the latest.
For large volumes it is a good idea to log to file.
This is the RAW CAN packets that are logged, which is useful for some but the data
is often very specific for a brand and a vehicle model.
If you are lucky and have access to Vector Canalyzer you can open the log file in that
application for further analysis and processing.
At the bottom of the window you have a text field and an “Add” button which allows
you to add comments to the log file that can be used for tracking events, e.g. when
switching on the wipers.
This window is actually a bit more than OBD-II, but OBD-II is the base functionality
that is used. Some brand specific items are added here too – like part of SSM
(Subaru Select Monitor).
Due to the amount and type of information it is split into several pages.
The checkbox columns decide which ECU to communicate with and which data to
request. Green background means that the ECU has confirmed support for the item,
dark grey means that the item is unavailable while yellow means that the ECU MAY
support the item.
In this menu you can select all checkboxes from the current box to the last on the row
or column. Notice that when selecting column only those items that have the same
Plot state as the current cell will be selected.
Current Data
On this page there are several buttons, a table and a few other items.
• Refresh – Requests data from the vehicle about supported fields. Also clears
all selected items.
• Snapshot data – Requests one shot of data values from the vehicle using the
data selected by the checkboxes in the table. If the Plot Data checkbox is
checked the data ends up in charts otherwise in text form.
• Save – Save the current selection configuration. Useful when you have a
specific configuration that you want to re-use or share with friends.
• Load Selection – Load a saved configuration from file.
• Go – Used to start logging or plotting using data requested by the interval
given by the Interval (ms) field. The button is only activated if Plot Data and/or
Log Data checkboxes are checked.
• Stop – Stops request of logging/plotting data.
• Clear – Clear the current set of sub panels to the data panel.
• Save Data – Save the data in each sub panel to a directory selected by the
user. The user is prompted to choose between saving data in one single file
with joined data or multiple files with one file for each PID.
• Save Charts – Save all charts in sub-panels as PNG images of size
• Plot Data – Checked if data shall be plotted to charts.
• Log Data – Checked if data shall be logged to file. This is disabled if no log file
is opened.
Above is a simple chart. The chart offers three buttons, Print, Save image and Save
data. The buttons are hidden while the chart is updated and displayed when the
logging of data is stopped.
It is possible to stop the plotting and re-start it. A question will be asked at restart if it
shall continue on the same series or start a new series. The selection will impact all
charts, there is no way to select different action for each chart plotted.
Snapshot Data
Snapshot data is the data that is the result of a single data request. The Get button
appends data to the list while the Clear & Get button clears the table and refreshes it
with latest data.
Data fields with light yellow color are fields that are potentially invalid (the data was
all ones from the vehicle indicating a raw value of 255, 65535 etc.).
The Save button saves the data to a CSV file that can be opened in Excel and other
programs supporting that format.
The Print button will print the data to a printer of your choice. It is designed to work
with standard paper sizes like Letter or A4.
Here a few common tasks are described. More will be added from time to time.
Data Log
Connect the adapter to the vehicle and computer, start the application. Select the
adapter and then the vehicle model.
Click on “Quick Open” if you know that the combination of vehicle and protocol is
supported and you shall get the following page:
Under the “File” menu select “Open Measurement Data Log File…” and select a
suitable location and name for the file. The data shall be written in Excel CSV format
(actual format differs depending on the locale setting of your computer). US format is
using “,” as a field separator and “.” as a decimal separator while some European
countries uses “;” as a field separator and “,” as a decimal separator.
Check the “Log Data” checkbox and the items you want to log to file as in the
following example:
Set the “Interval (ms)” value to the interval between each log event that you want to
have. Then click on the “Go” button to start the logging.
To indicate that the application is working there is a progress bar that moves in the
field below the “Interval (ms)” label.
Click the “Stop” button to stop logging. Don’t forget to close the data log file before
trying to read it with another program.
Device Description
Tactrix 2.0 An OBD adapter provided by Tactrix Inc.
UWA 020 The Volvo Trucks standard adapter.
DiCE The Volvo Cars standard adapter.
CanCase XL A device for CAN bus traffic logging and analysis.
ElmScan 5 One device using the ELM327 (or compatible) chip:
ObdLink SX One device using the ELM327 (or compatible) chip:
AGV4000 A device with a chip that’s similar to the ELM327 but not
entirely compatible. Notice that the AGV4000 and AGV4000B
are two different devices that looks almost identical, but the
AGV4000 has some bugs that the AGV4000B corrects.
AGV4000 is supported, but not recommended due to the bugs.
AGV4000B Similar to the ELM device but not entirely compatible, does not
have the bugs that the AGV4000 has.
Tactrix 1.3 An older cable from Tactrix inc which is limited in functionality
and requires the PC to implement the protocol. Will only work
with ISO9141 and ISO14230 when it’s supported.
Vag-COM KKL A cable similar to the Tactrix 1.3 which requires the PC to
implement the protocol.
There is a chip STN1110 which claims to be compatible with the ELM chip but have
better performance. No tests have been performed with that chip, and it may work or
it may not work. See for further info.
Other J2534 devices shall work if they support the 04.04 version of the API. The
application searches for the devices in the registry, so don’t be surprised if your odd
device is listed.
Unsupported Devices
Since some devices are problematic they are listed here as “Unsupported” devices.
Device Description
ELM327 Ver 1.5a A Chinese clone, the one in the picture doesn’t even work.
This is a clone of an old 1.2 ELM device. If you have one and
want to try it you can do so since it’s not blocked in the
software, but don’t expect it to work.