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Aapda Samvaad August 2019

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Glacial Hazards and Risks

900 evacuated from train stranded in flood

Mahalaxmi Express, which runs between Mumbai
and Kolhapur in Maharashtra, was held up between
Badlapur and Wangani railway station on July 27,
2019, due to waterlogging on the tracks. It had nearly
900 passengers and staff onboard.
Two teams of National Disaster Response Force
(NDRF), one each from Mumbai and Pune, along
with nine boats and other necessary rescue
equipment and NDRF teams reached the site. preparation of framework of new regulations. The
Meanwhile, Navy and Air Force teams were also scheme envisages financial and technical support to
deployed for the rescue operation. The naval teams landslide-prone States for site-specific landslide
reached the site with specialist divers. Two Mi-17 mitigation.
Indian Air Force helicopters were also pressed into
Out of the total cost of Rs. 43.92 crore, Rs. 13.18
service. Two columns of Army along with 130
crore have been released as first instalment to the
trained staff, food packages, water and rescue
material were also deployed.
In spite of fully water logged roads, tough and
MRDS training held
undulating terrain, all the stranded passengers and
railway staff were safely evacuated from the train. The National Disaster Management Authority
(NDMA) has launched a pilot project to train police
A special train was arranged for taking the
and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)
passengers up to Kolhapur.
personnel on managing radiological emergencies at
public places. The project aims to extensively train
MoUs signed for LRMS select officers who will then prepare other personnel
NDMA signed MoUs with Mizoram, Nagaland, in their respective States to handle such
Sikkim and Uttarakhand for the implementation of emergencies. Under this project, radiation
Landslide Risk Mitigation Scheme (LRMS) for instruments are being installed in the police
improving Disaster Risk Governance of State departments of 56 select cities.
Disaster Management Authorities/ District Disaster The seventh batch of 39 police personnel from seven
Management Authorities. States and four NDRF officers was trained at NDRF
LRMS is a pilot scheme to demonstrate benefits of 8 Battallion, Ghaziabad from June 17-28, 2019 by
landslide mitigation measures along with landslide experts from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
monitoring, awareness generation, capacity building (BARC).
/ training, HR support, skill development and
review-revision of codes/standards/guidelines and



in the rivers of Uttar Pradesh, NDMA conducted the

largest Mock Exercise on floods in conjunction with
the Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management
Authority (UPSDMA) and the Government of Uttar
Pradesh on July 18, 2019.
The exercise was simultaneously conducted in 39
flood-prone districts of the State. It aimed at
improving the administration's capacity in
mobilising resources and reaching out to the affected
communities swiftly in case of an actual flood
Earthquake ME in Himachal
NDMA in collaboration with the Himachal Pradesh
This exercise was preceded by an orientation-cum-
State Disaster Management Authority (HPSDMA)
coordination conference on July 10, followed by a
conducted a State-level Mock Exercise on
tabletop exercise on July 17 through video
earthquake preparedness on July 11, 2019. The
conferencing with all participating districts from the
exercise that was held simultaneously in all districts
State Capital. These preparatory meetings were
of the State aimed to enable all stakeholders in
conducted to ensure the smooth facilitation of the
evaluating the effectiveness of their disaster
response plans.
In the run-up to the exercise, a coordination
conference and a table top exercise were held from Meeting to review "Aapda Mitra" scheme
the State Capital through video conferencing for NDMA conducted a meeting to review the progress
working out the detailed modalities and preparations in the implemenmtation of the scheme for "Training
required for the mock exercise. of Community Volunteers in Disaster Response
The exercise gathers significance as the entire State (Aapda Mitra)" on July 16, 2019. Participants shared
falls in the seismic zone V and IV. feedback/suggestions to upscale the scheme from
the current 200 districts to all the hazard-prone
The Kangra Earthquake of 1905, which killed
districts in the country. They also suggested that the
around 20,000 people, remains the last major
scheme should be extended to disasters other than
earthquake witnessed by the State. Since then, the
flood as well.
risk has increased manifold given population
explosion and construction activity across the State. 'Aapda Mitra' scheme aims to equip 200 community
volunteers each in selected 30 most flood-prone
districts in 25 States with the skills to respond to their
Flood ME in Uttar Pradesh
community's immediate rescue and relief needs in
In its efforts towards improving flood preparedness flooding situations.
during the monsoon season amidst rising water level




Beating the heat with micro-innovations
- Shivani Raina, Architect, SEEDS

SEEDS volunteer at a community feedback event at Masudpur slum.

Heat wave is a period of abnormally high temperatures, more than the normal maximum temperature that
occurs during the pre-monsoon summer season. The resultant atmospheric conditions adversely affect people
living in regions reeling under heat wave conditions with poor slum dwellers forming one of the most
vulnerable segments of the population.

hen summer is at its peak, what market options to improve thermal comfort were
happens to those living in informal either too expensive or too alien to ever be adopted in
settlements? Slums are categorised as settlements like this one. It needed simple do-it-
high risk for heat waves in India due to occupation, yourself options.
built environment and poor health (NDMA 2017). A cursory glance at the homes in Masudpur made
A first look at what makes slum houses vulnerable their innovativeness evident. They had everything
revealed the typical tin house for what it is—a hot from waste insulation to plants growing out of tin-
metal box clad in combustible materials where cans. Was it possible to use these strengths as the
temperatures could easily reach 51⁰C. basis for effective retrofits to improve thermal
The story of heat wave vulnerability, however, is comfort?
not about the tin house but about the people who live Over a few months, SEEDS helped prototype and
in them. The residents of Masudpur slum of Vasant test five retrofits, analysing their performance both in
Kunj in Delhi, for example, said that summer was the real time and through EnergyPlus simulations.
most difficult time of the year. Yet, mainstream Multiple community feedback events ensured they



Instead a retractable flexible ceiling made of old

billboard flex and bamboo was proposed. It can be
opened and closed as per the time of the day (and
season) to allow the house to cool down and heat up
as and when required.
- Tyre-Tube Thermal Break: Another interesting
innovation was cycle tyre-tube lined doorways to
prevent scrapes. The retrofit was to use the tubing to
line the top of the tin walls to create a break between
them and the tin roof, breaking the thermal bridge.
Community resident recording real-time thermal data These five small micro-innovations could truly
help beat the heat. For together, they cost just USD35
were acceptable to the slum community; and a
to make and could reduce internal temperature by
manual was published with step-by-step instructions
over 10 degrees (as validated by Visvesvaraya
on creating and installing them.
National Institute of Technology Nagpur).
- Double Roof: Most of the heat gained by these tin
These pilots were part of a broader Disaster and
houses comes from the roof. Inspired by the old
Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP)
billboard flex awnings built by the families, SEEDS
Innovation Lab initiative; a shift in the humanitarian
proposed a double roof made from the same material
sector to identifying and funding community-based
that was cheap and easy to install.
solutions. This continues to remain a core focus for
- Skylight-&-Vent: No usable windows often
SEEDS. For as the lessons from the Masudpur pilot
result in slum houses becoming dark, stuffy and
emphasise, 'by recognising what is strong in the
filled with smoke whenever the stove is used. The
community, restoring their faith in this strength and
idea was simple: cut a hole in the roof and line it with
using it to address what is wrong, we can make what
steel wire mesh to create a skylight. A simple solar
is strong, even stronger still' (Cormac Russell 2017).
exhaust can be made using a plastic bucket and
added to this skylight. The ventilation helps the
house cool down and it is better lit.
- 'Drum-Wall': Families in Masudpur do not have
access to piped water supply; instead tankers bring
water once in ten days. As a result, the entire area is
dotted with an army of water drums. Houses that
piled up the drums vertically instead of horizontally,
were considerably cooler. This is due to the thermal
mass of the water in the drums. The retrofit came in
the form of a bamboo-based stand to organise these
drums, support a desert cooler and hang plant pots.
Made with regular bamboo-ladders, the 'drum-wall'
improves thermal and visual comfort and food
safety. The drum wall also redirects and filters
rainwater from the double roof for collection.
- Flexible False Ceiling: Slum households used
stuffed cardboard under their ceiling to insulate it.
Cardboard is inflammable and tends to rot over time.
Drum wall made of bamboo ladders



Glacial Hazards
Glaciers in the Indian Himalayan Region are the source of life and
livelihood for millions of people who rely on rivers that originate from its
peaks. The country is facing a severe water crisis, and rapid changes in the
glacial and permafrost environments is worrying. Over the years, the
thinning and retreating of Himalayan glaciers has resulted in the
formation of new glacial lakes and enlargement of existing ones.



W ith shrinking glaciers, expanding assessment and management of glacial risks,

glacial lakes and altered stability of particularly GLOFs. The outcomes and learnings
surrounding moraines and ice walls, from this workshop will eventually lead to the
the potential threat of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods formulation of national guidelines and
(GLOFs) is evolving over time. GLOFs refer to the conceptualisation of projects for glacial risks. These
sudden discharge of a water reservoir that has guidelines will focus on robust forward-looking
formed either underneath, at the side, in front, planning and actions to ensure climate adaptation
within, or on the surface of a glacier. Jammu and and sustainable mountain development. While
Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, drawing on international best practices and
Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh are the regions most experience, these actions will be tailored to the local
vulnerable to glacial hazards. context for effectively reducing risk components of
hazard, exposure, and vulnerability.
A media report calls a GLOF "a ticking time
bomb... capable of releasing billions of cubic metres Ÿ J&K, Ladakh, Himachal, Uttarakhand,
of glacial water, stored for decades, in a few short Sikkim and Arunachal most vulnerable
hours or even in a matter of minutes and virtually
Ÿ Collaborative approach needed to adapt
without warning to those living downstream." This
was evident during the 2013 Kedarnath disaster to Climate Change
when the Chorabari lake collapsed at its rim with
devastating impacts on communities and The technical sessions at the workshop
infrastructure, literally wiping away the entire established the context and priorities besides
temple town and reversing development gains. discussing specific case studies and experiences in
As the Indian Himalayan Region is particularly managing glacial risks and hazards from Central
sensitive to changes in global climate, and with Asia, Europe, Caucasus and Indian Himalayan
residential, tourism and hydropower infrastructure States. Key messages and the way forward were
expanding higher into alpine valleys, the need for the also identified.
assessing and managing of glacial hazards by The workshop emphasised on the need for
mainstreaming those into major policies was felt. coordinated and collaborative top-down approach
National Disaster Management Authority amongst all stakeholders besides capacity building
constituted a Task Force of experts for preparing of State administration and local communities to
guidelines for the management of glacial hazards adapt to the changing climatic regime.
and risks, especially GLOFs. Members and senior officials of NDMA,
For taking this agenda forward, the Authority in representatives from the SDC, State Governments of
collaboration with Swiss Agency for Development Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh, Task Force experts
and Cooperation (SDC), Embassy of Switzerland in from national as well as international academic
India, organised a two-day inception-cum- institutions and other stakeholders participated in the
brainstorming workshop on July 3-4, 2019, on the workshop.



Glacial events from the past

Parechu River (2004)
In August 2004, 35 km from the Himachal Pradesh border along the Sutlej
Valley, a huge artificial lake began to be formed due to landslide on river Parechu,
a tributary of the river in Tibet, China. If the fast swelling lake had burst, a surge
of water wall could have caused havoc. Thankfully, the lake did not burst.
However, the period from August to October 2004 was the worst time for the
downstream dwellers as they had to be evacuated because of the building threat.

Chorabari Lake (2013)

Extreme rainfall, cloudburst and landslide led to the outburst of
the moraine-dammed Chorabari Lake lake, located at 3900 metres
above the sea level. The lake fed the Mandakini river, which caused
flash floods in Kedarnath and triggered numerous landslides. The
incident resulted in many deaths and a huge devastation. Thousands
were reported missing.

Phuktal River (2015)

In December 2014, a landslide occurred near the Phuktal river in the Zanskar region
of Kargil district, then Jammu & Kashmir. The landslide, which blocked the course of
river Phuktal, tributary of the river Indus, built a massive landslide dam lake of
approximately 15 km along the river's length posing a great threat to life, property and
infrastructure, especially the Nimmo Bazgo dam, in case of a sudden breach.
A multi-disciplinary team of experts, drawn from various stakeholder
organisations, was constituted. By using controlled blasting, this team channelized
the blockage and averted any disaster. due to artificial channel by the use of control
Other similar events which have been dealt by NDMA include the blockage of river
Kanka, Sikkim (2016) due to a landslide where technical support was provided to the
Government of Sikkim and Kalikhola landslide, Manipur (2017) where temporary
blockage and development of earth cracks with land subsidence had occurred in
Kalikhola village, Kangpokpi, Manipur.

Debris flow in Gaumukh Gangotri Glacier – 2017

In 2017, the formation of a temporary landslide dam lake due to the flow of debris
near the snout of Gangotri glacier was noticed. This blocked the flow of river
Bhagirathi for a while. There is a shift in the course of the river channel because of the
accumulation of debris in the channel. The debris included vast amounts of paraglacial
and alluvial sediments flow.


Ÿ Keep drains clean - Do not li er waste, Ÿ Ensure safety - Turn off power and gas connec on;
plas c bags, plas c bo les in drains. be alert for gas leaks.
Ÿ Remain safe inside - Try to be at home if Ÿ Respond quickly - Evacuate low lying areas and move
high de and heavy rains occur to higher places.
simultaneously. Ÿ Evade illness - Drink boiled/chlorinated water.
Ÿ Be informed/be alert - Listen to radio, Ÿ Watch your step - Stay away from sewerage lines,
watch TV or read newspapers for gu ers, sharp objects and debris.
weather updates and flood warnings. Ÿ Don't get electrocuted - Stay away from electric
Ÿ Survival is key - Prepare an emergency poles and fallen power lines to avoid electrocu on.
kit with essen al items for safety and Ÿ Don't walk/swim through flowing water.
survival. Ÿ Don't drive through flooded areas.
Ÿ Keep your documents and valuables in Ÿ Don't eat food that has come into contact with flood
water-proof bags. water.
Ÿ Do not venture into flood water. Ÿ Don't use any damaged electrical goods.
Ÿ Do not spread and/ or believe in Ÿ Don't use electrical equipment while standing on
rumours. wet floors, especially concrete.

NDMA Bhawan
A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029
Telephones : +91-11-26701700
Control Room : +91-11-26701728
Helpline Number : 011-1078
Fax : +91-11-26701729 / @ndmaindia

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