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Tle II Home and Family Economics

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Unit Title: HOME AND FAMILY ECONOMICS: “Home Management”, “Time Management” “Principles of Work

Simplification”, “Money Management” & “Family Budget

Subject/Course: Technology and Livelihood Education II
Year/Level: Second Year


Establish Goals:

Students will develop proper knowledge, sufficient skills and right attitude towards successful home management—improving
quality of family and home life, bringing happiness, stability and security to its every member. Students will at the same time
understand human and non human resources and how each can be effectively and efficiently utilized to achieving mentioned

Understanding: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that:

 What are the things your parents do to ensure a
 Home management consists of activities undertaken wholesome, happy, healthy and secured family
to achieve family goals and desires, providing ways life?...Do they involve you in some of the planning,
for anyone to utilize their human and non human decision making and activities to better things out at
resources and some proven principles to consider home and for the benefit of all the members in the
are towards achieving better and healthier living family?...When you willingly and actively take your
condition for individuals, families and communities. share in achieving your family’s goal and desires in
life, do you get positive results?...What are the things
 Time management, being the process by which one your family needs, tangible and non tangible to be
makes use of time to attain both individual and happy, wholesome and secured? How do you work on
family goals involves both making plans and them?
carrying them out where having a system, planning
ahead and learning which to prioritize are the keys  With the so many things you’d like to accomplish in a
of doing it successfully. day for yourself and for the family, how do you
manage to achieve them?
 Work simplification and dovetailing techniques can
be used to reduce time and energy in  Do you often see yourself finding and trying ways to
accomplishment of tasks. There are some tips to make things easier for yourself and for the family to
simplify work at home and pointer for getting work achieve your goals? Do you think they are effective?
 Were there some point in your family life where you
 Money management basically is income of the experienced extreme financial tights? Why do you
family wisely spent for fixed and flexible expenses think this happened and what did you do to overcome
to meet their needs and provide happiness to it?...What do you think you should consider doing to
everyone. prevent it from happening again?

 Family budget is a plan of expenditures that  How do you and your family normally spend for your
provides the necessities of life and contributes to daily needs and recreation?...Would you consider
the personal development and happiness of every yourself a wise spender or impulsive buyer?
family member where one must consider the size of
their family, income, kid of work each family
member does, talents and abilities of every
individual and the locality where they live.
Operation budget specifically carried out without
incurring any debts or deficit. Preparing a realistic
one may be difficult family’s needs and demands
are not given careful consideration and looked into

Students will know... Students will be able to...

 Importance of, the human and non human  Apply principles of planning, organizing, staffing,
resources as factors to consider in, and proven leading or directing and controlling in efficient home
management principles in effective HOME management for the family
 Do own time and activity planning
 Time and activity planning, suggestions for getting
housework done, specific household work and  Make use of the tips and pointers to simplify work and
management tips to get work done to consider, for use time and effort wisely
 Draft a realistic operational budgeting for oneself and
 Tips and pointers for getting work done, wise use of the family that may really be effective if followed
time and effort and other PRINCIPLES OF WORK

 Nature of income and expenses, sources of income

and principles to be followed in preparing a budget
as concepts for MONEY MANAGEMENT

 Importance of, conditions affecting the, components

of FAMILY BUDGETING in meeting needs and
demands and leaving some for savings and
investments for the family


Performance Tasks:“Doing One’s Share Actively in Times of Family Crisis”

Students will do a roleplay of a family scenario where it is experiencing great family home and financial crises.
Students are going to be divided into 4 groups with equal number of members but should be a minimum of ten only.
Each member has to play a role as a member of this big family either as a parent, eldest, middle born, or youngest
child. None is excused in actively partaking in the shared roles to overcome the problem. Costumes, props, visual
aid (enlarged activity plan, family budget, etc.) dialoguing, directorship on sequence of events should be
thoroughly planned and prepared prior to date of presentation and execution. A hand-out of the rationale,
mechanics and GRASPS of this performance based assessment has to be distributed ideally on the 1 st day of the
meeting after the KWL.

Goal: For the whole family to overcome the crisis being experienced. The challenge is to generate income for the family’s
needs—preserve the well managed home and family finances by stretching out available resources and finding ways of
sustaining savings for planned future investments and for all the children to continue with their studies.

Role: Father who lost his job because of his disability due to a major car accident—blinded and legs amputated.
Mother who is a plain housewife doing all the household chores but who has anyway earned a college degree.
Eldest brother who is working as an accountant in a bank.
2nd child is in 4th year, graduating student
3rd child who is in his/her 2nd year in college
May be increased or decreased into 1 only, but
2 middle born in high school whose charccter should still be projected as
2 younger children in grade school significant and highly contributing member in the
2nd to the youngest who is still in pre-school who is brought and picked up to school daily by either father during special
school days and in times when school service is faced with vehicular breakdown or road problem
Youngest child still a toddler, 16 months old
1 household help who has to stay with the family considering their situation

Audience: (classmate who are going to witness group’s presentation how they deal with the problem) Friends and relatives who
can only wish for the best for this family, and the community from whom any needy family can seek support from,

Product: Planned activities such as distribution of shared roles, activity and time plan, family budget, etc. that are best
presented as a visual aid during the actual role play and their actual performance during the presentation

Standards and Criteria: Each student will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Creative and flawless execution of sequence of events…………………………………….………………………….10%
Evident transfer of learning………………………………………………………………………………………………..30%
Comprehensible and well organized thoughts …………………………………………………………………………..15%
Extensive coverage of theoretical learnings practically applied and written as visual aids…………………………..15%
Careful analysis and identification of the problem……………………………………………………………………….10%
Appropriate and possible effective choice of actions and solutions made……………………………………………..10%
Impact on audience’s learning from role play and supporting visuals’ conveyed thoughts…………………………...10%

Evidence at the level of understanding:

Explaining: Explain your idea of efficient home management?

a) thorough b) clear c) justifiable
Interpretation: With the notion “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you know you should do now”, does it mean it’s always
best to get things done even at the expense of you suffering from burn-out and fatigue?
a) thorough b) clear c) justifiable
Application: How would you stretch out your budget if from what used to be P200.00 daily allowance before, now it has
become only P100?
a) Appropriate b) Practical c) Efficient d) Effective
Perspective: For successful and effective home management, planning ahead of time seems to be one key factor to always
consider, how would you look into the pros and cons of being a very organized person from that of being
spontaneous and carefree?
a) insightful b) realistic c) critical-minded
Empathy – Suppose you were born in a family living below poverty threshold or someone born with a golden spoon, how do 
                   you think would your attitude be when comes to money?
                    a) Perspective       b) Open­minded        c) sympathetic        d) sensitive/responsive
Self­Knowledge – How would you rate yourself as a family member as you take your share in the home management?
                    a) Reflective           b) Responsive 

Other Evidences
 Oral and/or written responses to essential questions
 Quizzes prepared by the teacher
 Questions to Answer, pages 37, 43, 47, 50, 56
 Check yourself , pages 37,43, 47, 51,56-57
 Enrichment Activity, pages 38,43, 48, 57
 Summative Test


Learning Activities:

Hook : Ask essential and leading questions: What are the things your parents do to ensure a wholesome, happy, healthy and
secured family life?...Do they involve you in some of the planning, decision making and activities to better things out at home
and for the benefit of all the members in the family?...When you willingly and actively take your share in achieving your
family’s goal and desires in life, do you get positive results?...What are the things your family needs, tangible and non tangible
to be happy, wholesome and secured? How do you work on them?

1. Spend some time listening and reacting to students’ sharing and allow active interaction inside the class regarding
questions presented before them.
2. Have a few volunteers to tell freely anything about their own home management system and style and rate for
themselves how effective and successful their family have been doing it.
3. Write some important points on the board for every student to appreciate and contemplate on.
4. Present the class the most essential points they need to be equipped with to manage successfully a happy and
satisfying home and family life—family resources for effective home management, successful home management
principles, time management, work simplification, money management and family budget
5. Explain that all these pertain to nothing else but just home and family economics and that these will involve all the
topics enumerated earlier which are all to be discussed the following meetings.
6. Divide the class into 3 groups. Distribute the KWL chart (Manila paper). Have each group accomplish the KWL chart
and present the output before the rest of the class.

What I know about Home & Family What I want to know about Home & What you will learn about Home &
Economics Family Economics Family Economics

7. After hearing what the students have to say, orient the class about the concepts to be learned. Add important and
relevant missed out topics and points that are definitely going to be included in the lesson.
8. Give the class a preview of the performance based assessment planned to take place on the 7th or 8th day of this unit
lesson hile referring to the student’s accomplished KWL.
9. Homework: On intermediate paper, write your answers to questions 1-3 of Enrichment Activities on page 38 of your
textbook. Disregard the direction on the book. To be submitted the next meeting.


Hook: Tell the class that after they have thought of and discussed some practices, management styles which obviously differ at
some point and/or to greater extent among their families, what do they think is the best home management system. Listen to
their answers without validating their correctness and proven effectivity nor correct them for improvements.

Lesson Development

1. Withhold your position and perspectives as a teacher to what the students have shared. Rather, instruct them to open
their textbooks on page 33. Ask them to read and explain the meaning and importance of home management.
2. Tackle the two types of family resources. Tell the students to refer to pages 34 and 35 of the textbook. Have two
columns o the board and have several volunteers write examples of both types to come up with a list for both
3. Raise this problem: How can the family utilize resources to meet/attain the family goals? Encourage the students to
elaborate their answers.
4. Hold a panel discussion where each student-panelist discusses the following:
a. Definition Importance of home management
b. Importance of home management
c. Principles in the efficient management
5. Summarize the lesson by asking the students to read In a Nutshell on pages 36 ad 37 of the textbook.
6. Evaluation: Review the lesson by asking the students to answer orally the questions under Questions to Answer on
page 37 of the textbook. Ask the students to answer also Check Yourself on page 37.
7. If still with time, have some student present their answers on the given assignment the previous day. If not, have them
submit for checking.

Hook: Ask essential and leading question to the class: With the so many things you’d like to accomplish in a day for yourself
and for the family, how do you manage to achieve them? Have them share personal insights.

Lesson Development
1. Instruct the class to open their textbooks on page 39. Call their attention their responses to the poem of Henry Van
Dyke. Ask the student to read it to the class.
2. After the poetry reading, ask the students how they feel after reading the poem. Relate their responses to the saying
“Time is Gold”.
3. Support this idea with another notion, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you know you should and can do today”.
4. Tell the class that the most of the common problems like coming late to school, late submission of projects and finding
no time for assignment preparation are due to poor time management. Also, have them cite its importance.
5. Present the sample time and activity plan on page 41. Get the students to react on it and compare it with own daily
6. Brainstorm on the following:
a. What is time plan?
b. Why is the time plan important?
c. How is a time plan prepared?
7. Make the students prepare their own daily time and activity plan on a sheet of pad paper.. Allot ample time for this
8. Have several students present their time plan to the class. Encourage open sharing of comments and suggestions.
9. Discuss with the class the time management suggestions on pages 41 and 42 of the textbook. Then move on the
specific household management tips on page 42. Have the student’s think of other household chores and tips to get
these done. Add their examples to the list given.
10. Ask the student to read In a Nutshell on pages to 42 and 43 to summarize the lesson.
11. Evaluation: Tell the students to answer orally Questions to Answer on page 43 of the textbook. Expect varied
12. Continue with the oral recitation by letting the students answer Check Yourself on page 43.
13. Homework: Do letter C of the Enrichment Activates on page 43 and customize it intended for your own family.


Hook: Ask the students what household chores are assigned to them at home. Ask them further if they are able to finish
their tasks at once or accomplishing these seems to take forever. Ask as well if they sometimes see themselves finding and
trying ways to make things easier. Ask specific scenarios and what they would usually do. Do they think those are effective?
Let them among themselves suggest ways on how their classmates could have simplified their work.

Lesson Development:

1. Introduce the concept of work simplification to the class. Refer them to pages 44 to 46 of the textbook, then raise
the following questions for oral discussion:
a. What is work simplification?
b. What is the importance of work simplification?
c. How do we simplify an activity to save time and effort?
2. Ask the students: What is fatigue? Tell them to get to page 46 of the textbook for its definition. Have them
explain also the different forms of fatigue.
3. Divide the class into groups of four and let them discuss among themselves the different experiences they
encountered when they applied work simplification technique in accomplishing their assigned home chores. Also,
have them share something on experiencing physical and mental fatigue.
4. Ask the students to read In a Nutshell on page 46 go summarize the lesson.
5. Do book activity by having the student work on Question to answer on page 47. Do sharing in the class. Expect
varied answers.
6. Evaluation: Answer on a ¼ piece of paper Check Yourself on page 47.
7. Check accuracy of answers afterwards and collect their papers.


Hook: Ask essential leading questions if in the family there were some point in their lives where they experienced
extreme financial tights, why they think this happened and what they did to overcome it. Ask too what they think they
should consider doing, to prevent it from happening again. Say for example in their case as a student, how much is
their daily allowance, if they think this is enough for them and how they are going to manage their expenses so at least
lessen and better, help in the family finances.

Lesson Development

1. Find out who receives the least amount for an allowance and that one who gets the highest. Call on volunteers to
represent group receiving the lowest, getting considerably enough and those seemingly more than what’ needed.
Have them write on the board the allowance they receive from their parents and the breakdown of their expenses.
2. Ask the student if they know the sources of income of their family. Then let them share this to he class. Check to,
if they know the expense of their families.
3. Tell the class to turn to pages 49 and 50 of their textbook. Discuss the nature of income and expenses with them.
4. Let a volunteer read the five principles in preparing a budget on page 50.
5. Divide the class into groups of 3 according to how they classify themselves and join any of the 3 student who
earlier represented getting the very little allowance, that one getting considerably enough and the other who
obviously gets much.
6. Have each group come up with their own common chart showing how much they receive daily, weekly or
monthly as allowances ; their expenditures for transportation, food, supplies, etc. Have them brainstorm on how
they can economize so that they can save a certain amount monthly. Present output to the class.
7. Have another volunteer read In a Nutshell to summarize the lesson.
8. Evaluation: Have the questions under Questions to Answer on page 50 of the textbook be an essay test.
9. Quiz the students using the identification exercise under Check Yourself on page 51.
10. Homework: Do Question to answer from page 56 of your textbook and writes answers in your notebook.

6th Meeting – FAMILY BUDGET

Hook: Ask essential and leading questions: How do you and your family normally spend for your daily needs and
recreation?...Would you consider yourself a wise spender or impulsive buyer? Let the class react on it. Make a follow-up
question if the homemaker in the family really takes time in budgeting. Ask if they would agree that one of the goals of every
homemaker is to get the most from whatever they spend.

Lesson Development

1. Write this on the board: Planning the family budget is an important family affair. Then say to the class: Do
you agree with this statement? Do you agree that family budgeting is a must otherwise, time will come you
will end up with nothing to pull out from your pockets even at the very most crisis in the family?
2. Tell the students to open their textbooks on page 52. Tell them to read about the importance of family
3. Discuss the conditions affecting he family budget one by one. Let the students read orally and explain each
4. Move on to the components of a family budget on pages 53 and 54. Present an enlarged copy of the sample
budget explain the different components
5. Write the words Needs and Demands on the board. Let the students differentiate one from the other. Then
call on two volunteers to read aloud the definition of needs and demands on page 5 of the textbook. Relate
this two concepts to family budgeting.
6. Call their attention to the sample monthly family budget on page 55. Have them answer the following
a. What is your comment as regards to the income of the family? Is this a real situation?
b. Are the percentages of budget allocation properly distributed?
c. Do you agree with the budget allocations made? If not, which ones will you adjust
7. Instruct the students to prepare their own family budget and tell them to be ready to present this in class. Call
on one to two to present output it when everyone else is done.
8. Do a cap by having someone read In the Nutshell on pages 55-56.
9. Evaluation: Tell the students to anser the Check Yourself exercise on a ¼ sheet of paper and let the students
exchange papers to check their answers.
10. Homework: Answer Enrichment Activity, page 57 of your textbook on your notebook.

7th Meetting – PERFORMANCE BASED TASK: “Doing One’s Share Actively In Times of Family Crisis”
1. Remind the class that this whole day is allotted for the roleplay where everyone is going to witness how much
and well they have prepared for this project.
2. Review the class of the rationale, mechanics and GRASP especially the criterions for scoring on this project.
Entertain questions, if any.
3. Find out in what order each group will present. Do this in a draw lots.
4. Check readiness by asking how they have prepared for this, how they think will they be performing and over
all end-result of their performance, etc. to loosen up the tension out of their nervousness and restlessness.
5. Inform the class of the other points to remember like the time constraint for each group of only 15-20 mins.
otherwise, this would have to be extended until the next meeting and to use the time allocated to them, wisely,
very much the skill that’s currently being taken up and studied.
7. Give Significant observations and feedback on each groups performance based on evaluations made.
8. Allow other classmates to react and give insights to what they have just watched from their classmates.
9. Close the lesson by calling on 5-6 student what their vivid learnings are about the 5 major topics they have
taken up.
10. Leave them with the simple parting words: “Remember that as future homemakers, in order to achieve the
ultimate goal of a wholesome, stable family life, resources such as people, money, time and energy must be
managed all together efficiently.”

Materials and Resources

­ KWL chart (manila paper)
­ A n enlarged sample pie chart explaining the different components of a family budget
­ Calculator
­ Students Props for the PBT-Roleplay

Marginal Notes

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