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Full-Scale Testing of Steel Lattice Towers

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Full-scale testing of steel lattice towers: requirements, preparation,

execution, challenges, and the results

Chapter · December 2015


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3 authors:

Jacek Szafran Klaudia Juszczyk-Andraszyk

Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology


Marcin Kamiński
Lodz University of Technology


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Organized by Polish Chapters of
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XXI LSCE –2015
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Full-scale testing of steel lattice towers: requirements, preparation, execution,

challenges, and the results

J. Szafran 1) K. Juszczyk 2) M. Kamiński 3)

Adjunct Professor, Chair of Reliability of Structures, Department of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Łódź University of Technology, Łódź, POLAND,

M.Sc. Eng, Chair of Reliability of Structures, Department of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Łódź University of Technology, Łódź, POLAND,

Professor, Head of Chair of Reliability of Structures, Department of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Łódź University of Technology, Łódź, POLAND,

ABSTRACT: This article encompasses a presentation of preparation works and full-scale experiments of three different steel lattice
telecommunication towers. The emphasis was placed here on the way how these experiments were performed and particularly on the
experimental site selection, foundation site preparation, equipment application as well as an impact of difficulties, which may have
influenced the execution of the tests. The second part of the work includes some of the results obtained during the test such as
displacements of particular points of the structure as a function of the external load, the strain measurements, the failure modes as well as
the large global deformations. The gathered data remarkably enrich the knowledge on full-scale testing of large-scale skeletal steel

Keywords: full-scale testing, steel lattice towers, elastic buckling, failure mechanism

1. INTRODUCTION some examples of damage and failures of structures were given. The
elaboration on failures resulting from the wind load for slender,
Telecommunication structures have been becoming landscape features lightweight high steel structures was presented by Repetto and Solari
in both urban and rural environments. Recent developments in data [4]. The very valuable reference in the context of an amount and
transmission technology, ever increasing customers’ requirements, and intensity of the wind load would be this written by Carril Jr. et al. [2].
technological level required in the cutting-edge telecommunication They discussed an influence of the wind action on the steel lattice
equipment (in the form of antennas, radio modules and etc.) cause towers having square cross-sections. The data obtained during the tests
constant increase of requirements for this type of technical in wind tunnel were compared with these obtained analytically. On the
infrastructure. The impact of technology advancement in the field of other hand, the ice load aspects were discussed by Makkonen et al. [3].
telecommunication devices apparently leads to a need of the modern, It is known that modification or extension of the telecommunication
efficient and economical design process for the skeletal transmission equipment attached to the structure needs its strengthening in some
structures as towers and masts. cases; some examples are given in [1, 9].
The research & development works regarding telecommunication object The experiments made with the full-scale structures are the great source
are focused on the few areas: optimization of production, manufacturing of the knowledge regarding especially structural behavior close to and
and prefabrication of structures, modification of analytical descriptions under failure load. It is especially important for the large-scale
concerning structural behavior, elaboration of the complex numerical engineering structures, where numerous geometrical imperfections and
analyses as well as experimental studies realized on models in laboratory materials nonlinearities appear. Experimental data generated by tests, as
conditions, or - what is particularly important - in the full-scale mode. A opposed to computer simulations and calculations, can find use in the
variety of the problems in design and analyses of the telecommunication process of correctness verification or calibration for numerical models.
structures were discussed by Travanca et al. [8]. An essential problem This article is entirely devoted to a description of the experimental tests
concerning a modern engineering practice is a comparison of different performed, particularly to the testing preparation works, execution
standards definitions, which have an undisputable influence on bearing difficulties, equipment used, and the way the experiments were carried
capacity estimation. One of the broadest descriptions of difficulties out. In the second part some experimental results were presented. The
connected with steel towers and masts can be found in [5, 6] – some extreme displacements, overall deformations of the towers legs and
structural solutions for different types of loads have been presented and failure modes are discussed in details.
2. EXPERIMENTAL SITE highest security standards were met as well. Such a solution had to
include the costs resulting from the plot lease and disassembly of the
An initial assumed concept of the experiment was the failure test of the structure, its transportation and further installation. The additional
few tower structures, which were to be later disassembled. The test was expenses resulted from the foundation erection, which had to provide,
to be carried out at their original locations, but some disadvantages apart from proper anchoring for the towers, a possibility to place the few
including enormously large costs did not allow for such an activity. different structures with different geometries (one by one, including
One of the problems was the presence of transmission lines as well as their final failures), namely a triangular cross-section as well as a square
building developments in the closest neighborhood (Figs 1-2). The one. The discussed additional activities included renting the heavy
insufficient free space around the objects posed direct threat to the equipment, the cranes or the excavators, and also hiring the crew of
citizens. The probability of unexpected damages rendered the research professional assemblers of steel structures.
experiments impossible. The unfavorable location of the objects did not
allow for external load to be utilized to the full extent either: usage of
the heavy equipment generating the failure load required hard terrain
and an empty space that would provide sufficiently large distance from
the tested tower.
The basic criteria affecting a selection process of the device used for the
external load simulation were the following: significant value of the
effective concentrated load (range of about 20 tones), the possibility to
utilize a single line, which would be pulled during the test, and also a
large distance in-between the towing machine and this structure (more
than 100 meters). It was essential because, as the vehicle was slowly
moving away from the tower, the angle between the applied force and
the horizontal plane decreased, therefore this distance would allow for a
more accurate reflection of the horizontal type of the loading (wind).

Fig. 3. Aerial view of the experimental site

The final scheme of the experiment is presented in Fig. 4 below. We can

see that a distance in-between the tower and the towing truck reached
more than 120 meters.

Fig. 1 Unfavorable location of the tower structure: close

neighborhood of the buildings
Fig. 4. Scheme of the experiment


The additional equipment was needed in order to simulate external load

in the experiment. It had to provide, apart from exerting optimal load
value on the structure, means of the measurements. An additional
requisite was a sufficient control of the tension of the steel cable so that
the applied force has been increased incrementally to allow for the
geodetic measurements of displacements of this structure’s joints.

Fig. 2 Unfavorable location of the tower structure: close

neighborhood of the medium voltage transmission lines

The force simulating the effective external load was attached to the
tower through the pulled steel line and the additional steel diaphragm
welded directly to the structure, which required additional welding
works carried out at the level of its final attachment.
Taking the aforementioned problems into consideration, the final
decision was made to perform the research efforts at the specially
accommodated place (documented by Fig. 3), which fulfilled all the
requirements concerning geometric parameters and area, where the
Fig. 5 Towing truck used in the experiments
A towing truck appeared to be an appropriate experimental device for
this purpose (Fig. 5), which fulfilled the aforementioned criteria, had
enough mass and could be anchored into the terrain, which guaranteed
its stability against uncontrolled variations of normal stresses in the line.
A special steel diaphragm was designed in order to allow for an
appropriate transfer of the load to the entire cross-section rather than to
a single joint or member (Figs. 6-7). The attachment location was
selected to avoid the damage of the cantilever part of the tower (top
section with the parallel legs) and to generate extreme forces in lower
sections legs at the same time. The tower has been installed just before
the experiments; therefore the welding of the diaphragm could be done
before the structure got vertically fixed in the foundation, which
simplified further the works.

Fig. 8 Steel frame in the foundation base

The foundation anchors were attached to the steel frame in both

geometric leg layouts corresponding to the tower types; this foundation
was subsequently uploaded with concrete slabs. The structure was
placed in foundation trench of about 1.0 m depth in order to protect
against moving. The concrete slabs shown in Fig. 9 were also inserted
between the walls of the slope to ensure the additional stabilization of
this structure against possible rotation.
The elevation of foundations occurred during the testing of the second
tower, which had the same geometry but larger element cross-sections
than the first one - it took place for the total weight of about 110 tones.
It is important to the future tests that such a mass was not sufficient to
Fig. 6 General idea of the steel diaphragm for the tower with ensure perfect stability of the foundation itself. Therefore, the
triangular cross section experiment was repeated after additional load was added to foundations,
which resulted in the final weight of 170 tons.

Fig. 7 Steel diaphragm during the experiment

Fig. 9 General idea of the concrete plates foundation
An essential preparation phase worth discussing was an assurance of the
load transfer to avoid accidental twisting of the entire structure resulting
in its deplanation. Therefore, the line should be set along the direction
“y” (Fig. 4). It was realized by geodetic determination of the hoisting
winch location and an appropriate and the very precise steel diaphragm


Stability of the entire structure had to be guaranteed during these

experiments: it could neither move nor rotate under the simulated
external force and it should have been also properly anchored in the
terrain. The foundation had been designed in a specific manner, so that
three structures of corresponding three different leg layouts could be Fig. 10 Final foundation with asymmetric mass distribution
attached (the first and second towers cross-sections were triangular and
the third was square). In order to minimize the expenses and material 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE TOWERS GEOMETRY
use, it was decided that the typical tower structures foundations: a
monolithic concrete pad footing under each of the tower legs were not The experiments were performed for two towers with triangular cross
used. The slab foundation consisting of widely available concrete plates sections and heights equal to 40 meters each. The basic structural
was constructed instead. concept is the same for both towers; the differences were noticed for the
The foundations structure consisted of the steel frame, which was cross-sections of particular members only. The detailed description of
supported on concrete slabs for more uniform distribution of the stresses one of the tested towers is presented below. This tower has been
(Fig. 8). They were placed on a layer of compressed sand of 50 cm. manufactured as the three-dimensional steel truss of a triangular cross-
section and height of 40.0 meters divided into seven separate sections. the climbing-cable ladder, because these imperfections were assumed as
Its upper part is of a triangular cross-section and the bottom part (up to uninfluential in this particular experiment. The ladder was added to the
34th meter) forms a pyramid frustum with a constant 5% convergence. tower body to reflect the reality as accurately as possible, although being
not very important for the overall structural response. The diagonal
1500 bracing members made of hot-rolled L-sections were produced as the
independent elements without any welded gusset plates, brackets, etc.;
therefore no bulging, bending or other deformations were noticed in
S-1 case of these elements. The legs had the gusset plates welded at centers
of section spans (10 mm thick rectangular plates located asymmetrically
in addition to the longitudinal leg axis), where the greatest imperfections

S-2 were observed. They had been created during the manufacturing process
(residual and welding stresses) and take the form of imperfections in
direction perpendicular to the welded gusset plates as shown in Fig. 12.







d d




S-7 Fig. 12. Geometrical imperfections of the tower legs in S-6 and S-7

These imperfection values labeled in Fig. 11 as d oscillated between 8
and 15 mm. The measurements of a curvature were taken after the
Fig. 11 Scheme of the structure (left), and view of section S-7 (right) horizontal tower assembly. A line connecting section flanges was taken
as the reference base for measurements of the leg imperfections.
The centerline dimension is 4.90 m at its base and 1.50 m at its top. The
upper part of the tower is a parallelepiped of a height equal to 6.0 m 7. DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENTS
with the cross-section of an equilateral triangle of side length equal to
1.50 m. The segmentation of the tower, the heights, the names of There is no doubt that the most significant structural response in this
particular sections and the 3D view of bottom section S-7 with a pushover test was the horizontal displacement of the structure under
climbing-cable ladder is shown in Fig. 11 above. external load. A measurement of this displacements was taken with total
The leg members in each section consist of the round solid bars, while station tachymeter and leveling instrument. Geodetic displacement
the bracing elements are hot-rolled symmetrical and non-symmetrical measurements of the structure were taken at points A, B, C on the
angle sections. The diagonal bracing system of this tower is of type X. compressed leg and the points E, F, G in the supporting nodes (see Fig.
The bracing elements are continuous in this structure and the joints at 4 and 13).
their intersections are made with a spacer and just a single bolt. Their
connections with diagonal bracing of the lattice were manufactured with
gusset plates and bolts, two in each node. The profiles of particular
elements of the tower are presented in Tab. 1 below.
Tab. 1. Selected tower element profiles; dimensions in mm
Section Legs Diagonal bracings Fext
S-1 Ø 65 ∟60x60x5
S-2 Ø 65 ∟60x60x5
S-3 Ø 80 ∟60x60x6
S-4 Ø 80 ∟90x60x8
S-5 Ø 90 ∟90x60x8 z
∟100x75x8 x
S-6 Ø 90 ∟100x75x8
S-7 Ø 100 ∟120x80x8
6. GEOMETRICAL IMPERFECTIONS Fig. 13 Points A, B, C and the coordinates system orientation

One of the more important activities before the experimental test in The main goal of these measurements was an observation of the
full-scale manner is a correct identification and measurement of the displacements as a function of the external load applied as well as a
geometric imperfections. It is particularly important in case of the steel verification of nonlinear fluctuations of these displacements when
structures, where geometric nonlinearities cannot be avoided and where approaching to the failure including the geometrical imperfections. The
precision plays significant role. measurements were taken for two settings of lunette of the geodetic
These geometrical imperfections had been measured in case of the instruments. The force in the line decreased every time when the
second tested tower for each structural element, prior to the final hoisting winch was stopped (to take measurements, every 10-15 kN)
installation of the structure. The measurements were not performed for because of apparently elastic character of the steel line behavior under
the given load. Thus, the final measurements presented here are the presented in Fig. 15. These strain readings corresponding to parallel
arithmetic mean of the two different values of displacements and the measurements of the force in the pulled line allowed for
force in the line read with about 1 kN accuracy. The absolute value of - normal stresses identification and axial forces identification when the
the total deflection of the top for the second tower was about 475 mm. cross-section of an element is known,
The displacements graphs for directions x and z versus the force applied - determination if particular elements are under compression or under
to the structure are presented in Fig. 14. tension,
- validation of the results for the overall capacity obtained using
standards definitions.
The strains of the particular tower members are presented in a graphical
form as a function of the external load (force in the line). Fig. 15
presents these strains values for three measurements points located in
the compressed leg of the tower in section S-7. The graphs correspond
to the setting of the element:
- the bottom graph corresponds to measurement point at the bottom of
the element, just above the supporting joint,
- the middle graph corresponds to the measurement point at the center of
the element just under welded gusset plates,
- the top graph corresponds to the measurement point placed under the
joint between the leg of the sections S-7 and S-6.

Fig. 14 Displacement of nodes A, B and C (second tested tower)

It is seen that after reaching the external load value of 90 kN, all the
values started to decrease in z direction (the points moved downwards),
while all these values increased systematically in x direction. It was
therefore revealed that, in agreement with stability theory for large
systems with geometrical imperfections, the displacements of points
rapidly increased when approaching the value of the failure load. It
should be noted that there were also vertical displacements of the
supporting nodes under the given external load. The values noticed for
the compressed leg seem to be of the paramount importance. The results
of vertical displacements for the supporting nodes E, F, G versus the
external force for the second tower are given in Tab. 2 below.

Tab. 2. Vertical displacements of the supporting nodes

Force in the line Vertical displacement (Z axis) [mm]
[kN] Node E Node F Node G
0 0 0 0
70 -6 5 3
80 -8 6 3
90 -10 7 4
104 -11 9 6
115 -13 10 7 Fig. 15 Strains of the deformed leg of the tower
116 -14 11 8
121 -14 12 9 It can be stated that the distribution of stresses just under the supporting
125 -15 14 10 joint indicates that the element was being bended at this spot, which had
after the -36 18 18 been caused by its attachment to the anchors. The two remaining strain
experiment rates indicate clearly compression of this element. The maximum value
of the strains in the leg amounted to -676.76 µm/m. This value was
From the perspective of a global behavior of this structure under failure reached for the force in line of 132.5 kN. The value above corresponds
load, the differences in the vertical displacements before and after the to maximum stresses that leg members in this section (solid round bar Ø
destruction were relevant. It is important to mention that the permanent 100) can transfer. Yielding of this cross-section takes place leading to
deformations in the supporting frame were relatively large, in particular buckling of the leg immediately above this limit.
below the compressed leg.
Due to the fact that the towers analyzed had different geometry, the
Strains measurements within the selected structural members of the cross sections of the legs, and also the diagonal bracing members, the
towers (compressed legs in particular) were the next focus during the final stability loss occurred at different heights and different sections.
execution of the tests. The results presented in this subsection were Exemplary failure mode of the second tested tower is depicted in Fig.16.
taken directly from the experiment on the second tower. The strain The attached pictures show that the main extreme deformations
measurements were made with the electric resistance strain gauges. occurred in the compressed leg at the section S-7 in case of the second
Every measuring point had four independent gauges placed on the tested tower.
opposite sides of the cross section and the additional results have been

The article contains the basic information gathered during the full-scale
tests of steel telecommunication skeletal towers. A particular attention
was devoted in this work to
- the difficulties in finding an appropriate test locations, which would
meet all the experimental requirements,
- a description of the fundamental equipment and the auxiliary
structures employed to perform these tests.
The above information considerably enriches the existing knowledge
concerning the full-scale testing of high skeletal steel structures. Taking
into account the fact that a scientific literature contains only the few
examples of such a full-scale structure research, this article may serve as
the concise guidelines for researchers, practicing engineers as well as
telecommunication companies employers who want to carry out similar
experiments on their own account in the future. It is seen in particular
that the post-industrial urban locations meet perfectly the needs of such
full-scale experiments.
It can be also stated that the very expensive full-scale tests allow for
obtaining the results that are unavailable in any other way. The results
concerning displacements included in the article allow for stating that
the serviceability limit states (the displacements measured at the top of
the tower were equal to 0.475 m) would be practically reached before
the loss of bearing capacity in the section S-7 leg occurs. The failure
modes analysis supported the view that standard provisions are not
accurately described and defined, which had been already proposed in
Fig.16 Buckling of the tower leg in section S-7 (second tower) some earlier work [7]. These results will serve for further both analytical
and computational studies concerning quasi-static inelastic failure
The stability loss occurred in the section S-5 in the first case. For all analysis of such structures to validate some numerical models applied
cases, the buckling of the legs took place almost perpendicularly to the frequently in steel structures designing processes.
loading force. Plastic hinges occurred at the centers of the bracing
panels, at 1/3 and 2/3 of section span. It should be noticed that the joints
connecting the neighboring legs remained rigid due to significant ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
thickness of the connecting flanges, and no so-called leverage effect was The first author of this document would like to express his deepest
present. Taking damage schemes of the particular researched structures gratitude to T-Mobile Poland S.A., whose financial support made this
into consideration, it can be stated that the reliability of that structures is project possible. He would like to express his gratefulness to Mr. Michał
based on carrying capacity of the legs. The strength test of the real full- Wójcicki. Acknowledgements should be given to Professor Kazimierz
scale structures, whose particular elements are in real scale allows for Rykaluk at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life and Jerzy
authentic measurements of the large deformations. The advantage of Pakuła at Lodz University of Technology for their support in the
those kinds of tests over the tests on laboratory models, which do not research project. This article has been written to commemorate the 70th
have real scale, is particularly visible in this case. anniversary of Łódź University of Technology and the 60th of its Faculty
of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering.

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